O principal objetivo do nosso trabalho foi o levantamento da composição (riqueza e abundância) da avifauna em um remanescente florestal de Mata Atlântica em Santa Catarina, suscetível à ampliação e intervenção de uma pedreira para subsidiar futuras análises de impactos ambientais dessa atividade. Registramos 142 espécies de aves, distribuídas em 16 ordens e 42 famílias. A partir dos resultados, concluímos que a riqueza total de espécies não deve ser afetada pela ampliação da área de lavra sob o remanescente. No entanto, constatamos que a abundância das aves foi menor nas proximidades da borda da mata, especialmente das aves endêmicas, ameaçadas e especialistas de sub-bosque. Dessa maneira, esperamos que a abundância nas áreas florestais adjacentes seja maior por um período, após o deslocamento das espécies, e diminua ao longo do tempo, à medida em que as relações ecológicas intraespecíficas e interespecíficas aumentem pela competição por recursos e território no habitat. Alertamos que se o tamanho do remanescente não for suficiente para populações viáveis, nossa hipótese é que haja um lapso temporal até que as espécies mais sensíveis desapareçam do local. O tamanho e qualidade do fragmento remanescente deve ser fundamental para minimizar os impactos da atividade e garantir a persistência das populações de aves sensíveis e especializadas na região. Por esse motivo, se a expansão da mina ocorrer, advertimos para que os remanescentes florestais do entorno sejam preservados para garantir a migração e persistência de aves sensíveis, principalmente insetívoras de sub-bosque relatadas em nosso estudo. Nesse contexto, apontamos cinco medidas prioritárias que devem ser implementadas pelo empreendedor, caso o órgão licenciador delibere em favor da ampliação/manutenção da atividade minerária: 1) aquisição dos remanescentes do entorno para transformá-los em RPPN, 2) reposição florestal equivalente à área desmatada, 3) contribuir com as ações do Plano de Ação Nacional para conservação das aves da Mata Atlântica por meio de medida compensatória, 4) diminuição da área de mina para exploração e 5) monitoramento de aves durante a instalação e operação do empreendimento.
The main objective of our work was to survey the composition (richness and abundance) of birds in a forest remnant of the Atlantic Forest in Santa Catarina, southern Brazil, susceptible to the expansion of quarrying activities to support future analyzes of the environmental impacts. We recorded 142 bird species, distributed in 16 orders and 42 families. We propose that species richness shall not be affected by the expansion of quarrying into the remnant; however, we recorded that bird abundance was significantly lower near the forest edge than in the interior, especially of endemic, threatened and understory specialist species. Thus, if quarrying operation expands, we expect the bird abundance in adjacent forest remnants will be higher after species displacement, then will decrease over time as intra- and interspecific ecological relationships increase through competition for resources and territory. The size and quality of the remaining fragments are fundamental to reduce impacts of the activity and ensure the persistence of populations of sensitive and specialized birds in the region. For this reason, if the quarrying expands into the remnant area, then we propose that the surrounding forests be protected to ensure the migration and persistence of sensitive birds, mainly understory insectivores. In this context, we propose the following five actions to be implemented by the entrepreneur: 1) acquisition of surround remnants to be converted into Private Protected Areas, 2) reforestation equivalent to deforested area, 3) contribute to the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Atlantic Forest Birds through compensatory measures, 4) reduction of quarrying area, and 5) bird monitoring program.
Animais , Aves/classificação , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Biodiversidade , MineraçãoResumo
The collapse of the Fundão tailings dam of the Samarco mining complex in Mariana, Brazil, was the largest mining disaster in the world to date with many socio-economic and environmental impacts. Soil affected by mining tailings was severely altered with negative impacts for agriculture. We tested whether diluting mining tailings with organic soil would eliminate or at least attenuate the ecotoxic effects on plant development and performance. We cultivated radish, Raphanus sativus,in substrates containing different proportions of mining tailings and organic soil: pure tailings (T100%); 2) tailings75%+ soil25%(T75%); 3) tailings50%+ soil50%(T50%); 4) tailings25%+ soil75%(T25%), and 5) pure organic soil (Soil100%, control). There were large differences in soil quality parameters between the 100% tailings treatment (T100%) and the control (Soil100%), as well as for some parameters in the most diluted treatment -T25%(Ca2+, Fe, Mn) in relation to the controltreatment. Although dilution of the tailings soil improved radish development, there was lower radish productivity (leaf area, total biomass, and root/tuber biomass) than for pure soil (control). There were also significantly higher amounts of bioaccumulated metals in radish tubers grown with tailings, even when grown in T25%for Fe content and in T75%for Mn content. These results present a worrisome scenario for human communities in the region of the Doce river, as human consumption of crops produced in soil contaminated with tailingsis not recommended due to potential toxicological effects from high metal concentrations.(AU)
Qualidade do Solo , Raphanus , Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Mineração , Substratos para Tratamento BiológicoResumo
Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is the main leafy vegetable produced in Brazil. Since its production is widespread all over the country, lettuce traceability and quality assurance is hampered. In this study, we propose a new method to identify the geographical origin of Brazilian lettuce. The method uses a powerful data mining technique called support vector machines (SVM) applied to elemental composition and soil properties of samples analyzed. We investigated lettuce produced in São Paulo and Pernambuco, two states in the southeastern and northeastern regions in Brazil, respectively. We investigated efficiency of the SVM model by comparing its results with those achieved by traditional linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The SVM models outperformed the LDA models in the two scenarios investigated, achieving an average of 98 % prediction accuracy to discriminate lettuce from both states. A feature evaluation formula, called Fscore, was used to measure the discriminative power of the variables analyzed. The soil exchangeable cation capacity, soil contents of low crystalized Al and Zn content in lettuce samples were the most relevant components for differentiation. Our results reinforce the potential of data mining and machine learning techniques to support traceability strategies and authentication of leafy vegetables.(AU)
Lactuca/fisiologia , Características do Solo , Programas de Rastreamento/métodos , MineraçãoResumo
Mining activities have significantly affected the Neotropical freshwater ichthyofauna, the most diverse in the world. However, no study has systematized knowledge on the subject. In this review, we assembled information on the main impacts of mining of crude oil, gold, iron, copper, and bauxite on aquatic ecosystems, emphasizing Neotropical freshwater fishes. The information obtained shows that mining activities generate several different disturbances, mainly via input of crude oil, metals and other pollutants, erosion and siltation, deforestation, and road construction. Mining has resulted in direct and indirect losses of fish diversity in several Neotropical waterbodies. The negative impacts on the ichthyofauna may change the structure of communities, compromise entire food chains, and erode ecosystem services provided by freshwater fishes. Particularly noteworthy is that mining activities (legal and illegal) are widespread in the Neotropics, and often located within or near protected areas. Actions to prevent and mitigate impacts, such as inspection, monitoring, management, and restoration plans, have been cursory or absent. In addition, there is strong political pressure to expand mining; if - or when - this happens, it will increase the potential of the activity to further diminish the diversity of Neotropical freshwater fishes.(AU)
As atividades de mineração têm impactado significativamente a ictiofauna de água doce Neotropical, a mais diversa do mundo. Porém, nenhum estudo sistematizou o conhecimento sobre o assunto. Nesta revisão, reunimos informações sobre os principais impactos da mineração de petróleo, ouro, ferro, cobre, e bauxita sobre os ecossistemas aquáticos, com ênfase nos peixes de água doce Neotropicais. As informações obtidas mostram que as atividades de mineração geram diferentes distúrbios, principalmente por meio de petróleo bruto, metais e outros poluentes, erosão e assoreamento, desmatamento e construção de estradas. A mineração resultou em perda direta e indireta de diversidade de peixes de vários corpos d'água Neotropicais. Os impactos negativos sobre a ictiofauna podem alterar a estrutura das comunidades, comprometer cadeias alimentares inteiras, bem como degradar os serviços ecossistêmicos fornecidos pelos peixes de água doce. Particularmente importante é que as atividades de mineração (legais e ilegais) são generalizadas na região Neotropical, e frequentemente estão localizadas dentro ou perto de áreas protegidas. Ações de prevenção e mitigação de impactos, como planos de fiscalização, monitoramento, manejo e restauração, têm sido precárias ou ausentes. Além disso, há forte pressão política para expandir a mineração; se - ou quando - isso acontecer, aumentará o potencial da atividade em diminuir ainda mais a diversidade de peixes de água doce Neotropicais.(AU)
Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Meio Ambiente , Peixes , Mineração , Óleos , MercúrioResumo
Mining activities have significantly affected the Neotropical freshwater ichthyofauna, the most diverse in the world. However, no study has systematized knowledge on the subject. In this review, we assembled information on the main impacts of mining of crude oil, gold, iron, copper, and bauxite on aquatic ecosystems, emphasizing Neotropical freshwater fishes. The information obtained shows that mining activities generate several different disturbances, mainly via input of crude oil, metals and other pollutants, erosion and siltation, deforestation, and road construction. Mining has resulted in direct and indirect losses of fish diversity in several Neotropical waterbodies. The negative impacts on the ichthyofauna may change the structure of communities, compromise entire food chains, and erode ecosystem services provided by freshwater fishes. Particularly noteworthy is that mining activities (legal and illegal) are widespread in the Neotropics, and often located within or near protected areas. Actions to prevent and mitigate impacts, such as inspection, monitoring, management, and restoration plans, have been cursory or absent. In addition, there is strong political pressure to expand mining; if - or when - this happens, it will increase the potential of the activity to further diminish the diversity of Neotropical freshwater fishes.(AU)
