A importância dos manejos reprodutivos, que contribui para o avanço da ovinocultura e rentabilidade dos sistemas, revela oportunidades para trabalho com a interação reprodução x produção. Estratégias para incremento produtivo no setor, através de biotécnicas reprodutivas, que permitem redução da idade a puberdade, diminuição da estacionalidade reprodutiva e aumento da taxa ovulatória. Além das possibilidades hormonais, métodos alternativos que consideram efeito macho e nutrição, são considerados eficiente para controle do ciclo. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar os protocolos de controle do ciclo estral e incremento produtivo na ovinocultura.(AU)
The importance of reproductive management, which contributes to the advancement of sheep farming and the profitability of the systems, reveals opportunities for work with the reproduction x production interaction. Strategies to increase production in the sector, through reproductive biotechniques, which allow reducing the age at puberty, reducing reproductive seasonality and increasing the ovulatory rate. In addition to hormonal possibilities, alternative methods that consider male effect and nutrition are considered efficient for cycle control. This article aims to review the estrous cycle control protocols and productive increase in sheep farming.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/fisiologia , Fenômenos Reprodutivos Fisiológicos , Taxa de FecundidadeResumo
Pornunça (Manihot sp.) is a potential forage to feed ruminants in drylands worldwide; however, evaluations of animal diets are necessary. This study assessed intake and digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, physiological responses, ingestive behavior, water intake, as well as hematological and biochemical responses of lambs fed diets containing increasing levels of Pornunça silage (PS) replacing Tifton-85 bermudagrass hay (Cynodon spp.). Treatments consisted of 0, 33, 66, and 100 % PS considering the roughage portion of the diet (% dry matter - DM). The experimental design was completely randomized with six replicates. Cyanide acid (HCN) levels in fresh Pornunça leaves were 207.7 mg kg-¹ DM and 76.78 mg kg-¹ DM in PS. Intake of DM and crude protein (CP), and neutral detergent fiber corrected for ash and protein (NDFap) increased linearly with increasing levels of PS in the diet. Digestibility of DM, NDF, and CP were higher with increasing levels of PS. Idle time decreased linearly, while water balance, water intake via food, and total water in feces increased with PS. Nitrogen balance, physiological, and hematological responses were not influenced by treatments, while the final alanine aminotransferase increased for lambs fed all diets evaluated. The PS up to 100 % of the roughage portion increased DM and nutrient intake and digestibility without altering physiological responses and the hematological and biochemical parameters, resulting in greater water intake via food.
Animais , Masculino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ovinos/sangue , Manihot , Dieta/veterinária , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
The current research investigated triiodothyronine concentrations in Karagouniko and Chios rams in a temperate climate zone, considering the periods January-June and July-November, characterized by a gradual increase and decrease of daylight length, respectively. The animals raised in the farm of the Artificial Insemination Center of Karditsa (39021Î18ÎÎN, 21054Î19ÎÎE), Greece, and the meteorological variables air temperature, relative humidity, and sunshine, as well as photoperiod, were considered for a more detailed analysis. T-tests were used to detect possible changes in the concentration of triiodothyronine in both sheep breeds and in the abovementioned meteorological variables. January-June coincided with significantly higher (P < 0.05) triiodothyronine concentrations in Karagouniko and Chios rams (0.82 ng/ml and 0.77 ng/ml, respectively) compared to July-November (0.72 ng/ml in Karagouniko and 0.67 ng/ml in Chios rams). Air temperature and sunshine followed the opposite pattern (P < 0.05). Karagouniko rams showed higher triiodothyronine concentrations than Chios rams, irrespective of the season. Our findings shed light on an important aspect of the thyroid gland function in Karagouniko and Chios sheep under temperate environmental conditions.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Hormônios Tireóideos , Tri-Iodotironina , Clima Temperado , Efeitos do ClimaResumo
