Background: Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) infections in cattle result in significant economic losses due to reproductive performance deficiencies caused by gastrointestinal, respiratory system infections, and transplacental infections. BVDV is one of the most important and widespread pathogens in cattle worldwide, including Turkey. Methods such as virus neutralization, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), reverse transcriptase and polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) are used for the detection of the disease. The diagnosis of the disease in its subclinical form is challenging due to the lengthy and costly procedures involved. Investigating oxidative stress parameters in ruminants with various diseases contributes significantly to diagnosis and prognosis. This study aimed to investigate some oxidative stress and biochemical parameters in cattle infected with BVDV. Materials, Methods & Results: In the study, blood samples were collected from 80 Simmental breed cows aged between approximately 4 and 8 years to determine the presence of BVDV antibodies using the ELISA method. Based on the results obtained, study groups were organized. The study included a group of 10 animals with positive antibody levels as the infected group, and a group of 10 animals with negative antibody levels as the healthy group. Blood samples were taken from the animals, and serum separation was ensured. In the obtained serum samples, levels of vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-Carotene, catalase, GSH-Px, and MDA were determined using spectrophotometric methods. In addition, serum total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), glucose, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), calcium (Ca), and phosphorus (P) were measured using commercial test kits and an autoanalyzer. In the study, it was observed that the differences in serum MDA, vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, and catalase levels were statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). The activity of GSH-Px was also found to be statistically different between the groups (P < 0.01). Among the biochemical parameters, HDL, LDL, and AST levels were found to be statistically significant between the healthy and BVDV-infected groups (P < 0.001). Additionally, ALP and glucose levels were found to be statistically significant (P < 0.01). However, although there were differences in the levels of total protein, albumin, Ca, and P between the groups, these results were not statistically significant. Discussion: Although the diagnosis of the disease was partially made based on clinical observations in BVDV infections, the ELISA method was used for accurate diagnosis. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant difference in MDA concentration between the healthy and infected groups, indicating oxidative damage caused by the virus. Similarly, significant differences in vitamin E, vitamin A, ß-carotene, GSH-Px, and catalase levels were observed between the groups, indicating a decrease in antioxidant values due to the infection. In addition, differences in ALP, AST, glucose, LDL, and HDL levels were found between the groups. This difference is thought to be related to the effects of the disease agent on the liver and systemically. This study demonstrates that, in addition to the viral pathogen, antioxidant and biochemical values are important criteria in the detection of the disease.
Animais , Bovinos , Doença das Mucosas por Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/fisiopatologia , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina/isolamento & purificação , Estresse Oxidativo , Malondialdeído/administração & dosagem , Análise Química do Sangue/veterináriaResumo
Background: A new pit viper, Protobothrops kelomohy, has been recently discovered in northern and northwestern Thailand. Envenoming by the other Protobothrops species across several Asian countries has been a serious health problem since their venom is highly hematotoxic. However, the management of P. kelomohy bites is required as no specific antivenom is available. This study aimed to investigate the biochemical properties and proteomes of P. kelomohy venom (PKV), including the cross-neutralization to its lethality with antivenoms available in Thailand. Methods: PKV was evaluated for its neutralizing capacity (ER50), lethality (LD50), procoagulant and hemorrhagic effects with three monovalent antivenoms (TAAV, DSAV, and CRAV) and one polyvalent (HPAV) hematotoxic antivenom. The enzymatic activities were examined in comparison with venoms of Trimeresurus albolabris (TAV), Daboia siamensis (DSV), Calloselasma rhodostoma (CRV). Molecular mass was separated on SDS-PAGE, then the specific proteins were determined by western blotting. The venom protein classification was analyzed using mass spectrometry-based proteomics. Results: Intravenous LD50 of PKV was 0.67 µg/g. ER50 of HPAV, DSAV and TAAV neutralize PKV at 1.02, 0.36 and 0.12 mg/mL, respectively. PKV exhibited procoagulant effect with a minimal coagulation dose of 12.5 ± 0.016 µg/mL and hemorrhagic effect with a minimal hemorrhagic dose of 1.20 ± 0.71 µg/mouse. HPAV was significantly effective in neutralizing procoagulant and hemorrhagic effects of PKV than those of TAAV, DSAV and CRAV. All enzymatic activities among four venoms exhibited significant differences. PKV proteome revealed eleven classes of putative snake venom proteins, predominantly metalloproteinase (40.85%), serine protease (29.93%), and phospholipase A2 (15.49%). Conclusions: Enzymatic activities of PKV are similarly related to other viperid venoms in this study by quantitatively hematotoxic properties. Three major venom toxins were responsible for coagulopathy in PKV envenomation. The antivenom HPAV was considered effective in neutralizing the lethality, procoagulant and hemorrhagic effects of PKV.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Víboras/análise , Fenômenos Bioquímicos/fisiologia , Proteômica/métodos , Tailândia , Antivenenos/análiseResumo
