Background: Dermatophytes, fungi of universal distribution, invade semi or fully keratinized structures, such as skin, fur/ hair and nails. The various species of dermatophytes are classified into three genera anamorphic: Microsporum, Trichophyton and Epidermophyton. The genus Epidermophyton includes only E. floccosum, that rarely affects animals. The main species responsible for the disease in dogs and cats are Microsporum canis, M. gypseum and Trichophyton mentagrophytes, which were characterized through conventional mycological methodology (microscopic examination with KOH and culture). Molecular methodologies, such as real-time PCR, can contribute to a rapid laboratory diagnosis, helping clinicians to initiate an early antifungal treatment. This case report describes a case of canine dermatophytosis due to Trichophyton mentagrophytes detected from a clinical sample by SYBR-Green real-time PCR. Case: A 8-year-old dog, rescued from the street, was referred to a private veterinary clinic in the city of Canoas, RS, Brazil, presenting generalized lymphadenomegaly, crusted lesions all over the body, generalized alopecia, signs of excoriation and epistaxis. Initially, were administered prednisone [1 mg/kg every 48 h, BID] and cephalexin [30 mg/kg, BID]. Weekly baths with benzoyl peroxide were also given. The therapy was not clinically successful. Wood's Lamp Test was negative. As a differential diagnosis, PCR for detection of Leishmania was negative. Complete blood count and serum biochemical assay were also performed. For mycological diagnosis, hair specimen was clarified and examined microscopically using 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) for the visualization of chains of arthroconidia (ectothrix invasion of hair). The infected hair was plated onto MycoselTM Agar, incubated at 28°C for 15 days. Microscopy of hyphae/ conidia and macroscopic colony characteristics (colors and texture) were conducted for the differentiation of the species within the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton. In addition, real-time PCR was applied for direct analysis of the fungal DNA obtained from the hair sample. Microscopic examination was negative. The dermatophyte present in the hair sample was confirmed as Trichophyton mentagrophytes by culture and qPCR (melting-point analysis). The patient was treated with systemic itraconazole [10 mg/ kg SID - 90 days]. Twice-weekly application of 2.5 % miconazole and 2% chlorhexidine shampoo until complete cure. Discussion: Dermatophytosis is often listed as self-limiting infection; however, animal dermatophytosis can spread between pets, as well as a zoonotic transmission to humans. The literature on dermatophytosis indicates that Microsporum canis is the predominant etiological agent, followed by M. gypseum. Trichophyon mentagrophytes that appear in a lower percentage of isolation. The culture of hair, even with specific medium containing chloramphenicol and cyclohexamide, may present contaminating fungi, not related to dermatophytosis, which can inhibit or override the growth of dermatophytes. The use of real-time PCR provided a faster and specific diagnosis of dermatophytosis when compared to the conventional mycological methodology for detection and identification of T. mentagrophytes, which takes around 10 to 15 days for culture. It is possible to use this technique as an alternative diagnosis for dermatophytes associated to clinical hair samples of dogs.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Tinha/veterinária , Trichophyton/isolamento & purificação , Dermatomicoses/diagnóstico , Dermatomicoses/veterinária , Técnicas de Diagnóstico Molecular/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
Sodium lauryl sulfate is the main cleaning ingredient in shampoos, even though it may be potentially damaging to hair. The demand for antioxidant-rich cosmetics, on the other hand, has encouraged green cosmetics research. Brazil has vast biodiversity that can be exploited for the production of these cosmetics. This work aimed to develop a minimalist antioxidant lauryl-free shampoo formulation with leaf extracts from the Brazilian plant Hancornia speciosa Gomes. Two hydroethanolic extracts were prepared using different extraction methods, Soxhlet, and ultrasound. The extracts were characterized by the presence of saponins, polyphenol quantification, and HLPC chemical identification of the compounds. Antioxidant activity was determined using the DPPH method. The antioxidant lauryl-free shampoo was developed using hydroxyethyl cellulose with two concentrations of leaf extract obtained by Soxhlet, 0.125 mg/g (XP1) and 0.250 mg/g (XP2). Along with the antioxidant activity, the physical and chemical properties, cleaning potential, and foam quality were evaluated. The Soxhlet leaf extract revealed a more favorable chemical profile, including a positive result for saponins, as well as a larger quantity of polyphenols and increased antioxidant activity. The XP2 formulation showed better foam height, dirt dispersion, and antioxidant activity. Thus, the use of mangabeira leaf extract appears to be promising for the development of shampoos with antioxidant activity.
O lauril sulfato de sódio é o principal ingrediente de limpeza em xampus, embora possa ser potencialmente prejudicial ao cabelo. A demanda por cosméticos ricos em antioxidantes, por outro lado, tem incentivado as pesquisas com cosméticos verdes. O Brasil possui uma vasta biodiversidade que pode ser explorada para a produção desses cosméticos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma formulação de xampu antioxidante minimalista sem lauril com extratos de folhas da planta brasileira Hancornia speciosa Gomes. Dois extratos hidroetanólicos foram preparados usando diferentes métodos de extração, Soxhlet e ultrassom. Os extratos foram caracterizados quanto à presença de saponinas, quantificação de polifenóis e identificação química HLPC dos compostos. A atividade antioxidante foi determinada pelo método DPPH. O xampu antioxidante sem lauril foi desenvolvido utilizando hidroxietil celulose com duas concentrações de extrato de folha obtido por Soxhlet, 0.125 mg/g (XP1) e 0.250 mg/g (XP2). Juntamente com a atividade antioxidante, foram avaliadas as propriedades físicas e químicas, potencial de limpeza e qualidade da espuma. O extrato da folha de Soxhlet revelou um perfil químico mais favorável, incluindo resultado positivo para saponinas, além de maior quantidade de polifenóis e aumento da atividade antioxidante. A formulação XP2 apresentou melhor altura de espuma, dispersão de sujeira e atividade antioxidante. Assim, o uso do extrato da folha de mangabeira parece ser promissor para o desenvolvimento de xampus com atividade antioxidante.
