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Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(4): e20210616, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1384593


ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Label Rouge chickens raised under an alternative system as a function of age at slaughter. The design was completely randomized with a 5×2 factorial arrangement, with slaughtering at five ages (70, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days) and two sexes. A total of 240 birds (Pescoço Pelado strain) were used, including 120 females and 120 males. Performance, carcass, physicochemical, proximate composition, and muscle fiber traits were evaluated. Rearing time and sex had significant effects on performance-related traits, with better results for males. The interaction between slaughter age and sex had a significant effect on the carcass and physicochemical parameters, which cause different responses in males and females with increasing slaughter age. For the proximate composition and muscle fiber analysis, the interaction between the parameters studied only had a significant effect on ether extract in the breast. The increase in age resulted in chickens with higher live and carcass weight at slaughter but lower performance indices. Females had lower carcass yield and greater deposition of abdominal fat. Females had lower tenderness in the drumstick and males in the breast with increasing slaughter age, and both cuts had more intense color and redness and reduced lightness starting at the slaughter age of 90 days.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de desempenho e as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos Label Rouge criados em sistema alternativo em função do aumento da idade de abate. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois sexos (macho e fêmea) e cinco idades de abate (70, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Foram utilizadas 240 aves (Pescoço Pelado), sendo 120 fêmeas e 120 machos, sendo avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho, carcaça, físico-químicos, composição centesimal e fibra muscular. Com o aumento no tempo de produção houve efeitos dos períodos de produção e sexo em relação a variáveis de desempenho, com melhores resultados para os machos. Para os parâmetros de carcaça e físico-químicos, houve interação entre sexo e idade de abate, revelando comportamento diferenciado para machos e fêmeas com aumento da idade de abate. Para a composição centesimal e análise das fibras musculares, somente para extrato etéreo no peito foi verificado interação entre os fatores estudados. O aumento da idade proporcionou a obtenção de frangos com maiores pesos vivos e de carcaça ao abate com consequente redução dos índices de desempenho, além de menor rendimento de carcaça e maior deposição de gordura abdominal nas fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentam menor maciez na coxa e os machos no peito com aumento da idade de abate e, em ambos os cortes, ocorreu maior intensificação da cor, índice de vermelho e redução do brilho a partir de 90 dias ou em maiores idades de abate.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 53(4): 1-11, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1412800


This study evaluated the performance parameters, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Label Rouge chickens raised under an alternative system as a function of age at slaughter. The design was completely randomized with a 5×2 factorial arrangement, with slaughtering at five ages (70, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days) and two sexes. A total of 240 birds (Pescoço Pelado strain) were used, including 120 females and 120 males. Performance, carcass, physicochemical, proximate composition, and muscle fiber traits were evaluated. Rearing time and sex had significant effects on performance-related traits, with better results for males. The interaction between slaughter age and sex had a significant effect on the carcass and physicochemical parameters, which cause different responses in males and females with increasing slaughter age. For the proximate composition and muscle fiber analysis, the interaction between the parameters studied only had a significant effect on ether extract in the breast. The increase in age resulted in chickens with higher live and carcass weight at slaughter but lower performance indices. Females had lower carcass yield and greater deposition of abdominal fat. Females had lower tenderness in the drumstick and males in the breast with increasing slaughter age, and both cuts had more intense color and redness and reduced lightness starting at the slaughter age of 90 days.

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os parâmetros de desempenho e as características de carcaça e qualidade da carne de frangos Label Rouge criados em sistema alternativo em função do aumento da idade de abate. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado (DIC) disposto em esquema fatorial (2x5), sendo dois sexos (macho e fêmea) e cinco idades de abate (70, 90, 120, 150 e 180 dias). Foram utilizadas 240 aves (Pescoço Pelado), sendo 120 fêmeas e 120 machos, sendo avaliados os parâmetros de desempenho, carcaça, físico-químicos, composição centesimal e fibra muscular. Com o aumento no tempo de produção houve efeitos dos períodos de produção e sexo em relação a variáveis de desempenho, com melhores resultados para os machos. Para os parâmetros de carcaça e físico-químicos, houve interação entre sexo e idade de abate, revelando comportamento diferenciado para machos e fêmeas com aumento da idade de abate. Para a composição centesimal e análise das fibras musculares, somente para extrato etéreo no peito foi verificado interação entre os fatores estudados. O aumento da idade proporcionou a obtenção de frangos com maiores pesos vivos e de carcaça ao abate com consequente redução dos índices de desempenho, além de menor rendimento de carcaça e maior deposição de gordura abdominal nas fêmeas. As fêmeas apresentam menor maciez na coxa e os machos no peito com aumento da idade de abate e, em ambos os cortes, ocorreu maior intensificação da cor, índice de vermelho e redução do brilho a partir de 90 dias ou em maiores idades de abate.

