Background: Mast cell tumors (MCTs) are neoplasms originating from mast cells, which can be well or poorly differentiated. They are considered the most commonly diagnosed malignant cutaneous neoplasm in dogs; however, intranasal forms are still little reported. Thus, this study seeks to report a case of unilateral intranasal MCT exhibiting submandibular lymph node metastasis. Case: A 11-year-old-and-4-month-old dog of undefined breed (UB), weighing 41 kg, was referred to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the University of Passo Fundo (UPF), in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Presenting a clinical history of bilateral purulent nasal secretion, accompanied by sneezing in the two months prior to admission, in addition to vomiting and diarrhea. Auxiliary tests were requested, including skull X-ray, cytology of the nasal cavity with a swab, and collection of material from the submandibular lymph node directly through cytology with a needle. Cytological findings from the right nasal cavity were consistent with mast cell tumors (MCTs). Cytological analysis of the left nasal cavity was compatible with dysplasia/cellular reactivity. A heterogeneous population of cells was detected on cytology of the right submandibular lymph node. These findings were consistent with MCT lymph node metastasis. Skull radiography showed an increase in both opacity and soft tissue extension, surpassing the palate, from the canine tooth through the caudal region of the maxillary sinuses to the last molar, without bone destruction. The dog was then admitted for an abdominal ultrasound, which showed no changes in the spleen or liver. The leukocyte count showed mild lymphopenia and the presence of reactive lymphocytes. Through the buffy coat, the presence of rare round cells, compatible with circulating mast cells, was detected. Due to the biological behavior of the neoplasm and its anatomical location, the established therapy was based on the use of vinblastine and prednisolone. The patient did not show any clinical improvements. In a joint decision with the patient's guardian, the dog was euthanized. Discussion: Intranasal MCTs commonly present progressive and intermittent unilateral epitaxis, mucopurulent nasal discharge, dyspnea, and ocular discharge. Several anatomical sites were associated with more aggressive neoplastic phenotypes; those with an unfavorable prognosis were mainly those present in the oral and intranasal mucosa. Cytopathological examination is considered a highly sensitive method for the diagnosis of MCTs. Metastases are present in more than 90% of mucosal MCTs, usually affecting regional lymph nodes and associated with a poor prognosis. Radiography is considered a useful test in determining the size and location of tumors in the nasal cavity. Chemotherapy plays an important role in the treatment, especially in cases like the one described in this report, in which surgical excision is not possible due to the anatomical location of the neoplasm. Intranasal MCTs are uncommon in dogs. In this case, he presented aggressive, metastatic behavior and a poor response to antineoplastic therapy. Furthermore, due to the location of these tumors, they may be clinically similar to a number of other upper respiratory tract diseases, posing a diagnostic challenge. Therefore, it is essential that the search for differential diagnoses be carried out through auxiliary tests, such as cytology and imaging.
Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Nasais/veterinária , Mastocitoma/tratamento farmacológico , Metástase Linfática/diagnósticoResumo
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the post-vaccinal reaction to two lentogenic vaccine strains of Newcatle disease virus (NDV) and a recombinant turkey herpesvirus (rHVT) vaccine expressing the fusion glycoprotein of NDV in broiler chickens through histomorphometric and histopathologic analyses of the trachea. The experiment involved 245 chicks housed in randomized blocks with three different enclosures under controlled conditions of temperature, light and ventilation. Each enclosure represented a vaccine strain and was divided into groups according to the administration route. Each block also had its own control group composed of unvaccinated birds. The vaccine strains PHY.LMV.42 (PL42) and La Sota (LS) were selected according to the Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) and the rHVT-NDV Serotype 3 strain (ST3) was selected for representing non-NDV infection. At two, four, seven, 14 and 21 days post vaccination, fragments from the middle third of the trachea were collected and submitted to routine histological processing. For the histomorphometric analysis, the slides were photographed, and the thickness of the tracheal mucosa was measured. Statistical analysis involved two-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test with a 5% significance level. For the histopathological evaluation, lesions were described as to the degree of intensity and distribution. At four and 14 days post vaccination with the LS strain administered by the ocular route, the means of thickening of the tracheal mucosa (20.85±7.31µm and 26.97±5.50µm, respectively) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than for all other strains, which was related to the severe histopathological lesions found in this group, characterized by hyperemia, hyperplasia of the mucous glands, moderate deciliation and multifocal lymphohistiocytic inflammatory infiltrate. At 21 days, broiler chickens vaccinated with the ST3 strain showed more discrete lesions and less thickening of the tracheal mucosa (23.23±7.62µm; p<0.05) in comparison with other studied strains. The lesions found in this group were only hemorrhage, deciliation and mild focal lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate. The results of the histomorphometry and histopathology of the trachea indicated that vaccination with rHVT-NDV Serotype 3 strain induced lower degree post-vaccine tracheal lesions compared to other vaccine strains analyzed in this study.
Objetivou-se avaliar a reação pós-vacinal de duas estirpes lentogênicas do vírus da doença de Newcastle (VDN) e uma vacina recombinante de herpesvirus de perus (rHVT) que expressa a glicoproteína de fusão de VDN em frangos de corte por meio da histomorfometria e histopatologia da traqueia. Foram utilizados 245 pintos alojados em blocos ao acaso, sendo três galpões distintos em condições controladas de temperatura, luz e ventilação. Cada galpão representou uma cepa vacinal, onde foram divididos por grupos de acordo com a via de administração. Todos os blocos possuíam um grupo controle composto por aves não vacinadas. As cepas vacinais PHY.LMV.42 (PL42) e La Sota (LS) utilizadas foram selecionadas de acordo com o Índice de Patogenicidade Intracerebral (IPIC) e a cepa Sorotipo 3 (ST3), da vacina rHVT-VDN foi selecionada por não representar infecção do VDN. Aos dois, quarto, sete, 14 e 21 dias pós-vacinação, fragmentos do terço médio da traqueia foram coletados e posteriormente processados conforme rotina histológica. Para análise histomorfométrica da mucosa traqueal, as lâminas foram fotografadas e realizadas as mensurações da espessura da mucosa traqueal sendo aplicado teste de anaÌlise de variaÌncia a dois criteÌrios (ANOVA) e utilizando o post-hoc de Tukey com niÌvel de significaÌncia de 5%. Para a avaliação histopatológica foram observadas a presença de lesões microscópicas e estas foram descritas quanto ao grau de intensidade e distribuição. Aos quatro e quatorze dias pós-vacinação com a cepa LS administrada por via ocular, as médias do espessamento da mucosa traqueal (20,85±7,31µm e 26,97±5,50µm, respectivamente) foram significativamente maiores (p<0,05) quando comparada a todas as demais cepas utilizadas, isto se deve às severas lesões histopatológicas encontrados neste grupo, caracterizadas por hiperemia, hiperplasia das glândulas mucosas, deciliação moderada e infiltrado inflamatório linfohistiocitário multifocal moderado. Já aos 21 dias as aves vacinadas com a cepa ST3 apresentaram lesões mais discretas e menor espessamento da mucosa da traqueia (23,23±7,62µm; p<0,05) em comparação às demais cepas estudadas. As lesões encontradas neste grupo foram apenas hemorragia, deciliação e infiltrado inflamatório linfocitário focal discreto. Os resultados da histomorfometria e da histopatologia da traqueia indicou que a vacinação com a rHVT-NDV, cepa Sorotipo 3 induziu menor grau de lesões pós-vacinais na traqueia comparada a outras cepas vacinais analisadas nesse estudo.
