An experiment was conducted to assess how hatchability performance of eggs is affected by line and age of female broiler breeders. Response variables analyzed were hatchability, infertility, pipping (i.e., pipped shell but not emerged), embryonic mortality (1st, 2nd, and 3rd wk), and embryonic malposition. The trials involved a total of 2,880 fertile eggs from two broiler breeder lines (Ross 308 and Cobb 500) at two different ages (30 and 50 wk). A 2 x 2 factorial design was used, where the broiler breeder line and broiler breeder age were the main effects. The hatchability in the Ross 308 line was higher than the Cobb 500 line, but its infertility was higher than the Ross 308 line. Hatchability in interaction (50 wk age of the hen in the Cobb 500 line) was less, and their infertility was higher. Embryonic mortality, pipping, and embryonic malposition did not present differences for the interaction between factors. The results suggest that hatchability performance of eggs can be improved, if egg management and incubation procedures are adjusted to account for the interaction between broiler breeder line and broiler breeder age.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
This study assessed the effect of the cold chain on egg quality in a model simulation of post-washing processing and consumer storage. Post-washed eggs were assigned to 12 groups that simulated the conditions of temporary storage after washing (step 1; 7°C or 25°C for 1 day), transportation (step 2; 7°C or 30°C for 8 h), and selling or storage (step 3; 7°C, 25°C or 30°C for 4 weeks). The freshness and microbial characteristics of the eggs were analyzed for 4 weeks. High-temperature conditions in steps 1 or 2 resulted in reduced quality and more bacteria on eggshells, and this egg quality deterioration worsened after storage for over 2 weeks. In step 3, the quality of the eggs stored at 7°C was maintained during the entire storage, whereas the eggs stored at 25°C had lower quality and broken vitelline membranes in week 4, and the eggs stored at 30°C were spoiled. Eggs should be stored from post-washing until storage by consumers in a cold environment without interruption of temperature control to maintain quality and safety. Consumers must be aware that eggs should be stored at refrigerator temperature.(AU)
Animais , Higiene dos Alimentos/métodos , Galinhas , Ovos/análiseResumo
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps versus incandescent/tungsten (Inc) bulbs on broiler breeder hens' productive performance during the brooding and rearing periods (25 weeks), as well as the first 15 weeks of production. A total of 46600 one-day-old Arbor Acres Plus breeder chicks were placed in eight enclosed houses and randomly/evenly divided into two groups (four houses for each group): birds raised under yellow LED lighting, and birds raised under orange Inc lighting. Several traits have been studied to determine productive performance, including body weight at different ages, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, uniformity, age and weight at sexual maturity, egg number, egg production rate, egg number per bird, egg weight, and egg mass. According to the findings, using LED lighting instead of Inc lighting during the rearing period resulted in a significant improvement in all studied traits, and this positive effect continued until the production period, yielding excellent results for all studied production traits. LED lighting proved to be an effective source of lighting in broiler breeders' houses.(AU)
Animais , Iluminação/métodos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
This case report describes how an erratic specimen of Ascaridia galli in the adult phase was recovered in an unusual way from a hen's egg intended for human consumption. Although the literature on similar events is limited, this appears to be the first case reported in Bucaramanga, Colombia. The parasite was identified directly under a light microscope as an adult female A. galli, 6.5-cm long with 3 trilobed lips. In addition, the remaining eggs of the same group were examined to determine if there were more cases of erratic migration in that same batch. This nematode can cause various pathological conditions, including enteritis, hemorrhage, diarrhea, anemia, weakness, and emaciation, that can lead to huge economic and production losses in the poultry industry.
Este relato de caso descreve como um exemplar errático de Ascaridia galli na fase adulta foi recuperado de uma forma incomum em um ovo de galinha destinado ao consumo humano. Embora a literatura sobre eventos similares seja limitada, este parece ser o primeiro caso relatado em Bucaramanga, Colômbia. O parasita foi identificado diretamente sob um microscópio leve como uma fêmea adulta A. galli, com 6,5 cm de comprimento e 3 lábios trilobados. Além disso, os ovos restantes do mesmo grupo foram examinados para determinar se existiam mais casos de migração errática nesse mesmo lote. Este nemátodo pode causar várias condições patológicas, incluindo enterite, hemorragia, diarréia, anemia, fraqueza e emaciação, que podem levar a enormes perdas econômicas e de produção na indústria avícola.
