The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect the Pessoa training aid (PTA) exercise program exerts in some physical conditioning predictors. Eight detrained adult horses were evaluated in 12 sessions of work with PTA (3 sessions per week). All horses used a heart rate monitor and GPS (V800, Polar Electro) and data was used to calculate energy expenditure (EE), net cost of transport (COT), metabolic energy requirement (Pmet), oxygen pulse, oxygen utilization, heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV). The horses were weighted, and the thoracolumbar shape were measured at the level of the 18th (T18), 13th (T13) and 8th (T8) thoracic vertebrae with a flexible ruler before and after the experimental period. Data obtained weekly were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey test (p≤0.05). Data obtained just before and after the experimental period were submitted to paired t test. There was a decrease in left-right asymmetry. In the third week there was an increase in HR, EE, oxygen pulse and oxygen utilization followed by a decrease in the fourth week. The biomechanics related parameters, COT and Pmet decreased week by week. The HRV showed a sympathetic stimulus in the third week followed by a shift to parasympathetic in the fourth week. We conclude that 12 sessions of lunge exercise with PTA contributed to physical condition improvement.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito que um programa de exercício com Rédea Pessoa exerce sobre algumas variáveis de condicionamento físico. Oito cavalos adultos destreinados foram avaliados em 12 sessões de exercício de chão com Rédea Pessoa. Todos os cavalos trabalharam com frequencímetro cardíaco e GPS para a obtenção das frequências cardíacas (HR) e variabilidade de frequência cardíaca (HRV) e cálculos de gasto energético (EE), custo de transporte metabólico (COT), requerimento de energia metabólica (Pmet), pulso de oxigênio e utilização de oxigênio. Também foram avaliadas medidas na altura das vértebras torácicas T18, T13 e T8 com régua flexível antes e depois do experimento quando os animais foram pesados. Os dados obtidos semanalmente foram analisados por ANOVA e Tukey teste (p≤0.05). Os dados obtidos somente antes e após o período experimental foram analisados pelo teste t pareado. Houve diminuição da assimetria entre os lados direito e esquerdo. Na terceira semana houve aumento da FC, EE, pulso de oxigênio e utilização de oxigênio seguido de diminuição na quarta semana. Os parâmetros relacionados à biomecânica, COT e Pmet diminuíram semana a semana. A VFC apresentou estímulo simpático na terceira semana seguido de desvio para parassimpático na quarta semana. Concluiu-se que 12 sessões de exercício com a Rédea Pessoa contribuíram para melhora do condicionamento físico.
Animais , Condicionamento Físico Animal , Desenvolvimento Muscular , CavalosResumo
The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of different concentrations of Suaeda rigida polysaccharides (SRPs) on the physiological characteristics of the frog heart and gastrocnemius muscle, compare their similarities and differences, and analyze the mechanisms. CaCl2 and acetylcholine (Ach) were selected respectively to be co-incubated with the high concentration SRPs to observe the effects on the heart contraction of frog. The effects of different concentrations of the SRPs on the activities of acetylcholinesterase (A-CHE), Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase in the isolated frog heart were detected by UV-Vis spectrophotometry. The gastrocnemius muscle was immersed in the high concentration of SRPs for 10 min, and the systolic indexes were recorded. The effects of SRPs on the Ach content and A-CHE activity at the sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius junction were determined by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The results showed that the SRPs had significant inhibitory effects on the contractile amplitude of isolated heart and the contractile amplitude induced by CaCl2 and Ach, respectively (P<0.01). The activity of Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase was significantly promoted, and the activity of A-CHE was significantly inhibited (P<0.01). The contraction amplitude, contraction rate, relaxation rate of gastrocnemius muscle and the Ach content at the junction of sciatic nerve-gastrocnemius muscle were significantly increased (P<0.01), and the activity of A-CHE at the junction was significantly inhibited (P<0.01) by the SRPs. All the results suggested that the SRPs could inhibit the contraction of heart and promote the contraction and relaxation of skeletal muscle. The mechanism was related to blocking the fast INa channel, inhibiting the ICa-L and activating the M receptors of myocardial membrane and then inhibiting external Ca2+ influx, increasing Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase activity, decreasing a-che activity.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram investigar os efeitos de diferentes concentrações de Suaeda rigida polissacarídeos (SRPs) sobre as características fisiológicas do coração de rã e do músculo gastrocnêmio, comparar suas semelhanças e diferenças, e analisar os mecanismos. CaCl2 e acetilcolina (Ach) foram selecionados respectivamente para serem co-incubados com os SRPs de alta concentração para observar os efeitos sobre a contração do coração de rã. Os efeitos das diferentes concentrações dos SRPs sobre as atividades da acetilcolinesterase (A-CHE), Na+-K+-ATPase e Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase no coração isolado de rã foram detectados pela espectrofotometria UV-Vis. O músculo gastrocnêmio foi imerso na alta concentração de SRP por 10 min, e os índices sistólicos foram registrados. Os efeitos das SRPs no conteúdo de Ach e na atividade de A-CHE na junção nervo-gastrocnêmio ciático foram determinados pela espectrofotometria UV-Vis e pelo ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimática (ELISA). Os resultados mostraram que os SRPs tiveram efeitos inibidores significativos sobre a amplitude contrátil do coração isolado e a amplitude contrátil induzida por CaCl2 e Ach, respectivamente (P<0,01). A atividade do Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase foi significativamente promovida e a atividade do A-CHE foi significativamente inibida (P<0,01). A amplitude de contração, a taxa de contração, a taxa de relaxamento do músculo gastrocnêmio e o conteúdo de Ach na junção do músculo nervo ciático-gastrocnêmio foram significativamente aumentados (P<0,01), e a atividade do A-CHE na junção foi significativamente inibida (P<0,01) pelas SRPs. Todos os resultados sugeriram que os SRPs poderiam inibir a contração do coração e promover a contração e o relaxamento do músculo esquelético. O mecanismo estava relacionado ao bloqueio do canal INa rápido, inibindo a ICa-L e ativando os receptores M da membrana miocárdica e depois inibindo o influxo externo de Ca2+, aumentando a atividade de Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase, diminuindo a atividade a-che.
