Bone fractures are a frequent cause of limp in cattle, being pre-existing bone lesions among the predisposing factors. However, there is scant information about the natural occurrence of bone disease. This report aimed to describe an outbreak of spontaneous fractures associated with hypocuprosis in pen-backgrounded calves. Hind limp and irreversible recumbency were noticed in 9-month-old calves of a dairy farm from Córdoba province (Argentina). The issue was only evident in males fed a diet composed (DM) of 57% wet corn, 24% dry corn distiller grains, and 19% corn silage. No mineral mix was supplied. Accumulated morbidity and fatality rates were 5.8 and 100%, respectively. Two autopsies were performed, observing multiple femoral and rib fractures. Severe hypocupremia, very low copper levels in the liver and plasma, deficient dietary copper levels, normocalcemia, marginal hypophosphatemia, and high sulfate concentrations in the water supply were determined. Except for the decreased bone quantity and the multiple fractures, no bone lesion was observed, confirming osteoporosis as the pathological diagnosis, and hypocuprosis as the etiology.(AU)
Animais , Osteoporose/veterinária , Bovinos/lesões , Fraturas Espontâneas/diagnóstico , ArgentinaResumo
Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.
Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.
Masculino , Humanos , Adulto , Chumbo/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Osteocalcina/análise , Osteoporose/sangue , Vitamina D/análiseResumo
By applying the in-silico method, resveratrol was docked on those proteins which are responsible for bone loss. The Molecular docking data between the resveratrol and Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-Β ligand [RANKL] receptors proved that resveratrol binds tightly to the receptors, showed the highest binding affinities of −6.9, −7.6, −7.1, −6.9, −6.7, and −7.1 kcal/mol. According to in-vitro data, Resveratrol reduced the osteoclasts after treating Marrow-Derived Macrophages [BMM] with Macrophage colony-stimulating factor [MCSF] 20ng / ml and RANKL 50ng / ml, with different concentrations of resveratrol (2.5, 10 μg / ml) For 7 days, the cells were treated with MCSF (20 ng / ml) and RANKL (40 ng / ml) together with concentrated trimethyl ether and resveratrol (2.5, 10 μg / ml) within 12 hours. Which, not affect cell survival. After fixing osteoclast cells with formaldehyde fixative on glass coverslip followed by incubation with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 5 min and after that stain with rhodamine phalloidin staining for actin and Hoechst for nuclei. Fluorescence microscopy was performed to see the distribution of filaments actin [F.actin]. Finally, resveratrol reduced the actin ring formation. Resveratrol is the best bioactive compound for drug preparation against bone loss.
Com a aplicação do método in-silico, o resveratrol foi ancorado nas proteínas responsáveis pela perda óssea. Os dados de docking molecular entre o resveratrol e o ligante do receptor ativador do fator nuclear kappa-Β [Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa-B Ligant (RANKL)] provaram que o resveratrol se liga fortemente aos receptores, mostraram as afinidades de ligação mais altas de −6,9, −7,6, −7,1, −6,9, - 6,7 e -7,1 kcal / mol. De acordo com dados in-vitro, o resveratrol reduziu os osteoclastos após o tratamento de macrófagos derivados da medula óssea [Bone Marrow derived Macrophage (BMM)] com fator estimulador de colônias de macrófagos [Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (MCSF)] 20ng / ml e RANKL 50ng / ml, com diferentes concentrações de resveratrol (2,5, 10 μg / ml). Durante sete dias, as células foram tratadas com MCSF (20 ng / ml) e RANKL (40 ng / ml) juntamente com éter trimetílico concentrado e resveratrol (2,5, 10 μg / ml) em 12 horas, processo que não afeta a sobrevivência celular. Após a fixação de células de osteoclastos com fixador de formaldeído em lamela de vidro seguido de incubação com 0,1% Triton X-100 em PBS por 5 min, foi realizado posteriormente o procedimento para corar com rodamina faloidina a actina e Hoechst os núcleos. A microscopia de fluorescência foi realizada para ver a distribuição dos filamentos de actina [F.actina]. Finalmente, o resveratrol reduziu a formação do anel de actina. O resveratrol é o melhor composto bioativo para o preparo de medicamentos contra a perda óssea.