As atividades de mineração têm impactado significativamente a ictiofauna de água doce Neotropical, a mais diversa do mundo. Porém, nenhum estudo sistematizou o conhecimento sobre o assunto. Nesta revisão, reunimos informações sobre os principais impactos da mineração de petróleo, ouro, ferro, cobre, e bauxita sobre os ecossistemas aquáticos, com ênfase nos peixes de água doce Neotropicais. As informações obtidas mostram que as atividades de mineração geram diferentes distúrbios, principalmente por meio de petróleo bruto, metais e outros poluentes, erosão e assoreamento, desmatamento e construção de estradas. A mineração resultou em perda direta e indireta de diversidade de peixes de vários corpos d'água Neotropicais. Os impactos negativos sobre a ictiofauna podem alterar a estrutura das comunidades, comprometer cadeias alimentares inteiras, bem como degradar os serviços ecossistêmicos fornecidos pelos peixes de água doce. Particularmente importante é que as atividades de mineração (legais e ilegais) são generalizadas na região Neotropical, e frequentemente estão localizadas dentro ou perto de áreas protegidas. Ações de prevenção e mitigação de impactos, como planos de fiscalização, monitoramento, manejo e restauração, têm sido precárias ou ausentes. Além disso, há forte pressão política para expandir a mineração; se - ou quando - isso acontecer, aumentará o potencial da atividade em diminuir ainda mais a diversidade de peixes de água doce Neotropicais.(AU)
Animais , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Meio Ambiente , Peixes , Mineração , Óleos , MercúrioResumo
The occurrence of dark subsurface horizons rich in organic matter (OM) associated with polychrome in the B horizon (yellowish over reddish hue) is common in soils from Southern Brazil. The formation of these horizons and the combination with such morphological attributes has not been properly documented, and neither has the cause effect relationship. Four soil profiles with such sombric-like horizons with a yellowish color at the upper part of the B horizon over red subsoil were studied in Southern Brazil. Results from micromorphology, extractable sesquioxide minerals, clay mineralogy and isomorphic substitution of Fe by Al in iron minerals showed that melanization, xanthization, bioturbation, moderate shrinking/swelling and moderate ferralitization were the most evident pedogenetic processes in role. Xanthization is closely related to the sombric-like horizon formation. In the studied area the findings demonstrated that no clay and OM illuviation had taken place. Therefore, the classification of these soils was revisited, so as to take into account the processes that underlie their genesis with emphasis on xanthization, clay illuviation and soil aggregation. The results suggest that the sombric horizon may need redefinition, unless profiles can be found in which illuviation of clay and/or OM can be proven.(AU)
Solo/classificação , Solos Argilosos/análise , Solos Argilosos/classificação , Ferro/análise , Alumínio/análise , MineraçãoResumo
The occurrence of dark subsurface horizons rich in organic matter (OM) associated with polychrome in the B horizon (yellowish over reddish hue) is common in soils from Southern Brazil. The formation of these horizons and the combination with such morphological attributes has not been properly documented, and neither has the cause effect relationship. Four soil profiles with such sombric-like horizons with a yellowish color at the upper part of the B horizon over red subsoil were studied in Southern Brazil. Results from micromorphology, extractable sesquioxide minerals, clay mineralogy and isomorphic substitution of Fe by Al in iron minerals showed that melanization, xanthization, bioturbation, moderate shrinking/swelling and moderate ferralitization were the most evident pedogenetic processes in role. Xanthization is closely related to the sombric-like horizon formation. In the studied area the findings demonstrated that no clay and OM illuviation had taken place. Therefore, the classification of these soils was revisited, so as to take into account the processes that underlie their genesis with emphasis on xanthization, clay illuviation and soil aggregation. The results suggest that the sombric horizon may need redefinition, unless profiles can be found in which illuviation of clay and/or OM can be proven.
Alumínio/análise , Ferro/análise , Solo/classificação , Solos Argilosos/análise , Solos Argilosos/classificação , MineraçãoResumo
Boron- B concentrations that cause deficiency and those that cause toxicity appear to be very similar, compared to other nutrients, which can complicate successful management of this element in soils. In this study, B adsorption onto two Oxisols from Brazil (Rhodic Eutroperox and Anionic Acroperox), two Alfisols (Natric Palexeralf and Aridic Paleustalf) and an Entisol (Xeric Torrifluvent) from the United States of America were evaluated. The samples were treated with sodium hypochlorite in order to remove soil organic matter. Both treated and untreated samples were used to determine B adsorption isotherms using different B concentrations (0-4.630 mmol L1) and NaNO3 (0.05 M) as background electrolyte solution at pH 7. Boron adsorption envelopes were also measured using 0.463 mmol L1 B at three ionic strengths (0.05, 0.1 and 1M) and NaNO3 as background electrolyte solutions at different pH values (3-12). The cation exchange capacity, specific surface area, free Al and Fe oxides, organic and inorganic carbon content, mineralogy and particle size distribution of the soils were also determined. The Langmuir isotherm and the constant capacitance model were fit to the B adsorption data and the parameters obtained were related to the chemical attributes by multiple linear regression equations. Boron maximum adsorption capacity (BMAC) and the complexation constant for the SH3BO4 inner-sphere complex (LogKB) could be predicted under all experimental conditions. The Alc content was the main soil chemical attribute associated with the BMAC under the conditions evaluated and the LogKB(int) in untreated and treated samples.
