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Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(2): e230030, 2023. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448727


Environmental factors act at multiple spatial scales in a hierarchical manner to shape the organization of biota. However, the relative influence of different scale-related factors is poorly known, especially in Atlantic Forest Blackwater streams. Therefore, we herein aimed to evaluate local, landscape and spatial factors that shape fish assemblages in 14 blackwater restinga coastal Atlantic Forest streams under natural conditions and verify species occurrence patterns among four sub-basins during the low-precipitation season. When we combined local, landscape and spatial factors, variance partitioning explained a high proportion of variation in species matrix. Local variables pH and Total Dissolved Solids explained most of the variability, and these were the most important factors in determining fish community structure. Significant differences in fish assemblage structure among the four sub-basins were observed, and Mimagoniates microlepis, Phalloceros harpagos, and Hollandichthys multifasciatus were the species that most contributed to this dissimilarity. The important contribution of local predictors, the high number of endemic species herein recorded, the presence of an endangered species (Spintherobolus broccae), and near pristine conditions, may be used as baseline conditions for the assessment of similar environments.

Fatores ambientais atuam em múltiplas escalas espaciais de forma hierárquica, moldando a organização da biota. Todavia, as influências relativas de fatores relacionados a diferentes escalas são ainda pouco conhecidas, especialmente em riachos de águas pretas da Mata Atlântica. Investigamos como os fatores locais, da paisagem e espaciais, moldam as assembleias de peixes em 14 riachos costeiros de restinga de águas pretas da Mata Atlântica sob condições naturais, verificando os padrões de ocorrência de espécies em quatro sub-bacias durante a estação de baixa precipitação. A partição de variância explicou uma alta proporção de variação na matriz de espécies ao combinar fatores locais, de paisagem e espaciais. As variáveis ​ locais pH e Sólidos Totais Dissolvidos explicaram a maior parte da variabilidade e foram os fatores mais importantes na estruturação da comunidade de peixes. Foram observadas diferenças significativas na estrutura da assembleia de peixes entre as quatro sub-bacias, sendo que Mimagoniates microlepis, Phalloceros harpagos e Hollandichthys multifasciatus foram as espécies que mais contribuíram para essa dissimilaridade. A importante contribuição dos preditores locais, o alto número de espécies endêmicas e a presença de uma espécie ameaçada (Spintherobolus broccae) indicam condições próximas das pristinas dos riachos, podendo estes ser usados como referência para a avaliação de ambientes semelhantes.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Rios , Peixes/classificação
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363022, 2023. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448755


Fire might occur under natural conditions in the Pantanal of Brazil; however, with climate change, severe periods of drought potentiated the devasting fires in 2020, resulting in substantial wildlife loss. Considering that mammal communities are strongly affected by fire and habitat alterations, the aim of this study was to evaluate possible differences in mammal diversity and the number of records before and one year after the fire in one region of the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil (Parque SESC Baía das Pedras - PSBP). The data collection was performed using camera trapping between 2015 and 2017 and 2021, together with visual field observations in PSBP. We observed that the mammal assemblage composition was similar before and one year after the fire. Four species were more or less frequent in burned areas than in unburned ones. Since the fire was controlled in this area, avoiding its total destruction, and the species that fled from the surrounding areas, which were completely burnt, might be using PSBP as a refuge while the vegetation recovers elsewhere. Therefore, the PSBP might have contributed to protecting mammal species after the fire and maintaining and conserving biodiversity on a regional scale in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Animais , Biodiversidade , Áreas Alagadas , Incêndios , Mamíferos/classificação
Pap. avulsos zool ; 63: e202363033, 2023. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1509962


Faunal inventories contribute to our understanding of regional diversity, and are fundamental for policy and de-cision-making regarding the management and conservation of large natural areas. This study aimed to inventory and com-pile information on amphibian species occurring in the North Pantanal region, in the municipal limits of Cáceres, Mato Grosso, Brazil. We used three methods to inventory amphibian species: (1) fieldwork, (2) analysis of specimens deposited in scientif-ic collections, and (3) literature reviews. We registered 49 amphibian species in Cáceres. Of them, 48 species belonged to the Anura order and were distributed across eight families and 20 genera, and one species belonged to the Gymnophiona order (Siphonops paulensis). The families Leptodactylidae (20 spp.) and Hylidae (17 spp.) were dominant in terms of richness, ac-counting for 75.5% of all species found in Cáceres. The remaining families had between four and one species each. The mu-nicipality is strongly influenced by non-forested formations (e.g., the Cerrado and Pantanal) and presents a high species rich-ness for a non-forested location in Brazil. Our findings highlight Cáceres as one of the richest areas in amphibian species in the North Pantanal region, expanding our knowledge regarding frog diversity. This study provides a foundation for future conser-vation strategies and additional assessments of amphibian species in light of potential population declines and other emerg-ing threats.(AU)

