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Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 47(2): 300-306, abr.-jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435418


O controle da qualidade seminal produzido por centrais e unidades de disseminação genética permite a maximização da produção de doses inseminantes por ejaculado, bem como organiza o acompanhamento da produtividade de cada macho. Este acompanhamento é crítico tanto quando o reprodutor jovem é introduzido na rotina de coleta de sêmen quanto na determinação do momento do descarte e reposição. Essencialmente, a avaliação do sêmen em suínos é a mesma há décadas, porém novas metodologias de análise individual da célula como a citometria de fluxo e de constituintes de tecidos e fluídos como a proteômica e metabolômica já estão trazendo avanços na andrologia animal. Na presente revisão, são abordados os aspectos técnicos, vantagens e limitações destas três análises avançadas aplicadas ao sêmen suíno, discutindo a sua implementação e impactos no manejo reprodutivo da espécie.(AU)

The quality control of the semen doses produced by artificial insemination centers and allows the maximization of the production of inseminating doses per ejaculate, as well as organizes the monitoring of the productivity of each male. This follow-up is critical when the young male is initiated in routine semen collection and in determining the moment of male replacement. Essentially, semen evaluation in pigs has been the same for decades, but new methodologies for individual cell analysis such as flow cytometry and tissue and fluid constituents such as proteomics and metabolomics are already bringing advances in animal andrology. In this review, the technical aspects, advantages, and limitations of these three advanced analyzes applied to swine semen are addressed, discussing their implementation and impacts on the reproductive management of the species.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Suínos/fisiologia , Inseminação Artificial/veterinária , Análise do Sêmen/métodos , Proteômica
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484787


Abstract The word venomics was coined to acknowledge the studies that use omics to investigate venom proteins and peptides. Venomics has evolved considerably over the last 20 years. The first works on scorpion or spider venomics were published in the early 2000s. Such studies relied on peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) to characterize venom complexity. After the introduction of new mass spectrometers with higher resolution, sensitivity and mass accuracy, and the next-generation nucleotide sequencing, the complexity of data reported in research on scorpion and spider venomics increased exponentially, which allowed more comprehensive studies. In the present review article, we covered key publications on scorpion venomics and spider venomics, presenting historical grounds and implemented technologies over the last years. The literature presented in this review was selected after searching the PubMed database using the terms (scorpion venom) AND (proteome) for scorpion venomics, and (spider venom) AND (proteome) for publications on spider venomics. We presented the key aspects related to proteomics in the covered papers including, but not restricted to, the employed proteomic strategy (i.e., PMF, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, shotgun/bottom-up and/or top-down/peptidome), and the type of mass spectrometer used. Some conclusions can be drawn from the present study. For example, the scorpion genus Tityus is the most studied concerning venomics, followed by Centruroides; whereas for spiders the studied genera were found more equally distributed. Another interesting conclusion is the lack of high throughput studies on post-translational modifications (PTMs) of scorpion and spider proteins. In our opinion, PTMs should be more studied as they can modulate the activity of scorpion and spider toxins.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210080, 2022. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1395757


Background: A new pit viper, Protobothrops kelomohy, has been recently discovered in northern and northwestern Thailand. Envenoming by the other Protobothrops species across several Asian countries has been a serious health problem since their venom is highly hematotoxic. However, the management of P. kelomohy bites is required as no specific antivenom is available. This study aimed to investigate the biochemical properties and proteomes of P. kelomohy venom (PKV), including the cross-neutralization to its lethality with antivenoms available in Thailand. Methods: PKV was evaluated for its neutralizing capacity (ER50), lethality (LD50), procoagulant and hemorrhagic effects with three monovalent antivenoms (TAAV, DSAV, and CRAV) and one polyvalent (HPAV) hematotoxic antivenom. The enzymatic activities were examined in comparison with venoms of Trimeresurus albolabris (TAV), Daboia siamensis (DSV), Calloselasma rhodostoma (CRV). Molecular mass was separated on SDS-PAGE, then the specific proteins were determined by western blotting. The venom protein classification was analyzed using mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Results: Intravenous LD50 of PKV was 0.67 µg/g. ER50 of HPAV, DSAV and TAAV neutralize PKV at 1.02, 0.36 and 0.12 mg/mL, respectively. PKV exhibited procoagulant effect with a minimal coagulation dose of 12.5 ± 0.016 µg/mL and hemorrhagic effect with a minimal hemorrhagic dose of 1.20 ± 0.71 µg/mouse. HPAV was significantly effective in neutralizing procoagulant and hemorrhagic effects of PKV than those of TAAV, DSAV and CRAV. All enzymatic activities among four venoms exhibited significant differences. PKV proteome revealed eleven classes of putative snake venom proteins, predominantly metalloproteinase (40.85%), serine protease (29.93%), and phospholipase A2 (15.49%). Conclusions: Enzymatic activities of PKV are similarly related to other viperid venoms in this study by quantitatively hematotoxic properties. Three major venom toxins were responsible for coagulopathy in PKV envenomation. The antivenom HPAV was considered effective in neutralizing the lethality, procoagulant and hemorrhagic effects of PKV.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Víboras/análise , Fenômenos Bioquímicos/fisiologia , Proteômica/métodos , Tailândia , Antivenenos/análise
Rev. bras. reprod. anim ; 46(1): 43-51, Janeiro-Março 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378031


