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Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(1): 78-84, mar. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1426346


Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) is a genetic disorder or by undetermined cause characterized by the abnormal accumulation of glycogen and polysaccharides in skeletal muscle fibers. The present report describes two Percheron horses, from different properties in the municipality of Pouso Redondo -SC, with locomotor clinical signs that started after work. The clinical signs observed were rigid gait, mainly of the pelvic limbs, muscle weakness, and recumbency. In the first case, the animal was diagnosed with severe multifocal rhabdomyonecrosis, moderate multifocal myoglobin nephrosisand severe diffuse transmural fibrinonecrotic gastritis. PSSM was confirmed by the presence of polysaccharide inclusions in myofiber sarcolemma visualized by periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) staining. In the second case, the horse presented two episodes ofmuscle disorder after work. The therapeutic protocol was based on penicillin, flunixin meglumine and fluid therapy with ringer lactate. An increase in creatine kinase (669.0 UI/L) and aspartate aminotransferase (669.0 UI/L) was observed in the serum biochemical evaluation. Research for mutation in the GYS1 gene was performed, with a positive heterozygote result. After rest and gradual recovery, the horse was only submitted to light work, with no return of the clinical condition since then. Thus, this report describes two cases of PSSM with distinct clinical evolution and diagnostic methods.(AU)

A miopatia por acúmulo de polissacarídeos (PSSM) é uma desordem genética ou de causa indeterminada caracterizada pelo acúmulo anormal de glicogênio e polissacarídeos nas fibras musculares esqueléticas. O presente relato descreve dois cavalos Percheron, oriundos de diferentes propriedades do município de Pouso Redondo ­SC, com sinais clínicos locomotores que iniciaram após o trabalho. Os sinais clínicos observados foram marcha rígida, principalmente dos membros pélvicos, fraqueza muscular, e decúbito. No primeiro caso, o animal foi diagnosticado com rabdomionecrose multifocal acentuada, nefrose mioglobínica multifocal moderada e gastrite fibrinonecrótica transmural difusa acentuada. A PSSM foi confirmada pela presença de inclusões polissacarídicas no sarcolema de miofibras visualizadas pela coloração com ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No segundo caso, o equino apresentou dois episódios de disfunção muscular após o trabalho. O protocolo terapêutico foi baseado em penicilina, flunixin megluminee fluidoterapia com ringer lactato. Um aumento de creatina quinase (669,0 UI/L) e aspartato aminotransferase (669,0 UI/L) foi observado na avaliação bioquímica sérica. Foi realizada pesquisa de mutação nogene GYS1, com resultado heterozigoto positivo. Após repouso e recuperação gradual, o cavalo foi submetido apenas a trabalhos leves, sem retorno do quadro clínico desde então. Assim, este relato descreve dois casos com PSSM com evolução clínica e métodos diagnósticos distintos.(AU)

Animais , Polissacarídeos/análise , Cavalos , Doenças Musculares/patologia , Brasil
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 16(2): 100-102, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509589


Apocrine neoplasms are rare in goats. This report describes an apocrine adenocarcinoma in a 5-year-old female Boer goat with an ulcerated, exophytic, multilobulated mass on the left dorsolateral cervical area. Histologically, the dermis was effaced and expanded by a poorly demarcated epithelial neoplasm with desmoplasia. Neoplastic cells were arranged in acini with papillary projections into the lumen and had cuboidal or columnar, eosinophilic, occasionally vacuolated cytoplasm. Nuclei were round and had finely stippled chromatin with one nucleolus. Neoplastic cells contained periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)­positive and diastase­resistant, alcian blue­positive cytoplasmic granules. There were 6 mitoses in 2.37 mm2 (equivalent to 10 FN22/40X fields). Histologic and histochemical features in the current case were consistent with a cutaneous apocrine gland adenocarcinoma.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cabras/anatomia & histologia , Adenocarcinoma/diagnóstico , Neoplasias/veterinária , Glândulas Apócrinas/patologia
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 45: e63722, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1427131


The family Potamotrygonidae are the only species of stingrays restricted to fresh water and located exclusively in South America. The objective of this research was to analyze the morphological aspects and germ cells of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae. The samples were fixed in 10% formalin, and then dehydrated in an ascending ethanol series (70 to 100%). To carry out light microscopy analyses, they were embedded in paraffin, cut and stained; as for scanning electron microscopy analyses, the samples were dried, glued in metallic bases and metalized. The gross morphology consisted of the following paired organs: testis, epididymis, deferent duct, Leydig gland, seminal vesicle, clasper, and the clasper gland. Microscopically, several stages of spermatogenesis were observed in the testis, occurring in spherical follicles, similar to other stingrays. The epididymis was formed by one duct subdivided in various tubules. The deferent ducts were continuous with the epididymis, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. The Leydig glands consisted of glandular units with eosinophilic content in the lumen of some, and the deferent ducts ran parallel to the ventral portion. The seminal vesicles possessed numerous compartments to store the sperm, with a wall similar to a hive, and the lumen was full of spermatozoa. Alcian Blue (AB) and Periodic Schiff-Acid (PAS) performed in the Leydig Gland, deferens ducts and seminal vesicle was positive only in the connective tissue, the cilia were PAS+ and the nuclei stained weakly for AB. The clasper gland was composed of unit glands and was covered with striated muscle externally. It stained very well with Periodic Schiff-Acid. The morphological aspects of the male reproductive tract of Potamotrygon amandae were similar to other stingrays.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Rajidae/fisiologia , Achados Morfológicos e Microscópicos , Células Germinativas
Braz. j. biol ; 832023.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469032


Abstract The work aims were to describe the histological and histochemical structure of the gastroesophageal tube of Iguana iguana and verify the occurrence and distribution of immunoreactive serotonin (5-HT) and somatostatin (SS) cells. Fragments of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of five iguanas were which underwent standard histological and immunohistochemistry technique. Immunoreactive cells for 5-HT and SS were quantified using the STEPanizer. The oesophagus has ciliated columnar pseudostratified epithelium with staining Alcian blue (AB) + and goblet cells highly reactive to periodic acid Schiff (PAS). In the cervical oesophagus, the numerical density of 5-HT cells per unit area (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) was 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 and celomatic oesophagus presented QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. The epithelium of the stomach is simple columnar, PAS and AB +. The cranial and middle regions of the stomach presented (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 and the caudal region, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. The SS cells were only observed in the caudal stomach, with numerical density (QA [SS cells]/µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9 In I. iguana, variation was observed in terms of the distribution of mucus secretions and the pattern of occurrence of serotonin and somatostatin-secreting enteroendocrine cells in the TGI, which possibly will result in an interspecific adaptive response.

