Asiatic black bear is present in variety of habitats like broad-leaves and coniferous forests, extending form sea level to 4300m elevation and change their habitat for food purpose seasonally. The present study was conducted at Kaghan and Siran Valleys, District Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan to assess habitat of black bear. Line transect method was used for observation of bear signs. Twelve meter circular radius plots were selected for the concern vegetations i.e. (trees, shrubs and herbs) and three to six plots were placed in each transect. At the result of sign survey, thirteen different categories of bear signs were recorded and encounter rate was calculated for each sign. A total of 1858 signs were observed during field surveys. Total (81%) coniferous species were recoded among trees, with the highest appearance of Pinus wallichiana (34.22%) and Spruce spp (27.76%), similarly broad leaves trees (18.56%) were also recoded from habitat plots. Most of the signs were encountered in bushy areas, whereas high number of Viburnum Spp (60.29%) was present. It is indicated that black bear prefers blend of Coniferous Trees, Viburnum and Ferns Species; probably because these plants provide enough food, protection, and meticulous shelter because more than 80% of habitat composed of these three species. Currently habitat destruction and increase in human population are the up-growing issues for wild animals (especially Asiatic black bear), which is highly sensitive to such problems. High levels of conservation efforts are recommended for the protection of black bear habitat and to avoid human interference in their territory.
O urso-negro asiático está presente em uma variedade de habitats, como folhas largas e florestas de coníferas, estendendo-se do nível do mar até 4.300 m de altitude e mudando seu habitat para fins alimentares sazonalmente. O presente estudo foi conduzido nos vales Kaghan e Siran, distrito de Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão, para avaliar o habitat do urso preto. O método de transecto linear foi usado para a observação de sinais do urso. Parcelas de raio circular de 12 m foram selecionadas para a vegetação de preocupação, ou seja, árvores, arbustos e ervas, e 3 a 6 parcelas foram colocadas em cada transecto. No resultado da pesquisa de sinais, 13 categorias diferentes de sinais de urso foram registradas e a taxa de encontro foi calculada para cada sinal. Um total de 1858 sinais foi observado durante os levantamentos de campo. O total (81%) de espécies de coníferas foi recodificado entre as árvores, com maior aparecimento de Pinus wallichiana (34,22%) e Spruce spp (27,76%); árvores de folhas largas (18,56%) também foram recodificadas em parcelas de habitat. A maioria dos sinais foi encontrada em áreas com arbustos, enquanto um alto número de Viburnum spp (60,29%) estava presente. É indicado que o urso-negro prefere a mistura de árvores coníferas, espécies de viburnos e samambaias; provavelmente porque essas plantas fornecem alimento suficiente, proteção e abrigo meticuloso porque mais de 80% do habitat é composto por essas três espécies. Atualmente, a destruição do habitat e o aumento da população humana são questões crescentes para os animais selvagens, especialmente o urso-negro asiático, que é altamente sensível a esses problemas. Altos níveis de esforços de conservação são recomendados para a proteção do habitat do urso-negro e para evitar a interferência humana em seu território.
Animais , Ecossistema , Picea , Pinus/classificação , Ursidae , ViburnumResumo
Asiatic black bear is present in variety of habitats like broad-leaves and coniferous forests, extending form sea level to 4300m elevation and change their habitat for food purpose seasonally. The present study was conducted at Kaghan and Siran Valleys, District Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan to assess habitat of black bear. Line transect method was used for observation of bear signs. Twelve meter circular radius plots were selected for the concern vegetations i.e. (trees, shrubs and herbs) and three to six plots were placed in each transect. At the result of sign survey, thirteen different categories of bear signs were recorded and encounter rate was calculated for each sign. A total of 1858 signs were observed during field surveys. Total (81%) coniferous species were recoded among trees, with the highest appearance of Pinus wallichiana (34.22%) and Spruce spp (27.76%), similarly broad leaves trees (18.56%) were also recoded from habitat plots. Most of the signs were encountered in bushy areas, whereas high number of Viburnum Spp (60.29%) was present. It is indicated that black bear prefers blend of Coniferous Trees, Viburnum and Ferns Species; probably because these plants provide enough food, protection, and meticulous shelter because more than 80% of habitat composed of these three species. Currently habitat destruction and increase in human population are the up-growing issues for wild animals (especially Asiatic black bear), which is highly sensitive to such problems. High levels of conservation efforts are recommended for the protection of black bear habitat and to avoid human interference in their territory.(AU)
O urso-negro asiático está presente em uma variedade de habitats, como folhas largas e florestas de coníferas, estendendo-se do nível do mar até 4.300 m de altitude e mudando seu habitat para fins alimentares sazonalmente. O presente estudo foi conduzido nos vales Kaghan e Siran, distrito de Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Paquistão, para avaliar o habitat do urso preto. O método de transecto linear foi usado para a observação de sinais do urso. Parcelas de raio circular de 12 m foram selecionadas para a vegetação de preocupação, ou seja, árvores, arbustos e ervas, e 3 a 6 parcelas foram colocadas em cada transecto. No resultado da pesquisa de sinais, 13 categorias diferentes de sinais de urso foram registradas e a taxa de encontro foi calculada para cada sinal. Um total de 1858 sinais foi observado durante os levantamentos de campo. O total (81%) de espécies de coníferas foi recodificado entre as árvores, com maior aparecimento de Pinus wallichiana (34,22%) e Spruce spp (27,76%); árvores de folhas largas (18,56%) também foram recodificadas em parcelas de habitat. A maioria dos sinais foi encontrada em áreas com arbustos, enquanto um alto número de Viburnum spp (60,29%) estava presente. É indicado que o urso-negro prefere a mistura de árvores coníferas, espécies de viburnos e samambaias; provavelmente porque essas plantas fornecem alimento suficiente, proteção e abrigo meticuloso porque mais de 80% do habitat é composto por essas três espécies. Atualmente, a destruição do habitat e o aumento da população humana são questões crescentes para os animais selvagens, especialmente o urso-negro asiático, que é altamente sensível a esses problemas. Altos níveis de esforços de conservação são recomendados para a proteção do habitat do urso-negro e para evitar a interferência humana em seu território.(AU)