Animais , Traqueia/efeitos dos fármacos , Traqueia/patologia , Vírus da Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Vacinas/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/virologia , Doença de Newcastle/imunologia , Vacinação/efeitos adversosResumo
The effects on human beings of tear gas (CS) used by police forces during the control of civil disturbances are widely known and amply described in numerous scientific papers. However, the advent of the concepts of animal welfare raises the question of whether animals exposed to CS in such events, specifically horses, would suffer the same effects as those described for humans. The purpose of this study was to determine whether mounted police horses exposed to CS exhibit the same symptoms as humans. In this study, 12 horses of the Military Police of Paraná, healthy and with no history of respiratory tract disorders, were led through a gas cloud caused by the detonation of six teargas grenades. The horses' physiological parameters of respiratory rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, and color of the eye mucosa were evaluated 24 hours before exposure, 30 min, and 24 hours after exposure. Blood samples were collected for complete blood count (CBC) and blood gas analysis and samples of eye mucosa were obtained using sterile swabs. The analysis of these parameters did not reveal effects analogous to those described in humans.
Os efeitos sobre seres humanos do gás lacrimogêneo (CS) utilizado pelas forças policiais no controle de distúrbios civis são amplamente conhecidos e largamente descritos em numerosos artigos científicos. No entanto, com o advento dos conceitos de bem-estar animal, levanta-se a questão se animais expostos ao CS em tais eventos, especificamente cavalos, sofreriam os mesmos efeitos descritos em seres humanos. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se cavalos da polícia montada expostos ao CS apresentam os mesmos sintomas descritos em seres humanos. Neste estudo, 12 cavalos da Polícia Militar do Paraná, saudáveis e sem histórico de doença do trato respiratório, foram conduzidos por uma nuvem de gás causada pela detonação de seis granadas de gás lacrimogêneo. Os parâmetros fisiológicos de frequência respiratória, frequência cardíaca, temperatura retal e coloração das mucosas foram avaliados 24 horas antes da exposição, 30 min e 24 horas após a exposição. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas para realização de hemograma completo e hemogasometria, e amostras da mucosa ocular foram obtidas por meio de swabs estéreis. A análise desses parâmetros não revelou efeitos análogos aos descritos em seres humanos.
Animais , Gases Lacrimogênios/toxicidade , o-Clorobenzilidenomalonitrila/toxicidade , Cavalos , Segurança , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
Background: Macracantorhincosis is a zoonotic disease resulting from inadequate sanitary conditions, which occurs in pigs infected by acanthocephalic helminths called Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. The eggs of these parasites are resistant to cold, high temperatures and can survive up to 3 years in the soil. They are consumed by dung beetles of the Scarabeidae family causing the parasite to evolve into its infective form, the cystacanth. The pig becomes infected after ingestion of either larvae or adult forms of these coleoptera. This work describes a case report of macracantorhincosis found in a pig from the canton of Zaruma located in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. Case: One sow, approximately 24-month-old, weighing 30 kg, presented cachexia, muscle weakness, pale oral and ocular mucosa and a body temperature above 39.4°C. The animal had a bulge on the ventral side of the neck, which evolved causing progressive discomfort to the point that the animal stopped eating. The sow was dewormed for 3 consecutive days. Fifteen days later, the animal had convulsions and muscle tremors, and died some hours after the symptoms started. During necropsy procedure, pale digestive tract membranes and nodules with fibrin were observed in the small intestine (jejunum), which was incised and the presence of parasites adhered to the granulomas detected. Two granulomas for morphological and histological studies and stool samples for coproparasitic test were collected. The collected parasites were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, cross-sections were made and routinely processed for histological studies. The 5 µm thick sections were stained using the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) technique. The parasite's action involves perforation of the intestinal wall though its proboscis causing peritonitis and enteritis. Other conditions in intestinal dissection such as necrotic areas, inflammation of the submucosa and adult parasites adhered to the intestinal mucosa were also observed. The coproparasitic examination was performed using the flotation and sedimentation techniques. The coproparasitic test detected dark colored feces, semi-solid consistency and the presence of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceu eggs. In the histological evaluation of the cross section of the parasite, the presence of circular and longitudinal muscle fibers and lemniscus with their constrictor muscles was observed. Cuticle, hypodermis with tapered fibers and a large number of developing mature eggs were also reported. Discussion: There is no pathognomonic symptomatology about this parasitosis and peritonitis can be generated by intestinal perforations. The findings at necropsy were ulcerations, inflammation in the small intestine and the presence of numerous nodules in the serous layer, where there was penetration of the parasite's proboscis. When fixed to the mucosa, these parasites cause ulcerations, inflammation and necrosis in the wall of the small intestine. The hypodermic layer is thicker than the muscular layer and the presence of leminis with their constricting muscles are typical features of acanthocephalus. It is considered appropriate to carry out epidemiological studies on the prevalence of the parasite Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus at pig farming system in the region, in order to determine the main risk factors. In Ecuador, cases of this disease in humans have not yet been reported, but have already been described in other countries, so the presence of this parasite in family swine farming may be considered a zoonotic-type risk factor.