Humanos , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Resveratrol/farmacologia , Microscopia de FluorescênciaResumo
Degenerative diseases, such as osteoporosis, could be treated by stem cells. The aim of this study was to identify the gene expression of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSC) derived from Sprague Dawley rats and to assess the effect of Cissus quadrangularis Salisb. extract on their maturation into bone cells. The BM-MSC were divided into three groups: (a) BM-MSCs + osteoblast cell growth basal medium as the positive control; (b) BM-MSCs + Dulbecco's modified eagle's medium (DMEM) + 0.3 mg/mL methanol extract of C. quadrangularis as methanol group; and (c) BM-MSC + DMEM + 0.3 mg/mL ethyl acetate extract of C. quadrangularis as ethyl acetate group. A relative quantification approach using was used to analyze the expression of the alp (alkaline phosphatase) gene, with the beta-actin gene was used to normalize the expression of the alp gene. The intra-assay variation was calculated to validate the RT-qPCR data. Our study found that the intra-assay variation value was acceptable, with most of the coefficients of variability (CV) value <5. Ethyl acetate solvent outperformed methanol solvent in extracting the active compound C. quadrangularis. In the ethyl acetate extract group, the expression of the alp gene increased three times compared to the positive control. In methanol extract group, the expression of alp gene was lower six times compared to positive control. This study suggests that C. quadrangularis extracts using ethyl acetate could induce the maturation of BM-MSCs. However, further studies are warrant to confirm this effect using different indicators.
Doenças degenerativas, como a osteoporose, podem ser tratadas por células-tronco. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar a expressão gênica de células-tronco mesenquimais da medula óssea (BM-MSCs) derivadas de ratos Sprague Dawley, bem como sua proliferação e diferenciação em células ósseas afetadas pelo extrato de Cissus quadrangularis Salisb. As BM-MSCs foram divididas em três grupos: (1) BM-MSCs + meio basal de crescimento de osteoblastos como controle positivo; (2) BM-MSCs + meio de Eagle modificado por Dulbecco (DMEM) + extrato de metanol; e (3) BM-MSCs + DMEM + extrato de acetato de etila de C. quadrangularis. Uma abordagem de quantificação relativa foi usada para analisar a expressão do gene alp (fosfatase alcalina), com o gene da beta-actina sendo usado para normalizar a expressão do gene alp em cada tratamento. A variação intraensaio foi calculada para validar os dados de RT-qPCR. Os resultados mostraram que o valor da variação intraensaio é aceitável, com a maioria dos valores dos coeficientes de variabilidade (CV) < 5. Além disso, no tratamento T2, a expressão do gene alp aumentou três vezes em relação ao controle positivo. No tratamento T1, o gene alp apresentou nível de expressão seis vezes menor em comparação com o controle positivo. Além disso, o solvente acetato de etila superou o solvente metanol na extração do composto ativo C. quadrangularis Salisb. Este estudo demonstra que extratos de C. quadrangularis Salisb., particularmente com acetato de etila como solvente, podem induzir a proliferação e diferenciação de BM-MSCs. Com base na expressão do gene alp, C. quadrangularis tem o potencial de corrigir a perda óssea.
Animais , Ratos , Osteoporose , Extratos Vegetais , Cissus , Células-Tronco MesenquimaisResumo
Abstract Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.
Resumo Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osteoporose/epidemiologia , Chumbo , Arábia Saudita/epidemiologia , Absorciometria de Fóton , Osteocalcina , IncidênciaResumo
By applying the in-silico method, resveratrol was docked on those proteins which are responsible for bone loss. The Molecular docking data between the resveratrol and Receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa-Β ligand [RANKL] receptors proved that resveratrol binds tightly to the receptors, showed the highest binding affinities of −6.9, −7.6, −7.1, −6.9, −6.7, and −7.1 kcal/mol. According to in-vitro data, Resveratrol reduced the osteoclasts after treating Marrow-Derived Macrophages [BMM] with Macrophage colony-stimulating factor [MCSF] 20ng / ml and RANKL 50ng / ml, with different concentrations of resveratrol (2.5, 10 μg / ml) For 7 days, the cells were treated with MCSF (20 ng / ml) and RANKL (40 ng / ml) together with concentrated trimethyl ether and resveratrol (2.5, 10 μg / ml) within 12 hours. Which, not affect cell survival. After fixing osteoclast cells with formaldehyde fixative on glass coverslip followed by incubation with 0.1% Triton X-100 in PBS for 5 min and after that stain with rhodamine phalloidin staining for actin and Hoechst for nuclei. Fluorescence microscopy was performed to see the distribution of filaments actin [F.actin]. Finally, resveratrol reduced the actin ring formation. Resveratrol is the best bioactive compound for drug preparation against bone loss.(AU)