Humanos , Animais , Ascaridia/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/parasitologia , Ovos/parasitologia , Colômbia , Nematoides/isolamento & purificaçãoResumo
As poedeiras criadas em sistema degaiolas tem seu bem-estar afetado devido ao menor espaço disponível para elas, o que vai de encontro da crescente pressão por grande parte de consumidores preocupados com as condições em que essas aves são criadas. A consequência dessa menor densidade de alojamento sobre a produtividade, e a qualidade de vida da ave e dos ovos por elas produzidos deve ser avaliada. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a produção, qualidade de ovos, e bem-estar de galinhas poedeiras criadas em diferentes densidades de alojamentos em gaiolas. Às 28 semanas de idade, foram distribuídas, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, 120 poedeiras leves da linhagem Novogen White, após debicagem, em 24 gaiolas com dimensões de 45 cm x 50cm, em três diferentes densidades de alojamento: 562,5 cm² /ave (quatro aves/gaiola), 450 cm² /ave (cinco aves/gaiola) e 375 cm² /ave(seis aves/gaiola), com 8 repetições cada. As dietas experimentais foram isoproteicas e isoenergéticas, formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. O período experimental será compreendido por seis ciclos de 28 dias cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: peso do ovo, índice de gema, unidade Haugh, pigmentação da gema, porcentagem dos componentes dos ovos e espessura de casca (em milímetros). Quando as aves atingiram 44 semanas de idade, foi realizada a medição do escore de penas. Foram avaliadas 40 galinhaspor tratamento, em quatro regiões: peito, dorso, asas e posterior. Essa análise consiste emcategorizar as aves de acordo com três diferentes escores, de acordo com o tamanho da área de ausência de penas em cada região. Espera-se que a redução da densidade de alojamento das galinhas nas gaiolas propicie maior produção com melhor qualidade dos ovos, promovendo também melhor bem-estar das aves.(AU)
The well-beingof laying hens raised in cages is affected due to the smaller space available for them,which is in line with the growing pressure from a large number of consumers concerned about the conditions in which these birds are raised.The consequence of thislower housing density on productivity and the quality of life of the bird andthe eggs produced by them must be evaluated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the production, egg quality, and welfare of laying hens reared in different housing densities in cages. At 28 weeks of age, 120 light Novogen White laying hens were distributed, after beak trimming, in24 cages measuring 45 cm x 50 cm, in three different housing densities: 562.5 cm²/bird (four birds/cage), 450 cm²/bird (five birds/cage) and 375 cm²/bird (six birds/cage), with 8 repetitions each. The experimental diets were isoproteic and isoenergetic, based on corn and soybean meal. The trial period will comprise six cycles of 28 days each. The variables analyzed were: egg weight, yolk index, Haugh unit, yolk pigmentation, percentage of egg components and shell thickness (in millimeters). When the birds reached 44 weeks of age, the feather score was measured. Forty chickens per treatment were evaluated in four regions: chest, back, wings and hindquarters. This analysis consists of categorizing the birds according to three different scores, according to thesize of the area without feathers in each region. It is expected that the reduction in the hen housing density in the cages will lead to higher production with better egg quality, also promoting better hen welfare.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
The present study intended to identify the effects of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast on production performance and parameters related to the quality of layers' eggs. Effects of yeast on immune titers after routine vaccinations against Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis were also studied. Fayoumi chicken (n=288) were divided in four groups (72 in each), and Black Australorp (n=288) in four groups (72 in each). Both had 12 weeks of age and were kept in 08 groups (3 replicates per treatment). Hens were fed a controlled diet along with the addition of 0.5g, 1.0 g, and 1.5 g of S. cerevisiae per kg of feed, till 25 weeks of age. Feed intake and egg production were measured on a daily basis, while body weight gain and egg weight were measured weekly. Egg quality parameters were evaluated by picking 5 eggs from every group weekly. Birds were vaccinated for Newcastle disease (ND) and infectious bronchitis (IB) at the 18th week. Subsequently, 10 days after vaccination, antibody titers were determined by Hemagglutination Inhibition and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay for both diseases. Results showed no significant effect of S. cerevisiae on layers' weight gain and feed intake. However, egg production was increased in the experimental group. Moreover, yeast supplementation impacted positively on birds' immune system. In conclusion, probiotic supplementation improved birds' egg production and immunity.(AU)
Animais , Alimentos Fortificados/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/imunologia , Ovos/análise , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/fisiologia , Probióticos/efeitos adversosResumo
Doxiciclinaé um fármaco do grupo das tetraciclinas indicado para tratamento de diferentes doenças, em principal a coriza infecciosa. Entretanto, antimicrobianos do grupo das tetraciclinas tem capacidade de se ligarem e indisponibilizar minerais importantes para a formação dos ovos. O objetivo do projeto foi de avaliar a interferência da doxiciclina na qualidade de ovos comerciais. Realizou-se um estudo com 100 poedeiras Dekalb Brown®onde se avaliou a cor da gema, unidade Haugh, cor da casca, peso e espessura da casca. O delineamento adotado foi o inteiramente casualizadosem um esquema fatorial 2x2, resultando nos tratamentos: sem doxiciclina ao 5° dia; com doxiciclina ao 5° dia; sem doxiciclina ao 10° dia; com doxiciclina ao 10° dia. Coletou-se 4 ovos por repetição,totalizando 48 ovos analisado por tratamento em cada um dos períodos analisados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos para as variáveis de qualidade interna dos ovos (cor da gema e unidade Haugh). Para as variáveis de qualidade de casca, houve uma redução significativa dos níveis de amarelo com o uso de doxiciclina por 10 dias, além da redução do peso da casca e da espessura apical e equatorial da casca, principalmente no 10º dia e com o uso de doxiciclina. Conclui-se que o uso da doxiciclina não interfere na qualidade interna dos ovos, porém confere tonalidade acinzentada as cascas, e redução de peso e espessura das mesmas.(AU)