Animais , Feminino , Suínos/parasitologia , Acantocéfalos/isolamento & purificação , Zoonoses/diagnóstico , EquadorResumo
Background: Cladophialophora bantiana is a dematiaceous fungus that causes phaeohyphomycosis, a generic term used to describe a variety of unusual mycoses caused by fungi that have melanin in their cell wall. C. bantiana targets the central nervous system, commonly causing localized brain infections that may result in disseminated infections. In Brazil, minimal phaeohyphomycosis data are available, and information about C. bantiana infections in animals, especially canines, is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of systemic phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana in a dog. Case: A 1-year-old female Pit Bull presented with weight loss, reduced appetite, and a history of cutaneous lesions on the right thoracic limb; however, clinical evolution was not reported. The bitch had reportedly given birth recently. Physical examination revealed thinness, pale ocular and oral mucosa, submandibular lymph nodes, and enlarged popliteal lymph nodes. The bitch died after convulsive crises during hospitalization. At necropsy, white-yellowish multifocal nodules were observed in the liver and right kidney. The brain featured left cerebral hemisphere asymmetry with blood vessel congestion in the leptomeninges and an irregular brownish focal area on the surface of the right occipital cortex. Cross-sections of the formalin-fi xed brain exhibited compression of the left lateral ventricle and the presence of grayish and friable multifocal areas in the gray matter of the left parietal and right occipital cortices. Fragments of the lesions were collected for histopathological and microbiological examination. Histologically, the lesions were similar, characterized by hepatitis, nephritis, and granulomatous and necrotizing...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cladosporium , Feoifomicose/patologia , Feoifomicose/veterinária , Micoses/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: Two outbreaks of traumatic injuries in goats and sheep associated with grazing and ingestion of the cactus Tacinga inamoena have recently been reported in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In the first of these, which was detected in 2019 during a preliminary inspection of a herd of 70 animals, it was found that 15 showed certain ocular complications, and these animals were subjected to general physical and ophthalmic examinations. The clinical findings included excessive lacrimation, blepharitis, photophobia, corneal opacity, hyphema, corneal neovascularization, corneal ulcers, and adherence of gloquids to the bulbar conjunctiva and cornea. Large amounts of T. inamoena were found to be present in several areas in which these animals had been grazed and had been observed consuming the fruits of this plant. In the second outbreak during the following year, two sheep from a total of 100 animals were identified as having oral lesions associated with grazing in areas within which T. inamoena was growing. One of these animals was referred to a veterinary hospital, and on physical examination was found to show apathy, anorexia, a body score of 1.5, and the presence of gloquids within the fur. With respect to the oral cavity, halitosis, severe sialorrhea, extensive hemorrhagic ulcers, and painful tenderness on palpation were detected. Given the unfavorable prognosis, the sheep was subsequently euthanized. At necropsy, multifocal to coalescent plaques were detected on the upper and lower lips, oral mucosa, tongue, and hard and soft palates. These were generally elevated and firm and characterized by an irregular, ulcerated surface, sometimes crusty, with a yellow to light brown center and erythematous edges. The findings of this study highlight that the consumption of T. inamoena can cause serious oral and ophthalmic lesions in small ruminants in the northeastern semi-arid regions of Brazil, and can potentially contribute to substantial large economic losses. This problem tends to be exacerbated by the invasive behavior of T. Inamoena, particularly in areas in the process of environmental degradation.
RESUMO: Relatam-se dois surtos de lesões traumáticas associadas ao pastejo e ingestão da Tacinga inamoena por caprinos e ovinos no estado da Paraíba, Brasil. No primeiro surto observou-se durante uma inspeção preliminar do rebanho que 15 dos 70 animais apresentavam alterações oculares, os animais foram submetidos ao exame físico geral e ao exame oftálmico. Lacrimejamento excessivo, blefarite, fotofobia, opacidade de córnea, hifema, neovascularização corneana, úlceras de córnea e gloquídeos aderidos à conjuntiva bulbar e córnea foram os achados clínicos identificados. A planta estava presente em diversas áreas e em grande quantidade nas áreas de pastejo, onde os animais eram vistos ingerindo seus frutos. No segundo surto, dois ovinos de um total de 100 animais, foram identificados com lesões orais associadas ao pastejo em áreas da planta. Um deles foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário. No exame físico, o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, escore corporal 1,5, pelos opacos, eriçados e no pelame era possível identificar gloquídeos. Na cavidade oral observou-se halitose, sialorreia intensa, extensas úlceras hemorrágicas e sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável o animal foi eutanasiado. Na necropsia, placas multifocais a coalescentes, elevadas, firmes e com superfície irregular, ulcerada, por vezes crostosas, com centro amarelo a marrom-claro e bordos eritematosos, estavam presentes nos lábios superiores, inferiores, mucosa oral, língua, palatos duro e mole. T. inamoena causa sérias lesões orais e oftálmicas em pequenos ruminantes no semiárido nordestino e prejuízos econômicos de grandes dimensões, que podem ser agravados pelo comportamento invasor da T. inamoena em áreas com indícios de degradação ambiental.
Background: Trichuris vulpis, a species that belongs to Trichuris and shows a cosmopolitan distribution, parasitizes thegastrointestinal system of dogs causing trichuriasis. The infection occurs owing to ingestion of larval eggs and subsequentfixation of their adult form in the large intestine of the host. The objective of this paper is to report the case of a BorderCollie dog that arrived at the Veterinary Pathology and Parasitology Laboratory (LPPV) of the Federal University of Jataí(UFJ) after exhibiting signs of intense dehydration and sudden death caused by severe T. vulpis infection, and to elucidatethe macroscopic and microscopic histopathological correlations observed during necropsy.Case: A 7-year-old male Border Collie dog was referred for routine necroscopic examination on suspicion of death fromintoxication. In the history, there were reports of bone ingestion, restlessness, and polydipsia for three days, followed bysudden death. Although the animal presented an adequate body state during the necroscopic procedure, enophthalmia andpale oral and ocular mucosa were observed, which are characteristic signs of severe dehydration and anemia. On opening the abdominal cavity, the visceral serosa were found to be stained and severely dry. Greenish mucous content wasobserved throughout the intestine, and in the large intestine, a moderate amount of mucus associated with high parasiticinfestation by elongated parasites attached to the mucosa was identified. The parasites were harvested, stored in airtightvials containing 70% alcohol, processed, and subsequently identified as T. vulpis.Discussion: The necroscopic findings associated with the histopathology were compatible with T. vulpis infestation at highparasite intensity, with severe destruction of the intestinal mucosa and inability of water absorption, resulting in severedehydration. In cases of parasitism, villous atrophy with crypt hypertrophy occurs...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Desidratação/veterinária , Tricuríase/veterinária , Causas de Morte , TrichurisResumo