Com a aplicação do método in-silico, o resveratrol foi ancorado nas proteínas responsáveis pela perda óssea. Os dados de docking molecular entre o resveratrol e o ligante do receptor ativador do fator nuclear kappa-Β [Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa-B Ligant (RANKL)] provaram que o resveratrol se liga fortemente aos receptores, mostraram as afinidades de ligação mais altas de −6,9, −7,6, −7,1, −6,9, - 6,7 e -7,1 kcal / mol. De acordo com dados in-vitro, o resveratrol reduziu os osteoclastos após o tratamento de macrófagos derivados da medula óssea [Bone Marrow derived Macrophage (BMM)] com fator estimulador de colônias de macrófagos [Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor (MCSF)] 20ng / ml e RANKL 50ng / ml, com diferentes concentrações de resveratrol (2,5, 10 μg / ml). Durante sete dias, as células foram tratadas com MCSF (20 ng / ml) e RANKL (40 ng / ml) juntamente com éter trimetílico concentrado e resveratrol (2,5, 10 μg / ml) em 12 horas, processo que não afeta a sobrevivência celular. Após a fixação de células de osteoclastos com fixador de formaldeído em lamela de vidro seguido de incubação com 0,1% Triton X-100 em PBS por 5 min, foi realizado posteriormente o procedimento para corar com rodamina faloidina a actina e Hoechst os núcleos. A microscopia de fluorescência foi realizada para ver a distribuição dos filamentos de actina [F.actina]. Finalmente, o resveratrol reduziu a formação do anel de actina. O resveratrol é o melhor composto bioativo para o preparo de medicamentos contra a perda óssea.(AU)
Humanos , Osteoporose/tratamento farmacológico , Resveratrol/farmacologia , Microscopia de FluorescênciaResumo
Serum toxic metals have been implicated in development of many diseases. This study investigated the association between blood levels of lead and cadmium with abnormal bone mineral density (BMD) and incidence of osteoporosis. Sixty Saudi male adults age matching were assigned into two groups: A healthy control group (n = 30) and osteoporosis patients diagnosed according to T-score (n = 30). Serum calcium, vitamin D, osteocalcin, lead, cadmium were measured. Osteoporotic group showed a highly significant elevation of blood lead and cadmium levels compared to the control group (p <0.001). BMD was negatively correlated with serum osteocalcin level compared with control. There was a significant negative correlation between the cadmium and lead levels (r=-0.465 and p-value = 0.01) and calcium (p < 0.004). Our findings suggested that high cadmium and lead were negative correlated to BMD and increased the risk factor for osteoporosis.(AU)
Os metais tóxicos do soro têm sido implicados no desenvolvimento de muitas doenças. Este estudo investigou a associação entre os níveis sanguíneos de chumbo e cádmio com densidade mineral óssea anormal (DMO) e incidência de osteoporose. Sessenta adultos sauditas do sexo masculino com idades iguais foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo de controle saudável (n = 30) e pacientes com osteoporose diagnosticados de acordo com o T-score (n = 30). Cálcio sérico, vitamina D, osteocalcina, chumbo, cádmio foram medidos. O grupo osteoporótico apresentou elevação altamente significativa dos níveis de chumbo e cádmio no sangue em comparação ao grupo controle (p < 0,001). A DMO foi negativamente correlacionada com o nível de osteocalcina sérica em comparação com o controle. Houve correlação negativa significativa entre os níveis de cádmio e chumbo (r = -0,465 ep = 0,01) e cálcio (p < 0,004). Nossos achados sugeriram que cádmio e chumbo elevados foram correlacionados negativamente à DMO e aumentaram o fator de risco para osteoporose.(AU)
Humanos , Masculino , Adulto , Osteoporose/sangue , Chumbo/toxicidade , Cádmio/toxicidade , Vitamina D/análise , Osteocalcina/análiseResumo
Os cães, assim como os homens, passam por fases na vida chegando a idades avançadas. A senilidade é observada em diferentes processos dos sistemas do organismo incluindo o sistema reprodutivo. Fazem parte das alterações do sistema reprodutor masculino de cães senis a perda da função dos órgãos sexuais, perda de libido, alterações do sistema endócrino reprodutivo e alterações no sêmen, nos espermatozoides e resultando em infertilidade. A longevidade reprodutiva dos cães reprodutores depende de vários fatores internos e externos e sua manutenção pode ser feita com a utilização de manejo nutricional, sanitário e reprodutivo corretos, aplicação de biotecnologias aplicadas a reprodução.(AU)
Dogs, like men, go through stages in life, reaching advanced ages. Senility is observed in different processes of the body systems including the reproductive system. The changes in the male reproductive system of senile dogs include loss of function of the sexual organs, loss of libido, changes in the reproductive endocrine system and changes in semen and sperm, resulting in infertility. The reproductive longevity of the stud dogs depends on several internal and external factors and its maintenance can be done with the use of correct nutritional, sanitary, reproductive management and application of biotechnologies applied to reproduction.(AU)
Animais , Cães/fisiologia , Endocrinologia , GeriatriaResumo
Among the diseases that cause dyspnea in felines, primary pulmonary neoplasia is rare and tends to affect senile cats. This study reports the case of a seven teen year old FeLV infected cat who was diagnosed acinar adenocarcinoma of the lung and kidney metastasis. It presented prostration and anorexia and was hospitalized with dyspnea and pleural effusion. Chest radiography indicated increased radiopacity in the cranial portion of the right hemithorax, compatible with presence of intrathoracic mass and the cytologic analysis of pleural effusion suggested feline infectious peritonitis. The animal died two days after, and the definitive diagnosis was concluded after necropsy and histopathological examination. Pulmonary adenocarcinoma should be included with differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases in cats, especially the elderly.