Resumo Os objetivos do trabalho foram descrever a estrutura histológica e histoquímica do tubo gastroesofágico da Iguana iguana e verificar a ocorrência e distribuição de células serotonina (5-HT) e somatostatina (SS) imunorreativas. Fragmentos do trato gastrointestinal (TGI) de cinco iguanas foram submetidos à técnica histológica e imunohistoquímica padrão. As células imunorreativas para 5-HT e SS foram quantificadas usando o STEPanizer. O esôfago apresenta epitélio pseudoestratificado colunar ciliado Alcian blue (AB) positivo, com células caliciformes altamente reativas ao ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No esôfago cervical, a densidade numérica de células 5-HT por unidade de área (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) foi de 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 e o esôfago celomático apresentou QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. O epitélio do estômago é colunar simples, PAS e AB positivo. As regiões cranial e média do estômago apresentaram (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 e a região caudal, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. As células SS foram observadas apenas no estômago caudal, com densidade numérica (QA [células SS] / µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9. Em I. iguana, foi observada variações em termos da distribuição das secreções de muco e padrão de ocorrência das células enteroendócrinas secretoras de serotonina e somatostatina no TGI, o que possivelmente reflete uma resposta adaptativa interespecifica.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(2): e20210807, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384554


ABSTRACT: We described a case of rhinitis case caused by Exserohilum rostratum in a 3-year-old, mixed breed, afemale goat, presenting with decreased appetite, dyspnea, and face deformity, with evolution of approximately 2 months. Necropsy revealed an extensive brownish yellow, irregular, ulcerated, and friable focal lesion in the nasal cavity. Purulent secretion drained from the lesion, affecting the nasal vestibule and extending the caudal portion of the dorsal concha, associated with nasal meatus obstruction, destruction of the nasal septum, and nasal bone palatine and vomer. Histologically, the lesion was characterized as rhinitis and pyogranulomatous and necrotizing osteomyelitis (multifocal to coalescent, sharp, and chronic) and associated with a myriad of fungal structures. Morphologically, the hyphae were characterized by thin, slightly tortuous, and rarely septate walls (2-6 μm diameter), multiple chains of individual conidia or in groups (8-10 μm diameter), and pigmented chlamydoconidia (7.5-15 μm diameter). They showed positive results for the special histochemical techniques such as Fontana Masson, methenamine silver nitrate by Grocott, and periodic acid by Schiff. E. rostratum was identified as the causative agent using microbiological isolation associated with molecular identification. Pyrogranulomatous rhinitis caused by E. rostratum in goats is unprecedented, being the first isolation of the agent in animals in Brazil and the first case of nasal phaeohyphomycosis in the goats.

RESUMO: Descreve-se um caso de rinite por Exserohilum rostratum em um caprino, sem raça definida, fêmea, três anos, com diminuição do apetite, dispneia e deformidade facial, com evolução de aproximadamente dois meses. Durante a necropsia, observou-se que na cavidade nasal havia área focal extensa, amarelo acastanhada, irregular, ulcerada e friável, que drenava secreção purulenta acometendo o vestíbulo nasal e estendendo-se da porção caudal da concha dorsal, associada a obstrução do meato nasal, destruição do septo nasal e osso nasal palatino e vômer. Histologicamente, a lesão foi caracterizada como rinite e osteomielite piogranulomatosa e necrosante, multifocal a coalescente, aguda, crônica, associada a uma miríade de estruturas fúngicas. Morfologicamente, as hifas foram caracterizadas por paredes finas, discretamente tortuosas e septadas medindo 2 a 6 μm de diâmetro. Observamos algumas cadeias de conídios ou grupos com 8 a 10 μm de diâmetro e clamidoconídios pigmentados medindo de 7,5 a 15 μm de diâmetro. Foram positivos na histoquímica especial de Fontana Masson, Nitrato de Metenamina de Prata de Grocott e Ácido Periódico de Schiff. O agente foi determinado por meio de isolamento microbiológico associado à identificação molecular. A rinite piogranulomatosa causada por E. rostratum em caprinos é inédita, sendo o primeiro isolamento do agente em animais no Brasil e o primeiro caso de feo-hifomicose nasal na espécie caprina.

Braz. j. biol ; 83: e242086, 2023. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278530


Abstract The work aims were to describe the histological and histochemical structure of the gastroesophageal tube of Iguana iguana and verify the occurrence and distribution of immunoreactive serotonin (5-HT) and somatostatin (SS) cells. Fragments of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of five iguanas were which underwent standard histological and immunohistochemistry technique. Immunoreactive cells for 5-HT and SS were quantified using the STEPanizer. The oesophagus has ciliated columnar pseudostratified epithelium with staining Alcian blue (AB) + and goblet cells highly reactive to periodic acid Schiff (PAS). In the cervical oesophagus, the numerical density of 5-HT cells per unit area (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) was 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 and celomatic oesophagus presented QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. The epithelium of the stomach is simple columnar, PAS and AB +. The cranial and middle regions of the stomach presented (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 and the caudal region, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. The SS cells were only observed in the caudal stomach, with numerical density (QA [SS cells]/µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9 In I. iguana, variation was observed in terms of the distribution of mucus secretions and the pattern of occurrence of serotonin and somatostatin-secreting enteroendocrine cells in the TGI, which possibly will result in an interspecific adaptive response.

Resumo Os objetivos do trabalho foram descrever a estrutura histológica e histoquímica do tubo gastroesofágico da Iguana iguana e verificar a ocorrência e distribuição de células serotonina (5-HT) e somatostatina (SS) imunorreativas. Fragmentos do trato gastrointestinal (TGI) de cinco iguanas foram submetidos à técnica histológica e imunohistoquímica padrão. As células imunorreativas para 5-HT e SS foram quantificadas usando o STEPanizer. O esôfago apresenta epitélio pseudoestratificado colunar ciliado Alcian blue (AB) positivo, com células caliciformes altamente reativas ao ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No esôfago cervical, a densidade numérica de células 5-HT por unidade de área (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) foi de 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 e o esôfago celomático apresentou QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. O epitélio do estômago é colunar simples, PAS e AB positivo. As regiões cranial e média do estômago apresentaram (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 e a região caudal, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. As células SS foram observadas apenas no estômago caudal, com densidade numérica (QA [células SS] / µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9. Em I. iguana, foi observada variações em termos da distribuição das secreções de muco e padrão de ocorrência das células enteroendócrinas secretoras de serotonina e somatostatina no TGI, o que possivelmente reflete uma resposta adaptativa interespecifica.