Biodiversidade , Anfíbios/anatomia & histologia , Anfíbios/classificação , Brasil , Áreas Alagadas
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e243666, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339361


Abstract Brazil is the world's richest country in biodiversity, including mammal species. In the Brazilian Cerrado biome, mammalian diversity is vast, with about 251 species, 32 of them are endemic and 22 listed as threatened species. In this work, we investigated species diversity of medium- and large-sized mammals in the private protected area RPPN Pontal do Jaburu (RPPN-PJ) and its surroundings, which is a flooded area located in an important biological corridor in the Cerrado-Amazon ecotone zone, a priority area for biodiversity conservation in Brazil. We used camera-trapping, active search (night and day), and track survey during dry season (Apr - Aug 2016). We recorded 29 mammal species, being the Carnivora order the most representative with 11 species. Regarding threat status, 35.7% of the recorded species were listed as threatened in Brazil and 32.1% worldwide. We highlight the high relative frequency of threatened species records such as Tapirus terrestris, Panthera onca, Blastocerus dichotomus, Pteronura brasiliensis, Priodontes maximus, and other, as well as the presence of the newly described aquatic mammal species Inia araguaiaensis. We stress the importance of RPPN-PJ and its surroundings for mammal conservation, which include complex habitats (wetlands) located in an important ecotone zone.

Resumo O Brasil é o país mais rico em biodiversidade no mundo, incluindo espécies de mamíferos. No bioma Cerrado, a diversidade de mamíferos é enorme, com cerca de 251 espécies, sendo 32 delas endêmicas e 22 listadas como ameaçadas de extinção. Neste estudo, investigamos a diversidade de espécies de mamíferos de médio e grande porte da RPPN Pontal do Jaburu (RPPN-PJ) e seu entorno, que é uma floresta de inundação localizada em um importante corredor biológico na zona de ecótono Cerrado-Amazonia, uma área prioritária para conservação da biodiversidade no Brasil. Os dados foram coletados por armadilhas fotográficas, busca ativa (noturna e diurna) e identificação de pegadas durante a estação seca (abril - agosto de 2016). Registramos um grande número de espécies de mamíferos (n = 29), sendo a ordem carnívora a mais representativa com 11 espécies. Com relação ao status de ameaça, 34,5% das espécies registradas foram listadas como ameaçadas na lista vermelha do Brasil e 20,7% na lista vermelha da IUCN. Destacamos a alta frequência relativa de registros de espécies ameaçadas como Tapirus terrestris, Panthera onca, Blastocerus dichotomus, Pteronura brasiliensis, Priodontes maximus, bem como a presença da recém descrita espécie de mamífero aquático Inia araguaiaensis. Nós discutimos a importância da RPPN-PJ e seus arredores para a conservação de espécies de mamíferos, onde inclui habitats complexos (áreas de inundação) localizados em uma importante zona de ecótono.. Os resultados reforçam a relevância desta área para a conservação de mamíferos.

Animais , Áreas Alagadas , Mamíferos , Brasil , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Biodiversidade
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(3): e20210367, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412096


The aim of this work was to evaluate whether there is any influence of temporary soil flooding on the agronomic performance and yield of wheat varieties. The experimental design was completely random blocks, in an 11x2 factorial scheme (eleven varieties and two soil water conditions), with four replications. Stress was imposed in the stage prior to plant anthesis. The assessments were made in two seasons (2016/2017) in relation to the number of spikelets in the main ear, number of seeds in the main ear, mass of seeds in the main ear, number of seeds in the tiller ear, mass of seeds in the tiller ear and yield in the useful area. The physical attributes number of seeds, seed mass and wheat seed yield, according to variety and agricultural year, are negatively affected by the temporary flooding (12 days) of the soil. There is influence of temporary soil flooding on the agronomic performance and yield of wheat varieties. The varieties TBio Toruk, TBio Sinuelo, TBio Sintonia, and CD151 are superior in soil flooding condition for the number of spikelets, number of seeds end for the seed mass attribute. In the soil at field capacity, the seeds produced have higher yield compared to those produced under flooding period, reaching about 309.2 Kg more for the variety TBio Sinuelo, 262 Kg for TBio Toruk and 114 Kg in CD1303.