Animais , Ranidae/fisiologia , Músculo Esquelético , Chenopodiaceae/química , Contração Miocárdica/efeitos dos fármacos , Estimulação Química , Modelos AnimaisResumo
ABSTRACT: Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic (IA) widely used for growth promotion and weight gain in the production of ruminants. However, it has caused intoxication in several species, including buffaloes, mainly because of the ignorance or disrespect of the recommendations for use in each animal species. The objective of this study was to describe, for the first time, clinical-epidemiological and anatomopathological data of an outbreak of accidental poisoning by monensin in buffalos and rediscuss the recommendation of the use of IA in the production of this species. The outbreak affected 21 adult buffaloes after consumption of remains from a feed formulated on the farm and whose constituents were mixed by hand. Clinical and first death signs were observed 24 hours after ingestion of this food. In general, the clinical picture was characterized by muscle weakness, tremors, difficulty in locomotion, and decubitus. Fifteen buffaloes presented clinical signs of poisoning (71.5% morbidity), followed by death (100% lethality), after acute to subacute evolution ( 24h to 96h). Laboratory tests indicated elevated serum activity of creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes. Three buffaloes underwent necropsy, and samples from several organs were collected for histopathological examination. The main injuries found were hyaline degeneration and multifocal segmental necrosis in the skeletal and cardiac striated muscles (myopathy and degenerative-necrotic multifocal multifocal-necrotic cardiopathy). The diagnosis was confirmed by the toxicological evaluation of suspected ration remains, which detected 461.67mg/kg of monensin. The death of 71.5% buffaloes in this lot occurred due to a succession of errors, which included faults in the formulation of the ration and, above all, due to the use of monensin in a highly sensitive species. Despite the possible beneficial effects of IA use as a dietary supplement for buffaloes, we are of the opinion that IAs should never be used in bubalinoculture since any increment in production does not compensate for the imminent risk of death due to a small safety margin for this species and the absence of antidotes.
RESUMO: Monensina é um antibiótico ionóforo (AI) amplamente empregado na produção de ruminantes para promoção de crescimento e ganho de peso, mas que tem causado intoxicação em diversas espécies, incluindo os búfalos, principalmente, pelo desconhecimento ou desrespeito das recomendações de uso e às particularidades de cada espécie animal. Objetivou-se descrever, pela primeira vez na Bahia, dados clínico-epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação acidental por monensina em búfalos e rediscutir a recomendação do uso de AI na produção de bubalinos. O surto acometeu um lote de 21 búfalos adultos após consumo de sobras de uma ração para bovinos formulada na fazenda e cujos constituintes eram misturados à mão. Os sinais clínicos e primeiros óbitos foram observados 24 horas após a ingestão dessa ração. O quadro clínico, em geral, se caracterizou por fraqueza muscular, tremores, dificuldade de locomoção e decúbito. Quinze búfalos apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação (morbidade 71,5%), seguido de morte (letalidade 100%), após evolução aguda a subaguda ( 24h até 96h). Exames laboratoriais indicaram acentuada elevação na atividade sérica das enzimas CPK e AST. Três búfalos foram necropsiados, sendo coletadas amostras de diversos órgãos para exame histopatológico. A principal lesão encontrada foi degeneração hialina e necrose segmentar multifocal nos músculos estriados esqueléticos e cardíacos (miopatia e cardiopatia degenerativo-necrótica tóxica multifocal polifásica). O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela avaliação toxicológica das sobras da ração suspeita, que detectou 461,67mg/kg de monensina. A morte de 71,5% dos búfalos deste lote ocorreu devido a uma sucessão de erros, que incluíram falhas na formulação da ração e, sobretudo, devido ao uso da monensina em uma espécie altamente sensível. Enfatizamos que, apesar dos possíveis efeitos benéficos do uso AIs como suplemento dietético para bubalinos, somos da opinião que os AIs nunca devem ser empregados na bubalinocultura, uma vez que os eventuais incrementos na produção não compensam o risco iminente de morte, devido a pequena margem de segurança para essa espécie e a inexistência de antídotos.
Background: Marek's disease (MD) is a transmissible disease in chickens caused by Gallid alphaherpesvirus 2 (GaHV-2). The infection is characterized by lymphocyte cellular infiltrates in peripheral nerves and other organs and tissues, including the skin; which can lead to dysfunction causing progressive asymmetric paresis and complete spastic paralysis of body extremities. Dermatitis and cardiac myositis caused by GaHV-2 in free-range chickens has rarely been described in Brazil. This reports the occurrence of the disease with a confirmatory molecular diagnosis in free-range poultry showing signs of dermatitis, poor performance, and cachexia and no mortality in the semi-arid Potiguar region. Cases: Twenty roosters of the Shamo lineage, among a brood of 42 birds, had a history of progressive weight loss and skin lesions. Two birds with poor body condition, erythema, and scaling of the skin in the head and cervical regions were sent for clinical care. All birds were between 12 and 18 months of age and were vaccinated against Newcastle disease and Fowlpox with only a few receiving vaccines against MD and Gumboro disease. According to the owner's report, some birds were previously kept outdoors, and when they were transferred to a small shed with little air circulation, they began to develop clinical signs after approximately 15 days. The first signs of the disease were also reported to have appeared 2.5 months before clinical care and, in the meantime, several treatments were instituted without success. Owing to the general condition of the animals and inconclusive clinical suspicion, the birds were subjected to euthanasia and necropsy. Tissue samples were collected for histopathological and polymerase chain reaction analyses to search for the GaHV-2 DNA meq gene. The main clinicopathological findings were erythema (47%, 20/42) and desquamation of skin and mild, prominent white multifocal areas in the heart. Histopathology revealed infiltration of pleomorphic lymphoblastic cells in the skin, heart, and sciatic nerve. The amplification of the L-meq and meq oncoprotein genes in these organs and in the liver, confirmed the infection by GaHV-2, consistent with that of a field strain. Discussion: MD was confirmed based on the macroscopic and histological lesions, and with the detection of GaHV-2 DNA in the affected tissues. The unusual clinical presentation represented an initial challenge for diagnosis. The clinical history was important to lead to the suspicion of MD, as roosters initiated clinical signs 15 days after they were transferred to a small shed with poor air circulation. This probably favored the high viral concentration and disease transmission among susceptible birds in the brood because the feather follicle is the primary site of viral replication for transmission; and desquamation of infected epithelial cells favor airborne horizontal transmission to susceptible chickens. The roosters had not been vaccinated against MD, which probably favored the infection, as vaccination is known to be a fundamental approach for MD control for effective growth of the poultry industry. Clinical findings and lesions, together with viral molecular detection, were fundamental for the diagnosis, a premise for the application of adequate prevention and control measures for the disease in breeding. This is the first report of MD with a confirmatory molecular diagnosis in northeastern Brazil.
