The objectives of this research were: (i) to Estimate the quantitative occurrence of Ceratitis capitata captured in McPhail traps in cultivating guava; (ii) to investigate the spatial distribution patterns of C. capitata in guava orchards; (iii) to compare the index of the FTD (fruit fly/trap/day) to the type of spatial distribution of C. capitata with the Negative Binomial to set the best time for control of the population in the context of Integrated Pest Management; (iv) Verify the influence of the pruning, spraying, and mowing on the distributions of medfly in guava. Was used 30 McPhail traps installed in three commercial orchards of guava. The spatial distribution was evaluated by the regression model with the Taylor power method, from the log of variance to the log of the mean number of individuals. Ceratitis capitata has aggregated distribution behavior. The potential risk of economic damage is associated with aggregate distribution behavior. The beginning of this distribution indicates the most appropriate time for using control techniques.
Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: (i) estimar a ocorrência quantitativa de Ceratitis capitata capturada em armadilhas McPhail no pomares de goiabeira; (ii) investigar os padrões de distribuição espacial de C. capitata em pomares de goiabeira; (iii) comparar o índice do MAD (mosca da fruta/armadilha/dia) ao tipo de distribuição espacial de C. capitata com o Binomial Negativo para definir o melhor momento para controle da população no contexto do Manejo Integrado de Pragas; (iv) Verificar a influência da poda, pulverização e roçada nas distribuições da espécie em goiabeira. Foram utilizadas 30 armadilhas McPhail instaladas em três pomares comerciais de goiabeira. A distribuição espacial foi avaliada pelo modelo de regressão com o método Taylor power, do log da variância ao log do número médio de indivíduos. C. capitata tem comportamento de distribuição agregado. O risco potencial de dano econômico está associado ao comportamento da distribuição agregada. O início desta distribuição indica o momento mais adequado para o uso de técnicas de controle.
Ceratitis capitata , PsidiumResumo
In Southeast Brazil, the change of grape harvest from wet summer to dry winter through double-pruning management has improved the quality of wines, currently denominated winter wines. In order to better understand the influences of soil, macroclimate, and vineyard management in winter wines, we investigated seven vineyards in the states of Minas Gerais (Três Corações TC, Três Pontas TP, Cordislândia COR, São Sebastião do Paraíso SSP and Andradas AND) and São Paulo (Itobi ITO and Espirito Santo do Pinhal PIN) during three consecutive growing seasons. The vineyards are located in warm temperate zones and grouped in four soil types: Acrudox in TC, AND and SSP, Hapludox in TP; Hapludult in AND and PIN; Eutrudept in ITO. The high clay content (> 35 %) observed in all soil types, associated to low evapotranspiration demand, avoided the occurrence of severe water stress, as observed by the high values of leaf and stem water potential, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, and transpiration. Differences in vigor were more related to vineyard management and did not affect grape composition. Among vineyards, parameters for berry quality from ITO, such as sugar and acidity, were more associated to high soil sand content and winter temperature. No significant differences were found in anthocyanins and total phenols of berries among vineyards, suggesting that the high thermal range and low precipitation during autumn-winter, historically observed in all municipalities, seemed to be the main factor for improvement of phenolic compounds.(AU)
Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vinho/análise , Solo/químicaResumo
In Southeast Brazil, the change of grape harvest from wet summer to dry winter through double-pruning management has improved the quality of wines, currently denominated winter wines. In order to better understand the influences of soil, macroclimate, and vineyard management in winter wines, we investigated seven vineyards in the states of Minas Gerais (Três Corações TC, Três Pontas TP, Cordislândia COR, São Sebastião do Paraíso SSP and Andradas AND) and São Paulo (Itobi ITO and Espirito Santo do Pinhal PIN) during three consecutive growing seasons. The vineyards are located in warm temperate zones and grouped in four soil types: Acrudox in TC, AND and SSP, Hapludox in TP; Hapludult in AND and PIN; Eutrudept in ITO. The high clay content (> 35 %) observed in all soil types, associated to low evapotranspiration demand, avoided the occurrence of severe water stress, as observed by the high values of leaf and stem water potential, stomatal conductance, photosynthesis, and transpiration. Differences in vigor were more related to vineyard management and did not affect grape composition. Among vineyards, parameters for berry quality from ITO, such as sugar and acidity, were more associated to high soil sand content and winter temperature. No significant differences were found in anthocyanins and total phenols of berries among vineyards, suggesting that the high thermal range and low precipitation during autumn-winter, historically observed in all municipalities, seemed to be the main factor for improvement of phenolic compounds.
