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Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51(supl.1): Pub. 854, 2023. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1418151


Background: In veterinary medicine, peripheral nerve tumors (PNST) are classified from the cellular pattern and as benign and malignant (MPNST). The majorities of cases are benign and usually involve the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head, neck, and limbs. Animals with MPTNS usually have spinal cord and spinal canal involvement and are also described in the small and large intestine, oral cavity, perirenal region, and urinary bladder. Treatment is performed according to the location of the neoplasm and metastasis is rarely described. The present article aims to report a case of a malignant tumor in the peripheral nerve sheath of a cat. Case: A 8-year-old domestic cat was presented with a history of progressive paresis in the pelvic limbs. On neurological evaluation, proprioceptive ataxia and proprioception deficit in the pelvic limbs were observed, suggestive of thoracolumbar injury. Blood work and serum biochemistry showed results within the reference for the species and the bi-directional immunochromatography test for FIV and FeLV were negative. The radiographs of the thoracolumbar segment did not show significant changes. Myelography with iodinated contrast and collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were performed. On myelography examination, iodinated contrast loss was found between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, while the CSF analysis was normal. The patient underwent laminectomy and durotomy for excision of a mass found dorsally to the spinal cord, with intradural location. The tumor was sent for histopathological examination. Microscopic analysis showed neoplastic proliferation of spindle-shaped cells with predominance of the Antoni A pattern. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated intense cytoplasmic staining of the neoplastic cells for vimentin and S100 protein. Based on these findings, the diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made. Radiotherapy was suggested as adjuvant treatment after surgical procedure. However, the owner refuse to follow this recommendation due to cost restriction. The patient had a satisfactory clinical recovery, he has no longer presented proprioceptive ataxia or proprioception deficits in three months after the surgical procedure. Discussion: In the case described, the feline patient presented a history, clinical signs, and findings in the myelography exam related to MPNST in the region of the vertebral canal. This neoplasm usually involves the spinal canal or spinal cord, but has been described in other locations, such in the small and large intestine, oral cavity, perirenal region, and urinary bladder. Based on the findings of the physical examination and complementary exams, a surgical procedure was recommended. Then, laminectomy and dutoromy were performed to remove the mass. The treatment described in the literature in cases of MPTNS is surgery, which can be curative, but in some cases, the use of radiotherapy may be necessary. The histological patterns observed in this neoplasm are the Antoni A and B, in the case described the Antoni A pattern was observed. The definitive diagnosis was made by immunohistochemistry with vimentin and S100 protein. MPNST are few described in the thoracolumbar region in cats. The surgical treatment was curative, where improvement of the clinical signs could be observed three months after surgery. In addition, monitoring of patients is recommended to ascertain relapses and metastases.

Animais , Gatos , Tórax , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Região Lombossacral , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos/veterinária
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 65-68, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363968


Clinical History: Two 18-month-old female bison and a heifer died suddenly in the same ranch. The three animals were submitted for postmortem examination and diagnostic workup. The changes of one of the bison are presented here. Necropsy Findings: The carcass was in fair nutritional condition, with small amount of fat reserves, but still well fleshed, and in mild state of post-mortem decomposition. There was a small amount of clotted dark-red blood in the nostrils and anus. The heart presented extensive sub-endocardial hemorrhages in all four chambers. These lesions were most pronounced in both ventricles where they extended deep into the underlying myocardium (Fig. 1 and Fig. 2). The mucosa of the abomasum was diffusely and mildly congested, and the mucosa of the small and large intestine was diffusely and severely congested (Fig. 3). There was a moderate amount of red fluid in the lumen of the small intestine, cecum, and colon. Both lungs had a few, small, well delineated, deep, firm, multifocal dark-red areas in all pulmonary lobes, but lung tissue samples floated when placed into formalin. Follow-up questions: Microscopic description Morphologic diagnosis Most likely etiology(AU)

Animais , Autopsia , Bison , Nerium
Braz. j. vet. pathol ; 15(1): 69-72, mar. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363971


Clinical History: A 25-year-old female emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) presented with a 1-week history of lethargy, hyporexia, and recumbency. The bird had lived its entire life at the Winnie Carter Wildlife Center in Texas and had an unremarkable medical history, apart from bilateral congenital blindness. Necropsy Findings: Within the coelomic cavity, the serosal surface of the intestines was coated with a moderate amount of tan to green, mucoid, opaque, foul-smelling fluid (fibrinoheterophilic coelomitis) (Fig. 1). The large intestine was diffusely dilated and filled with dark red fluid and strands of yellow, friable material (fibrin). The mucosa of the small intestine, and most severely the colon, was diffusely roughened, thickened, dull, and covered by a thick yellow to green, opaque, friable diphtheritic membrane (Fig. 2). The distal colon was diffusely, markedly distended and focally contained a 50x7x5 cm, semi-firm accumulation of feces coated by a 4-5 mm diameter layer of tan, friable material (fibrin) located 21 cm from the opening of the cloaca. Gross evaluation of the eyes revealed bilateral aphakia. Follow-up questions: Morphologic diagnosis Ancillary tests to determine the etiology (AU)

Animais , Aves , Dromaiidae/microbiologia , Enterocolite/fisiopatologia , Triacetonamina-N-Oxil , Clostridiales
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1582, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416066


This work was developed to evaluate the impact of the addition of proteases on the performance characteristics, egg quality, relative weight of digestive organs, and intestinal morphometry of laying hens. 390 Hy Line W36® hens were allocated into five treatments and six replicates with 13 animals. The treatments were: 1) Control (standard formulation), 2) Negative control A - NCA (nutritional reduction according to protease A matrix), 3) Negative control B - NCB (nutritional reduction according to protease B matrix), 4) NCA+protease A (0.250 g/kg of feed) and 5) NCB+protease B (0.125 g/kg of feed). Hens fed the NCA, NCB, and NCA+protease A diets showed reductions in feed intake and egg mass. The addition of protease B provided better results for egg production in both percentage and per dozen as compared to the group fed with the NCA+protease A diets. The hens subjected to diets NCA and NCB showed eggs with a reduced eggshell and thickness percentage. However, supplementation with proteases A and B improved these parameters to values similar to the controls. There was no significant effect of the treatments on the relative weight of the liver, proventricle, gizzard, pancreas, and small intestine. However, the addition of protease A resulted in a decreased value for the relative weight of the large intestine. The jejunum and ileum crypt depths were, respectively, smaller in hens fed the control diet in relation to the NCB diet and the NCA and NCB diets. As it can be concluded, Protease B supplementation provided the best performance results.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeo Hidrolases/fisiologia , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 828, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401673