The aim of current study was to survey genetic variability of PALM gene'sexon 3 and 4 by PCR-SSCP and DNA sequencing in Zel and Lori Bakhtiari sheep breeds. TheSIFT(Sorting Intolerant from Tolerant) and PHyre2 program were used to predict the possible impact of amino acid substitutions on performance and structure of the paralemmin protein. A total of 140 animal's from 2 Iranian sheep breeds with different fat metabolisms, Lori-Bakhtiari and Zel sheep breeds were considered. The results showed that there are two polymorphic sites including a nonsynonymous substitution and an insertion mutation (49bp). Non-synonymous mutation deduced Thr20Ala amino acid exchange and ensuing two different structures for paralemmin protein that could be potentially affect protein structure and function during the interaction with glutamate in the cytosolic surface of plasma membrane. PALMgene, according to evolutionary path, is classified into two separate categories. In first covey, Gallus gallusand in second one, other species in several branches, so that the sequence of cow and sheep is placed in a sub-branch which forms a clade beside goat. Comparison of illustrated coding region sequences, PALMgene among different species, is of orthologous which are derived from a common ancestor.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Polimorfismo Genético , Ovinos/genética , Proteínas/genética , Mutação/genética , Variação GenéticaResumo
Clinical History: During a 2-week period between mid-October and November 2022, approximately 20 out of 470 Rambouillet sheep from a flock in southern California died; the flock had been moved into irrigated hay fields recently. Some of the affected animals were initially underweight and most had nasal discharge, labored breathing and frothy discharge from the mouth. Two adult sheep (1 and 2) were submitted to the San Bernardino laboratory of the California Animal Health and Food Safety laboratory system (CAHFS) for necropsy and diagnostic work up. Follow-up questions:1. Morphological diagnoses for figures 1-6. 2. Most likely cause based on clinical history and necropsy findings. 3. Name at least one other associated gross lesion you should expect in the hoof and other in the heart. 4. Name at least 1 associated microscopic lesion. 5. Name 5 important differential diagnoses for figures 3-5.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos , Bluetongue/epidemiologiaResumo
ABSTRACT: Birds, cartilaginous and teleost fish, reptiles, and some amphibians have intrascleral cartilage and/or bone; however, these are rarely reported in therian mammals. This study aimed to investigate and characterize a nonpathological formation of cartilage in the posterior sclera of sheep macroscopically, histologically, and by immunohistochemical exam (IHC). Ninety eyes from 45 domestic sheep were collected, underwent gross examination, fixed in formalin, and embedded in paraffin for the microscopical assessment. Sections with histological shreds of cartilage were selected to perform IHC to confirm the presence of cartilage. Intrascleral cartilage was detected in 60 eyeballs (66.66%) from 37 sheep (82.22%). A slight whitish thickening was grossly seen in the posterior sclera. The histologic exam revealed a few scattered, isolated chondrocytes to larger aggregates of cartilaginous islands in the posterior sclera. Eighteen (30%) of 60 eyeballs revealed marked anti-collagen type II immunolabeling. The development of cartilaginous structures in the eyes is considered rare in mammalian animals. The high occurrence of intrascleral cartilage in the examined sheep eyes suggests that this finding corresponds to an anatomical component of sheep sclera, despite the age, breed, or body condition.
RESUMO: Aves, peixes cartilaginosos e teleósteos e répteis, bem como alguns anfíbios possuem cartilagem e/ou osso intraescleral, contudo, isso é raramente descrito em marsupiais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar e caracterizar a formação não patológica de cartilagem hialina na esclera posterior de ovinos, por exame macroscópico, histológico e imuno-histoquímico. Olhos de 45 ovinos foram coletados, submetidos a exame macroscópico, fixados em formalina a 10% tamponada e incluídos em parafina para o exame histológico. Amostras com evidência de formação cartilaginosa ao exame histológico foram selecionadas para a realização da técnica de imuno-histoquímica para confirmação. Cartilagem intraescleral foi detectada em 60 amostras oculares (66,66%) de 37 ovinos (82,22%), caracterizada na avaliação macroscópica como discretos espessamentos esbranquiçados na esclera posterior. O exame histológico revelou formações que variaram de condrócitos isolados e dispersos a grandes agregados, formando ilhas cartilaginosas na esclera. Dezoito (30%) de 60 bulbos oculares mostraram imunomarcação anti-colágeno tipo II. O desenvolvimento de estruturas cartilaginosas nos bulbos oculares é considerado raro em mamíferos. A identificação de cartilagem intraescleral em 66% dos olhos ovinos avaliados no estudo indica que a formação de cartilagem corresponde a um componente anatômico normal na esclera de ovinos, independente de idade, raça ou condição corporal.