Doxycycline is a drug from the tetracycline group indicated for the treatment of different diseases, mainly infectious coryza. However, antimicrobials from the tetracycline group can bind and make minerals important for egg formation unavailable. The aim of this project is evaluated interference of doxycycline in quality of commercial egg. A study had carried out with 100 Dekalb Brown®laying hens where evaluated the yolk color, Haugh unit,color eggshell, weight and thickness eggshell. The delimitation had completely randomized in a 2x2 factorial scheme, resulting in treatments: without doxycycline at day 5; with doxycycline a day 5; without doxycycline at day 10; with doxycycline at day 10. Four eggs had gathered per replicate, totaling 48 eggs analyzed per treatment in each of the analyzed periods. No significant differences were found between treatments for internal egg quality variables (yolk color and Haugh unit). For the shell quality variables, there was a significant reduction in yellow levels with the use of doxycycline for 10 days, in addition to a reduction in shell weight and apical and equatorial shell thickness, mainly on the 10th day and with the use of doxycycline. It is concluded that the use of the doxycycline does not interfere in the internal quality of the eggs, but it gives a greyish tonality to the eggshells, and reduces their weight and thickness.(AU)
La doxiciclina es un fármaco del grupo de las tetraciclinas indicado para el tratamiento de diferentes enfermedades, principalmente el coriza infeccioso. Sin embargo, los antimicrobianos del grupo de las tetraciclinas tienen la capacidad de unirse y hacer que minerales importantes para la formación de huevos no estén disponibles. El objetivo de este proyecto es evaluar la interferencia de la doxiciclina en la calidad del huevo comercial. Se realizó un estudio con 100 gallinas ponedoras Dekalb Brown®donde se evaluó el color de la yema, unidad Haugh, color del cascarón, peso y grosor del cascarón. La delimitación tuvo completamente al azar en un esquema factorial 2x2,resultando tratamientos: sin doxiciclina en el día 5; con doxiciclina al día 5; sin doxiciclina el día 10; con doxiciclina el día 10. Se habían recolectado cuatro huevos por réplica, totalizando 48 huevos analizados por tratamiento en cada uno de los períodos analizados. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos para las variables de calidad interna del huevo (color de la yema y unidad Haugh). Para las variables de calidad de la cáscara, hubo una reducción significativa de los nivelesde amarillo con el uso de doxiciclina durante 10 días, además de una reducción del peso de la cáscara y del espesor apical y ecuatorial de la cáscara, principalmente al décimo día y con el uso de doxiciclina. Se concluye que el uso de la doxiciclina no interfiere en la calidad interna de los huevos, pero da una tonalidad grisácea a las cáscaras, y reduce su peso y grosor.(AU)
Animais , Doxiciclina/efeitos adversos , Ovos/análise , Galinhas , Casca de Ovo/efeitos dos fármacos , Gema de Ovo/efeitos dos fármacos , Anti-Infecciosos/farmacologiaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different levels of dietary fiber on the performance and egg quality of laying hens at pre-laying and laying peak periods. The experimental period was divided into three periods: pre-laying (16 to 19 weeks of age), the start of laying (20 to 22 weeks of age) and laying peak (23 to 28 weeks of age). The experimental design was completely randomized with treatments constituted by five levels of fiber (2.00, 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, and 4.00%) in the diets, with five replicates (pens) of six birds each, totalling 180 hens. Performance and egg quality results were evaluated by polynomial regression at 5%. Fiber levels were not influenced (p >0.05) the first laying of the hens. However, levels above 2.50% of fiber provided worst (p <0.05) performance results, regardless of the period evaluated. Shortly after the start of laying, higher levels of fiber also caused a linear reduction (p <0.05) on egg weight and percentages of yolk and albumen, and an increase (p <0.05) on eggshells. Higher fiber levels caused a linear reduction (p <0.05) in the quality of the eggs, regardless of the period evaluated. It was concluded that the fiber levels did not influence the start period of the laying. Both pre-laying and start of the laying, levels above 2.5% of fiber caused a gradual worsening in performance. From the start of laying up to laying peak, levels above 2.5% of fiber also caused a gradual worsening in egg quality.(AU)
Animais , Fibras na Dieta/administração & dosagem , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Equilíbrio Postural/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Emulsifiers in animal diets are an interesting and effective strategy for nutritionists to improve the digestion of dietary lipids and, consequently, provide better performance. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the supplementation of diets with emulsifier based on mono-and diglycerides (120 g t-1of feed) associated with different energy levels (2,775; 2,725; 2,675 and 2,625 kcal of metabolizable energy kg-1of feed) on performance and egg quality of Hisex Brown laying hens. The laying hens weredistributed in 50 experimental plots with eight birds each. A completely randomized design with five treatments and ten replicates/treatments was used. The treatments in this study were: control diet (C) with 2,775 kcal of metabolizable energy (ME) kg-1of feed; C + E: diet C supplemented with an emulsifier (E) at 120 g t-1of feed; diet C with reduction of 50 kcal ME and supplemented with E (NC50 + E); diet C with reduction of 100 kcal ME and supplemented with E (NC100 + E); and diet C with reduction of 150 kcal ME and supplemented with E (NC150 + E). All diets had the same inclusion level of degummed soybean oil (2%). There was no influence of the treatments on the performance and quality of the eggs (p >0.05). The current study has shown that diets supplemented with emulsifiers based on mono-and diglycerides (120 g t-1) allows reducing the metabolizable energy level up to 150 kcal kg-1of feed, without impairment on performance and egg quality of Hisex Brown laying hens.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Emulsificantes/análise , Ovos/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Diglicerídeos/químicaResumo
Present study was planned to determine variations in external and internal quality egg parameters of different avian species including ostrich Struthio camelus, ducks Anas platyrhynchos, chicken Gallus gallus, turkeys Meleagris gallopavo and grey francolin Francolinus pondicerinus. All the birds were kept under similar rearing conditions. A total of 150 eggs were collected for each species to record external features of these eggs. Statistically significant (p<0.05) variations were recorded in egg weight, egg length and egg width between ostrich, ducks, chicken, turkey and quail eggs. Significantly (p<0.05) higher egg weight, egg length and egg width was observed for ostrich eggs while the same was lowest for grey francolin eggs. Similarly, significantly (p<0.05) greater shape index and egg volume values were observed for ostrich eggs while lowest shape index values were recorded for turkey eggs and egg volume was lowest for grey francolin. Significantly, higher (p<0.05) values of egg density were noted for eggs of the quail and the same were lowest for ostrich eggs. Non-significant variations in egg density values were observed between eggs of the ducks, chicken, turkey and grey francolin. It has been concluded that the positive correlations between the internal and external egg quality traits indicated that the traits can be improved through selection.