Background: Fibrosarcomas are malignant neoplasms of mesenchymal origin and can have different symptoms depending on the species, age, location and etiopathogenesis. Intestinal tumors in domestic cats are common and the small intestine is the most common site; however, fibrosarcomas are rare in the intestine of all animal species. This work reports intestinal fibrosarcoma in 2 domestic cats and aims to clarify and present information concerning this neoplastic type in the gastrointestinal tract of this species. Cases: We report 2 cases of intestinal fibrosarcoma in domestic felines (Felis catus). Cat 1. A 14-year-old female Persian breed, domestic cat, was taken to the Feline Sector of the Veterinary Hospital of Small Animals (HVPA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). The main complaint was chronic constipation and rectal prolapse. The clinical examination revealed an ulcerated mass, measuring 4.0 cm x 1.7 cm. Cat 2. A 10-year-old female undefined breed, domestic cat, was taken to the private clinic. The main complaint was diarrhea with bloody and rectal prolapse. The clinical examination revealed nodule measuring 2.5 cm in diameter. The surgical option decided upon was to use the rectal pull-through technique in both animals. The patients had no trans-surgical or postoperative complications. The material collected during the surgical interventions was analyzed macroscopically and fixed in 10% buffered formalin for 24 h and then sent to the Histopathology Laboratory of the Pathological Anatomy Sector (SAP) at UFRRJ for the cat 1 and in private laboratory for the cat 2. After fixation, it was cleaved for routine microscope exam using Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) stains and for the histochemical method of Masson's Trichrome staining technique. Complementary immunohistochemistry tests and electron microscopy were also performed. The patients were followed up clinically, showing complete remission of the clinical signs and survival for approximately 1 year after the neoplastic resection. Discussion: There are few reports of intestinal fibrosarcomas in veterinary medicine, therefore, little is known about racial predilection, age, sex or biological behavior. As far as these authors know, this is the 6th and 7th report of this neoplasm with a primary site in the large intestine in this species. The morphological diagnosis of fibrosarcoma is relatively simple, whereas, in some cases the differential diagnosis for tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath, leiomyosarcomas and gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) can be extremely difficult. The immunohistochemistry technique in these cases may not be particularly useful. The fibrosarcoma diagnosis was also confirmed by electron microscopy since no evidence was found that could lead to a neuronal origin, thus excluding tumors such as neurofibrosarcoma and schawnoma, corroborating the immunohistochemical examination. The surgical management of tumor resection with wide safety margins (minimum 2 cm) remains the "gold standard" therapy for dealing with fibrosarcomas since they have a low response rate to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and the use of these therapies as an adjuvant is controversial. The advantages of this technique are related to the surgical time, simplicity, easy access and reduction in the risk of abdominal contamination. Histopathological, immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy evaluations were sufficient to enable the diagnosis of an intestinal fibrosarcoma in both cats. The occurrence of this neoplasm with intestinal involvement in the feline species is rare; therefore, this description is important as it provides information about epidemiology, associated signs, differential diagnoses, biological behavior, treatment and prognosis.

Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Margens de Excisão , Neoplasias Intestinais/veterinária , Intestinos/cirurgia , Mesoderma/patologia
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 806, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401359


Background: Equine colic syndrome comprises numerous conditions associated with abdominal pain in horses. Impaction, a common cause of this manifestation, is strongly related to these animals' diet. Highly fibrous diets such as sugarcane can predispose horses to colic. The clinical condition can be worsened by fermentative processes, which lead to dysbiosis, circulatory disorders and even endotoxemia. The aim of this study was to report 4 cases of colic syndrome among 8 horses that underwent an experiment to adapt them to a sugarcane-based diet, and to correlate the animals' clinical conditions to the forage they ingested. Cases: Eight male castrated Mangalarga Marchador horses, between 5.5 and 7 years old, were subjected to an experiment to test the feasibility of sugarcane as forage. Four of these horses were taken to the Large Animal Veterinary Hospital (HVGA) of the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro for treatment of abdominal signs of discomfort a few days after the exclusive consumption of sugarcane, in a proportion of 1.75% of live weight in dry matter. The animals' symptoms ranged from behavioral signs indicative of pain to changes in vital parameters and structure of the feces, as well as changes revealed by transrectal palpation. Three of the 4 cases presented impaction in the small colon, and 1 of the horses also presented impaction in the right dorsal colon and rostral displacement of the pelvic flexure, with accumulation of contents in the right ventral colon and sternal flexure. Two of the cases were treated medically, while the other 2 required surgical intervention. The clinical condition of all the patients evolved favorably and they were discharged between 2 and 18 days. Discussion: Colic originating in the digestive system is a syndrome strongly associated with management, especially with respect to confinement, nutrition, and parasite control. During the experiment, 4 of the 8 horses fed with sugarcane presented with colic syndrome. The low quality of sugarcane fiber is due to the high degree of lignification of the plant cell wall, which favors accumulation of ingesta. The poor digestibility and sweet taste of this roughage favor increased consumption. Furthermore, its high sucrose content, associated with an increased rate of passage in the small intestine, alters the intestinal microbiome, and hence, the fermentation byproducts and pH of the ingesta. High intestinal content, allied to longer retention times in the colon and activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, promote greater dryness of the ingesta, predisposing the occurrence of impactions in the most distal portion of the large intestine. Intestinal distension and mesenteric traction caused by the accumulation of contents and gases trigger pain, which can worsen due to displacement of the large colon. Small colon impaction, which is easily identified by transrectal palpation, evolves gradually and its treatment, both clinical and surgical, tends to have a favorable prognosis. The need for alternative food sources for horses is a growing demand; however, sugarcane as an exclusive roughage has been shown to be unsafe for horses. The low quality of the fiber and the high sucrose content of this forage can alter the digestive physiology of horses through changes in the passage rate, microbiome and motility of digesta, predisposing them to intestinal dysfunction, ingesta compaction and displacement of the large colon.

Animais , Masculino , Fibras na Dieta/efeitos adversos , Cólica/veterinária , Saccharum/efeitos adversos , Cavalos , Doenças do Sistema Digestório/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 805, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401354