Animais , Serotonina , Iguanas , Estômago , Imuno-Histoquímica , Trato Gastrointestinal
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 17(1): 44-52, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436328


The aim of the present study is to describe the skin morphology and morphometry of the giant anteater (M. tridactyla), based on comparative analysis applied to skin segments from central metacarpal torus (palmar pad), dorsal thorax, ventral cervical, ventral abdomen, medial carpal and nasal regions. In order to do so, eight adult specimens of M. tridactyla were used for macroscopic studies and four for microscopic assessments. Microscopy was used to assess fur general features that were macroscopically assessed through visual analysis. Fragments (2.0cm²) were collected from the selected regions for microscopic studies. Samples were fixed on McDowell solution, processed through routine histology techniques and subjected to semi-serial cuts (5 µm). The cuts were stained in HE, Alcian blue and periodic acid Schiff. General morphology of different skin layers was described, as well as their architecture and composition; mesoscopy of the epidermis, dermis and stratum corneum was also carried out. There was difference in skin morphometry between males and females, and between different skin regions in the same animal, based on the statistical evaluation of the recorded values. All epidermis layers were assessed for the selected regions. Dermis encompassed surface and deep layers; it presented sweat and sebaceous glands, as well as hair follicles. Findings also allowed reporting that epidermis components are easily identified given its thickness, and the large amount of sweat glands in it ­ it contrasts its physiological features.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a morfologia e morfometria da pele do Tamanduá-bandeira (M. tridactyla), mediante a análise comparativa de segmentos cutâneos das regiões central do toro metacarpal (coxim palmar), dorsal do tórax, cervical ventral, ventral do abdome, medial do carpo e nasal. Para tanto, foram utilizados oito exemplares adultos de M. tri-dactyla para o estudo macroscópico, e quatro destes para o estudo microscópico. Macroscopicamente estudou-se, por meio de análise visual, as características gerais do pelo e pelagem. Para o estudo microscópico, foram coletados fragmentos de 2,0 cm2 das áreas selecionadas. As amostras foram fixadas em solução de McDowell, processadas pelas técnicas rotineiras de his-tologia e submetidas a cortes semi-seriados de 5 µm. Os cortes foram corados com HE, azul de Alcian e ácido periódico de Schiff. Descreveu-se a morfologia geral, a arquitetura e a composição das diferentes camadas da pele e ainda realizou-se a mesoscopia da epiderme, derme e estrato córneo. De acordo com a avaliação estatística dos valores obtidos, houve diferença na morfometria cutânea entre machos e fêmeas, e entre as diferentes regiões cutâneas de um mesmo animal. Nas regiões estu-dadas observou-se todas as camadas da epiderme. A derme compôs-se das camadas superficial e profunda, apresentado glân-dulas sudoríferas e sebáceas e folículos pilosos. Dentre os achados também pode-se relatar que os componentes da epiderme são facilmente identificáveis pela sua maior espessura, além da grande quantidade de glândulas sudoríferas presentes, o que contrasta com suas características fisiológicas.(AU)

Animais , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Pele , Vermilingua/anatomia & histologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(2): e20210807, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412051


We described a case of rhinitis case caused by Exserohilum rostratum in a 3-year-old, mixed breed, afemale goat, presenting with decreased appetite, dyspnea, and face deformity, with evolution of approximately 2 months. Necropsy revealed an extensive brownish yellow, irregular, ulcerated, and friable focal lesion in the nasal cavity. Purulent secretion drained from the lesion, affecting the nasal vestibule and extending the caudal portion of the dorsal concha, associated with nasal meatus obstruction, destruction of the nasal septum, and nasal bone palatine and vomer. Histologically, the lesion was characterized as rhinitis and pyogranulomatous and necrotizing osteomyelitis (multifocal to coalescent, sharp, and chronic) and associated with a myriad of fungal structures. Morphologically, the hyphae were characterized by thin, slightly tortuous, and rarely septate walls (2-6 µm diameter), multiple chains of individual conidia or in groups (8-10 µm diameter), and pigmented chlamydoconidia (7.5-15 µm diameter). They showed positive results for the special histochemical techniques such as Fontana Masson, methenamine silver nitrate by Grocott, and periodic acid by Schiff. E. rostratum was identified as the causative agent using microbiological isolation associated with molecular identification. Pyrogranulomatous rhinitis caused by E. rostratum in goats is unprecedented, being the first isolation of the agent in animals in Brazil and the first case of nasal phaeohyphomycosis in the goats.

Descreve-se um caso de rinite por Exserohilum rostratum em um caprino, sem raça definida, fêmea, três anos, com diminuição do apetite, dispneia e deformidade facial, com evolução de aproximadamente dois meses. Durante a necropsia, observou-se que na cavidade nasal havia área focal extensa, amarelo acastanhada, irregular, ulcerada e friável, que drenava secreção purulenta acometendo o vestíbulo nasal e estendendo-se da porção caudal da concha dorsal, associada a obstrução do meato nasal, destruição do septo nasal e osso nasal palatino e vômer. Histologicamente, a lesão foi caracterizada como rinite e osteomielite piogranulomatosa e necrosante, multifocal a coalescente, aguda, crônica, associada a uma miríade de estruturas fúngicas. Morfologicamente, as hifas foram caracterizadas por paredes finas, discretamente tortuosas e septadas medindo 2 a 6 µm de diâmetro. Observamos algumas cadeias de conídios ou grupos com 8 a 10 µm de diâmetro e clamidoconídios pigmentados medindo de 7,5 a 15 µm de diâmetro. Foram positivos na histoquímica especial de Fontana Masson, Nitrato de Metenamina de Prata de Grocott e Ácido Periódico de Schiff. O agente foi determinado por meio de isolamento microbiológico associado à identificação molecular. A rinite piogranulomatosa causada por E. rostratum em caprinos é inédita, sendo o primeiro isolamento do agente em animais no Brasil e o primeiro caso de feo-hifomicose nasal na espécie caprina.

Animais , Ruminantes , Rinite/veterinária , Dispneia/veterinária , Cavidade Nasal/anormalidades
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-10, 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468816


The work aims were to describe the histological and histochemical structure of the gastroesophageal tube of Iguana iguana and verify the occurrence and distribution of immunoreactive serotonin (5-HT) and somatostatin (SS) cells. Fragments of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of five iguanas were which underwent standard histological and immunohistochemistry technique. Immunoreactive cells for 5-HT and SS were quantified using the STEPanizer. The oesophagus has ciliated columnar pseudostratified epithelium with staining Alcian blue (AB) + and goblet cells highly reactive to periodic acid Schiff (PAS). In the cervical oesophagus, the numerical density of 5-HT cells per unit area (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) was 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 and celomatic oesophagus presented QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. The epithelium of the stomach is simple columnar, PAS and AB +. The cranial and middle regions of the stomach presented (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 and the caudal region, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. The SS cells were only observed in the caudal stomach, with numerical density (QA [SS cells]/µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9 In I. iguana, variation was observed in terms of the distribution of mucus secretions and the pattern of occurrence of serotonin and somatostatin-secreting enteroendocrine cells in the TGI, which possibly will result in an interspecific adaptive response.

