This study was conducted to investigate the effects of amylin, a pancreatic hormone polypeptide, on egg quality traits in laying hens. A total of 40 birds (14 wk of age) were randomly divided into two treatments with two replicates, 10 birds in each replicate. Twenty birds were subcutaneously injected with amylin at 75 µg/kg every other day (treatment 1), and the remaining animals (20 hens) were given only water as the control group (treatment 2). Eggs collected from the two groups (140 eggs per group) were examined for several quality performance traits such as egg weight, specific gravity, shape index, eggshell strength, eggshell thickness, eggshell ash, eggshell weight, Haugh unit (HU), albumen index, yolk index, yolk color, and albumen height. The results indicated that amylin had a positive effect on some egg quality traits in laying hens. Specific gravity, eggshell thickness, eggshell weight, HU, albumen index, yolk index, and albumen height, which are all considered as important quality parameters from the consumer point of view, especially HU, were relatively improved in the amylin treatment group. These results showed that the injection of 75 µg/kg amylin has a significant effect on some egg quality traits. Considering that egg quality characteristics are crucial for the egg industry, this study can be a reference for the detailed investigation of the use of amylin in the different stages of egg production.
Animais , Galinhas , Polipeptídeo Amiloide das Ilhotas PancreáticasResumo
ABSTRACT: Quantile Random Forest (QRF) is a non-parametric methodology that combines the advantages of Random Forest (RF) and Quantile Regression (QR). Specifically, this approach can explore non-linear functions, determining the probability distribution of a response variable and extracting information from different quantiles instead of just predicting the mean. This evaluated the performance of the QRF in the genomic prediction for complex traits (epistasis and dominance). In addition, compare the accuracies obtained with those derived from the G-BLUP. The simulation created an F2 population with 1,000 individuals and genotyped for 4,010 SNP markers. Besides, twelve traits were simulated from a model considering additive and non-additive effects, QTL (Quantitative trait loci) numbers ranging from eight to 120, and heritability of 0.3, 0.5, or 0.8. For training and validation, the 5-fold cross-validation approach was used. For each fold, the accuracies of all the proposed models were calculated: QRF in five different quantiles and three G-BLUP models (additive effect, additive and epistatic effects, additive and dominant effects). Finally, the predictive performance of these methodologies was compared. In all scenarios, the QRF accuracies were equal to or greater than the methodologies evaluated and proved to be an alternative tool to predict genetic values in complex traits.
RESUMO: Quantile Random Forest (QRF) é uma metodologia não paramétrica, que combina as vantagens do Random Forest (RF) e da Regressão Quantílica (QR). Especificamente, essa abordagem pode explorar funções não lineares, determinando a distribuição de probabilidade de uma variável resposta e extraindo informações de diferentes quantis em vez de apenas prever a média. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do QRF em predizer o valor genético genômico para características com arquitetura genética não aditiva (epistasia e dominância). Adicionalmente, as acurácias obtidas foram comparadas com aquelas advindas do G-BLUP. A simulação criou uma população F2 com 1.000 indivíduos genotipados para 4.010 marcadores SNP. Além disso, doze características foram simuladas a partir de um modelo considerando efeitos aditivos e não aditivos, com número de QTL (Quantitative trait loci) variando de oito a 120 e herdabilidade de 0,3, 0,5 ou 0,8. Para treinamento e validação foi usada a abordagem da validação cruzada 5-fold. Para cada um dos folds foram calculadas as acurácias de todos os modelos propostos: QRF em cinco quantis diferentes e três modelos do G-BLUP (com efeito aditivo, aditivo e epistático, aditivo e dominante). Por fim, o desempenho preditivo dessas metodologias foi comparado. Em todos os cenários, as acurácias do QRF foram iguais ou superiores às metodologias avaliadas e mostrou ser uma ferramenta alternativa para predizer valores genéticos em características complexas.
The present study aimed to evaluate the effects of using light-emitting diode (LED) lamps versus incandescent/tungsten (Inc) bulbs on broiler breeder hens' productive performance during the brooding and rearing periods (25 weeks), as well as the first 15 weeks of production. A total of 46600 one-day-old Arbor Acres Plus breeder chicks were placed in eight enclosed houses and randomly/evenly divided into two groups (four houses for each group): birds raised under yellow LED lighting, and birds raised under orange Inc lighting. Several traits have been studied to determine productive performance, including body weight at different ages, body weight gain, feed consumption, feed conversion ratio, mortality rate, uniformity, age and weight at sexual maturity, egg number, egg production rate, egg number per bird, egg weight, and egg mass. According to the findings, using LED lighting instead of Inc lighting during the rearing period resulted in a significant improvement in all studied traits, and this positive effect continued until the production period, yielding excellent results for all studied production traits. LED lighting proved to be an effective source of lighting in broiler breeders' houses.(AU)
Animais , Iluminação/métodos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Label Rouge chickens raised under an alternative system as a function of age at slaughter. The design was completely randomized with a 5×2 factorial arrangement, with slaughtering at five ages (70, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days) and two sexes. A total of 240 birds (Pescoço Pelado strain) were used, including 120 females and 120 males. Performance, carcass, physicochemical, proximate composition, and muscle fiber traits were evaluated. Rearing time and sex had significant effects on performance-related traits, with better results for males. The interaction between slaughter age and sex had a significant effect on the carcass and physicochemical parameters, which cause different responses in males and females with increasing slaughter age. For the proximate composition and muscle fiber analysis, the interaction between the parameters studied only had a significant effect on ether extract in the breast. The increase in age resulted in chickens with higher live and carcass weight at slaughter but lower performance indices. Females had lower carcass yield and greater deposition of abdominal fat. Females had lower tenderness in the drumstick and males in the breast with increasing slaughter age, and both cuts had more intense color and redness and reduced lightness starting at the slaughter age of 90 days.
RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de desempenho e as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos Label Rouge criados em sistema alternativo em função do aumento da idade de abate. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois sexos (macho e fêmea) e cinco idades de abate (70, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Foram utilizadas 240 aves (Pescoço Pelado), sendo 120 fêmeas e 120 machos, sendo avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho, carcaça, físico-químicos, composição centesimal e fibra muscular. Com o aumento no tempo de produção houve efeitos dos períodos de produção e sexo em relação a variáveis de desempenho, com melhores resultados para os machos. Para os parâmetros de carcaça e físico-químicos, houve interação entre sexo e idade de abate, revelando comportamento diferenciado para machos e fêmeas com aumento da idade de abate. Para a composição centesimal e análise das fibras musculares, somente para extrato etéreo no peito foi verificado interação entre os fatores estudados. O aumento da idade proporcionou a obtenção de frangos com maiores pesos vivos e de carcaça ao abate com consequente redução dos índices de desempenho, além de menor rendimento de carcaça e maior deposição de gordura abdominal nas fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentam menor maciez na coxa e os machos no peito com aumento da idade de abate e, em ambos os cortes, ocorreu maior intensificação da cor, índice de vermelho e redução do brilho a partir de 90 dias ou em maiores idades de abate.
This work evaluated the initial performance and genetic diversity of Coffea canephora genotypes cultivated in environments at contrasting altitudes. Fourteen morphophysiological traits and seven descriptors of the genus Coffea spp. of coffee trees cultivated at altitudes of 140 m and 700 m were evaluated. The design used was Federer's augmented block in a 2 × 112 factorial scheme with six blocks. The first factor was the two environments, and the second was the 112 genotypes, with eight common treatments, being five conilon coffee clones and three arabica coffee cultivars. The data were analyzed by the method of REML/BLUP and genetic correlation method. Genetic diversity was evaluated by estimating the distance matrix, applying the Gower methodology followed by the clustering method by Tocher and UPGMA. The phenotypic means were higher in the environment at an altitude of 700 m, except for plant height, number of leaves, and canopy height (CH). Genotypic effects were significant for most traits except for leaf width, CH, unit leaf area, and total leaf area. A wide genetic diversity was verified, with distances varying from 0.037 to 0.593 for the pairs of genotypes 26 × 93 and T7 × 76, respectively. Most of the traits studied showed high genotypic correlation with the environment and expressive genetic correlation between the evaluated traits thereby demonstrating the possibility of indirect selection. There is an adaptation of conilon coffee genotypes to high altitudes and the possibility of developing a specific cultivar for the southern state of Espírito Santo.
Variação Genética , Coffea/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Coffea/genética , AltitudeResumo
Quantile Random Forest (QRF) is a non-parametric methodology that combines the advantages of Random Forest (RF) and Quantile Regression (QR). Specifically, this approach can explore non-linear functions, determining the probability distribution of a response variable and extracting information from different quantiles instead of just predicting the mean. This evaluated the performance of the QRF in the genomic prediction for complex traits (epistasis and dominance). In addition, compare the accuracies obtained with those derived from the G-BLUP. The simulation created an F2 population with 1,000 individuals and genotyped for 4,010 SNP markers. Besides, twelve traits were simulated from a model considering additive and non-additive effects, QTL (Quantitative trait loci) numbers ranging from eight to 120, and heritability of 0.3, 0.5, or 0.8. For training and validation, the 5-fold cross-validation approach was used. For each fold, the accuracies of all the proposed models were calculated: QRF in five different quantiles and three G-BLUP models (additive effect, additive and epistatic effects, additive and dominant effects). Finally, the predictive performance of these methodologies was compared. In all scenarios, the QRF accuracies were equal to or greater than the methodologies evaluated and proved to be an alternative tool to predict genetic values in complex traits.
Quantile Random Forest (QRF) é uma metodologia não paramétrica, que combina as vantagens do Random Forest (RF) e da Regressão Quantílica (QR). Especificamente, essa abordagem pode explorar funções não lineares, determinando a distribuição de probabilidade de uma variável resposta e extraindo informações de diferentes quantis em vez de apenas prever a média. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do QRF em predizer o valor genético genômico para características com arquitetura genética não aditiva (epistasia e dominância). Adicionalmente, as acurácias obtidas foram comparadas com aquelas advindas do G-BLUP. A simulação criou uma população F2 com 1.000 indivíduos genotipados para 4.010 marcadores SNP. Além disso, doze características foram simuladas a partir de um modelo considerando efeitos aditivos e não aditivos, com número de QTL (Quantitative trait loci) variando de oito a 120 e herdabilidade de 0,3, 0,5 ou 0,8. Para treinamento e validação foi usada a abordagem da validação cruzada 5-fold. Para cada um dos folds foram calculadas as acurácias de todos os modelos propostos: QRF em cinco quantis diferentes e três modelos do G-BLUP (com efeito aditivo, aditivo e epistático, aditivo e dominante). Por fim, o desempenho preditivo dessas metodologias foi comparado. Em todos os cenários, as acurácias do QRF foram iguais ou superiores às metodologias avaliadas e mostrou ser uma ferramenta alternativa para predizer valores genéticos em características complexas.