A análise da expressão das diversas proteínas relacionadas a foliculogênese e oogênese in vivo e in vitro, através da proteômica, tem demonstrado possíveis biomarcadores celulares. A descoberta desses biomarcadores pode ajudar na elucidação de mecanismos complexos como a foliculogênese (entendimento sobre o crescimento folicular e maturação oocitária), no tratamento de doenças relacionadas a infertilidade feminina, bem como, no aprimoramento de biotécnicas reprodutivas como a manipulação de oócitos inclusos em folículos pré-antrais. Desta forma, a presente revisão abordou as principais proteínas relatadas nos mais novos trabalhos referentes aos estudos proteômicos visando melhores esclarecimentos referentes ao desenvolvimento folicular e oocitário in vivo e in vitro. A escolha dos artigos foi realizada com base nas descobertas mais atuais e do impacto que determinadas proteínas poderiam trazer para melhorar o entendimento da foliculogênese e oogênese nas diferentes espécies de animais mamíferos.(AU)

The analysis of the expression of several proteins related to folliculogenesis and oogenesis in vivo and in vitro, through proteomics, has demonstrated possible cellular biomarkers. The discovery of these biomarkers may help in the elucidation of complex mechanisms such as folliculogenesis (understanding of follicular growth and oocyte maturation), in the treatment of diseases related to female infertility, as well as in the improvement of reproductive biotechniques such as the manipulation of oocytes enclosed in preantral follicles. Thus, the present review addressed the main proteins reported in the newest works related to proteomic studies aiming at better clarifications regarding follicular and oocyte development in vivo and in vitro. The choice of articles was based on the most current discoveries and the impact that certain proteins could bring to improve the understanding of folliculogenesis and oogenesis in different species of mammalian animals.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Biomarcadores , Proteômica/tendências , Mamíferos/fisiologia , Oogênese/fisiologia , Técnicas de Maturação in Vitro de Oócitos/tendências , Folículo Ovariano/fisiologia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: 20210034, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1365076


The word venomics was coined to acknowledge the studies that use omics to investigate venom proteins and peptides. Venomics has evolved considerably over the last 20 years. The first works on scorpion or spider venomics were published in the early 2000's. Such studies relied on peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) to characterize venom complexity. After the introduction of new mass spectrometers with higher resolution, sensitivity and mass accuracy, and the next-generation nucleotide sequencing, the complexity of data reported in research on scorpion and spider venomics increased exponentially, which allowed more comprehensive studies. In the present review article, we covered key publications on scorpion venomics and spider venomics, presenting historical grounds and implemented technologies over the last years. The literature presented in this review was selected after searching the PubMed database using the terms "(scorpion venom) AND (proteome)" for scorpion venomics, and "(spider venom) AND (proteome)" for publications on spider venomics. We presented the key aspects related to proteomics in the covered papers including, but not restricted to, the employed proteomic strategy (i.e., PMF, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, shotgun/bottom-up and/or top-down/peptidome), and the type of mass spectrometer used. Some conclusions can be drawn from the present study. For example, the scorpion genus Tityus is the most studied concerning venomics, followed by Centruroides; whereas for spiders the studied genera were found more equally distributed. Another interesting conclusion is the lack of high throughput studies on post-translational modifications (PTMs) of scorpion and spider proteins. In our opinion, PTMs should be more studied as they can modulate the activity of scorpion and spider toxins.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Artrópodes , Venenos de Escorpião , Venenos de Aranha , Toxicologia , Proteoma
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210103, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1386129


Background: Several studies have been published on the characterization of Trimeresurus venoms. However, there is still limited information concerning the venom composition of Trimeresurus species distributed throughout Indonesia, which contributes to significant snakebite envenomation cases. The present study describes a comparative on the composition of T. albolabris, T. insularis, T. puniceus, and T. purpureomaculatus venoms originated from Indonesia. Methods: Protein content in the venom of four Trimeresurus species was determined using Bradford assay, and the venom proteome was elucidated using one-dimension SDS PAGE nano-ESI- LCMS/MS shotgun proteomics. Results: The venom of T. albolabris contained the highest protein content of 11.1 mg/mL, followed by T. puniceus, T. insularis and T. purpureomaculatus venom with 10.7 mg/mL, 8.9 mg/mL and 5.54 mg/mL protein, respectively. In total, our venomic analysis identified 65 proteins belonging to 16 protein families in T. purpureomaculatus; 64 proteins belonging to 18 protein families in T. albolabris; 58 different proteins belonging to 14 protein families in T. puniceus; and 48 different proteins belonging to 14 protein familiesin T. insularis. Four major proteins identified in all venoms belonged to snake venom metalloproteinase, C-type lectin, snake venom serine protease, and phospholipase A2. There were 11 common proteins in all venoms, and T. puniceus venom has the highest number of unique proteins compared to the other three venoms. Cluster analysis of the proteins and venoms showed that T. puniceus venom has the most distinct venom composition. Conclusions: Overall, the results highlighted venom compositional variation of four Trimeresurus spp. from Indonesia. The venoms appear to be highly similar, comprising at least four protein families that correlate with venom's toxin properties and function. This study adds more information on venom variability among Trimeresurus species within the close geographic origin and may contribute to the development of optimum heterologous antivenom.(AU)

