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Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 19(4): e20220088, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414556


This review addresses advances, directions and opportunities for research on sheep reproduction in the context of the global challenges of food security and climate change, and demand for 'clean, green and ethical' (CGE) animal management. The foundation of CGE management is an understanding of the physiological processes through which the reproductive system responds to changes in the animal's environment. These days, to the main environmental factors (photoperiod, nutrition, pheromones), we need to add stress from extreme weather events. With respect to nutrition in rams, we now have a deeper understanding of the responses of the brain centres that control gonadotrophin secretion (the kisspeptin system). At testis level, we have found that nutrition affects non-coding RNAs in Sertoli cells and germ cells, thus affecting the balance between cell proliferation and apoptosis. This proliferation-apoptosis balance is also affected during prenatal development, when undernutrition or stress in pregnant ewes seems to elicit epigenetic changes in developing gonads that could affect offspring fertility in adult life. With respect to nutrition in ewes, metabolic signals act directly on ovarian follicles, and thus change ovulation rate, but the variety of signals now includes the adipokines. An early concern was that nutritional supplements that increase ovulation rate would also increase embryo mortality but we now know that embryo survival is improved under field conditions. Finally, we had always thought that the efficiency gains from early puberty in lambs could only be achieved by accelerating fat accumulation, but we now know that faster muscle growth will achieve the same goal, offering two advantages in meat production systems. With respect to pheromones ('ram effect'), we have a deeper understanding of the brain responses (kisspeptin system) but, most importantly, a realization that the response of ewes to the ram signal involves cell division in memory centres. Many opportunities remain.(AU)

Animais , Reprodução/fisiologia , Ovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Atrativos Sexuais/análise , Comportamento Sexual Animal , Criação de Animais Domésticos/métodos
Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(2): 452-460, Mar.-May 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762752


Field experiments were carried out in the reclaimed land east of Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Village of Wardan, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to evaluate the impact of using nano-gels pheromone for the first time on the attraction of the RPW adults by pheromone traps compared to the control which is normal pheromone during two successive seasons in 2018 and 2019. Also, this study aimed to compare the efficacy of two types of trap, traditional trap (type 1) and dry funnel trap (type 2) in capturing of RPW adults. Results revealed that the nano gel pheromone traps attracted significantly more adults with an average of (4.26 and 3.56) adults/trap and total of (55.33 and 46.33) adults/trap compared to control with an average (2.69 and 2.46) and total of (35.00 and 32.00) adults/trap for the two seasons 2018 and 2019 respectively. Results indicated that the use of nano gel pheromone for the first time in field improved the trap catchability to RPW adults by 22.51 and 18.30% of total number of RPW adults captured throw out the two successive seasons respectively. In addition, there was no significant difference between the total numbers of RPW adults collected by the two tested type of traps over the two successive seasons. Furthermore, the sex ratio between males and females of total collected RPW adults found to be1: 1.43 and 1: 1.94 at 2018 and 2019 respectively.(AU)

Experimentos de campo foram realizados na terra recuperada a leste da estrada do deserto de Cairo-Alexandria, vila de Wardan, província de Giza, Egito, para avaliar o impacto do uso de feromônio de nano géis pela primeira vez na atração de adultos RPW por armadilhas de feromônio comparado ao controle que é o feromônio normal durante duas temporadas sucessivas em 2018 e 2019. Além disso, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a eficácia de dois tipos de armadilha, armadilha tradicional (tipo 1) e armadilha de funil seco (tipo 2) na captura de RPW adultos. Os resultados revelaram que as armadilhas de nano gel de feromônio atraíram significativamente mais adultos, com uma média de (4,26 e 3,56) adultos/armadilha e total de (55,33 e 46,33) adultos/armadilha em comparação ao controle com uma média (2,69 e 2,46) e total de (35.00 e 32.00) adultos/armadilha para as duas temporadas 2018 e 2019, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram que o uso de feromônio nano gel pela primeira vez em campo melhorou a capturabilidade de armadilhas para adultos com RPW em 22,51 e 18,30% do número total de adultos com RPW capturados durante as duas estações sucessivas, respectivamente. Além disso, não houve diferença significativa entre o número total de adultos RPW coletados pelos dois tipos de armadilhas testados ao longo das duas estações sucessivas. Além disso, a proporção sexual entre homens e mulheres do total de adultos coletados de RPW foi de 1: 1,43 e 1: 1,94 em 2018 e 2019, respectivamente.(AU)

Besouros , Feromônios , Egito
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 452-460, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153359