Background: Scorpion neurotoxins such as those that modify the mammalian voltagegated sodium ion channels (Nav) are the main responsible for scorpion envenomation. Their neutralization is crucial in the production of antivenoms against scorpion stings. Methods: In the present study, two in silico designed genes one that codes for a native neurotoxin from the venom of the Anatolian scorpion Androctonus crassicauda, named Acra 4 and another non-native toxin named consensus scorpion toxin (SccTx) obtained from the alignment of the primary structures of the most toxic neurotoxins from the Middle Eastern and North African scorpions were recombinantly expressed in E. coli Origami. Results: Following bacterial expression, the two expressed neurotoxins, hereafter named HisrAcra4 and HisrSccTx, were obtained from inclusion bodies. Both recombinant neurotoxins were obtained in multiple Cys-Cys isoforms. After refolding, the active protein fractions were identified with molecular masses of 8,947.6 and 9,989.1 Da for HisrAcra4 and HisrSccTx, respectively, which agreed with their expected theoretical masses. HisrAcra4 and HisrSccTx were used as antigens to immunize two groups of rabbits, to produce either anti-HisrAcra4 or anti-HisrSccTx serum antibodies, which in turn could recognize and neutralize neurotoxins from venoms of scorpion species from the Middle East and North Africa. The antibodies obtained from rabbits neutralized the 3LD50 of Androctonus australis, Leiurus quinquestriatus hebraeus and Buthus occitanus venoms, but they did not neutralize A. crassicauda and A. mauritanicus venoms. In addition, the anti-HisrAcra4 antibodies did not neutralize any of the five scorpion venoms tested. However, an antibody blend of anti-HisrAcra4 and anti-HisrSccTx was able to neutralize A. crassicauda and A. mauritanicus venoms. Conclusions: Two recombinant Nav neurotoxins, from different peptide families, were used as antigens to generate IgGs for neutralizing scorpion venoms of species from the Middle East and North Africa.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Escorpião/enzimologia , Neurotoxinas/análise , Proteínas Recombinantes/análiseResumo
Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a highly infectious pathogen that affects bovines worldwide leading to great economic impact. Although Brazil has the largest commercial cattle population throughout the world and an increasing buffalo breeding industry, the country has no control or eradication program for BVDV. In this perspective, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of BVDV in cattle and buffaloes from two Brazilian states. Four different ELISA tests were performed and confirmed by virus neutralization testing (VNT). The presence of BVDV antibodies in the serum or plasma from 77 cattle from six herds (ELISA-1 and ELISA-4) and from 89 buffaloes from three herds (ELISA-1 through ELISA-4) was detected. Extraction of viral RNA was performed from the serum or plasma samples for the detection of BVDV by RT-PCR analysis. Amplified nucleotide sequences were used to construct a phylogenetic tree. In cattle, ELISA-1 detected 49.4% of seropositive animals, while ELISA-4 detected 37.7%. In buffaloes, ELISA-1 failed to detect any seropositive animals, while ELISA-2 and ELISA-3 detected 20.2% of seropositive animals, and ELISA-4 detected 21.3%. Eight of the nine herds tested had seropositive animals. The rate of PCR positive animals was 6.5% in cattle and 9% in buffaloes. Subtype 1d was found in cattle, and subtypes 1d and 1f were found in buffaloes. This is the first-time subtype 1f has been reported in Brazil. The absence of a control and eradication program seems to be favoring the spread of BVDV in the Brazilian herds. In addition, the improvement of diagnostic strategies for BVDV in buffaloes are required.
Diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) é um patógeno altamente infeccioso que afeta bovinos em todo o mundo elevando o impacto econômico. Apesar de o Brasil possuir a maior população bovina comercial em todo o mundo e uma indústria de criação bubalina em ascendência, o país não tem programa de controle e erradicação para BVDV. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a ocorrência do BVDV em bovinos e bubalinos de dois estados brasileiros. Quatro testes de ELISA foram realizados e confirmados por teste de vírus neutralização (VNT). A presença de anticorpos contra BVDV no soro ou plasma de 77 bovinos de seis rebanhos (ELISA-1 e ELISA-4) e de 89 búfalos de três rebanhos (ELISA-1 ao ELISA-4) foi detectada. Extração de RNA viral foi realizada em amostras de soro ou plasma para detecção de BVDV por análise de RT-PCR. Sequências de nucleotídeos amplificadas foram utilizadas para construção de uma árvore filogenética. Em bovinos, o ELISA-1 detectou 49.4% dos animais soropositivos, enquanto ELISA-4 detectou 37.7%. Em búfalos, o ELISA-1 falhou em detectar animais soropositivos, enquanto o ELISA-2 e o ELISA-3 detectaram 20.2% dos animais soropositivos e o ELISA-4 detectou 21.3%. Oito de nove rebanhos continham animais soropositivos. A frequência de animais PCR positivos foi de 6.5% em bovinos e 9% em búfalos. Os subtipos 1d foi encontrado em bovinos e os subtipos 1d e 1f foram encontrados em búfalos. Este é o primeiro relato da presença do subtipo 1f no Brasil. A ausência de um programa de controle e erradicação parece favorecer a disseminação de BVDV nos rebanhos brasileiros. Além disso, a melhora de estratégias de diagnóstico para BVDV em búfalos é necessária.
Búfalos , Bovinos , Infecções por Pestivirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Pestivirus/epidemiologia , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Doenças dos BovinosResumo
Botulism is generally a fatal disease caused by ingestion of neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. The present study describes the epidemiological, clinical, and laboratory aspects of a type C botulism outbreak in free-living aquatic birds residing in an urban park in Quirinópolis, Goiás, Brazil. Among a population of approximately 80 waterfowl, a total of 30 birds, including ducks (Cairina moschata), teals (Anas platyrhynchos), and geese (Anser cygnoides), died within 10 days. Of these, six birds showed signs of flaccid paralysis of the pelvic limbs, eyelids, neck, and wings. To confirm the suspicion of botulism, four lake water samples, two samples of the feed consumed by the birds, and samples of serum, intestinal content, stomach content, and liver tissue from two teals that died after presenting clinical signs were analyzed. Using bioassay and neutralization with homologous antitoxin in mice, it was possible to detect the presence of botulinum toxin type C in a water sample and in the intestinal content of one of the necropsied teals. Additionally, the presence of C. botulinum type C was identified in the lake water using polymerase chain reaction. Based on the clinical signs and laboratory results, a diagnosis of botulism caused by botulinum toxin type C was confirmed with probable transmission by lake water.
