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Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 122-125, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509608


Neoplasms are among the most impacting disease diagnoses in veterinary medicine and have become increasingly common due to the greater longevity of animals as living conditions improved. The Mongolian gerbil is a small rodent species that has become popular recently. In these animals, the occurrence of neoplastic processes is relatively common, mainly tumors of the ventral gland in males and ovarian tumors in females. This work aims to report an ovarian tumor in a Mongolian gerbil Meriones unguiculatus Milne-Edwards 1867 (Rodentia, Muridae). At the initial presentation, the animal had dyspnea, prostration, and increased abdominal volume in the topography of the right ovary of approximately 2 cm. The animal was submitted to exploratory laparotomy because of the emergency nature of the case and the owners' refusal of additional exams due to financial restrictions. Thus, an ovariohysterectomy was performed, followed by a histopathological examination. The histopathology revealed an ovarian papillary carcinoma affecting both ovaries and cystic endometrial hyperplasia. With surgical removal and drainage of the thoracic fluid, the animal showed good recovery, with general improvement and return to regular activity, with a life expectancy of two years. Currently, the demand for specialized veterinarians for unconventional pets is increasing. This condition allows owners to raise their animals more properly, favoring greater longevity. Knowledge about the prevalence and incidence of diseases in different species is of enormous relevance in establishing the appropriate therapy, improving life quality, and increasing life expectancy in animals' lives.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Carcinoma Papilar/fisiopatologia , Gerbillinae , Neoplasias/veterinária , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e273889, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1447647


The study aim was to evaluate the cytotoxic activity, using the MTT test [3-(4,5-Dimethilthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenil tetrazolium bromide], from the crude extract of Picrasma crenata (Pau Tenente) and its isolated compounds, quassin and parain, in culture of rat liver tumor cells (HTC). The test was carried out exposing the cells for 24, 48 and 72 hours to concentrations of 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 and 1000 µg of crude extract of Pau Tenente/mL of culture medium and 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg of quassin or parain compounds/mL of culture medium. The absorbances averages results obtained showed that the crude extract did not present cytotoxicity for the HTC cells in all the concentrations and evaluated times. For quassin, the concentrations of 80 and 100 µg/mL were cytotoxic, after 72 hours of treatment. For parain, the concentrations of 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg/mL, in 72 hours, were cytotoxic, revealing a new activity for this compound. Thus, the results demonstrate a first indication of the cytotoxic activity of compounds quassin and parain, adding an important social and economic value to them, and may have application in future research and in pharmaceutical industry.

O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a atividade citotóxica, por meio do teste MTT [brometo de 3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difenil tetrazólio], do extrato bruto de Picrasma crenata (Pau Tenente) e seus compostos isolados, quassina e paraína, em cultura de células tumorais de fígado de rato (HTC). O teste foi realizado expondo as células por 24, 48 e 72 horas às concentrações de 5, 10, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 e 1000 µg de extrato bruto de Pau Tenente/mL de meio de cultura e 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg de compostos de quassina ou paraína/mL de meio de cultura. Os resultados das médias de absorbâncias obtidos mostraram que o extrato bruto não apresentou citotoxicidade para as células HTC em todas as concentrações e tempos avaliados. Para quassina, as concentrações de 80 e 100 µg/mL foram citotóxicas, após 72 horas de tratamento. Para a paraína, as concentrações de 1, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg/mL, em 72 horas, foram citotóxicas, revelando uma nova atividade para este composto. Assim, os resultados demonstram uma primeira indicação da atividade citotóxica dos compostos quassina e paraína, agregando-lhes importante valor social e econômico, podendo ter aplicação em pesquisas futuras e na indústria farmacêutica.

Animais , Ratos , Extratos Vegetais , Picrasma/toxicidade , Quassinas , Neoplasias
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(2): 242-246, Mar.-Apr. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434100


Lymphoma is the most common lymphoproliferative disorder in cats. However, cutaneous lymphomas are uncommon in this species and can be classified as epitheliotropic or non-epitheliotropic. Epitheliotropic lymphomas are typically of T-cells and have tropism for epidermis and/or adnexal epithelium. Non-epitheliotropic lymphomas can be of either T-cell or B-cell and involve predominantly the dermis. The present study describes a case of multifocal cutaneous anaplastic large T-cell lymphoma. The skin nodules were multiple and variable in size, alopecic and erythematous in appearance and randomly distributed. Immunohistochemistry revealed positivity for the CD3 antigen, consistent with T-lymphocytes. This neoplasm should be remembered whenever multiple cutaneous nodules are observed in cats.

Linfoma é o distúrbio linfoproliferativo mais comumente observado em gatos. Contudo, linfomas cutâneos são incomuns nessa espécie e podem ser classificados como epiteliotrópico ou não epiteliotrópico. Linfomas epiteliotrópicos são tipicamente originários de células T e têm tropismo pela epiderme e/ou pelo epitélio anexial. Linfomas não epiteliotrópicos podem ser originários de células T ou B e envolvem predominantemente a derme. No presente trabalho, descreve-se um caso de linfoma cutâneo multifocal anaplásico de grandes células T em um gato. Os nódulos cutâneos eram múltiplos, de dimensões variáveis, alopécicos, eritematosos e aleatoriamente distribuídos. A imuno-histoquímica revelou positividade para CD3, sendo consistente com origem em linfócitos T. Essa neoplasia deve ser lembrada sempre que forem observados nódulos cutâneos múltiplos em gatos.

Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Linfoma Anaplásico Cutâneo Primário de Células Grandes/veterinária , Neoplasias/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 100-102, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509589


Apocrine neoplasms are rare in goats. This report describes an apocrine adenocarcinoma in a 5-year-old female Boer goat with an ulcerated, exophytic, multilobulated mass on the left dorsolateral cervical area. Histologically, the dermis was effaced and expanded by a poorly demarcated epithelial neoplasm with desmoplasia. Neoplastic cells were arranged in acini with papillary projections into the lumen and had cuboidal or columnar, eosinophilic, occasionally vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei were round and had finely stippled chromatin with one nucleolus. Neoplastic cells contained periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)­positive and diastase­resistant, alcian blue­positive cytoplasmic granules. There were 6 mitoses in 2.37 mm2 (equivalent to 10 FN22/40X fields). Histologic and histochemical features in the current case were consistent with a cutaneous apocrine gland adenocarcinoma.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/veterinária , Glândulas Apócrinas/patologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(8): e20220120, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418162


Canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVTC) is a highly casuistic transmissible neoplasm in Brazil. Chemotherapy with vincristine sulfate is considered the treatment of choice, but the need for weekly applications and hematological monitoring, in addition to costs, are obstacles to owners' adhesion to the treatment. Lomustine is an alkylating class antineoplastic agent, and because it is administered orally, it is a more practical and less costly treatment option for the owners of animals with neoplasms sensitive to the drug. This study evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of lomustine in dogs affected by TVTC. Twelve dogs with cytopathological diagnosis of natural genital TVTC were selected. The dogs were submitted to the experimental protocol with lomustine administration at doses of 70 to 85 mg/m2 orally every 21 days, totaling a maximum of two administration cycles. The animals were reevaluated every 7 days until a maximum of +49 days after the first dose of lomustine, to monitor the regression of neoplastic lesions through measurements. Among the 12 dogs submitted to the lomustine protocol, 8/12 achieved complete remission of the neoplasm and were considered cured (66.6%), 1/12 had partial response to treatment (8.33%) and 3/12 had stable disease (25%). Important adverse effects such as severe neutrophilic leukopenia were detected in 3/12 dogs (25%). The clinical study indicated that lomustine may be a treatment option for TVTC.

O tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC) é uma neoplasia transmissível de elevada casuística no Brasil. A quimioterapia com sulfato de vincristina é considerada o tratamento de escolha, mas a necessidade de aplicações semanais e acompanhamento hematológico, além dos custos, são obstáculos à adesão dos proprietários ao tratamento. A lomustina é um antineoplásico da classe dos agentes alquilantes e, por ser administrado por via oral, representa um opção de tratamento mais prática e menos onerosa para os proprietários de animais com neoplasias. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia terapêutica da lomustina em cães acometidos por TVTC. Foram selecionados 12 cães com diagnóstico citopatológico de TVTC genital de ocorrência natural. Os cães foram submetidos ao protocolo experimental com administração de lomustina nas doses de 70 a 85 mg/m2 por via oral a cada 21 dias, totalizando no máximo dois ciclos de administração. Os animais foram reavaliados a cada sete dias até um máximo de +49 dias após a primeira dose de lomustina, para monitorar a regressão das lesões neoplásicas por meio de mensuração das lesões. Entre os 12 cães submetidos ao protocolo, 8/12 obtiveram remissão completa da neoplasia e foram considerados curados (66,6%), 1/12 tiveram resposta parcial ao tratamento (8,33%) e 3/12 tiveram doença estável (25%). Efeitos adversos importantes, como leucopenia neutrofílica grave, foram detectados em 3/12 cães (25%). O estudo clínico indicou que a lomustina pode ser uma opção de tratamento para TVTC.

Animais , Cães , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/terapia , Doenças do Cão , Lomustina/uso terapêutico , Neoplasias/veterinária
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 26(1cont): 239-250, jan.-jun. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443230


A expectativa de vida dos animais de companhia vem aumentando devido as mudanças comportamentais e de cuidados dos tutores. Em analogia, com as idades cada vez mais avançadas, é comum o desenvolvimento de doenças associadas, sendo o tumor o mais comum entre elas. Todavia, as neoplasias mais comuns na clínica de pequenos animais estão associadas ao sistema tegumentar. O carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE), ou carcinoma espinocelular, é uma neoplasia de epitélio, maligno, de crescimento lento e de baixo potencial metastático. Sua etiologia ainda não é precisamente conhecida e a causa exógena mais comum e descrita pela literatura é a exposição à luz ultravioleta, gerando consequentes lesões nas estruturas genéticas e imunogênicas na pele. Além disso, essas lesões apresentam-se de forma mais comum em animais de pelagem clara, com grande exposição solar e em área anatômicas hipopigmentadas. O prognóstico varia de acordo com a localização e o estágio clínico, sendo favorável o diagnóstico realizado precocemente, e o tratamento consiste na avaliação clínica seguida do protocolo adequado O presente relato de caso tem como objetivo principal reunir e discutir informações associadas sobre o carcinoma de células escamosas em caninos e felinos, abordando aspectos clínicos e patológicos, a fim de facilitar o raciocínio sobre o CCE, desde sua abordagem inicial, até seu diagnóstico final e estadiamento.(AU)

The life expectancy of companion animals has been increasing due to behavioral and care changes of the guardians. In analogy, with the increasingly advanced ages, the development of associated diseases is common, the tumor being the most common among them. However, the most common neoplasms in the small animal clinic are associated with the integumentary system. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), or squamous cell carcinoma, is a malignant, slow-growing, low-potential metastatic epithelial neoplasm. Its etiology is not yet precisely known and the most common exogenous cause described by the literature is exposure to ultraviolet light, generating consequent lesions on the genetic and immunogenic structures in the skin. In addition, these lesions are more common in light-haired animals, with high exposure to the sun, and in hypopigmented anatomical areas. The prognosis varies according to the location and clinical stage, being favorable to the early diagnosis, and the treatment consists in the clinical evaluation followed by the appropriate protocol. The present case report has as its main objective to gather and discuss associated information about squamous cell carcinoma in canines and cats, addressing clinical and pathological aspects, in order to facilitate the reasoning about the CCE, from its initial approach, to its final diagnosis and staging.(AU)