Field experiments were carried out in the reclaimed land east of Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Village of Wardan, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to evaluate the impact of using nano-gels pheromone for the first time on the attraction of the RPW adults by pheromone traps compared to the control which is normal pheromone during two successive seasons in 2018 and 2019. Also, this study aimed to compare the efficacy of two types of trap, traditional trap (type 1) and dry funnel trap (type 2) in capturing of RPW adults. Results revealed that the nano gel pheromone traps attracted significantly more adults with an average of (4.26 and 3.56) adults/trap and total of (55.33 and 46.33) adults/trap compared to control with an average (2.69 and 2.46) and total of (35.00 and 32.00) adults/trap for the two seasons 2018 and 2019 respectively. Results indicated that the use of nano gel pheromone for the first time in field improved the trap catchability to RPW adults by 22.51 and 18.30% of total number of RPW adults captured throw out the two successive seasons respectively. In addition, there was no significant difference between the total numbers of RPW adults collected by the two tested type of traps over the two successive seasons. Furthermore, the sex ratio between males and females of total collected RPW adults found to be1: 1.43 and 1: 1.94 at 2018 and 2019 respectively.

Experimentos de campo foram realizados na terra recuperada a leste da estrada do deserto de Cairo-Alexandria, vila de Wardan, província de Giza, Egito, para avaliar o impacto do uso de feromônio de nano géis pela primeira vez na atração de adultos RPW por armadilhas de feromônio comparado ao controle que é o feromônio normal durante duas temporadas sucessivas em 2018 e 2019. Além disso, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a eficácia de dois tipos de armadilha, armadilha tradicional (tipo 1) e armadilha de funil seco (tipo 2) na captura de RPW adultos. Os resultados revelaram que as armadilhas de nano gel de feromônio atraíram significativamente mais adultos, com uma média de (4,26 e 3,56) adultos/armadilha e total de (55,33 e 46,33) adultos/armadilha em comparação ao controle com uma média (2,69 e 2,46) e total de (35.00 e 32.00) adultos/armadilha para as duas temporadas 2018 e 2019, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram que o uso de feromônio nano gel pela primeira vez em campo melhorou a capturabilidade de armadilhas para adultos com RPW em 22,51 e 18,30% do número total de adultos com RPW capturados durante as duas estações sucessivas, respectivamente. Além disso, não houve diferença significativa entre o número total de adultos RPW coletados pelos dois tipos de armadilhas testados ao longo das duas estações sucessivas. Além disso, a proporção sexual entre homens e mulheres do total de adultos coletados de RPW foi de 1: 1,43 e 1: 1,94 em 2018 e 2019, respectivamente.

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Feromônios , Gorgulhos , Estações do Ano , Controle de Insetos , Egito
Sci. agric ; 78(5): 1-7, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497972


Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) regularly requires quick deployment of control practices due to its potential of causing yield loss of processing tomatoes. The monitoring of H. armigera adults using stick traps lured with sex pheromone was correlated to egg densities, larvae, and percentage of damaged fruits, aiming to subsidize control decisions only using the number of males caught in the traps since surveying pest stages or damaged fruits is laborious and costly. Surveys were carried out on 11 tomato fields (ca. 80 to 120 hectares each) for processing during the 2015 and 2016 crop seasons. The survey was initiated at the flowering stage with traps set up along the field borders 100 m distant each. Evaluations of adult male capture in the traps were conducted twice a week for 14 and 10 weeks during the 2015 and 2016 seasons, respectively. Simultaneously, 70 tomato plants were fully inspected for eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits per area using a rate of 10 plants per point of trap setting in each area. Overall capture of male moths correlated to subsequent eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits. Based on the outcome of the regression analysis between male moths captured and percentage of damaged fruits, the control decision is suggested when three to six male moths are captured per trap during one week. The monitoring of adults using pheromone traps help deploy chemical or biological control methods to restrain H. armigera population reaching economic threshold levels.

Hormônios de Inseto/biossíntese , Lepidópteros/patogenicidade , Solanum lycopersicum
Sci. agric. ; 78(5): 1-7, 2021. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31393


Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) regularly requires quick deployment of control practices due to its potential of causing yield loss of processing tomatoes. The monitoring of H. armigera adults using stick traps lured with sex pheromone was correlated to egg densities, larvae, and percentage of damaged fruits, aiming to subsidize control decisions only using the number of males caught in the traps since surveying pest stages or damaged fruits is laborious and costly. Surveys were carried out on 11 tomato fields (ca. 80 to 120 hectares each) for processing during the 2015 and 2016 crop seasons. The survey was initiated at the flowering stage with traps set up along the field borders 100 m distant each. Evaluations of adult male capture in the traps were conducted twice a week for 14 and 10 weeks during the 2015 and 2016 seasons, respectively. Simultaneously, 70 tomato plants were fully inspected for eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits per area using a rate of 10 plants per point of trap setting in each area. Overall capture of male moths correlated to subsequent eggs, larvae, and damaged fruits. Based on the outcome of the regression analysis between male moths captured and percentage of damaged fruits, the control decision is suggested when three to six male moths are captured per trap during one week. The monitoring of adults using pheromone traps help deploy chemical or biological control methods to restrain H. armigera population reaching economic threshold levels.(AU)