O presente estudo foi planejado para determinar variações nos parâmetros externos e internos de qualidade dos ovos de diferentes espécies de aves, incluindo avestruz Struthio camelus, patos Anas platyrhynchos, frango Gallus gallus, perus Meleagris gallopavo e francolin cinza Francolinus pondicerinus. Todas as aves foram mantidas em condições de criação semelhantes. Um total de 150 ovos foi coletado para cada espécie para registrar as características externas desses ovos. Variações estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) foram registradas no peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo e largura do ovo entre os ovos de avestruz, patos, galinha, peru e codorna. Significativamente (p < 0,05) maior peso do ovo, comprimento e largura do ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto o mesmo foi menor para ovos de francolina cinza. Da mesma forma, significativamente (p < 0,05) maiores valores de índice de forma e volume de ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto os menores valores de índice de forma foram registrados para ovos de peru e o volume de ovo foi menor para francolina cinza. Significativamente, maiores (p < 0,05) valores de densidade de ovos foram observados para ovos de codorna e os mesmos foram menores para ovos de avestruz. Variações não significativas nos valores de densidade de ovos foram observadas entre os ovos de pato, frango, peru e francolina cinza. Concluiu-se que as correlações positivas entre as características internas e externas de qualidade do ovo indicaram que as características podem ser melhoradas por meio da seleção.
Animais , Galinhas , Struthioniformes , PaquistãoResumo
Abstract Present study was planned to determine variations in external and internal quality egg parameters of different avian species including ostrich Struthio camelus, ducks Anas platyrhynchos, chicken Gallus gallus, turkeys Meleagris gallopavo and grey francolin Francolinus pondicerinus. All the birds were kept under similar rearing conditions. A total of 150 eggs were collected for each species to record external features of these eggs. Statistically significant (p 0.05) variations were recorded in egg weight, egg length and egg width between ostrich, ducks, chicken, turkey and quail eggs. Significantly (p 0.05) higher egg weight, egg length and egg width was observed for ostrich eggs while the same was lowest for grey francolin eggs. Similarly, significantly (p 0.05) greater shape index and egg volume values were observed for ostrich eggs while lowest shape index values were recorded for turkey eggs and egg volume was lowest for grey francolin. Significantly, higher (p 0.05) values of egg density were noted for eggs of the quail and the same were lowest for ostrich eggs. Non-significant variations in egg density values were observed between eggs of the ducks, chicken, turkey and grey francolin. It has been concluded that the positive correlations between the internal and external egg quality traits indicated that the traits can be improved through selection.
Resumo O presente estudo foi planejado para determinar variações nos parâmetros externos e internos de qualidade dos ovos de diferentes espécies de aves, incluindo avestruz Struthio camelus, patos Anas platyrhynchos, frango Gallus gallus, perus Meleagris gallopavo e francolin cinza Francolinus pondicerinus. Todas as aves foram mantidas em condições de criação semelhantes. Um total de 150 ovos foi coletado para cada espécie para registrar as características externas desses ovos. Variações estatisticamente significativas (p 0,05) foram registradas no peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo e largura do ovo entre os ovos de avestruz, patos, galinha, peru e codorna. Significativamente (p 0,05) maior peso do ovo, comprimento e largura do ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto o mesmo foi menor para ovos de francolina cinza. Da mesma forma, significativamente (p 0,05) maiores valores de índice de forma e volume de ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto os menores valores de índice de forma foram registrados para ovos de peru e o volume de ovo foi menor para francolina cinza. Significativamente, maiores (p 0,05) valores de densidade de ovos foram observados para ovos de codorna e os mesmos foram menores para ovos de avestruz. Variações não significativas nos valores de densidade de ovos foram observadas entre os ovos de pato, frango, peru e francolina cinza. Concluiu-se que as correlações positivas entre as características internas e externas de qualidade do ovo indicaram que as características podem ser melhoradas por meio da seleção.
Present study was planned to determine variations in external and internal quality egg parameters of different avian species including ostrich Struthio camelus, ducks Anas platyrhynchos, chicken Gallus gallus, turkeys Meleagris gallopavo and grey francolin Francolinus pondicerinus. All the birds were kept under similar rearing conditions. A total of 150 eggs were collected for each species to record external features of these eggs. Statistically significant (p<0.05) variations were recorded in egg weight, egg length and egg width between ostrich, ducks, chicken, turkey and quail eggs. Significantly (p<0.05) higher egg weight, egg length and egg width was observed for ostrich eggs while the same was lowest for grey francolin eggs. Similarly, significantly (p<0.05) greater shape index and egg volume values were observed for ostrich eggs while lowest shape index values were recorded for turkey eggs and egg volume was lowest for grey francolin. Significantly, higher (p<0.05) values of egg density were noted for eggs of the quail and the same were lowest for ostrich eggs. Non-significant variations in egg density values were observed between eggs of the ducks, chicken, turkey and grey francolin. It has been concluded that the positive correlations between the internal and external egg quality traits indicated that the traits can be improved through selection.