Solo/química , Vinho/análise , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Characterization of the spatial variability of vegetative vigor in vineyards can help improve the performance of site-specific management practices, or the management of vineyards with different rates. Characterization using canopy proximal sensing has been a widely disseminated technique; however, vineyards in southeastern Brazil, where the utilization of annual double pruning results in a winter harvest, knowledge of the role of variability in improving vineyard management has not yet been applied. This study aimed to determine if post-veraison mapping of a normalized difference vegetation index could be used to assess the variability in grapevine vigor, water status, physiology, yield and berry quality attributes at harvest in an irrigated vineyard in southeastern Brazil. This normalized difference vegetation index was measured with an active canopy sensor, and spatial distribution maps over two growing seasons of a vineyard, managed on an annual double pruning basis, were generated. Attributes of physiological and technological berry maturation, leaf water potential, gas exchange, production, and fresh pruning weight were calculated. These normalized difference vegetation index maps allowed for the determination of variability in vegetative vigor and the productive potential of the vineyard; however, high levels of rainfall during the maturation period may reduce the potential of using these maps for determining berry parameters.(AU)
Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/fisiologia , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
Characterization of the spatial variability of vegetative vigor in vineyards can help improve the performance of site-specific management practices, or the management of vineyards with different rates. Characterization using canopy proximal sensing has been a widely disseminated technique; however, vineyards in southeastern Brazil, where the utilization of annual double pruning results in a winter harvest, knowledge of the role of variability in improving vineyard management has not yet been applied. This study aimed to determine if post-veraison mapping of a normalized difference vegetation index could be used to assess the variability in grapevine vigor, water status, physiology, yield and berry quality attributes at harvest in an irrigated vineyard in southeastern Brazil. This normalized difference vegetation index was measured with an active canopy sensor, and spatial distribution maps over two growing seasons of a vineyard, managed on an annual double pruning basis, were generated. Attributes of physiological and technological berry maturation, leaf water potential, gas exchange, production, and fresh pruning weight were calculated. These normalized difference vegetation index maps allowed for the determination of variability in vegetative vigor and the productive potential of the vineyard; however, high levels of rainfall during the maturation period may reduce the potential of using these maps for determining berry parameters.
Frutas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Frutas/fisiologia , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
Cassava is one of the main foods in Brazil, playing a key role in the diet of several communities. In the Central-Southern region of Brazil, several pests are associated with cassava, among which the cassava mealybug stands out due to its high potential for damage. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the population dynamics and the effect of pruning and different cassava management on the developmental stages of mealybug, Phenacoccus. manihoti. The experiment was conducted in Santa Monica, PR, with Cauiá cultivar, involving a randomized complete block design with four replications and six treatments: 1) No pruning: intact plants, 2) Pruning soil: pruned close to the soil without plant material, 3) Pruning at 15 cm: conventional pruning at 15 cm of the soil with vegetative material, 4) Pruning + branches: conventional pruning, with the middle portion of the plant in the plot and removal of the apical region of the plant, 5) Pruning + apical: conventional pruning, with the removal of the middle portion of the plant and retaining the apical parts of the plant, and 6) Pruning - branches - apical: conventional pruning, with the removal of the middle and apical portions of the plant. After 7-days of pruning, the number of eggs, nymphs, and adults were counted, and the population variation was monitored at weekly interval for a month. For the insect count, four sites were randomly chosen in a zigzag manner within each plot and four plants were evaluated, totaling 16 plants per plot. Based on the counts, the percentage of plants with eggs, nymphs, and adults was calculated. The data of the variables were transformed by √(x+0.5), subjected to analysis of variance and Scott Knot test (5%). The percentage of plants with egg mass and adults of P. manihoti was highest in plots that had no pruning. The pruning close to the soil combined with the removal of vegetative material resulted in plants with fewest eggs of P. manihoti.[...](AU)
A mandioca é uma das principais espécies alimentícias para populações de baixa renda, desempenhando papel chave na dieta de diversas comunidades. No Brasil, várias pragas estão associadas a mandioca, dentre estas destaca-se a cochonilha da mandioca Phenacoccus manihoti devido ao seu alto potencial de dano. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a flutuação populacional e o efeito da poda e de diferentes formas manejo da parte aérea da mandioca sobre as fases de desenvolvimento da cochonilha P. manihoti. O ensaio foi conduzido em Santa Mônica/PR, com a cultivar Cauiá sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: 1) Sem poda: plantas intactas, 2) Poda solo: poda rente ao solo sem material vegetal, 3) Poda a 15 cm: poda convencional a 15 cm do solo com material vegetal 4) Poda + ramas: poda convencional, com a parte mediana da planta na parcela e retirada da região apical da planta, 5) Poda + apical: poda convencional, com a retirada da parte mediada da planta e permanência da região apical da planta e 6) Poda - ramas - apical: poda convencional, com a retirada da parte mediada e apical da planta. Após 7 dias da realização da poda, houve a contagem do número de massas de ovos, ninfas e adultos, e a flutuação populacional foi avaliada a cada 7 dias, durante um mês. Para a contagem dos insetos, em cada parcela foram tomados quatro pontos ao acaso em zigue e zague, e nestes foram avaliadas quatro plantas, totalizando 16 plantas avaliadas por parcela. A partir dos dados da contagem obteve-se a porcentagem de plantas com massas de ovos, ninfas e adultos. Os dados das variáveis foram transformados por √(x+0.5), submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Scott Knot (5%). A porcentagem de plantas com massa de ovos e adultos de P. manihoti foi maior sem a realização de poda na cultura. A poda rente ao solo com a retirada do material vegetativo resultou em plantas com menor massa de ovos de P. manihoti.[...](AU)
