We describe a gland in the arthrodial membrane of the coxa-trochanter articulation in the fourth pair of legs in the Neotropical harvester Mischonyx squalidus Bertkau, 1880. Externally the glandular area has a rough appearance with pores on its surface, with folds of the arthrodial membrane. Internally, its secretory cells have spherical secretory vesicles, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and ducts that exit from the cells and cross the arthrodial membrane. Histochemical tests indicate the presence of proteins and neutral glycoproteins. The function of the gland might be to produce lubricating products that allow better movement of the coxa-trochanter region.
Humanos , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Lubrificação , Membranas/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Reptiles have a key role in understanding amniotes' reproductive independence of water. Many adaptations arose, including in locomotor patterns and behaviours, and the nervous system adapted to those new habits.We have described the macroscopic anatomy and cytoarchitecture of the Amazon Lava Lizard brain (Tropidurus torquatus), an abundant lizard in South America. Fifteen specimens were captured, euthanized and their brains were dissected, eight of these were processed and stained in haematoxylineosin. Their main areas of the brain are the telencephalon and diencephalon, in the forebrain, tectum and tegmentum, in the midbrain and bulbota and cerebellum, in the hindbrain. The main and accessory olfactory bulbs are the most rostral structure of the brain and are composed of six layers. Brain hemispheres compose the telencephalon and are divided in pallium and subpallium. Medial, dorsomedial, lateral and dorsal cortices are part of the pallium. Striatum, pallidum and septum compose the subpallium. The diencephalon is composed of thalamus, epithalamus and hypothalamus. The midbrain has a ventral tegmentum, composed of torus semicircularis and a dorsal 14 layered optic tectum. Most part of the hindbrain is composed of the bulbo, and the cerebellum arises from it, forming a three-layered plate like structure. In general, the brain of Tropidurus torquatusresembles those of other lizards, with its own adaptations
Os répteis têm um papel fundamental para a compreensão da independência reprodutiva da água que surgiu nos amniotas. Várias adaptações ocorreram, inclusive em padrões e comportamentos locomotores, e o sistema nervoso se adaptou a esses novos hábitos. Descrevemos a anatomia macroscópica e a citoarquitetura do encéfalo do calango (Tropidurus torquatus), um lagarto abundante na América do Sul. Quinze espécimes foram capturados, eutanasiados e seus encéfalos dissecados, oito destes foram processados e corados em hematoxilina-eosina. As principais áreas do cérebro são o telencéfalo e o diencéfalo, na parte anterior do encéfalo, teto e tegmento, no mesencéfalo e bulbo e cerebelo, na parte posterior do encéfalo. Os bulbos olfatórios principais e acessórios são as estruturas mais rostrais do cérebro e são compostos por seis camadas. Os hemisférios cerebrais compõem o telencéfalo e são divididos em pálio e subpálio. Os córtices medial, dorsomedial, lateral e dorsal fazem parte do pálio. Estriado, pálido e septo compõem o subpálio. O diencéfalo é composto pelo tálamo, epitálamo e hipotálamo. O mesencéfalo possui um tegmento ventral, composto de torus semicircularis e um tecto óptico dorsal com 14 camadas. A maior parte da parte posterior do encéfalo é composta pelo bulbo, e o cerebelo surge como uma projeção dessa estrutura, em formato plano, com três camadas. Em geral, o encéfalo de Tropidurus torquatusse assemelha ao de outros lagartos, com suas próprias adaptações.
Animais , Encéfalo/anatomia & histologia , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Répteis/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The sartorius muscle is located in the pelvic limb of the dog and is divided into a cranial and caudal part. There is no report describingof the three parts of the sartorius muscle. The aim of the present report was to describe the presence of a third part of the sartorius muscle in a dog. Although it does not represent a malformation, it is an important anatomical variation to consider fordidactic purposes of dissection and in surgeries of the pelvic limb, as in this case there is a need to move the muscles apart to maintain their integrity.Furthermore, this anatomical description is relevant for comparative purposes in this animal species.(AU)
Animais , Cães/anatomia & histologia , Variação Anatômica , Músculos Isquiossurais/anatomia & histologiaResumo
×Butyagrus nabonnandii (Prosch.) Vorster is known as mule palm due to sterility, but recently, its pollen has been successfully used in backcrosses. It was first described as an artificial cross between Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman and Butia odorata (Barb.Rodr.) Noblick in 1890. It has been considered rare in nature, and its morphology has been little studied. Thus, we aimed to verify if ×B. nabonnandii is sterile by studying its morphology and seed germination from different natural populations. The hybrid was sampled in four municipalities and is new to three of these. In one of the visited cities, 20 specimens were counted. The vegetative morphology showed less variation than the reproductive. However, part of the vegetative characters differed from previous descriptions relying solely on cultivated specimens. Contrary to previous reports, our data indicate that ×Butyagrus nabonnandii is neither rare nor infertile. Seed germination rates of ×B. nabonnandii are low due to seed predation by beetle larvae and seedless fruit production, which is also observed in the genera of the parental species. Furthermore, as in its parents, the morphology of the hybrid is complex, and future anatomical and molecular approaches are important for a better delimitation and understanding of the biology of ×B. nabonnandii.