Animais , Aves Domésticas , Abate de Animais , Carne/análise
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2022-1669, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416245


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between pre-slaughter factors and major causes of total or partial carcass condemnation in a broiler slaughterhouse under federal inspection. Data on total and partial carcass condemnations between 2018 and 2020 were collected from 10 broiler farms supplying a slaughterhouse located in northern Paraná State, Brazil. The total sample comprised 2,562,642 birds. The pre-slaughter factors analyzed were age at slaughter, stocking density, weight at slaughter, feed conversion, and mortality.Associations between causes of condemnation and pre-slaughter factors were analyzed using a generalized linear model with negative binomial distribution, a generalized linear model with quasi-Poisson distribution, and a generalized linear mixed model with Poisson distribution. Total carcass condemnations were mostly due to repugnant appearance (48.67%) and arthritis (26.56%), whereas partial carcass condemnations were mainly due to arthritis (31.02%), bruising (27.97%), and myopathies (15.18%). Mean age and stocking density were the pre-slaughter factors that most contributed to increasing total and partial condemnation rates, indicating that reducing stocking density and age at slaughter might be important strategies for minimizing economic losses associated with carcass condemnation.(AU)

Animais , Inspeção de Alimentos/métodos , Carne/análise , Brasil , Galinhas/fisiologia , Abate de Animais/métodos , Doenças Musculares/veterinária
Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 73754, 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439866


A new frame score system was developed for Nellore cattle, based upon ideal slaughter weights to achieve desired degrees of carcass fat cover. Data consisting of 688 complete records including sex, age, weight, hip height, and subcutaneous fat on growing Nellore cattle (190 males and 498 females) were obtained from the National Association of Breeders and Researchers (ANCP), Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brazil. Weight data were regressed on sex, age, hip height, and fat cover as covariates. Age was then fixed at 550 days and fat cover was set to 6 mm, and new equations for frame scores (1 to 11) in Nellore cattle were developed: FrameNellore (males) = -42.43 + 0.04919 × Age + 0.3368 × Height - 0.0003369 × Age × Height and FrameNellore (females) = -41.76 + 0.04919 × Age + 0.3368 × Height - 0.0003369 × Age × Height (Age and Height in days and cm, respectively). The Nellore equations resulted in average frame of 5.3, ranging from 2.3 to 7.7. Values were similar for males (5.4) and females (5.3). By contrast, previous equations gave higher values, that were very different between males and females. The new Nellore frame scores appear reasonable, particularly regarding body composition.(AU)

Um novo sistema de escore para estrutura corporal foi desenvolvido para bovinos Nelore, baseado em pesos de abate ideais para atingir os graus desejados de cobertura de gordura da carcaça. Dados de 688 registros completos incluindo sexo, idade, peso, altura do quadril e gordura subcutânea de bovinos Nelore em crescimento (190 machos e 498 fêmeas) foram obtidos da Associação Nacional de Criadores e Pesquisadores (ANCP), Ribeirão Preto - SP, Brasil. Os dados de peso foram regredidos por sexo, idade, altura do quadril e cobertura de gordura como covariáveis. A idade foi então fixada em 550 dias e a cobertura de gordura foi fixada em 6 mm, e novas equações para escores de estrutura corporal (1 a 11) em bovinos Nelore foram desenvolvidas: FrameNelore (machos) = -42,43 + 0,04919 × Idade + 0,3368 × Altura - 0,0003369 × Idade × Altura e FrameNellore (fêmeas) = -41,76 + 0,04919 × Idade + 0,3368 × Altura - 0,0003369 × Idade × Altura (Idade e Altura em dias e cm, respectivamente). As equações de Nelore resultaram em estrutura corporal médio de 5,3, variando de 2,3 a 7,7. Os valores foram semelhantes para machos (5,4) e fêmeas (5,3). Por outro lado, as equações anteriores deram valores mais altos, que eram muito diferentes entre machos e fêmeas. As novas pontuações de estruturacorporal no Nelore parecem razoáveis, principalmente em relação à composição corporal.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/anatomia & histologia , Estruturas Animais , Melhoramento Genético
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 75(1): 89-97, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416571


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of replacing 50% of the true protein from soybean meal with extruded urea on the performance and carcass characteristics of lambs finished on pasture. Twenty lambs with initial weight of 29.9±6.2kg and 5 months of age, distributed in two treatments in blocks at random, were kept in pastures of Urochloa spp. Supplemented with 2% of body weight (BW). The treatments consisted of supplements containing soybean meal as the only true protein source (control), or extruded urea replacing 50% of soybean meal (NPN treatment). There was no effect of treatment on total supplement intake. There were differences in average daily gain (242.1 vs. 264.6g/day), slaughter weight (41.9 vs. 45.0kg) and carcass weight (18.9 vs. 20.1kg). There was no effect of the treatment on the final body condition score, hot carcass yield, carcass length, breast depth, subcutaneous fat thickness or rib eye area. The group of animals that received extruded urea showed superior carcass finishing characteristics (99.0% vs. 66.0%), maturity (22.0% vs. 0.0%), marbling (55.0% vs. 33.0%), meat texture (44.0% vs. 33.0%) and fat (66.0% vs. 22.0%). There were no significant effects on tenderness (7.5kg/f) or flesh color (L* = 33.2; a* = 16.2; b* = 8.3). There were no significant changes in the biochemical profile of the animals' blood during the experiment for both treatments. The replacement of 50% of protein from soybean meal by the extruded urea as NPN source in the supplement for lambs finished in Urochloa spp pastures provides better animal performance and qualitative characteristics of meat, without altering quantitative carcass characteristics.

Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da substituição de 50% da proteína verdadeira do farelo de soja por ureia extrusada sobre o desempenho e as características de carcaça de cordeiros terminados em pasto. Vinte cordeiros de 29,9+6,2kg de peso inicial e com cinco meses de idade, distribuídos em dois tratamentos em blocos ao acaso, foram mantidos em pastagens de Urochloa spp. suplementado com 2% do peso vivo (PV). Os tratamentos consistiram em suplementos contendo farelo de soja como única fonte de proteína verdadeira (controle), ou ureia extrusada em substituição a 50% do farelo de soja (tratamento NPN). Não houve efeito do tratamento na ingestão total de suplemento. Houve diferenças no ganho médio diário (242,1 vs. 264,6 g/dia), no peso ao abate (41,9 vs. 45,0kg) e no peso da carcaça (18,9 vs. 20,1kg). Não houve efeito do tratamento sobre escore de condição corporal final, rendimento de carcaça quente, comprimento de carcaça, profundidade do peito, espessura de gordura subcutânea ou área de olho de lombo. O grupo de animais que recebeu ureia extrusada apresentou características superiores de acabamento de carcaça (99,0% vs. 66,0%), maturidade (22,0% vs. 0,0%), marmoreio (55,0% vs. 33,0%), textura da carne (44,0% vs. 33,0%) e gordura (66,0% vs. 22,0%). Não houve efeitos significativos na maciez (7,5 kg/f) nem na cor da carne (L*= 33,2; a*= 16,2; b * = 8,3). Não houve mudanças significativas no perfil bioquímico do sangue dos animais durante o experimento para ambos os tratamentos. A substituição de 50% da proteína do farelo de soja pela ureia extrusada como fonte de NPN no suplemento para cordeiros terminados em pastagem de Urochloa spp. proporciona melhor desempenho animal e características qualitativas da carne, sem alterar as características quantitativas da carcaça.

Animais , Ureia/administração & dosagem , Ovinos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Poaceae/química , Ração Animal/análise , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200222, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442947


We examined differences in slaughter performance and meat quality of Honghe yellow cattle of different ages. We randomly selected nine Honghe bulls for slaughter at 12 (12M), 36 (36M), and 60 (60M) months of age. There were significant differences in antemortem live weight, carcass weight, and net weight among the three groups, all of which increased with age. Backfat thickness in 36M (4.77±0.25 mm) and 60M (5.50±0.50 mm) was significantly higher than in 12M (3.00±0.00 mm), and the loin-eye area in 60M (68.02±16.02) was higher than in 12M (27.01±1.89). There was no significant difference in the pH value of the month-old group. Compared with 12M (29.33±4.93%) and 60M (23.87±5.08%), the cooking loss of meat in 36M (36.50±5.07%) was significantly higher; meanwhile, a* value was also the highest in 36M (22.39±1.34), the protein and fat content of muscle in 12M was lower, while the content of meat in 60M was lower. There was no significant difference in muscle ash, Ca, and P contents; the total amino acid and essential amino acid contents of 36M were higher than those of 12M and 60M, and the unsaturated fatty acids of meat in 12M were higher than those in 36M and 60M. The change of age has a certain influence on the slaughter performance and meat quality of Honghe yellow cattle.(AU)

Bovinos/fisiologia , Abate de Animais/métodos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Carne/análise , Fatores Etários
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e55775, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380103


The present investigation was undertaken to highlight the histomorphometric changes of testicular tissues according to season and age in donkeys (Equus asinus) under northern Algeria conditions. The experiment was conducted from February 2019 to January 2020. A total of 21 sexually mature donkeys were selected randomly. The testis were immediately collected after slaughter for the histological observation. The analysis of the correlation coefficients shows negative correlations between DL and other parameters such as DST, GCEH, TTA and ITSA, ranged between -0.24 and -0.79. Also, there were a high negative correlations between season and the histomorphometric parameters, except DL was revealed positive (r=0.65). On the other hand, there were positive correlations between age and testicular histomorphometrics parameters. The results indicated that DST, GCEH, TTA and ITSA values were significantly higher in winter and autumn seasons than in spring and summer seasons. It is also noteworthy that DST, GCEH, TTA and ITSA values were significantly higher in adult and aged donkeys than in young donkeys. Our comparative analysis of histological parameters, suggests that the sexual activity usually occurs during winter and autumn in local donkeys of Algeria. In addition, our results of histomorphometric of testicular tissues are correlated with age of donkeys.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Testículo/anatomia & histologia , Equidae/anatomia & histologia , Estações do Ano , Técnicas Histológicas/veterinária , Fatores Etários
Sci. agric. ; 79(2)2022.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-762541


ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the quality traits and fatty acid profile of beef from Nellore and Angus bulls fed whole shelled corn (WSC) and ground corn plus maize silage (GC) diets. Eighteen Nellore and 18 Angus young bulls [381 ± 12 kg initial body weight (BW) and an average age of 20 ± 1.9 months] were used in a completely randomized design using a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement and were slaughtered at a final BW of 451.5 kg and 545.5 kg, respectively. Twentyfour hours after slaughter, samples of longissimus thoracis muscle were collected for the analysis of lipid oxidation, color, fatty acid profile, shear force, and cooking loss. There was no effect of diet × breed interaction on meat color, lipid oxidation, shear force, and cooking loss. Angus beef had lower shear force (p 0.05) than Nellore beef and had a greater concentration of linoleic acid and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) (p 0.01). Beef of bulls fed WSC tended to have greater concentration of CLA C18:2c9t11 (p = 0.09), greater concentration of CLA C18:2t10c12 (p = 0.01), and PUFA (p = 0.05), and consequently, higher oxidation levels. Angus bulls produced beef with greater tenderness and PUFA concentration. The results of fatty acid show a possible change in biohydrogenation when animals are fed the WSC diet, reducing lipogenesis, as this diet increases the C18:2t10c12 content.

Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200183, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442709


- This study compared the social and feeding behaviour of immunocastrated female pigs using different immunocastration protocols. We used seventy-two gilts from industrial crossbreeding (Agroceres × Topigs) at 15 weeks of age. The pigs were distributed in a randomised design with three treatments. The second dose of the immunocastration vaccine was applied in two groups, six weeks before slaughter (I6) and four weeks before slaughter (I4). A non-immunised group (NI) was used for comparison. Due to the divergence in the time of immunisation between the two groups, an individual comparison of each immunocastrated group with the control group (NI vs. I6 and NI vs. I4) was performed. Social behaviour was analysed through the collection of images by a monitoring camera, and the analysis period was from 6:00 to 18:00 h, with behaviour observed every ten minutes. Feeding behaviour data were collected by the automated FIRE® system. Anti-GnRH immunisation and the different protocols of application did not influence most social and feeding behaviours.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal/fisiologia , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(11): e20210444, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375138


This study assessed whether the meat tenderness of broilers raised in a free-range system varies by sex, lineage, and age at the time of slaughter. Physicochemical parameters were measured to adequately assess breast and thigh muscle morphometry, including shear force (SF), muscle fibre diameter (MD), histological connective tissue (HCT) content, and total and soluble collagen contents (TCC and SCC, respectively). The experiment was conducted with a completely randomized design using two lineages (Pescoço Pelado and Paraíso Pedrês), with specimens of both sexes raised in a free-range system. Randomly selected broilers were slaughtered at 65, 75, 85, and 95 days old. A total of 192 birds were analysed. SF values correlated positively with age. The highest SF values were measured in thighs of the Pescoço Pelado lineage. Age also showed a positive correlation with MD and HCT content of the breast regardless of lineage. Gender did not have any significant correlation with physical parameters; although, higher values were measured in thighs of the Paraíso Pedrês than in those of the Pescoço Pelado lineage. There were no significant differences among treatments regarding the SCC and TCC of thighs and breasts. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed relationships between SF and the rest of the measured attributes. PCA showed that age was positively correlated with the SF, MD, and HCT content of thighs and breasts. In contrast, SCC and TCC had negative correlations. The greatest breast and thigh MD values were associated with the least tender meat. Thus, age at the time of slaughter proved to be the most significant parameter impacting the physical characteristics of muscle morphometry and meat tenderness of breasts and thighs of broilers raised in a free-range system.

Objetivou-se com este estudo avaliar os fatores relacionados a maciez da carne de frangos criados em sistema alternativo. Para o experimento foi avaliado a força de cisalhamento, diâmetro das fibras musculares do peito e da coxa, conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo através de histologia e teor de colágeno solúvel e total. O experimento foi executado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado (DIC) com uso de duas linhagens (Pescoço Pelado e Paraíso Pedrês) de ambos os sexos (macho e fêmea) e abatidos em quatro idades (65, 75, 85 e 95 dias), criados em sistema alternativo, sendo utilizado um total de 192 aves. Para força de cisalhamento (FC), ocorreu aumento nos valores em ambos os cortes em função da idade de abate e houve interação entre linhagem e sexo, com as maiores médias para os machos da linhagem Pescoço Pelado e diferença entre sexo para Paraíso Pedrês. A idade de abate influenciou o diâmetro das fibras musculares e o conteúdo de tecido conjuntivo do peito e da coxa, havendo aumento linear destes parâmetros em função da idade ao abate. O sexo não afetou o diâmetro das fibras musculares da coxa, enquanto na linhagem Paraíso Pedrês foram verificadas maiores médias em relação à Pescoço Pelado. A análise de componentes principais demonstrou a relação entre a força de cisalhamento e as demais variáveis analisadas. Assim, o aumento do diâmetro das fibras musculares do peito e da coxa também está relacionado à redução da maciez da carne de frangos caipiras, conjuntamente com o aumento da quantidade de tecido conjuntivo, teor de colágeno total e redução de sua solubilidade.

Colágeno/análise , Fibras Musculares Esqueléticas , Tecido Conjuntivo , Carne/análise , Galinhas
Bol. ind. anim. (Impr.) ; 79: e1514, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417219


This study aimed to evaluate the occurrence of injuries in bovine carcasses slaughtered the northwest of São Paulo, through the quantification of the number of these injuries and their location in the main Brazilian commercial courts. Five ranchers were randomly selected, differentiated by the acronyms PEC A (rancher A), PEC B (rancher B), PEC C (rancher C), PEC D (rancher D) and PEC E (rancher E), which totaled 333 evaluated carcasses. The results showed that the majority of the slaughtered animals were of the Nellore breed and females of different age groups. There was a variation in the fasting period and water diet established for the animals, with the PEC C being the shortest period and in the others the variation was 10 to 16 hours. As for the injuries, it was possible to observe that the greater the distance covered, the greater the percentage of injuries in the half carcasses, with the rear quarter being more affected, especially the thigh, followed by the rump. Factors such as age and duration of transport positively influenced the percentage of injuries and even with the intense discussions and quality programs aimed at the application of animal welfare, the bovine half carcasses analyzed in the present study showed a high incidence of injuries.

O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a ocorrência de lesões em carcaças bovinas abatidas no Noroeste paulista, por meio da determinação do número destas lesões e sua localização nos principais cortes comerciais brasileiros. Foram selecionados aleatoriamente cinco pecuaristas, diferenciados pelas siglas PEC A (pecuarista A), PEC B (pecuarista B), PEC C (pecuarista C), PEC D (pecuarista D) e PEC E (pecuarista E), que totalizaram 333 carcaças avaliadas. Os resultados mostraram que a maioria dos animais abatidos eram da raça Nelore e fêmeas de diferentes faixas etárias. Houve uma variação no período de jejum e dieta hídrica estabelecidos aos animais, sendo que o PEC C, foi o menor período (3 horas) e nos demais a variação foi de 10 a 16 horas. Quanto as lesões, foi possível observar que quanto maior a distância percorrida, maior a porcentagem de lesões nas meias carcaças, sendo o quarto traseiro mais acometido, principalmente o coxão, seguido da alcatra. Fatores como idade e duração do transporte influenciaram de forma positiva porcentagem de lesões e mesmo com as intensas discussões e programas de qualidade que visam a aplicação do bem-estar animal, as meias carcaças bovinas analisadas no presente estudo apresentaram alta incidência de lesões.