Background: Macracantorhincosis is a zoonotic disease resulting from inadequate sanitary conditions, which occurs in pigs infected by acanthocephalic helminths called Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. The eggs of these parasites are resistant to cold, high temperatures and can survive up to 3 years in the soil. They are consumed by dung beetles of the Scarabeidae family causing the parasite to evolve into its infective form, the cystacanth. The pig becomes infected after ingestion of either larvae or adult forms of these coleoptera. This work describes a case report of macracantorhincosis found in a pig from the canton of Zaruma located in the province of El Oro, Ecuador. Case: One sow, approximately 24-month-old, weighing 30 kg, presented cachexia, muscle weakness, pale oral and ocular mucosa and a body temperature above 39.4°C. The animal had a bulge on the ventral side of the neck, which evolved causing progressive discomfort to the point that the animal stopped eating. The sow was dewormed for 3 consecutive days. Fifteen days later, the animal had convulsions and muscle tremors, and died some hours after the symptoms started. During necropsy procedure, pale digestive tract membranes and nodules with fibrin were observed in the small intestine (jejunum), which was incised and the presence of parasites adhered to the granulomas detected. Two granulomas for morphological and histological studies and stool samples for coproparasitic test were collected. The collected parasites were fixed in a 10% buffered formalin solution, cross-sections were made and routinely processed for histological studies. The 5 µm thick sections were stained using the hematoxylin and eosin (HE) technique. The parasite's action involves perforation of the intestinal wall though its proboscis causing peritonitis and enteritis. Other conditions in intestinal dissection such as necrotic areas, inflammation of the submucosa and adult parasites adhered to the intestinal mucosa were also observed. The coproparasitic examination was performed using the flotation and sedimentation techniques. The coproparasitic test detected dark colored feces, semi-solid consistency and the presence of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceu eggs. In the histological evaluation of the cross section of the parasite, the presence of circular and longitudinal muscle fibers and lemniscus with their constrictor muscles was observed. Cuticle, hypodermis with tapered fibers and a large number of developing mature eggs were also reported. Discussion: There is no pathognomonic symptomatology about this parasitosis and peritonitis can be generated by intestinal perforations. The findings at necropsy were ulcerations, inflammation in the small intestine and the presence of numerous nodules in the serous layer, where there was penetration of the parasite's proboscis. When fixed to the mucosa, these parasites cause ulcerations, inflammation and necrosis in the wall of the small intestine. The hypodermic layer is thicker than the muscular layer and the presence of leminis with their constricting muscles are typical features of acanthocephalus. It is considered appropriate to carry out epidemiological studies on the prevalence of the parasite Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus at pig farming system in the region, in order to determine the main risk factors. In Ecuador, cases of this disease in humans have not yet been reported, but have already been described in other countries, so the presence of this parasite in family swine farming may be considered a zoonotic-type risk factor.

Animais , Feminino , Suínos/parasitologia , Acantocéfalos/isolamento & purificação , Zoonoses/diagnóstico , Equador
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 83-92, Jan.-Feb. 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374402


This retrospective study was based on data extracted from medical records of 48 horses with intestinal obstruction caused by enteroliths and/or foreign bodies seen over the course of 17 years. Data analysis was aimed at describing the major features of this type of colic. Obstructions caused by enteroliths, foreign bodies or both accounted for 40 (83.34%), 6 (12.50%) and 2 (4.16%) cases in this sample respectively. Affected horses were aged 1 to 32 years (mean age 9.5 years) and 14 horses were fed alfalfa. Alfalfa is thought to contribute to enterolith formation. Foreign bodies and enteroliths were found in the transverse (12 cases, 25%), the large or the small colon (10 cases, 20.83% respectively). Concurrent obstruction of different intestinal segments was also recorded. These involved the small and the large colon in 10 cases (20.83%), the transverse and the large colon in 4 cases (8.33%), the small and the transverse colon in 1 case (2.08%) and the transition from the large to the transverse colon in one case (2.08%). Short term survival was 77.08% overall and 87.50% when only patients submitted to postoperative treatment were accounted for. Survival data are consistent with survival rates of 91% reported in literature.

Este estudo retrospectivo foi baseado em dados extraídos de prontuários de 48 cavalos com obstrução intestinal causada por enterólitos e / ou corpos estranhos observados ao longo de 17 anos. A análise dos dados teve como objetivo descrever as principais características desse tipo de cólica. Obstruções provocadas por enterólitos, corpos estranhos ou ambos foram responsáveis por 40 (83,34%), seis (12,50%) e dois (4,16%) casos nesta amostra, respectivamente. Os cavalos afetados tinham entre um e 32 anos (idade média de 9,5 anos), e 14 cavalos foram alimentados com alfafa. Acredita-se que a alfafa contribua para a formação de enterólitos. Corpos estranhos e enterólitos foram encontrados no cólon transverso (12 casos, 25%), maior ou menor (10 casos, 20,83%, respectivamente). A obstrução simultânea de diferentes segmentos intestinais também foi registrada. Estes envolveram o cólon menor e o cólon maior em 10 casos (20,83%), o cólon transverso e o cólon maior em quatro casos (8,33%), o cólon menor e o transverso em um caso (2,08%) e a transição do cólon maior para o cólon transverso em um caso (2,08%). A sobrevida em curto prazo foi de 77,08%, em geral, e de 87,50% quando contabilizados apenas os pacientes submetidos ao tratamento pós-operatório. Os dados de sobrevivência são consistentes com as taxas de sobrevivência de 91% relatadas na literatura.

Animais , Equidae , Obstrução Intestinal/cirurgia , Obstrução Intestinal/veterinária , Obstrução Intestinal/epidemiologia , Dieta/veterinária , Medicago sativa/efeitos adversos
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(12): e20210431, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1375148


This study used contrast radiography to evaluate gastrointestinal transit times in cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) and investigated the sedative effects of intranasal midazolam in this species and its usefulness in facilitating the manual restraint required for radiographic studies. Twelve healthy adult cockatiels received intranasal midazolam at dose of 2 mg/kg, and iohexol at 15 ml/kg by crop gavage. Radiographic images were obtained before contrast administration, 3 minutes after and then each 10 minutes for 90 minutes. Sedation quality of the bird was evaluated during the radiographic study and assessed according to an adapted visual sedation scale. Three minutes after iohexol administration, the cervical oesophagus and the crop were filled in all birds. At the same time, the contrast medium reached the thoracic oesophagus, proventriculus, isthmus and ventriculus in most birds. In all cockatiels, median (range) transit times were 3 (3-10) minutes for proventriculus and ventriculus, 10 (10-40) minutes for small intestine and 45 (30-70) minutes for large intestine. The overall gastrointestinal transit time was 50 (30-90) minutes.Crop remained filled with iohexol throughout the study, while oesophagus and isthmus presented a pattern of contrast progression different from the other gastrointestinal segments. According to the visual sedation scale, cockatiels presented a moderate to intense muscular relaxation, and intranasal midazolam seems to be an appropriate sedation protocol for radiographic study. All cockatiels remained healthy after the study and presented clear and watery stools at least 12 hours after, due to gastrointestinal emptying.

