ABSTRACT A new skipper butterfly, Phocides petroleum Siewert, Leviski, Mielke & Casagrande sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Caranavi, La Paz Department, Bolivia. The new species seems closely related to Phocides charon (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) but could be easily distinguished by a set of external characteristics. Lectotypes are designated for Erycides charon C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859 and Erycides scython Godman & Salvin, 1879.
A new skipper butterfly, Phocides petroleum Siewert, Leviski, Mielke & Casagrande sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Caranavi, La Paz Department, Bolivia. The new species seems closely related to Phocides charon (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) but could be easily distinguished by a set of external characteristics. Lectotypes are designated for Erycides charon C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859 and Erycides scython Godman & Salvin, 1879.(AU)
Animais , Lepidópteros/anatomia & histologia , Lepidópteros/classificação , Borboletas/classificação , Borboletas/anatomia & histologia , Bolívia , Distribuição Animal/classificaçãoResumo
A new skipper butterfly, Phocides petroleum Siewert, Leviski, Mielke & Casagrande sp. nov. is described and illustrated from Caranavi, La Paz Department, Bolivia. The new species seems closely related to Phocides charon (C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859) but could be easily distinguished by a set of external characteristics. Lectotypes are designated for Erycides charon C. Felder & R. Felder, 1859 and Erycides scython Godman & Salvin, 1879.
Animais , Borboletas/anatomia & histologia , Borboletas/classificação , Lepidópteros/anatomia & histologia , Lepidópteros/classificação , Bolívia , Distribuição Animal/classificaçãoResumo
A pesca amadora é uma atividade muito antiga com registros desde a antiguidade. Na atualidade, além de proporcionar lazer, gera renda para os guias de pesca. No Brasil essa pesca amadora vem ganhando muitos praticantes, mas, no entanto, os estudos científicos sobre a atividade não acompanham com a mesma proporção, criando lacunas de conhecimento. O presente estudo tem como objetivo conhecer a pesca amadora embarcada e desembarcada no litoral central do Estado de São Paulo e com isso trazer possibilidades de gestão. Foram acompanhadas atividades de praticantes entre Bertioga a Peruíbe, observando a composição especifica, estrutura em tamanho total e em peso. Os dados foram oriundos de duas fontes, a primeira a partir de observações diretas onde os peixes foram identificados, medidos e pesados na pesca desembarcada, e a segunda de forma indireta na pesca embarcada a partir da autodeclaração de mestres de embarcações (que anotavam as capturas em planilha e as devolviam ao término de cada viagem) e segundo fotodocumentação a partir da qual foi possível estimar os comprimentos a partir de algum objeto de tamanho conhecido. Os dados foram analisados em separado após relativizados pela transformação em abundância relativa (raiz quadrada (x + 1)) para diminuir as variâncias. A riqueza de espécies capturadas pela pesca desembarcada mostrou-se maior do que a da pesca embarcada embora possivelmente o mestre de barco só venha a anote o que for aproveitado pelo pescador. Na pesca desembarcada os tipos de ambientes apresentaram grande importância em relação a estratégia de pesca utilizada pelo pescador, com as análises registrando diferenças significativas para os tipos de ambientes e de isca. Com necessidade da presente dissertação para preencher lacunas de informação, o presente estudo dividido em dois capítulos teve como objetivo conhecer a pesca amadora embarcada e desembarcada no Litoral Central do Estado de São Paulo e com isso trazer possibilidades de gestão para a atividade.
Recreational fishing is a very old activity with records since ancient times. Nowadays, besides providing leisure, it generates income for the fishing guides. In Brazil, the recreational fishing has been gaining many practitioners; nevertheless, the scientific studies about the activity do not follow the same proportion, creating knowledge gaps. The present study aims to know the recreational fishing (boarded and/or landed) on the central coast of the State of São Paulo and how this can bring possibilities of management. The activities of fishermen were followed between Bertioga and Peruíbe, to report the specific composition and their structure in size and weight. The data came from two sources, direct observations where the fish were identified, measured and weighed in the landed fishery, and by self-declaration of vessel skippers (who recorded the catches in a spreadsheet and returned at the end of each trip) and later by photograph from which it was possible to estimate the lengths based on a some object of known size near the fish. The data were analyzed separately after relativized by the transformation in relative abundance (square root (x + 1)) to decrease the variances. The richness of species caught by the landed fishing has been shown to be greater than that of the fishery, although the skipper master may only record what is used by the fisherman. In the landed fishing the types of environments presented great importance in relation to the fishing strategy used by the fisherman, with the analyzes registering significant differences for the types of environments and also bait. In order to fill information gaps, the present study, divided in two chapters, aimed to know the recreational fishing aboarded and landed on the central coast of the State of São Paulo and with this to offer management possibilities for the activity.
Insect-food-plant associations have been shown to be influenced by the chemical, physical and nutritional characteristics of plants. We suggest that among insect larvae that use leaf material to build shelters, food-plant use may be constrained by differences in host leaf structure, illuminating a rarely investigated aspect of insect-plant interactions. To explore the potential effects of leaf structure on shelter building behavior in a Neotropical skipper butterfly, we investigated shelter building patterns on two congeneric food-plants that varied in leaf thickness. Shelter architecture varied significantly between hosts, with thicker leaves requiring longer cuts to construct shelters. The relationship between shelter building behavior and leaf structure is discussed in relation to selection pressures on larval shelters and food-plant choice.