Animais , Bovinos , Ferimentos e Lesões/etiologia , Ferimentos e Lesões/epidemiologia , Carne Vermelha/análise , Brasil , Qualidade dos Alimentos , Matadouros , Técnicos em Manejo de Animais
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54682, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370433


The physicochemical characteristics of the meat from lambs fed diets containing whole or disintegrated cottonseed, associated or not with calcium lignosulfonate (LignoCaSO3), were evaluated. Thirty non-castrated Dorper x Santa Inês lambs, with an average of 24.9 ± 3.6 kg and four months of age were confined for 60 days in collective stalls and distributed in a completely randomized design with six replications. After slaughter, by means of contrasts, the averages of the parameters of the semimembranous and semitendinosus muscles were analyzed. The cottonseed increased cooking loss and ash, and reduced muscle weight, water holding capacity and red intensity. The disintegration of the cottonseed reduced the shear force in diets without LignoCaSO3, increased the protein and the loss by cooking and reduced the pH in the diets with the additive. The luminosity values increased with the disintegration of the cottonseed in diets with and without LignoCaSO3. The addition of LignoCaSO3increased the weight of the muscle, protein, ash, pH, shear strength and the intensity of red. Moisture, lipids and yellow intensity were not influenced by the diets. Even changing the physical-chemical characteristics, the cottonseed with or without LignoCaSO3does not change the quality of the meat.(AU)

Animais , Ovinos , Aditivos Alimentares/administração & dosagem , Carne
Acta Sci. Anim. Sci. ; 44: e53445, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32611


The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of weaning and concentrate supplementation on the characteristics of carcass cuts and longissimusmuscle of Suffolk lambs finished ona Tifton 85 (Cynodonspp.) pasture. Weaning and concentrate supplementation strategies were evaluated in four finishing systems: i) non-weaned and non-supplemented lambs; ii) non-weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate in creep feeding;iii) weaned and non-supplemented lambs; and iv) weaned lambs supplemented with concentrate. In the systems with weaning, lambs were weaned at 46 ± 6 days of age. In the systems with supplementation, the concentrate was offered daily at 2% of lambs body weight. Weaning led to a decrease, whereas supplementation led to an increase in carcass cut weights. Supplemented lambs had lower yields of neck and uncovered ribs, and higher yields of breast + flank and loin. The characteristics of loin eye and fat thicknessover the longissimusmuscle presented lower values in weaned lambs and higher values in supplemented lambs. Keeping lambs with their dams and offering concentrate supplementation until slaughter are strategies recommended to obtain heavier cuts with increased muscularity and fat content.(AU)

Animais , Carne/análise , Carne/classificação , Pastagens/análise , Desmame , Ovinos
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210151, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442871


This study evaluated the effects of two protein levels and types of formulation on performance, nutrient metabolization, and myopathies of 390 female broilers from 21 to 46 days old distributed in a completely randomized design, with five treatments and six replicates of 13 broilers each. Treatments were two levels of protein (19.0 and 21.0%) in diets using only commercially available ingredients and three experimental formulations designed to keep similar the main nutrients that could influence nutritional performance (starch, fiber, ether extract), using unusual ingredients, with 19.0% (19E) or 21.0% (21E) crude protein and the third with 19.0% crude protein with amino acid levels similar to treatment 21P (19E+Aa). We studied broiler performance, nutrient digestibility, macroscopic muscular evaluation, and histological muscular evaluation. The design for the performance and myopathy assessment was a 5 × 2 factorial scheme, five diets × two ages (38 or 46 days). The worst feed conversion ratio was observed for the 19P treatment. Neither diet nor age had an effect on myopathies, however, older slaughter age increased the intensity of microscopic lesions. The diet 19P should be avoided and increased inclusion of lipids in diets improves nutrient utilization and, consequently, performance.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/fisiologia , Digestão/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Ração Animal
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210183, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442909


The objective of this study was to evaluate whether replacing corn starch (CS) energy with isolated soy protein (ISP) and soybean oil (SO) and the ambient temperature affect the protein and energy requirements for maintenance and gain of European quail. Thus, a total of 432 European quail from 10 to 30 days of age, distributed in a completely randomized design, were used to estimate the protein and energy requirements for maintenance through the comparative slaughter methodology. The treatments consisted of three diets formulated with the replacement of CS, corresponding to 15% of the metabolizable energy in the diet, with ISP and SO, two controlled temperatures (26 and 35 °C), and three levels of feed supply (ad libitum, and 70 and 40% of ad libitum intake), with four replicates of six birds. Protein and energy requirements for weight gain were determined from 160 European quail, slaughtered every five days at 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 days of age. Birds were housed in four groups of 40 birds in a room with thermoneutral temperature (26 °C). The energy sources of the feed and temperatures studied affected protein and energy requirements for maintenance and gain of European quail. Replacing CS energy by 15% of dietary energy with SO results in lower protein and energy maintenance requirements for European quail at both temperatures. The protein and energy weight gain requirements of quail fed SO as an energy source is higher than CS and ISP.(AU)

Animais , Proteínas Alimentares/efeitos adversos , Coturnix/fisiologia , Ração Animal/análise , Metabolismo Energético
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20210081, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1339657