La esperanza de vida de los animales de compañía ha ido en aumento debido a los cambios de comportamiento y cuidado de los guardianes. Por analogía, con las edades cada vez más avanzadas, el desarrollo de enfermedades asociadas es común, siendo el tumor el más común entre ellos. Sin embargo, las neoplasias más comunes en la clínica de animales pequeños se asocian con el sistema tegumentario. El carcinoma epidermoide (CCE), o carcinoma epidermoide, es una neoplasia epitelial metastásica maligna de crecimiento lento y bajo potencial. Su etiología aún no se conoce con precisión y la causa exógena más común descrita por la literatura es la exposición a la luz ultravioleta, generando lesiones consecuentes en las estructuras genéticas e inmunogénicas de la piel. Además, estas lesiones son más comunes en animales de pelo claro, con alta exposición al sol, y en áreas anatómicas hipopigmentadas. El pronóstico varía según la localización y el estadio clínico, siendo favorable al diagnóstico precoz, y el tratamiento consiste en la evaluación clínica seguida del protocolo adecuado. El presente reporte de caso tiene como objetivo principal reunir y discutir información asociada sobre el carcinoma epidermoide en caninos y gatos, abordando aspectos clínicos y patológicos, con el fin de facilitar el razonamiento sobre el CCE, desde su abordaje inicial, hasta su diagnóstico final y estadificación.(AU)

Animais , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/etiologia , Gatos , Cães , Prepúcio do Pênis/fisiopatologia , Neoplasias/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 884, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437121


Background: Several neoplasms can affect the perianal region, being the hepatic adenoma and the anal sac adenocarcinoma (ASAC), which is considered the most frequent. The ASAC is a malignant neoplasm originating from the secretory epithelium of the perianal apocrine glands and is rarely seen in veterinary medicine. The ASAC occurs mainly in adult to elderly canines with high metastasis rates. Patients may be asymptomatic or manifest discomfort and behavioral changes. In the presence of metastasis, the most frequent clinical signs are inappetence, coughing, dyspnea, and colorectal obstruction. Given this scenario, this paper aims to describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic examination, and necropsy findings of a Cocker Spaniel with ASAC and metastasis in the vertebral body, spinal cord, and cauda equina. Case: A 8-year-old neutered male Cocker Spaniel (12 kg of body mass) with a clinical history of non-ambulatory paraparesis was evaluated. The patient also presented tenesmus, difficulty to defecate, and the presence of nodules in the anal sac area. On the neurological examination, asymmetrical changes compatible with injury between L4-S3 were found. A complete blood count, serum biochemistry, and imaging exams such as plain radiography, abdominal ultrasonography (US), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were requested. Blood count revealed anemia and neutrophilic leukocytosis and hypercalcemia. The liver showed increased echogenicity and thickened pancreas in the abdominal US scan. A slightly heterogeneous, vascularized mass with irregular borders was identified in the topographic region of the sublumbar lymph nodes; MRI images demonstrated an expansile formation in the ventral region of the lumbosacral spine, corresponding to the sublumbar lymph nodes and interruption of the cerebrospinal fluid at L5, suggestive of compression of the spinal cord and cauda equina. A presumptive diagnosis of perianal neoplasm with metastasis was made based on the complementary exams. The dog was referred to necropsy, which revealed a 4 cm tumor in the perianal region that invaded the pelvic canal. Multifocal nodules were present on the lung surface, liver, and kidneys, suggesting metastasis. On the cross-section of the spine, one could note the presence of the tumor in the vertebral bodies, spinal cord, and cauda equina from L5 to S3. Even with histopathological evaluation of the tumor, only the immunohistochemical analysis allowed us to confirm the anal sac adenocarcinoma. Discussion: Adenomas and carcinomas are perianal gland neoplasms common in adult and elderly male dogs; the Cocker Spaniel breed is among the most affected. The clinical signs presented by the patient, such as tenesmus and difficulty in adopting the posture of defecation, are common, although neurological changes are rare. As for metastasis, carcinomas of the perianal region present high chances of metastasis to organs including the liver, kidneys, and lungs, both lymphatically and hematogenously, but few studies have related these factors to neurological alterations due to metastasis. We concluded that metastases from carcinomas to the spine must be considered a possible differential diagnosis in cases of patients presenting clinical signs that are compatible with spinal cord compression and a history of previous neoplasm.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Períneo/patologia , Neoplasias da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Sacos Anais/patologia , Metástase Neoplásica
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 844, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415268


Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma is a primary malignant tumor of the liver tissue and its occurrence in birds is considered rare. The tumor can occur as a single mass leading to hepatomegaly, or as multiple nodules in the liver. In animals of the genus Amazona, only 1 case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma has been reported in the United States, therefore, little is known about its epidemiology and clinicopathological aspects in these species. In this context, the aim of this work was to describe a case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma in an Amazona aestiva. Case: A blue-fronted amazon parrot (Amazona aestiva) was referred to necropsy after being found dead in its enclosure. On examination, it presented cachectic body score. Examination of the coelomic cavity, revealed a serous translucent fluid and adhesions between the liver and peritoneum.A red mass restricted to the right hepatic lobe and raised to the capsular surface, interspersed with whitish and dark red multifocal areas was observed. When cut, this mass was soft, protruding, multilobulated, whitish and with a friable reddish center. Additionally, on the dorsal surface of the left lung lobe, there was a rounded, well defined, whitish, and soft nodule. Microscopically, partial replacement of the hepatic parenchyma was observed by neoplastic proliferation of cuboidal epithelial cells, organized in mantle and supported by a scarce fibrovascular stroma. Cells have large, eosinophilic, well-delimited cytoplasm, with a central, oval nucleus, loose chromatin, and evident nucleolus. Moderate pleomorphism was characterized by anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, and aberrant nuclei. In the lung, a focally extensive mass with a pattern similar to that seen in the liver was observed. In the kidney, multifocal neoplastic emboli were noted. Liver immunohistochemistry was performed. Positive and negative controls were used to validate the reaction; however, there was no immunolabelling for the evaluated antibodies. Discussion: The histopathological characteristics observed in this study favored the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) with metastasis to kidney and lung. Primary liver tumors are rare in wild birds. In ducks, experimental studies have pointed aflatoxins and the duck hepatitis B virus as oncogenic agents, however, in birds of the genus Amazona, there are no studies that evaluate predisposing factors to the development of liver carcinoma. Macroscopically, hepatocellular carcinoma may present in massive, nodular or diffuse forms. In birds, the right lobe is the largest, which may suggest that this lobe is more prone to the development of HCC, as seen in the present case. The solid form, similar to that observed in this report, seems to be more commonly observed, as seen in the wild bird reports consulted. Metastases most often spread hematogenous, and in the present report there was metastasis to kidneys and lungs, which is a common feature for this neoplasm. In the present case, there was no labeling by any of the antibodies, perhaps because of their aggressiveness, associated with autolytic factors that prevent the labeling of antibodies, in addition to the specificity in the antibodyantigen relationship. This tumor must be differentiated from other liver tumors such as cholangiocarcinoma, and also the well-differentiated hepatocellular adenoma, in addition to non-neoplastic conditions. HCC should be considered as a differential diagnosis for Amazona aestiva found dead in the enclosure without previous clinical signs. This neoplasm is rare in Amazon parrots and reports should be encouraged in order to contribute to the understanding of the epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects of the tumor.

Animais , Carcinoma Hepatocelular , Amazona , Neoplasias Hepáticas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 890, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1444406


Background: Malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) is a neoplasm with low incidence in small animals, and the possible causes are poorly elucidated but may be related to contact with asbestos. In the thoracic cavity, MMP can be localized or generalized to all cavity structures, and its clinical signs depend on this localization. Although some alternative therapies are being discussed, few studies are conclusive, with surgical intervention as the leading therapeutic option. Given this context, this report aimed to describe a case of MMP located in the mediastinum of a bitch treated with radical excision through mediated sternotomy. Case: A 7-year-old bitch of the Shar-pei breed was referred for care due to progressive weight loss and intense dyspnea. During the physical examination, dyspnea and muffled lung sounds were noted. The patient underwent hemodialysis, which showed neutrophilic leukocytosis. An abdominal ultrasound was also performed and revealed mild abdominal effusion, and chest radiography revealed an extensive tumor covering the entire chest cavity. Thoracocentesis was performed, and the material analyzed was a malignant exudate; the patient was referred to median sternotomy for exploratory purposes, and afterward, total macroscopic extirpation of the tumor was performed. A sample was sent for histopathology, and malignant mesothelioma was confirmed. The patient was discharged after 8 days of hospitalization with home treatment and did not return to the hospital. Upon contacting the guardian, we were informed that the animal had died 154 days after the procedure due to unknown causes. Discussion: Malignant pleural mesothelioma affects humans and animals; it is associated with the risk factor of contact with asbestos and the use of flea antiparasitic drugs. In small animals, its incidence is rare, albeit mesotheliomas have been reported in wild and large animals. The clinical signs are related to the location of the neoplasm. When it is located in the thoracic region, dyspnea, muffled lung sounds, cyanosis, and pleural effusion are observed in most cases. Diagnosis is usually late and incidental, although some tests, such as ultrasonography, magnetic resonance imaging, tomography, radiography, and needle biopsy, can help in the diagnosis. Histopathology is the exam of choice for definitive diagnosis, as it helps one observe the proliferation of neoplastic mesothelial cells, atypical mitosis figures, and marked cellular pleomorphism. Many therapeutic options have been discussed, including chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and anti-tumor immunization, although there is little scientific proof of their efficacy in animals. The current treatment of choice is tumor excision by surgical procedure with a palliative objective since the prognosis of the disease is unfavorable. Minimally invasive video surgery has been gaining more and more space in veterinary medicine and has proven successful in numerous cases of thoracic masses. In the present report, we chose to perform median sternotomy for total excision due to the extension of the mass that occupied the thoracic cavity practically in its entirety. Further research should be conducted to help in palliative treatments and increase the survival of patients with mesotheliomas, given that most studies are done in humans and not animals. We conclude that median sternotomy is still the therapeutic option of choice for the palliative treatment of patients with extensive thoracic pleural mesotheliomas.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Mesotelioma Maligno/cirurgia , Mesotelioma Maligno/veterinária , Neoplasias do Mediastino/veterinária , Toracotomia/veterinária , Esternotomia/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07073, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422304


Seven hundred twenty cases of oral cavity lesions in dogs were diagnosed from 2015 to 2020 in Distrito Federal, Brazil. Four hundred thirty-two (60%) lesions were neoplastic, and 288 (40%) were non-neoplastic. Of the neoplasms, 229 (53%) were considered malignant and 203 (47%) benign, affecting mainly males, of 43 different breeds, with an average age of 9.4 years, mainly the gum and lip. Melanoma was the most (96/432, 22.2%) commonly diagnosed neoplasm, followed by peripheral odontogenic fibroma (68/432, 15.7%), papilloma (63/432, 14.5%) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) (56/432, 12.9%). Non-neoplastic lesions also affected males predominantly, from 41 different breeds, with an average age of 8.9 years, mainly in the gums, lip, and tongue. These lesions were diagnosed as inflammatory (230/288, 79.8%), hyperplastic (47/288, 16.3%) and other lesions (11/288, 3.8%).