O botulismo é uma doença geralmente fatal, causada pela ingestão de neurotoxinas produzidas pelo Clostridium botulinum. O presente estudo descreve os aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos e laboratoriais de um surto de botulismo tipo C em aves aquáticas de vida livre habitantes de parque urbano em Quirinópolis, Goiás. De uma população de cerca de 80 aves aquáticas, um total de 30 aves, entre patos (Cairina moschata), marrecos (Anas platyrhynchos) e gansos (Anser cygnoides), morreram no intervalo de 10 dias. Destes, seis aves apresentaram sinais de paralisia flácida de membros pélvicos, pálpebras, pescoço e asas. Para confirmar a suspeita de botulismo, foram analisadas quatro amostras da água do lago, duas amostras da ração consumida pelas aves e amostras de soro, conteúdo intestinal, conteúdo estomacal e fígado de dois marrecos que morreram após apresentarem os sinais clínicos. Pelo bioensaio e neutralização com antitoxina homóloga em camundongos foi possível detectar a presença de toxina botulínica tipo C em uma amostra de água e no conteúdo intestinal de um dos marrecos necropsiados. Adicionalmente, pela reação em cadeia da polimerase identificou-se a presença de C. botulinum tipo C na água do lago. Com base nos sinais clínicos e resultados laboratoriais estabeleceu-se o diagnóstico de botulismo causado pela toxina botulínica tipo C e veiculada provavelmente pela água do lago.
Animais , Doenças das Aves/epidemiologia , Botulismo/diagnóstico , Botulismo/patologia , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Anseriformes , Clostridium botulinum tipo C , Doenças das Aves/microbiologia , Brasil , Patos , GansosResumo
Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...
Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Galinhas/microbiologia , Neurotoxinas , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterináriaResumo
Background: Botulism is a disease caused by the ingestion of neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, characterizedby flaccid paralysis, which can lead to high mortality. They have seven types of neurotoxins (A, B, C, D, E, F, and G) and,in birds, most cases are attributed to type C. They are considered sources of botulinum toxins where the decomposition oforganic matter occurs, like stagnant water and rotting food. The main feature of the disease in birds is ascending symmetricflaccid paralysis. The present study aims to describe an outbreak of type C botulism in backyard poultry in the state ofSanta Catarina, Southern Brazil.Case: A visit was made to the property with 160 backyard poultry with a history of high mortality in the municipality ofAgrolândia, Santa Catarina. Clinical signs were characterized by paralysis of the pelvic limbs, neck and pendular wings,which progressed to death within 48 h. There was a mortality rate of 37.5% (60/160) between March and May 2019. Thesebirds were kept in an overcrowded environment, with different species (chickens, ducks, teals, and turkeys) fed irregularly.The water supplied was provided from kitchen exhaust, accumulating in puddles on the floor that contained organic matterresidues such as animal feces, food waste and bone fragments. The disposal of the carcasses of birds that died was in thesame enclosure, buried superficially, facilitating the access of other birds to dig them up and consume them. Necropsywas performed on 2 chickens and one duck, no macroscopic or histopathological lesions were observed. Blood, liver, andgastrointestinal content samples were sent for research and identification of botulinum toxin through the serum neutralization test in mice. The presence of type C botulinum toxin was confirmed in the liver chicken of one sampled animals.Discussion: The identification of type C botulism toxin enabled the characterization of the outbreak, which is...(AU)
Animais , Botulismo/epidemiologia , Botulismo/veterinária , Clostridium botulinum tipo C/isolamento & purificação , Neurotoxinas , Galinhas/microbiologia , Brasil , Surtos de Doenças/veterináriaResumo
Background: The bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) belonging to the order Herpesvirales, family Herpesviridae,subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae and genus Varicellovirus. Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) infections have a great importance due to the high rates of dissemination in cattles worldwide. Although, the BoHV-1 was largely related in cattle,buffaloes were also classified as host for the virus. However, studies that determine seroepidemiological data in this species are scarce and necessary. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of antibodies against BoHV-1in healthy beef buffaloes using the virus neutralization (VN) technique.Cases: This work portrays an epidemiological survey, based on a sectional study characterized by blood samples collectedfrom 54 Murrah buffalo, aged 6 to 24 months, from the municipalities of Guaraqueçaba, Ponta Grossa, Antonina andDoutor Ulysses, located in Paraná state, being 20, 14, 10 and 10 samples from each location, respectively. Thirty-sevenpercent (20/54) of the samples were collected at slaughterhouse with registration at the Federal Inspection Service (SIF)of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), and 63% (34/54) at the buffalos farms. The serumsamples were collected in sterile tubes without anticoagulant in stored isothermal boxes, with serum separation and storedat -20ºC. The samples were sent to the Animal Virology Laboratory of Universidade Estadual de Londrina, UEL for serological analysis. Serological diagnosis using the virus neutralization (VN) technique was performed according the OIEmanual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals, using the BoHV-1 Los Angeles strain. Forth-five of the 54samples (83.3%) evaluated generated titers of antibodies against BoHV-1 present in all evaluated herds, and the samplescollected in herd from Antonina city were 100% positive, following by 80% in Guaraqueçaba...