Gilts represent a group risk for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae vertical transmission in swine herds. Therefore, parity segregation can be an alternative to control M. hyopneumoniae infections. The study evaluated the effect of parity segregation on M. hyopneumoniae infection dynamics and occurrence and severity of lung lesions at slaughter. For that, three multiple site herds were included in the study. Herd A consisted of the farm where gilts would have their first farrowing (parity order (PO) 1). After the first farrowing PO 1 sows were transferred to herd B (PO2-6). Herd C was a conventional herd with gilt replacement (PO1-6). Piglets born in each herd were raised in separated nursery and finishing units. Sows (n = 33 (A), 37 (B), 34 (C)) in all herds were sampled prior to farrowing and piglets (n = 54 (A), 71 (B), 66 (C)) were sampled longitudinally at 21, 63, 100, 140 days of age and at slaughter for M. hyopneumoniae detection by PCR and lung lesions scoring. M. hyopneumoniae prevalence in sows did not differ among herds. Prevalence of positive piglets was higher at weaning in the PO1 herd (A) (P < 0.05). However, prevalence of positive pigs from 100 days of age to slaughter age was higher in the PO2-6 herd (B) (P < 0.05). Lung lesion occurrence and severity were higher in herd B. The authors suggested that the lack of a proper gilt acclimation might have influenced the results, leading to sows being detected positive at farrowing, regardless of the parity.

As leitoas consistem em um grupo de risco na transmissão vertical de Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae dentro do sistema de produção de suínos. Dessa forma, a segregação de partos poderia ser utilizada como alternativa para controlar as infecções por M. hyopneumoniae. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito da segregação de partos sobre a dinâmica de infecção de M. hyopneumoniae e a ocorrência e severidade das lesões pulmonares ao abate. Para isso três sistemas de produção de suínos com três sítios cada foram incluídos no estudo. A granja A consistia da unidade onde as leitoas tem o primeiro parto, ou seja, alojava somente de fêmeas de ordem de parto 1 (Granja OP1). Após o primeiro parto as fêmeas OP1 foram transferidas para a granja B (Granja OP2-6), ou seja, consistia de fêmeas de ordem de parto 2 a 6, e a granja C consistiu em uma granja convencional com reposição de leitoas (Granja OP1-6), com fêmeas de ordem de parto 1 a 6. Os leitões nascidos de cada granja foram transferidos e criados em creches e terminações segregadas. As matrizes (n = 33 (A), 37 (B), 34 (C)) de todas as granjas do estudo foram amostradas previamente ao parto e os leitões (n = 54 (A), 71 (B), 66 (C)) foram amostrados longitudinalmente aos 21, 63, 100 e 140 dias de idade e ao abate. Em todos os momentos de coleta, as amostras foram avaliadas por PCR para detecção de M. hyopneumoniae. As lesões pulmonares foram avaliadas e escores de lesão foram atribuídos ao abate. A prevalência de matrizes positivas para M. hyopneumoniae não diferiu entre as granjas (P > 0,05). A prevalência ao desmame foi maior na granja A (OP1) (P < 0,05). No entanto, dos 100 dias de idade até o abate a prevalência de leitões positivos para M. hyopneumoniae foi maior na granja B (OP2-6) (P < 0,05). A ocorrência e severidade de lesões pulmonares foram maiores na granja B. Os autores sugerem que a falta de uma aclimatação adequada das leitoas pode ter influenciado nos resultados, levando à detecção de matrizes positivas ao parto, independente da ordem de parto.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Suínos/lesões , Suínos/microbiologia , Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae/isolamento & purificação , Pneumonia Suína Micoplasmática/prevenção & controle , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterinária , Transmissão Vertical de Doenças Infecciosas/veterinária , Entorno do Parto
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487693


ABSTRACT: Coccidiosis is a disease of great importance in industrial poultry. The correct diagnosis directs the poultry industry to its best treatment and control. Thus, a survey of Eimeria spp. was carried out in intestines of 64 broiler flocks, with an average age of 29 days. Eight broilers from each flock were randomly removed from the slaughter line, in a total of 512 samples. Macroscopic and histopathological lesions in the intestine were classified into Scores 0 to 4. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to research the oocysts from the seven species of Eimeria spp. in the intestinal content. The macroscopic evaluations showed that 59.4% (38/64) of the flocks were positive for E. acervulina, 32.8% (21/64) for E. maxima, 29.7% (19/64) for E. tenella, and 34.4% (22/64) for E. brunetti. The histopathological evaluation showed that 87.5% (56/64) of the flocks had at least one broiler with parasitic structures compatible with Eimeria spp. in the duodenum, 70.3% (45/64) in the jejunum, 18.8% (12/64) in the ileum, 46.9% (30/64) in the cecum, and 4.7% (3/64) in the colon. In PCR, 21.9% (14/64) of the flocks were positive for E. acervulina, 12.5% (8/64) for E. maxima, 3.1% (2/64) for E. mitis, and 32.8% (21/64) for E. tenella. The Kappa Cohen test between macroscopy, histopathology, and PCR demonstrated concordance ranging from weak to moderate with the exception of histopathology and PCR of the cecum, which was strong. In the comparison between macroscopy and histopathology, there were significative differences between Scores 0 and 1 (apart from the cecum). For Score 3, there were significative differences in duodenum, jejunum and cecum (p 0.05). In conclusion, the macroscopic diagnosis and PCR can generate false-negative results, and the histopathological exam proved to be effective, making it essential to associate different techniques for the correct diagnosis of Eimeria spp. in broiler chickens.

