The aim of this study was to describe the testisac microanatomy and spermatogenesis of Helobdella simplex (Moore, 1911). The leeches were collected in the Sauce Chico River (Tornquist) during April 2012. The collection of material was carried out manually by checking rocks, logs, leaves and artificial substrates in the river bed. Helobdella simplex has six pairs of testisacs located between the gastric caeca. The testisac wall has two structurally and functionally differentiated cell types: the lining mesothelial cells and the germline cells. The lining cells are flat and form a continuous layer. In H. simplex no ciliated cells were observed into the testisacs, nor the formation of spermatogonia due to detachment of the testicular wall. Cell types were microscopically characterized, and five spermatogenesis stages are described, taking into account the maturation of germinal cells, the morphological changes in the cytophore and phagocytic activity. Testicular phagocytes actively participate during spermatogenesis. They are involved both in the removal of defective cells during the early stages of spermatogenesis and in the removal of the cytophore during the reacting reabsorption. Our study adds the knowledge of spermatogenesis in H. simplex and might be useful to differentiate the stages of development during the reproductive cycle, and to interpret aspects of its population dynamics.(AU)
Animais , Espermatogênese , Sanguessugas/anatomia & histologiaResumo
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to describe the testisac microanatomy and spermatogenesis of Helobdella simplex (Moore, 1911). The leeches were collected in the Sauce Chico River (Tornquist) during April 2012. The collection of material was carried out manually by checking rocks, logs, leaves and artificial substrates in the river bed. Helobdella simplex has six pairs of testisacs located between the gastric caeca. The testisac wall has two structurally and functionally differentiated cell types: the lining mesothelial cells and the germline cells. The lining cells are flat and form a continuous layer. In H. simplex no ciliated cells were observed into the testisacs, nor the formation of spermatogonia due to detachment of the testicular wall. Cell types were microscopically characterized, and five spermatogenesis stages are described, taking into account the maturation of germinal cells, the morphological changes in the cytophore and phagocytic activity. Testicular phagocytes actively participate during spermatogenesis. They are involved both in the removal of defective cells during the early stages of spermatogenesis and in the removal of the cytophore during the reacting reabsorption. Our study adds the knowledge of spermatogenesis in H. simplex and might be useful to differentiate the stages of development during the reproductive cycle, and to interpret aspects of its population dynamics.
The aim of this study was to describe the testisac microanatomy and spermatogenesis of Helobdella simplex (Moore, 1911). The leeches were collected in the Sauce Chico River (Tornquist) during April 2012. The collection of material was carried out manually by checking rocks, logs, leaves and artificial substrates in the river bed. Helobdella simplex has six pairs of testisacs located between the gastric caeca. The testisac wall has two structurally and functionally differentiated cell types: the lining mesothelial cells and the germline cells. The lining cells are flat and form a continuous layer. In H. simplex no ciliated cells were observed into the testisacs, nor the formation of spermatogonia due to detachment of the testicular wall. Cell types were microscopically characterized, and five spermatogenesis stages are described, taking into account the maturation of germinal cells, the morphological changes in the cytophore and phagocytic activity. Testicular phagocytes actively participate during spermatogenesis. They are involved both in the removal of defective cells during the early stages of spermatogenesis and in the removal of the cytophore during the reacting reabsorption. Our study adds the knowledge of spermatogenesis in H. simplex and might be useful to differentiate the stages of development during the reproductive cycle, and to interpret aspects of its population dynamics.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Espermatogênese , Gônadas/anatomia & histologia , SanguessugasResumo
This study investigated the diversity of metazoan parasites in Colossoma macropomum from the Jari River, in the eastern Amazon, northern Brazil. We collected a total of 4966 parasites from 34 fishes, including monogeneans (Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium boegeri, Notozothecium janauachensis and Linguadactyloides brinkmanni), nematodes (Spectatus spectatus larvae, Contracaecum sp. larvae and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus), digeneans (Cladorchiidae metacercariae), acanthocephalans (Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae), crustaceans (Ergasilus turucuyus, Argulus multicolor, Perulernaea gamitanae and Braga patagonica), mites and leeches. The dominance was of monogenean species, found in the gills of the hosts. The parasites exhibited high aggregate dispersion, except Contracaecum sp. and P. (S.) inopinatus, that showed uniform and random dispersion, respectively. The species richness of parasites varied from 1 to 9, the Brillouin diversity index from 0 to 1.52, evenness from 0 to 0.63 and the Berger-Parker dominance index from 0.39 to 1.00. Abundance of parasites was not influenced by host length, but there was significant correlation with host body weight in some cases. The parasite community was characterized by low species richness and moderate diversity, with a predominance of ectoparasites with high prevalence and abundance, as well as the presence of endoparasites in the larval stage.
