The constant intensification of aquaculture has considerable increased the stress levels of farmed fish and, consequently, the number and intensity of diseases outbreaks. Thus, studies on fish immune response, especially regarding the interaction of fish leukocytes with potential pathogens and xenobiotics are of great importance in order to develop new prophylactic and curative strategies. We isolated leukocytes from the head kidney of Astyanax lacustrisan important Neotropical fish species for aquaculture and a potential model for Neotropical aquaculture researchusing a Percoll centrifugation protocol. The isolated leukocytes were incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and the expression of genes IL-1ß, IL-8, LysC, and LysG were measured. We assessed the phagocytotic activity of leukocytes using Congo red-dyed yeast, a novel and cost-effective protocol that has been developed in this study. The isolated leukocytes responded to LPS induction, exhibiting strong IL-1ß and IL-8 upregulation, two of the most important pro-inflammatory interleukins for vertebrates immune reponse. The optimal concentration of yeast for the phagocytic assay was 106 cells mL-1, resulting in acceptable phagocytic capacity (PC) but without excess of yeasts during the counting process, ensuring a high precision and accuracy of the method. To the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first to investigate the in vitro gene expression and phagocytic activity of leukocytes isolated from A. lacustris. Our findings will serve as a reference for future studies on the immunology and toxicology of Neotropical fish.
A constante intensificação da aquicultura tem aumentado consideravelmente os níveis de estresse dos animais cultivados e, consequentemente, o número e a intensidade dos surtos de doenças. Logo, estudos sobre a resposta imune dos peixes, especialmente relacionados com a interação dos leucócitos de peixes com potenciais patógenos e xenobióticos, são de grande importância para o desenvolvimento de novas estratégias profiláticas e curativas. No presente trabalho, nós obtivemos sucesso ao isolar leucócitos oriundos do rim cranial de Astyanax lacustris uma importante espécie de peixe Neotropical para a aquicultura e um modelo em potencial para pesquisas em aquicultura Neotropical usando um protocolo de centrifugação com Percoll. Os leucócitos isolados foram incubados com lipossacarídeo (LPS) e, a expressão dos genes IL-1ß, IL-8, LysC, e LysG foi avaliada. Ainda, um novo protocolo para avaliação da atividade fagocítica dos leucócitos utilizando leveduras coradas com Vermelho Congo foi estabelecido. Os leucócitos isolados responderam à indução com LPS, exibindo up regulation dos genes IL-1ß e IL-8, duas das interleucinas pró-inflamatórias mais importantes para a resposta imune de vertebrados. Além do mais, a concentração ótima de leveduras para a avaliação da fagocitose foi de 106 células mL-1, resultando em uma capacidade fagocítica (PC) aceitável, mas sem excesso de leveduras durante o processo de contagem, garantindo maior precisão e eficácia do método. Até o presente momento, o presente estudo é o primeiro a investigar a expressão gênica e atividade fagocítica de leucócitos isolados de A. lacustris através da abordagem in vitro. Ainda, nossos resultados servirão de referência para futuros estudos em imunologia e toxicologia de peixes Neotropicais.
Animais , Fagocitose/genética , Expressão Gênica , Interleucinas/análise , Characidae/sangue , Leucócitos , AquiculturaResumo
The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.516 μg/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,516 μg/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios [...].
Humanos , Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial , Neutrófilos , Vírus Sincicial Respiratório Humano/genéticaResumo
Background: Cystoisospora spp. is considered a potential pathogen to cause diarrhoea in cats, and the disease occurs clinically, especially in young, weak and immunocompromised cats. The present study aimed to evaluate the clinical utility and diagnostic roles of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and monocyte-to-lymphocyte (MLR) ratios in diarrheal cats infected with Cystoisospora spp. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-five cats with diarrhea due to infection caused by Cystoisospora spp. and 15 healthy cats were included in this study. The anamnesis, clinical and laboratory findings of all cats were recorded. A clinical severity score was generated for diarrheal cats, which included activity, appetite, presence of vomit, and faecal consistency. Also, cats infected with Cystoisospora spp. were classified as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) positive (+) and SIRS (-) group according to the presence of at least 3 of the SIRS criteria. The Cystoisospora spp. oocysts were diagnosed by direct smear and simple faecal flotation. Cats found positive for other parasitic and protozoal agents by faeces examination were excluded from the study. Complete blood counts (CBC) were performed with an automated blood cell counter for all cats. Blood smears were prepared (with May-Grunwald Giemsa) from samples, and the CBC results were confirmed microscopically (obj.100x). White blood cell (WBC), neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts were recorded directly from the CBC. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio was calculated as the ratio of the absolute neutrophil count to the absolute lymphocyte count. The monocyte-to-lymphocyte was calculated as the absolute monocyte count ratio to the absolute lymphocyte count. White blood cell (P = 0.015), neutrophil (P = 0.001), monocyte (P = 0.033), NLR (P = 0.000) and MLR (P = 0.042) of diarrheal cats infected with Cystoisospora spp. were significantly higher than in the healthy group. There was no significant difference between groups in the lymphocyte counts (P > 0.05). SIRS (+) group had statistically significantly higher WBC (P = 0.014), neutrophil counts (P = 0.000), NLR (P = 0.000) and MLR (P = 0.037) than the healthy group. Also, neutrophil counts and NLR of the SIRS (+) group were statistically significantly higher than the SIRS (-) group (P = 0.032; P = 0.001, respectively). However, there was no significant difference SIRS (+), SIRS (-), and healthy groups regarding lymphocyte and monocyte counts (P > 0.05). The clinical severity of the disease positively correlated with NLR and MLR. Also, the best cut-off value of NLR to predict SIRS was > 1.67, with 92.86% sensitivity and 84.62% specificity. MLR was not a useful predictor for SIRS. Discussion: NLR and MLR are parameters derived from complete blood count. In recent years, they have been used in human and veterinary medicine as a biomarker in the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment follow-up of various diseases and provide valuable information about inflammation. In cats, there are limited studies on NLR, and to our knowledge, there are no studies on MLR. The current study suggests that NLR and MLR may be used to determine the severity of the inflammatory condition in diarrheal cats infected with Cystoisospora spp., and NLR is a useful marker for predicting SIRS status in these cats. In addition, this study also will contribute to larger-scale studies in the future.