Seleção Genética , Genoma , Genômica , Epistasia Genética , Algoritmo Florestas AleatóriasResumo
This study evaluated the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Label Rouge chickens raised under an alternative system as a function of age at slaughter. The design was completely randomized with a 5×2 factorial arrangement, with slaughtering at five ages (70, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days) and two sexes. A total of 240 birds (Pescoço Pelado strain) were used, including 120 females and 120 males. Performance, carcass, physicochemical, proximate composition, and muscle fiber traits were evaluated. Rearing time and sex had significant effects on performance-related traits, with better results for males. The interaction between slaughter age and sex had a significant effect on the carcass and physicochemical parameters, which cause different responses in males and females with increasing slaughter age. For the proximate composition and muscle fiber analysis, the interaction between the parameters studied only had a significant effect on ether extract in the breast. The increase in age resulted in chickens with higher live and carcass weight at slaughter but lower performance indices. Females had lower carcass yield and greater deposition of abdominal fat. Females had lower tenderness in the drumstick and males in the breast with increasing slaughter age, and both cuts had more intense color and redness and reduced lightness starting at the slaughter age of 90 days.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de desempenho e as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos Label Rouge criados em sistema alternativo em função do aumento da idade de abate. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois sexos (macho e fêmea) e cinco idades de abate (70, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Foram utilizadas 240 aves (Pescoço Pelado), sendo 120 fêmeas e 120 machos, sendo avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho, carcaça, físico-químicos, composição centesimal e fibra muscular. Com o aumento no tempo de produção houve efeitos dos períodos de produção e sexo em relação a variáveis de desempenho, com melhores resultados para os machos. Para os parâmetros de carcaça e físico-químicos, houve interação entre sexo e idade de abate, revelando comportamento diferenciado para machos e fêmeas com aumento da idade de abate. Para a composição centesimal e análise das fibras musculares, somente para extrato etéreo no peito foi verificado interação entre os fatores estudados. O aumento da idade proporcionou a obtenção de frangos com maiores pesos vivos e de carcaça ao abate com consequente redução dos índices de desempenho, além de menor rendimento de carcaça e maior deposição de gordura abdominal nas fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentam menor maciez na coxa e os machos no peito com aumento da idade de abate e, em ambos os cortes, ocorreu maior intensificação da cor, índice de vermelho e redução do brilho a partir de 90 dias ou em maiores idades de abate.
Animais , Aves Domésticas , Abate de Animais , Carne/análiseResumo
The use of morphological traits assessed using visual scores as indirect selection criteria in cattle has the advantage of evaluating young animals regarding potential productive and reproductive performance. This enables breeders to make earlier decisions compared to later measurements, such as scrotal circumference at 450 days (SC450) and stayability (STAY). The aim of this study was to estimate the genetic parameters for visual score traits and their associations with reproductive traits: scrotal circumference at 365 days of age (SC365), SC450, STAY, probability of precocious calving (PPC30) and age at first calving (AFC) in Nellore cattle. Visual score data from 4,175 Nellore cattle, with an average age of 22 months, and reproductive data from 3,075 cattle belonging to the HoRa Genetics Provada herd were used. The morphological traits were evaluated by the MERCOS methodology. The heritability estimates obtained ranged from 0.15 to 0.28 for visual scores and 0.10 to 0.54 for reproductive traits. Genetic correlations between visual scores and reproductive traits were generally low, except between: muscularity and PPC30; structure and STAY; racial and SC450; conformation and SC365, SC450, STAY, and AFC; navel and STAY and AFC; and sacrum and SC365, STAY, and AFC, which were moderate to high. The identification of animals with flat sacral bone (not protruding or sloping) can also be an efficient characteristic in the identification for early pregnancy, and together with the musculature score, they can be related to animals with lower age at the first calving.(AU)
A utilização de características morfológicas de bovinos, pelo uso de escores visuais como critério de seleção indireta tem como vantagem a avaliação em animais jovens quanto ao potencial desempenho produtivo e reprodutivo, antecipando a tomada de decisão em comparação a medidas tomadas de forma tardia, como perímetro escrotal aos 450 dias (PE450) e stayability (STAY). Objetivou-se estimar os parâmetros genéticos para características de escores visuais e a associação dessas com características reprodutivas, perímetro escrotal aos 365 (PE365) dias de idade, PE450, STAY, probabilidade de parto precoce (3P) e idade ao primeiro parto (IPP) em bovinos Nelore. Foram utilizadas informações de escores visuais e de reprodução de 4.175 e 3.075 bovinos, respectivamente, com idade média de 22 meses, pertencentes a fazenda HoRa Genética Provada. As características morfológicas foram avaliadas pela metodologia MERCOS. As estimativas de herdabilidade obtidas apresentam grande amplitude, variando de 0,15 a 0,28 para escores visuais e 0,10 a 0,54 para características reprodutivas. As correlações genéticas entre característica de escores visuais e reprodução foram, de maneira geral baixas (0.03-0.66), com exceção entre a musculosidade e 3P, estrutura e STAY, racial e PE450, conformação com PE365, PE450, STAY e IPP, ônfalo com STAY e IPP, e sacro com PE365, STAY e IPP, que foram moderadas a altas. A identificação de animais com melhor osso sacro (mesmo nível das ancas), ou seja, não saliente ou inclinado pode ser uma característica eficiente na identificação para prenhez precoce, e juntamente ao escore de musculatura poderão ser relacionados a animais com menor idade ao primeiro parto.(AU)
Animais , Puberdade Precoce , Bovinos/genética , Teorema de Bayes , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
ABSTRACT: Sheep production is expanding among small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Currently, Corriedale and Milchschaf are being used, but not Highlander. However, there is lack of experimental information regarding the relative performance of these breeds. We conducted an experiment where these three sheep breeds were run together at the Southern Regional Centre, located in the region in question. Wool, body, reproductive and lamb growth traits were recorded from 2015 to 2019. Results were used as a basis for the calculation of gross margins for each breed, which we calculated for a range of production and economic scenarios. For scenarios based on the results of the present study Highlander was the best performing breed. If it was assumed to be wool-less, it performed even better. In some scenarios Corriedale performed best, especially when the higher wool price it used to enjoy was assumed. However, fetching such a price in the foreseeable future is unlikely. We concluded that in the absence of wool-less sheep that perform in a manner similar to Highlander or Milchschaf in terms of reproduction and lamb growth, Highlander is currently the best option for small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Until now, Milchschaf has been the recommended breed for the region and production system in question. The recommendation should be reviewed, Highlander should be recommended instead, and the performance of wool-less breeds should be investigated. Results could be applicable to other temperate regions in Latin America where similar production systems exist or may be developed.