Este estudo investigou a diversidade de parasitos metazoários em Colossoma macropomum do Rio Jari, na Amazônia oriental, norte do Brasil. Foram coletados um total de 4.966 parasitos, incluindo monogeneas (Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium boegeri, Notozothecium janauachensis e Linguadactyloides brinkmanni), nematoides (larvas de Spectatus spectatus, larvas de Contracaecum sp. e Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus), digeneas (metacercárias de Cladorchiidae), acantocéfalos (Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae), crustáceos (Ergasilus turucuyus, Argulus multicolor, Perulernaea gamitanae e Braga patagonica), ácaros e sanguessugas. A dominância foi de espécies de monogeneas, encontradas nas brânquias dos hospedeiros, e houve elevada dispersão agregada dos parasitos, exceto Contracaecum sp., que teve dispersão uniforme e P. (S.) inopinatus, que mostrou dispersão randômica. A riqueza de espécies de parasitos variou de 1 a 9, o índice de diversidade de Brillouin de 0 a 1,52, a uniformidade de 0 a 0,63 e o índice de dominância de Berger-Parker de 0,39 a 1,00. A abundância de parasitos não foi influenciada pelo comprimento dos hospedeiros, mas houve significativa correlação com o peso corporal em alguns casos. A comunidade parasitária foi caracterizada por baixa riqueza de espécies e moderada diversidade, com predominância de ectoparasitos com elevada prevalência e abundância, bem como pela presença de endoparasitos em estágio larval.
Animais , Characidae/parasitologia , Parasitologia , Parasitos/classificação , Biodiversidade , Distribuição AnimalResumo
This study investigated the diversity of metazoan parasites in Colossoma macropomum from the Jari River, in the eastern Amazon, northern Brazil. We collected a total of 4966 parasites from 34 fishes, including monogeneans (Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium boegeri, Notozothecium janauachensis and Linguadactyloides brinkmanni), nematodes (Spectatus spectatus larvae, Contracaecum sp. larvae and Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus), digeneans (Cladorchiidae metacercariae), acanthocephalans (Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae), crustaceans (Ergasilus turucuyus, Argulus multicolor, Perulernaea gamitanae and Braga patagonica), mites and leeches. The dominance was of monogenean species, found in the gills of the hosts. The parasites exhibited high aggregate dispersion, except Contracaecum sp. and P. (S.) inopinatus, that showed uniform and random dispersion, respectively. The species richness of parasites varied from 1 to 9, the Brillouin diversity index from 0 to 1.52, evenness from 0 to 0.63 and the Berger-Parker dominance index from 0.39 to 1.00. Abundance of parasites was not influenced by host length, but there was significant correlation with host body weight in some cases. The parasite community was characterized by low species richness and moderate diversity, with a predominance of ectoparasites with high prevalence and abundance, as well as the presence of endoparasites in the larval stage.(AU)
Este estudo investigou a diversidade de parasitos metazoários em Colossoma macropomum do Rio Jari, na Amazônia oriental, norte do Brasil. Foram coletados um total de 4.966 parasitos, incluindo monogeneas (Anacanthorus spathulatus, Mymarothecium boegeri, Notozothecium janauachensis e Linguadactyloides brinkmanni), nematoides (larvas de Spectatus spectatus, larvas de Contracaecum sp. e Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) inopinatus), digeneas (metacercárias de Cladorchiidae), acantocéfalos (Neoechinorhynchus buttnerae), crustáceos (Ergasilus turucuyus, Argulus multicolor, Perulernaea gamitanae e Braga patagonica), ácaros e sanguessugas. A dominância foi de espécies de monogeneas, encontradas nas brânquias dos hospedeiros, e houve elevada dispersão agregada dos parasitos, exceto Contracaecum sp., que teve dispersão uniforme e P. (S.) inopinatus, que mostrou dispersão randômica. A riqueza de espécies de parasitos variou de 1 a 9, o índice de diversidade de Brillouin de 0 a 1,52, a uniformidade de 0 a 0,63 e o índice de dominância de Berger-Parker de 0,39 a 1,00. A abundância de parasitos não foi influenciada pelo comprimento dos hospedeiros, mas houve significativa correlação com o peso corporal em alguns casos. A comunidade parasitária foi caracterizada por baixa riqueza de espécies e moderada diversidade, com predominância de ectoparasitos com elevada prevalência e abundância, bem como pela presença de endoparasitos em estágio larval.(AU)
Animais , Characidae/parasitologia , Parasitos/classificação , Parasitologia , Biodiversidade , Distribuição AnimalResumo
The aim of this study was to investigate the component communities of parasites in Chaetobranchus flavescens from a tributary of the Amazon River system, northern Brazil. Out of 39 fish examined, 1,124,710 parasites were collected, such as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Piscinoodinium pillulare (Protozoa), Gussevia spilocirra, Gussevia elephus (Monogenea), metacercariae of Clinostomum marginatum and Posthodiplostomum sp. (Digenea), Pseudoproleptus sp. larvae. (Nematoda), Echinorhynchus paranensis, Gorytocephalus spectabilis (Acanthocephala), Braga patagonica (Isopoda) and leeches Glossiphonidae (Hirudinea). However, I. multifiliis was the dominant and abundant species, while B. patagonica and Hirudinea gen. sp. were the least prevalent and abundant parasites. These parasites had an aggregate dispersion, with mean richness of 4.7 ± 1.5 per fish, Brillouin diversity of 0.32 ± 0.29 and evenness of 0.15 ± 0.13. No correlation between the length and the parasite species richness and the Brillouin diversity was found, as well as regarding host size and abundance of parasites. Body condition of the hosts was not affected by the moderate parasitism. The low diversity of endoparasites indicates that C. flavescens is a host with low position in the food web. Finally, this was the first study on parasites of C. flavescens.