Background: Trichuris vulpis, a species that belongs to Trichuris and shows a cosmopolitan distribution, parasitizes thegastrointestinal system of dogs causing trichuriasis. The infection occurs owing to ingestion of larval eggs and subsequentfixation of their adult form in the large intestine of the host. The objective of this paper is to report the case of a BorderCollie dog that arrived at the Veterinary Pathology and Parasitology Laboratory (LPPV) of the Federal University of Jataí(UFJ) after exhibiting signs of intense dehydration and sudden death caused by severe T. vulpis infection, and to elucidatethe macroscopic and microscopic histopathological correlations observed during necropsy.Case: A 7-year-old male Border Collie dog was referred for routine necroscopic examination on suspicion of death fromintoxication. In the history, there were reports of bone ingestion, restlessness, and polydipsia for three days, followed bysudden death. Although the animal presented an adequate body state during the necroscopic procedure, enophthalmia andpale oral and ocular mucosa were observed, which are characteristic signs of severe dehydration and anemia. On opening the abdominal cavity, the visceral serosa were found to be stained and severely dry. Greenish mucous content wasobserved throughout the intestine, and in the large intestine, a moderate amount of mucus associated with high parasiticinfestation by elongated parasites attached to the mucosa was identified. The parasites were harvested, stored in airtightvials containing 70% alcohol, processed, and subsequently identified as T. vulpis.Discussion: The necroscopic findings associated with the histopathology were compatible with T. vulpis infestation at highparasite intensity, with severe destruction of the intestinal mucosa and inability of water absorption, resulting in severedehydration. In cases of parasitism, villous atrophy with crypt hypertrophy occurs...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Tricuríase/veterinária , Desidratação/veterinária , Causas de Morte , TrichurisResumo
Two outbreaks of traumatic injuries in goats and sheep associated with grazing and ingestion of the cactus Tacinga inamoena have recently been reported in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In the first of these, which was detected in 2019 during a preliminary inspection of a herd of 70 animals, it was found that 15 showed certain ocular complications, and these animals were subjected to general physical and ophthalmic examinations. The clinical findings included excessive lacrimation, blepharitis, photophobia, corneal opacity, hyphema, corneal neovascularization, corneal ulcers, and adherence of gloquids to the bulbar conjunctiva and cornea. Large amounts of T. inamoena were found to be present in several areas in which these animals had been grazed and had been observed consuming the fruits of this plant. In the second outbreak during the following year, two sheep from a total of 100 animals were identified as having oral lesions associated with grazing in areas within which T. inamoena was growing. One of these animals was referred to a veterinary hospital, and on physical examination was found to show apathy, anorexia, a body score of 1.5, and the presence of gloquids within the fur. With respect to the oral cavity, halitosis, severe sialorrhea, extensive hemorrhagic ulcers, and painful tenderness on palpation were detected. Given the unfavorable prognosis, the sheep was subsequently euthanized. At necropsy, multifocal to coalescent plaques were detected on the upper and lower lips, oral mucosa, tongue, and hard and soft palates. These were generally elevated and firm and characterized by an irregular, ulcerated surface, sometimes crusty, with a yellow to light brown center and erythematous edges. The findings of this study highlight that the consumption of T. inamoena can cause serious oral and ophthalmic lesions in small ruminants in the northeastern semi-arid regions of Brazil, and can potentially contribute to substantial large economic losses. This problem tends to be exacerbated by the invasive behavior of T. Inamoena, particularly in areas in the process of environmental degradation.(AU)
Relatam-se dois surtos de lesões traumáticas associadas ao pastejo e ingestão da Tacinga inamoena por caprinos e ovinos no estado da Paraíba, Brasil. No primeiro surto observou-se durante uma inspeção preliminar do rebanho que 15 dos 70 animais apresentavam alterações oculares, os animais foram submetidos ao exame físico geral e ao exame oftálmico. Lacrimejamento excessivo, blefarite, fotofobia, opacidade de córnea, hifema, neovascularização corneana, úlceras de córnea e gloquídeos aderidos à conjuntiva bulbar e córnea foram os achados clínicos identificados. A planta estava presente em diversas áreas e em grande quantidade nas áreas de pastejo, onde os animais eram vistos ingerindo seus frutos. No segundo surto, dois ovinos de um total de 100 animais, foram identificados com lesões orais associadas ao pastejo em áreas da planta. Um deles foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário. No exame físico, o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, escore corporal 1,5, pelos opacos, eriçados e no pelame era possível identificar gloquídeos. Na cavidade oral observou-se halitose, sialorreia intensa, extensas úlceras hemorrágicas e sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável o animal foi eutanasiado. Na necropsia, placas multifocais a coalescentes, elevadas, firmes e com superfície irregular, ulcerada, por vezes crostosas, com centro amarelo a marrom-claro e bordos eritematosos, estavam presentes nos lábios superiores, inferiores, mucosa oral, língua, palatos duro e mole. T. inamoena causa sérias lesões orais e oftálmicas em pequenos ruminantes no semiárido nordestino e prejuízos econômicos de grandes dimensões, que podem ser agravados pelo comportamento invasor da T. inamoena em áreas com indícios de degradação ambiental.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/lesões , Ovinos/lesões , Traumatismos Oculares/veterinária , Magnoliopsida , Estomatite/diagnóstico , CactaceaeResumo
Two outbreaks of traumatic injuries in goats and sheep associated with grazing and ingestion of the cactus Tacinga inamoena have recently been reported in the state of Paraíba, Brazil. In the first of these, which was detected in 2019 during a preliminary inspection of a herd of 70 animals, it was found that 15 showed certain ocular complications, and these animals were subjected to general physical and ophthalmic examinations. The clinical findings included excessive lacrimation, blepharitis, photophobia, corneal opacity, hyphema, corneal neovascularization, corneal ulcers, and adherence of gloquids to the bulbar conjunctiva and cornea. Large amounts of T. inamoena were found to be present in several areas in which these animals had been grazed and had been observed consuming the fruits of this plant. In the second outbreak during the following year, two sheep from a total of 100 animals were identified as having oral lesions associated with grazing in areas within which T. inamoena was growing. One of these animals was referred to a veterinary hospital, and on physical examination was found to show apathy, anorexia, a body score of 1.5, and the presence of gloquids within the fur. With respect to the oral cavity, halitosis, severe sialorrhea, extensive hemorrhagic ulcers, and painful tenderness on palpation were detected. Given the unfavorable prognosis, the sheep was subsequently euthanized. At necropsy, multifocal to coalescent plaques were detected on the upper and lower lips, oral mucosa, tongue, and hard and soft palates. These were generally elevated and firm and characterized by an irregular, ulcerated surface, sometimes crusty, with a yellow to light brown center and erythematous edges. The findings of this study highlight that the consumption of T. inamoena can cause serious oral and ophthalmic lesions in small ruminants in the northeastern semi-arid regions of Brazil, and can potentially contribute to substantial large economic losses. This problem tends to be exacerbated by the invasive behavior of T. Inamoena, particularly in areas in the process of environmental degradation.(AU)
