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Braz. j. biol ; 83: e267369, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417321


Toxoplasma gondii is an intracellular zoonotic protozoan parasite usually infects human and animal worldwide. This study aimed to analyze the sero-prevalence of T. gondii in blood of lactating animals and human living in close proximity and also to detect Toxoplasma DNA in unpasteurized milk of the studied animals. A total of 233 blood and milk samples were collected from lactating animals, and 735 blood samples were taken from humans in District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The blood samples were analyzed through ELISA while the milk samples were analyzed by PCR for the presence of T. gondii DNA. A standard questionnaire was introduced to collect the data from the participants. In animals, the reported sero-prevalence was 32.18% for IgM, 17.16% for IgG, and 6.4% for both IgM and IgG. The reported positivity for T. gondii DNA in milk was 14.44%, 34.8%, 20%, and 26% in sheep, goats, cows, and buffaloes, respectively. In the human blood samples, 9.8% were found positive for IgM and 11.2% for IgG while none of the samples was found positive for both IgM and IgG. Overall sero-prevalence reported in females was significantly higher than the male (p< 0.0001) were the significant risk factors associated with T. gondii infections in animals. In conclusion, T. gondii infection is prevalent in lactating animals and humans using their raw milk in the study area. It is suggested that raw milk should be considered as a vehicle for the transmission of T. gondii to humans. Proper pasteurization of milk is very useful in limiting the transmission of infection. Awareness and control programs should be implemented to prevent the infection.

Toxoplasma gondii é um protozoário parasita intracelular zoonótico que geralmente infecta humanos e animais em todo o mundo. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a soroprevalência de T. gondii no sangue de animais lactantes e humanos que vivem em proximidade, além de detectar o DNA de Toxoplasma no leite não pasteurizado dos indivíduos estudados. Um total de 233 amostras de sangue e leite foram coletadas de animais lactantes e 735 amostras de sangue foram coletadas de humanos no Distrito Upper Dir Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. As amostras de sangue foram analisadas pelo método ELISA enquanto as amostras de leite foram analisadas por PCR para a presença de DNA de T. gondii. Um questionário padrão foi introduzido para coletar os dados dos participantes. Em animais, a soroprevalência relatada foi de 32,18% para IgM, 17,16% para IgG e 6,4% para IgM e IgG. A positividade relatada para DNA de T. gondii encontrada no leite foi de 14,44%, 34,8%, 20% e 26% em ovelhas, cabras, vacas e búfalas, respectivamente. Nas amostras de sangue humano, 9,8% foram consideradas positivas para IgM e 11,2% para IgG, enquanto nenhuma das amostras foi considerada positiva para IgM e IgG. A soroprevalência geral relatada em mulheres foi significativamente maior do que em homens (p < 0,05). Neste estudo, contato com gatos (p < 0,0001), hábitos alimentares (p < 0,0001), fonte de água para beber (p < 0,0001) e más condições de higiene (p < 0,0001) foram os fatores de risco significativos associados a infecções por T. gondii em animais. Em conclusão, a infecção por T. gondii é prevalecente em animais lactantes e humanos que utilizam leite cru, isto é, não-pasteurizado, na área de estudo. Sugere-se que o leite não-pasteurizado seja considerado um veículo de transmissão do T. gondii para humanos. A pasteurização adequada do leite é muito útil para limitar a transmissão de infecções. Programas de conscientização e controle devem ser implementados para prevenir a infecção.

Humanos , Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Toxoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Toxoplasmose Animal/epidemiologia , Leite/microbiologia , Alimentos Crus/microbiologia , Paquistão/epidemiologia , Búfalos/microbiologia , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Cabras/microbiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 17(1): 79-86, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436350


The aim of study is to feature the microbiological quality of two neotropical fish species from the quilombola area of Maranhão State, Brazil. In order to do so, 21 samples of Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus and 21 samples of Cichlasoma bimaculatum were captured in flooded environment. Collected fish were euthanized in laboratory environment; muscle fragments were removed for microbiological analyses focused on enumerating molds and yeasts, viable strict and facultative mesophilic microorganisms and coagulase-positive staphylococci; on counting total and thermotolerant coliforms; and on investigating Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp. Microbiological results were compared to the Brazilian legislation, which establishes the list of microbiological standards for food products. Among the assessed fish, 9.52% were classified as non-acceptable for human consumption, based on the Salmonella parameter. Enumerated coagulase-positive staphylococci ranged from < 10 to 3.9 x 104 CFU/g; 9.52% of assessed fish were classified as having intermediate standard for human consumption, whereas 4.76% were classified as non-acceptable for such a purpose. E. coli counting ranged from 3.6 to > 1,100MPN/g; 4.76% of assessed fish were classified as having intermediate standard for human consumption, whereas 4.76% were classified as non-acceptable for such a purpose. Total and thermotolerant coliforms' counting and the enumeration of viable strict and facultative aerobic microorganisms, as well as of molds and yeasts, have evidenced high microbial population rates; this finding suggests poor hygienic conditions at capture site, contaminated raw material and risk of incidence of enteropathogens. This finding has evidenced imbalance in the investigated environment, as well as compromised aquatic biodiversity.(AU)