Foram estudados 720 casos de lesões na cavidade oral em cães diagnosticados entre 2015 e 2020, no Distrito Federal. Dessas alterações, 432 (60%) foram neoplásicas e 288 (40%) não neoplásicas. Dentre os neoplasmas, 229 (53%) foram consideradas malignos e 203 (47%) benignos, acometendo principalmente machos, de 43 raças diferentes, com idade média 9,4 anos, afetando principalmente gengiva e lábio. Melanoma foi o neoplasma mais comumente diagnosticado (96/432; 22,2%), seguido do fibroma odontogênico periférico (68/432; 15,7%), papiloma (63/432; 14,5%) e carcinoma de células escamosas (56/432; 12,9%). As lesões não neoplásicas também acometeram predominantemente machos, de 41 raças diferentes, com idade média 8,9 anos, afetando principalmente gengiva, lábio e língua. Essas lesões foram diagnosticadas como inflamatórias (230/288; 79,8%), hiperplásicas (47/288; 16,3%) e como outras alterações (11/288; 3,8%).

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Bucais/patologia , Neoplasias Bucais/veterinária , Neoplasias Bucais/epidemiologia , Doenças do Cão/epidemiologia , Neoplasias de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Papiloma/veterinária , Brasil/epidemiologia , Fibroma/veterinária , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Melanoma/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07212, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1507030


Mammary neoplasia represents the most frequently diagnosed type of neoplasia in bitches. Although surgical removal is the procedure of choice for therapeutic management, chemotherapy protocols appear as important allies and adjuvants. Despite the great advances that have occurred in the field of cancer therapy, the systemic repercussions of these drugs still impose important limitations on their use. In this sense, the development of increasingly targeted therapeutic protocols and preventive monitoring of patients represent important strategies to avoid possible complications - among them, Acute Kidney Injury (AKI). Routinely, ultrasound evaluation is used to identify morphological or metastatic variations in abdominal cavity organs. Acting complementary to the B-mode evaluation, Doppler mapping proves to be efficient in recognizing alterations in vascular hemodynamics. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the use of B-mode and Doppler ultrasound to identify renal morphological and hemodynamic alterations in bitches with mammary neoplasia submitted to adjuvant chemotherapy protocols that associate gemcitabine with carboplatin. Thirteen bitches were included, without distinction of breed and between seven and 13 years of age. The animals were evaluated ultrasonographically at two different times during three consecutive chemotherapy cycles: before (T0) and one and a half hours after each cycle (T1), for 42 days. No morphological changes were observed in B-mode throughout the chemotherapy protocol. However, the Doppler velocimetry indices demonstrated statistical differences before (T0) and after (T1) the administration of the drugs. It was concluded that Doppler ultrasound could be used as a complementary method for monitoring the renal response of patients exposed to nephrotoxic drugs and potentially causing renal injury.

As neoplasias mamárias representam o tipo de neoplasma mais frequentemente diagnosticado em fêmeas da espécie canina. Embora a remoção cirúrgica seja o procedimento de eleição para a conduta terapêutica, os protocolos quimioterápicos aparecem como importantes aliados e adjuvantes. Apesar dos grandes avanços ocorridos na área da terapia oncológica, as repercussões sistêmicas destes fármacos ainda impõem importantes limitações ao seu uso. Neste sentido, o desenvolvimento de protocolos terapêuticos cada vez mais direcionados e o monitoramento preventivo dos pacientes representam estratégias importantes para evitar possíveis complicações - dentre elas, a injúria renal aguda (IRA). Rotineiramente, a avaliação ultrassonográfica é utilizada para identificação de variações morfológicas ou metastáticas em órgãos da cavidade abdominal. Atuando de forma complementar à avaliação em modo-B, o mapeamento Doppler mostra-se eficiente no reconhecimento de alterações na hemodinâmica vascular. Portanto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a utilização da ultrassonografia modo-B e Doppler como método para identificação de alterações morfológicas e hemodinâmicas renais em cadelas com neoplasias mamárias submetidas a protocolos quimioterápicos adjuvantes que associam a gencitabina à carboplatina. Foram incluídas 13 fêmeas caninas, sem distinção quanto a raça e com idades entre sete e 13 anos. Os animais foram avaliados ultrassonograficamente em dois momentos distintos durante três ciclos quimioterápicos consecutivos: antes (T0) e uma hora e meia após a realização de cada ciclo (T1), totalizando 42 dias. Não foram observadas alterações morfológicas em modo-B ao longo do protocolo quimioterápico. Entretanto, os índices dopplervelocimétricos demonstraram diferenças estatísticas antes (T0) e após (T1) a administração dos fármacos. Concluiu-se que a ultrassonografia Doppler pode ser utilizada como método complementar para o monitoramento da resposta renal de pacientes expostos a fármacos nefrotóxicos e potencialmente causadores de injúrias renais.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/complicações , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/efeitos adversos , Quimioterapia Adjuvante/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Injúria Renal Aguda/veterinária , Injúria Renal Aguda/diagnóstico por imagem , Carboplatina , Ultrassonografia Doppler/veterinária , Gencitabina
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 519-524, May-June 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383775


A two-year old mare was referred to the veterinary hospital because of an increase in the volume of the head on the frontal and left side as well as dyspnoea. Radiographic examination showed an osseous radiopaque spherical mass, with a granular aspect, affecting the left frontal, maxillary, and nasal bones. A frontal sinusotomy was performed, and the frontal sinus was found to be totally obliterated by a granular, yellowish, and hard mass containing multiple spicules. Histologically, it was a multilobulated osseous neoplasia diagnosed as a multilobular osseous tumour. Because of poor prognosis, the animal was euthanized. Necropsy showed that the left nasal cavity was totally effaced as were the nasal sinuses and that the nasal turbinate disappeared because of the hard, yellowish, and granular mass measuring 20 × 14 × 14 cm that surrounded the molar teeth and extended to the cribriform plate. This tumour, which was described only once in horses, is more frequently observed in older dogs' skulls, and must be considered as a differential diagnosis in horses with sinonasal diseases.