Trimeresurus/fisiologia , Proteoma/análise , Venenos de Crotalídeos/química , Indonésia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 28: e20210047, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375811


Accidents with venomous animals are a public health issue worldwide. Among the species involved in these accidents are scorpions, spiders, bees, wasps, and other members of the phylum Arthropoda. The knowledge of the function of proteins present in these venoms is important to guide diagnosis, therapeutics, besides being a source of a large variety of biotechnological active molecules. Although our understanding about the characteristics and function of arthropod venoms has been evolving in the last decades, a major aspect crucial for the function of these proteins remains poorly studied, the posttranslational modifications (PTMs). Comprehension of such modifications can contribute to better understanding the basis of envenomation, leading to improvements in the specificities of potential therapeutic toxins. Therefore, in this review, we bring to light protein/toxin PTMs in arthropod venoms by accessing the information present in the UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot database, including experimental and putative inferences. Then, we concentrate our discussion on the current knowledge on protein phosphorylation and glycosylation, highlighting the potential functionality of these modifications in arthropod venom. We also briefly describe general approaches to study "PTM-functional-venomics", herein referred to the integration of PTM-venomics with a functional investigation of PTM impact on venom biology. Furthermore, we discuss the bottlenecks in toxinology studies covering PTM investigation. In conclusion, through the mining of PTMs in arthropod venoms, we observed a large gap in this field that limits our understanding on the biology of these venoms, affecting the diagnosis and therapeutics development. Hence, we encourage community efforts to draw attention to a better understanding of PTM in arthropod venom toxins.(AU)

Animais , Venenos de Artrópodes/toxicidade , Processamento de Proteína Pós-Traducional , Fosforilação , Escorpiões , Espectrometria de Massas/métodos , Aranhas , Vespas , Abelhas , Glicosilação
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484779


Abstract King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) has a significant place in many cultures, and is a medically important venomous snake in the world. Envenomation by this snake is highly lethal, manifested mainly by neurotoxicity and local tissue damage. King Cobra may be part of a larger species complex, and is widely distributed across Southeast Asia, southern China, northern and eastern regions as well as the Western Ghats of India, indicating potential geographical variation in venom composition. There is, however, only one species-specific King Cobra antivenom available worldwide that is produced in Thailand, using venom from the snake of Thai origin. Issues relating to the management of King Cobra envenomation (e.g., variation in the composition and toxicity of the venom, limited availability and efficacy of antivenom), and challenges faced in the research of venom (in particular proteomics), are rarely addressed. This article reviews the natural history and sociocultural importance of King Cobra, cases of snakebite envenomation caused by this species, current practice of management (preclinical and clinical), and major toxinological studies of the venom with a focus on venom proteomics, toxicity and neutralization. Unfortunately, epidemiological data of King Cobra bite is scarce, and venom proteomes reported in various studies revealed marked discrepancies in details. Challenges, such as inconsistency in snake venom sampling, varying methodology of proteomic analysis, lack of mechanistic and antivenomic studies, and controversy surrounding antivenom use in treating King Cobra envenomation are herein discussed. Future directions are proposed, including the effort to establish a standard, comprehensive Pan-Asian proteomic database of King Cobra venom, from which the venom variation can be determined. Research should be undertaken to characterize the toxin antigenicity, and to develop an antivenom with improved efficacy and wider geographical utility. The endeavors are aligned with the WHO´s roadmap that aims to reduce the disease burden of snakebite by 50% before 2030.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200125, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287096


Background Naja mandalayensis is a spitting cobra from Myanmar. To the best of our knowledge, no studies on this venom composition have been conducted so far. On the other hand, few envenomation descriptions state that it elicits mainly local inflammation in the victims' eyes, the preferred target of this spiting cobra. Symptoms would typically include burning and painful sensation, conjunctivitis, edema and temporary loss of vision. Methods We have performed a liquid-chromatography (C18-RP-HPLC) mass spectrometry (ESI-IT-TOF/MS) based approach in order to biochemically characterize N. mandalayensis venom. Results A wide variety of three-finger toxins (cardiotoxins) and metallopeptidases were detected. Less abundant, but still representative, were cysteine-rich secretory proteins, L-amino-acid oxidases, phospholipases A2, venom 5'-nucleotidase and a serine peptidase inhibitor. Other proteins were present, but were detected in a relatively small concentration. Conclusion The present study set the basis for a better comprehension of the envenomation from a molecular perspective and, by increasing the interest and information available for this species, allows future venom comparisons among cobras and their diverse venom proteins.(AU)

