Prostate neoplasms are the main reproductive disorders affecting neutered dogs, being the adenocarcinoma the most common and developing signs of urinary and/or gastrointestinal tract. This tumor develops spontaneously in dogs, being malignant, very invasive and unresponsive to castration. Due the recent increase in reports and a high interference in the animals' quality of life, the objective of this study was to report a case of prostatic adenocarcinoma in an eight-year-old SRD dog with metastasis in bladder, peritoneum and mesentery. The animal presented dehydration, fever, difficulty for walking, severe pain, abdominal enlargement, apathy, hyporexia, hypodipsia and tenesmus. Rectal examination, identified a firm mass and incongruous in prostatic membrane. Two months before an orchiectomy was performed due a prostatomegaly. At the time, an ultrasound identified irregular prostate with cavity formations, spleen with hypoechogenic formation and bladder with hyperechogenic formation attached to the wall. Radiography was requested and fecaloma was observed. Thus, enterotomy and prostatectomy were required. In surgery, nodulations were identified in mesentery, peritoneum and spleen, in addition to a hemorrhagic focus and a palpable mass in the bladder. The prostate was attached to bone tissue, making the removal impossible. The animal was euthanized and prostatic histopathology identified acinar adenocarcinoma. Histological samples of peritoneum, mesentery and bladder presented metastasis. The treatment of this conditionis not feasible with a delayed diagnosis due to its high aggressiveness and metastatic capacity. Such report demonstrates the importance of digital rectal examination and ultrasound exams, even in castrated animals for a nearly diagnosis of these neoplasms.
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Adenocarcinoma/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma/prevenção & controle , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Neoplasias da Próstata/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterináriaResumo
Prostate neoplasms are the main reproductive disorders affecting neutered dogs, being the adenocarcinoma the most common and developing signs of urinary and/or gastrointestinal tract. This tumor develops spontaneously in dogs, being malignant, very invasive and unresponsive to castration. Due the recent increase in reports and a high interference in the animals' quality of life, the objective of this study was to report a case of prostatic adenocarcinoma in an eight-year-old SRD dog with metastasis in bladder, peritoneum and mesentery. The animal presented dehydration, fever, difficulty for walking, severe pain, abdominal enlargement, apathy, hyporexia, hypodipsia and tenesmus. Rectal examination, identified a firm mass and incongruous in prostatic membrane. Two months before an orchiectomy was performed due a prostatomegaly. At the time, an ultrasound identified irregular prostate with cavity formations, spleen with hypoechogenic formation and bladder with hyperechogenic formation attached to the wall. Radiography was requested and fecaloma was observed. Thus, enterotomy and prostatectomy were required. In surgery, nodulations were identified in mesentery, peritoneum and spleen, in addition to a hemorrhagic focus and a palpable mass in the bladder. The prostate was attached to bone tissue, making the removal impossible. The animal was euthanized and prostatic histopathology identified acinar adenocarcinoma. Histological samples of peritoneum, mesentery and bladder presented metastasis. The treatment of this conditionis not feasible with a delayed diagnosis due to its high aggressiveness and metastatic capacity. Such report demonstrates the importance of digital rectal examination and ultrasound exams, even in castrated animals for a nearly diagnosis of these neoplasms.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Doenças do Cão/sangue , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Doenças do Cão/patologia , Adenocarcinoma/prevenção & controle , Adenocarcinoma/cirurgia , Adenocarcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/prevenção & controle , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterináriaResumo
Background: Prostatic cancer is a rare condition in cats but should be included as a differential diagnosis whenever middleaged cats present lower urinary tract signs, such as dysuria and hematuria. Abdominal ultrasound can indicate the disease,but fine-needle aspiration cytology and histopathology are necessary to establish the neoplastic origin and the therapeuticplan. Because of the limited data, no standard-of-care treatment or prognostic information exists in cats with prostate carcinoma. This report describes the clinical signs, diagnosis and surgical approach in a case of prostatic carcinoma in a cat.Case: A 6-year-old, intact male, domestic short-haired cat was presented with a 3-day history of dysuria, hematuria, inappetence, constipation, lethargy and prostration. On physical examination, the cat was in a very poor general conditionand abdominal palpation revealed firm mass located caudally to the urinary bladder. The urinary bladder presented highrepletion degree, while the large bowel was distended and presented soft faecal content. Blood count, serum biochemistryand urinalysis showed neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia and high creatinine level, and severe hematuria, respectively. Abdominal ultrasound showed a mass located in the prostatic area with hypoechogenic and slightly heterogeneousparenchyma, measuring 3.3 x 3.0 cm. Echo-guided trans-abdominal fine-needle aspiration of the prostate was performed.Microscopically, the cells were round with basophilic cytoplasm, and had round to ovoid nuclei, dense chromatin andprominent nucleoli. Some cells were binucleated and mild anisocytosis and marked anisokaryosis were documented. Thesefindings were compatible with malignant prostatic neoplasia. After initial clinical stabilization, the patient underwent anexploratory laparotomy for tumor resection...