Relatam-se dois surtos de lesões traumáticas associadas ao pastejo e ingestão da Tacinga inamoena por caprinos e ovinos no estado da Paraíba, Brasil. No primeiro surto observou-se durante uma inspeção preliminar do rebanho que 15 dos 70 animais apresentavam alterações oculares, os animais foram submetidos ao exame físico geral e ao exame oftálmico. Lacrimejamento excessivo, blefarite, fotofobia, opacidade de córnea, hifema, neovascularização corneana, úlceras de córnea e gloquídeos aderidos à conjuntiva bulbar e córnea foram os achados clínicos identificados. A planta estava presente em diversas áreas e em grande quantidade nas áreas de pastejo, onde os animais eram vistos ingerindo seus frutos. No segundo surto, dois ovinos de um total de 100 animais, foram identificados com lesões orais associadas ao pastejo em áreas da planta. Um deles foi encaminhado ao Hospital Veterinário. No exame físico, o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, escore corporal 1,5, pelos opacos, eriçados e no pelame era possível identificar gloquídeos. Na cavidade oral observou-se halitose, sialorreia intensa, extensas úlceras hemorrágicas e sensibilidade dolorosa à palpação. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável o animal foi eutanasiado. Na necropsia, placas multifocais a coalescentes, elevadas, firmes e com superfície irregular, ulcerada, por vezes crostosas, com centro amarelo a marrom-claro e bordos eritematosos, estavam presentes nos lábios superiores, inferiores, mucosa oral, língua, palatos duro e mole. T. inamoena causa sérias lesões orais e oftálmicas em pequenos ruminantes no semiárido nordestino e prejuízos econômicos de grandes dimensões, que podem ser agravados pelo comportamento invasor da T. inamoena em áreas com indícios de degradação ambiental.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/lesões , Ovinos/lesões , Traumatismos Oculares/veterinária , Magnoliopsida , Estomatite/diagnóstico , CactaceaeResumo
Background: Squamous cell carcinoma is a malignant neoplasm that originates from the keratinized stratified squamous epithelium and predominantly affect light-skinned animals. In dogs, breeds such as American Staffordshire Terriers, white or speckled Bull Terriers, and Beagles have a higher predisposition. Squamous cell carcinoma presents in the skin, at slightly pigmented or hairy sites, especially in digits, but also may occur in the nasal planum, oral mucosa, and rarely, in the eye. Considering that few reports have been published on eye neoplasms, the aim of this paper is to describe a dog with a lesion in the third eyelid of his right eye which was diagnosticated with squamous cell carcinoma. Case: A 10-year-old male American Staffordshire dog was admitted to the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics College, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Campo Grande, Brazil with injury to the right eye. During the physical examination, there was also a non-adhered lump near the foreskin, measuring 1.5 cm in diameter. In addition, there was another lump in the third eyelid of the right eye, approximately 3 mm in diameter. Cytology of the dermal nodule was performed by fine-needle aspiration cytology; however, the sample was insufficient for cytological evaluation. Therefore, the animal was placed under general anesthesia for skin lump excision and for fine-needle aspiration cytology of the third eyelid nodule. The histopathological exam revealed high cellularity of epithelial cells, intense anisocytosis and pleomorphism, cytoplasmic basophilia and vacuolation, multiple evident nucleoli, and anisocariosis and coarse chromatin. These finds were compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, which was the same result suggested by fine-needle aspiration cytology of the third...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Membrana Nictitante/patologia , Biópsia por Agulha Fina/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Lymphomas are considered uncommon in goats, being the multicentric form with the highest number of cases for the species. Primary intranasal lymphomas are often diagnosed in dogs, cats, and humans. In the literature, there is only a description of a multicentric case involving the frontal sinuses and mucosa of the nasal cavity in a goat; therefore, it is important to describe unusual cases of this disease for the inclusion of new clinical and pathological characteristics in the ruminant clinic medicine. The objective of this work is to describe a case of T-cell lymphoma in the nasal cavity of a young goat. Case: The animal had dyspnea and respiratory noise for 15 days. Clinical examination showed nodulation in the right nasal cavity associated with serosanguinous secretion. Tracheostomy was performed; however, after 30 days the animal was euthanized. A sagittal plane of the head showed a pinkish-gray mass in the right and left nasal cavity, with a smooth, multilobulated surface, smooth adhering to the rostral portion of the dorsal concha and occluding the dorsal nasal meatus. Submandibular lymph nodes were slightly enlarged. Histopathological examination of the nasal cavity revealed a non-encapsulated, poorly delimited and ulcerated tumor composed of round cells arranged in a mantle supported by a discrete fibrovascular stroma extending the mucosa and lamina propria. Cells were round with sparse, eosinophilic and poorly delimited cytoplasm. Nuclei varied from round to elongated with condensed chromatin and evident nucleoli. Occasionally, aberrant nuclei, reniform shape and multinucleated cells were seen. Pleomorphism was moderate characterized by anisocytosis and anisocariosis. Typical and atypical mitosis were frequent (0-4 per field of highest magnification [400x]). Amidst the neoplasm, there were multifocal areas of necrosis and hemorrhage associated with a mild lymphocytic inflammatory infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry showed positive immunostaining for Vimentin antibodies and CD3, and negative for pan CK and CD20. Discussion: The lymphomas immunophenotyping is little used when it comes to farm animals, and there are few studies that use this technique for the definitive diagnosis of these neoplasms for small ruminants. The use of this technique must be considered in each case, in order to determine the pathogenesis, the accurate diagnosis and the origin of the neoplastic lymphocytes. In goats, T-cell lymphomas are the most diagnosed, although cases of multicentric B-cell lymphomas with ocular involvement have been diagnosed. In view of the clinical picture of the case described, infectious rhinitis already described in goats, such as aspergillosis and protothecosis, should be included as differential diagnoses. However, the anatomopathological findings facilitate the direction of the diagnosis, since infectious rhinitis presents as nodules / ulcerated masses or focal areas of necrosis associated with purulent secretion and in the histopathological examination it is possible to observe the intralesional etiological agents. In addition, the enzootic ethmoidal tumor must be included, as it has similar clinical signs and affects young animals, but they are adenomas/adenocarcinomas that affect the ethmoidal nasal shells induced by a retrovirus. Lymphomas in the caprine species are rare in the Northeastern semi-arid, but that in the present diagnostic routine occasionally occurs, being important the first description of its nasal shape for its inclusion in the differential diagnoses of diseases that present with clinical obstruction and dyspnea for the species.