Nos últimos anos, observou-se um aumento no tamanho do rebanho ovino no país, indicando uma retomada na ovinocultura. Para melhorar a eficiência reprodutiva desses animais, a utilização de biotécnicas tem se mostrado uma ferramenta importante. Dentre essas biotécnicas, destacam-se os protocolos de sincronização do ciclo estral, os quais frequentemente utilizam progesterona associada a gonadotrofinas ou análogos da prostaglandina em duas aplicações. Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar os protocolos de sincronização utilizados em ovinos e apresentar atualizações relevantes sobre os mesmos.(AU)
In recent years, there has been an increase in the size of the sheep herd in the country, indicating a recovery in sheep farming. To improve the reproductive efficiency of these animals, the use of biotechniques has been shown to be an important tool. Among these biotechniques, estrous cycle synchronization protocols stand out, which frequently use progesterone associated with gonadotropins or prostaglandin analogues in two applications. This article aims to review the synchronization protocols used in sheep and present relevant updates about them.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro/métodos , Fenômenos Reprodutivos FisiológicosResumo
The objective was to evaluate levels of replacement of corn silage with extruded forage (Foragge®) in sheep feeding. Twenty adult Santa Inês ewes in maintenance, and 55.8 kg average weight were housed in metabolic cages, and the treatments consisted of 20, 40, 60 and 80% replacement of corn silage with Foragge®extruded forage with 60% Uruchloa brizanthain the diet. The design was completely randomized, with regression analysis and non-parametric analysis at 5% probability. The supply of up to 80% extruded roughage to replace corn silage increased dry matter intake and digestibility, and fecal output in dry matter (p < 0.05). Also, it increased the efficiency of ingestion, rumination and chewing activities of sheep, but did not alter urinary parameters and energy metabolites (p > 0.05). However, it reduced the concentration of uric acid (p < 0.05). Foragge®extruded roughage can replace corn silage by up to 80% with changes in intake, digestibility, fecal parameters, ingestive behavior and concentration of uric acid and urea, with no modifications in urinary parameters and energy metabolites.(AU)
Animais , Silagem/análise , Ovinos/fisiologia , Zea mays/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição AnimalResumo
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain receptors (NOD-like receptors, NLRs) have critical effects on interfaces of the immune and reproductive systems, and the spleen plays a key role in both innate and adaptive immune functions. It is hypothesized that NLR family participates in maternal splenic immune regulation during early pregnancy in sheep. In this study, maternal spleens were collected on day 16 of the estrous cycle, and days 13, 16 and 25 of gestation (n = 6 for each group) in ewes. Expression of NLR family, including NOD1, NOD2, class II transactivator (CIITA), NLR family apoptosis inhibitory protein (NAIP), nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain, Leucine rich repeat and Pyrin domain containing 1 (NLRP1), NLRP3 and NLRP7, was analyzed using quantitative real-time PCR, Western blot and immunohistochemistry analysis. The results revealed that expression levels of NOD1, NOD2, CIITA and NLRP3 were downregulated at days 13 and 16 of pregnancy, but expression of NLRP3 was increased at day 25 of pregnancy. In addition, expression values of NAIP and NLRP7 mRNA and proteins were improved at days 16 and 25 of pregnancy, and NLRP1 was peaked at days 13 and 16 of pregnancy in the maternal spleen. Furthermore, NOD2 and NLRP7 proteins were limited to the capsule, trabeculae and splenic cords. In summary, early pregnancy changes expression of NLR family in the maternal spleen, which may be related with the maternal splenic immunomodulation during early pregnancy in sheep.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Prenhez , Ovinos/imunologia , Proteínas NLR/análise , Baço/fisiologiaResumo
A presente revisão tem por objetivo abordar aspectos relacionados ao bem-estar animal na produção in vivo de embriões ovinos. A cobrança da sociedade tem impulsionado o uso de práticas que atendam os preceitos de bem-estar na produção animal. Nesse contexto, destaca-se a necessidade de aprimoramento de procedimentos menos invasivos, como a coleta não cirúrgica de embriões. Avanços recentes nos protocolos de dilatação cervical melhoraram os resultados e tornaram essa técnica uma alternativa viável na espécie ovina. No entanto, a avaliação do estado de bem-estar das doadoras submetidas à coleta transcervical mostra a necessidade de melhor controle da dor durante a sua realização. Assim, acreditamos que a associação dos esforços de diferentes pesquisas pode proporcionar a resolução desses entraves e possibilitar maior aplicabilidade comercial da biotécnica.(AU)
This review aims to address aspects related to animal welfare in the in vivo production of ovine embryos. The use of practices that meet the precepts of welfare in animal production has been driven by demands from society. In this context, there is a need to improve less invasive procedures, such as nonsurgical embryo collection. Recent advances in cervical dilation protocols have improved results and made this technique a viable alternative in sheep. However, the assessment of the state of welfare of donors undergoing transcervical collection shows the need for better pain control during its performance. Thus, the association of different research efforts can provide the resolution of these obstacles and enable greater commercial applicability of the biotechnique.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Técnicas de Cultura Embrionária/métodos , Bem-Estar do AnimalResumo
The body weight (BW) of an animal is a vital economic trait that might help in decision-making in the handling of animals. The objective of the present study was to develop equations for the prediction of BW in Pelibuey sheep using scrotal circumference (SC). The BW (23.40 ± 6.96 kg) and SC (20.25 ± 6.19 cm) have been recorded in 405 male Pelibuey at the Southeastern Center for Ovine Integration, Mexico. Linear, logarithmic, quadratic, exponential, cubic, and power regression models were used for data analysis. Pearson correlation (R), Coefficient of determination (R2), Adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj.R2) Root mean square error (RMSE), Akaike information criterion (AIC), and Bayesian information criterion (BIC) were used to select the best model. Power regression model showed the highest R (0.93), R2 (0.86), Adj.R2 (0.86) and lowest RMSE (0.02), AIC (-989.44) and BIC (-981.44). The current study suggests that SC might be used as the only predictor for BW of growing Pelibuey sheep raised under tropical conditions.