Uma égua de dois anos de idade foi encaminhada ao Hospital Veterinário devido a um aumento de volume nas regiões frontal e lateral esquerdas da cabeça, associado à dispneia. Exame radiográfico demonstrou a existência de uma massa esférica radiopaca de aspecto granular afetando os ossos frontal, maxilar e nasal esquerdos. Sinusotomia frontal foi realizada e o seio frontal era totalmente obliterado por uma massa amarelada, granular e dura, com múltiplas espículas. Histologicamente, era uma neoplasia óssea multilobulada, diagnosticada como tumor ósseo multilobular. Devido ao prognóstico ruim, a égua foi eutanasiada. Durante a necropsia, observou-se desaparecimento dos turbinados nasais assim como obliteração total da cavidade nasal esquerda e dos seios nasais por uma massa dura, amarelada e granular, de 20x14x14cm, que circundava os dentes molares e estendia-se à placa cribriforme. Esse tumor, que foi descrito apenas uma vez em equinos, é mais frequente no crânio de cães idosos e deve ser considerado como diagnóstico diferencial em equinos com doenças sinonasais.

Animais , Diagnóstico Diferencial , Cavalos , Osso Nasal , Cavidade Nasal , Neoplasias
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 514-518, May-June 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383780


Myofibrosarcoma in horses is a rare malignant tumor composed predominantly by myofibroblasts. A 15-year-old horse was referred to the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Parana for evaluation of colic signs. Initial physical examination showed icteric mucous membrane and laboratory analysis found anemia, increased serum activity of ALT, GGT, ALP, and bilirubin. In the exploratory laparotomy a highly vascularized abdominal mass in the left hypochondrium region of approximately 50cm x 45cm x 30cm, adhered to the surrounding structures was observed. Due to the size and adhesions to the omentum, the mass was considered surgically unresectable, and euthanasia was performed followed by necropsy. The immunohistochemical and morphological results indicate the diagnosis of myofibrosarcoma since the neoplastic cells immunoexpressed Vimentin, HHF35 and S100. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first equine case of omental myofibrosarcoma described in the literature.

O miofibrossarcoma em cavalos é um raro tumor maligno, composto predominantemente por miofibroblastos. Um equino, de 15 anos de idade, foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Federal do Paraná, para avaliação de sinais de cólica. O exame clínico inicial apresentou mucosas ictéricas e, nos exames laboratoriais, revelou anemia e aumento sérico de ALT, GGT, ALP e bilirrubina. Na laparotomia exploratória, observou-se massa abdominal vascularizada de aproximadamente 50cm x 45cm x 30cm na região do hipocôndrio esquerdo e aderida às estruturas circunvizinhas. Devido ao tamanho e às aderências ao omento, a massa foi considerada irressecável cirurgicamente, portanto foi realizada a eutanásia e a necropsia. Os resultados imuno-histoquímicos e morfológicos indicam o diagnóstico de miofibrossarcoma, visto que as células neoplásicas imunoexpressaram Vimentin, HHF35 e S100. Portanto, esse é o primeiro caso em equinos de miofibrossarcoma omental descrito na literatura.

Animais , Omento , Miofibroblastos , Cavalos , Laparotomia , Neoplasias
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 1-10, mar. 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363847


Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common neoplastic skin disease that is highly prevalent in tropical countries. As the skin has a variety of cells, overexposure to environmental factors, such as ultraviolet light, can affect this organ, resulting in malignancies, such as cutaneous SCC, hemangioma, and hemangiosarcoma. SCC arises from keratinocytes in the skin and is locally invasive with low metastatic rates, commonly affecting unpigmented skin in sites with high exposure to sunlight, such as ventral regions. SCC has a variable etiology that is not well understood. Therefore, literature review aimed to critically evaluate the risk factors involved in the SCC development.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Raios Ultravioleta , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Fatores de Risco , Hemangioma , Hemangiossarcoma , Neoplasias
Rev. Educ. Contin. Med. Vet. Zootec. CRMV-SP (Online) ; 20(1): e38237, mai. 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369933


A oncologia, em especial na Medicina Veterinária, ainda representa um importante desafio para a ciência exigindo o desenvolvimento de métodos profiláticos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos que apresentem resultados rápidos e eficazes. A ozonioterapia é um procedimento pouco invasivo e praticamente isento de efeitos adversos desde que a sua correta forma de aplicação seja respeitada. A técnica vem sendo estudada há tempos e a sua capacidade imunomoduladora, cicatrizante, bactericida e analgésica já é reconhecida. Contudo, embora existam diversos estudos publicados em Medicina Humana e Veterinária, ainda não há protocolos específicos para o seu emprego em pacientes oncológicos. O presente trabalho discorre sobre as reações bioquímicas e imunológicas desencadeadas pelo ozônio, que podem afetar o paciente oncológico, seja diretamente pelo controle da proliferação das células neoplásicas ou indiretamente com o alívio de dor, fadiga e dos efeitos adversos de outros tratamentos.(AU)