Animais , Ursidae , Ecossistema , Pinus/classificação , Viburnum , PiceaResumo
Tamandua Gray, 1825 contains two species of anteaters: Tamandua mexicana (Saussure, 1860), which occurs in southern Mexico, throughout Central America and south to the west of the Andes in South America, and Tamandua tetradactyla (Linnaeus, 1758), widely distributed in South America, from Venezuela to northern Argentina, as well as Trinidad and Tobago. Historically, different coloration patterns have been attributed to the coat of Tamandua, with T. mexicana typically showing a partial or complete dark "vest" on the dorsal portion of the body, whereas T. tetradactyla can show a complete, partial, or absent vest and a coat varying from golden, pale yellow and pale gray to brown or black. These different coat colors are sometimes treated as inherent characteristics of subspecies of Tamandua. Here, we review color variation in Tamandua and describe six chromatic disorders for the genus: albinism, leucism, "brown" variation, melanism (partial and total), xanthochromism (partial and total) and, for the first time for anteaters, erythrism. In addition, we detail the morphological expression and geographic distribution of these anomalies in populations of Tamandua from Central and South America.(AU)
Animais , Pigmentos Biológicos/fisiologia , Pelo Animal/fisiologia , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologia , Hiperpigmentação/diagnóstico , Vermilingua/classificaçãoResumo
The giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) is classified as vulnerable to extinction. Here, we report the occurrence of ancylostomiasis in a young male Myrmecophaga tridactyla. The animal was raised from a puppy in captivity with management directed toward rehabilitation and monitored soft release. Five months after release, significant weight loss was noted in the individual, who was captured for examinations, with detection of Ancylostoma sp. in coproparasitological analysis. Although common in domestic carnivores, this is the first report of hookworm disease in free-ranging giant anteaters. Due to the stress factor arising from adapting to the challenges in the new environment, long-term post-release monitoring of animals undergoing rehabilitation is extremely important to increase the chance of survival of individuals. The giant anteater was released after treatment with vermifuge composed of fenbendazole, pyrantel pamoate, and praziquantel.
O tamanduá-bandeira (Myrmecophaga tridactyla) está classificado como vulnerável quanto ao risco de extinção. O objetivo deste trabalho é reportar a ocorrência de ancilostomíase em um macho jovem da espécie. Trata-se de um indivíduo que foi criado desde filhote em cativeiro, com manejo direcionado para a reabilitação e a soltura branda. Durante o monitoramento, cinco meses após a soltura, observou-se que o animal havia perdido peso, por isso ele foi capturado para avaliação médica veterinária, e constatou-se parasitismo por Ancylostoma sp. no exame coproparasitológico. Apesar de apresentar ocorrência comum em carnívoros domésticos, este é o primeiro relato de ancilostomíase em tamanduá-bandeira em vida livre. Devido ao estresse de adaptação, juntamente com os desafios do novo ambiente, a monitoração pós-soltura a longo prazo é de extrema importância para aumentar a chance de sobrevivência dos animais. O indivíduo foi solto após tratamento com vermifugação com a associação de fembendazol, pamoato de pirantel e praziquantel.
Animais , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Vermilingua/parasitologia , Ancylostoma/patogenicidade , Ancilostomíase/veterináriaResumo
The pelvis, formed by the ilium, ischium and pubis, forms the coxal, which is the largest of the flat bones of the skeleton, with an important role in the physiology of birth. Vastly studied in domestic animals, there is still much to be investigated regarding the anatomical classification in wild animals, mainly aiming to improve the understanding of the reproductive management of the species. Tamandua tetradactyla is one of these species in which morphological studies are still scarce, especially when it comes to reproductive aspects. In this context, we carried out the pelvimetry of T. tetradactyla using radiographic images to anatomically and obstetrically classify the pelvis of this species, classifying it as dolicopelvic, with evidence of homoscedasticity of the samples. Verification of the existence of a relationship between the variables studied by the statistical method of Pearson coefficients showed positive correlations of high intensity for the diameters studied (P < 0.01). Thus, we believed that our findings may support future reproductive studies in this species.
A pelve, constituída pelo ílio, ísquio e púbis, forma o coxal, sendo este o maior dos ossos planos constituintes do esqueleto, com importante papel na fisiologia do parto. Vastamente estudada em animais domésticos, ainda existe muito à se investigar quanto a classificação anatômica nos animais selvagens, visando principalmente melhorar a compreensão do manejo reprodutivo das espécies. Tamandua tetradactyla é uma dessas espécies em que estudos morfológicos ainda são escassos, principalmente quando se trata de aspectos reprodutivos. Neste contexto realizamos a pelvimetria do T. tetradactyla por meio de imagens radiográficas para classificar anato-obstetricamente a pelve desta espécie classificando-a como dolicopélvica, sendo evidenciada homoscedasticidade das amostras. A verificação da existência de relação entre as variáveis estudadas pelo método estatístico dos coeficientes de Pearson mostrou correlação positivas de alta intensidade para os diâmetros estudados (P< 0,01). Assim, acreditamos que nossos achados poderão subsidiar futuros estudos reprodutivos nesta espécie.
