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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub.433-2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458197


Background: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been increasingly used to hasten healing of tendonitis and desmitis, allowinghorse athletes to go back to practicing sports in a shorter period of time. However, its use has rarely been reported in thetreatment of desmitis of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint (CL-DIP), which is based on the useof horseshoes and rest for at least six months. This paper describes the use of PRP as an aid in the treatment of CL-DIPin a horse athlete.Case: A male Criollo horse, 450 kg, about 15-year-old, used for paleteada. The animal had a month-long history of lameness, and a visual inspection revealed an increase in volume in the lateral dorsal region of the limb proximal to the coronaryband of the hoof. A specific examination of the locomotive system showed Grade III, Category 5 claudication, which became evident the beginning of the exercise and ceased after a short period. A radiographic evaluation of the distal phalanxrevealed no clinically relevant changes. Therefore, and in view of the location of the increased volume, an ultrasound scanwas performed, which showed an image compatible with an extensive hematoma in the region underlying the periopliccorium, while the CL-DIP presented swelling with large areas of hypoechogenicity. Considering the findings of the image,the physical examination and the history of the horse, desmitis of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal jointwas diagnosed. The treatment plan consisted of rest, application of a therapeutic horseshoe, and infiltration of the lesionwith platelet-rich plasma (PRP). First, however, warm compresses were applied to reduce the swelling. The PRP wasobtained by collecting whole blood from the external jugular vein, subjecting it to double centrifugation, and separatingthe supernatant blood plasma. The end product was applied to the lesion by ultrasound-guided infiltration. The horseshoewas a model...

Animais , Articulação do Dedo do Pé/patologia , Cicatrização , Doenças Desmielinizantes/veterinária , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 47(suppl.1): Pub. 433, Oct. 25, 2019. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-25724


Background: Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been increasingly used to hasten healing of tendonitis and desmitis, allowinghorse athletes to go back to practicing sports in a shorter period of time. However, its use has rarely been reported in thetreatment of desmitis of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal joint (CL-DIP), which is based on the useof horseshoes and rest for at least six months. This paper describes the use of PRP as an aid in the treatment of CL-DIPin a horse athlete.Case: A male Criollo horse, 450 kg, about 15-year-old, used for paleteada. The animal had a month-long history of lameness, and a visual inspection revealed an increase in volume in the lateral dorsal region of the limb proximal to the coronaryband of the hoof. A specific examination of the locomotive system showed Grade III, Category 5 claudication, which became evident the beginning of the exercise and ceased after a short period. A radiographic evaluation of the distal phalanxrevealed no clinically relevant changes. Therefore, and in view of the location of the increased volume, an ultrasound scanwas performed, which showed an image compatible with an extensive hematoma in the region underlying the periopliccorium, while the CL-DIP presented swelling with large areas of hypoechogenicity. Considering the findings of the image,the physical examination and the history of the horse, desmitis of the collateral ligaments of the distal interphalangeal jointwas diagnosed. The treatment plan consisted of rest, application of a therapeutic horseshoe, and infiltration of the lesionwith platelet-rich plasma (PRP). First, however, warm compresses were applied to reduce the swelling. The PRP wasobtained by collecting whole blood from the external jugular vein, subjecting it to double centrifugation, and separatingthe supernatant blood plasma. The end product was applied to the lesion by ultrasound-guided infiltration. The horseshoewas a model...(AU)

Animais , Plasma Rico em Plaquetas , Doenças Desmielinizantes/veterinária , Articulação do Dedo do Pé/patologia , Cicatrização , Regeneração Tecidual Guiada/veterinária
Semina Ci. agr. ; 40(1): 239-248, Jan.-Feb. 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19377