Entre as doenças que causam dispneia em felinos, a neoplasia pulmonar primária é rara e costuma acometer gatos senis. Este trabalho tem por objetivo relatar o caso de um felino, de 17 anos, portador do vírus da leucemia felina, diagnosticado com adenocarcinoma acinar pulmonar primário com metástase no rim e na pleura parietal. O paciente apresentava histórico inespecífico, sendo as principais queixas prostração e anorexia, e foi internado apresentando dispneia e efusão pleural. A radiografia torácica indicou aumento da radiopacidade na porção cranial do hemitórax direito, compatível com presença de neoformação intratorácica. A citologia da efusão foi sugestiva de peritonite infecciosa felina. O animal veio a óbito dois dias após o atendimento inicial e o diagnóstico definitivo foi determinado por meio da necropsia e da avaliação histológica. O adenocarcinoma pulmonar deve ser incluído como diagnóstico diferencial de doenças respiratórias em gatos, principalmente idosos.
Animais , Gatos , Doenças do Gato , Leucemia Felina , Carcinoma de Células Acinares/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterináriaResumo
Forty-six pigs presented muscle weakness, hind limb paresis and paralysis, weight loss, lateral recumbency, and death in a clinical course of 7 to 10 days. Two pigs were necropsied and exhibited bone fragility, bone callus formation, and multiple fractures in the limbs, ribs, and vertebrae. Microscopically, there was a diffuse and marked decrease in thickness and number of trabeculae. These were disconnected, with a "free-floating" appearance, while the cortex of the long bones was thinned, with an increase of the cortical porosity by enlargement of Haversian canals and endosteal erosion and decreased osteoblastic activity. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry in liver samples revealed significant zinc overload (>2300ppm) and copper deficiency (<33.1ppm). In this communication, we present the first pathologic description of an outbreak of osteoporosis in pigs, and we also provide a brief review of metabolic bone diseases in pigs.
Quarenta e seis suínos apresentaram fraqueza muscular, paresia e paralisia de membros pélvicos, perda de peso, decúbito lateral e morte, com um curso clínico de 7 a 10 dias. Dois suínos foram submetidos a necropsia e exibiram fragilidade óssea, formação de calo ósseo, e múltiplas fraturas em membros, costelas e vértebras. Microscopicamente notou-se difusamente um marcado decréscimo na espessura e número de trabéculas ósseas. Essas estavam desconexas, com uma aparência de flutuação, enquanto o córtex dos ossos longos estava afinado, com um aumento da porosidade pela dilatação dos canais de Haversian, erosão endosteal e diminuição da atividade osteoblástica. Espectrofotometria por chama foi realizada em amostras de fígado, e revelou um excesso de zinco (>2300ppm) e deficiência de cobre (<33.1ppm). Neste trabalho, apresentamos a primeira descrição patológica de um surto de osteoporose em suínos, além de fornecer uma breve revisão de doenças metabólicas em suínos.
Animais , Osteoporose/patologia , Osteoporose/epidemiologia , Zinco , Cobre/deficiência , Sus scrofa , Raquitismo/veterinária , Brasil , Fraturas Múltiplas/veterinária , Coxeadura AnimalResumo
Purpose: To observe the mechanism of prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali in treating osteoporosis. Methods: Osteoporosis rat model was established by bilateral ovariectomy combined with low-calcium diet feeding. Bone mineral density was measured by bone densitometer. Bone metabolism markers in serum were detected by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), bone tissue structure was observed by hematoxylin-eosin staining, and the effect of prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali on PI3K-AKT signaling pathway was investigated by immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. Results: Compared with the model group, the bone tissue structure and imbalance of bone metabolism were improved, and the bone mineral density was significantly increased in the prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali groups. After intervention with prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali, the positive expression of PIK3CA and Akt1 in rat bone tissue was enhanced, and the expression levels of Akt1 mRNA were significantly increased. Conclusions: Prepared Radix Rehmanniainon combined with Radix Astragali may treat osteoporosis by activating PI3K/AKT pathway.