Análise do Solo , Química do Solo , MineraçãoResumo
Boron- B concentrations that cause deficiency and those that cause toxicity appear to be very similar, compared to other nutrients, which can complicate successful management of this element in soils. In this study, B adsorption onto two Oxisols from Brazil (Rhodic Eutroperox and Anionic Acroperox), two Alfisols (Natric Palexeralf and Aridic Paleustalf) and an Entisol (Xeric Torrifluvent) from the United States of America were evaluated. The samples were treated with sodium hypochlorite in order to remove soil organic matter. Both treated and untreated samples were used to determine B adsorption isotherms using different B concentrations (0-4.630 mmol L1) and NaNO3 (0.05 M) as background electrolyte solution at pH 7. Boron adsorption envelopes were also measured using 0.463 mmol L1 B at three ionic strengths (0.05, 0.1 and 1M) and NaNO3 as background electrolyte solutions at different pH values (3-12). The cation exchange capacity, specific surface area, free Al and Fe oxides, organic and inorganic carbon content, mineralogy and particle size distribution of the soils were also determined. The Langmuir isotherm and the constant capacitance model were fit to the B adsorption data and the parameters obtained were related to the chemical attributes by multiple linear regression equations. Boron maximum adsorption capacity (BMAC) and the complexation constant for the SH3BO4inner-sphere complex (LogKB) could be predicted under all experimental conditions. The Alc content was the main soil chemical attribute associated with the BMAC under the conditions evaluated and the LogKB(int) in untreated and treated samples.(AU)
Química do Solo , Análise do Solo , MineraçãoResumo
Recent studies have shown that the main origin factor of the retractable character observed in Latossolos and Nitossolos is not mineralogy. Thus, it was hypothesized that soil shrinkage in Latossolos and Nitossolos originates from soil structural factors, so they can be investigated indirectly through the physical properties of soil structure. Thus, the objective of this work was to relate the shrinkage with physical properties and the organic matter of the soil, indirectly investigating the process of soil shrinkage. Six profiles collected in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul were selected, which have a retractable character and one Vertissolo Ebânico in Rio Grande do Sul. The following were evaluated: particle size, consistency limits, soil and particle density, total porosity, micropores. and macropores, specific surface area, shrinkage index, soil organic matter and soil water retention. The relationship between the properties was performed through principal component analysis (PCA). Additionally, to analyze the effect of structure and organic matter on shrinkage index, samples were collected on the A, AB, BA, Bt1, Bt2, Bt3 horizons of the Nitossolo Bruno of Painel, which has a natural gradient of matter decrease organic in profile. In this, the retention curve and shrinkage index determinations were performed with preserved and altered structure samples
Estudos recentes apontaram que o principal fator de origem do caráter retrátil, observado em Latossolos e Nitossolos, não é a mineralogia. Com isso formulou-se a hipótese de que a retração do solo em Latossolos e Nitossolos tem origem em fatores estruturais do solo, portanto podem ser investigados indiretamente através das propriedades físicas da estrutura do solo. Sendo assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a retração com propriedades físicas e a matéria orgânica do solo, investigando de maneira indireta o processo de retração do solo. Foram selecionados seis perfis coletados nos Estados de Santa Catarina e no Rio Grande do Sul que apresentam caráter retrátil e um Vertissolo Ebânico no Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados: granulometria, limites de consistência, densidade do solo e de partículas, porosidade total, microporos e macroporos, área superficial específica, índice de retração, matéria orgânica do solo e retenção de água no solo. A relação entre as propriedades foi realizada através de análise de componentes principais (ACP). Adicionalmente, para analisar o efeito da estrutura e da matéria orgânica no índice de retração, e amostras foram coletadas nos horizontes A, AB, BA, Bt1, Bt2, Bt3 do Nitossolo Bruno de Painel, o qual possui um gradiente natural de decréscimo de matéria orgânica no perfil. Neste, as determinações da curva de retenção e índice de retração
Matéria Orgânica/análise , Solo/químicaResumo
Recent studies have shown that the main origin factor of the retractable character observed in Latossolos and Nitossolos is not mineralogy. Thus, it was hypothesized that soil shrinkage in Latossolos and Nitossolos originates from soil structural factors, so they can be investigated indirectly through the physical properties of soil structure. Thus, the objective of this work was to relate the shrinkage with physical properties and the organic matter of the soil, indirectly investigating the process of soil shrinkage. Six profiles collected in the states of Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul were selected, which have a retractable character and one Vertissolo Ebânico in Rio Grande do Sul. The following were evaluated: particle size, consistency limits, soil and particle density, total porosity, micropores. and macropores, specific surface area, shrinkage index, soil organic matter and soil water retention. The relationship between the properties was performed through principal component analysis (PCA). Additionally, to analyze the effect of structure and organic matter on shrinkage index, samples were collected on the A, AB, BA, Bt1, Bt2, Bt3 horizons of the Nitossolo Bruno of Painel, which has a natural gradient of matter decrease organic in profile. In this, the retention curve and shrinkage index determinations were performed with preserved and altered structure samples(AU)