O peso corporal (PC) do animal é uma característica econômica importante, que pode auxiliar na tomada de decisões no manejo dos animais. O objetivo do presente estudo foi desenvolver equações para a predição do PC em ovinos Pelibuey por meio da circunferência escrotal (CE). O PC (23,40±6,96kg) e a CE (20,25±6,19cm) foram registrados em 405 ovinos machos da raça Pelibuey no Centro de Integração Ovina da Região Sudeste do México. Os modelos lineares, logarítmicos, quadráticos, exponenciais, cúbicos e de regressão de potência foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. A correlação de Pearson (R), o coeficiente de determinação (R2), o coeficiente de determinação ajustado (Adj.R2), o erro do quadrado médio (EQM), o critério de informação de Akaike (AIC) e o critério de informação bayesiano (BIC) foram usados para selecionar o melhor modelo. O modelo de regressão de potência apresentou maiores R (0,93), R2 (0,86), Adj.R2 (0,86) e menores EQM (0,02), AIC (-989,44) e BIC (-981,44). O estudo atual sugere que a CE pode ser usada como um único preditor para o PC de ovinos Pelibuey em crescimento criadas em condições tropicais.
Animais , Escroto/anatomia & histologia , Clima Tropical , Peso Corporal , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
Sheep production is expanding among small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Currently, Corriedale and Milchschaf are being used, but not Highlander. However, there is lack of experimental information regarding the relative performance of these breeds. We conducted an experiment where these three sheep breeds were run together at the Southern Regional Centre, located in the region in question. Wool, body, reproductive and lamb growth traits were recorded from 2015 to 2019. Results were used as a basis for the calculation of gross margins for each breed, which we calculated for a range of production and economic scenarios. For scenarios based on the results of the present study Highlander was the best performing breed. If it was assumed to be wool-less, it performed even better. In some scenarios Corriedale performed best, especially when the higher wool price it used to enjoy was assumed. However, fetching such a price in the foreseeable future is unlikely. We concluded that in the absence of wool-less sheep that perform in a manner similar to Highlander or Milchschaf in terms of reproduction and lamb growth, Highlander is currently the best option for small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Until now, Milchschaf has been the recommended breed for the region and production system in question. The recommendation should be reviewed, Highlander should be recommended instead, and the performance of wool-less breeds should be investigated. Results could be applicable to other temperate regions in Latin America where similar production systems exist or may be developed.
A produção de ovinos está se expandindo entre os pequenos produtores do Sul do Uruguai. Corriedale e Milchschaf estão sendo utilizados atualmente, mas não Highlander. Não obstante, há uma falta de informações experimentais sobre o desempenho relativo destas raças. Realizamos um experimento no qual estas três raças ovinas foram manejadas juntas no Centro Regional Sul, localizado na região em questão. As características de lã, corpo, reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro foram registradas de 2015 a 2019. Os resultados foram usados como base para calcular as margens brutas para cada raça, o que fizemos para uma série de cenários de produção e econômicos. Nos cenários baseados nos resultados deste estudo, a raça Highlander foi a que teve melhor desempenho. Se, se supunha que não tinha lã, seu desempenho era ainda maior. Em alguns cenários, Corriedale foi a raça com melhor desempenho, particularmente quando se supôs preços mais altos da lã, como os que se obtinham anos atrás. No entanto, é improvável que estes preços sejam atingidos novamente num futuro próximo. Concluímos que, na ausência de ovelhas sem lã, que tenham um desempenho semelhante ao Highlander ou Milchschaf em termos de reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro, Highlander é atualmente a melhor opção para os pequenos produtores do sul do Uruguai. Até agora, Milchschaf tem sido a raça recomendada para a região e para o sistema de produção em questão. Esta recomendação deve ser revista, o Highlander deve ser a raça recomendada, e o desempenho das raças sem lã deve ser investigado. Os resultados poderiam ser aplicáveis a outras regiões temperadas da América Latina onde sistemas de produção similares existem ou podem ser desenvolvidos.