O presente estudo objetivou determinar os tempos de trânsito gastrintestinal de calopsitas (Nymphicus hollandicus) por meio do estudo radiográfico contrastado e investigar os efeitos sedativos do midazolam intranasal nesta espécie, bem como a viabilidade do uso deste fármaco para facilitar a contenção manual durante o exame radiográfico. Doze calopsitas, adultas e saudáveis, receberam midazolam intranasal, na dose de 2 mg/kg, e 15 ml/kg de iohexol por gavagem. Imagens radiográficas foram obtidas antes da administração do meio de contraste, três minutos depois da administração e a cada 10 minutos, até 90 minutos de estudo. A qualidade da sedação foi avaliada durante todo o estudo radiográfico por meio de escala visual adaptada. Três minutos após a administração do iohexol, esôfago cervical e inglúvio foram preenchidos em todas as aves. Ao mesmo tempo, o meio de contraste alcançou esôfago torácico, proventrículo, istmo e ventrículo na maioria dos animais. Em todas as aves, a mediana e intervalo dos tempos de trânsito foram três (3-10) minutos em proventrículo e ventrículo, 10 (10-40) minutos em intestino delgado e 45 (30-70) minutos em intestino grosso, sendo que o tempo total de trânsito gastrintestinal foi 50 (30-90) minutos. Inglúvio permaneceu preenchido por meio de contraste durante todo o estudo radiográfico, enquanto esôfago e istmo apresentaram padrão de trânsito diferente dos demais segmentos avaliados. As aves apresentaram moderado a intenso relaxamento muscular durante o estudo e a administração de midazolam intranasal mostrou-se como protocolo sedativo apropriado em calopsitas. Todas as aves permaneceram saudáveis e apresentaram fezes com aspecto aquoso e esbranquiçado no mínimo 12 horas após o estudo radiográfico, devido ao esvaziamento gastrintestinal.

Animais , Iohexol/análise , Midazolam/análise , Trânsito Gastrointestinal , Trato Gastrointestinal/diagnóstico por imagem , Cacatuas/fisiologia , Raios X
Semina ciênc. agrar ; 42(3): 1379-1386, mai.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1371328


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of different levels of bee pollen in the diet of growing Japanese quails on productive performance, relative weight of the gastrointestinal organs and length of small and large intestines. A total of 650 one-day-old female Japanese quails were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments according to the dietary levels of bee pollen (0.0, 0.4, 0.8, 1.2, and 1.6%), five replicates, and 26 birds per experimental unit. At the end of the experimental period (35 days of age), the performance and relative weight of the gastrointestinal organs and length of small and large intestines were evaluated. The dietary inclusion of bee pollen did not influence (P > 0.05) performance, relative weight of proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas, liver, and large intestine, as well as the length of small and large intestines. However, a linear reduction (P < 0.05) was observed in the relative weight of small intestine as dietary bee pollen levels increased. The inclusion of bee pollen from 0.4 to 1.6% in the diet of growing Japanese quails did neither improve productive performance nor alter the biometry of digestive organs.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes níveis de pólen apícola nas dietas de codornas japonesas em crescimento sobre o desempenho produtivo, peso relativo dos órgãos do trato gastrointestinal e comprimento do intestino delgado e grosso. Um total de 650 codornas japonesas, fêmeas, de um dia de idade, foram distribuídas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco tratamentos de acordo com os níveis dietéticos do pólen apícola (0,0; 0,4; 0,8; 1,2 e 1,6%), cinco repetições e 26 aves por unidade experimental. Ao final do período experimental (35 dias de idade), o desempenho e o peso relativo dos órgãos do trato gastrointestinal e o comprimento do intestino delgado e grosso foram avaliados. A inclusão dietética de pólen de abelha não influenciou (P > 0,05) o desempenho, peso relativo do proventrículo, moela, pâncreas, fígado e intestino grosso, bem como o comprimento do intestino delgado e intestino grosso. Entretanto, uma redução linear (P < 0,05) foi observada no peso relativo do intestino delgado de acordo com o aumento dos níveis de pólen apícola. A inclusão dietética de 0,4 a 1,6% de pólen apícola para codornas japonesas em crescimento não melhorou o desempenho produtivo e não alterou a biometria dos órgãos digestivos.(AU)

Animais , Pólen , Biometria , Coturnix/microbiologia , Trato Gastrointestinal , Anti-Infecciosos/imunologia
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06744, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340348


Digestive disorders in cattle are associated with the breeding system and feed provided to the animals. Abomasal compaction is primarily related to the ingestion of forage with elevated levels of lignin, low quality, and difficult digestibility. In addition, the excess of fibrous food in the diet can lead to phytobezoars that may be responsible for intestinal obstruction disorders. This study aimed to describe pathological and clinical aspects of an outbreak of digestive disorders associated with the consumption of palm fiber (Elaeis guineensis). The outbreak struck a herd of 499 animals raised in a feedlot system after a change in diet that included an increase in the amount of palm fiber. Forty (8.01%) animals showed clinical signs such as fattening and regurgitation during rumination, and 21 (4.2%) animals died later. The cattle affected presented with apathy, emaciation, dehydration, distended abdomen, incomplete or absent ruminal movements, and congestive mucosa. Three animals were submitted to necropsy, and distended rumen and reticulum has a large amount of brownish liquid, long and tangled vegetable fibers with sand and stones. In two animals, the omasum had many rounded structures measuring approximately 5cm in diameter, made of vegetable fiber (phytobezoars). Abomasum of animals had similar material to the rumen, and one animal had compressed content. In two animals, dilatation was observed in the small intestine, and in the opening, the total obstruction of the lumen by phytobezoar was observed. During the follow-up of the slaughter of 76 cattle, 15 (19.7%) had phytobezoars of different sizes in the omasum and abomasum. The increased amount of oil palm fiber in animal feeding favored the occurrence of compression abomasum and intestinal obstruction phytobezoa, causing significant economic losses.(AU)

Alguns distúrbios digestivos em bovinos podem estar associados ao sistema de criação e alimentação dos animais. Entre estes estão à compactação de abomaso e a obstrução intestinal por fitobezoários, ambas relacionadas principalmente com a ingestão de alimentos com altos níveis de lignina e, consequentemente, de difícil digestibilidade. Neste trabalho são descritos os aspectos clínicos e patológicos de um surto de distúrbios digestivos em bovinos associados ao consumo de fibra de dendê (Elaeis guineensis). O surto acometeu um rebanho de 499 bovinos, criados em sistema de confinamento, após uma mudança na dieta que incluiu o aumento na quantidade de fibra de dendê. Após a mudança 40 animais (8,01%) apresentaram diarreia, distensão abdominal e regurgitação durante a ruminação e 21 animais (4,2%) morreram. Os bovinos examinados clinicamente apresentavam sinais de apatia, emagrecimento, desidratação, abdômen distendido, movimentos ruminais incompletos e ausentes, além de mucosas congestas. Três animais foram submetidos à necropsia e observou-se rúmen e reticulo distendidos e com grande quantidade de líquido acastanhado, fibras vegetais longas e emaranhadas e presença de areia e pedras. Em dois animais o omaso continha grande número de estruturas arredondadas medindo aproximadamente 5cm de diâmetro, constituídas de fibras vegetais (fitobezoários). No abomaso dos animais havia material semelhante ao do rúmen, sendo que um animal apresentou conteúdo compactado e um deles também tinha fitobezoários. Em dois animais foram observadas dilatação e obstrução total do lúmen do intestino delgado por fitobezoários. Durante o acompanhamento do abate de 76 bovinos, 15 (19,7%) apresentavam fitobezoários de diferentes tamanhos no abomaso e omaso. O aumento da quantidade de fibra de dendê na alimentação dos animais favoreceu a ocorrência de casos de compactação de abomaso e obstrução intestinal por fitobezoários, ocasionando perdas econômicas significativas.(AU)