Animais , Búfalos/virologia , Infecções por Herpesviridae/veterinária , Varicellovirus , Testes de Neutralização/veterináriaResumo
Background: The bovine alphaherpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) belonging to the order Herpesvirales, family Herpesviridae,subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae and genus Varicellovirus. Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) infections have a great importance due to the high rates of dissemination in cattles worldwide. Although, the BoHV-1 was largely related in cattle,buffaloes were also classified as host for the virus. However, studies that determine seroepidemiological data in this species are scarce and necessary. The aim of the present study was to determine the presence of antibodies against BoHV-1in healthy beef buffaloes using the virus neutralization (VN) technique.Cases: This work portrays an epidemiological survey, based on a sectional study characterized by blood samples collectedfrom 54 Murrah buffalo, aged 6 to 24 months, from the municipalities of Guaraqueçaba, Ponta Grossa, Antonina andDoutor Ulysses, located in Paraná state, being 20, 14, 10 and 10 samples from each location, respectively. Thirty-sevenpercent (20/54) of the samples were collected at slaughterhouse with registration at the Federal Inspection Service (SIF)of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA), and 63% (34/54) at the buffalos farms. The serumsamples were collected in sterile tubes without anticoagulant in stored isothermal boxes, with serum separation and storedat -20ºC. The samples were sent to the Animal Virology Laboratory of Universidade Estadual de Londrina, UEL for serological analysis. Serological diagnosis using the virus neutralization (VN) technique was performed according the OIEmanual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for terrestrial animals, using the BoHV-1 Los Angeles strain. Forth-five of the 54samples (83.3%) evaluated generated titers of antibodies against BoHV-1 present in all evaluated herds, and the samplescollected in herd from Antonina city were 100% positive, following by 80% in Guaraqueçaba...(AU)
Animais , Búfalos/virologia , Varicellovirus , Infecções por Herpesviridae/veterinária , Testes de Neutralização/veterináriaResumo
The western Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) is widely distributed in South Asia, and geographical venom variation is anticipated among distant populations. Antivenoms used for Russell's viper envenomation are, however, raised typically against snakes from Southern India. The present study investigated and compared the venom proteomes of D. russelii from Sri Lanka (DrSL) and India (DrI), the immunorecognition of Indian VINS Polyvalent Antivenom (VPAV) and its efficacy in neutralizing the venom toxicity. Methods: The venoms of DrSL and DrI were decomplexed with C18 high-performance liquid chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The proteins fractionated were identified through nano-ESI-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). The immunological studies were conducted with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The neutralization of the venom procoagulant effect was evaluated in citrated human plasma. The neutralization of the venom lethality was assessed in vivo in mice adopting the WHO protocol. Results: DrSL and DrI venom proteomes showed comparable major protein families, with phospholipases A2 (PLA2) being the most abundant (> 60% of total venom proteins) and diverse (six protein forms identified). Both venoms were highly procoagulant and lethal (intravenous median lethal dose in mice, LD50 = 0.24 and 0.32 µg/g, for DrSL and DrI, respectively), while lacking hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities. VPAV was immunoreactive toward DrSL and DrI venoms, indicating conserved protein antigenicity in the venoms. The high molecular weight venom proteins were, however, more effectively immunorecognized than small ones. VPAV was able to neutralize the coagulopathic and lethal effects of the venoms moderately. Conclusion: Considering that a large amount of venom can be injected by Russell's viper during envenomation, the potency of antivenom can be further improved for optimal neutralization and effective treatment. Region-specific venoms and key toxins may be incorporated into the immunization procedure during antivenom production.(AU)
Animais , Venenos/toxicidade , Antivenenos/biossíntese , Daboia , Proteômica , Localizações GeográficasResumo
The western Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) is widely distributed in South Asia, and geographical venom variation is anticipated among distant populations. Antivenoms used for Russell's viper envenomation are, however, raised typically against snakes from Southern India. The present study investigated and compared the venom proteomes of D. russelii from Sri Lanka (DrSL) and India (DrI), the immunorecognition of Indian VINS Polyvalent Antivenom (VPAV) and its efficacy in neutralizing the venom toxicity. Methods: The venoms of DrSL and DrI were decomplexed with C18 high-performance liquid chromatography and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. The proteins fractionated were identified through nano-ESI-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). The immunological studies were conducted with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The neutralization of the venom procoagulant effect was evaluated in citrated human plasma. The neutralization of the venom lethality was assessed in vivo in mice adopting the WHO protocol. Results: DrSL and DrI venom proteomes showed comparable major protein families, with phospholipases A2 (PLA2) being the most abundant (> 60% of total venom proteins) and diverse (six protein forms identified). Both venoms were highly procoagulant and lethal (intravenous median lethal dose in mice, LD50 = 0.24 and 0.32 µg/g, for DrSL and DrI, respectively), while lacking hemorrhagic and anticoagulant activities. VPAV was immunoreactive toward DrSL and DrI venoms, indicating conserved protein antigenicity in the venoms. The high molecular weight venom proteins were, however, more effectively immunorecognized than small ones. VPAV was able to neutralize the coagulopathic and lethal effects of the venoms moderately. Conclusion: Considering that a large amount of venom can be injected by Russell's viper during envenomation, the potency of antivenom can be further improved for optimal neutralization and effective treatment. Region-specific venoms and key toxins may be incorporated into the immunization procedure during antivenom production.(AU)
Animais , Venenos/toxicidade , Antivenenos/biossíntese , Daboia , Proteômica , Localizações GeográficasResumo
King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah) has a significant place in many cultures, and is a medically important venomous snake in the world. Envenomation by this snake is highly lethal, manifested mainly by neurotoxicity and local tissue damage. King Cobra may be part of a larger species complex, and is widely distributed across Southeast Asia, southern China, northern and eastern regions as well as the Western Ghats of India, indicating potential geographical variation in venom composition. There is, however, only one species-specific King Cobra antivenom available worldwide that is produced in Thailand, using venom from the snake of Thai origin. Issues relating to the management of King Cobra envenomation (e.g., variation in the composition and toxicity of the venom, limited availability and efficacy of antivenom), and challenges faced in the research of venom (in particular proteomics), are rarely addressed. This article reviews the natural history and sociocultural importance of King Cobra, cases of snakebite envenomation caused by this species, current practice of management (preclinical and clinical), and major toxinological studies of the venom with a focus on venom proteomics, toxicity and neutralization. Unfortunately, epidemiological data of King Cobra bite is scarce, and venom proteomes reported in various studies revealed marked discrepancies in details. Challenges, such as inconsistency in snake venom sampling, varying methodology of proteomic analysis, lack of mechanistic and antivenomic studies, and controversy surrounding antivenom use in treating King Cobra envenomation are herein discussed. Future directions are proposed, including the effort to establish a standard, comprehensive Pan-Asian proteomic database of King Cobra venom, from which the venom variation can be determined. Research should be undertaken to characterize the toxin antigenicity, and to develop an antivenom with improved efficacy and wider geographical utility. The endeavors are aligned with the WHO´s roadmap that aims to reduce the disease burden of snakebite by 50% before 2030.(AU)
Animais , Intoxicação , Mordeduras de Serpentes , Serpentes , Antivenenos , Proteoma , Venenos Elapídicos , História NaturalResumo
Serum samples from 719 dairy cattle of reproductive age, from 47 farms in a settlement in the municipality of Andradina, São Paulo, were analyzed for the presence of antibodies against the Nebraska strain of BoHV-1 and Singer type 1 of BVDV-1, using the virus neutralization technique (VN). Regarding BoHV-1, 72.0% of the samples analyzed (518/719) were positive, with a geometric mean of antibody titers of 318. For BVDV-1, 44.8% of the samples were reactive, only one farm had no reactive animals, and the majority of antibody titers found in the animals' sera were low. The results of this study revealed that BoHV-1 was present in all of the studied herds, with moderate titration in the majority of cases, with the presence of some high individual titers among the tested animals. Also, even with the reactivation or circulation of BoHV-1 in herds, the clinical disease was not observed, an epidemiological finding that also applied to BVDV-1. In view of the results obtained, the circulation of diseases in family farm herds in the studied region was evident, suggesting the need to study local risk factors and improve health education policies as a way to prevent or reduce the prevalence of these diseases.
