Renal hypoplasia is incomplete development of the kidneys, in which fewer than normal numbers of nephrons are present at birth. This report is the first of these conditions in mustelids. A female adult giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), ex situ, presented clinically an unusual behavior with prostration, anorexia, hiding in the shelter, ataxia, paraparesis, and death in a clinical course of one day. At the postmortem exam, the left kidney was markedly enlarged and pale and the right kidney was severely reduced and had mild to moderate capsular thickening. Histologically, the left kidney had mineralization, proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and a mild neutrophilic infiltrate. The right kidney presented a reduced number of glomeruli, tubular atrophy and an increase in fibrous connective tissue, which were findings compatible with congenital kidney hypoplasia. Due the clinical condition of the animal, gross and microscopic findings, the cause of death was established as kidney failure induced by renal hypoplasia.(AU)
Animais , Lontras , Rim/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , BrasilResumo
As malformações ou defeitos congênitos são alterações estruturais ou funcionais de órgãos e estruturas presentes ao nascimento. Essas alterações têm um grande impacto sobre a mortalidade e viabilidade neonatal e nem sempre são investigadas a fundo. O presente estudo descreve a incidência de malformações congênitas em cães neonatos provenientes de canis da cidade de Belo Horizonte e região metropolitana Minas Gerais, Brasil. No total, foram avaliadas 170 ninhadas com 745 neonatos e as malformações foram presentes em 21% (36/170) delas. Dos 745 neonatos, 6,4% (48/745) possuíam algum tipo de defeito congênito. Foram descritos 13 tipos de malformações, registradas em 50% (6/12) das 12 raças avaliadas. Das matrizes, 6% (11/170) apresentavam infecção por hemoparasitas, 2% (3/170) possuíam dermatopatias não diagnosticadas e 3% (5/170) estavam com suspeita de hemoparasitoses, mas não foram testadas. A exposição materna a agentes teratogênicos aconteceu em 3,5% (6/170) dos casos. Todos os casos de malformações foram diagnosticados em cães de raças puras, fortalecendo a hipótese de causas genéticas.(AU)
Congenital malformations or defects are functional or structural alterations of organs and structures present at birth. These abnormalities have a major impact on neonatal mortality and viability and aren't always thoroughly investigated. The present study described the incidence of congenital malformations in canine neonates originated from kennels from Belo Horizonte and metropolitan region Minas Gerais, Brazil. In total, 170 litters with 745 neonates were evaluated and malformations were observed in 21% (36/170) of them. From 745 evaluated neonates, 6% (48/745) had one or more congenital defects. 13 types of malformations were described, registered in 50¨% (6/12) of the 12 evaluated breeds. 6% (11/170) of the bitches were infected by hemoparasites, 2% (3/170) had undiagnosed skin diseases and 3% (5/170) had suspicion of hemoparasitosis but weren't tested. Maternal exposure to teratogenic agents happened in 3,5% (6/170) of the cases. All malformation cases happened in pure dog breeds, strengthening the hypothesis of genetic origins.(AU)
Animais , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cães , Animais Recém-Nascidos/anormalidades , BrasilResumo
The aim of this report is to describe a presumptive diagnosis of spina bifida in a mixed breed dog, due to previous diagnostic inconsistencies. Spina bifida is an uncommon congenital anomaly characterized by poor bone formation due to incomplete closure orthe absence of the dorsal arch of the vertebral structure during the process of embryogenesis. Animals with this condition may have difficulties in the locomotion process, which constantly threatens the quality and survival of those affected. Spina bifidacan present itself in four different forms and degrees. A 5-month-old mixed breed dog was assisted at a veterinary clinic in Conselheiro Lafaiete/MG with difficulties in the locomotion process and previous diagnostic inconsistencies in other veterinary services. On physical examination, he had kyphosis in the thoracic region and decreased proprioceptive capacity in the hind limbs. After radiographs were taken, morphological thoracic alterations were observed in the segment between the T5 to T9 vertebrae, with duplicated spinous processes and a decrease in the dimensions of the intervertebral space. The radiographic examination suggested presumptive evidence of thoracic spina bifida due to the unavailability of the tutor to perform more sensitive exams such as tomography and magnetic resonance. Therefore, drugs for pain and neuropathic control such as gabapentin and pregabalin were prescribed, at different times, until new recommendations, which have shown therapeutic efficacy to the patient. Currently, the patient uses a wheelchair adapted for locomotion due to the loss of movement of the hind limbs, in addition to weekly physical therapy follow-up and acupuncture sessions.(AU)