Animais , Ratos , Osteoporose/terapia , Plantas Medicinais , Osso e Ossos , Astrágalo , RehmanniaResumo
Purpose: To analyze the effect of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) on bone mineral density (BMD) in a model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Thirty-two male, adult, 12-week-old rats (Rattus norvegicus), of the Wistar lineage, were used. The animals induced to the experimental model received a high fat diet for 10 days and, after that period, intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (40 mg·kg1), dissolved in 20 mmol·L1 sodium citrate solution (pH = 4.5). The experimental group of diabetes was formed by the animals that, 48 h after the injection of streptozotocin, had fasting blood glucose > 250 mg·dL1). The animals were randomly divided into four groups with eight animals each: HIIT experimental diabetes; HIIT control; sedentary experimental diabetes and sedentary control. The animals in the HIIT group performed an aerobic exercise protocol on a treadmill inclined at an angle of 15° to the horizontal, with interspersed intensity. Five weekly sessions, lasting 49 min each, were held for 6 weeks. The analysis of cortical bone density (CBD) and BMD were performed by X-ray images using the In-Vivo Xtreme II/Bruker system. Results: For CBD and BMD, when comparing diabetes and control groups, a significant difference was seen between groups in relation to HIIT (p = 0.007). Animals submitted and not submitted to HIIT in the same group showed a significant difference between groups in relation to diabetes (p < 0.001). Conclusions: The HIIT experimental diabetes group had increased CBD and BMD in comparison with the sedentary experimental diabetes group.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Osteoporose/etiologia , Densidade Óssea , Diabetes Mellitus Experimental/complicações , Diabetes Mellitus Tipo 2/complicações , Treinamento Intervalado de Alta Intensidade/veterinária , Ratos WistarResumo
A senile female nocturnal curassow (Nothocrax urumutum) kept under human care was found dead. Grossly, the lungs were congested and had a nodule with 2.0 cm in diameter adhered to the left lung. Histologically, there were multifocal to coalescent areas of necrosis characterized by deposition of amorphous and eosinophilic material with large amount of cellular debris, surrounded by numerous epithelioid macrophages, multinucleated Langhans giant cells, occasional lymphocytes and plasma cells. Ziehl-Neelsen stained sections demonstrated myriad of intralesional alcohol-acid resistant bacilli (BAAR). DNA extracted from lung samples were evaluated by nested polymerase chain reaction resulting in mycobacterial DNA identification. This is the first reported case of mycobacteriosis in a nocturnal curassow.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galliformes/microbiologia , Infecções por Mycobacterium/diagnóstico , Animais de Zoológico/microbiologia , Mycobacterium/patogenicidadeResumo
Background: A cataract is an opacity of the crystalline structure that results in impaired vision. The congenital form manifests itself at birth or shortly thereafter and might also be inherited and therefore capable of passing on to descendants. Cataracts can be caused by systemic diseases, medications, toxic substances, radiation, metabolic alterations, dietary deficiencies, inflammation, traumatic injuries, age, or genetic factors. The few Blackbelly sheep herds are located in the northeast and north regions of Brazil and are considered rare, which could result in high levels of consanguinity. In this context, we report a case of congenital cataract in a Blackbelly lamb and its possible etiology. Case: A 3-month-old lamb presented with ophthalmic alterations since birth, with white and cloudy spots in both eyes and impaired vision. In the same herd, 3 elderly sheep showed similar ophthalmic alterations. The lamb was able to follow its dam, but when walking, bumped into small objects or very close to his vision field. The lamb managed to follow the herd and dodge large objects, suggesting partial vision loss. During a physical examination, both lens showed opacity and reduced corneal reflex, pupillary reflex to direct light, pupillary reflex to consensual light, and threat reflex. Ultrasonographic examination revealed that both lens presented hyperechogenicity. Hematological values were within the reference limits. In the same herd, three elderly sheep presented bilateral cataracts (2 rams and 1 ewe) in previous years, which at that time was attributed to natural aging. One ram was the lamb's grandfather. The other ram was the father of the female, both with cataracts. Based on history, physical examination, and complementary examinations, the lamb was diagnosed with bilateral congenital cataracts with a probable hereditary condition. Discussion: Multiple factors can be related to the etiology of cataracts, and it can be difficult to establish the correct etiology. Regarding the age of onset, cataracts can be classified mainly as congenital and senile. Senile cataract is a bilateral opacification process that involves the entire lens, with slow progression and gradual loss of vision with increasing age. In adult sheep, the high proportion of eyes affected by spontaneously arising cataracts could be related to age, increased exposure to sunlight, increased genetic susceptibility, or a combination of these factors. In this case, the herd had three adult elderly sheep with cataracts previously characterized as senile. However, after reviewing the genealogy, it was found that all animals had some degree of parentage, suggesting a hereditary factor. Congenital cataracts are expressed soon after birth, resulting from the malformation of fibers in the lens, and are generally nonprogressive. The congenital form may or may not be associated with hereditary factors. Inheritance cataracts have been reported in several breeds of dogs and usually occur as an autosomal recessive trait. Blackbelly sheep are rare in Brazil, favoring consanguinity, so we believe that cataracts are inherited in this herd. To control this ophthalmic alteration, all animals with crystalline opacities were excluded from reproduction, and the herd should be monitored in future cases.