Masculino , Animais , Gatos , Carcinoma/cirurgia , Carcinoma/diagnóstico , Carcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Próstata/cirurgia , Disuria/veterinária , Hematúria/veterinária , Prostatectomia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Prostatic cancer is a rare condition in cats but should be included as a differential diagnosis whenever middleaged cats present lower urinary tract signs, such as dysuria and hematuria. Abdominal ultrasound can indicate the disease,but fine-needle aspiration cytology and histopathology are necessary to establish the neoplastic origin and the therapeuticplan. Because of the limited data, no standard-of-care treatment or prognostic information exists in cats with prostate carcinoma. This report describes the clinical signs, diagnosis and surgical approach in a case of prostatic carcinoma in a cat.Case: A 6-year-old, intact male, domestic short-haired cat was presented with a 3-day history of dysuria, hematuria, inappetence, constipation, lethargy and prostration. On physical examination, the cat was in a very poor general conditionand abdominal palpation revealed firm mass located caudally to the urinary bladder. The urinary bladder presented highrepletion degree, while the large bowel was distended and presented soft faecal content. Blood count, serum biochemistryand urinalysis showed neutrophilic leukocytosis, hypoalbuminemia and high creatinine level, and severe hematuria, respectively. Abdominal ultrasound showed a mass located in the prostatic area with hypoechogenic and slightly heterogeneousparenchyma, measuring 3.3 x 3.0 cm. Echo-guided trans-abdominal fine-needle aspiration of the prostate was performed.Microscopically, the cells were round with basophilic cytoplasm, and had round to ovoid nuclei, dense chromatin andprominent nucleoli. Some cells were binucleated and mild anisocytosis and marked anisokaryosis were documented. Thesefindings were compatible with malignant prostatic neoplasia. After initial clinical stabilization, the patient underwent anexploratory laparotomy for tumor resection...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Carcinoma/diagnóstico , Carcinoma/cirurgia , Carcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias da Próstata/veterinária , Próstata/cirurgia , Prostatectomia/veterinária , Disuria/veterinária , Hematúria/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of the cellulosic exopolysaccharide membrane (CEM) as a urethral reinforcement for urethrovesical anastomosis. Methods: Twenty eight rabbits were submitted to urethrovesical anastomosis with or without CEM reinforcement. The animals were divided into 4 groups: C7, CEM7, C14 and CEM14: (C= only anastomosis or CEM = anastomosis + CEM), evaluated after 7 weeks, and 14 weeks. The biointegration and biocompatibility of CEM were evaluated according to stenosis, fistula, urethral wall thickness, urethral epithelium, rate of inflammation and vascularization. Results: Between the two experimental groups, the difference in the number of stenosis or urinary fistula was not statistically significant. The morphometric analysis revealed preservation of urethral lumen, well adhered CEM without extrusion, a controlled inflammatory process and implant vascularization. The urothelium height remained constant over time after CEM reinforcement and the membrane wall was thicker, statistically, after 14 weeks. Conclusion: The absence of extrusion, stenosis or urinary fistula after 14 weeks of urethrovesical anastomosis demonstrates cellulosic exopolysaccharide membrane biocompatibility and biointegration with tendency to a thicker wall.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Coelhos , Biopolímeros/uso terapêutico , Anastomose Cirúrgica/tendências , Prostatectomia/reabilitação , Modelos AnimaisResumo