Masculino , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Confinamento Controlado , Sistema Digestório/patologia , Óleo de Palmeira/análise
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 41: e06744, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-764857


Digestive disorders in cattle are associated with the breeding system and feed provided to the animals. Abomasal compaction is primarily related to the ingestion of forage with elevated levels of lignin, low quality, and difficult digestibility. In addition, the excess of fibrous food in the diet can lead to phytobezoars that may be responsible for intestinal obstruction disorders. This study aimed to describe pathological and clinical aspects of an outbreak of digestive disorders associated with the consumption of palm fiber (Elaeis guineensis). The outbreak struck a herd of 499 animals raised in a feedlot system after a change in diet that included an increase in the amount of palm fiber. Forty (8.01%) animals showed clinical signs such as fattening and regurgitation during rumination, and 21 (4.2%) animals died later. The cattle affected presented with apathy, emaciation, dehydration, distended abdomen, incomplete or absent ruminal movements, and congestive mucosa. Three animals were submitted to necropsy, and distended rumen and reticulum has a large amount of brownish liquid, long and tangled vegetable fibers with sand and stones. In two animals, the omasum had many rounded structures measuring approximately 5cm in diameter, made of vegetable fiber (phytobezoars). Abomasum of animals had similar material to the rumen, and one animal had compressed content. In two animals, dilatation was observed in the small intestine, and in the opening, the total obstruction of the lumen by phytobezoar was observed. During the follow-up of the slaughter of 76 cattle, 15 (19.7%) had phytobezoars of different sizes in the omasum and abomasum. The increased amount of oil palm fiber in animal feeding favored the occurrence of compression abomasum and intestinal obstruction phytobezoa, causing significant economic losses.(AU)

Alguns distúrbios digestivos em bovinos podem estar associados ao sistema de criação e alimentação dos animais. Entre estes estão à compactação de abomaso e a obstrução intestinal por fitobezoários, ambas relacionadas principalmente com a ingestão de alimentos com altos níveis de lignina e, consequentemente, de difícil digestibilidade. Neste trabalho são descritos os aspectos clínicos e patológicos de um surto de distúrbios digestivos em bovinos associados ao consumo de fibra de dendê (Elaeis guineensis). O surto acometeu um rebanho de 499 bovinos, criados em sistema de confinamento, após uma mudança na dieta que incluiu o aumento na quantidade de fibra de dendê. Após a mudança 40 animais (8,01%) apresentaram diarreia, distensão abdominal e regurgitação durante a ruminação e 21 animais (4,2%) morreram. Os bovinos examinados clinicamente apresentavam sinais de apatia, emagrecimento, desidratação, abdômen distendido, movimentos ruminais incompletos e ausentes, além de mucosas congestas. Três animais foram submetidos à necropsia e observou-se rúmen e reticulo distendidos e com grande quantidade de líquido acastanhado, fibras vegetais longas e emaranhadas e presença de areia e pedras. Em dois animais o omaso continha grande número de estruturas arredondadas medindo aproximadamente 5cm de diâmetro, constituídas de fibras vegetais (fitobezoários). No abomaso dos animais havia material semelhante ao do rúmen, sendo que um animal apresentou conteúdo compactado e um deles também tinha fitobezoários. Em dois animais foram observadas dilatação e obstrução total do lúmen do intestino delgado por fitobezoários. Durante o acompanhamento do abate de 76 bovinos, 15 (19,7%) apresentavam fitobezoários de diferentes tamanhos no abomaso e omaso. O aumento da quantidade de fibra de dendê na alimentação dos animais favoreceu a ocorrência de casos de compactação de abomaso e obstrução intestinal por fitobezoários, ocasionando perdas econômicas significativas.(AU)

Masculino , Bovinos , Bovinos/microbiologia , Confinamento Controlado , Sistema Digestório/patologia , Óleo de Palmeira/análise
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(6): 2165-2174, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1142295


Xenarthras (Mammalia, Dasypodidae) das espécies Dasypus novemcinctus e Euphractus sexcinctus tiveram sua anatomia científica estudada em relação à topografia dos intestinos delgado e grosso, suas relações peritoniais, morfologia externa e irrigação. Medidas dos diferentes segmentos intestinais e do número de vasos a eles destinados foram tomadas para fins comparativos. O método previu: fixação (formol 7%); injeção de látex; dissecação e fotodocumentação. Espacialmente, embora os intestinos sejam fixados por dupla membrana peritoneal, como em outros vertebrados, nestes a serosa conectou o duodeno, o jejuno, o íleo e os cólons em um único ligamento fixado no dorso do animal. Duodeno e pâncreas, intraperitoniais, como o reto, fixaram-se nas pelves maior e menor, respectivamente e dorsalmente. Vasos derivados do tronco celíaco mesentérico e da aorta percorreram o interior do mesoduodeno, do mesentério comum, do mesocólon e do mesorreto, estando estes, ao longo de seus trajetos, relacionados às cadeias linfonodulares intestinais. O modelo de rotação peritoneal, a morfologia externa, bem como o modelo de vascularização intestinal, foram interpretados como basais, diferindo dos vertebrados recentes, conforme o suporte literário.(AU)

Xenarthras (Mammalia, Dasypodidae) of the species Dasypus novemcinctus and Euphractus sexcinctus had their scientific anatomy studied in relation to the topography of the small and large intestines, their peritoneal relationships, external morphology and irrigation. Measurements of the different intestinal segments and the number of vessels destined for them were taken for comparative purposes. The method predicted: fixation (7% formaldehyde); latex injection; dissection and photo documentation. Spatially, the intestines, although fixed by a double peritoneal membrane, as in other vertebrates, in these, the serosa connected the duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and the colon in a single ligament fixed to the animal's back. Duodenum and pancreas, intraperitoneal, like the rectum, were fixed in the major and minor pelvis respectively and dorsally. Vessels derived from the mesenteric celiac trunk and the aorta traveled through the interior of the mesoduodenum, common mesentery, mesocolon and mesoride, being related to the lymph node chains along their pathways. The peritoneal rotation model, the external morphology as well as the model of intestinal vascularization were interpreted as basal, differing from recent vertebrates, according to literary support.(AU)

Animais , Peritônio/irrigação sanguínea , Membrana Serosa/irrigação sanguínea , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Intestino Grosso/anatomia & histologia , Intestino Delgado/anatomia & histologia , Artérias Mesentéricas
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 1-9, 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1472660


