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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 46(supl): 1-3, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1457950


Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy, marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old.[...]

Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Cistos/complicações , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos/veterinária , Rim/patologia , Hidronefrose/etiologia , Hidronefrose/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 46(supl): 1-3, 2018. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728283


Background: Perinephric pseudocyst is defined as an accumulation of fluid in fibrous sacs surrounding one or both kidneys, and may be located in the subcapsular or extracapsular region. Histologically, it is characterized by the absence of an epithelial lining to the cyst wall and the term pseudocyst is used. This condition have been reported sporadically in cats, and is associated with chronic kidney disease, mainly in older animals. The diagnosis is based on imaging tests and the prognosis is related to the severity of renal dysfunction. The aim of this report is to describe an unusual presentation of perinephric pseudocyst in a very young female cat.Case: A mixed-breed 2-month-old female cat was evaluated for presenting abdominal distension and anatomical deformities of the limbs. Renomegaly on the left side was noted during abdominal palpation. On presentation, the serum creatinine was 134 µmol/L. Urinalysis showed mild proteinuria, presence of squamous and transitional cells, and rare bacteria. The urine specific gravity was 1.044 and urine protein to creatinine ratio was 0.23. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a large anechoic subcapsular cyst on the left kidney, in adittion to dilatation of renal pelvis and calyces. The excretory urography showed left renomegaly, and the nephrogram and pyelogram were not clearly observed in this kidney, indicating unilateral deficiency in renal filtration. The cat was referred to unilateral left nephrectomy but died shortly before surgery. At necropsy, marked left kidney enlargment was observed (6.5 x 4.5 x 1.5 cm), with a cystic aspect, occupying almost the entire abdominal cavity. The cystic content was translucent and was compressing the renal parenchyma, resulting in hydronephrosis. The capsule forming the cyst wall was composed of connective tissue, characterizing the perinephric pseudocyst.Discussion: Reports show cases of perinephric pseudocyst affecting mostly older animals, above eight years old.[...](AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Rim/patologia , Cistos/complicações , Cistos/diagnóstico por imagem , Cistos/veterinária , Hidronefrose/etiologia , Hidronefrose/veterinária