PURPOSE: To assess comparative results of robot-assisted radical laparoscopic prostatectomy (RARP) performed by surgeons without any experience in laparoscopic prostatectomy and the open procedure performed by surgeons with large experience. METHODS: We analyzed 84 patients (50 subjected to robotic surgery) from June 2012 to September 2013. Data were prospectively collected in a customized database. Two surgeons carried out all the RARP cases. These two surgeons and six more performed the open cases. The perioperative outcomes between the two groups were analyzed with a minimum followup of 12 months. RESULTS: The corporal mass index (BMI) was higher in the open group (p=0.001). There was more operatve time, less hospitalization and blood loss, better trifecta and pentafecta and earlier continence (p=0.045) in the robotic group (p=0.001). There was no difference in positive surgical margins but with greater extraprostatic extension in the open group (p=0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is a safe procedure even in the hands of surgeons with no previous experience. Besides this, better operative outcomes can be reached with this modern approach.(AU)
Animais , Laparoscopia/métodos , Prostatectomia/veterinária , Robótica , Neoplasias da PróstataResumo
PURPOSE: To evaluate the structure of the endopelvic fascia in prostates of different weights.METHODS: We studied 10 patients with BPH (prostates>90g); 10 patients with prostate adenocarcinoma (PAC) (prostates 60g) and five young male cadavers (control group). During the surgery a small sample of endopelvic fascia was obtained. We analyzed elastic fibers, collagen and smooth muscle. The stereological analysis was done with the Image Pro and Image J programs. Means were statistically compared using the one-way ANOVA with the Bonferroni test and a p 0.05 was considered statistically significant.RESULTS:The mean of the prostate weight was 122 g in BPH patients, 53.1g in PAC patients and 18.6g in control group. Quantitative analysis documented that there are no differences (p=0.19) in Vv of elastic fibers and in Vv of type III collagen (p=0.88) between the three groups. There was a significant difference (p=0 0.0001) in the quantification of SMC in patients with prostates >90g (mean=9.61%) when compared to patients with prostates 60g (mean=17.92%) and with the control group (mean=33.35%).CONCLUSION:There are differences in endopelvic fascia structure in prostates>90g, which can be an additional factor for pre-operatory evaluation of radical prostatectomy.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Próstata/anatomia & histologia , Próstata/ultraestrutura , Fáscia/anatomia & histologia , Fáscia/ultraestrutura , Prostatectomia , LaparoscopiaResumo
PURPOSE: To investigate whether there is any effect resulting from preconditioning with nutraceutical supplementation containing arginine and oil mixes with high ω9:ω6 ratio and low ω6:ω3 ratio containing EPA and DHA, ALA fatty acids on inflammatory mediators, antioxidant and lipid profile modulation in surgical trauma. METHODS: Twenty-six men scheduled for radical prostatectomy were randomized into three groups and treated as follows: Group 1 (skim milk, 0% fat), Group 2 (supplement with ω6:ω3 ratio of 8:1 and arginine) and Group 3 (supplement with high ω9:ω6 ratio of 3.2:1 and low ω6:ω3 ratio of 1.4:1 and arginine). Patients received skin milk or supplements twice a day (200 ml) during five days prior to surgery. Peripheral venous blood samples were collected at three different timepoints: five days before surgery (PRE), before anesthesia induction (IND) and on the 2nd postoperative day (POS). Parameters analyzed included inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α), antioxidants (catalase), lipid profile and heat shock protein (HSP-27). RESULTS: There were no significant differences between groups on inflammatory mediators and antioxidant parameters. However, lipid profile values (Cholesterol, LDL, Triglycerides, VLDL), were significantly different. CONCLUSION: Preconditioning with arginine and oil mixes containing high ω9:ω6 ratio and low ω6:ω3 ratio, has no effects on inflammatory mediators and oxidative stress in patients undergoing radical prostatectomy. Reduction of cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL and VLDL profiles may be related to the trauma effect.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Prostatectomia/efeitos adversos , Mediadores da Inflamação/administração & dosagem , Estresse Oxidativo , Óleos/efeitos adversosResumo
