The objective of this study was to analyze data on physical activity and rumination time monitored via collars at the farm coupled with milk yield recorded by the rotary milking system to predict cows based on several disorders using the binary Logistic regression conducted with R software. Data for metritis (n=60), mastitis (n=98), lameness (n=35), and digestive disorders (n=52) were collected from 1,618 healthy cows used to construct the prediction model. To verify the feasibility and adaptability of the proposed method, we analyzed data of cows in the same herd (herd 1) not used to construct the model, and cows in another herd (herd 2) with data recorded by the same type of automated system, and led to detection of 75.0%, 64.2%, 74.2%, and 76.9% animals in herd 1 correctly predicted to suffer from metritis, mastitis, lameness, and digestive disorders, respectively. For cows in herd 2, 66.6%, 58.8%, 80.7%, and 71.4% were correctly predicted for metritis, mastitis, lameness, and digestive disorders, respectively. Compared with traditional clinical diagnoses by farm personnel, the algorithm developed allowed for earlier prediction of cows with a disorder.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar dados sobre a atividade física e o tempo de ruminação monitorados através de coleiras na fazenda junto com a produção de leite registrada pelo sistema rotativo de ordenha para prever vacas com base em vários distúrbios utilizando o software de regressão logística binária realizado com o software R. Dados para metrite (n=60), mastite (n=98), manqueira (n=35) e distúrbios digestivos (n=52) foram coletados de 1.618 vacas saudáveis foram usados para construir o modelo de previsão. Para verificar a viabilidade e adaptabilidade do método proposto, analisamos os dados de vacas do mesmo rebanho (rebanho 1) não utilizadas para construir o modelo, e vacas de outro rebanho (rebanho 2) com dados registrados pelo mesmo tipo de sistema automatizado, e levamos à detecção de 75,0%, 64,2%, 74,2%, e 76,9% de animais do rebanho 1 previstos corretamente para sofrer de metrite, mastite, manqueira e distúrbios digestivos, respectivamente. Para as vacas do rebanho 2, 66,6%, 58,8%, 80,7% e 71,4% foram previstos corretamente para metrite, mastite, manqueira e distúrbios digestivos, respectivamente. Em comparação com os diagnósticos clínicos tradicionais feitos pelo pessoal da fazenda, o algoritmo desenvolvido permitiu a previsão antecipada de vacas com um distúrbio.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Modelos Logísticos , Ruminação DigestivaResumo
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the type of calving (normal or assisted) on the occurrence of puerperal uterine disorders and on the number of artificial inseminations (AI) per conception and pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum (PPD). Cows were observed during parturition and the type of calving was classified as normal or assisted. Normal calving required no human interference, while assisted calving required a calf removal aid via vaginal access. There were 825 births, 7 stillbirths (0.85%) and 17 twins (2.06%). We analyzed 801 single births, from which 766 (95.63%) were normal and 35 (4.36%) assisted. Were evaluated the uterine disorders occurrence such as retained placenta combined with metritis (PR/ME) and clinical endometritis (CE). The overall occurrences were 10.24% (82/801) of RP/ME, 12.86% for CE and 5.12% for RP/ME and CE. Most of normal calving cows had healthy puerperium (73.89%), whereas a majority of assisted calving cows had uterine disorders (74.29%). The number of AI per conception was similar for cows that had either normal or assisted calving (2.39±0.08 and 3.00±0.43, P = 0.16). There was no evidence of negative influence of calving type on the 150 PPD pregnancy rate of lactating crossbreed dairy cows (P = 0.44). Healthy cows had higher 150 PPD pregnancy rate than cows affected by puerperium uterine disorders (51.65 vs. 42.92%). Normal calving crossbred dairy cows had a healthier puerperium, compared to cows with assisted calving which were more susceptible to puerperium uterine disorders. And cows with a health puerperium have a higher pregnancy rate at 150 days postpartum.
Objetivou-se avaliar em vacas leiteiras mestiças que pariram um bezerro vivo, o efeito do tipo de parto (normal ou assistido) na ocorrência de desordens uterinas puerperais e no número de inseminações artificiais (IA) por concepção e taxa de prenhez 150 dias pós-parto (DPP). As vacas foram monitoradas durante o parto e o tipo de parto foi classificado como normal ou assistido. O parto normal não precisou de interferência humana, enquanto o parto assistido precisou de auxílio para retirada do bezerro por via vaginal. Foram registrados 825 partos, sendo 7 natimortos (0,85%) e 17 gemelares (2,06%). Foram analisados 801 partos simples, dos quais 766 (95,63%) foram normais e 35 (4,36%) foram assistidos. Foram avaliadas a ocorrência de desordens uterinas como a retenção de placenta associada com metrite (RP/ME) e endometrite clínica (EC). A ocorrência das doenças foi de 10,24% (82/801) para RP/ME, 12,86% para EC e 5.12% para RP/ME com CE. A maioria das vacas com parto normal tiveram puerpério saudável (73,89%), enquanto a maioria das vacas com parto assistido apresentaram desordens uterinas (74,29%). O número de IA por concepção foi semelhante nas vacas que tiveram parto normal ou assistido (2,39±0,08 e 3,00±0,43, P = 0,16). Não houve evidência de influência negativa do tipo de parto na taxa de prenhez 150 DPP de vacas leiteiras mestiças em lactação (P = 0,44). Vacas saudáveis apresentaram maior taxa de prenhez 150 DPP do que vacas afetadas por desordens uterinas no puerpério (51,65 vs. 42,92%). Vacas leiteiras mestiças com parto normal tiveram um puerpério saudável, comparadas às que tiveram parto assistido, por sua vez foram mais susceptíveis as desordens uterinas no puerpério. E vacas com puerpério saudável resultaram em maiores taxas de prenhez aos 150 dias pós parto.