Animais , Masculino , Galinhas/virologia , Doença de Marek/diagnóstico , Herpesvirus Galináceo 2/isolamento & purificação , Proto-Oncogenes , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Dermatite/veterinária , Miosite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Polymyositis is a generalized inflammatory myopathy which can lead to rhabdomyolysis. This affection may have several origins, including degenerative, metabolic, autoimmune, infectious, inflammatory, ischemic, traumatic, by drug use, induced by toxins and also of idiopathic origin. Diagnosis is made with seric dosage, electrodiagnostic tests and muscle biopsy. Lesions in the rostral oblong medulla may affect the central vestibular system, and there may be signs such as opisthotonos, nystagmus, and strabismus. The aim of this report is to describe a case of a mixed breed dog with manifestation of polymyositis associated with brainstem signs of probable idiopathic origin. Case: A 5-year-old mixed breed male dog was attended with opisthotonos episodes for 2 days, and pelvic limbs extension and thoracic limbs flexion that lasted 10 to 20 min at intervals of approximately 1 h. The animal was anorexic and had also presented one episode of emesis. Upon neurological examination, ventromedial strabismus and Horner's syndrome was observed on the right side, besides vertical nystagmus, flaccid tetraparesis and absence of proprioception in the four limbs. Biochemical analyses revealed creatine kinase (CK) increased (2,433.9 UI/L - reference: 1.5-28.4 UI/L), and urinalysis showed dark color and presence of occult blood without, however, erythrocyturia. Electrocardiogram (ECG) showed QS wave and deviation of the electrical axis. Treatment with prednisolone (1 mg/kg, BID), phenobarbital (2 mg/kg, BID), maropitant citrate (1 mg/kg in 2 doses), and crystalloid fluid therapy (50 mL/kg/day) were prescribed. On the 4th day, the dog was more active and feeding without a tube, so it recommended keep the treatment at home. On the 10th day, the animal had proprioception present on the 4 limbs and normorexia. Biochemical analyses and urinalysis showed no alterations, but normochromic normochromic anemia with thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis by neutrophilia showed in blood count exam. PCR to Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon sp., and Babesia canis resulted negative. On the 15th day, blood count, biochemical analyses and urinalysis showed no alterations. Neurological examination revealed only positional vertical nystagmus. which remained as a sequel. Discussion: Polymyositis may be accompanied by rhabdomyolysis, characterized by acute muscle necrosis, increased CK and myoglobinuria. The animal had polymyositis of acute onset, with myoglobinuria and elevated CK values, whose presentation included myalgia and muscle weakness. In humans, polymyositis is accompanied by changes in electrocardiographic tracing without clinical alterations. In dogs, the first report that showed cardiac involvement was compatible with myocarditis. The changes in ECG in the present case was attributed to failure in myocardial electrical conduction. The patient also showed signs of brainstem and central vestibular system injuries. Stress myopathy, intoxication, snakebite, infectious, and metabolic diseases were discarded leading to a clinical suspicion as idiopathic origin. Similar to a published case, the patient of this report received symptomatic and supportive treatment, being discharged from the hospital 20 days after the onset of clinical signs. Thus, polymyositis may be accompanied by signs indicative of brainstem injury. Patients with rhabdomyolysis require intense monitoring due to the high risk of developing acute renal failure. Since no causative agent was identified, symptomatic treatment combined with the prevention of possible complications were fundamental for the maintenance of the animal's life.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Polimiosite/terapia , Polimiosite/veterinária , Rabdomiólise/veterinária , Síndrome de Horner/veterinária , Mioglobinúria/veterináriaResumo
Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic (IA) widely used for growth promotion and weight gain in the production of ruminants. However, it has caused intoxication in several species, including buffaloes, mainly because of the ignorance or disrespect of the recommendations for use in each animal species. The objective of this study was to describe, for the first time, clinical-epidemiological and anatomopathological data of an outbreak of accidental poisoning by monensin in buffalos and rediscuss the recommendation of the use of IA in the production of this species. The outbreak affected 21 adult buffaloes after consumption of remains from a feed formulated on the farm and whose constituents were mixed by hand. Clinical and first death signs were observed 24 hours after ingestion of this food. In general, the clinical picture was characterized by muscle weakness, tremors, difficulty in locomotion, and decubitus. Fifteen buffaloes presented clinical signs of poisoning (71.5% morbidity), followed by death (100% lethality), after acute to subacute evolution (<24h to 96h). Laboratory tests indicated elevated serum activity of creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes. Three buffaloes underwent necropsy, and samples from several organs were collected for histopathological examination. The main injuries found were hyaline degeneration and multifocal segmental necrosis in the skeletal and cardiac striated muscles (myopathy and degenerative-necrotic multifocal multifocal-necrotic cardiopathy). The diagnosis was confirmed by the toxicological evaluation of suspected ration remains, which detected 461.67mg/kg of monensin. The death of 71.5% buffaloes in this lot occurred due to a succession of errors, which included faults in the formulation of the ration and, above all, due to the use of monensin in a highly sensitive species. Despite the possible beneficial effects of IA use as a dietary supplement for buffaloes, we are of the opinion that IAs should never be used in bubalinoculture since any increment in production does not compensate for the imminent risk of death due to a small safety margin for this species and the absence of antidotes.
Monensina é um antibiótico ionóforo (AI) amplamente empregado na produção de ruminantes para promoção de crescimento e ganho de peso, mas que tem causado intoxicação em diversas espécies, incluindo os búfalos, principalmente, pelo desconhecimento ou desrespeito das recomendações de uso e às particularidades de cada espécie animal. Objetivou-se descrever, pela primeira vez na Bahia, dados clínico-epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação acidental por monensina em búfalos e rediscutir a recomendação do uso de AI na produção de bubalinos. O surto acometeu um lote de 21 búfalos adultos após consumo de sobras de uma ração para bovinos formulada na fazenda e cujos constituintes eram misturados à mão. Os sinais clínicos e primeiros óbitos foram observados 24 horas após a ingestão dessa ração. O quadro clínico, em geral, se caracterizou por fraqueza muscular, tremores, dificuldade de locomoção e decúbito. Quinze búfalos apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação (morbidade 71,5%), seguido de morte (letalidade 100%), após evolução aguda a subaguda (<24h até 96h). Exames laboratoriais indicaram acentuada elevação na atividade sérica das enzimas CPK e AST. Três búfalos foram necropsiados, sendo coletadas amostras de diversos órgãos para exame histopatológico. A principal lesão encontrada foi degeneração hialina e necrose segmentar multifocal nos músculos estriados esqueléticos e cardíacos (miopatia e cardiopatia degenerativo-necrótica tóxica multifocal polifásica). O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela avaliação toxicológica das sobras da ração suspeita, que detectou 461,67mg/kg de monensina. A morte de 71,5% dos búfalos deste lote ocorreu devido a uma sucessão de erros, que incluíram falhas na formulação da ração e, sobretudo, devido ao uso da monensina em uma espécie altamente sensível. Enfatizamos que, apesar dos possíveis efeitos benéficos do uso AIs como suplemento dietético para bubalinos, somos da opinião que os AIs nunca devem ser empregados na bubalinocultura, uma vez que os eventuais incrementos na produção não compensam o risco iminente de morte, devido a pequena margem de segurança para essa espécie e a inexistência de antídotos.