×Butyagrus nabonnandii (Prosch.) Vorster é conhecida como palmeira-mula por ser considerada estéril, apesar de ter sido utilizada com sucesso em retrocruzamentos. O híbrido resulta do cruzamento entre Syagrus romanzoffiana (Cham.) Glassman e Butia odorata (Barb.Rodr.) Noblick, é tido como raro e possui morfologia pouco estudada. Objetivou-se estudar a morfologia de ×B. nabonnandii e verificar sua esterilidade através da germinação de suas sementes a partir de diferentes populações naturais. O híbrido foi registrado em quatro municípios sendo, em três desses, de ocorrência inédita. Em um dos municípios visitados, foram contabilizados 20 espécimes. A morfologia vegetativa apresentou menor variação do que a reprodutiva. Entretanto, parte dos caracteres morfológicos vegetativos diferem do descrito na literatura para espécimes cultivados. Nossos dados indicam que além de não ser raro, o híbrido é fértil. As taxas de germinação das sementes de ×B. nabonnandii são baixas devido à predação das sementes por larvas de besouros, além da produção de frutos sem sementes, o que também ocorre nos gêneros das espécies progenitoras. Além disso, assim como em seus parentais, a morfologia do híbrido é complexa, sendo importantes futuros estudos anatômicos e moleculares para uma melhor delimitação e compreensão da biologia de ×B. nabonnandii.
Arecaceae/anatomia & histologia , Infertilidade das PlantasResumo
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.
Animais , Anatomia Transversal , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologia , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.(AU)
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.(AU)
Animais , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Anatomia Transversal , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologiaResumo
An updated morphological description for Omophoita elytralis (Bechyné, 1956), stat. nov., is presented, including the first account of the genitalia for this species. The separation Omophoita elytralis from O. octoguttata (Fabricius, 1775) is supported by differences found in the median lobe of males, elytral tegument uniform in color (not patterned), and their allopatric geographical distribution.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Biodiversidade , Genitália/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Leurus Townes, 1946 is a small genus of Metopiinae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), consisting of 13 described species distributed in the Neotropics and the Nearctic region. The present work aims to contribute to the taxonomic knowledge of Leurus in Brazil. A total of 109 specimens were identified and 15 literature records were analyzed. The genus geographical occurrence was evaluated according to data obtained from the literature and labels of analyzed specimens. Five species of Leurus were identified for the Brazilian fauna: L. angustignathus, L. caeruliventris, L. discus, L. gracius and L. nostrus. New municipality records of occurrence were made for L. angustignathus in the state of São Paulo, L. caeruliventris in the states of Bahia, Distrito Federal, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraná, Piauí and Rondônia; for, L. discus in the state of Alagoas and São Paulo, and L. gracius in the state of Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, and São Paulo. Females of L. angustignathus and L. gracius were described for the first time in the present study. The genitalia of males of L. caeruliventris, L. discus and L. gracius were described and illustrated for the first time.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Genitália/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/anatomia & histologia , Himenópteros/classificaçãoResumo
Mares, which make up 90% of animals requiring reproductive assistance in commercial equine production systems, are subjected to strong breeding and reproductive efficiency pressure throughout their lives, but the effects of aging on overall and reproductive systems in particular; it often means that we are forcing the natural homeostasis mechanisms under pressure over time. The objective of this brief communication is to summarize some concepts related to the role and importance of equine endometrium, particularly in old mares, the most challenged category to achieve productive and efficiency goals established by humans. Endometritis is one of the most frequent and recurrent pathologies in equine gynecology and is responsible for enormous economic losses in the industry. Alterations of the microbiota, molecular signals and uterine endocrine microenvironment can lead to infertility, but degenerative phenomena associated with age and parity can lead to endometriosis altering maternal recognition of pregnancy and pregnancy maintenance. Maintaining horses in an adequate nutrition status and environment is essential to achieve pregnancy but also to obtain healthy offspring.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Endométrio/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Envelhecimento/fisiologia , HomeostaseResumo