Animais , Manihot/parasitologia , Controle de Pragas , Hemípteros , Pragas da Agricultura , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodosResumo
Cassava is one of the main foods in Brazil, playing a key role in the diet of several communities. In the Central-Southern region of Brazil, several pests are associated with cassava, among which the cassava mealybug stands out due to its high potential for damage. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the population dynamics and the effect of pruning and different cassava management on the developmental stages of mealybug, Phenacoccus. manihoti. The experiment was conducted in Santa Monica, PR, with Cauiá cultivar, involving a randomized complete block design with four replications and six treatments: 1) No pruning: intact plants, 2) Pruning soil: pruned close to the soil without plant material, 3) Pruning at 15 cm: conventional pruning at 15 cm of the soil with vegetative material, 4) Pruning + branches: conventional pruning, with the middle portion of the plant in the plot and removal of the apical region of the plant, 5) Pruning + apical: conventional pruning, with the removal of the middle portion of the plant and retaining the apical parts of the plant, and 6) Pruning - branches - apical: conventional pruning, with the removal of the middle and apical portions of the plant. After 7-days of pruning, the number of eggs, nymphs, and adults were counted, and the population variation was monitored at weekly interval for a month. For the insect count, four sites were randomly chosen in a zigzag manner within each plot and four plants were evaluated, totaling 16 plants per plot. Based on the counts, the percentage of plants with eggs, nymphs, and adults was calculated. The data of the variables were transformed by √(x+0.5), subjected to analysis of variance and Scott Knot test (5%). The percentage of plants with egg mass and adults of P. manihoti was highest in plots that had no pruning. The pruning close to the soil combined with the removal of vegetative material resulted in plants with fewest eggs of P. manihoti.[...]
A mandioca é uma das principais espécies alimentícias para populações de baixa renda, desempenhando papel chave na dieta de diversas comunidades. No Brasil, várias pragas estão associadas a mandioca, dentre estas destaca-se a cochonilha da mandioca Phenacoccus manihoti devido ao seu alto potencial de dano. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a flutuação populacional e o efeito da poda e de diferentes formas manejo da parte aérea da mandioca sobre as fases de desenvolvimento da cochonilha P. manihoti. O ensaio foi conduzido em Santa Mônica/PR, com a cultivar Cauiá sob o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições e seis tratamentos: 1) Sem poda: plantas intactas, 2) Poda solo: poda rente ao solo sem material vegetal, 3) Poda a 15 cm: poda convencional a 15 cm do solo com material vegetal 4) Poda + ramas: poda convencional, com a parte mediana da planta na parcela e retirada da região apical da planta, 5) Poda + apical: poda convencional, com a retirada da parte mediada da planta e permanência da região apical da planta e 6) Poda - ramas - apical: poda convencional, com a retirada da parte mediada e apical da planta. Após 7 dias da realização da poda, houve a contagem do número de massas de ovos, ninfas e adultos, e a flutuação populacional foi avaliada a cada 7 dias, durante um mês. Para a contagem dos insetos, em cada parcela foram tomados quatro pontos ao acaso em zigue e zague, e nestes foram avaliadas quatro plantas, totalizando 16 plantas avaliadas por parcela. A partir dos dados da contagem obteve-se a porcentagem de plantas com massas de ovos, ninfas e adultos. Os dados das variáveis foram transformados por √(x+0.5), submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Scott Knot (5%). A porcentagem de plantas com massa de ovos e adultos de P. manihoti foi maior sem a realização de poda na cultura. A poda rente ao solo com a retirada do material vegetativo resultou em plantas com menor massa de ovos de P. manihoti.[...]
Animais , Controle de Pragas , Hemípteros , Manihot/parasitologia , Contagem de Ovos de Parasitas , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Pragas da AgriculturaResumo
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is an economically important crop and its cultivation has been expanded across temperate and subtropical regions of Brazil. Growing raspberries under plastic cover has becoming more common worldwide. This study investigated the effect of plastic cover on productive and morphological performance of primocane-fruiting raspberry cultivars, in southern Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial design, with three raspberry cultivars, Heritage; Fallgold and Alemãzinha; two cultivation systems, presence and absence of plastic cover; and two production cycles, fall and spring. We measured days from transplanting to flowering and harvesting. Plants were evaluated for dry mass of pruning, plant height, stem diameter, plant leaf area, fruit production, number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit longitudinal and transversal diameter, and harvesting period. Plastic cover reduced incident radiation on the canopy by 17 %. Cultivar Heritage is early ripening in the fall cycle. The management under plastic cover prolonged the harvesting period of raspberries in the fall productive cycle for the cultivar Heritage and, in spring, for cultivars Alemãzinha and Fallgold. In the spring cycle, plants increased their leaf area, fruit production and number of fruits. The cultivar Alemãzinha performed better in the spring cycle when managed under plastic cover and was more productive, with a longer productive cycle and larger fruits.