RESUMO: A produção de ovinos está se expandindo entre os pequenos produtores do Sul do Uruguai. Corriedale e Milchschaf estão sendo utilizados atualmente, mas não Highlander. Não obstante, há uma falta de informações experimentais sobre o desempenho relativo destas raças. Realizamos um experimento no qual estas três raças ovinas foram manejadas juntas no Centro Regional Sul, localizado na região em questão. As características de lã, corpo, reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro foram registradas de 2015 a 2019. Os resultados foram usados como base para calcular as margens brutas para cada raça, o que fizemos para uma série de cenários de produção e econômicos. Nos cenários baseados nos resultados deste estudo, a raça Highlander foi a que teve melhor desempenho. Se, se supunha que não tinha lã, seu desempenho era ainda maior. Em alguns cenários, Corriedale foi a raça com melhor desempenho, particularmente quando se supôs preços mais altos da lã, como os que se obtinham anos atrás. No entanto, é improvável que estes preços sejam atingidos novamente num futuro próximo. Concluímos que, na ausência de ovelhas sem lã, que tenham um desempenho semelhante ao Highlander ou Milchschaf em termos de reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro, Highlander é atualmente a melhor opção para os pequenos produtores do sul do Uruguai. Até agora, Milchschaf tem sido a raça recomendada para a região e para o sistema de produção em questão. Esta recomendação deve ser revista, o Highlander deve ser a raça recomendada, e o desempenho das raças sem lã deve ser investigado. Os resultados poderiam ser aplicáveis a outras regiões temperadas da América Latina onde sistemas de produção similares existem ou podem ser desenvolvidos.
Sheep production is expanding among small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Currently, Corriedale and Milchschaf are being used, but not Highlander. However, there is lack of experimental information regarding the relative performance of these breeds. We conducted an experiment where these three sheep breeds were run together at the Southern Regional Centre, located in the region in question. Wool, body, reproductive and lamb growth traits were recorded from 2015 to 2019. Results were used as a basis for the calculation of gross margins for each breed, which we calculated for a range of production and economic scenarios. For scenarios based on the results of the present study Highlander was the best performing breed. If it was assumed to be wool-less, it performed even better. In some scenarios Corriedale performed best, especially when the higher wool price it used to enjoy was assumed. However, fetching such a price in the foreseeable future is unlikely. We concluded that in the absence of wool-less sheep that perform in a manner similar to Highlander or Milchschaf in terms of reproduction and lamb growth, Highlander is currently the best option for small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Until now, Milchschaf has been the recommended breed for the region and production system in question. The recommendation should be reviewed, Highlander should be recommended instead, and the performance of wool-less breeds should be investigated. Results could be applicable to other temperate regions in Latin America where similar production systems exist or may be developed.
A produção de ovinos está se expandindo entre os pequenos produtores do Sul do Uruguai. Corriedale e Milchschaf estão sendo utilizados atualmente, mas não Highlander. Não obstante, há uma falta de informações experimentais sobre o desempenho relativo destas raças. Realizamos um experimento no qual estas três raças ovinas foram manejadas juntas no Centro Regional Sul, localizado na região em questão. As características de lã, corpo, reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro foram registradas de 2015 a 2019. Os resultados foram usados como base para calcular as margens brutas para cada raça, o que fizemos para uma série de cenários de produção e econômicos. Nos cenários baseados nos resultados deste estudo, a raça Highlander foi a que teve melhor desempenho. Se, se supunha que não tinha lã, seu desempenho era ainda maior. Em alguns cenários, Corriedale foi a raça com melhor desempenho, particularmente quando se supôs preços mais altos da lã, como os que se obtinham anos atrás. No entanto, é improvável que estes preços sejam atingidos novamente num futuro próximo. Concluímos que, na ausência de ovelhas sem lã, que tenham um desempenho semelhante ao Highlander ou Milchschaf em termos de reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro, Highlander é atualmente a melhor opção para os pequenos produtores do sul do Uruguai. Até agora, Milchschaf tem sido a raça recomendada para a região e para o sistema de produção em questão. Esta recomendação deve ser revista, o Highlander deve ser a raça recomendada, e o desempenho das raças sem lã deve ser investigado. Os resultados poderiam ser aplicáveis a outras regiões temperadas da América Latina onde sistemas de produção similares existem ou podem ser desenvolvidos.
