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Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(2): e220114, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448722


The early development of Markiana nigripinnis is described by morphological characters, pigmentation, and morphometry. Larvae were obtained through semi-natural breeding, collected, fixed, and identified according to their development. Eighty individuals with standard lengths ranging from 3.1 to 24.3 mm were analyzed. Larvae are poorly developed at hatching, with a relatively large yolk sac and finfold. At the preflexion stage, the eyes are pigmented, the mouth and anus are functional, the yolk is completely absorbed, and the pectoral fin bud emerges. At flexion, the first rays of the caudal, anal, and dorsal fins become evident. The pelvic fin bud emerges only at the postflexion stage, in addition to the complete absorption of the finfold. Pigmentation is distributed throughout the body, with a greater concentration on the top of the head, around the mouth, and at the base of the caudal fin. The myomere total number ranged from 34 to 49 (16-23 preanal, and 18-27 postanal). Juveniles show morphological characteristics like adults. The fins ray number are pectoral: 11-13, pelvic: 5-7, dorsal: 8-11, caudal: 16-27, and anal 30-47. The morphometric relationships reveal variations in growth along the early ontogeny of the species.

O desenvolvimento inicial de Markiana nigripinnis foi descrito considerando os caracteres morfológicos, a pigmentação e a morfometria. Indivíduos foram obtidos por meio de reprodução seminatural, coletados, acondicionados, fixados e identificados conforme seu período e estágio de desenvolvimento. Foram analisados 80 indivíduos com comprimento padrão variando de 3,1 a 24,3 mm. As larvas são pouco desenvolvidas à eclosão, com saco vitelino relativamente grande e presença de membrana embrionária. Em pré-flexão, os olhos estão pigmentados, a boca e o ânus são funcionais, o vitelo é completamente absorvido e surge o botão da nadadeira peitoral. Em flexão, os primeiros raios das nadadeiras caudal, anal e dorsal tornam-se evidentes. O botão da nadadeira pélvica aparece somente em pós-flexão, além da completa absorção da nadadeira embrionária. A pigmentação se distribui pelo corpo todo, com maior concentração no topo da cabeça, ao redor da boca e na base da nadadeira caudal. O número total de miômeros variou de 34 a 49 (16-23 pré e 18-27 pós-anal). Os juvenis apresentaram características morfológicas semelhantes ao adulto. O número de raios das nadadeiras é peitoral: 11-13, pélvica: 5-7, dorsal: 8-11, caudal: 16-27 e anal 30-47. As relações morfométricas revelam variações no crescimento ao longo da ontogenia inicial da espécie.

Animais , Characidae/anatomia & histologia , Characidae/fisiologia , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 22(3): 463-469, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1451577


As poedeiras criadas em sistema degaiolas tem seu bem-estar afetado devido ao menor espaço disponível para elas, o que vai de encontro da crescente pressão por grande parte de consumidores preocupados com as condições em que essas aves são criadas. A consequência dessa menor densidade de alojamento sobre a produtividade, e a qualidade de vida da ave e dos ovos por elas produzidos deve ser avaliada. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a produção, qualidade de ovos, e bem-estar de galinhas poedeiras criadas em diferentes densidades de alojamentos em gaiolas. Às 28 semanas de idade, foram distribuídas, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, 120 poedeiras leves da linhagem Novogen White, após debicagem, em 24 gaiolas com dimensões de 45 cm x 50cm, em três diferentes densidades de alojamento: 562,5 cm² /ave (quatro aves/gaiola), 450 cm² /ave (cinco aves/gaiola) e 375 cm² /ave(seis aves/gaiola), com 8 repetições cada. As dietas experimentais foram isoproteicas e isoenergéticas, formuladas à base de milho e farelo de soja. O período experimental será compreendido por seis ciclos de 28 dias cada. As variáveis analisadas foram: peso do ovo, índice de gema, unidade Haugh, pigmentação da gema, porcentagem dos componentes dos ovos e espessura de casca (em milímetros). Quando as aves atingiram 44 semanas de idade, foi realizada a medição do escore de penas. Foram avaliadas 40 galinhaspor tratamento, em quatro regiões: peito, dorso, asas e posterior. Essa análise consiste emcategorizar as aves de acordo com três diferentes escores, de acordo com o tamanho da área de ausência de penas em cada região. Espera-se que a redução da densidade de alojamento das galinhas nas gaiolas propicie maior produção com melhor qualidade dos ovos, promovendo também melhor bem-estar das aves.(AU)

The well-beingof laying hens raised in cages is affected due to the smaller space available for them,which is in line with the growing pressure from a large number of consumers concerned about the conditions in which these birds are raised.The consequence of thislower housing density on productivity and the quality of life of the bird andthe eggs produced by them must be evaluated. The aim of this study is to evaluate the production, egg quality, and welfare of laying hens reared in different housing densities in cages. At 28 weeks of age, 120 light Novogen White laying hens were distributed, after beak trimming, in24 cages measuring 45 cm x 50 cm, in three different housing densities: 562.5 cm²/bird (four birds/cage), 450 cm²/bird (five birds/cage) and 375 cm²/bird (six birds/cage), with 8 repetitions each. The experimental diets were isoproteic and isoenergetic, based on corn and soybean meal. The trial period will comprise six cycles of 28 days each. The variables analyzed were: egg weight, yolk index, Haugh unit, yolk pigmentation, percentage of egg components and shell thickness (in millimeters). When the birds reached 44 weeks of age, the feather score was measured. Forty chickens per treatment were evaluated in four regions: chest, back, wings and hindquarters. This analysis consists of categorizing the birds according to three different scores, according to thesize of the area without feathers in each region. It is expected that the reduction in the hen housing density in the cages will lead to higher production with better egg quality, also promoting better hen welfare.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Estresse Fisiológico/fisiologia , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ovos/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1911, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435048