Background: Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia.Case: A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verifi ed a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fl uid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofi lament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, pe
Background: Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia.Case: A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verifi ed a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fl uid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofi lament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, pe
Background: Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia. Case: A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verified a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fluid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofilament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, performing cystopexy and cystostomy with Foley catheter. The prostatectomy was performed at the 21st day. In that time, prostatic urethra stenosis was observed. After probing urethral repair points in the pelvic urethra and urinary bladder, the prostate was resected and was applied a Van Velthoven suture. Omentalization of the anastomotic site was done before cavity washing with NaCl 0,9%. The abdominal access was closed in three layers. The patient remained probed for six days, and after this bladder compression was initiated. After 21 days of the second operative intervention, it was necessary to correct a perineal hernia in the opposite side; reconstruction was performed by mobilizing obturator internus muscle. Discussion: In many cases of perineal herniation it was observed prostatic hypertrophy and cysts, as observed in our clinical case. After castration, prostate involutes in two or three weeks, and occur clinical signs reliefs. But the patient related shows presence of urethral stricture, helding an excisional prostatectomy. After excision of the prostate, special attention should be given to the anastomosis between urinary bladder and urethra. With the circular Van Velthoven suture was observed low incidence of bladder contraction in humans, condition which could lead to, among other things, urinary incontinence. It was observed easy and speed of execution of the technique as well as obtaining an anastomosis without tension and adequate to anastomosis healing, as well appropriated patient recovery. We concluded that Van Velthoven suture is effective to prostatectomy in dogs and that the perineal hernia may be associated with several complications that could be adequately treated by surgery.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Períneo/anormalidades , Prostatectomia/veterinária , Hiperplasia Prostática/veterinária , Prostatite/veterinária , Técnicas de Sutura/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/cirurgia , Herniorrafia/veterinária , Anastomose Cirúrgica/veterinária , CãesResumo
PURPOSE: To analyze the correlation between the "International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form" (ICIQ-UISF) survey and the urodynamic findings in men with urinary incontinence (UI) following radical prostatectomy (RP). METHODS: 88 men who presented post-RP UI for a minimum of 1 year were enrolled prospectively. All answered the ICIQ-UISF survey and underwent urodynamic testing. Patients were divided in 3 Groups according to their urodynamic diagnosis: Group 1, patients with sphincteric incontinence (SI) alone; Group 2, patients with mixed UI (SI + Bladder Dysfunction (BD)); and Group 3, patients with BD alone. Data were analyzed using SPSS v16.0 software. RESULTS: There were 51 men in Group 1 (57.9%); 30 in Group 2 (34%); and 7 (7.9%) in Group 3. BD was found in 37/88 patients (42%), but it was the main cause of UI in only 14 patients (15.9%). There was no statistically significant difference among the mean ICIQ-UISFs values from groups 1, 2, or 3 (p>0.05). The symptoms of stress incontinence correlated with the urodynamic finding of SI (r = 0.59), and complaints of urinary urgency correlated with the presence of detrusor overactivity (DO) (r = 0.37), but these complaints did not predict the main cause of UI. CONCLUSION: The etiology of UI following RP cannot be predicted by the ICIQ-UISF survey. Symptoms of stress and urge incontinence predict the findings of SI and DO on urodynamic tests, but they cannot ascertain the main cause of UI. Urodynamic testing remains the gold standard to assess the etiology of post-RP UI.(AU)