Animais , Ovinos , UruguaiResumo
The aim was to evaluate the effect of replacing ground corn with spineless cactus from two species Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) and Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) in a total mixed ration for finishing lambs evaluating its effects on intake, ingestive behavior, performance, carcass traits, commercial cuts and physiochemical composition of the meat. Eighteen crossbred lambs with average body weight of 15.0 ± 2.32 kg were distributed in a completely randomized design with three treatments (OEM and Gigante spineless cactus and ground corn as control treatment) and six replications. Spineless cactus species replacing ground corn in lambs diets does not change the intake of dry matter (DMI), crude protein and neutral detergent fiber or time (min/d) of ingestion, rumination and idleness, or final body weight gain. Lambs fed with ground corn and "Gigante" cactus presented a higher total weigh gain (TWG) and average daily weight gain (ADG) when compared to OEM spineless specie. Ground corn diet promoted better hot and cold carcass yield in lambs receiving spineless cactus, regardless of species. Feed and total costs (kg/lamb) were higher for the ground corn diet. The replacement of ground corn with spineless cactus did not change moisture, protein, and ash meat contents, as well as water holding capacity, cooking loss, shear force, and a* color intensity. However, there was an effect for the meat lipid content, b* and L* color intensity and color index, where the species of cactus Gigante on ground corn presented the highest lipid content and yellowness (b*) intensity and lower L* color compared to OEM. Spineless cactus species Gigante can replace ground corn as a source of energy in diets for finishing lambs because it significantly improves the financial income for the producer without changing the ADG, DMI, ingestive behavior and yield of commercial cuts.
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da substituição do milho moído por duas espécies de palma forrageira, Orelha de Elefante Mexicana-OEM (Opuntia stricta Haw.) e espécie Gigante (Opuntia ficus-indica Mill) em uma ração completa para terminação de cordeiros avaliando seus efeitos sobre consumo, comportamento ingestivo, desempenho, características de carcaça, cortes comerciais e composição físico-química da carne. Foram utilizados dezoito cordeiros sem padrão racial definido com peso corporal médio de 15,0 ± 2,32 kg e foram distribuídos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com três tratamentos (OEM e palma Gigante e grão de milho como controle) e seis repetições. As duas espécies de palma forrageira em substituição ao milho moído na dieta de cordeiros não modificaram o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) proteína bruta e fibra em detergente neutro nem o tempo (min/dia) de ingestão, ruminação e ócio ou ganho corporal final. Cordeiros alimentados com milho moído e palma Gigante apresentaram maior ganho de peso total (GPT) e médio diário (GMD) em relação à espécie OEM. A dieta com milho moído promoveu melhor rendimento de carcaça quente e fria comparando cordeiros recebendo palma forrageira, independente da espécie. Os custos com ração e total (kg/cordeiro) foram maiores para a dieta com milho moído. A substituição do milho moído pela palma forrageira não alterou os teores de umidade, proteína e cinzas da carne, bem como a capacidade de retenção de água, perda por cozimento, força de cisalhamento e intensidade de cor a*. No entanto, houve efeito para o teor de lipídios da carne, índice de intensidade de cor b* e L*, sendo que a espécie de palma Gigante e o milho grão moído apresentou o maior teor de lipídios e intensidade de amarelo (b*) e menor cor L* em relação ao OEM. A espécie palma forrageira Gigante pode substituir o milho moído como fonte de energia em dietas para cordeiros em terminação, pois melhora significativamente o rendimento financeiro do produtor sem alterar o GMD, CMS, comportamento ingestivo e rendimento dos cortes comerciais.