Extratos Vegetais/farmacologia , Cosméticos , Apocynaceae , Polidocanol , Antioxidantes , BrasilResumo
O trabalho tem o objetivo de relatar um caso de Dermatose Actínica em cadela adulta, 8 anos apresentando pele eritematosa. Na avaliação clínica a cadela apresentou os parâmetros normais da espécie, porém devido às lesões observadas foram solicitados exames citológico e parasitológico de pele, que demonstraram a presença de bactérias (cocos), neutrófilos degenerados e fungos dermatófitos além de demodicidose. O tratamento consistiu do uso de inúmeras drogas como itraconazol, amoxicilina com clavulonato de potássio, predinisolona, Sarolaner e imunomoduladores, além de tratamento tópico com cetoconazol shampoo e creme. Geralmente, as piodermites profundas que atingem o folículo de cães e formam feridas ulceradas, causam uma inflamação crônica na pele, por conta de raios-ultravioletas do sol, ou predisposição familiar ou hipersensibilidade microbiana, ou por outras doenças e, normalmente, são reincidentes e não permitem a cura. Entretanto, nesse caso específico, o tratamento permitiu a melhora do animal (~80%).(AU)
The aim of this paper is to report a case of Actinic Dermatosis in an 8-year-old female adult female with erythematous skin. In the clinical evaluation, the animal presented normal parameters for the species, but, due to the lesions observed, cytological and parasitological skin tests were requested, which showed the presence of bacteria (cocci), degenerated neutrophils, and dermatophyte fungi, and demodicidosis. Treatment consisted of the use of numerous drugs such as itraconazole, amoxicillin with potassium clavulonate, predinisolone, Sarolaner, and immunomodulators; in addition to topical treatment with ketoconazole shampoo and cream. Generally, deep pyoderma that reach the follicle of dogs and form ulcerated wounds, cause a chronic inflammation of the skin, due to the sun's ultraviolet rays, or familial predisposition or microbial hypersensitivity, or due to other diseases and, usually, they are recurrent and do not allow healing. However, in this specific case, the treatment allowed the animal to improve (~80%).(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Pioderma/veterinária , Dermatite/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/tratamento farmacológico , Eritema/veterinária , Antifúngicos/farmacologia , Pele/citologia , Pele/parasitologiaResumo
The aim of the current report is to describe a cutaneous candidiasis case affecting a canine individual treated at the University Veterinary Hospital of State University of Maranhão (UEMA), in São Luís City. The patient had three-month history of skin diseases; it had been previously subjected to several treatments based on antibiotics, corticosteroids and antifungal drugs that have failed to show clinical improvements. Dermatological assessment has indicated generalized moist dermatitis, intense skin desquamation, alopecia, pruritus and meliceric crusts along the animal's body, mainly in its dorsal region. Complementary tests, such as skin cytology and microscopy, trichogram, qualitative PCR and serology for canine visceral leishmaniasis, as well as fungal culture and antifungigram were requested based on this scenario. Serology recorded inconclusive results for leishmaniasis, whereas PCR recorded negative results in the presence of the agent's DNA. Cytology, microscopy and trichogram results have evidenced fungal infection in the assessed samples. Moreover, mycological culture and antifungigram resulted in the growth of Candida sp. specimens capable of resisting antifungal agents such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole and nystatin. The therapy adopted after candidiasis diagnosis confirmation comprised oral doses of manipulated ketoconazole, in combination to topical therapy with shampoo based on moisturizing formulas associated with Miconazole and Chlorhexidine (at 2%), for four weeks. After 30 days, when the adopted therapy was over, the aforementioned animal presented remission of the previously observed lesions and fully improved condition.
The aim of the current report is to describe a cutaneous candidiasis case affecting a canine individual treated at the University Veterinary Hospital of State University of Maranhão (UEMA), in São Luís City. The patient had three-month history of skin diseases; it had been previously subjected to several treatments based on antibiotics, corticosteroids and antifungal drugs that have failed to show clinical improvements. Dermatological assessment has indicated generalized moist dermatitis, intense skin desquamation, alopecia, pruritus and meliceric crusts along the animal's body, mainly in its dorsal region. Complementary tests, such as skin cytology and microscopy, trichogram, qualitative PCR and serology for canine visceral leishmaniasis, as well as fungal culture and antifungigram were requested based on this scenario. Serology recorded inconclusive results for leishmaniasis, whereas PCR recorded negative results in the presence of the agent's DNA. Cytology, microscopy and trichogram results have evidenced fungal infection in the assessed samples. Moreover, mycological culture and antifungigram resulted in the growth of Candida sp. specimens capable of resisting antifungal agents such as amphotericin B, fluconazole, itraconazole and nystatin. The therapy adopted after candidiasis diagnosis confirmation comprised oral doses of manipulated ketoconazole, in combination to topical therapy with shampoo based on moisturizing formulas associated with Miconazole and Chlorhexidine (at 2%), for four weeks. After 30 days, when the adopted therapy was over, the aforementioned animal presented remission of the previously observed lesions and fully improved condition.