Animais , Bovinos , Transtornos Puerperais/veterinária , Reprodução , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , PartoResumo
O período de transição das vacas leiteiras é marcado por diversas alterações fisiológicas, metabólicas e endócrinas. Essas alterações aumentam a susceptibilidade das vacas às infecções no pósparto o que compromete bem-estar, resultando em menor desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo, levando ao aumento dos custos relacionados ao tratamento das infecções e ao descarte de leite. Dentre as doenças que acometem as vacas leiteiras no período pós-parto destacam-se as patologias relacionadas ao trato reprodutivo (retenção de placenta, metrite, endometrite clínica e subclínica) ou em outros órgãos (mastite, claudicação, problemas digestivos e respiratórios), e os distúrbios metabólicos (cetose, hipocalcemia e deslocamento de abomaso). Embora o impacto negativo das doenças no pós-parto sobre a eficiência reprodutiva de vacas leiteiras já tenha sido demonstrado por diversos estudos, os mecanismos pelos quais os processos infecciosos e inflamatórios interferem direta e/ou indiretamente no funcionamento do trato reprodutivo das vacas leiteiras ainda não foram totalmente elucidados. Sabe-se que as respostas inflamatória e imunológica frente à infecção podem influenciar processos reprodutivos como a dinâmica folicular ovariana, a esteroidogênese, a competência ovocitária, a fertilização, o desenvolvimento embrionário e a manutenção da gestação. Portanto, a ocorrência de doenças no pós-parto é um obstáculo a eficiência reprodutiva, principalmente devido à alta incidência dessas infecções nas vacas de leite. Podese concluir que a prevenção é a melhor estratégia para combater os efeitos negativos da ocorrência das doenças do pós-parto na eficiência reprodutiva, pois mesmo após a cura clínica dessas patologias a eficiência reprodutiva não é reestabelecida, e seus efeitos persistem por toda a lactação.
The transition period of dairy cows is marked by several physiological, metabolic and endocrine changes. These changes increase the susceptibility of cows to postpartum infections, which compromises welfare, resulting in lower productive and reproductive performance, leading to increased costs related to the treatment of infections and milk disposal. Among the diseases that affect dairy cows in the postpartum period are pathologies related to the reproductive tract (retention of placenta, metritis, clinical and subclinical endometritis) or to other organs (mastitis, claudication, digestive, and respiratory problems), and metabolic disorders (ketosis, hypocalcemia and abomasal displacement). Although the negative impact of postpartum diseases on dairy cows reproductive efficiency has already been demonstrated by several studies, the mechanisms by which infectious and inflammatory processes directly and/or indirectly interfere in the reproductive tract of dairy cows have not yet been fully elucidated. It is known that inflammatory and immunological responses to infection can influence reproductive processes such as ovarian follicular dynamics, steroidogenesis, oocyte competence, fertilization, embryonic development, and maintenance of pregnancy. Therefore, the occurrence of postpartum diseases is an obstacle to reproductive efficiency, mainly due to the high incidence of these infections in dairy cows. It can be concluded that prevention is the best strategy to combat the negative effects of the occurrence of postpartum diseases on reproductive efficiency, because even after the clinical cure of these pathologies reproductive efficiency is not reestablished, and its effects persist throughout lactation.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Endometrite/veterinária , Período Pós-Parto , Placenta Retida , Eficiência Biológica RelativaResumo
The present study aimed to monitor Holstein cows in the postpartum period, and to evaluate the occurrence of clinical diseases and their relationship with metabolic profile, milk yield and composition, and reproductive performance. One hundred and five Holstein cows, 32 primiparous and 73 multiparous, from two dairy herds in Arapoti, Paraná State, were clinically monitored up to ten days after calving. The clinical occurrences diagnosed were: dystocia, metritis, retained placenta, clinical hypocalcemia, displaced abomasum, mastitis, pneumonia, and digital dermatitis. Blood samples were collected at one, two, five, and ten days postpartum for analysis of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), ß-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), and total calcium. Individual milk yield was measured up to 100 days in milk (DIM), and the first test-day was evaluated for milk composition. Statistical analyses were conducted using the MIXED procedure of SAS, and the fixed effects of farm (A and B), parity (primiparous and multiparous), and occurrence of clinical diseases (sick and healthy cows) were included. Forty-eight cows (45.7%) had one or more clinical occurrences. In these sick cows, the BHB concentration at five DIM was higher (P = 0.06) than in healthy cows; 0.78 and 0.57 mmol L-1, respectively. Regarding milk yield, cows with one or more clinical occurrences had lower (P < 0.01) daily milk yield up to 30 DIM, and had a tendency of lower (P = 0.09) accumulated production up to 100 DIM than healthy cows. Sick cows had a tendency to show lower (P = 0.08) milk total solids content than healthy cows; 12.04 and 12.60%, respectively. There were no significant differences between sick and healthy animals in the remaining milk components, or the reproductive parameters assessed. The differences observed for days in the first artificial insemination (AI), AI number, and days open occurred due to the effect of the herd.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi monitorar vacas Holandesas no pós-parto e avaliar a ocorrência de doenças clínicas e sua relação com o perfil metabólico, a produção de leite e sua composição e o desempenho reprodutivo. Foram monitoradas clinicamente durante 10 dias após o parto, 105 vacas da raça Holandesa, 32 primíparas e 73 multíparas, de dois rebanhos leiteiros em Arapoti, Paraná. As ocorrências clínicas diagnosticadas foram: distocia, metrite, retenção de placenta, hipocalcemia clínica, deslocamento de abomaso, mastite, pneumonia e dermatite digital. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas nos dias 1, 2, 5 e 10 após o parto para análises de ácidos graxos não-esterificados (AGNE), ß-hidroxibutirato (BHB) e cálcio total. A produção de leite individual foi mensurada até 100 dias em leite (DEL) e para a composição do leite foi avaliado o primeiro controle leiteiro oficial após o parto. As análises estatísticas foram conduzidas pelo procedimento MIXED do SAS e foram incluídos os efeitos fixos de fazenda (A e B), paridade (primíparas e multíparas) e ocorrência de doenças clínicas (vacas doentes e saudáveis). Quarenta e oito vacas (45,7%) apresentaram uma ou mais doenças clínicas. Nestas vacas doentes a concentração de BHB no 5o dia pós-parto foi superior (P = 0,06) a de vacas saudáveis; 0,78 e 0,57 mmol L-1, respectivamente. Em relação a produtividade, vacas com uma ou mais doenças clínicas apresentaram menores (P < 0,01) produções diárias até 30 DEL e tendência de menores (P = 0,09) produções acumuladas até 100 DEL em relação a vacas sadias. Vacas doentes apresentaram uma tendência de menor (P = 0,08) porcentagem de sólidos totais no leite do que vacas saudáveis; 12,04 e 12,60%, respectivamente. Não houve diferenças significativas entre animais doentes e saudáveis para os outros componentes do leite, bem como nos parâmetros reprodutivos avaliados. As diferenças observadas para dias até a primeira inseminação artificial (IA), número de IA e dias abertos ocorreram devido ao efeito de rebanho.(AU)