O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar se há influência do alagamento temporário do solo no desempenho agronômico e no rendimento de cultivares de trigo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 11x2 (onze cultivares e duas condições hídricas do solo), com quatro repetições. O estresse foi o imposto no estádio antecedente a antese das plantas. Foi realizada a avaliação por dois anos (2016/2017) do número de espigueta da espiga principal, número de sementes da espiga principal, massa de sementes da espiga principal, número de sementes da espiga do perfilho, massa de sementes da espiga do perfilho e rendimento da área útil. Os atributos físicos número de sementes, massa de sementes e o rendimento de sementes de trigo, conforme a cultivar e ano agrícola, são afetados negativamente pelo alagamento temporário (12 dias) do solo. Há influência do alagamento temporário do solo no desempenho agronômico e na produtividade das variedades de trigo. As variedades TBio Toruk, TBio Sinuelo, TBio Sintonia e CD151 são superiores na condição de alagamento do solo para o número de espiguetas, número de sementes e para o atributo massa de sementes. Na condição de capacidade de campo, as sementes produzidas apresentam maior rendimento, atingindo cerca de 309,2 Kg a mais para a cultivar TBio Sinuelo, 262 Kg para a TBio Toruk e 114 Kg na CD1303 em comparação àquelas produzidas sob o período de alagamento imposto.

Sementes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Triticum/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Áreas Alagadas
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(6): 1-10, 2023. ilus, mapa
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413073


The present study evaluated the growth of the species Mytella guyanensis and Mytella strigata on ropes suspended in Amazon Macrotidal Mangrove Coast. The mussels were farmed at a density of 840 ind. m-1 of rope, with the same shell height (mm) and live weight (g) for both species. The experiment was entirely randomized, with two treatments and 15 repetitions. Significant differences were reported regarding the growth (shell height and live weight) between the species (P>0.05). The daily growth rate was greater for M. guyanensis than for M. strigata. At the end of the cultivation cycle, only 451 ± 46 (59.9%) of M. guyanensis individuals reached commercial size per meter of rope compared to 670 ± 73 (89.3%) of M. strigata individuals. Survival rates were similar. Salinity and temperature increased progressively throughout the experiment with the reduction in rainfall and were within the range considered ideal for these species. In conclusion, the farming of both species of mussels was viable under estuarine conditions influenced by macrotides, with satisfactory survival rates and daily growth (shell height and weight).

O presente trabalho avaliou o crescimento das espécies Mytella guyanensis e Mytella strigata em cordas suspensas na Costa de Manguezais de Macromarés da Amazônia. Os mexilhões foram cultivados na densidade de 840 ind. m-1 de corda, com a mesma altura de valva (mm) e peso vivo (g) para ambas as espécies. O experimento ocorreu inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos e 15 repetições. Foram encontradas diferenças significativas quanto ao crescimento (altura da concha e peso vivo) entre as espécies (P>0,05). A taxa de crescimento diário foi maior para a M. guyanensis do que para M. strigata. Ao final do ciclo de cultivo, apenas 451 ± 46 (59,9%) indivíduos de M. guyanensis atingiram o tamanho comercial por metro de corda comparado a 670 ± 73 (89,3%) indivíduos de M. strigata. As taxas de sobrevivência foram semelhantes. A salinidade e a temperatura aumentaram progressivamente ao longo do experimento com a redução das chuvas e ficaram dentro da faixa considerada ideal para essas espécies. Em conclusão, o cultivo de ambas as espécies de mexilhões foi viável em condições estuarinas influenciadas pelas macromarés, com taxas de sobrevivência e crescimento diário satisfatórios (altura de valva e peso).

Animais , Bivalves/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Áreas Alagadas , Ecossistema Amazônico
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e268746, 2023. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417339


The presence of monodominant vegetative formations almost exclusively composed of Acuri palm trees (Attalea phalerata) stands out in some regions of the Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense. These formations are generally associated with anthropic, edaphic and/or hydrological factors. However, little is known about the effect of allelopathy on the formation and maintenance of these areas. Herein, we investigated the chemical composition of A. phalerata aqueous leaf extract and the potential allelopathic effects on germination and growth of target L. sativa, L. esculentum and S. obtusifolia species. Thus, extracts at concentrations of 0, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, and 20% were used for germination and growth bioassays with a completely randomised design in a germination chamber and greenhouse. The results showed that the A. phalerata extracts negatively affected the germination speed index and mean germination time of the target species and positively affected seedling length under controlled conditions and were also stimulated in the greenhouse. Thus, the formation of Acurizals can be related to the presence of secondary metabolites in the leaves, in addition to other environmental factors.