24444 , Frutas , RubusResumo
Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) is an economically important crop and its cultivation has been expanded across temperate and subtropical regions of Brazil. Growing raspberries under plastic cover has becoming more common worldwide. This study investigated the effect of plastic cover on productive and morphological performance of primocane-fruiting raspberry cultivars, in southern Brazil. The experiment was arranged in a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial design, with three raspberry cultivars, Heritage; Fallgold and Alemãzinha; two cultivation systems, presence and absence of plastic cover; and two production cycles, fall and spring. We measured days from transplanting to flowering and harvesting. Plants were evaluated for dry mass of pruning, plant height, stem diameter, plant leaf area, fruit production, number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit longitudinal and transversal diameter, and harvesting period. Plastic cover reduced incident radiation on the canopy by 17 %. Cultivar Heritage is early ripening in the fall cycle. The management under plastic cover prolonged the harvesting period of raspberries in the fall productive cycle for the cultivar Heritage and, in spring, for cultivars Alemãzinha and Fallgold. In the spring cycle, plants increased their leaf area, fruit production and number of fruits. The cultivar Alemãzinha performed better in the spring cycle when managed under plastic cover and was more productive, with a longer productive cycle and larger fruits.(AU)
Rubus , 24444 , FrutasResumo
Devido a uma carência de informações técnico-cientificas sobre o efeito da carga de gemas em relação a interceptação da radiação solar, e o seu efeito na fertilidade de gemas, tem-se como objetivo desse trabalho avaliar o efeito do aumento da carga de gemas da videira Cabernet Franc em relação a interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e o seu efeito na fertilidade de gemas em região de elevada altitude de Santa Catarina. Este experimento foi conduzido durante safra 2016/2017, em um vinhedo comercial, localizado no munícipio de São Joaquim. Utilizaram-se plantas de Cabernet Franc enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto Paulsen 1103. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro diferentes níveis de cargas de gemas: 15, 30, 50 e 75 gemas planta-1 . O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos e cinco plantas por parcela. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados pelo Teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade de erro. Os resultados desse estudo evidenciam a importância da interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa na fertilidade de gemas, observando-se redução da fertilidade de gemas em situações de redução da interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa, nesse caso, causado pelo aumento da carga de gemas, que resulta em um maior número de ramos, proporcionando um dossel mais denso, reduzindo a interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa que alcança as gemas da videira, sendo esse efeito, mais pronunciado nas gemas localizada na posição basal do ramo.(AU)
Due to a lack of technical-scientific information about the effect of the retained node number on the interception of the solar radiation of the nodes and its effect on the fertility of nodes, this work aims to evaluate the effect of the increased number of nodes of the grapevine Cabernet Franc in relation to the interception of the photosynthetically active composition and its effect on the node fertility in high altitude region of Santa Catarina State. This experiment was conducted during the 2016/2017 harvest in a commercial vineyard located in the city of São Joaquim. Cabernet Franc plants grafted on the 'Paulsen 1103' rootstock were used. The treatments consisted of four different levels of retained node numbers: 15, 30, 50, and 75 nodes per plant. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four blocks and five plants per plot. The data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and compared by the Tukey test with a 5% probability of error. The results of this study evidenced the importance of the interception of the photosynthetically active radiation in the nodes fertility, observing the reduction of the nodes fertility in situations of reduction of the interception of the photosynthetically active radiation, in this case, caused by the increase of the number of nodes, which resulted in a higher shoot number and branches, resulting in a denser canopy, and consequently reducing the interception of the photosynthetically active radiation that reaches the grape nodes, being this effect more pronounced in the buds located at the basal position of the branch.(AU)
Proteínas do Ovo/efeitos adversos , Proteínas do Ovo/química , Vitis/efeitos dos fármacos , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Fármacos para a Fertilidade/análise , Vinho/análiseResumo
Devido a uma carência de informações técnico-cientificas sobre o efeito da carga de gemas em relação a interceptação da radiação solar, e o seu efeito na fertilidade de gemas, tem-se como objetivo desse trabalho avaliar o efeito do aumento da carga de gemas da videira Cabernet Franc em relação a interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa e o seu efeito na fertilidade de gemas em região de elevada altitude de Santa Catarina. Este experimento foi conduzido durante safra 2016/2017, em um vinhedo comercial, localizado no munícipio de São Joaquim. Utilizaram-se plantas de Cabernet Franc enxertadas sobre o porta-enxerto Paulsen 1103. Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro diferentes níveis de cargas de gemas: 15, 30, 50 e 75 gemas planta-1 . O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos ao acaso, com quatro blocos e cinco plantas por parcela. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA) e comparados pelo Teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade de erro. Os resultados desse estudo evidenciam a importância da interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa na fertilidade de gemas, observando-se redução da fertilidade de gemas em situações de redução da interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa, nesse caso, causado pelo aumento da carga de gemas, que resulta em um maior número de ramos, proporcionando um dossel mais denso, reduzindo a interceptação da radiação fotossinteticamente ativa que alcança as gemas da videira, sendo esse efeito, mais pronunciado nas gemas localizada na posição basal do ramo.