Foot lesions are one of the main causes of productivity losses in the dairy industry. In this study, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of claudication and distribution of hoof lesions by associating them with preventive hoof trimming, as well as list the main causes of involuntary discarding and the main health problems reported in dairy farms. The study included 10 farms distributed in 7 municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul state. The body condition score (BCS) and locomotion score (LS) of the cows were assessed. Hoof examination, lesion classification, and hoof trimming of the animals were performed. Of the 492 animals, 38.4% presented lameness and 36% had foot lesions, 81.4% of which were observed in the pelvic limbs and 19.6% in the thoracic limbs. Of the lesions in the limbs, 47.1% were of infectious origin and 52.9% were noninfectious. The main lesions were sole ulcers (31.6%), digital dermatitis (30.3%), thin soles (12%), and interdigital dermatitis (11.2%). Cows aged 4 to 6 years had a higher number of lesions and a higher LS. Preventive hoof trimming reduced the chances of lameness by 55% as the locomotive system was the main sanitary problem and the first reason for involuntary disposal of the farms. The results show that dairy cows raised in a free stall system have a high prevalence of claudication and foot diseases. These data should be taken into account when altering the livestock management of these animals in order to reduce significant economic losses in the herd.(AU)

As lesões podais são uma das principais causas de perdas de produtividade na indústria leiteira. Neste estudo, tivemos como objetivo estimar a prevalência de claudicação e distribuição de lesões de casco associando-as com a realização de casqueamento preventivo, assim como elencar as principais causas de descarte involuntário e de principais problemas sanitários relatados nas propriedades. Foram incluídas no estudo 10 propriedades, distribuídas em 7 municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. As vacas foram examinadas quanto ao seu escore de condição corporal (ECC) e escore de locomoção (EL). Foram realizados os exames de casco, a classificação das lesões e o casqueamento dos animais. Dos 492 animais, 38,4% apresentaram claudicação e 36% possuíam lesões podais, sendo 81,4% delas observadas nos membros pélvicos e 19,6% nos membros torácicos. Das lesões nos membros, 47,1% foram de origem infecciosa e 52,9% não infecciosa. As principais lesões diagnosticadas foram úlcera de sola (31,6%), dermatite digital (30,3%), sola delgada (12%) e dermatite interdigital (11,2%). As vacas com idade entre 4 e 6 anos apresentaram maior concentração de lesões e maior grau de EL. O casqueamento preventivo reduziu em 55% as chances de claudicação, assim como o sistema locomotor foi o principal problema sanitário e primeiro motivo de descarte involuntário das propriedades. Os resultados obtidos revelam que vacas leiteiras criadas em sistema free stall apresentam uma alta prevalência de claudicação e de afecções podais. Esses dados devem ser levados em consideração quando da alteração do manejo de criação destes animais, visando a reduzir as expressivas perdas econômicas no rebanho.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Casco e Garras/lesões , Traumatismos do Pé/prevenção & controle , Traumatismos do Pé/veterinária , Casco e Garras/patologia , Coxeadura Animal , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46: Pub.1601-2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457891


Background: Brown-throated sloths are mammals of the order Xenarthra, suborder Pilosa, family Bradypodidae. These folivorous and arboreal animals, which possess a peculiar type of arboreal quadrupedalism, move through the forest canopy by means of suspensory locomotion. On the ground, their extremely slow movements make them easy targets for road accidents, often leading to serious injury or even death. This paper describes the forelimb muscles of the brown-throated sloth (Bradypus variegatus), updating the literature on the subject to help veterinarians in clinical and surgical interventions on this species, and to provide data for comparative animal anatomy.Materials, Methods & Results: Five brown-throated sloths (Bradypus variegatus Schinz, 1825), two adults and three babies were dissected. The animals were donated by the Arruda Câmara Zoo and Botanical Park in João Pessoa, state of Paraíba, Brazil, where they were thawed and fixed in 10% formalin. The sloths’ forelimbs were dissected by lifting and folding over a skin flap to expose, identify and describe the underlying musculature. The dissection revealed the following muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoideus, teres major, subscapularis, coracobrachialis, brachialis, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, anconeus epitrochlearis, dorsoepitrochlearis, brachioradialis, supinator, pronator teres, pronator quadratus, extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi obliquus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum communis, extensor digitorum lateralis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, extensor indicis longus second finger, extensor indicis brevis second finger, extensor digitorum third finger, abductor digitorum second finger, abductor digitorum third finger, palmaris brevis, and interosseous muscles.[...]