Animais , Ruminantes , Imunofenotipagem/veterinária , Linfoma de Células T/veterinária , Cavidade Nasal , Neoplasias Hematológicas/veterinária , Dispneia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Splenic stromal neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of tumors that shares the morphology of spindle cells, and are considered a primary mesenchymal neoplasm of the spleen. Among these neoplasms, some are as yet unclassified. Although stromal neoplasms represent 25 a 50% of dog splenic neoplasms in dogs, subtypes rarely occur alone. As these neoplasms are difficult to diagnose in the routine veterinary medical examination, the objective of this article was to report a case of splenic stromal sarcoma in a dog treated at a private veterinary hospital in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. Case: An 8-year-old male labrador dog was treated at a veterinary hospital for an initial clinical suspicion of gastroenteritis. Clinical examinations showed anemic ocular mucosa and a distended abdomen. Considering the animal's condition, blood count, serum biochemistry, and abdominal ultrasonography (US) were requested. The laboratory tests revealed anemia, thrombocytopenia, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, and changes in the indices of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP), among other findings. Abdominal ultrasound showed hepatomegaly, diffuse splenomegaly, a neoformation in the spleen suggestive of splenic neoplasia, and mild cystic prostatic hyperplasia. The dog underwent exploratory laparotomy with splenectomy. During the procedure, a nodule was found attached to the spleen. It was removed, fixed in a 10% neutral buffered formalin solution, and sent for histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations (vimentin, S100, desmin, MyoD1, HHF35, CD31, and alpha smooth muscle actin). The histopathological diagnosis was poorly differentiated spindle cell splenic sarcoma, compatible with splenic stromal sarcoma. Immunohistochemistry showed neoplastic cells immunoreactive for vimentin and S100, and it was not reactive for other markers. Based on the immunohistochemical and morphological profile, the diagnosis of splenic stromal sarcoma was confirmed. Discussion: Dogs affected by splenic neoplasms are generally aged between three and 17 years, and clinically present with anorexia, emesis, lethargy, weight loss, and abdomen distension, which were observed in the present case. However, a purelyclinical diagnosis is disputable, since other diseases can present the same signs. Thus, complementary exams are essential for a correct diagnosis. Laboratory changes in blood count and serum biochemistry are considered nonspecific for splenic neoplasms, with neutrophilic leukocytosis and anemia being consistent with paraneoplastic syndromes frequently diagnosed in small animals. Microscopically, splenic stromal sarcomas are characterized by focal splenic nodules composed of cohesive polygonal to spindle-shaped cell layers. The cells usually exhibit anisokaryosis and often have large oval to round vesicular nuclei and, occasionally, multinucleated cells. They have large areas of necrosis, diffuse or nodular lymphoid aggregates, and foci of extramedullary hematopoiesis, consistent with the histopathological examination reported in the present case. The immunohistochemical analysis included evaluation of seven markers to elucidate the histogenesis of the neoplasm, with the anti-vimentin and anti-S100 markers demonstrating positive cytoplasmic immunoreactivity, revealing the mesenchymal origin of the neoplasm. Thus, the definitive diagnosis was splenic stromal sarcoma, a rare and aggressive neoplasm.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Sarcoma/veterinária , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Neoplasias Esplênicas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Laparotomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a peculiar neoplasm resulting from the transmission of hostcancerous cells to another canid by implantation. Transmission occurs among reproductive age dogs, especially thosewith unrestricted sexual activity. It usually occurs on the external genitalia of dogs and other areas are unusual. However,implants have been described in injured mucosa, as well as metastases in lymph nodes, spleen, skin, anus and perianalspace, oral mucosa, nasal mucosa, eyeball and brain. The purpose of this report is to describe the first case of exclusivelyextragenital ocular CTVT in a prepubescent female dog.Case: A 6-month-old mixed-breed, non-spayed and prepubescent female dog, showing a fast-growing reddish-coloredmass in the right eye (RE), was examined. Blepharospasm, mild serosanguineous secretion, chemosis and a smooth surfacereddish mass with 2.5 cm in length occupying the orbital area were observed during physical examination, impairing thevisualization of the right eyeball. For ocular ultrasonography examination of the affected eye, acepromazine was used (0.03mg/kg) associated with methadone (0.3 mg/kg) intramuscularly, and propofol (4 mg/kg) for induction and 0.2 mg/kg formaintenance, intravenously. Ultrasonography examination evidenced an amorphous hyperechogenic structure, medial tothe RE, with homogeneous echotexture, punctiform vascularization to amplitude Doppler (Power Doppler), measuring 2.8cm in length and 1.4 cm in diameter, causing eyeball distortion and rejection. Based on ultrasonography results and withthe patient still anesthetized, an incisional biopsy of the peribulbar mass was performed with a 5 mm disposable punch.The final CTVT diagnosis was possible after histopathological analysis. No more CTVT nodules were found, especiallyin the vulva, which had a prepubescent appearance, consistent with age. Treatment...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias Oculares/patologia , Neoplasias Oculares/veterinária , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/patologiaResumo
Background: Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a peculiar neoplasm resulting from the transmission of hostcancerous cells to another canid by implantation. Transmission occurs among reproductive age dogs, especially thosewith unrestricted sexual activity. It usually occurs on the external genitalia of dogs and other areas are unusual. However,implants have been described in injured mucosa, as well as metastases in lymph nodes, spleen, skin, anus and perianalspace, oral mucosa, nasal mucosa, eyeball and brain. The purpose of this report is to describe the first case of exclusivelyextragenital ocular CTVT in a prepubescent female dog.Case: A 6-month-old mixed-breed, non-spayed and prepubescent female dog, showing a fast-growing reddish-coloredmass in the right eye (RE), was examined. Blepharospasm, mild serosanguineous secretion, chemosis and a smooth surfacereddish mass with 2.5 cm in length occupying the orbital area were observed during physical examination, impairing thevisualization of the right eyeball. For ocular ultrasonography examination of the affected eye, acepromazine was used (0.03mg/kg) associated with methadone (0.3 mg/kg) intramuscularly, and propofol (4 mg/kg) for induction and 0.2 mg/kg formaintenance, intravenously. Ultrasonography examination evidenced an amorphous hyperechogenic structure, medial tothe RE, with homogeneous echotexture, punctiform vascularization to amplitude Doppler (Power Doppler), measuring 2.8cm in length and 1.4 cm in diameter, causing eyeball distortion and rejection. Based on ultrasonography results and withthe patient still anesthetized, an incisional biopsy of the peribulbar mass was performed with a 5 mm disposable punch.The final CTVT diagnosis was possible after histopathological analysis. No more CTVT nodules were found, especiallyin the vulva, which had a prepubescent appearance, consistent with age. Treatment...