O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros morfológicos do trato gastrointestinal de bubalinos submetidos a dietas de alto grão, pouco conhecida, e dieta convencional com adição de forragem. Dez bubalinos foram submetidos a 79 dias de confinamento, sendo 16 de adaptação e 63 de comparação. Avaliou-se dietas com 100% concentrado, utilizando milho grão inteiro e núcleo proteico e mineral, e dieta com 70% de concentrado, utilizando milho grão moído mais forragem e núcleo proteico e mineral. As dietas foram isoproteícas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados e os animais blocados por peso. Os dados avaliados foram: peso dos animais ao abate, peso de ruminorreticulo, peso do intestino grosso e delgado, área e comprimento de papila ruminal, número de papilas ruminais por cm², área de superfície de absorção de ruminorreticulo. Os dados foram analisados pelo Proc GLM do SAS considerando efeitos de blocos e tratamento. Uma correlação de Pearson com todas as variáveis analisadas foi realizada. O peso médio dos animais, peso do ruminorreticulo, peso do intestino grosso e área do rúmen foram de 394,3 kg, 7,65 kg, 5,85 kg e 9,41 m respectivamente. O peso de intestino delgado foi maior para os animais que receberam dieta de grão total (4,9 vs 4,7 kg, P=0,04). Houve correlação positiva entre peso vivo dos animais e peso do ruminorreticulo; área de papila e comprimento de papila; e peso do intestino grosso e papilas por cm². Dietas com alto grão para bubalinos em confinamento apresentaram redução do trato gastrointestinal, porém com pouca diferença estatística.

The objective of this work was to evaluate morphological parameters of the gastrointestinal tract of buffaloes submitted to high-grain diets, little known and conventional diet with addition of forage. Ten buffaloes were submitted to 79 days of confinement, 16 days of which were adaptation and 63 days of comparison. Diets with 100% concentrate were evaluated, using whole grain corn and protein and mineral nuclei, and diets with 70% concentrate, using milled grain plus forage and protein and mineral cores. The diets were isoproteic. The experimental design was in randomized blocks and the animals were put into each block by weight. The data evaluated were weight of the animals at slaughter, weight of ruminoreticule, weight of the large and small intestine, area and ruminal papillae length, number of ruminal papillae per cm2 surface area of absorption of ruritreticulum. The data were analyzed by SAS's GLP Proc. considering block effects and treatment. A Pearson correlation with all analyzed variables was performed. The mean weight of the animals, weight of the ruminoreticule, weight of the large intestine and rumen area did not differ statistically and were 394.3kg, 7.65kg, 5.85kg and 9.41m, respectively. The small intestine weight was higher for the animals that received a total grain diet (4.9 vs.4.7 kg, P=0.04). There was a positive correlation between live weight of the animals and weight of the ruminoreticule; papillae and length of papila; and weight of the large intestine and papillae per cm2 . High grain diets for buffaloes in confinement presented reduction of the gastrointestinal tract, but with little statistical difference.

Animais , Bovinos , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal , Trato Gastrointestinal , Vísceras
Ciênc. Anim. (Impr.) ; 30(4): 1-9, 2020. tab
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29966


O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar parâmetros morfológicos do trato gastrointestinal de bubalinos submetidos a dietas de alto grão, pouco conhecida, e dieta convencional com adição de forragem. Dez bubalinos foram submetidos a 79 dias de confinamento, sendo 16 de adaptação e 63 de comparação. Avaliou-se dietas com 100% concentrado, utilizando milho grão inteiro e núcleo proteico e mineral, e dieta com 70% de concentrado, utilizando milho grão moído mais forragem e núcleo proteico e mineral. As dietas foram isoproteícas. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados e os animais blocados por peso. Os dados avaliados foram: peso dos animais ao abate, peso de ruminorreticulo, peso do intestino grosso e delgado, área e comprimento de papila ruminal, número de papilas ruminais por cm², área de superfície de absorção de ruminorreticulo. Os dados foram analisados pelo Proc GLM do SAS considerando efeitos de blocos e tratamento. Uma correlação de Pearson com todas as variáveis analisadas foi realizada. O peso médio dos animais, peso do ruminorreticulo, peso do intestino grosso e área do rúmen foram de 394,3 kg, 7,65 kg, 5,85 kg e 9,41 m respectivamente. O peso de intestino delgado foi maior para os animais que receberam dieta de grão total (4,9 vs 4,7 kg, P=0,04). Houve correlação positiva entre peso vivo dos animais e peso do ruminorreticulo; área de papila e comprimento de papila; e peso do intestino grosso e papilas por cm². Dietas com alto grão para bubalinos em confinamento apresentaram redução do trato gastrointestinal, porém com pouca diferença estatística.(AU)

The objective of this work was to evaluate morphological parameters of the gastrointestinal tract of buffaloes submitted to high-grain diets, little known and conventional diet with addition of forage. Ten buffaloes were submitted to 79 days of confinement, 16 days of which were adaptation and 63 days of comparison. Diets with 100% concentrate were evaluated, using whole grain corn and protein and mineral nuclei, and diets with 70% concentrate, using milled grain plus forage and protein and mineral cores. The diets were isoproteic. The experimental design was in randomized blocks and the animals were put into each block by weight. The data evaluated were weight of the animals at slaughter, weight of ruminoreticule, weight of the large and small intestine, area and ruminal papillae length, number of ruminal papillae per cm2 surface area of absorption of ruritreticulum. The data were analyzed by SAS's GLP Proc. considering block effects and treatment. A Pearson correlation with all analyzed variables was performed. The mean weight of the animals, weight of the ruminoreticule, weight of the large intestine and rumen area did not differ statistically and were 394.3kg, 7.65kg, 5.85kg and 9.41m, respectively. The small intestine weight was higher for the animals that received a total grain diet (4.9 vs.4.7 kg, P=0.04). There was a positive correlation between live weight of the animals and weight of the ruminoreticule; papillae and length of papila; and weight of the large intestine and papillae per cm2 . High grain diets for buffaloes in confinement presented reduction of the gastrointestinal tract, but with little statistical difference.(AU)

Animais , Bovinos , Ração Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Vísceras , Trato Gastrointestinal
Rev. bras. zootec ; 49: e20200095, 2020. graf, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1443752


The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of supplemental protease on in vitro disappearance of dry matter (DM) and crude protein (CP) in feed ingredients for pigs. The test ingredients were three sources of feather meal (FM 1, FM 2, and FM 3), meat and bone meal, soybean meal, corn dried distillers grains with solubles, copra meal (CM), palm kernel meal, wheat, and corn. In experiment 1, in vitro ileal disappearance (IVID) of DM and CP were determined to represent the digestion and absorption of the stomach and small intestine of pigs. In experiment 2, in vitro total tract disappearance (IVTTD) of DM was determined to represent the digestion and absorption of the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine of pigs. The control group had 99% of a test ingredient and 1% of wheat bran. Protease originating from Bacillus spp. was supplemented to the control diet at the expense of wheat bran to make a treatment group (100,000 U/kg of sample). Protease supplementation increased the IVID of DM in FM 1 (39.8 vs. 37.5%) and CM (45.0 vs. 42.2%). In the protease supplementation group, the IVID of CP also increased in FM 1 (48.0 vs. 43.8%) and CM (85.3 vs. 77.5%). The supplemental protease increased the IVTTD of DM in FM 1 (43.9 vs. 42.1%), FM 3 (55.6 vs. 52.7%), and meat and bone meal (85.9 vs. 84.3%). Therefore, nutrient utilization of FM and CM can be improved by supplemental protease originating from Bacillus spp. based on in vitro assays.(AU)