Insect-food-plant associations have been shown to be influenced by the chemical, physical and nutritional characteristics of plants. We suggest that among insect larvae that use leaf material to build shelters, food-plant use may be constrained by differences in host leaf structure, illuminating a rarely investigated aspect of insect-plant interactions. To explore the potential effects of leaf structure on shelter building behavior in a Neotropical skipper butterfly, we investigated shelter building patterns on two congeneric food-plants that varied in leaf thickness. Shelter architecture varied significantly between hosts, with thicker leaves requiring longer cuts to construct shelters. The relationship between shelter building behavior and leaf structure is discussed in relation to selection pressures on larval shelters and food-plant choice.
Insect-food-plant associations have been shown to be influenced by the chemical, physical and nutritional characteristics of plants. We suggest that among insect larvae that use leaf material to build shelters, food-plant use may be constrained by differences in host leaf structure, illuminating a rarely investigated aspect of insect-plant interactions. To explore the potential effects of leaf structure on shelter building behavior in a Neotropical skipper butterfly, we investigated shelter building patterns on two congeneric food-plants that varied in leaf thickness. Shelter architecture varied significantly between hosts, with thicker leaves requiring longer cuts to construct shelters. The relationship between shelter building behavior and leaf structure is discussed in relation to selection pressures on larval shelters and food-plant choice.
Estimating the survivorship of lepidopteran larvae in the field poses many problems, most notably the potential for monitored subjects to simply wander away. Larvae of the family Hesperiidae, however, construct and dwell in shelters built out of leaf tissue on their host plants, return to their shelters between feeding bouts, and build a predictable series of shelters during larval ontogeny. Here we describe the shelter building behavior of Pyrrhopyge papius Hopffer, 1874 from northeastern Ecuador. Subsequently we test the use of the Mayfield method, a widely-used ornithological method for estimating survivorship of nests, to examine its utility for monitoring survival in free-living hesperiid larvae. Pyrrhopyge papius builds three distinct shelter types during its ontogeny. Monitoring of larvae in the field was successful, generating a predicted 16.4% survivorship from hatching to pupation. We found no significant differences in survivorship between larval shelter types, and only marginally significant differences between years. The Mayfield method of data collection and analysis may be a useful tool for some studies of survivorship in free-living lepidopteran larvae.
Estimating the survivorship of lepidopteran larvae in the field poses many problems, most notably the potential for monitored subjects to simply wander away. Larvae of the family Hesperiidae, however, construct and dwell in shelters built out of leaf tissue on their host plants, return to their shelters between feeding bouts, and build a predictable series of shelters during larval ontogeny. Here we describe the shelter building behavior of Pyrrhopyge papius Hopffer, 1874 from northeastern Ecuador. Subsequently we test the use of the Mayfield method, a widely-used ornithological method for estimating survivorship of nests, to examine its utility for monitoring survival in free-living hesperiid larvae. Pyrrhopyge papius builds three distinct shelter types during its ontogeny. Monitoring of larvae in the field was successful, generating a predicted 16.4% survivorship from hatching to pupation. We found no significant differences in survivorship between larval shelter types, and only marginally significant differences between years. The Mayfield method of data collection and analysis may be a useful tool for some studies of survivorship in free-living lepidopteran larvae.
Estimating the survivorship of lepidopteran larvae in the field poses many problems, most notably the potential for monitored subjects to simply wander away. Larvae of the family Hesperiidae, however, construct and dwell in shelters built out of leaf tissue on their host plants, return to their shelters between feeding bouts, and build a predictable series of shelters during larval ontogeny. Here we describe the shelter building behavior of Pyrrhopyge papius Hopffer, 1874 from northeastern Ecuador. Subsequently we test the use of the Mayfield method, a widely-used ornithological method for estimating survivorship of nests, to examine its utility for monitoring survival in free-living hesperiid larvae. Pyrrhopyge papius builds three distinct shelter types during its ontogeny. Monitoring of larvae in the field was successful, generating a predicted 16.4% survivorship from hatching to pupation. We found no significant differences in survivorship between larval shelter types, and only marginally significant differences between years. The Mayfield method of data collection and analysis may be a useful tool for some studies of survivorship in free-living lepidopteran larvae.
Discarding part of the catch is a common practice in worldwide fisheries. The make-up of the discards needs to be studied to evaluate the impact on the fishery as well as to correct data for stock assessment. It is also useful for the identification of commercially valuable species. 84 sets from 18 vessels in Tefé's purse seine fleet were observed over nine trips to the Lower Solimões River during the first semester of 1997. A questionnaire was filled out on board with the following information: date, hour of set, climate, name of the boat and skipper, fishing spot, gear used, size and mesh of the net, retained and discarded catch per species. A variation in the percentage of discards was observed over the months. Discards were higher than 20% until February, and from May onwards, but were less in March and April. Species were identified according to the following grouping: not discarded; occasionally discarded; and, always discarded. The mean fork length of discards was lower than that of retained fish for the following species: apapá; aracu; mapará; pacu; and, peixe-cachorro. However, there but was no significant difference in the sizes of discarded and retained aracu, branquinha, cubiu and sardinha. The fishermen had developed a net to select larger fish, the "escolhedeira", which allowed smaller fish to escape alive. Curimatã, matrinchã, pescada, cará and tucunaré were not discarded due to wide acceptance of these products in the local markets. Some discarded species like apapá, cubiu and branquinha that were often present in the catch have potential for alternative uses.