Objetivou-se caracterizar a qualidade microbiológica de duas espécies de peixes neotropicais oriundas de área qui-lombola maranhense, Brasil. Para isso, foram capturadas 21 amostras de Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus e 21 amostras de Cichlasoma bimaculatum de ambiente alagável. No laboratório, os peixes foram eutanasiados, procedida a retirada dos fragmentos mus-culares e realizada as análises microbiológicas: enumeração de bolores e leveduras, micro-organismos mesófilos aeróbios estri-tos e facultativos viáveis e de estafilococos coagulase positiva, quantificação de coliformes totais e termotolerantes, pesquisa de Escherichia coli e Salmonella sp. Os resultados microbiológicos obtidos foram comparados com a legislação brasileira que estabelece a lista de padrões microbiológicos para alimentos. Dos peixes avaliados, 9,52% foram considerados inaceitáveis para consumo humano para o parâmetro Salmonella. A enumeração de estafilococos coagulase positivavariou de <10 a 3,9 x 104 UFC/g, sendo 9,52% dos peixes considerados com padrão intermediário e 4,76% inaceitáveis para consumo. A quanti-ficação de E. coli variou de 3,6 a >1.100 NMP/g, sendo 4,76% considerados com padrão intermediário e 4,76% inaceitáveis para consumo. A quantificação de coliformes totais e termotolerantes e a enumeração de micro-organismos aeróbios estritos e facultativos viáveis e bolores e leveduras revelou elevadas populações microbianas o que sugere más condições higiênicas do local de captura, matéria-prima contaminada e risco da presença de enteropatógenos, demonstrando desequilíbrio no ambiente estudado com comprometimento da biodiversidade aquática.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/microbiologia , Técnicas Microbiológicas/veterinária , Caraciformes/microbiologia , Brasil , Biomarcadores Ambientais
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1710, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436854


The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of feeding Japanese quail chicks with diets containing different levels of Moringa oleifera leaf and canola seed powder on growth performance, carcass yield, blood plasma constituents, and egg production. The trial lasted for a total of 7 weeks, with 5 weeks of fattening and two weeks of laying. The first group was the control group, while the second group was supplemented with Moringa oleifera leaves (4g/kg diet), the third group was supplemented with canola seed powder (4g/kg diet), the fourth group was supplemented with a mix of Moringa oleifera leaves and canola seed powder (8g/kg diet). The results showed that canola seed powder from 0-3 weeks of age increased body weight in comparison to the control group, but there were no significant differences (p<0.05) among groups in terms of the final body weight and feed conversion ratio. Average daily feed intake was significantly different (p<0.05). However, body weight, carcass weight, liver weight, gizzard weight, and abdominal fat weight increased significantly compared to the control group. Feeding Moringa oleifera leaves and canola seed powder significantly increased the total plasma protein, as compared to the control group. There were significant decreases in cholesterol, triglycerides and HDL levels among groups, with no significant differences in glucose, ALT and LDL among all treatments. The addition of Moringa oleifera leaf and canola seed powder showed significant effects on calcium and magnesium. Both Moringa oleifera leaf and Moringa-canola mixture significantly reduced the presence of some pathogenic bacteria in the digestive system, which was seen as an important contribution to the digestive and immune systems.(AU)

Animais , Doenças das Aves/microbiologia , Coturnix/microbiologia , Brassica napus/efeitos adversos , Moringa oleifera/efeitos adversos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(1): 1-34, mar. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1425299


Neotropical primates are represented by more than 200 species and subspecies distributed in five families. Considering that some of these species are considered endangered, disease investigation in these populations is critical for conservation strategies. Therefore, an increasing number of studies and publications on this topic became available in the past few years. This review deals with infectious diseases of neotropical primates, with focus on free-ranging animals, including those caused by bacterial, viral, protozoal, metazoan, or mycotic infectious organisms, with particular emphasis on gross and microscopic lesions associated with these diseases. In addition, a few relevant unpublished cases of infection by Staphylococcus spp., Streptococcus spp., E. coli and Pseudomonas spp. were included in this review.(AU)

Animais , Primatas/microbiologia , Infecções por Pseudomonas/diagnóstico , Infecções Estafilocócicas/diagnóstico , Infecções Estreptocócicas/diagnóstico , Doenças Transmissíveis/veterinária , Doenças dos Primatas/microbiologia , Pseudomonas , Staphylococcus/patogenicidade , Streptococcus
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 126-131, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509612