OBJETIVO: Analisar a relação entre as queixas clínicas mensuradas pelo "International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form" (ICIQ-UISF) e os achados urodinâmicos em homens com incontinência urinária (IU) após a prostatectomia radical (PR). MÉTODOS: 88 homens que apresentavam IU por um período mínimo de 1 ano após a PR foram incluídos prospectivamente. Todos responderam o questinário "ICIQ-UISF" e foram submetidos a avaliação urodinâmica. Os pacientes foram categorizados em 3 grupos de acordo com o diagnóstico urodinâmico: Grupo 1, pacientes com incontinência esfincteriana isolada (IE); Grupo 2, pacientes com IU mista (IE + disfunção vesical (DV)); e Grupo 3, pacientes com DV isolada. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o software SPSS v16.0. RESULTADOS: Dos 88 pacientes avaliados, após a avaliação urodinâmica, 51 homens (57,9%) apresentaram IE isolada (Grupo 1); 30 homens (34%) apresentaram IE associada a DV (Grupo 2) e 7 homens (7,9%) tinham somente DV (Grupo 3). A DV foi encontrada em 37/88 pacientes (42%), mas foi a principal causa de IU em apenas 14 pacientes (15,9%). Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os valores das médias do "ICIQ-UISFs" entre os grupos 1, 2 ou 3 (p> 0,05). Os sintomas de incontinência de esforço se correlacionaram com o diagnóstico urodinâmico de IE (r = 0,59), e as queixas de urgência miccional se correlacionaram com a presença de hiperactividade do detrusor na avaliação urodinâmica (r = 0,37), entretanto apesar da correlação encontrada, os sintomas não foram capazes de identificar a principal causa da UI . CONCLUSÃO: A etiologia da UI após a PR não pode ser previsto pelo escore de sintomas obtidos através do "ICIQ-UISF". Os sintomas de perda urinária as manobras de estresse e de urgência miccional estão relacionados a presença de IE e hiperatividade detrusora na avaliação urodinâmica, entretanto estes sintomas não conseguem identificar com segurança qual é o principal fator da IU após a PR.O teste urodinâmico continua sendo o padrão ouro para avaliar a etiologia da IU após a PR.(AU)
Animais , Incontinência Urinária/metabolismo , Qualidade de Vida , Urodinâmica , ProstatectomiaResumo
Cryptococcosis is a systemic mycosis usually affecting immunodeficient individuals. In contrast, immunologically competent patients are rarely affected. Dissemination of cryptococcosis usually involves the central nervous system, manifesting as meningitis or meningoencephalitis. Prostatic lesions are not commonly found. A case of prostate cryptococcal infection is presented and cases of prostatic cryptococcosis in normal and immunocompromised hosts are reviewed. A fifty-year-old HIV-negative man with urinary retention and renal insufficiency underwent prostatectomy due to massive enlargement of the organ. Prostate histopathologic examination revealed encapsulated yeast-like structures. After 30 days, the patient's clinical manifestations worsened, with headache, neck stiffness, bradypsychia, vomiting and fever. Direct microscopy of the patient's urine with China ink preparations showed capsulated yeasts, and positive culture yielded Cryptococcus neoformans. This fungus was later isolated from cerebrospinal fluid and blood cultures, demonstrating thus its dissemination. The patient was discharged after 27 days in hospital and, despite a regimen of amphotericin B, he died four months later. This case points to cryptococcosis as a possible cause of prostatic disease and reinforces the importance of communication between the medical team and pathology and microbiology laboratories aiming at a more accurate diagnosis and successful treatment.