Animais , Proteômica/classificação , Venenos Elapídicos/enzimologia
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20200125, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31929


Naja mandalayensis is a spitting cobra from Myanmar. To the best of our knowledge, no studies on this venom composition have been conducted so far. On the other hand, few envenomation descriptions state that it elicits mainly local inflammation in the victims' eyes, the preferred target of this spiting cobra. Symptoms would typically include burning and painful sensation, conjunctivitis, edema and temporary loss of vision. Methods We have performed a liquid-chromatography (C18-RP-HPLC) mass spectrometry (ESI-IT-TOF/MS) based approach in order to biochemically characterize N. mandalayensis venom. Results A wide variety of three-finger toxins (cardiotoxins) and metallopeptidases were detected. Less abundant, but still representative, were cysteine-rich secretory proteins, L-amino-acid oxidases, phospholipases A2, venom 5'-nucleotidase and a serine peptidase inhibitor. Other proteins were present, but were detected in a relatively small concentration. Conclusion The present study set the basis for a better comprehension of the envenomation from a molecular perspective and, by increasing the interest and information available for this species, allows future venom comparisons among cobras and their diverse venom proteins.(AU)

Animais , Proteômica/classificação , Venenos Elapídicos/enzimologia
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200105, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1180822


Amphibians inhabit the terrestrial environment, a conquest achieved after several evolutionary steps, which were still insufficient to make them completely independent of the aquatic environment. These processes gave rise to many morphological and physiological changes, making their skin (and cutaneous secretion) rich in bioactive molecules. Among the tree frogs, the secretion is composed mainly of peptides; but alkaloids, proteins and steroids can also be found depending on the species. The most known class of biologically active molecules is the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that act against bacteria, fungi and protozoans. Although these molecules are well-studied among the hylids, AMPs ontogeny remains unknown. Therefore, we performed peptidomic and proteomic analyses of Pithecopus nordestinus (formerly Phyllomedusa nordestina) in order to evaluate the peptide content in post-metamorphosed juveniles and adult individuals. Methods: Cutaneous secretion of both life stages of individuals was obtained and analyzed by LC-MS/MS after reduction and alkylation of disulfide bonds or reduction, alkylation and hydrolysis by trypsin. Results: Differences in the TIC profile of juveniles and adults in both treatments were observed. Moreover, the proteomic data revealed known proteins and peptides, with slight differences in the composition, according to the life stage and the treatment. AMPs were identified, and bradykinin-potentiating peptides were observed in trypsin-treated samples, which suggests a protein source of such peptide (cryptide). Conclusion: In general, skin secretion contents were similar between juveniles and adults, varying in quantity, indicating that the different stages of life are reflected in the number of molecules and not on their diversity.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Peptídeos , Tripsina , Proteômica , Anfíbios , Secreções Corporais , Hidrólise
J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20200105, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31988


Amphibians inhabit the terrestrial environment, a conquest achieved after several evolutionary steps, which were still insufficient to make them completely independent of the aquatic environment. These processes gave rise to many morphological and physiological changes, making their skin (and cutaneous secretion) rich in bioactive molecules. Among the tree frogs, the secretion is composed mainly of peptides; but alkaloids, proteins and steroids can also be found depending on the species. The most known class of biologically active molecules is the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that act against bacteria, fungi and protozoans. Although these molecules are well-studied among the hylids, AMPs ontogeny remains unknown. Therefore, we performed peptidomic and proteomic analyses of Pithecopus nordestinus (formerly Phyllomedusa nordestina) in order to evaluate the peptide content in post-metamorphosed juveniles and adult individuals. Methods: Cutaneous secretion of both life stages of individuals was obtained and analyzed by LC-MS/MS after reduction and alkylation of disulfide bonds or reduction, alkylation and hydrolysis by trypsin. Results: Differences in the TIC profile of juveniles and adults in both treatments were observed. Moreover, the proteomic data revealed known proteins and peptides, with slight differences in the composition, according to the life stage and the treatment. AMPs were identified, and bradykinin-potentiating peptides were observed in trypsin-treated samples, which suggests a protein source of such peptide (cryptide). Conclusion: In general, skin secretion contents were similar between juveniles and adults, varying in quantity, indicating that the different stages of life are reflected in the number of molecules and not on their diversity.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Peptídeos , Tripsina , Proteômica , Anfíbios , Secreções Corporais , Hidrólise
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20210051, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1356458