Animais , Bichos-Preguiça , Extremidade Superior/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46: Pub. 1601, 2018. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-735399


Background: Brown-throated sloths are mammals of the order Xenarthra, suborder Pilosa, family Bradypodidae. These folivorous and arboreal animals, which possess a peculiar type of arboreal quadrupedalism, move through the forest canopy by means of suspensory locomotion. On the ground, their extremely slow movements make them easy targets for road accidents, often leading to serious injury or even death. This paper describes the forelimb muscles of the brown-throated sloth (Bradypus variegatus), updating the literature on the subject to help veterinarians in clinical and surgical interventions on this species, and to provide data for comparative animal anatomy.Materials, Methods & Results: Five brown-throated sloths (Bradypus variegatus Schinz, 1825), two adults and three babies were dissected. The animals were donated by the Arruda Câmara Zoo and Botanical Park in João Pessoa, state of Paraíba, Brazil, where they were thawed and fixed in 10% formalin. The sloths forelimbs were dissected by lifting and folding over a skin flap to expose, identify and describe the underlying musculature. The dissection revealed the following muscles: supraspinatus, infraspinatus, deltoideus, teres major, subscapularis, coracobrachialis, brachialis, biceps brachii, triceps brachii, anconeus epitrochlearis, dorsoepitrochlearis, brachioradialis, supinator, pronator teres, pronator quadratus, extensor carpi radialis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi obliquus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, extensor digitorum communis, extensor digitorum lateralis, palmaris longus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor digitorum profundus, extensor indicis longus second finger, extensor indicis brevis second finger, extensor digitorum third finger, abductor digitorum second finger, abductor digitorum third finger, palmaris brevis, and interosseous muscles.[...](AU)

Animais , Bichos-Preguiça , Extremidade Superior/anatomia & histologia , Músculo Esquelético/anatomia & histologia
Tese em Português | VETTESES | ID: vtt-212741


A avicultura de corte é caracterizada pelos ciclos de produção muito curtos, com rápido crescimento dos frangos. Em contrapartida, essa característica se reflete na composição mineral dos ossos e cartilagens, estando inaptos para sustentar seu peso, resultando em queda no desempenho e na produtividade, além de prejudicar o bem-estar animal. A hipótese dessa pesquisa foi de que os distúrbios ósseos causam prejuízo ao desenvolvimento do frango de corte e a qualidade de sua carcaça, e esses problemas começam a surgir com o aumento exponencial do ganho de peso. O objetivo desse trabalho foi correlacionar as metodologias de avaliação de bem-estar em frangos de corte por meio da capacidade de manter-se em pé em caixas plásticas (versão adaptada do latency to lie) e caminhar no trajeto em um metro linear (gait score), delineando a idade e o peso que se iniciam os distúrbios locomotores. Somado a isso, foi verificado a incidência de miopatia dorsal cranial, pododermatite e distúrbios locomotores nas aves. Para tanto, foram utilizadas 1000 aves da linhagem Cobb® Slow, adquiridas de um incubatório comercial, com 1 dia de idade, e alojadas em um sistema totalmente automatizado com ventilação em pressão negativa, utilização de exaustores e painéis evaporativos de celulose. Para este estudo, não houve tratamento, delineamento e repetição, assim, avaliou-se os animais em condições semelhantes às comerciais de criação. O bem-estar foi avaliado por dois métodos distintos, o gait score e o latency to lie e, posteriormente, estes métodos foram comparados e correlacionados. As aves foram pesadas semanalmente, para verificação da curva de ganho de peso e posterior correlação com as avaliações de bem-estar. Verificou-se que a dificuldade de locomoção teve início aos 14 dias de idade dos frangos de corte, e estes, tiveram menor ganho de peso. Enquanto as aves que ganharam mais peso no decorrer das semanas, desenvolveram distúrbios locomotores na fase final de produção. Quanto ao gait score e latency to lie, notou-se que são métodos que podem ser usados concomitantemente ou independentes para avaliação do bem-estar. A avaliação do caminhar permitiu concluir que o estímulo sonoro melhorou a velocidade das aves e que o medo causado por esse estímulo se sobressai ao desconforto causado pelos distúrbios locomotores. E em relação às demais características avaliadas houve correlações entre si, porém, pode-se inferir a redução da incidência de discondroplasia tibial e degeneração femoral.