Animais , Gatos , Linfócitos , Monócitos , Síndrome de Resposta Inflamatória Sistêmica/veterinária , Isosporíase/veterinária , Diarreia/veterinária , NeutrófilosResumo
The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV) is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract diseases in young children worldwide, leading to a high number of hospitalizations and significant expenditures for health systems. Neutrophils are massively recruited to the lung tissue of patients with acute respiratory diseases. At the infection site, they release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) that can capture and/or inactivate different types of microorganisms, including viruses. Evidence has shown that the accumulation of NETs results in direct cytotoxic effects on endothelial and epithelial cells. Neutrophils stimulated by the hRSV-F protein generate NETs that are able to capture hRSV particles, thus reducing their transmission. However, the massive production of NETs obstructs the airways and increases disease severity. Therefore, further knowledge about the effects of NETs during hRSV infections is essential for the development of new specific and effective treatments. This study evaluated the effects of NETs on the previous or posterior contact with hRSV-infected Hep-2 cells. Hep-2 cells were infected with different hRSV multiplicity of infection (MOI 0.5 or 1.0), either before or after incubation with NETs (0.516 μg/mL). Infected and untreated cells showed decreased cellular viability and intense staining with trypan blue, which was accompanied by the formation of many large syncytia. Previous contact between NETs and cells did not result in a protective effect. Cells in monolayers showed a reduced number and area of syncytia, but cell death was similar in infected and non-treated cells. The addition of NETs to infected tissues maintained a similar virus-induced cell death rate and an increased syncytial area, indicating cytotoxic and deleterious damages. Our results corroborate previously reported findings that NETs contribute to the immunopathology developed by patients infected with hRSV.(AU)
O vírus sincicial respiratório humano (hRSV) é a causa mais comum de doenças graves do trato respiratório inferior em crianças pequenas em todo o mundo, resultando em grande número de hospitalizações e gastos significativos para os sistemas de saúde. Neutrófilos são recrutados em massa para o tecido pulmonar de pacientes com doenças respiratórias agudas. No local da infecção, eles liberam armadilhas extracelulares de neutrófilos (NETs) que podem capturar e/ou inativar diferentes tipos de microrganismos, incluindo vírus. Evidências demonstraram que o acúmulo de NETs resulta em efeitos citotóxicos diretos nas células endoteliais e epiteliais. Os neutrófilos estimulados pela proteína F do vírus sincicial respiratório (hRSV-F) geram NETs que são capazes de capturar partículas virais, reduzindo assim sua transmissão. No entanto, a produção maciça de NETs obstrui as vias aéreas e aumenta a gravidade da doença. Assim, um maior conhecimento sobre os efeitos das NETs durante as infecções por hRSV é essencial para o desenvolvimento de novos tratamentos específicos e eficazes. Este estudo avaliou os efeitos das NETs no contato prévio ou posterior à infecção de células Hep-2 com hRSV. As células Hep-2 foram infectadas com diferentes quantidades de hRSV (multiplicidade de infecção ou MOI 0,5 ou 1,0), antes ou após a incubação com NETs (0,516 μg/mL). Células infectadas e não tratadas mostraram redução da viabilidade celular e intensa coloração com azul de tripano, que foi acompanhada pela formação de sincícios numerosos e grandes. O contato prévio entre as NETs e as células não resultou em efeito protetor. As células em monocamadas mostraram um número e área de sincícios reduzidos, mas a morte celular foi semelhante àquela apresentada por células infectadas e não tratadas. A adição de NETs aos tecidos infectados manteve taxa de morte celular e formação de sincícios [...].(AU)
Humanos , Vírus Sincicial Respiratório Humano/genética , Infecções por Vírus Respiratório Sincicial , NeutrófilosResumo
The endurance discipline has the shortest history in Bulgaria compared with other disciplines of equestrian sports. Endurance competitions are held over distances from 40 km to 160 km. The present study focused on the effect of exercise on horses over a distance of 120 km. Changes in the following hematological parameters were investigated:Leukocytes (WBC, g/l); Erythrocytes (RBC, T/l); Platelets (PLT, g/l); Hemoglobin (Hb, g/l); Hematocrit (HCT,%); Mean corpuscular volume(MCV, fl); Mean corpuscular hemoglobin(MCH, pg); Mean cell hemoglobin concentration(MCHC, g/l), Leukogram (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lym; Mon,%) as well as some electrolytes and hormone concentration. The study aimed to establish the changes in these indicators' values before and after the competition. Analysis of the haemogram showed a significant increase in the mean values of 4 of the indicators under study. No significant differences were established in MCV, MCH and MCHC. A decrease was found in the number of Lym, Eos, and Mon and a significant increase in Neu after the competition. The concentration of electrolytes (Ca, Na and K) in the blood serum decreased, and the levels of CK and LDH significantly increased.(AU)
A disciplina de resistência tem a história maiscurta na Bulgária em comparação com outras disciplinas de esportes equestres. As competições de resistência são realizadas em distâncias de 40 km a 160 km. O presente estudo focou no efeito do exercício em cavalos em uma distância de 120 km. Foram investigadas alterações nos seguintes parâmetros hematológicos: Leucócitos (g/l); Eritrócitos (T/l); Plaquetas (g/l); Hemoglobina (g/l); Hematócrito (%); Volume corpuscular médio (VCM, fl); Hemoglobina corpuscular média (HCM, pg); Concentração de hemoglobina corpuscular média(CHCM, g/l), Leucograma (Eos; Bas; Neu; Lin; Mon,%), bem como alguns eletrólitos e concentração hormonal. O estudo teve como objetivo estabelecer as mudanças nos valores desses indicadores antes e depois da competição. A análise do hemograma mostrou um aumento significativo nos valores médios de 4 dos indicadores estudados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas no VMC, HCM e CHCM. Foi encontrada uma diminuição no número de Lin, Eos e Mon e um aumento significativo em Neu após a competição. A concentração de eletrólitos (Ca, Na e K) no soro sanguíneo diminuiu e os níveis de Creatina Quinase (CK) e Lactato Desidrogenase (LDH) aumentaram significativamente.(AU)
Animais , Resistência Física/fisiologia , Cavalos/sangue , Eletrólitos/efeitos adversos , Hematologia/métodosResumo
Background: Thermography is a noninvasive, non-contact, painless, and non-ionizing imaging technique that records cutaneous thermal patterns generated by infrared emission of the surface. The surface heat is closely related to dermal microcirculation. Thromboembolism is responsible for important changes in the thermal pattern of the body surface due to physical obstruction of blood flow, being the main complication in immune-mediated hemolytic anemia. The aim of this paper is to report a dog with thrombus in his left forelimb secondary to idiopathic hemolytic anemia, whose diagnostic screening was performed through infrared thermography. Case: A 9-year-old mixed breed bitch was referred to a veterinary hospital with a history of emesis, diarrhea and dark-colored urine for 2 days. The complete blood count showed hypochromic macrocytic anemia (hematocrit [HTC] 28%, reference: 37 to 55%) with the presence of nucleated erythrocyte (14/100 leukocytes, reference: 0 to 5/100 leukocytes), polychromasia and spherocytes. Leukocytosis (28,300 mm³, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³) by neutrophilia with left deviation and toxic granulations was also present, in addition to hemoglobinuria at urine exam. Therefore, treatment for immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) was instituted. After 2 days, the animal returned with acute functional impairment of the left forelimb. Physical examination revealed that the limb was cold, without pulse, proprioception, reflexes, and deep pain. New blood analyses revealed decreased hematocrit (HTC 17%, reference: 37 to 55%), and increased total leukocyte number (57,000 mm3, reference: 6,000 to 17,000 mm³). Infrared thermography revealed an important temperature difference between the limbs, with the affected limb temperature considerably lower (31.3ºC) when compared to the contralateral limb (35.0ºC). Thermography showed the site of the thrombus in the medial portion of the limb (cephalic vein), where the catheter had been placed for fluid therapy. Due to the severity of the condition, the bitch was submitted to amputation surgery, which occurred without complications. The patient had a good response to treatment, with decreased signs of hemolysis and hypercoagulability. The medications were slowly withdrawn, and the clinical discharge occurred after 4 weeks. Discussion: In humans, thermography has been widely used in the assessment of thrombotic diseases, contributing to diagnosis, localization, and prognosis. In veterinary medicine, however, the use of this tool in the diagnosis of thromboembolism is still rare. The difference of 3.7°C between the affected and contralateral limb was objectively verified using thermography. A minimum difference of 2.4°C between limbs has high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing thromboembolism and occurs due to the reduction in local blood flow. In the present case this tool was essential for the anatomical location of the thrombus, which was in the middle third of the forearm, and allowed an adequate surgical planning. It is known that the main complication of IMHA is thromboembolism. Its predisposing factors include venous stasis, endothelial damage, and hypercoagulability, being exacerbated by cage confinement, decubitus and presence of a peripheral venous catheter. The reported case corroborates at least one of these factors since it had a peripheral venous catheter in the left forelimb, which later showed absence of pulse, spinal reflexes, pain and proprioception. The thermography showed to be an objective, rapid and non-invasive tool to diagnose and precisely locate the thrombus, which allowed for adequate treatment and surgical planning for the case. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report about use of thermography to diagnose thromboembolism secondary to immune-mediated hemolytic anemia in a dog.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tromboembolia/diagnóstico por imagem , Termografia/veterinária , Trombofilia/veterinária , Anemia Hemolítica/veterinária , Terapia de Imunossupressão/veterináriaResumo
This study evaluated the efficacy of therapeutic baths with Carapa guianensis (andiroba) oil against monogeneans of Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui), as well as the hematological and histological effects on fish. Among the fatty acids identified in C. guianensis oil, oleic acid (53.4%) and palmitic acid (28.7%) were the major compounds, and four limonoids were also identified. Therapeutic baths of 1 hour were performed for five consecutive days, and there was no fish mortality in any of the treatments. Therapeutic baths using 500 mg/L of C. guianensis oil had an anthelmintic efficacy of 91.4% against monogeneans. There was increase of total plasma protein and glucose, number of erythrocytes, thrombocytes, leukocytes, lymphocytes and number of monocytes and decrease in mean corpuscular volume. Histological changes such as epithelium detachment, hyperplasia, lamellar fusion and aneurysm were found in the gills of tambaqui from all treatments, including controls with water of culture tank and water of culture tank plus iso-propyl alcohol. Therapeutic baths with 500 mg/L of C. guianensis oil showed high efficacy and caused few physiological changes capable of compromising fish gill function. Results indicate that C. guianensis oil has an anthelmintic potential for control and treatment of infections by monogeneans in tambaqui.(AU)
Avaliou-se a eficácia de banhos terapêuticos com óleo de Carapa guianensis (andiroba) contra monogenéticos de Colossoma macropomum (tambaqui), bem como os efeitos hematológicos e histológicos. Dentre os ácidos graxos identificados no óleo de C. guianensis, ácido oleico (53,4%) e ácido palmítico (28,7%) foram os compostos majoritários, e quatro limonoides também foram identificados. Banhos terapêuticos de 1 hora foram realizados por cinco dias consecutivos, não havendo mortalidade de peixes em nenhum dos tratamentos. Banhos terapêuticos, com 500 mg/L de óleo de C. guianensis, apresentaram eficácia de 91,4% contra monogenéticos. Houve aumento dos níveis plasmáticos de proteína total e glicose, número de eritrócitos, trombócitos, leucócitos, linfócitos e número de monócitos e diminuição do volume corpuscular médio. Alterações histológicas, como descolamento do epitélio, hiperplasia, fusão lamelar e aneurisma, foram encontradas nas brânquias de tambaqui de todos os tratamentos, incluindo os controles com água do tanque de cultivo e água do tanque de cultivo + álcool isopropílico. Banhos terapêuticos com 500 mg/L de óleo de C. guianensis mostraram alta eficácia e causaram poucas alterações fisiológicas capazes de comprometer a função branquial dos peixes. Esses resultados indicam que o óleo de C. guianensis apresenta potencial anti-helmíntico para controle e tratamento de infecções causadas por monogenéticos em tambaqui.(AU)
Animais , Óleos de Plantas/efeitos adversos , Meliaceae/efeitos adversos , Caraciformes/parasitologia , Fitoterapia , Antiparasitários/análiseResumo
Purpose: Nontransmissible chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and nephropathy, affect a significant portion of the population, often treated due to injuries that require healing and regeneration. To create an experimental model of associated comorbidities, for healing and regeneration studies, protocols for induction of nephropathy by ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) and induction of DM by injection of streptozotocin (STZ) were associated. Methods: Sixty-four mice (Mus musculus), female, adult, Swiss strain, weighing approximately 20 g, were divided into four groups: G1: control (n = 24), G2: nephropathy group (N) (n = 7), G3, DM (n = 9), and G4: N+DM (n = 24). Arteriovenous stenosis (I/R) of the left kidney was performed as the first protocol. The animals received a hyperlipidemic diet for 7 days after the injection of STZ (150 mg/kg, via i.p.) and an aqueous glucose solution (10%) for 24 h. The animals in the G3 and G4 groups were observed for 14 days before receiving the diet and STZ. The evolution of nephropathy was observed using a urine test strip and the DM, through the analysis of blood glucose with a reagent strip on a digital monitor. Results: The ischemic induction protocols of nephropathy and DM with STZ, associated, were sustainable, low-cost, and without deaths. There were alterations compatible with initial renal alterations, in the first 14 days, such as increased urinary density, pH alteration, presence of glucose, proteins and leukocytes, when compared to the control group. DM was confirmed by the presence of hyperglycemia 7 days after induction and its evolution after 14 days. The animals in the G4 group showed constant weight loss when compared to the other groups. It was possible to observe morphological alterations in the kidneys submitted to I/R, regarding coloration, during surgery and after the end of the observation period, in the volume and size of the left kidney, when compared to the contralateral kidney. Conclusion: It was possible to induce nephropathy and DM associated in the same animal, in a simple way, confirmed with rapid tests, without losses, providing a basis for future studies.
Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , Nefropatias Diabéticas/fisiopatologiaResumo
Vitamins C and E are potent antioxidants that reduces the harmful effects of stress in several species including fish. In this study, it was evaluated the effect of vitamins C, E and their combination in the acute aerocystitis induced by inactivated Aeromonas hydrophila in pacu. 288 fish were distributed into 4 groups supplemented for 90 days: G1-control; G2- supplemented with 500 mg of Vitamin C; G3-supplemented with 500 mg of Vitamin E; G4-supplemented with 500 mg of Vitamin C + 500 mg of Vitamin E. The fish were divided in three groups, the first was not inoculated; second were inoculated in the swim bladder with 3 x 109 CFU of inactivated A. hydrophila and the last one with saline. The inflammatory exudate was collected from the swim bladder for assessment of cellular component and cytochemistry. The results showed higher accumulation of leukocytes in fish inoculated with bacteria. Cytochemistry was effective identifying thrombocytes, lymphocytes, macrophages and, granulocytes present in the exudate. It was also observed fish that received supplementation with vitamins presented higher accumulation of total cells in the exudate with a predominance of lymphocytes and thrombocytes. These results suggested that supplementation with vitamins improved the immunological responses.
As vitaminas C e E são potentes antioxidantes que reduzem os efeitos nocivos do estresse em várias espécies, incluindo peixes. Neste estudo, avaliou-se o efeito das vitaminas C, E e sua combinação na aerocistite aguda induzida por Aeromonas hydrophila inativada em pacu. 288 peixes foram distribuídos em 4 grupos suplementados por 90 dias: G1-controle; G2- suplementado com 500 mg de Vitamina C; G3-suplementado com 500 mg de Vitamina E; G4-suplementado com 500 mg de Vitamina C + 500 mg de Vitamina E. Os peixes foram divididos em três grupos, o primeiro não foi inoculado; o segundo foi inoculado na bexiga natatória com 3 x 109 UFC de A. hydrophila inativada e a última com soro fisiológico. O exsudato inflamatório foi coletado da bexiga natatória para avaliação do componente celular e citoquímica. Os resultados mostraram maior acúmulo de leucócitos nos peixes inoculados com a bactéria. A citoquímica foi eficaz na identificação de trombócitos, linfócitos, macrófagos e granulócitos presentes no exsudato. Também foi observado que os peixes que receberam suplementação com vitaminas apresentaram maior acúmulo de células totais no exsudato com predominância de linfócitos e trombócitos. Esses resultados sugeriram que a suplementação com vitaminas melhorou as respostas imunológicas.
Animais , Ácido Ascórbico/administração & dosagem , Vitamina E/administração & dosagem , Cistite/terapia , Sacos Aéreos/patologia , Characidae/fisiologia , Aeromonas hydrophilaResumo
This study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with Mansoa alliacea hydroalcoholic extracts on growth, blood and immune parameters of Arapaima gigas. Fish were fed for 30 days with diets enriched with 0, 4, 8, and 12 g kg-1 of M. alliacea hydroalcoholic extract and subjected to infection with Aeromonas hydrophila and handling stress. Fish fed with 8 g kg-1 of extract showed significant increase in final weight, specific growth rate and feed efficiency when compared to the other groups. Glucose, triglycerides, total proteins, and globulins increased significantly in fish fed with 8 g kg-1 of extract, whereas albumin decreased. The number of thrombocytes increased significantly with the dietary supplementation of 8 and 12 g kg-1 of extract. After the challenge with A. hydrophila and handling stress, fish fed with 8 g kg-1 of extract had significantly higher levels of glucose, globulins, and albumins, and fish fed with 8 and 12 g kg-1 of extract showed an increment of respiratory burst. Triglyceride levels dropped significantly in fish fed with 4, 8, and 12 g kg-1 of extract, whereas the number of neutrophils increased, and total thrombocytes, leukocytes and lymphocytes were higher in fish fed with 12 g kg-1 of extract. Dietary supplementation with M. alliacea extract at 8 g kg-1 was efficient in improving the growth and innate immunity of A. gigas, being potentially useful in fish farming to control the development of A. hydrophila infections.(AU)
Investigou-se os efeitos da suplementação com extrato hidroalcólico de Mansoa alliacea sobre o crescimento e parâmetros sanguíneos e imunológicos de Arapaima gigas. Os peixes foram alimentados por 30 dias com dietas enriquecidas com 0, 4, 8 e 12 g kg-1 de extrato hidroalcoólico de M. alliacea e submetidos à infecção por Aeromonas hydrophila e estresse de manejo. Os peixes alimentados com 8 g kg-1 de extrato apresentaram aumento significativo no peso final, taxa de crescimento específico e eficiência alimentar quando comparados aos demais grupos. Glicose, triglicerídeos, proteínas totais e globulinas aumentaram significativamente nos peixes alimentados com 8 g kg-1 de extrato, enquanto a albumina diminuiu. O número de trombócitos aumentou significativamente com a suplementação dietética de 8 e 12 g kg-1 de extrato. Após infecção com A. hydrophila e estresse de manejo, os peixes alimentados com 8 g kg-1 de extrato apresentaram níveis significativamente mais altos de glicose, globulinas e albuminas, e os peixes alimentados com 8 e 12 g kg-1 de extrato apresentaram incremento de explosão respiratória. Os níveis de triglicerídeos decresceram nos peixes alimentados com 4, 8 e 12 g kg-1 de extrato, enquanto o número de neutrófilos aumentou, e o número total de trombócitos, leucócitos e linfócitos foi maior nos peixes alimentados com 12 g kg-1 de extrato. A suplementação com a 8 g kg-1 de extrato de M. alliacea foi eficiente em melhorar o crescimento e a imunidade inata de A. gigas, sendo potencialmente útil na piscicultura para controlar o desenvolvimento de infecções por A. hydrophila.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Perciformes/fisiologia , Bignoniaceae/efeitos adversos , Estresse Fisiológico , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas , Aeromonas hydrophila/imunologiaResumo