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as comunidades componentes de parasitos em Chaetobranchus flavescens de um tributário do Rio Amazonas,Brasil. Em 39 peixes examinados, foram coletados 1.124.710 parasitos como Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Piscinoodinium pillulare (Protozoa), Gussevia spilocirra, Gussevia elephus (Monogenea), metacercárias de Clinostomum marginatum e Posthodiplostomum sp. (Digenea), larvas de Pseudoproleptus sp. (Nematoda), Echinorhynchus paranensis, Gorytocephalus spectabilis (Acanthocephala), Braga patagonica (Isopoda) e sanguessugas Glossiphonidae (Hirudinea). Porém, I. multifiliis foi a espécie dominante e abundante, enquanto B. patagonica e Hirudinea gen. sp. foram os parasitos menos prevalentes e abundantes. Estes parasitas apresentaram uma dispersão agregada, com riqueza média de 4,7 ± 1,5 por peixe, diversidade de Brillouin de 0,32 ± 0,29 e uniformidade de 0,15 ± 0,13. Não foi encontrada correlação do comprimento dos hospedeiros com a riqueza de espécies de parasitos e diversidade de Brillouin, bem como do tamanho dos hospedeiros com a abundância de parasitos. A condição corporal dos hospedeiros não foi afetada pelo parasitismo moderado. A baixa diversidade de endoparasitos indica que C. flavescens é um hospedeiro com baixa posição na cadeia alimentar. Este foi o primeiro estudo sobre parasitos de C. flavescens.(AU)
Animais , Ciclídeos/parasitologia , Biodiversidade , Carga Parasitária/estatística & dados numéricos , Ecossistema Amazônico , HelmintosResumo
The aim of this study was to investigate the component communities of parasites in Chaetobranchus flavescens from a tributary of the Amazon River system, northern Brazil. Out of 39 fish examined, 1,124,710 parasites were collected, such as Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Piscinoodinium pillulare (Protozoa), Gussevia spilocirra, Gussevia elephus (Monogenea), metacercariae of Clinostomum marginatum and Posthodiplostomum sp. (Digenea), Pseudoproleptus sp. larvae. (Nematoda), Echinorhynchus paranensis, Gorytocephalus spectabilis (Acanthocephala), Braga patagonica (Isopoda) and leeches Glossiphonidae (Hirudinea). However, I. multifiliis was the dominant and abundant species, while B. patagonica and Hirudinea gen. sp. were the least prevalent and abundant parasites. These parasites had an aggregate dispersion, with mean richness of 4.7 ± 1.5 per fish, Brillouin diversity of 0.32 ± 0.29 and evenness of 0.15 ± 0.13. No correlation between the length and the parasite species richness and the Brillouin diversity was found, as well as regarding host size and abundance of parasites. Body condition of the hosts was not affected by the moderate parasitism. The low diversity of endoparasites indicates that C. flavescens is a host with low position in the food web. Finally, this was the first study on parasites of C. flavescens.
O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar as comunidades componentes de parasitos em Chaetobranchus flavescens de um tributário do Rio Amazonas,Brasil. Em 39 peixes examinados, foram coletados 1.124.710 parasitos como Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, Piscinoodinium pillulare (Protozoa), Gussevia spilocirra, Gussevia elephus (Monogenea), metacercárias de Clinostomum marginatum e Posthodiplostomum sp. (Digenea), larvas de Pseudoproleptus sp. (Nematoda), Echinorhynchus paranensis, Gorytocephalus spectabilis (Acanthocephala), Braga patagonica (Isopoda) e sanguessugas Glossiphonidae (Hirudinea). Porém, I. multifiliis foi a espécie dominante e abundante, enquanto B. patagonica e Hirudinea gen. sp. foram os parasitos menos prevalentes e abundantes. Estes parasitas apresentaram uma dispersão agregada, com riqueza média de 4,7 ± 1,5 por peixe, diversidade de Brillouin de 0,32 ± 0,29 e uniformidade de 0,15 ± 0,13. Não foi encontrada correlação do comprimento dos hospedeiros com a riqueza de espécies de parasitos e diversidade de Brillouin, bem como do tamanho dos hospedeiros com a abundância de parasitos. A condição corporal dos hospedeiros não foi afetada pelo parasitismo moderado. A baixa diversidade de endoparasitos indica que C. flavescens é um hospedeiro com baixa posição na cadeia alimentar. Este foi o primeiro estudo sobre parasitos de C. flavescens.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Carga Parasitária/estatística & dados numéricos , Ciclídeos/parasitologia , Ecossistema Amazônico , HelmintosResumo