Animais , Pelvimetria/veterinária , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The aim of the present study is to describe the skin morphology and morphometry of the giant anteater (M. tridactyla), based on comparative analysis applied to skin segments from central metacarpal torus (palmar pad), dorsal thorax, ventral cervical, ventral abdomen, medial carpal and nasal regions. In order to do so, eight adult specimens of M. tridactyla were used for macroscopic studies and four for microscopic assessments. Microscopy was used to assess fur general features that were macroscopically assessed through visual analysis. Fragments (2.0cm²) were collected from the selected regions for microscopic studies. Samples were fixed on McDowell solution, processed through routine histology techniques and subjected to semi-serial cuts (5 µm). The cuts were stained in HE, Alcian blue and periodic acid Schiff. General morphology of different skin layers was described, as well as their architecture and composition; mesoscopy of the epidermis, dermis and stratum corneum was also carried out. There was difference in skin morphometry between males and females, and between different skin regions in the same animal, based on the statistical evaluation of the recorded values. All epidermis layers were assessed for the selected regions. Dermis encompassed surface and deep layers; it presented sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as hair follicles. Findings also allowed reporting that epidermis components are easily identified given its thickness, and the large amount of sweat glands in it it contrasts its physiological features.(AU)
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a morfologia e morfometria da pele do Tamanduá-bandeira (M. tridactyla), mediante a análise comparativa de segmentos cutâneos das regiões central do toro metacarpal (coxim palmar), dorsal do tórax, cervical ventral, ventral do abdome, medial do carpo e nasal. Para tanto, foram utilizados oito exemplares adultos de M. tri-dactyla para o estudo macroscópico, e quatro destes para o estudo microscópico. Macroscopicamente estudou-se, por meio de análise visual, as características gerais do pelo e pelagem. Para o estudo microscópico, foram coletados fragmentos de 2,0 cm2 das áreas selecionadas. As amostras foram fixadas em solução de McDowell, processadas pelas técnicas rotineiras de his-tologia e submetidas a cortes semi-seriados de 5 µm. Os cortes foram corados com HE, azul de Alcian e ácido periódico de Schiff. Descreveu-se a morfologia geral, a arquitetura e a composição das diferentes camadas da pele e ainda realizou-se a mesoscopia da epiderme, derme e estrato córneo. De acordo com a avaliação estatística dos valores obtidos, houve diferença na morfometria cutânea entre machos e fêmeas, e entre as diferentes regiões cutâneas de um mesmo animal. Nas regiões estu-dadas observou-se todas as camadas da epiderme. A derme compôs-se das camadas superficial e profunda, apresentado glân-dulas sudoríferas e sebáceas e folículos pilosos. Dentre os achados também pode-se relatar que os componentes da epiderme são facilmente identificáveis pela sua maior espessura, além da grande quantidade de glândulas sudoríferas presentes, o que contrasta com suas características fisiológicas.(AU)
Animais , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Pele , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Parasites are important components of ecosystems and may contribute to the ecological aspects of their hosts and indicate the integrity of their environment. To identify the gastrointestinal helminths of the South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, 52 animals found dead on the Rio Grande do Sul coast, Southern Brazil, were necropsied. All studied animals were parasitized, and 104,670 specimens of helminths from three phyla and 14 taxa were collected. Adult specimens represented five of the identified species: Contracaecum ogmorhini, Adenocephalus pacificus, Stephanoprora uruguayense, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, and Corynosoma australe; and one of the identified genera: Strongyloides sp. Immature forms represented the other eight taxa: Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Tetrabothriidae gen. sp., Cestoda gen. sp., Corynosoma cetaceum, and Bolbosoma turbinella. The acanthocephalan C. australe was the most prevalent and abundant parasite, whereas Strongyloides sp. had the highest intensity. This is the first record of the nematode Anisakis sp., digenean S. uruguayense, and acanthocephalan B. turbinella in this host. Trophic generalist species such as A. australis can be good indicators of the composition of the helminth fauna of their ecosystems, indicating the presence of zoonotic parasites transmitted by the consumption of fish.(AU)
Os parasitas são componentes importantes dos ecossistemas e podem contribuir com os aspectos ecológicos de seus hospedeiros e indicar a integridade de seus ambientes. Com o objetivo de identificar os helmintos gastrointestinais de Lobos-marinhos-sul-americanos, Arctocephalus australis, 52 animais, encontrados mortos no litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil, foram necropsiados. Todos os animais estudados estavam parasitados, e 104.670 espécimes de helmintos de três filos e 14 táxons foram coletados. Foram representadas por espécimes adultos cinco espécies: Contracaecum ogmorhini, Adenocephalus pacificus, Stephanoprora uruguayense, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, e Corynosoma australe; e um gênero: Strongyloides sp. Oito táxons foram representados por formas imaturas: Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Tetrabothriidae gen. sp., Cestoda gen. sp., Corynosoma cetaceum, e Bolbosoma turbinella. O acantocéfalo C. australe foi o parasita mais prevalente e abundante, enquanto Strongyloides sp. foi o de maior intensidade. Este é o primeiro registro do nematódeo Anisakis sp., do digenético S. uruguayense e do acantocéfalo B. turbinella neste hospedeiro. Espécies de elevado nível trófico como A. australis podem ser bons indicadores da composição da helmintofauna de seus ecossistemas, alertando-se para a presença de parasitas zoonóticos transmitidos pelo consumo de peixes.(AU)
Animais , Otárias/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Enteropatias Parasitárias/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Vehicle collisions involving giant anteaters contribute significantly to the decline of this population. Although mortality rates at the time of trauma are high, many animals survive despite severe trauma and limb fractures. Treating these individuals is extremely challenging. This report describes the use of a corrective osteotomy to treat an angular deformity caused by inadequate healing of a tibial and fibular fracture in a young giant anteater. The animal was rescued on a highway by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). He was presented at the University Veterinary Hospital with lameness of the left pelvic limb and edema in the middle region of the tibial shaft. The radiographic examination showed an exuberant callus and significant bone deviation in the middle third of the left tibia and fibula. Corrective wedge osteotomy and fixation with a 3.5mm locking plate and 2.5mm intramedullary pin were performed. In the immediate postoperative period, there was functional recovery of the limb and complete consolidation of the osteotomy was identified 60 days after the operation. The corrective wedge osteotomy technique was effective for the treatment of inadequate tibial consolidation in a young giant anteater, providing complete recovery of all limb functions.