King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) has a significant place in many cultures, and is a medically important venomous snake in the world. Envenomation by this snake is highly lethal, manifested mainly by neurotoxicity and local tissue damage. King Cobra may be part of a larger species complex, and is widely distributed across Southeast Asia, southern China, northern and eastern regions as well as the Western Ghats of India, indicating potential geographical variation in venom composition. There is, however, only one species-specific King Cobra antivenom available worldwide that is produced in Thailand, using venom from the snake of Thai origin. Issues relating to the management of King Cobra envenomation (e.g., variation in the composition and toxicity of the venom, limited availability and efficacy of antivenom), and challenges faced in the research of venom (in particular proteomics), are rarely addressed. This article reviews the natural history and sociocultural importance of King Cobra, cases of snakebite envenomation caused by this species, current practice of management (preclinical and clinical), and major toxinological studies of the venom with a focus on venom proteomics, toxicity and neutralization. Unfortunately, epidemiological data of King Cobra bite is scarce, and venom proteomes reported in various studies revealed marked discrepancies in details. Challenges, such as inconsistency in snake venom sampling, varying methodology of proteomic analysis, lack of mechanistic and antivenomic studies, and controversy surrounding antivenom use in treating King Cobra envenomation are herein discussed. Future directions are proposed, including the effort to establish a standard, comprehensive Pan-Asian proteomic database of King Cobra venom, from which the venom variation can be determined. Research should be undertaken to characterize the toxin antigenicity, and to develop an antivenom with improved efficacy and wider geographical utility. The endeavors are aligned with the WHO´s roadmap that aims to reduce the disease burden of snakebite by 50% before 2030.(AU)

Animais , Intoxicação , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Serpentes , Antivenenos , Proteoma , Venenos Elapídicos , História Natural
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06129, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1180876


Mastitis occupies a prominent place among the diseases that affect dairy herds due to economic problems and public health. Staphylococcus spp. are infectious agents more involved in the etiology of caprine mastites, especially coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Nineteen isolates of Staphylococcus spp. were obtained from subclinical caprine mastitis. All isolates were characterized by MALDI-TOF MS, being 47.36% (9/19) identified for S. epidermidis, 15.78% (3/19) for S. warneri, 10.52% (2/19) for S. aureus and S. caprae and 5.26% (1/19) for S. lugdunensis, S. simulans, and S. cohnii. All isolates characterized by MALDI-TOF were subjected a to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the 16S rRNA gene of Staphylococcus spp. to confirm the gender. After determining the species, tests for phenotypic detection of resistance to beta-lactams were carried out simple disk diffusion oxacillin, cefoxitin, penicillin G and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, agar "screen" oxacillin and microdilution (MIC) cefoxitin. The disk diffusion test showed a strength of 58% (11/19) for penicillin G, 26.31% (5/19) for cefoxitin and 26.31% (5/19) for oxacillin. All strains were susceptible to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and agar "screen" oxacillin. In the MIC, 63.15% (12/19) of the samples were cefoxitin resistant (MIC >4.0μg/ml). Then isolates were subjected to detection of the mecA resistance genes and regulators (mecl and mecRI), mecC and blaZ. Two samples of Staphylococcus epidermidis had the mecA gene. All isolates were negative for the mecA gene variant, mecl, mecRI, mecC and blaZ. These findings reinforce the importance of this group of microorganisms in the etiology of subclinical mastitis in goats and open perspectives for future research to investigate the epidemiology of the disease.(AU)

A mastite ocupa lugar de destaque entre as doenças que acometem o rebanho leiteiro, em virtude de problemas econômicos e de saúde pública. Staphylococcus spp. são os agentes infecciosos mais envolvidos na etiologia das mastites caprinas, principalmente Staphylococcus coagulase negativo. Dezenove isolados de Staphylococcus spp. foram obtidos a partir de mastite caprina subclínica. Todos os isolados foram caracterizados por MALDI-TOF MS, sendo 47,36% (9/19) identificadas como S. epidermidis, 15,78%(3/19) como S. warneri, 10,52% (2/19) como S. caprae e S. aureus e 5,26% (1/19) tanto para S. lugdunensis, como para S. simulans e S. cohnii. Todos os isolados caracterizados pelo MALDI-TOF foram submetidos a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para o gene 16rRNA de Staphylococcus spp. para a confirmação do gênero. Após a determinação da espécie, foram realizadas as provas para a detecção fenotípica de resistência aos beta-lactâmicos: difusão em disco simples de oxacilina, cefoxitina, penicilina G e amoxacilina +ácido clavulânico, ágar "screen" de oxacilina e microdiluição em caldo (MIC) de cefoxitina. O teste de difusão em disco demonstrou resistência de 58% (11/19) para penicilina G, 26,31% (5/19) para cefoxitina e 26,31% (5/19) para oxacilina. Todas as amostras foram sensíveis a amoxicilina + ácido clavulânico e ao ágar "screen" de oxacilina. Pelo MIC, 63,15% (12/19) das amostras foram resistentes a cefoxitina (MIC >4,0μg/ml). Em seguida os isolados foram submetidos a detecção dos genes de resistência mecA e seus reguladores (mecl e mecRI), mecC e blaZ. Duas amostras de S. epidermidis apresentaram o gene mecA. Todos os isolados foram negativos para a variante do gene mecA, mecl, mecRI, mecC e blaZ. Tais achados reforçam a importância deste grupo de microrganismos na etiologia da mastite subclínica em caprinos e abre perspectivas para futuras pesquisas para a investigação da epidemiologia da doença.(AU)

Animais , Penicilina G , Staphylococcus , Ruminantes , Cabras , Proteômica , beta-Lactamas , Mastite , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06129, 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31836