Currently, it is widely recognized that invertebrates play key roles in neotropical floodplains and in many other environments worldwide. However, little information has been published concerning their biometry, in spite that it represents an essential tool for many different studies. Here, we provided length-mass and length-length relationships by fitting the linearized model (log10 Y = log10a + b log10 X) and several mean biomass ratios ± SE for bivalves, gastropods, quironomids, ephemeropterans, oligochaetes and hirudineans. We measured, weighed, oven dried and incinerated to ashes specimens collected from 2005 to 2014 in the Paraná River, Argentina. The lineal equations had fit levels higher than 75% in most of the significant regressions. Hence, when slopes were compared, differences raised from ontogeny and phylogeny of taxa. Additionally, slopes resulted different from constants of other regions, types of environments and climates. In addition, organic matter ratios resulted significantly different among invertebrates according to their feeding types. The equations and ratios that we provided will facilitate future research on life history, productivity and energy transference in the food webs of invertebrates inhabiting floodplain wetlands and can be used as tools for planning management strategies and in restoration projects of aquatic environments.(AU)
Actualmente, es muy reconocido que los invertebrados tienen un rol clave en los ambientes de llanura aluvial neotropicales así como en otros ambientes alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, se cuenta con muy poca información publicada en relación con su biometría, a pesar de ser una herramienta esencial para muchos tipos de estudios. En este trabajo se obtuvieron relaciones longitud-masa ajustadas por el modelo linearizado (log10 Y = log10a + b log10X) y diferentes proporciones de materia orgánica promedio ± ES para bivalvos, gastrópodos, quironómidos, efemerópteros, oligoquetos e hirudíneos. Medimos, pesamos, secamos e incineramos hasta cenizas especímenes colectados entre 2005 y 2014 en el río Paraná, Argentina. Las ecuaciones lineales tuvieron valores de ajuste mayores al 75% en la mayoría de las regresiones significativas. Al comparar las pendientes, se encontraron diferencias relacionadas con la ontogenia y filogenia de las taxa. Asimismo, las pendientes resultaron diferentes de las constantes para otras regiones, tipos de ambientes y climas. Asimismo, las proporciones de materia orgánica fueron significativamente diferentes entre invertebrados de acuerdo a su tipo de alimentación. Las ecuaciones y proporciones que obtuvimos facilitarán futuras investigaciones sobre historia de vida, productividad y transferencia de energía en las tramas tróficas de invertebrados en humedales de llanura aluvial y pueden ser empleadas para planificar estrategias de manejo y en proyectos de restauración de ambientes acuáticos.(AU)
Animais , Biometria , Invertebrados/anatomia & histologia , Fauna Bentônica , Áreas Alagadas , Matéria Orgânica , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Bivalves/anatomia & histologia , Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Oligoquetos/anatomia & histologia , Sanguessugas/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Currently, it is widely recognized that invertebrates play key roles in neotropical floodplains and in many other environments worldwide. However, little information has been published concerning their biometry, in spite that it represents an essential tool for many different studies. Here, we provided length-mass and length-length relationships by fitting the linearized model (log10 Y = log10a + b log10 X) and several mean biomass ratios ± SE for bivalves, gastropods, quironomids, ephemeropterans, oligochaetes and hirudineans. We measured, weighed, oven dried and incinerated to ashes specimens collected from 2005 to 2014 in the Paraná River, Argentina. The lineal equations had fit levels higher than 75% in most of the significant regressions. Hence, when slopes were compared, differences raised from ontogeny and phylogeny of taxa. Additionally, slopes resulted different from constants of other regions, types of environments and climates. In addition, organic matter ratios resulted significantly different among invertebrates according to their feeding types. The equations and ratios that we provided will facilitate future research on life history, productivity and energy transference in the food webs of invertebrates inhabiting floodplain wetlands and can be used as tools for planning management strategies and in restoration projects of aquatic environments.
Actualmente, es muy reconocido que los invertebrados tienen un rol clave en los ambientes de llanura aluvial neotropicales así como en otros ambientes alrededor del mundo. Sin embargo, se cuenta con muy poca información publicada en relación con su biometría, a pesar de ser una herramienta esencial para muchos tipos de estudios. En este trabajo se obtuvieron relaciones longitud-masa ajustadas por el modelo linearizado (log10 Y = log10a + b log10X) y diferentes proporciones de materia orgánica promedio ± ES para bivalvos, gastrópodos, quironómidos, efemerópteros, oligoquetos e hirudíneos. Medimos, pesamos, secamos e incineramos hasta cenizas especímenes colectados entre 2005 y 2014 en el río Paraná, Argentina. Las ecuaciones lineales tuvieron valores de ajuste mayores al 75% en la mayoría de las regresiones significativas. Al comparar las pendientes, se encontraron diferencias relacionadas con la ontogenia y filogenia de las taxa. Asimismo, las pendientes resultaron diferentes de las constantes para otras regiones, tipos de ambientes y climas. Asimismo, las proporciones de materia orgánica fueron significativamente diferentes entre invertebrados de acuerdo a su tipo de alimentación. Las ecuaciones y proporciones que obtuvimos facilitarán futuras investigaciones sobre historia de vida, productividad y transferencia de energía en las tramas tróficas de invertebrados en humedales de llanura aluvial y pueden ser empleadas para planificar estrategias de manejo y en proyectos de restauración de ambientes acuáticos.