Animais , Ovinos , UruguaiResumo
O objetivo deste artigo é revisar o efeito da melatonina na viabilidade embrionária e ambiente uterino em ovinos, tanto in vivo quanto in vitro, considerando as vias pelas quais esse hormônio pode ter influência no embrião ou o mecanismo de reconhecimento materno e estabelecimento de gravidez em ovelhas.(AU)
The aim of this article is to review the effect of melatonin on embryo viability and uterine environment in sheep, both in vivo and in vitro, considering the pathways by which this hormone could have influences at the embryo or the mechanism of maternal recognition and establishment of pregnancy in sheep.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos/fisiologia , Desenvolvimento Embrionário/fisiologia , Melatonina/efeitos adversos , Miométrio/fisiologiaResumo
Pregnancy toxemia has a high mortality rate and few cases with effective treatment are reported, especially when associated with secondary diseases. Therefore, the present work reports the case of a sheep, which was referred to the veterinary hospital of UFMG, in the last month of pregnancy, presenting apathy, hyporexia and sternal recumbency. After the diagnosis of pregnancy toxemia, the fetuses were removed while still alive, but did not survive. Monitoring was started with blood gas analysis, blood glucose assessments and laboratory tests. The results were consistent with liver damage, which was justified by the condition of lipolysis. Treatment consisted of electrolyte replacement plus 50% glucose and potassium chloride, along with administration of antibiotics (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 days), flunixim meglumine (2.2mg/kg/SID/IM first day and 1.1mg/kg/SID/IM on the second and third days) and omeprazole (4mg/kg/SID/oral). The patient had secondarily clinical laminitis, which was treated with cryotherapy and anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition to mastitis, using a single dose of intramammary antibiotics. The work demonstrated the effectiveness of the treatment of pregnancy toxemia, when performed early and intensively, associated with daily clinical and laboratory monitoring of the animal.
A toxemia da prenhez possui alto índice de mortalidade, e poucos casos com tratamento eficaz são relatados, principalmente quando associados a doenças secundárias. Diante disso, o presente trabalho relata o caso de uma ovelha, que foi encaminhada ao hospital veterinário da UFMG, no último mês de gestação, apresentando apatia, hiporexia e decúbito esternal. Após o diagnóstico de toxemia da prenhez, os fetos foram retirados ainda vivos, porém não sobreviveram. Iniciou-se um monitoramento com análises hemogasométricas, avaliações de glicemia e exames laboratoriais. Os resultados foram condizentes com lesão hepática, a qual foi justificada pelo quadro de lipólise. O tratamento consistiu em reposição hidroeletrolítica associada à glicose 50% e a cloreto de potássio, juntamente com administração de antibióticos (ceftiofur, 5mg/kg/SID/IM/7 dias), flunixim meglumine (2,2mg/kg/SID/IM no primeiro dia e 1,1mg/kg/SID/IM no segundo e terceiro dias) e omeprazol (4mg/kg/SID/oral). A paciente apresentou secundariamente laminite clínica, a qual foi tratada com crioterapia e antinflamatórios, além de um quadro de mastite, sendo utilizado antibiótico intramamário em dose única. O trabalho demonstrou a eficácia do tratamento da toxemia da prenhez, quando realizado de forma precoce e intensiva, associado a um monitoramento clínico e laboratorial diário do animal.
Animais , Toxemia/veterinária , Prenhez , OvinosResumo
Climate change is shifting rainfall patterns, air temperature, river flows, and sea levels globally, resulting in changes in ground and surface water quality due to salinization, especially in arid and semiarid regions. During dry periods, the main water quality issue is a high quantity of salt in the water. Whilst water with fewer than 3,000 mg/L total salts is beneficial to all livestock species, tolerances vary greatly based on conditions and circumstances. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Thus, this review examined the physiological, behavioral, hematological, and biochemical responses of sheep and goats in dryland areas under climate change scenarios. Despite changes in physiological, blood, biochemical, feed and water intake, sheep and goats adapt to salinity levels to drinking water in arid environments. Adaptable and native breeds are known to be more tolerant of saline water than selected exotic breeds. Small ruminants experience a decrease in food intake and weight, a decrease in breathing rate, and an increase in blood metabolite concentration when the salt in their drinking water increases. The concept that native and adapted small ruminant breeds can withstand high water salinity is gaining popularity in scientific research worldwide. More research is needed to investigate the water tolerance capabilities of adapted breeds, especially in dry and water-saline regions affected by climate change.
