Background: The minimum alveolar concentration (MAC) is a measure of quantitative anesthetic potency and has become the standard index for the evaluation and comparison of volatile anesthetics, in addition to guiding dose administration. Black-tufted marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) are primates present in the clinical and surgical routine of veterinary hospitals, as well as experimental models, especially in neuroscience. Few studies have evaluated the potency of the main volatile anesthetics in this species. This study aimed to determine the MAC of isoflurane and sevoflurane in C. penicillata using the up-and-down method and to evaluate the effects of these drugs on the quality of anesthetic induction, maintenance, and recovery. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-four animals of undetermined age were used. All marmosets were healthy according to hematological and physical evaluation. The animals were randomly divided into 2 groups: ISOMAC and SEVOMAC. Each animal was induced to general anesthesia in an anesthetic box with oxygen (5 L/min) and sevoflurane at 7% in the SEVOMAC group or isoflurane at 5% in the ISOMAC. Upon reaching lateral decubitus, orotracheal intubation was performed. General anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane or sevoflurane diluted in oxygen (0.8 L/min) using a non-rebreathing delivery system under spontaneous ventilation. As defined in the pilot study, the first animal from ISOMAC started the maintenance of anesthesia with 2.6% isoflurane, while the first animal in SEVOMAC received 4% sevoflurane. After finishing the instrumentation to assess heart rate, respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, pulse oximeter oxygen saturation, end-tidal carbon dioxide concentration, and rectal temperature, a 15-min wait to reach anesthetic equilibrium was allowed, and then an electrical noxious stimulation (50 mA and 50 Hz) was performed on the lateral aspect of the thigh (a faradic current of 3 consecutive single stimuli, followed by 2 continuous stimuli). The animals' responses to the electrical stimulus were observed. The presence of a positive response (gross movement of the limbs, head, or vocalization) or a negative response (absence of gross movements) determined the increase or reduction, respectively, of the inhalation anesthetic concentration by 10% in the subsequent marmoset. The quality of anesthetic induction and recovery from anesthesia was evaluated using a scale that measured the intensity of agitation, coughing, nausea, and vomiting. Physiological variables were recorded before (M0) and after (M1) applying the nociceptive stimulus. Isoflurane and sevoflurane MAC values in C. penicillata were 2.29 ± 0.10% and 3.93 ± 0.61 % respectively. Physiological parameters, quality of anesthetic induction and recovery did not differ significantly between groups. However, isoflurane caused irritation of the airway and ocular mucous membranes, more coughing episodes, and tearing at induction. There was no difference between groups for time to extubation and recovery time to regain sternal position. Discussion: Previous studies in primates found lower MAC values for both anesthetics, except for Lemur catta. Those findings may be explained by the use of different nociceptive stimuli and the MAC determination method employed, although no differences in MAC values have been described between bracketing or up-and-down methods in human primates and dogs. It is unlikely that the stimulus and technique alone are the determining factors for the high concentration of isoflurane and sevoflurane observed in the present study since MAC was high with both halogenates, indicating that dose extrapolation from other species can lead to the wrong anesthetic dosage.
Animais , Alvéolos Pulmonares , Callithrix , Sevoflurano/administração & dosagem , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Anestésicos/administração & dosagem , HalogêniosResumo
Background: Topically administered 2% dorzolamide is among the most commonly used agents to lower IOP. As a complication of glaucoma, blind patients may develop corneal ulcers secondary to trauma. Nonetheless, in patients with a hypertensive or glaucomatous eye, in which the cornea has also been ulcerated, medical hypotensive therapy should not be discontinued. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine whether the instillation of a benzalkonium chloride (BAK)-preserved 2% dorzolamide alters corneal wound healing time and the levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-9) in the tears of cats with experimentally induced corneal ulcers. Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen cats (8/group) were randomly assigned to receive 40 µL of 2% dorzolamide (TG) or saline (CG) 3 times daily until corneal re-epithelialization. Experimental keratectomies were performed under general and topical anesthesia using an operating microscope. For this purpose, a millimitred trephine was calibrated and used to create a temporal paraxial corneal ulcer with a diameter of 6 mm and a depth of 200 µm. After corneal wounding, the ulcerated area, the healing time, blepharospasm, conjunctival hyperemia, and aqueous flare were compared between groups. Tears were collected at baseline and 24 and 48 h after keratectomy, and the total MMP-9 was quantified by ELISA. Data were assessed statistically using unpaired Student's t test, one-way, and two-way ANOVA followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 for all analyses. The average time to achieve corneal wound healing did not differ between groups (P = 0.36) and was 65.50 ± 3.62 h in the CG and 71.00 ± 4.58 h in the TG. Twenty-four h after keratectomy, the ulcerated area in the CG was 3.34 mm2 larger than that observed in the TG (P = 0.04); the rest of the comparisons did not reach statistical significance at any time point between groups (P > 0.05). Higher blepharospasm scores were observed in cats of TG (P = 0.04). When compared with baseline of both groups, the levels of MMP-9 increased significantly at 24 and 48 h post-keratectomy (P < 0.001), but differences between groups were not observed at 24 and 48 h post-keratectomy (P > 0.05). Discussion: In cats, 9 mm axial corneal ulcers created by superficial debridement re-epithelize approximately 48 h postwounding. In the present study, re-epithelialization post keratectomy occurred within an average time of 68.25 h in most cats and in a delayed manner in one cat of the TG after 96 h. In the current study, the lesions in both groups healed without corneal scarring, pigmentation, or vascularization. Although BAC was present in all topical medications used in the present study, the authors attribute the higher scores of blepharospasm in the TG to the rheological characteristics and the pH of the dorzolamide ophthalmic solution. Indeed, the pH value of dorzolamide (5.58) may cause signs of irritation, as the tear film has an approximate pH of 7.6. Previous studies showed that ulcerated corneas presented significantly higher levels of MMP-9 in tears at the early stages (8 to 36 h) post-wounding. In the current study, the levels of this enzyme after wounding did not change significantly in the tears of cats treated with 2% dorzolamide when compared to the eyes in the control group. This study showed that the instillation of a BAC-preserved 2% dorzolamide ophthalmic solution did not impair the corneal wound healing time or the early expression of MMP-9 in the tears of cats with experimentally induced corneal ulcers. However, our results warrant further investigation in patients with ocular hypertension or glaucoma presenting concomitant naturally occurring corneal ulcers to certify our findings.