Amebiasis is an important parasitosis that can affect reptiles, specially caused by protozoas of the genus Entamoeba, which include pathogenic or commensal species. Entamoeba invadens is the most common amoeba to cause serious disease and death in reptiles. This paper aims to report a case of a sudden death due to a disseminated infection by Entamoeba invadens in a red-footed tortoise (Chelonoidis carbonaria). The animal was brought to the Center for Management and Conservation of Wild Animals of the Fauna Division and found dead after being kept in an enclousure with other captive tortoises for 11 months. Macroscopic findings evidenced necrotizing typhlitis and proctitis and round yellow areas in the right lobe of liver parenchyma. In the histological examination, necrotizing and heterophilic enteritis and necrotizing hepatitis with macrovesicular degeneration of hepatocytes, associated with mixed inflammatory infiltrate were present. Both organs revealed numerous amoebic trophozoites, morphologically suggestive of the genus Entamoeba, and bacterial colonies. The agent was confirmed by PCR and Sanger DNA sequencing, which leads this study to be the first confirmed case report of E. invadens infection in Brazil in a red-footed tortoise.(AU)

Animais , Tartarugas/microbiologia , Entamebíase/diagnóstico , Enterite , Entamoeba
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(4): 765-770, July-Aug. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447356


Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar genótipos de M. synoviae circulantes em poedeiras comerciais, na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Para estabelecer a relação evolutiva entre as cepas de MS, foi analisada a sequência genética do gene vlhA de 11 cepas de MS identificadas no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo, de 10 outras cepas de MS identificadas no Brasil e cujas sequências foram depositadas no banco de dados GenBank, e da cepa vacinal MSH. O método da máxima verossimilhança e o modelo de Kimura com dois parâmetros foram utilizados para comparar as cepas. As sequências obtidas foram depositadas no Genbank, sob os números de acesso OP279775 a OP279785. Foi possível verificar a presença de diferentes cepas circulantes no Brasil, com alta similaridade entre as cepas do Rio de Janeiro pela análise do gene vlhA. As duas cepas paulistas detectadas no presente estudo possuem o baixo percentual (68%) de similaridade, demonstrando a variabilidade das cepas dessa localidade.

Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas , Variação Genética , Galinhas/microbiologia , Mycoplasma synoviae/genética
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(3): 535-543, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436957


O presente estudo avaliou o potencial probiótico in vitro de bactérias ácido-láticas (BAL) isoladas de queijo artesanal da Serra Geral (MG), com 14 e 21 dias de maturação, leite cru e pingo, utilizados em sua elaboração, e de bancadas de produção. As bactérias foram submetidas aos testes de antibiograma, à tolerância a ácido gástrico artificial e a sais biliares e ao antagonismo contra micro-organismos indicadores. Levilactobacillus brevis (Q521) e Lactococcus lactis (LLSG) apresentaram os melhores resultados e foram selecionados para a produção de leite fermentado. Apenas LLSG foi capaz de fermentar o leite. O produto apresentou qualidade microbiológica e físico-química adequada, exceto para os teores de proteína, segundo a legislação vigente para leites fermentados, demonstrando potencial tecnológico. A partir dos resultados apresentados, sugere-se que testes in vivo sejam realizados para que LLSG possa vir a ser utilizado como probiótico.

Técnicas In Vitro , Queijo/microbiologia , Probióticos , Alimento Funcional
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58353, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413218


Technical regulations that determine milk quality standards in Brazil establish the minimum criteria that the processing industry's raw material must present. These rules can challenge the logistics sector (transport) to maintain adequate milk conservation levels. We aimed to evaluate the influence of bulk transport and storage conditions on refrigerated raw milk quality. The experiment was carried out in a dairy industry in Santa Catarina State. Information and samples of refrigerated raw milk were collected from dairy farms, from isothermal compartments of milk trucks, and from the industry's storage silo. These samples were submitted to microbiological analysis, somatic cell count(SCC), and physicochemical analysis. The results were evaluated by ANOVA and multivariate analysis (factor analysis). The transport of raw milk in bulk and the transfer of raw material to the industrial silo worsened the milk's microbiological quality (p < 0.0001) for standard plate count (SPC) and psychrotrophic microorganism count(PMC), without affecting, the physicochemical characteristics of the milk (p > 0.05). Poor hygienic conditions in milk storage rooms, in the refrigeration bulk tanks of the dairy farms, and during the transport, as well as the transport on longer routes, were related to higher SPC and psychrotrophic count while receiving milk by the dairy industry with higher temperatures was only associated with higher SPC.(AU)

Leite/microbiologia , Alimentos Resfriados , Brasil , Técnicas Microbiológicas/métodos
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58349, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413227