Animais , Cães , Candida/isolamento & purificação , Candidíase Cutânea/veterinária , Farmacorresistência Fúngica , Dermatomicoses/veterináriaResumo
Clinical History: A 1-year-old female Yorkshire terrier was presented to the clinic for a second opinion regarding its poor hair coat condition. According to the owner, the dog has been showing that appearance since the moment it was adopted, at 8 months of age. The owner also mentioned that the dog's father had a similar fur appearance. External deworming was regularly administered to this dog, and oral fluralaner (Bravecto™) was given at the time of its presentation. No other clinical signs were reported. A complete physical examination was performed, with emphasis on skin and fur assessment. The main findings were the presence of extensive areas of hypotrichosis and alopecia, affecting only dark-haired regions, mainly in the dorsal region, neck and on the outer surface of both pinnae. The presence of seborrhea and small papules compatible with superficial folliculitis were also identified. No other abnormalities were detected during the remaining examination. The complete blood count and serum biochemistry, including total circulating thyroxine (tT4) were unremarkable. Deep skin scraping and dermatophyte culture were also performed, but both tests were negative for the presence of ectoparasites and fungi, respectively. Finally, the hair follicles from the lesion areas were pulled out and evaluated under a microscope using the trichogram technique. Baths with an anti-seborrheic and anti-microbial shampoo were prescribed, but although seborrhea and folliculitis were quickly controlled with this topical treatment, the alopecic areas remained and no signs of hair regrowth was observed in the following dermatological reassessments. Follow-up questions: According only to the macroscopic images, without knowledge of the results of the complementary exams, what would be the main differential diagnoses for these extensive lesions of hypotrichosis and alopecia? What changes do you observe in the microscopic images captured in the trichogram of this animal? Based on the anamnesis, the clinical presentation and the complementary exams (particularly the trichogram), what is your clinical diagnosis? What clinical evolution do you expect for this animal concerning these hair coat abnormalities and what more diagnostic tests could be performed?(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Alopecia/diagnóstico , Técnica de Diluição de Corante/veterináriaResumo
Objetivou-se relatar um caso de dermatite piotraumática em um canino adulto, tratado sem uso de antimicrobianos associado à laserterapia. Foi encaminhado para atendimento clínico, um cão macho, 8 anos de idade, apresentando lesões em pele, alopecia e seborreia oleosa intensa. Na avaliação clínica, o animal apresentou os parâmetros normais para espécie, entretanto em decorrência das lesões apresentadas foram solicitados exames citológico e parasitológico de pele, que evidenciaram a presença de processo inflamatório agudo com evidenciação sugestiva de bactérias e Demodex canis no parasitológico, respectivamente. O tratamento proposto consistiu no uso de xampu a base de Clorexidina, suplementos a base de vitaminas e minerais, antiparasitário, glicocorticóide oral e posteriormente tópico, ômega3 e imunoestimulante, além de uma sessão de laserterapia. No último retorno, o animal apresentou o pelo refeito. A dermatite piotraumática, apesar de fácil diagnóstico, requer total atenção no que concerne a resposta individualizada de cada animal perante a afecção, neste caso o acompanhamento constante realizado pelo médico veterinário, proporcionou o estabelecimento da conduta terapêutica mais adequada, sem o uso de antimicrobianos em associação a laserterapia, para resolução do problema e o restabelecimento da saúde do animal.
The aim of this study was to report a case of pyotraumatic dermatitis in an adult canine that was treated without the use of antimicrobials associated to laser therapy. An 8-year-old male dog with skin lesions, alopecia, and severe oily seborrhoea was referred for clinical care. In the clinical evaluation, the animal presented normal parameters for the species, however due to the lesions presented, cytopathological and parasitological skin examinations were requested, which evidenced the presence of an infectious inflammatory process, suggestive of bacteria, at the cytopathological examination, and Demodex canis in the parasitological assay. The proposed treatment consisted of baths with shampoo based on chlorhexidine with miconazole, supplements based on vitamins and minerals, antiparasitic, oral glucocorticoid and later topical, omega 3 and immunostimulant, in addition to a phototherapy session. On the last return, the animal presented the remade hair. Pyotraumatic dermatitis, despite being easy to diagnose, requires full attention regarding the individualized response of each animal to the condition. In this case, the constant monitoring performed by the veterinarian, provided the establishment of the most appropriate therapeutic approach to solve the problem and restore the animal's health without the use of antimicrobials, and with the additional laser therapy.
Animais , Cães , Anti-Infecciosos , Antibacterianos , Cães/imunologia , Cães/microbiologia , DermatiteResumo
Objetivou-se relatar um caso de dermatite piotraumática em um canino adulto, tratado sem uso de antimicrobianos associado à laserterapia. Foi encaminhado para atendimento clínico, um cão macho, 8 anos de idade, apresentando lesões em pele, alopecia e seborreia oleosa intensa. Na avaliação clínica, o animal apresentou os parâmetros normais para espécie, entretanto em decorrência das lesões apresentadas foram solicitados exames citológico e parasitológico de pele, que evidenciaram a presença de processo inflamatório agudo com evidenciação sugestiva de bactérias e Demodex canis no parasitológico, respectivamente. O tratamento proposto consistiu no uso de xampu a base de Clorexidina, suplementos a base de vitaminas e minerais, antiparasitário, glicocorticóide oral e posteriormente tópico, ômega3 e imunoestimulante, além de uma sessão de laserterapia. No último retorno, o animal apresentou o pelo refeito. A dermatite piotraumática, apesar de fácil diagnóstico, requer total atenção no que concerne a resposta individualizada de cada animal perante a afecção, neste caso o acompanhamento constante realizado pelo médico veterinário, proporcionou o estabelecimento da conduta terapêutica mais adequada, sem o uso de antimicrobianos em associação a laserterapia, para resolução do problema e o restabelecimento da saúde do animal.(AU)
The aim of this study was to report a case of pyotraumatic dermatitis in an adult canine that was treated without the use of antimicrobials associated to laser therapy. An 8-year-old male dog with skin lesions, alopecia, and severe oily seborrhoea was referred for clinical care. In the clinical evaluation, the animal presented normal parameters for the species, however due to the lesions presented, cytopathological and parasitological skin examinations were requested, which evidenced the presence of an infectious inflammatory process, suggestive of bacteria, at the cytopathological examination, and Demodex canis in the parasitological assay. The proposed treatment consisted of baths with shampoo based on chlorhexidine with miconazole, supplements based on vitamins and minerals, antiparasitic, oral glucocorticoid and later topical, omega 3 and immunostimulant, in addition to a phototherapy session. On the last return, the animal presented the remade hair. Pyotraumatic dermatitis, despite being easy to diagnose, requires full attention regarding the individualized response of each animal to the condition. In this case, the constant monitoring performed by the veterinarian, provided the establishment of the most appropriate therapeutic approach to solve the problem and restore the animal's health without the use of antimicrobials, and with the additional laser therapy.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/imunologia , Cães/microbiologia , Anti-Infecciosos , Dermatite , AntibacterianosResumo
