Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the protective and antioxidative effects of intensive exercise on streptozotocin (STZ)-induced testicular damage, apoptotic spermatognial cells death, and oxidative stress. Methods: 36 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into three groups: control, diabetes, and diabetes+intensive exercise (IE) groups. Testicular tissues were examined histopathologically and antioxidant enzymes, including catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and malondialdehyde (MDA) activity, as well as serum testosterone level, were measured. Results: Seminiferous tubules and germ cells were found to be better in the testis tissue of the intense exercise group than in the diabetes group. Diabetes suppressed antioxidant enzymes CAT, SOD, GPx and testosterone levels were significantly decreased, and increased MDA level in the diabetic group compared to diabetes+IE group (p < 0.001). Following four weeks of treatment, intensive exercise improved the antioxidant defense, significantly decreased MDA activity, and increased testosterone levels in testicular tissue in the diabetic group compared to diabetes+IE group (p < 0.01). Conclusion: STZ-induced diabetes causes damage to the testis tissue. In order to prevent these damages, exercise practice has become very popular nowadays. In present study, our intensive exercise protocol, histological, and biochemical analysis of the effect of diabetes on the testicular tissues is shown.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Espermatozoides/fisiologia , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Apoptose , Estresse Oxidativo , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental , AntioxidantesResumo
Due to the complex nature of pain and the participation of physical, cognitive, psychological and behavioral aspects, pain management has several approaches. The use of medicinal plants in developing countries is quite expressive. Seeking new options for the treatment of emerging or debilitating diseases. Therefore, the present study seeks to elucidate the effects of the monoterpene, citronellal, differentiating its activity by isomers (R)-(+) and (S)-(-) citronellal. The study used several methods to evaluate the effects of citronellal isomers on motor coordination, nociceptive response, and the involvement of opioid, glutamatergic, and transient receptor pathways. The methods included rota-rod, hot-plate, and formalin tests, as well as the use of specific inhibitors and agonists. Data were analyzed using inferential statistics with a 95% confidence level. Both isomers did not significantly affect the motor coordination of the studied animals. The isomer (S)-(-) citronellal showed better results in relation to its structural counterpart, managing to have an antinociceptive effect in the formalin and hot plate tests with a lower concentration (100 mg/kg) and presenting fewer side effects, however, the this study was not able to elucidate the mechanism of action of this isomer despite having activity in studies with substances that act on specific targets such as glutamate and capsaicin, its activity was not reversed with the use of antagonists for pathways related to nociception. While the (R)-(+) citronellal isomer, despite showing total activity only at a concentration of 150 mg/kg, was able to determine its mechanism of action related to the opioid pathway by reversing its activity by the antagonist naloxone, being this is a pathway already correlated with nociception control treatments, however, it is also related to some unwanted side effects. In this way, new studies are sought to elucidate the mechanism related to the isomer (S)-(-) citronellal and a possibility of use in other areas related to the treatment of pain or inflammation.
Devido à natureza complexa da dor e a sua participação de aspectos físicos, cognitivos, psicológicos e comportamentais, o manejo da dor possui diversas abordagens. O uso de plantas medicinais em países em desenvolvimento é bastante expressivo. Buscando novas opções para o tratamento de denças emergentes ou debilitantes. Portanto, o presente estudo busca elucidar os efeitos do monoterpeno, citronelal, diferenciando sua atividade pelos isômeros (R)-(+) e (S)-(-) citronelal. O estudo utilizou diversos métodos para avaliar os efeitos dos isômeros de citronelal na coordenação motora, resposta nociceptiva e o envolvimento de vias opioides, glutamatérgicas e de receptores transitórios. Os métodos incluíram testes de rota-rod, placa quente e formalina, além do uso de inibidores e agonistas específicos. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Ambos os isomeros não afetaram significativamente a coordenação motora dos animais em estudo. O isômero (S)-(-) citronelal apresentou melhores resultados em relação ao seu homólogo estrutural, conseguindo ter um efeito antinociceptivo nos testes de formalina e placa quente com menor concentração (100 mg/kg) e apresentando menos efeitos colaterais, entretanto, o presente estudo não foi capaz de elucidar o mecanismo de ação deste isomero apesar de ter atividadade em estudos com substancias que agem em alvos específicos como glutamato e capsaicina, sua atividade não foi revertida com a utilização de antagonistas para as vias relacionadas à nocicepção. Enquanto o isômero (R)-(+) citronelal, apesar de apresentar de apresentar total atividade somente na concentração de 150 mg/kg, foi capaz de determinar seu mecanismo de ação relacionado à via opióide pela reversão da sua atividade pelo antagonista naloxona, sendo esta uma via já correlacionada com os tratamentos de controle da a nocicepção, no entanto, também está relacionada a alguns efeitos colaterais indesejados. Desta forma busca-se novos estudos para elucidação do mecanismo relacionados ao isomero (S)-(-) citronellal e uma possibilidade de utilização em outras areas relacionadas ao tratamento da dor ou inflamação.