Estudos recentes apontaram que o principal fator de origem do caráter retrátil, observado em Latossolos e Nitossolos, não é a mineralogia. Com isso formulou-se a hipótese de que a retração do solo em Latossolos e Nitossolos tem origem em fatores estruturais do solo, portanto podem ser investigados indiretamente através das propriedades físicas da estrutura do solo. Sendo assim o objetivo deste trabalho foi relacionar a retração com propriedades físicas e a matéria orgânica do solo, investigando de maneira indireta o processo de retração do solo. Foram selecionados seis perfis coletados nos Estados de Santa Catarina e no Rio Grande do Sul que apresentam caráter retrátil e um Vertissolo Ebânico no Rio Grande do Sul. Foram avaliados: granulometria, limites de consistência, densidade do solo e de partículas, porosidade total, microporos e macroporos, área superficial específica, índice de retração, matéria orgânica do solo e retenção de água no solo. A relação entre as propriedades foi realizada através de análise de componentes principais (ACP). Adicionalmente, para analisar o efeito da estrutura e da matéria orgânica no índice de retração, e amostras foram coletadas nos horizontes A, AB, BA, Bt1, Bt2, Bt3 do Nitossolo Bruno de Painel, o qual possui um gradiente natural de decréscimo de matéria orgânica no perfil. Neste, as determinações da curva de retenção e índice de retração(AU)
Solo/química , Matéria Orgânica/análiseResumo
Information and available knowledge of the soils of the Sertanejo pediplain are relatively scarce and restricted to survey data. Researches about soil characterization and classification contributes to the knowledge of different soil orders within a region and allows information to be obtained systemically based on the physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties of the soil. This study aimed to evaluate the genesis of the Sertanejo pediplain soils, through the characterization of the chemical and mineralogical properties and classification of the soils of the sisal-growing region. Five soil profiles located in Araci, Retirolândia, St. Dominic, and Valente, cities located in the sisal-growing areas of the Bahia semiarid region, were studied, described morphologically, and analyzed for chemical (pH H2O and KCl, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Al3+, H+ + Al3+, P, and TOC) and mineralogical attributes. Most evaluated soil classes were formed by lithological discontinuity of material. The main processes involved in the formation of such soil classes were: cumulization, accretion, and lessivage. The mineralogy of the clay fraction observed was complex and included a variety of minerals, with a predominance of kaolinite and bayerite. In addition, we also found goethite and illite in most of the studied profiles, both in the sediment, horizons P1 C2, and in the crystalline horizon P1 Cr, P2 Bi, P3 2Cr, and P5 Bi. The soils were classified up to the fourth category level, as Entisol Eutrophic Inceptisol (RRE), Alfisols Haplic typical Eutrophic (SXE), and Inceptisols Ta Eutrophic vertissólico (CXve).(AU)
As informações e o conhecimento disponível sobre os solos presentes no Pediplano Sertanejo são relativamente escassas, restringindo-se a informações produzidas pelos levantamentos em nível exploratório ou de reconhecimento. Pesquisas pedológicas sobre caracterização, mineralogia e classificação de solos, contribuem para o conhecimento das diversas ordens de solo de uma região e permitem sistematizar informações sobre os atributos físicos, químicos e mineralógicos dos solos. Este estudo objetivou determinar as propriedades químicas e mineralógicas, bem como a classificação de solos do Pediplano Sertanejo, representativos da região sisaleira. Cinco perfis de solos localizados nos municípios de em Araci, Retirolândia, São Domingos e Valente pertencentes à região sisaleira, semiárido baiano, foram abertos, descritos morfologicamente e analisados nos seus atributos químicos (pH em água e KCl, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, Al3+, H+ +Al3+, P e C) e mineralógicos. A maioria das classes de solos avaliadas são formadas por descontinuidade litológica. Os principais processos envolvidos na formação das classes de solos foram: cumulização, agradação e lessivagem. A mineralogia da fração argila observada é complexa e composta de uma variedade de minerais, com predomínio da caulinita e bayerita. Além destes, também foram encontrados goethita e ilita na maioria dos perfis estudados, tanto no sedimento, nos horizontes P1 C2, como no cristalino, horizontes P1 Cr, P2 Bi, P3 2Cr e P5 Bi. Os solos foram classificados, até o quarto nível categórico, como: Neossolo Regolítico Eutrófico léptico (RRe); Planossolo Háplico Eutrófico típico (SXe) e Cambissolo Háplico Ta Eutrófico vertissólico (CXve).(AU)
Características do Solo/análise , Características do Solo/classificação , Química do Solo/análise , Zona Semiárida , Minerais/análise , AsparagaceaeResumo
No Planalto Norte Catarinense são escassas as informações sobre a composição mineralógica dos solos e há poucos perfis de solo descritos e caracterizados para a região. O mapa de solos de Santa Catarina indica predominância de Cambissolos, Neossolos Litólicos e Latossolos, com Gleissolos ocupando áreas de várzeas. Esses solos ocorrem em relevo desde plano até forte ondulado, onde pequenos e médios proprietários rurais desenvolvem cultivos diversificados, com áreas expressivas de reflorestamentos com pinus. Este trabalho objetivou aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a mineralogia e as propriedades químicas de alguns desses solos, desenvolvidos de rochas sedimentares de distintas formações geológicas. Foram descritos e amostrados 5 (cinco) perfis de solo, sendo um Latossolo e quatro Cambissolos. Na TFSA, foram feitas análises físicas (areia, silte, argila) e químicas de caracterização básica ( pH em água e sal, carbono orgânico, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, H+Al) e com base nesses parâmetros foi calculada a CTC efetiva, CTC pH7, Soma e Saturação por Bases. Análises mineralógicas foram conduzidas na fração argila do horizonte B de cada solo, utilizando-se difratometria de raios X. Todos os solos apresentaram reação muito ácida, com baixa soma e saturação por bases e teores elevados de carbono orgânico e Al trocável. A mineralogia da fração argila revelou predomínio de caulinitas em todos os solos, com quantidades consideráveis de illita, gibbsita e vermiculita com hidroxi-Al entrecamadas.