Animais , Búfalos , Miotoxicidade/diagnóstico , Miotoxicidade/patologia , Monensin/intoxicação , Doença Iatrogênica/veterinária , Evolução Fatal , Miotoxicidade/veterinária , Ração Animal/intoxicaçãoResumo
Monensin is an ionophore antibiotic (IA) widely used for growth promotion and weight gain in the production of ruminants. However, it has caused intoxication in several species, including buffaloes, mainly because of the ignorance or disrespect of the recommendations for use in each animal species. The objective of this study was to describe, for the first time, clinical-epidemiological and anatomopathological data of an outbreak of accidental poisoning by monensin in buffalos and rediscuss the recommendation of the use of IA in the production of this species. The outbreak affected 21 adult buffaloes after consumption of remains from a feed formulated on the farm and whose constituents were mixed by hand. Clinical and first death signs were observed 24 hours after ingestion of this food. In general, the clinical picture was characterized by muscle weakness, tremors, difficulty in locomotion, and decubitus. Fifteen buffaloes presented clinical signs of poisoning (71.5% morbidity), followed by death (100% lethality), after acute to subacute evolution (<24h to 96h). Laboratory tests indicated elevated serum activity of creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase enzymes. Three buffaloes underwent necropsy, and samples from several organs were collected for histopathological examination. The main injuries found were hyaline degeneration and multifocal segmental necrosis in the skeletal and cardiac striated muscles (myopathy and degenerative-necrotic multifocal multifocal-necrotic cardiopathy). The diagnosis was confirmed by the toxicological evaluation of suspected ration remains, which detected 461.67mg/kg of monensin. The death of 71.5% buffaloes in this lot occurred due to a succession of errors, which included faults in the formulation of the ration and, above all, due to the use of monensin in a highly sensitive species. Despite the possible beneficial effects of IA use as a dietary supplement for buffaloes, we are of the opinion that IAs should never be used in bubalinoculture since any increment in production does not compensate for the imminent risk of death due to a small safety margin for this species and the absence of antidotes.(AU)
Monensina é um antibiótico ionóforo (AI) amplamente empregado na produção de ruminantes para promoção de crescimento e ganho de peso, mas que tem causado intoxicação em diversas espécies, incluindo os búfalos, principalmente, pelo desconhecimento ou desrespeito das recomendações de uso e às particularidades de cada espécie animal. Objetivou-se descrever, pela primeira vez na Bahia, dados clínico-epidemiológicos e anatomopatológicos de um surto de intoxicação acidental por monensina em búfalos e rediscutir a recomendação do uso de AI na produção de bubalinos. O surto acometeu um lote de 21 búfalos adultos após consumo de sobras de uma ração para bovinos formulada na fazenda e cujos constituintes eram misturados à mão. Os sinais clínicos e primeiros óbitos foram observados 24 horas após a ingestão dessa ração. O quadro clínico, em geral, se caracterizou por fraqueza muscular, tremores, dificuldade de locomoção e decúbito. Quinze búfalos apresentaram sinais clínicos de intoxicação (morbidade 71,5%), seguido de morte (letalidade 100%), após evolução aguda a subaguda (<24h até 96h). Exames laboratoriais indicaram acentuada elevação na atividade sérica das enzimas CPK e AST. Três búfalos foram necropsiados, sendo coletadas amostras de diversos órgãos para exame histopatológico. A principal lesão encontrada foi degeneração hialina e necrose segmentar multifocal nos músculos estriados esqueléticos e cardíacos (miopatia e cardiopatia degenerativo-necrótica tóxica multifocal polifásica). O diagnóstico foi confirmado pela avaliação toxicológica das sobras da ração suspeita, que detectou 461,67mg/kg de monensina. A morte de 71,5% dos búfalos deste lote ocorreu devido a uma sucessão de erros, que incluíram falhas na formulação da ração e, sobretudo, devido ao uso da monensina em uma espécie altamente sensível. Enfatizamos que, apesar dos possíveis efeitos benéficos do uso AIs como suplemento dietético para bubalinos, somos da opinião que os AIs nunca devem ser empregados na bubalinocultura, uma vez que os eventuais incrementos na produção não compensam o risco iminente de morte, devido a pequena margem de segurança para essa espécie e a inexistência de antídotos.(AU)
Animais , Búfalos , Monensin/intoxicação , Miotoxicidade/diagnóstico , Miotoxicidade/patologia , Evolução Fatal , Miotoxicidade/veterinária , Doença Iatrogênica/veterinária , Ração Animal/intoxicaçãoResumo
ABSTRACT: Left ventricular false tendons are fibrous or fibromuscular bands that transverse the ventricular cavity and have no attachment to the mitral valve in many species. In cats it is considered a congenital defect that is rarely related to clinical disease and death in adult cats. A 45 days-old mixed breed cat had a history of inappetence since birth. At the physical exam the patient was lethargic and presented restrictive dyspnoea. At necropsy, there were marked ascites, hydrothorax, hepatomegaly with enhanced lobular pattern (nutmeg liver), and the lungs were markedly diminished (compressive pulmonary atelectasis). The heart was enlarged due to marked dilation of the cardiac chambers. Moreover, multiple slightly whitish and irregular cord-like structures were connecting the posterior papillary muscle to the interventricular septum (excessive moderator bands /left ventricular false tendons) at the left ventricle. Microscopically, these structures were characterized by a marked proliferation of fibrous connective tissue intermixed with Purkinje cells and well-differentiated cardiomyocytes lined by a single layer of endocardium. This study described a case of excessive moderator bands (left ventricular false tendons) in a young cat associated with congestive heart failure and death.
RESUMO: Falsos tendões são bandas fibrosas ou fibromusculares que atravessam a cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo, sem ligação com a valva mitral, em várias espécies. Nos gatos, a alteração é considerada um defeito congênito que raramente está relacionada com alterações clínicas e morte em gatos adultos. Um gato de 45 dias de idade, sem raça definida e com histórico de inapetência desde o nascimento foi encaminhado para atendimento veterinário. Ao exame físico apresentou letargia e dispneia restritiva. À necropsia, havia acentuada ascite, hidrotórax, hepatomegalia com evidenciação do padrão lobular (fígado noz-moscada) e os pulmões apresentavam-se acentuadamente diminuídos (atelectasia pulmonar compressiva). O coração apresentava acentuada dilatação das câmaras cardíacas. Em ventrículo esquerdo, havia numerosas estruturas brancacentas semelhantes a cordas conectando o músculo papilar ao septo interventricular (bandas moderadoras excessivas/falsos tendões). Microscopicamente, estas estruturas apresentavam acentuada proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, além de células de Purkinje e cardiomiócitos bem diferenciadas revestidas por uma única camada de endocárdio. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso de bandas moderadoras excessivas (falsos tendões) em ventrículo esquerdo de um gato jovem com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e morte.