and proteins. Despite the great variety of by-products and being potentially beneficial, it is not yet fully understood how the interaction between the nutrients in this product and the physiological changes in sheep occurs. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effects of supplementation levels with soy molasses under the energy metabolites and hematological parameters of sheep. The treatments consisted of 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12% of inclusion of soy molasses in the dry matter for a basal diet of corn silage, which met the nutritional needs of the sheep in maintenance, distributed in a 5 × Latin square design. 5. The energy metabolites were evaluated: cholesterol, triglycerides, very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), and fructosamine. The hematological parameters were red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrits, and platelets, in addition to leukocytes, rods, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Supplementation with soy molasses did not significantly alter (P> 0.05) the serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL, and fructosamine. There was no significant difference in the blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet concentrations of sheep with soy molasses supplementation (P> 0.05), which may indicate that the level of inclusion was sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of the animals, without damage. Leukocyte, rod, neutrophil, e
Soy molasses is a by-product of the soy industry, with low commercial cost and rich in carbohydrates and proteins. Despite the great variety of by-products and being potentially beneÞ cial, it is not fully understood how the interaction between the nutrients in this product and the physiological changes in sheep occurs. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effects of supplementation levels with soy molasses on the energy metabolites and hematological parameters of sheep. The treatments consisted of 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12% of inclusion of soy molasses in dry matter basis for a basal diet of corn silage, which met the nutritional needs of the sheep in maintenance, distributed in a 5 × 5 Latin square design. The energy metabolites evaluated were: cholesterol, triglycerides, very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), and fructosamine. The hematological parameters were: red blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrits, and platelets, in addition to leukocytes, rods, neutrophils, eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. Supplementation with soy molasses did not signiÞ cantly alter (P> 0.05) the serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, VLDL, and fructosamine. There was no signiÞ cant difference in the blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, and platelet concentrations in sheep receiving soy molasses supplementation (P> 0.05), which may indicate that the level of inclusion was
Abstract Hematological and blood biochemical reference information is important to establish physiological status of freshwater stingray populations and improve care and management protocols in artificial environments. Here, we used a commercial freshwater stingray with high mortality rates in the market (Potamotrygon magdalenae), as an example to understand how artificial environments and handling protocols influence physiological status of captive freshwater stingrays. To this purpose, blood from five adult males and six adult females was collected to perform complete blood counts and blood chemistry analyses. All sampled animals showed good body condition with no differences between sexes. Differences between sexes were only found for the differential count of lymphocytes. Red blood results were consistent with previously studied potamotrygonids while white blood results showed higher values of leukocytes, thrombocytes, heterophils and lymphocytes in P. magdalenae compared to other Potamotrygonids. All types of leukocytes described for elasmobranchs were found except neutrophils and basophils. Blood metabolites showed an influence of ex situ diet in total protein, triglycerides and cholesterol. Glucose results were consistent while urea showed lower levels than those recorded for other freshwater stingrays. These results highlight the importance of physical, physiological and health analysis in freshwater stingrays as a part of welfare assessment to improve monitoring protocols and survival rates in public or private aquaria.
Resumo A informação de referência hematológica e bioquímica do sangue é importante para estabelecer o estado fisiológico das populações de arraias de água doce e melhorar os protocolos de cuidado e manejo em ambientes artificiais. Aqui, usamos uma espécie comercial de arraia de água doce com elevadas taxas de mortalidade no mercado (Potamotrygon magdalenae) como espécie exemplo para compreender de que modo os ambientes artificiais e os protocolos de manipulação influenciam o estado fisiológico das arraias de água doce em cativeiro. Para este fim, foi coletado sangue de cinco machos adultos e seis fêmeas adultas para realizar contagens completas de células sanguíneas e análises bioquímicas de sangue. Todos os animais amostrados mostraram boa condição corpórea, sem diferenças entre os sexos. Diferenças entre os sexos foram encontradas só na contagem diferencial de linfócitos. Os resultados de células sanguíneas vermelhas foram consistentes com potamotrigonídeos previamente estudados, enquanto o leucograma revelou valores mais elevados de leucócitos, trombócitos, heterófilos e linfócitos em P. magdalenae, em comparação com outros potamotrigonídeos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Os metabólitos do sangue mostraram influência da dieta ex situ nas proteínas totais, triglicerídeos e colesterol. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos do que os registrados para outras espécies de arraias de água doce. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos em P. magdalenae. Estes resultados enfatizam a importância da análise física, fisiológica e de saúde em arraias de água doce como parte da avaliação do bem-estar para melhorar os protocolos de monitoramento e as taxas de sobrevivência em aquários públicos ou privados.