In the North Plateau of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, there is little information about the mineralogical composition of the soils and a few soil profiles were described and characterized in the region. The two generalized soil maps of Santa Catarina indicate predominance of Inceptisols, Entisols and Oxisols, with hydromorphic soils occupying areas of floodplains. These soils occur in relief from plane to strong wavy, where small and medium rural farmers develop diversified crops, with significant areas with pine reforestation. This work aimed to increase the knowledge of the mineralogical and chemical properties of some of these soils developed from sedimentary rocks of different geological formations. Five soil profiles were described and sampled, included one oxisol and four Inceptisols. In fine earth, physical (sand, silt, clay) and chemical analyzes were performed (pH in water, organic carbon, Ca2+, Mg, K, Na, Al, H + Al) and based on these attributes was calculated effective CEC, CEC at pH7, sum of bases and base saturation. Mineralogical analyzes were conducted in the clay fraction of the B horizon of each soil, using X-ray diffraction techniques. All soils showed very acid reaction, with low sum of bases and base saturation and high levels of organic carbon and exchangeable Al. The clay mineralogy revealed predominance of kaolinite in all soils, with considerable amounts of gibbsite, and vermiculite with hydroxy-Al interlayered.
Análise do Solo , Argila/análise , Mineração , Química do Solo , Solos Argilosos/análise , BrasilResumo
No Planalto Norte Catarinense são escassas as informações sobre a composição mineralógica dos solos e há poucos perfis de solo descritos e caracterizados para a região. O mapa de solos de Santa Catarina indica predominância de Cambissolos, Neossolos Litólicos e Latossolos, com Gleissolos ocupando áreas de várzeas. Esses solos ocorrem em relevo desde plano até forte ondulado, onde pequenos e médios proprietários rurais desenvolvem cultivos diversificados, com áreas expressivas de reflorestamentos com pinus. Este trabalho objetivou aprofundar o conhecimento sobre a mineralogia e as propriedades químicas de alguns desses solos, desenvolvidos de rochas sedimentares de distintas formações geológicas. Foram descritos e amostrados 5 (cinco) perfis de solo, sendo um Latossolo e quatro Cambissolos. Na TFSA, foram feitas análises físicas (areia, silte, argila) e químicas de caracterização básica ( pH em água e sal, carbono orgânico, Ca, Mg, K, Na, Al, H+Al) e com base nesses parâmetros foi calculada a CTC efetiva, CTC pH7, Soma e Saturação por Bases. Análises mineralógicas foram conduzidas na fração argila do horizonte B de cada solo, utilizando-se difratometria de raios X. Todos os solos apresentaram reação muito ácida, com baixa soma e saturação por bases e teores elevados de carbono orgânico e Al trocável. A mineralogia da fração argila revelou predomínio de caulinitas em todos os solos, com quantidades consideráveis de illita, gibbsita e vermiculita com hidroxi-Al entrecamadas.(AU)
In the North Plateau of Santa Catarina state, Brazil, there is little information about the mineralogical composition of the soils and a few soil profiles were described and characterized in the region. The two generalized soil maps of Santa Catarina indicate predominance of Inceptisols, Entisols and Oxisols, with hydromorphic soils occupying areas of floodplains. These soils occur in relief from plane to strong wavy, where small and medium rural farmers develop diversified crops, with significant areas with pine reforestation. This work aimed to increase the knowledge of the mineralogical and chemical properties of some of these soils developed from sedimentary rocks of different geological formations. Five soil profiles were described and sampled, included one oxisol and four Inceptisols. In fine earth, physical (sand, silt, clay) and chemical analyzes were performed (pH in water, organic carbon, Ca2+, Mg, K, Na, Al, H + Al) and based on these attributes was calculated effective CEC, CEC at pH7, sum of bases and base saturation. Mineralogical analyzes were conducted in the clay fraction of the B horizon of each soil, using X-ray diffraction techniques. All soils showed very acid reaction, with low sum of bases and base saturation and high levels of organic carbon and exchangeable Al. The clay mineralogy revealed predominance of kaolinite in all soils, with considerable amounts of gibbsite, and vermiculite with hydroxy-Al interlayered.(AU)
Mineração , Argila/análise , Solos Argilosos/análise , Química do Solo , Análise do Solo , BrasilResumo
Human activities on the Earth's surface change the landscape of natural ecosystems. Mining practices are one of the most severe human activities, drastically altering the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil environment. Bacterial communities in soil play an important role in the maintenance of ecological relationships. This work shows bacterial diversity, metabolic repertoire and physiological behavior in five ecosystems samples with different levels of impact. These ecosystems belong to a historical area in Iron Quadrangle, Minas Gerais, Brazil, which suffered mining activities until its total depletion without recovery since today. The results revealed Proteobacteria as the most predominant phylum followed by Acidobacteria, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomycetes, and Bacteroidetes. Soils that have not undergone anthropological actions exhibit an increase ability to degrade carbon sources. The richest soil with the high diversity was found in ecosystems that have suffered anthropogenic action. Our study shows profile of diversity inferring metabolic profile, which may elucidate the mechanisms underlying changes in community structure in situ mining sites in Brazil. Our data comes from contributing to know the bacterial diversity, relationship between these bacteria and can explore strategies for natural bioremediation in mining areas or adjacent areas under regeneration process in iron mining areas.(AU)
Bactérias/classificação , Bactérias/genética , Bactérias/metabolismo , Metagenoma , Microbiologia do Solo , Condições do Solo , Mineração , Ferro , BrasilResumo
ABSTRACT: Iron oxides are environmental indicators and influence on physical and chemical behavior of soils. This research aimed to identify and characterize pedogenic iron oxides in soils of the Acre state, Brazil. The soils developed from sedimentary rocks of the Solimões Formation. Twenty one samples of subsurface horizons were collected from ten soil profiles. Soil samples were analyzed by x-ray diffractometry associated to selective chemical dissolutions. Fe contents in the clay minerals (Fes), in the pedogenic iron oxides (Fed) and in the poorly crystalline oxides (Feo) were determined. The Al3+-substitution and the mean crystal diameter of goethite and hematite were estimated. Soils presented low contents of Fes and Fed. The Fed/Fes ratio indicated soils in the intermediate stage of weathering, with dominance of goethite, hematite and maghemite. This condition of weathering was confirmed by the higher frequency of goethites and hematite with intermediate Al3+-substitution. Goethites have isodimensional forms and hematite have flat plaques forms.