Animais , Catarata/congênito , Catarata/etiologia , Ovinos , Cristalino/anormalidadesResumo
Background: Eye neoplasms are infrequent in felines and usually affect the eyelids. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a neoplasm that occurs owing to recurrent lesions caused by solar radiation and affects the margins of the ears, eyelids, nose and lips of animals with light-colored coat. The clinical signs consist of ulcerated, crusty lesions that may form masses. The diagnosis is established by means of histopathological analysis, and the prognosis depends on the area affected and tumor infiltration. This work aimed to describe a case of SCC in the eyelid with invasion of the eye and its adnexa in a cat, highlighting clinical aspects and the importance of the anatomopathological examination. Case: A female mixed breed senile cat that had been rescued from the streets was brought in for examination. Dehydration and a low body condition score were observed at the general clinical examination. A physical inspection revealed the presence of an ulcerated periocular lesion on the eyelid; the right eye exhibited increased size and loss of definition of its internal structures. The presence of malodorous cerumen in the right ear canal, a tilted head, and walking in circles to the right were also noted. A dysplastic epithelium along with neutrophilic inflammation was observed at the cytopathological analysis. The treatment instituted consisted of administration of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, and cleaning of the ear. On the follow-up appointment, 2 days later, the patient's condition had worsened and in spite of the supportive therapy administered, the animal died. An anatomopathological study of the body identified, in addition to the alterations in the eyelid and the eye mentioned above, a traumatic lesion with perforation of the mandibular bone, and presence of a brownish content with caseous consistency in the right ear canal. After visualization of the microscopic alterations, the diagnosis established was squamous cell carcinoma of the eyelid with metastases in the optical nerve and choroid blood vessels. Discussion: Squamous cell carcinoma is one of the most common epithelial neoplasms in felines, and can occur in any region of the face; however, the eyelids and the eyes are less frequently affected, which confirms that the case reported here is uncommon. SCC has a higher incidence in female cats older than 10 years of age with light-colored coat and highly exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The case reported here exhibited these characteristics, as the patient had been rescued from the streets where exposition to sunlight is intense. The clinical presentation was consistent with that described in other works, with ulcerated crusty lesions on the eyelid and the nose. Vestibular syndrome, as inferred from the tilted head and circular gait (walking in circles to the right), could be explained by internal otitis, which was observed at necropsy. The cytological analysis of the eye lesion demonstrated the presence of a neutrophilic inflammatory process along with a dysplastic or immature squamous epithelium, which prompted for therapy using antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs. The definitive diagnosis was established with basis on the histopathological analysis, which revealed a pattern of neoplastic cells arranged in clusters or strands connected to the epidermal surface, and the presence of "keratin pearls" consistent with SCC affecting not only the eyelid and the eye, but also invading the optical nerve and the choroid blood vessels. The prognosis was unfavorable owing to the advanced stage of the tumor and concomitant diseases. Even though the development of SCC in the eyelid is relatively common, the occurrence of metastasis in the eye adnexa is rare in felines. An anatomopathological study was required to establish the diagnosis of SCC as the patient's clinical history data were scarce.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Neoplasias Palpebrais/veterinária , Metástase NeoplásicaResumo
Ovarian neoplasms affect a low percentage of female dogs, and these tumors are classified according to their cellular origin and are considered rare. Dysgerminoma is a tumor derived from undifferentiated primordial ovarian germinal epithelium cells. In the male, this neoplasm is diagnosed as seminoma. Thus, dysgerminoma is not linked to the production of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which play a fundamental role in the establishment of pyometra. At Araujo Veterinary Hospital (HVA), a 15-year-old female Pinscher was admitted with mucopurulent vaginal discharge, abdominal enlargement, anorexia, polydipsia, and prostration clinical signs indicative of pyometra, radiographic and ultrasound examinations were requested, as well as a blood collection for hemogram and serum biochemistry. Ultrasound examination revealed uterine enlargement and hypoechoic content, in addition to bilateral ovarian cysts, measuring 7 cm in the right ovary and 3 cm in the left. The blood count revealed normal values in the erythrogram and the leukogram showed monocytosis and lymphopenia, in addition to macroplatelets. Biochemical examination revealed increased GGT values of 10 U/L. Ovariohysterectomy was performed and, in the trans-surgical period, nodules in the spleen were observed. So, the ovaries and a fragment of the lymphoid organ, were fixed and sent to the histopathology laboratory after surgical resection. Histopathology revealed ovarian dysgerminoma and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia. Ten days after the surgical procedure, the dog returned to the HVA for clinical evaluation and suture removal. However, three days after the return, the patient presented a convulsive condition evolving to death.