O presente estudo foi planejado para determinar variações nos parâmetros externos e internos de qualidade dos ovos de diferentes espécies de aves, incluindo avestruz Struthio camelus, patos Anas platyrhynchos, frango Gallus gallus, perus Meleagris gallopavo e francolin cinza Francolinus pondicerinus. Todas as aves foram mantidas em condições de criação semelhantes. Um total de 150 ovos foi coletado para cada espécie para registrar as características externas desses ovos. Variações estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) foram registradas no peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo e largura do ovo entre os ovos de avestruz, patos, galinha, peru e codorna. Significativamente (p < 0,05) maior peso do ovo, comprimento e largura do ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto o mesmo foi menor para ovos de francolina cinza. Da mesma forma, significativamente (p < 0,05) maiores valores de índice de forma e volume de ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto os menores valores de índice de forma foram registrados para ovos de peru e o volume de ovo foi menor para francolina cinza. Significativamente, maiores (p < 0,05) valores de densidade de ovos foram observados para ovos de codorna e os mesmos foram menores para ovos de avestruz. Variações não significativas nos valores de densidade de ovos foram observadas entre os ovos de pato, frango, peru e francolina cinza. Concluiu-se que as correlações positivas entre as características internas e externas de qualidade do ovo indicaram que as características podem ser melhoradas por meio da seleção.
Animais , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Galinhas , Ovos/análise , Patos , Qualidade dos AlimentosResumo
Present study was planned to determine variations in external and internal quality egg parameters of different avian species including ostrich Struthio camelus, ducks Anas platyrhynchos, chicken Gallus gallus, turkeys Meleagris gallopavo and grey francolin Francolinus pondicerinus. All the birds were kept under similar rearing conditions. A total of 150 eggs were collected for each species to record external features of these eggs. Statistically significant (p<0.05) variations were recorded in egg weight, egg length and egg width between ostrich, ducks, chicken, turkey and quail eggs. Significantly (p<0.05) higher egg weight, egg length and egg width was observed for ostrich eggs while the same was lowest for grey francolin eggs. Similarly, significantly (p<0.05) greater shape index and egg volume values were observed for ostrich eggs while lowest shape index values were recorded for turkey eggs and egg volume was lowest for grey francolin. Significantly, higher (p<0.05) values of egg density were noted for eggs of the quail and the same were lowest for ostrich eggs. Non-significant variations in egg density values were observed between eggs of the ducks, chicken, turkey and grey francolin. It has been concluded that the positive correlations between the internal and external egg quality traits indicated that the traits can be improved through selection.(AU)
O presente estudo foi planejado para determinar variações nos parâmetros externos e internos de qualidade dos ovos de diferentes espécies de aves, incluindo avestruz Struthio camelus, patos Anas platyrhynchos, frango Gallus gallus, perus Meleagris gallopavo e francolin cinza Francolinus pondicerinus. Todas as aves foram mantidas em condições de criação semelhantes. Um total de 150 ovos foi coletado para cada espécie para registrar as características externas desses ovos. Variações estatisticamente significativas (p < 0,05) foram registradas no peso do ovo, comprimento do ovo e largura do ovo entre os ovos de avestruz, patos, galinha, peru e codorna. Significativamente (p < 0,05) maior peso do ovo, comprimento e largura do ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto o mesmo foi menor para ovos de francolina cinza. Da mesma forma, significativamente (p < 0,05) maiores valores de índice de forma e volume de ovo foram observados para ovos de avestruz, enquanto os menores valores de índice de forma foram registrados para ovos de peru e o volume de ovo foi menor para francolina cinza. Significativamente, maiores (p < 0,05) valores de densidade de ovos foram observados para ovos de codorna e os mesmos foram menores para ovos de avestruz. Variações não significativas nos valores de densidade de ovos foram observadas entre os ovos de pato, frango, peru e francolina cinza. Concluiu-se que as correlações positivas entre as características internas e externas de qualidade do ovo indicaram que as características podem ser melhoradas por meio da seleção.(AU)
Animais , Ovos/análise , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Análise de Alimentos/métodos , Patos , GalinhasResumo
Photo-incubation can influence the fear and stress responses of poultry. However, it is unclear how photostimulation initiated at different phases of development influences the welfare status of slow-growing broiler birds. 500 Sasso eggs were assigned to 4 treatments; some were incubated in the dark throughout incubation (TA), while TB, TC and TD were photo-stimulated (12L:12D) from days 1, 7, and 14 of incubation, respectively, until hatch using a 6,500k LED at 788 clux intensity. Birds were raised in 5 replicates per treatment with 16 birds per replicate using a 6,500k LED (at 28 clux) and a photoperiod of 16L:8D. Fear (emergence, tonic immobility, isolation and inversion tests) and stress response (physical asymmetry) of 10 birds per treatment were examined. At the end of the three-week brooding, all parameters measured were not significantly influenced (P > 0.05) by the onset of photo-incubation. At slaughter age (12 weeks), physical asymmetry was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TA compared to the other treatments. The frequency of isolation vocalisation was significantly lower (P < 0.05) in TB compared to TA, and latency to rightness during tonic immobility was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TA compared to the other treatments. Latency to emerge was significantly longer (P < 0.05) in TA compared to TC and TD. The frequency of wing flaps during inversion was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in TA and TD. Conclusively, photo-incubating eggs reduce stress and fear, and initiating photo-incubation during the first phase of incubation is more beneficial.