Lepidópteros/patogenicidade , Solanum lycopersicum , Hormônios de Inseto/biossíntese
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-759698


Abstract Field experiments were carried out in the reclaimed land east of Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, Village of Wardan, Giza Governorate, Egypt, to evaluate the impact of using nano-gels pheromone for the first time on the attraction of the RPW adults by pheromone traps compared to the control which is normal pheromone during two successive seasons in 2018 and 2019. Also, this study aimed to compare the efficacy of two types of trap, traditional trap (type 1) and dry funnel trap (type 2) in capturing of RPW adults. Results revealed that the nano gel pheromone traps attracted significantly more adults with an average of (4.26 and 3.56) adults/trap and total of (55.33 and 46.33) adults/trap compared to control with an average (2.69 and 2.46) and total of (35.00 and 32.00) adults/trap for the two seasons 2018 and 2019 respectively. Results indicated that the use of nano gel pheromone for the first time in field improved the trap catchability to RPW adults by 22.51 and 18.30% of total number of RPW adults captured throw out the two successive seasons respectively. In addition, there was no significant difference between the total numbers of RPW adults collected by the two tested type of traps over the two successive seasons. Furthermore, the sex ratio between males and females of total collected RPW adults found to be1: 1.43 and 1: 1.94 at 2018 and 2019 respectively.

Resumo Experimentos de campo foram realizados na terra recuperada a leste da estrada do deserto de Cairo-Alexandria, vila de Wardan, província de Giza, Egito, para avaliar o impacto do uso de feromônio de nano géis pela primeira vez na atração de adultos RPW por armadilhas de feromônio comparado ao controle que é o feromônio normal durante duas temporadas sucessivas em 2018 e 2019. Além disso, este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a eficácia de dois tipos de armadilha, armadilha tradicional (tipo 1) e armadilha de funil seco (tipo 2) na captura de RPW adultos. Os resultados revelaram que as armadilhas de nano gel de feromônio atraíram significativamente mais adultos, com uma média de (4,26 e 3,56) adultos/armadilha e total de (55,33 e 46,33) adultos/armadilha em comparação ao controle com uma média (2,69 e 2,46) e total de (35.00 e 32.00) adultos/armadilha para as duas temporadas 2018 e 2019, respectivamente. Os resultados indicaram que o uso de feromônio nano gel pela primeira vez em campo melhorou a capturabilidade de armadilhas para adultos com RPW em 22,51 e 18,30% do número total de adultos com RPW capturados durante as duas estações sucessivas, respectivamente. Além disso, não houve diferença significativa entre o número total de adultos RPW coletados pelos dois tipos de armadilhas testados ao longo das duas estações sucessivas. Além disso, a proporção sexual entre homens e mulheres do total de adultos coletados de RPW foi de 1: 1,43 e 1: 1,94 em 2018 e 2019, respectivamente.

R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 22(4): eRBCA-2020-1315, out. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-761982


Objectives of the study were to investigate influence of artificial insemination (AI) in caged and floored flock in comparison to natural mating (NM) on broiler breeders welfare, productive performance and economic appraisal. To execute this experiment, a total of 1440 pullets of Ross-308 Parent Stock along with 168 males were picked from a commercial flock and divided into three groups i.e., AIC=AI in cages, AIF=AI on floor and third was NM=NM on floor. Each group carried 480 females (HH) while 168 males were divided into 41, 48 and 58 for AIC, AIF and NM, respectively. During both phases all procedures and studied parameters were the same except the sperm dose rates which were changed during post peak. According to the results, significantly (p0.05) higher levels of serum corticosterone, glucose and cholesterol were recorded in birds of AIC and respectively as compared to birds being allowed to mate naturally. Whereas, the experimental males and females of AIF and AIC kept for AI exhibited (p0.05) higher body weight, depletion % and feed consumption particularly in post peak phase. However, among the birds subjected to AI, the birds kept in the cages had better performance (p0.05) than the birds kept in the floor. Moreover, frequency rate of insemination in females and milking of males found (p0.05) reciprocal to the depletion, feed intake and body weight during peak but particularly in post peak. Perhaps, various sperm doses remained inert to implicit any impact on studied parameters. Similarly, egg weight was neither affected by housing systems nor by mating strategies during both phases. However, various insemination and milking frequencies noticeably swayed the productive traits under this study. AI in floored flock was found ineffective even in comparison to natural mating. In conclusion, AI in cages brought forth the better productive performance and lesser male depletion, hence, can be recommended.(AU)

Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Aves/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Peso Corporal , Fator de Acasalamento , Valor da Vida
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 22(4): eRBCA, out. 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490810