Background: Pelger-Huët anomaly (PHA) is characterized by morphological changes in all granulocytes, being more evident in neutrophils. Granulocytic function in these animals remains unchanged. Hereditary form of PHA should be differentiated from pseudo-PHA,a condition acquired from infections and/or inflammation conditions. Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since hyposegmentation of neutrophils can be confused with left shift, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The objective of this case report was to demonstrate the importance of laboratory diagnosis in PHA. Case: A 11-month-old bitch Basenji, was presented to perform preoperative evaluation for elective ovariosalpingohisterectomy at Veterinary Hospital (HUVET) of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF). Tutor reported that animal was healthy, vaccination status was current, had deworming protocol applied and had not made use of medications recently. Animal presented normophagy, normodipsia, normuria and normochezia. Upon physical examination, animal was alert consciousness level, with adequate hydration, hyperemic oral mucosa, a less than 2 s capillary perfusion time, normal lymph nodes (submandibular, pre-scapular, inguinal and popliteal), rectal temperature of 39.2°C, heart rate of 160 beats per minute and respiratory rate of 60 movements per minute, possibly due to the animal's agitated state. Abdominal palpation showed no changes. Physical examination presented no alterations. Preoperative exams included complete blood count (CBC) and biochemistry profile (ALT, AP, glucose, creatinine, urea, total proteins and fractions). Samples were sent to Hospital's Veterinary Clinical Pathology Laboratory (LABHUVET/UFF) for analysis. CBC was performed using automatic method. Blood smears were stained with hematological stain and then a cytomorphological evaluation was performed. The first CBC revealed 23% of neutrophils with nuclear hyposegmentation and 44% of neutrophils were bands. A follow up was performed after 9 months, and a Complete Blood Count was performed again in which 12% of neutrophils showed nuclear hyposegmentation with mature chromatin pattern, 40% of neutrophils were bands, 1% of meta-myelotcytes neutrophils, 1% of myelocytes neutrophils and, also, eosinophils with nuclear hyposegmentation. Animal was healthy, and had no alterations on physical examination suggesting a diagnosis of PHA. Discussion: Recognition of PHA is important to avoid misleading leukogram interpretation, since neutrophils hyposegmentation can be confused with left shift, which is considered severe with poor prognosis, making it necessary to carry out diagnostic tests and treatment for the disease that is generating the deviation. The diagnosis of PHA was considered by the shape of the leukocytes nuclei, without evidence of inflammatory disease, during the patient follow up. Therefore, this anomaly should be considered as a differential diagnosis of left shift, thus avoiding unnecessary clinical and therapeutic procedures. Guidance in face of this hereditary hematological syndrome is important. The responsible guardian of the animal must not allow it to act as a breeder in order to interrupt possible transmission of this anomaly to offspring, because there is a fatal form when it comes to homozygotes.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Anomalia de Pelger-Huët/veterinária , Leucócitos , Neutrófilos , Contagem de Células Sanguíneas/veterináriaResumo
The objective was to study the productive and biological traits of young cattle of the Kalmyk breed and its crosses. The experiment was conducted on 4 groups of steers, 10 heads each, at OAO Shurupovskoe, Frolovsky District, Volgograd Region. The experimental steers were kept in rooms separately in groups on a deep bed of straw and had free access to walking yards with mounds. The hemoglobin content and the numbers of erythrocytes and leukocytes were determined on a Medonic CA 530 hematological analyzer. The total protein in blood serum and protein fractions were found on an automatic biochemical analyzer Stat Faks 1904. The digital experimental data were processed by the variation statistics method in terms of the significance of the compared parameters using the Student's test accepted in biology and animal science. The study evidenced that the contents of morphological elements and proteins in blood reflected the metabolism and potential for crossbred steers to gain muscle mass.
O objetivo era estudar os traços produtivos e biológicos do gado jovem da raça Kalmyk e seus cruzamentos. A experiência foi conduzida em 4 grupos de bois, 10 cabeças cada, na OAO Shurupovskoe, Distrito de Frolovsky, Região de Volgograd. Os bois experimentais foram mantidos em quartos separados em grupos em uma cama de palha profunda e tiveram livre acesso a pátios de caminhada com montes. O conteúdo de hemoglobina e o número de eritrócitos e leucócitos foram determinados em um analisador hematológico Medonic CA 530. A proteína total em soro sanguíneo e frações proteicas foram encontradas em um analisador bioquímico automático Stat Faks 1904. Os dados experimentais digitais foram processados pelo método de estatística de variação em termos da significância dos parâmetros comparados usando o teste de Student aceito em biologia e ciência animal. O estudo evidenciou que o conteúdo de elementos morfológicos e proteínas no sangue refletia o metabolismo e o potencial de bois cruzados para ganhar massa muscular.
Animais , Bovinos , Hemoglobinas , Grupos Raciais , Eritrócitos , Gado , Genótipo , LeucócitosResumo
Hematological and blood biochemical reference information is important to establish physiological status of freshwater stingray populations and improve care and management protocols in artificial environments. Here, we used a commercial freshwater stingray with high mortality rates in the market (Potamotrygon magdalenae), as an example to understand how artificial environments and handling protocols influence physiological status of captive freshwater stingrays. To this purpose, blood from five adult males and six adult females was collected to perform complete blood counts and blood chemistry analyses. All sampled animals showed good body condition with no differences between sexes. Differences between sexes were only found for the differential count of lymphocytes. Red blood results were consistent with previously studied potamotrygonids while white blood results showed higher values of leukocytes, thrombocytes, heterophils and lymphocytes in P. magdalenae compared to other Potamotrygonids. All types of leukocytes described for elasmobranchs were found except neutrophils and basophils. Blood metabolites showed an influence of ex situ diet in total protein, triglycerides and cholesterol. Glucose results were consistent while urea showed lower levels than those recorded for other freshwater stingrays. These results highlight the importance of physical, physiological and health analysis in freshwater stingrays as a part of welfare assessment to improve monitoring protocols and survival rates in public or private aquaria.
A informação de referência hematológica e bioquímica do sangue é importante para estabelecer o estado fisiológico das populações de arraias de água doce e melhorar os protocolos de cuidado e manejo em ambientes artificiais. Aqui, usamos uma espécie comercial de arraia de água doce com elevadas taxas de mortalidade no mercado (Potamotrygon magdalenae) como espécie exemplo para compreender de que modo os ambientes artificiais e os protocolos de manipulação influenciam o estado fisiológico das arraias de água doce em cativeiro. Para este fim, foi coletado sangue de cinco machos adultos e seis fêmeas adultas para realizar contagens completas de células sanguíneas e análises bioquímicas de sangue. Todos os animais amostrados mostraram boa condição corpórea, sem diferenças entre os sexos. Diferenças entre os sexos foram encontradas só na contagem diferencial de linfócitos. Os resultados de células sanguíneas vermelhas foram consistentes com potamotrigonídeos previamente estudados, enquanto o leucograma revelou valores mais elevados de leucócitos, trombócitos, heterófilos e linfócitos em P. magdalenae, em comparação com outros potamotrigonídeos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Os metabólitos do sangue mostraram influência da dieta ex situ nas proteínas totais, triglicerídeos e colesterol. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos do que os registrados para outras espécies de arraias de água doce. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos em P. magdalenae. Estes resultados enfatizam a importância da análise física, fisiológica e de saúde em arraias de água doce como parte da avaliação do bem-estar para melhorar os protocolos de monitoramento e as taxas de sobrevivência em aquários públicos ou privados.