Due to a lack of technical-scientific information about the effect of the retained node number on the interception of the solar radiation of the nodes and its effect on the fertility of nodes, this work aims to evaluate the effect of the increased number of nodes of the grapevine Cabernet Franc in relation to the interception of the photosynthetically active composition and its effect on the node fertility in high altitude region of Santa Catarina State. This experiment was conducted during the 2016/2017 harvest in a commercial vineyard located in the city of São Joaquim. Cabernet Franc plants grafted on the 'Paulsen 1103' rootstock were used. The treatments consisted of four different levels of retained node numbers: 15, 30, 50, and 75 nodes per plant. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four blocks and five plants per plot. The data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and compared by the Tukey test with a 5% probability of error. The results of this study evidenced the importance of the interception of the photosynthetically active radiation in the nodes fertility, observing the reduction of the nodes fertility in situations of reduction of the interception of the photosynthetically active radiation, in this case, caused by the increase of the number of nodes, which resulted in a higher shoot number and branches, resulting in a denser canopy, and consequently reducing the interception of the photosynthetically active radiation that reaches the grape nodes, being this effect more pronounced in the buds located at the basal position of the branch.
Proteínas do Ovo/efeitos adversos , Proteínas do Ovo/química , Vitis/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Vitis/efeitos dos fármacos , Fármacos para a Fertilidade/análise , Vinho/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to verify the influence of mechanized shoot topping in workforce optimization and reduction of operational costs to perform the grapevine pruning in the highlands of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at São Joaquim Experimental Station during the 2016 crop. Shoot topping was performed during phase 75 of the BBCH scale. The treatments consisted of three different shoot topping methods: manual shoot topping, manual shoot topping using a platform coupled to a tractor and semi-mechanized shoot topping performed with a mechanical pruner using a platform coupled to a tractor. The experimental design was completely randomized. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Tukeys test was performed (p 0.05). The semi-mechanized pruning method presented a 1,106% reduction in time to perform shoot topping in comparison to the manual method. The cost for semi-mechanized topping was R$ 289.70 ha-1, manual topping costed R$ 665.00 ha-1, and manual topping with the platform costed R$ 766.40 ha-1. The semi-mechanization of shoot topping with a mechanical pruner using a platform coupled to a tractor reduces the production costs, in addition to optimizing the use of workforce.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência de métodos de desponte mecanizado na otimização da mão-de-obra e redução de custos operacionais do desponte da videira em região de elevada altitude de Santa Catarina. O trabalho foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de São Joaquim (Epagri), na safra 2016. O desponte foi realizado durante a fase 75 na escala BBCH. Os tratamentos consistiram em três diferentes métodos de desponte da videira: desponte manual, desponte manual com plataforma acoplada em trator e desponte semi-mecanizado com podador mecânico com auxílio de plataforma acoplada em trator. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Os dados foram submetidos a análise da variância, sendo realizado o teste Tukey (p0,05). O desponte semi-mecanizado apresentou uma redução de 1.106% no tempo para realização do desponte em comparação com o método manual. Verificou-se um custo de R$ 289,70 ha-1 para o desponte semi-mecanizado, enquanto o desponte manual apresentou um custo de R$ 665,00 ha-1, enquanto o desponte manual com plataforma apresentou um custo de R$ 766,40 ha-1. A semi-mecanização do desponte com a utilização de um podador mecânico com plataforma acoplada ao trator reduziu os custos dessa prática de manejo cultural, otimizando o uso de mão-de-obra.
The objective of this study was to verify the influence of mechanized shoot topping in workforce optimization and reduction of operational costs to perform the grapevine pruning in the highlands of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The experiment was conducted at São Joaquim Experimental Station during the 2016 crop. Shoot topping was performed during phase 75 of the BBCH scale. The treatments consisted of three different shoot topping methods: manual shoot topping, manual shoot topping using a platform coupled to a tractor and semi-mechanized shoot topping performed with a mechanical pruner using a platform coupled to a tractor. The experimental design was completely randomized. Data were submitted to analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Tukeys test was performed (p 0.05). The semi-mechanized pruning method presented a 1,106% reduction in time to perform shoot topping in comparison to the manual method. The cost for semi-mechanized topping was R$ 289.70 ha-1, manual topping costed R$ 665.00 ha-1, and manual topping with the platform costed R$ 766.40 ha-1. The semi-mechanization of shoot topping with a mechanical pruner using a platform coupled to a tractor reduces the production costs, in addition to optimizing the use of workforce.