O descarte de parte da captura é pratica comum em pescarias de todo o mundo. A avaliação do impacto da pesca requer conhecer as características deste descarte e é útil para a identificação de itens utilizáveis comercialmente. Foram realizadas nove excursões de acompanhamento na região do baixo rio Solimões, em barcos de pesca comercial com redinha, durante o primeiro semestre de 1997, totalizando 18 barcos acompanhados, obtendo-se dados de 84 lances. A bordo foi preenchido um questionário com: data, hora do lance, clima, nome da embarcação e do encarregado, local de pesca, tipo de utensílio usado na captura, tamanho e malha da rede, captura por espécie em kg. Há variação no percentual descartado ao longo dos meses, havendo menor rejeição nos meses de março e abril. Descartes superiores a 20% ocorrem até fevereiro, voltando a repetir o padrão em maio. Itens não descartados, ocasionalmente descartados e sempre descartados foram determinados. Os tamanhos médios (comprimento furcal) das capturas descartadas foram inferiores aos da capturas conservadas para o apapá, aracu, mapará, pacu e peixe-cachorro. Porém, não apresentaram diferenças significativas para o aracu, a branquinha, o cubiu e a sardinha. Os pescadores utilizam uma rede para seleção do pescado grande, a "escolhedeira", permitindo aos peixes pequenos escaparem ainda com vida. Curimatã, matrinchã, pescada, cará e tucunaré grandes ou pequenos não são descartados devido à ampla aceitação destes produtos nos mercados locais. Algumas espécies rejeitadas, como apapá, cubiu, branquinha foram comuns nas capturas, apresentando potencial para uso alternativo.
Discarding part of the catch is a common practice in worldwide fisheries. The make-up of the discards needs to be studied to evaluate the impact on the fishery as well as to correct data for stock assessment. It is also useful for the identification of commercially valuable species. 84 sets from 18 vessels in Tefé's purse seine fleet were observed over nine trips to the Lower Solimões River during the first semester of 1997. A questionnaire was filled out on board with the following information: date, hour of set, climate, name of the boat and skipper, fishing spot, gear used, size and mesh of the net, retained and discarded catch per species. A variation in the percentage of discards was observed over the months. Discards were higher than 20% until February, and from May onwards, but were less in March and April. Species were identified according to the following grouping: not discarded; occasionally discarded; and, always discarded. The mean fork length of discards was lower than that of retained fish for the following species: apapá; aracu; mapará; pacu; and, peixe-cachorro. However, there but was no significant difference in the sizes of discarded and retained aracu, branquinha, cubiu and sardinha. The fishermen had developed a net to select larger fish, the "escolhedeira", which allowed smaller fish to escape alive. Curimatã, matrinchã, pescada, cará and tucunaré were not discarded due to wide acceptance of these products in the local markets. Some discarded species like apapá, cubiu and branquinha that were often present in the catch have potential for alternative uses.
O descarte de parte da captura é pratica comum em pescarias de todo o mundo. A avaliação do impacto da pesca requer conhecer as características deste descarte e é útil para a identificação de itens utilizáveis comercialmente. Foram realizadas nove excursões de acompanhamento na região do baixo rio Solimões, em barcos de pesca comercial com redinha, durante o primeiro semestre de 1997, totalizando 18 barcos acompanhados, obtendo-se dados de 84 lances. A bordo foi preenchido um questionário com: data, hora do lance, clima, nome da embarcação e do encarregado, local de pesca, tipo de utensílio usado na captura, tamanho e malha da rede, captura por espécie em kg. Há variação no percentual descartado ao longo dos meses, havendo menor rejeição nos meses de março e abril. Descartes superiores a 20% ocorrem até fevereiro, voltando a repetir o padrão em maio. Itens não descartados, ocasionalmente descartados e sempre descartados foram determinados. Os tamanhos médios (comprimento furcal) das capturas descartadas foram inferiores aos da capturas conservadas para o apapá, aracu, mapará, pacu e peixe-cachorro. Porém, não apresentaram diferenças significativas para o aracu, a branquinha, o cubiu e a sardinha. Os pescadores utilizam uma rede para seleção do pescado grande, a "escolhedeira", permitindo aos peixes pequenos escaparem ainda com vida. Curimatã, matrinchã, pescada, cará e tucunaré grandes ou pequenos não são descartados devido à ampla aceitação destes produtos nos mercados locais. Algumas espécies rejeitadas, como apapá, cubiu, branquinha foram comuns nas capturas, apresentando potencial para uso alternativo.