Animais , Gatos , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Glaucoma/veterinária , Metaloproteinase 9 da Matriz/análise , Epitélio/fisiologia , Compostos de Benzalcônio/uso terapêutico , Inibidores da Anidrase CarbônicaResumo
Background: Nasolacrimal duct tumors are divided into primary and secondary, with primary tumors being rare in all species. Secondary involvement of the lacrimal sac and duct can occur from any skin lesion involving the eyelid and/or conjunctiva and from any neoplastic process involving the paranasal sinuses. Lacrimal sac metastatic lesions may originate from any distant site and include carcinomas or melanomas, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common type. The objectives of the present report were to describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma in the nasolacrimal duct and to emphasize the importance of a good ophthalmic evaluation. Case: A 16-year-old spayed bitch white poodle was presented to the veterinary clinic. The owner complained that the animal had epiphora and mucoid secretion in the right eye, eyelid hyperemia in both eyes, and sporadic sneezing with blood. On ophthalmic examination, the animal was initially diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction and right eye (OD) blepharitis and OU uveitis. Fourteen days after the first evaluation, the nasolacrimal duct region increased, with the presence of bloody secretion. Biomicroscopy showed nodules inside the lacrimal duct, in the punctum region. The animal was sedated to obtain a fragment of the nodule for histopathological analysis, and a subsequent oral cavity evaluation identified a nodule in the transition region between the 4th premolar and 1st molar, which was sent for cytology. Cytology of the medial corner region of the RE showed epithelial and mesenchymal cells with malignancy characteristics, and the biopsy was suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia (carcinoma). A surgical procedure for nodule resection was ruled out because bone involvement was extensive, and chemotherapy was selected. The patient died 2 months after the 1st consultation. The diagnosis was confirmed through necropsy via immunohistochemical tests, demonstrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) both in the mouth and the nasal and ocular sinuses. Discussion: The most common conditions affecting the nasolacrimal drainage system in dogs are those causing obstructions. These may be congenital, arising from a developmental defect of micropunctum or agenesis of the punctum, they may be acquired, arising from infection and inflammation. SCC is a malignant neoplasm originating in the stratified squamous epithelium. The predisposing factors in cats and dogs include lack of adnexal pigmentation and, possibly, chronic irritation of the ocular surface. A light coat is considered a relevant factor, especially in regions with little hair coverage. In addition to a mass lesion, other clinical signs of eyelid or ocular surface tumors may include epiphora, conjunctival vascular injection, mucopurulent ocular discharge, 3rd eyelid protrusion, conjunctival/corneal roughness or ulceration, and corneal neovascularization or pigmentation. Clinical presentations are nonspecific. Neoplasms, whether nasal and/or in the maxillary sinus, can invade the nasolacrimal duct and spread to the nasal cavity, and neoplasms in the nasal cavity can invade the nasolacrimal duct. Ophthalmic evaluation along with good inspection of the oral cavity is a useful tool in the diagnosis of eye neoplasms that may have effects on the oral cavity or vice versa due to the strong association between them. Early diagnosis is crucial for the clinical or surgical management of each case of ophthalmic neoplasia and for therapeutic success.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Ducto Nasolacrimal/patologiaResumo
Background: Eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid is a rare congenital disease in cats. It is caused by the anterioreversion of the cartilage edge of the third eyelid. Clinical signs may be associated with secondary keratoconjunctivitis,third eyelid gland protrusion, and ocular surface irritation. The diagnosis is made by ophthalmic examination, and treatment consists of surgical resection of the everted cartilage portion. The goal of the present study was to report a case ofeversion of third eyelid cartilage in a cat, given that it is an unusual abnormality in this animal species, and an importantdifferential diagnosis to be considered in the disorders of the third eyelid.Case: A 6-year-old neutered female Persian cat was presented with a presumptive diagnosis of protrusion of the thirdeyelid gland, history of ocular irritation, and epiphora in the left eye. The disorder had been intermittently present sincethe animal was 1-year-old, with spontaneous disappearance after approximately 15 days. The owner related the reappearance of the disorder to stressful situations, with no previous history of trauma or other ocular alteration. During theophthalmic examination, suspended solute was observed through biomiscroscopic examination in both eyes, as well asan increase in volume of the third eyelid in the left eye, without other changes. A thorough examination, under generalanesthesia, indicated the protruding volume of the cartilage of the everted third eyelid. The third eyelid was pleated inits upper portion, demonstrating that the cartilage of the third eyelid was folded instead of following the curvature of theocular surface. Under general anesthesia, the cartilage was partially removed through two parallel incisions on the bulbarconjunctival surface, divulsioning 5 mm in length in the vertical portion of the cartilage in a T shape, and separating the...