Oncology, especially in Veterinary Medicine, is a subject not solved and scientific methodology must be applied for the development of prophylactic, diagnostic and therapeutic methods that could provide quick and effective results. Ozone therapy is a minimally invasive procedure and practically free from adverse effects when the correct form of application is respected. The technique has been studied for some time and its immunomodulating, healing, bactericidal and analgesic capacity are already recognized. However, in human and veterinary medicine there are still no concrete indications for its use in cancer patients. This article analyzes biochemical and immunological reactions triggered by ozone that can affect the cancer patient, either directly inhibiting the proliferation of the neoplasm, or indirectly through relief of pain, fatigue and the adverse effects of other treatments.(AU)

Animais , Ozônio , Oncologia , Neoplasias , Fenômenos Bioquímicos , Fatores Imunológicos
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e264356, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1403805


The search for compounds with anticancer effects is of paramount importance today due to the high incidence of the disease. The Euphorbiaceae family is known for having compounds with therapeutic properties, one of its genera being Croton. It has several species, which contain compounds already known for their biological activities, presenting anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and anticancer properties. Thus, the cytotoxicity/antiproliferative activity of semi-purified fractions and compounds isolated from Croton echioides in liver tumor cells of Rattus norvegicus (HTC) was evaluated by the MTT test. The semi-purified fractions showed cytotoxicity at concentrations above 200 µg/mL, at 24, 48 and 72 hours, reaching cell viability of 24.78% [400 µg/mL] at 24 hours, 12.79% [500 µg/mL] at 48 hours and 10.57% [300 µg/mL] at 72 hours. For the isolated compounds, lupeol had a cytotoxic effect in all concentrations (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 µg/mL) and tested times (24, 48 and 72 hours), reaching minimum viability of 4.37% [100 µg/mL], within 72 hours. The clerodan diterpenes CEH-1 and CEH-4 also showed antiproliferative activity, with minimum viability of 36.19% [100 µg/mL] over 72 hours and 21.33% [100 µg/mL] over 48 hours, respectively. However, the clerodan diterpenes CEH-2 and CEH-3 did not shows a cytotoxic effect for HTC cells. Thus, there is a cytotoxic/antiproliferative potential of C. echioides against tumor cells, with targeted to mitochondrial enzymes, associated with cell proliferation, indicating that this species deserves prominence in the search for new molecules for the treatment of cancer.

A busca por compostos com efeitos anticâncer é de suma importância nos dias atuais devido à alta incidência desta doença. A família Euphorbiaceae é conhecida por possuir compostos com propriedades terapêuticas, sendo um de seus gêneros o Croton. Este possui diversas espécies, que contêm compostos já conhecidos por suas atividades biológicas, apresentando propriedades anti-inflamatórias, antimicrobianas e anticancerígenas. Assim, a citotoxicidade/atividade antiproliferativa de frações semipurificadas e compostos isolados de Croton echioides em células tumorais hepáticas de Rattus norvegicus (HTC) foi avaliada pelo teste MTT. As frações semipurificadas apresentaram citotoxicidade em concentrações acima de 200 µg/mL, em 24, 48 e 72 horas, atingindo viabilidade celular de 24,78% [400 µg/mL] em 24 horas, 12,79% [500 µg/mL] em 48 horas e 10,57% [300 µg/mL] às 72 horas. Para os compostos isolados, o lupeol teve efeito citotóxico em todas as concentrações (1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 µg/mL) e tempos testados (24, 48 e 72 horas), atingindo a viabilidade mínima de 4,37% [100 µg/mL], em 72 horas. Os diterpenos clerodan CEH-1 e CEH-4 também apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa, com viabilidade mínima de 36,19% [100 µg/mL] em 72 horas e 21,33% [100 µg/mL] em 48 horas, respectivamente. No entanto, os diterpenos clerodanos CEH-2 e CEH-3 não apresentaram efeito citotóxico para células HTC. Assim, existe um potencial citotóxico/antiproliferativo de C. echioides contra células tumorais, com enzimas direcionadas a enzimas mitocondriais, associadas à proliferação celular, indicando que esta espécie merece destaque na busca de novas moléculas para o tratamento do câncer.

Croton , Antibióticos Antineoplásicos , Neoplasias
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06984, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375994


Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collection in dogs with brain neoplasms (BN) may be associated with complications owing to increased intracranial pressure caused by expansive lesions. Although this procedure has been performed in dogs with BN, no data regarding complications after CSF tap in these animals is available. Thus, this retrospective study aimed to identify the rate and types of complications observed after CSF taps in dogs with BN. Thirty dogs with BN were included in the study. In 83% (25/30) of the cases, clinical recovery after CSF tap was considered normal, and in 17% (5/30) the recovery was abnormal. The main clinical and neurological signs observed in dogs with abnormal clinical recovery were apnea (5/5), absence of pupillary photomotor reflex (3/5), coma (2/5), and stupor (1/5). In 40% (2/5) of the dogs, herniation of the cerebellum through the foramen magnum was observed on necropsy. In conclusion, the rate of complications after CSF taps was 17%, and was characterized by apnea, absent pupillary photomotor reflex, altered level of consciousness, and encephalic herniation.