Background: Topically administered 2% dorzolamide is among the most commonly used agents to lower IOP. As a complication of glaucoma, blind patients may develop corneal ulcers secondary to trauma. Nonetheless, in patients with a hypertensive or glaucomatous eye, in which the cornea has also been ulcerated, medical hypotensive therapy should not be discontinued. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine whether the instillation of a benzalkonium chloride (BAK)-preserved 2% dorzolamide alters corneal wound healing time and the levels of matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-9) in the tears of cats with experimentally induced corneal ulcers. Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen cats (8/group) were randomly assigned to receive 40 µL of 2% dorzolamide (TG) or saline (CG) 3 times daily until corneal re-epithelialization. Experimental keratectomies were performed under general and topical anesthesia using an operating microscope. For this purpose, a millimitred trephine was calibrated and used to create a temporal paraxial corneal ulcer with a diameter of 6 mm and a depth of 200 µm. After corneal wounding, the ulcerated area, the healing time, blepharospasm, conjunctival hyperemia, and aqueous flare were compared between groups. Tears were collected at baseline and 24 and 48 h after keratectomy, and the total MMP-9 was quantified by ELISA. Data were assessed statistically using unpaired Student's t test, one-way, and two-way ANOVA followed by a Bonferroni post hoc test. Statistical significance was set at P < 0.05 for all analyses. The average time to achieve corneal wound healing did not differ between groups (P = 0.36) and was 65.50 ± 3.62 h in the CG and 71.00 ± 4.58 h in the TG. Twenty-four h after keratectomy, the ulcerated area in the CG was 3.34 mm2 larger than that observed in the TG (P = 0.04); the rest of the comparisons did not reach statistical significance at any time point between groups (P > 0.05). Higher blepharospasm scores were observed in cats of TG (P = 0.04). When compared with baseline of both groups, the levels of MMP-9 increased significantly at 24 and 48 h post-keratectomy (P < 0.001), but differences between groups were not observed at 24 and 48 h post-keratectomy (P > 0.05). Discussion: In cats, 9 mm axial corneal ulcers created by superficial debridement re-epithelize approximately 48 h postwounding. In the present study, re-epithelialization post keratectomy occurred within an average time of 68.25 h in most cats and in a delayed manner in one cat of the TG after 96 h. In the current study, the lesions in both groups healed without corneal scarring, pigmentation, or vascularization. Although BAC was present in all topical medications used in the present study, the authors attribute the higher scores of blepharospasm in the TG to the rheological characteristics and the pH of the dorzolamide ophthalmic solution. Indeed, the pH value of dorzolamide (5.58) may cause signs of irritation, as the tear film has an approximate pH of 7.6. Previous studies showed that ulcerated corneas presented significantly higher levels of MMP-9 in tears at the early stages (8 to 36 h) post-wounding. In the current study, the levels of this enzyme after wounding did not change significantly in the tears of cats treated with 2% dorzolamide when compared to the eyes in the control group. This study showed that the instillation of a BAC-preserved 2% dorzolamide ophthalmic solution did not impair the corneal wound healing time or the early expression of MMP-9 in the tears of cats with experimentally induced corneal ulcers. However, our results warrant further investigation in patients with ocular hypertension or glaucoma presenting concomitant naturally occurring corneal ulcers to certify our findings.

Animais , Gatos , Úlcera da Córnea/veterinária , Glaucoma/veterinária , Metaloproteinase 9 da Matriz/análise , Epitélio/fisiologia , Compostos de Benzalcônio/uso terapêutico , Inibidores da Anidrase Carbônica
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 882, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1437109


Background: Distichiasis is a disease that is rare in cats, but very common in dogs. The term distichiasis may be controversial when used in the feline species, given that they do not possess true cilia, but rudimentary hair along the superior palpebra. The patients may be asymptomatic, though some show signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis. The diagnosis is reached through an ophthalmological exam, and the treatment consists of the removal of the cilium with or without its hair follicle. With this work, we aim to report a series of cases of distichiasis in cats, as it is an uncommon anomaly, and has the potential to cause ocular discomfort in cats. Cases: Two mobile services of veterinary ophthalmology, one in the federal district of Brasília (DF) and the other in the municipality of Valinhos (SP), attended to 9 cats over a period of 5 years (2018 to 2022). The cats (n = 9) attended are of an undefined breed with ages varying from 10 months to 9 years, with an average of 3.9-year-old. The number of distichiasis presented by the animals was classified according to their quantity, being categorized as a mild grade when there was a single cilium, moderate grade when there were 2 to 4 cilia, and severe grade when there were more than 5 cilia. The highest incidence of distichiasis in this study was in males (78%) while females accounted for (22%) of the cases. The clinical changes reported by the owners consisted of signs of ocular discomfort (photophobia, blepharospasm, and periocular itching), ocular discharge and ocular redness. In the ophthalmological evaluations, blepharospasm (22%), serous to mucosal secretion (56%), chemosis (22%), mild (44%) to moderate (11%) conjunctival hyperemia, and ulcerative keratitis (22%) were observed. Distichiasis was more frequent affecting both eyes (56%), while in only (44%) of cases it affected the left eye only. The highest occurrence of cilia was identified in the upper palpebra (78%). Distichiasis was found more often in the temporal palpebral portion (78%), and in 2 patients the identification was more challenging since these cilia lack pigmentation. Single cilium affected (44%) of patients, while 5 cats had multiple distichiasis (56%). A total of 29% of the cats had a mild grade, whereas 14% had a moderated grade, and 57% had a severe grade. The treatments performed consisted of manual epilation (ME) and electroepilation (EE). ME was carried out in 56% of the cats, with relapses occurring in 80% of the patients, while 44% of the cats submitted to EE had a relapse in 20% of the cases. Discussion: Distichiasis is an inherited disorder very frequent in dogs, but considered uncommon in cats. Its causative factor is still unknown, as is its mode of inheritance. In distichiasis therapy, epilation, electroepilation, electrolysis, diode laser, cryotherapy and surgical palpebral resection techniques are referred to as procedures. Among the treatments used in this study, we observed a lower incidence of relapse with the electroepilation technique, which proved to be a viable and successful therapeutic modality. This series of cases shows that perhaps this disorder is much more frequent than what has been reported in the literature, being sometimes underdiagnosed and consequently underreported. Therefore, distichiasis in cats should be considered as a differential diagnosis in patients with clinical signs of ocular discomfort and ulcerative keratitis.