Objectives of the study were to investigate influence of artificial insemination (AI) in caged and floored flock in comparison to natural mating (NM) on broiler breeders welfare, productive performance and economic appraisal. To execute this experiment, a total of 1440 pullets of Ross-308 Parent Stock along with 168 males were picked from a commercial flock and divided into three groups i.e., AIC=AI in cages, AIF=AI on floor and third was NM=NM on floor. Each group carried 480 females (HH) while 168 males were divided into 41, 48 and 58 for AIC, AIF and NM, respectively. During both phases all procedures and studied parameters were the same except the sperm dose rates which were changed during post peak. According to the results, significantly (p0.05) higher levels of serum corticosterone, glucose and cholesterol were recorded in birds of AIC and respectively as compared to birds being allowed to mate naturally. Whereas, the experimental males and females of AIF and AIC kept for AI exhibited (p0.05) higher body weight, depletion % and feed consumption particularly in post peak phase. However, among the birds subjected to AI, the birds kept in the cages had better performance (p0.05) than the birds kept in the floor. Moreover, frequency rate of insemination in females and milking of males found (p0.05) reciprocal to the depletion, feed intake and body weight during peak but particularly in post peak. Perhaps, various sperm doses remained inert to implicit any impact on studied parameters. Similarly, egg weight was neither affected by housing systems nor by mating strategies during both phases. However, various insemination and milking frequencies noticeably swayed the productive traits under this study. AI in floored flock was found ineffective even in comparison to natural mating. In conclusion, AI in cages brought forth the better productive performance and lesser male depletion, hence, can be recommended.

Animais , Aves/anatomia & histologia , Aves/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Peso Corporal , Fator de Acasalamento , Valor da Vida
Anim. Reprod. (Online) ; 17(1): e20190074, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1461490


The effect of climatic factors on ovarian activity and reproductive behavior (RB) was evaluated in 46 Bos indicus cows kept under grazing conditions. Temperature-humidity index (THI) was used as an indicator of stress and divided in alert, damage and emergency levels. Fat thickness (FAT) was taken during the last trimester of gestation (LTG) to approximately 90d postpartum (PP). At 30d PP animals received a progesterone (P4)-releasing device (CIDR) which was withdrawn 9d later. Ovarian activity was assessed by blood progesterone on days 21, 24, 27, 30, 49, 51, and 54 PP. Animals were divided into three groups, higher, and moderate RB and non-behavior. Sixty percent presented a THI >74 increasing dramatically from June to September up to >78. During LTG, animals lost 27% of their body reserves contrasting to PP where an increase of 2.6% (P=0.002) was observed. The percentages of cyclic and non-cyclic animals were 57 and 43%, respectively (P> 0.05). Seventy-two percent displayed RB and 28% were non-behavior (P<0.05). A negative correlation (r = -0.307; P = 0.038) between THI and RB, and a positive correlation (r = 0.427; P = 0.003) between the onset of ovarian activity and RB were observed. Differences in THI during the LTG (P<0.01) were observed between cyclic and non-cyclic animals. Non-behavior cows in the LTG had a higher THI (P <0.05). High levels of THI have a negative effect on the resumption of ovarian activity and RB in Bos indicus especially if high THI occurs during the last trimester of gestation.

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Fator de Acasalamento , Período Pós-Parto , Temperatura
Anim. Reprod. ; 17(1): e20190074, 2020. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-27807


The effect of climatic factors on ovarian activity and reproductive behavior (RB) was evaluated in 46 Bos indicus cows kept under grazing conditions. Temperature-humidity index (THI) was used as an indicator of stress and divided in alert, damage and emergency levels. Fat thickness (FAT) was taken during the last trimester of gestation (LTG) to approximately 90d postpartum (PP). At 30d PP animals received a progesterone (P4)-releasing device (CIDR) which was withdrawn 9d later. Ovarian activity was assessed by blood progesterone on days 21, 24, 27, 30, 49, 51, and 54 PP. Animals were divided into three groups, higher, and moderate RB and non-behavior. Sixty percent presented a THI >74 increasing dramatically from June to September up to >78. During LTG, animals lost 27% of their body reserves contrasting to PP where an increase of 2.6% (P=0.002) was observed. The percentages of cyclic and non-cyclic animals were 57 and 43%, respectively (P> 0.05). Seventy-two percent displayed RB and 28% were non-behavior (P<0.05). A negative correlation (r = -0.307; P = 0.038) between THI and RB, and a positive correlation (r = 0.427; P = 0.003) between the onset of ovarian activity and RB were observed. Differences in THI during the LTG (P<0.01) were observed between cyclic and non-cyclic animals. Non-behavior cows in the LTG had a higher THI (P <0.05). High levels of THI have a negative effect on the resumption of ovarian activity and RB in Bos indicus especially if high THI occurs during the last trimester of gestation.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Bovinos/fisiologia , Temperatura , Período Pós-Parto , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Fator de Acasalamento
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 36: e29356, Apr. 18, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504556


The anuran skin characteristically has different types of glands, most of which are microscopic and are spread throughout the skin. Some species have specialized regions where glands agglomerate, forming macroglands. The description of the external morphology of Ololygon centralis (Pombal & Bastos, 1996) revealed the presence of an inguinal gland. Ololygon centralis is the only species of the genus that has a macrogland. The present study found these inguinal macroglands to be present only on male specimens, thus characterizing it as a sexually dimorphic skin gland. Microscopic analysis revealed that these glands are composed of many syncytial units involved by myoepithelial cells. The center of the syncytium is full of a proteinaceous secretion with a basic pH and the absence of sugar residues. Similar glands observed in other anuran species have been associated with pheromone production, suggesting that the inguinal glands described for O. centralis males may have a similar function.