Os objetivos do trabalho foram descrever a estrutura histológica e histoquímica do tubo gastroesofágico da Iguana iguana e verificar a ocorrência e distribuição de células serotonina (5-HT) e somatostatina (SS) imunorreativas. Fragmentos do trato gastrointestinal (TGI) de cinco iguanas foram submetidos à técnica histológica e imunohistoquímica padrão. As células imunorreativas para 5-HT e SS foram quantificadas usando o STEPanizer. O esôfago apresenta epitélio pseudoestratificado colunar ciliado Alcian blue (AB) positivo, com células caliciformes altamente reativas ao ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No esôfago cervical, a densidade numérica de células 5-HT por unidade de área (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) foi de 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 e o esôfago celomático apresentou QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. O epitélio do estômago é colunar simples, PAS e AB positivo. As regiões cranial e média do estômago apresentaram (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 e a região caudal, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. As células SS foram observadas apenas no estômago caudal, com densidade numérica (QA [células SS] / µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9. Em I. iguana, foi observada variações em termos da distribuição das secreções de muco e padrão de ocorrência das células enteroendócrinas secretoras de serotonina e somatostatina no TGI, o que possivelmente reflete uma resposta adaptativa interespecifica.

Animais , Estômago , Esôfago , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Serotonina/análise , Somatostatina/análise , Trato Gastrointestinal/anatomia & histologia
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-10, 2023. ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765393


The work aims were to describe the histological and histochemical structure of the gastroesophageal tube of Iguana iguana and verify the occurrence and distribution of immunoreactive serotonin (5-HT) and somatostatin (SS) cells. Fragments of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of five iguanas were which underwent standard histological and immunohistochemistry technique. Immunoreactive cells for 5-HT and SS were quantified using the STEPanizer. The oesophagus has ciliated columnar pseudostratified epithelium with staining Alcian blue (AB) + and goblet cells highly reactive to periodic acid Schiff (PAS). In the cervical oesophagus, the numerical density of 5-HT cells per unit area (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) was 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 and celomatic oesophagus presented QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. The epithelium of the stomach is simple columnar, PAS and AB +. The cranial and middle regions of the stomach presented (QA [5-HT cells]/µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 and the caudal region, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. The SS cells were only observed in the caudal stomach, with numerical density (QA [SS cells]/µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9 In I. iguana, variation was observed in terms of the distribution of mucus secretions and the pattern of occurrence of serotonin and somatostatin-secreting enteroendocrine cells in the TGI, which possibly will result in an interspecific adaptive response.(AU)

Os objetivos do trabalho foram descrever a estrutura histológica e histoquímica do tubo gastroesofágico da Iguana iguana e verificar a ocorrência e distribuição de células serotonina (5-HT) e somatostatina (SS) imunorreativas. Fragmentos do trato gastrointestinal (TGI) de cinco iguanas foram submetidos à técnica histológica e imunohistoquímica padrão. As células imunorreativas para 5-HT e SS foram quantificadas usando o STEPanizer. O esôfago apresenta epitélio pseudoestratificado colunar ciliado Alcian blue (AB) positivo, com células caliciformes altamente reativas ao ácido periódico de Schiff (PAS). No esôfago cervical, a densidade numérica de células 5-HT por unidade de área (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) foi de 4.6x10-2 ± 2.0 e o esôfago celomático apresentou QA = 4.0x10-2 ± 1.0. O epitélio do estômago é colunar simples, PAS e AB positivo. As regiões cranial e média do estômago apresentaram (QA [células 5-HT] / µm2) = 6.18x10-2 ± 3.2 e a região caudal, QA = 0.6x10-2 ± 0.2. As células SS foram observadas apenas no estômago caudal, com densidade numérica (QA [células SS] / µm2) = 1.4x10-2 ± 0.9. Em I. iguana, foi observada variações em termos da distribuição das secreções de muco e padrão de ocorrência das células enteroendócrinas secretoras de serotonina e somatostatina no TGI, o que possivelmente reflete uma resposta adaptativa interespecifica.(AU)

Animais , Iguanas/anatomia & histologia , Trato Gastrointestinal/anatomia & histologia , Estômago , Esôfago , Serotonina/análise , Somatostatina/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 37(6): e370601, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1393763


Purpose: To investigate the effect of genistein on inflammation and mitochondrial function of diabetic nephropathy. Methods: Diabetic nephropathy model was established in Sprague-Dawley rats. Automatic biochemical analyzer was employed to detect the kidney function index, serum creatinine, serum urea nitrogen, and 24 h-urine protein and blood glucose. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and periodic acid Schiff staining were used to observe renal morphology. Mitochondrial changes and podocyte integrity were monitored by transmission electron microscope. The expression levels of mfn2, NOX4, P53, MAPK, and NF-κB were detected by Western blotting. The changes of mitochondrial membrane potential were measured by JC-1. The level of mfn2 was assessed by immunofluorescence assay. Results: Genistein ameliorated the kidney function with reduced Scr and blood glucose. The expressions of NOX4, MAPK, p65 and p53 were downregulated, while the expression of mnf2 was the opposite in genistein-treated kidneys. Further investigations revealed that genistein reduced expansion of mesangial matrix and oxidative stress, protected podocyte integrity and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Conclusions: Genistein could alleviate diabetic nephropathy through inhibiting MAPK/NF-κB pathway, improving mitochondrial function and anti-inflammatory.To investigate the effect of genistein on inflammation and mitochondrial function of diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy model was established in Sprague-Dawley rats. Automatic biochemical analyzer was employed to detect the kidney function index, serum creatinine, serum urea nitrogen, and 24 h-urine protein and blood glucose. Hematoxylin and eosin staining and periodic acid Schiff staining were used to observe renal morphology. Mitochondrial changes and podocyte integrity were monitored by transmission electron microscope. The expression levels of mfn2, NOX4, P53, MAPK, and NF-κB were detected by Western blotting. The changes of mitochondrial membrane potential were measured by JC-1. The level of mfn2 was assessed by immunofluorescence assay. Genistein ameliorated the kidney function with reduced Scr and blood glucose. The expressions of NOX4, MAPK, p65 and p53 were downregulated, while the expression of mnf2 was the opposite in genistein-treated kidneys. Further investigations revealed that genistein reduced expansion of mesangial matrix and oxidative stress, protected podocyte integrity and increased mitochondrial membrane potential. Genistein could alleviate diabetic nephropathy through inhibiting MAPK/NF-κB pathway, improving mitochondrial function and anti-inflammatory.