Animais , Biometria , Fauna Bentônica , Fenômenos Ecológicos e Ambientais , Invertebrados/anatomia & histologia , Matéria Orgânica , Áreas Alagadas , Bivalves/anatomia & histologia , Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Oligoquetos/anatomia & histologia , Sanguessugas/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Abstract Among Kinetoplastida, the Trypanosoma is the genus with the highest occurrence infecting populations of marine fish and freshwater in the world, with high levels of prevalence, causing influences fish health and consequent economic losses, mainly for fish populations in situation stress. This study investigated infections of Hypostomus spp. by Trypanosoma spp. and leeches, as well as blood parameters of this host in the network of tributaries of the Tapajَs River in the state of Parل, in the eastern Amazon region in Brazil. Of the 47 hosts examined, 89.4% were parasitized by Trypanosoma spp. and 55.4% also had leeches attached around the mouth. The intensity of Trypanosoma spp. increased with the size of the host, but the body conditions were not influenced by the parasitism. The number of red blood cells, and hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), total number of leukocytes and thrombocytes showed variations and negative correlation with the intensity of Trypanosoma spp. in the blood of the hosts. The results suggest that the leeches were vectors of Trypanosoma spp. in Hypostomus spp.(AU)
Resumo Dentre os Kinetoplastida, Trypanosoma é o gênero com maior ocorrência, infectando populações de peixes marinhos e de água doce em todo o mundo. Apresenta elevados níveis de prevalência, ocasiona impactos na saúde dos peixes e consequente perdas econômicas, principalmente para populaçõs de peixes em situação de estresse. Este estudo investigou a infecção por Trypanosoma spp. e sanguessugas em Hypostomus spp. e parâmetros sanguíneos desse hospedeiro do sistema de tributários do Rio Tapajós, no Estado do Pará, Amazônia Oriental, Brasil. De 47 hospedeiros examinados, 89,4% estavam parasitados por Trypanosoma spp., e 55,4% tinham também sanguessugas na regiمo da boca. A intensidade de Trypanosoma spp. aumentou com o tamanho dos hospedeiros, mas as condições corporais não foram influenciadas pelo parasitismo. O número de eritrócitos, hematócrito, hemoglobina, VCM, HCM, CHCM, número de leucócitos e trombócitos totais apresentaram variações e correlação negativa com a intensidade de Trypanosoma spp. no sangue dos hospedeiros. Os resultados sugerem que sanguessugas foram os vetores de Trypanosoma spp. in Hypostomus spp.(AU)
Animais , Peixes/parasitologia , Trypanosoma/patogenicidade , Peixes-Gato/parasitologia , Peixes-Gato/sangue , Sanguessugas/parasitologiaResumo
Background: Hemogregarines are the most common intraerythrocytic parasites found in reptiles. The genus Haemogregarina has aquatic vertebrates as intermediate hosts, and as definitive hosts the leeches. The genus Hepatozoon can be found parasitizing amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and its main vectors invertebrates are mosquitoes, tsetse flies, lice, fleas and mites. The diagnosis of these parasites is done by the technique of blood smear, but modern diagnoses include evaluation of blood by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The aim this study was to determine the occurrence of infection by hemogregarine in freshwater turtles, through PCR. Materials, Methods & Results: Samples from 99 freshwater turtles of species P. expansa and P. geoffroanus of Fundação Zoológico de Brasília,Distrito Federal, Brazil, were used. The animals was captured using a hand net, and were immediately individually identified. The blood samples was collected by puncture of the occipital sinus, and placed into tubes containing sodium heparin anticoagulant for hematologic and molecular analysis. Two different sets of oligonucleotides were used, one to detect hemogregarines and other to detect Hepatozoon sp. infection. The presence of hemogregarine was detected in 20 samples analyzed (n = 99), these eleven samples were positive for hemogregarine, 5 were Hepatozoon sp. and 4 were positive for both [...]
Animais , Eucoccidiida/parasitologia , Tartarugas/parasitologia , Hipoproteinemia/veterinária , Parasitologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Água DoceResumo
Background: Hemogregarines are the most common intraerythrocytic parasites found in reptiles. The genus Haemogregarina has aquatic vertebrates as intermediate hosts, and as definitive hosts the leeches. The genus Hepatozoon can be found parasitizing amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and its main vectors invertebrates are mosquitoes, tsetse flies, lice, fleas and mites. The diagnosis of these parasites is done by the technique of blood smear, but modern diagnoses include evaluation of blood by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The aim this study was to determine the occurrence of infection by hemogregarine in freshwater turtles, through PCR. Materials, Methods & Results: Samples from 99 freshwater turtles of species P. expansa and P. geoffroanus of Fundação Zoológico de Brasília,Distrito Federal, Brazil, were used. The animals was captured using a hand net, and were immediately individually identified. The blood samples was collected by puncture of the occipital sinus, and placed into tubes containing sodium heparin anticoagulant for hematologic and molecular analysis. Two different sets of oligonucleotides were used, one to detect hemogregarines and other to detect Hepatozoon sp. infection. The presence of hemogregarine was detected in 20 samples analyzed (n = 99), these eleven samples were positive for hemogregarine, 5 were Hepatozoon sp. and 4 were positive for both [...](AU)
Animais , Eucoccidiida/parasitologia , Tartarugas/parasitologia , Água Doce , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Hipoproteinemia/veterinária , ParasitologiaResumo
This study has evaluated the parasitic fauna of 79 pearl cichlids (Geophagus brasiliensis) from the estuary of Patos Lagoon (31° 57' S and 52° 06' W), Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, during the months of May and June in 2011 and 2012. All the hosts analyzed were infected with at least one species of parasite. A total of eleven metazoa were identified in 459 specimens collected. The trematode Austrodiplostomum compactum (34.2%) and ergasilids Ergasilus lizae (32.9%) and Gauchergasilus lizae (32.9%) were the most prevalent species. The trematodes Thometrema overstreeti and Posthodiplostomum sp. had significantly higher prevalence in fish longer than 20 cm. The sex of the host had no effect on parasite prevalence and abundance. Pearl cichlids are registered as a new host for the trematodes Lobatostoma sp., Homalometron pseudopallidum and Thometrema overstreeti, for the ergasilids Ergasilus lizae and Gauchergasilus euripedesi and for the argulid Argulus spinolosus. The crustacean E. lizae is recorded in Rio Grande do Sul for the first time. (AU)