Doenças prostáticas são comuns em cães velhos sexualmente ativos e a cirurgia, em alguns casos, é indicada como parte do tratamento. As abordagens cirúrgicas à glândula prostática são: pré-púbica, secção da sínfise púbica, osteotomia púbica com deslocamento parcial e perineal. A prostatectomiatotal é indicada em casos restritos, pois sua principal complicação é a incontinência urinária. A hérniaperineal ocorre geralmente em cães machos idosos e tem como principal causa o aumento de volumeprostático em conjunto com o enfraquecimento muscular. O presente relato tem como objetivo descrevera prostatectomia total por acesso perineal em um cão, demonstrando a efi ciência desta abordagemquando a próstata é encontrada como conteúdo herniário(AU)
Prostatic diseases are common in old dogs sexually active and the surgery, in some cases, is indicatedas part of the treatment. The surgical approaches to the prostatic gland are: prepubic, incision of thepubic symphysis, pubic osteotomy with partial displacement and perineal. Total prostatectomy isindicated in restrict cases, because the more important complication is the urinary incontinence. Perinealhernia usually occurs in older male dogs and his primary cause include prostatic enlargementin conjunction with muscle weakness. This present report aims to describe the total prostatectomyby perineal approach in a dog, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach when the prostate isfound as hernia content(AU)
Animais , Cães , Prostatectomia , Prostatectomia/veterinária , Próstata , Hérnia , Cães/cirurgiaResumo
Doenças prostáticas são comuns em cães velhos sexualmente ativos e a cirurgia, em alguns casos, é indicada como parte do tratamento. As abordagens cirúrgicas à glândula prostática são: pré-púbica, secção da sínfise púbica, osteotomia púbica com deslocamento parcial e perineal. A prostatectomiatotal é indicada em casos restritos, pois sua principal complicação é a incontinência urinária. A hérniaperineal ocorre geralmente em cães machos idosos e tem como principal causa o aumento de volumeprostático em conjunto com o enfraquecimento muscular. O presente relato tem como objetivo descrevera prostatectomia total por acesso perineal em um cão, demonstrando a efi ciência desta abordagemquando a próstata é encontrada como conteúdo herniário
Prostatic diseases are common in old dogs sexually active and the surgery, in some cases, is indicatedas part of the treatment. The surgical approaches to the prostatic gland are: prepubic, incision of thepubic symphysis, pubic osteotomy with partial displacement and perineal. Total prostatectomy isindicated in restrict cases, because the more important complication is the urinary incontinence. Perinealhernia usually occurs in older male dogs and his primary cause include prostatic enlargementin conjunction with muscle weakness. This present report aims to describe the total prostatectomyby perineal approach in a dog, demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach when the prostate isfound as hernia content
Animais , Cães , Cães/cirurgia , Hérnia , Prostatectomia , Prostatectomia/veterinária , PróstataResumo
Dentre as diferentes técnicas para a realização de prostatectomia radical, a obtida pelo acesso perinealé utilizada por mais de um século na medicina humana. Porém, esse acesso não é comumente utilizadoem cães com hérnia perineal. Esse relato apresenta um caso de prostatectomia radical perineal emcão com diagnóstico de hérnia perineal unilateral envolvendo vesícula urinária e próstata. A operaçãofoi realizada através de incisão sobre o aumento do volume, a partir da qual se realizou dissecçãode aderências, ligadura de vasos prostáticos e ressecção e anastomose vesicouretral com fi o de poliglactina910. A vesícula urinária foi reposicionadae a herniorrafi a obtida com tela de polipropileno.Procedeu-setambém cistostomia e orquiectomia. Não houve sinais de recidiva ou complicações doismeses após o procedimento, demonstrando a viabilidade da prostatectomia total via hérnia perinealem cães(AU)
Among all techniques for radical prostatectomy, the perineal access itsthe most common in medicine.However, this technique is not common for perineal hernia treatment in dogs. This case reportpresents a perineal prostatectomy in a dog with unilateral perineal hernia containing bladder andprostate. The procedure was made by an incision over the hernia, dissecting adherences, hemostasyof prostatic vessels, resection and vesicourethral anastomosis with poliglactine 910. The bladder wasrepositioned and the herniorraphy was made by polypropylene mesh application.Cystostomy followedby orchiectomy was made for vesical outfl ow maintenance. No signs of complications happenedafter two months of the procedure, showing that radical prostatectomy is viable by perineal hernia indogs(AU)