No Pantanal Sul-Mato-Grossense se destaca, em determinadas regiões, a presença de formações vegetacionais monodominantes, compostas quase que exclusivamente por uma espécie de palmeira, o Acuri (Attalea phalerata). Normalmente estas formações estão associadas a fatores antrópicos, edáficos e/ou hidrológicos. Porém pouco se sabe sobre o efeito da alelopatia na formação e manutenção destas áreas. Desta maneira, objetivou-se estudar a composição química dos extratos aquosos das folhas de A. phalerata e seus possíveis efeitos alelopáticos na germinação e crescimento das espécies-alvo, alface, tomate e fedegoso. Para os bioensaios de germinação e crescimento, foram utilizados extratos nas concentrações de 0, 2,5, 5, 10, 15 e 20%, com delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em câmara de germinação e casa de vegetação. Os resultados demostraram que em condições controladas (câmara de germinação), os extratos de A. phalerata afetaram negativamente o índice de velocidade de germinação e o tempo médio de geminação das espécies-alvo e positivamente, o comprimento das plântulas, que também foram estimuladas em casa de vegetação, indicando a presença de fitormônios. Desta maneira, a formação de Acurizais pode estar relacionada à presença de metabolitos secundários nas folhas, além de outros fatores ambientais.

Reguladores de Crescimento de Plantas/análise , Cocos , Alelopatia , Brasil , Áreas Alagadas
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262042, 2022. tab, mapas, ilus, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396256


In Brazil, the White-backed Stilt Himantopus melanurus is distributed in the midwest, south and southeast but breeding information is scarce. In this study, species breeding information in the country was compiled from online platform (WikiAves, eBird) and literature. A case study describing nests and egg biometry were reported in Restinga of Jurubatiba National Park (RJNP), on the north cost of Rio de Janeiro state, as well potential threats to the species. Sampling was carried out in September and December 2018, monthly in 2019 and between January to March and September to December in 2020. Overall, 70 breeding records were compiled, between 1997 and November 2021, being 64 from WikiAves in all regions of Brazil, four records from eBird in São Paulo state (in 2021) and two records in literature (one from São Paulo state, in 2007 and one from Rio de Janeiro in 2012). In RJNP, 44 nests were identified being 34 active, with an average of 3.5 eggs per nest, and overall 118 eggs were measured. The main materials used to build the nests were the saltmarsh plant and mud. Around 60% of nests were degraded or predated. Predation was the main cause of egg loss. Successful nests (with chicks or hatching signs) represented 26% of the total nests monitored. This study reports the first information on the biometry of the species' eggs and nests, confirming the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro state as a nesting area for the species.(AU)

Animais , Charadriiformes/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Culicidae/fisiologia , Brasil
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 44: e62571, mar. 2022. tab, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413347


Wetlands provide several ecological, biological, and environmental benefits, including their role in the hydrological cycle, especially in coastal areas. Coastal wetlands are affected by anthropogenic threats, as these are in constant synergy with local populations and agricultural expansion, which is one of the main factors causing their depletion. In addition, the ravages of climate change accentuate their vulnerability, which may lead to their irreparable loss. In this regard, the objective of this workwas to identify the coastal wetlands of northern Peru and in order to verify the progress made in their conservation. For this purpose, a search was performed in wetlands atlas and similar studies, and a check was made to see if those wetlands had recordsof flora and fauna studies. Finally, information was sought on protection measures in the area. Consequently, 22 coastal wetlands were registered, and among them, three are internationally recognized as Ramsar sites: Mangroves of Tumbes, Mangrove of San Pedro de Vice, and the Virrilá Estuary, where commendable conservation efforts are underway. However, it was found that more than 77% of the coastal wetlands in northern Peru do not have preservation actions or scientific evidence describing their biodiversity.(AU)

Preservação Biológica , Costa , Áreas Alagadas , Peru , Biodiversidade
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-10, 2022. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468528


Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822) is an estuarine gastropod of tropical occurrence, which lives mainly on trunks of mangrove tree species. This study aimed to evaluate the population attributes of this species, such as abundance, space-time distribution, sex ratio and recruitment in mangroves in Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. The specimens were collected monthly throughout 2018, on trunks of the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. at two heights and on two horizontal levels. Specimens that were on the marine grass Spartina alterniflora Loisel were also collected. After counting, biometrics and sexing, the specimens were returned alive to the environment. The average size and weight of L. angulifera was higher (p<0.05) in places with taller and less sparse trees and the vertical distribution on the trunks showed a preference for strata close to the soil. Both results are related to shading and protection against desiccation. Females were more abundant than males, at an approximate sex ratio F: M of 1.4: 1. Recruits were observed throughout the period, showing continuous reproduction of the species with a recruitment peak in spring (September to November). The study revealed the importance of keep the mangroves intact to allow the maintenance of the natural stocks of the species.

Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822) é um gastrópode estuarino, de ocorrência tropical, que vive principalmente sobre troncos de espécies arbóreas de mangue. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos populacionais dessa espécie, como abundância, distribuição espaço-temporal, razão sexual e recrutamento em manguezais do estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. Os espécimes foram coletados mensalmente ao longo de 2018, em troncos do mangue vermelho Rhizophora mangle L. em duas alturas e em dois níveis horizontais. Também foram coletados espécimes que estavam na grama marinha Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Após contagem, biometria e sexagem, os espécimes foram devolvidos vivos ao ambiente. O tamanho e peso médios de L. angulifera foram maiores (p<0,05) em locais com árvores mais altas e menos esparsas e a distribuição vertical nos troncos mostrou preferência por estratos próximos ao solo. Ambos os resultados estão relacionados ao sombreamento e proteção contra a dessecação. As fêmeas foram mais abundantes que os machos, em uma proporção sexual aproximada F: M de 1,4: 1. Recrutas foram observados ao longo do período, mostrando reprodução contínua da espécie, com um pico de recrutamento na primavera (setembro a novembro). O estudo revelou a importância de manter os manguezais intactos para permitir a manutenção dos estoques naturais da espécie.

Animais , Gastrópodes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Áreas Alagadas , Densidade Demográfica
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e242636, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1285595


Cranes are the large and attractive Creatures of nature with long necks, legs, and life-span. Adults of both sexes are the same with similar color patterns. Demoiselle cranes spend most of their lifespan on dry grasses. They are also found around the stream, rivers, shallow lakes, natural wetlands, and depressions. To evaluate the current status of habitat use and major threats a study was conducted in tehsil Domel district Bannu. Line transect method and water quality tests (temperature, PH, contamination of E-coli bacteria) were used. To determine the major threats questionnaire method was used. The whole data was analyzed by using SPSS 21 version. Based on the distribution four study sites were selected and four water samples from each study site were taken. Most sites were moderate to highly degraded except Kashoo and kurram river mixing point which was low degraded with livestock grazing and human activities. Water quality tests showed PH ranges from 7-9, temperature 6.5-8.5, and contamination of E-coli in all samples. The social survey revealed that hunting, habitat degradation, and pollution as major threats. Effective long-term conservation and management in the study area are needed to focus on the protection of disturbance-free habitat.

Guindastes são a grande e atraente criatura da natureza com um pescoço longo, pernas e vida útil. Adultos de ambos os sexos são os mesmos com padrões de cores semelhantes. Guindastes Demoiselle passam a maior parte da vida em gramíneas secas. Também se encontram ao redor do córrego, rios, lagos rasos, pântanos naturais e depressões. Para avaliar o estado atual do uso do hábitat e as principais ameaças, um estudo foi realizado no distrito de Tehsil Domel, em Bannu. Foram utilizados o método transect e testes de qualidade da água (temperatura, pH, contaminação da bactéria E. coli). Para determinar as principais ameaçasfoi utilizado o método de questionário. Todos os dados foram analisados por meio da versão SPSS 21. Com base na distribuição, foram selecionados quatro locais de estudo e quatro amostras de água de cada local de estudo. A maioria dos locais estava moderada a altamente degradada, exceto no ponto de encontro dos rios Kashoo e Kurram, que teve baixa degradação com pastagem de gado e atividades humanas. Os testes de qualidade da água mostraram variação de pH de 7-9, temperatura 6,5-8,5 e contaminação de E. coli em todas as amostras. A pesquisa do questionário revelou que a caça, a degradação do hábitat e a poluição são as principais ameaças. Efetiva conservação e gestão a longo prazo na área de estudo são necessárias para se concentrar na proteção de um hábitat livre de distúrbios.

Humanos , Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Aves , Ecossistema , Paquistão , Rios , Áreas Alagadas
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-10, 2022. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31732


Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822) is an estuarine gastropod of tropical occurrence, which lives mainly on trunks of mangrove tree species. This study aimed to evaluate the population attributes of this species, such as abundance, space-time distribution, sex ratio and recruitment in mangroves in Bahia State, northeastern Brazil. The specimens were collected monthly throughout 2018, on trunks of the red mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. at two heights and on two horizontal levels. Specimens that were on the marine grass Spartina alterniflora Loisel were also collected. After counting, biometrics and sexing, the specimens were returned alive to the environment. The average size and weight of L. angulifera was higher (p<0.05) in places with taller and less sparse trees and the vertical distribution on the trunks showed a preference for strata close to the soil. Both results are related to shading and protection against desiccation. Females were more abundant than males, at an approximate sex ratio F: M of 1.4: 1. Recruits were observed throughout the period, showing continuous reproduction of the species with a recruitment peak in spring (September to November). The study revealed the importance of keep the mangroves intact to allow the maintenance of the natural stocks of the species.(AU)