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/patologia , Neoplasias Oculares/patologia , Neoplasias Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Blood samples and swabs from ocular conjunctiva and mouth were obtained from 64 cats. Of 64 serum samples, 19 were positive for Leishmania antibodies by ELISA (29.80%). Eight cats were positive by PCR (12.5%) in swab samples from mouth and/or ocular mucosa. Poor kappa agreement between serological and molecular results (k = 0.16) was obtained. From five positive PCR samples one was L. braziliensis and four were L. infantum. Phylogenetic analysis performed with the five isolates of Leishmania, showed that samples of L. infantum isolated from the cats were phylogenetically close to those isolated from domestic dogs in Brazil, while the L. braziliensis is very similar to the one described in humans in Venezuela. The study demonstrated that, despite high seropositivity for Leishmania in cats living in the study region, poor agreement between serological and molecular results indicate that positive serology is not indicative of Leishmania infection in cats. Parasite DNA can be detected in ocular conjunctiva and oral swabs from cats, indicating that such samples could be used for diagnosis. Results of phylogenetic analyzes show that L. infantum circulating in Brazil is capable of infecting different hosts, demonstrating the parasite's ability to overcome the interspecies barrier.(AU)
Amostras de sangue e swabs da conjuntiva ocular e oral foram obtidas de 64 gatos. Das 64 amostras de soro, 19 foram positivas para anticorpos contra Leishmania por ELISA (29,80%). Oito gatos foram positivos por PCR (12,5%) em amostras de swab da boca e / ou mucosa ocular. Demonstrou-se baixa concordância kappa entre os resultados sorológicos e moleculares (k = 0,16). Das cinco amostras positivas para PCR, uma era L. braziliensis e quatro eram L infantum. A análise filogenética realizada com os cinco isolados de Leishmania, mostrou que amostras de L. infantum, isoladas dos gatos, eram filogeneticamente próximas às isoladas de cães domésticos do Brasil enquanto L. braziliensis era muito semelhante ao descrito em humanos na Venezuela. O estudo demonstrou que, apesar da alta soropositividade para Leishmania, em gatos que vivem na região do estudo, pouca concordância entre os resultados sorológicos e moleculares indica que a sorologia positiva não é indicativa de infecção por Leishmania em gatos. O DNA do parasita pode ser detectado na conjuntiva ocular e nas zaragatoas orais de gatos, indicando que essas amostras podem ser usadas para o diagnóstico. . Resultados de análises filogenéticas mostram que L. infantum, circulando no Brasil, é capaz de infectar diferentes hospedeiros, demonstrando a capacidade do parasita de superar a barreira interespécies.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/microbiologia , Sorologia , Leishmaniose/diagnóstico , Leishmania infantumResumo
A Cinomose é uma doença viral, infecciosa, altamente contagiosa, que acomete principalmente os cães e é geradora de transtornos oculares, respiratórios, gastrintestinais e neurológicos. Não existe um tratamento específico para a virose e muitas das vezes os animais não apresentam resposta positiva aos tratamentos convencionais, havendo a necessidade da utilização de tratamentos alternativos. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de acupuntura, auto-hemoterapia e ozonioterapia como terapias adjuvantes no tratamento de cinomose canina. Foi atendida numa clínica de Fortaleza Ceará, paciente canina, fêmea, sem raça definida (SRD), de 2 (dois) anos de idade, apresentando mucosa ocular hipercorada, midríase, secreção ocular de cor esverdeada e ataxia de membros posteriores. A partir da avaliação dos exames solicitados, instituiu-se o tratamento para a paciente. Sem ter resposta positiva a tutora optou por iniciar as terapias alternativas de acupuntura, ozonioterapia e auto-hemoterapia na tentativa de reverter o quadro crítico da paciente. As seções de acupuntura duravam em média 15 minutos, onde os pontos utilizados foram baseados nos sinais clínicos apresentados pelo animal, peso do animal e função de cada ponto. A ozonioterapia e a auto-hemoterapia eram realizadas em conjunto. Após a utilização das terapias alternativas o paciente apresentou melhoras clínica e hematológica significativas. Em casos de cinomose o uso de terapias alternativas como acupuntura, ozonioterapia e auto-hemoterapia pode proporcionar a melhora clínica e hematológica de cães acometidos, determinando melhor prognóstico e qualidade de vida aos pacientes.
Canine distemper is a highly contagious, infectious, viral disease that mainly affects dogs and generates eye, respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. There is no specific treatment for the virus and many times the animals do not respond positively to conventional treatments, with the need to use alternative treatments. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the use of acupuncture, auto-hemotherapy and ozone therapy as adjuvant therapies in the treatment of canine distemper. She was treated at a clinic in Fortaleza - Ceará, a canine, female, mixed breed (SRD), 2 (two) years old, with hyper-colored ocular mucosa, mydriasis, greenish-colored ocular secretion and posterior limb ataxia. Based on the evaluation of the requested tests, treatment for the patient was instituted. Without having a positive response, the tutor chose to start alternative therapies of acupuncture, ozone therapy and autohemotherapy in an attempt to revert the patient's critical condition. The acupuncture sections lasted an average of 15 minutes, where the points used were based on the clinical signs presented by the animal, the animal's weight and the function of each point. Ozone therapy and auto-hemotherapy were performed together. After using alternative therapies, the patient showed significant clinical and hematological improvements. In cases of distemper, the use of alternative therapies such as acupuncture, ozone therapy and autohemotherapy can provide clinical and hematological improvement in affected dogs, determining better prognosis and quality of life for patients.