RESUMO: A coccidiose é uma doença de grande importância na avicultura industrial. O diagnóstico correto direciona a indústria avícola ao seu melhor tratamento e controle. Desta forma, realizou-se a pesquisa de Eimeria spp. em intestinos de 64 lotes de frangos de corte, com idade média de 29 dias. Em cada lote foram retirados aleatoriamente oito frangos da linha de abate, totalizando 512. Os intestinos foram classificados na macroscopia e na histopatologia em Grau de 0 a 4. No conteúdo intestinal pesquisou-se por reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) oocistos das sete espécies de Eimeria. As avaliações macroscópicas demonstraram que 59,4% (38/64) dos lotes foram positivos para E. acervulina, 32,8% (21/64) para E. maxima, 29,7% (19/64) para E. tenella e 34,4% (22/64) para E. brunetti. Na avaliação histopatológica, 87,5% (56/64) dos lotes apresentaram pelo menos um frango com estruturas parasitárias compatíveis com Eimeria spp. no duodeno, 70,3% (45/64) no jejuno, 18,8% (12/64) no íleo, 46,9% (30/64) no ceco e 4,7% (3/64) no cólon. Na PCR 21,9% (14/64) dos lotes foram positivos para E. acervulina, 12,5% (8/64) para E. maxima, 3,1% (2/64) para E. mitis e 32,8% (21/64) para E. tenella. O teste de concordância de Kappa Cohen entre macroscopia, histopatologia e PCR demonstrou concordância variando de fraca a moderada com exceção da histopatologia e PCR do ceco que foi forte. Na comparação dos graus de macroscopia e histopatologia, foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre o Grau 0 e 1 (exceto no ceco) e no Grau 3 houve diferença para duodeno, jejuno e cecos (p 0,05). Conclui-se que o diagnóstico macroscópico e a PCR podem gerar resultados falsos negativos e que o exame histopatológico se demostrou eficaz, tornando fundamental a associação de diferentes técnicas para o correto diagnóstico de Eimeria spp. em frangos de corte.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(4): 1423-1440, jul.-ago. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1369667


The goal of this study was to evaluate, in a commercial herd, the use of isoquinoline alkaloids and carvacrol versus a preventive antibiotic program, such as feed additives, on the performance, carcass traits, and health status of pigs in the growing and finishing phase. There were 576 PIC immunocastrated males and females, at 70 days of age and 28.429 ± 2.302 kg of initial weight used. The experimental design was a 4 × 2 factorial randomized block, with four preventive programs, two sexes, and six repetitions per treatment (the pen with 12 animals of the same sex was the replicate). The treatments were T1 (positive control program with antibiotic shocks at preventive level), T2 (negative control with the absence of antibiotics as a growth promoter or as preventive), T3 (isoquinoline alkaloids at 100 to 150 g ton-1), T4 (isoquinoline alkaloids at 90 g ton-1 + carvacrol essential oil at 1 kg ton-1). T1 and T3 presented higher daily feed intakes, followed by T2, and T4 showed the worst feed consumption (P < 0.05). T1 showed higher daily weight gain compared to T4 (P < 0.05), without differences between T2 and T3. T2 showed better feed conversion than T1 and T3, but it was similar to T4. There were no effects of the treatments on the carcass traits. Intestinal crypt hyperplasia and crypt abscesses (lesions caused by Lawsonia intracellularis) were significantly higher for T2 and T3 compared to T1, which was similar to T4. T2 presented the highest carcass condemnation at slaughter (7%), differing (P < 0.05) from T1, T3, and T4 (1, 2, and 3%, respectively). Isoquinoline alkaloids are an alternative for antibiotic-free diets for pigs in the growing and finishing phase, preserving the performance and carcass indices and minimizing sanitary carcass condemnations at the slaughterhouse.(AU)

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, em um rebanho comercial, o uso de alcalóides isoquinolínicos e do carvacrol frente a um programa preventivo com antibióticos, como aditivos alimentares, sobre o desempenho zootécnico, características de carcaça e o status de saúde de suínos em fase de recria e terminação. Foram utilizados 576 suínos PIC, machos imunocastrados e fêmeas, com 70 dias de idade e 28.429 ± 2.302 kg de peso médio inicial. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, modelo fatorial 4 x 2, com quatro programas preventivos e dois sexos e 6 repetições por tratamento (baia com 12 animais do mesmo sexo representou a unidade experimental). Os tratamentos foram: T1 - Controle Positivo (programa com choque antibiótico em nível preventivo), T2 - Controle Negativo (ausência de aditivos promotores de crescimento ou preventivos), T3 - Alcalóides isoquinolínicos (100 a 150 g ton-1), T4 - Alcalóides isoquinolínicos (90 g ton-1) + Óleo essencial - carvacrol (1 kg ton-1). T1 e T3 apresentaram maior consumo diário de ração, seguidos de T2, sendo que T4 apresentou o pior consumo (P < 0,05). O ganho de peso diário foi maior para T1 em relação a T4 (P < 0,05), não sendo verificada diferença entre T1 versus T2 e T3. T2 apresentou melhor conversão alimentar que T1 e T3, não diferindo de T4. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos para as características da carcaça. A hiperplasia e o abscesso das criptas intestinais (lesões causadas pela Lawsonia Intracellularis) foram significativamente superiores para T2 e T3 comparado com T1, que foi semelhante a T4. T2 apresentou maiores condenações de carcaça ao abate (7%), diferindo (P < 0,05) de T1, T3 e T4, respectivamente, 1, 2 e 3%. Os alcaloides isoquinolínicos são uma alternativa para dietas isentas de antibióticos para suínos em fase de crescimento e terminação, preservando o desempenho e os índices de carcaça e minimizando as condenações sanitárias de carcaças no frigorífico.(AU)