Mastitis occupies a prominent place among the diseases that affect dairy herds due to economic problems and public health. Staphylococcus spp. are infectious agents more involved in the etiology of caprine mastites, especially coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Nineteen isolates of Staphylococcus spp. were obtained from subclinical caprine mastitis. All isolates were characterized by MALDI-TOF MS, being 47.36% (9/19) identified for S. epidermidis, 15.78% (3/19) for S. warneri, 10.52% (2/19) for S. aureus and S. caprae and 5.26% (1/19) for S. lugdunensis, S. simulans, and S. cohnii. All isolates characterized by MALDI-TOF were subjected a to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the 16S rRNA gene of Staphylococcus spp. to confirm the gender. After determining the species, tests for phenotypic detection of resistance to beta-lactams were carried out simple disk diffusion oxacillin, cefoxitin, penicillin G and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, agar "screen" oxacillin and microdilution (MIC) cefoxitin. The disk diffusion test showed a strength of 58% (11/19) for penicillin G, 26.31% (5/19) for cefoxitin and 26.31% (5/19) for oxacillin. All strains were susceptible to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and agar "screen" oxacillin. In the MIC, 63.15% (12/19) of the samples were cefoxitin resistant (MIC >4.0μg/ml). Then isolates were subjected to detection of the mecA resistance genes and regulators (mecl and mecRI), mecC and blaZ. Two samples of Staphylococcus epidermidis had the mecA gene. All isolates were negative for the mecA gene variant, mecl, mecRI, mecC and blaZ. These findings reinforce the importance of this group of microorganisms in the etiology of subclinical mastitis in goats and open perspectives for future research to investigate the epidemiology of the disease.(AU)

A mastite ocupa lugar de destaque entre as doenças que acometem o rebanho leiteiro, em virtude de problemas econômicos e de saúde pública. Staphylococcus spp. são os agentes infecciosos mais envolvidos na etiologia das mastites caprinas, principalmente Staphylococcus coagulase negativo. Dezenove isolados de Staphylococcus spp. foram obtidos a partir de mastite caprina subclínica. Todos os isolados foram caracterizados por MALDI-TOF MS, sendo 47,36% (9/19) identificadas como S. epidermidis, 15,78%(3/19) como S. warneri, 10,52% (2/19) como S. caprae e S. aureus e 5,26% (1/19) tanto para S. lugdunensis, como para S. simulans e S. cohnii. Todos os isolados caracterizados pelo MALDI-TOF foram submetidos a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para o gene 16rRNA de Staphylococcus spp. para a confirmação do gênero. Após a determinação da espécie, foram realizadas as provas para a detecção fenotípica de resistência aos beta-lactâmicos: difusão em disco simples de oxacilina, cefoxitina, penicilina G e amoxacilina +ácido clavulânico, ágar "screen" de oxacilina e microdiluição em caldo (MIC) de cefoxitina. O teste de difusão em disco demonstrou resistência de 58% (11/19) para penicilina G, 26,31% (5/19) para cefoxitina e 26,31% (5/19) para oxacilina. Todas as amostras foram sensíveis a amoxicilina + ácido clavulânico e ao ágar "screen" de oxacilina. Pelo MIC, 63,15% (12/19) das amostras foram resistentes a cefoxitina (MIC >4,0μg/ml). Em seguida os isolados foram submetidos a detecção dos genes de resistência mecA e seus reguladores (mecl e mecRI), mecC e blaZ. Duas amostras de S. epidermidis apresentaram o gene mecA. Todos os isolados foram negativos para a variante do gene mecA, mecl, mecRI, mecC e blaZ. Tais achados reforçam a importância deste grupo de microrganismos na etiologia da mastite subclínica em caprinos e abre perspectivas para futuras pesquisas para a investigação da epidemiologia da doença.(AU)

Animais , Penicilina G , Staphylococcus , Ruminantes , Cabras , Proteômica , beta-Lactamas , Mastite , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487605


ABSTRACT: Mastitis occupies a prominent place among the diseases that affect dairy herds due to economic problems and public health. Staphylococcus spp. are infectious agents more involved in the etiology of caprine mastites, especially coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Nineteen isolates of Staphylococcus spp. were obtained from subclinical caprine mastitis. All isolates were characterized by MALDI-TOF MS, being 47.36% (9/19) identified for S. epidermidis, 15.78% (3/19) for S. warneri, 10.52% (2/19) for S. aureus and S. caprae and 5.26% (1/19) for S. lugdunensis, S. simulans, and S. cohnii. All isolates characterized by MALDI-TOF were subjected a to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the 16S rRNA gene of Staphylococcus spp. to confirm the gender. After determining the species, tests for phenotypic detection of resistance to beta-lactams were carried out simple disk diffusion oxacillin, cefoxitin, penicillin G and amoxicillin + clavulanic acid, agar screen oxacillin and microdilution (MIC) cefoxitin. The disk diffusion test showed a strength of 58% (11/19) for penicillin G, 26.31% (5/19) for cefoxitin and 26.31% (5/19) for oxacillin. All strains were susceptible to amoxicillin + clavulanic acid and agar screen oxacillin. In the MIC, 63.15% (12/19) of the samples were cefoxitin resistant (MIC >4.0g/ml). Then isolates were subjected to detection of the mecA resistance genes and regulators (mecl and mecRI), mecC and blaZ. Two samples of Staphylococcus epidermidis had the mecA gene. All isolates were negative for the mecA gene variant, mecl, mecRI, mecC and blaZ. These findings reinforce the importance of this group of microorganisms in the etiology of subclinical mastitis in goats and open perspectives for future research to investigate the epidemiology of the disease.