Animais , Ratos , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Genisteína , Diabetes Mellitus , Nefropatias Diabéticas
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 685, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363198


Background: Encephalitozoonosis is caused by the protozoan Encephalitozoon cuniculi, in rabbits, and can affect humans. The disease can be fatal and difficult to diagnose. It can be asymptomatic or cause vestibular neurological disease, paralysis, uveitis in addition to chronic kidney disease in rabbits. The transmission of the microorganism's spores occurs by ingestion, inhalation, or by the transplacental route. The aim of this work is to report a case of encephalitozoonosis in a pet rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Case: An Oryctolagus cuniculus with a history of paraparesis of the thoracic and pelvic limbs was referred for necropsy, the evolution of the clinical picture happened in one day. After death, a necropsy was performed. Organ fragments were collected, fixed, and processed routinely for histology. Macroscopically, there was evidence of hepatic lobes, without injury to the other organs. Microscopically it was observed in the white and gray substance of the telencephalon multiple circumscribed granulomas composed of a necrotic center surrounded by macrophages, giant multinucleated cells in addition to lymphocytes and plasmocytes in the periphery, delimited by fibrous connective tissue. Around the vessels, perivascular cuffs with 2 to 4 layers of lymphocytic infiltrate were observed. Besides, special staining of Schiff's Periodic Acid (PAS) and Ziehl-Neelsen was performed, in which numerous cylindrical, eosinophilic structures of approximately 2.5 x 1.0 µm were observed, compatible with E. cuniculi spores. Besides, histiocytic lymphoblasts pericoronitis was noted in the liver. There were no relevant changes in the kidney. Discussion: The diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis in rabbits was based on clinical and anatomopathological findings. Tetraparesis was the predominant sign in the present case and was justified by telencephalic lesions. This clinical sign is included in the literature but is less common than the syndrome such as head tilt and paralysis. The diagnosis of the disease is usually made by post mortem examination when it is possible to identify the spores in the lesions. Multifocal granulomatous encephalitis was the most significant finding in this case, which is also consistent with other studies. The pathogenesis of granulomatous lesions is still controversial. It is known that spores allow phagocytosis by macrophages, which induce the production of interleukins and other cytokines by TCD4 + lymphocytes, thereby activating the action of TCD8 + (cytotoxic) lymphocytes. Natural killer cells, granulocytes, other macrophages, and B lymphocytes are also recruited. Although there is such an inflammatory response, the antibodies produced are not efficient to eliminate the agent from the host organism, however, they contribute to the process of opsonization and consequent phagocytosis, facilitating the destruction of the microsporidium by macrophages. The neurological form was predominant in this case, with no chronic or ocular renal forms, possibly due to the rapid clinical evolution. Special stains were useful for visualizing intralesional spores. Although PAS staining is considered to be of little use, it was relevant in this case. The visualization of the agent made it possible to distinguish differential diagnoses, among them vestibular syndrome secondary to otitis due to pasteurellosis, toxoplasmosis, neoplasms, traumas, or diseases of the spine. Thus, a diagnosis of encephalitozoonosis was made in a rabbit through clinical and anatomopathological correlation using Ziehl-Neelsen and PAS stains.

Animais , Coelhos , Encefalitozoonose/patologia , Encefalitozoonose/veterinária , Encephalitozoon cuniculi/isolamento & purificação , Reação do Ácido Periódico de Schiff/veterinária
Acta cir. bras ; 36(6): e360607, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1284911


ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate the role of Nrf2/HO-1 in renal histopathological ailments time-dependently in asphyxial cardiac arrest (CA) rat model. Methods Eighty-eight Sprague Dawley male rats were divided into five groups of eight rats each. Asphyxial CA was induced in all the experimental rats except for the sham group. The rats were sacrificed at 6 hours, 12 hours, one day and two days post-CA. Serum blood urea nitrogen (BUN), creatinine (Crtn) and malondialdehyde from the renal tissues were evaluated. Hematoxylin and eosin and periodic acid-Schiff staining were done to evaluate the renal histopathological changes in the renal cortex. Furthermore, Nrf2/HO-1 immunohistochemistry (ihc) and western blot analysis were performed after CA. Results The survival rate of rats decreased in a time-dependent manner: 66.6% at 6 hours, 50% at 12 hours, 38.1% in one day, and 25.8% in two days. BUN and serum Crtn markedly increased in CA-operated groups. Histopathological ailments of the renal cortical tissues increased significantly from 6 hours until two days post-CA. Furthermore, Nrf2/HO-1 expression level significantly increased at 6 hours, 12 hours, and one day. Conclusions The survival rate decreased time-dependently, and Nrf/HO-1 expression increased from 6 hours with the peak times at 12 hours, and one day post-CA.

Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Injúria Renal Aguda , Parada Cardíaca , Ratos Sprague-Dawley , Fator 2 Relacionado a NF-E2 , Heme Oxigenase (Desciclizante) , Rim
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub. 1826, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363758


Bortezomib, an inhibitor of 26S proteasome, is an anti-cancer therapeutic agent used in different cancer types. It leads to the arrest of the cancerous cell cycle by inhibiting angiogenesis and inducing apoptosis. Liver is the vital organ for detoxification and excretion of toxic products. The treatment with chemotherapy is a challenge, drugs are used to destroy cancer cells, but healthy cells can be affected during cancer treatment as well. The main objective of this study was to analyze the histopathological and biochemical effects of bortezomib on liver. Twenty-four female C57BL/6 mice were distributed into 4 groups, bortezomib injected treatment groups (Btz1, Btz2) and saline injected control groups (C1, C2). Bortezomib and saline were treated twice per week for 6 weeks and sacrificed at the end of one day (Btz1, C1) and 4 weeks (Btz2, C2) after the last injection. Liver samples were examined for histopathological analysis and the serum samples processed for biochemical analysis. Tissue samples were fixed, routinely processed, sectioned, and stained with Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E). Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS), Sudan Black staining and Masson's trichrome histochemical staining methods were performed to characterize the lesions. Histopathological analysis of the Btz1 and Btz2 groups revealed acute hepatic morphological changes such as hepatocellular swelling (cloudy swelling), necro-inflammatory reaction, and increased mononuclear polyploidy. Based on the negative staining with PAS and Sudan Black staining, hepatocellular swelling was diagnosed as hydropic degeneration. Necro-inflammatory reaction observed in the form of acute hepatitis was composed of mainly mononuclear cell infiltration accompanied by multifocal necrotic foci. Kupffer cell proliferation was observed in parallel with degenerative and necrotic changes. An Increase in hepatocellular mononuclear polyploidy visualized as hepatocytes with a single enlarged nucleus was detected in all liver sections of Btz1 and Btz2 groups. Individual cases of cholestasis (n = 1) and mild hepatic fibrosis (n = 1) were also reported. Significant elevated levels of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) were detected in bortezomib treated groups. Few clinical cases reported liver injury related to bortezomib used for cancer treatment. However, the liver was not considered as a target for bortezomib treatment. Our data suggesting that bortezomib caused liver damage and induces elevations in serum levels. The reported hepatic lesions including hepatocellular swelling, acute hepatitis and mononuclear polyploidy were mainly mild and moderate in severity. The increase of polyploidy in liver tissue of mice treated with bortezomib in this study was explained as a reaction of the liver facing the drug-induced hepatic damage. The mechanism leading to the hepatotoxicity of bortezomib treatment is not known but the production of a toxic metabolite through its metabolism in the liver can be suggested. Moreover, no recovery was also observed in histopathological and biochemical analyses suggesting that the bortezomib effect is non-reversible four weeks after the drug was withdrawn. Patients should be informed about the possibility of acute drug-induced hepatitis and hepatotoxicity of this chemotherapeutic agent after the treatment.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Camundongos , Fenômenos Bioquímicos/efeitos dos fármacos , Inibidores de Proteassoma/uso terapêutico , Bortezomib , Fígado/efeitos dos fármacos , Camundongos
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(05): 2813-2824, set.-out. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1501874