The study aimed to evaluate the use of the azidiol® preservative for psychrotrophic microorganism count (PMC) in cooled raw milk. Two studies were carried out, one under controlled conditions (experiment 1) and the other under field conditions (experiment 2), in which samples of raw milk were taken with and without the use of the azidiol® preservative and analyzed at predefined times (0, 6, 12 and 24 hours -experiment 1) and at varying times (experiment 2). Analysis of variance and regression analysis using SAS were applied for data statistical analysis. Milk samples without azidiol®showed higher PMC with increasing time between sampling and analysis, while in samples preserved with azidiol®, this count remained constant. Samples of cooled raw milk intended for PMC should be collected in flasks containing the azidiol®preservative.(AU)

Leite/microbiologia , Conservantes de Alimentos/análise , Carga Bacteriana
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2022-1646, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416248


The control of Salmonella in the poultry production chain combined with biosecurity measures is an important tool to maintain and guarantee the sanitary status of Brazilian flocks. The aim of this work was to compare official laboratory data on molecular typification of Salmonella isolates from poultry breeding flocks in different Brazilian states between 2016 and 2018 and identify the production category with the most positive flocks, in light of current legislation. Surveillance data of positive samples from the official Brazilian Salmonella Control Programme sent to Federal Agricultural Defence Laboratory of São Paulo (LFDA-SP) after molecular characterization were analysed. These data were subject to an exploratory study, undergoing a descriptive statistical analysis followed by the use of frequency and non-parametric hypothesis tests. Overall, 49 serovars were detected in poultry broiler-breeder and layer-breeder flocks. Salmonella ser. Heidelberg, Salmonella ser. Anatum, Salmonella ser. Newport, Salmonella ser. Schwarzengrund and Salmonella ser. Mbandaka were the five most common isolated serovars. The data shows that there is an opportunity to improve biosecurity measures in parent breeder flocks. A total of 16 serovars were identified in turkey-breeders. Salmonella ser. Anatum, Salmonella ser. Newport, Salmonella ser. Brandenburg, Salmonella ser. Litchfield, and Salmonella ser. Livingstone were the most common ones. The four official controlled serovars represented a small part of the isolated strains. These data demonstrate the importance of an official program in Brazil for Salmonella surveillance in breeder flocks combined with biosecurity measures.(AU)

Animais , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Aves/microbiologia , Brasil , Contenção de Riscos Biológicos
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e61179, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419097


Starch processing industries use amylases, accounting for approximately 30% of the world's enzyme market. Previously, an amylase-producing strain of Epicoccum nigrumwas isolated from maize grains. Although E. nigrumamylase production is already reported in the literature, no published data on production optimization or characterization of the produced enzyme exists. The objectives of this work were to improve the amylase production by theE. nigrumPG 16 strain and to purify and characterize the produced enzyme. The E. nigrumPG 16 amylase production best conditions in submerged culture were: inoculum of 4% (v v-1) of a five-days-old stationary culture homogenate, agitation at 100 rpm, 25°C, natural light, 72 hours of incubation, starch as thecarbon source, and an initial medium pH of 7.0. A molecular exclusion chromatography profile has shown the production of only one amylase, which was partially purified with ammonium precipitation and dialysis. The enzyme optima pH and temperature are 6.0 and 50°C, respectively. The partially purified enzyme lostits activity when incubated for 30 min in temperatures above 40°C, presenting a T50of 46.25°C. The KMand Vmaxof the partially purified enzyme are 1.72 mg mL-1of starch and 0.15 mgmin-1of degraded starch, respectively. The ion Ca2+slightly activated the studied enzyme. The ions Cu2+, Zn2+, and Fe3+and the detergents SDS and Tween 80 acted as inhibitors of the studied enzyme. The partially purified enzyme released glucose from p-nitrophenyl α-D-glucopyranoside (p-NPG). Glucose was the enzyme's main product from starch hydrolysis, as evidenced by thin-layer chromatography. The E. nigrumPG 16 studied enzyme is a glucoamylase and represents an alternative for enzymatic starch hydrolysis.(AU)

Ascomicetos/enzimologia , Amilases/isolamento & purificação , Zea mays/microbiologia
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(2): e014722, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1428806


Protozoa of the Apicomplexa phylum are worldwide distributed with capacity to infect endothermic animals. The study of these protozoa in wild birds in Brazil is scarce. This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of apicomplexan protozoa in wild birds in the Northeast of Brazil. From October to December 2019, brain tissue samples were collected from 71 captive birds from the Wild Animal Screening Center of the Pernambuco State (CETRAS-Tangara) and 25 free-living birds from the Caatinga biome in Rio Grande do Norte, totaling 96 animals (41 species). Brain fragments were subjected to molecular diagnosis by nested PCR for the 18s rDNA gene of Apicomplexa parasites, followed by DNA sequencing. This gene was detected in 25% (24/96) of the samples, and it was possible to perform DNA sequencing of 14 samples, confirming three genera: Isospora, Sarcocystis and Toxoplasma from eight bird species (Amazona aestiva, Coereba flaveola, Egretta thula, Paroaria dominicana, Sporophila nigricollis, Cariama cristata, Columbina talpacoti, Crypturellus parvirostris). The occurrence these coccidia in wild birds provides important epidemiological information for the adoption of preventive measures for its conservation. Future studies are needed to better understand the consequence of Apicomplexa infection in birds in Caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes.(AU)