Poultry farming is characterized by very short production cycles, with rapid growth of chickens. In contrast, this characteristic is reflect in the mineral composition of bones and cartilage, being unable to sustain their weight, resulting in a drop in performance and productivity, as well as impairing animal welfare. The hypothesis of this research was that the bone problems cause damage to the development of the broiler chicken and the quality of its carcass, and these problems begin to appear with the exponential increase of the weight gain. The objective of this study was to correlate welfare methodologies in broiler chickens through the ability to stand in plastic boxes (adapted version of latency to lie) and walk on a linear meter (gait score), delineating the age and weight that locomotion problems begin. In addition, the incidence of dorsal cranial myopathy, pododermatitis and locomotion problems in birds was verified. For this purpose, 1000 birds of the Cobb® Slow lineage were used, acquired from a commercial hatchery, at 1 day of age, housed in a fully automated system with negative pressure ventilation, use of hoods and evaporative cellulose panels. For this study, there was no treatment, delineation and repetition, thus, the animals were evaluated under conditions similar to commercial ones. The welfare was evaluated by two distinct methods, gait score and latency to lie, and later these methods were compared and correlated. The birds were weighed weekly, in order to verify the weight gain curve and later correlation with the welfare assessments. It was verified that the difficulty of locomotion began at the 14 days of age of the broilers, and these, had lower weight gain. While the birds that gained more weight over the weeks, they developed locomotion disorders in the final stage of production. As for gait score and latency to lie, it has been noted that these are methods that can be used concomitantly or independently for well-being assessment. The evaluation of the walking allowed to conclude that the sound stimulus improved the speed of the birds and that the fear caused by this stimulus excels to the discomfort caused by the locomotive problems. In relation to the other characteristics evaluated there were correlations between them, however, it can be inferred the reduction of the incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia and femoral degeneration.

Pesqui. vet. bras ; 32(10): 1001-1004, Oct. 2012. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-3799


Corrective shoeing is a method commonly used to alter the locomotion pattern in animals or as therapy for various disorders of the locomotive system of horses. However, to date, there have been no scientific studies discussing the period during which animals adapt to this type of intervention. The goal of this study was to evaluate the horseshoe adaptation period with the toe or heel elevated by six degrees at 0, 48, and 96 hours after each type of shoeing. For this analysis, the horses were recorded while walking on a treadmill. Stride length and gait qualitative analyzes were performed using Dvideow software. The level of significance adopted was 5%. In the present study, there was no significant difference between the evaluation times; elevating the toe or heel by six degrees do not generates discomfort during locomotion, therefore, horses are able to return to a regular exercise or training routine immediately after shoeing.(AU)