As colisões de veículos envolvendo tamanduás-bandeira contribuem significativamente para o declínio dessa população. Embora as taxas de mortalidade no momento do trauma sejam altas, muitos animais sobrevivem apesar de traumas graves e fraturas de membros. O tratamento desses indivíduos é extremamente desafiador. Este relato descreve o uso de osteotomia corretiva para tratamento de uma deformidade angular causada por consolidação inadequada de fratura da tíbia e da fíbula em um tamanduá-bandeira jovem. O animal foi resgatado em uma rodovia pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (Ibama). Foi apresentado no Hospital Veterinário Universitário com claudicação do membro pélvico esquerdo e edema na região média da diáfise da tíbia. O exame radiográfico mostrou calo exuberante e importante desvio ósseo em terço médio da tíbia e da fíbula esquerdas. Foi realizada osteotomia corretiva em cunha e fixação com placa bloqueada de 3,5mm e pino intramedular de 2,5mm. No pós-operatório imediato, houve recuperação funcional do membro, e a consolidação total da osteotomia foi identificada aos 60 dias de pós-operatório. A técnica de osteotomia em cunha corretiva foi eficaz para o tratamento de consolidação inadequada de tíbia em um tamanduá-bandeira jovem, proporcionando a recuperação completa de todas as funções do membro.
Animais , Osteotomia , Tíbia , Fraturas Ósseas , Fíbula , VermilinguaResumo
Oceanographic fluctuations and changes in ocean productivity directly affect the abundance and distribution of prey species, which in turn, affect the population status of their predators. In order to have a better understanding of this predator-prey relationship, the aim of the present study was to analyze the diet of the South American Sea Lion Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800) in two rookeries of the San Matias Gulf, in northern Patagonia (Argentina). A total of 52 scat samples of O. flavescens were collected in the Promontorio Belén colony and 35 in Caleta de los Loros during the late spring of 2011. The analysis of the samples indicated that at both localities fish occurred in 100% of scats with prey remains, followed by cephalopods (32.3%) and crustaceans (21.4%). The fish Raneya brasiliensis (Kaup, 1856) constituted the main prey taxon, both in terms of occurrence and numerical abundance. The octopod Octopus tehuelchus (d' Orbigny, 1834) and squids of the genus Doryteuthis constituted the dominant cephalopod prey. It is concluded that sea lions focused their foraging activity on those species of demersal and benthic habits, associated with coastal and shelf waters. Furthermore, this study reports for the first time the feeding habits of the South American Sea Lion colony of Promontorio Belén, second in population size of Río Negro province.
Las fluctuaciones oceanográficas y los cambios en la productividad del océano afectan directamente a la abundancia y distribución de las especies presa, que a su vez afectan al estado de la población de sus predadores. Con el fin de tener una mejor comprensión de esta relación predador-presa, el objetivo del presente trabajo fue analizar la dieta del lobo marino de un pelo sudamericano Otaria flavescens (Shaw, 1800) en dos apostaderos del Golfo San Matias, en Patagonia norte (Argentina). Se colectaron un total de 52 muestras de fecas de O. flavescens en el apostadero de Promontorio Belén y 35 en Caleta de los Loros durante la primavera tardía de 2011. El análisis de las muestras indicó que en ambas localidades los peces ocurrieron en el 100% de las muestras con remanentes alimentarios, seguidos por cefalópodos (32.3%) y crustáceos (21.4%). El pez Raneya brasiliensis (Kaup, 1856) constituyó el principal taxón presa, tanto en términos de ocurrencia como de abundancia numérica. El octópodo Octopus tehuelchus (d' Orbigny, 1834) y los calamares del género Doryteuthis constituyeron los cefalópodos presa dominantes. Se concluye que los lobos marinos centraron su actividad forrajera en aquellas especies de hábitos demersales y bentónicos, asociado a aguas costeras y de plataforma. Además, este estudio analiza por primera vez los hábitos alimenticios de la colonia de lobos marinos de un pelo sudamericanos en el apostadero de Promontorio Belén, segunda en tamaño poblacional de la provincia de Río Negro.
Animais , Recursos Marinhos , Otárias , Dieta/veterinária , Argentina , Cadeia Alimentar , Comportamento AlimentarResumo
This research aimed to investigate the occurrence of Chlamydia sp., Morbillivirus sp., Parvovirus sp., Leishmania sp. and Alphacoronavirus sp. in captive giant anteaters. Blood and fecal samples were taken from 16 animals in institutions from the states of Minas Gerais, Bahia and Distrito Federal, which had been in captivity for at least a year. A commercial rapid chromatographic immunoassay test was used for detecting coronavirus and parvovirus antigens, in addition to antibodies against leishmaniasis, all results being negative. In the case of the test for antibodies against distemper, four (4/16; 25%) anteaters had an average titration, two (2/16; 12.5%) a low titration and ten (10/16; 62.5%) were non-reactive. Using the DOT-ELISA (dot blotting) method for detection of immunoglobulin G, only one specimen obtained a 1 : 40 titration. For the polymerase chain reaction tests for Leishmania and Chlamydia, all samples were negative.