Animais , Ovinos , Zea mays , Opuntia , Dieta/veterinária , Ração AnimalResumo
This study evaluated the productive performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed diets containing prilled fats of palm oil (PFPO) or calcium soaps of palm oil (CaSPO) replacing vegetable oils (VO). A total of two hundred 1-day-old male Ross 308 chickens were allocated in a 2 × 2 randomized factorial design. Diets included 2 PFPO levels (0 and 50%) and 2 CaSPO levels (0 and 50%). The level was the percentage of substitution of VO by granulated fats. The study had two phases (starter and finisher), each lasting 21 days. In the starter phase, PFPO did not influence (main effects; p>0.05) feed intake and body weight gain, but improved (main effect; p=0.03) feed conversion. In the finisher phase and the total study, PFPO had no effect (p>0.05) on these productive variables. Throughout the study, CaSPO did not influence feed intake (main effect; p>0.50), but decreased weight gain and had a negative effect on feed conversion (main effects; p<0.05). There was no influence of fats (PFPO or CaSPO) on carcass yield, breast, drumsticks plus thighs, and wings (main effects; p>0.05). Chickens fed CaSPO had lower (main effect; p=0.02) carcass weight. The only PFPO × CaSPO interaction (p=0.04) was for back yield. Results showed that PFPO or CaSPO could be employed in formulating broiler chicken diets, as they are less expensive than conventional VO. Partial substitution of VO for PFPO had minimal effect on productive variables, although partial dietary inclusion of CaSPO might slightly reduce the production of broiler chickens.(AU)
Aumento de Peso/fisiologia , Óleo de Palmeira/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologiaResumo
This study aims to evaluate the residual effect of different lipid sources in the diet of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica) in the rearing phase on the performance and egg quality in the initial phase of egg-laying. In the first stage, 400 Japanese quails aged 21 days were used, being distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, with five treatments and ten replicates of eight birds/replicate Treatments consisted of basal ration (BR) with 2.5% soybean oil; BR with 2.5% corn oil; BR with 2.5% cottonseed oil; BR with 2.5% sunflower oil; and BR with 2.5% canola oil.At 42 days, maintaining the initial design, all quails received a basal ration with soybean oil, in order to evaluate the residual effect of the previous phase on the performance and egg quality in the initial phase of egg-laying (43 - 84 days). The different lipid sources did not affect the performance of quails in the initial phase of production. For egg quality, yolk height, yolk diameter, yolk index, gravity, and Haugh unit (HU) showed better results in the treatment using sunflower oil. There was a residual effect of the use of lipid sources of vegetable origin in the rearing phase diet of Japanese quails on egg quality traits. Lipid sources from soybean, corn, cottonseed, canola, and sunflower seeds can be used as energy sources in the rearing diet of egg-laying quails for not being harmful to their initial performance. The longevity in egg production of quails fed with different lipid sources in the rearing phase was similar.
A pesquisa foi conduzida com objetivo de avaliar o efeito residual de diferentes fontes lipídicas na dieta de codornas japonesas (Coturnix japonica) na fase de recria sob o desempenho e a qualidade de ovos na fase inicial de postura. Na primeira etapa foram utilizadas 400 codornas japonesas com idade de 21 dias, as aves foram distribuídas em tratamentos seguindo um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com dez repetições, de oito aves, em cinco tratamentos: ração basal (RB) com 2,5% de óleo de soja, RB com 2,5 % de óleo de milho, RB com 2,5% de óleo algodão, RB com 2,5% de óleo de girassol e RB com 2,5% de óleo de canola. Aos 42 dias mantendo o delineamento inicial, todas aves receberam ração basal com óleo de soja, para que fosse avaliado o efeito residual da fase anterior sobre o desempenho e a qualidade dos ovos na fase inicial de postura (43 - 84 dias). As diferentes fontes lipídicas não afetaram o desempenho das aves na fase inicial de produção. Para a qualidade dos ovos, os parâmetros de altura, diâmetro e índice de gema, gravidade e UH foram melhores no tratamento com utilização de óleo de girassol. Houve efeito residual da utilização de fontes lipídicas de origem vegetal na dieta em fase de recria de codornas japonesas sobre as características da qualidade dos ovos. As fontes lipídicas oriundas das sementes de soja, milho, algodão, canola e girassol podem ser utilizadas como ingredientes energéticos na dieta de recria de codornas poedeiras por não serem prejudiciais ao desempenho inicial das aves. A longevidade na produção dos ovos das aves alimentadas com diferentes fontes lipídicas na fase de recria foi semelhante.
Animais , Oviposição/fisiologia , Óleos de Plantas/administração & dosagem , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ovos/análiseResumo
The most severe drought of this century in the Amazon rainforest, which was caused by El Niño, occurred from 2015 to 2016. With a focus on the ecophysiology of the regrowth of the Brazil nut tree, Bertholletia excelsa, it was investigated how the progression of the drought of 2015-2016 affected the physiological traits of the coppice regrowth of B. excelsa. The experiment was carried out in a ten-year-old plantation of Brazil nut trees, which had been subjected to thinning and coppice regrowth two years earlier. In the sprouts grown on the stumps of cut trees, the following treatments were applied: (T1) thinning to one sprout per stump; (T2) thinning to two sprouts per stump, and (T3) maintenance of three sprouts per stump. Thinning treatments did not alter the growth and ecophysiological traits of the Brazil nut tree sprouts, though the phosphorus content of the leaves was higher in T1. However, the progression of the drought in 2015-2016 negatively affected the growth (height) and gas exchange of sprouts of all treatments. In addition, an increase of around 37% was observed in the intrinsic wateruse efficiency. Concerning photochemical performance, no alterations were observed. Therefore, drought stress promoted a negative effect on sprout growth and affected traits related to the photosynthesis of the B. excelsa sprouts independently of the number of sprouts per stump.(AU)
A seca mais severa deste século na floresta amazônica, causada por El Niño, ocorreu de 2015 a 2016. Com foco na ecofisiologia da rebrota da castanheira da Amazônia, foi investigado como a progressão da seca de 2015-2016 afetou as características fisiológicas das rebrotas de uma talhadia de B. excelsa. O experimento foi realizado em uma plantação de castanheiras com dez anos, a qual havia sido submetida a um desbaste e rebrota de talhadia dois anos antes. Nas rebrotas crescidas sobre os tocos das árvores cortadas foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos: (T1) desbrota para manter um broto por cepa; (T2) desbrota para manter dois brotos por cepa; e (T3) manutenção de três brotos por cepa. Os tratamentos de desbrota não alteraram o crescimento e as características ecofisiológicas dos brotos da castanheira, exceto para o teor foliar de fósforo, que foi maior em T1. Porém, a progressão da seca em 2015-2016 afetou negativamente o crescimento em altura e as trocas gasosas dos brotos de todos os tratamentos. Além disso, foi observado um aumento de cerca de 37% na eficiência intrínseca do uso da água. Quanto ao desempenho fotoquímico, não foram observadas alterações. Portanto, o estresse hídrico promoveu efeito negativo no crescimento da brotação e afetou características relacionadas à fotossíntese das brotações de B. excelsa, independentemente do número de brotações por cepa.(AU)