O objetivo do presente relato é descrever um diagnóstico presuntivo de espinha bífida em um cão sem raça definida, mediante inconsistências diagnósticas prévias. A espinha bífida é uma anomalia congênita incomum, caracterizada pela má formação óssea mediante o fechamento incompleto ou a inexistência do arco dorsal da estrutura vertebral durante o processo de embriogênese. Os animais portadores dessa condição podem apresentar principalmentedificuldades no processo de locomoção, o que ameaça constantemente a qualidade e a sobrevida dos afetados. A espinha bífida pode se apresentar de quatro diferentes formas e em graus variados. Um cão sem raça definida de 5 meses foi atendido em uma clínicaveterinária em Conselheiro Lafaeite/MG com dificuldades no processo de locomoção e inconsistências diagnósticas prévias em outros serviços veterinários. No exame físico, ele apresentava cifose em região torácica e diminuição da capacidade proprioceptiva nos membros posteriores. Após a realização de radiografias, foram observadas alterações morfológicas torácicas no segmento entre as vértebras T5 a T9, com processos espinhosos duplicados e decréscimo nas dimensões do espaço intervertebral. O exame radiográfico sugeriu evidências presuntivas de espinha bífida torácica, em virtude da indisponibilidade financeira da tutora para a realização de exames mais sensíveis como tomografia e ressonância. Diante dos sinais clínicos e exames apresentados, prescreveu-se fármacos para controle álgico e neuropático como gabapentina e pregabalina, em momentos distintos, até novas recomendações, sendo que estes demonstraram eficácia terapêutica ao paciente. Atualmente, o paciente faz uso de cadeirinha adaptada para locomoção devido à perda da movimentação dos membros posteriores, além do acompanhamento fisioterápico semanal e sessões de acupuntura.(AU)
El objetivo de este informe es describir un diagnóstico presuntivo de espina bífida en un perro sin raza definida, debido a inconsistencias diagnósticas previas. La espina bífida es una anomalía congénita poco frecuente caracterizada por una mala formación ósea debido a un cierre incompleto o la ausencia del arco dorsal de la estructura vertebral durante el proceso de embriogénesis. Los animales con esta condición pueden tener dificultades en el proceso de locomoción, lo que amenaza constantemente la calidad y supervivencia de los afectados. La espina bífida puede presentarse en cuatro formas diferentes y en diversos grados. Un perro mestizo de 5 meses de edad fue atendido en una clínica veterinaria en Conselheiro Lafaiete/MG con dificultades en el proceso de locomoción e inconsistencias diagnósticas previas en otros servicios veterinarios. Al examen físico presentaba cifosis en región torácica y disminución de la capacidad propioceptiva en miembros posteriores. Después de la toma de radiografías, se observaron alteraciones morfológicas torácicas en el segmento entre las vértebras T5 a T9, con procesos espinosos duplicados y disminución de las dimensiones del espacio intervertebral. El examen radiográfico sugirió evidencia presuntiva de espina bífida torácica debido a la falta de disponibilidad del tutor para realizar exámenes más sensibles como tomografía y resonancia magnética. Por ello, fármacos para el control del dolor y neuropático como la gabapentina y la pregabalina fueron prescritos, en diferentes momentos, hasta nuevas recomendaciones, que han demostrado eficacia terapéutica al paciente. Actualmente el paciente utiliza una silla de ruedas adaptada para la locomoción debido a la pérdida de movimiento de los miembros posteriores, además de seguimiento semanal de fisioterapia y sesiones de acupuntura.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Anormalidades Congênitas/diagnóstico , Disrafismo Espinal/diagnóstico , Cães/anormalidades , Osteogênese/fisiologiaResumo
This study describes a corrective procedure for a metatarsal angular malformation using wedge ostectomy in a 41-day-old Thoroughbred filly. A 41.6 °angular malformation of the metatarsus was corrected with wedge ostectomy of the left hindlimb in association with a type II external fixator and methyl methacrylate resin. The animal was subjected to the surgical procedure under general anesthesia. The filly was placed in dorsal recumbency with the left hind limb free for manipulation. A bone saw was used for the wedge ostectomy, while the bars for external fixation were placed using a drill. A Kirschner pin and acrylic resin were then applied. Radiographic images obtained immediately after surgery confirmed a total malformation reduction of 32.6 (from 41.6° to 9°). With medication and a Robert Jones bandage, intensive postoperative care was instituted to ensure that the animal adapted properly to the linear external fixator without overloading the pins and connection bars. No postoperative complications were observed. On the day after surgery, the filly was standing and walking with no signs of pain. After 180 days, total osseous calcification was achieved, and the implants were removed during the second surgery. The filly demonstrated adequate locomotion, performed all the movements, and ran without any difficulty in the paddock. The remaining discrete angular deviations were partially corrected using hoof trimming.