The essential oil of the Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) (tea tree oil) has been effective in previous studies, in the treatment of infestation by Demodex mites in humans. The present study aimed at evaluating the in vitro acaricidal effect of this herbal medicine on Demodex canis. For the parasitological examination, samples were collected from a dogs skin and examined using optical microscopy. Only samples with intact mites and with evident movement of chelicerae and tarsi were selected. Twenty-one samples were tested with the oil, in seven different concentrations: 100%; 50%; 25%; 12.5%; 6.25%; 5.0% and 3.13%. Three samples were tested with the positive control amitraz, and three with the negative control neutral shampoo. The interval between the time the solution was added and the moment the movement of the last mite ceased defined the survival time in the sample. By comparing the times at different concentrations and controls, the results showed that the higher the concentration of the oil, the more quickly its lethal effect occurred, and that the survival times in the controls were longer than in the different concentrations of melaleuca oil.(AU)
O óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia (Maiden & Betche) (óleo da árvore do chá) foi eficaz em estudos anteriores, no tratamento da infestação por ácaros Demodex em humanos. O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o tempo do efeito acaricida, in vitro, desse fitoterápico sobre Demodex canis. Para o exame parasitológico, amostras foram coletadas da pele de um cão e examinadas por microscopia óptica. Apenas amostras com ácaros íntegros e com evidente movimentação de quelíceras e tarsos foram selecionadas. Vinte e uma amostras foram direcionadas para teste com o óleo, em sete concentrações diferentes: 100%; 50%; 25%; 12,5%; 6,25%; 5,0% e 3,13%. Três amostras foram testadas com o controle positivo, amitraz, e três com o controle negativo, xampu neutro. O intervalo entre o momento em que a solução foi adicionada e o instante em que cessou o movimento do último ácaro definiu o tempo de sobrevivência na amostra. Os tempos nas diferentes concentrações e nos controles foram comparados. Quanto mais alta a concentração do óleo, mais rapidamente ocorreu seu efeito letal. Os tempos de sobrevivência nos controles foram maiores que nas diferentes concentrações do óleo de melaleuca.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Cães/parasitologia , Ácaros e Carrapatos , Óleos Voláteis/administração & dosagem , Óleo de Melaleuca , Técnicas In VitroResumo
Background: The pemphigus complex is defined as a group of blistering autoimmune diseases that affects skin and mucous membrane. Pemphigus foliaceous is the most common disease in this group, being characterized by the productionof autoantibodies against keratinocyte adhesion molecules. The treatment is based on the use of immunosuppressive drugsand requires constant monitoring to assess inflammatory control as well as side effects of therapy. Based on that, the aimof this study was to report the clinical and laboratorial follow-up of a canine with pemphigus foliaceous.Case: An 11-year-old male neutered mongrel dog, weighing 9.8 kg, was presented with a main complaint related to disseminated pruritus and lesions in face, trunk and limbs. Dermatological examination revealed meliceric crusts, epidermalcollars and diffuse pustules in inguinal, abdominal, face, limbs, ears and thoraco-lumbar regions. Cytological examinationwas performed, revealing inflammatory and acantholytic cells and absence of bacterial cells. Biopsy procedure revealedsubcorneal pustule with presence of epithelial acantholytic cells and neutrophils, compatible with canine pemphigusfoliaceous. Hemato-biochemical analysis revealed a leukocytosis due to increased neutrophil count. Systemic treatmentwith high dose of prednisolone (2.0 mg/kg) and azathioprine (2.5 mg/kg) was proposed, while topical therapy with a 3%chlorhexidine shampoo was used to prevent secondary bacterial infections. The patient improved the dermatological clinicalsigns, being possible to observe a reduction of systemic and tissue inflammatory process. After 90 days of therapy, therewas a partial loss of hair body coverage, associated with follicular lesions, and after 180 days of therapy it was possibleto notice a new hair mantle, without visible areas of inflammation...
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Biomarcadores , Doenças Autoimunes/veterinária , Pênfigo/tratamento farmacológico , Pênfigo/veterinária , Queratinócitos , Imunossupressores/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: The pemphigus complex is defined as a group of blistering autoimmune diseases that affects skin and mucous membrane. Pemphigus foliaceous is the most common disease in this group, being characterized by the productionof autoantibodies against keratinocyte adhesion molecules. The treatment is based on the use of immunosuppressive drugsand requires constant monitoring to assess inflammatory control as well as side effects of therapy. Based on that, the aimof this study was to report the clinical and laboratorial follow-up of a canine with pemphigus foliaceous.Case: An 11-year-old male neutered mongrel dog, weighing 9.8 kg, was presented with a main complaint related to disseminated pruritus and lesions in face, trunk and limbs. Dermatological examination revealed meliceric crusts, epidermalcollars and diffuse pustules in inguinal, abdominal, face, limbs, ears and thoraco-lumbar regions. Cytological examinationwas performed, revealing inflammatory and acantholytic cells and absence of bacterial cells. Biopsy procedure revealedsubcorneal pustule with presence of epithelial acantholytic cells and neutrophils, compatible with canine pemphigusfoliaceous. Hemato-biochemical analysis revealed a leukocytosis due to increased neutrophil count. Systemic treatmentwith high dose of prednisolone (2.0 mg/kg) and azathioprine (2.5 mg/kg) was proposed, while topical therapy with a 3%chlorhexidine shampoo was used to prevent secondary bacterial infections. The patient improved the dermatological clinicalsigns, being possible to observe a reduction of systemic and tissue inflammatory process. After 90 days of therapy, therewas a partial loss of hair body coverage, associated with follicular lesions, and after 180 days of therapy it was possibleto notice a new hair mantle, without visible areas of inflammation...(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Pênfigo/tratamento farmacológico , Pênfigo/veterinária , Queratinócitos , Doenças Autoimunes/veterinária , Biomarcadores , Imunossupressores/uso terapêuticoResumo
A dermatite atópica canina (DAC) é uma dermatopatia inflamatória, crônica e pruriginosa que afeta indivíduos geneticamente predispostos, sendo comumente associada à produção de anticorpos do tipo IgE. O presente relato objetivou descrever um caso de DAC, evidenciando seus sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento. Foram realizados teste com lâmpada de Wood, raspado profundo de pele, imprint cutâneo, cultura fúngica e bacteriana, citologia de ouvido, exame sorológico para leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) e teste de sensibilidade a alérgenos. O paciente apresentava uma série de lesões dermatológicos disseminadas acompanhadas de prurido intenso, onde pode-se observar presenças de infecções secundárias por bactérias e leveduras fúngicas. Dessa forma, optou-se por tratamento tópico com shampoo a base de clorexidina 2% associado a miconazol 2,5% e uso de creme hidratante. Para otite bilateral, prescreveu-se solução otológica de ciclopirox olamina 1% e ácido glicirrízico 0,5%. Após resposta negativa ao tratamento inicial, introduziu-se o uso oral de prednisolona associado à hidroxizina e logo depois a ciclosporina, ocorrendo um controle do quadro. Embora várias alternativas terapêuticas estejam disponíveis, a cura ainda não é possível, sendo o controle do quadro lesional a melhor abordagem de tratamento.
The canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is an inflammatory skin disease, chronic itchy that affects genetically predisposed individuals, being commonly associated with production of IgE antibodies. The aim of this study was to describe a case of CAD, evidencing its clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment. A Wood lamp, skin deep scraping, skin imprint, fungal and bacterial culture, ear cytology, serological examination for canine visceral leishmaniasis (LVC) and allergen sensitivity test were performed. The animal presented a series of disseminated dermatological lesions accompanied by intense pruritus, where it is possible to observe presences of secondary infections by bacteria and yeasts fungi. Thus, it was decided to topical treatment with shampoo chlorhexidine base 2% associated with miconazole 2.5% and use moisturizer. For bilateral otitis, otologic solution of cyclopirox olamine 1% and glycyrrhizic acid 0.5% was prescribed. After negative response to the initial treatment, the oral use of prednisolone associated with hydroxyzine and soon after cyclosporine was introduced, and clinical control was performed. Although several therapeutic alternatives are available, cure is still not possible, and lesion control is the best treatment approach.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Dermatite Atópica/diagnóstico , Dermatite Atópica/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatite Atópica/veterinária , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Dermatopatias/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatopatias/veterináriaResumo
A dermatite atópica canina (DAC) é uma dermatopatia inflamatória, crônica e pruriginosa que afeta indivíduos geneticamente predispostos, sendo comumente associada à produção de anticorpos do tipo IgE. O presente relato objetivou descrever um caso de DAC, evidenciando seus sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento. Foram realizados teste com lâmpada de Wood, raspado profundo de pele, imprint cutâneo, cultura fúngica e bacteriana, citologia de ouvido, exame sorológico para leishmaniose visceral canina (LVC) e teste de sensibilidade a alérgenos. O paciente apresentava uma série de lesões dermatológicos disseminadas acompanhadas de prurido intenso, onde pode-se observar presenças de infecções secundárias por bactérias e leveduras fúngicas. Dessa forma, optou-se por tratamento tópico com shampoo a base de clorexidina 2% associado a miconazol 2,5% e uso de creme hidratante. Para otite bilateral, prescreveu-se solução otológica de ciclopirox olamina 1% e ácido glicirrízico 0,5%. Após resposta negativa ao tratamento inicial, introduziu-se o uso oral de prednisolona associado à hidroxizina e logo depois a ciclosporina, ocorrendo um controle do quadro. Embora várias alternativas terapêuticas estejam disponíveis, a cura ainda não é possível, sendo o controle do quadro lesional a melhor abordagem de tratamento.(AU)
The canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is an inflammatory skin disease, chronic itchy that affects genetically predisposed individuals, being commonly associated with production of IgE antibodies. The aim of this study was to describe a case of CAD, evidencing its clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment. A Wood lamp, skin deep scraping, skin imprint, fungal and bacterial culture, ear cytology, serological examination for canine visceral leishmaniasis (LVC) and allergen sensitivity test were performed. The animal presented a series of disseminated dermatological lesions accompanied by intense pruritus, where it is possible to observe presences of secondary infections by bacteria and yeasts fungi. Thus, it was decided to topical treatment with shampoo chlorhexidine base 2% associated with miconazole 2.5% and use moisturizer. For bilateral otitis, otologic solution of cyclopirox olamine 1% and glycyrrhizic acid 0.5% was prescribed. After negative response to the initial treatment, the oral use of prednisolone associated with hydroxyzine and soon after cyclosporine was introduced, and clinical control was performed. Although several therapeutic alternatives are available, cure is still not possible, and lesion control is the best treatment approach.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Dermatite Atópica/diagnóstico , Dermatite Atópica/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatite Atópica/veterinária , Dermatopatias/diagnóstico , Dermatopatias/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatopatias/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT The aim of the present study was to report the efficiency of fluralaner on the treatment of two cases of canine generalized juvenile demodicosis. Two puppies, aging two and three months old, with the clinic and parasitological diagnosis of generalized demodicosis were treated with single administration of fluralaner. according to the dose recommended by the responsible laboratory. Additionally, adjuvant therapy was applied using benzoyl peroxide shampoo and domperidone. A satisfactory therapeutic response was observed, and complete repilation was present at the 30th day after drug administration. For each patient, at the 75th and 90th day after the treatment began, skin scrapings were performed in order to investigate the presence of Demodex sp; and all were negative. Considering the high efficiency of the treatment used, we suggest the inclusion of fluralaner on the therapeutic protocol for canine demodicosis, particularly in pediatric patients and with the generalized form of the disease.