Animais , Gatos , Pestanas/anormalidades , Pálpebras/anormalidades , Remoção de Cabelo/veterinária , Glândulas Tarsais/anormalidades
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e53060, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368346


The objective of this work was to evaluate the supplementation of yellow natural pigment levels based on Marigold Flower extract (2%) and yellow synthetic pigment (Carophyll Yellow 10%) in sorghum-based rations for commercial laying hens and their influence on bird performance and egg quality. A completely randomized design was adopted with 5 treatments, 6 replicates, and 5 laying hens in each repetition. The treatments evaluated were: Sorghum based diet without supplementation with pigmentant - Negative Control; 150 g t-1 of Yellow Natural Pigment feed; 300 g t-1 of yellow natural pigment feed; 450 g t-1 of yellow natural pigment feed; 25 g t-1 of yellow industrial pigment feed. The Tukey test was applied at 5% for the analysis of the variables of performance and quality of the eggs. The variables related to external and internal egg quality and poultry yield performance did not present significant results (p > 0.05). Only the variable color of the yolk obtained significance (p < 0.01), with an increase according to the number of pigments included in the diet. Sorghum can be used together supplementation of natural and synthetic pigments in the diet to improve yolk pigmentation. It is recommended to include 450g t-1 of natural marigold flower pigment feed (2%) in sorghum-based diets for better pigmentation of the yolk in place of 25 g t-1 of yellow synthetic pigmented, by improving the color of the yolk and not interfering in the productive performance of the laying hens and the quality of the eggs.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Aves Domésticas/fisiologia , Pigmentação , Sorghum , Ração Animal
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 32(3): 200-208, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1402671


Corneal pigmentation and vascularization eventually result in blindness in dogs. Pigmentary keratitis describes a relatively common presentation comprising the deposition of melanin in the cornea and conjunctival surface associated with chronic inflammation. Cryosurgery is indicated as a treatment for pigmentary keratitis in dogs. Due to melanocytes sensitivity to cold, cryosurgery is a viable treatment for severe refractory corneal pigmentation. The aim of this work was to evaluate the use of dimethyl ether in the treatment of pigmentary keratitis in 14 eyes of seven Pug dogs. Follow-up occurred after 30 days in four animals and six months in three animals. In all treated animals, there was a reduction in corneal pigmentation. Cryosurgery causes intracellular and extracellular ice crystal formation and other mechanisms that result in rupture and death of the melanocytes. The technique used was easy to perform, has a low cryogen cost and has few undesirable or serious side effects. However, after 30 days repigmentation occured in treated patients. Cryosurgery shows good results in the first four weeks, but partial recurrence occurred in all cases.

A pigmentação e a vascularização da córnea eventualmente resultam em cegueira em cães. A ceratite pigmentar é descrita com uma apresentação relativamente comum que compreende a deposição de melanina na córnea e na superfície conjuntival associada à inflamação crônica. A criocirurgia é indicada como tratamento para ceratite pigmentar em cães. Devido à sensibilidade dos melanócitos ao frio, a criocirurgia é um tratamento viável para pigmentação corneana refratária grave. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o uso do éter dimetílico no tratamento da ceratite pigmentar em 14 olhos de sete cães da raça Pug. O acompanhamento foi de 30 dias em quatro animais e seis meses em três animais. Em todos os animais tratados, houve redução da pigmentação da córnea. A criocirurgia causa a formação de cristais de gelo intracelular e extracelular e outros mecanismos que resultam na ruptura e morte dos melanócitos. A técnica utilizada foi de fácil execução, baixo custo de criogenia e poucos efeitos colaterais indesejáveis ou graves. No entanto, após 30 dias, ocorreu repigmentação nos pacientes tratados. A criocirurgia apresenta bons resultados nas primeiras quatro semanas, mas ocorreu recidiva parcial em todos os casos.

Animais , Cães , Criocirurgia/métodos , Éter/administração & dosagem , Ceratite/cirurgia , Melaninas/análise
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 21(4): 497-503, dez. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413627


This study has aimed to assess the effect of increasing levels of annatto (Bixa orellana L.) seed meal (AM) on yolk pigmentation and the sensory analysis of eggs of common quails fed sorghum-based diets when compared tocorn. Eighty female common quails (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) in the laying phase were used, being them aged from 251 to 316 days. There were three experimental periods of 21 days each (251-272; 273-294; 295-316 days). The quails were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments (T1 - corn-based feed; T2 - feed with 100% of sorghum instead of corn without the addition of AM; T3, T4, and T5 - feed with 100% of sorghum replacing corn with the addition of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% AM, respectively) and four repetitions. One hundred eggs from each treatment were used for analysis. Sensory evaluation was applied with an untrained panel with 20 evaluators. The eggs were boiled, peeled, and served. The panelists assessed the appearance, flavor, color, aroma, texture, and overall evaluation of the eggs. Annatto seed meal added to sorghum-based diets promoted linear increases in appearance, flavor, color, aroma, texture, and overall evaluation, evaluated during the sensory analysis (p=0.001). The addition of 1.5% AM in the sorghum-based diets of the common quails benefited the characteristics of appearance (4.50), flavor (4.50), color (4.55), aroma (4.25), and texture (4.55) of the assessed quail eggs, being considered more attractive and with greater acceptance (overall evaluation = 5.97) in relation to the other treatments tested. The inclusion of AM in the sorghum-based diets improved the yolk pigmentation of quail eggs in relation to the control treatments. The AM triggers positive effects on yolk pigmentation and sensory characteristics of common quail eggs.(AU)

Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de níveis crescentes do farelo do resíduo da semente de urucum (Bixa orellana L.) (FU), sobre a pigmentação da gema e análise sensorial dos ovos de codornas europeias alimentadas com dietas à base de sorgo em substituição ao milho. Foram utilizadas 80 codornas europeias (Coturnix coturnix coturnix) fêmeas, na fase de postura, no período de 251 a 316 dias de idade. Foram três períodos experimentais de 21 dias cada (251-272; 273-294; 295-316 dias). As codornas foram distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com cinco tratamentos (T1 - ração à base de milho; T2 - ração com 100% de sorgo em substituição ao milho sem a adição de FU; T3, T4 e T5 ­ ração com 100% de sorgo em substituição ao milho com a adição de 0,5; 1,0 e 1,5% de FU) e quatro repetições. Cem ovos de cada tratamento foram utilizados para a análise. A avaliação sensorial foi aplicada em painel não treinado de 20 avaliadores. Os ovos foram cozidos, descascados e servidos. A aparência, sabor, cor, odor, textura e avaliação global, foram avaliadas pelos painelistas. A farinha de semente de urucum adicionada à ração à base de sorgo promoveu aumentos lineares nos atributos aparência, sabor, cor, odor, textura e avaliação global, avaliados durante a análise sensorial (p=0,001). A adição de 1,5% de FU em dietas a base de sorgo beneficiou as características de aparência (4,50), sabor (4,50) cor (4,55), aroma (4,25) e textura (4,55) dos ovos de codorna avaliados, sendo considerados mais atrativos e com maior aceitação (avaliação global = 5,97), em relação aos demais tratamentos testados. A inclusão do FU nas rações à base de sorgo melhorou a pigmentação da gema dos ovos de codorna em relação aos tratamentos controle. O AM desencadeia efeitos positivos na pigmentação da gema e nas características sensoriais de ovos de codornas comuns.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Coturnix/fisiologia , Gema de Ovo/química , Ração Animal/análise , Sementes/química , Bixaceae/química , Ovos/análise , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1483472