Este estudo avaliou a fauna parasitária de 79 Geophagus brasiliensis (acarás) proveniente do Estuário da Lagoa dos Patos (31°57S e 52°06W), Rio Grande do Sul, no período de Maio e Junho de 2011 a 2012. Todos os hospedeiros analisados estavam infectados com pelo menos uma espécie de parasito. Um total de onze metazoários foi identificado em 459 espécimes coletados. O trematoda Austrodiplostomum compactum (34,2%) e os ergasilídeos Ergasilus lizae (32,9%) e Gauchergasilus lizae (32,9%) foram às espécies mais prevalentes. Os trematodeos Thometrema overstreeti e Posthodiplostomum sp. apresentaram uma prevalência significativamente maior nos peixes acima de 20 cm. O gênero sexual dos hospedeiros não apresentou influência sobre a prevalência e a abundância parasitária. Geophagus brasiliensis é registrado como um novo hospedeiro para os trematódeos Lobatostoma sp., Homalometron pseudopallidum e Thometrema overstreeti, para os ergasilídeos Ergasilus lizae e Gauchergasilus euripedesi e para o argulídeo Argulus spinolosus. O crustáceo E. lizae é registrado pela primeira vez no Rio Grande do Sul. (AU)
Animais , Perciformes/parasitologia , Helmintos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Helmintos/parasitologia , /parasitologia , Crustáceos/parasitologia , Brasil , Sanguessugas/parasitologiaResumo
Seventy-five turtles Podocnemis expansa in the Brazilian Amazon were examined for the presence of ectoparasites and hemoparasites. Samplings were performed in three study areas in the state of Tocantins, Brazil. Twenty-five specimens were sampled per study area (a commercial breeding facility, an indigenous subsistence breeding facility and a wild population of the Javaés River). Hemoparasites of the genus Haemogregarina were found in 66% (50/75) of the turtle specimens, and the infections were restricted to the commercial breeding facility and to the wild population of the Javaés River. The mean level of parasitemia was 54/2,000 erythrocytes (2%). There was no correlation between the body condition index of the chelonians and the level of parasitemia, with no significant difference between genders. No leeches were observed during the physical exams in any of the study areas, but the specimens from the commercial breeding facility were in poor physical condition with shell deformities and the presence of a relatively high amount of skin ulcerations, most likely caused by fungi and bacteria. This was the first study to record the occurrence of hemogregarines on a population scale in P. expansa and helps to increase knowledge about hemoparasites in chelonians in Brazil(AU)
Setenta e cinco tartarugas Podocnemis expansa foram examinadas para a presença de ectoparasitos e hemoparasitos na região amazônica brasileira. As coletas foram realizadas no Estado do Tocantins, Brasil. No estudo foram amostrados 25 indivíduos por local, um criatório comercial, um criatório de subsistência indígena e uma população silvestre do rio Javaés. Foram encontrados hemoparasitos pertencentes ao gênero Haemogregarina em 66% (50/75) dos animais, sendo que as infecções foram restritas ao criatório comercial e a população silvestre do rio Javaés. A parasitemia média foi de 54/2.000 eritrócitos (2%). Não houve relação entre o índice de condição corporal dos quelônios e os níveis de parasitemia e nem diferença quanto ao sexo dos animais. Não foram observadas sanguessugas durante os exames físicos, porém os animais do criatório comercial apresentaram condições físicas ruins com deformidades no casco e presença de uma quantidade relativamente alta de ulcerações na pele, provavelmente causadas por fungos ou bactérias. Este estudo registrou a primeira ocorrência de hemogregarinas em uma escala populacional de P. expansa e contribui para expandir o conhecimento de hemoparasitos em quelônios no Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Parasitemia/parasitologia , Parasitemia/veterinária , Tartarugas/parasitologiaResumo
Temporal (May 2005 to February 2006) and habitat distribution (pools and riffles) of Hirudinea species was analyzed at a post urban reach from Esquel stream (Chubut province, Patagonia, Argentina). Site was located 5.7 km downstream a Waste Treatment Plant. Mean values of nutrients: ammonia, nitrates and soluble reactive phosphate, as well water conductivity, turbidity and total suspended solids indicated physical and organic pollution. Leeches assemblage was composed by the glossiphonids: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942, H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 and the semiscolecid Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). From these H. hyalina and H. obscura are new records for Chubut province. Helobdella hyalina (810 ind.m-2) and H. simplex (465 ind. m-2) clearly dominated the assemblage at the reach. Only H. simplex displayed a spatial preference being significantly more abundant in pools than in riffle habitats (p<0.001). Species recruitment occurred mostly at September, December and March when juveniles were very abundant. Although several species of Helobdella were able to live in the disturbed section of the stream, only H. simplex and H. hyalina sustained large populations at the site and can be considered as tolerant to organic enrichment. This information is valuable to future studies on stream condition assessment in mountainous areas in Patagonia, and in other areas in which these species are present.(AU)