Leite , Período Pós-Parto , Gado , MastiteResumo
This paper aimed to describe the main clinico-epidemiological, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings in 10 cattle affected with caudal vena cava thrombosis. The main clinical signs observed were decreased milk production, reduced appetite, apathy, impairment of ruminal motility, cardiorespiratory disorders (tachycardia and tachypnea), epistaxis, hemoptysis, and ascites. Intercurrent diseases such as mastitis, metritis, and phlebitis were verified. The hematological findings were mild anemia, leukocytosis due to neutrophilia with regenerative left shift, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The pathological exams revealed thrombi in the caudal vena cava, hepatomegaly, ascites, liver abscesses, pulmonary edema and emphysema, and abscesses in the lungs. The association of epidemiological information, clinical signs such as respiratory distress, epistaxis or hemoptysis, in addition to anemia and leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, as well as the occurrence of thrombus in the caudal vena cava as pathological findings, are indicative elements of the clinical picture of vena cava thrombosis in cattle. It is reiterated that this disease has an unfavorable prognosis and, when diagnosed, the animal must be culled.(AU)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever os principais achados clínico-epidemiológicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de 10 bovinos diagnosticados com trombose da veia cava caudal. Os principais achados clínicos foram redução da produção leiteira, diminuição do apetite, apatia, comprometimento da dinâmica ruminal, alterações cardio-respiratórias (taquicardia e taquipnéia), epistaxe, hemoptise e ascite. Foi constatada a ocorrência de doenças intercorrentes como mastite, metrite e flebite. O hemograma revelou discreta anemia, leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfibrinogenemia. No exame anatomopatológico revelou trombos localizados na veia cava caudal, hepatomegalia, ascite e abscessos hepáticos; além de abscessos, enfisema e edema pulmonares. A associação de informações epidemiológicas, sinais clínicos como desconforto respiratório, epistaxe ou hemoptise, além de anemia e leucocitose por neutrofilia, bem como a ocorrência de trombo na veia cava caudal como achados patológicos são elementos indicativos do quadro clínico de trombose de veia cava em bovinos. Reitera-se que essa doença tem prognóstico desfavorável e, quando diagnosticada, o animal deve ser abatido.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Tromboembolia/patologia , Trombose/patologia , Doenças Vasculares/patologia , Bovinos , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
This paper aimed to describe the main clinico-epidemiological, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings in 10 cattle affected with caudal vena cava thrombosis. The main clinical signs observed were decreased milk production, reduced appetite, apathy, impairment of ruminal motility, cardiorespiratory disorders (tachycardia and tachypnea), epistaxis, hemoptysis, and ascites. Intercurrent diseases such as mastitis, metritis, and phlebitis were verified. The hematological findings were mild anemia, leukocytosis due to neutrophilia with regenerative left shift, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The pathological exams revealed thrombi in the caudal vena cava, hepatomegaly, ascites, liver abscesses, pulmonary edema and emphysema, and abscesses in the lungs. The association of epidemiological information, clinical signs such as respiratory distress, epistaxis or hemoptysis, in addition to anemia and leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, as well as the occurrence of thrombus in the caudal vena cava as pathological findings, are indicative elements of the clinical picture of vena cava thrombosis in cattle. It is reiterated that this disease has an unfavorable prognosis and, when diagnosed, the animal must be culled.(AU)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever os principais achados clínico-epidemiológicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de 10 bovinos diagnosticados com trombose da veia cava caudal. Os principais achados clínicos foram redução da produção leiteira, diminuição do apetite, apatia, comprometimento da dinâmica ruminal, alterações cardio-respiratórias (taquicardia e taquipnéia), epistaxe, hemoptise e ascite. Foi constatada a ocorrência de doenças intercorrentes como mastite, metrite e flebite. O hemograma revelou discreta anemia, leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfibrinogenemia. No exame anatomopatológico revelou trombos localizados na veia cava caudal, hepatomegalia, ascite e abscessos hepáticos; além de abscessos, enfisema e edema pulmonares. A associação de informações epidemiológicas, sinais clínicos como desconforto respiratório, epistaxe ou hemoptise, além de anemia e leucocitose por neutrofilia, bem como a ocorrência de trombo na veia cava caudal como achados patológicos são elementos indicativos do quadro clínico de trombose de veia cava em bovinos. Reitera-se que essa doença tem prognóstico desfavorável e, quando diagnosticada, o animal deve ser abatido.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Tromboembolia/patologia , Trombose/patologia , Doenças Vasculares/patologia , Bovinos , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
Researchers, veterinarians, and farmers' pursuit of a consistent diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of uterine diseases remains challenging. The diagnosis and treatment of metritis is inconsistent, a concerning situation when considered the global threat of antimicrobial resistance dissemination. Endometritis is an insidious disease absent on routine health programs in many dairy farms and from pharmaceutical therapeutics arsenal in places like the US market. Conversely, a multitude of studies advanced the understanding of how uterine diseases compromise oocyte, follicle, and embryo development, and the uterine environment having long-lasting effects on fertility. The field of uterine disease microbiome also experienced tremendous progress and created opportunities for the development of novel preventives to improve the management of uterine diseases. Activity monitors, biomarkers, genomic selection, and machine learning predictive models are other innovative developments that have been explored in recent years to help mitigate the negative impacts of uterine diseases. Albeit novel tools such as vaccines for metritis, immune modulators, probiotics, genomic selection, and selective antimicrobial therapy are promising, further research is warranted to implement these technologies in a systematic and cost-effective manner.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Bovinos/anormalidades , Doenças do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Doenças do Colo do Útero/patologia , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/patologiaResumo