RESUMO: Os óxidos de ferro são indicadores ambientais e influenciam o comportamento físico e químico dos solos. Este trabalho objetivou identificar e caracterizar os óxidos de ferro pedogênicos de solos do estado do Acre, desenvolvidos de rochas sedimentares da Formação Solimões. Vinte e uma amostras de horizontes subsuperficiais de dez perfis de solos foram analisadas por difratometria de raios x associada a dissoluções químicas seletivas. Os teores de Fe total (Fes), dos óxidos de Fe pedogênicos (Fed) e de baixa cristalinidade (Feo) foram determinados; e a Al3+-substituição e o diâmetro médio cristalino da goethita e da hematita foram estimados. Em geral, os solos apresentaram baixos teores de Fes e de Fed. A relação Fed/Fes indicou solos em estágio de intemperização intermediário, com dominância dos óxidos de Fe goethita, hematita e maghemita. Essa condição de intemperismo foi reforçada pela maior frequência de goethitas e hematitas com intermediária Al3+-substituição. As goethitas possuem formas isodimencionais e as hematitas ocorrem como placas achatadas.
Os óxidos de ferro são indicadores ambientais e influenciam o comportamento físico e químico dos solos. Este trabalho objetivou identificar e caracterizar os óxidos de ferro pedogênicos de solos do estado do Acre, desenvolvidos de rochas sedimentares da Formação Solimões. Vinte e uma amostras de horizontes subsuperficiais de dez perfis de solos foram analisadas por difratometria de raios x associada a dissoluções químicas seletivas. Os teores de Fe total (Fes), dos óxidos de Fe pedogênicos (Fed) e de baixa cristalinidade (Feo) foram determinados; e a Al3+-substituição e o diâmetro médio cristalino da goethita e da hematita foram estimados. Em geral, os solos apresentaram baixos teores de Fes e de Fed. A relação Fed/Fes indicou solos em estágio de intemperização intermediário, com dominância dos óxidos de Fe goethita, hematita e maghemita. Essa condição de intemperismo foi reforçada pela maior frequência de goethitas e hematitas com intermediária Al3+-substituição. As goethitas possuem formas isodimencionais e as hematitas ocorrem como placas achatadas.(AU)
Iron oxides are environmental indicators and influence on physical and chemical behavior of soils. This research aimed to identify and characterize pedogenic iron oxides in soils of the Acre state, Brazil. The soils developed from sedimentary rocks of the Solimões Formation. Twenty one samples of subsurface horizons were collected from ten soil profiles. Soil samples were analyzed by x-ray diffractometry associated to selective chemical dissolutions. Fe contents in the clay minerals (Fes), in the pedogenic iron oxides (Fed) and in the poorly crystalline oxides (Feo) were determined. The Al3+-substitution and the mean crystal diameter of goethite and hematite were estimated. Soils presented low contents of Fes and Fed. The Fed/Fes ratio indicated soils in the intermediate stage of weathering, with dominance of goethite, hematite and maghemite. This condition of weathering was confirmed by the higher frequency of goethites and hematite with intermediate Al3+-substitution. Goethites have isodimensional forms and hematite have flat plaques forms.(AU)
Compostos Férricos/análise , Minerais , Química do Solo , Características do Solo , BrasilResumo
Increased environmental pollution has necessitated the need for eco-friendly clean-up strategies. Filamentous fungal species from gold and gemstone mine site soils were isolated, identified and assessed for their tolerance to varied heavy metal concentrations of cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and iron (Fe). The identities of the fungal strains were determined based on the internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 (ITS 1 and ITS 2) regions. Mycelia growth of the fungal strains were subjected to a range of (0-100 Cd), (0-1000 Cu), (0-400 Pb), (0-500 As) and (0-800 Fe) concentrations (mgkg-1) incorporated into malt extract agar (MEA) in triplicates. Fungal radial growths were recorded every three days over a 13-days' incubation period. Fungal strains were identified as Fomitopsis meliae, Trichoderma ghanense and Rhizopus microsporus. All test fungal exhibited tolerance to Cu, Pb, and Fe at all test concentrations (400-1000 mgkg-1), not differing significantly (p > 0.05) from the controls and with tolerance index >1. T. ghanense and R. microsporus demonstrated exceptional capacity for Cd and As concentrations, while showing no significant (p > 0.05) difference compared to the controls and with a tolerance index >1 at 25 mgkg-1 Cd and 125 mgkg-1 As. Remarkably, these fungal strains showed tolerance to metal concentrations exceeding globally permissible limits for contaminated soils. It is envisaged that this metal tolerance trait exhibited by these fungal strains may indicate their potentials as effective agents for bioremediative clean-up of heavy metal polluted environments.(AU)
Fungos , Metais Pesados , Mineração , Recuperação e Remediação Ambiental/métodos , Coriolaceae , Trichoderma , Rhizopus , Poluição Ambiental/análise , NigériaResumo