Peptídeo Hidrolases , Suínos/fisiologia , Técnicas In Vitro/veterinária , Proteínas , Aditivos Alimentares
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(4): 242-253, Apr. 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135616


Equine colic is one of the most common cause of death in horses, but few studies have investigated specifically the conditions at the necropsy. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological features of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in horses. A retrospective study was conducted in search of cases of these diseases affecting horses from 2005 to 2017. During this period, 114 horses died of noninfectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and the main causes were: primary gastric dilation (27/114), volvulus (27/114), enterolithiasis (20/114), rectal (colonic) perforation (15/114), gastric or cecocolonic impaction (10/114), incarcerations (6/114), intussusception (4/114), and others (5/114). Mixed breeds horses (56/114) and males (69/114) were mostly affected. The horses had a median and mean age of 10 and 10.9-years old, respectively. Primary gastric dilation was characterized by distension of the stomach by moderate to large amounts of content, which in 21 cases caused tearing of the stomach wall at the greater curvature (peritonitis), and the main predisposing factor was alimentary overload (17/27). Intestinal volvulus occurred within the small intestine (14 cases) and within the large intestines (13 cases). Grossly, there was intestinal ischemia with reddened to deep-black serosa and diffusely red mucosae. Enterolithiasis caused partial or complete obstruction of the right dorsal colon (9/20), transverse colon (4/20), small colon and right dorsal colon (3/20), rectum and right dorsal colon (2/20), and small colon (2/20). Viscera perforation and peritonitis occurred in 11 cases. Rectal (colonic) perforation involved the rectum (10/15), rectum/small colon (4/15), and the small colon (1/15). It was characterized by a focally extensive transmural tearing, associated with reddened borders, and retroperitoneal to diffuse peritonitis. Palpation related iatrogenic injuries (11/15) were the main cause. Impactions affected the large colon (7/10), the cecum (2/10), and the stomach (1/10). Incarcerations consisted of inguinoscrotal hernias (2/6), small intestine entrapment by a mesenteric failure (2/6), diaphragmatic hernia, and umbilical eventration. Grossly, the organs were constricted by a hernial ring, with intestinal ischemia and reddened to dark-red serosa. Predisposing factors included previous surgeries (2/6) and patent inguinal ring (1/6). Intussusception involved the small intestine (3/4) and ileocecum (1/4). Foals with lack of colostrum intake and concomitant pneumonia was a characteristic presentation (3/4). Grossly, the intussusceptum slipped into intussuscipiens, with diffuse deep black-red discoloration. Other causes included large colon displacement (2/5), extrinsic and intrinsic obstruction of the small intestine (2/5), and an intestinal adenocarcinoma. Noninfectious gastrointestinal diseases are major causes of death in horses. Epidemiological and gross features of the conditions should be accounted to obtain a final diagnosis of the cause of the colic.(AU)

A cólica em equinos é considerada como a principal causa de morte de cavalos, porém poucos estudos têm investigado especificamente as condições envolvidas através da necropsia. O objetivo desse estudo foi descrever os aspectos epidemiológicos e patológicos de doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal de equinos. Foi conduzido um estudo retrospectivo em busca de casos dessas doenças envolvendo cavalos de 2005 a 2017. Durante esse período, 114 equinos morreram devido a doenças não infecciosas do trato gastrointestinal, e as principais causas foram: dilatação gástrica (27/114), vólvulos (27/114), enterolitíase (20/114), ruptura retal (colônica) (15/114), compactação gástrica ou cecocolônica (10/114), encarceramentos (6/114), intussuscepções (4/114), e outros (5/114). Animais sem raça definida (56/114) e machos (69/114) foram mais afetados. Os equinos apresentavam uma média e mediana de idade de 10 e 10,9 anos, respectivamente. A dilatação gástrica primária era caracterizada por distensão do estômago por moderada a grande quantidade de conteúdo, que em 21 casos provocava ruptura da parede gástrica na curvatura maior (peritonite), e o principal fator predisponente foi sobrecarga alimentar (17/27). Vólvulo intestinal ocorreu no intestino delgado e no intestino grosso (14 e 13 casos, respectivamente). Macroscopicamente, havia isquemia intestinal com serosa avermelhada a enegrecida e mucosa difusamente avermelhada. A enterolitíase causou obstrução parcial ou completa do cólon dorsal direito (9/20), cólon transverso (4/20), cólon menor e cólon dorsal direito (3/20), cólon menor (2/20), e reto e cólon maior direito (2/20). Perfuração de vísceras e peritonite foram observadas em 11 casos. A ruptura retal (colônica) envolveu o reto (10/15), reto/cólon menor (4/15) e cólon menor (1/15). Essa era caracterizada por ruptura transmural focalmente extensa, com bordos avermelhados e peritonite retroperitoneal a difusa. Traumas relacionados à palpação (11/15) foram a principal causa. Compactações afetaram o cólon maior (7/10), ceco (2/10) e estômago (1/10). Encarceramentos consistiram em hérnias inguinoescrotais (2/6), encarceramento de alças intestinais por falha no mesentério (2/6), hérnia diafragmática e eventração umbilical. Macroscopicamente, os órgãos estavam constritos por um anel hernial, com isquemia intestinal e serosa avermelhada a vermelho-escura. Fatores predisponentes incluíram cirurgias prévias (2/6) e anel inguinal patente (1/6). Intussuscepções envolveram o intestino delgado (3/4) e íleoceco (1/4). A apresentação característica foi em potros com falta de colostro e concomitante pneumonia. Macroscopicamente, o intussuscepto deslizava em direção ao intussuscepiente, exibindo coloração vermelho-enegrecida difusa. Outras causas incluíram deslocamento de cólon maior (2/5), obstrução extrínseca e intrínseca do intestino delgado (2/5), e um caso de adenocarcinoma intestinal. Doenças não infecciosas são importantes causas de morte em equinos. Os aspectos epidemiológicos e macroscópicos das condições devem ser considerados para o que o diagnóstico final da causa da cólica seja obtido.(AU)

Animais , Dilatação Gástrica , Cólica , Trato Gastrointestinal/patologia , Volvo Intestinal , Doenças dos Cavalos/patologia , Doenças dos Cavalos/epidemiologia , Intussuscepção , Cavalos
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 14(2): 68-72, jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453207


Common sloth (Bradypus variegatus) is a mammal that belongs to the superorder Xenarthra, typical from neotropical regions, with geographic distribution from Honduras to northern Argentina. Our study aimed to describe the intestine blood supply of these Bradipodids in order to collaborate with the clinical-surgical for these animals. For that, ten animals, included four females and six males, were sampled from the collection of the Anatomy Division, Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE. Corpses received formalin, preserved in saline solution and subsequently dissected for description of the cranial (AMCr) and caudal (AMC) mesenteric arteries. Sixty percent of sloths presented AMCr and AMC, cwhile 30% of them had intestines (small and large) irrigation from the common mesenteric artery (AMCo), an arterial trunk from which AMCr and AMC originated. For 10% of the specimens, the entire intestine was vascularized only by AMCr. Along the AMCr branches, there were arched arrangements, with arches size reductionat the level of the small intestine. Therefore, B. variegatus presents anatomical variations regarding the irrigation of the intestine, which can be made from AMCr and AMC, from the AMCo arterial trunk or to a lower frequency exclusively through AMCr branches.