The genus Brachyspira corresponds to the group of bacteria formerly classified into the genus Serpulina and includes several commensal and pathogenic intestinal spirochetes that affect pigs, poultry, and other animal species, including humans. In birds, some pathogenic species of this genus causes a condition known as avian intestinal spirochetosis, which remains under diagnosed, thereby causing serious economic losses. Brachyspira is a fastidious organism that necessitates the employment of fast and efficient identification techniques. The aim of this study was to identify Brachyspira spp. using histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples from the cecum of commercial poultry. Samples were collected from129 birds aged between 35 and 45 days from commercial broiler farms. For evaluation, routine histology processing (H&E) and the histochemical technique, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) were done. Additionally, FFPE tissue samples were evaluated for FISH and IHC. The histological lesions were analyzed and graded after H&E staining, and the goblet cells were counted and compared using PAS staining with the positive and negative samples obtained through FISH and IHC. For FISH, probes labeled with Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia were used, where as rabbit polyclonal antibody specific for Brachyspira spp. was used for IHC. Of 129 samples, 82 were positive with IHC and 86 were positive with FISH. The samples positive for the genus Brachyspira in the FISH technique were tested for B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia in which 56 were positive for B. pilosicoli, 75 for B. hyodysenteriae and 80 for B. intermedia. There was an increase in goblet cells in the samples positive for FISH and IHC. The techniques used were effective and gave corresponding results, thus serving as a fast and efficient tool for diagnosis.

O gênero Brachyspira corresponde ao grupo de bactérias anteriormente classificadas no gênero Serpulinae inclui várias espiroquetas intestinais comensais e patogênicas que afetam suínos, aves e outras espécies animais, incluindo humanos. Em aves, algumas espécies patogênicas desse gênero causam uma condição conhecida como espiroquetose intestinal aviária, que permanece sub-diagnosticada, causando sérios prejuízos econômicos. Brachyspira é um organismo fastidioso que necessita do emprego de técnicas de identificação rápidas e eficientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar Brachyspira spp. usando histologia, imunohistoquímica (IHQ) e hibridização fluorescente in situ (FISH) em amostras de tecido fixado em formalina e embebido em parafina (TFEP) do ceco de aves comerciais. As amostras foram coletadas de 129 aves com idades entre 35 e 45 dias em granjas comerciais. Para avaliação, o processamento histológico de rotina (H&E) e a técnica histoquímica, ácido periódico-Schiff (PAS) foram realizados. Além disso, as amostras de tecido TFEP foram avaliadas para FISH e IHC. As lesões histológicas foram analisadas e graduadas após coloração H&E, e as células caliciformes contadas e comparadas pela coloração PAS com as amostras positivas e negativas obtidas por FISH e IHC. Para FISH, foram utilizadas sondas marcadas com Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, enquanto o anticorpo policlonal de coelho específico para Brachyspira spp. foi usado para IHC. De 129 amostras, 82 foram positivas com IHC e 86 foram positivas com FISH. As amostras positivas para o gênero Brachyspira pela técnica de FISH foram testadas para B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, sendo 56 positivas para B. pilosicoli, 75 para B. hyodysenteriae e 80 para B. intermedia. Houve aumento de células [...].

Animais , Brachyspira/imunologia , Brachyspira/química , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/diagnóstico , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/imunologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/patologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/veterinária
Semina Ci. agr. ; 42(05): 2813-2824, set.-out. 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33449


The genus Brachyspira corresponds to the group of bacteria formerly classified into the genus Serpulina and includes several commensal and pathogenic intestinal spirochetes that affect pigs, poultry, and other animal species, including humans. In birds, some pathogenic species of this genus causes a condition known as avian intestinal spirochetosis, which remains under diagnosed, thereby causing serious economic losses. Brachyspira is a fastidious organism that necessitates the employment of fast and efficient identification techniques. The aim of this study was to identify Brachyspira spp. using histology, immunohistochemistry (IHC) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded (FFPE) tissue samples from the cecum of commercial poultry. Samples were collected from129 birds aged between 35 and 45 days from commercial broiler farms. For evaluation, routine histology processing (H&E) and the histochemical technique, periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) were done. Additionally, FFPE tissue samples were evaluated for FISH and IHC. The histological lesions were analyzed and graded after H&E staining, and the goblet cells were counted and compared using PAS staining with the positive and negative samples obtained through FISH and IHC. For FISH, probes labeled with Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia were used, where as rabbit polyclonal antibody specific for Brachyspira spp. was used for IHC. Of 129 samples, 82 were positive with IHC and 86 were positive with FISH. The samples positive for the genus Brachyspira in the FISH technique were tested for B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae, and B. intermedia in which 56 were positive for B. pilosicoli, 75 for B. hyodysenteriae and 80 for B. intermedia. There was an increase in goblet cells in the samples positive for FISH and IHC. The techniques used were effective and gave corresponding results, thus serving as a fast and efficient tool for diagnosis.(AU)