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Rajidae , Elasmobrânquios , Hematologia , Água DoceResumo
Hematological and blood biochemical reference information is important to establish physiological status of freshwater stingray populations and improve care and management protocols in artificial environments. Here, we used a commercial freshwater stingray with high mortality rates in the market (Potamotrygon magdalenae), as an example to understand how artificial environments and handling protocols influence physiological status of captive freshwater stingrays. To this purpose, blood from five adult males and six adult females was collected to perform complete blood counts and blood chemistry analyses. All sampled animals showed good body condition with no differences between sexes. Differences between sexes were only found for the differential count of lymphocytes. Red blood results were consistent with previously studied potamotrygonids while white blood results showed higher values of leukocytes, thrombocytes, heterophils and lymphocytes in P. magdalenae compared to other Potamotrygonids. All types of leukocytes described for elasmobranchs were found except neutrophils and basophils. Blood metabolites showed an influence of ex situ diet in total protein, triglycerides and cholesterol. Glucose results were consistent while urea showed lower levels than those recorded for other freshwater stingrays. These results highlight the importance of physical, physiological and health analysis in freshwater stingrays as a part of welfare assessment to improve monitoring protocols and survival rates in public or private aquaria.
A informação de referência hematológica e bioquímica do sangue é importante para estabelecer o estado fisiológico das populações de arraias de água doce e melhorar os protocolos de cuidado e manejo em ambientes artificiais. Aqui, usamos uma espécie comercial de arraia de água doce com elevadas taxas de mortalidade no mercado(Potamotrygon magdalenae) como espécie exemplo para compreender de que modo os ambientes artificiais e os protocolos de manipulação influenciam o estado fisiológico das arraias de água doce em cativeiro. Para este fim, foi coletado sangue de cinco machos adultos e seis fêmeas adultas para realizar contagens completas de células sanguíneas e análises bioquímicas de sangue. Todos os animais amostrados mostraram boa condição corpórea, sem diferenças entre os sexos. Diferenças entre os sexos foram encontradas só na contagem diferencial de linfócitos. Os resultados de células sanguíneas vermelhas foram consistentes com potamotrigonídeos previamente estudados, enquanto o leucograma revelou valores mais elevados de leucócitos, trombócitos, heterófilos e linfócitos em P. magdalenae, em comparação com outros potamotrigonídeos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Os metabólitos do sangue mostraram influência da dieta ex situ nas proteínas totais, triglicerídeos e colesterol. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos do que os registrados para outras espécies de arraias de água doce. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos em P. magdalenae. Estes resultados enfatizam a importância da análise física, fisiológica e de saúde em arraias de água doce como parte da avaliação do bem-estar para melhorar os protocolos [...].
Animais , Análise Química do Sangue/veterinária , Rajidae/fisiologia , Rajidae/sangueResumo
Hematological and blood biochemical reference information is important to establish physiological status of freshwater stingray populations and improve care and management protocols in artificial environments. Here, we used a commercial freshwater stingray with high mortality rates in the market (Potamotrygon magdalenae), as an example to understand how artificial environments and handling protocols influence physiological status of captive freshwater stingrays. To this purpose, blood from five adult males and six adult females was collected to perform complete blood counts and blood chemistry analyses. All sampled animals showed good body condition with no differences between sexes. Differences between sexes were only found for the differential count of lymphocytes. Red blood results were consistent with previously studied potamotrygonids while white blood results showed higher values of leukocytes, thrombocytes, heterophils and lymphocytes in P. magdalenae compared to other Potamotrygonids. All types of leukocytes described for elasmobranchs were found except neutrophils and basophils. Blood metabolites showed an influence of ex situ diet in total protein, triglycerides and cholesterol. Glucose results were consistent while urea showed lower levels than those recorded for other freshwater stingrays. These results highlight the importance of physical, physiological and health analysis in freshwater stingrays as a part of welfare assessment to improve monitoring protocols and survival rates in public or private aquaria.(AU)
A informação de referência hematológica e bioquímica do sangue é importante para estabelecer o estado fisiológico das populações de arraias de água doce e melhorar os protocolos de cuidado e manejo em ambientes artificiais. Aqui, usamos uma espécie comercial de arraia de água doce com elevadas taxas de mortalidade no mercado(Potamotrygon magdalenae) como espécie exemplo para compreender de que modo os ambientes artificiais e os protocolos de manipulação influenciam o estado fisiológico das arraias de água doce em cativeiro. Para este fim, foi coletado sangue de cinco machos adultos e seis fêmeas adultas para realizar contagens completas de células sanguíneas e análises bioquímicas de sangue. Todos os animais amostrados mostraram boa condição corpórea, sem diferenças entre os sexos. Diferenças entre os sexos foram encontradas só na contagem diferencial de linfócitos. Os resultados de células sanguíneas vermelhas foram consistentes com potamotrigonídeos previamente estudados, enquanto o leucograma revelou valores mais elevados de leucócitos, trombócitos, heterófilos e linfócitos em P. magdalenae, em comparação com outros potamotrigonídeos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Todos os tipos de leucócitos descritos para elasmobrânquios foram encontrados, exceto para neutrófilos e basófilos. Os metabólitos do sangue mostraram influência da dieta ex situ nas proteínas totais, triglicerídeos e colesterol. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos do que os registrados para outras espécies de arraias de água doce. Os resultados da glicose foram consistentes, enquanto a ureia mostrou níveis mais baixos em P. magdalenae. Estes resultados enfatizam a importância da análise física, fisiológica e de saúde em arraias de água doce como parte da avaliação do bem-estar para melhorar os protocolos [...].(AU)
Animais , Rajidae/sangue , Rajidae/fisiologia , Análise Química do Sangue/veterináriaResumo
Nos túbulos renais ocorre um processo de seleção do filtrado glomerular, que é formado por água, eletrólitos, glicose, ureia e uma pequena quantidade de proteína. Principalmente água, sódio e glicose serão reabsorvidos, e demais componentes do filtrado seguirão para o processo de excreção. Hemácias, leucócitos e proteínas são maiores que os poros das membranas glomerulares íntegras, e, por isso, uma urina normal quase não apresenta proteínas em seu conteúdo. Um glomérulo que permite a passagem de proteínas não está desempenhando corretamente a sua função e esses danos à barreira glomerular de filtração podem resultar em doenças renais com diversas manifestações clínicas que serão abordadas neste artigo. O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre glomerulonefrites e suas implicações em cães e gatos para uso na prática da clínica de animais de pequeno porte.(AU)
In the renal tubules there is a process of selection of the glomerular filtrate, which is formed by water, electrolytes, glucose, urea and a small amount of protein. Mostly water and sodium will be reabsorbed according to the body's request. Other components of the filtrate will go on to the excretion process. Red blood cells, leukocytes and proteins are large substances, larger than the pores of intact glomerular membranes, and therefore, normal urine has almost no proteins in its content. A glomerulus that allows the passage of proteins is not performing its function correctly, and this damage to the glomerular filtration barrier can result in kidney diseases with several clinical manifestations that will be addressed in this article. The objective of this work is to review the literature on glomerulonephritis and its implications in dogs and cats for use in small animal clinical practice.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Glomerulonefrite , Nefropatias , Túbulos RenaisResumo
Purpose: To evaluate a biofilm model of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in excisional cutaneous wound in mice. Methods: Preclinical, translational study conducted with 64 C57BL/6 mice randomly assigned to control and intervention groups. Evaluation was on days D0, D3, D5, D7 and D10 of wound making. The profile of biofilm formation and induction was evaluated using wound closure kinetics, quantitative culture, and evaluation of wounds using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Clinical evaluation was performed by liver tissue culture, weight variation, and quantification of leukocytes in peripheral blood. Analyses were performed with GraphPad Prism software. Results: Bacterial load for induction of infection with P. aeruginosa and survival of animals was 104 UFC·mL-1. In D5 (p < 0.0001) and D7 (p < 0.01), animals in the intervention group showed a delay in the healing process and had their wounds covered by necrotic tissue until D10. Statistical differences were observed in wound cultures and weight at D5 and D7 (p < 0.01). Liver cultures and leukocyte quantification showed no statistical differences. No bacteria in planktonic or biofilm form were identified by TEM. Conclusions: The findings raise questions about the understanding of the ease of formation and high occurrence of biofilm in chronic wounds.
Animais , Ratos , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Cicatrização , Ferimentos e Lesões , Biofilmes , InfecçõesResumo
Plectranthus barbatus Andrews (Lamiaceae) is widely distributed in the world and has a range of popular therapeutic indications. This work aimed to evaluate the phytochemical characterization of two leaf extracts of P. barbatus, and their antimicrobial, antineoplastic and immunomodulatory potential. After collection, herborization and obtainment of the P. barbatus aqueous extract (PBA) and acetone:water 7:3 P. barbatus organic extract (PBO), the phytochemical characterization was performed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The antimicrobial activity was performed to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against eight bacterial strains using the microdilution test and the fungus Trichophyton rubrum by disc diffusion assay and microdilution test. Cytotoxicity was assessed by MTT and trypan blue methods in normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) at concentrations ranged between 0.1 to 100 µg.mL-1 and in neoplastic cell lines Toledo, K562, DU-145 and PANC-1 at 1, 10 and 100 µg.mL-1 . Immunomodulatory activity, was evaluated by sandwich ELISA of proinflammatory cytokines at BALB/c mice splenocytes cultures supernatant. Both extracts presented flavonoids, cinnamic derivatives, steroids and ellagic acid. PBO showed bacteriostatic activity against Acinetobacter baumannii (MIC = 250 µg.mL-1) clinical isolate and PBA fungistatic activity against Trichophyton rubrum (MIC = 800 µg.mL-1). The extracts did not exhibit toxicity to PBMCs and neoplastic cells (IC50 > 100 µg.mL-1). Additionally, PBO at 100 µg.mL-1 significantly inhibited IFN-γ and IL-17A cytokines (p = 0.03). Plectranthus barbatus is a potential candidate for therapeutic use due to its low toxicity in healthy human cells and exhibits biological activities of medical interest as bacteriostatic, fungistatic and immunomodulatory.
Plectranthus barbatus Andrews (Lamiaceae) é amplamente distribuída no mundo e com uma série de indicações terapêuticas populares. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a caracterização fitoquímica de dois extratos da folha de P. barbatus e seu potencial antimicrobiano, antineoplásico e imunomodulador. Após coleta, herborização e obtenção do extrato aquoso (PBA) e acetona: água 7: 3 (orgânico) (PBO) de P. barbatus, a caracterização fitoquímica foi realizada por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE). A atividade antimicrobiana foi realizada para determinar a concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) contra oito cepas bacterianas usando o teste de microdiluição e o fungo Trichophyton rubrum por ensaio de difusão em disco e teste de microdiluição. A citotoxicidade foi avaliada por métodos MTT e azul de tripan em células normais mononucleares do sangue periférico (CMSP) em concentrações variadas entre 0,1 a 100 µg.mL-1 e nas linhagens celulares neoplásicas Toledo, K562, DU-145 e PANC-1 em 1, 10 e 100 µg.mL-1 . A atividade imunomoduladora foi avaliada por ELISA sanduíche de citocinas pró-inflamatórias em sobrenadante de culturas de esplenócitos de camundongos BALB/c. Ambos os extratos apresentaram flavonoides, derivados cinâmicos, esteróides e ácido elágico. O PBO mostrou atividade bacteriostática contra Acinetobacter baumannii (CIM = 250 µg.mL-1) e atividade fungistática do PBA contra Trichophyton rubrum (CIM = 800 µg.mL-1). Os extratos não apresentaram toxicidade para CMSP e células neoplásicas (IC50 > 100 µg.mL-1). Além disso, o PBO a 100 µg.mL-1 inibiu significativamente as citocinas IFN-γ e IL-17A (p = 0,03). Plectranthus barbatus é um candidato potencial para uso terapêutico devido à sua baixa toxicidade em células humanas saudáveis e exibe atividade de interesse médico como bacteriostática, fungistática e imunomoduladora.