RESUMO O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar a eficácia do fluralaner no tratamento da demodicidose juvenil generalizada canina. Dois caninos, apresentando dois e três meses de idade, com diagnóstico clínico e parasitológico de demodicidose generalizada, foram tratados com administração única de fluralaner, na dose recomendada em bula pelo fabricante. Além disso, foi realizada a terapia adjuvante à base de xampu de peróxido de benzoíla e domperidona. Observou-se uma resposta terapêutica satisfatória, com repilação completa ao 30º dia após a administração do fármaco. Para cada paciente, foi realizado exame parasitológico do raspado cutâneo aos 75 e 90 dias seguintes ao início do tratamento, e todos foram negativos. Tendo em vista a elevada eficácia do tratamento proposto, sugere-se a inclusão do fluralaner nos protocolos terapêuticos destinados à demodicidose canina, particularmente nos pacientes pediátricos e com a forma generalizada da doença.
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar a eficácia do fluralaner no tratamento da demodicidose juvenil generalizada canina. Dois caninos, apresentando dois e três meses de idade, com diagnóstico clínico e parasitológico de demodicidose generalizada, foram tratados com administração única de fluralaner, na dose recomendada em bula pelo fabricante. Além disso, foi realizada a terapia adjuvante à base de xampu de peróxido de benzoíla e domperidona. Observou-se uma resposta terapêutica satisfatória, com repilação completa ao 30º dia após a administração do fármaco. Para cada paciente, foi realizado exame parasitológico do raspado cutâneo aos 75 e 90 dias seguintes ao início do tratamento, e todos foram negativos. Tendo em vista a elevada eficácia do tratamento proposto, sugere-se a inclusão do fluralaner nos protocolos terapêuticos destinados à demodicidose canina, particularmente nos pacientes pediátricos e com a forma generalizada da doença.(AU)
The aim of the present study was to report the efficiency of fluralaner on the treatment of two cases of canine generalized juvenile demodicosis. Two puppies, aging two and three months old, with the clinic and parasitological diagnosis of generalized demodicosis were treated with single administration of fluralaner. according to the dose recommended by the responsible laboratory. Additionally, adjuvant therapy was applied using benzoyl peroxide shampoo and domperidone. A satisfactory therapeutic response was observed, and complete repilation was present at the 30th day after drug administration. For each patient, at the 75th and 90th day after the treatment began, skin scrapings were performed in order to investigate the presence of Demodex sp; and all were negative. Considering the high efficiency of the treatment used, we suggest the inclusion of fluralaner on the therapeutic protocol for canine demodicosis, particularly in pediatric patients and with the generalized form of the disease.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Antiparasitários/uso terapêutico , Peróxido de Benzoíla/uso terapêutico , Domperidona/uso terapêutico , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi relatar a eficácia do fluralaner no tratamento da demodicidose juvenil generalizada canina. Dois caninos, apresentando dois e três meses de idade, com diagnóstico clínico e parasitológico de demodicidose generalizada, foram tratados com administração única de fluralaner, na dose recomendada em bula pelo fabricante. Além disso, foi realizada a terapia adjuvante à base de xampu de peróxido de benzoíla e domperidona. Observou-se uma resposta terapêutica satisfatória, com repilação completa ao 30º dia após a administração do fármaco. Para cada paciente, foi realizado exame parasitológico do raspado cutâneo aos 75 e 90 dias seguintes ao início do tratamento, e todos foram negativos. Tendo em vista a elevada eficácia do tratamento proposto, sugere-se a inclusão do fluralaner nos protocolos terapêuticos destinados à demodicidose canina, particularmente nos pacientes pediátricos e com a forma generalizada da doença.(AU)
The aim of the present study was to report the efficiency of fluralaner on the treatment of two cases of canine generalized juvenile demodicosis. Two puppies, aging two and three months old, with the clinic and parasitological diagnosis of generalized demodicosis were treated with single administration of fluralaner. according to the dose recommended by the responsible laboratory. Additionally, adjuvant therapy was applied using benzoyl peroxide shampoo and domperidone. A satisfactory therapeutic response was observed, and complete repilation was present at the 30th day after drug administration. For each patient, at the 75th and 90th day after the treatment began, skin scrapings were performed in order to investigate the presence of Demodex sp; and all were negative. Considering the high efficiency of the treatment used, we suggest the inclusion of fluralaner on the therapeutic protocol for canine demodicosis, particularly in pediatric patients and with the generalized form of the disease.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Antiparasitários/uso terapêutico , Peróxido de Benzoíla/uso terapêutico , Domperidona/uso terapêutico , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/tratamento farmacológico , Dermatopatias Parasitárias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Sebaceous adenitis is an inflammatory, dyskeratotic, and chronic disorder, characterized by the degeneration and post-inflammatory atrophy of sebaceous gland, which rarely affects cats. The objective of this paper is to report a case of sebaceous adenitis in a cat, located in the region of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.Case: A 12-year-old female cat, crossbreed, with hypotrichosis, alopecia and moderate to intense itching in the dorsal thorax region, limbs and face, which were evolving during a month. Dermatological exams were done, as well as trichogram, fungal culture, sticky-tape test, skin scraping, and parasitological assessments of cerumen, and all of them were normal. Histopathological examination revealed hair follicles at all stages of development, some showing hyperkeratosis with cystic dilation and complete absence of sebaceous glands. In periadnexal region, it showed mild inflammatory infiltrate composed by lymphocytes, histiocytes and neutrophils, which legitimated a definitive diagnosis of sebaceous adenitis. The treatment was made using emollient shampoo, ciclosporin and emollient product based on fatty acids and ceramides, and after one month, the lesions, erythema and pruritus regressed. Due to the clinical improvement, it was possible to keep the animal with ciclosporin (5.0 mg/kg, p.o, every two days) and Allerderm spot-on (once weekly), obtaining...(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Linfadenite/veterinária , Glândulas Sebáceas/patologia , Ciclosporinas/uso terapêutico , Emolientes/uso terapêutico , Folículo PilosoResumo