Animais , Cães , Prostatectomia/métodos , Prostatectomia/veterinária , Cistostomia/métodos , Cistostomia/veterinária , Orquiectomia , Hérnia , CãesResumo
Dentre as diferentes técnicas para a realização de prostatectomia radical, a obtida pelo acesso perinealé utilizada por mais de um século na medicina humana. Porém, esse acesso não é comumente utilizadoem cães com hérnia perineal. Esse relato apresenta um caso de prostatectomia radical perineal emcão com diagnóstico de hérnia perineal unilateral envolvendo vesícula urinária e próstata. A operaçãofoi realizada através de incisão sobre o aumento do volume, a partir da qual se realizou dissecçãode aderências, ligadura de vasos prostáticos e ressecção e anastomose vesicouretral com fi o de poliglactina910. A vesícula urinária foi reposicionadae a herniorrafi a obtida com tela de polipropileno.Procedeu-setambém cistostomia e orquiectomia. Não houve sinais de recidiva ou complicações doismeses após o procedimento, demonstrando a viabilidade da prostatectomia total via hérnia perinealem cães
Among all techniques for radical prostatectomy, the perineal access itsthe most common in medicine.However, this technique is not common for perineal hernia treatment in dogs. This case reportpresents a perineal prostatectomy in a dog with unilateral perineal hernia containing bladder andprostate. The procedure was made by an incision over the hernia, dissecting adherences, hemostasyof prostatic vessels, resection and vesicourethral anastomosis with poliglactine 910. The bladder wasrepositioned and the herniorraphy was made by polypropylene mesh application.Cystostomy followedby orchiectomy was made for vesical outfl ow maintenance. No signs of complications happenedafter two months of the procedure, showing that radical prostatectomy is viable by perineal hernia indogs
Animais , Cães , Cistostomia/métodos , Cistostomia/veterinária , Cães , Hérnia , Orquiectomia , Prostatectomia/métodos , Prostatectomia/veterináriaResumo
A proposta desse estudo foi verificar a acurácia das fórmulas, previamente estabelecidas em outros estudos, em determinar valores das dimensões prostáticas e sugerir uma nova fórmula que considere outras características do animal além do peso para fornecer uma análise quantitativa da próstata. Realizou-se a avaliação ultrassonográfica das próstatas de 63 cães hígidos, saudáveis com até 6 anos, em seguida obteve-se o peso, a altura e comprimento do dorso dos animais. Imediatamente após o óbito os animais foram submetidos à prostatectomia e determinou-se o volume glandular real por meio do deslocamento da coluna de àgua e a massa do órgão com a utilização de uma balança analítica. Calculou-se por meio de fórmulas previamente estabelecidas os valores de medidas prostáticas como a altura, comprimento, volume e peso. Os valores de peso e volume obtidos por meio das fórmulas foram comparados com os obtidos após pesagem e deslocamento da coluna de àgua respectivamente. Os valores das medidas de altura e comprimento obtidos por meio das fórmulas foram comparados aos obtidos ultrassonograficamente. Verificou-se o erro quadrático médio (EQM) e percentual ao testar a aderência dessas fórmulas. Após regressões lineares observou-se uma maior correlação ao se ultilizar medidas do animal como varíaveis explicativas em fórmulas para calcular os valores das medidas de comprimento e altura da próstata. Medidas de comprimento (CL) e altura (AL) da próstata podem ser estimadas por meio das fórmulas: CL = 1,59 + (0,06 * P) + (0,01 * CD) (0,01 * AA) (cm) e AL = 1,06 + (0,05 * P) + (0,003 * CD) + (0,04 * AA) (cm)
The purpose of this study was to verify the accuracy of the formulas previously established in other studies to determine values of prostate size and suggest a new formula that considers other characteristics of the animal besides the weight to provide a quantitative analysis of prostate. Prostatic ultrasonographic evaluation were performed in 63 non-castrated and healthy dogs of 6 years old in maximun. We obtained the animal\'s weight, height and length of the back. Immediately after death the animals underwent prostatectomy and the actual glandular volume was determined through water column displacement and its mass had been determined by weighting it on an analytical scale. We calculated through pre-established formulas the values of measures prostate as