ABSTRACT The Characidium orientale Buckup & Reis, 1997 larvae development is described using specimens collected in the natural environment of Antas River, in the Taquari-Antas river basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Were considerate ontogenetic changes in morphology, pigmentation, fin morphology, and meristic characters. Thirty-six larvae (33 in the preflexion stage, two in flexion, and one in the postflexion stage), with a standard length between 4.24 and 11.26 mm were analyzed. The larvae of C. orientale are altricial and present fusiform body, subterminal mouth, long intestine with anal opening posterior to the vertical line over the median region of the body. Two chromatophores are evident in the interorbital region, as well pigments concentrated on the side of the body, forming a longitudinal stripe, and between the rays of the caudal fin, which intensify during the development. Also, a conspicuous remnant of the embryonic membrane (finfold) in front of the dorsal fin appears to be characteristic of species of the genus during larval development. The total number of myomeres varies from 32 to 35 (18-23 pre; 11-16 postanal). The main changes in morphometry occur during the preflexion stage and suggest physiological and behavioral changes.

RESUMO O desenvolvimento das larvas de Characidium orientale Buckup & Reis, 1997 é descrito a partir de espécimes coletados no rio Antas, na bacia do rio Taquari-Antas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram consideradas mudanças ontogenéticas na morfologia, pigmentação, morfologia das nadadeiras e caracteres merísticos. Foram analisadas 36 larvas (33 na fase de pré-flexão, duas em flexão e uma em pós-flexão), com comprimento padrão entre 4,24 e 11,26 mm. As larvas de C. orientale são altriciais e apresentam corpo fusiforme, boca subterminal, intestino longo com abertura anal posterior à linha vertical sobre a região mediana do corpo. Dois cromatóforos são evidentes na região interorbital, bem como pigmentos concentrados na lateral do corpo, formando uma faixa longitudinal e entre os raios da nadadeira caudal, que se intensificam durante o desenvolvimento. Além disso, um remanescente conspícuo da membrana embrionária na frente da nadadeira dorsal parece ser característico de espécies do gênero durante o desenvolvimento larval. O número total de miômeros varia de 32 a 35 (18-23 pré; 11-16 pós-anal). As principais mudanças na morfometria ocorrem durante o estágio de pré-flexão e sugerem mudanças fisiológicas e comportamentais.

Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-7, 2022.
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1433679


El albinismo es una anomalía genética recesiva en la que la produccíon de la melanina está reducida o ausente, lo que interfiere com la  pigmentación de la piel, pelaje y los ojos de los individuos. Se considera un fenómeno natural raro, principalmente en animales salvajes. Los albinos son muy susceptibles al daño de la piel por el sol, ya que la exposición acumulada a los rayos ultravioleta (UV) puede ser dañina. Este reporte discute la ocurrencia de seborrea seca en un tapir albino (Tapirus terrestris), mantenida bajo cuidado humano. La seborrea seca es una enfermedad crónica de la piel en la que falla la queratinización de la epidermis, formándose descamaciones excesivas y alterando la oleosidad de la piel y la pelaje. El tratamiento clínico instituido se basó en la aplicación tópica de uma solución dermatológica hidratante en spray y em la modificación del recinto para reducir la incidencia de la luz solar sobre el individuo.  El resultado fue satisfactorio y tuvo como ayuda un miscroscopio digital portátil que se utilizó periódicamente hasta la recuperación del animal.

Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder in which melanin prodution is reduced or absent, interfering with pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes of individuals. It is considered to be of rare natural occurrence, mainly in wild animals. Albino individuals are highly susceptible to skin damage caused by the sun, once cumulative exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful. This report discusses the occurrence of dry seborrhea in an albino lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris), kept under human care. Dry seborrhea is a chronic skin disease in which there is a failure in the keratinization of the epidermis, forming excessive scales and altering the oiliness of the skin and hair. The clinical treatment instituted was based on topical application of a moisturizing dermatological spray solution and on changes made to the enclosure in order to reduce the incidence of sunlight on the individual. The result was satisfactory and had as na aid a portable digital microscope that was used periodically until the recovery of the animal.

O albinismo é uma desordem genética recessiva em que a produção de melanina é reduzida ou ausente, o que interfere na pigmentação da pele, pelos e olhos dos indivíduos. É considerada de rara ocorrência natural, principalmente em animais selvagens. Indivíduos albinos são altamente suscetíveis a injúrias na pele causadas pelo sol, já que a exposição aos raios ultravioletas (UV) de forma cumulativa pode ser prejudicial. Este relato discorre sobre a ocorrência de seborreia seca em uma anta albina (Tapirus terrestris), mantida sob cuidados humanos. A seborreia seca é uma enfermidade cutânea de caráter crônico em que ocorre falha na queratinização da epiderme, formando excessivamente escamas e alterando a oleosidade da pele e pelos. O tratamento clínico instituído foi baseado na aplicação tópica de solução dermatológica hidratante spray e em mudanças realizadas no recinto a fim de diminuir a incidência de luz solar no indivíduo. O resultado foi satisfatório e teve como auxílio um microscópio digital portátil que foi utilizado periodicamente até a recuperação do animal.

Iheringia, Sér. zool ; 112: e2022003, 2022. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369992


The Characidium orientale Buckup & Reis, 1997 larvae development is described using specimens collected in the natural environment of Antas River, in the Taquari-Antas river basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Were considerate ontogenetic changes in morphology, pigmentation, fin morphology, and meristic characters. Thirty-six larvae (33 in the preflexion stage, two in flexion, and one in the postflexion stage), with a standard length between 4.24 and 11.26 mm were analyzed. The larvae of C. orientale are altricial and present fusiform body, subterminal mouth, long intestine with anal opening posterior to the vertical line over the median region of the body. Two chromatophores are evident in the interorbital region, as well pigments concentrated on the side of the body, forming a longitudinal stripe, and between the rays of the caudal fin, which intensify during the development. Also, a conspicuous remnant of the embryonic membrane (finfold) in front of the dorsal fin appears to be characteristic of species of the genus during larval development. The total number of myomeres varies from 32 to 35 (18-23 pre; 11-16 postanal). The main changes in morphometry occur during the preflexion stage and suggest physiological and behavioral changes.