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Doenças Palpebrais/veterinária , Gatos/anormalidades , Gatos/cirurgia , Membrana Nictitante/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cartilagem/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Eversion of the cartilage of the third eyelid is a rare congenital disease in cats. It is caused by the anterioreversion of the cartilage edge of the third eyelid. Clinical signs may be associated with secondary keratoconjunctivitis,third eyelid gland protrusion, and ocular surface irritation. The diagnosis is made by ophthalmic examination, and treatment consists of surgical resection of the everted cartilage portion. The goal of the present study was to report a case ofeversion of third eyelid cartilage in a cat, given that it is an unusual abnormality in this animal species, and an importantdifferential diagnosis to be considered in the disorders of the third eyelid.Case: A 6-year-old neutered female Persian cat was presented with a presumptive diagnosis of protrusion of the thirdeyelid gland, history of ocular irritation, and epiphora in the left eye. The disorder had been intermittently present sincethe animal was 1-year-old, with spontaneous disappearance after approximately 15 days. The owner related the reappearance of the disorder to stressful situations, with no previous history of trauma or other ocular alteration. During theophthalmic examination, suspended solute was observed through biomiscroscopic examination in both eyes, as well asan increase in volume of the third eyelid in the left eye, without other changes. A thorough examination, under generalanesthesia, indicated the protruding volume of the cartilage of the everted third eyelid. The third eyelid was pleated inits upper portion, demonstrating that the cartilage of the third eyelid was folded instead of following the curvature of theocular surface. Under general anesthesia, the cartilage was partially removed through two parallel incisions on the bulbarconjunctival surface, divulsioning 5 mm in length in the vertical portion of the cartilage in a T shape, and separating the...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Gatos/anormalidades , Membrana Nictitante/anormalidades , Doenças Palpebrais/veterinária , Gatos/cirurgia , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Cartilagem/anormalidadesResumo
A cicatrização de feridas cutâneas é um processo complexo que visa restaurar a integridade do tecido. Atualmente na rotina clínica veterinária existem diversos tratamentos que auxiliam nesse processo estimulando a cicatrização. Nesse sentido, as plantas medicinais já utilizadas para o tratamento de enfermidades, são uma alternativa crescente no ramo da veterinária para o tratamento de lesões cutâneas. Contudo, para o desenvolvimento de um produto comercial, se faz necessário a comprovação de usa ação e segurança. Neste trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a aplicabilidade de fórmulas contendo ativos de extratos vegetais no tratamento de lesões cutâneas, em experimentos ex vivo e in vivo. Inicialmente obteve-se os extratos e confeccionou-se duas fórmulas farmacêuticas distintas, a primeira chamda de LCFT 2001 e a segunda chamada de LCFT 2002. Nos estudos in vivo determinou-se parâmetros metodológicos de temperatura, tempo de exposição e região corporal para a confecção de lesões térmicas de segundo grau. Avaliou-se o efeito terapêutico das formulações com a indução de lesões térmicas em animais experimentais, dividindoos em quatro grupos de tratamento diário: LCFT 2001, LCFT 2002, produto comercial com ativo colagenase (CP) e ausência de tratamento (CN). Aos dois, cinco, oito, 14 e 25 dias de tratamento avaliou-se as lesões quanto a parâmetros clínicos, de retração cicatricial e histopatológicos, e aos 25 dias quanto a tensiometria. Também investigouse o efeito anti-inflamatório com a indução de orelhas de ratos com óleo de cróton a 10%, e após uma hora receberam os seguintes tratamentos: LCFT 2001, LCFT 2002, produto comercial contendo dexametasona (CP), solução fisiológica NaCl 0,9% (CN). Após seis horas de indução, amostras de orelhas foram analisadas clínica e histopatologicamente. No estudo de toxicidade, utilizou-se bulbos oculares provenientes de frangos, os quais receberam 500µL ou 0,5g dos tratamentos propostos: LCFT 2001, LCFT 2002, ácido acético 10% (CP) e solução fisiológica NaCl 0,9% (CN). Após a instilação dos produtos e aos 30, 75, 120, 180 e 240 minutos seguintes, avaliou-se os olhos quanto a parâmetros de retenção de fluoresceína, opacidade e edema de córnea. Constatatou-se que temperaturas entre 90° e 100°, por 15 ou 20, na região torácica reproduz lesão térmica de segundo grau. Observouse o efeito cicatrizante das fórmulas farmacêuticas semelhante a colagenase, com exacerbação da inflamação removendo a necrose e proliferando a granulação nos primeiros dias de tratamento, além da estimulação do desenvolvimento de colágeno e a reepitelização aos 14 e 25 dias de tratamento, formando uma cicatriz resistente. Também constatou-se que as fórmulas expressaram ação pró-inflamatória atingindo efeito semelhante da dexametasona. Além disso, as fórmulas não apresentaram opacidade e edema de córnea significativo, classificando-as como não irritantes ao olho. Assim, conclui-se que as fórmulas contendo ativos de extrato vegetais possuem propriedades cicatrizantes, anti-inflamatória e são seguras quanto a irritação ocular, o que possibilitou a solicitação de registro de patente realizado em setembro de 2018.
Healing of skin wounds is a complex process that aims to restore tissue integrity. Currently in the veterinary clinical routine there are several treatments that help in this process stimulating healing. In this sense, medicinal plants already used for the treatment of diseases, are a growing alternative in the veterinary branch for the treatment of cutaneous lesions. However, for the development of a commercial product, it is necessary to prove use of action and safety. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of formulas containing plant extracts in the treatment of cutaneous lesions in ex vivo and in vivo experiments. Initially the extracts were obtained and two different pharmaceutical formulas were made, the first call of LCFT 2001 and the second call of LCFT 2002. In the in vivo studies were determined methodological parameters of temperature, time of exposure and body region for the confection of second-degree thermal lesions. It was evaluated the therapeutic effect of the formulations with the induction of thermal lesions in experimental animals, dividing them into four daily treatment groups: LCFT 2001, LCFT 2002, commercial product with active collagenase (CP) and absence of treatment (CN). At two, five, eight, 14 and 25 days of treatment the lesions were evaluated for clinical parameters, cicatrization and histopathological retraction, and at 25 days for tensiometry. The anti-inflammatory effect was also investigated with the induction of rat ears with 10% chroton oil, and after one hour they received the following treatments: LCFT 2001, LCFT 2002, commercial product containing dexamethasone (CP), physiological solution NaCl 0.9% (CN). After six hours of induction, ear samples were analyzed clinically and histopathologically. In the toxicity study, ocular bulbs from chickens were used, which received 500L or 0.5g of the proposed treatments: LCFT 2001, LCFT 2002, 10% acetic acid (CP) and physiological solution NaCl 0.9% (CN). After instillation of the products and at 30, 75, 120, 180 and 240 minutes, the eyes were evaluated for fluorescein retention, opacity and corneal edema parameters. It has been found that temperatures between 90 ° and 100 °, by 15 ° or 20 °, in the thoracic region reproduce thermal lesion of second degree. The healing effect of the collagenase-like pharmaceutical formulas was observed, with exacerbation of inflammation removing necrosis and proliferating granulation in the first days of treatment, as well as stimulation of collagen development and reepithelialization at 14 and 25 days of treatment, forming a resistant scar. It was also found that the formulas expressed proinflammatory action reaching a similar effect of dexamethasone. In addition, the formulas did not present significant opacity and corneal edema, classifying them as non-irritating to the eye. Thus, it is concluded that the formulas containing plant extract actives have healing properties, anti-inflammatory properties and are safe for ocular irritation, which made possible the application of a patent registration made in September 2018.