Protozoários do filo Apicomplexa são distribuídos mundialmente e com capacidade de infectar animais endotérmicos. O estudo destes protozoários, em aves silvestres do Brasil, é escasso. Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de protozoários Apicomplexa em aves silvestres na região Nordeste do Brasil. De outubro a dezembro de 2019, foram coletadas amostras de encéfalo de 71 aves de cativeiro do Centro de Triagem e Reabilitação de Animais Silvestres de Pernambuco (CETRAS-Tangara). E 25 aves de vida livre do bioma Caatinga no Rio Grande do Norte, totalizando 96 animais (41 espécies). Os fragmentos de encéfalo foram submetidos ao diagnóstico molecular por nested PCR, para o gene 18s rDNA de protozoários Apicomplexa, seguido por sequenciamento do DNA. Este gene foi detectado em 25% (24/96) das amostras analisadas; foi possível realizar o sequenciamento de 14 amostras, confirmando-se três gêneros: Isospora, Sarcocystis e Toxoplasma em oito espécies de aves (Amazona aestiva, Coereba flaveola, Egretta thula, Paroaria dominicana, Sporophila nigricollis, Cariama cristata, Columbina talpacoti, Crypturellus parvirostris). A ocorrência destes coccídios nas aves silvestres fornece informações epidemiológicas importantes para a adoção de medidas preventivas tendo em vista sua conservação. Estudos futuros são necessários para melhor compreensão da consequência da infecção por Apicomplexa, em aves silvestres dos biomas Caatinga e Floresta Atlântica.(AU)

Animais , Infecções Protozoárias em Animais/epidemiologia , Aves/microbiologia , Brasil , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Apicomplexa/microbiologia , Animais Selvagens/microbiologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07160, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1431059


Periodontitis affects the teeth supporting tissues, leading to tooth loss and damage to animal health. Evidence in humans suggests that oral microorganisms spread systemically, increasing the risk of pregnancy disorders such as miscarriage, prematurity, and low birth weight. This study aimed to verify whether periodontopathogenic microorganisms reach the transplacental unit, culminating in problems in pregnant ewes. After analyzing the oral cavity, 10 clinically healthy pregnant ewes (OGCH group) and 10 pregnant ewes with periodontitis (OGP group) were selected. The subgingival biofilm was collected for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test and amniotic fluid for both the PCR and interleukin (IL) analysis. Peripheral blood was collected for complete blood count, and analyses of IL-6, IL1-ß, and tumor necrosis factor-α were performed. Placental fragments were collected to assess the inflammatory changes using optical microscopy. After giving birth, both the ewes and their lambs were weighed. On clinical examination, a positive correlation between bleeding and suppuration (correlation index - CI=0.54), suppuration and marginal gingivitis (CI=0.34), and marginal gingivitis and edema (CI=0.54) was observed. The weights of the ewes (p=0.013) and their respective lambs (p=0.04) in the OGP group were lower than those of their OGCH group counterparts. The hematological analysis revealed that the OGP group ewes showed a slight increase in the mean corpuscular volume (p=0.2447), segmented cells (p=0.3375), and eosinophils (p=0.3823) when compared with the OGCH group ewes, without a statistical difference. Regarding the microorganisms detected in the oral cavity, there was a significant difference between the occurrence of periodontal pockets and the presence of Fusobacterium necrophorum (p=0.0328), Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (p=0.0392), and the Mollicutes class (p=0.0352). Staphylococcus genus (p=0.9107) and Archaea domain (p=0.7245) were detected in the amniotic samples of both groups, without a significant difference, whereas P. asaccharolytica (p=0.2685) was only detected in one sample in the OGCH group. The expression of cytokine IL-6 in the OGP group differed significantly between the prepartum and postpartum periods (p=0.0039); moreover, it differed significantly in the postpartum period between the OGCH and OGP groups (p=0.0198). Histological examination showed a higher percentage of placental changes in the OGP group (70%) than in the OGCH group, such as the presence of macrophages, neutrophils, plasma cells, and multifocal areas of calcification. These results do not corroborate the hypothesis of dissemination of oral microorganisms to the placental unit, suggesting that it constitutes placental isolation in sheep.