Dor , Plantas Medicinais , Monoterpenos , Inflamação/terapiaResumo
Background: The brachycephalic dog breeds have been increasing in Brazil, and these animals are predisposed to present the brachycephalic dog syndrome, consisting of anatomical defects that lead to physiological changes and clinical signs such as wheezing, dyspnea, and hypoxia. Electrocardiography (ECG) is a simple test that can detect disturbances in the electrical activity of the heart, including changes present in hypoxia. The brachycephalic dog syndrome can lead to pulmonary hypertension due to hypoxia. Based on this, the present work aimed to evaluate the ECG of brachycephalic dogs in search of significant changes in heart rhythm, ECG waves, and cardiac axis. Materials, Methods & Results: Twenty-nine dogs were evaluated in this study, 19 brachycephalic and 10 mesaticephalic, after approval by an ethics committee the animals were selected. Electrocardiographic examinations were performed in 2 stages, at rest and immediately after a 3-min trot. The exam was performed with a computerized electrocardiograph, with a standard time of 5 min. The standard positioning for performing the examination was the right lateral decubitus position. To improve the electrical conductivity, 70% alcohol was used between the animal's skin and the electrodes. In statistical analysis, paired t test was performed for comparison of the same group before and after exercise and unpaired t test between groups at the same moments, considering P < 0.05 as significant. Nineteen brachycephalic animals were evaluated, 10 Pugs and 9 French Bulldogs, 9 males and 10 females. The mean age was 3.4 ± 1.8 years; and the mean weight was 12.5 kg ± 2.7 kg. In the control group, consisting of ten mesaticephalic animals, all were non-breed, three males and seven females; the mean age and weight in this group were 4.4 ± 1.5 years and 7.5 kg ± 0.5 kg, respectively. There was a significant increase in heart rate (bpm) after exercise in brachycephalic dogs (baseline: 119.3 ± 4.3; after exercise: 135.1 ± 4.9; P = 0.0005). The same occurred for P wave amplitude (mV) (baseline: 0.20 ± 0.01; after exercise: 0.22 ± 0.01; P = 0.0001). These differences were not found in the control group. There were no alterations in the duration of the P wave, PR interval, QRS complex, and QT interval, and all were within normal values for the species in both groups. The R-wave amplitude remained unaltered and within normal values in both the control and brachycephalic groups. Discussion: The elevation in heart rate may be associated with the chemoreflex secondary to the increased demand for oxygenation during exercise and the hypoxia generated by it. The increase in P amplitude suggests right atrial overload. The P wave corresponds to the atrial depolarization and its amplitude corresponds to the electrical activity in the right atrium. Thus, it is possible to relate the increase in P amplitude and heart rate to the hypoxia caused by exercise in brachycephalic, since this hypoxia results in chemoreceptor activation that increases chronotropism and heart rate. Also, there may be increased pressure in the pulmonary trunk, this increased pressure occurs due to vasoconstriction generated as a reflex to hypoxia in the pulmonary alveoli, leading to a possible picture of acute pulmonary hypertension that, in a cascade effect, leads to hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle, increased strength of contractility and ejection affecting the tricuspid valve causing a reflux and consequent overload of the right atrium.
Animais , Cães , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Craniossinostoses/fisiopatologia , Hipertensão Pulmonar/diagnóstico , Hipóxia/veterinária , Padrões de Referência , Eletrocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
No município de Itapetinga,90% das terras são ocupadas com pecuária e os Argissolos são os solos mais comuns. A pequena capacidade protetora das pastagens e também o adensamento dos rebanhos, tem causado severa compactação no solo, que se torna preocupante.Diante disso, os objetivos da pesquisa foram: i) caracterizar morfológica, física e quimicamente um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo; ii) indicar a aptidão agrícola e capacidade de uso. Realizou-se a caracterização morfológica do solo e coletaram-se amostras dos horizontes para caracterização física equímica. Fisicamente determinou-se a granulometria e argila dispersa em água (ADA). Quimicamente foram analisados os cátions trocáveis do complexo sortivo (Ca2+, Mg2+Na+, K+, Al3+e H+), pH, carbono, nitrogênio total e fósforo disponível,bem como, óxidos Al2O3e Fe2O3 por ataque sulfúrico. Os sistemas de Avaliação de Aptidão Agrícola das Terras e de Capacidade de Uso foram as metodologias utilizadas para essas classificações. A descrição morfológica e dados analíticos permitiram classificar o solo como Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico. Quanto à aptidão agrícola e capacidade de uso, o solo foi classificado como 1abC e IV E-3, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o uso atual está inadequado, recomendando-sepastagens perenes associadas a práticas conservacionistas que evitem a erosão do solo. O caráter abrúptico, aliado à compactação provocada pela pecuária extensiva, agrava ainda mais a perda da capacidade produtiva desse solo, condição representativa para a microrregião de Itapetinga, onde a maiorparte do seu território é coberto por Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos Eutróficos, sendo cerca de 41%.(AU)
The livestock agriculture fromItapetinga are in area ofArgissolos. Themanagement of livestock has caused compaction. Thus, the purpose of the study was: i) describe the morphological, Chemical, and physical of the Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo; ii) classify your agricultural aptitude and use capacity. The morphological characterization was described: depth, color, structure, texture, consistency, and transition. The physical analysis was: texture and clay dispersed in water. The Chemical analysis determined the cations (Ca2+, Mg2+ Na+, K+, Al3+ e H+), pH, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. The oxides Al2O3and Fe2O3were determined. The "Sistema de Avaliação de Aptidão Agrícola das Terras" and "Sistema de Capacidade de Uso" were used for classification. The soil was classified with Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo Eutrófico abrúptico. Your aptitude has been graded as 1abC and IV E-3 to use capacity. Therefore, the use of soil is incorrect, because the perennial pasture with practices against erosion is the correct form of use. The abrupt characterwith compaction by the animals result in losses of the productive capacity of the soil.This is reality of the microregion of Itapetingabecausemost ofthe territory is in area of Argissolos Vermelho-Amarelos Eutróficos, totaling 41% of the total area.(AU)
24444 , Usos do Solo , Química do Solo , BrasilResumo
Abstract The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for 3 days/ week and 4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least 40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.