Animais , Estimulação Luminosa/métodos , Estresse Psicológico/fisiopatologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Embrião de Galinha/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Incubadoras/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of modified clinoptilolite as mycotoxins adsorbent in preventing negative effects of ochratoxin A (OTA) on egg production and egg quality of laying hens exposed to this mycotoxin. Forty-eight (n=48) laying hens (27 weeks old) were used in this study. The hens were randomly divided into six equal groups and were fed for 7 weeks with a standard diet in addition to: E-I group - 1 mg/kg OTA; E-II group 0.25 mg/kg OTA; E-III group 1mg/kg OTA + 0.2% of MZ; E-IV group 0.25 mg/kg OTA + 0.2% of MZ. MZ group of hens was fed with standard diets containing 0.2% of the adsorbent (MZ). The control group of hens was fed with standard diet, without any addition of OTA or MZ. The present study showed that laying hens fed with 1 mg/kg of OTA (E-I), had a significant decrease (p<0.05) of all performance parameters during the trial, while group fed with 0.25 mg/kg OTA have shown no adverse effects on egg production and egg quality. Addition of modified clinoptilolite (0.2%) to the diet containing the OTA, minimized these effects bringing values not significantly different from the control diet for most of the parameters. These findings clearly indicate the protective potential of modified clinoptilolite against the toxic effects of OTA in laying hens.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Zeolitas/efeitos adversos , Ovos/análise , Ocratoxinas/efeitos adversos , MicotoxicoseResumo
Guinea fowl have several advantages over chickens. These birds are highly valued for their meat and eggs, particularly in tropical regions. They are currently in many parts of the world. Recently, the demand for guinea fowl meat has increased because it is considered a high-quality protein source. In addition, their eggs are delicious and considerably better than those of chickens. Guinea fowl eggs are valued for their thick shells, and longer shelf life, and it has premium prices compared with commercial and indigenous chickens. Chicken eggs have been well studied for egg and meat quality. However, such information isn't so sufficiently documented in other poultry species. Despite the interest in guinea fowl production, it is vital to take cognizance of the fact that there is a lack of information on the production and quality of guinea fowl products, in contrast to commercial chickens. Therefore, the present review aims to assess the egg and meat quality of Guinea fowl in different tropical regions. The main results of the current study showed that the external egg quality characteristics, mainly (egg weight, shell percentage, and shell thickness), and internal egg quality traits, mainly (albumen weight, haugh unit, yolk height, and yolk color) of Guinea fowl differed under different tropical regions. Concerning carcass characteristics, a clear difference was observed in dressing percentage and breast percentage of Guinea fowl in various tropical areas. A similar trend was observed for the meat color.(AU)
Animais , Ovos/análise , Carne/análise , Estudo Comparativo , Galinhas/fisiologiaResumo
In recent years, egg production has had an intense growth in Brazil, and Brazilian egg consumption per capita has significantly increased in the last decade. To reduce sanitary and financial risks, decisions regarding the production and health status of the flock must be made based on objective criteria. Our aim was to determine the main "input" variables for the prediction of egg production performance in commercial laying breeder flocks using an ANN model. The software NeuroShellClassifier and NeuroShell Predictor were used to build the ANN. A total of 26 egg-production traits were selected as input variables and eight as output variables. A database of 44,120 Excel cells was generated. For the training and validation of the models, 74.9% and 25.1% of the data were used, respectively. The accuracy of the ANN models was calculated and compared using the analysis of coefficient of multiple determination (R2), mean squared error (MSE), and an assessment of uniform scatter in the residual plots. The models for the outputs "weekly egg production," "weekly incubated egg,", "accumulated commercial egg," and "viability" showed an R2 greater than 0.8. Other models yielded R2 values lower than 0.8. The ANN predicts adequately eight egg-production traits in the breeders of commercial laying hens. The method is an option for data management analysis in the egg industry, providing estimates of the relative contribution of each input variable to the outputs.(AU)
Animais , Galinhas , Redes Neurais de Computação , Ovos/análise , Produtos Avícolas/análise , Simulação por ComputadorResumo
The objective was to evaluate the three housing systems in laying birds to determine animal welfare and productivity parameters of the Isa Brown line. 135 laying hens distributed in 45 hens were used for each exploitation system; the managed feeding was 114gr/bird/day in the floor and cage systems for the entire trial period, for the grazing system 14 gr less of concentrate were used; the study had a duration of 8 weeks, of which the first was for accustoming and 7 for testing; At the end of each week, 9 eggs were collected to be studied and analyzed in the animal nutrition laboratory, using 3 eggs for each housing system. The information obtained was analyzed using SPSS for each variable. The parameters of production, consumption, feed conversion, and egg weight, were evaluated; where one-factor ANOVA and Tukey HSD test and least significant difference. The percentage production was no significant difference between the three cage floor and grazing production models being (P-Value <0.05), for the food consumption parameter there is a significant difference (P-Value> 0.05) for each housing system (34.54 ± 6.93), also happened with the conversion variable between the floor, cage production models with the grazing one (1.93 ± 0.6), for the egg weight they were similar in all housing systems (61.1 g in cage, 60.8 g in floor and 60.6 g in grazing) where there were no significant differences. In conclusion, birds with a lower housing density allow better behavior, which is an indicator of comfort, generating higher productivity.