O entrópio é a inversão de parte ou de toda margem palpebral, fazendo com que a pele com pelos atrite as superfícies conjuntival e corneal causando irritação. Em cães o entrópio pode ser hereditário ou adquirido, sendo que, algumas raças apresentam certa predisposição. Para propor um método mais eficiente com um material alternativo para a correção temporária do entrópio juvenil de cães da raça Shar Pei, foram utilizados 10 animais, com peso variável, com idades de até 12 meses, portadores de entrópio juvenil. Com os animais devidamente preparados e anestediados foram aplicadas as abraçadeiras de náilon em número e angulação referente ao grau de entrópio presente. Para a passagem da abraçadeira de náilon 2x80mm pelo subcutâneo palpebral foi usada agulha hipodérmica 40x16, na qual foi posicionada a abraçadeira em sua luz para que pudesse atravessar as duas porções de pele, formando então uma "prega". A aplicação das abraçadeiras demonstrou-se de fácil e rápida execução. As abraçadeiras permaneceram e foram efetivas nas pálpebras, garantindo a eversão das margens palpebrais, variando entre 5 e 12 semanas, com uma média de permanência de 8 semanas. Alguns animais tiveram que ser reoperados sucessivamente e foram acompanhados até a blefaroplastia definitiva. As complicações observadas são referentes ao prurido e ao desconforto inicial. A abraçadeira de náilon 2x8mm se constitui em material barato, de fácil esterilização, com aplicação rápida e efetiva nos casos de entrópio juvenil em cães da raça Shar Pei, mantendo a segurança e integridade dos bulbos oculares por 8 semanas em média.(AU)
The entropion is the reversing of part or all of eyelid margin, causing the skin with hair rubbing the surfaces conjunctival and corneal making irritation. Entropion can be inherited and some races of dogs have predisposition. To suggest a more efficient method, with an alternative material for the temporary eyelids fixation in juvenile Shar Pei dogs, 10 animals were anesthetized and prepared properly applied the ties of nylon band in number and angle related to the degree of entropion present. A 40x16 hypodermic needle was used for the passage of the 2x8mm nylon band by subcutaneous eyelid, which the band placed in its light so that it could cross the two portions of the skin, then forming a "fold". The animals remained with the owners, returning weekly for evalution. The application of bands has shown itself to easy and quick implementation. The animals remained with "Elizabethan" collar because it was observed itching in the first 72 hours after application of bands. There was no presence of bleeding or formation of infectious process in any of the procedures performed. The permanence of bands in the eyelid effectively, ensuring patency of eyelid margins, ranged between 5 and 12 weeks, with an average length of stay if 8 weeks. Some animals had to be reoperated and were followed until the final blepharoplasty. Complications are observed for the itching and the initial discomfort. The 2x8mm nylon abnd whether it is in material cheap, and integrity of ocular balls for 8 weeks on avarage and can thus be recommended its clinical use.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Córnea/lesões , Cães/classificaçãoResumo
O presente estudo analisou o potencial preditivo de dois modelos que utilizam a membrana cório-alantoidede ovo embrionado de galinha (i.e. o HET-CAM e sua versão modificada, o CAM-TBS, que quantifica os danos à membrana por meio da absorção do corante azul trypan), como estratégia para a implementação de alternativas aos testes in vivo de avaliação de toxicidade ocular. Vinte colírios foram avaliados in vivo por meio do teste de irritação ocular de Draize e por ensaios in vitro utilizando-se testes HET-CAM eCAM-TBS. Todos os colírios foram classificados como não irritantes pelo teste in vivo. No ensaio HETCAM, foram observados 4 resultados falso-positivos, e o teste apresentou especificidade e precisão de 80%. O CAM-TBS demonstrou melhor desempenho, pois a especificidade e a precisão foram de 100%. O ponto de corte adotado (cut-off = 0,9) no HET-CAM é discutido, uma vez que os resultados falso-positivos observados no presente estudo poderiam ter sido contornados caso a categoria não irritante englobasse produtos não irritantes e irritantes leves, à semelhança do critério preconizado para o CAM-TBS (cutoff= 7,0). (AU)
This study aimed at evaluating the predictive potential of the conventional Hens Egg Chorionallantoic Membrane (HET-CAM) test and its version CAM-TBS, that quantifies the damage to the membrane cause by absorption of dye trypan blue, in order to propose an alternative assay for assessing the ocular toxicity. Twenty collyria were evaluated in vivo by means of Draize eye irritation test, and by in vitro HET-CAM and CAM-TBS assays. All the analyzed collyria were classified as non-irritant by in vivo testing. In HET-CAM assay, 4 false positive results were observed, and the test specificity and accuracy were of 80%. CAM-TBS showed a better performance, having specificity and accuracy of 100%. The cut-off set up for HET-CAM test (0.9) is discussed, as the false-positive results observed in this study could have been bypassed if the category non-irritant encompassed non-irritant and mild irritant products, in compliance with the criteria recommended for CAM-TBS (cut-off = 7.0). (AU)
Dor Ocular , Soluções Oftálmicas , Vigilância Sanitária de Produtos , Toxicidade , Membrana Corioalantoide , Infecções OcularesResumo
Background: Ocular dermoid is a skin or skin-like appendage usually arising on the limbus, conjunctivae, and cornea. It can be unilateral or bilateral and may be associated with other ocular manifestation or with other malformations. Hair from the lesions is predominantly responsible for the associated irritation resulting in chronic inflammation of the conjunctivae and cornea and may cause visual impairment. Ocular dermoids are rare in cattle, with the prevalence estimated between 0.002% and 0. 4%.Case: A one-day-old Simmental calf presented for bilateral haired masses on the eyes and tumor-like growth since birth. The calf was admitted to the University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1 days after initial examination. The calf weighed 35 kg, was in good bodily condition and no further abnormalities were detected on physical examination, complete blood count and serum chemistries. General anesthesia was induced and maintained with an intravenous detomidine-ketamine-midazolam combination. The corneal dermoids extended slightly beyond the inferonasal limbus and then merged with a second mass of lightly haired tissue within the inferonasal bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes. The dermoids were excised by superficial lamellar keratectomy that was extended into the inferonasal conjunctiva. The nasal masses were excised by electrocautery. All excised tissue was submitt