Devido à viticultura ser uma atividade em processo de consolidação na região do Planalto Norte Catarinense, os produtores não realizam um acompanhamento da qualidade físico-química dos seus produtos, com o objetivo de comparar e atender a legislação brasileira vigente e os padrões de qualidade. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar a caracterização físico-química de sucos de uva elaborados na região do Planalto Norte Catarinense na safra 2021. O presente estudo foi realizado no Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina IFSC,Câmpus Canoinhas, abrangendo a região do Planalto Norte Catarinense -Santa Catarina. As avaliações foram realizadas em triplicata, sendo avaliados as variáveis: densidade relativa (g mL-1), sólidos solúveis (°Brix), Grau Glucométrico (°Babo), acidez titulável total (meq L-1) e pH. Observou-se paraas dez amostras avaliadas, valores médios de densidade relativa de 1,0476 g mL-1. Para o teor de sólidos solúveis (°Brix) observou-se valor médio de 11,79° Brix. O grau glucométrico, expresso em °Babo, apresentou entre as amostras avaliadas valor médio de9,82 °Babo, com valores variando de 7,0 a 15,0 °Babo. O valor médio para a variável acidez total titulável foi de 75,6 meq L-1, com valores entre 63,0 a 89,2 meq L-1. Observou-se valor médio de 3,32 para o pH das amostras, com valores variando de 3,2 a 3,62. O Planalto Norte Catarinense possui potencial para a elaboração de sucos de uva de qualidade, contudo, é importante atentar-se ao ponto de maturação das uvas colhidas, com intuito de obter produtos com maiores teores de sólidos solúveis, grau glucométrico e densidade relativa, além da necessidade de refinar o processo de elaboração.(AU)
Due to the fact that viticulture is an activity in consolidation process in the region of Planalto Norte Catarinense, producers do not perform a follow-up of the physical-chemical quality of their products, aiming to compare and meet the Brazilian legislation in force and the quality standards. In this context, the objective of thiswork was to perform thephysical-chemical characterization of grape juices produced in the region of Planalto Norte Catarinense in the 2021 harvest. The present study was carried out at Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina IFSC,Câmpus Canoinhas, covering the region of PlanaltoNorte Catarinense -Santa Catarina. The evaluations were performed in triplicate, and the following variables were evaluated: relative density (g mL-¹), soluble solids (°Brix), glucometric grade (°Babo), total titratable acidity (meq L-¹) and pH. It was observed for the ten samples evaluated, average values of relative density of 1.0476 g mL-¹. For the soluble solids content (°Brix) an average value of 11.79° Brix was observed. The glucometric degree, expressed in °Babo, showed among the samples an averagevalue of 9.82 °Babo, with values ranging from 7.0 to 15.0 °Babo. The average value for the total titratable acidity variable was 75.6 meq L-¹, with values ranging from 63.0 to 89.2 meq L-¹. An average value of 3.32 was observed forthe pH of the samples, with values ranging from 3.2 to 3.62. The Planalto Norte Catarinense region has the potential for the elaboration of quality grape juices, however, it is important to pay attention to the ripening point of the harvested grapes, in order to obtain products with higher contents of soluble solids, glucometric degree and relative density, besides the need to refine the elaboration process.(AU)
Vitis/química , Sucos de Frutas e Vegetais/análise , Brasil , Fenômenos QuímicosResumo
Since the composition of honey varies with the species of bee as well as flowering and geographical aspects, this study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical and bioactive properties of Apisand stingless bees'honey from the Brazilian Caatinga. Samples of different species of Apis mellifera L.Meliponini (Melipona subnitida, Frieseomellita varia, Melipona mandacaia, Plebeia sp.) and Apis mellifera L.werecollected from honey producersin the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Honey from A. mellifera and stingless bees showed physicochemical differences in some parameters, especially in moisture, free acidity, HMF, water activity, sugars and electric conductivity. There were no differences in color between honeys from A. mellifera and stingless bees. Honeys fromPlebeia sp., F. varia and A. mellifera showed higher antioxidant capacity followed by honeys fromM. mandacaia and M. subnitida. Flavonoids had little influence on the differentiation of antioxidant activities of stingless bees, while the opposite occurred with the phenolic content, where honeys with the highest levels of phenolic also showed higher antioxidant capacity.(AU)
Fenômenos Químicos , Compostos Fitoquímicos/química , Mel/análise , Abelhas/fisiologia , Flavonoides/análise , BrasilResumo
Slash-and-burn is a traditional agricultural system still widely used in Brazil. The variation in temperature during fires results in different levels of physical, chemical, and biological changes in the soil, which makes it necessarily better to understand the dynamics of fire severity in this system. The aim of this study was to make an analytical comparison of the variation in the temperature reached in the soil during fires in slash-and-burn agriculture. Temperature data were measured in burnt areas with similar fallow times at the following soil depths 0; 2.5 and 5 cm and compared with secondary data from other studies in the same slash-and-burn system in southern Brazil. The peak temperature showed more significant variations in the surface (0 cm) of different soils and different types of regeneration vegetation in each area. Overall, the peak temperatures ranged from 32 to 673 ºC across the three depths. The peak temperature reduction in the 5 cm layer was 88 % compared to the surface and 30 % compared to the 2.5 cm layer. The sandier soils showed greater thermal conductivity at depth. The surface litter seems to exert a more significant influence on the burning severity than the biomass load cut for burning, suggesting that the characteristics of the litter layer on the surface should be better characterized in future studies on fire severity.(AU)
Solo/química , Análise do Solo , Agricultura/métodos , Temperatura , Brasil , 24444Resumo
Cut flowers are considered an important alternative for property diversification, especially in family farming. The culture of gladiolus (Gladiolus x grandiflorus Hort.) is easy to conduct and has good added value. The traditional way of cultivating gladiolus is carried out with intense soil revolution, which can generatelosses in the system. Thus, the adoption of sustainable systems becomes important for the balance of agroecosystems, with the No-Till System being one of these options. The objective of this work is to evaluate the agronomic performance of gladiolus in the organic no-tillage system. The experiment was carried out in the Horticulture sector of the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, Laranjeiras do Sul-PR campus. The experiment was carried out in completely randomized blocks with plots containing a mix of ground cover plants composed of black oat (Avena strigosaSchreb) + Vetch (Vicia sativaL.) + forage turnip (Raphanus sativusL.)and cultivation without cover, followed by cultivation of gladiolus. The gladiolus cultivar used was Yester intermediate cycle II. The evaluations carried out were: phenological and morphological characteristics of the crop, physical and biological characteristics of the soil, incidence of phytophagous insects, diseases and weeds, post-harvest viability and productivity. The results of basal soil respiration, soil temperature, weed incidence, total chlorophyll, rod length, largest leaf length, classification of floral stems classification and productivity showed significant differences between the systems. Cultivation with ground cover obtained higher productivity, with an average of 79,666 stems per hectare. The no-tillage system with organic management showed satisfactory agronomic results, being indicated for the cultivation of gladioli.(AU)
As flores de corte são consideradas uma importante alternativa para diversificação da propriedade, principalmente na agricultura familiar. A cultura do gladíolo (Gladiolus x grandiflorusHort.) possui fácil condução e tem bom valor agregado. A forma tradicional de cultivar o gladíolo é realizada com intenso revolvimento do solo, o que pode gerar perdas nosistema. Assim, a adoção de sistemas sustentáveis torna-se importante para o equilíbrio dos agroecossistemas, sendo o Sistema dePlantio Direto uma destas opções. O objetivo nesse trabalho é avaliar o desempenho agronômico de gladíolo em sistema de plantiodireto orgânico. O experimento foi realizado no setor de Horticultura da Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, campus Laranjeiras do Sul-PR. O experimento foi conduzido em blocos completamente casualizados com parcelas contendo mix de plantas de cobertura de solo composto por aveia preta (Avena strigosaSchreb) + ervilhaca (Vicia sativaL.) + nabo forrageiro (Raphanus sativusL.)e cultivo sem cobertura, seguido do cultivo do gladíolo. A cultivar de gladíolo utilizada foi Yester ciclo intermediário II. Asavaliações realizadas foram: características fenológicas e morfológicas da cultura, características físicas e biológicas do solo, incidência de insetos fitófagos, doenças e plantas espontâneas, qualidade das hastes florais e produtividade. Os resultados de respiração basal do solo, temperatura do solo, incidência de plantas espontâneas, clorofila total, comprimento da haste, comprimento da maior folha, classificação das hastes florais e produtividade apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os sistemas. O cultivo com cobertura de solo obteve maior produtividade, apresentando a média de 79.666 hastes por hectare. O sistema de plantio direto com manejo orgânico demonstrou resultados agronômicos satisfatórios sendo indicado para o cultivo de gladíolos.(AU)
24444 , Iridaceae/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) meat isn't preferred by consumers in compared to other fish species meat, thus to enhance the use of catfish meat, ready to eat catfish fingers were prepared with some plants additives (amla and ginger powder). The mean objective of this study was to assess the impact of amla and ginger powder on catfish finger qualities in terms of physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensorial parameters under stored at a low temperature (5 ± 1 °C). The obtained results were compared with those of a control sample (basic formula) and a sample containing the synthetic antioxidant. During the storage period, the levels of pH, thiobarbituric acid, total volatile basic nitrogen, trimethylamine, total bacteria count, psychrophilic bacteria, molds and yeasts counts increased dramatically, although the values remained within acceptable ranges. The findings also revealed, that amla and ginger powder considerably (p < 0.05) reduced the changes in quality parameters, as well as there was a considerable increase in the quality parameter in all treated samples than in the control. Finally, amla and ginger powder can be a substitute for synthetic antioxidants and antimicrobials. These findings suggest that the powder of amla and ginger are suitable for use as a natural antioxidants and antimicrobials to extend the shelf-life of animal products.
Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) meat isn't preferred by consumers in compared to other fish species meat, thus to enhance the use of catfish meat, ready to eat catfish fingers were prepared with some plants additives (amla and ginger powder). The mean objective of this study was to assess the impact of amla and ginger powder on catfish finger qualities in terms of physical, chemical, microbiological, and sensorial parameters under stored at a low temperature (5 ± 1 °C). The obtained results were compared with those of a control sample (basic formula) and a sample containing the synthetic antioxidant. During the storage period, the levels of pH, thiobarbituric acid, total volatile basic nitrogen, trimethylamine, total bacteria count, psychrophilic bacteria, molds and yeasts counts increased dramatically, although the values remained within acceptable ranges. The findings also revealed, that amla and ginger powder considerably (p < 0.05) reduced the changes in quality parameters, as well as there was a considerable increase in the quality parameter in all treated samples than in the control. Finally, amla and ginger powder can be a substitute for synthetic antioxidants and antimicrobials. These findings suggest that the powder of amla and ginger are suitable for use as a natural antioxidants and antimicrobials to extend the shelf-life of animal products.
Animais , Peixes-Gato , Zingiber officinale , Phyllanthus emblica , Alimentos de Origem Animal , Anti-Infecciosos , AntioxidantesResumo
Ultra-refined yerba mate (URYM), with a final particle size of 5 to 12 microns, is an innovation in the market that aims to diversify and increase the consumption of yerba mate ( Ilex paraguariensis St. Hil) through its practicality and versatility of preparation. The present work seeks to evaluate the potential for applying naturally colored URYM in food products. The nature of this study was exploratory, adopting a chemical approach (analysis of the antioxidant potential); physical approach (color stability) and sensory perception. URYM is a suitable naturally colored food ingredient with natural antioxidant appeal. Methanolic extraction of URYM (MEUR) was more efficient in scavenging DPPH radicals compared with aqueous extract of URYM (AEUR) (959.5 vs . 638.1 µmol Trolox g-1). No differences were found between AEUR and MEUR for total phenolic content in mg GAE g-1 (266.4 and 339.0, respectively) and scavenging of ABTS radicals in µmol Trolox g-1 (1008.9 and 1053.8, respectively). Water was able to extract phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Ice cream, juice, cake, and cookies emerged as the food products in which consumers used URYM in their homemade foods. With good color stability (no difference between L*, a* and b* parameters during the six-day) and good acceptance, cake with URYM added has a profile described as tasty, sweet, soft, and mate flavor. The results also demonstrated consumer interest in food products and ingredients with a healthy appeal.(AU)
Ilex paraguariensis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Corantes/química , Ingredientes de Alimentos/análise , Comportamento do Consumidor , AntioxidantesResumo
The objective of this study was to analyze data on physical activity and rumination time monitored via collars at the farm coupled with milk yield recorded by the rotary milking system to predict cows based on several disorders using the binary Logistic regression conducted with R software. Data for metritis (n=60), mastitis (n=98), lameness (n=35), and digestive disorders (n=52) were collected from 1,618 healthy cows used to construct the prediction model. To verify the feasibility and adaptability of the proposed method, we analyzed data of cows in the same herd (herd 1) not used to construct the model, and cows in another herd (herd 2) with data recorded by the same type of automated system, and led to detection of 75.0%, 64.2%, 74.2%, and 76.9% animals in herd 1 correctly predicted to suffer from metritis, mastitis, lameness, and digestive disorders, respectively. For cows in herd 2, 66.6%, 58.8%, 80.7%, and 71.4% were correctly predicted for metritis, mastitis, lameness, and digestive disorders, respectively. Compared with traditional clinical diagnoses by farm personnel, the algorithm developed allowed for earlier prediction of cows with a disorder.
Os objetivos deste estudo foram analisar dados sobre a atividade física e o tempo de ruminação monitorados através de coleiras na fazenda junto com a produção de leite registrada pelo sistema rotativo de ordenha para prever vacas com base em vários distúrbios utilizando o software de regressão logística binária realizado com o software R. Dados para metrite (n=60), mastite (n=98), manqueira (n=35) e distúrbios digestivos (n=52) foram coletados de 1.618 vacas saudáveis foram usados para construir o modelo de previsão. Para verificar a viabilidade e adaptabilidade do método proposto, analisamos os dados de vacas do mesmo rebanho (rebanho 1) não utilizadas para construir o modelo, e vacas de outro rebanho (rebanho 2) com dados registrados pelo mesmo tipo de sistema automatizado, e levamos à detecção de 75,0%, 64,2%, 74,2%, e 76,9% de animais do rebanho 1 previstos corretamente para sofrer de metrite, mastite, manqueira e distúrbios digestivos, respectivamente. Para as vacas do rebanho 2, 66,6%, 58,8%, 80,7% e 71,4% foram previstos corretamente para metrite, mastite, manqueira e distúrbios digestivos, respectivamente. Em comparação com os diagnósticos clínicos tradicionais feitos pelo pessoal da fazenda, o algoritmo desenvolvido permitiu a previsão antecipada de vacas com um distúrbio.