Animais , Mudança Climática , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Efeitos do Clima , Desidratação/veterináriaResumo
According to the last livestock census, Brazil has 17,976,367 head of sheep. Approximately 23.69% of this herd is located in the south region, where wool or wool and meat-producing breeds are predominately farmed. Inbreeding, or consanguinity, is defined as the mating of related individuals, which tends to occur when herds are small or originate from few parents. This study proposes to investigate the genetic structure and diversity of the Romney Marsh sheep herd in Brazil. The pedigree data used were obtained from the Brazilian Association of Sheep Breeders (ARCO), which keeps the sheep register database. For a more complete analysis, data from the Purebred Register Books were used. The population herein referred to as "total" comprised 22,833 individuals, whereas the population termed "reference" consisted of 17,053 records. Individual and average inbreeding coefficients, as well as overall frequencies, were calculated using SAS software. Demographic indicators were determined using ENDOG software. The average inbreeding coefficient found was 2.90% in the total population and 3.55% in the reference population. The minimum inbreeding value found in the studied population was 0.01% and the maximum was 43.47%. Inbred animals in the complete reference population were 10.31%. In 2018, inbred animals represented 82.55% of the registered population. The average generation interval was 4.0488 years. Due to the intensive use of few breeding lines and the high degree of genetic uniformity in the population, the Romney Marsh breed has narrow pedigree bottlenecks. The current population of the Romney Marsh breed has only two genetic origins, warranting the introduction of new genes to avoid genetic erosion and severe losses due to inbreeding.(AU)
O último censo pecuário informa que o Brasil possui 17.976.367 cabeças de ovinos. Aproximadamente 23,69% desse efetivo está localizado na região sul do país, onde predomina a criação de raças produtoras de lã, ou lã e carne. Endogamia ou consanguinidade é definida como o acasalamento de indivíduos relacionados, e tende a ocorrer quando os rebanhos são pequenos ou provenientes de poucos genitores. Este estudo teve como objetivo estudar a estrutura e a diversidade genética do rebanho ovino da raça Romney Marsh no Brasil. Os dados de pedigree utilizados foram obtidos na Associação Brasileira de Criadores de Ovinos (ARCO), que é a mantenedora do banco de dados de registro de ovinos. Para uma análise mais completa foram utilizados dados dos Livros de Registro Puro de Origem (PO). A população referida como "total" foi composta por 22.833 indivíduos, e a população referida como "referência" composta por 17.053 registros. Os coeficientes de consanguinidade individual e médio, bem como as frequências gerais, foram calculados usando o software SAS. Os indicadores demográficos foram determinados a partir do software ENDOG. O coeficiente de consanguinidade médio encontrado na população total foi de 2,90%, e na população de referência foi de 3,55%. O valor mínimo de consanguinidade encontrado na população estudada foi de 0,01% e o máximo, foi de 43,47%. Animais consanguíneos na população de referência completa foi de 10,31%. Em 2018 os animais consanguíneos representavam 82,55% da população cadastrada. Intervalo médio de gerações 4,0488 anos. Devido ao uso intensivo de poucas linhas de reprodutores e ao alto grau de uniformidade genética da população, a raça Romney Marsh apresenta estreitos gargalos nos pedigrees. A população atual da raça Romney Marsh provém de apenas duas origens genéticas, sendo necessário introduzir genes novos para evitar a erosão genética e perdas por consanguinidade acentuada.(AU)
Animais , Ovinos/genética , Endogamia/métodos , Variação Genética , BrasilResumo
The increase in sheep production is directly related to the health status of the flock. Brazil is one of the largest sheep producers in the world, and the sheep flock is concentrated in southern and northeast regions. Infectious diseases are responsible for severe economic losses resulting from a decrease in milk and meat production, deaths, and cost of treatment. Among infectious diseases, viral diseases are described chiefly in case reports or retrospective studies. This study aimed to review the main features of viral diseases that affect sheep in Brazil and their current situation in the Brazilian territory. We included eight viral diseases described in Brazil: rabies, bluetongue, contagious ecthyma, foot and mouth disease, visna-maedi, enzootic nasal tumor, ovine pulmonary adenocarcinoma, and border disease. We review the etiological, epidemiological, clinical, and pathological findings for each agent and included differential diagnoses, information on recommended diagnostic methods to confirm the disease etiology, and control measures. This study served as quick consultation material for field veterinarians for an accurate diagnosis.