O objectivo era avaliar os três sistemas de habitação (solo, gaiola e pasto) nas galinhas poedeiras para determinar os parâmetros de bem-estar animal e produtividade da linha Isa Brown. Foram utilizadas 135 galinhas poedeiras, distribuídas em 45 galinhas por sistema; a ração administrada foi de 114 g/ave/dia no chão e sistemas de gaiolas, e 14 g menos concentrado foi utilizado para o sistema de pastagem; o estudo durou 8 semanas; a primeira semana foi para habituação e 7 semanas para testes. Foram recolhidos três ovos por sistema por semana para serem estudados e analisados no laboratório de nutrição animal. Os dados foram analisados com SPSS para cada variável. Os parâmetros de produção, consumo, conversão alimentar e peso dos ovos foram avaliados utilizando um único factor ANOVA e o teste HSD de Tukey para a diferença menos significativa. A percentagem de produção não tinha diferença significativa entre os três modelos de produção (valor P < 0,05), para o parâmetro de consumo de ração havia uma diferença significativa (valor P > 0,05) para cada sistema de habitação (34,54 ± 6,93), a variável de conversão alimentar entre modelos de produção (1,93 ± 0,6), para os pesos dos ovos eram semelhantes em todos os sistemas de habitação (61,1 g para a gaiola, 60,8 g para o solo e 60,6 g para o pasto) onde não havia diferença significativa. Em conclusão, as aves com menor densidade de alojamento permitem um melhor comportamento, o que é um indicador de conforto, levando a uma maior produtividade.
Animais , Aves Domésticas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Abrigo para Animais , Produtos Avícolas/análiseResumo
Adapting existing laying facilities to meet animal welfare certifications is not a simple task. It causes higher expenses to producers, who are often hesitant to accept the need for changes. Considerations of their financial situation make them insecure to make assertive decisions in this area, as they seek to maintain the economic efficiency of laying poultry. This study aims to analyze the economic viability of laying systems (conventional cages and Cage-Free) with different housing densities. The data source was a systematized literature review. Five articles were found containing reports on systems. Further data sources were the lineage handbook and a survey with companies specializing in poultry farming. An analysis of economic viability was performed in the multiple scenarios. Densities in each system were used to compose different scenarios: Conventional: 1,500 cm²/bird, 750 cm²/bird, and 398 cm²/bird; and Cage-Free:7 birds/m² and 13 birds/m². The scenarios were evaluated in terms of Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Modified Internal Rate of Return, Discounted Payback Method, Profitability Index, Equivalent Uniform Annual Value, and Monte Carlo Simulation. The best scenario was the Conventional, with 398 cm²/bird, presenting a higher NPV. The Cage-Free system, with seven birds per square meter, had a lower NPV compared to conventional systems. All scenarios had satisfactory chances of success. The risks of negative or null financial return were low according to Monte Carlo simulations. Conventional and Cage-Free production are economically viable when using densities of 1,500 cm²/bird, 750 cm²/bird, or 398 cm²/bird (conventional), and 7 birds/m², or 13 birds/m² (Cage-Free).(AU)
Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/economia , Análise Custo-BenefícioResumo
Em granjas de postura, infestações por ectoparasitas são um problema que gera gastos e diminui a produção dos animais, pelo aumento do estresse. O piolho Menacanthus stramineus é apontado como um dos principais parasitas na avicultura comercial. Há um interesse crescente no uso de abordagens de controle de parasitos na produção de aves minimizando o uso de pesticidas sintéticos tradicionais. Objetivou-se avaliar a eficácia do caldo de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) no controle do Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) em galinhas poedeiras no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais. Para isso, 30 galinhas poedeiras naturalmente infestadas por piolhos, oriundas dos Setor de Zootecnia I do Instituto Federal do Norte de Minas Gerais - Campus Salinas (IFNMG), foram selecionadas aleatoriamente e divididas em três grupos, mantidos em galpões distintos e separados: Grupo I- Tratado com caldo de fumo, conforme Sagrilo e colaboradores (2007); Grupo II- Tratado com Colosso Pulverização®, diluídos 11ml em nove litros; Grupo III- Controle, tratado com água, sendo todos os grupos submetidos ao tratamento por imersão em balde com nove litros de solução. Espécimes de piolhos foram coletados manualmente através de inspeção visual, juntamente com penas contendo ovos em sua base e encaminhados ao Laboratório de Parasitologia Veterinária (LPV) do IFNMG, para realização do diagnóstico parasitológico através de chaves de identificação. Os espécimes foram clarificados em hidróxido de potássio a 10% e observados em microscopia óptica nas objetivas de 4x e 10x. Os ovos foram observados em microscópio estereoscópico, no aumento de 4x. Todas as galinhas foram diagnosticadas com infestação por ovos e adultos de M. stramineus. Para o banho de imersão, as aves foram seguradas pelo pescoço e pelas asas, mergulhando todo seu corpo em balde plástico. Sete dias após a realização dos tratamentos, as aves foram novamente examinadas em uma inspeção visual pelos mesmos examinadores. O Grupo I não apresentou ovos e nem adultos de M. stramineus em nenhuma ave, revelando 100% de eficácia. O Grupo II não apresentou adultos, mas foram observados ovos aderidos à base das penas, friáveis ao toque, em nove aves. Posteriormente, verificou-se que se tratava de cascas de ovos vazias. E, o Grupo III estava ainda intensamente parasitado por ovos e adultos de M. stramineus. Conclui-se que o caldo de fumo (Nicotiana tabacum) preparado conforme descrito na metodologia do presente trabalho, é eficaz no controle do piolho Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) em galinhas poedeiras no município de Salinas, Minas Gerais.(AU)
