Physaloptera Rudolphi, 1819 is a genus of nematodes that includes approximately 100 species parasitic in vertebrates around the world. From these, approximately 30 occur in the Neotropical region, with nine reported from neotropical reptiles. Physaloptera spp. are recognized by their distinct morphology of the apical end and characters of the reproductive system. However, despite the fact that the morphological characters for species diagnosis have been firmly established, we frequently find identification problems regarding poorly detailed descriptions and poorly preserved specimens. These may lead to taxonomic incongruencies. Physaloptera retusa (Rudolphi, 1819) is the most common species of the genus and has been reported from several species of neotropical reptiles. Based on our reexaminations of nematode specimens identified as P. retusa from different museum collections, we provide a detailed redescription including the type material, voucher specimens and new specimens recovered currently and showed in this study with new morphological data obtained using light and scanning electron microscopy tools.(AU)
Physaloptera Rudolphi, 1819 é um gênero de nematódeos que inclui aproximadamente 100 espécies parasitárias em vertebrados em todo o mundo. Destes, aproximadamente 30 ocorrem na região Neotropical, e nove foram reportados para répteis neotropicais. Physaloptera spp. são reconhecidas por sua morfologia distinta na extremidade apical e por caracteres do sistema reprodutivo, especialmente nos machos. No entanto, embora os caracteres morfológicos para o diagnóstico de espécies tenham sido estabelecidos, frequentemente são encontrados problemas de identificação em relação a descrições pouco detalhadas e espécimes mal preservados. Isto pode levar a incongruências taxonômicas e erros de identificação. Physaloptera retusa (Rudolphi, 1819) é a espécie mais comum do gênero e tem sido reportada para várias espécies de répteis neotropicais. Com base nos estudos das revisões de espécimes de nematódeos, identificados como P. retusa de diferentes coleções de museus, foi providenciada uma redescrição detalhada, incluindo-se o material-tipo, espécimes "voucher" e novos espécimes obtidos neste estudo com novos dados morfológicos, obtidos a partir de microscopia eletrônica de luz e varredura.(AU)
Spiruroidea/classificação , Exposições Científicas , Répteis/parasitologiaResumo
Aniara sepulchralis specimens sampled at different locations (Belém and Bragantina microregions) show differences in size of some morphological structures such as head width, pronotum width, distance between eyes, pronotum base width, labral length, labral width, and spur of the third pair of legs. These changes may be due to biotic, abiotic, and structural factors peculiar to each environment. Differences in structures and morphological measurements of males and females of Aniara sepulchralis were observed, characterized as sexual dimorphism in relation to their teeth and labral-clypeal suture. Females present apical teeth and rectilinear suture, whereas males present a more rounded shape in both teeth and the labral-clypeal suture. Regarding measurements, females have greater body length, head width, eye distance, pronotum length, pronotum width, labral length, and pronotum base width than males.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Caracteres Sexuais , BiodiversidadeResumo
Phenacorhamdia nigrolineata is redescribed, and the expansion of its geographic distribution is presented based on abundant new records. Morphological analysis, meristic comparison and osteological description were performed. No one autapomorphy was identified for P. nigrolineata, but the species is identified by an exclusive combination of characters of coloration of the body, morphometric and meristic data (snout length, maxillary and outer mental barbels length; number of vertebrae). A discussion of its geographic distribution, coloration pattern of the body, the putative relationships among some species of the genus, and its conservation status are presented.(AU)
Phenacorhamdia nigrolineata é redescrita e a expansão de sua distribuição geográfica é apresentada com base em abundantes novos registros. Foram realizadas análises morfológicas, comparação merística e descrição osteológica. Nenhuma autapomorfia foi identificada para P. nigrolineata, mas a espécie é identificada por uma combinação exclusiva de caracteres de colorido do corpo, dados morfométricos e merísticos (comprimento do focinho, comprimento dos barbilhões maxilares e mentais externos; número de vértebras). Uma discussão dessa distribuição geográfica, padrão de coloração do corpo, as supostas relações entre algumas espécies do gênero e seu estado de conservação são apresentados.(AU)
Animais , Coloração e Rotulagem/veterinária , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