(AU)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência de métodos de desponte mecanizado na otimização da mão-de-obra e redução de custos operacionais do desponte da videira em região de elevada altitude de Santa Catarina. O trabalho foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de São Joaquim (Epagri), na safra 2016. O desponte foi realizado durante a fase 75 na escala BBCH. Os tratamentos consistiram em três diferentes métodos de desponte da videira: desponte manual, desponte manual com plataforma acoplada em trator e desponte semi-mecanizado com podador mecânico com auxílio de plataforma acoplada em trator. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado. Os dados foram submetidos a análise da variância, sendo realizado o teste Tukey (p0,05). O desponte semi-mecanizado apresentou uma redução de 1.106% no tempo para realização do desponte em comparação com o método manual. Verificou-se um custo de R$ 289,70 ha-1 para o desponte semi-mecanizado, enquanto o desponte manual apresentou um custo de R$ 665,00 ha-1, enquanto o desponte manual com plataforma apresentou um custo de R$ 766,40 ha-1. A semi-mecanização do desponte com a utilização de um podador mecânico com plataforma acoplada ao trator reduziu os custos dessa prática de manejo cultural, otimizando o uso de mão-de-obra.(AU)
Adequate management of saline water irrigation and nitrogen (N) fertilizer application in agriculture can contribute substantially to expanding guava cultivation in the semi-arid region of Northeast Brazil. This study aimed to evaluate gas exchange and production of "Paluma" guava cultivated with different levels of water salinity and N. The experiment was carried out in drainage lysimeters under field conditions in an experimental area of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus of Pombal, PB, Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 5 × 4 factorial scheme, with five levels of water salinity ECw (0.3, 1.1, 1.9, 2.7 and 3.5 dS m-¹) and four doses of N (70, 100, 130 and 160% of the recommendation) with three replicates. The dose relative to 100% corresponded to 541.1 mg of N dm-³ of soil. The following production components were evaluated: number of fruits, mean fruit weight, polar and equatorial diameter of fruits, and polar diameter/equatorial diameter ratio. In addition, the following physiological variables were evaluated at 180 days after fruit pruning: stomatal conductance, CO2 assimilation rate, internal CO2 concentration and transpiration rate. CO2 assimilation and transpiration rate were used to calculate instantaneous water use efficiency. The interaction between water salinity and N doses did not cause significant effects on any variable studied. Irrigation water salinity above 0.3 dS m-¹ hampered gas exchange at 180 days after fruit pruning and negatively affected production components.(AU)
As práticas adequadas de manejo da irrigação com água salina e adubação nitrogenada na agricultura pode contribuir de forma expressiva para a expansão do cultivo da goiabeira na região semiárida do nordeste brasileiro. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar as trocas gasosas e a produção da goiabeira "Paluma" cultivada sob diferentes níveis de salinidade da água e doses de nitrogênio. O experimento foi conduzido em lisímetros de drenagem sob condições de campo em área experimental da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus de Pombal, PB. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema fatorial 5 x 4, com cinco níveis de salinidade de água - CEa (0,3, 1,1, 1,9, 2,7 e 3,5 dS m-¹) e quatro doses de nitrogênio (70, 100, 130 e 160% de recomendação) com três repetições; sendo a dose referente a 100% correspondeu a 541,1 mg de N dm-³ de solo. Foram avaliados os seguintes componentes de produção: número de frutos, massa média de frutos, diâmetro polar e equatorial de frutos e relação diâmetro polar/equatorial de frutos. Avaliaram-se ainda as seguintes variáveis fisiológicas aos 180 dias após a poda de frutificação: condutância estomática, taxa de assimilação de CO2, concentração interna de CO2 e taxa de transpiração. Com os valores de taxa de assimilação de CO2 e taxa de transpiração foi determinada a eficiência instantânea no uso da água. A interação entre a salinidade das águas e as doses de nitrogênio não promoveu efeitos significativos em nenhuma variável estudada. O aumento da salinidade da água de irrigação acima de 0,3 dS m-¹ comprometeu as trocas gasosas aos 180 dias após a poda de frutificação e os componentes de produção.(AU)
Irrigação Agrícola , Psidium/fisiologia , Águas Salinas , Fertilizantes , NitrogênioResumo
Grapevines are cultivated in several regions of Brazil, however, there is a lack of scientific information about the crop in the state of Paraná, especially in the region of Laranjeiras do Sul. The study of phenology is important because it allows the verification of variations of the answers that plants can give according to climatic changes of the environment where they are inserted. In addition, producers can program crop management from the record of the duration of phenological stages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to register the phenology and thermal requirements of the cultivars Niágara Rosada and Niágara Branca in the region of Laranjeiras do Sul, Paraná. The experiment was conducted on a family-owned property in Laranjeiras do Sul. The evaluations were carried out every two days, from pruning. Five phenological stages were evaluated: green tip; full bloom (50% of open flowers); pea-sized grains; start of cluster compaction and full maturation. A completely randomized block design with 10 replicates was used. The sample unit consisted of 20 plants, totaling 10 plants per cultivar. Analysis of variance was made using the F test, and when the treatment effects were significant the means were compared by Tukeys test (p0.05). For Niágara Branca, a 124 days cycle was recorded and 1273.159 thermal accumulation in degree-days; for Niágara Rosada, 132.