Researchers, veterinarians, and farmers' pursuit of a consistent diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of uterine diseases remains challenging. The diagnosis and treatment of metritis is inconsistent, a concerning situation when considered the global threat of antimicrobial resistance dissemination. Endometritis is an insidious disease absent on routine health programs in many dairy farms and from pharmaceutical therapeutics arsenal in places like the US market. Conversely, a multitude of studies advanced the understanding of how uterine diseases compromise oocyte, follicle, and embryo development, and the uterine environment having long-lasting effects on fertility. The field of uterine disease microbiome also experienced tremendous progress and created opportunities for the development of novel preventives to improve the management of uterine diseases. Activity monitors, biomarkers, genomic selection, and machine learning predictive models are other innovative developments that have been explored in recent years to help mitigate the negative impacts of uterine diseases. Albeit novel tools such as vaccines for metritis, immune modulators, probiotics, genomic selection, and selective antimicrobial therapy are promising, further research is warranted to implement these technologies in a systematic and cost-effective manner.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Doenças do Colo do Útero/diagnóstico , Doenças do Colo do Útero/patologia , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/patologiaResumo
Trueperella pyogenes é uma bactéria oportunista que causa mastite, metrite e abortos esporádicos em bovinos. Este trabalho relata um caso incomum de abort em uma vaca por Trueperella pyogenes. Um feto bovino, fêmea, mestiço Brahman, com oito meses de gestação, foi encaminhado para exame anatomopatológico e exames complementares. Na necropsia, evidenciou-se grande quantidade de líquido serossanguinolento e moderada quantidade de fibrina recobrindo a pleura visceral e o saco pericárdico. Os pulmões estavam difusamente avermelhados e consolidados, com áreas firmes esbranquiçadas ao corte de não mais de 1cm. No exame histopatológico, observou-se pneumonia necrossupurativa, pleurite fibrinopurulenta e placentite purulenta. No exame microbiológico, isolou-se T. pyogenes nas amostras de fígado, pulmões, conteúdo abomasal do feto e placenta. O feto foi negativo na PCR para Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii e vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV). Trueperella pyogenes geralmente causa broncopneumonia supurativa com formação de abscessos, porém, no presente feto abortado, observaram-se lesões macro e microscópicas comumente descritas em casos de aborto por Brucella abortus. Este estudo constata, então, a importância dessa bactéria como causa de aborto em bovinos, com lesões semelhantes à brucelose, destacando sua relevância dentro das causas de aborto em bovinos e o potencial zoonótico pouco explorado.(AU)
Trueperella pyogenes is an opportunistic bacterium associated with mastitis, metritis and occasional abortion in bovines. Here we report an uncommon case of abortion by T. pyogenes in a cow. An aborted female Brahman bovine fetus, at 8 months of gestational age was submitted for anatomopathological examination and complementary diagnostic tests. Macroscopic findings at necropsy included large amounts of free serum-blood fluid and moderate fibrin deposition covering both the visceral pleura and pericardial sack. The lungs were diffusely reddened and markedly consolidated, showing widespread smaller than 1cm, hard, white nodules. Necrosuppurative pneumonia, fibrinopurulent pleuritis, and purulent placentitis were the main histopathologic alterations observed. Trueperella pyogenes was isolated from liver, lungs, abomasa contents and placental samples. All tissue samples were PCR-negative for Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Although T. pyogenes is often involved in suppurative bronchopneumonia and abscesses formation, macro and microscopic lesions in the present report were compatible with those commonly attributed to Brucella abortus fetal infections. Trueperella pyogenes is an important bovine pathogen with a neglected zoonotic potential being responsible for infections that can mimic other diseases' typical presentations.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Infecções Bacterianas/complicações , Infecções Bacterianas/veterinária , Actinomycetaceae/isolamento & purificação , Aborto Animal/etiologiaResumo
Trueperella pyogenes é uma bactéria oportunista que causa mastite, metrite e abortos esporádicos em bovinos. Este trabalho relata um caso incomum de abort em uma vaca por Trueperella pyogenes. Um feto bovino, fêmea, mestiço Brahman, com oito meses de gestação, foi encaminhado para exame anatomopatológico e exames complementares. Na necropsia, evidenciou-se grande quantidade de líquido serossanguinolento e moderada quantidade de fibrina recobrindo a pleura visceral e o saco pericárdico. Os pulmões estavam difusamente avermelhados e consolidados, com áreas firmes esbranquiçadas ao corte de não mais de 1cm. No exame histopatológico, observou-se pneumonia necrossupurativa, pleurite fibrinopurulenta e placentite purulenta. No exame microbiológico, isolou-se T. pyogenes nas amostras de fígado, pulmões, conteúdo abomasal do feto e placenta. O feto foi negativo na PCR para Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii e vírus da diarreia viral bovina (BVDV). Trueperella pyogenes geralmente causa broncopneumonia supurativa com formação de abscessos, porém, no presente feto abortado, observaram-se lesões macro e microscópicas comumente descritas em casos de aborto por Brucella abortus. Este estudo constata, então, a importância dessa bactéria como causa de aborto em bovinos, com lesões semelhantes à brucelose, destacando sua relevância dentro das causas de aborto em bovinos e o potencial zoonótico pouco explorado.(AU)