This study aimed to redescribe two species of Ozolaimus, parasites of free-living green iguanas native to Marajó Island. The gastrointestinal system of four iguana specimens was evaluated for the presence of helminths. Altogether, 12,028 nematodes were found, with a prevalence of 100%, an infection range of 780 to 7,736 nematodes, an infection intensity of 3.007, and a mean abundance of 3,007. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used to determine the species of nematodes found. The cecum was the site of infection that had the highest parasitic load. Morphologically, the nematodes were compatible with the genus Ozolaimus Dujardin, 1844, with the species Ozolaimus megatyphlon (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845, and Ozolaimus cirratus Linstow, 1906. Scanning electron microscopy showed the presence of small structures (serrated in Ozolaimus cirratus and rounded in Ozolaimus megatyphlon) located below the esophageal leaves. We also evidenced the phasmids in both species; this is the first record of these structures in nematodes of the genus Ozolaimus. In addition, this work expands the records on the geographic distribution of these parasites.(AU)
Este estudo tem como objetivo redescrever duas espécies de Ozolaimus, parasitas de iguanas verdes de vida livre nativas da Ilha de Marajó. O sistema gastrointestinal de quatro espécimes de iguana foi avaliado quanto à presença de helmintos. Ao todo, foram encontrados 12.028 nematoides, com prevalência de 100%, intervalo de infecção de 780 a 7.736 nematoides, intensidade de infecção de 3.007 e abundância média de 3.007. Microscopia de luz e microscopia eletrônica de varredura foram utilizadas para determinar as espécies de nematoides encontradas. O ceco foi o local de infecção que apresentou maior carga parasitária. Morfologicamente, os nematoides eram compatíveis com o gênero Ozolaimus Dujardin, 1844, com as espécies Ozolaimus megatyphlon (Rudolphi, 1819) Dujardin, 1845 e Ozolaimus cirratus Linstow, 1906. A microscopia eletrônica de varredura mostrou a presença de pequenas estruturas (serrilhadas em Ozolaimus cirratus e arredondadas em Ozolaimus megatyphlon) localizado abaixo das folhas esofágicas. Também foram evidenciados os fasmídeos em ambas as espécies; este é o primeiro registro dessas estruturas em nematoides do gênero Ozolaimus. Além disso, este trabalho amplia os registros sobre a distribuição geográfica desses parasitos.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Oxyurida/epidemiologia , Iguanas/parasitologia , Brasil , OxyuridaResumo
The genus Baruscapillaria Moravec, 1982 has six valid species recorded in birds Phalacrocoracidae, namely Baruscapillaria appendiculata Freitas, 1933, B. spiculata Freitas, 1933, B. carbonis (Dubinin & Dubinina, 1940), B. jaenschi (Johnston & Mawson, 1945), B. phalacrocoraxi (Borgarenko, 1975) and B. rudolphii Moravec, Scholz and Nasincová, 1994. Helminthological tests carried out on cormorants of the species Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gmelin), a migratory bird that occurs in the northeast of the State of Pará, Brazil, demonstrate B. appendiculata parasitizing the cloaca of these birds, through light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and molecular biology. These studies allowed a redescription of males and females of this nematode in these hosts and in this geographical area through integrative taxonomy. The occurrence of lesions in the cloaca caused by this nematode parasite was registered using histological analysis. This is a new geographic report for this nematode.(AU)
O gênero Baruscapillaria Moravec, 1982 possui seis espécies válidas registradas em aves Phalacrocoracidae, sendo Baruscapillaria appendiculata Freitas, 1933, B. spiculata Freitas, 1933, B. carbonis (Dubinin & Dubinina, 1940), B. jaenschi (Johnston & Mawson, 1945), B. phalacrocoraxi (Borgarenko, 1975) e B. rudolphii Moravec, Scholz & Nasincová, 1994. Exames helmintológicos realizados em mergulhões da espécie Phalacrocorax brasilianus (Gmelin), aves migratórias que ocorrem no nordeste do Estado do Pará, Brasil, demonstram B. appendiculata parasitando a cloaca dessas aves, através de microscopia de luz, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e biologia molecular. Estes estudos permitiram uma redescrição de machos e fêmeas deste nematódeo, neste hospedeiro e nesta área geográfica, através da taxonomia integrativa. Foi registrada a ocorrência de lesões na cloaca causadas pelo parasitismo desse nematódeo, por meio de análise histológica, sendo um novo registro geográfico elw.(AU)
Animais , Passeriformes/parasitologia , Interações Hospedeiro-Parasita/fisiologia , Nematoides/parasitologia , BrasilResumo
We provide a taxonomic note on Paedarium Aldrich, 1926, with new generic synonyms, Neopaedarium Blanchard, 1943 syn. nov. and Velardemyia Valencia, 1972 syn. nov., and new combinations resulting from these synonyms, Paedarium ica (Valencia, 1972) comb. nov. and Paedarium subauratum (Blanchard, 1943) comb. nov.Paedarium punctipennis Walker, 1857, is considered an unplaced species of Voriini. A redescription of P. subauratum and notes on its biology are given. A key for species of the genus Paedarium is provided.(AU)
Animais , Spodoptera , DípterosResumo