Left ventricular false tendons are fibrous or fibromuscular bands that transverse the ventricular cavity and have no attachment to the mitral valve in many species. In cats it is considered a congenital defect that is rarely related to clinical disease and death in adult cats. A 45 days-old mixed breed cat had a history of inappetence since birth. At the physical exam the patient was lethargic and presented restrictive dyspnoea. At necropsy, there were marked ascites, hydrothorax, hepatomegaly with enhanced lobular pattern (nutmeg liver), and the lungs were markedly diminished (compressive pulmonary atelectasis). The heart was enlarged due to marked dilation of the cardiac chambers. Moreover, multiple slightly whitish and irregular cord-like structures were connecting the posterior papillary muscle to the interventricular septum (excessive moderator bands /left ventricular false tendons) at the left ventricle. Microscopically, these structures were characterized by a marked proliferation of fibrous connective tissue intermixed with Purkinje cells and well-differentiated cardiomyocytes lined by a single layer of endocardium. This study described a case of excessive moderator bands (left ventricular false tendons) in a young cat associated with congestive heart failure and death.
Falsos tendões são bandas fibrosas ou fibromusculares que atravessam a cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo, sem ligação com a valva mitral, em várias espécies. Nos gatos, a alteração é considerada um defeito congênito que raramente está relacionada com alterações clínicas e morte em gatos adultos. Um gato de 45 dias de idade, sem raça definida e com histórico de inapetência desde o nascimento foi encaminhado para atendimento veterinário. Ao exame físico apresentou letargia e dispneia restritiva. À necropsia, havia acentuada ascite, hidrotórax, hepatomegalia com evidenciação do padrão lobular (fígado noz-moscada) e os pulmões apresentavam-se acentuadamente diminuídos (atelectasia pulmonar compressiva). O coração apresentava acentuada dilatação das câmaras cardíacas. Em ventrículo esquerdo, havia numerosas estruturas brancacentas semelhantes a cordas conectando o músculo papilar ao septo interventricular (bandas moderadoras excessivas/falsos tendões). Microscopicamente, estas estruturas apresentavam acentuada proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, além de células de Purkinje e cardiomiócitos bem diferenciadas revestidas por uma única camada de endocárdio. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso de bandas moderadoras excessivas (falsos tendões) em ventrículo esquerdo de um gato jovem com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e morte.
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/diagnóstico , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/veterinária , Doenças do Gato/congênitoResumo
Left ventricular false tendons are fibrous or fibromuscular bands that transverse the ventricular cavity and have no attachment to the mitral valve in many species. In cats it is considered a congenital defect that is rarely related to clinical disease and death in adult cats. A 45 days-old mixed breed cat had a history of inappetence since birth. At the physical exam the patient was lethargic and presented restrictive dyspnoea. At necropsy, there were marked ascites, hydrothorax, hepatomegaly with enhanced lobular pattern (nutmeg liver), and the lungs were markedly diminished (compressive pulmonary atelectasis). The heart was enlarged due to marked dilation of the cardiac chambers. Moreover, multiple slightly whitish and irregular cord-like structures were connecting the posterior papillary muscle to the interventricular septum (excessive moderator bands /left ventricular false tendons) at the left ventricle. Microscopically, these structures were characterized by a marked proliferation of fibrous connective tissue intermixed with Purkinje cells and well-differentiated cardiomyocytes lined by a single layer of endocardium. This study described a case of excessive moderator bands (left ventricular false tendons) in a young cat associated with congestive heart failure and death.(AU)
Falsos tendões são bandas fibrosas ou fibromusculares que atravessam a cavidade do ventrículo esquerdo, sem ligação com a valva mitral, em várias espécies. Nos gatos, a alteração é considerada um defeito congênito que raramente está relacionada com alterações clínicas e morte em gatos adultos. Um gato de 45 dias de idade, sem raça definida e com histórico de inapetência desde o nascimento foi encaminhado para atendimento veterinário. Ao exame físico apresentou letargia e dispneia restritiva. À necropsia, havia acentuada ascite, hidrotórax, hepatomegalia com evidenciação do padrão lobular (fígado noz-moscada) e os pulmões apresentavam-se acentuadamente diminuídos (atelectasia pulmonar compressiva). O coração apresentava acentuada dilatação das câmaras cardíacas. Em ventrículo esquerdo, havia numerosas estruturas brancacentas semelhantes a cordas conectando o músculo papilar ao septo interventricular (bandas moderadoras excessivas/falsos tendões). Microscopicamente, estas estruturas apresentavam acentuada proliferação de tecido conjuntivo fibroso, além de células de Purkinje e cardiomiócitos bem diferenciadas revestidas por uma única camada de endocárdio. O objetivo deste trabalho é descrever um caso de bandas moderadoras excessivas (falsos tendões) em ventrículo esquerdo de um gato jovem com insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e morte.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Doenças do Gato/congênito , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/diagnóstico , Disfunção Ventricular Esquerda/veterináriaResumo
Abstract The macroscopic, histological, and molecular aspects of Sarcocystis spp. were examined in the tissues of two cattle and four sheep, 16 and eight fragments analyzed respectively, condemned in the slaughterhouse. All 24 samples were collected and analyzed for detecting macrocysts and macroscopic lesions. Subsequently, subdivided for direct examination, polymerase chain reaction and histopathological examination. All sheep tissues samples had grossly white round to oval tissue cysts, ranging from 0.3 to 1 cm in diameter. In contrast, cattle tissues did not present grossly visible cysts but had randomly distributed white-yellow foci with irregular contours. All samples from cattle and sheep had microscopic cysts. In the histological examination of sheep tissues, circular to elongated, encapsulated, basophilic structures ranging from 30 to 3,000 µm in length and 20 to 1,000 µm in width were observed within the skeletal muscle fibers. In cattle tissues, all cardiac muscle four fragments analyzed contained circular to elongated basophilic structures inside cardiomyocytes and in some Purkinje fibers. PCR were performed using the primers: 2L and 3H. In conclusion, all 24 tissues were infected with Sarcocystis spp., and S. gigantea (in sheep) and S. cruzi (in cattle). were the identified species by sequencing.