O gênero Brachyspira corresponde ao grupo de bactérias anteriormente classificadas no gênero Serpulinae inclui várias espiroquetas intestinais comensais e patogênicas que afetam suínos, aves e outras espécies animais, incluindo humanos. Em aves, algumas espécies patogênicas desse gênero causam uma condição conhecida como espiroquetose intestinal aviária, que permanece sub-diagnosticada, causando sérios prejuízos econômicos. Brachyspira é um organismo fastidioso que necessita do emprego de técnicas de identificação rápidas e eficientes. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar Brachyspira spp. usando histologia, imunohistoquímica (IHQ) e hibridização fluorescente in situ (FISH) em amostras de tecido fixado em formalina e embebido em parafina (TFEP) do ceco de aves comerciais. As amostras foram coletadas de 129 aves com idades entre 35 e 45 dias em granjas comerciais. Para avaliação, o processamento histológico de rotina (H&E) e a técnica histoquímica, ácido periódico-Schiff (PAS) foram realizados. Além disso, as amostras de tecido TFEP foram avaliadas para FISH e IHC. As lesões histológicas foram analisadas e graduadas após coloração H&E, e as células caliciformes contadas e comparadas pela coloração PAS com as amostras positivas e negativas obtidas por FISH e IHC. Para FISH, foram utilizadas sondas marcadas com Brachyspira spp., B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, enquanto o anticorpo policlonal de coelho específico para Brachyspira spp. foi usado para IHC. De 129 amostras, 82 foram positivas com IHC e 86 foram positivas com FISH. As amostras positivas para o gênero Brachyspira pela técnica de FISH foram testadas para B. pilosicoli, B. hyodysenteriae e B. intermedia, sendo 56 positivas para B. pilosicoli, 75 para B. hyodysenteriae e 80 para B. intermedia. Houve aumento de células [...].(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Brachyspira/química , Brachyspira/imunologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/diagnóstico , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/imunologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/patologia , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Bactérias Gram-Negativas/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 700, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363560


Background: Melanosis is a blackened pigmentation resulting from the accumulation of melanocytes in tissues that are not normally pigmented. This change in the color of the organs occurs due to the agglomeration of melanocytes originating from abnormal migration during embryogenesis and does not cause dysfunction to the affected organ. Although melanosis frequently occurs in several species and affects several organs such as the brain and spinal cord leptomeninges, involvement in the thalamus region is unusual. The objective of this work was to report 2 cases of thalamic melanosis in goats, determining the pathological and histochemical aspects that assist in the diagnosis of this condition. Cases: Two cases of thalamic melanosis in goats were diagnosed. In both cases, the animals had no nervous history disease and clinical signs. The cause of death in cases 1 and 2 was established based on anatomopathological findings and clinical signs being diagnosed with mycoplasmosis and asphyxia, respectively. After fixing and making cross-sections of the brain, a focal lengthy blackened area was observed on the thalamus surface in both cases. Microscopically, lesions in the brain were similar in both cases and exclusively affected the thalamus. These cells had abundant cytoplasm, well delimited with brownish granular pigment. The nuclei were difficult to visualize and in some cells, it was rounded, well-defined, morphologically compatible with melanocytes. Melanocytes were mainly distributed around neurons and often distended the perivascular space of multiple blood vessels. In Fontana Masson staining, the granules in the cytoplasm of these cells stained strongly black. The Prussian Blue, Periodic Acid- Schiff's, Von Kossa, and Giemsa stains were negative, and the pigment remained brown. In the unstained slides, assembled after the deparaffinization and clarification process, it was observed the permanence of cells with blackish-brown pigment in the cytoplasm. In immunohistochemistry, strong immunostaining of pigmented cells with the Anti-MelanA antibodies was observed in both cases. Discussion: The diagnosis of thalamic melanosis in goats was carried out based on the characteristic pathological findings, in which melanin pigments were demonstrated and identified through HE, Fontana-Masson staining, and unstained slides and confirmed by the IHC. The use of complementary histochemical techniques was fundamental for the classification of the pigment as melanin, demonstrating to be an accessible and reliable tool for the diagnosis of pathological processes that lead to the accumulation of pigments and or material in the tissues. The occurrence of melanin in the thalamus may be associated with a failure in the migration of melanoblasts, which would go to the optical pathways or to the thalamus. This erratic migration of melanoblasts can be explained by the fact that the forebrain is the embryogenic origin of the optic and diencephalon pathways. Macroscopically, thalamic melanosis must be differentiated mainly from neoplastic processes such as melanoma and hemangiosarcoma, pigmented fungus infections, Phalaris angusta poisoning, listeriosis, neurocutaneous melanosis, and neuromelanin. It was concluded that thalamic melanosis is an uncommon alteration in goats and although it has been diagnosed as an incidental necropsy finding, should be included in the differential diagnosis of diseases that affect the central nervous system, especially those that have a color change associated with the deposition of pigments in the tissues.

Animais , Doenças Talâmicas/veterinária , Tálamo/patologia , Ruminantes , Melaninas/análise , Melanose/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): Pub. 689, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363224


Background: The occurrence of neoplasms in horses is relatively low. Granular cell tumor is a seldom diagnosed neoplasm, usually benign, of mesenchymal origin. Controversies exist regarding its origin, which is possibly from Schwann cells or cells with neuroendocrine differentiation. Despite being one of the main primary neoplasms in the lungs of horses, the number of cases is low in comparison to that of secondary lung tumors. Thus, this study proposes to report the anatomopathological aspects in a horse with granular cell tumor of primary pulmonary origin. Case: An 11-year-old female Quarter Horse breed underwent exploratory right lateral thoracotomy after presenting with chronic respiratory changes. During the operation, tumor masses were found in the right and left caudal pulmonary lobes. Due to the severity of clinical respiratory signs and the extent of the lesions, the animal was subjected to euthanasia and anatomopathological examination. Upon necroscopic examination, a tumor mass was found in the middle third of the left caudal lobe, rounded to flattened, measuring 10.0 × 8.0 cm in height and length, white in color, of firm consistency, smooth and regular surface and rising to the lung surface. When sectioned, the mass showed to be composed of multiple firm and dense circular lobes, separated by a thin layer of connective tissue. The tumor invaded the lumen of nearby segmental and subsegmental bronchi, which were partially or totally obstructed by the mass. In the right lung, multiple similar nodules were observed, accompanied by peritumoral hemorrhage. Histopathological analysis of the new formation revealed a dense cluster of cells that expanded over the lung parenchyma. The neoplastic cells were pleomorphic, moderately cohesive, without defined borders, with abundant cytoplasm, densely eosinophilic and finely granular. Intracytoplasmic granules were well evidenced by periodic acid Schiff staining (PAS). The cell nucleus was rounded to oval, excentric, markedly basophilic and with dense chromatin. There was moderate anisocytosis and mild anisokaryosis, with rare mitotic figures. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed positive staining for anti-vimentin and anti-S100 antibodies, confirming the diagnosis of granular cell tumor. Discussion: Granular cell tumors have no predisposition as to breed, sex or age. However, most of the described cases are reported in female horses aged around 13 years. The advanced age of the diagnosed animals may be related to late definitive diagnosis, since the clinical signs are nonspecific and treated palliatively like other respiratory diseases. Macroscopically, this tumor is more common in the multinodular form and, as observed in this case, it has a greater capacity for infiltration. Histologically, the visualization of large, polygonal cells, with a wide cytoplasm containing eosinophilic granules leads to the diagnosis of granular cell tumor. However, PAS staining and immunohistochemical tests were essential for the diagnostic conclusion in this report, confirming the presence of cytoplasmic granules and the mesenchymal and neuroectodermal origin of this neoplasm, respectively. Thus, considering the low occurrence of pulmonary granular cell tumor, the description of this case contributes to the basis of the knowledge of medical-veterinary professionals about this tumor in its clinical and diagnostic aspects.