A periodontite afeta os tecidos de suporte dos dentes levando à perda dentária e danos à saúde do animal. Evidências em humanos sugerem que os microrganismos orais se espalham sistemicamente, aumentando o risco de distúrbios da gravidez, como aborto espontâneo, prematuridade e baixo peso ao nascer. Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar se microrganismos periodontopatogênicos atingem a unidade transplacentária, culminando em problemas em ovelhas gestantes. Após análise da cavidade oral, foram selecionadas 10 ovelhas gestantes clinicamente saudáveis (grupo OGCH) e 10 ovelhas gestantes com periodontite (grupo OGP). O biofilme subgengival foi coletado para o teste de reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) e o líquido amniótico para teste de PCR e análise de interleucina (IL). Sangue periférico foi coletado para hemograma completo e análises de IL-6, IL1-ß e fator de necrose tumoral-α foram realizadas. Fragmentos de placenta foram coletados para avaliação das alterações inflamatórias por meio de microscopia óptica. Após o parto, as ovelhas e seus cordeiros foram pesados. Ao exame clínico, observou-se correlação positiva entre sangramento e supuração (índice de correlação - IC=0,54), supuração e gengivite marginal (IC=0,34) e gengivite marginal e edema (IC=0,54). Os pesos das ovelhas (p=0,013) e de seus respectivos cordeiros (p=0,04) do grupo OGP foram inferiores aos do grupo OGCH. A análise hematológica revelou que as ovelhas do grupo OGP apresentaram discreto aumento no volume corpuscular médio (p=0,2447), células segmentadas (p=0,3375) e eosinófilos (p=0,3823) quando comparadas com as ovelhas do grupo OGCH, sem diferença estatística diferença. Em relação aos microrganismos detectados na cavidade oral, houve diferença significativa entre a ocorrência de bolsas periodontais e a presença de Fusobacterium necrophorum (p=0,0328), Porphyromonas asaccharolytica (p=0,0392) e da classe Mollicutes (p=0,0352). O gênero Staphylococcus (p=0,9107) e o domínio Archaea (p=0,7245) foram detectados nas amostras amnióticas de ambos os grupos, sem diferença significativa, enquanto P. asaccharolytica (p=0,2685) foi detectado apenas em uma amostra do grupo OGCH. A expressão da citocina IL-6 no grupo OGP diferiu significativamente entre os períodos pré e pós-parto (p=0,0039); além disso, diferiu significativamente no período pós-parto entre os grupos OGCH e OGP (p=0,0198). O exame histológico mostrou maior porcentagem de alterações placentárias no grupo OGP (70%) do que no grupo OGCH, como a presença de macrófagos, neutrófilos, plasmócitos e áreas multifocais de calcificação. Esses resultados não corroboram a hipótese de disseminação de microrganismos orais para a unidade placentária, sugerindo que se trata de um isolamento placentário em ovinos.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Periodontite/diagnóstico , Periodontite/veterinária , Complicações Infecciosas na Gravidez/veterinária , Doenças dos Ovinos/microbiologia , Ovinos , Líquido Amniótico/microbiologia , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Boca/microbiologia
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2022-1628, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416205


Salmonellosis is an important gastrointestinal infection in humans and cause of foodborne outbreaks in the world. In this context, molecular characterization is essential to understand how the strains circulate. The aim of this study was to evaluate the genotypic distribution of S. Heidelberg according to the source of isolation. The genetic relatedness of the S. Heidelberg isolates was determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). The most prevalent pulsotypes of cluster A were BRJF6X01.006 (27/95 = 28,42%) related between 1995 and 2011 in broilers, poultry meat and poultry farms, meat product and human, and BRJF6X01.001 (21/95 = 22,10%) related between 2011 and 2017 in wild animals, broilers, poultry meat, poultry farms, meat product, animal feed, and pork meat. The pulsotype BRJF6X01.001 shows a high distribution in the environmental and productive chain. The degree of similarity between pulsotypes BRJF6X01.006 and BRJF6X01.001 is 88%. To ensure the safety of human and animal health, holistic approaches, including surveillance of Salmonella throughout the environment and in the production chain, together with control measures, are critical. As transmission of Salmonella from food producing animals to wildlife and to the environment is considered potential public health problem, information on the survival and persistence of Salmonella in the environment and in potential reservoirs is of considerable importance.(AU)

Humanos , Animais , Bovinos , Aves Domésticas/microbiologia , Salmonella/isolamento & purificação , Salmonelose Animal/genética , Aves/microbiologia , Animais Selvagens/microbiologia , Brasil , Eletroforese em Gel de Campo Pulsado/métodos
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 112-116, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509602