Masculino , Feminino , Animais , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Canal Inguinal/anatomia & histologia , Caracteres Sexuais , Glândulas Sebáceas , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão/veterinária
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 36: e29356, July 22, 2019. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-21723


The anuran skin characteristically has different types of glands, most of which are microscopic and are spread throughout the skin. Some species have specialized regions where glands agglomerate, forming macroglands. The description of the external morphology of Ololygon centralis (Pombal & Bastos, 1996) revealed the presence of an inguinal gland. Ololygon centralis is the only species of the genus that has a macrogland. The present study found these inguinal macroglands to be present only on male specimens, thus characterizing it as a sexually dimorphic skin gland. Microscopic analysis revealed that these glands are composed of many syncytial units involved by myoepithelial cells. The center of the syncytium is full of a proteinaceous secretion with a basic pH and the absence of sugar residues. Similar glands observed in other anuran species have been associated with pheromone production, suggesting that the inguinal glands described for O. centralis males may have a similar function.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Caracteres Sexuais , Anuros/anatomia & histologia , Canal Inguinal/anatomia & histologia , Glândulas Sebáceas , Microscopia Eletrônica de Transmissão/veterinária
Sci. agric ; 75(4)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1497720


ABSTRACT: The boll weevil colonizes cotton fields as early as cotton squaring, causing significant losses due to feeding and protected development inside fruiting structures throughout crop phenology. Successful control depends on control of adults and their accurate detection when they colonize the crops. The commercial trap and boll weevil attract-and-control tubes (BWACT) are the only available tools to monitor and attract-and-kill boll weevil, despite limitation in efficacy, and insecticide in BWACT is not allowed in organic production. A grandlure-and-glue reusable and insecticide-free tube (GGT) made with polyvinyl chloride tube, smeared with entomological glue, and lured with pheromone was tested to detect boll weevil activity across various seasons. Boll weevil showed activity during growing season and off-season from 2009 to 2012 in the Semiarid and with higher numbers captured in GGT in comparisons to commercial traps. GGT was able to detect early weevils in the field right after planting. Further, the overall averages resulted in 34-, 16.8-, and 7.5-times more weevils captured in GGTs compared to the traps during stalk destruction in the Semiarid 2011 and Cerrado season 2012/13 and during the harvesting period in the Cerrado season 2011/12, respectively. Therefore, boll weevils were captured actively during season and off-season and early captures obtained in GGT compared to traps showed a better correlation between captures and square damage.

Sci. agric. ; 75(4)2018.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-18022


ABSTRACT: The boll weevil colonizes cotton fields as early as cotton squaring, causing significant losses due to feeding and protected development inside fruiting structures throughout crop phenology. Successful control depends on control of adults and their accurate detection when they colonize the crops. The commercial trap and boll weevil attract-and-control tubes (BWACT) are the only available tools to monitor and attract-and-kill boll weevil, despite limitation in efficacy, and insecticide in BWACT is not allowed in organic production. A grandlure-and-glue reusable and insecticide-free tube (GGT) made with polyvinyl chloride tube, smeared with entomological glue, and lured with pheromone was tested to detect boll weevil activity across various seasons. Boll weevil showed activity during growing season and off-season from 2009 to 2012 in the Semiarid and with higher numbers captured in GGT in comparisons to commercial traps. GGT was able to detect early weevils in the field right after planting. Further, the overall averages resulted in 34-, 16.8-, and 7.5-times more weevils captured in GGTs compared to the traps during stalk destruction in the Semiarid 2011 and Cerrado season 2012/13 and during the harvesting period in the Cerrado season 2011/12, respectively. Therefore, boll weevils were captured actively during season and off-season and early captures obtained in GGT compared to traps showed a better correlation between captures and square damage.