RESUMO: A mastite ocupa lugar de destaque entre as doenças que acometem o rebanho leiteiro, em virtude de problemas econômicos e de saúde pública. Staphylococcus spp. são os agentes infecciosos mais envolvidos na etiologia das mastites caprinas, principalmente Staphylococcus coagulase negativo. Dezenove isolados de Staphylococcus spp. foram obtidos a partir de mastite caprina subclínica. Todos os isolados foram caracterizados por MALDI-TOF MS, sendo 47,36% (9/19) identificadas como S. epidermidis, 15,78%(3/19) como S. warneri, 10,52% (2/19) como S. caprae e S. aureus e 5,26% (1/19) tanto para S. lugdunensis, como para S. simulans e S. cohnii. Todos os isolados caracterizados pelo MALDI-TOF foram submetidos a reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para o gene 16rRNA de Staphylococcus spp. para a confirmação do gênero. Após a determinação da espécie, foram realizadas as provas para a detecção fenotípica de resistência aos beta-lactâmicos: difusão em disco simples de oxacilina, cefoxitina, penicilina G e amoxacilina +ácido clavulânico, ágar screen de oxacilina e microdiluição em caldo (MIC) de cefoxitina. O teste de difusão em disco demonstrou resistência de 58% (11/19) para penicilina G, 26,31% (5/19) para cefoxitina e 26,31% (5/19) para oxacilina. Todas as amostras foram sensíveis a amoxicilina + ácido clavulânico e ao ágar screen de oxacilina. Pelo MIC, 63,15% (12/19) das amostras foram resistentes a cefoxitina (MIC >4,0g/ml). Em seguida os isolados foram submetidos a detecção dos genes de resistência mecA e seus reguladores (mecl e mecRI), mecC e blaZ. Duas amostras de S. epidermidis apresentaram o gene mecA. Todos os isolados foram negativos para a variante do gene mecA, mecl, mecRI, mecC e blaZ. Tais achados reforçam a importância deste grupo de microrganismos na etiologia da mastite subclínica em caprinos e abre perspectivas para futuras pesquisas para a investigação da epidemiologia da doença.

J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis. ; 27: e20200177, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31990


The western Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) is widely distributed in South Asia, and geographical venom variation is anticipated among distant populations. Antivenoms used for Russell's viper envenomation are, however, raised typically against snakes from Southern India. The present study investigated and compared the venom proteomes of D. russelii from Sri Lanka (DrSL) and India (DrI), the immunorecognition of Indian VINS Polyvalent Antivenom (VPAV) and its efficacy in neutralizing the venom toxicity. Methods: The venoms of DrSL and DrI were decomplexed with C18 high-performance liquid chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The proteins fractionated were identified through nano-ESI-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). The immunological studies were conducted with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The neutralization of the venom procoagulant effect was evaluated in citrated human plasma. The neutralization of the venom lethality was assessed in vivo in mice adopting the WHO protocol. Results: DrSL and DrI venom proteomes showed comparable major protein families, with phospholipases A2 (PLA2) being the most abundant (> 60% of total venom proteins) and diverse (six protein forms identified). Both venoms were highly procoagulant and lethal (intravenous median lethal dose in mice, LD50 = 0.24 and 0.32 µg/g, for DrSL and DrI, respectively), while lacking hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities. VPAV was immunoreactive toward DrSL and DrI venoms, indicating conserved protein antigenicity in the venoms. The high molecular weight venom proteins were, however, more effectively immunorecognized than small ones. VPAV was able to neutralize the coagulopathic and lethal effects of the venoms moderately. Conclusion: Considering that a large amount of venom can be injected by Russell's viper during envenomation, the potency of antivenom can be further improved for optimal neutralization and effective treatment. Region-specific venoms and key toxins may be incorporated into the immunization procedure during antivenom production.(AU)

Animais , Venenos/toxicidade , Antivenenos/biossíntese , Daboia , Proteômica , Localizações Geográficas
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200177, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1250255