Neoplasias ovarianas acometem baixa porcentagem de cadelas, e estes tumores são classificados de acordo com a origem celular, sendo considerados raros. O disgerminoma é um tumor derivado de células do epitélio germinativo primordial ovariano, indiferenciado. No macho, essa neoplasia é diagnosticada como seminoma. Assim, o disgerminoma não está ligado a produção de hormônios ovarianos, como o estrógeno e a progesterona, que desempenham papel fundamental para o estabelecimento da piometra. No Hospital Veterinário Araújo (HVA), uma cachorra da raça Pinscher, com 15 anos, foi antendida apresentando, secreção vaginal mucopurulenta, aumento abdominal, anorexia, polidipsia e prostração sinais clínicos indicativos de piometra, solicitou-se exame de radiográfico e ultrassonografia, bem como a coleta de sangue para hemograma e bioquímico sérico. O exame ultrassonográfico revelou aumento uterino e conteúdo hipoecóico, além de cistos ovarianos bilaterais, com mensurações de 7 cm no ovário direito e 3 cm no esquerdo. O hemograma revelou valores normais no eritrograma e o leucograma apresentou monocitose e linfopenia, além de macroplaquetas. O exame bioquímico revelou valores de GGT aumentados, em 10 U/L. A ovariohisterectomia foi realizada e no trans cirúrgico observou-se nódulos no baço. Assim, os ovários e um fragmento do órgão linfoide, após a ressecção cirúrgica, foram fixados e encaminhadas para laboratório de histopatologia. A histopatologia revelou disgerminoma ovariano e hiperplasia nodular linfoide. Dez dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, a paciente retornou ao HVA para avaliação clínica e retirada da sutura. No entanto, três dias após o retorno, o animal apresentou um quadro convulsivo evoluindo ao óbito.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Disgerminoma/veterinária , Transtornos Linfoproliferativos/veterinária , Piometra/veterináriaResumo
Background: The myxomatosis degeneration is a degenerative cardiac valve disease, with a higher incidence in maleand senile canids. The diagnosis is made by a doppler echocardiography exam. Although there are few reports on the occurrence of cardiopathies in wild dogs (Cerdocyon thous), some studies on their cardiological parameters can be found.Considering this, and knowing that the cardiopathies in wild canids are common post mortem findings, the objective of thisstudy is to describe the echocardiography diagnosis of a case of myxomatous degeneration of the atrioventricular valvesin 1 wild dog (Cerdocyon thous) living in captivity.Case: It was treated at the Diagnostic Imaging Department of the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Mato Grosso(HOVET-UFMT), 1 wild dog (C. thous), male, living in captivity with approximately 10-year-old, directed by the Center ofMedicine and Research in Wild Animals of Cuiabá, to perform echocardiography exam. The patient was submitted to anesthesiafor proper examination, which was used Esaote® machine model MyLabFive VET with sector scan transducer (4.0 -7.5 MHz).The longitudinal, transverse and apical scan planes were obtained through left and right parasternal windows. The evaluation ofM mode exposed ejection fraction and shortening increased, of 81% and 47%, respectively, however it showed no increase insystolic and diastolic values of left ventricle, nor in right cavities on subjective evaluation. The relation between the left atrium(LA) and the aorta (Ao) remained normal, at 1.2 mm, with dimensions of 13.4 mm from the AO and 16.3 mm from LA, compatible with species parameters or domestic canines. The atrioventricular valves showed thickening and irregularities in their cusps,with great intensity in the left atrioventricular valve (LAV). The Doppler mode analysis revealed a turbulent systolic flow into the...
Masculino , Animais , Canidae , Cardiopatias/diagnóstico por imagem , Cardiopatias/veterinária , Doença Crônica/veterinária , Valvas Cardíacas/patologia , Animais Selvagens , Ecocardiografia/veterináriaResumo
Renal hyperparathyroidism stands out among the complications of kidney disease in dogs due to phosphorus retention with a predisposition to hypocalcemia, parathyroid hormone stimulation with mobilization of calcium from the bones, characterizing fibrous osteodystrophy, unusual in the elderly. The objective was to report it in 12-year-old Labrador with polyuria, polydipsia, and emesis for five months due to maxillary and mandibular volume increase, followed by loosely fixed teeth, and facial deformity. Blood tests showed anemia, thrombocytosis, azotemia, hypoalbuminemia and hyperphosphatemia and urinalysis showed low density, glycosuria, proteinuria, and moderate caudate and transitional epithelial cells. Oral x-rays showed loss of dental bone support and decreased bone radiopacity. Chest radiographs showed decreased density in the ribs and costochondral junction; on the other hand, organs of the cardiorespiratory system showed no changes. The electrocardiogram and echocardiogram did not show impairment. Abdominal ultrasound revealed kidneys with asymmetry, increased echogenicity of the cortical and poorly preserved cortico-medullary definition. Oral histopathology showed intense fibroplasia associated with bone reabsorption. Support therapy was instituted, but the patient died ten days after consultation. Thus, although uncommon in the elderly, fibrous osteodystrophy should be investigated in dogs with advanced-stage chronic kidney disease and, even with conservative therapies, the prognosis is unfavorable.