O cultivo de videiras ocorre em várias regiões do Brasil, entretanto no estado do Paraná há carência de informações sobre a cultura especialmente na região de Laranjeiras do Sul. O estudo da fenologia é pertinente porque permite verificar as variações de respostas que as plantas podem dar de acordo com as mudanças climáticas do ambiente em que estão inseridas. Além disso, a partir do registro da duração dos estádios fenológicos, o produtor pode programar o manejo da cultura. Com isso, o objetivo neste trabalho foi registrar a fenologia e a exigência térmica das cultivares Niágara Rosada e Branca na região de Laranjeiras do Sul, PR. O experimento foi realizado em uma propriedade de agricultores familiares localizada em Laranjeiras do Sul, PR. As avaliações foram realizadas a cada dois dias, a partir da poda, sendo avaliados cinco estádios fenológicos: ponta verde; pleno florescimento (50% das flores abertas); grãos tamanho ervilha; início da compactação de cacho e maturação plena. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados (DBC) com 10 repetições. A unidade amostral era constituída de uma planta, totalizando 10 plantas por cultivar. Foi realizado análise de variância pelo teste F e, quando o efeito do tratamento foi significativo, realizou-se teste de comparação de médias (Tukey) (p0,05). Para Niágara Branca foi registrado ciclo de 124 dias e acúmulo térmico de 1273, 159 graus dias e para Rosada, 132,1 dias e 1425 GD. O ciclo, bem como o acúmulo de graus-dia da cultivar Niágara Rosada foi superior quando comparado ao da Niágara Branca, influenciando no manejo a ser realizado no período.
Grapevines are cultivated in several regions of Brazil, however, there is a lack of scientific information about the crop in the state of Paraná, especially in the region of Laranjeiras do Sul. The study of phenology is important because it allows the verification of variations of the answers that plants can give according to climatic changes of the environment where they are inserted. In addition, producers can program crop management from the record of the duration of phenological stages. Therefore, the objective of this study was to register the phenology and thermal requirements of the cultivars Niágara Rosada and Niágara Branca in the region of Laranjeiras do Sul, Paraná. The experiment was conducted on a family-owned property in Laranjeiras do Sul. The evaluations were carried out every two days, from pruning. Five phenological stages were evaluated: green tip; full bloom (50% of open flowers); pea-sized grains; start of cluster compaction and full maturation. A completely randomized block design with 10 replicates was used. The sample unit consisted of 20 plants, totaling 10 plants per cultivar. Analysis of variance was made using the F test, and when the treatment effects were significant the means were compared by Tukeys test (p0.05). For Niágara Branca, a 124 days cycle was recorded and 1273.159 thermal accumulation in degree-days; for Niágara Rosada, 132.(AU)
O cultivo de videiras ocorre em várias regiões do Brasil, entretanto no estado do Paraná há carência de informações sobre a cultura especialmente na região de Laranjeiras do Sul. O estudo da fenologia é pertinente porque permite verificar as variações de respostas que as plantas podem dar de acordo com as mudanças climáticas do ambiente em que estão inseridas. Além disso, a partir do registro da duração dos estádios fenológicos, o produtor pode programar o manejo da cultura. Com isso, o objetivo neste trabalho foi registrar a fenologia e a exigência térmica das cultivares Niágara Rosada e Branca na região de Laranjeiras do Sul, PR. O experimento foi realizado em uma propriedade de agricultores familiares localizada em Laranjeiras do Sul, PR. As avaliações foram realizadas a cada dois dias, a partir da poda, sendo avaliados cinco estádios fenológicos: ponta verde; pleno florescimento (50% das flores abertas); grãos tamanho ervilha; início da compactação de cacho e maturação plena. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi em blocos casualizados (DBC) com 10 repetições. A unidade amostral era constituída de uma planta, totalizando 10 plantas por cultivar. Foi realizado análise de variância pelo teste F e, quando o efeito do tratamento foi significativo, realizou-se teste de comparação de médias (Tukey) (p0,05). Para Niágara Branca foi registrado ciclo de 124 dias e acúmulo térmico de 1273, 159 graus dias e para Rosada, 132,1 dias e 1425 GD. O ciclo, bem como o acúmulo de graus-dia da cultivar Niágara Rosada foi superior quando comparado ao da Niágara Branca, influenciando no manejo a ser realizado no período.(AU)
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae), a species of economic interest, especially for fruit plants, is expanding on the South American continent. Information about the population dynamics of this pest associated with control by natural enemies and cultural practices is fundamental for its management. Our objective was to study the population fluctuations in M. hirsutus and its natural enemies in a sugar-apple (Annona squamosa) orchard in Roraima, northern Brazil. Trees were evaluated monthly over a 12-month period. Infestation rates by M. hirsutus and its parasitism were also estimated for potential host plants around the study area. Highest infestation occurred in August and February-March. Alternative hosts were infested during the off-season, mainly fruit. Lacewings and the parasitoid Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) were abundant natural enemies. Average parasitism by A. kamali in fruits was 50%, with highest rates in periods of greatest infestation by M. hirsutus. Fruitification pruning reduced M. hirsutus populations.