Se analizó la distribución temporal (mayo 2005 a febrero 2006) y espacial (pozones y rápidos) de las especies de hirudíneos en un segmento post urbano del arroyo Esquel (provincia de Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina). El sitio está localizado a 5,7 km aguas abajo de la planta de tratamiento de efluentes cloacales. Los valores promedio de nutrientes: amonio, nitratos y fósforo reactivo soluble, así como la conductividad del agua, turbidez y el total de sólidos suspendidos indican contaminación física y orgánica. Las especies de hirudíneos halladas fueron Glossiphoniidae: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942 and H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 y Semiscolecidae: Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). Helobdella hyalina and H. obscura representan nuevos registros para la provincia de Chubut. Helobdella hyalina (810 ind. m-2) y H. simplex (465 ind. m-2) fueron las especies claramente dominantes. Sólo H. simplex presentó una preferencia espacial siendo significativamente más abundante en los pozones que en los rápidos (p<0.001). El reclutamiento de las especies se observó principalmente en septiembre, diciembre y mayo donde los juveniles fueron muy abundantes. Aunque varias especies de Helobdella se registraron en este sector contaminado del arroyo, sólo H. simplex and H. hyalina presentaron poblaciones importantes y pueden ser consideradas como tolerantes al enriquecimiento orgánico. Esta información es de valor para futuros estudios sobre evaluación de calidad de los arroyos en áreas montañosas de la Patagonia y para otros donde estas especies están presentes.(AU)
Animais , Poluição Ambiental/métodos , Urbanização , Nutrientes/análise , Sanguessugas/classificaçãoResumo
Temporal (May 2005 to February 2006) and habitat distribution (pools and riffles) of Hirudinea species was analyzed at a post urban reach from Esquel stream (Chubut province, Patagonia, Argentina). Site was located 5.7 km downstream a Waste Treatment Plant. Mean values of nutrients: ammonia, nitrates and soluble reactive phosphate, as well water conductivity, turbidity and total suspended solids indicated physical and organic pollution. Leeches assemblage was composed by the glossiphonids: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942, H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 and the semiscolecid Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). From these H. hyalina and H. obscura are new records for Chubut province. Helobdella hyalina (810 ind.m-2) and H. simplex (465 ind. m-2) clearly dominated the assemblage at the reach. Only H. simplex displayed a spatial preference being significantly more abundant in pools than in riffle habitats (p<0.001). Species recruitment occurred mostly at September, December and March when juveniles were very abundant. Although several species of Helobdella were able to live in the disturbed section of the stream, only H. simplex and H. hyalina sustained large populations at the site and can be considered as tolerant to organic enrichment. This information is valuable to future studies on stream condition assessment in mountainous areas in Patagonia, and in other areas in which these species are present.
Se analizó la distribución temporal (mayo 2005 a febrero 2006) y espacial (pozones y rápidos) de las especies de hirudíneos en un segmento post urbano del arroyo Esquel (provincia de Chubut, Patagonia, Argentina). El sitio está localizado a 5,7 km aguas abajo de la planta de tratamiento de efluentes cloacales. Los valores promedio de nutrientes: amonio, nitratos y fósforo reactivo soluble, así como la conductividad del agua, turbidez y el total de sólidos suspendidos indican contaminación física y orgánica. Las especies de hirudíneos halladas fueron Glossiphoniidae: Helobdella scutifera Blanchard, 1900, H. michaelseni (Blanchard, 1900), H. simplex (Moore, 1911), Helobdella sp., H. hyalina Ringuelet, 1942 and H. obscura Ringuelet, 1942 y Semiscolecidae: Patagoniobdella variabilis (Blanchard, 1900). Helobdella hyalina and H. obscura representan nuevos registros para la provincia de Chubut. Helobdella hyalina (810 ind. m-2) y H. simplex (465 ind. m-2) fueron las especies claramente dominantes. Sólo H. simplex presentó una preferencia espacial siendo significativamente más abundante en los pozones que en los rápidos (p<0.001). El reclutamiento de las especies se observó principalmente en septiembre, diciembre y mayo donde los juveniles fueron muy abundantes. Aunque varias especies de Helobdella se registraron en este sector contaminado del arroyo, sólo H. simplex and H. hyalina presentaron poblaciones importantes y pueden ser consideradas como tolerantes al enriquecimiento orgánico. Esta información es de valor para futuros estudios sobre evaluación de calidad de los arroyos en áreas montañosas de la Patagonia y para otros donde estas especies están presentes.
Animais , Nutrientes/análise , Poluição Ambiental/métodos , Urbanização , Sanguessugas/classificaçãoResumo
The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the parasitic fauna and the host-parasite relationship in Colossoma macropomum farmed in cages of Matapi River, municipally of Santana, State of Amapá, in eastern Amazon, Brazil. Of 60 specimens of tambaqui examined, 96.7% were parasitized by protozoans Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora) and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida), monogenoideans Mymarotheciun boegeri and Anacanthorus spathulatus (Dactylogyridae), and leeches Glossiphoniidae gen. sp. (Hirudinea). The higher infestation levels were caused by protozoans I. multifiliis and P. pillulare, while the lower infestation levels were caused by leeches. No effects of parasitic infestation rates on fish health were observed. The relative condition factor (Kn) was not correlated with the intensity of parasites found. This was the first record of I. multifiliis and P. pillulare in C. macropomum farmed in cages in the Brazilian Amazon.
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar a parasitofauna e a relação hospedeiro- parasito em tambaqui Colossoma macropomum cultivados em tanques-rede no Rio Matapi, município de Santana, estado do Amapá, região da Amazônia oriental, Brasil. Foram examinados 60 tambaquis, dos quais 96,7% estavam parasitados por protozoários Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora) e Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida), monogenoideas Mymarotheciun boegeri e Anacanthorus spathulatus (Dactylogyridae) e sanguessugas Glossiiphonidae gen. sp. (Hirudinea). Os maiores níveis de parasitismo foram causados por protozoários I. multifiliis e P. pillulare e os menores por sanguessugas Glossiiphonidae gen. sp. Porém, os índices de infestação não tiveram efeitos na saúde dos peixes hospedeiros, uma vez que o fator de condição relativo (Kn) não foi estatisticamente (p<0,05) correlacionado com a intensidade desses parasitos. Este foi o primeiro relato da ocorrência de I. multifiliis e P. pillulare em C. macropomum cultivados em tanques-rede na Amazônia brasileira.