Animais , Células de Schwann , Tumor de Células Granulares/veterinária , Cavalos , Neoplasias Pulmonares/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(6): 2245-2251, Nov.-Dec. 2020. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1142291


The present report aimed to describe the main characteristics of the parotid salivary mucocele in an adult male rabbit, which presented with a painless fluctuating mass with fluid content. Owing to the need for repeated fluid drainage, surgical excision was the chosen mode of treatment. Preoperative evaluation included radiography and blood analysis. The patient underwent surgical excision of the affected gland. Inhalation anesthesia was maintained by means of isoflurane and the cardio-respiratory parameters were monitored throughout the surgery. A bipolar electrocautery was used to assist in the incision and polyglactin 910 and nylon were the suture materials used in the wound closure technique. Post-operative medications included analgesics, anti-inflammatory agents and antibiotics. Histopathology of the excised glandular tissue revealed a mixed inflammatory infiltrate, fibroblasts, hemorrhage and hyperemia. The observations in this case suggest that surgical excision of the affected gland is the treatment of choice for the management of mucocele in companion rabbits, which has already been identified for other animals. Periodic acid-reactive Schiff staining confirmed the diagnosis of salivary mucocele. The complementary investigations helped to rule out the differential diagnosis and indicated a favorable prognosis, in view of the fact that the case was successfully resolved without complications or recurrence.(AU)

O presente relato teve como objetivo descrever as principais características da mucocele salivar parotídea em um coelho macho adulto, que apresentou uma massa flutuante indolor e com um conteúdo líquido em seu interior. Devido à necessidade de repetidas punções deste fluido, optou-se pela excisão cirúrgica como forma de tratamento. A avaliação pré-operatória incluiu radiografias e análises sanguíneas. O paciente foi submetido ao tratamento cirúrgico com excisão da glândula afetada. A anestesia inalatória foi mantida com isoflurano e os parâmetros cardio-respiratórios foram monitorados durante a cirurgia. Um eletrocautério bipolar foi utilizado para auxiliar na incisão e os fios poliglactina 910 e nylon foram utilizados na técnica de sutura. As medicações pós-operatórias incluíram agentes analgésicos, anti-inflamatórios e antibióticos. A histopatologia do tecido glandular removido revelou infiltrado inflamatório misto, fibroblastos, hemorragia e hiperemia. As observações neste caso sugerem que a remoção cirúrgica da glândula afetada seja o tratamento de escolha no manejo da mucocele em coelhos de companhia, o que já vem sendo identificado para outros animais. A coloração do ácido periódico reativo de Schiff confirmou o diagnóstico da mucocele salivar. Os exames complementares ajudaram a excluir as doenças que fazem parte do diagnóstico diferencial e indicaram um prognóstico favorável, tendo em vista o fato que este caso foi resolvido com sucesso, sem complicações ou recorrência.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Coelhos , Glândulas Salivares/cirurgia , Região Parotídea/cirurgia , Mucocele/veterinária , Reação do Ácido Periódico de Schiff/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(2): 134-140, Feb. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1098442


Inadequate exposure of the female reproductive system to steroids in uterine developmental periods can partially inhibit the development of endometrial glands in dogs. However, the effects of steroids on the formed glands functionality remain unknown, as well as the possible occurrence of endometrial fibrosis. This study aimed to evaluate the secretory activity of endometrial glands in prebubertal female dogs submitted to a protocol of partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis. Sixteen females of non-specific breed were distributed into two groups; MPA (n=8), females that received applications of medroxyprogesterone acetate every 3 weeks; and C (n=8) untreated control females. Ovariohysterectomy was performed in all animals at the age of 6 months and evaluated the uterine horns by histological and histochemistry exams. The secretion intensity (degrees 1-4) was evaluated using periodic acid-Schiff (PAS) and alcian blue (AB) pH 2.5. Histological evaluation was performed using Masson's trichrome and toluidine blue. Only degree 1 and 2 marks for PAS were observed in both groups, with no difference of uterine secretion intensity between the groups regarding the degrees found. However, the MPA group revealed higher intensity of uterine secretion compared to group C (p<0.05). Staining with AB pH 2.5 also revealed only degree 1 and 2 marks in both groups, with no statistically significance between them. Masson's trichrome staining revealed no marks in the periglandular region in both groups. A higher among of mast cells was observed in the myometrial region of the uterus in both groups. Prepubertal female dogs with partial ablation of the uterine adenogenesis present minimal uterine secretory activity, absence of periglandular fibrosis and increased presence of mast cells in the myometrium compared to endometrium.(AU)

A exposição inadequada do sistema reprodutor feminino a esteróides em períodos do desenvolvimento uterino pode inibir parcialmente o desenvolvimento das glândulas endometriais em cães. Entretanto, não se conhece os efeitos dos esteróides sobre a funcionalidade das glândulas formadas, bem como a possível ocorrência de fibrose endometrial. Objetivou-se avaliar a atividade secretória das glândulas endometriais de cadelas pré-púberes submetidas a protocolo de ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina. Foram utilizadas 16 fêmeas, sem-raça-definida, distribuídas nos grupos MPA (n=8), fêmeas que receberam aplicações de acetato de medroxiprogesterona a cada 3 semanas, e C (n=8), fêmeas controle não tratadas. Aos seis meses de idade, foi realizada ovariohisterectomia em todos os animais, e avaliados os cornos uterinos pelo exame histológico e de histoquímica. Para avaliar a intensidade de secreção (graus 1-4), foram utilizadas periodic acid-Schiff e alcian blue (AB) pH 2,5. Para a avaliação histológica foram utilizados tricrômico de Masson e azul de toluidina. Apenas marcações graus 1 e 2 foram observadas para PAS em ambos os grupos, sem diferença na intensidade de secreção uterina entre grupos com relação aos graus encontrados. Entretanto, o grupo MPA apresentou maior intensidade de secreção uterina em relação ao grupo C (p<0,05). Com relação ao AB pH 2,5, em ambos os grupos também foram encontradas apenas marcações de graus 1 e 2, sem diferença estatística entre grupos. Não foram observadas marcações para a coloração de tricrômico de Masson na região periglandular, em ambos os grupos. Foi observada maior quantidade de mastócitos presentes no útero na região do miométrio, em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que cadelas pré-púberes com ablação parcial da adenogênese uterina apresentam mínima atividade secretória uterina, ausência de fibrose periglandular e maior presença de mastócitos no miométrio em relação ao endométrio.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esterilização Reprodutiva/veterinária , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Útero/fisiologia , Muco do Colo Uterino , Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona , Cães/fisiologia , Técnicas de Ablação Endometrial/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Modelos Animais , Histerectomia/veterinária