The expansion of the agricultural frontier into different geological environments in the west of the state of Pará, northern Brazil, makes it necessary to know the influence of the parent material on local soil attributes. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different parent materials on five soil profiles along a lithosequence exposed by the BR-163 highway, which runs from north to south through western Pará. The soils were classified, morphologically described and their main horizons sampled for physical, mineralogical and chemical analyses, including the determination of micronutrients, forms of phosphorus and secondary forms of iron. Multivariate analysis was used to group the different soil-parent material associations. The results demonstrated that the diversity of the parent material was a determinant of soil attributes, and was a conditioning factor for the formation of different clay minerals. Multivariate analysis grouped the soils along the lithosequence into a group formed by profiles derived from basic and intermediate igneous rocks, and a second group consisting of profiles derived from sediments and sedimentary rocks. The profile derived from acidic igneous rock showed greater similarity with the profiles derived from sedimentary materials in comparison to those derived from other igneous rocks.
A expansão da fronteira agrícola em diferentes ambientes geológicos no oeste do Estado do Pará, norte do Brasil, torna necessário conhecer a influência do material de origem sobre os atributos dos solos locais. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes materiais de origem sobre cinco perfis de solo ao longo de uma litosequência exposta pela rodovia BR-163, que vai de norte a sul pelo oeste do Pará. Os solos foram classificados, morfologicamente descritos e seus principais horizontes amostrados para análises físicas, mineralógicas e químicas, incluindo a determinação de micronutrientes, formas de fósforo e formas secundárias de ferro. Análises multivariadas foram usadas para agrupar as diferentes associações solo-material de origem. Os resultados demonstraram que a diversidade do material de origem foi determinante para os atributos do solo, sendo um fator condicionante para a formação de diferentes argilominerais. A análise multivariada agrupou os solos ao longo da litosequência em um grupo formado por perfis derivados de rochas ígneas básicas e intermediárias, e um segundo grupo constituído por perfis derivados de sedimentos e rochas sedimentares. O perfil derivado de rocha ígnea ácida apresentou maior similaridade com os perfis derivados de materiais sedimentares em comparação àqueles derivados de outras rochas ígneas.
Análise do Solo , Características do Solo/análise , Características do Solo/classificação , Fenômenos Químicos , Análise Multivariada , MineraisResumo
The expansion of the agricultural frontier into different geological environments in the west of the state of Pará, northern Brazil, makes it necessary to know the influence of the parent material on local soil attributes. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of different parent materials on five soil profiles along a lithosequence exposed by the BR-163 highway, which runs from north to south through western Pará. The soils were classified, morphologically described and their main horizons sampled for physical, mineralogical and chemical analyses, including the determination of micronutrients, forms of phosphorus and secondary forms of iron. Multivariate analysis was used to group the different soil-parent material associations. The results demonstrated that the diversity of the parent material was a determinant of soil attributes, and was a conditioning factor for the formation of different clay minerals. Multivariate analysis grouped the soils along the lithosequence into a group formed by profiles derived from basic and intermediate igneous rocks, and a second group consisting of profiles derived from sediments and sedimentary rocks. The profile derived from acidic igneous rock showed greater similarity with the profiles derived from sedimentary materials in comparison to those derived from other igneous rocks.(AU)
A expansão da fronteira agrícola em diferentes ambientes geológicos no oeste do Estado do Pará, norte do Brasil, torna necessário conhecer a influência do material de origem sobre os atributos dos solos locais. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a influência de diferentes materiais de origem sobre cinco perfis de solo ao longo de uma litosequência exposta pela rodovia BR-163, que vai de norte a sul pelo oeste do Pará. Os solos foram classificados, morfologicamente descritos e seus principais horizontes amostrados para análises físicas, mineralógicas e químicas, incluindo a determinação de micronutrientes, formas de fósforo e formas secundárias de ferro. Análises multivariadas foram usadas para agrupar as diferentes associações solo-material de origem. Os resultados demonstraram que a diversidade do material de origem foi determinante para os atributos do solo, sendo um fator condicionante para a formação de diferentes argilominerais. A análise multivariada agrupou os solos ao longo da litosequência em um grupo formado por perfis derivados de rochas ígneas básicas e intermediárias, e um segundo grupo constituído por perfis derivados de sedimentos e rochas sedimentares. O perfil derivado de rocha ígnea ácida apresentou maior similaridade com os perfis derivados de materiais sedimentares em comparação àqueles derivados de outras rochas ígneas.(AU)