Trueperella pyogenes is an opportunistic bacterium associated with mastitis, metritis and occasional abortion in bovines. Here we report an uncommon case of abortion by T. pyogenes in a cow. An aborted female Brahman bovine fetus, at 8 months of gestational age was submitted for anatomopathological examination and complementary diagnostic tests. Macroscopic findings at necropsy included large amounts of free serum-blood fluid and moderate fibrin deposition covering both the visceral pleura and pericardial sack. The lungs were diffusely reddened and markedly consolidated, showing widespread smaller than 1cm, hard, white nodules. Necrosuppurative pneumonia, fibrinopurulent pleuritis, and purulent placentitis were the main histopathologic alterations observed. Trueperella pyogenes was isolated from liver, lungs, abomasa contents and placental samples. All tissue samples were PCR-negative for Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). Although T. pyogenes is often involved in suppurative bronchopneumonia and abscesses formation, macro and microscopic lesions in the present report were compatible with those commonly attributed to Brucella abortus fetal infections. Trueperella pyogenes is an important bovine pathogen with a neglected zoonotic potential being responsible for infections that can mimic other diseases' typical presentations.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Infecções Bacterianas/complicações , Infecções Bacterianas/veterinária , Actinomycetaceae/isolamento & purificação , Aborto Animal/etiologiaResumo
Uterine diseases in cattle occur at all stages of the reproduction cycle but the majority of cases is found in the postpartum period. The inflammation of the uterus is generally defined as metritis or endometritis, with several graduations, e.g. puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, clinical or subclinical endometritis. Whether uterine diseases have a negligible, moderate or detrimental effect on fertility is still under discussion and depends on definitions and classification. In the past, it was assumed that the pregnant uterus is free of pathogens, but recent studies found several species including pathogens in the uterus and endometrium of pregnant cows. After parturition, a broad diversity of bacteria with >200 different species has been found in the early postpartum period. Not all of these bacteria, however, are considered as pathogens. Furthermore, bacteriological findings provide only evidence for infection but not for inflammation. For some bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes pathogenic mechanism resulting in metritis and endometritis have been elucidated in detail. The role of bacteria that can be regarded as opportunistic or potential pathogens, e.g. Bacillus pumilus, is still under investigation. The understanding of the uterine microbiota and its interactions is increasing with the use of modern high-resolution techniques such as Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy. Endometrial cytology provides additional information about alterations in the endometrium. Knowledge of innate uterine defense mechanism in cattle has increased a lot in the recent past. It can be speculated that improving or modulating uterine defense mechanism will be part of future prevention and treatment approaches beyond the use of antimicrobials. In this context, cellular and molecular defense mechanisms have been in the focus of interest, e.g. the role of interleukins or mucins. This review gives a short overview on some aspects of recent research on uterine diseases in cattle.
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Doenças Uterinas/patologia , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Endometrite/patologia , Endometrite/veterinária , FertilidadeResumo
Uterine diseases in cattle occur at all stages of the reproduction cycle but the majority of cases is found in the postpartum period. The inflammation of the uterus is generally defined as metritis or endometritis, with several graduations, e.g. puerperal metritis, clinical metritis, clinical or subclinical endometritis. Whether uterine diseases have a negligible, moderate or detrimental effect on fertility is still under discussion and depends on definitions and classification. In the past, it was assumed that the pregnant uterus is free of pathogens, but recent studies found several species including pathogens in the uterus and endometrium of pregnant cows. After parturition, a broad diversity of bacteria with >200 different species has been found in the early postpartum period. Not all of these bacteria, however, are considered as pathogens. Furthermore, bacteriological findings provide only evidence for infection but not for inflammation. For some bacteria, particularly Escherichia coli and Trueperella pyogenes pathogenic mechanism resulting in metritis and endometritis have been elucidated in detail. The role of bacteria that can be regarded as opportunistic or potential pathogens, e.g. Bacillus pumilus, is still under investigation. The understanding of the uterine microbiota and its interactions is increasing with the use of modern high-resolution techniques such as Fouriertransform infrared spectroscopy. Endometrial cytology provides additional information about alterations in the endometrium. Knowledge of innate uterine defense mechanism in cattle has increased a lot in the recent past. It can be speculated that improving or modulating uterine defense mechanism will be part of future prevention and treatment approaches beyond the use of antimicrobials. In this context, cellular and molecular defense mechanisms have been in the focus of interest, e.g. the role of interleukins or mucins. This review gives a short overview on some aspects of recent research on uterine diseases in cattle.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Doenças Uterinas/patologia , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Bovinos/anormalidades , Fertilidade , Endometrite/patologia , Endometrite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Abomasal diseases of dairy cattle are mainly associated with stress conditions, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders. Dairy cattle that develop left or right abomasal displacement generally lose their appetite and have 30 to 50% drop in milk production. The objective of this work is to report the clinical and laboratorial aspects of a high yielding Holstein cow suffering left abomasal displacement in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil.Case: The cow was part of a research project of the Veterinary Faculty of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and was monitored weekly. The animal showed decreased milk production, anorexia, prostration, tremors, diarrhea, smelly metritis and a body score of 3 in a scale of 1-5. In the clinical examination, the animal presented respiratory rate of 26 movements per minute (RV: 26-35), heart rate of 71 beats per minute (RV: 48-84), body temperature of 38.5°C (RV: 38- 39.3), normocorate mucosa, moderate dehydration and no ruminal movements. In the abdominal auscultation the animal presented metallic sound in the left flank. Blood concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate was 8.3 mmol/L (RV: < 1.2 mmol/L). The cow underwent surgery for correction of left abomasum displacement. After surgery, the animal showed improvement of the clinical condition and ate hay, pasture and silage. Feeding with concentrate was avoided for a week. The animal had satisfactory evolution, being monitored for more 4 weeks and afterward was discharge.Discussion: Genetic improvement in milk cattle has led to the selection of animals with higher milk production through the selection of animals with deeper body capacity, which may allow more space in the abdomen for abomasal movement. In the present case, clinical ketosis was confirmed through the presence of ketonuria and ketonemia.[...]