O desenvolvimento das larvas de Characidium orientale Buckup & Reis, 1997 é descrito a partir de espécimes coletados no rio Antas, na bacia do rio Taquari-Antas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Foram consideradas mudanças ontogenéticas na morfologia, pigmentação, morfologia das nadadeiras e caracteres merísticos. Foram analisadas 36 larvas (33 na fase de pré-flexão, duas em flexão e uma em pós-flexão), com comprimento padrão entre 4,24 e 11,26 mm. As larvas de C. orientale são altriciais e apresentam corpo fusiforme, boca subterminal, intestino longo com abertura anal posterior à linha vertical sobre a região mediana do corpo. Dois cromatóforos são evidentes na região interorbital, bem como pigmentos concentrados na lateral do corpo, formando uma faixa longitudinal e entre os raios da nadadeira caudal, que se intensificam durante o desenvolvimento. Além disso, um remanescente conspícuo da membrana embrionária na frente da nadadeira dorsal parece ser característico de espécies do gênero durante o desenvolvimento larval. O número total de miômeros varia de 32 a 35 (18-23 pré; 11-16 pós-anal). As principais mudanças na morfometria ocorrem durante o estágio de pré-flexão e sugerem mudanças fisiológicas e comportamentais.

Animais , Caraciformes/anatomia & histologia , Ontologia Genética , Larva
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210203, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442885


This study evaluated the effects of including Moringa oleifera (moringa) leaf meal on performance, carcass yield and characteristics, and relative organ weights of broilers from 10 to 42 days of age. We distributed 420 male Cobb 500 chicks in a completely randomized design with five treatments and six replicates with 14 birds each. Treatments consisted of five experimental diets in which the moringa leaf meal was included at 0, 1.5, 3.0, 4.5, and 6.0% in the diets. The following performance variables were evaluated: weight gain, feed intake, and feed conversion; weights and yields of carcass, carcass traits, organs, and abdominal fat; and feet color. Significant differences between the treatment means were analyzed by Dunnett's test. The meal inclusion levels did not affect performance, carcass characteristics and yield, or organs weight. However, feet pigmentation increased linearly, and abdominal fat was greater only at the 1.5% level when compared with the control group. Moringa leaf meal can be included in the diet of broilers from 10 to 42 days of age, up to the level of 6%, without compromising performance or carcass yield of these birds.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/fisiologia , Moringa oleifera/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Carne/análise , Farinha/análise
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 798, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401274


Background: Nasolacrimal duct tumors are divided into primary and secondary, with primary tumors being rare in all species. Secondary involvement of the lacrimal sac and duct can occur from any skin lesion involving the eyelid and/or conjunctiva and from any neoplastic process involving the paranasal sinuses. Lacrimal sac metastatic lesions may originate from any distant site and include carcinomas or melanomas, with squamous cell carcinoma being the most common type. The objectives of the present report were to describe a case of squamous cell carcinoma in the nasolacrimal duct and to emphasize the importance of a good ophthalmic evaluation. Case: A 16-year-old spayed bitch white poodle was presented to the veterinary clinic. The owner complained that the animal had epiphora and mucoid secretion in the right eye, eyelid hyperemia in both eyes, and sporadic sneezing with blood. On ophthalmic examination, the animal was initially diagnosed with nasolacrimal duct obstruction and right eye (OD) blepharitis and OU uveitis. Fourteen days after the first evaluation, the nasolacrimal duct region increased, with the presence of bloody secretion. Biomicroscopy showed nodules inside the lacrimal duct, in the punctum region. The animal was sedated to obtain a fragment of the nodule for histopathological analysis, and a subsequent oral cavity evaluation identified a nodule in the transition region between the 4th premolar and 1st molar, which was sent for cytology. Cytology of the medial corner region of the RE showed epithelial and mesenchymal cells with malignancy characteristics, and the biopsy was suggestive of malignant epithelial neoplasia (carcinoma). A surgical procedure for nodule resection was ruled out because bone involvement was extensive, and chemotherapy was selected. The patient died 2 months after the 1st consultation. The diagnosis was confirmed through necropsy via immunohistochemical tests, demonstrating squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) both in the mouth and the nasal and ocular sinuses. Discussion: The most common conditions affecting the nasolacrimal drainage system in dogs are those causing obstructions. These may be congenital, arising from a developmental defect of micropunctum or agenesis of the punctum, they may be acquired, arising from infection and inflammation. SCC is a malignant neoplasm originating in the stratified squamous epithelium. The predisposing factors in cats and dogs include lack of adnexal pigmentation and, possibly, chronic irritation of the ocular surface. A light coat is considered a relevant factor, especially in regions with little hair coverage. In addition to a mass lesion, other clinical signs of eyelid or ocular surface tumors may include epiphora, conjunctival vascular injection, mucopurulent ocular discharge, 3rd eyelid protrusion, conjunctival/corneal roughness or ulceration, and corneal neovascularization or pigmentation. Clinical presentations are nonspecific. Neoplasms, whether nasal and/or in the maxillary sinus, can invade the nasolacrimal duct and spread to the nasal cavity, and neoplasms in the nasal cavity can invade the nasolacrimal duct. Ophthalmic evaluation along with good inspection of the oral cavity is a useful tool in the diagnosis of eye neoplasms that may have effects on the oral cavity or vice versa due to the strong association between them. Early diagnosis is crucial for the clinical or surgical management of each case of ophthalmic neoplasia and for therapeutic success.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Cabeça e Pescoço/veterinária , Doenças do Aparelho Lacrimal/veterinária , Ducto Nasolacrimal/patologia
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210024, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365202