Background: Sebaceous adenitis is an inflammatory, dyskeratotic, and chronic disorder, characterized by the degeneration and post-inflammatory atrophy of sebaceous gland, which rarely affects cats. The objective of this paper is to report a case of sebaceous adenitis in a cat, located in the region of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Case: A 12-year-old female cat, crossbreed, with hypotrichosis, alopecia and moderate to intense itching in the dorsal thorax region, limbs and face, which were evolving during a month. Dermatological exams were done, as well as trichogram, fungal culture, sticky-tape test, skin scraping, and parasitological assessments of cerumen, and all of them were normal. Histopathological examination revealed hair follicles at all stages of development, some showing hyperkeratosis with cystic dilation and complete absence of sebaceous glands. In periadnexal region, it showed mild inflammatory infiltrate composed by lymphocytes, histiocytes and neutrophils, which legitimated a definitive diagnosis of sebaceous adenitis. The treatment was made using emollient shampoo, ciclosporin and emollient product based on fatty acids and ceramides, and after one month, the lesions, erythema and pruritus regressed. Due to the clinical improvement, it was possible to keep the animal with ciclosporin (5.0 mg/kg, p.o, every two days) and Allerderm spot-on (once weekly), obtaining pos...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Linfadenite/veterinária , Hipotricose/veterinária , Alopecia/veterinária , Glândulas Sebáceas/patologia , Dermatite Seborreica/veterinária , Ciclosporina/uso terapêuticoResumo
Background: Sebaceous adenitis is an inflammatory, dyskeratotic, and chronic disorder, characterized by the degeneration and post-inflammatory atrophy of sebaceous gland, which rarely affects cats. The objective of this paper is to report a case of sebaceous adenitis in a cat, located in the region of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil. Case: A 12-year-old female cat, crossbreed, with hypotrichosis, alopecia and moderate to intense itching in the dorsal thorax region, limbs and face, which were evolving during a month. Dermatological exams were done, as well as trichogram, fungal culture, sticky-tape test, skin scraping, and parasitological assessments of cerumen, and all of them were normal. Histopathological examination revealed hair follicles at all stages of development, some showing hyperkeratosis with cystic dilation and complete absence of sebaceous glands. In periadnexal region, it showed mild inflammatory infiltrate composed by lymphocytes, histiocytes and neutrophils, which legitimated a definitive diagnosis of sebaceous adenitis. The treatment was made using emollient shampoo, ciclosporin and emollient product based on fatty acids and ceramides, and after one month, the lesions, erythema and pruritus regressed. Due to the clinical improvement, it was possible to keep the animal with ciclosporin (5.0 mg/kg, p.o, every two days) and Allerderm spot-on (once weekly), obtaining pos...
Feminino , Animais , Gatos , Alopecia/veterinária , Glândulas Sebáceas/patologia , Hipotricose/veterinária , Linfadenite/veterinária , Ciclosporina/uso terapêutico , Dermatite Seborreica/veterináriaResumo
A demodicidose canina é uma dermatopatia inflamatória, decorrente da proliferação descontrolada do ácaro comensal Demodex spp. na pele do hospedeiro. A terapêutica consiste em minimizar a densidade dos parasitos, diminuindo, assim, a carga antigênica, revertendo a exaustão das células T e levando o cão à cura clínica. De forma inaugural, este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar, por meio do teste in vitro, o efeito do óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia sobre o ácaro Demodex canis e comparar a eficácia dos tratamentos com fármacos da Classe das Isoxazolinas (fluralaner, afoxolaner e sarolaner) e a ivermectina. No capítulo 1, desta tese, foi demonstrado o efeito acaricida, in vitro, do óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia sobre parasitos da espécie Demodex canis. Vinte e sete amostras, cada uma com 5 a 7 ácaros, cada, foram selecionadas e distribuídas em triplicatas. Em 21, foram testadas sete concentrações diferentes do óleo. Outras três foram direcionadas para o controle positivo, amitraz e, mais três, para o controle negativo, xampu neutro. Os efeitos do fitoterápico sobre o ácaro foram mais rápidos que o do amitraz; e, quanto mais alta a concentração do fitoterápico, mais rapidamente ocorreu sua ação letal. Dessa forma, foi demonstrado que o óleo de melaleuca tem efeitos parasiticidas, in vitro, satisfatórios sobre ácaros da demodicidose canina, podendo, esse fitoterápico ser mais uma opção de tratamento, para cães com demodicidose, a ser testada in vivo. No capítulo 2, foi realizado acompanhamento e comparação de parâmetros clínicos, parasitológicos, hematológicos e bioquímicos, de cães acometidos pela demodicidose generalizada, em quatro grupos distintos de tratamento; três da Classe das Isoxazolinas (fluralaner, afoxolaner e sarolaner) e um da Classe das Lactonas Macrocíclicas (ivermectina), empregada como controle positivo. Quarenta cães em que foi evidenciada a presença do ácaro Demodex canis, ao exame parasitológico cutâneo, com coleta por impressão em fita de acetato e portadores de sinais clínicos de demodicidose generalizada, tiveram seus tratamentos assistidos até a alta parasitológica, com três exames negativos e, até a alta clínica, que acontece após 12 meses dessa última. Os três fármacos isoxazolínicos comparados mostraram vantagem sobre a ivermectina, quanto à praticidade e rapidez de ação, podendo, essas três moléculas serem recomendadas para integrar o arsenal terapêutico ortodoxo, para quadros de demodicidose canina. Neste momento, 22 cães tratados com fármacos isoxazolínicos encontram-se em alta clínica, demonstrando eficiência das referidas moléculas. No capítulo 3, dessa tese, foi realizada comparação de achados histopatológicos cutâneos de cães com demodicidose generalizada e em subsequentes fases de tratamento, com três moléculas isoxazolínicas e a ivermectina. Por meio de biópsia, fragmentos cutâneos foram amostrados de cinco áreas positivas para a presença do ácaro, em três momentos diferentes. O primeiro momento da coleta ocorreu na fase da doença ativa; o segundo, um mês após e o terceiro, aos 90 dias de iniciado o tratamento. As lesões histomorfológicas dos cães com demodicidose, tratados com fármacos da Classe das Isoxazolinas e ivermectina, regrediram constante e gradualmente ao longo da terapia. Na última avaliação, não se chegou a recuperação histológica cutânea completa, persistindo a presença de lesões crônicas, sem evidenciação clínica em alguns animais. Infere-se, então, que, o exame histopatológico sem sinais de inflamação será alcançado em prazo superior a 90 dias. A elaboração dessa tese, enfocando o tratamento da demodicidose, realização desafiadora, possibilitou gerar conhecimento para a comunidade clínica e para o ambiente acadêmico da Faculdade de Veterinária, da Universidade Federal Fluminense, além de, consequência especial, trazer de volta o conforto da normalidade dermatológica aos pacientes utilizados neste estudo.