Coletou-se 719 amostras de soro sanguíneo de bovinos em idade reprodutiva, de 47 propriedades de um assentamento no município de Andradina-SP. As amostras foram analisadas para presença de anticorpos contra ambos os vírus estudados, pela técnica de virusneutralização, utilizando-se a estirpe Nebraska para o BoHV-1 e Singer tipo 1 para o BVDV-1. Em relação ao BoHV-1, 72,0% (518/719) das amostras foram positivas, sendo 318 a média geométrica dos títulos de anticorpos (GMT).Para o BVDV-1, 44,8% das amostras foram reagentes; apenas uma propriedade não teve animais reagentes, sendo a maioria dos títulos de anticorpos encontrados nos soros baixa. Observou-se que o BoHV-1 está presente em todos os rebanhos estudados com titulação moderada, com presença de alguns títulos individuais altos entre animais e com GMT alta em um dos rebanhos. Mesmo havendo a reativação ou mesmo a circulação do BoHV-1 nos rebanhos, não foi observado a doença clínica, fato epidemiológico que também ocorreu com o BVDV-1. Diante dos resultados obtidos, ficou evidente a circulação das doenças nos rebanhos da agricultura familiar na região estudada, sugerindo o estudo de fatores de risco local e melhorias de políticas de educação em saúde como forma de prevenir e ou reduzir a prevalência das enfermidades.
Animais , Bovinos , Herpesvirus Bovino 1/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Herpesviridae/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Pestivirus/prevenção & controle , Pestivirus/isolamento & purificação , Soro , Brasil , Testes Sorológicos/veterináriaResumo
Serum samples from 719 dairy cattle of reproductive age, from 47 farms in a settlement in the municipality of Andradina, São Paulo, were analyzed for the presence of antibodies against the Nebraska strain of BoHV-1 and Singer type 1 of BVDV-1, using the virus neutralization technique (VN). Regarding BoHV-1, 72.0% of the samples analyzed (518/719) were positive, with a geometric mean of antibody titers of 318. For BVDV-1, 44.8% of the samples were reactive, only one farm had no reactive animals, and the majority of antibody titers found in the animals' sera were low. The results of this study revealed that BoHV-1 was present in all of the studied herds, with moderate titration in the majority of cases, with the presence of some high individual titers among the tested animals. Also, even with the reactivation or circulation of BoHV-1 in herds, the clinical disease was not observed, an epidemiological finding that also applied to BVDV-1. In view of the results obtained, the circulation of diseases in family farm herds in the studied region was evident, suggesting the need to study local risk factors and improve health education policies as a way to prevent or reduce the prevalence of these diseases.(AU)
Coletou-se 719 amostras de soro sanguíneo de bovinos em idade reprodutiva, de 47 propriedades de um assentamento no município de Andradina-SP. As amostras foram analisadas para presença de anticorpos contra ambos os vírus estudados, pela técnica de virusneutralização, utilizando-se a estirpe Nebraska para o BoHV-1 e Singer tipo 1 para o BVDV-1. Em relação ao BoHV-1, 72,0% (518/719) das amostras foram positivas, sendo 318 a média geométrica dos títulos de anticorpos (GMT).Para o BVDV-1, 44,8% das amostras foram reagentes; apenas uma propriedade não teve animais reagentes, sendo a maioria dos títulos de anticorpos encontrados nos soros baixa. Observou-se que o BoHV-1 está presente em todos os rebanhos estudados com titulação moderada, com presença de alguns títulos individuais altos entre animais e com GMT alta em um dos rebanhos. Mesmo havendo a reativação ou mesmo a circulação do BoHV-1 nos rebanhos, não foi observado a doença clínica, fato epidemiológico que também ocorreu com o BVDV-1. Diante dos resultados obtidos, ficou evidente a circulação das doenças nos rebanhos da agricultura familiar na região estudada, sugerindo o estudo de fatores de risco local e melhorias de políticas de educação em saúde como forma de prevenir e ou reduzir a prevalência das enfermidades.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Herpesvirus Bovino 1/isolamento & purificação , Pestivirus/isolamento & purificação , Soro , Infecções por Herpesviridae/prevenção & controle , Infecções por Pestivirus/prevenção & controle , Testes Sorológicos/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Objetivou-se investigar a presença do Vírus da Estomatite Vesicular (VEV) e seus fatores de risco para ocorrência e disseminação da enfermidade em equídeos das mesorregiões Leste e Oeste Potiguar do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram analisadas pela técnica de virusneutralização, 809 amostras sanguíneas de equídeos provenientes de noventa propriedades de dezesseis municípios Potiguares durante os meses de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019. Os fatores de riscos associados ao VEV foram avaliados por meio de questionário epidemiológico e os dados submetidos a análise estatística no programa IBM SPSS Statistics versão 21.0 com nível de confiança de 95%. Posteriormente, todas as variáveis estatisticamente significantes foram submetidas a análise de regressão de Poisson. A soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-VEV foi 24,6% (199/809), sendo 3,2% (13/402) de soropositivos na mesorregião Leste e 45,7% (186/407) na do Oeste Potiguar. Com relação aos sorotipos, observou-se uma prevalência de 3,8% (31/809) e 24,5% (198/809) para Indiana 2 e 3 respectivamente, com 15,1% (30/198) de coinfecção. Equídeos criados na mesorregião Oeste, em propriedades que não realizam quarentena e onde os animais enfermos são mantidos no rebanho, foram consideradas fatores predisponentes a infecção pelo VEV. Esses resultados demonstram a circulação do VEV em equídeos no Rio Grande do Norte, com destaque ao Oeste Potiguar, e sendo necessário a aplicação de medidas sanitárias que impeçam introdução e disseminação do vírus ente as espécies susceptíveis, principalmente em condições climáticas favoráveis para a sua manutenção, no ambiente de criação e pastagens.