We described the early development of Myloplus asterias and M. lobatus, two fish species of the Serrasalmidae using morphological, meristic, and morphometric characteristics. These herbivores serrasalmids are heavily fished because of their commercial importance in the Amazon. The individuals were collected between 2016 and 2020 in the limnetic zone of open water and macrophyte stands in the Lower Amazon River floodplain. We tested different growth models to identify the development pattern of these species. During the initial ontogeny, these two species can be differentiated mainly by the myomeres total number, 37 to 39 in M. asterias vs. 40 to 41 in M. lobatus, the pigmentation pattern, and dorsal-fin ray numbers. These characteristics are effective in distinguishing these species from other serrasalmids. The morphometric relationships were also different between these two species, showing distinct patterns in growth between the analyzed features. An identification key for larvae of some sympatric Serrasalmidae species from the Amazon basin is presented. Our expectation is that this study will contribute to the knowledge of the initial ontogeny and the biology of fish species in the Neotropical region.(AU)

Descrevemos o desenvolvimento inicial de Myloplus asterias e M. lobatus, duas espécies de peixes da família Serrasalmidae usando características morfológicas, merísticas e morfométricas. Esses serrasalmídeos herbívoros são fortemente pescados devido à sua importância comercial na Amazônia. Os indivíduos foram coletados entre 2016 e 2020 na zona limnética de águas abertas e em bancos de macrófitas na planície de inundação do baixo rio Amazonas. Testamos diferentes modelos de crescimento para identificar o padrão de desenvolvimento dessas espécies. Durante a ontogenia inicial, essas duas espécies podem ser diferenciadas pelo número total de miômeros; 37 a 39 em M. asterias vs. 40 a 41 em M. lobatus; pelo padrão de pigmentação e número de raios da nadadeira dorsal. Essas características são eficazes para distinguir essas espécies de outros serrasalmídeos. As relações morfométricas também foram diferentes entre as duas espécies, com distintos padrões de crescimento entre as características analisadas. Uma chave de identificação para larvas de algumas espécies simpátricas de Serrasalmidae da bacia amazônica é apresentada. Nossa expectativa é que este estudo contribua para o conhecimento da ontogenia inicial e da biologia das espécies de peixes da região Neotropical.(AU)

Animais , Nadadeiras de Animais , Caraciformes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Estágios do Ciclo de Vida , Pesqueiros
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1878, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400774


Background: Melanoma is a malignant neoplasm that arises from melanocytes and malanoblasts. It is also more frequently reported in dogs than in other species. They may arise from melanocytes in the skin, on the surfaces of the mucous membranes, and eyes. The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological aspects, risk factors and clinicopathological findings of melanoma in dogs in the backlands, northeastern Brazil. Materials, Methods & Results: A retrospective study was carried out in all biopsy samples and necropsy examinations of dogs, from January 2003 to December 2021, at the Animal Pathology Laboratory of the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos, Paraiba, northeastern Brazil. Epidemiological data, clinical signs, and gross lesions were reviewed from the diagnostic laboratory reports. Samples of the skin, lymph nodes, central nervous system and organs of the thoracic and abdominal cavities were fixed in 10% buffered formalin, processed routinely for histopathology, embedded in paraffin wax, cut into 4 µm sections, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE). Histological sections were also submitted to immunohistochemistry with the primary antibody anti-Melan A. Of the 4717 records found, 1158 (24.5%) were diagnosed with neoplasms, of which 48 (4.14%) cases were of melanoma. Of this total, 28 (58.3%) dogs were elderly, 19 (39.6%) were adults, and 1 (2.1%) was young. Mixed breed animals were the most affected (42.6%), followed by the pinscher breed (19.1%). According to the anatomical region, the most affected site was the skin (38/53=71.7%), followed by the oral cavity (12/53=22.65%) and the eyes (3/53=5.7%). Grossly, the skin lesions were characterized by exophytic and usually blackened, sometimes irregular and firm, nodules. At cut, they had a smooth, compact and blackened surface. Lesions in the oral cavity were characterized by blackened, irregular and infiltrating nodules or masses. The ocular lesions were always unilateral and were characterized by an enlarged and diffusely blackened eyeball, with areas of ulceration and subversion of tissue architecture. In 5 animals there was more than one anatomical site affected, totaling 53 lesions. In 9 (17%) cases, metastases were identified, 8 in regional lymph nodes and 1 in the lung. Histopathology showed a densely non-encapsulated, poorly delimited, expansive and infiltrative neoplasm, composed of neoplastic cells arranged in islands or nests and supported by fibrovascular stroma, containing a variable amount of brownish pigment (melanin). Immunohistochemistry showed strong immunostaining of the neoplastic cells in brown by the anti-Melan A antibody. Discussion: The diagnosis of melanoma was established based on epidemiological, clinical, anatomopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. Gender is not a predisposing factor, and although there was no statistically significant relationship, males were more affected. Senescence is a conditioning risk factor. Elderly animals were more affected (P < 0.0001) than adult ones, with OR = 4.38; and young ones (P = 0.0051), with OR = 12.65. Some breeds, especially those with marked skin pigmentation, were more affected, however the most affected ones in this survey were pinscher and poodle. Cutaneous melanoma accounted for almost 72% of cases, contesting recent studies where oral cavity melanoma was more frequent. Therefore, it is believed that the climatic conditions of the backlands sub-region, in northeastern Brazil, associated with the individual characteristics of the dogs, are involved in the development of these neoplasms, since the climate is predominantly dry, with high temperatures throughout the year, with maximums that can reach 40ºC, favoring the exposure to high incidence of ultraviolet radiation.

Animais , Cães , Melanócitos/patologia , Melanoma/veterinária , Melanoma/epidemiologia , Dermatopatias/veterinária
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-13, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370601


A icterícia é considerada como a pigmentação amarelada de regiões corpóreas como esclera, pele e mucosas. É uma manifestação presente em variadas doenças e pode ser classificada em icterícia pré-hepática, hepática ou pós-hepática. A categorização dos tipos de icterícia e suas identificações são fundamentais para que haja um maior conhecimento acerca do seu local de ocorrência, da sua gravidade e progressão. A condição pode ser observada em cães e gatos, e cada tipo pode estar associado a doenças distintas como processos hemolíticos, doenças hepatocelulares, obstruções de fluxo biliar, dentre outros. O diagnóstico da manifestação pode ser determinado por meio dos dados coletados na anamnese, exame clínico e/ou complementar, este último mediante necessidade. O tratamento varia e depende da causa base que esteja associada como terapias medicamentosas a intervenções cirúrgicas.