ABSTRACT Three new and one already known species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 are described from five species of Labeo (Cyprinidae) sampled in the middle section of the Sanaga hydrosystem (Centre Region-Cameroon): Dactylogyrus sanagaensis sp. nov. from Labeo sanagaensis Tshibwabwa, 1997, L. nunensis Pellegrin, 1929, L. camerunensis Trewavas, 1974 and L. annectens Boulenger, 1903; Dactylogyrus nachtigalensis sp. nov. and D. yassensis Musilová, ehulková & Gelnar, 2009 from Labeo batesii Boulenger, 1911; and Dactylogyrus djimensis sp. nov. from Labeo camerunensis. Dactylogyrus sanagaensis sp. nov. is close to D. longiphalloides, D. longiphallus, D. leonis, D. marocanus, and D. dembae, however it can be easily distinguished from these species by the size of MCO. Dactylogyrus nachtigalensis sp. nov. is similar to D. dembae and D. sanagaensis sp. nov. but this new species can be mainly differentiated by the length of penis. Dactylogyrus djimensis sp. nov. mostly similar to D. omega can be differentiated from it by the penis diameter. Dactylogyrus yassensis collected from Cameroon doesnt significantly differ morphometrically from the original description, thus extends the distribution of this species to Sanaga basin. Monogenean species collected from Labeo spp. in the middle section of the Sanaga hydrosystem were classified into two morphological groups: the pseudanchoratus-like group and the cyclocirrus-like group newly defined herein. Phylogenetic relationships are suggested among Dactylogyrus species.
A new species of the leafhopper genus Andanus Linnavuori, 1959 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalinae: Athysanini), A. tambopixunensis sp. nov., is described. Materials studied were intercepted using Malaise and light traps in the Tambopata National Reserve (Peru) and the Amazonian Forest (Brazil). The genera Perundanus Zanol, 1993 syn. nov. and Paralaca Lozada, 1998 syn. nov. are recognized as junior synonyms of Andanus based on morphological comparison. The type species of Perundanus and Paralaca, A. raunoi (Zanol, 1993) comb. nov. and A. sordidus (Lozada, 1998) comb. nov., respectively, are transferred to Andanus. A detailed redescription of the genus and illustrations of external and genital morphology are provided as well as a key to the known species. The new species differs from other species in having a pygofer without processes, subgenital plates divergent, and aedeagus with a pair of short dorsoapical and single ventroapical spine. Comparative notes on morphological similarities of Andanus to other Neotropical Athysanini genera are discussed.(AU)
Animais , Hemípteros/anatomia & histologia , Hemípteros/classificação , Peru , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
An adult female of Pelecorhynchus kroeberi (Lindner, 1925) is newly recollected after more than 100 years and it is herein redescribed, including, for the first time, illustrations of genitalia. The specimen was collected in the Región de Aysén, Provincia de Aysén (46°40'11.9â³S, 74°00'54.0â³W), in the extreme south of Chile, and the specimen is deposited in the Entomological Collection of Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago, Chile.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Dípteros/anatomia & histologia , Especificidade da Espécie , ChileResumo
Myotis atacamensis (Lataste, 1892) was described based on three syntypes from San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. The type series is lost. The original description was based on few external and cranial characters, and the diagnosis became obsolete and useless considering the current diversity of South American Myotis. Based on 12 specimens of M. atacamensis from southern Peru and northern Chile, we provide a morphological comparison with its South American congeners, designate a neotype, and provide a new diagnosis.(AU)
Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Quirópteros/classificação , EcossistemaResumo
Three new and one already known species of Dactylogyrus Diesing, 1850 are described from five species of Labeo (Cyprinidae) sampled in the middle section of the Sanaga hydrosystem (Centre Region-Cameroon): Dactylogyrus sanagaensis sp. nov. from Labeo sanagaensis Tshibwabwa, 1997, L. nunensis Pellegrin, 1929, L. camerunensis Trewavas, 1974 and L. annectens Boulenger, 1903; Dactylogyrus nachtigalensis sp. nov. and D. yassensis Musilová, Rehulková & Gelnar, 2009 from Labeo batesii Boulenger, 1911; and Dactylogyrus djimensis sp. nov. from Labeo camerunensis. Dactylogyrus sanagaensis sp. nov. is close to D. longiphalloides, D. longiphallus, D. leonis, D. marocanus, and D. dembae, however it can be easily distinguished from these species by the size of MCO. Dactylogyrus nachtigalensis sp. nov. is similar to D. dembae and D. sanagaensis sp. nov. but this new species can be mainly differentiated by the length of penis. Dactylogyrus djimensis sp. nov. mostly similar to D. omega can be differentiated from it by the penis diameter. Dactylogyrus yassensis collected from Cameroon doesn't significantly differ morphometrically from the original description, thus extends the distribution of this species to Sanaga basin. Monogenean species collected from Labeo spp. in the middle section of the Sanaga hydrosystem were classified into two morphological groups: the 'pseudanchoratus-like group' and the 'cyclocirrus-like group' newly defined herein. Phylogenetic relationships are suggested among Dactylogyrus species.