The purpose of this manuscript is to describe the clinical-pathological aspects of cardiac hypertrophy related to the presence of Corynebacterium spp. in three Didelphis albiventris cubs. In necropsy, macroscopically, in the heart, cardiomegaly, concentric hypertrophy of the ventricles and the ventricular septum were observed, with consequent reduction of the chamber. Microscopically, the primary lesions found in the heart were cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and necrosis, myocytolysis, and the presence of myriad basophilic bacteria. Liver fragments and endocardial swabs were sent for bacterial culture, in which pleomorphic Gram-positive rods grew, forming small and hemolytic colonies. Chemical tests demonstrated characteristics compatible with Corynebacterium spp. Thus, this report represents the first description of cardiac hypertrophy associated with Corynebacterium spp. in white-eared opossums cubs, representing an essential contribution to studying diseases in wild animals.(AU)

Animais , Cardiomegalia/veterinária , Infecções por Corynebacterium/diagnóstico , Didelphis/microbiologia , Corynebacterium/patogenicidade
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e264249, 2023. tab, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1420685


Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causes bacterial leaf blight that is a major threat to rice production. Crop losses in extreme situations can reach up to75%, and millions of hectares of rice are affected each year. Management of the disease required information about the spatial distribution of BLB incidence, severity, and prevalence. In this study, major rice-growing areas of Pakistan were surveyed during 2018-2019 for disease occurrence, and thematic maps were developed using geographic information system (GIS). Results showed that Narowal district had highest percentage of disease incidence (54-69%), severity (42-44%), and prevalence (72-90%) meanwhile Jhung district had the lowest incidence (21-23%), severity (18-22%), and prevalence (45-54%). To understand the environmental factors contributing to this major rice disease, the research analyze, the spatial relationships between BLB prevalence and environmental variables. Those variables include relative humidity (RH), atmospheric pressure (A.P), minimum temperature, soil organic carbon, soil pH, and elevation, which were evaluated by using GIS-based Ordinary Least Square (OLS) spatial model. The fitted model had a coefficient of determination (R2) of 65 percent explanatory power of disease development. All environmental variables showed a general trend of positive correlation between BLB prevalence and environmental variables. The results show the potential for disease management and prediction using environmental variable and assessment.

Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) causa o crestamento bacteriano das folhas, que é uma grande ameaça à produção de arroz. As perdas de safra em situações extremas podem chegar a 75% e a milhões de hectares de arroz são afetados a cada ano. O manejo da doença exigia informações sobre a distribuição espacial da incidência, gravidade e prevalência de BLB. Neste estudo, as principais áreas de cultivo de arroz do Paquistão foram pesquisadas durante 2018 e 2019 para ocorrência de doenças, e mapas temáticos foram desenvolvidos usando o sistema de informações geográficas (GIS). Os resultados mostraram que o distrito de Narowal teve a maior porcentagem de incidência da doença (54-69%), gravidade (42-44%) e prevalência (72-90%), enquanto o distrito de Jhung teve a menor incidência (21-23%), gravidade (18-22%) e prevalência (45-54%). Para compreender os fatores ambientais que contribuem para esta importante doença do arroz, a pesquisa analisa as relações espaciais entre a prevalência de BLB e as variáveis ​​ambientais. Essas variáveis ​​incluem umidade relativa (UR), pressão atmosférica (PA), temperatura mínima, carbono orgânico do solo, pH do solo e altitude, que sendo avaliadas a partir do modelo espacial Ordinary Least Square (OLS) baseado em GIS. O modelo ajustado teve um coeficiente de determinação (R2) de 65 por cento de poder explicativo do desenvolvimento da doença. Todas as variáveis ​​ambientais apresentaram tendência geral de correlação positiva entre prevalência de BLB e variáveis ​​ambientais. Os resultados mostram o potencial de manejo e predição de doenças usando variáveis ​​e avaliações ambientais.

Doenças das Plantas , Oryza/microbiologia , Xanthomonas , Pragas da Agricultura , Análise Espacial
Cad. téc. vet. zootec ; (105): 80-124, jan. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435924


O comércio de peixes ornamentais é um setor diversificado da aquicultura, cuja indústria contém alta diversidade de espécies. No Brasil, há uma diversidade de pelo menos 374 espécies de peixes de água doce e 223 espécies de peixes marinhos anunciados para venda em plataformas sociais (Borges et al., 2021). O mercado de peixes ornamentais no Brasil é organizado da seguinte maneira (Figura 1): • Setor produtivo: Consiste em fazendas aquícolas ou centros de captura de peixes silvestres. As regiões Sudeste e Sul são as maiores responsáveis pela produção aquícola em cativeiro de peixes ornamentais no Brasil. A região Norte é a principal responsável pela coleta de peixes silvestres e pela exportação. Os problemas relacionados com os surtos de doenças são um dos maiores gastos dos produtores de peixes ornamentais tanto no Brasil quanto na Flórida, EUA (Boldt et al., 2022). No Brasil, alguns produtores relatam que apenas um terço dos juvenis de algumas espécies chegam à fase de comercialização (Viadanna, nota pessoal). Já os peixes silvestres, além de alta mortalidade devido ao transporte, quando capturados e sem devido manejo, vão inserir novas doenças ao sistema produtivo por meio do agrupamento dos espécimes, fazendo com que a dispersão de agentes infecciosos seja facilitada. Ressalta-se que é comum o uso da mesma água para várias espécies, tornando possível a transmissão desses agentes infecciosos, que podem causar doença leve em uma espécie e grave em outra.(AU)