Animais , Bovinos , Doenças dos Bovinos , Modelos Logísticos , Ruminação DigestivaResumo
Two field experiments were conducted during 2019 and 2020 summer seasons at the experimental station of national research center, Al-Nubaryia district, El-Behaira Governorate, Egypt, to study the effect of Phenyl alanine and Aspartic acid foliar fertilizers at rates of (0.0, 50, 75 and 100 ppm) on morphological characters, photosynthetic pigments, seed yield and its components as well as seed quality of groundnut grown under sandy soil. Results indicated superiority of aspartic acid over phenyl alanine on increasing different growth parameters, chlorophyll b, biological and seed yields/plant, biological, seed and oil yields (kg/fed.), % of carbohydrate in peanut seeds. Meanwhile, phenyl alanine was superior on increasing carotenoids, indole acetic acid, phenolics, free amino acids, flavonoids, Lycopene, ß-Carotene contents, antioxidant activity expressed as (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl DPPH %) and shilling percentage. In addition, aspartic acid and phenyl alanine with various levels caused significant increases in growth and seed yield quantity and quality of peanut plants through increases in photosynthetic pigments, indole acetic acid, phenolics and free amino acids contents. Aspartic acid was more effective than phenyl alanine, Foliar treatment with 100 mg/L aspartic acid increased oil yield (700.36 over 568.05 ton/fed.) and seed yield (1531.98 over 1253.49 kg/fed.). Finally, it can conclude that using aspartic acid and phenyl alanine as foliar treatment improved growth and yield of ground nut plants under sandy soil.
Dois experimentos de campo foram conduzidos durante as temporadas de verão de 2019 e 2020 na estação experimental do centro nacional de pesquisa, distrito de Al-Nubaryia, província de El-Behaira, Egito, para estudar o efeito de fenilalanina e fertilizantes foliares de ácido aspártico a taxas de (0,0, 50, 75 e 100ppm) em caracteres morfológicos, pigmentos fotossintéticos, rendimento de sementes e seus componentes, bem como qualidade de sementes de amendoim cultivadas em solo arenoso. Os resultados indicaram superioridade do ácido aspártico sobre a fenilalanina no aumento de diferentes parâmetros de crescimento, clorofila b, rendimento biológico e de sementes/planta, biológico, de sementes e óleo (Kg/alimentado), porcentagem de carboidratos em sementes de amendoim. Enquanto isso, a fenilalanina foi superior no aumento de carotonóides, ácido indolacético, fenólicos, aminoácidos livres, flavonóides, licopeno, teores de B-caroteno, atividade antioxidante expressa como (1,1-difenil2-picrilhidrazil DPPH%) e porcentagem de shilling. Além disso, ácido aspártico e fenilalanina com vários níveis causaram aumentos significativos no crescimento e produção de sementes, quantidade e qualidade de plantas de amendoim através de aumentos nos teores de pigmentos fotossintéticos, ácido indolacético, fenólicos e aminoácidos livres. O ácido aspártico foi mais eficaz que a fenilalanina. O tratamento foliar com 100 mg/L de ácido aspártico aumentou o rendimento de óleo (700,36 sobre 568,05 ton./alimentado) e o rendimento de sementes (1531,98 sobre 1253,49 kg/alimentação). Finalmente, pôde-se concluir que o uso de ácido aspártico e fenilalanina como tratamento foliar melhorou o crescimento e a produção de plantas de amendoim em solo arenoso.
Arachis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fenilalanina/administração & dosagem , Características do Solo , Ácido Aspártico/administração & dosagem , Areia , 24444 , Aminoácidos/administração & dosagemResumo
Abstract The present study was designed to evaluate the strength of association of raised plasma homocysteine concentration as a risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factor. It was a case control study conducted at Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. A total of 210 subjects aged 25 to 60 years comprising of 105 newly admitted patients of CHD as cases and 105 age and sex matched healthy individuals with no history of CHD as control were recruited for the study. Fasting blood samples were obtained from cases and controls. Plasma homocysteine was analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method on automated immunoassay analyzer (Abbott IMX). Total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol were analyzed using calorimetric kit methods. The concentration of LDL cholesterol was calculated using Friedewald formula. The patients were also assessed for traditional risk factors such as age, sex, family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking and physical activity, and were compared with control subjects. The collected data was entered in SPSS version 24 for analysis and interpretation.The mean age in controls and experimental groups were 43.00± 8.42 years and 44.72± 8.59 years with statistically same distribution (p- value= 0.144). The mean plasma homocysteine for cases was 22.33± 9.22 µmol/L where as it was 12.59±3.73 µmol/L in control group. Highly significant difference was seen between the mean plasma level of homocysteine in cases and controls (p0.001).Simple logistic regression indicates a strong association of coronary heart disease with hyperhomocysteinemia (OR 7.45), which remained significantly associated with coronary heart disease by multivariate logistic regression (OR 7.10, 95%C1 3.12-12.83, p=0.000). The present study concludes that elevated levels of Plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factors and can be used as an indicator for predicting the future possibility for the onset of CVD.