Littoraria angulifera (Lamarck, 1822) é um gastrópode estuarino, de ocorrência tropical, que vive principalmente sobre troncos de espécies arbóreas de mangue. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar os atributos populacionais dessa espécie, como abundância, distribuição espaço-temporal, razão sexual e recrutamento em manguezais do estado da Bahia, nordeste do Brasil. Os espécimes foram coletados mensalmente ao longo de 2018, em troncos do mangue vermelho Rhizophora mangle L. em duas alturas e em dois níveis horizontais. Também foram coletados espécimes que estavam na grama marinha Spartina alterniflora Loisel. Após contagem, biometria e sexagem, os espécimes foram devolvidos vivos ao ambiente. O tamanho e peso médios de L. angulifera foram maiores (p<0,05) em locais com árvores mais altas e menos esparsas e a distribuição vertical nos troncos mostrou preferência por estratos próximos ao solo. Ambos os resultados estão relacionados ao sombreamento e proteção contra a dessecação. As fêmeas foram mais abundantes que os machos, em uma proporção sexual aproximada F: M de 1,4: 1. Recrutas foram observados ao longo do período, mostrando reprodução contínua da espécie, com um pico de recrutamento na primavera (setembro a novembro). O estudo revelou a importância de manter os manguezais intactos para permitir a manutenção dos estoques naturais da espécie.(AU)

Animais , Gastrópodes/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Áreas Alagadas , Densidade Demográfica
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub.1857-2022. map, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458532


Background: Cattle are susceptible to chronic leptospirosis infection, that results in reduced milk production and reproductive disorders such as abortions, stillbirths, fetal malformation, and mummified fetuses, causing significant economic losses.Commercially available vaccines against leptospirosis offer limited protection to cattle because they contain only the mostprevalent serovars worldwide, even though they are not prevalent in the specific region. This study aimed to evaluate theprevalence of specific antibodies against Leptospira serogroups, reproductive disorders and the risk factors in dairy herdsfrom different mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul State, Southern Brazil.Materials, Methods & Results: An epidemiological survey was conducted, and serum samples from the bovine population representative of three mesoregions (MR1, MR2, and MR3) were studied; the samples were collected and tested forleptospirosis using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) for 12 serogroups checking for the presence of agglutination.A total of 442 blood samples were collected from dairy cattle from November to December 2019 (MR1, 187; MR2, 88;and MR3, 167), including cows vaccinated with different commercial vaccines during the three months before sample collection (n = 295) and non-vaccinated against leptospirosis (n = 147). At the time of collection, an interview was conductedwith the owners with questions about the health of the animals, management, habitat, feeding and reproduction. Chi-squaretests univariate analysis with the SPSS® version 20.0 were performed to estimate the association of serogroup Djasimanseroreactivity with the occurrence of reproductive problems and related risk factors. The mean prevalence of antibodiesagainst leptospires was 78.7% (MR1, 74.9 %; MR2, 84.1 %; and MR3, 80.2 %). Serogroup prevalence was different in...

Animais , Bovinos , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Fatores de Risco , Leptospirose/epidemiologia , Leptospirose/etiologia , Leptospirose/veterinária , Brasil , Inquéritos Epidemiológicos/métodos , Áreas Alagadas
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487445


Abstract There is little known about the bats of the Brazilian restinga as most studies have concentrated on the countrys south and southeast regions. In Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil, the only study previously carried out registered 17 species in different restinga habitats. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the bat community in a restinga area in Sergipe and update the list of species that occur in the area. The study was carried out in the Caju Private Natural Heritage Reserve, on the south coast of the state of Sergipe. Monthly campaigns were carried out from October 2016 to September 2017 over two consecutive nights and alternating between two sites to capture the bats. We captured Bats using 10 mist nets that remained open between 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. We determined the abundance and trophic guilds of the captured species. In addition, we obtained the occurrence frequency degree through the Constancy Index. We captured 457 individuals distributed over 13 species and two families, where three species represented a new record for the locality. The family Phyllostomidae was the richest and most abundant. Most species were frugivorous (61.5%). According to the Constancy Index, only four species were considered common. Using Jackknife 1 estimator, we estimated 14.83 species for the area, indicating that the richness obtained in this study corresponds to 87.6% of this estimate. This study resulted in an 17.6% increase in bat richness known for the area. The high representativeness of the Phyllostomidae family may be related to the capture method used. The predominance of frugivores bats in this study may be associated with the presence of many fruit trees in the area. The low occurrence of species considered common is often reported and can be explained by the species trophic specializations and by the sampling methods. Considering the scarcity of studies in restinga areas in Northeastern Brazil, this work becomes important for the knowledge of the bats in this environment, especially for Sergipe.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216131, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1287444