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a ocorrência de Chlamydia sp., Morbillivirus sp., Parvovirus sp., Leishmania sp. e Alphacoronavirus sp. em tamanduás-bandeira cativos. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e fezes de 16 animais em instituições dos estados de Minas Gerais, Bahia e Distrito Federal, que estavam em cativeiro há pelo menos um ano. Um teste comercial rápido de imunoensaio cromatográfico foi usado para detectar antígenos de coronavírus e parvovírus, além de anticorpos contra a leishmaniose, sendo todos os resultados negativos. No caso do teste para anticorpos contra a doença, quatro (4/16; 25%) tamanduás apresentaram titulação média, dois (2/16; 12,5%) uma titulação baixa e dez (10/16; 62,5%) não foram reativos. A partir do método DOT-ELISA (dot blotting) para detecção de imunoglobulina G, apenas um espécime obteve uma titulação de 1: 40. Para os testes de reação em cadeia da polimerase para Leishmania e Chlamydia, todas as amostras foram negativas.
Animais , Chlamydia/isolamento & purificação , Parvovirus/isolamento & purificação , Morbillivirus/isolamento & purificação , Alphacoronavirus/isolamento & purificação , Vermilingua/virologia , Leishmania/isolamento & purificação , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Background: The brown bear (Ursus arctos) is considered one of the largest terrestrial carnivores, native from temperate forest regions of North America, Europe and Asia. In Brazil, they are founded in captivity and their safe capture and immobilization are obtained with one effective anesthesia for management and surgical and diagnostic procedures. Some anesthetic protocols are described for these purposes, however, there is a lack for data on the anesthetic and adverse effects they have on bears when used. The aim of this case is to report the use and effects of the association of dexmedetomidine with tiletamine and zolazepam in the chemical containment of a captive adult brown bear. Case: A 33-year-old female brown bear, weighing 100 kg, belonging to the Zoobotanic Park of Teresina, Piauí, Brazil, was chemically immobilized for an incisional biopsy of a cutaneous nodule with 1.0 cm diameter in the right face region. The anesthetic protocol included 6 µg/kg of dexmedetomidine associated with 3 mg/kg of tiletamine and zolazepam, administered intramuscularly by dart into the gluteal region of the right pelvic limb. The animal showed moderate ataxia at 5 min and assumed sternal decubitus 7 min after anesthetic administration. The bear's degree of sedation was considered adequate and safe to perform the biopsy at 10 min after administration. Heart rate (47 ± 3 bpm), respiratory rate (17 ± 2 mpm) and rectal temperature (38.7 ± 0.1ºC) were monitored. The bear remained immobile and unconscious throughout the procedure, with intense muscle relaxation, bilateral eyeball rotation, absent lateral palpebral reflex and mild medial reflex and without nystagmus. Complementary sedative doses were not necessary. At the beginning of anesthetic recovery, the bear received 6 µg/kg of atipamezole, intramuscularly. After 25 min of administration of atipamezole, the animal showed signs of recovery in the level of consciousness and reactivity to external stimuli, and assumed the quadrupedal position at 60 min after reverser application. Discussion: Even in captivity, the bears behavior is unpredictable and attack can occur, causing trauma or death to people. For this, the chemical immobilization is important to keep safety of everyone. This procedure was performed using blowgunassisted darts thrown by a staff member who had experience in using this method, who darted accurately and effectively. The latency time observed after administration of the anesthetic protocol used is similar to reported in other studies with bears that also received intramuscular dexmedetomidine and tiletamine and zolazepam and showed intense muscle relaxation and immobility. The doses used contributed to the absence of bradycardia and hypoventilation and, performing the procedure in the morning, when the temperature is milder in the city, minimized the chance of hyperthermia and thermal stress in the animal, not requiring body cooling. The use of dexmedetomidine in chemical containment protocols for short and minimally invasive procedures allows the subsequent use of its antagonist, atipamezole, contributing to a shorter recovery time, return of the animal's degree of consciousness and lower incidence of ataxia after assuming a quadrupedal position. The anesthetic protocol used was considered efficient, providing a quick and gentle chemical containment, adequate anesthetic plan and good anesthetic recovery in an adult brown bear from captivity.
Animais , Feminino , Tiletamina/administração & dosagem , Ursidae , Zolazepam/administração & dosagem , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Imobilização/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária , Anestésicos Combinados/análise , Animais SelvagensResumo
Background: The spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) is the only bear species inhabiting South America and is classified as vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Among the few publications on the use of general anesthesia and advanced monitoring of ursids in veterinary hospital settings, little is described regarding chemical restraint, general anesthesia and monitoring of spectacled bears. This case series describes the use of a dexmedetomidine-tiletamine-zolazepam chemical restraint combination and its effects on cardiorespiratory variables and arterial blood gases observed in two spectacled bears undergoing isoflurane anesthesia for imaging and/or surgical procedures. Cases: Two female, one adult and one senile, all-term captive spectacled bears were referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital at the Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp, Botucatu campus, both with a presumable history of recent trauma. After immobilization with an intramuscular (IM) administration of tiletamine-zolazepam (3.8 - 4.3 mg/kg) and dexmedetomidine (6.4 - 7.6 µg/kg), induction of anesthesia was achieved by means of intravenous (IV) propofol (1 - 2 mg/kg). After orotracheal intubation animals underwent isoflurane anesthesia under mechanical ventilation through the remainder of the procedures. Initial settings of inspiratory flow rate were adjusted to obtain peak airway pressure (Ppeak ) of 10 cmH2 O and tidal volumes (Vt) of 10 mL/kg, as well as respiratory rates (R) and inspiration-to-expiration (I:E) ratio of 10 breaths/min and 1:2, respectively, and were then adjusted throughout anesthesia to maintain normocapnia (end-tidal carbon dioxide concentrations between 35 and 45 mmHg). One of the individuals was chemically restrained (6.4 mg/kg of tiletaminezolazepam and 7.7 µg/kg of dexmedetomidine) on a second anesthetic event for imaging...
Feminino , Animais , Anestésicos Inalatórios/análise , Dexmedetomidina/administração & dosagem , Tiletamina/administração & dosagem , Ursidae/metabolismo , Zolazepam/administração & dosagem , Animais Selvagens , Isoflurano/administração & dosagem , Taxa RespiratóriaResumo
The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) population density and relative abundance within the Chingaza Massif were assessed between September 2015 and May 2016. One hundred seventeen (117) camera traps were installed at 9 grids: 13 cameras per grid, each camera separated 750 m from the other; the sampling effort was 17,057 days-trap. Two thousand seven hundred eighty-four (2,784) native fauna records were obtained, 1,456 corresponding to mammals, 183 records for Andean bear specimens, 158 of them independent bear records (at least one hour between records), and 106 effective-independent bear records (also permitting individual recognition). Fifty-seven (57) Andean bear individuals were identified according to key external morphological features. Sixteen (16) adults were recaptured (12 males and 4 females), with a maximum mean distance of 27.22 km. Bears population density was 2.9 bears per 100 km². Based on this density and the buffer area of the sampling grids, we estimated an overall number of 122 bears in 4,215.15 km². The estimated density is the first for the species in Colombia and the lowest regarding previous reports from other countries. Thus, it is necessary to better understand how integral habitat quality and the anthropic impacts on habitat quality, availability, and connectivity may affect the Andean bear population densities in Colombia, as a useful tool for assessing populations` state and focus future conservation actions.
Animais , Densidade Demográfica , Ursidae , Colômbia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Ecossistema AndinoResumo
The Andean bear (Tremarctos ornatus) population density and relative abundance within the Chingaza Massif were assessed between September 2015 and May 2016. One hundred seventeen (117) camera traps were installed at 9 grids: 13 cameras per grid, each camera separated 750 m from the other; the sampling effort was 17,057 days-trap. Two thousand seven hundred eighty-four (2,784) native fauna records were obtained, 1,456 corresponding to mammals, 183 records for Andean bear specimens, 158 of them independent bear records (at least one hour between records), and 106 effective-independent bear records (also permitting individual recognition). Fifty-seven (57) Andean bear individuals were identified according to key external morphological features. Sixteen (16) adults were recaptured (12 males and 4 females), with a maximum mean distance of 27.22 km. Bears population density was 2.9 bears per 100 km². Based on this density and the buffer area of the sampling grids, we estimated an overall number of 122 bears in 4,215.15 km². The estimated density is the first for the species in Colombia and the lowest regarding previous reports from other countries. Thus, it is necessary to better understand how integral habitat quality and the anthropic impacts on habitat quality, availability, and connectivity may affect the Andean bear population densities in Colombia, as a useful tool for assessing populations` state and focus future conservation actions.(AU)
Animais , Ursidae , Densidade Demográfica , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Colômbia , Ecossistema AndinoResumo
RESUMEN Las especies tienden a ser menos abundantes en los límites de su distribución geográfica. El oso hormiguero y el oso melero tienen su límite de distribución al Sur en Argentina y Paraguay, donde existe escasa información sobre su ecología y conservación. Presentamos un estudio realizado en la planicie de inundación del Río Paraguay, en un área dedicada a la ganadería sobre pasturas nativas en sabanas subtropicales inundables asociadas con isletas de bosques naturales, humedales y palmares. Estimamos parámetros referentes a preferencia de hábitat, comportamiento social y patrones de actividad de ambas especies a través del uso de cámaras trampa en tres tipos de bosques. Los resultados indican que el éxito de captura fue mayor en las islas de bosques subhúmedos inundables, comparado con los otros tipos de boques: bosques riparios asociados a humedales y bosques semicaducifolios mesoxerofíticos dominados por Schinopsis balansae. La mayoría de las capturas corresponde a osos solitarios, aunque ocasionalmente fueron observadas hembras cargando a sus crías durante el verano. Ambas especies mostraron un patrón de actividad nocturno y crepuscular con un pico de registros alrededor de la medianoche. Myrmecophaga tridactyla fue detectado entre 11°C y 26°C, mientras que Tamandua tetradactyla apareció entre 15°C y 23°C. Se recomiendan futuras investigaciones que incorporen datos tomados sistemáticamente en otros tipos de hábitats, incluyendo pasturas y matorrales, durante todas las estaciones del año.
ABSTRACT Species tend to be less abundant at the limits of their geographic distribution. Giant and lesser anteaters have their southernmost limits in Argentina and Paraguay, where scarce information exists regarding their ecology and conservation. We present a study carried out in the Paraguay River floodplain, in an area dedicated to cattle rearing using native grasses in a subtropical flooded savanna associated with naturally occurring forest islets, wetlands and palm groves. Using camera-traps within three different forest types, we estimated parameters related to habitat preference, social behavior and activity patterns of both species. Results show that capture success was greater in the Floodable sub-humid forest islets (FSF), compared to other types of forests: Riparian forests associated with wetlands (W-RF) and Mesoxerophytic semi-deciduous forests dominated by Schinopsis balansae (MXF). Most detections corresponded to solitary anteaters, although mother-young pairs were occasionally observed during summer. Both species showed a nocturnal and crepuscular activity pattern with a peak of records around midnight. Myrmecophaga tridactyla was detected between 11°C and 26°C, while Tamandua tetradactyla occurred between 15°C and 23°C. Future research that incorporates systematically taken data in other different habitats, including grasslands and shrublands, during all seasons of the year is recommended.