O aumento da produção ovina está diretamente relacionado ao status sanitário do rebanho. O Brasil é um dos maiores produtores mundiais de ovinos, e o rebanho está concentrado nas regiões nordeste e sul do país. As doenças infecciosas são responsáveis por perdas econômicas severas que resultam da diminuição na produção de leite e carne, mortes e custos com tratamentos. Entre os agentes infecciosos, as doenças de origem viral são, em sua maioria, descritas em relatos de caso ou estudos retrospectivos. Este estudo teve como objetivo revisar as principais características das doenças virais que afetam ovinos no território brasileiro, e qual sua situação atual. Nós incluímos oito doenças virais diagnosticadas no Brasil: raiva, língua azul, ectima contagioso, febre aftosa, maedi-visna, tumor enzoótico nasal, adenocarcinoma pulmonar ovino, e pestivirose. Revisamos os achados etiológicos, epidemiológicos, clínicos e patológicos de cada agente e incluímos seus respectivos diagnósticos diferenciais, informações acerca dos métodos diagnósticos para confirmação da etiologia da doença e medidas de controle e prevenção. Esse estudo tem o propósito de servir como objetivo servir de material de consulta rápida, especialmente para veterinários de campo realizar um diagnóstico acurado.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos/diagnóstico , Viroses/veterinária , Doenças Transmissíveis/veterináriaResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of spineless cactus (Opuntia stricta Haw) in the diet of sheep on the balance of macrominerals, renal function, and blood metabolites. Five sheep cannulated in the rumen (61.5±9.5kg body weight) were used in a 5 × 5 Latin square composed of five diets and five experimental periods. The experimental period lasted 105 days, with five periods of 21 days each. Four diets containing levels of spineless cactus (121, 245, 371, and 500g/kg of dry matter (DM)), and a control diet were evaluated. Samples of the ingredients, orts, feces, urine, and blood were collected. Spineless cactus inclusion in sheep diets increased the DM intake, ash, oxalate, and all macrominerals intake (P < 0.05), but did not affect the urinary and fecal excretion of P, as well as the concentration of P in the blood (P > 0.05). It is possible to verify that the inclusion of spineless cactus, up to the level of 500g/kg of DM in the sheep diets, does not appear to cause damage to the animal's health. Its inclusion does not compromise kidney function or blood metabolites evaluated herein.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da inclusão de palma forrageira (Opuntia stricta Haw) na dieta de ovinos sobre o balanço dos macrominerais, a função renal e os metabólitos sanguíneos. Cinco ovinos canulados no rúmen (61,5±9,5kg de peso corporal) foram distribuídos em um quadrado de 5 × 5 latinos, composto de cinco dietas e cinco períodos experimentais. O período experimental teve duração de 105 dias, sendo cinco períodos de 21 dias cada. Foram avaliadas quatro dietas contendo níveis de palma forrageira (121, 245, 371 e 500g/kg de matéria seca (MS)), e uma dieta controle. Foram coletadas amostras dos ingredientes, sobras, fezes, urina e sangue. A inclusão de palma forrageira na dieta dos ovinos aumentou o consumo de MS, cinzas, oxalato e todos os macrominerais (P<0,05), mas não afetou a excreção urinária e a fecal de P, bem como a concentração de P no sangue (P>0,05). É possível verificar que a inclusão de palma forrageira, até o nível de 500g/kg de MS na dieta de ovinos, não parece causar danos à saúde do animal. Sua inclusão não compromete a função renal ou os metabólitos sanguíneos avaliados.
Animais , Ovinos , Opuntia , Dieta/veterinária , RimResumo
A case of meningoencephalitis caused by Pythium insidiosum secondary to rhinitis is reported in a three-year-old crossbred sheep from a herd of 15 animals, raised extensively and with free access to a weir. The animal presented mild dyspnea, blindness, mydriasis, opisthotonos, nystagmus, incoordination, decreased mandibular tone, and spasticity of the pelvic limbs. Macroscopic examination of the nasal cavity showed a blackish-red, irregular, friable mass that bilaterally compromised the nasal septum and the rostral portion of the nasal turbinates. In the brain, there was diffuse thickening of the leptomeninges of the cerebellum and ventral portion of the brainstem characterized by yellowish, granular material associated with vessel hyperemia. On the floor of the fourth ventricle, there was deposition of yellowish, irregular, slightly granular material that protruded towards the obex and displaced the cerebellum dorsolaterally. Microscopically, there were pyogranulomatous, eosinophilic, necrotizing rhinitis and fibrinosuppurative, eosinophilic, necrotizing meningoencephalitis, both associated with thrombosis, vasculitis, and intralesional hyphae. The hyphae were impregnated with silver and presented thin, parallel walls, rarely septate and branched. At immunohistochemistry, the hyphae were immunostained with polyclonal anti-P. insidiosum antibody in fragments of the cerebellum and nasal cavity. The findings showed that P. insidiosum rhinitis can secondarily affect the nervous system of sheep, causing nonspecific neurological clinical signs.