In laying hens barns, ectoparasite infestations are a problem that generates expenses and decreases animal production due to increased stress. The Menacanthus stramineus louse is considered one of the main parasites in commercial poultry. There is growing interest in the use of parasite control approaches in poultry production while minimizing the use of traditional synthetic pesticides. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of tobacco broth (Nicotiana tabacum) in controlling Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in laying hens in the municipality of Salinas, Minas Gerais. Thus, 30 laying hens naturally infested with lice, housed at the Zootechnics Sector I at the Federal Institute of Northern Minas Gerais Campus Salinas (FINMG) were randomly selected and divided into three groups, which were kept in different and separated barns: Group I- Treated with tobacco broth, according to Sagrilo et al (2007); Group II- Treated with Colosso Pulverização®, diluted 11ml in nine liters; Group III- Control, treated with water. All groups were elaborated for treatment by immersion in a bucket with nine liters of solution. Lice specimens were manually collected through visual inspection including feathers containing eggs at their base and then sent to the Veterinary Parasitology Laboratory (VPL) at the FINMG for parasitological diagnosis by using identification keys. The specimens were clarified in potassium hydroxide 10% and observed under optical microscopy at 4x and 10x objectives. The eggs were observed under a stereoscopic microscope at 4x magnification. All chickens were diagnosed with infestation of adult and egg stages of M. stramineus. For the immersion bath, the animals were held by the neck and wings, dipping their entire bodies in a plastic bucket. Seven days after the treatments were carried out they were again examined in a visual inspection by the same examiners. Group I did not show any eggs or adults of M. stramineus, which presented efficacy of 100%. Group II did not have adults, but friable eggs when touched adhered to the base of the feathers were observed in nine animals. Later on, it was found that they were empty egg shells. And, Group III was still intensely parasitized by eggs and adults stages of M. stramineus. It is concluded that tabocco broth (Nicotiana tabacum) prepared as described in the methodology of the present study is effective in controlling the lice Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) in laying hens in the municipality of Salinas, Minas Gerais.(AU)
En las gallinas ponedoras, las infestaciones de ectoparásitos son un problema que genera gastos y disminuye la producción animal, debido al aumento del estrés. El piojo Menacanthus stramineus se considera uno de los principales parásitos de las aves comerciales. Existe un interés creciente en el uso de enfoques de control de parásitos en la producción avícola mientras se minimiza el uso de pesticidas sintéticos tradicionales. El objetivo fue evaluar la eficacia del caldo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) en el control de Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) en gallinas ponedoras del municipio de Salinas, Minas Gerais. Para ello, 30 gallinas ponedoras naturalmente infestadas de piojos, del Sector I de Zootecnia del Instituto Federal del Norte de Minas Gerais - Campus Salinas (IFNMG), fueron seleccionadas al azar y divididas en tres grupos, mantenidos en galpones separados y separados: Grupo I - Tratado con caldo de humo, según Sagrilo et al. (2007); Grupo II- Tratado con Colosso Pulverização®, diluido 11ml en nueve litros; Grupo III- Control, tratado con agua, con todos los grupos sometidos a tratamiento por inmersión en un balde con nueve litros de solución. Las muestras de piojos se recolectaron manualmente mediante inspección visual, junto con plumas que contenían huevos en su base y se enviaron al Laboratorio de Parasitología Veterinaria (LPV) del IFNMG, para el diagnóstico parasitológico mediante claves de identificación. Las muestras se clarificaron en hidróxido de potasio al 10% y se observaron bajo microscopía óptica en objetivos 4x y 10x. Los huevos se observaron bajo un microscopio estereoscópico, con un aumento de 4x. Todos los pollos fueron diagnosticados con huevos de M. stramineus e infestación de adultos. Para el baño de inmersión, se sujetó a las aves por el cuello y las alas, sumergiendo todo su cuerpo en un balde de plástico. Siete días después de que se llevaron a cabo los tratamientos, las aves fueron examinadas de nuevo en una inspección visual por los mismos examinadores. El grupo I no presentó huevos ni adultos de M. stramineus en ninguna ave, mostrando una efectividad del 100%. El grupo II no presentó adultos, pero se observaron huevos adheridos a la base de las plumas, friables al tacto, en nueve aves. Posteriormente, se encontró que se trataba de cáscaras de huevo vacías. Y, el Grupo III todavía estaba intensamente parasitado por huevos y adultos de M. stramineus. Se concluye que el caldo de tabaco (Nicotiana tabacum) elaborado según lo descrito en la metodología del presente trabajo, es efectivo en el control de los piojos Menacanthus stramineus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae) en gallinas ponedoras del municipio de Salinas, Minas Gerais.(AU)