Las especies tienden a ser menos abundantes en los límites de su distribución geográfica. El oso hormiguero y el oso melero tienen su límite de distribución al Sur en Argentina y Paraguay, donde existe escasa información sobre su ecología y conservación. Presentamos un estudio realizado en la planicie de inundación del Río Paraguay, en un área dedicada a la ganadería sobre pasturas nativas en sabanas subtropicales inundables asociadas con isletas de bosques naturales, humedales y palmares. Estimamos parámetros referentes a preferencia de hábitat, comportamiento social y patrones de actividad de ambas especies a través del uso de cámaras trampa en tres tipos de bosques. Los resultados indican que el éxito de captura fue mayor en las islas de bosques subhúmedos inundables, comparado con los otros tipos de boques: bosques riparios asociados a humedales y bosques semicaducifolios mesoxerofíticos dominados por Schinopsis balansae. La mayoría de las capturas corresponde a osos solitarios, aunque ocasionalmente fueron observadas hembras cargando a sus crías durante el verano. Ambas especies mostraron un patrón de actividad nocturno y crepuscular con un pico de registros alrededor de la medianoche. Myrmecophaga tridactyla fue detectado entre 11°C y 26°C, mientras que Tamandua tetradactyla apareció entre 15°C y 23°C. Se recomiendan futuras investigaciones que incorporen datos tomados sistemáticamente en otros tipos de hábitats, incluyendo pasturas y matorrales, durante todas las estaciones del año.(AU)
Species tend to be less abundant at the limits of their geographic distribution. Giant and lesser anteaters have their southernmost limits in Argentina and Paraguay, where scarce information exists regarding their ecology and conservation. We present a study carried out in the Paraguay River floodplain, in an area dedicated to cattle rearing using native grasses in a subtropical flooded savanna associated with naturally occurring forest islets, wetlands and palm groves. Using camera-traps within three different forest types, we estimated parameters related to habitat preference, social behavior and activity patterns of both species. Results show that capture success was greater in the Floodable sub-humid forest islets (FSF), compared to other types of forests: Riparian forests associated with wetlands (W-RF) and Mesoxerophytic semi-deciduous forests dominated by Schinopsis balansae (MXF). Most detections corresponded to solitary anteaters, although mother-young pairs were occasionally observed during summer. Both species showed a nocturnal and crepuscular activity pattern with a peak of records around midnight. Myrmecophaga tridactyla was detected between 11°C and 26°C, while Tamandua tetradactyla occurred between 15°C and 23°C. Future research that incorporates systematically taken data in other different habitats, including grasslands and shrublands, during all seasons of the year is recommended.(AU)
Animais , Xenarthra/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Demografia , Poaceae , Comportamento AnimalResumo
Las especies tienden a ser menos abundantes en los límites de su distribución geográfica. El oso hormiguero y el oso melero tienen su límite de distribución al Sur en Argentina y Paraguay, donde existe escasa información sobre su ecología y conservación. Presentamos un estudio realizado en la planicie de inundación del Río Paraguay, en un área dedicada a la ganadería sobre pasturas nativas en sabanas subtropicales inundables asociadas con isletas de bosques naturales, humedales y palmares. Estimamos parámetros referentes a preferencia de hábitat, comportamiento social y patrones de actividad de ambas especies a través del uso de cámaras trampa en tres tipos de bosques. Los resultados indican que el éxito de captura fue mayor en las islas de bosques subhúmedos inundables, comparado con los otros tipos de boques: bosques riparios asociados a humedales y bosques semicaducifolios mesoxerofíticos dominados por Schinopsis balansae. La mayoría de las capturas corresponde a osos solitarios, aunque ocasionalmente fueron observadas hembras cargando a sus crías durante el verano. Ambas especies mostraron un patrón de actividad nocturno y crepuscular con un pico de registros alrededor de la medianoche. Myrmecophaga tridactyla fue detectado entre 11°C y 26°C, mientras que Tamandua tetradactyla apareció entre 15°C y 23°C. Se recomiendan futuras investigaciones que incorporen datos tomados sistemáticamente en otros tipos de hábitats, incluyendo pasturas y matorrales, durante todas las estaciones del año.
Species tend to be less abundant at the limits of their geographic distribution. Giant and lesser anteaters have their southernmost limits in Argentina and Paraguay, where scarce information exists regarding their ecology and conservation. We present a study carried out in the Paraguay River floodplain, in an area dedicated to cattle rearing using native grasses in a subtropical flooded savanna associated with naturally occurring forest islets, wetlands and palm groves. Using camera-traps within three different forest types, we estimated parameters related to habitat preference, social behavior and activity patterns of both species. Results show that capture success was greater in the Floodable sub-humid forest islets (FSF), compared to other types of forests: Riparian forests associated with wetlands (W-RF) and Mesoxerophytic semi-deciduous forests dominated by Schinopsis balansae (MXF). Most detections corresponded to solitary anteaters, although mother-young pairs were occasionally observed during summer. Both species showed a nocturnal and crepuscular activity pattern with a peak of records around midnight. Myrmecophaga tridactyla was detected between 11°C and 26°C, while Tamandua tetradactyla occurred between 15°C and 23°C. Future research that incorporates systematically taken data in other different habitats, including grasslands and shrublands, during all seasons of the year is recommended.