Our study aimed to compare the cecum of German mast geese with other poultry species through macroanatomy and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Adult German geese were used as research material, which were obtained from its breeders and died of various causes. In the study, after determining the macroanatomical features of the German mast goose cecum, it was examined with a scanning electron microscope (JEOL JSM-5600LV) and the general structures were photographed. The craniodorsal of the rectum of German mast geese was shaped with two ceca, giving right and left arms to the cranial symmetrical to each other near the end of the ileum. The macroanatomy of the apex, corpus, and basis cecum parts was examined in the cecum divided into two. In the study, it was determined that villus extensions were sparse in the right and left apex ceci parts in the cecum SEM images of the German mast geese, while the number of the corpus and basis ceci parts was higher. As a result, the macroanatomy and scanning electron microscopic findings of German mast geese cecum were examined in detail and its differences from other poultry species were revealed.(AU)
Animais , Ceco/anatomia & histologia , Gansos/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterináriaResumo
The pelvis, formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis, forms the coxal, which is the largest of the flat bones of the skeleton, with an important role in the physiology of birth. Vastly studied in domestic animals, there is still much to be investigated regarding the anatomical classification in wild animals, mainly aiming to improve the understanding of the reproductive management of the species. Tamandua tetradactyla is one of these species in which morphological studies are still scarce, especially when it comes to reproductive aspects. In this context, we carried out the pelvimetry of T. tetradactyla using radiographic images to anatomically and obstetrically classify the pelvis of this species, classifying it as dolicopelvic, with evidence of homoscedasticity of the samples. Verification of the existence of a relationship between the variables studied by the statistical method of Pearson coefficients showed positive correlations of high intensity for the diameters studied (P < 0.01). Thus, we believed that our findings may support future reproductive studies in this species.
A pelve, constituída pelo ílio, ísquio e púbis, forma o coxal, sendo este o maior dos ossos planos constituintes do esqueleto, com importante papel na fisiologia do parto. Vastamente estudada em animais domésticos, ainda existe muito à se investigar quanto a classificação anatômica nos animais selvagens, visando principalmente melhorar a compreensão do manejo reprodutivo das espécies. Tamandua tetradactyla é uma dessas espécies em que estudos morfológicos ainda são escassos, principalmente quando se trata de aspectos reprodutivos. Neste contexto realizamos a pelvimetria do T. tetradactyla por meio de imagens radiográficas para classificar anato-obstetricamente a pelve desta espécie classificando-a como dolicopélvica, sendo evidenciada homoscedasticidade das amostras. A verificação da existência de relação entre as variáveis estudadas pelo método estatístico dos coeficientes de Pearson mostrou correlação positivas de alta intensidade para os diâmetros estudados (P< 0,01). Assim, acreditamos que nossos achados poderão subsidiar futuros estudos reprodutivos nesta espécie.
Animais , Pelvimetria/veterinária , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Hippopsis sexlineata, a new species from Ecuador is described. The identity of Hippopsis quadrivittata Breuning, 1940 sensu auctorum is discussed and considered to be Hippopsis fractilinea Bates, 1866.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , EquadorResumo
Four new species are described: Xystochroma luteotarsis sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Callichromatini), from Ecuador; Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. (Cerambycinae, Elaphidiini), from Guatemala; Bisaltes (Bisaltes) lateralis sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Apomecynini), from Ecuador; and Nagma hovorei sp. nov. (Lamiinae, Calliini), from Ecuador. A key to species of Xystochroma Schmidt, 1924 is provided and Psyrassa tysoni sp. nov. is included in a previous key. Variation in the pubescent pattern of Rosalba strandi (Breuning, 1943) is reported and the species is newly recorded for Paraguay. Chromatic variation in Cyrtinus umbus Martins & Galileo, 2009 (Lamiinae, Cyrtinini) is provided and the species is redescribed based on a dark specimen; a new province record (Puntarenas, Costa Rica) and a new country record (Panama) are included. Chromatic variation and sexual dimorphism in Phaea quadrimaculata Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2021 (Lamiinae, Tetraopini) is reported, and a new Mexican state record (Oaxaca) is provided.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
The validity of two forgotten names, EryphusKlug, 1829 and E. rubricollisKlug, 1829, is discussed. The former is considered a nomen oblitum and synonymized with EriphusAudinet-Serville, 1834, a nomen protectum; the latter is revalidated and Eriphus purpuratus Chevrolat, 1862 is considered a junior synonym of Eriphus rubricollis (Klug, 1829). A lectotype is designated to Eryphus rubricollisKlug, 1829. The date of the work where EriphusAudinet-Serville, 1834 was described is corrected. A new genus is described in Dichophyiini Gistel, 1848 to include the species currently allocated in Eryphus sensuNapp & Martins (2002). The dates of publication of genera and species described by Fairmaire & Germain (Révision des Coléoptères du Chili (suite)) are corrected.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