A colheita do líquido cerebroespinhal (LCE) em cães com neoplasmas encefálicos (NE) pode estar associada a complicações devido ao aumento da pressão intracraniana (PIC), causada pela lesão expansiva. Embora o procedimento seja realizado em cães com NE, não foram encontrados dados referentes às complicações após colheita de LCE nesses pacientes. Sendo assim, o objetivo do presente estudo retrospectivo foi identificar a taxa, bem como os tipos de complicações observadas após a colheita de LCE em cães com neoplasma encefálico. Dos 30 cães com NE incluídos no estudo, em 83% (25/30) dos casos a evolução clínica após a colheita do LCE foi considerada normal e, em 17% (5/30) anormal. Os principais sinais clínicos e neurológicos observados nos cães com evolução clínica anormal foram apneia (5/5), reflexo fotomotor pupilar ausente (3/5), coma (2/5) e estupor (1/5). Em 40% (2/5) foi observado herniação do cerebelo na necropsia. Com base nos resultados encontrados, conclui-se que a taxa de complicações após a colheita de LCE foi baixa (17%) e as alterações encontradas foram apneia, seguido de reflexo fotomotor pupilar ausente, alteração no nível de consciência e herniação encefálica.

Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Pressão Intracraniana , Líquido Cefalorraquidiano , Doenças do Cão , Encefalocele/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 54-56, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363957


Animals in human care often exceed the life expectancy of animals in the wild when they have veterinarian follow-ups, no competition for space or food, and continuous care. Advanced age favors the development of mutations that often trigger cancer, which sometimes causes death. There are reports in the literature on neoplasms in lions in the liver, which are one of the main organs affected. A 20-year-old lion specimen was received for necropsy at the Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil. Multiple cystic dilations were observed in the liver. Histologically, they were internally covered by a simple cuboidal epithelium, similar to that observed in the bile ducts, without cellular atypia. The adjacent liver parenchyma presented with mild disorganization of the hepatocyte cords. Biliary cystadenomas are benign growths formed by a thin opaque capsule filled with a slightly yellowish translucent fluid compressing the adjacent liver parenchyma, as highlighted in this case. The epithelium of the cysts was positive for anti-cytokeratin (CK) (EIA/A3E) and anti-CK7, confirming histogenesis in the bile ducts. This study reports a case of biliary cystadenoma in a Panthera leo specimen.(AU)

Animais , Expectativa de Vida , Cistadenoma/fisiopatologia , Leões/lesões , Fígado , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Relatório de Pesquisa
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 57-61, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363962


A female Persian cat arrives for clinical assessment with a 3-month history of weight loss and sporadic vomiting. The clinical and paraclinical findings were hypodynamia cachexia, leukocytosis and presence of a mass in duodenum. Histopathological evaluation revealed a non-neoplastic tumor proliferation, which was organized into dense, sclerotic-like connective tissue trabeculae that anastomosed, with cells of spindle-shaped morphology, elongated and rounded nuclei with prominent nucleoli and fine granular chromatin. These cells were intermingled with abundant eosinophils and in smaller proportion lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, with transmural distribution. Masson's trichrome differential staining trabeculae of collagen fibers. Based on the clinical and microscopic findings, the diagnosis of feline eosinophilic sclerosing fibroplasia is established, being this pathology's first documented report in Colombia.(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Eosinófilos/patologia , Obstrução Intestinal/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/diagnóstico , Soluções Esclerosantes , Redução de Peso
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(3): 412-418, May-June 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1383769


This retrospective case series study describes the clinical and vascular ultrasound findings of 26 dogs diagnosed with abdominal thrombosis. Images were selected based on the detection of intravascular echogenic thrombus or the absence of vascular flow on color Doppler, confirmed by surgery or necropsy. Images were acquired using the Mylab 40 model, with linear and microconvex multifrequency probes. All the reports were evaluated along with the corresponding images by a veterinary diagnostic imaging radiologist. The ultrasonographic aspects evaluated were echogenicity (92.3%), anechogenicity (7.7%), vascularization (11.5%), mineralization (15.4%), and recanalization (7.7%) of the thrombosis. The vascular and hemodynamic findings were dilation of the affected vein (57.7%), total occlusion of blood flow (30.8%), presence of turbulent flow (65.38%), and visualization of smoke signal (blood flow detected as moving echogenic points in dynamic bidimensional mode) (11.5%). Neoplasms (19 cases) and nephropathies (13 cases) were the most common clinical conditions in the affected dogs. Eleven cases of vascular invasion due to adrenal neoplasms were identified. The results indicate that the vascular ultrasound examination is an important method for diagnosis, as 23 of the 26 cases did not show any clinical signs of thrombosis.

Este estudo de série de casos retrospectivos descreve os achados clínicos e ultrassonográficos vasculares de 26 cães diagnosticados com trombose. As imagens foram selecionadas baseadas na detecção de trombo ecogênico intravascular ou na ausência de fluxo vascular ao Doppler colorido, confirmado por cirurgia ou necropsia. O equipamento utilizado na aquisição das imagens foi o modelo Mylab 40, com probes multifrequenciais linear e microconvexa. Todos os relatórios foram avaliados com as imagens correspondentes por um veterinário radiologista. As características ultrassonográficas avaliadas foram: ecogenicidade (92,3%), anecogenicidade (7,7%), vascularização (11,5%), mineralização (15,4%) e recanalização (7,7%) das tromboses. Os achados vasculares e hemodinâmicos observados foram: dilatação da veia afetada (57,7%), oclusão total do fluxo sanguíneo (30,8%), presença de fluxo turbulento (65,38%) e visibilização do sinal de fumaça (fluxo vascular visível como pontos ecogênicos em modo bidimensional dinâmico) (11,5%). As neoplasias (19 casos) e as nefropatias (13 casos) foram as condições clínicas mais comuns nos cães afetados. Foram identificados 11 casos de invasão vascular decorrentes de neoplasia de adrenais. Os resultados indicaram que o exame ultrassonográfico vascular é um método importante para diagnóstico, considerando-se que, em 23 casos, não ocorreram sinais clínicos determinantes de trombose.

Animais , Cães , Trombose , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Nefropatias , Neoplasias