Estruturas Vegetais/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bertholletia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Bertholletia/fisiologia , Brasil , El Niño Oscilação Sul/efeitos adversosResumo
Traditional germination tests which assess seed quality are costly and time-consuming, mainly when performed on a large scale. In this study, we assessed the efficiency of X-ray imaging analyses in predicting the physiological quality of tomato seeds. A convolutional neural network (CNN) called mask region convolutional neural network (MaskRCNN) was also tested for its precision in adequately classifying tomato seeds into four seed quality categories. For this purpose, X-ray images were taken of seeds of 49 tomato genotypes (46 Solanum pennellii introgression lines) from two different growing seasons. Four replicates of 25 seeds for each genotype were analyzed. These seeds were further assessed for germination and seedling vigor-related traits in two independent trials. Correlation analysis revealed significant linear association between germination and image-based variables. Most genotypes differed in terms of germination and seed development performance considering the two independent trials, except LA 4046, LA 4043, and LA4047, which showed similar behavior. Our findings point out that seeds with low opacity and percentage of damaged seed tissue and high values for living tissue opacity have greater physiological quality. In short, our work confirms the reliability of X-ray imaging and deep learning methodologies in predicting the physiological quality of tomato seeds.
Raios X , Redes Neurais de Computação , Solanum lycopersicum/fisiologia , GerminaçãoResumo
Fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) is one of the most common diseases in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) crop, and the most viable alternative for its control is the use of resistant cultivars. However, the number of "carioca" cultivars, the most important commercial group in Brazil, which has a good level of resistance to this disease, is still low. To obtain populations with a higher degree of resistance, seven parents with different levels of resistance to Fusarium and which produce carioca grains were crossed in a complete diallel design. The 21 segregating populations obtained were evaluated in the years/generations 2012/F3, 2013/F4, and 2014/F5 in experiments in Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, in the winter crop season (sowing in May), together with the check cultivars BRS Notável (resistant) and BRS Cometa (susceptible) in an area naturally infested with Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli, under a center pivot irrigation system. Reaction to Fusarium wilt, yield, and 100-seed weight were evaluated. Additive and non-additive effects contributed to control of reaction to Fusarium wilt, yield, and 100-seed weight. The statistically negative general combining ability (gi) estimates for BRS Notável (-0.51), CNFC 15872 (-0.20), IPR Juriti (-0.18), and BRSMG Talismã (-0.13) indicate that these parents are recommended for obtaining populations more resistant to Fusarium wilt. Among them, cultivar BRS Notável also showed a statistically positive gi estimate for grain yield (87.90). Among the parents recommended for resistance to Fusarium wilt, cultivars IPR Juriti (0.99) and BRS Notável (0.23) are those that most contributed to obtaining populations with larger-sized beans. Cultivar BRS Notável is the most promising parent for participation in new crossing blocks, showing non-zero gi estimates for all traits, favoring an increase in resistance to Fusarium wilt, yield, and 100-seed weight. Populations BRS Notável / CNFC 15872, BRS Ametista / BRS Notável, BRS Notável / BRSMG Talismã, and BRS Ametista / BRSMG Talismã showed good mean values for reaction to Fusarium wilt, yield, and 100-seed weight and at least one parent with a good general combining ability estimate for resistance to Fusarium wilt. These four populations are promising for obtaining lines with superior performance for resistance to Fusarium wilt, yield, and larger-sized grains.
A murcha de fusário (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseoli) é uma das doenças mais importantes para a cultura do feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris) e a alternativa mais viável para o seu controle é a utilização de cultivares resistentes. No entanto, o número de cultivares do grupo comercial carioca, que é o mais importante no Brasil, com bom nível de resistência à essa doença ainda é pequeno. Para a obtenção de populações com maior grau de resistência, sete genitores com diferentes níveis de resistência à murcha de fusário e grãos do tipo carioca foram intercruzados em esquema de dialelo completo. As 21 populações segregantes obtidas foram avaliadas nos anos/gerações 2012/F3, 2013/F4 e 2014/F5, em experimentos em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO, na época do inverno (semeadura em maio), juntamente com as testemunhas BRS Notável (resistente) e BRS Cometa (suscetível), em área naturalmente infestada com Fusarium oxysporumf. sp. phaseoli, sob irrigação com pivô central. Foram avaliadas a reação à murcha de fusário, produtividade e massa de 100 grãos. Os efeitos aditivos e não aditivos contribuíram no controle da reação à murcha de fusário, produtividade e massa de 100 grãos. As estimativas da capacidade geral de combinação (gi) negativas e diferentes de zero para BRS Notável (-0,51), CNFC 15872 (-0,20), IPR Juriti (-0,18) e BRSMG Talismã (-0,13), indicaram que estes genitores são recomendados para a obtenção de populações mais resistentes à murcha de fusário e entre eles, a cultivar BRS Notável mostrou também estimativa de gi positiva e diferente de zero para produtividade de grãos (87,90). Entre os genitores recomendados para resistência à murcha de fusário, as cultivares IPR Juriti (0,99) e BRS Notável (0,23) são as que mais contribuíram na obtenção de populações com maior tamanho de grãos. A cultivar BRS Notável é o genitor mais promissor para participar de novos blocos de cruzamentos, apresentando estimativas de gi diferentes de zero para todos os caracteres, favorecendo o incremento da resistência à murcha de fusário, produtividade e massa de 100 grãos. As populações BRS Notável / CNFC 15872, BRS Ametista / BRS Notável, BRS Notável / BRSMG Talismã e BRS Ametista / BRSMG Talismã apresentaram boas médias para reação à murcha de fusário, produtividade e massa de 100 grãos, e pelo menos um genitor com boa estimativa da capacidade geral de combinação para resistência à murcha de fusário. Estas quatro populações são promissoras para a obtenção de linhagens superiores para resistência à murcha de fusário, produtividade e maior tamanho de grãos.