Resumo Os aspectos macroscópicos, histológicos e moleculares de Sarcocystis spp. foram examinados nos tecidos de dois bovinos e quatro ovinos, 16 e oito fragmentos analisados, respectivamente, condenados no matadouro. Todas as 24 amostras foram coletadas e analisadas para detecção de macrocistos e lesões macroscópicas. Posteriormente, subdivididas para exame direto, reação em cadeia da polimerase e exame histopatológico. Todas as amostras de tecidos de ovelha apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, caracterizados como brancos, de redondos a ovais e estruturas variando de 0,3 a 1 cm de diâmetro. Em contraste, os tecidos de bovinos não apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, mas tinham focos branco-amarelos com contornos irregulares, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Todas as amostras de bovinos e ovinos apresentavam cistos microscópicos. No exame histológico de tecidos ovinos foram observadas estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, encapsuladas, variando de 30 a 3.000 µm de comprimento e 20 a 1.000 µm de largura dentro das fibras do músculo esquelético. Nos tecidos de bovinos, todos os quatro fragmentos de músculo cardíaco analisados continham estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, dentro dos cardiomiócitos e em algumas fibras de Purkinje. PCRs foram realizadas utilizando-se os "primers" 2L e 3H. Em conclusão, todos os 24 tecidos estavam infectados com Sarcocystis spp., sendo S. gigantea (em ovinos) e S. cruzi (em bovinos) as espécies identificadas por sequenciamento.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Sarcocystis/genética , Sarcocistose/diagnóstico , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Bovinos , Ovinos , MatadourosResumo
The macroscopic, histological, and molecular aspects of Sarcocystis spp. were examined in the tissues of two cattle and four sheep, 16 and eight fragments analyzed respectively, condemned in the slaughterhouse. All 24 samples were collected and analyzed for detecting macrocysts and macroscopic lesions. Subsequently, subdivided for direct examination, polymerase chain reaction and histopathological examination. All sheep tissues samples had grossly white round to oval tissue cysts, ranging from 0.3 to 1 cm in diameter. In contrast, cattle tissues did not present grossly visible cysts but had randomly distributed white-yellow foci with irregular contours. All samples from cattle and sheep had microscopic cysts. In the histological examination of sheep tissues, circular to elongated, encapsulated, basophilic structures ranging from 30 to 3,000 µm in length and 20 to 1,000 µm in width were observed within the skeletal muscle fibers. In cattle tissues, all cardiac muscle four fragments analyzed contained circular to elongated basophilic structures inside cardiomyocytes and in some Purkinje fibers. PCR were performed using the primers: 2L and 3H. In conclusion, all 24 tissues were infected with Sarcocystis spp., and S. gigantea (in sheep) and S. cruzi (in cattle). were the identified species by sequencing.(AU)
Os aspectos macroscópicos, histológicos e moleculares de Sarcocystis spp. foram examinados nos tecidos de dois bovinos e quatro ovinos, 16 e oito fragmentos analisados, respectivamente, condenados no matadouro. Todas as 24 amostras foram coletadas e analisadas para detecção de macrocistos e lesões macroscópicas. Posteriormente, subdivididas para exame direto, reação em cadeia da polimerase e exame histopatológico. Todas as amostras de tecidos de ovelha apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, caracterizados como brancos, de redondos a ovais e estruturas variando de 0,3 a 1 cm de diâmetro. Em contraste, os tecidos de bovinos não apresentavam cistos grosseiramente visíveis, mas tinham focos branco-amarelos com contornos irregulares, distribuídos aleatoriamente. Todas as amostras de bovinos e ovinos apresentavam cistos microscópicos. No exame histológico de tecidos ovinos foram observadas estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, encapsuladas, variando de 30 a 3.000 µm de comprimento e 20 a 1.000 µm de largura dentro das fibras do músculo esquelético. Nos tecidos de bovinos, todos os quatro fragmentos de músculo cardíaco analisados continham estruturas basofílicas circulares a alongadas, dentro dos cardiomiócitos e em algumas fibras de Purkinje. PCRs foram realizadas utilizando-se os "primers" 2L e 3H. Em conclusão, todos os 24 tecidos estavam infectados com Sarcocystis spp., sendo S. gigantea (em ovinos) e S. cruzi (em bovinos) as espécies identificadas por sequenciamento.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Ovinos/microbiologia , Sarcocystis/genética , Técnicas Histológicas , Biologia Molecular , Cistos/diagnóstico , Reação em Cadeia da PolimeraseResumo
Background: The anatomical, physiological, and pharmacological characteristics of reptiles make anesthesia in chelonians particularly challenging. Specific literature regarding safe anesthetic protocols that provide immobilization, antinociception, amnesia, and unconsciousness are scarce. Thus, this paper aims to report the case of a red-footed tortoise submitted to long-duration general anesthesia to celiotomy for foreign body removal. Case: An adult red-footed tortoise (Chelonoides carbonaria), 5.9 kg, was admitted due to hyporexia after ingesting a metallic fishhook. Serial radiographs confirmed the diagnosis and location of the foreign body in the stomach. The animal was premedicated with 0.03 mg/kg dexmedetomidine, 6 mg/kg ketamine, and 0.4 mg/kg butorphanol intramuscularly. After 90 min we inserted a 22G jugular catheter and proceeded to anesthesia induction with 5 mg/kg propofol. We intubated the animal with a 2.5 mm uncuffed endotracheal and started fluid therapy at a rate of 5 mL/kg/h. Surgical anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in 0.21 oxygen, in a non-rebreathing circuit (baraka), under spontaneous breathing. Expired isoflurane was maintained between 3 and 4.5%. Due to reduced respiratory rate and hypercapnia, we opted for implementing manually-assisted positive pressure ventilation. Morphine (0.5 mg/kg) was administered at 10 and 87 min after the beginning of the surgery for further analgesia when the isoflurane requirement increased significantly. We did not detect any alterations in heart and body temperature. Surgical anesthesia lasted 6 h. During anesthesia recovery, voluntary head retraction and coordinated movement of the limbs occurred at 240 and 540 min after the extubation, respectively. In 2 days, the patient returned to voluntary feeding, being very active and responsive to stimulus. The post-surgical hematologic evaluation was unremarkable. Discussion: Pre-anesthetic medication aimed to promote sedation and preemptive analgesia. Due to its minimal cardiorespiratory depression, we chose the combination of ketamine, dexmedetomidine, and butorphanol. Dexmedetomidine reduced the ketamine dose and caused sufficient muscle relaxation and immobilization to perform the jugular catheter placement. Butorphanol is an agonist-antagonist opioid; that is why we decided to add it to the protocol for antinociception. However, due to signs of nociceptive response (increased isoflurane requirements and heart rate), and considering the evidence of a predominance of µ receptors in reptiles, we administered low-dose morphine twice during the procedure. Propofol was chosen as an induction agent at a dose sufficient to allow endotracheal intubation. Since reptilians often show apnea in the presence of 100% oxygen, we used a 0.21 oxygen fraction. Despite this, the patient showed respiratory depression. Due to right to left cardiac shunt, sudden changes in the direction of the blood can lead to very rapid changes in the serum concentrations of isoflurane, which leads to frequent oscillations in the anesthetic depth and consequently the need for vaporizer adjustments, which may justify the high expired isoflurane fraction during the procedure. Despite that, physiological parameters were maintained within normal ranges for the species, with slight variations during the surgical procedure. We conclude that the proposed anesthetic protocol is safe for long-duration anesthesia in chelonians, ensuring cardiovascular and respiratory stability. Thus, this report may help veterinarians to perform safe anesthesia in tortoises submitted to invasive surgical procedures.