Jaundice is considered the yellowish pigmentation of body regions such as the sclera, skin and mucous membranes. It is a manifestation present in several diseases and can be classified as pre-hepatic, hepatic or post-hepatic jaundice. The categorization of types of jaundice and their identification are essential for greater knowledge about its place of occurrence, its severity and progression. The condition can be observed in dogs and cats, and each type can be associated with different diseases such as hemolytic processes, hepatocellular diseases, bile flow obstructions, among others. The diagnosis of the manifestation can be determined through data collected through anamnesis, clinical and/or complementary examination, the latter as needed. Treatment varies and depends on the underlying cause that is associated with drug therapies and surgical interventions.

La ictericia se considera la pigmentación amarillenta de regiones del cuerpo como la esclerótica, la piel y las membranas mucosas. Es una manifestación presente en varias enfermedades y puede clasificarse en ictericia prehepática, hepática o poshepática. La categorización de los tipos de ictericia y su identificación son fundamentales para un mayor conocimiento sobre su lugar de aparición, su gravedad y progresión. La afección se puede observar en perros y gatos, y cada tipo puede asociarse con diferentes enfermedades como procesos hemolíticos, enfermedades hepatocelulares, obstrucciones del flujo biliar, entre otras. El diagnóstico de la manifestación se puede determinar mediante la recogida de datos mediante anamnesis, exploración clínica y / o complementaria, esta última según sea necesario. El tratamiento varía y depende de la causa subyacente asociada con las terapias farmacológicas y las intervenciones quirúrgicas.

Animais , Gatos , Cães , Icterícia/classificação , Icterícia/terapia , Icterícia/veterinária , Bilirrubina/metabolismo
Vet. zootec ; 29: 1-7, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380801


O albinismo é uma desordem genética recessiva em que a produção de melanina é reduzida ou ausente, o que interfere na pigmentação da pele, pelos e olhos dos indivíduos. É considerada de rara ocorrência natural, principalmente em animais selvagens. Indivíduos albinos são altamente suscetíveis a injúrias na pele causadas pelo sol, já que a exposição aos raios ultravioletas (UV) de forma cumulativa pode ser prejudicial. Este relato discorre sobre a ocorrência de seborreia seca em uma anta albina (Tapirus terrestris), mantida sob cuidados humanos. A seborreia seca é uma enfermidade cutânea de caráter crônico em que ocorre falha na queratinização da epiderme, formando excessivamente escamas e alterando a oleosidade da pele e pelos. O tratamento clínico instituído foi baseado na aplicação tópica de solução dermatológica hidratante spray e em mudanças realizadas no recinto a fim de diminuir a incidência de luz solar no indivíduo. O resultado foi satisfatório e teve como auxílio um microscópio digital portátil que foi utilizado periodicamente até a recuperação do animal.(AU)

Albinism is a recessive genetic disorder in which melanin prodution is reduced or absent, interfering with pigmentation of the skin, hair and eyes of individuals. It is considered to be of rare natural occurrence, mainly in wild animals. Albino individuals are highly susceptible to skin damage caused by the sun, once cumulative exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can be harmful. This report discusses the occurrence of dry seborrhea in an albino lowland tapir (Tapirus terrestris), kept under human care. Dry seborrhea is a chronic skin disease in which there is a failure in the keratinization of the epidermis, forming excessive scales and altering the oiliness of the skin and hair. The clinical treatment instituted was based on topical application of a moisturizing dermatological spray solution and on changes made to the enclosure in order to reduce the incidence of sunlight on the individual. The result was satisfactory and had as na aid a portable digital microscope that was used periodically until the recovery of the animal.(AU)

El albinismo es una anomalía genética recesiva en la que la produccíon de la melanina está reducida o ausente, lo que interfiere com la pigmentación de la piel, pelaje y los ojos de los individuos. Se considera un fenómeno natural raro, principalmente en animales salvajes. Los albinos son muy susceptibles al daño de la piel por el sol, ya que la exposición acumulada a los rayos ultravioleta (UV) puede ser dañina. Este reporte discute la ocurrencia de seborrea seca en un tapir albino (Tapirus terrestris), mantenida bajo cuidado humano. La seborrea seca es una enfermedad crónica de la piel en la que falla la queratinización de la epidermis, formándose descamaciones excesivas y alterando la oleosidad de la piel y la pelaje. El tratamiento clínico instituido se basó en la aplicación tópica de uma solución dermatológica hidratante en spray y em la modificación del recinto para reducir la incidencia de la luz solar sobre el individuo. El resultado fue satisfactorio y tuvo como ayuda un miscroscopio digital portátil que se utilizó periódicamente hasta la recuperación del animal.(AU)

Animais , Perissodáctilos/genética , Albinismo/diagnóstico , Dermatite Seborreica/diagnóstico , Animais Selvagens/genética
Rev. Ciênc. Agrovet. (Online) ; 21(4): 410-418, dez. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413455


In Rio Grande do Sul, the main rice producer State in Brazil, low temperatures can occur during germination and seedling establishment, and in some cases, during the reproductive stage. When low temperatures occur in the early developmental stages cause delay in germination, resulting in a non-homogeneous growing. In reproductive stage, low temperatures cause spikelet sterility, directly interfering with plant yield. Researchers have shown that some phenolic compounds such as proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin are associated with low temperature tolerance in plants due to their antioxidant capacity. The red and black color in the seeds of some rice genotypes is conferred by the phenolic compounds proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin, respectively. Therefore, tis study aimed to verify whether rice genotypes with red or black seeds are more tolerant to low temperatures during germination. In this study, five rice genotypes were tested, two present seeds without pigmentation and with contrasting response to low temperature tolerance (BRS Bojuru - tolerant and BRS Pampeira - sensitive), two genotypes with red seeds (BRS 902, SCS 119 Rubi) and one black seed genotype (SCS 120 Ônix). As expected, the genotypes with pigmented seeds had a greater total phenolic compounds content. However, under low temperature conditions, the genotypes with pigmented seed showed a similar response to the sensitive genotype. Therefore, the presence of proanthocyanidins and anthocyanin in the seed of the studied genotypes does not provide tolerance to low temperatures during germination.(AU)