Animais , Suínos , Óleos Voláteis , Alcaloides , Antibacterianos , Aumento de Peso
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(2): e003122, mar. 2022. graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1381639


Parasitic otitis in cattle, caused by mites, has been reported from several continents. The present study aimed to determine the distribution, prevalence, intensity, mean intensity, and range of the agent in cattle in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. The samples were designed at random, with an acceptable margin of error of 3% and a confidence interval of 99%. A total of 449 animals were sampled immediately after slaughter from 34 different municipalities in the state using the technique of flushing both ear canals. Only Raillietia auris (Leidy, 1872) were found, with a prevalence of 98.6%, mean intensity of 53.78 mites/animal, and a range of 1-323. Impressively, the prevalence found was identical to another survey carried out 39 years ago in the same region. Details about the parasite intensity in different age categories of the animals are presented. The study demonstrates that the prevalence and intensity of infestation by Raillietia auris are high, and in older cattle are higher than young ones.(AU)

As otites parasitárias em bovinos, causadas por ácaros, são reportadas nos vários continentes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar a distribuição, prevalência, intensidade, intensidade média e amplitude parasitária do agente em bovinos, no estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil. As amostragens foram delineadas ao acaso, como margem de erro aceitável de 3% e intervalo de confiança de 99%. Foram amostrados 449 animais, imediatamente após o abate, e oriundos de 34 diferentes municípios do Estado, empregando-se a técnica de lavagem de ambos os canais auditivos. Apenas ácaros da espécie Raillietia auris (Leidy, 1872) foram encontrados, com uma prevalência de 98,6%, intensidade parasitária média de 53,78 ácaros/animal e amplitude de 1-323. Curiosamente, a prevalência encontrada é idêntica a outro levantamento realizado há 39 anos na mesma região. São apresentados detalhes sobre a intensidade parasitária em diferentes categorias de idade dos animais. O estudo demonstra que a prevalência e intensidade de infestação por Raillietia auris é alta, e bovinos mais velhos apresentam mais elevadas do que nos jovens.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos/parasitologia , Infestações por Ácaros/epidemiologia , Ácaros , Brasil
Ars vet ; 38(2): 66-71, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1417050


Avaliaram-se as condições higiênico-sanitárias na comercialização de carne e pescado no mercado municipal de Pio XII - MA, através da aplicação de uma lista de verificação adaptada de acordo com a RDC nº 216/2004 da ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária), dotada de um total de 33 itens distribuídos em 8 categorias distintas, em 17 boxes de comercialização, no período de agosto a setembro de 2021. Realizou-se a aplicação de um questionário para verificar o perfil socioeconômico dos vendedores do mercado de Pio XII - MA, com aprovação no Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CONEP), da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão - UEMA com o número de CAAE 25016719.8.0000.5554. Foram verificados que 13% dos boxes do mercado estavam em péssimas condições higiênico-sanitárias e o restante foi classificado como ruim (20 a 49%), sendo que o percentual de conformidades de nenhum deles ultrapassou 27,0%, não sendo nenhum estabelecimento classificado como regular (50 a 69%), bom (70 a 90%) ou excelente (91 a 100%). Em relação aos resultados do perfil socioeconômico dos comerciantes, 100% eram do sexo masculino, com 17,6% apresentavam-se na faixa etária de 30 a 39 anos, 41,2% tinham idade de 40-49 anos e 41,2%, com mais de 50 anos. Quanto à escolaridade, predominaram os níveis não alfabetizados e ensino fundamental com percentual de 40,2% para cada um. A renda familiar da maioria (58,8%) se concentrou no intervalo de 1 a 3 salários mínimos. Pode-se concluir que a atividade de comercialização de carne e pescado no Mercado Municipal de Pio XII - MA vem sendo realizada de forma inadequada, e a falta de conhecimento dos comerciantes sobre as Boas Práticas de Fabricação e a realização de treinamento adequado são fatores contribuem de forma significativa para o agravo dessa situação, assim como a origem da carne comercializada, que é de abate clandestino.

The hygienic-sanitary conditions in the marketing of meat and fish in the municipal market of Pio XII - MA were evaluated through the application of a checklist adapted according to the RDC No. 216/2004 of ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency), with a total of 33 items distributed into 8 distinct categories, in 17 commercialization boxes, in the period from August to September 2021. A questionnaire was applied to verify the socioeconomic profile of the vendors in the market of Pio XII - MA, with approval in the Research Ethics Committee (CONEP), of the Maranhão State University - UEMA with the number CAAE 25016719.8.0000.5554. It was verified that 13% of the market stalls were in very bad hygienic-sanitary conditions and the rest were classified as bad (20 to 49%), and the percentage of compliance of none of them exceeded 27.0%, with no establishment classified as regular (50 to 69%), good (70 to 90%) or excellent (91 to 100%). Regarding the results of the socioeconomic profile of the merchants, 100% were male, with 17.6% in the 30 to 39 age bracket, 41.2% were 40-49 years old, and 41.2% were over 50 years old. As for education, non-literate and elementary school levels predominated, with a percentage of 40.2% for each. The family income of the majority (58.8%) was concentrated in the range of 1 to 3 minimum wages. It can be concluded that the activity of meat and fish commercialization in the Municipal Market of Pio XII - MA has been performed in an inadequate way, and the lack of knowledge of traders about the Good Manufacturing Practices and the performance of proper training are factors that contribute significantly to the worsening of this situation, as well as the origin of the meat commercialized, which is from clandestine slaughter.

Higiene dos Alimentos/métodos , Saneamento de Mercados , Boas Práticas de Manipulação , Peixes/microbiologia , Carne/microbiologia , Brasil , Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária