O hemangiossarcoma é uma neoplasia mesenquimal maligna agressiva com elevada taxa de morbidade e de mortalidade em cães e gatos; que se desenvolve mais frequentemente em baço, fígado, coração, ossos além de poder manifestar metástases regionais. O presente relato tem por objetivo descrever um caso de um canino diagnosticado com hemangiossarcoma hepático em lobo caudado submetido a uma lobectomia total. A técnica cirúrgica consistiu na utilização da sutura de guilhotina modificada na base do lobo acometido utilizando fio de polidioxanona e, com o auxílio de um bisturi elétrico unipolar, e respeitando o distanciamento de 0,5 cm da sutura, foi realizada a lobectomia. Após a remoção do lobo, foi fixada uma esponja hemostática de colágeno na região da incisão como forma de auxílio no controle hemorrágico. Foi indicado também a realização de tratamento quimioterápico adjuvante, entretanto o tutor do animal optou pela não realização da mesma. Ainda assim, o paciente do presente relato obteve uma boa resposta ao procedimento, e o tutor ficou muito satisfeito, relatando que houve uma grande melhora na qualidade de vida do animal e que ele não sentia mais dor, voltando a ter o seu comportamento habitual.(AU)
Hemangiosarcoma is an aggressive malignant mesenchymal neoplasm with a high rate of morbidity and mortality in dogs and cats; which develops more frequently in the spleen, liver, heart, bones, in addition to being able to manifest regional metastases. The present report aims to describe a case of a canine diagnosed with hepatic hemangiosarcoma in the caudate lobe submitted to a total lobectomy. The surgical technique consisted of using a modified guillotine suture at the base of the affected lobe using polydioxanone thread and, with the aid of a unipolar electric scalpel, and respecting the distance of 0.5 cm from the suture, lobectomy was performed. After removing the lobe, a hemostatic collagen sponge was fixed in the region of the incision as an aid in hemorrhagic control. Adjuvant chemotherapy treatment was also indicated, however the animal's tutor chose not to perform it. Even so, the patient in the present report had a good response to the procedure, and the tutor was very satisfied, reporting that there was a great improvement in the animal's quality of life and that he no longer felt pain, returning to his usual behavior.(AU)
El hemangiosarcoma es una neoplasia mesenquimatosa maligna agresiva con una alta tasa de morbilidad y mortalidad en perros y gatos; la cual se desarrolla con mayor frecuencia en bazo, hígado, corazón, huesos, además de poder manifestar metástasis regionales. El presente reporte tiene como objetivo describir un caso de un canino con diagnóstico de hemangiosarcoma hepático en el lóbulo caudado sometido a una lobectomía total. La técnica quirúrgica consistió en utilizar una sutura de guillotina modificada en la base del lóbulo afectado con hilo de polidioxanona y, con la ayuda de un bisturí eléctrico unipolar, y respetando la distancia de 0,5 cm de la sutura, se realizó la lobectomía. Después de retirar el lóbulo, se fijó una esponja hemostática de colágeno en la región de la incisión como ayuda para el control hemorrágico. También se indicó tratamiento de quimioterapia adyuvante, sin embargo el tutor del animal optó por no realizarlo. Aun así, el paciente del presente reporte tuvo una buena respuesta al procedimiento, y el tutor quedó muy satisfecho, informando que hubo una gran mejoría en la calidad de vida del animal y que ya no sintió dolor, volviendo a su comportamiento habitual.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Lobectomia Temporal Anterior/métodos , Hemangiossarcoma/cirurgia , Neoplasias Hepáticas/cirurgia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Fígado/cirurgiaResumo
Background: Pulmonary bullae are thin-walled cavitary lesions within the subpleural parenchyma. They are a result of thedestruction, dilatation and coalescence of bordering alveoli and their rupture is the most common cause of pneumothoraxin dogs. Radiographic and CT imaging are excellent tools for identifying and quantifying pneumothorax. Surgical treatment is considered standard for treatment of pneumothorax consequential to pulmonary bullae. The aim of this report wasto describe a case of pneumothorax secondary to pulmonary bullae in a dog.Case: A 5-year-old male crossbreed dog, weighing 11.5 kg, was presented to the Uberabas Veterinary Hospital due to becoming easily tired in the previous 3 weeks, and its worsening in the last 2 days by presenting panting. The dogs guardiandid not witness any traumas, but informed that the animal resided with other 14 dogs and also that it frequently collidedthe thorax against the door when it came down from the bed. Physical examination showed diaphragmatic breathing,inspiratory dyspnea and stridor lung sound. Thoracocentesis revealed presence of air in the pleural cavity and pneumothorax. Radiographic images confirmed this condition. The dog stayed in the hospital and chest drains were placed. Sincethe amount of sucked air did not reduce with time and due to the emergence of subcutaneous emphysema, the dog wentthrough exploratory thoracotomy that revealed impairment of the right caudal lung lobe, proceeding to lobectomy. Thedog stayed in the hospital with chest drains until the contents of the suctions reduced significantly. With the removal ofthe drains, the dog was sent home and had a full recovery. Histopathology of the impaired lung revealed pulmonary bullae.Discussion: The dog from this report presented clinical signs consistent with pneumothorax, such as dyspnea, diaphragmaticbreathing and exercise intolerance. Radiography of the chest region revealed...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Dispneia/veterinária , Drenagem Postural/veterinária , Pneumotórax/cirurgia , Pneumotórax/veterinária , Pneumonectomia/veterinária , Toracotomia/tendênciasResumo
Background: Pulmonary neoplasia is an abnormal proliferation of cells at the lung tissue, and may be classified as primary, secondary or metastatic, and multisystemic. However, primary neoplasia is rare in canids. Additionally, neoplasms may be classified according to their biological behavior as either malignant or benign. Malignant tumors are more prevalent. The diagnosis can be difficult due to nonspecific symptoms, taking into account that some affected patients do not have symptoms at all; thus, the real incidence of the disease might remain undiagnosed on certain occasions. Therefore, we aimed to report an unprecedented successful case of lung lobectomy surgery in dogs with the aid of infrared video thermometry, which showed real-time images during the surgical procedure. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, crossbreed with Cocker Spaniel, was attended with a history of lethargy, dullness, progressive weight loss, cough, and difficulty breathing. Due to the chronic severity of the clinical signs and the normal physiological clinical examination, complementary exams were requested, such as radiography of the cervical and thoracic regions, cranial and thoracoabdominal computed tomography (TCT). The results of the exams showed the presence of a nodule mass in the right caudal pulmonary lobe which caused a lateral deviation to the left hemithorax of the cardiac silhouette. The patient underwent a surgical procedure with an approach through the thoracic region, at the height of the seventh intercostal space, and a total lobectomy was performed. Throughout the surgical procedure, video thermometry in real-time through the MART station (Metabolic Activity in Real-Time FLIR SC325®) was used to determine the viability of adjacent tissues through temperature differences measured in degrees Celsius. The surgical fragment containing the direct caudal pulmonary lobe and the mass were sent to the pathology sector for anatomopathological evaluation. An abundant papillary epithelial proliferation was visualized through microscopy, presenting areas of necrosis and inflammatory polymorphonuclear infiltrate. The nodule was diagnosed as lung papillary adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenocarcinomas consist of papillary, acinar, solid, or mixed glandular structures. They may originate from the airways, bronchial glands, or bronchoalveolar region, and often show invasive growth presenting a rudimentary and irregular shape. The clinical signs are non-specific, including exercise intolerance, non-productive cough, chronic respiratory signs such as tachypnoea or dyspnea, reduced appetite, weight loss, lethargy, chest palpation pain, hemothorax, pneumothorax, and pleural effusion. The diagnosis is concluded through imaging diagnostic tests, of which chest radiography is the most important, followed by magnetic resonance and computed tomography. Also, histopathological examination is essential to determine a definitive diagnosis. The treatment of choice for adenocarcinoma nodules is a surgical excision of the tumor mass. However, the type of surgical approach is determined by different factors such as size, location, and involvement of adjacent structures. The ablation of pulmonary masses may be performed either via partial or total lobectomies. Nevertheless, partial lobectomy is more often performed on non-neoplastic masses or to obtain material for biopsy, whilst total lobectomy is recommended for a malignant neoplasm removal. The prognosis is always guarded, having a more favorable outcome in masses of the smaller diameter without the involvement of adjacent structures.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Termografia/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/diagnóstico por imagem , Cirurgia Vídeoassistida/métodosResumo
O presente trabalho relata um caso de pneumotórax espontâneo primário decorrente de bolha pulmonar em um cão. O paciente, fêmea, sem raça definida (SRD), de 25 kg e com dez anos de idade foi atendido com quadro de taquipneia e histórico de pneumotórax recorrente, a radiografia torácica confirmou o pneumotórax e a tomografia computadorizada realizada antes e após a toracocentese emergencial confirmou a presença de bolha pulmonar no lobo cranial esquerdo. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado com lobectomia parcial por toracotomia intercostal que, apesar de restrições, permitiu menor tempo cirúrgico e menor trauma. No acompanhamento pós-operatório de dez dias o paciente teve recuperação completa, sem complicações ou recidivas do quadro.
The present study reports a case of spontaneous primary pneumothorax due to a pulmonary bubble in a dog. The patient, female, without defined race (SRD), 25 kg and 10 years old, was treated with tachypnea and a history of recurrent pneumothorax, the chest radiography confirmed the pneumothorax and computed tomography performed before and after emergency thoracentesis confirmed the presence of a pulmonary bubble in the left cranial lobe. The surgical treatment was performed with partial lobectomy by intercostal thoracotomy, which is spite of some restrictions, allowed less surgical time and minor trauma. In the 10-day postoperative follow-up, the patient had complete recovery, without complications or recurrence of the condition.
Animais , Cães , Cães , Pneumotórax/classificação , Pneumotórax/diagnóstico , Pneumotórax/veterinária , TomografiaResumo
O presente trabalho relata um caso de pneumotórax espontâneo primário decorrente de bolha pulmonar em um cão. O paciente, fêmea, sem raça definida (SRD), de 25 kg e com dez anos de idade foi atendido com quadro de taquipneia e histórico de pneumotórax recorrente, a radiografia torácica confirmou o pneumotórax e a tomografia computadorizada realizada antes e após a toracocentese emergencial confirmou a presença de bolha pulmonar no lobo cranial esquerdo. O tratamento cirúrgico foi realizado com lobectomia parcial por toracotomia intercostal que, apesar de restrições, permitiu menor tempo cirúrgico e menor trauma. No acompanhamento pós-operatório de dez dias o paciente teve recuperação completa, sem complicações ou recidivas do quadro.(AU)
The present study reports a case of spontaneous primary pneumothorax due to a pulmonary bubble in a dog. The patient, female, without defined race (SRD), 25 kg and 10 years old, was treated with tachypnea and a history of recurrent pneumothorax, the chest radiography confirmed the pneumothorax and computed tomography performed before and after emergency thoracentesis confirmed the presence of a pulmonary bubble in the left cranial lobe. The surgical treatment was performed with partial lobectomy by intercostal thoracotomy, which is spite of some restrictions, allowed less surgical time and minor trauma. In the 10-day postoperative follow-up, the patient had complete recovery, without complications or recurrence of the condition.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Pneumotórax/classificação , Pneumotórax/diagnóstico , Pneumotórax/veterinária , Cães , TomografiaResumo
Background: Cholangiocarcinoma is an epithelial cell malignancy arising at various locations within the biliary tree. Primary liver tumors can be classified morphologically as solid, when a single large tumor involves only one liver lobe; nodular, when multiple tumors are located in different liver lobes; diffuse, when either multifocal nodular changes occur in different liver lobes or when diffuse changes occur throughout the liver. Surgery is the treatment of choice for these tumors because there is no established, effective chemotherapy protocol. This paper reports on the management of a dog with diffuse cholangiocarcinoma.Case: A 13-year-old female, castrated Pinscher, weighting 6 kg, was admitted at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with clinical signs of abdominal distension and dyspnea that had started one month ago. The patient had been subjected to total unilateral mastectomy to remove an adenocarcinoma. At clinical examination, the animal presented anemia, an area of silence during pulmonary auscultation on the right hemithorax, and hepatomegaly. Because of the chronicity and nonspecific signs, additional tests were requested. Abdominal ultrasound exam showed hepatomegaly with irregular echotexture; cavity areas scattered throughout the organ, especially by the right medial lob; discrete presence of free abdominal fluid. Thoracic radiography showed increased radiopacity in the medial and caudal right hemithorax, suggesting metastasis. Laboratory tests included a complete blood count (normocytic mycrocytic anemia), an albumin count (27.49 g/L), an alanine amino-transferase test (77.40 U/L), an alkaline phosphatase test (284.94 U/L), a creatinine test (0.81 mg/dL), a conjugated bilirubin test (0.1 mg/dL), a not conjugated bilirubin test (0.1 mg/dL), and a total bilirubin test (0.2 mg/dL). After blood transfusion, a hepatic lobectomy was performed.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Adulto , Cães , Colangiocarcinoma/cirurgia , Colangiocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Colangiocarcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias dos Ductos Biliares/veterinária , Hepatectomia/métodos , Hepatectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cholangiocarcinoma is an epithelial cell malignancy arising at various locations within the biliary tree. Primary liver tumors can be classified morphologically as solid, when a single large tumor involves only one liver lobe; nodular, when multiple tumors are located in different liver lobes; diffuse, when either multifocal nodular changes occur in different liver lobes or when diffuse changes occur throughout the liver. Surgery is the treatment of choice for these tumors because there is no established, effective chemotherapy protocol. This paper reports on the management of a dog with diffuse cholangiocarcinoma.Case: A 13-year-old female, castrated Pinscher, weighting 6 kg, was admitted at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) with clinical signs of abdominal distension and dyspnea that had started one month ago. The patient had been subjected to total unilateral mastectomy to remove an adenocarcinoma. At clinical examination, the animal presented anemia, an area of silence during pulmonary auscultation on the right hemithorax, and hepatomegaly. Because of the chronicity and nonspecific signs, additional tests were requested. Abdominal ultrasound exam showed hepatomegaly with irregular echotexture; cavity areas scattered throughout the organ, especially by the right medial lob; discrete presence of free abdominal fluid. Thoracic radiography showed increased radiopacity in the medial and caudal right hemithorax, suggesting metastasis. Laboratory tests included a complete blood count (normocytic mycrocytic anemia), an albumin count (27.49 g/L), an alanine amino-transferase test (77.40 U/L), an alkaline phosphatase test (284.94 U/L), a creatinine test (0.81 mg/dL), a conjugated bilirubin test (0.1 mg/dL), a not conjugated bilirubin test (0.1 mg/dL), and a total bilirubin test (0.2 mg/dL). After blood transfusion, a hepatic lobectomy was performed.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Adulto , Cães , Colangiocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Colangiocarcinoma/cirurgia , Colangiocarcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias dos Ductos Biliares/veterinária , Hepatectomia/métodos , Hepatectomia/veterináriaResumo
A anatomia biliar em cães foi avaliada por tomografia computadorizada, com reconstrução digital e corrosão do parênquima hepático, a fim de encontrar correlação entre os diferentes calibres das vias biliares intrahepaticas do cão. Através de ensaio pré-clínico, com cinco fígados caninos de cadáveres doadores, em um grupo homogêneo de estudo. Os fígados foram submetidos à aquisição tomográfica ex-vivo e ex-situ, de imagens digitais, submetidas a reprocessamento, com exclusão do parênquima hepático e realce das vias biliares por meio de contraste. As imagens obtidas serviram para aferição das vias biliares, de maneira hierarquizada, em quatro níveis. Os calibres das vias biliares foram correlacionados pelo teste de Newmann-Keuls, com p<0,005; que revelou significância estatística entre os diferentes graus hierárquicos das vias biliares; e mais frequente ao comparar vias proximais com distais. Os resultados encontrados servem de substrato para o emprego de acessos cirúrgicos glissonianos, nas cirurgias hepáticas dos caninos.
The biliary anatomy of dogs was assessed by Computerized Tomography scan, with digital reconstruction and corrosion of the liver parenchyma, in order to find correlation between the different gauges of the intrahepatic bile ducts of dogs. Through a pre-clinical trial, with five canine livers from cadaveric donors, in a homogeneous group. Tomographic acquired digital images of ex vivo and ex-situ, where submitted to reprocessing, subtracting the liver parenchyma and enhancing bile ducts by means of contrast. The images served to measure the bile ducts, in a hierarchical manner, on four levels. Bile duct gauges were then correlated by the Newmann-Keuls test, with p<0.005; which revealed statistical significance between the different hierarchical levels of the bile ducts; it is more frequent when comparing proximal and distal bile ducts. The results found, are substrate for the use of glissonian surgical accesses in canine liver surgeries.
Uma das causas de dispneia e alterações respiratórias em cães é a torção de lobo pulmonar. Tal afecção caracteriza-se pela torção do hilo broncovascular de um ou mais lobos pulmonares sobre o próprio eixo, levando à perda de função daquele lobo, além de diversas alterações metabólicas e fisiológicas que podem levar à necrose. Os sinais clínicos advêm principalmente da atelectasia, da congestão venosa e da efusão pleural que se forma em decorrência da torção. O diagnóstico é realizado por meio de radiografia torácica e/ou tomografia computadorizada, e, em alguns casos, por toracotomia exploratória. Essa afecção apresenta bom prognóstico se resolvida a causa principal por meio de lobectomia pulmonar. O presente trabalho relata um caso de torção de lobo pulmonar cranial em uma cadela de dezessete anos, idade atípica, cuja recuperação pós-operatória excedeu às expectativas(AU)
Lung lobe torsion is one of the causes of dyspnea and respiratory changes in dogs. Twisting of the bronchovascular hilum on its axis, leads to loss of function and metabolic and physiological changes that result in necrosis of the affected lobe. Atelectasis, venous congestion, and pleural effusion secondary to the lobe torsion are responsible for the clinical signs. Chest radiographs or CT scan are used to confirm the diagnosis. In rare cases confirmation is done by exploratory thoracotomy. The prognosis is good after removal of the affected lung lobe. We report a case of left cranial lung lobe torsion in a 17-year-old bitch, successfully treated by lung lobectomy.(AU)
Una de las causas de disnea y alteraciones respiratorias en perros es la torsión de un lóbulo pulmonar. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por la torsión del hilio broncovascular sobre su eje de uno o más lóbulos pulmonares, que provoca una pérdida de función del lóbulo afectado, además de otros tipos de alteraciones metabólicas y fisiológicas que pueden llevar a la necrosis. Los signos clínicos están relacionados, principalmente, con cuadros de atelectasia, de congestión venosa y de efusión pleural que se producen como consecuencia de la torsión. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante radiografías de tórax o tomografia computarizada, y en algunos casos, mediante una toracotomía exploratoria. Estos cuadros presentan buen pronóstico mediante la lobectomía del lóbulo afectado. El presente trabajo relata un caso de torsión del lóbulo pulmonar craneal en una perra de diecisiete años, una edad poco frecuente, cuya recuperación postoperatoria excedió las expectativas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cães/lesões , Torção Mecânica , Dispneia/veterinária , Radiografia TorácicaResumo
Uma das causas de dispneia e alterações respiratórias em cães é a torção de lobo pulmonar. Tal afecção caracteriza-se pela torção do hilo broncovascular de um ou mais lobos pulmonares sobre o próprio eixo, levando à perda de função daquele lobo, além de diversas alterações metabólicas e fisiológicas que podem levar à necrose. Os sinais clínicos advêm principalmente da atelectasia, da congestão venosa e da efusão pleural que se forma em decorrência da torção. O diagnóstico é realizado por meio de radiografia torácica e/ou tomografia computadorizada, e, em alguns casos, por toracotomia exploratória. Essa afecção apresenta bom prognóstico se resolvida a causa principal por meio de lobectomia pulmonar. O presente trabalho relata um caso de torção de lobo pulmonar cranial em uma cadela de dezessete anos, idade atípica, cuja recuperação pós-operatória excedeu às expectativas
Lung lobe torsion is one of the causes of dyspnea and respiratory changes in dogs. Twisting of the bronchovascular hilum on its axis, leads to loss of function and metabolic and physiological changes that result in necrosis of the affected lobe. Atelectasis, venous congestion, and pleural effusion secondary to the lobe torsion are responsible for the clinical signs. Chest radiographs or CT scan are used to confirm the diagnosis. In rare cases confirmation is done by exploratory thoracotomy. The prognosis is good after removal of the affected lung lobe. We report a case of left cranial lung lobe torsion in a 17-year-old bitch, successfully treated by lung lobectomy.