This study aimed to investigate the presence of Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and risk factors for its occurrence and dissemination in equines from the Eastern and Western mesoregions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Blood samples were analyzed, by Serum Virus Neutralization Assay, from 809 animals belonging to 90 properties distributed in sixteen municipalities from July 2018 to February 2019. Risk factors were assessed using an epidemiological questionnaire. Data were submitted to statistical analysis using the software IBM SPSS Statistics, version 21.0 with a 95% confidence level. Also, all statistically significant variables were subjected to Poisson regression analysis. The occurrence of anti-VSV antibodies was 24.6% (199/809) with 3.2% (13/402) and 45.7% (186/407) of seropositivity in the Western and Eastern mesoregion, respectively. Regarding serotypes, there were an occurrence of 3.8% (31/809) and 24.5% (198/809) for Indiana 2 and 3, respectively, and 15.1% (30/198) of co-infection for both. Equines kept of the Western mesoregion, on properties that do not quarantine, and where sick animals are kept in the herd, were considered risk factors for LVV infection. These results demonstrate the presence of VSV in equines in Rio Grande do Norte, with emphasis on Oeste Potiguar, and that sanitary measures must be adopted to prevent the introduction and viral spreading among susceptible species, especially due to favorable climatic conditions for the maintenance of VSV in the breeding and pasture environment.
Animais , Vírus da Estomatite Vesicular Indiana , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Fatores de Risco , Estomatite Vesicular/virologia , Anticorpos Antivirais/análiseResumo
Objetivou-se investigar a presença do Vírus da Estomatite Vesicular (VEV) e seus fatores de risco para ocorrência e disseminação da enfermidade em equídeos das mesorregiões Leste e Oeste Potiguar do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram analisadas pela técnica de virusneutralização, 809 amostras sanguíneas de equídeos provenientes de noventa propriedades de dezesseis municípios Potiguares durante os meses de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019. Os fatores de riscos associados ao VEV foram avaliados por meio de questionário epidemiológico e os dados submetidos a análise estatística no programa IBM SPSS Statistics versão 21.0 com nível de confiança de 95%. Posteriormente, todas as variáveis estatisticamente significantes foram submetidas a análise de regressão de Poisson. A soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-VEV foi 24,6% (199/809), sendo 3,2% (13/402) de soropositivos na mesorregião Leste e 45,7% (186/407) na do Oeste Potiguar. Com relação aos sorotipos, observou-se uma prevalência de 3,8% (31/809) e 24,5% (198/809) para Indiana 2 e 3 respectivamente, com 15,1% (30/198) de coinfecção. Equídeos criados na mesorregião Oeste, em propriedades que não realizam quarentena e onde os animais enfermos são mantidos no rebanho, foram consideradas fatores predisponentes a infecção pelo VEV. Esses resultados demonstram a circulação do VEV em equídeos no Rio Grande do Norte, com destaque ao Oeste Potiguar, e sendo necessário a aplicação de medidas sanitárias que impeçam introdução e disseminação do vírus ente as espécies susceptíveis, principalmente em condições climáticas favoráveis para a sua manutenção, no ambiente de criação e pastagens.(AU)
This study aimed to investigate the presence of Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and risk factors for its occurrence and dissemination in equines from the Eastern and Western mesoregions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Blood samples were analyzed, by Serum Virus Neutralization Assay, from 809 animals belonging to 90 properties distributed in sixteen municipalities from July 2018 to February 2019. Risk factors were assessed using an epidemiological questionnaire. Data were submitted to statistical analysis using the software IBM SPSS Statistics, version 21.0 with a 95% confidence level. Also, all statistically significant variables were subjected to Poisson regression analysis. The occurrence of anti-VSV antibodies was 24.6% (199/809) with 3.2% (13/402) and 45.7% (186/407) of seropositivity in the Western and Eastern mesoregion, respectively. Regarding serotypes, there were an occurrence of 3.8% (31/809) and 24.5% (198/809) for Indiana 2 and 3, respectively, and 15.1% (30/198) of co-infection for both. Equines kept of the Western mesoregion, on properties that do not quarantine, and where sick animals are kept in the herd, were considered risk factors for LVV infection. These results demonstrate the presence of VSV in equines in Rio Grande do Norte, with emphasis on Oeste Potiguar, and that sanitary measures must be adopted to prevent the introduction and viral spreading among susceptible species, especially due to favorable climatic conditions for the maintenance of VSV in the breeding and pasture environment.(AU)
Animais , Cavalos , Cavalos/virologia , Estomatite Vesicular/virologia , Fatores Biológicos/análise , Fatores de Risco , Infecções por Rhabdoviridae/diagnósticoResumo
Objetivou-se investigar a presença do Vírus da Estomatite Vesicular (VEV) e seus fatores de risco para ocorrência e disseminação da enfermidade em equídeos das mesorregiões Leste e Oeste Potiguar do estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram analisadas pela técnica de virusneutralização, 809 amostras sanguíneas de equídeos provenientes de noventa propriedades de dezesseis municípios Potiguares durante os meses de julho de 2018 a fevereiro de 2019. Os fatores de riscos associados ao VEV foram avaliados por meio de questionário epidemiológico e os dados submetidos a análise estatística no programa IBM SPSS Statistics versão 21.0 com nível de confiança de 95%. Posteriormente, todas as variáveis estatisticamente significantes foram submetidas a análise de regressão de Poisson. A soroprevalência de anticorpos anti-VEV foi 24,6% (199/809), sendo 3,2% (13/402) de soropositivos na mesorregião Leste e 45,7% (186/407) na do Oeste Potiguar. Com relação aos sorotipos, observou-se uma prevalência de 3,8% (31/809) e 24,5% (198/809) para Indiana 2 e 3 respectivamente, com 15,1% (30/198) de coinfecção. Equídeos criados na mesorregião Oeste, em propriedades que não realizam quarentena e onde os animais enfermos são mantidos no rebanho, foram consideradas fatores predisponentes a infecção pelo VEV. Esses resultados demonstram a circulação do VEV em equídeos no Rio Grande do Norte, com destaque ao Oeste Potiguar, e sendo necessário a aplicação de medidas sanitárias que impeçam introdução e disseminação do vírus ente as espécies susceptíveis, principalmente em condições climáticas favoráveis para a sua manutenção, no ambiente de criação e pastagens.