height, length, volume and weight. The weight and volume obtained from the formulas were compared with values obtained weight after weighing and the volume obtained after water column displacement. The values of length and height measurements obtained by the formulas were compared to values of sonographic linear measurements. We obtained the Residual Mean Square (RMS) and percentage to test the adherence of these formulas. After linear regression it was observed a bigger correlation in using the animal\'s measures as various explanation in formulas to calculate the values of length and height measures of the prostate. Measure prostatic length (CL) and height (AL) can be predicted using through formulas: CL = 1,59 + (0,06 * P) + (0,01 * CD) (0,01 * AA) (cm) and AL = 1,06 + (0,05 * P) + (0,003 * CD) + (0,04 * AA) (cm)
The author valves the conditions of the prostate and primordially of the urethra, across contrastic urethocistography with hyorosoluble iodate compounds. To presents modification in the technica of prostatectomy, primordially when the perineal hernia reduction, proposing of the departure of the orgasm in parallel layers without attain it. Was studied 3 experimental cases and 6 dogs that carrier prostatic pathology, and from thence was selecting the material that was utilize for document, both before and after the surgery
Avalia-se as condições da próstata, e principalmente uretra, através da uretrocistografia contrastada com compostos iodados hidrossolúveis. Apresenta modificação na técnica da prostatectomia principalmente quando da redução da hérnia perineal, propondo a retirada do órgão em camadas paralelas à uretra sem atingi-la. Foram estudados 3 casos experimentais e 6 de cães portadores de patologia prostática dos quais foi selecionado o material utilizado para documentação, tanto antes como depois da cirurgia.
The author valves the conditions of the prostate and primordially of the urethra, across contrastic urethocistography with hyorosoluble iodate compounds. To presents modification in the technica of prostatectomy, primordially when the perineal hernia reduction, proposing of the departure of the orgasm in parallel layers without attain it. Was studied 3 experimental cases and 6 dogs that carrier prostatic pathology, and from thence was selecting the material that was utilize for document, both before and after the surgery
Avalia-se as condições da próstata, e principalmente uretra, através da uretrocistografia contrastada com compostos iodados hidrossolúveis. Apresenta modificação na técnica da prostatectomia principalmente quando da redução da hérnia perineal, propondo a retirada do órgão em camadas paralelas à uretra sem atingi-la. Foram estudados 3 casos experimentais e 6 de cães portadores de patologia prostática dos quais foi selecionado o material utilizado para documentação, tanto antes como depois da cirurgia.
Background: Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia.Case: A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verifi ed a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fl uid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofi lament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, pe
Background: Prostatectomy excision is indicated for patients with neoplasm, trauma or recurrent prostatic abscess; Van Velthoven suture have been used in urethrovesical laparoscopic anastomosis in humans. This report aimed to describe the use of Van Velthoven suture after excisional prostatectomy in a canine, which suffered partial loss and deformation of the urinary bladder after complications of perineal hernia.Case: A thirteen-year-old male dog presented dyschezia, hypophagia and had increased water ingestion; furthermore, owner verifi ed a swelling lateral to the anus. On clinical examination it was observed left perineal hernia with incarcerated content, and peritonitis was diagnosed by ultrasonography exam. Antimicrobial and fl uid therapy were initiated, and one day after the patient was referred to surgery. Through perineal access was observed retrofl exed urinary bladder partially necrotic and multiple prostatic cysts; due to great extent of the necrotic urinary bladder, associated with impossibility of complete necrotic bladder tissue removal, prostate and urinary vesicle were placed in the peritoneal cavity. It was proceeded hernia reconstruction using polypropylene mesh and monofi lament nylon suture. Through median celiotomy, the bladder necrotic tissue was removed; due to hemodynamic patient instability, the total prostatectomy that was initiated was postponed, pe