Vet. Foco ; 15(2): 3-18, jan.-jun. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19596


Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes protocolos de inseminação sobre o desempenho reprodutivo em 249 novilhas Britânicas e cruzas, acasaladas aos 14 e 27 meses de idade. Sessenta e duas novilhas de 27 meses foram submetidas à IATF após o tratamento OvSynch; 61 novilhas de 27 meses e 32 novilhas de 14 meses foram submetidas à IATF após o tratamento Crestar; 62 novilhas de 27 meses e 32 novilhas de 14 meses foram submetidas à inseminação artificial (IA) após detecção de estros por 7 dias, no 7º dia foi aplicado PGF2a nos animais não observados em estro postergando-se IA por mais 5 dias (grupo PGF2a). Foram avaliados o peso vivo (PIA), o escore de condição corporal (ECC), o escore de trato reprodutivo (ETR) ao início da estação reprodutiva, a taxa de concepção e a taxa de prenhez à IATF, a taxa de prenhez ao término da estação. Os tratamentos OvSynch e Crestar tiveram 100% dos animais inseminados (IATF), enquanto os grupos PGF2a-14 meses e PGF2a-27 meses tiveram, respectivamente apenas 21,9% e 43,5% dos animais inseminados, devido à ausência ou falhas na identificação de cio. Não houve diferença nas taxas de concepção entre tratamentos hormonais e idades (P>0,05), com valores respectivos de 46,5%, 56,3%, 64,7% para os tratamentos Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a e de 44,4% e 57,1%, para as idades 14 e 27 meses. A taxa de prenhez à IA (TF) foi de 46,5%, 56,3%, 23,4% para os tratamentos Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a, com superioridade significativa (P<0,05) a favor dos grupos Crestar e OvSynch. A taxa de prenhez à IA (TF) foi de 18,6% e 41,3% (P<0,01) para as idades 14 e 27 meses. A taxa de prenhez final, após o repasse com touros foi respectivamente de 93,0%, 96,9%, 90,4% para os tratamentos Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a e de 97,7% e 90,5%, para as idades 14 e 27 meses, sem diferença significativa. O ETR influenciou a taxa de prenhez após a inseminação, respectivamente de 0%, 25,6% e 48,8% para os ETR 1, 2 e 3. Os tratamentos hormonais para a IATF resultaram em maior taxa de prenhez...(AU)

The effects of three insemination protocols were evaluated on the reproductive performance in 249 British and crosses beef heifers, mated to the 14 or 27 months of age. Sixty two heifers with 27 months were submitted to FTAI after the treatment OvSynch; 61 heifers with 27 months and 32 heifers with 14 months were submitted to FTAI after the treatment to Crestar; 62 heifers with 27 months and 32 heifers with 14 months were submitted to the artificial insemination (AI) after oestrus detection for 7 days, in the 7th day PGF2a was applied in the animals without oestrus observed being postponed AI during more 5 days (PGF2a group). The live weight and body condition score (BCS), the reproductive tract score (RTS) to the beginning of mating season, the conception and the pregnancy to FTAI and the pregnancy to the end of the mating season were evaluated. The treatments OvSynch and Crestar had 100% of the inseminated animals (FTAI), while the groups PGF2a-14 months and PGF2a-27 months had respectively, only 21.9% and 43.5% of the inseminated animals, due to the absence or fails in the oestrus identification. There was no difference in the conception rates between hormonal treatments and ages (P>0.05), with respective values of 46.5%, 56.3%, 64.7% for the treatments Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a and of 44.4% and 57.1%, for the ages 14 and 27 months. The pregnancy rate to FTAI/AI it was of 46.5%, 56.3%, 23.4% for the treatments to Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a, with significant superiority (P<0.05) in favor of the groups Crestar and OvSynch. The pregnancy rate to AI (FTAI) it was of 18.6% and 41.3% (P <0,01) for the ages 14 and 27 months. The final pregnancy rate, after clean-up bulls was respectively of 93.0%, 96.9%, 90.4% for the treatments to Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a and of 97.7% and 90.5%, for the ages 14 and 27 months, without significant difference. RTS influenced the pregnancy rate after the insemination, respectively of 0%, 25,6% and 48,8% for RTS 1, 2 and 3. The hormonal...(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Reprodução/fisiologia , Fator de Acasalamento/efeitos adversos , Fertilização , Idade Materna
Vet. foco ; 15(2): 3-18, jan.-jun. 2018. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1502686