Feminino , Animais , Bovinos , Abomaso/patologia , Cetose/veterinária , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Lipidoses/veterinária , Placenta Retida/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to identify possible metabolites able to predict puerperal uterine diseases in crossbred dairy cows (Holstein x Gir) in the transition period. We hypothesized that, as what has been observed for Holstein cows, a negative energy balance (NEB) may increase the incidence of uterine diseases. Thirty-four lactating crossbred cows (½HG, »HG, ¾HG, and 5/8HG) were evaluated during prepartum (-60d and -30d), calving, and postpartum (+14d, +21d, and +35d) periods, being divided into two groups (with and without uterine diseases). NEB evaluations were based on the concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) at calving and 14 days postpartum. Nearly 1/3 of the crossbred cows presented an NEB, characterized by a significant increase in NEFA with no BHBA increase; however, it was less intense than that observed in Holstein cows during the transition period. There was a significant difference between cows with and without uterine diseases in NEFA and calcium concentrations at partum, as well as body condition score (BCS) during prepartum. In conclusion, the occurrence of uterine diseases during the transitional period is related to the BCS in the prepartum period, besides serum NEFA and calcium concentrations at partum.(AU)
O objetivo do estudo foi identificar possíveis metabólitos no período de transição capazes de predizer a ocorrência de enfermidades uterinas puerperais em vacas leiteiras (Holandês X Gir). A hipótese foi de que, semelhante ao observado em vacas Holandesas, o balanço energético negativo (BEN) aumentaria a incidência de enfermidades uterinas. Foram utilizadas 34 vacas lactantes com variação entre ½HG, »HG, ¾HG e 5/8HG de composição genética. Os momentos avaliados foram estabelecidos como pré-parto (-60d e -30d), parto e pós-parto (+14d, +21d e +35d) e as fêmeas divididas em dois grupos, com e sem enfermidades uterinas. O BEN foi estabelecido com base nas concentrações de ácidos graxos não-esterificados (NEFA) e beta-hidroxibutirato (BHBA) no parto e 14 dias pós-parto. Observou-se que cerca de 1/3 das vacas mestiças passaram por BEN caracterizado por aumento significativo de NEFA e sem aumento de BHBA, porém em intensidade menor do que o observado em vacas Holandesas. Verificou-se diferença significativa do escore de condição corporal (ECC) no pré-parto e das concentrações de NEFA e de cálcio no parto, entre vacas com e sem enfermidades uterinas. Conclui-se que o ECC no pré-parto e as concentrações de NEFA e cálcio no parto se relacionam com a ocorrência de enfermidades uterinas.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Bovinos/metabolismo , Endometrite/veterinária , Transtornos PuerperaisResumo
Background: Abomasal diseases of dairy cattle are mainly associated with stress conditions, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders. Dairy cattle that develop left or right abomasal displacement generally lose their appetite and have 30 to 50% drop in milk production. The objective of this work is to report the clinical and laboratorial aspects of a high yielding Holstein cow suffering left abomasal displacement in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil.Case: The cow was part of a research project of the Veterinary Faculty of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul and was monitored weekly. The animal showed decreased milk production, anorexia, prostration, tremors, diarrhea, smelly metritis and a body score of 3 in a scale of 1-5. In the clinical examination, the animal presented respiratory rate of 26 movements per minute (RV: 26-35), heart rate of 71 beats per minute (RV: 48-84), body temperature of 38.5°C (RV: 38- 39.3), normocorate mucosa, moderate dehydration and no ruminal movements. In the abdominal auscultation the animal presented metallic sound in the left flank. Blood concentration of beta-hydroxybutyrate was 8.3 mmol/L (RV: < 1.2 mmol/L). The cow underwent surgery for correction of left abomasum displacement. After surgery, the animal showed improvement of the clinical condition and ate hay, pasture and silage. Feeding with concentrate was avoided for a week. The animal had satisfactory evolution, being monitored for more 4 weeks and afterward was discharge.Discussion: Genetic improvement in milk cattle has led to the selection of animals with higher milk production through the selection of animals with deeper body capacity, which may allow more space in the abdomen for abomasal movement. In the present case, clinical ketosis was confirmed through the presence of ketonuria and ketonemia.[...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Abomaso/patologia , Cetose/veterinária , Lipidoses/veterinária , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Placenta Retida/veterináriaResumo
Background: Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. In veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. The Whole-body vibration derivate from vibrating rhythmic movements caused by vibrating platforms. Vibrating platforms are used over 30 years in the treatment and prevention of injuries and other debilitating conditions in humans. This paper aims to describe the first report of a possible spontaneous opening of the cervix in a female dog with purulent metritis by Whole-body vibration using a platform vibration.Case: A sexually intact female American Pit Bull Terrier dog showed an acute effect after a single session of Wholebody vibration training. Physical examination and physiological parameters were within normal. Slight edema of the vulva was observed without signs of discharge. Complete blood cell count, serum chemistry and urinalysis yielded no significant abnormal findings. An enlarged uterus with content was observed during a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite this, a vibrating-platform session was performed during 15 min. A purulent vulvar discharge was observed 6 min. after Whole-body vibration exercise and remained continuous through session. After the Whole-body vibration exercise, the dog was treated with cephalexin for 15 days. Escherichia coli were [...]