This study aimed to investigate the presence of Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and risk factors for its occurrence and dissemination in equines from the Eastern and Western mesoregions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Blood samples were analyzed, by Serum Virus Neutralization Assay, from 809 animals belonging to 90 properties distributed in sixteen municipalities from July 2018 to February 2019. Risk factors were assessed using an epidemiological questionnaire. Data were submitted to statistical analysis using the software IBM SPSS Statistics, version 21.0 with a 95% confidence level. Also, all statistically significant variables were subjected to Poisson regression analysis. The occurrence of anti-VSV antibodies was 24.6% (199/809) with 3.2% (13/402) and 45.7% (186/407) of seropositivity in the Western and Eastern mesoregion, respectively. Regarding serotypes, there were an occurrence of 3.8% (31/809) and 24.5% (198/809) for Indiana 2 and 3, respectively, and 15.1% (30/198) of co-infection for both. Equines kept of the Western mesoregion, on properties that do not quarantine, and where sick animals are kept in the herd, were considered risk factors for LVV infection. These results demonstrate the presence of VSV in equines in Rio Grande do Norte, with emphasis on Oeste Potiguar, and that sanitary measures must be adopted to prevent the introduction and viral spreading among susceptible species, especially due to favorable climatic conditions for the maintenance of VSV in the breeding and pasture environment.
Animais , Cavalos , Cavalos/virologia , Estomatite Vesicular/virologia , Fatores Biológicos/análise , Fatores de Risco , Infecções por Rhabdoviridae/diagnósticoResumo
Background: Bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV) is an arthropod-borne virus classified as a type species of the genusEphemerovirus, family Rhabdoviridae. BEFV is the causative agent of bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), a non-contagiousdisease of acute febrile clinical signs in cattle and water buffalo. Some species might act as reservoir hosts, and antibodiesto BEFV have also been found in asymptomatic sheep, goats, pigs, and many wild animals. This study aimed to conducta retrospective cross-sectional serological screening in South Korea to address BEFV seroprevalence and identify riskfactors for becoming seropositive for the virus in sheep and goats.Materials, Methods & Results: The apparent prevalence rates were considered to be the animal-level prevalence, definedas the proportion of serum neutralization test (SNT)-positive animals out of the total number of animals tested in the studyarea, and flock prevalence was defined as the proportion of SNT-positive flocks out of the total number of tested flocksin the area. A flock was classified as positive if at least one animal was SNT-positive. At the national level in 2011, 28 of177 flocks (15.8%; 95% CI, 11.2-21.9%) and 71 of 498 heads (14.3%, 95% CI: 11.5-17.6%) that were analyzed showedserum neutralizing antibodies against BEFV. Our results revealed that age class, vector control, and geographic locationaffected seroprevalence to differing extents. In the univariate analysis, older age was a significant risk factor (OR, 2.327;95% CI, 1.147-4.721; P = 0.017 in adults). The management risk factor attributes showed that preventive measures, suchas routine application of insecticides in farms, decreased the odds of seropositivity for BEFV (OR, 0.514; 95% CI, 0.267-0.991; P = 0.044). Vector control was a significant protective factor, while animal species, flock size, and flock structurewere not significantly associated. Differences in seroprevalence between variations in the...
Animais , Infecções por Rhabdoviridae/veterinária , Ovinos/virologia , Ruminantes/virologia , Fatores de RiscoResumo
Background: Bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV) is an arthropod-borne virus classified as a type species of the genusEphemerovirus, family Rhabdoviridae. BEFV is the causative agent of bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), a non-contagiousdisease of acute febrile clinical signs in cattle and water buffalo. Some species might act as reservoir hosts, and antibodiesto BEFV have also been found in asymptomatic sheep, goats, pigs, and many wild animals. This study aimed to conducta retrospective cross-sectional serological screening in South Korea to address BEFV seroprevalence and identify riskfactors for becoming seropositive for the virus in sheep and goats.Materials, Methods & Results: The apparent prevalence rates were considered to be the animal-level prevalence, definedas the proportion of serum neutralization test (SNT)-positive animals out of the total number of animals tested in the studyarea, and flock prevalence was defined as the proportion of SNT-positive flocks out of the total number of tested flocksin the area. A flock was classified as positive if at least one animal was SNT-positive. At the national level in 2011, 28 of177 flocks (15.8%; 95% CI, 11.2-21.9%) and 71 of 498 heads (14.3%, 95% CI: 11.5-17.6%) that were analyzed showedserum neutralizing antibodies against BEFV. Our results revealed that age class, vector control, and geographic locationaffected seroprevalence to differing extents. In the univariate analysis, older age was a significant risk factor (OR, 2.327;95% CI, 1.147-4.721; P = 0.017 in adults). The management risk factor attributes showed that preventive measures, suchas routine application of insecticides in farms, decreased the odds of seropositivity for BEFV (OR, 0.514; 95% CI, 0.267-0.991; P = 0.044). Vector control was a significant protective factor, while animal species, flock size, and flock structurewere not significantly associated. Differences in seroprevalence between variations in the...(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/virologia , Ruminantes/virologia , Infecções por Rhabdoviridae/veterinária , Fatores de RiscoResumo