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae), praga de inúmeras espécies, especialmente frutíferas, está se expandindo no continente sul-americano. Informações sobre sua dinâmica, inimigos naturais e práticas culturais são importantes para seu manejo. Nosso objetivo foi estudar as flutuações da população em M. hirsutus e seus inimigos naturais em um pomar de ata (Annona squamosa) em Roraima, Brasil. As árvores foram avaliadas mensalmente ao longo de um período de 12 meses e as taxas de infestação por M. hirsutus e parasitismo foram estimadas. A maior infestação ocorreu em agosto de 2014 e entre fevereiro e março de 2015. Hospedeiros alternativos foram infestados durante a entressafra da ata. Bicho-lixeiro e o parasitoide Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) foram os inimigos naturais mais importantes. O parasitismo médio por A. kamali nos frutos foi de 50%, com maiores taxas nos períodos de maior infestação por M. hirsutus. A poda de frutificação reduziu as populações de M. hirsutus.
Annona , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Hemípteros , BrasilResumo
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae), a species of economic interest, especially for fruit plants, is expanding on the South American continent. Information about the population dynamics of this pest associated with control by natural enemies and cultural practices is fundamental for its management. Our objective was to study the population fluctuations in M. hirsutus and its natural enemies in a sugar-apple (Annona squamosa) orchard in Roraima, northern Brazil. Trees were evaluated monthly over a 12-month period. Infestation rates by M. hirsutus and its parasitism were also estimated for potential host plants around the study area. Highest infestation occurred in August and February-March. Alternative hosts were infested during the off-season, mainly fruit. Lacewings and the parasitoid Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) were abundant natural enemies. Average parasitism by A. kamali in fruits was 50%, with highest rates in periods of greatest infestation by M. hirsutus. Fruitification pruning reduced M. hirsutus populations.(AU)
Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Hemiptera, Pseudococcidae), praga de inúmeras espécies, especialmente frutíferas, está se expandindo no continente sul-americano. Informações sobre sua dinâmica, inimigos naturais e práticas culturais são importantes para seu manejo. Nosso objetivo foi estudar as flutuações da população em M. hirsutus e seus inimigos naturais em um pomar de ata (Annona squamosa) em Roraima, Brasil. As árvores foram avaliadas mensalmente ao longo de um período de 12 meses e as taxas de infestação por M. hirsutus e parasitismo foram estimadas. A maior infestação ocorreu em agosto de 2014 e entre fevereiro e março de 2015. Hospedeiros alternativos foram infestados durante a entressafra da ata. Bicho-lixeiro e o parasitoide Anagyrus kamali (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) foram os inimigos naturais mais importantes. O parasitismo médio por A. kamali nos frutos foi de 50%, com maiores taxas nos períodos de maior infestação por M. hirsutus. A poda de frutificação reduziu as populações de M. hirsutus.(AU)
Hemípteros , Annona , Controle Biológico de Vetores , BrasilResumo
In the Brazilian Southeast, the production of high quality wines is attained by a new management approach called double pruning. This management changes the harvesting of wine grape (Vitis vinifera L.) from wet summer to dry winter through a two pruning procedures carried out during the year. The first pruning is done during the winter to induce a vegetative cycle (all clusters are removed) and a second pruning is done during the summer to induce the reproductive cycle. In this study, ten different rootstocks were compared in order to optimize yield and wine quality of Syrah vines conducted under autumn-winter season by double pruning approach. Syrah grapevines grafted onto 'Rupestris du Lot' and 'IAC 766' showed the highest pruning weight, while '110 Richter' and '161-49 Courdec' induced the lowest cane vigor. The average production of two seasons identified 'IAC 766', 'Kober 5BB' and 'Rupestris du Lot' as the most productive rootstocks. In both seasons, the grape quality was more influenced by the plant development status than by rootstocks. 'Syrah' wine from vigorous and high yielding rootstocks, 'IAC 766' and 'Rupestris du Lot', showed satisfactory wine phenolic composition and alcohol/acidity balance. This study showed that vigorous rootstock increased yield without compromising grape and winter wine quality of Syrah grapevines subjected to double pruning management in the Brazilian Southeast.
24444 , Vinho , Vitis , Frutas , Padrão de Identidade e Qualidade para Produtos e ServiçosResumo
In the Brazilian Southeast, the production of high quality wines is attained by a new management approach called double pruning. This management changes the harvesting of wine grape (Vitis vinifera L.) from wet summer to dry winter through a two pruning procedures carried out during the year. The first pruning is done during the winter to induce a vegetative cycle (all clusters are removed) and a second pruning is done during the summer to induce the reproductive cycle. In this study, ten different rootstocks were compared in order to optimize yield and wine quality of Syrah vines conducted under autumn-winter season by double pruning approach. Syrah grapevines grafted onto 'Rupestris du Lot' and 'IAC 766' showed the highest pruning weight, while '110 Richter' and '161-49 Courdec' induced the lowest cane vigor. The average production of two seasons identified 'IAC 766', 'Kober 5BB' and 'Rupestris du Lot' as the most productive rootstocks. In both seasons, the grape quality was more influenced by the plant development status than by rootstocks. 'Syrah' wine from vigorous and high yielding rootstocks, 'IAC 766' and 'Rupestris du Lot', showed satisfactory wine phenolic composition and alcohol/acidity balance. This study showed that vigorous rootstock increased yield without compromising grape and winter wine quality of Syrah grapevines subjected to double pruning management in the Brazilian Southeast.(AU)