Background: Ocular dermoid is a skin or skin-like appendage usually arising on the limbus, conjunctivae, and cornea. It can be unilateral or bilateral and may be associated with other ocular manifestation or with other malformations. Hair from the lesions is predominantly responsible for the associated irritation resulting in chronic inflammation of the conjunctivae and cornea and may cause visual impairment. Ocular dermoids are rare in cattle, with the prevalence estimated between 0.002% and 0. 4%.Case: A one-day-old Simmental calf presented for bilateral haired masses on the eyes and tumor-like growth since birth. The calf was admitted to the University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1 days after initial examination. The calf weighed 35 kg, was in good bodily condition and no further abnormalities were detected on physical examination, complete blood count and serum chemistries. General anesthesia was induced and maintained with an intravenous detomidine-ketamine-midazolam combination. The corneal dermoids extended slightly beyond the inferonasal limbus and then merged with a second mass of lightly haired tissue within the inferonasal bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes. The dermoids were excised by superficial lamellar keratectomy that was extended into the inferonasal conjunctiva. The nasal masses were excised by electrocautery. All excised tissue was submitt
Background: Ocular dermoid is a skin or skin-like appendage usually arising on the limbus, conjunctivae, and cornea. It can be unilateral or bilateral and may be associated with other ocular manifestation or with other malformations. Hair from the lesions is predominantly responsible for the associated irritation resulting in chronic inflammation of the conjunctivae and cornea and may cause visual impairment. Ocular dermoids are rare in cattle, with the prevalence estimated between 0.002% and 0. 4%. Case: A one-day-old Simmental calf presented for bilateral haired masses on the eyes and tumor-like growth since birth. The calf was admitted to the University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1 days after initial examination. The calf weighed 35 kg, was in good bodily condition and no further abnormalities were detected on physical examination, complete blood count and serum chemistries. General anesthesia was induced and maintained with an intravenous detomidine-ketamine-midazolam combination. The corneal dermoids extended slightly beyond the inferonasal limbus and then merged with a second mass of lightly haired tissue within the inferonasal bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes. The dermoids were excised by superficial lamellar keratectomy that was extended into the inferonasal conjunctiva. The nasal masses were excised by electrocautery. All excised tissue was submitted for histopathology. Histopathology of the excised tissue confirmed bilateral corneoconjunctival dermoids with bilateral nasal hyperplastic tissue. Topical 1% atropine sulfate ointment was applied twice daily to both eyes for 5 days and bacitracin-neomycin-polymixin ophthalmic ointment applied twice daily to both eyes for 2 weeks postoperatively. Ocular and nasal healing was uneventful, with prominent corneoconjunctival granulation tissue 6 days postoperatively, which largely resolved by the 6-week follow-up examination. Bilateral large dermoids with nasal hyperplastic tissue have not been documented previously in Simmental cattle in Turkey. Discussion: The precise developmental mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of ocular dermoids are not known. Metaplasia of mesenchyme (of primarily neural crest origin), resulting in abnormal differentiation of the surface ectoderm, is considered the most likely mechanism. Ocular dermoids may be associated with other congenital ocular or multiorgan abnormalities. The medial and lateral nasal processes, optic vesicle and first and second branchial arches are in close relationship on the lateral side of the embryonic head and might all be adversely influenced by the same stimulus. Ectopic lacrimal tissue may appear in combination with an ocular dermoid as in this case report and previously reported in cattle, or alone as an epibulbar choristoma. The ectopic lacrimal tissue in this calf may have represented misplacement of the nictitans gland or additional lacrimal tissue development. Superficial keratectomy is required to surgically excise a corneal dermoid although the depth of the dermoid within the cornea cannot be ascertained by ophthalmic examination until surgery is undertaken. In the case of large corneal dermoids, surgical excision should be performed early in the life of the patient to achieve optical improvement and allow functional development of the eye.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos/diagnóstico , Cisto Dermoide/cirurgia , Oftalmopatias/veterináriaResumo
Durante a evolução, o homem foi aprendendo a selecionar plantas para a sua alimentação e para o alívio de seus males e doenças. O resultado desse processo é que muitos povos passaram a utilizar as plantas com finalidades terapêuticas. O Brasil possui uma vasta biodiversidade de espécies vegetais, mas a sua utilização prevê o conhecimento de seus compostos e sua toxicidade para sua utilização de forma adequada. Frente a isso, primeiramente objetivou-se na realização desta tese expor os resultados de um estudo abordando três técnicas para mensuração do processo cicatricial de feridas cutâneas. Também realizou-se estudos toxicológicos de duas plantas encontradas na biodiversidade do país, a Carapa guianensis e Triticum aestivum. Os testes toxicológicos foram realizados segundo critérios da ANVISA e OECD. Uma avaliação também foi realizada da utilização de T.aestivum em cães apresentando otite externa bilateral. E por fim, se realizou uma revisão bibliográfica das plantas de interesse para uso no SUS, trazendo informações acerca dos estudos toxicológicos que ainda faltam a serem realizados e das plantas que já apresentam dados para serem utilizadas. Nos resultados a técnica de avaliação cicatricial por método computacional apresentou melhor precisão nos dados. Nos testes toxicológicos, a planta T.aestivum, na dose de 20mg/kg, não apresenta sinais de toxicidade em testes de toxicidade aguda e toxicidade acumulativa, como também não apresenta potencial ocular irritativo. A planta C.guianensis apresenta na dose 100mg/kg alterações tóxicas comportamentais e na dose de 400mg/kg indução ao óbito. Frente ao potencial ocular irritativo não apresenta resultados desfavoráveis. Em relação ao estudo de T.aestivum no tratamento da otite externa em cães observou-se que a planta pode ser utilizada no tratamento de cães com essa patologia. No estudo das plantas para utilização no SUS, as plantas Curcuma longa e Zingiber officinale já podem ser adotadas para uso no SUS.