Animais , Characidae/parasitologia , Doenças Parasitárias/epidemiologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Parasitologia , Tanques de Armazenamento , BrasilResumo
The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the parasitic fauna and the host-parasite relationship in Colossoma macropomum farmed in cages of Matapi River, municipally of Santana, State of Amapá, in eastern Amazon, Brazil. Of 60 specimens of tambaqui examined, 96.7% were parasitized by protozoans Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora) and Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida), monogenoideans Mymarotheciun boegeri and Anacanthorus spathulatus (Dactylogyridae), and leeches Glossiphoniidae gen. sp. (Hirudinea). The higher infestation levels were caused by protozoans I. multifiliis and P. pillulare, while the lower infestation levels were caused by leeches. No effects of parasitic infestation rates on fish health were observed. The relative condition factor (Kn) was not correlated with the intensity of parasites found. This was the first record of I. multifiliis and P. pillulare in C. macropomum farmed in cages in the Brazilian Amazon.(AU)
O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi estudar a parasitofauna e a relação hospedeiro- parasito em tambaqui Colossoma macropomum cultivados em tanques-rede no Rio Matapi, município de Santana, estado do Amapá, região da Amazônia oriental, Brasil. Foram examinados 60 tambaquis, dos quais 96,7% estavam parasitados por protozoários Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ciliophora) e Piscinoodinium pillulare (Dinoflagellida), monogenoideas Mymarotheciun boegeri e Anacanthorus spathulatus (Dactylogyridae) e sanguessugas Glossiiphonidae gen. sp. (Hirudinea). Os maiores níveis de parasitismo foram causados por protozoários I. multifiliis e P. pillulare e os menores por sanguessugas Glossiiphonidae gen. sp. Porém, os índices de infestação não tiveram efeitos na saúde dos peixes hospedeiros, uma vez que o fator de condição relativo (Kn) não foi estatisticamente (p<0,05) correlacionado com a intensidade desses parasitos. Este foi o primeiro relato da ocorrência de I. multifiliis e P. pillulare em C. macropomum cultivados em tanques-rede na Amazônia brasileira.(AU)
Animais , Characidae/parasitologia , Parasitologia , Tanques de Armazenamento , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita , Doenças Parasitárias/epidemiologia , BrasilResumo
This paper reports the finding of several Ozobranchus margoi (Annelida: Hirudinea) parasitizing a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) that was found in the municipality of Tavares, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Since this parasite is considered to be a vector of chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV-5), the leeches collected were tested for the presence of this virus. All the specimens were negative on PCR analysis. Although O. margoi is considered to be a common sea turtle parasite, this is the first official record describing collection of this parasite from a loggerhead turtle in southern Brazil, within the country's subtropical zone. This finding draws attention to the presence of this parasite and to the risk of leech-borne infectious diseases among turtles found along the coast of southern Brazil.
Este artigo relata a descoberta de vários exemplares de Ozobranchus margoi (Annelida Hirudínea) parasitando uma tartaruga cabeçuda (Caretta caretta) encontrada no município de Tavares, Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil. Uma vez que esse parasito é considerado vetor do chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV 5), as sanguessugas foram testadas para a presença deste vírus. Todas as amostras foram negativas pela análise de PCR. Embora o O. margoi seja considerado um parasito comum de tartarugas marinhas, este é o primeiro registro oficial que descreve a coleta deste parasita em uma tartaruga cabeçuda no sul do Brasil, dentro da zona subtropical do país. Este achado chama a atenção para a presença deste parasita e para o risco de sanguessugas transmitirem doenças infecciosas em tartarugas no litoral sul do Brasil.
Animais , Sanguessugas/fisiologia , Tartarugas/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
This paper reports the finding of several Ozobranchus margoi (Annelida: Hirudinea) parasitizing a loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) that was found in the municipality of Tavares, state of Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Since this parasite is considered to be a vector of chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV-5), the leeches collected were tested for the presence of this virus. All the specimens were negative on PCR analysis. Although O. margoi is considered to be a common sea turtle parasite, this is the first official record describing collection of this parasite from a loggerhead turtle in southern Brazil, within the country's subtropical zone. This finding draws attention to the presence of this parasite and to the risk of leech-borne infectious diseases among turtles found along the coast of southern Brazil.
Este artigo relata a descoberta de vários exemplares de Ozobranchus margoi (Annelida Hirudínea) parasitando uma tartaruga cabeçuda (Caretta caretta) encontrada no município de Tavares, Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil. Uma vez que esse parasito é considerado vetor do chelonid herpesvirus 5 (ChHV 5), as sanguessugas foram testadas para a presença deste vírus. Todas as amostras foram negativas pela análise de PCR. Embora o O. margoi seja considerado um parasito comum de tartarugas marinhas, este é o primeiro registro oficial que descreve a coleta deste parasita em uma tartaruga cabeçuda no sul do Brasil, dentro da zona subtropical do país. Este achado chama a atenção para a presença deste parasita e para o risco de sanguessugas transmitirem doenças infecciosas em tartarugas no litoral sul do Brasil.