Una de las causas de disnea y alteraciones respiratorias en perros es la torsión de un lóbulo pulmonar. Esta enfermedad se caracteriza por la torsión del hilio broncovascular sobre su eje de uno o más lóbulos pulmonares, que provoca una pérdida de función del lóbulo afectado, además de otros tipos de alteraciones metabólicas y fisiológicas que pueden llevar a la necrosis. Los signos clínicos están relacionados, principalmente, con cuadros de atelectasia, de congestión venosa y de efusión pleural que se producen como consecuencia de la torsión. El diagnóstico se realiza mediante radiografías de tórax o tomografia computarizada, y en algunos casos, mediante una toracotomía exploratoria. Estos cuadros presentan buen pronóstico mediante la lobectomía del lóbulo afectado. El presente trabajo relata un caso de torsión del lóbulo pulmonar craneal en una perra de diecisiete años, una edad poco frecuente, cuya recuperación postoperatoria excedió las expectativas.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cães/lesões , Dispneia/veterinária , Torção Mecânica , Radiografia TorácicaResumo
Background: Primary pulmonary neoplasms are uncommon in dogs. The thoracotomy for resection of rib procedure is performed still little in the national territory in small animal medicine and may in some cases of large tumors the best indication. In this context, the aim of this study was to report the clinical, pathological and histological features, as well to describe the pulmonary lobectomy with rib resection as a therapeutic option for a big pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma in a dog. Case: A Sixteen-years-old female dachshund dog was referred had a history of cough for about two months. In physical examination expiratory dyspnea, abdominal breathing and muffled lung sounds (mainly in the left lower lung field) was observed. In the chest radiograph a radiopaque structure (9.5 x 7.5 cm) was visualized in the left lower lobe and the trachea was shifted to the right. Front to the findings, the animal was referred for thoracotomy with rib resection to lobectomy of the left lower lobe. In surgery, was performed incision skin/musculocutaneous parallel to the seventh left rib extending from the proximity of the costovertebral articulation to the sternum. After incision and dissection of the muscle layer, the periosteum of the seventh rib was incised on the lateral surface of the middle rib. Then sectioned rib with shear and periosteum together with the parietal pleura with the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Toracotomia/veterinária , Pneumonectomia/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma Papilar/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma Papilar/veterinária , Cirurgia Torácica/métodos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Primary pulmonary neoplasms are uncommon in dogs. The thoracotomy for resection of rib procedure is performed still little in the national territory in small animal medicine and may in some cases of large tumors the best indication. In this context, the aim of this study was to report the clinical, pathological and histological features, as well to describe the pulmonary lobectomy with rib resection as a therapeutic option for a big pulmonary papillary adenocarcinoma in a dog. Case: A Sixteen-years-old female dachshund dog was referred had a history of cough for about two months. In physical examination expiratory dyspnea, abdominal breathing and muffled lung sounds (mainly in the left lower lung field) was observed. In the chest radiograph a radiopaque structure (9.5 x 7.5 cm) was visualized in the left lower lobe and the trachea was shifted to the right. Front to the findings, the animal was referred for thoracotomy with rib resection to lobectomy of the left lower lobe. In surgery, was performed incision skin/musculocutaneous parallel to the seventh left rib extending from the proximity of the costovertebral articulation to the sternum. After incision and dissection of the muscle layer, the periosteum of the seventh rib was incised on the lateral surface of the middle rib. Then sectioned rib with shear and periosteum together with the parietal pleura with the...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Adenocarcinoma Papilar/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma Papilar/veterinária , Cirurgia Torácica/métodos , Pneumonectomia/veterinária , Toracotomia/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Most of the primary pulmonary tumors in dogs are malignant and from epithelial origin, being bronchioalveolar tumors more prevalent. Adenocarcinoma of clear cells, however, is a very rare pulmonary tumor and its origin is still unknown. It is related to several clinical abnormalities, including hypertrophic osteopathy, an unusual paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by a periosteal reaction along the shaft of long bones. Because of the unusual presentation of the pulmonary adenocarcinoma, the aim of this study was to describe the radiographic, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings of a dog afflicted with hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to an undifferentiated pulmonary adenocarcinoma of clear cells. Case: A 12-year-old, 45 kg, not castrated male Great Dane dog was presented with painful swelling of all four limbs and moderate respiratory distress. Radiographic examination and computed tomography of the limbs showed palisade-like periosteal bone proliferation involving radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metacarpal, metatarsal and digits, suggesting hypertrophic osteopathy. Radiographic examination and computed tomography of the lungs also showed a round mass well delimited localized in the right diaphragmatic lobe. A lobectomy of the right diaphragmatic lobe and partial lobectomy of accessory lobe were performed. A poorly different...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Adenocarcinoma de Células Claras/complicações , Adenocarcinoma de Células Claras/veterinária , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Secundária/veterinária , Doenças Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Most of the primary pulmonary tumors in dogs are malignant and from epithelial origin, being bronchioalveolar tumors more prevalent. Adenocarcinoma of clear cells, however, is a very rare pulmonary tumor and its origin is still unknown. It is related to several clinical abnormalities, including hypertrophic osteopathy, an unusual paraneoplastic syndrome characterized by a periosteal reaction along the shaft of long bones. Because of the unusual presentation of the pulmonary adenocarcinoma, the aim of this study was to describe the radiographic, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings of a dog afflicted with hypertrophic osteopathy secondary to an undifferentiated pulmonary adenocarcinoma of clear cells. Case: A 12-year-old, 45 kg, not castrated male Great Dane dog was presented with painful swelling of all four limbs and moderate respiratory distress. Radiographic examination and computed tomography of the limbs showed palisade-like periosteal bone proliferation involving radius, ulna, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metacarpal, metatarsal and digits, suggesting hypertrophic osteopathy. Radiographic examination and computed tomography of the lungs also showed a round mass well delimited localized in the right diaphragmatic lobe. A lobectomy of the right diaphragmatic lobe and partial lobectomy of accessory lobe were performed. A poorly different...