Animais , Platelmintos/classificação , Carpas/parasitologia , Brânquias/parasitologia , CamarõesResumo
A identidade de Psalidodon eigenmanniorum (Cope, 1894) e a possibilidade de se constituir em mais de uma espécie é testada através de análises da morfometria (19 medidas), dos caracteres merísticos (14 contagens) e do padrão de colorido de 705 exemplares provenientes dos sistemas dos rios Tramandaí/Mampituba, da laguna dos Patos e drenagem do baixo rio Uruguai. Foram diafanizados e corados 40 exemplares. Os dados morfométricos foram utilizados na Análise de Componentes Principais, Análise Discriminante, Morfometria Geométrica e Função Discriminante. As análises foram feitas considerando os sexos em separado dentro de cada sistema hidrográfico, bem como comparando as populações entre os sistemas hidrográficos e finalmente no conjunto de sistemas representando a área de ocorrência da espécie. A partir dos dados analisados não foram encontradas diferenças entre os sexos. Os resultados mostraram variação morfológica que não sustenta o reconhecimento de possíveis espécies crípticas. A variação encontrada nos dados merísticos, morfométricos e no padrão de colorido justifica a redescrição da espécie. Os resultados das comparações entre as populações indicaram variações nesses caracteres indicando que a espécie possui considerável plasticidade fenotípica.(AU)
The identity of Psalidodon eigenmanniorum (Cope, 1894) and the possibility of constituting more than one species is tested through analyzes of morphometry (19 measurements), meristic characters (14 counts) and the color pattern of 705 specimens from the Tramandaí/Mampituba, from the Patos lagoon and from the lower Uruguay River drainage. Forty specimens were cleared and stained. Morphometric data were used in Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, Geometric Morphometry and Discriminant Function. The analysis was carried out considering the sexes separately within each hydrographic system, as well as comparing the populations between the hydrographic systems and finally in the set of systems representing the area of occurrence of the species. No differences were found between the sexes in the analyzed data. The results showed morphological variation that does not support the recognition of possible cryptic species. The variation found in meristic, morphometric and color pattern data justifies the redescription of the species. The species is described to the aforementioned drainages, and the results demonstrate its phenotypic plasticity.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Análise de Componente Principal/métodos , Characidae/classificação , Análise Discriminante , Variação Biológica da PopulaçãoResumo
Abstract Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) have been largely used for the biological control of arthropod pests. However, information on the phytoseiid fauna associated with plants of the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil is still scanty. Surveys were carried out in two areas of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State - Jaguanum island and Paraty. We report 11 species of seven genera from all three subfamilies. A complementary re-description is provided for Amblyseius impeltatusDenmark & Muma, 1973 and measurements are provided for ten other species.
Abstract Phytoseiid mites (Acari: Phytoseiidae) have been largely used for the biological control of arthropod pests. However, information on the phytoseiid fauna associated with plants of the Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil is still scanty. Surveys were carried out in two areas of Atlantic Forest in Rio de Janeiro State - Jaguanum island and Paraty. We report 11 species of seven genera from all three subfamilies. A complementary re-description is provided for Amblyseius impeltatusDenmark & Muma, 1973 and measurements are provided for ten other species.
Abstract Cymothoa ianuariiSchioedte & Meinert, 1884 is rediscovered almost 136 years after its original description and redescribed from specimens collected in the state of São Paulo. This species is mainly characterized by adult females with cephalon with conspicuous eyes and not deeply immersed in pereonite 1, pereonites 5-6 much wider than 4, pleotelson twice as wide as long and pleopods 1-5 decreasing in size; Cymothoa excisaPerty, 1833 and C. oestrum (Linnaeus, 1758) are recorded from the state of Bahia. Illustrations and an updated distribution map for these species in Brazil are provided.
Abstract Trichodischia Bigot, 1885 is a Neotropical genus with a confusing taxonomic history. This was initially composed of two species: T. caerulea Bigot, 1885 and T. soror Bigot, 1885. Later, the genus TrichoraeaCortés, 1974 was erected for T. caerulea. When reviewing the taxonomic history of both species, we discovered that both genera have been considered synonymous based on erroneous information and without a formal synonymy being proposed. Herein, we redescribed T. soror, provide images of adults and describe the male terminalia for the first time. In addition, by examining the type material, we propose Trichoraea as a junior synonym of Trichodischia, syn. nov., confirm T. caerulea comb. rest. and T. soror as valid species and provide some comments about the taxonomy and host record of the genus.
Abstract The monotypic genus Bunostigma Mello-Leitão, 1935 is herein revisited. A detailed redescription of its type-species, Bunostigma singulare Mello-Leitão, 1935 from Rio de Janeiro state, eastern Brazil, is herein presented, providing in depth knowledge of this genus. Bunostigma is most closely related to Cryptogeobius Mello-Leitão, 1935, and as this genus, it has a stout complex apophysis on male coxa IV, lacking, however, a second complex on the stigmatic area. Bunostigma has an oblique elongate malleus, similar to that of Zalanodius Mello-Leitão, 1936 (as opposed to a globular malleus in Cryptogeobius). Bunostigma singulare has short legs, with some sexual dimorphism on its stoutness, a dorsal scutum entirely unarmed and an ocularium with an accessory central mound, although unarmed.
Abstract Trichodischia Bigot, 1885 is a Neotropical genus with a confusing taxonomic history. This was initially composed of two species: T. caerulea Bigot, 1885 and T. soror Bigot, 1885. Later, the genus TrichoraeaCortés, 1974 was erected for T. caerulea. When reviewing the taxonomic history of both species, we discovered that both genera have been considered synonymous based on erroneous information and without a formal synonymy being proposed. Herein, we redescribed T. soror, provide images of adults and describe the male terminalia for the first time. In addition, by examining the type material, we propose Trichoraea as a junior synonym of Trichodischia, syn. nov., confirm T. caerulea comb. rest. and T. soror as valid species and provide some comments about the taxonomy and host record of the genus.
Abstract The monotypic genus Bunostigma Mello-Leitão, 1935 is herein revisited. A detailed redescription of its type-species, Bunostigma singulare Mello-Leitão, 1935 from Rio de Janeiro state, eastern Brazil, is herein presented, providing in depth knowledge of this genus. Bunostigma is most closely related to Cryptogeobius Mello-Leitão, 1935, and as this genus, it has a stout complex apophysis on male coxa IV, lacking, however, a second complex on the stigmatic area. Bunostigma has an oblique elongate malleus, similar to that of Zalanodius Mello-Leitão, 1936 (as opposed to a globular malleus in Cryptogeobius). Bunostigma singulare has short legs, with some sexual dimorphism on its stoutness, a dorsal scutum entirely unarmed and an ocularium with an accessory central mound, although unarmed.
Abstract Megalobulimus dryades sp. nov. is described from the Atlantic Forest in the Vale do Ribeira region, in the states of Paraná and São Paulo, S-SE Brazil, based on morphology. Representatives of the new species with white peristome and glossy periostracum have been misidentified as Megalobulimus gummatus (Hidalgo, 1870) since the 19th Century. The true M. gummatus is revised and redescribed, and its distribution is here restricted to Rio de Janeiro state. Externally, the new species differs from M. gummatus in having distinct protoconch color and sculpture, teleoconch sculpture marked by strong anastomosing rugosities and malleations, and lighter colored white-greyish head-foot. Internally, it presents distinct jaw and radular features, a talon, and a long convoluted penis bearing two flagella. Additional comparisons with other Brazilian congeneric species are also provided.