Abstract There is little known about the bats of the Brazilian restinga as most studies have concentrated on the country's south and southeast regions. In Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil, the only study previously carried out registered 17 species in different restinga habitats. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the bat community in a restinga area in Sergipe and update the list of species that occur in the area. The study was carried out in the Caju Private Natural Heritage Reserve, on the south coast of the state of Sergipe. Monthly campaigns were carried out from October 2016 to September 2017 over two consecutive nights and alternating between two sites to capture the bats. We captured Bats using 10 mist nets that remained open between 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. We determined the abundance and trophic guilds of the captured species. In addition, we obtained the occurrence frequency degree through the Constancy Index. We captured 457 individuals distributed over 13 species and two families, where three species represented a new record for the locality. The family Phyllostomidae was the richest and most abundant. Most species were frugivorous (61.5%). According to the Constancy Index, only four species were considered common. Using Jackknife 1 estimator, we estimated 14.83 species for the area, indicating that the richness obtained in this study corresponds to 87.6% of this estimate. This study resulted in an 17.6% increase in bat richness known for the area. The high representativeness of the Phyllostomidae family may be related to the capture method used. The predominance of frugivores bats in this study may be associated with the presence of many fruit trees in the area. The low occurrence of species considered common is often reported and can be explained by the species' trophic specializations and by the sampling methods. Considering the scarcity of studies in restinga areas in Northeastern Brazil, this work becomes important for the knowledge of the bats in this environment, especially for Sergipe.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(4): 872-880, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762597


Bacillus thuringiensis is the most commonly used entomopathogen in the control of Aedes aegypti, which is a vector for different etiological agents that cause serious infections in humans. Several studies aim to isolate strains of this bacterium from different environments, with the perspective of selecting isolates with larvicidal activity for mosquitoes. Aiming at the insecticidal action of B. thuringiensis, the present study aimed to prospect B. thuringiensis of restinga and mangrove soils from the state of Maranhão, Brazil, with toxic potential for use in the biological control of Ae. aegypti. Bioassays were performed to determine the entomopathogenic activity of the bacilli against Ae. aegypti and lethal concentrations (LC50 and CL90) were estimated after the tests. Polymerase Chain Reaction and SDS-PAGE techniques were performed to verify the gene and protein content of the isolates, respectively. The soil of the mangrove and restinga ecosystems showed potential for obtaining B. thuringiensis. This isolate, in addition to having proteins with molecular mass similar to the toxins Cry and Cyt, also presented several diptera-specific genes cry and cyt, demonstrating that it has high potential to be used in the biological control of Ae. aegypti.(AU)

Bacillus thuringiensis é o entomopatógeno mais utilizado no controle do Aedes aegypti, vetor de diferentes agentes etiológicos que causam infecções graves em humanos. Diversos estudos têm como objetivo isolar cepas dessa bactéria de diferentes ambientes, com a perspectiva de selecionar isolados com atividade larvicida para mosquitos. Visando a ação inseticida de B. thuringiensis, o presente estudo teve como objetivo prospectar B. thuringiensis de solos de restinga e mangue do estado do Maranhão, Brasil, com potencial tóxico para uso no controle biológico de Ae. aegypti. Bioensaios foram realizados para determinar a atividade entomopatogênica do bacilo contra Ae. aegypti e as concentrações letais (CL50 e CL90) foram estimadas após os testes. As técnicas de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase e SDS-PAGE foram realizadas para verificar o conteúdo de genes e proteínas dos isolados, respectivamente. Os solos dos ecossistemas de mangue e restinga apresentaram potencial para obtenção de B. thuringiensis. O isolado BtMA-750, obtido a partir da amostra de solo da restinga, foi interessantemente distinguido por sua alta toxicidade para Ae. aegypti. Este isolado, além de apresentar proteínas com massa molecular semelhante às toxinas Cry e Cyt, apresentou também diversos genes díptero-específicos cry e cyt, demonstrando que tem alto potencial para ser usado no controle biológico de Ae. aegypti.(AU)