HoBi-like pestiviruses (HoBiPeV) constitute a novel group of bovine pestiviruses, genetically and antigenically related to bovine viral diarrhea virus 1 (BVDV-1) and BVDV-2. Recent data shows that HoBiPeV are endemic among Brazilian cattle, yet bovine reproductive/respiratory vaccines contain only BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 strains. The present study investigated the neutralizing antibody response against these pestiviruses induced by two commercial vaccines (VA = attenuated, VI = inactivated) and by three experimental, replicative, vaccine formulations (VAC1 = monovalent, BVDV-1; VAC2 = bivalent, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2; VAC3 = trivalent, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2 and HoBiPeV). Seronegative beef calves were immunized once (replicative vaccines) or twice (inactivated vaccine) and serum samples were tested by virus-neutralization (VN) 30 days after vaccination (dpv) (replicative vaccines) or 30 days after the second dose (VI). We considered a threshold VN titer of ≥60 indicative of protection against clinical disease. At 30 dpv, VA induced protective titers against BVDV-2 in 7/7 animals (GMT=289.8) and against BVDV-1 and HoBiPeV in 5/7 animals (GMTs=97.5 and 80, respectively). VI induced protective titers against BVDV-1 in 1/7 animal (GMT=16.4), 2/7 animals against BVDV-2 (GMT=53.8) and in none of the calves against HoBiPeV (GMT=12.2). When a pool of sera of each vaccine group was tested against individual Brazilian isolates, VA induced protective titers against 3/7 BVDV-1 isolates, to 9/10 (BVDV-2) and 1/8 (HoBiPeV); VI induced protective titers against 1/7 (BVDV-1), 1/10 (BVDV-2) and none (0/8) HoBiPeV isolates. The experimental vaccine VAC1 induced protective titers against BVDV-1 in 9/9 animals (GMT=320) but in no animal against BVDV-2 or HoBiPeV (GMT<10). VAC2 induced protective titers to BVDV-1 and BVDV-2 in 9/9 animals (GMTs=160 and 640, respectively), and against HoBiPeV in 7/9 animals (GMT=108.5). Finally, VAC3 induced protective titers in all animals against BVDV-1 (GMT=234.3), BVDV-2 (294.9) and HoBiPeV (201.1). Testing the pool of sera against pestivirus isolates, VAC1 induced titers ≥ 60 against 4/7 BVDV-1 but to none BVDV-2/HoBiPeV isolate; VAC2 induced protective titers against 4/7 BVDV-1; 10/10 BVDV-2 and 2/8 HoBiPeV; VAC3 induced protective titers against all BVDV-1, BVDV-2 and HoBiPeV isolates. These results indicate that vaccines composed by BVDV-1+BVDV-2, especially those containing inactivated virus, may not induce serological response against a variety of HoBiPeV isolates. Thus, the need of inclusion of HoBiPeV in vaccine formulations should be considered.(AU)
Os pestivírus HoBi-like (HoBiPeV) compõe um grupo novo de pestivírus de bovinos, genética e antigenicamente relacionados com os vírus da diarreia viral bovina 1 e 2 (BVDV-1, BVDV2). Dados recentes indicam que os HoBiPeV são endêmicos na população bovina do Brasil, mas as vacinas respiratórias e reprodutivas bovinas contêm apenas cepas de BVDV-1 e BVDV-2. O presente estudo investigou a atividade neutralizante contra estes pestivírus induzidas por duas vacinas comerciais (VA = atenuada, VI = inativada) e por três vacinas experimentais replicativas (VAC1 = monovalente, BVDV-1; VAC2 = bivalente, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2; VAC3 = trivalente, BVDV-1 + BVDV-2 e HoBiPeV). Bezerros soronegativos foram imunizados uma vez (vacinas replicativas) ou duas (vacina inativada) e amostras de soro foram testadas por vírus-neutralização (VN) 30 dias após a vacinação (dpv) (vacinas replicativas) ou 30 dias após a segunda dose (VI). Títulos neutralizantes ≥60 foram considerados indicativos de proteção contra doença clínica. Nesta data, a VA induziu títulos protetivos contra o BVDV-2 em 7/7 animais (GMT=289,8) e contra BVDV-1 e HoBiPeV em 5/7 animals (GMTs=97,5 e 80, respectivamente). VI induziu títulos protetores contra BVDV-1 em 1/7 animal (GMT=16,4), em 2/7 animais contra BVDV-2 (GMT=53,8) e em nenhum contra HoBiPeV (GMT=12,2). Quando um pool de soro de cada grupo vacinal foi testado frente a isolados Brasileiros, a VA induziu títulos protetores contra 3/7 isolados de BVDV-1, 9/10 (BVDV-2) e 1/8 (HoBiPeV); VI induziu títulos protetores em 1/7 contra BVDV-1, 1/10 (BVDV-2) e em nenhum (0/8) contra isolados de HoBiPeV. A VAC1 induziu títulos protetores contra BVDV-1 em 9/9 animais (GMT=320) mas em nenhum animal contra BVDV-2 ou HoBiPeV (GMT<10). VAC2 induziu títulos protetores contra BVDV-1e BVDV-2 em 9/9 animais (GMTs=160 e 640, respectivamente),e contra HoBiPeV em 7/9 animais (GMT=108,5). Finalmente, VAC3 induziu títulos protetores em todos os animais contra BVDV-1 (GMT=234,3), BVDV-2 (294,9) e HoBiPeV (201,1). No teste de pool de soro contra isolados de pestivírus, VAC1 induziu títulos ≥60 contra 4/7 BVDV-1 mas contra nenhum isolado de BVDV-2/HoBiPeV; VAC2 induziu títulos protetores contra 4/7 BVDV-1; 10/10 BVDV-2 e 2/8 HoBiPeV; VAC3 induziu títulos protetores contra todos BVDV-1, BVDV-2 e HoBiPeV. Esses resultados indicam que vacinas contendo apenas BVDV-1 BVDV-2, especialmente aquelas inativadas, podem não conferir resposta sorológica protetora contra vários isolados de HoBiPeV. Portanto, a necessidade de se incluir cepas de HoBiPeV nas vacinas deve ser considerada.(AU)