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Demografia , Poaceae , Xenarthra/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
A juvenile subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis) found dead in Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil, presented with disseminated verminous pneumonia due to Parafilaroides sp. A concomitant infection with two different gammaherpesviruses was identified by PCR in different tissues; one of them possibly a novel species (tentatively named Otariid herpesvirus 7). Sarcocystis sp. DNA was identified molecularly in skeletal muscle samples with intrasarcoplasmic bradyzoites and no apparent tissue response. All analyzed samples (mandibular, laryngeal, tracheal, and mesenteric lymph nodes, and lung) were PCR-negative for Brucella spp. The most likely cause of death was severe pulmonary parafilaroidiasis. The pathogenic role of the gammaherpesviruses in several of the tissues was not evident. This study describes the pathogenicity of Parafilaroides sp. in a subantarctic fur seal, widens the host range of herpesvirus in pinnipeds, and reports the first molecular identification of Sarcocystis sp. in this species.(AU)
Um lobo-marinho-subantártico (Arctocephalus tropicalis) juvenil foi achado morto no Estado de Santa Catarina, sul do Brasil, apresentando pneumonia parasitária disseminada por Parafilaroides sp. Infecção concomitante por dois gammaherpesvírus diferentes foi identificada pela PCR em diversos tecidos, um desses herpesvírus possivelmente uma nova espécie (denominada provisoriamente Otariid herpesvirus 7). DNA de Sarcocystis sp. foi identificado molecularmente em amostras de músculo esquelético que apresentavam bradizoítos intra-sarcoplasmáticos sem aparente resposta tecidual. Todas as amostras analisadas (linfonodo mandibular, laríngeo, traqueal e mesentérico, e pulmão) pela PCR para Brucella spp. foram negativas. A causa mais provável da morte do animal foi parafilaroidose pulmonar severa. O papel patogénico dos gammaherpesvírus em vários tecidos não foi evidente. Este estudo descreve a patogenicidade de Parafilaroides sp. em um lobo-marinho-subantártico, amplia a variedade de hospedeiros de herpesvírus em pinípedes e reporta a primeira identificação molecular de Sarcocystis sp. para essa espécie.(AU)
Animais , Otárias/virologia , Gammaherpesvirinae , Sarcocystis/patogenicidadeResumo
Objetivou-se descrever os acidentes anatômicos dos ossos longos do membro torácico de Tamandua tetradactyla por meio de análises macroscópicas e radiográficas. Foram utilizados 34 espécimes, que foram a óbito por atropelamento. A avaliação do úmero demonstrou as mesmas estruturas presentes nos animais domésticos, além de outras sem prévia descrição. Já no antebraço, rádio e ulna se apresentaram completamente separados, e apesar de, como o úmero, serem identificados alguns dos mesmos acidentes anatômicos descritos em outras espécies, também notamos particularidades. Todas as estruturas descritas na análise macroscópica foram identificadas à radiografia, quando realizada em pelo menos duas projeções ortogonais. As estruturas anátomo-radiográficas dos ossos longos do T. tetradactyla demonstraram grande variaçãoanatômica em comparação a outros mamíferos, o que torna a referida espécie muito singular. Assim o conhecimento de suas particularidades é fundamental para abordagens clínico-cirúrgicas mais seguras.
The objective was to describe the anatomical accidents of the long bones of the thoracic limb of Tamandua tetradactyla by means of macroscopic and radiographic analyzes. We used 34 specimens, which were death by running over. Evaluation of the humerus demonstrated the same structures present in domestic animals, besides others without previous description. In the forearm, radius and ulna were completely separated, and although, like the humerus, some of the same anatomical accidents described in other species were identified, we also noticed particularities. All the structures described in the macroscopic analysis were identified on radiography, when performed in at least two orthogonal projections. The anatomic-radiographic structures of the long bones of T. tetradactyla showed great anatomical variation compared to other mammals, which makes the species very unique. Thus knowledge of their particularities is fundamental for safer clinical-surgical approaches.
Animais , Ulna/anatomia & histologia , Radiografia/veterinária , Extremidade Superior/diagnóstico por imagem , Osteologia/métodos , Antebraço/anatomia & histologia , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologia , Úmero/anatomia & histologia , Anatomia Veterinária/métodos , Animais Selvagens/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Batillipes specimens collected in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean, on the Brazilian Coast (Campos Basin and Potiguar Basin) with a bifurcated caudal appendage similar to B. dicrocercus Pollock, 1970 were assigned to B. potiguarensis Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr & Fontoura, 2017. This species was described as having a roundish caudal protrusion but, as shown in this study, it exhibits intraspecific variability of the morphology of the caudal apparatus. The examination of specimens of B. dicrocercus from the type locality (Massachussetts, U.S.A.) and the analysis of the original description and two subsequent emended descriptions, one from the Gulf of Mexico (U.S.A.) and another from the Mediterranean Sea, used for comparison, revealed important differences among them concerning important taxonomic characters, suggesting that what was considered a single species should now be split into three different species. Therefore, an emended diagnosis of B. potiguarensis and comments on the geographic distribution of B. dicrocercus are provided, clarifying the taxonomic status of the two species.(AU)
Exemplares do gênero Batillipes provenientes do sudoeste do Oceano Atlântico na Costa Brasileira (Bacia de Campos e Bacia Potiguar), apresentando um apêndice caudal bifurcado muito semelhante ao de B. dicrocercus Pollock, 1970, foram identificados como pertencendo a B. potiguarensis Santos, da Rocha, Gomes Jr & Fontoura, 2017, uma espécie caracterizada por exibir uma protrusão caudal arredondada. A identificação baseou-se, como demonstrado neste estudo, que em B. potiguarensis a morfologia do aparato caudal apresenta variabilidade intraespecífica. O exame de exemplares de B. dicrocercus da localidade-tipo (Massachussetts, E.U.A.) e a análise da descrição original e duas descrições subsequentes, uma baseada em exemplares do Golfo do México (U.S.A.) e outra em exemplares do Mar Mediterrâneo, efetuadas para comparação, revelou diferenças importantes no que diz respeito a caracteres taxonômicos relevantes. Este resultado sugere que aquelas descrições correspondem não a uma, mas sim a três espécies distintas. Assim, neste trabalho, completa-se a diagnose de B. potiguarensis e tecem-se comentários sobre a distribuição geográfica de B. dicrocercus, contribuindo para contribuindo para o esclarecimento do status taxonômico destas espécies.(AU)