Resumo O presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a força da associação da concentração elevada de homocisteína no plasma como um fator de risco para doença cardíaca coronária independente do fator de risco convencional. Foi um estudo de caso-controle realizado no Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. Um total de 210 indivíduos com idade entre 25 e 60 anos, compreendendo 105 pacientes recém-admitidos de CHD como casos e 105 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo sem histórico de CHD como controle, foi recrutado para o estudo. Amostras de sangue em jejum foram obtidas de casos e controles. A homocisteína plasmática foi analisada pelo método de imunoensaio de polarização de fluorescência (FPIA) em analisador de imunoensaio automatizado (Abbott IMX). Colesterol total, triglicerídeos e colesterol HDL foram analisados usando métodos de kit calorimétrico. A concentração de colesterol LDL foi calculada pela fórmula de Friedewald. Os pacientes também foram avaliados para fatores de risco tradicionais, como idade, sexo, história familiar de DCV, hipertensão, tabagismo e atividade física, e foram comparados com indivíduos de controle. Os dados coletados foram inseridos no SPSS versão 24 para análise e interpretação. A média de idade nos grupos controles e experimentais foi de 43,00 ± 8,42 anos e 44,72 ± 8,59 anos com distribuição estatisticamente igual (p-valor = 0,144). A homocisteína plasmática média para os casos foi de 22,33 ± 9,22 µmol / L, enquanto no grupo controle foi de 12,59 ± 3,73 µmol / L. Diferença altamente significativa foi observada entre o nível plasmático médio de homocisteína em casos e controles (p 0,001). A regressão logística simples indica uma forte associação de doença cardíaca coronária com hiper-homocisteinemia (OR 7,45), que permaneceu significativamente associada com doença cardíaca coronária por multivariada regressão logística (OR 7,10, 95% C1 3,12-12,83, p = 0,000). O presente estudo conclui que níveis elevados de homocisteína plasmática são fator de risco independente para doença cardíaca coronária, independentemente dos fatores de risco convencionais, e pode ser usado como um indicador para prever a possibilidade futura de aparecimento de DCV.
The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for <3 days/ week and <4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least <40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.
O presente estudo foi realizado para determinar a incidência de sobrepeso e obesidade em militares paquistaneses com referência à sua área de serviço, hábitos alimentares e também para identificar fatores de risco. Assim, 2.501 militares selecionados de todo o Paquistão usando protocolo de amostragem estratificada de múltiplos estágios. Avaliação nutricional realizada por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), relação cintura-quadril (RCQ) e avaliação alimentar por meio de questionário de frequência alimentar. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio do SPSS versão 25. A regressão foi usada para encontrar fatores de risco para obesidade e RCQ. Os resultados indicaram que cerca de 1/4 dos militares eram fumantes. Aproximadamente, 1/5 deles estava com sobrepeso e cerca de um quarto comia frutas e vegetais por <3 dias / semana e <4 dias / semana, respectivamente. Apenas 1/3 deles era fisicamente ativo por pelo menos <40 minutos por dia. Idade e ingestão de frutas foram preditores significativos do IMC com uma relação direta e ingestão de vegetais foi negativamente correlacionada com o IMC dos militares. Idade e posição foram preditores significativos de RCQ, enquanto a atividade física foi negativamente correlacionada com RCQ. Conclui-se e sugere-se a partir de nosso estudo que há necessidade de modificar os padrões e hábitos alimentares, bem como melhorar a atividade física no dia a dia para uma vida longa e saudável dos militares.
Humanos , Adulto , Comportamento Alimentar , Fatores de Risco , Militares , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/diagnóstico , Sobrepeso/complicações , Sobrepeso/diagnósticoResumo
The present study was carried out to determine incidence of overweight and obesity in Pakistani servicemen with reference to their area of duty, feeding habits and also to identify risk factors. Accordingly, 2,501 servicemen selected from all over Pakistan using multiple stage stratified sampling protocol. Nutrition assessment performed using body mass index (BMI), waist to hip ratio (WHR) and dietary assessment using food frequency questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed using the SPSS version 25. Regression was used to find risk factors of obesity and WHR. Results indicated that about 1/4th of servicemen were smokers. Approximately, 1/5th of them were overweight and about one quarter were eating fruits and vegetables for <3 days/ week and <4 days/week, respectively. Only 1/3rd of them were physically active for at least <40 minutes per day. Age and fruits intake were significantly predicting BMI with a direct relation and vegetable intake was negatively correlated to BMI of the servicemen. Age and rank were significant predictors of WHR while, physical activity was negatively correlated to WHR. It is concluded and suggested from our study that there is a need to modify eating patterns and habits as well as improving physical activity on daily basis for healthy and long life of the servicemen.(AU)
O presente estudo foi realizado para determinar a incidência de sobrepeso e obesidade em militares paquistaneses com referência à sua área de serviço, hábitos alimentares e também para identificar fatores de risco. Assim, 2.501 militares selecionados de todo o Paquistão usando protocolo de amostragem estratificada de múltiplos estágios. Avaliação nutricional realizada por meio do índice de massa corporal (IMC), relação cintura-quadril (RCQ) e avaliação alimentar por meio de questionário de frequência alimentar. Os dados coletados foram analisados por meio do SPSS versão 25. A regressão foi usada para encontrar fatores de risco para obesidade e RCQ. Os resultados indicaram que cerca de 1/4 dos militares eram fumantes. Aproximadamente, 1/5 deles estava com sobrepeso e cerca de um quarto comia frutas e vegetais por <3 dias / semana e <4 dias / semana, respectivamente. Apenas 1/3 deles era fisicamente ativo por pelo menos <40 minutos por dia. Idade e ingestão de frutas foram preditores significativos do IMC com uma relação direta e ingestão de vegetais foi negativamente correlacionada com o IMC dos militares. Idade e posição foram preditores significativos de RCQ, enquanto a atividade física foi negativamente correlacionada com RCQ. Conclui-se e sugere-se a partir de nosso estudo que há necessidade de modificar os padrões e hábitos alimentares, bem como melhorar a atividade física no dia a dia para uma vida longa e saudável dos militares.(AU)
Humanos , Adulto , Militares , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/diagnóstico , Sobrepeso/complicações , Sobrepeso/diagnóstico , Comportamento Alimentar , Fatores de RiscoResumo
The present study was designed to evaluate the strength of association of raised plasma homocysteine concentration as a risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factor. It was a case control study conducted at Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. A total of 210 subjects aged 25 to 60 years comprising of 105 newly admitted patients of CHD as cases and 105 age and sex matched healthy individuals with no history of CHD as control were recruited for the study. Fasting blood samples were obtained from cases and controls. Plasma homocysteine was analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method on automated immunoassay analyzer (Abbott IMX). Total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol were analyzed using calorimetric kit methods. The concentration of LDL cholesterol was calculated using Friedewald formula. The patients were also assessed for traditional risk factors such as age, sex, family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking and physical activity, and were compared with control subjects. The collected data was entered in SPSS version 24 for analysis and interpretation.The mean age in controls and experimental groups were 43.00± 8.42 years and 44.72± 8.59 years with statistically same distribution (p- value= 0.144). The mean plasma homocysteine for cases was 22.33± 9.22 µmol/L where as it was 12.59±3.73 µmol/L in control group. Highly significant difference was seen between the mean plasma level of homocysteine in cases and controls (p˂0.001).Simple logistic regression indicates a strong association of coronary heart disease with hyperhomocysteinemia (OR 7.45), which remained significantly associated with coronary heart disease by multivariate logistic regression (OR 7.10, 95%C1 3.12-12.83, p=0.000). The present study concludes that elevated levels of Plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor [...].
O presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a força da associação da concentração elevada de homocisteína no plasma como um fator de risco para doença cardíaca coronária independente do fator de risco convencional. Foi um estudo de caso-controle realizado no Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. Um total de 210 indivíduos com idade entre 25 e 60 anos, compreendendo 105 pacientes recém-admitidos de CHD como casos e 105 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo sem histórico de CHD como controle, foi recrutado para o estudo. Amostras de sangue em jejum foram obtidas de casos e controles. A homocisteína plasmática foi analisada pelo método de imunoensaio de polarização de fluorescência (FPIA) em analisador de imunoensaio automatizado (Abbott IMX). Colesterol total, triglicerídeos e colesterol HDL foram analisados usando métodos de kit calorimétrico. A concentração de colesterol LDL foi calculada pela fórmula de Friedewald. Os pacientes também foram avaliados para fatores de risco tradicionais, como idade, sexo, história familiar de DCV, hipertensão, tabagismo e atividade física, e foram comparados com indivíduos de controle. Os dados coletados foram inseridos no SPSS versão 24 para análise e interpretação. A média de idade nos grupos controles e experimentais foi de 43,00 ± 8,42 anos e 44,72 ± 8,59 anos com distribuição estatisticamente igual (p-valor = 0,144). A homocisteína plasmática média para os casos foi de 22,33 ± 9,22 µmol / L, enquanto no grupo controle foi de 12,59 ± 3,73 µmol / L. Diferença altamente significativa foi observada entre o nível plasmático médio de homocisteína em casos e controles (p ˂ 0,001). A regressão logística simples indica uma forte associação de doença cardíaca coronária com hiper-homocisteinemia (OR 7,45), que permaneceu significativamente associada com doença cardíaca coronária por multivariada regressão logística (OR 7,10, 95% C1 3,12-12,83, p = 0,000). O presente estudo conclui [...].
Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Doença das Coronárias/prevenção & controle , Doença das Coronárias/sangue , Homocisteína/análiseResumo
The present study was designed to evaluate the strength of association of raised plasma homocysteine concentration as a risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factor. It was a case control study conducted at Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. A total of 210 subjects aged 25 to 60 years comprising of 105 newly admitted patients of CHD as cases and 105 age and sex matched healthy individuals with no history of CHD as control were recruited for the study. Fasting blood samples were obtained from cases and controls. Plasma homocysteine was analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method on automated immunoassay analyzer (Abbott IMX). Total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol were analyzed using calorimetric kit methods. The concentration of LDL cholesterol was calculated using Friedewald formula. The patients were also assessed for traditional risk factors such as age, sex, family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking and physical activity, and were compared with control subjects. The collected data was entered in SPSS version 24 for analysis and interpretation.The mean age in controls and experimental groups were 43.00± 8.42 years and 44.72± 8.59 years with statistically same distribution (p- value= 0.144). The mean plasma homocysteine for cases was 22.33± 9.22 µmol/L where as it was 12.59±3.73 µmol/L in control group. Highly significant difference was seen between the mean plasma level of homocysteine in cases and controls (p˂0.001).Simple logistic regression indicates a strong association of coronary heart disease with hyperhomocysteinemia (OR 7.45), which remained significantly associated with coronary heart disease by multivariate logistic regression (OR 7.10, 95%C1 3.12-12.83, p=0.000). The present study concludes that elevated levels of Plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor [...].(AU)
O presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a força da associação da concentração elevada de homocisteína no plasma como um fator de risco para doença cardíaca coronária independente do fator de risco convencional. Foi um estudo de caso-controle realizado no Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. Um total de 210 indivíduos com idade entre 25 e 60 anos, compreendendo 105 pacientes recém-admitidos de CHD como casos e 105 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo sem histórico de CHD como controle, foi recrutado para o estudo. Amostras de sangue em jejum foram obtidas de casos e controles. A homocisteína plasmática foi analisada pelo método de imunoensaio de polarização de fluorescência (FPIA) em analisador de imunoensaio automatizado (Abbott IMX). Colesterol total, triglicerídeos e colesterol HDL foram analisados usando métodos de kit calorimétrico. A concentração de colesterol LDL foi calculada pela fórmula de Friedewald. Os pacientes também foram avaliados para fatores de risco tradicionais, como idade, sexo, história familiar de DCV, hipertensão, tabagismo e atividade física, e foram comparados com indivíduos de controle. Os dados coletados foram inseridos no SPSS versão 24 para análise e interpretação. A média de idade nos grupos controles e experimentais foi de 43,00 ± 8,42 anos e 44,72 ± 8,59 anos com distribuição estatisticamente igual (p-valor = 0,144). A homocisteína plasmática média para os casos foi de 22,33 ± 9,22 µmol / L, enquanto no grupo controle foi de 12,59 ± 3,73 µmol / L. Diferença altamente significativa foi observada entre o nível plasmático médio de homocisteína em casos e controles (p ˂ 0,001). A regressão logística simples indica uma forte associação de doença cardíaca coronária com hiper-homocisteinemia (OR 7,45), que permaneceu significativamente associada com doença cardíaca coronária por multivariada regressão logística (OR 7,10, 95% C1 3,12-12,83, p = 0,000). O presente estudo conclui [...].(AU)
Humanos , Adulto Jovem , Adulto , Doença das Coronárias/sangue , Doença das Coronárias/prevenção & controle , Homocisteína/análiseResumo
Abstract The present study was designed to evaluate the strength of association of raised plasma homocysteine concentration as a risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factor. It was a case control study conducted at Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. A total of 210 subjects aged 25 to 60 years comprising of 105 newly admitted patients of CHD as cases and 105 age and sex matched healthy individuals with no history of CHD as control were recruited for the study. Fasting blood samples were obtained from cases and controls. Plasma homocysteine was analyzed by fluorescence polarization immunoassay (FPIA) method on automated immunoassay analyzer (Abbott IMX). Total cholesterol, triglyceride and HDL cholesterol were analyzed using calorimetric kit methods. The concentration of LDL cholesterol was calculated using Friedewald formula. The patients were also assessed for traditional risk factors such as age, sex, family history of CVD, hypertension, smoking and physical activity, and were compared with control subjects. The collected data was entered in SPSS version 24 for analysis and interpretation.The mean age in controls and experimental groups were 43.00± 8.42 years and 44.72± 8.59 years with statistically same distribution (p- value= 0.144). The mean plasma homocysteine for cases was 22.33± 9.22 µmol/L where as it was 12.59±3.73 µmol/L in control group. Highly significant difference was seen between the mean plasma level of homocysteine in cases and controls (p˂0.001).Simple logistic regression indicates a strong association of coronary heart disease with hyperhomocysteinemia (OR 7.45), which remained significantly associated with coronary heart disease by multivariate logistic regression (OR 7.10, 95%C1 3.12-12.83, p=0.000). The present study concludes that elevated levels of Plasma homocysteine is an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease independent of conventional risk factors and can be used as an indicator for predicting the future possibility for the onset of CVD.