Animais , Cães , Auto-Hemoterapia/veterinária , Cinomose/terapia , Doenças do Cão , Ozônio/uso terapêutico , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Terapias Complementares/veterináriaResumo
A Cinomose é uma doença viral, infecciosa, altamente contagiosa, que acomete principalmente os cães e é geradora de transtornos oculares, respiratórios, gastrintestinais e neurológicos. Não existe um tratamento específico para a virose e muitas das vezes os animais não apresentam resposta positiva aos tratamentos convencionais, havendo a necessidade da utilização de tratamentos alternativos. Diante disso, este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o uso de acupuntura, auto-hemoterapia e ozonioterapia como terapias adjuvantes no tratamento de cinomose canina. Foi atendida numa clínica de Fortaleza Ceará, paciente canina, fêmea, sem raça definida (SRD), de 2 (dois) anos de idade, apresentando mucosa ocular hipercorada, midríase, secreção ocular de cor esverdeada e ataxia de membros posteriores. A partir da avaliação dos exames solicitados, instituiu-se o tratamento para a paciente. Sem ter resposta positiva a tutora optou por iniciar as terapias alternativas de acupuntura, ozonioterapia e auto-hemoterapia na tentativa de reverter o quadro crítico da paciente. As seções de acupuntura duravam em média 15 minutos, onde os pontos utilizados foram baseados nos sinais clínicos apresentados pelo animal, peso do animal e função de cada ponto. A ozonioterapia e a auto-hemoterapia eram realizadas em conjunto. Após a utilização das terapias alternativas o paciente apresentou melhoras clínica e hematológica significativas. Em casos de cinomose o uso de terapias alternativas como acupuntura, ozonioterapia e auto-hemoterapia pode proporcionar a melhora clínica e hematológica de cães acometidos, determinando melhor prognóstico e qualidade de vida aos pacientes.(AU)
Canine distemper is a highly contagious, infectious, viral disease that mainly affects dogs and generates eye, respiratory, gastrointestinal and neurological disorders. There is no specific treatment for the virus and many times the animals do not respond positively to conventional treatments, with the need to use alternative treatments. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the use of acupuncture, auto-hemotherapy and ozone therapy as adjuvant therapies in the treatment of canine distemper. She was treated at a clinic in Fortaleza - Ceará, a canine, female, mixed breed (SRD), 2 (two) years old, with hyper-colored ocular mucosa, mydriasis, greenish-colored ocular secretion and posterior limb ataxia. Based on the evaluation of the requested tests, treatment for the patient was instituted. Without having a positive response, the tutor chose to start alternative therapies of acupuncture, ozone therapy and autohemotherapy in an attempt to revert the patient's critical condition. The acupuncture sections lasted an average of 15 minutes, where the points used were based on the clinical signs presented by the animal, the animal's weight and the function of each point. Ozone therapy and auto-hemotherapy were performed together. After using alternative therapies, the patient showed significant clinical and hematological improvements. In cases of distemper, the use of alternative therapies such as acupuncture, ozone therapy and autohemotherapy can provide clinical and hematological improvement in affected dogs, determining better prognosis and quality of life for patients.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Doenças do Cão , Terapias Complementares/veterinária , Cinomose/terapia , Terapia por Acupuntura/veterinária , Auto-Hemoterapia/veterinária , Ozônio/uso terapêuticoResumo
Characterized by the rupture of the corneal epithelium, corneal ulcers threaten ocular integrity, with multifactorial development, such as decreased protection and excessive abrasion applied to the corneal surface. Keratoplasty restores the corneal anatomy, removing the inflamed or infected tissues, in order to promote visual acuity. The technique of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) selectively removes the diseased layers of the cornea, keeping the Descemet membrane and endothelium healthy, reducing the risk of rejection, aimed at tissue recovery. In the present report, a canine, from the Shih Tzu breed, a female, that has not been castrated, 2 years and 6 months old, was treated, she had a history of ocular discomfort and mucous secretion in both eyes. In the ophthalmic examination, keratoconjunctivitis sicca was found in the left eye and ectopic cilia was found in both eyes. With the aid of a fluorescein test, the presence of a deep stromal ulcer affecting the right eye was confirmed. The patient underwent ectopic cilia removal using the wedge resection technique and an allogeneic corneal transplantation using DALK, with only the diseased epithelium and stroma being replaced, reducing the risk of rejection and failures related to surgery. 90 days after the procedure, there was no reaction to the graft, there was complete epithelial repair and maintenance of
Caracterizada pela ruptura do epitélio corneano, as úlceras de córnea ameaçam a integridade ocular, tendo desenvolvimento multifatorial, como a diminuição da proteção e o excesso de abrasão aplicado na superfície da córnea. A ceratoplastia restaura a anatomia corneana, removendo tecidos inflamados ou infectados, com objetivo de promover acuidade visual. A técnica de ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda (DALK -deep anterior lamelar keratoplasty) remove seletivamente as camadas doentes da córnea, mantendoa membrana de Descemet e endotélio saudáveis, reduzindo o risco de rejeição, visando recuperação tecidual. No presente relato, um canino, raça Shih Tzu, fêmea não castrada, 2 anos e 6 meses de idade, foi atendido com histórico de desconforto ocular e secreção mucosa em ambos os olhos. No exame oftálmico constatou-se ceratoconjuntivite seca no olho esquerdo e cílios ectópicos em ambos os olhos. Com auxílio do teste de fluoresceína, confirmou-se a presença de úlcera estromal profunda acometendo o olho direito. O paciente foi submetido a remoção dos cílios ectópicos pela técnica de secção em cunha e ao transplante de córnea alógena utilizando a DALK, sendo substituído apenas o epitélio e estroma doentes, reduzindo o risco de rejeição e falhas relacionadas a cirurgia. Após 90 dias do procedimento, constatou-se ausência de reação ao enxerto, completa reparação epitelial e manutenção da função visual com discreta opacidade corneana.
Animais , Cães , Cães/anormalidades , Transplante de Córnea/classificação , Transplante de Córnea/veterinária , Úlcera/veterináriaResumo
Characterized by the rupture of the corneal epithelium, corneal ulcers threaten ocular integrity, with multifactorial development, such as decreased protection and excessive abrasion applied to the corneal surface. Keratoplasty restores the corneal anatomy, removing the inflamed or infected tissues, in order to promote visual acuity. The technique of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) selectively removes the diseased layers of the cornea, keeping the Descemet membrane and endothelium healthy, reducing the risk of rejection, aimed at tissue recovery. In the present report, a canine, from the Shih Tzu breed, a female, that has not been castrated, 2 years and 6 months old, was treated, she had a history of ocular discomfort and mucous secretion in both eyes. In the ophthalmic examination, keratoconjunctivitis sicca was found in the left eye and ectopic cilia was found in both eyes. With the aid of a fluorescein test, the presence of a deep stromal ulcer affecting the right eye was confirmed. The patient underwent ectopic cilia removal using the wedge resection technique and an allogeneic corneal transplantation using DALK, with only the diseased epithelium and stroma being replaced, reducing the risk of rejection and failures related to surgery. 90 days after the procedure, there was no reaction to the graft, there was complete epithelial repair and maintenance of(AU)
Caracterizada pela ruptura do epitélio corneano, as úlceras de córnea ameaçam a integridade ocular, tendo desenvolvimento multifatorial, como a diminuição da proteção e o excesso de abrasão aplicado na superfície da córnea. A ceratoplastia restaura a anatomia corneana, removendo tecidos inflamados ou infectados, com objetivo de promover acuidade visual. A técnica de ceratoplastia lamelar anterior profunda (DALK -deep anterior lamelar keratoplasty) remove seletivamente as camadas doentes da córnea, mantendoa membrana de Descemet e endotélio saudáveis, reduzindo o risco de rejeição, visando recuperação tecidual. No presente relato, um canino, raça Shih Tzu, fêmea não castrada, 2 anos e 6 meses de idade, foi atendido com histórico de desconforto ocular e secreção mucosa em ambos os olhos. No exame oftálmico constatou-se ceratoconjuntivite seca no olho esquerdo e cílios ectópicos em ambos os olhos. Com auxílio do teste de fluoresceína, confirmou-se a presença de úlcera estromal profunda acometendo o olho direito. O paciente foi submetido a remoção dos cílios ectópicos pela técnica de secção em cunha e ao transplante de córnea alógena utilizando a DALK, sendo substituído apenas o epitélio e estroma doentes, reduzindo o risco de rejeição e falhas relacionadas a cirurgia. Após 90 dias do procedimento, constatou-se ausência de reação ao enxerto, completa reparação epitelial e manutenção da função visual com discreta opacidade corneana.(AU)