Animais , Cães , Adenocarcinoma de Células Claras/complicações , Adenocarcinoma de Células Claras/veterinária , Osteoartropatia Hipertrófica Secundária/veterinária , Doenças Ósseas/veterináriaResumo
O fígado, o maior tecido glandular do organismo, pode ser acometido por afecções localizadas, como neoplasias, abscessos e torção do lobo, onde é indicada a hepatectomia parcial ou a lobectomia. Nesse experimento, avaliou-se a aplicabilidade e segurança de uma forma modificada da técnica de sutura em guilhotina para a lobectomia hepática completa em gatos. Foram utilizados 13 gatos adultos jovens, sem raça definida, machos e clinicamente saudáveis. Empregou-se a técnica de sutura em guilhotina de forma modificada na base do lobo hepático lateral esquerdo, promovendo a hemostasia do órgão por meio de esmagamento dos tecidos. No período pós-operatório, foram avaliados diversos parâmetros clínicos por 10 dias consecutivos e aos 11 dias após a cirurgia realizou-se avaliação ultrassonográfica. Neste período, os parâmetros clínicos avaliados permaneceram dentro dos limites fisiológicos, demonstrando ausência de complicações importantes decorrentes da cirurgia. Na modificação da técnica de guilhotina utilizada, dividiu-se a base do lobo hepático em três segmentos, permitindo que a sutura promovesse um adequado esmagamento do tecido hepático e ligadura satisfatória dos vasos sanguíneos e ductos biliares, não sendo observada hemorragia ou ascite nos exames clínicos e ultrassonográficos. Aos 11 dias após a lobectomia, os fígados apresentavam-se ultrassonograficamente normais com pequena área de hiperecogenicidade no local da ligadura, sugestiva de tecido cicatricial. A técnica de sutura em guilhotina modificada foi considerada segura e com mínima morbidade para a lobectomia hepática em gatos.
The liver, the largest glandular tissue of the body, can be affected by localized conditions, such as neoplasia, abscesses and lobe torsion, which is indicated partial hepatectomy or lobectomy. In this experiment, it was evaluated the applicability and safety of a modified form of guillotine ligature method for the complete hepatic lobectomy in cats. Thirteen adult male mixed and clinically healthy cats were used. The modified guillotine ligature method was used in the base of the left lateral lobe of the liver, promoting the hemostasis of the organ by crushing the tissues. At postoperative period, several clinical parameters were appraised during 10 days, and 11 days after the surgery the ultrasonographic evaluation was made. The evaluated clinical parameters stayed within the physiologic limits, showing the absence of important complications due to surgery. In the modified guillotine method the base of the hepatic lobe was divided in three segments, allowing the ligature to crush through the hepatic parenchyma. As the ligature tears the hepatic tissue, blood vessels and biliary ducts were adequately ligated, and no hemorrhage or ascites was observed in the clinical and ultrasonographic exams. At 11 days after the lobectomy, the livers appear ultrasonographicaly normal with small hiperechogenic area in the place of the ligatures, suggesting cicatricial tissue. The modified guillotine ligature method was considered safety and with low morbidity for the hepatic lobectomy in cats.