O ferrageamento corretivo é um método comumente ma Dvideow. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. No utilizado para alterar o padrão do andamento dos animais, presente estudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os assim como na terapêutica de diversas afecções do siste-dias avaliados, a elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões ma locomotor dos equinos. No entanto, não existem, até não gerou desconforto durante a passada, portanto, os ani o momento, estudos científicos que revelem o período de mais podem retornar às atividades regulares de exercício e adaptação do andamento dos animais a este tipo de in-treinamento imediatamente após o ferrageamento. tervenção.O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o período de adaptação à ferraduras com elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões em equinos caminhando em esteira rolante. O período de adaptação à ferradura foi avaliado nos tempos 0, 48 e 96 horas após cada tipo de ferrageamento proposto. Os animais foram gravados caminhando em esteira rolante. O comprimento da passada e a análise qualitativa do andamento foram realizados com o auxílio do programa Dvideow. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. No presente estudo, não houve diferença significativa entre os dias avaliados, a elevação em seis graus da pinça ou talões não gerou desconforto durante a passada, portanto, os animais podem retornar às atividades regulares de exercício e treinamento imediatamente após o ferrageamento.(AU)

Animais , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Coxeadura Animal/fisiopatologia , Condicionamento Físico Animal/métodos , Locomoção/fisiologia , Terapia por Exercício/veterinária
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 40(1): 239-248, 2019. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501329


Foot lesions are one of the main causes of productivity losses in the dairy industry. In this study, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of claudication and distribution of hoof lesions by associating them with preventive hoof trimming, as well as list the main causes of involuntary discarding and the main health problems reported in dairy farms. The study included 10 farms distributed in 7 municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul state. The body condition score (BCS) and locomotion score (LS) of the cows were assessed. Hoof examination, lesion classification, and hoof trimming of the animals were performed. Of the 492 animals, 38.4% presented lameness and 36% had foot lesions, 81.4% of which were observed in the pelvic limbs and 19.6% in the thoracic limbs. Of the lesions in the limbs, 47.1% were of infectious origin and 52.9% were noninfectious. The main lesions were sole ulcers (31.6%), digital dermatitis (30.3%), thin soles (12%), and interdigital dermatitis (11.2%). Cows aged 4 to 6 years had a higher number of lesions and a higher LS. Preventive hoof trimming reduced the chances of lameness by 55% as the locomotive system was the main sanitary problem and the first reason for involuntary disposal of the farms. The results show that dairy cows raised in a free stall system have a high prevalence of claudication and foot diseases. These data should be taken into account when altering the livestock management of these animals in order to reduce significant economic losses in the herd.

As lesões podais são uma das principais causas de perdas de produtividade na indústria leiteira. Neste estudo, tivemos como objetivo estimar a prevalência de claudicação e distribuição de lesões de casco associando-as com a realização de casqueamento preventivo, assim como elencar as principais causas de descarte involuntário e de principais problemas sanitários relatados nas propriedades. Foram incluídas no estudo 10 propriedades, distribuídas em 7 municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. As vacas foram examinadas quanto ao seu escore de condição corporal (ECC) e escore de locomoção (EL). Foram realizados os exames de casco, a classificação das lesões e o casqueamento dos animais. Dos 492 animais, 38,4% apresentaram claudicação e 36% possuíam lesões podais, sendo 81,4% delas observadas nos membros pélvicos e 19,6% nos membros torácicos. Das lesões nos membros, 47,1% foram de origem infecciosa e 52,9% não infecciosa. As principais lesões diagnosticadas foram úlcera de sola (31,6%), dermatite digital (30,3%), sola delgada (12%) e dermatite interdigital (11,2%). As vacas com idade entre 4 e 6 anos apresentaram maior concentração de lesões e maior grau de EL. O casqueamento preventivo reduziu em 55% as chances de claudicação, assim como o sistema locomotor foi o principal problema sanitário e primeiro motivo de descarte involuntário das propriedades. Os resultados obtidos revelam que vacas leiteiras criadas em sistema free stall apresentam uma alta prevalência de claudicação e de afecções podais. Esses dados devem ser levados em consideração quando da alteração do manejo de criação destes animais, visando a reduzir as expressivas perdas econômicas no rebanho.

Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Casco e Garras/lesões , Casco e Garras/patologia , Coxeadura Animal , Traumatismos do Pé/prevenção & controle , Traumatismos do Pé/veterinária , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos , Ferimentos e Lesões/veterinária