Canine demodicidosis is an inflammatory dermatopathy resulting from the uncontrolled proliferation of the commensal mite Demodex spp. on the skin of the host. Therapy focuses on minimizing the density of the parasites to lower the antigenic load, reversing the exhaustion of the T cells, and resulting in clinical cure. In an inaugural way, this study aimed both at evaluating, by in vitro test, the effect of the Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil on the Demodex canis mite, and comparing the efficiency of treatments with medications in the Isoxazolin Class (fluralaner, afoxolaner, and sarolaner) with ivermectin. In chapter 1, the in vitro acaricidal effect of the Melaleuca alternifolia on the Demodex canis mite species was demonstrated. Twenty seven samples, with 5 to 7 mites each, were selected and distributed in triplicates. In 21 samples, seven different concentrations of the oil were tested. In three samples the positive control amitraz was administered, and in another three, the negative control, neutral shampoo, was applied. The effects of the phytotherapeutic over the parasite were faster than that of amitraz, and, the higher the concentration of the product, the faster the lethal action occurred. It was, thus, demonstrated that in vitro melaleuca oil has satisfactory parasiticide effects over mites in canine demodicidosis, showing that this phytotherapeutic may be one more option for the treatment of dogs with demodicidosis to be tested in vivo. In chapter 2, dogs suffering from generalized demodicidosis were monitored and their clinical, parasitological, hematological, and biochemical parameters were compared. The animals were divided into four distinct treatment groups: three for the Isoxazoline Class (fluralaner, afoxolaner, and sarolaner) and one, used as positive control, for the Macrocyclic Lactone Class (ivermectine). Forty dogs, on which the presence of the Demodex canis mite was verified by cutaneous parasitological test, through collection by acetate tape impression, and that showed clinical signs of generalized demodicidosis, were submitted to treatment until they achieved parasitological cure, which happened after three negative tests, and until clinical cure, which occurs 12 months after the latter. The three izoxazoline pharmaceuticals that were compared demonstrated an advantage over ivermectin both in practicality and speed of action, showing that these molecules can be recommended for the orthodox arsenal for canine demodicidosis conditions. Until now, 22 dogs treated with isoxazoline medication have received clinical cure, showing the efficacy of the molecules. In chapter 3, the cutaneous histopathological findings on the 40 dogs were evaluated and compared, from the stage of active disease to subsequent phases of treatment with the isoxazolines and ivermectine. Through biopsy, skin fragments were sampled from five areas at three different moments: active disease, after one month, then after 90 days of administering the medication. The histomorphological lesions on the dogs with demodicidosis that were treated both with the Isoxazoline Class and ivermectine pharmaceuticals, gradually receded during therapy. At the time of the last evaluation, it was found that complete cutaneous histological recovery had not been achieved. Chronic cutaneous lesions were still present on some animals, albeit with no clinical evidence. It can then be inferred that a histological test with no signs of inflammation will be obtained in over 90 days. This study, a challenging achievement, focusing on the treatment of demodicidosis, brought about the generation of knowledge for the clinical community and for the academic environment at the Veterinary School of the Flumininse Federal Universtiy, and also, as a special outcome, brought back the comfort of dermatological normality to the patients in this study.
Sessenta cães com dermatite atópica foram divididos em dois grupos para distintos tratamentos, onde o grupo 1 (30 animais) recebeu tratamento com xampu hidratante, spray hidratante e ampola spot on repositora de barreira cutânea, e o grupo 2 (30 animais) recebeu banhos semanais com xampu para crianças. Em todos os cães, um escore de lesão validado (canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index CADESI- 4) foi determinado e o prurido foi avaliado com escala visual do prurido antes e após o tratamento. Houve diferença significativa entre os grupos no escore de CADESI-4 e diminuição do prurido, revelando melhores resultados para ambos os parâmetros em animais do grupo 1. A avaliação dos proprietários também foi melhor para os animais que receberam o protocolo do grupo 1. Efeitos adversos não foram observados em nenhum dos grupos.(AU)
Sixty dogs with atopic dermatitis were divided into two groups for different treatment, where group 1 (30 animals) received treatment with moisturizing shampoo, moisturizing spray and spot on skin barrier repository, and group 2 (30 animals) received weekly baths with shampoo for children. In all dogs, a validated lesion score (canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index CADESI-4) was determined and pruritus was assessed with visual scoring of pruritus before and after treatment. There was a significant difference between groups in the CADESI-4 score and decrease in pruritus, revealing better results for both parameters in group 1 animals. Evaluation of owners was also better for the animals that received the group 1 protocol. Adverse effects were not observed in any of the groups.(AU)
Sesenta perros con dermatitis atópica, se dividieron en dos grupos para distintos tratamientos, donde el grupo 1 (30 animales) recibió tratamiento con champú hidratante, spray hidratante y spot on repositora de barrera cutánea, y el grupo 2 (30 animales) recibió banes semanales con champú para nines. En todos los perros, un puntaje de lesión validado (canine atopic dermatitis extent and severity index CADESI- 4) fue determinado y el prurito se evaluó con escala visual dei prurito antes y después dei tratamiento. Hubo diferencias significativas entre los grupos en la puntuación de CADESI-4 y disminución del prurito, revelando mejores resultados para ambos parámetros en animales dei grupo 1. La evaluación de los propietarios también fue mejor para los animales que recibieron el protocolo del grupo 1. Efectos adversos no se observaron en ninguno de los grupos.(AU)