During evolution, humans learned to select plants for food, symptom relief, and disease treatment, and many population groups started using plants for therapeutic purposes. Brazil has a vast biodiversity of plant species; however, their proper use requires knowledge of plant compounds and toxicity. With this in mind, the objective of this thesis was to evaluate three techniques used to measure the healing process on skin wounds and to make a toxicological evaluation of two plant species that are part of the Brazilian flora, Carapa guianensis and Triticum aestivum. Toxicology tests were performed according to criteria of the Brazilian Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The efficacy of T. aestivum for treatment of dogs presenting with bilateral otitis externa was also evaluated. A literature review was conducted on plants of interest for use in the Brazilian public health system (SUS) with the aim to propose future toxicological studies that need to be conducted and indicate known plant species that can be effectively used. Our results indicate that the computational method used for scar evaluation was precise. In addition, the acute toxicity and cumulative toxicity tests using T. aestivum at a dose of 20 mg/kg showed that this plant species presented no signs of acute toxicity and did not exhibit potential for ocular irritation. Therefore, T. aestivum can be successfully used for the treatment of otitis externa in dogs. C. guianensis caused behavioral changes at a dose of 100 mg/kg and was fatal at a dose of 400 mg/kg but had no adverse reactions for ocular irritation. In addition, Curcuma longa and Zingiber officinale may be adopted as treatment strategies in SUS.
A uveíte em mamíferos tem sido relacionada à infecção por Leptospira spp., e, embora ocorra com maior frequência na espécie equina, já foi observada e relatada em outras espécies mamíferas, inclusive na humana. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar a relação entre a infecção por leptospiras e a ocorrência de alterações oculares em cães. Para a obtenção dos dados foram utilizados 32 cães, em idade reprodutiva, recolhidos pelo Centro de Controle de Zoonoses do Município de São José do Rio Preto, que apresentaram reação negativa, em duas provas de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) no intervalo de sete dias. Dos 32 cães, 20 foram inoculados com uma cepa patogênica de Leptospira interrogans sorovariedade Canicola e 12 formaram o grupo controle. Com a finalidade de avaliar as possíveis alterações do globo ocular post mortem, oito cães (cinco inoculados e três controles) foram sacrificados nos dias: sete, 15, 30 e 45 após o dia da inoculação. Amostras de humor aquoso, de um dos olhos de cada animal, foram retiradas para realização de PCR e SAM; o outro globo ocular foi retirado para realização de exame histopatológico e para a técnica de coloração de Levaditi. Nos dias zero, três, cinco, sete, 10 e após, a cada cinco dias, inclusive no dia do sacrifício, foram realizadas avaliações do estado físico do animal, do globo ocular e realizadas colheitas de sangue. O soro sanguíneo foi submetido à SAM para estabelecer os títulos obtidos em cada fase da infecção. Embora todos os animais tenham apresentado títulos sorológicos, indicando o sucesso da infecção, nenhum dos testes de detecção resultou positivo em até 45 dias de observação; no exame clínico apenas três animais apresentaram alterações perceptíveis: dois apresentavam irritação ocular, com hiperemia da esclera e um animal apresentava lacrimejamento...
Uveitis in mammals has been related to Leptospira spp. And although it occurs more frequently in the horse has already been observed and reported in other mammalian species, including the human. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between leptospira infection and the occurrence of ocular changes in dogs. To obtain the data were used 32 dogs in the reproductive age, collected by the Center for Zoonosis Control in São José do Rio Preto, which showed negative reaction in both tests of microscopic agglutination test (MAT) within seven days. Of the 32 dogs, 20 were inoculated with a pathogenic strain of Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola and 12 formed the control group. With the aim of assessing possible changes of the eye post mortem, eight dogs (five inoculated and three controls) were sacrificed on days: seven, 15, 30 and 45 days after inoculation. Samples of aqueous humor of one eye of each animal were removed for PCR, and MAT, and the other eye was removed for histological examination and the staining technique Levaditi. On days zero, three, five, seven, 10 and, thereafter, every five days, including the day of sacrifice, were assessed the physical condition of the animal, the eyeball and blood samples. The serum was subjected to SAM to establish the qualifications obtained at each stage of infection. Although all animals have serologic evidence indicating the success of infection, no detection tests resulted positive in up to 45 days of observation and by clinical examination only three animals showed noticeable changes: two had eye irritation with redness of the sclera and one animal showed tearing. We conclude that 45 days of infection with Leptospira interrogans sorovar Canicola are not enough to cause serious damage to the ocular system of dogs
Shampoos for children use are based on softer formulations, and including amphoterous detergents to avoid eyes irritation. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of children shampoos as for physical-chemical, microbiological, and toxicological parameters. Fifteen samples of shampoo from different brands commercialized in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, were evaluated. The analyzed shampoos samples were in conformity with the enforced laws for the active principles rate (between 3.0 and 5.0%); pH (within neutrality range); amines rate (below 0.5%), as well as for microbiological assays. In relation to ocular irritation, 6.7% of samples showed a moderate irritation; 93.3% caused slight irritation when the undiluted product was used. By diluting the product at 50%, 20% of the analyzed samples resulted in slight irritation, whereas the other 80% presented satisfactory results. No ocular irritation was observed in products diluted at 10%. This analysis showed that the shampoos from different brands are within the quality range expected for these products, although the consumers have to be mindful as for using undiluted shampoos in children, as they might cause ocular irritation in diverse degrees.
Os xampus infantis são formulações a base de formulações tensoativas mais suaves e contêm detergentes anfóteros que buscam o benefício de não irritar os olhos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi de verificar a qualidade de xampus infantis quanto aos parâmetros físico-químicos, microbiológicos e toxicológicos. Foram avaliadas 15 amostras de diferentes marcas comercializadas na cidade de São Paulo. As amostras apresentaram-se em conformidade com a Legislação vigente quanto à segurança de seu uso. O teor de princípio ativo (entre 3 e 5%), as aminas livres e o pH estavam de acordo com as formulações apresentadas; e no ensaio microbiológico o resultado foi satisfatório. Quanto à irritação ocular, 6,7% das amostras apresentaram índices de moderada irritação; 93,3% foram levemente irritantes quando foi aplicado o produto puro, conforme estabelecido no protocolo de Draize. Quando produto foi diluído a 50%, 20% das amostras apresentaram-se levemente irritantes, enquanto os demais demonstraram resultados satisfatórios. As amostras não apresentaram irritação ocular quando foram aplicadas diluídas a 10%. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que as diferentes marcas de xampus estudados estão dentro da qualidade esperada para o produto. Sugere-se que seja incluída no rótulo a advertência sobre o cuidado para evitar que o produto puro entre em contato com os olhos.