Animais , Tartarugas/cirurgia , Butorfanol/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Ketamina/administração & dosagem , Estômago/cirurgia , Corpos Estranhos/veterináriaResumo
Beta-cardiotoxin (ß-CTX), the three-finger toxin isolated from king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) venom, possesses ß-blocker activity as indicated by its negative chronotropy and its binding property to both ß-1 and ß-2 adrenergic receptors and has been proposed as a novel ß-blocker candidate. Previously, ß-CTX was isolated and purified by FPLC. Here, we present an alternative method to purify this toxin. In addition, we tested its cytotoxicity against different mammalian muscle cell types and determined the impact on cardiac function in isolated cardiac myocyte so as to provide insights into the pharmacological action of this protein. Methods: ß-CTX was isolated from the crude venom of the Thai king cobra using reverse-phased and cation exchange HPLC. In vitro cellular viability MTT assays were performed on mouse myoblast (C2C12), rat smooth muscle (A7r5), and rat cardiac myoblast (H9c2) cells. Cell shortening and calcium transient dynamics were recorded on isolated rat cardiac myocytes over a range of ß-CTX concentration. Results: Purified ß-CTX was recovered from crude venom (0.53% w/w). MTT assays revealed 50% cytotoxicity on A7r5 cells at 9.41 ± 1.14 µM (n = 3), but no cytotoxicity on C2C12 and H9c2 cells up to 114.09 µM. ß-CTX suppressed the extend of rat cardiac cell shortening in a dose-dependent manner; the half-maximal inhibition concentration was 95.97 ± 50.10 nM (n = 3). In addition, the rates of cell shortening and re-lengthening were decreased in ß-CTX treated myocytes concomitant with a prolongation of the intracellular calcium transient decay, indicating depression of cardiac contractility secondary to altered cardiac calcium homeostasis. Conclusion: We present an alternative purification method for ß-CTX from king cobra venom. We reveal cytotoxicity towards smooth muscle and depression of cardiac contractility by this protein. These data are useful to aid future development of pharmacological agents derived from ß-CTX.(AU)
Animais , Venenos Elapídicos/análise , Venenos Elapídicos/isolamento & purificação , Miócitos Cardíacos/fisiologia , Cardiotoxinas/administração & dosagemResumo
Beta-cardiotoxin (ß-CTX), the three-finger toxin isolated from king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) venom, possesses ß-blocker activity as indicated by its negative chronotropy and its binding property to both ß-1 and ß-2 adrenergic receptors and has been proposed as a novel ß-blocker candidate. Previously, ß-CTX was isolated and purified by FPLC. Here, we present an alternative method to purify this toxin. In addition, we tested its cytotoxicity against different mammalian muscle cell types and determined the impact on cardiac function in isolated cardiac myocyte so as to provide insights into the pharmacological action of this protein. Methods: ß-CTX was isolated from the crude venom of the Thai king cobra using reverse-phased and cation exchange HPLC. In vitro cellular viability MTT assays were performed on mouse myoblast (C2C12), rat smooth muscle (A7r5), and rat cardiac myoblast (H9c2) cells. Cell shortening and calcium transient dynamics were recorded on isolated rat cardiac myocytes over a range of ß-CTX concentration. Results: Purified ß-CTX was recovered from crude venom (0.53% w/w). MTT assays revealed 50% cytotoxicity on A7r5 cells at 9.41 ± 1.14 µM (n = 3), but no cytotoxicity on C2C12 and H9c2 cells up to 114.09 µM. ß-CTX suppressed the extend of rat cardiac cell shortening in a dose-dependent manner; the half-maximal inhibition concentration was 95.97 ± 50.10 nM (n = 3). In addition, the rates of cell shortening and re-lengthening were decreased in ß-CTX treated myocytes concomitant with a prolongation of the intracellular calcium transient decay, indicating depression of cardiac contractility secondary to altered cardiac calcium homeostasis. Conclusion: We present an alternative purification method for ß-CTX from king cobra venom. We reveal cytotoxicity towards smooth muscle and depression of cardiac contractility by this protein. These data are useful to aid future development of pharmacological agents derived from ß-CTX.(AU)
Animais , Charibdotoxina/isolamento & purificação , Miócitos Cardíacos , Proteínas Cardiotóxicas de Elapídeos , Venenos Elapídicos , Cardiotoxinas , Ophiophagus hannah , Supressão , Citotoxicidade ImunológicaResumo
A Cardiomiopatia Dilatada Canina (CMD), enfermidade que afeta principalmente cães de porte grande macho e adulto, se caracteriza por uma dilatação miocárdica das câmaras cardíacas e diminuição de sua capacidade de contração, com consequentes alterações hemodinâmicas e posterior evolução para um quadro de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. A ecocardiográfica tem sido cada vez mais considerada como diagnóstico definitivo para a CMD canina por ser um método dinâmico e não invasivo de avaliação do coração, que permite identificar a dilatação da parede ventricular. Esta revisão bibliográfica tem objetivo de revisar aspectos relacionados à fisiopatologia da doença, manifestações clínicas e métodos de diagnósticos mais atuais e possíveis interversões terapêuticas para proporcionar melhor estabilidade ao quadro.(AU)
Canine dilated Cardiomyopathy (CMD), a disease that affects mainly male and adult large-sized dogs, is characterized by myocardial dilation of the cardiac chambers and decreased contraction capacity, with consequent alterations Hemodynamic and posterior progression to a congestive heart failure condition. The echocardiographic has been increasingly considered as a definitive diagnosis for canine CMD because it is a dynamic and non-invasive method of assessing the heart, which allows to identify the dilation of the ventricular wall. This bibliographic review aims to review aspects related to the pathophysiology of the disease, clinical manifestations and more current diagnostic methods and possible therapeutic interversions to provide better stability to the picture.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/veterinária , Miocárdio , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/fisiopatologia , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
A Cardiomiopatia Dilatada Canina (CMD), enfermidade que afeta principalmente cães de porte grande macho e adulto, se caracteriza por uma dilatação miocárdica das câmaras cardíacas e diminuição de sua capacidade de contração, com consequentes alterações hemodinâmicas e posterior evolução para um quadro de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. A ecocardiográfica tem sido cada vez mais considerada como diagnóstico definitivo para a CMD canina por ser um método dinâmico e não invasivo de avaliação do coração, que permite identificar a dilatação da parede ventricular. Esta revisão bibliográfica tem objetivo de revisar aspectos relacionados à fisiopatologia da doença, manifestações clínicas e métodos de diagnósticos mais atuais e possíveis interversões terapêuticas para proporcionar melhor estabilidade ao quadro.