O objetivo desse estudo é descrever o procedimento de correção da malformação de desvio angular metatársico, utilizando ostectomia em cunha, em uma potra puro-sangue de 41 dias de idade. Uma malformação metatársica angular de 41.6º foi corrigida com a técnica de ostectomia em cunha, em associação com fixador externo tipo II e resina de metilmetacrilato, no membro pélvico esquerdo. O animal foi submetido à cirurgia sob protocolo de anestesia geral. A potra foi posicionada em decúbito dorsal, com o membro pélvico esquerdo livre para manipulação. Para a realização da ostectomia em cunha, foi utilizada uma serra óssea. Para a instalação das barras do fixador externo, uma furadeira foi utilizada e, para fixá-los, pinos de Kirschner e resina acrílica foram aplicados. Logo após a cirurgia, imagens radiográficas foram obtidas para confirmar a redução total de 32,6º (de 41,6º para 9º) de angulação. Para garantir que o animal se adaptasse ao fixador externo linear e não sobrecarregasse os pinos e barras, foram instituídos cuidados pós-operatórios intensos, com medicações e bandagem de Robert Jones. Não houve complicações no pós-operatório. No dia seguinte à cirurgia, a potra estava em pé, caminhando e sem sinais de dor. Após 180 dias, alcançou total calcificação óssea e os implantes puderam ser removidos em um segundo tempo cirúrgico. A potra demonstrou locomoção adequada, realizando todos os movimentos normais e pôde correr pelo pasto sem dificuldades. Um discreto desvio angular remanescente foi parcialmente corrigido por casqueamento.
Animais , Deformidades do Pé/veterinária , Metatarso/cirurgia , Doenças dos CavalosResumo
A ultrassonografia é um dos principais métodos de diagnóstico gestacional, no qual se realiza: biometria, monitoramento de batimentos e organogênese, detecção de anormalidades e avaliação da circulação sanguínea materno-fetal. Nesse quesito, o diagnóstico ultrassonográfico intrauterino de anormalidades fetais vem adquirindo espaço com o desenvolvimento de equipamentos mais avançados, tendo potencial para se tornar uma ferramenta de triagem para tal. Baseado na escassez observada nesse aspecto, visa-se relatar o diagnóstico ultrassonográfico intrauterino de uma alteração fetal em uma felina gestante. Foi atendida uma felina da raça persa, 3 anos, com histórico de monta natural há 40 dias. Na ultrassonografia visibilizou-se quatro fetos vivos com aproximadamente 38 dias. Uma segunda avaliação ultrassonográfica ocorreu após 12 dias, notando-se um feto com cardiomegalia, oscilação da frequência cardíaca e sofrimento fetal, enquanto os demais fetos apresentavam-se dentro da normalidade. O terceiro exame foi feito após quatro dias, visibilizando ausência de batimento cardíaco e presença de líquido em espaço pleural no feto em questão, confirmando o óbito. O parto natural ocorreu após uma semana, com nascimento de três filhotes vivos e um natimorto. Ao exame necroscópico do natimorto, confirmou-se cardiomegalia generalizada. Conclui-se que a ultrassonografia é um método padrão-ouro para diagnóstico de anormalidades fetais, permitindo planejar o parto e interceder de maneira precoce conforme a situação. Assim, esse trabalho enriquece a literatura com maiores informações relacionadas a malformações fetais observadas antes do parto, contribuindo assim com as condutas obstétricas em pequenos animais.(AU)
Ultrasonography is one of the main methods of gestational diagnosis, in which it performs: biometry, monitoring of beats and organogenesis, detection of abnormalities and evaluation of maternal-fetal blood circulation. In this regard, intrauterine sonographic diagnosis of fetal abnormalities has been gaining space with the development of more advanced equipment, and has the potential to become a screening tool for this purpose. Based on the scarcity observed in this aspect, this study aimsto report the intrauterine ultrasound diagnosis of a fetal abnormality in a pregnant feline. The patient was a 3-year-old Persian female with a history of natural mounting for 40 days. At ultrasonography, four live fetuses were visualized at approximately38 days of age. Asecond ultrasonographic evaluation was performed after 12 days, and one fetus with cardiomegaly, heart rate oscillation and fetal distress was observed, while the other fetuses were within normal limits. The third scan was performed after four days, showing absence of heartbeat and presence of fluid in the pleural space in the fetus in question, confirming the death. Natural delivery occurred after one week, with the birth of three live pups and one stillborn. At necroscopic examination of the stillborn, generalized cardiomegaly was confirmed. We conclude that ultrasonography is a gold standard method for diagnosing fetal abnormalities, allowing birth planning and early intervention according to the situation. Thus, this study enriches theliterature with more information related to fetal malformations observed before delivery, thus contributing to obstetric management in small animals.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/veterinária , Gatos , Ultrassonografia Pré-Natal/métodos , Cardiomegalia Induzida por Exercícios/fisiologia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterináriaResumo
Atrial septal aneurysm (ASA) is a rare congenital deformity of variable clinical relevance, often reported in association with patent foramen ovale (PFO). Transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (TTE) is the first choice for diagnosis, but complementary techniques, such as microbubble contrast, should be used. Despite its importance, in Veterinary Medicine, there is little information related to the subject, and the present study is the second report of this condition in dogs. The objective was to report a case of ASA type IV LR associated with PFO in a Shar Pei bitch, diagnosed by a combined approach of transthoracic echocardiography backed by agitated saline solution (microbubbles). During clinical care, the owners reported episodes of seizures as their main complaint. Echocardiographic examination revealed a type 4 LR atrial septal aneurysm and left ventricular systolic dysfunction. The use of microbubble contrast showed right-to-left shunt, confirming PFO. The recommended treatment was medication. It was concluded that the rarity of ASA in dogs may be due to incomplete diagnoses and the transthoracic echocardiographic examination allows its analysis and classification. Furthermore, ASA can be found in animals with or without evidence of heart disease and it should be investigated in patients with neurological alterations.
O aneurisma do septo atrial (ASA) é uma rara deformidade congênita, de relevância clínica variável, frequentemente relatado em associação a forame oval patente (PFO). O ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico (TTE) é a primeira escolha para o diagnóstico, mas técnicas complementares, como o contraste por microbolhas, devem ser utilizadas. Apesar da importância, em medicina veterinária existe uma carência de informações relacionadas ao tema, sendo esse o segundo relato dessa condição em cão. Objetivou-se relatar um caso de ASA tipo IV LR, associado a PFO, em uma cadela Shar Pei, diagnosticado por uma abordagem combinada por ecodopplercardiograma transtorácico e costrastado com solução salina agitada (microbolhas). Ao atendimento clínico, os proprietários relataram, como queixa principal, episódios de crises convulsivas. O exame ecocardiográfico revelou aneurisma de septo atrial tipo 4 LR e disfunção sistólica em ventriculo esquerdo. A utilização de contraste por microbolhas constatou shunt direita-esquerda, confirmando PFO. O tratamento recomendado foi medicamentoso. Concluiu-se que a raridade do ASA em cães pode ser devido a diagnósticos incompletos, e o exame ecocardiográfico transtorácico permite sua análise e classificação. Ainda, ASA pode ser encontrado em animais com ou sem evidências de cardiopatia e sua investigação deve ser feita em pacientes com alterações neurológicas.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Forame Oval Patente/veterinária , Aneurisma Cardíaco/veterinária , Cardiopatias Congênitas/veterinária , Comunicação Interatrial/veterinária , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: The urinary tract is composed by kidneys, urinary bladder and urethra. The kidneys produce urine that achieve urinary bladder by ureters. These have the origin in the renal pelvis, run through the retroperitoneum, end up at the dorsolateral superficies of the urinary bladder, and empty at the trigone. Ureters abnormalities are the rarest congenital defects in the canine urinary tract and ureteroceles are cystic dilatations of the distal segment of the ureter that could be associated to partial or complete urinary obstructions and could lead to megaureter and hydronephrosis. So, the aim of the present study was to describe a case of megaureter by intramural ureteral ectopia in a bitch. Case: A 1-year-old-and-8-month bitch Akita, weighing 18 kg, was referred to the Uniube Veterinary Hospital with vaginal secretion, prostration, hypodipsia, hyporexia and pyrexia related by the tutor. On physical examination, an increase in vulva volume and a vaginal discharge were observed. Nevertheless, others physical exams, blood count and biochemical tests were considered to be within normal parameters. Urinalysis showed cloudy aspect, proteinuria, occult blood, erythrocytes, pyuria, leucocytes, and discreet presence of bacteria. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a megaureter with right uterocele and excretory urography showed absence of glomerular filtration by right kidney. The patient was submitted to surgery for right kidney and ureter exeresis. Histopathology evaluation showed intense dilation of the ureter and severe multifocal renal fibrosis. The surgery was well succeeded, and the patient recovered completely. Discussion: Once megaureter are associated with congenital abnormalities like ectopic ureter and ureterocele, it is usually diagnosed in young patients with medium age of 10 months, which is below the age of the patient in this case report. Additionally, in the patient here reported, the unilateral alteration could explain the absence of kidney fail symptoms. In more than 90% of the cases, the ureteral ectopia was associated with multiple anomalies in the urinary tract, as was observed in this patient, that presented besides ectopic ureter, ureterocele, megaureter and renal dystrophy. All these morphological alterations made impossible the complete urine elimination, which predispose to urinary tract infection, that was observed in this report. According to literature, urinary tract anomalies are associated with infection in 64 to 85% and 50% of the cases also present hydronephrosis and hydroureter. It was also described that ureteral ectopia is diagnosed by visualization of hydroureter in abdominal ultrasonography. The findings present in this report differs a little, once the right kidney was atrophic possibly by malformation or even so by a chronic renal lesion due to the difficulty in urine flow. The excretory urography showed no filtration in the right kidney, indicating non-functionality that was confirmed by histopathology, in which was observed small glomerulus and large amount of connective tissue deposition. In cases of unilateral megaureter with ipsilateral kidney commitment, there is indication of nephroureterectomy, that was performed in the patient of the present report. As far as we know, this is the first report of megaureter, ureterocele and ectopia ureteral together in the same patient. In conclusion, the procedure was secure, efficient and promote a better quality of life for the patient and prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ureter/anormalidades , Cistite/veterinária , Nefroureterectomia/veterinária , Sistema Urinário/patologiaResumo
The sartorius muscle is located in the pelvic limb of the dog and is divided into a cranial and caudal part. There is no report describingof the three parts of the sartorius muscle. The aim of the present report was to describe the presence of a third part of the sartorius muscle in a dog. Although it does not represent a malformation, it is an important anatomical variation to consider fordidactic purposes of dissection and in surgeries of the pelvic limb, as in this case there is a need to move the muscles apart to maintain their integrity.Furthermore, this anatomical description is relevant for comparative purposes in this animal species.(AU)
Animais , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Músculos Isquiossurais/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous is a rare ocular condition that is usually unilateral, formed when normal regression of the hyaloid vascular system does not occur. Diagnosis is possible through ultrasonography, by obtaining images that provide information and also serve as a differential diagnosis. Clinically the condition presents with signs of leukocoria, microphthalmia, and cataracts, and it can be further classified into 6 degrees according to the evolution. The objective of this work is to describe the case and treatment of a canine of the Pointer breed that presented opacity in both eyes, with diagnosis confirmed through ocular ultrasonography. Case: A 6-year-old male pointer dog, weighing 27 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFRGS), Santa Maria, RS - Brazil with a history of blindness. According to the owner, the animal's right eye has always been "white", since it was a puppy and the left eye began to present the same characteristic a short time ago. On ophthalmological examination, neither eye showed signs of ocular discomfort, the Schirmer's tear test was within the range expected for the species, fluorescein and threat tests were negative, and a positive pupillary reflex was observed in the left eye. The right eye had total corneal opacity associated with a chronic lesion and the presence of pigment cells in the medial portion of the eyeball, the opacity making it impossible to visualize the other internal structures of the eyeball. The left eye presented lens opacity. In the ultrasound of the right eye, there were several alterations, the presence of a triangular-shaped hyperechogenic structure in the vitreous chamber, a decrease in the depth of the anterior chamber, and the presence of abnormality in the development of the lens. The findings are compatible with and confirmed the diagnosis of PHPV. In the left eye, the ultrasound images indicated hyperechogenicity of the posterior and anterior poles of the lens, findings compatible with cataracts. Through the animal's history, complete ophthalmic examination, and use of ocular ultrasonography, it was possible to diagnose and