Background: Ocular dermoid is a skin or skin-like appendage usually arising on the limbus, conjunctivae, and cornea. It can be unilateral or bilateral and may be associated with other ocular manifestation or with other malformations. Hair from the lesions is predominantly responsible for the associated irritation resulting in chronic inflammation of the conjunctivae and cornea and may cause visual impairment. Ocular dermoids are rare in cattle, with the prevalence estimated between 0.002% and 0. 4%.Case: A one-day-old Simmental calf presented for bilateral haired masses on the eyes and tumor-like growth since birth. The calf was admitted to the University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1 days after initial examination. The calf weighed 35 kg, was in good bodily condition and no further abnormalities were detected on physical examination, complete blood count and serum chemistries. General anesthesia was induced and maintained with an intravenous detomidine-ketamine-midazolam combination. The corneal dermoids extended slightly beyond the inferonasal limbus and then merged with a second mass of lightly haired tissue within the inferonasal bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes. The dermoids were excised by superficial lamellar keratectomy that was extended into the inferonasal conjunctiva. The nasal masses were excised by electrocautery. All excised tissue was submitt
Background: Ocular dermoid is a skin or skin-like appendage usually arising on the limbus, conjunctivae, and cornea. It can be unilateral or bilateral and may be associated with other ocular manifestation or with other malformations. Hair from the lesions is predominantly responsible for the associated irritation resulting in chronic inflammation of the conjunctivae and cornea and may cause visual impairment. Ocular dermoids are rare in cattle, with the prevalence estimated between 0.002% and 0. 4%.Case: A one-day-old Simmental calf presented for bilateral haired masses on the eyes and tumor-like growth since birth. The calf was admitted to the University of Adnan Menderes, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 1 days after initial examination. The calf weighed 35 kg, was in good bodily condition and no further abnormalities were detected on physical examination, complete blood count and serum chemistries. General anesthesia was induced and maintained with an intravenous detomidine-ketamine-midazolam combination. The corneal dermoids extended slightly beyond the inferonasal limbus and then merged with a second mass of lightly haired tissue within the inferonasal bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes. The dermoids were excised by superficial lamellar keratectomy that was extended into the inferonasal conjunctiva. The nasal masses were excised by electrocautery. All excised tissue was submitt
Entropion is defined as the inward rolling of the eyelid margin in which the eyelashes and eyelid hair (frequently the lower lateral lid) rub the cornea. Etiologies may be congenital, spastic, or cicatricial. This condition usually causes epiphora, blepharospasm, photophobia, conjunctivitis, purulent discharge, corneal vascularization, pigmentation and ulceration, if not surgically treated. Congenital entropion commonly affects dogs and is frequently hereditary in some breeds, whereas cats are uncommonly affected. A predilection for the Persian breed to present primary entropion has been suggested. The authors report two cases of entropion in Persian cats referred to the Ophthalmology Section of Veterinary College of São Paulo State University - UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP / Brazil. First case: a male Persian cat, 2 years old, with a history of bilateral ocular irritation and purulent discharge for 8 months. Ophthalmic examination revealed epiphora, blepharospasm, photophobia, bilateral entropion affecting the whole length of the lower eyelids, conjunctivitis and purulent discharge. Second case: a male Persian cat, 1 year old, with a history of bilateral ocular irritation and purulent discharge for 3 weeks. At ophthalmic examination the animal was presenting epiphora, blepharospasm, photophobia, bilateral entropion affecting the whole length of the lower lids, conjunctivitis, purulent discharge, corneal vascularization, superficial ulceration and edema. The entropion persisted after topical anaestesia in both cats. Surgical treatment was similar in both cases, based on the modified Holtz-Celsus procedure. Grid keratotomy procedure was also performed in the second case. Both cats had a satisfactory clinic evolution which was confirmed few days after surgery.
O entrópio é caracterizado por uma inversão da margem palpebral, na qual os cílios e os pêlos da pálpebra (freqüentemente a porção lateral da pálpebra inferior) atritam a córnea. A etiologia desta condição pode ser congênita, espástica ou cicatricial. Esta doença usualmente causa epífora, blefarospasmo, fotofobia, conjuntivite, secreção purulenta, vascularização, pigmentação e ulceração corneanas, se não for tratada cirurgicamente. O entrópio congênito comumente afeta cães e freqüentemente é hereditário em algumas raças, enquanto que os gatos raramente são acometidos. Uma predisposição da raça Persa tem sido sugerida. Os autores relatam dois casos de entrópio felino encaminhados ao Setor de Oftalmologia da Faculdade de Ciências e Veterinárias da Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP / Brasil. Primeiro caso: felino macho, da raça Persa, com dois anos de idade e histórico de irritação ocular bilateral e secreção purulenta durante 8 meses. Ao exame oftálmico, observou-se epífora, blefarospasmo, fotofobia, entrópio bilateral, o qual afetava toda a extensão das pálpebras inferiores, conjuntivite e secreção purulenta. Segundo caso: felino macho, da raça Persa, com 1 ano de idade e histórico de irritação ocular bilateral e secreção purulenta durante 3 semanas. Ao exame oftálmico, o animal apresentava epífora, blefarospasmo, fotofobia, entrópio bilateral, o qual afetava toda a extensão das pálpebras inferiores, conjuntivite, secreção purulenta, vascularização corneana, ulceração superficial e edema. O procedimento cirúrgico empregado foi similar em ambos os casos baseando-se na técnica de Holtz-Celsus modificada. A ceratotomia em grade foi realizada no segundo caso. Os gatos obtiveram uma evolução clínica satisfatória, confirmada poucos dias após a cirurgia.