Avaliaram-se os efeitos de diferentes protocolos de inseminação sobre o desempenho reprodutivo em 249 novilhas Britânicas e cruzas, acasaladas aos 14 e 27 meses de idade. Sessenta e duas novilhas de 27 meses foram submetidas à IATF após o tratamento OvSynch; 61 novilhas de 27 meses e 32 novilhas de 14 meses foram submetidas à IATF após o tratamento Crestar; 62 novilhas de 27 meses e 32 novilhas de 14 meses foram submetidas à inseminação artificial (IA) após detecção de estros por 7 dias, no 7º dia foi aplicado PGF2a nos animais não observados em estro postergando-se IA por mais 5 dias (grupo PGF2a). Foram avaliados o peso vivo (PIA), o escore de condição corporal (ECC), o escore de trato reprodutivo (ETR) ao início da estação reprodutiva, a taxa de concepção e a taxa de prenhez à IATF, a taxa de prenhez ao término da estação. Os tratamentos OvSynch e Crestar tiveram 100% dos animais inseminados (IATF), enquanto os grupos PGF2a-14 meses e PGF2a-27 meses tiveram, respectivamente apenas 21,9% e 43,5% dos animais inseminados, devido à ausência ou falhas na identificação de cio. Não houve diferença nas taxas de concepção entre tratamentos hormonais e idades (P>0,05), com valores respectivos de 46,5%, 56,3%, 64,7% para os tratamentos Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a e de 44,4% e 57,1%, para as idades 14 e 27 meses. A taxa de prenhez à IA (TF) foi de 46,5%, 56,3%, 23,4% para os tratamentos Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a, com superioridade significativa (P<0,05) a favor dos grupos Crestar e OvSynch. A taxa de prenhez à IA (TF) foi de 18,6% e 41,3% (P<0,01) para as idades 14 e 27 meses. A taxa de prenhez final, após o repasse com touros foi respectivamente de 93,0%, 96,9%, 90,4% para os tratamentos Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a e de 97,7% e 90,5%, para as idades 14 e 27 meses, sem diferença significativa. O ETR influenciou a taxa de prenhez após a inseminação, respectivamente de 0%, 25,6% e 48,8% para os ETR 1, 2 e 3. Os tratamentos hormonais para a IATF resultaram em maior taxa de prenhez...

The effects of three insemination protocols were evaluated on the reproductive performance in 249 British and crosses beef heifers, mated to the 14 or 27 months of age. Sixty two heifers with 27 months were submitted to FTAI after the treatment OvSynch; 61 heifers with 27 months and 32 heifers with 14 months were submitted to FTAI after the treatment to Crestar; 62 heifers with 27 months and 32 heifers with 14 months were submitted to the artificial insemination (AI) after oestrus detection for 7 days, in the 7th day PGF2a was applied in the animals without oestrus observed being postponed AI during more 5 days (PGF2a group). The live weight and body condition score (BCS), the reproductive tract score (RTS) to the beginning of mating season, the conception and the pregnancy to FTAI and the pregnancy to the end of the mating season were evaluated. The treatments OvSynch and Crestar had 100% of the inseminated animals (FTAI), while the groups PGF2a-14 months and PGF2a-27 months had respectively, only 21.9% and 43.5% of the inseminated animals, due to the absence or fails in the oestrus identification. There was no difference in the conception rates between hormonal treatments and ages (P>0.05), with respective values of 46.5%, 56.3%, 64.7% for the treatments Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a and of 44.4% and 57.1%, for the ages 14 and 27 months. The pregnancy rate to FTAI/AI it was of 46.5%, 56.3%, 23.4% for the treatments to Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a, with significant superiority (P<0.05) in favor of the groups Crestar and OvSynch. The pregnancy rate to AI (FTAI) it was of 18.6% and 41.3% (P <0,01) for the ages 14 and 27 months. The final pregnancy rate, after clean-up bulls was respectively of 93.0%, 96.9%, 90.4% for the treatments to Crestar, OvSynch, PGF2a and of 97.7% and 90.5%, for the ages 14 and 27 months, without significant difference. RTS influenced the pregnancy rate after the insemination, respectively of 0%, 25,6% and 48,8% for RTS 1, 2 and 3. The hormonal...

Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Bovinos , Fator de Acasalamento/efeitos adversos , Inseminação Artificial/métodos , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Reprodução/fisiologia , Fertilização , Idade Materna
Sci. agric. ; 75(4): 313-320, jul.-ago. 2018. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-728763


The boll weevil colonizes cotton fields as early as cotton squaring, causing significant losses due to feeding and protected development inside fruiting structures throughout crop phenology. Successful control depends on control of adults and their accurate detection when they colonize the crops. The commercial trap and boll weevil attract-and-control tubes (BWACT) are the only available tools to monitor and attract-and-kill boll weevil, despite limitation in efficacy, and insecticide in BWACT is not allowed in organic production. A grandlure-and-glue reusable and insecticide-free tube (GGT) made with polyvinyl chloride tube, smeared with entomological glue, and lured with pheromone was tested to detect boll weevil activity across various seasons. Boll weevil showed activity during growing season and off-season from 2009 to 2012 in the Semiarid and with higher numbers captured in GGT in comparisons to commercial traps. GGT was able to detect early weevils in the field right after planting. Further, the overall averages resulted in 34-, 16.8-, and 7.5-times more weevils captured in GGTs compared to the traps during stalk destruction in the Semiarid 2011 and Cerrado season 2012/13 and during the harvesting period in the Cerrado season 2011/12, respectively. Therefore, boll weevils were captured actively during season and off-season and early captures obtained in GGT compared to traps showed a better correlation between captures and square damage.(AU)