O hiperparatireoidismo renal destaca-se entre as complicações da doença renal em cães, pela retenção de fósforo com predisposição à hipocalcemia, estimulação de paratormônio com mobilização do cálcio dos ossos, caracterizando a osteodistrofia fibrosa, incomum em idosos. O objetivo foi relatá-la em Labrador de 12 anos com poliúria, polidipsia e vômitos há cinco meses, além de aumento de volume maxilar e mandibular seguido de dentes frouxamente fixados e deformidade facial. Os exames sanguíneos denotaram anemia, trombocitose, azotemia, hipoalbuminemia, hiperfosfatemia, urinálise, baixa densidade, glicosúria, proteinúria e moderadas células caudadas e epiteliais de transição. Pelos raios X orais, houve perda da sustentação óssea dentária e diminuição da radiopacidade óssea. As radiografias de tórax demonstraram diminuição da densidade óssea na região dos arcos costais e junção costocondral; em contrapartida, órgãos do sistema cardiorrespiratório se mostraram sem alterações aparentes. O eletrocardiograma e o ecocardiograma não incidiram comprometimento. O ultrassom abdominal revelou rins com assimetria, aumento da ecogenicidade cortical e definição corticomedular pouco preservada, e a histopatologia oral apontou intensa fibroplasia associada à reabsorção óssea. Foi instituída terapia suporte, mas o paciente veio a óbito 10 dias após a consulta. Assim, mesmo que incomum em idosos, a osteodistrofia fibrosa deve ser investigada em cães com doença renal crônica em estágio avançado, mesmo com as terapias conservadoras, o prognóstico é desfavorável.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Distúrbio Mineral e Ósseo na Doença Renal Crônica/veterinária , Hiperfosfatemia/veterinária , Hipocalcemia/veterinária , Mandíbula/patologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/complicaçõesResumo
Pulmonary adenocarcinoma is a malignant epithelial neoplasia that usually arises from conducting airways or alveolar parenchyma. It has rarely been described in wild felids, with no previous reports in ocelots. In domestic cats it is a very aggressive neoplasm with a high metastatic rate that usually evolves to death. This report aimed to describe a pulmonary adenocarcinoma in a captive and senile ocelot (Leopardus pardalis), with a thorough morphologic and immunophenotypically characterization, evidencing the epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) phenomenon in a high metastatic carcinoma, an important feature rarely described in veterinary medicine, even in domestic cats.(AU)
O adenocarcinoma pulmonar é uma neoplasia epitelial maligna originada do epitélio respiratório das vias aéreas inferiores e do parênquima alveolar. É uma neoplasia raramente descrita em felinos selvagens, sem nenhum relato em jaguatiricas. Em gatos domésticos, é uma neoplasia muito agressiva, com alta taxa de metástase, e geralmente evolui para o óbito do paciente. O presente relato objetiva descrever um adenocarcinoma pulmonar em uma jaguatirica (Leopardus pardalis) senil de cativeiro, com detalhada caracterização morfológica e imunofenotípica, evidenciando o fenômeno de transição epitelial-mesenquial (TEM) em um carcinoma altamente metastático, uma característica importante, com escassos relatos na medicina veterinária, mesmo em gatos domésticos.(AU)
Felidae , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/patologia , Adenocarcinoma de Pulmão/veterinária , Neoplasias Pulmonares , Transição Epitelial-Mesenquimal , Animais de ZoológicoResumo
A senile male captive bush dog (Speothos venaticus) presented a small perianal cutaneous nodule. Histologically, there was an ulcerated round cell tumor composed of well differentiated mast cells with abundant intracytoplasmic purple Giemsa-positive granules, with a diffuse eosinophilic infiltrate. Immunohistochemistry revealed that 30% of the neoplastic cells were positive for Kit in the cytoplasm and cell membrane, and all neoplastic cells were negative for MAC and CD3. Less than 10% of the neoplastic cells were positive for Ki67. At necropsy other primary tumors were identified in this animal, including an intestinal adenoma, an adrenal cortex adenoma and a testicular interstitial cell tumor.(AU)
Um cachorro-vinagre (Speothos venaticus) apresentou um nódulo cutâneo pequeno na região perianal. Histologicamente havia neoplasia cutânea de células redondas e ulcerada, constituída por mastócitos bem diferenciados, com abundantes grânulos citoplasmáticos metacromáticos na coloração de Giemsa e infiltrado eosinofílico difuso. A imuno-histoquímica demonstrou que 30% das células neoplásicas eram positivas para a proteína Kit no citoplasma e na membrana celular. As células foram negativas para MAC e CD3. Menos de 10% das células neoplásicas foram positivas para Ki67. Durante a necropsia, foram identificados outros tumores primários, como adenoma intestinal, adenoma cortical da adrenal e tumor de células intersticiais do testículo.(AU)