Animais , Comércio/tendências , Aquicultura/métodos , Doenças dos Peixes/diagnóstico , Peixes/microbiologia , Brasil
Cad. téc. vet. zootec ; (105): 125-134, jan. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435984


Sabe-se que, para lidar com peixes, é necessário se atentar não apenas aos aspectos nutricionais e genéticos, mas sobretudo às questões ambientais, como controle da qualidade de água, e sanitários, como cuidados relacionados aos agentes externos e patogênicos. Qualquer desequilíbrio dentro de todas essas variáveis pode levar ao aparecimento de enfermidades. Dessa forma, como proceder para 6. Principais aspectos sanitários na produção de peixes ornamentais evitar a instalação de doenças em uma produção de peixes ornamentais? A resposta é a prevenção. Infelizmente, na maioria dos casos, a prevenção só vai ser buscada pelos produtores após a instalação de algum problema sanitário na propriedade. Portanto, cabe ao profissional especialista contratado não apenas solucionar o problema, mas também identificar pontos críticos que possam minimizar ou inviabilizar uma nova ocorrência do problema na propriedade.(AU)

Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Comportamentos Relacionados com a Saúde/fisiologia , Controle da Qualidade da Água , Peixes/microbiologia
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210086, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436777


The objective of the present study was to evaluate the qPCR for detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae using different milk samplings in comparison to the conventional microbiology. Four dairy herds with a history of subclinical mastitis caused by S. aureus and S. agalactiae were selected. Sampling approach included milk samples from bulk tank (BT), cow level (composite samples, CO), and mammary quarter level (MQ) from 785 lactating cows. Three consecutive monthly milk samplings were carried out, totaling 3347 MQ milk samples, 912 CO, and 12 from BT. All collected milk samples were subjected to conventional microbiology and qPCR for detection and enumeration of S. aureus and S. agalactiae. The qPCR showed 71.5% of diagnostic sensitivity for S. aureus isolated from MQ milk samples, 71.8% for CO, and 50% for BT milk samples compared with conventional microbiology methodology. Taken together, the diagnostic sensitivity for S. agalactiae isolated from MQ milk samples was 90.2, 87.7 for CO, and 90.9% for BT milk samples. In general, the qPCR methodology enabled the detection of S. aureus and S. agalactiae, regardless of the type of milk sampling. The direct use of milk samples to estimate the counting of S. aureus by qPCR demonstrated lower sensitivity than the counting of S. agalactiae, which can be explained by the pathogen infection dynamics and differences in milk sample type.

Animais , Bovinos , Staphylococcus aureus , Streptococcus agalactiae , Doenças dos Bovinos , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase , Leite/microbiologia , Mastite Bovina
Rev. bras. zootec ; 52: e20210199, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436809


This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of lactic acid bacteria preparations on microbial diversity and community structure of calves. On days 1 and 7 of the trial period, feces were collected into sterile tubes and labeled (Day 1: control group D1DZ, experimental group D1SY, and Day 7: control group D7DZ, experimental group D7SY). Twenty Angus calves (150±10 kg) were selected and randomly divided into two groups of 10 calves each. The control group fed a basal diet. In addition to feeding the basal diet, the experimental group was given 15 mL lactobacillus preparation orally at 09:00 and 16:00 h every day. Calves were allowed free feeding and drinking water. All other feeding environments and management conditions remained consistent with the experiment lasting for seven days. At the end of the experiment, the fecal microflora of the calves was analyzed using 16S rRNA sequencing techniques. The 16S rRNA analysis data were processed using the Excel 2007 software and analyzed by the IBM SPSS statistical software (Statistical Analysis System, version 22). The Alpha diversity index analysis showed that the Chao and the Ace indices were significantly different after feeding supplemented with lactic acid bacteria. The PCA analysis showed that the fecal flora structure differed significantly after supplementation with the lactic acid bacteria preparation. Further analysis showed that the lactic acid bacteria increased Firmicutes, Patescibacteria, Rikenellaceae_RC9_gut_group, Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1, and prevotellaceae_UCG-003 in the feces. Therefore, we speculate that lactic acid bacteria preparations play an important role in animal production and are beneficial to the diversity of the fecal microflora of the calves.

Animais , Bovinos , Suplementos Nutricionais , Dieta/veterinária , Fezes/microbiologia