Herein, we first report the comprehensive description of the terrestrial slug, Sarasinula plebeia (Gastropoda: Veronicellidae) by employing morphology, morphotaxometrics and molecular analysis. A rapid survey on terrestrial slug invasive alien species (IAS) was conducted in La Dicha, Malangas, Zamboanga Sibugay, the Philippines. Obtained COI gene sequences shared 100% similarities to S. plebeia from Brazil (JX532107, KM489378), Dominica (KM489500) and Vietnam (KM489367) and further supported using Bayesian analysis thus designated as S. plebeia isolate LDZS. Notably, the first reported S. plebe-ia in 2013 from Batan island, Batanes, northern Philippines, characterized through COI gene markers (JQ582277, JQ582278, JQ582279) showed 100% sequence similarities to a closely related veronicellid slug, Laevecaulisalte isolates (LC636101, LC636102, LC636103, and LC636104) from Japan. Taken this into account, our S. plebeia LDZS isolated from an agricultural field is the first report in the Philippines with combined diagnostic tools for the taxon.(AU)
Animais , Teorema de Bayes , Gastrópodes/anatomia & histologia , Gastrópodes/genética , Filipinas , Marcadores Genéticos , Espécies IntroduzidasResumo
This study was conducted to determine the effect of bee pollen inclusion on the performance and gut morphology of Ross 308 broiler chickens. A total of 240-day-old chicks (120 males and 120 females) were allocated to 4 treatments in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with sex as a block. Each experimental group was replicated 3 times with 10 chicks per replicate, with an average weight of 40 ± 5g per bird. Body weight and feed intake were measured on a weekly basis to calculate the feed conversion ratio. Gut morphology was measured on days 21 and 42. Data were analysed using the General Linear Model procedures of the Statistical Analysis System.Bee pollen inclusion in starter diets had an effect (p<0.05) on body weight and live weight gain of male Ross 308 broiler chickens. The different inclusion levels of bee pollen had an effect (p<0.05) on the gut morphology of Ross 308 broiler chickens. The ileum lengths of female broiler chickens were significantly wider (p<0.05) in comparison with male chickens. This may suggest that bee pollen inclusion has a beneficial effect on broiler chickens gut morphology during the early stages of development. It can be concluded that natural substances such as bee pollen can be a possible feed additive to replace synthetic antibiotics, since such compounds are essential for the growth and development of poultry gut.(AU)
Animais , Pólen/química , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Antibacterianos/efeitos adversos , Peso Corporal , Intestinos/microbiologiaResumo
Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 is synonymized with A. jaculus (Gyllenhal, 1817) and a discussion about the type-locality of the latter is provided. Photographs of the lectotype of the former and of the holotype of the latter are provided.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Fotografação/instrumentaçãoResumo
The widely distributed species, Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922, is recorded for the first time from Costa Rica and Venezuela, and new occurrences from Brazil and Colombia are presented. Morphology of spermathecae from 14 localities is compared and illustrated. The need for studies to evaluate the potential status as an invasive species of S. portoricensis is commented on and a distribution map of the species in southern Central America and South America is given.(AU)
La especie exótica Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 (Schizomida: Hubbardiidae): disminución del déficit de Wallace en el Nuevo Mundo. La especie de amplia distribución Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 se registra por primera vez en Costa Rica y Venezuela, y se presentan nuevas ocurrencias en Brasil y Colombia. Se compara e ilustra la morfología de las espermatecas de especímenes provenientes de 14 localidades. Se comenta la necesidad de realizar estudios para evaluar el estatus potencial de S. portoricensis como especie invasora y se presenta un mapa de distribución de la especie en el sur de Centroamérica y Sudamérica.(AU)
Animais , Aracnídeos/anatomia & histologia , Aracnídeos/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Animais ExóticosResumo