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Endometrite/terapia , Endometrite/veterinária , Vibração/uso terapêutico , Doenças Uterinas/terapia , Doenças Uterinas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Whole-body vibration is a modality of exercise used in humans for therapeutic purposes or to increase physical performance. In veterinary medicine there are only a few reports on the use of this technology. The Whole-body vibration derivate from vibrating rhythmic movements caused by vibrating platforms. Vibrating platforms are used over 30 years in the treatment and prevention of injuries and other debilitating conditions in humans. This paper aims to describe the first report of a possible spontaneous opening of the cervix in a female dog with purulent metritis by Whole-body vibration using a platform vibration.Case: A sexually intact female American Pit Bull Terrier dog showed an acute effect after a single session of Wholebody vibration training. Physical examination and physiological parameters were within normal. Slight edema of the vulva was observed without signs of discharge. Complete blood cell count, serum chemistry and urinalysis yielded no significant abnormal findings. An enlarged uterus with content was observed during a transabdominal ultrasound. Despite this, a vibrating-platform session was performed during 15 min. A purulent vulvar discharge was observed 6 min. after Whole-body vibration exercise and remained continuous through session. After the Whole-body vibration exercise, the dog was treated with cephalexin for 15 days. Escherichia coli were [...](AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Vibração/uso terapêutico , Endometrite/terapia , Endometrite/veterinária , Doenças Uterinas/terapia , Doenças Uterinas/veterináriaResumo
After parturition, uterine involution, regeneration of the endometrium, return of ovarian cyclic activity, and the control of pathogenic bacteria in the uterus is required before cows are likely to conceive again. However, pathogenic bacteria often cause uterine disease in modern dairy cattle, leading to decreased productivity and reduced fertility. This review aims to provide an overview of postpartum uterine infection and disease in dairy cattle. Metritis and endometritis are the main postpartum clinical conditions; although, subclinical endometritis is an emerging issue. Postpartum uterine disease is associated with the isolation of Escherichia coli, Trueperella pyogenes, and anaerobic pathogenic bacteria. Sensing of bacteria or their pathogen-associated molecules, such as lipopolysaccharide, by the innate immune system generates inflammatory responses. Endometrial inflammation includes increased expression of complement, calgranulins, interleukins and acute phase proteins, as well as the chemotaxis of neutrophils and macrophages to the site of infection. Uterine disease is also characterised by tissue damage, including endometrial cytolysis caused by the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin, pyolysin. The responses to pathogens are energetically expensive, and depletion of the key cellular nutrients, glucose or glutamine, impairs inflammatory responses by endometrial tissues. For sustainable intensification of the dairy industry over the next 50 years, it is vital to understand why high-milk-yield cows are so susceptible to uterine pathology and develop new ways to prevent uterine disease.
Feminino , Animais , Recém-Nascido , Bovinos , Bovinos/anormalidades , Doenças Uterinas/diagnóstico , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/imunologia , Endometrite/veterinária , Endométrio , Inflamação/diagnóstico , Período Pós-PartoResumo
After parturition, uterine involution, regeneration of the endometrium, return of ovarian cyclic activity, and the control of pathogenic bacteria in the uterus is required before cows are likely to conceive again. However, pathogenic bacteria often cause uterine disease in modern dairy cattle, leading to decreased productivity and reduced fertility. This review aims to provide an overview of postpartum uterine infection and disease in dairy cattle. Metritis and endometritis are the main postpartum clinical conditions; although, subclinical endometritis is an emerging issue. Postpartum uterine disease is associated with the isolation of Escherichia coli, Trueperella pyogenes, and anaerobic pathogenic bacteria. Sensing of bacteria or their pathogen-associated molecules, such as lipopolysaccharide, by the innate immune system generates inflammatory responses. Endometrial inflammation includes increased expression of complement, calgranulins, interleukins and acute phase proteins, as well as the chemotaxis of neutrophils and macrophages to the site of infection. Uterine disease is also characterised by tissue damage, including endometrial cytolysis caused by the cholesterol-dependent cytolysin, pyolysin. The responses to pathogens are energetically expensive, and depletion of the key cellular nutrients, glucose or glutamine, impairs inflammatory responses by endometrial tissues. For sustainable intensification of the dairy industry over the next 50 years, it is vital to understand why high-milk-yield cows are so susceptible to uterine pathology and develop new ways to prevent uterine disease.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Bovinos , Doenças Uterinas/diagnóstico , Doenças Uterinas/veterinária , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/imunologia , Endometrite/veterinária , Bovinos/anormalidades , Endométrio , Período Pós-Parto , Inflamação/diagnósticoResumo