Entropion is defined as the inward rolling of the eyelid margin in which the eyelashes and eyelid hair (frequently the lower lateral lid) rub the cornea. Etiologies may be congenital, spastic, or cicatricial. This condition usually causes epiphora, blepharospasm, photophobia, conjunctivitis, purulent discharge, corneal vascularization, pigmentation and ulceration, if not surgically treated. Congenital entropion commonly affects dogs and is frequently hereditary in some breeds, whereas cats are uncommonly affected. A predilection for the Persian breed to present primary entropion has been suggested. The authors report two cases of entropion in Persian cats referred to the Ophthalmology Section of Veterinary College of São Paulo State University - UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP / Brazil. First case: a male Persian cat, 2 years old, with a history of bilateral ocular irritation and purulent discharge for 8 months. Ophthalmic examination revealed epiphora, blepharospasm, photophobia, bilateral entropion affecting the whole length of the lower eyelids, conjunctivitis and purulent discharge. Second case: a male Persian cat, 1 year old, with a history of bilateral ocular irritation and purulent discharge for 3 weeks. At ophthalmic examination the animal was presenting epiphora, blepharospasm, photophobia, bilateral entropion affecting the whole length of the lower lids, conjunctivitis, purulent discharge, corneal vascularization, superficial ulceration and edema. The entropion persisted after topical anaestesia in both cats. Surgical treatment was similar in both cases, based on the modified Holtz-Celsus procedure. Grid keratotomy procedure was also performed in the second case. Both cats had a satisfactory clinic evolution which was confirmed few days after surgery.
O entrópio é caracterizado por uma inversão da margem palpebral, na qual os cílios e os pêlos da pálpebra (freqüentemente a porção lateral da pálpebra inferior) atritam a córnea. A etiologia desta condição pode ser congênita, espástica ou cicatricial. Esta doença usualmente causa epífora, blefarospasmo, fotofobia, conjuntivite, secreção purulenta, vascularização, pigmentação e ulceração corneanas, se não for tratada cirurgicamente. O entrópio congênito comumente afeta cães e freqüentemente é hereditário em algumas raças, enquanto que os gatos raramente são acometidos. Uma predisposição da raça Persa tem sido sugerida. Os autores relatam dois casos de entrópio felino encaminhados ao Setor de Oftalmologia da Faculdade de Ciências e Veterinárias da Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP, Jaboticabal - SP / Brasil. Primeiro caso: felino macho, da raça Persa, com dois anos de idade e histórico de irritação ocular bilateral e secreção purulenta durante 8 meses. Ao exame oftálmico, observou-se epífora, blefarospasmo, fotofobia, entrópio bilateral, o qual afetava toda a extensão das pálpebras inferiores, conjuntivite e secreção purulenta. Segundo caso: felino macho, da raça Persa, com 1 ano de idade e histórico de irritação ocular bilateral e secreção purulenta durante 3 semanas. Ao exame oftálmico, o animal apresentava epífora, blefarospasmo, fotofobia, entrópio bilateral, o qual afetava toda a extensão das pálpebras inferiores, conjuntivite, secreção purulenta, vascularização corneana, ulceração superficial e edema. O procedimento cirúrgico empregado foi similar em ambos os casos baseando-se na técnica de Holtz-Celsus modificada. A ceratotomia em grade foi realizada no segundo caso. Os gatos obtiveram uma evolução clínica satisfatória, confirmada poucos dias após a cirurgia.
Com o intuito de se prevenirem aderências pós-operatórias em mioplastias oculares, investigou-se a mitomicina C a 0,04 %, pela via tópica, como agente antifibrótico na reparação da musculatura extrínseca ocular valendo-se da cápsula renal de eqüino. Utilizaram-se 24 coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia, adultos, machos ou fêmeas, divididos em 2 grupos, não tratado (GNT) e tratado (GT), que, indistintamente, foram submetidos à ruptura e à reparação do músculo reto medial, testando-se a cápsula renal de eqüino no reforço das mioplastias do olho direito de cada animal. O pós-operatório do grupo não tratado (GNT) consistiu da instilação, profilática, de colírio a base de neomicina, polimixina B e dexametasona a intervalos regulares de 6 horas, por 8 dias consecutivos e de solução fisiológica instilada a intervalos também regulares de 6 horas, por 14 dias seguidos. Para o grupo tratado (GT), além da mesma profilaxia, instituiu-se, pela via tópica, mitomicina C a 0,04 %, a intervalos regulares de 6 horas, por 14 dias consecutivos. Os resultados foram avaliados segundo parâmetros oftálmicos, graus de aderências e a histopatologia. A biomicroscopia, em lâmpada de fenda, revelou maior irritação no GT, nos primeiros dias da avaliação. Graus de aderência apresentaram-se discretos em ambos os grupos aos 15º e 30º dias da avaliação, todavia, aos 60 dias, exibiram-se mais intensos no GNT. A histopatologia revelou exsudação inflamatória em ambos os grupos, porém, mais acentuada no GT. A mitomicina C a 0,04 %, na forma como fora utilizada, permitiu a ocorrência de menor fibrose, comparativamente ao grupo que não a recebeu. A cápsula renal de eqüino, por sua vez, não se mostrou eficaz no reforço das mioplastias. Palavras-chaves: mitomicina C, cápsula renal de eqüino, músculo extra-ocular, aderência, agente antifibrótico
Aiming to prevent post-surgical adhesion in eye myoplasties it was investigated the topical application of 0,04 % mitomycin C eye drops as an antifibrosis agent in the repair of the extraocular musculature using the equine renal capsule. For this purpose, 24 New Zealand male or female adult rabbits were used divided into two groups, non-treated (NTG) and treated (TG) which were indistinctly submitted to the rupture and repair of the right eye medial rectus muscles, using the equine renal capsule. The non-treated groups (NTG) post-surgical consists of a prophylactic instillation of neomycin, polimycin B and dexametasone eye drops every 6 hours, for 8 days and admnistration of saline solution every 6 hours, for 14 days. Besides this profilaxy, it was applied to the treated group (TG) 0,04 % mitomycin C eye drops every 6 hours for 14 consecutive days. The results were evaluated following ophthalmic and histopathological patterns and adhesion degrees. The slit-lamp biomicroscopy showed a more intense irritation in the TG on the first days of evaluation. The adhesion showed discreet in both groups on the 15th and 30th days of evaluation. However, they showed more intense in the NTG on the 60th day. The histopathology showed an inflammatory process in both groups, more intense in the TG. The 0,04 % mitomycin C instilled every 6 hours for 14 days showed an antifibrosis action in the extra-ocular musculature. The use of the equine renal capsule in ocular myoplasty was not efficient. Keywords: mitomycin C, equine renal capsule, extraocular muscle, adhesions, antifibrosis agent