differentiate the causes of the white eye in the patient. The preoperative screening was continued with an electroretinography examination, which showed a satisfactory electrical response for the retina of the left eye and an unsatisfactory electrical response for the retina of the right eye. Phacoemulsification surgery was performed to remove the cataract in the left eye with intraocular lens implantation. The positive threat reflex returned in this eye, with a return of visual acuity. Discussion: Persistent hyperplastic tunica lentis and persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHTVL/PHPV) are congenital anomalies caused by a failure to regress the fetal hyaloid vasculature. These conditions are not common, but occur sporadically in dogs. The PHPV classification can be classified into degrees, based on the morphological aspect of the lesion. Following this classification scheme, the PHPV of the animal in question refers to the 6th degree of evolution. The total opacity of the cornea in the right eye was associated with the presence of a hyperplastic primary vitreous and the leukocoria in the left eye was due to the presence of a mature cataract. The conclusion of the diagnosis was only possible through ocular ultrasonography, which is very useful to differentiate the causes of ocular opacity and leukocoria, in addition to allowing complete evaluation of the intraocular structures and being considered an essential exam to confirm the diagnosis of PHPV.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Catarata/veterinária , Olho/diagnóstico por imagem , Vítreo Primário Hiperplásico Persistente/veterinária , Anormalidades do Olho/veterináriaResumo
Most genetic diseases affect purebred animals and are inherited as recessive genes. Cranioschisis refers to dysraphism, which occurs in the midline of the skull due to failure to close the cranial symphysis, which can lead to herniation of the meninges filled with cerebrospinal fluid (meningocele), where there is usually a projection of the meningeal tissue. Diagnosis is performed based on clinical examination, characteristic anatomopathological data, and complementary imaging tests. The surgical approach for correction of cranioschisis is the only described as a therapeutic solution and is indicated in cases in which the cranial synthesis defect does not allow for brain protrusion and there is only the occurrence of meningocele, in addition to the absence of severe signs of neurological alteration. This paper reports a case of the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plaque to treat cranioschisis associated with meningocele in a Girolando heifer. The surgical opening of the frontonasal sacculation allowed draining a total liquid content of 488 mL, inspection, and suture of the envelope membrane. APMMA plaque, molded to the bone surface and anchored in the adjacent soft tissue, was used to cover the evidenced frontonasal bone opening. Despite the unfavorable prognosis of the disease, the cranioplasty surgery for the treatment of cranioschisis associated with meningocele using PMMA plaque obtained satisfactory results relative to the quality and maintenance of this animal's life, evaluated at 19 months postoperatively.(AU)
A maioria das doenças genéticas acometem animais de raça pura e herdados como genes recessivos.Acraniosquise refere-se à disrafia, que acontece na linha média do crânio pelo não fechamento da sínfise craniana, podendo levar a herniação das meninges repletas de líquido cefalorraquidiano (meningocele), onde geralmente existe projeção do tecido meningeal. O diagnóstico é realizado a partir do exame clínico, dados anatomopatológicos característicos e através da realização de exames complementares de imagem. Como solução terapêutica, a abordagem cirúrgica para correção das craniosquises é a única descrita, e é indicada em casos em que o defeito de síntese craniana não permita a protrusão encefálica e exista a ocorrência apenas da meningocele, além da inexistência de sinais graves de alteração neurológica. O artigo relata um caso de uso de placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) no tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele em uma bezerra Girolando. Instituiu-se a abertura cirúrgica da saculação fronto-nasal, permitindo a drenagem de conteúdo líquido total de 488 mL, inspeção e rafia de membrana envoltória. Para recobrimento da abertura óssea fronto-nasal evidenciada, utilizou-se uma placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA), moldada à superfície óssea e ancorada em tecido mole adjacente. Concluiu-se que, apesar do prognóstico desfavorável da enfermidade, a cirurgia de cranioplastia para tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele, com a utilização de placa de PMMA, neste caso, obteve resultados satisfatórios em relação a qualidade e manutenção da vida deste animal, avaliando-se em 19 meses pós-operatório.(AU)