Masculino , Animais , Adulto , Gatos , Cirurgia Veterinária/métodos , Hepatectomia , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Técnicas de Pesquisa , Hepatectomia/veterináriaResumo
O fígado, o maior tecido glandular do organismo, pode ser acometido por afecções localizadas, como neoplasias, abscessos e torção do lobo, onde é indicada a hepatectomia parcial ou a lobectomia. Nesse experimento, avaliou-se a aplicabilidade e segurança de uma forma modificada da técnica de sutura em guilhotina para a lobectomia hepática completa em gatos. Foram utilizados 13 gatos adultos jovens, sem raça definida, machos e clinicamente saudáveis. Empregou-se a técnica de sutura em guilhotina de forma modificada na base do lobo hepático lateral esquerdo, promovendo a hemostasia do órgão por meio de esmagamento dos tecidos. No período pós-operatório, foram avaliados diversos parâmetros clínicos por 10 dias consecutivos e aos 11 dias após a cirurgia realizou-se avaliação ultrassonográfica. Neste período, os parâmetros clínicos avaliados permaneceram dentro dos limites fisiológicos, demonstrando ausência de complicações importantes decorrentes da cirurgia. Na modificação da técnica de guilhotina utilizada, dividiu-se a base do lobo hepático em três segmentos, permitindo que a sutura promovesse um adequado esmagamento do tecido hepático e ligadura satisfatória dos vasos sanguíneos e ductos biliares, não sendo observada hemorragia ou ascite nos exames clínicos e ultrassonográficos. Aos 11 dias após a lobectomia, os fígados apresentavam-se ultrassonograficamente normais com pequena área de hiperecogenicidade no local da ligadura, sugestiva de tecido cicatricial. A técnica de sutura em guilhotina modificada foi considerada segura e com mínima morbidade para a lobectomia hepática em gatos.(AU)
The liver, the largest glandular tissue of the body, can be affected by localized conditions, such as neoplasia, abscesses and lobe torsion, which is indicated partial hepatectomy or lobectomy. In this experiment, it was evaluated the applicability and safety of a modified form of guillotine ligature method for the complete hepatic lobectomy in cats. Thirteen adult male mixed and clinically healthy cats were used. The modified guillotine ligature method was used in the base of the left lateral lobe of the liver, promoting the hemostasis of the organ by crushing the tissues. At postoperative period, several clinical parameters were appraised during 10 days, and 11 days after the surgery the ultrasonographic evaluation was made. The evaluated clinical parameters stayed within the physiologic limits, showing the absence of important complications due to surgery. In the modified guillotine method the base of the hepatic lobe was divided in three segments, allowing the ligature to crush through the hepatic parenchyma. As the ligature tears the hepatic tissue, blood vessels and biliary ducts were adequately ligated, and no hemorrhage or ascites was observed in the clinical and ultrasonographic exams. At 11 days after the lobectomy, the livers appear ultrasonographicaly normal with small hiperechogenic area in the place of the ligatures, suggesting cicatricial tissue. The modified guillotine ligature method was considered safety and with low morbidity for the hepatic lobectomy in cats.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Adulto , Gatos , Técnicas de Pesquisa , Cirurgia Veterinária/métodos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos , Instrumentos Cirúrgicos/veterinária , Hepatectomia , Hepatectomia/veterináriaResumo
O propósito das ressecções pulmonares em cães e gatos, quer sejam por lobectomia ou pneumonectomia, é a cura ou paliação de processos broncopulmonares sempre que os meios conservadores de tratamento clínico sejam considerados ineficientes. Tendo em vista as significativas alterações resultantes da pneumonectomia, novos estudos experimentais devem ser feitos para avaliar as vantagens dessa intervenção cirúrgica e determinar a maneira como aplicá-la com segurança. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar as alterações eletrocardiográficas em dez cães adultos de ambos os sexos, sem raça definida, com 10-30 kg, submetidos à pneumonectomia direita. Foram avaliados diariamente os parâmetros clínicos de cada cão e as alterações em todas as derivações do eletrocardiograma. Todos os cães apresentaram um bom desenlace pós-operatório. Apenas um cão apresentou alteração de relevância clínica, um caso de complexos ventriculares prematuros, possivelmente decorrente da parada cardiorrespiratória, que foi revertido com sucesso. Houve diminuição da amplitude dos complexos QRS nos primeiros 14 dias, retornado ao normal após 60 dias de pós-operatório.(AU)
The purpose for using lobectomy or pneumonectomy in dogs and cats, is to cure or palliate of bronchopulmonary diseases whenever conservative clinical treatment proves ineffective. Considering the marked changes caused by pneumonectomy, new experimental studies have to be done to assess the advantages of this surgical intervention allow its performance without any risk. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the electrocardiographic alterations in ten adult mongrel dogs of both sexes with between 10 and 30 Kg that were submitted to right pneumonectomy. The clinical parameters of the dogs were evaluated in a daily basis and the alterations in every electrocardiogram derivation were recorded. All dogs presented a good post-operative outcome. In most cases there were no electrocardiographic alterations; when these alterations were observed they were of no clinical significance and included premature ventricular complexes in one dog, most likely resulting from a cardiorespiratory arrest that was reverted to successfully, and a decreased width in the QRS complex amplitude on the first 0-14 days post surgery which returned to normal after sixty days post surgery.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Pneumonectomia/métodos , Parada Cardíaca , Eletrocardiografia/métodosResumo
A tree year old female Cocker Spaniel was admitted, hitted by a car. The patient presented progressive hypotension, epistaxis, fast and weak pulse, capillary refill time (CRT) of 4 seconds and progressive dispnea. An infusion with lactated ringer (90ml/kg/h IV) and oxygen therapy were started. The thoracocentesis revealed massive hemopneumothorax in both sides of the chest, and one thoracic drain was inserted in each hemithorax. Peripherical pulse became untouchable indicating severe blood pressure fall, and the patient got unconscious. In this way, was decided to perform an emergency thoracotomy by a transesternal resection on the fifth intercostal space, and a pulmonary lobectomy was than executed. The patient had a good recovery and at this moment she is healthy.