Doenças das Plantas , Phaseolus , Desenvolvimento Vegetal , Fusarium/patogenicidadeResumo
Feed additive alternatives to antibiotics, such as organic acids, and substances rich in polyphenols, such as tangerine wort, can promote improved intestinal health in broilers by modulating the microbial population and improving nutrient utilization. In this work, a product which combines organic acids (fumaric acid 0.5%, lactic acid 5.13%, citric acid 5.44% and ascorbic acid 1.2%) and tangerine wort (Citrus reticulata) 8.36% was studied. To determine the effect and the most appropriate level of inclusion of product in the diet of broilers, an experiment was carried out with 1400-day-old male chicks, in a conventional poultry house, evaluating the performance until 42 days of age. The birds were housed in RCB design with 5 treatments and 7 replicates of 40 birds each, and the diets with the additive inclusions were evaluated: A250 (250 mg/kg), A500 (500 mg/kg), A1000 (1000 mg/kg), a negative control (NC, not supplemented), and a positive control (PC, 10 mg/kg of enramycin). The diets were formulated based on corn and soybean meal, containing added phytase and without anticoccidial; the additives replaced an inert in the basal diet. Performance characteristics, microbiota count, morphometry and jejunum morphology were evaluated. Considering the overall experimental period, the inclusion of the alternative additive based on organic acids and tangerine wort at different levels (250, 500 and 1000 mg/kg) did not result in difference from the negative control diet or the positive control with the inclusion of the antibiotic enramycin for performance traits (p>0.05), as well as for the microbiota count, morphology, jejunal morphometry and viability. Considering the period of 29-35 days alone, treatment with 500 mg/kg of alternative additive improved weight gain and feed intake of the chickens (p<0.05), but had no effect on feed conversion.(AU)
Animais , Flavonoides/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Aditivos Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Citrus/fisiologia , Ácidos Orgânicos/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in the diet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8, and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62 µm and 0.43 µm, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass, and non-carcass traits.
Simultaneous selection for various agronomic traits, cooking time and mineral concentration are major challenges for common-bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) breeding programs. The authors of this study proposed to analyze genetic gain estimates obtained by direct and indirect selection using selection indices and economic weights for 13 traits, and to determine the most efficient selection strategy for the simultaneous selection of fast cooking, mineral-biofortified common bean cultivars with high agronomic performance. For this purpose, three experiments were carried out in different growing seasons to evaluate 49 common bean cultivars of different grain types. Agronomic performance was evaluated based on six traits; cooking time was determined using a Mattson cooker; and the concentration of six minerals was analyzed in samples of raw grains. Significant genotype × environment interaction or genotype effects were observed for all traits, indicating the existence of genetic variability. Direct selection resulted in high genetic gain estimates for individual traits, but caused undesirable changes in one or more of the traits under selection. The classic, base, desired-gains and rank-sum selection indices tested with six economic weights do not provide genetic gain estimates favorable to the selection of all traits. The multiplicative index is the best selection strategy for use in the breeding program when aiming at the simultaneous selection of fast cooking, mineral-biofortified common bean cultivars with high agronomic performance.
Phaseolus/genética , Melhoramento Vegetal/economia , Mutação com Ganho de FunçãoResumo
The objective of this study was to evaluate performance, gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass,and non-carcass traits in lambs finished on different levels of canola grain in thediet. Twenty-seven Santa Ines lambs with an average initial weight of 19.33 ± 1.39 kg were given different levels of canola grain in the diet: 0, 8,and 16%. Weights and body condition scores were determined at the beginning, every 14 days and at the end of the experimental period. Animals were slaughtered to assess gastrointestinal morphometry, carcass and non-carcass traits. The statistical design used was completely randomized. The inclusion of canola grain showed a linear effect (0.723) for the width and height of ruminal papillae in the ventral region of the rumen. Intestinal villi and crypts showed a quadratic effect, with peaks of 0.62&956;m and 0.43&956;m, with the inclusion of 8 and 16%, respectively. When evaluating carcass traits, a decreasing linear effect was found for hot and cold carcass yield with 16% inclusion of canola. Canola grain can be used as an alternative in diets for finishing sheep up to 8% inclusion in the diet without affecting performance, ruminal and intestinal histometry, carcass,and non-carcass traits.(AU)