No Rio Grande do Sul, principal estado produtor de arroz do Brasil, baixas temperaturas podem ocorrer durante a germinação e estabelecimento de plântulas, e em alguns casos, durante o estádio reprodutivo. Quando baixas temperaturas ocorrem no estádio inicial de desenvolvimento causam atraso da germinação, resultando em um crescimento não homogêneo. No estádio reprodutivo, baixas temperaturas podem ocasionar esterilidade das espiguetas, interferindo diretamente na produtividade da planta. Pesquisas têm mostrado que alguns compostos fenólicos como as proantocianidinas e antocianinas estão associadas com tolerância a baixa temperatura em plantas devido sua capacidade antioxidante. A coloração vermelha e preta nas sementes de alguns genótipos de arroz é conferida pelos compostos fenólicos proantocianidinas e antocianinas, respectivamente. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se os genótipos de arroz com sementes vermelhas ou pretas são mais tolerantes a baixas temperaturas durante a germinação. Neste trabalho, cinco genótipos foram testados, dois com sementes sem pigmentação e com resposta contrastante para tolerância a baixa temperatura (BRS Bojuru - tolerante e BRS Pampeira - sensível), dois genótipos com sementes vermelhas (BRS 902, SCS 119 Rubi) e um genótipo com sementes pretas (SCS 120 Ônix). Como esperado, os genótipos com sementes pigmentadas têm maior conteúdo de compostos fenólicos totais. Entretanto, sob condições de baixa temperatura, os genótipos com semente pigmentada mostraram resposta similar ao genótipo sensível. Dessa forma, a presença de proantocianidinas e antocianinas nas sementes dos genótipos estudados não confere tolerância a baixas temperaturas durante a germinação.(AU)

Oryza/fisiologia , Flavonoides/efeitos adversos , Germinação/efeitos dos fármacos , Temperatura Baixa/efeitos adversos , Resposta ao Choque Frio/fisiologia
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 191-196, Jan.-Feb. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153054


Vitiligo is a dermatological disease affecting both animals and humans. It is characterized by depigmented macules of varying shape and size, originated from melanocyte destruction. Even though there are some theories tackling causation, disease etiopathology is not yet certain. Moreover, lesion areas can either increase or diminish over time, and therefore, available treatment alternatives tend to prove inconsistencies. No epidemiological data or registered cases were found for equines in Brazil. The horse in this case description displayed depigmentation areas in facial regions, including upper lip, nose and lips. However, the individual did not happen to develop any systemic alteration. Through clinical evaluation, backed by a histopathological exam, a definitive vitiligo diagnosis was obtained. However, no therapeutic plan was stipulated. The animal was accompanied for four years, during which period some affected areas diminished while others increased in size. In addition, emergence of new skin lesions was also observed during the time the animal was studied. Overall, this disease does not display alterations to organism functionality, only aesthetic changes. Therefore, treatment plans may vary from case to case, occasionally being even ruled out.(AU)

O vitiligo é uma doença dermatológica que pode afetar animais e humanos. Caracteriza-se por áreas despigmentadas, de formas e tamanhos variáveis, que surgem devido a destruição dos melanócitos. Existem algumas teorias que tentam explicar a etiopatogenia da doença, entretanto ainda não é totalmente esclarecida. As lesões podem aumentar ou diminuir com o tempo, por isso os tratamentos disponíveis são inconsistentes. Não foram encontrados dados epidemiológicos ou relatos de vitiligo em cavalos no Brasil. O equino deste relato apresentava lesões despigmentadas na região da face, incluindo pálpebras, narina e lábios, sem alterações sistêmicas. Por meio da avaliação clínica em conjunto com o exame histopatológico obteve-se o diagnóstico definitivo de vitiligo. Não foi instituído nenhuma terapia, e o equino foi acompanhado durante quatro anos. Durante esse período algumas lesões diminuíram e outras aumentaram de tamanho sendo também observado o aparecimento de novas lesões. O vitiligo não traz alterações sistêmicas, apenas mudanças estéticas, por isso a escolha pelo tratamento dependerá de cada caso.(AU)

Animais , Transtornos da Pigmentação/veterinária , Vitiligo/diagnóstico , Cavalos
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4): e210116, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1356548


A new species of Satanoperca is described from the Rio Araguaia, Rio Tocantins basin, Brazil, and non-native records are available in the upper Rio Paraná basin. It differs from congeneric species by color pattern characters, such as head and flank marks. It is included in the Satanoperca jurupari species group, characterized by the absence of black rounded blotches on the flank, and low meristic values. A description of the ontogeny of melanophore marks of the S. jurupari species group revealed two different types of arrangement on the flank and numerous melanophore marks on the head. A discussion on morphologically diverse assemblages in the S. jurupari species group is also provided.(AU)

Uma nova espécie de Satanoperca é descrita do rio Araguaia, bacia do rio Tocantins, Brasil, e registros não-nativos estão disponíveis para a bacia do alto rio Paraná. Pode ser diagnosticada de suas congêneres por caracteres do padrão de colorido como marcas na cabeça e flanco. É incluída no grupo Satanoperca jurupari pela ausência de máculas pretas arredondadas no flanco e menores valores de contagens. Uma descrição da ontogenia das marcas melanofóricas do grupo S. jurupari revelou dois tipos diferentes de arranjos no flanco e várias marcas melanofóricas na cabeça. Uma discussão sobre assembleias morfologicamente diversas no grupo S. jurupari também é fornecida.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Perciformes/classificação , Pigmentação
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4): e210116, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765878


A new species of Satanoperca is described from the Rio Araguaia, Rio Tocantins basin, Brazil, and non-native records are available in the upper Rio Paraná basin. It differs from congeneric species by color pattern characters, such as head and flank marks. It is included in the Satanoperca jurupari species group, characterized by the absence of black rounded blotches on the flank, and low meristic values. A description of the ontogeny of melanophore marks of the S. jurupari species group revealed two different types of arrangement on the flank and numerous melanophore marks on the head. A discussion on morphologically diverse assemblages in the S. jurupari species group is also provided.(AU)

Uma nova espécie de Satanoperca é descrita do rio Araguaia, bacia do rio Tocantins, Brasil, e registros não-nativos estão disponíveis para a bacia do alto rio Paraná. Pode ser diagnosticada de suas congêneres por caracteres do padrão de colorido como marcas na cabeça e flanco. É incluída no grupo Satanoperca jurupari pela ausência de máculas pretas arredondadas no flanco e menores valores de contagens. Uma descrição da ontogenia das marcas melanofóricas do grupo S. jurupari revelou dois tipos diferentes de arranjos no flanco e várias marcas melanofóricas na cabeça. Uma discussão sobre assembleias morfologicamente diversas no grupo S. jurupari também é fornecida.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Perciformes/classificação , Pigmentação