Bacillus thuringiensis , Áreas Alagadas , Aedes , Controle Biológico de Vetores
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487448


Abstract In the present study we described the structure of a trophic network composed by gall-midge species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and their host plants in the Restinga of Barra de Maricá (Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Species data were retrieved from literature and different topological descriptors (links per species, connectance, and modularity of interactions) were used. All gall-midge species were monophages, with connectance of 2.8% of the 2,016 possible interactions. The network of host plants and gall midges had low number of links per species and high modularity, which indicates high specificity and specialization of plant-galling interactions in the area. This is the first characterization of a trophic network with good taxonomic resolution for the Neotropical gall midges.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216134, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1287472


Abstract In the present study we described the structure of a trophic network composed by gall-midge species (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) and their host plants in the Restinga of Barra de Maricá (Maricá, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Species data were retrieved from literature and different topological descriptors (links per species, connectance, and modularity of interactions) were used. All gall-midge species were monophages, with connectance of 2.8% of the 2,016 possible interactions. The network of host plants and gall midges had low number of links per species and high modularity, which indicates high specificity and specialization of plant-galling interactions in the area. This is the first characterization of a trophic network with good taxonomic resolution for the Neotropical gall midges.

Braz. J. Biol. ; 81(4): 1050-1053, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762618


The number of individuals with empty stomachs in a population (i.e. the proportion of individuals running on empty) can be used as a simple index of instantaneous energy balance of some organisms such as lizards and fishes. In this study, we aimed to analyze the proportion of empty stomachs in 16 populations of five cnemidophorine species (Glaucomastix abaetensis, Ameivula ocellifera, Glaucomastix littoralis, Contomastix lacertoides and Ameivula nativo) along approximately 5,000 km the Brazilian coast. A total of 550 individuals had their stomach contents removed and identified in the laboratory. Our results showed that the proportion of individuals running on empty varied from 0 to 11.1% among the different populations and species. These proportions are suggestive that the five studied species would be in an overall positive energy balance at the time of the study.(AU)

O número de indivíduos com estômagos vazios em uma população (i.e. a proporção de indivíduos correndo no vazio) pode ser usado como um índice simples do balanço energético instantâneo de organismos como lagartos e peixes. Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a proporção de estômagos vazios em 16 populações pertencentes a cinco espécies de cnemidophorines (Glaucomastix abaetensis, Ameivula ocellifera, Glaucomastix littoralis, Contomastix lacertoides e Ameivula nativo) ao longo de cerca de 5,000 km da costa leste do Brasil. Um total de 550 indivíduos tiveram seus conteúdos estomacais removidos e analisados em laboratório. Nossos resultados mostraram que a proporção de indivíduos correndo no vazio variou entre 0 a 11.1% entre as diferentes populações e espécies. Essas proporções sugerem que as cinco espécies estudadas estariam em geral em um balanço energético positivo, quando da realização deste estudo.(AU)

Animais , Lagartos , Estômago , Brasil , Áreas Alagadas
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 61: e20216131, 2021. mapas, ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765696


There is little known about the bats of the Brazilian restinga as most studies have concentrated on the countrys south and southeast regions. In Sergipe, Northeastern Brazil, the only study previously carried out registered 17 species in different restinga habitats. Thus, this study aimed to characterize the bat community in a restinga area in Sergipe and update the list of species that occur in the area. The study was carried out in the Caju Private Natural Heritage Reserve, on the south coast of the state of Sergipe. Monthly campaigns were carried out from October 2016 to September 2017 over two consecutive nights and alternating between two sites to capture the bats. We captured Bats using 10 mist nets that remained open between 6:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. We determined the abundance and trophic guilds of the captured species. In addition, we obtained the occurrence frequency degree through the Constancy Index. We captured 457 individuals distributed over 13 species and two families, where three species represented a new record for the locality. The family Phyllostomidae was the richest and most abundant. Most species were frugivorous (61.5%). According to the Constancy Index, only four species were considered common. Using Jackknife 1 estimator, we estimated 14.83 species for the area, indicating that the richness obtained in this study corresponds to 87.6% of this estimate. This study resulted in an 17.6% increase in bat richness known for the area. The high representativeness of the Phyllostomidae family may be related to the capture method used. The predominance of frugivores bats in this study may be associated with the presence of many fruit trees in the area. The low occurrence of species considered common is often reported and can be explained by the species trophic specializations and by the sampling methods. Considering the scarcity of studies in restinga areas in Northeastern Brazil, this work becomes important for the knowledge of the bats in this environment, especially for Sergipe.(AU)

Animais , Quirópteros/classificação , Quirópteros/crescimento & desenvolvimento