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a qualidade fisiológica de sementes defeijão com diferentes tamanhos, identificando a relação do tamanho da semente com a mobilização e utilização de reservas. Foram utilizadas sementes da cultivar comercial IPR-88 Uirapuru e Iapar 81 padronizadas e posteriormente, determinadas três frações a partir de pesagem individual, sendo: sementes pequenas, médias e grandes. A qualidade fisiológica das três frações foi determinada pelo teste de germinação e pelos testes de vigor: envelhecimento acelerado e teste de desempenho de plântulas (comprimento). A mobilização e utilização de reservas foi mensurada aos cinco dias de hidratação das sementes, onde foram avaliadas massa seca, taxa de mobilização de reservas, taxa de redução de reservas e eficiência de uso das reservas. Os resultados demonstraram que não houve diferença entre as frações na porcentagem de germinação e envelhecimento acelerado. Considerando os parâmetros que avaliaram a mobilização e utilização de reservas, verificou-se que sementes de maior tamanho formam plântulas de maior massa seca, no entanto, tem menor taxa de mobilização de reservas e menor eficiência de uso de suas reservas. Desta forma, evidencia-se que o tamanho da semente influencia a mobilização e utilização de reservas, de maneira que sementes da fração média e pequena apresentam maior eficiência de uso de reservas até os cinco dias de germinação.(AU)
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the physiological quality of bean seeds with different sizes, identifying the relationship of seed size with the mobilization and utilization of reserves in bean seeds. Seeds of the commercial cultivarIPR-88 Uirapuru and Iapar 81 were standardized and subsequently, three fractions were determined from individual weighing, being: small medium and large seeds. The physiological quality of the three fractions was determined by germination test, accelerated aging vigor test, and seedling performance (length) test. Reserve mobilization and utilization was measured at five days of seed hydration, where dry mass, reserve mobilization rate, reserve reduction rate, and reserve use efficiency were evaluated. The results showed that there was no difference between the fractions in the percentage of germination and accelerated aging. Considering the parameters that evaluated the mobilization and use of reserves, it was found that larger seeds form seedlings with greater dry mass, however, have lower rate of reserve mobilization and lower efficiency of use of their reserves. Thus, it is evident that the size of the seed influences the mobilization and use of reserves, so that seeds of the medium and small fraction present higher reserve use efficiency at five days of germination.(AU)
Sementes/anatomia & histologia , Germinação , Fabaceae/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The food industry is very interested in high-yield ingredients to enrich and develop new products that have an affordable value for the population. This work aimed to determine the correlations and contrasts between grain physical and agronomic traits of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids cultivated in the first crop season. The experiments were installed in the 2017/18, 2018/19, and 2019/20 crop seasons in Guarapuava - PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with eight hybrids (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, and DKB290) and three replications. The agronomic traits, such as the percentage of rot grains, 1000-grain mass, and grain yield, also the physical traits of grains for industrial purposes, such as grits, germ, vitreousness, flotation, and hectoliter weight, were evaluated. There is a positive correlation between grits and flotation. The choice of hybrids for the food industry based on vitreousness positively favors flotation. The grits showed a positive correlation with hectoliter weight and a negative correlation with the incidence of rot grains. Vitreousness was influenced by the choice of conventional or transgenic hybrid and crop season. The environments of the crop seasons influence the grain yield, 1000-grain mass, and rot grain incidence of conventional and transgenic corn hybrids.(AU)
A indústria de alimentos tem grande interesse por ingredientes de elevado rendimento industrial para enriquecer e desenvolver novos produtos, e que tenha um valor acessível para a população. Os objetivos desse trabalho foram determinar as correlações e contrastes entre caracteres físicos de grãos e agronômicos de híbridos de milho convencionais e transgênicos cultivados na primeira safra. Os experimentos foram instalados nas safras agrícolas (2017/18, 2018/19 e 2019/20), no município de Guarapuava PR. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 8 híbridos: (SUPREMO VIP, SUPREMO, P30F53VYH, P30F53, P3456H, P3456, DKB290PRO3, DKB290) e três repetições. Foram avaliadas as características agronômicas como a porcentagem de grãos ardidos, peso de mil grãos e produtividade de grãos e também as características físicas dos grãos para fins industriais, como a canjica, gérmen, vitreosidade, flutuação e peso hectolítrico. Há correlação positiva entre a canjica e a flutuação. A escolha de híbridos para a indústria alimentícia com base na vitreosidade favorece positivamente a característica de flutuação. A canjica apresentou correlação positiva com peso hectolitro e negativa com incidência de grãos ardidos. A vitreosidade foi influenciada pela escolha do híbrido convencional ou transgênico e pela safra agrícola. Os ambientes das safras agrícolas influenciam as características produtividade de grãos, peso de mil grãos e incidência de grãos ardidos dos híbridos de milho convencional e transgênico.(AU)