No período de transição, parâmetros sanguíneos podem auxiliar na compreensão e monitoramento de doenças. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar alterações sanguíneas, características clínicas e doenças concomitantes de vacas com hipocalcemia, metrite e metrite associada à cetose. Foram avaliadas 15 vacas com hipocalcemia clínica, com cálcio sérico 8mg/dL, resposta positiva ao tratamento e decúbito esternal (n=7) ou lateral (n=8). A metrite foi constatada em 26 vacas, pelo aumento de volume uterino e alteração de corrimento vaginal alterado, classificada em metrite leve (n=4), moderada (n=17) e grave (n=5). Foi avaliada presença de retenção de placenta, mastite, cetose, deslocamento de abomaso e outras doenças, e na ausência destas afecções, a vaca foi considerada sadia, pertencendo ao grupo controle (n=20). Vacas com metrite foram divididas em grupo com (n=13) e sem cetose associada (n=13). Foi avaliado número de dias pós-parto, número de partos, raça e ECC (1-5). O sangue foi coletado no primeiro mês pós-parto, para mensuração da concentração sanguínea de glicose, beta-hidroxibutirato, cálcio total, fósforo, magnésio, colesterol, triglicerídeos, ureia, creatinina, proteínas totais, albumina, globulinas, fibrinogênio, além da determinação das atividades séricas da AST, FA, GGT, CK, e realização do hemograma. Grupos hipocalcemia e metrite foram comparados ao grupo controle, e também comparados os grupos metrite com e sem cetose associada, através do Teste-t não pareado e teste de Mann Whitney (p0,05). Resultados de vacas com metrite e hipocalcemia foram comparados a intervalos de referência. Foram avaliadas correlações através de coeficiente de Pearson e correlação de Spearman (p0,05). A hipocalcemia clínica ocorreu nos primeiros dias após o parto, afetou vacas a partir da terceira lactação e a raça Jersey e seus cruzamentos tiveram correlação com menores concentrações séricas de cálcio e fósforo. O grupo hipocalcemia apresentou redução das concentrações séricas de cálcio, fósforo e colesterol; presença de indicadores de desidratação como policitemia, hiperproteinemia, hiperalbuminemia e azotemia. A hiperglicemia e a leucocitose por neutrofilia foram comuns, podendo ser consequência do aumento do cortisol. O aumento de CK indicou lesão muscular, alteração comum devido ao decúbito. A hipocalcemia clínica foi associada a outras doenças, como mastite (47%), retenção de placenta (20%) e cetose tipo 2 (13%). A metrite afetou vacas nas primeiras três semanas após o parto. Os quadros menos graves de metrite foram mais associadas ao histórico de distocia e se manifestaram com maior número de dias após o parto, levando principalmente à neutrofilia e hiperglobulinemia. Já quadros mais graves foram associados principalmente à retenção de placenta, manifestando-se mais próximos ao parto, levando principalmente à neutropenia e desvio à esquerda. Houve também hiperfibrinogenemia e hipoalbuminemia, sugestivos do quadro inflamatório, além de redução das concentrações de cálcio, fósforo e magnésio no grupo metrite. A associação da cetose e metrite foi comum (50%), principalmente em vacas da raça Jersey e com ECC mais alto, levando ao aumento de beta-hidroxibutirato e redução de glicose e fósforo. Houve também aumento do hematócrito, hemoglobina e creatinina, que sugerem desidratação e, houve aumento de atividade sérica da AST e CK, sugerindo lesão hepática e maior catabolismo muscular, respectivamente.
In the transition period, blood parameters can assist in the understanding and monitoring of diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate blood changes, clinical characteristics and concomitant diseases in cows with hypocalcemia, metritis and metritis associated with ketosis. Fifteen cows with clinical hypocalcemia, with serum calcium 8mg / dL, positive response to treatment and sternal (n=7) or lateral (n=8) decubiturs were evaluated. Metritis was found in 26 cows, due to increased uterine volume and altered vaginal discharge, classified as mild (n=4), moderate (n=17) and severe (n=5). The presence of retained placenta, mastitis, ketosis, displacement of the abomasum and other diseases were evaluated, and in the absence of these diseases, the cow was considered healthy, belonging to the control group (n=20). Metritic cows were divided into groups with (n=13) and without associated ketosis (n=13). The number of days postpartum, number of deliveries, breed and ECC (1-5) were evaluated. Blood was collected in the first postpartum month to measure blood glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate, total calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, creatinine, total proteins, albumin, globulins, fibrinogen, to determine the serum activities of AST, FA, GGT, CK, and complete blood count. The hypocalcemia and metritis groups were compared to the control group, and the metritis groups with and without associated ketosis were also compared, using the unpaired T-test and Mann Whitney test (p0.05). Results from cows with metritis and hypocalcemia were compared at reference intervals. Correlations were assessed using Pearson's coefficient and Spearman's correlation (p0.05). Clinical hypocalcemia occurred in the first days after calving, affected cows from the third lactation, and the Jersey breed and their crossbreeding correlated with lower serum concentrations of calcium and phosphorus. The hypocalcemia group showed a reduction in serum concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and cholesterol; presence of dehydration indicators such as polycythemia, hyperproteinemia, hyperalbuminemia and azotemia. Hyperglycemia and leukocytosis due to neutrophilia were common, and may be due to an increase in cortisol. The increase in CK indicated muscle damage, a common change due to decubitus. Clinical hypocalcemia has been associated with other diseases, such as mastitis (47%), retained placenta (20%) and ketosis type 2 (13%). Metritis affected cows in the first three weeks after calving. Less severe metritis was more associated with a history of dystocia and manifested with a greater number of days after delivery, leading mainly to neutrophilia and hyperglobulinemia. More severe conditions were associated mainly with the placental retention, manifesting closer to delivery, leading mainly to neutropenia and left shift. There was also hyperfibrinogenemia and hypoalbuminemia, suggestive of the inflammatory condition, in addition to reduced concentrations of calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the metritis group. The association of ketosis and metritis was common (50%), mainly in Jersey cows and with higher ECC, leading to an increase in beta-hydroxybutyrate and a reduction in glucose and phosphorus. There was also an increase in hematocrit, hemoglobin and creatinine, which suggest dehydration, and there was an increase in serum activity of AST and CK, suggesting liver damage and greater muscle catabolism, respectively.