Este trabalho visou à ressecção de fragmento dorsocaudal do lobo pulmonar caudal esquerdo com o auxílio de sutura mecânica por via toracoscópica. Foram utilizados 10 eqüinos clinicamente sadios, os quais foram sedados e mantidos em estação. O procedimento foi realizado no hemitórax esquerdo, por três acessos previamente programados: o primeiro acesso foi no 12º espaço intercostal (EIC), o segundo no 14º, 15º ou 16º EIC e o terceiro no 14º ou 15º EIC, conforme a necessidade de posicionamento dos instrumentos. Em todos os animais foi possível controlar o pneumotórax, sendo observada evolução clínica satisfatória durante o período pós-operatório, exceto em um animal. Os resultados obtidos indicam que, por meio da videotoracoscopia, pode-se realizar ressecção pulmonar parcial com uso de sutura mecânica em eqüinos e seu emprego na rotina hospitalar poderá contribuir para melhor compreensão e controle de enfermidades sediadas na cavidade torácica.(AU)
In this study, a dorsocaudal portion resection of the left caudal lung lobe was performed using an endoscopic stapler by thoracoscopic procedure. Ten healthy horses, eight males and two females were evaluated by clinical examination and submitted to the surgical procedure. The animals were sedated and maintained in standing position. The procedure was done in the left hemitorax using three access previously studied: the first portal was done at the 12th intercostal space (IS); the second one at the 14th, 15th, or 16th IS; and the third one at the 14th or 15th IS, in accordance with the necessity of positioning the instruments. The employed surgical technique seemed to be adequate in all animals, since it helped controlling the existing pneumothorax; furthermore, clinical recovery during the postoperative period was satisfactory, except for one animal. These results suggest that thoracoscopic may successfully be employed for partial lung resection in horses, using endoscopic staplers, and its practical use may contribute to the knowledge and resolution of thoracic diseases.(AU)
Animais , Toracoscopia/métodos , Pneumonectomia/métodos , Técnicas de Sutura/veterinária , Pulmão/cirurgia , EquidaeResumo
A osteopatia hipertrófica é uma afecção pouco frequente na rotina do médico veterinário, entretanto devido ao seu caráter insidioso, requer sempre um estudo pormenorizado sobre os diversos aspectos inerentes a esta doença. Seu tratamento tem variado de acordo com a apresentação clínica e gravidade da doença. Nosso objetivo foi relatar dois casos de ostepoatia hipertrófica na rotina e o tratamento utilizado. O primeiro caso ocorreu em um cão sem raça definida, que apresentava membro anterior esquerdo amputado. Na avaliação radiográfica foi encontrada uma neoformação periosteal, simétrica em toda extensão dos membros, sendo mais intensa nos ossos da porção distal. O exame radiográfico revelou presença de massa em lobo esquerdo cranial, segmento caudal. Foi realizado o procedimento de lobectomia total do lobo cranial esquerdo segmento caudal. Este animal apresenta-se sem qualquer alteração clínica. Já o segundo animal manifestava aumento de volume em região de terceiro metacarpo do membro esquerdo.Anteriormente já havia sido atendido com quadro respiratório grave compatível com bronquite. A radiografia pulmonar revelou padrão bronco- intersticial generalizado, leve a moderado. E a radiografia do membro, imagem compatível com a de osteopatia. O animal foi submetido a tratamento clínico com corticóide e apresentou melhora clínica duas semanas após o início do tratamento. Até o presente momento a imagem radiográfica pulmonar não apresentou melhora significativa, porém a do membro evidencia regressão das neoformações. Clinicamente o animal se apresenta estável.AU
The hypertrophic osteopathy is an uncommon disorder in routine veterinarian, however due to the insidious character, always requires a detailed study of the various aspects involved in this disease. His treatmenthas varied according to the clinical presentation and severity of disease. Our goalepo was to report two cases of hypertrophic ostepoatia and treatment in routine use. The first case occurred in a mixed breed dog, which had left front leg amputated. In the radiographic evaluation found a periosteal new formation, symmetric across limb extension, being more intense in the bones of the distal portion. Radiographic examination revealed the presence of a mass in the left lobe cranial, caudal segment. We carried out the procedure of lobectomy total left cranial lobe caudal segment. This animal is presented without any clinical change. The second beast manifested swelling in the region of the third metacarpal of the left limb. Previously had been met with severe respiratory compatible with bronchitis. Radiography revealed a pulmonary interstitial broncho generalized, mild to moderate. And the limb radiography, image compatible with osteopathy. The animal underwent medical treatment with corticosteroids and showed clinical improvement two weeks after beginning treatment. So far the radiographic lung showed no significant improvement, but the evidence of regression of neoformations member. Clinically the animal appears stable.AU