Canine dilated Cardiomyopathy (CMD), a disease that affects mainly male and adult large-sized dogs, is characterized by myocardial dilation of the cardiac chambers and decreased contraction capacity, with consequent alterations Hemodynamic and posterior progression to a congestive heart failure condition. The echocardiographic has been increasingly considered as a definitive diagnosis for canine CMD because it is a dynamic and non-invasive method of assessing the heart, which allows to identify the dilation of the ventricular wall. This bibliographic review aims to review aspects related to the pathophysiology of the disease, clinical manifestations and more current diagnostic methods and possible therapeutic interversions to provide better stability to the picture.
Animais , Cães , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/fisiopatologia , Cardiomiopatia Dilatada/veterinária , Miocárdio , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
A redução do empenho do miocárdio é um achado frequente em casos de sepse ou choque séptico, sendo a piometra uma das principais causas de sepse em cães. No presente trabalho relata-se um caso de sepse secundária à piometra levando à disfunção miocárdica em um canino, fêmea, da raça White West Highland Terrier, de dez anos de idade com histórico de prostração e hiporexia. Ao exame físico foi observada presença de secreção vulvar purulenta, abdômen abaulado e tenso à palpação. Foram realizados exames complementares, incluindo hemograma com resultado compatível com quadro infeccioso, bioquímica revelando hipocalemia e hipocalcemia, e exames de imagem. Observou-se por meio do exame ultrassonográfico presença de grande quantidade de líquido com celularidade em cornos e corpo uterino, compatível com piometra. Alterações compatíveis com sepse foram observadas durante o atendimento e estabilização do animal. No exame ecocardiográfico foi observado aumento dos diâmetros sistólico e diastólico do ventrículo esquerdo com diminuição da fração de encurtamento e ejeção, compatível com disfunção sistólica do ventrículo esquerdo. A referida paciente recebeu alta médica após correção cirúrgica e estabilização dos parâmetros clínicos, incluindo a disfunção sistólica, sendo relatado óbito sete dias após. Sugere-se que a causa mortis tenha sido a disfunção sistólica causada pela sepse. Conclui-se que a disfunção miocárdica é um fator determinante de prognóstico em casos de sepse, o que ressalta a importância de seu diagnóstico e tratamento precoce.
The reduction of myocardial commitment is a frequent finding in cases of sepsis or septic shock, and piometra is one of the main causes of sepsis in dogs. In the present study, the case of sepsis secondary to piometra is reported leading to myocardial dysfunction in a canine, female, of the 10-year-old White West Highland Terrier with a history of prostration and hyporexia. On physical examination, the presence of purulent vulvar secretion, bulging abdomen and taut palpation was observed. Complementary tests were performed, including blood count, biochemistry and imaging tests. It was observed through ultrasound examination the presence of a large amount of fluid with cellularity in horns and uterine body, compatible with piometra. Alterations compatible with sepsis were observed during the care and stabilization of the animal. On echocardiographic examination, an increase in systolic and diastolic diameters of the left ventricle was observed with decreased shortening and ejection fraction, compatible with systolic dysfunction of the left ventricle. The patient received medical discharge after surgical correction and stabilization of clinical parameters, and died seven days later. It is suggested that the cause of death was systolic dysfunction caused by sepsis. It is concluded that myocardial dysfunction is a prognostic determinant factor in cases of sepsis, emphasizing the importance of its diagnosis and early treatment.
Animais , Cães , Choque Séptico/veterinária , Sepse/veterinária , Cães/cirurgia , Piometra/veterinária , Insuficiência Cardíaca/veterinária , Miocárdio/patologia , Causas de Morte/tendências , Cardiomiopatias/veterináriaResumo
We analysed the frequency of symptoms and degree of muscle pain in selected body parts of racing horses assessed during classic massage sessions. The influence of horse's sex on obtained results was considered. The potential for the early determination of pain in horses by analysing their behaviour and cardiac parameters during a massage session was also evaluated. The study was conducted on 20 three-year-old purebred Arabian horses during one racing season. In the racing season, cyclic classic massage sessions were performed, during which the frequency of symptoms and the degree of pain in the neck, back, croup, front limbs, and hind limbs were analysed. A behavioural assessment of the horses was conducted, and cardiac parameters were analysed. During massage, the frequency of pain symptoms in front limbs amounted to 26, while in croup, it did not exceed 6. The studied horses were most susceptible to pain in the front limbs and in the back, with greater severity in stallions than in mares. An assessment of the frequency and severity of pain symptoms should not be based on changes in behaviour of horses or on cardiac parameters (HR and LF:HF ratio) during massage sessions. However, these methods can be applied after pain reactions intensify. Meanwhile, qualified masseurs can diagnose slight muscle pain during massage sessions.(AU)
Animais , Dor/diagnóstico , Corrida/lesões , Cavalos/fisiologiaResumo
A miopatia nutricional é uma doença degenerativa que pode afetar os músculos esqueléticos e cardíaco, causada pela deficiência dietética de selênio e/ou vitamina E. Objetivou-se relatar a ocorrência de miopatia nutricional em dois potros Puro Sangue Inglês, criados de forma extensiva, com baixa disponibilidade de forragem e sem suplementação mineral. De um lote de nove animais de diferentes idades (cinco éguas adultas, uma potra lactente de três meses,uma mula e dois potros de 16 e 17 meses), apenas os dois últimos foram afetados. Clinicamente, havia decúbito lateral ou esternal, taquicardia, taquipneia, desidratação e dor à palpação muscular na região dos glúteos.O diagnóstico presuntivo de miopatia nutricional foi realizado por meio da associação dos sinais clínicos aos dados epidemiológicos.O animal 1 foi eutanasiado cinco dias após o atendimento devido à piora gradativa do quadro, e o animal 2 recuperou-se com o tratamento adotado. O diagnóstico foi confirmado com base nos exames complementares, nos achados de necropsia e na dosagem da concentração hepática de selênio. Este relato de caso alerta para o risco da ocorrência de miopatia nutricional em equinos, sobretudo jovens, sem acesso a pastagens ou feno de boa qualidade e sem suplementação mineral adequada.(AU)
Nutritional myopathy is a degenerative disease caused by the dietary deficiency of selenium and/or vitamin E that can affect skeletal and cardiac muscles. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence of nutritional myopathy in two Thoroughbred young horses, raised in pastures with low forage availability and no mineral supplementation. From a herd of nine animals of different ages (five adult mares, one three-month-old nursing foal, one mule and two 16- and 17-month-old horses), only the last two were affected. Clinical signs were lateral or sternal recumbency, tachycardia, tachypnea, dehydration and muscle pain. Presumptive diagnosis of nutritional myopathy was made associating clinical signs and epidemiological data. Animal 1 was euthanized five days after the first evaluation due to clinical signs gets worse, and animal 2 recovered with the established treatment. Diagnosis was confirmed with complementary exams, necropsy findings and levels of hepatic selenium. This paper alerts to the risk of nutritional myopathy occurrence in horses, mainly young animals, which are not ingesting good quality hay or green forage and do not receive appropriate mineral supplementation.(AU)