Relata-se um caso de meningoencefalite por Pythium insidiosum secundária a rinite em uma ovelha mestiça, três anos de idade, proveniente de um rebanho de 15 animais, criados extensivamente e com acesso livre a açude. O animal apresentava dispneia leve, cegueira, midríase, opistótono, nistagmo, incoordenação, diminuição do tônus mandibular e espasticidade dos membros pélvicos. O exame macroscópico da cavidade nasal evidenciou uma massa vermelho-escura, irregular, friável, que comprometia bilateralmente o septo nasal e a porção rostral dos cornetos nasais. No encéfalo, havia espessamento difuso das leptomeninges do cerebelo e porção ventral do tronco encefálico caracterizado por material granular amarelado associado à hiperemia dos vasos. No assoalho do quarto ventrículo, havia deposição de material amarelado, irregular, levemente granuloso, que se projetava em direção ao óbex e deslocava o cerebelo dorsolateralmente. Microscopicamente, havia rinite piogranulomatosa, eosinofílica, necrosante e meningoencefalite fibrinossupurativa, eosinofílica, necrosante, ambas associadas à trombose, vasculite e hifas intralesionais. Pela utilização da técnica de GMS as hifas foram impregnadas pela prata e apresentavam paredes finas e paralelas, raramente septadas e ramificadas. Na imuno-histoquímica, houve imunomarcação com o anticorpo policlonal anti-P. insidiosum em fragmentos do cerebelo e cavidade nasal. Os achados evidenciaram que rinite por P. insidiosum pode afetar secundariamente o sistema nervoso de ovinos, causando sinais clínicos neurológicos inespecíficos.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Rinite/veterinária , Pitiose , Meningoencefalite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Measurement of pregnancy-associated glycoproteins (PAGs) by radioimmunoassay or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay has been commonly used for early pregnancy diagnosis in ruminants. However, an accurately pregnancy detection depends on test antibody, breed and number of embryos. Only few studies have conducted to detect or predict animals at risk of late embrionic mortality (LEM) and to use hormonal interventions for embryo losses reducing, but this area is still open in sheep. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) administration on Day 4 after artificial insemination on the pregnancy-associated glycoproteins in dairy sheep with different reproductive status in relation to pregnancy and late embrionic mortality detection. Materials, Methods & Results: Sixty-five East Friesian sheep were divided in 2 groups - I (Control group, n = 35) and II (GnRH group, n = 30) and sublected to estrus synchronization and artificial insemination (AI). Group I was not treated and Group II received 50 µg GnRH on Day 4 after AI. PAGs in blood serum were measured by Alertys Ruminant Pregnancy test on Days 4, 12, 20, 25 and 35 after AI and ultrasound pregnancy test was conducted on Days 20, 25, 35 and 60. Reproductive status (non-pregnant, pregnant and animals with LEM) was determined by ultrasound and the results between different groups were compared. The PAGs mean values according to reproductive status and Day after AI were analysed. Accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of the PAGs test for pregnancy diagnosis on Day 35 were calculated. On Day 20 after AI the pregnat sheep (83.3%) in group I tended to be higher than those (77.1%) in group II with decrease of 25.7% and 20% for the same groups on Day 25. On day 25 LEM was recorded in 33.3% and 24% in group I and II, respectively. The ultrasound exams on Day 60 confirmed the results from Day 25 after AI. A total value of non-pegnant, pregnant animals and LEM was 20%, 56.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The mean values of PAGs in animals with the same reproductive status in group I and II no differed statistically between Days 4 and 35 after AI. On Day 25 the PAGs values in LEM groups (0.126 ± 0.072 and 0.179 ± 0.029) were higher than those (0.062 ± 0.038 and 0.083 ± 0.023) in the non-pregnant groups, but no significan difference was deternined. On Day 35 after AI the mean values of PAGs (0.414 ± 0.125 and 0.421 ± 0.121) for the pregnant groups were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those (0.078 ± 0.053 and 0.093 ± 0.034) for the non-pregnant groups. The values of PAGs in LEM groups on Day 25 (0.099 ± 0.062 and 0.113 ± 0.058) were decreased and close to the mean values in non-pregnant sheep. A significant effect of the day after AI on the PAGs values was evidenced in pregnant animals only (control r = 0.97 and GnRH r = 0.98; P < 0.05). The PAGs started to rise rapidly between Days 25 and 35 after AI. On Day 35 the accuracy (98%), the sensitivity (97.3%) and the specificity (100%) of the PAG test for pregnancy diagnosis were similar to the values (100%) for ultrasound method. Discussion: The gonadotropin treatment on Day 4 after AI tended to improve the reproductive performance in the sheep, but no significant effect of GnRH on the PAGs values in the animals with different reproductive status was found. The PAGs profiles in non-pregnant and LEM sheep were close and distinguishing between non-pregnant and LEM ewes on Day 35 was impossible. The PAGs values in pregnant sheep showed significantly (P < 0.05) increase between Days 25 and 35 after AI with higher mean values in pregnant than non-pregnant groups on Day 35 (P < 0.05). Alertys Ruminant Pregnancy test was a reliable for pregnancy detection in sheep on Day 35 after artificial insemination.