Resumo O presente estudo foi desenhado para avaliar a força da associação da concentração elevada de homocisteína no plasma como um fator de risco para doença cardíaca coronária independente do fator de risco convencional. Foi um estudo de caso-controle realizado no Punjab Institute of Cardiology Lahore. Um total de 210 indivíduos com idade entre 25 e 60 anos, compreendendo 105 pacientes recém-admitidos de CHD como casos e 105 indivíduos saudáveis pareados por idade e sexo sem histórico de CHD como controle, foi recrutado para o estudo. Amostras de sangue em jejum foram obtidas de casos e controles. A homocisteína plasmática foi analisada pelo método de imunoensaio de polarização de fluorescência (FPIA) em analisador de imunoensaio automatizado (Abbott IMX). Colesterol total, triglicerídeos e colesterol HDL foram analisados usando métodos de kit calorimétrico. A concentração de colesterol LDL foi calculada pela fórmula de Friedewald. Os pacientes também foram avaliados para fatores de risco tradicionais, como idade, sexo, história familiar de DCV, hipertensão, tabagismo e atividade física, e foram comparados com indivíduos de controle. Os dados coletados foram inseridos no SPSS versão 24 para análise e interpretação. A média de idade nos grupos controles e experimentais foi de 43,00 ± 8,42 anos e 44,72 ± 8,59 anos com distribuição estatisticamente igual (p-valor = 0,144). A homocisteína plasmática média para os casos foi de 22,33 ± 9,22 µmol / L, enquanto no grupo controle foi de 12,59 ± 3,73 µmol / L. Diferença altamente significativa foi observada entre o nível plasmático médio de homocisteína em casos e controles (p ˂ 0,001). A regressão logística simples indica uma forte associação de doença cardíaca coronária com hiper-homocisteinemia (OR 7,45), que permaneceu significativamente associada com doença cardíaca coronária por multivariada regressão logística (OR 7,10, 95% C1 3,12-12,83, p = 0,000). O presente estudo conclui que níveis elevados de homocisteína plasmática são fator de risco independente para doença cardíaca coronária, independentemente dos fatores de risco convencionais, e pode ser usado como um indicador para prever a possibilidade futura de aparecimento de DCV.
Humanos , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Doença das Coronárias/embriologia , Hiper-Homocisteinemia/diagnóstico , Hiper-Homocisteinemia/epidemiologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Fatores de Risco , JejumResumo
Vitamin D plays an important role in immune function and inflammation and the physical activity demonstrate relationship near to syntheses of vitamin D, considering to necessary to factors immunologics, environmental and physical. We searched five databases through February 20, 2021. Two reviewers screened the studies, collected data, assessed the risk of bias, and ranked the evidence for each outcome across the studies, independently and in duplicate. The prespecified endpoints of interest were Cardiorespiratory Fitness; Sunlight Exposure; Body Mass Index (BMI). We only included data from peer-reviewed articles in our primary analyses. In our primary analysis, there was a positive trend between serum 25(OH)D <20 ng/ml and body mass index, this result should be interpreted with caution, considering confidence intervals (RR 1.10 95% CI 0.37 to 1.83. We identified 4 high quality evidence that vitamin D levels and high physical activity required a direct relationship considering (four trials with 2,253) ; RR 0. (RR 0.0; 95% CI -0.15 to 0.15) (RR 0.59; 95% CI 0.43 to 0.75. Although the evidence available so far, from observational studies of medium quality, can be seen as showing a trend towards an association between sufficient serum levels of 25(OH)D and physical activity, this relationship has been shown. have a stimulating effect on vitamin D synthesis, the relationship of low body mass index with sufficient vitamin D levels is not based on solid evidence. We await results from ongoing studies to determine this effectiveness.
A vitamina D desempenha um papel importante na função imunológica e na inflamação e a atividade física demonstra relação próxima à síntese de vitamina D, sendo necessária a fatores imunológicos, ambientais e físicos. Pesquisamos cinco bancos de dados até 20 de fevereiro de 2021. Dois revisores examinaram os estudos, coletaram dados, avaliaram o risco de viés e classificaram as evidências para cada resultado nos estudos, de forma independente e em duplicata. Os endpoints de interesse pré-especificados foram aptidão cardiorrespiratória; Exposição à luz solar; Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC). Incluímos apenas dados de artigos revisados por pares em nossas análises primárias. Em nossa análise primária, houve uma tendência positiva entre 25(OH)D sérico <20 ng/ml e índice de massa corporal., esse resultado deve ser interpretado com cautela, considerando os intervalos de confiança (RR 1,10 IC 95% 0,37 a 1,83. Identificamos 4 evidências de alta qualidade de que níveis de vitamina D e atividade física alta exigiam uma relação direta considerando (quatro ensaios com 2.253) ; RR 0 . (RR 0,0; IC 95% -0,15 a 0,15) (RR 0,59; IC 95% 0,43 a 0,75. Embora as evidências disponíveis até agora, de estudos observacionais de qualidade média, possam ser vistas como uma tendência de associação entre níveis séricos suficientes de 25(OH)D e atividade física, essa relação foi demonstrada. têm um efeito estimulante na síntese de vitamina D, a relação de baixo índice de massa corporal com níveis suficientes de vitamina D não é baseada em evidências sólidas. Aguardamos resultados de estudos em andamento para determinar essa eficácia.