The western Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) is widely distributed in South Asia, and geographical venom variation is anticipated among distant populations. Antivenoms used for Russell's viper envenomation are, however, raised typically against snakes from Southern India. The present study investigated and compared the venom proteomes of D. russelii from Sri Lanka (DrSL) and India (DrI), the immunorecognition of Indian VINS Polyvalent Antivenom (VPAV) and its efficacy in neutralizing the venom toxicity. Methods: The venoms of DrSL and DrI were decomplexed with C18 high-performance liquid chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The proteins fractionated were identified through nano-ESI-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). The immunological studies were conducted with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The neutralization of the venom procoagulant effect was evaluated in citrated human plasma. The neutralization of the venom lethality was assessed in vivo in mice adopting the WHO protocol. Results: DrSL and DrI venom proteomes showed comparable major protein families, with phospholipases A2 (PLA2) being the most abundant (> 60% of total venom proteins) and diverse (six protein forms identified). Both venoms were highly procoagulant and lethal (intravenous median lethal dose in mice, LD50 = 0.24 and 0.32 µg/g, for DrSL and DrI, respectively), while lacking hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities. VPAV was immunoreactive toward DrSL and DrI venoms, indicating conserved protein antigenicity in the venoms. The high molecular weight venom proteins were, however, more effectively immunorecognized than small ones. VPAV was able to neutralize the coagulopathic and lethal effects of the venoms moderately. Conclusion: Considering that a large amount of venom can be injected by Russell's viper during envenomation, the potency of antivenom can be further improved for optimal neutralization and effective treatment. Region-specific venoms and key toxins may be incorporated into the immunization procedure during antivenom production.(AU)

Animais , Venenos/toxicidade , Antivenenos/biossíntese , Daboia , Proteômica , Localizações Geográficas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1484782


Abstract Background Snake venoms are complex mixtures of toxic proteins or peptides encoded by various gene families that function synergistically to incapacitate prey. In the present study, in order to unravel the proteomic repertoire of Deinagkistrodon acutus venom, some trace abundance components were analyzed. Methods Shotgun proteomic approach combined with shotgun nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS were employed to characterize the medically important D. acutus venom, after collected samples were enriched with the combinatorial peptide ligand library (CPLL). Results This avenue helped us find some trace components, undetected before, in D. acutus venom. The results indicated that D. acutus venom comprised 84 distinct proteins from 10 toxin families and 12 other proteins. These results are more than twice the number of venom components obtained from previous studies, which were only 29 distinct proteins obtained through RP-HPLC for the venom of the same species. The present results indicated that in D. acutus venom, the most abundant components (66.9%) included metalloproteinases, serine proteinases, and C-type lectin proteins; the medium abundant components (13%) comprised phospholipases A2 (PLA2) and 5-nucleotidases and nucleases; whereas least abundant components (6%) were aminopeptidases, L-amino acid oxidases (LAAO), neurotoxins and disintegrins; and the trace components. The last were undetected before the use of conventional shotgun proteomics combined with shotgun nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS, such as cysteine-rich secretory proteins Da-CRPa, phospholipases B-like 1, phospholipases B (PLB), nerve growth factors (NGF), glutaminyl-peptide cyclortransferases (QC), and vascular non-inflammatory molecules 2 (VNN2). Conclusion These findings demonstrated that the CPLL enrichment method worked well in finding the trace toxin proteins in D. acutus venom, in contrast with the previous venomic characterization of D. acutus by conventional LC-MS/MS. In conclusion, this approach combined with the CPLL enrichment was effective for allowing us to explore the hidden D. acutus venomic profile and extended the list of potential venom toxins.

J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; 27: e20200196, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1346436


Snake venoms are complex mixtures of toxic proteins or peptides encoded by various gene families that function synergistically to incapacitate prey. In the present study, in order to unravel the proteomic repertoire of Deinagkistrodon acutus venom, some trace abundance components were analyzed. Methods Shotgun proteomic approach combined with shotgun nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS were employed to characterize the medically important D. acutus venom, after collected samples were enriched with the combinatorial peptide ligand library (CPLL). Results This avenue helped us find some trace components, undetected before, in D. acutus venom. The results indicated that D. acutus venom comprised 84 distinct proteins from 10 toxin families and 12 other proteins. These results are more than twice the number of venom components obtained from previous studies, which were only 29 distinct proteins obtained through RP-HPLC for the venom of the same species. The present results indicated that in D. acutus venom, the most abundant components (66.9%) included metalloproteinases, serine proteinases, and C-type lectin proteins; the medium abundant components (13%) comprised phospholipases A2 (PLA2) and 5'-nucleotidases and nucleases; whereas least abundant components (6%) were aminopeptidases, L-amino acid oxidases (LAAO), neurotoxins and disintegrins; and the trace components. The last were undetected before the use of conventional shotgun proteomics combined with shotgun nano-LC-ESI-MS/MS, such as cysteine-rich secretory proteins Da-CRPa, phospholipases B-like 1, phospholipases B (PLB), nerve growth factors (NGF), glutaminyl-peptide cyclortransferases (QC), and vascular non-inflammatory molecules 2 (VNN2). Conclusion These findings demonstrated that the CPLL enrichment method worked well in finding the trace toxin proteins in D. acutus venom, in contrast with the previous venomic characterization of D. acutus by conventional LC-MS/MS. In conclusion, this approach combined with the CPLL enrichment was effective for allowing us to explore the hidden D. acutus venomic profile and extended the list of potential venom toxins.(AU)

Animais , Oxirredutases , Peptídeos , Venenos de Víboras , Proteoma , Neurotoxinas