Animais , Besouros , Gossypium , Controle de Pragas/métodos , Feromônios
Bol. Apamvet (Online) ; 9(2): 17-21, 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1464217


Feromônios constituem tema de discussão há anos, e desde que estudos dos feromônios naturais caninos e felinos começaram a ser realizados, a área tem se desenvolvido rapidamente. A clínica veterinária comportamental, especialidade igualmente nova, vem se beneficiando desse desenvolvimento e do avanço de técnicas de manipulação e sintetização de feromônios como grande auxílio em diversos casos. Se há 15 anos não se sabia quase nada sobre o uso desses compostos em clínica veterinária, atualmente são desenvolvidos feromônios sintéticos para serem usados como terapia complementar em diversos casos de comportamentos caninos e felinos indesejados e situações de difícil adaptação. Para um melhor entendimento da aplicação desses análogos sintéticos, o presente trabalho faz uma revisão sobre os feromônios naturais, sua composição, detecção, produção e funções, bem como uma descrição mais aprofundada e prática sobre o uso de feromônios sintéticos na clínica veterinária comportamental, tornando claros os fundamentos, aplicações e objetivos desta terapia complementar.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Feromônios/uso terapêutico
B. APAMVET ; 9(2): 17-21, 2018. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-19750


Feromônios constituem tema de discussão há anos, e desde que estudos dos feromônios naturais caninos e felinos começaram a ser realizados, a área tem se desenvolvido rapidamente. A clínica veterinária comportamental, especialidade igualmente nova, vem se beneficiando desse desenvolvimento e do avanço de técnicas de manipulação e sintetização de feromônios como grande auxílio em diversos casos. Se há 15 anos não se sabia quase nada sobre o uso desses compostos em clínica veterinária, atualmente são desenvolvidos feromônios sintéticos para serem usados como terapia complementar em diversos casos de comportamentos caninos e felinos indesejados e situações de difícil adaptação. Para um melhor entendimento da aplicação desses análogos sintéticos, o presente trabalho faz uma revisão sobre os feromônios naturais, sua composição, detecção, produção e funções, bem como uma descrição mais aprofundada e prática sobre o uso de feromônios sintéticos na clínica veterinária comportamental, tornando claros os fundamentos, aplicações e objetivos desta terapia complementar.(AU)

Animais , Feromônios/uso terapêutico , Comportamento Animal
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz ; 77: e1757, 2018. map
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1489584


Variáveis relacionadas a fatores epidemiológicos, ao ambiente, ao agente etiológico, ao vetor e aos reservatórios parecem atuar na determinação dos diferentes cenários de transmissão da leishmaniose visceral no Brasil. No estado de São Paulo a leishmaniose visceral (LV) não apresenta um padrão epidemiológico homogêneo por todas suas regiões, parecendo refletir uma multitude de cenários propícios para a ocorrência da transmissão dentro do território Paulista. Lutzomyia longipalpis é composta por um complexo de espécies das quais duas são encontradas no Estado de São Paulo e parecem possuir diferença na capacidade vetorial. É provável que essa diferença seja o fator determinante na caracterização dos diferentes padrões epidemiológicos observados nas diferentes regiões do Estado. No presente estudo, procuramos determinar a distribuição temporal e geográfica das espécies do complexo Lu. longipalpis, dos casos caninos e dos casos humanos de LV como elementos chave para ajudar na caracterização de alguns cenários de transmissão da doença e apontar áreas de maior risco para a aquisição da doença. Por outro lado, a recente e inesperada ocorrência de transmissão da LV em localidades sem a presença da Lu. longipalpis, caracteriza mais um novo cenário, onde a transmissão da Leishmania infantum ao homem se mostrou possível, configurando um novo desafio para as autoridades da saúde pública.

Variables related to epidemiological factors, etiologic agent, environment, vector and reservoirs seem to act in determining the different scenarios of transmission of visceral leishmaniasis (VL) in Brazil. In the state of São Paulo, VL does not present a homogeneous epidemiological pattern across all its regions, seeming to reflect a multitude of scenarios conducive to the occurrence of transmission within Paulista territory. Lutzomyia longipalpis is composed of a complex of species of which two are found in the state of São Paulo and appear to have a difference in vector capacity. It is likely that this difference is the determining factor in the characterization of the different epidemiological patterns observed in the different regions of the State. In the present study, we sought to determine the temporal and geographic distribution of Lu. longipalpis species, canine cases and human cases of VL as key elements to help characterize some scenarios of transmission of the disease and to indicate areas of greater risk for disease acquisition. The recent and unexpected occurrence of VL transmission in localities without the presence of Lu. longipalpis characterizes another new scenario, where other species of san flies can transmit Leishmania infantum to man and configuring a new challenge for public health authorities.

Feromônios , Leishmaniose Visceral/epidemiologia , Leishmaniose Visceral/transmissão , Psychodidae , Brasil/epidemiologia , Transmissão de Doença Infecciosa