A preguiça-comum (Bradypus variegatus)é um mamífero pertencente à superordem Xenarthra, típica de regiões neotropicais, com distribuição geográfica de Honduras ao norte da Argentina. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o suprimento sanguíneo do intestinodestes Bradipodídeos, com o intuito de colaborar com a clínica-cirúrgica destes animais. Neste contexto, foram utilizados dez animais pertencentes ao acervo da Área de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE, sendo quatro fêmeas e seis machos. Os cadáveres foram formolizados e conservados em solução salina e, posteriormente, dissecados para a descrição das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMC). Diante disto, observou-se que 60% das preguiças apresentaram AMCr e AMC.Enquanto que, em 30% delas, a irrigação dos intestinos (delgado e grosso) se deu a partir da artéria mesentérica comum (AMCo), um tronco arterial do qual se originaram AMCr e AMC. E em 10% dos espécimes, todo intestino foi vascularizado unicamente pela AMCr. Ao longo das ramificações de AMCr percebeu-se arranjos arqueados, com diminuição do tamanho dos arcos ao nível do intestino delgado. Portanto, B. variegatusapresenta variações anatômicas quanto a irrigação do intestino, podendo esta ser feita a partir de AMCr e AMC, do tronco arterial AMCo ou numa menor frequência através exclusivamente de ramos de AMCr.

Animais , Aorta , Dispositivos de Acesso Vascular , Xenarthra/sangue
Acta Vet. bras. ; 14(2): 68-72, jun. 2020. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-15163


Common sloth (Bradypus variegatus) is a mammal that belongs to the superorder Xenarthra, typical from neotropical regions, with geographic distribution from Honduras to northern Argentina. Our study aimed to describe the intestine blood supply of these Bradipodids in order to collaborate with the clinical-surgical for these animals. For that, ten animals, included four females and six males, were sampled from the collection of the Anatomy Division, Department of Animal Morphology and Physiology, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE. Corpses received formalin, preserved in saline solution and subsequently dissected for description of the cranial (AMCr) and caudal (AMC) mesenteric arteries. Sixty percent of sloths presented AMCr and AMC, cwhile 30% of them had intestines (small and large) irrigation from the common mesenteric artery (AMCo), an arterial trunk from which AMCr and AMC originated. For 10% of the specimens, the entire intestine was vascularized only by AMCr. Along the AMCr branches, there were arched arrangements, with arches size reductionat the level of the small intestine. Therefore, B. variegatus presents anatomical variations regarding the irrigation of the intestine, which can be made from AMCr and AMC, from the AMCo arterial trunk or to a lower frequency exclusively through AMCr branches.(AU)

A preguiça-comum (Bradypus variegatus)é um mamífero pertencente à superordem Xenarthra, típica de regiões neotropicais, com distribuição geográfica de Honduras ao norte da Argentina. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o suprimento sanguíneo do intestinodestes Bradipodídeos, com o intuito de colaborar com a clínica-cirúrgica destes animais. Neste contexto, foram utilizados dez animais pertencentes ao acervo da Área de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco DMFA/UFRPE, sendo quatro fêmeas e seis machos. Os cadáveres foram formolizados e conservados em solução salina e, posteriormente, dissecados para a descrição das artérias mesentéricas cranial (AMCr) e caudal (AMC). Diante disto, observou-se que 60% das preguiças apresentaram AMCr e AMC.Enquanto que, em 30% delas, a irrigação dos intestinos (delgado e grosso) se deu a partir da artéria mesentérica comum (AMCo), um tronco arterial do qual se originaram AMCr e AMC. E em 10% dos espécimes, todo intestino foi vascularizado unicamente pela AMCr. Ao longo das ramificações de AMCr percebeu-se arranjos arqueados, com diminuição do tamanho dos arcos ao nível do intestino delgado. Portanto, B. variegatusapresenta variações anatômicas quanto a irrigação do intestino, podendo esta ser feita a partir de AMCr e AMC, do tronco arterial AMCo ou numa menor frequência através exclusivamente de ramos de AMCr.(AU)

Animais , Xenarthra/sangue , Dispositivos de Acesso Vascular , Aorta
Ci. Rural ; 50(10): e20190494, 2020. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-29491


A 48-hour-old mixed breed pony colt was referred to the hospital because of abdominal discomfort, weak suckling reflex and prostration. During clinical investigation, supportive and symptomatic treatments were necessary, and an abdominal radiography was performed revealing a large intestine filled with feces and large amounts of gas, in addition to free fluid in the cavity. After 3 days of treatment, the foal had not yet defecated, thus exploratory abdominal surgery was indicated, but the owners declined. Therefore, the foal was humanly euthanized. Post-mortem examination revealed complete absence of the pelvic flexure. Subsequent portions of the dorsal, transverse and small colons were intensely reduced. In addition, at the abdominal cavity there was 850 ml of yellowish translucent liquid. These findings are compatible with hydroperitoneum and type III atresia coli at the pelvic flexure, associated with underdevelopment of the dorsal, transverse and small colons.(AU)

Um pônei mestiço de 48 horas de vida foi encaminhado ao hospital para avaliação por desconforto abdominal, diminuição do reflexo de sucção e prostração. Durante a investigação clínica, tratamentos de suporte e sintomáticos foram necessários, e radiografia abdominal foi realizada revelando cólon maior repleto de fezes e grandes quantidades de gás, além de fluido livre na cavidade. Após três dias de tratamento, o potro ainda não havia defecado, sendo a laparotomia exploratória indicada, mas os proprietários recusaram. Portanto, o potro foi humanamente eutanasiado. O exame post-mortem revelou ausência completa da flexura pélvica. Porções subseqüentes dos cólons dorsal, cólon transverso e cólon menor se apresentaram intensamente reduzidas. Além disso, na cavidade abdominal havia 850 ml de líquido translúcido amarelado. Esses achados são compatíveis com o hidroperitônio e a atresia coli tipo III na flexura pélvica, associados ao subdesenvolvimento dos cólons dorsal, transverso e menor.(AU)

Animais , Doenças dos Cavalos , Animais Recém-Nascidos , Doenças do Colo/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária