The aim of the study was to describe location, sonographic characteristics and measures of the stomach and small intestine of equines at different ages. Abdominal ultrasonography was performed on 88 healthy equines of either sex, aged 1, 7 and 15 days, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 months and 1, 3 and 5 years, with 20 animals per group. Location, characteristics and measurements of stomach, duodenum and jejunum were evaluated. Descriptive statistics were performed for each measurement and the percentile for each age was analyzed. The work showed the growth and characteristics of the organs evaluated over time. Adult animals showed a minimum of 4 duodenal movements per minute. It was possible to locate the organs evaluated in all animals. The detailed ultrasound examination of these organs allowed gathering information that could be used to assist in the care of future patients.
O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever localização topográfica, características e medidas ultrassonográficas de estômago e intestino delgado de equinos em diferentes idades. Foi realizado um exame ultrassonográfico abdominal em 20 equinos saudáveis de ambos os sexos, com idades de um, sete e 15 dias, um, dois, três, quatro, cinco, seis, sete, oito, nove, 10 e 11 meses e um, três e cinco anos. A localização, as características e as medidas de estômago, duodeno e jejuno foram avaliadas. Foi realizada a estatística descritiva para cada medida e analisado o percentil para cada idade. O trabalho mostrou o crescimento e as características dos órgãos avaliados ao longo do tempo. Animais adultos apresentaram um mínimo de quatro movimentos por minuto de duodeno. Foi possível localizar os órgãos avaliados em todos os animais. O exame ultrassonográfico detalhado desses órgãos permitiu agrupar informações que poderão ser usadas para auxiliar no atendimento a futuros pacientes.
Animais , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Cavalos/anatomia & histologia , Cavalos/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Intestino Delgado/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Sheep production is expanding among small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Currently, Corriedale and Milchschaf are being used, but not Highlander. However, there is lack of experimental information regarding the relative performance of these breeds. We conducted an experiment where these three sheep breeds were run together at the Southern Regional Centre, located in the region in question. Wool, body, reproductive and lamb growth traits were recorded from 2015 to 2019. Results were used as a basis for the calculation of gross margins for each breed, which we calculated for a range of production and economic scenarios. For scenarios based on the results of the present study Highlander was the best performing breed. If it was assumed to be wool-less, it performed even better. In some scenarios Corriedale performed best, especially when the higher wool price it used to enjoy was assumed. However, fetching such a price in the foreseeable future is unlikely. We concluded that in the absence of wool-less sheep that perform in a manner similar to Highlander or Milchschaf in terms of reproduction and lamb growth, Highlander is currently the best option for small farmers in Southern Uruguay. Until now, Milchschaf has been the recommended breed for the region and production system in question. The recommendation should be reviewed, Highlander should be recommended instead, and the performance of wool-less breeds should be investigated. Results could be applicable to other temperate regions in Latin America where similar production systems exist or may be developed.
A produção de ovinos está se expandindo entre os pequenos produtores do Sul do Uruguai. Corriedale e Milchschaf estão sendo utilizados atualmente, mas não Highlander. Não obstante, há uma falta de informações experimentais sobre o desempenho relativo destas raças. Realizamos um experimento no qual estas três raças ovinas foram manejadas juntas no Centro Regional Sul, localizado na região em questão. As características de lã, corpo, reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro foram registradas de 2015 a 2019. Os resultados foram usados como base para calcular as margens brutas para cada raça, o que fizemos para uma série de cenários de produção e econômicos. Nos cenários baseados nos resultados deste estudo, a raça Highlander foi a que teve melhor desempenho. Se, se supunha que não tinha lã, seu desempenho era ainda maior. Em alguns cenários, Corriedale foi a raça com melhor desempenho, particularmente quando se supôs preços mais altos da lã, como os que se obtinham anos atrás. No entanto, é improvável que estes preços sejam atingidos novamente num futuro próximo. Concluímos que, na ausência de ovelhas sem lã, que tenham um desempenho semelhante ao Highlander ou Milchschaf em termos de reprodução e crescimento do cordeiro, Highlander é atualmente a melhor opção para os pequenos produtores do sul do Uruguai. Até agora, Milchschaf tem sido a raça recomendada para a região e para o sistema de produção em questão. Esta recomendação deve ser revista, o Highlander deve ser a raça recomendada, e o desempenho das raças sem lã deve ser investigado. Os resultados poderiam ser aplicáveis a outras regiões temperadas da América Latina onde sistemas de produção similares existem ou podem ser desenvolvidos.
Animais , Ovinos , UruguaiResumo
Small-scale fisheries provide income and food security to local peoples around the world. In the Brazilian Amazon, the pescada (Plagioscion squamosissimus) is among the fishes that contributes most to catches in small-scale fisheries. Our main goal was to evaluate the abundance, size, relevance to small-scale fisheries and trophic ecology of P. squamosissimus in the Tapajós and Tocantins rivers, in the Brazilian Amazon. We combined data from fishers' local ecological knowledge (LEK) and fish sampling. We expected that fishers in the Tapajós River, less altered by anthropic changes, would cite a higher abundance, larger size and more prey and predators of P. squamosissimus. We interviewed 61 and 33 fishers and sampled fish in nine and five sites in the Tapajós and Tocantins rivers, respectively. The comparison between fishers' citations and fish sampled indicated a higher relevance of P. squamosissimus to fishers in the Tapajós River, where this fish had an average larger size and where the fishers mentioned more food items. This pattern could be partially related to the history of anthropogenic changes in the Tocantins River. These results indicated that P. squamosissimus is a generalist fish, which could be resilient to fishing and environmental pressures.(AU)
A pesca de pequena escala fornece renda e segurança alimentar para as populações locais em todo o mundo. Na Amazônia brasileira, a pescada (Plagioscion squamosissimus) está entre os peixes que mais contribuem para as capturas em pescarias de pequena escala. Nosso objetivo principal foi avaliar a abundância, tamanho, relevância para a pesca artesanal e ecologia trófica de P. squamosissimus nos rios Tapajós e Tocantins, na Amazônia brasileira. Combinamos dados do conhecimento ecológico local dos pescadores (CEL) e amostragem de peixes. Esperávamos que os pescadores do rio Tapajós, menos alterado por mudanças antrópicas, citassem maior abundância, maior tamanho e mais presas e predadores de P. squamosissimus. Entrevistamos 61 e 33 pescadores e amostramos peixes em nove e cinco locais nos rios Tapajós e Tocantins, respectivamente. A comparação entre as citações dos pescadores e os peixes amostrados indicou uma maior relevância de P. squamosissimus para os pescadores do rio Tapajós, onde este peixe teve um tamanho médio maior e onde os pescadores mencionaram mais itens alimentares. Esse padrão pode estar parcialmente relacionado ao histórico de mudanças antrópicas no rio Tocantins. Esses resultados indicaram que P. squamosissimus é um peixe generalista, que pode ser resiliente à pesca e às pressões ambientais.(AU)
Animais , Perciformes , Caça , Brasil , Ecossistema Amazônico , Conhecimento , Níveis TróficosResumo
Hormonal methodologies to control small ruminants' estrous cycle are worldwide used and evolved, adjusting the application to the precise female physiological moments to enhance reproductive performance. The estrous cycle can be induced and/or synchronized, aiming for fixed-time artificial insemination, or based on estrus behavior signs for insemination, natural or guided mating. Successive protocols can be performed to resynchronize ovulation and increase reproductive outcomes in females that failed to conceive. These recently developed treatments aim to resynchronize the ovulation as earlier as non-pregnancy is detected. The present review aimed to summarize the recent advances and main findings regarding resynchronization protocols used in small ruminants. Lastly, we present future perspectives and new paths to be studied in the subject. The resynchronization treatment is still a growing field in small ruminant reproduction, nevertheless, some enhancements are found in the reproductive outcome, showing that such protocols can be successfully used in sheep and goat production.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Coelhos/fisiologia , Ciclo Estral/fisiologia , Sincronização do Estro , Ovulação/fisiologiaResumo
Climate change is shifting rainfall patterns, air temperature, river flows, and sea levels globally, resulting in changes in ground and surface water quality due to salinization, especially in arid and semiarid regions. During dry periods, the main water quality issue is a high quantity of salt in the water. Whilst water with fewer than 3,000 mg/L total salts is beneficial to all livestock species, tolerances vary greatly based on conditions and circumstances. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Understanding the normal salt tolerance of animals without harming their production and health is important for sustainable livestock production, especially in dry areas. Thus, this review examined the physiological, behavioral, hematological, and biochemical responses of sheep and goats in dryland areas under climate change scenarios. Despite changes in physiological, blood, biochemical, feed and water intake, sheep and goats adapt to salinity levels to drinking water in arid environments. Adaptable and native breeds are known to be more tolerant of saline water than selected exotic breeds. Small ruminants experience a decrease in food intake and weight, a decrease in breathing rate, and an increase in blood metabolite concentration when the salt in their drinking water increases. The concept that native and adapted small ruminant breeds can withstand high water salinity is gaining popularity in scientific research worldwide. More research is needed to investigate the water tolerance capabilities of adapted breeds, especially in dry and water-saline regions affected by climate change.
Animais , Mudança Climática , Ruminantes , Ovinos , Efeitos do Clima , Desidratação/veterináriaResumo
Verminosis in small ruminants can render rural activity impractical, which is still controlled through the administration of anthelmintics. The present study evaluated four agro-industrial residues as fertilizer in the control of GIN of small ruminants in the free-living stage. Crab shell, manipueira, biochar, and organomineral residues were used in pots (5.0 kg of soil) and cultivated with Massai grass (Megathyrsus maximum cv. Massai). Further, the pots were contaminated with feces from sheep carrying a natural multispecific infection by GIN. Next, the residues were applied individually to the soil, with 50 mL/pot for liquid and 50 g/pot for solid residues. Treatment with manipueira showed the lowest number of MS-1 recovered from the grass (202.44), when compared with treatments using organomineral (823.89) and biochar (689.34). However, there was no statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between the four treatments as compared to the control group. These agro-industrial residues can be used as organic fertilizers; however, these will not help in the control of GIN in sheep.
A verminose em pequenos ruminantes é uma doença que pode inviabilizar a atividade rural. Embora o sucesso no controle dos nematóides gastrointestinais de pequenos ruminantes dependa da adoção associada de diferentes estratégias e tecnologias, ainda é possível notar a escolha, por parte de alguns ovinocaprinocultores, pelo tratamento exclusivamente baseado na administração de anti-helmínticos aos animais. Contudo, é no ambiente que encontramos um elevado número de formas imaturas de nematóides gastrointestinais. Objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar quatro resíduos agroindustriais como adubo no controle dos nematóides gastrointestinais de pequenos ruminantes, em estádio de vida livre. Casca de caranguejo, manipueira, biochar e organomineral foram os resíduos empregados nos vasos com capacidade média de 5,0 kg de solo, onde foi cultivado o capim Massai (Megathyrsus maximus cv. Massai). Após corte de uniformização do capim, os vasos foram contaminados utilizando-se fezes de ovinos portadores de infecção natural multiespecífica por nematóides gastrointestinais. E, na sequência, os resíduos foram aplicados individualmente no solo, na quantidade de 50 mL/vaso para o resíduo líquido e 50 g/vaso para os sólidos. O tratamento com a manipueira foi o que apresentou o menor número de larvas infectantes de terceiro estádio (L3) recuperado do capim (202,44 MS-1) quando comparado com os tratamentos utilizando organomineral (823,89 MS-1) e biochar (689,34 MS-1). Contudo, não houve diferença estatística significativa (P < 0,05) entre os quatro tratamentos testados quando comparado ao grupo controle. Os resíduos agroindustriais podem ser utilizados como adubos orgânicos, mas não vão auxiliar no controle dos nematóides gastrintestinais dos ovinos.
Animais , Ruminantes , Uso de Resíduos Sólidos , Poluição Ambiental , Esterco , Infecções por Nematoides/veterináriaResumo
The objective of this study was to analyze the immune responses of bucks to small ruminant lentivirus (SRLV) with a focus on the reproductive system of males with recent and chronic infection. A total of 12 bucks were selected, six seronegative and six seropositive with chronic natural infection for more than 18 months (chronic infection group). After selecting the animals, the six seronegative males were intravenously inoculated with caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus (CAEV)-Co viral strain at a titer of 10-5,6 TCID50/mL. After viral inoculation, this group was called the recent infection group and was monitored weekly with the chronically infected group for 180 days with blood serum and seminal plasma Western Blot (WB) analysis. Of the animals with chronic SRLV infection, 18.94% (50/264) showed anti-SRLV antibodies in at least one of the samples, and 81.06% (214/264) were negative. Anti-SRLV antibodies were detected in 27.27% (36/132) of the blood serum samples from this group, while 10.60% (14/132) were reactive in the seminal plasma WB test. The animals inoculated with CAEV-Co became seropositive after the third week of viral inoculation. In this group, 31.06% (41/132) of seminal plasma samples had anti-SRLV antibodies, and of these, 70.73% (29/41) coincided with blood serum results. Of the remaining 29.27% (12/41), the seminal plasma sample of only three animals (RIA2, RIA3, and RIA5) had anti-SRLV antibodies. One of the animals with a recent infection presented anti-SRLV antibodies only in seminal plasma samples, possibly due to virus compartmentalization. Intermittent viral shedding was observed in both biological samples, regardless of the infection stage. The immune response in bucks with recent SRLV infection is more significant than in chronically infected animals. Regardless of the stage of infection, there is a fluctuation in antibody levels, therefore, this creates a risk of false-negative samples when performing the diagnosis.
O objetivo desse estudo foi analisar a resposta imunológica aos lentivírus de pequenos ruminantes (LVPR) com enfoque no sistema reprodutor de machos com infecção recente e crônica. Para isso, foram selecionados 12 reprodutores caprinos, sendo seis soronegativos e seis soropositivos com infecção natural crônica há mais de 18 meses (grupo com infecção crônica). Após seleção dos animais, os seis machos soronegativos foram inoculados com a cepa viral do vírus da artrite encefalite caprina (CAEV)-Co, título 10-5,6 TCID50/mL, por via intravenosa. A partir da inoculação viral este agrupamento passou a ser denominado de grupo com infecção recente e juntamente com o grupo com infecção crônica foram acompanhados, semanalmente por 180 dias, com análise dos testes de Western Blot (WB) no soro sanguíneo e plasma seminal. Nos animais com infecção crônica para LVPR, 18,94% (50/264) apresentaram anticorpos anti-LVPR em pelo menos uma das distintas amostras, e 81,06% (214/264) tiveram resultados negativos. Das amostras de soro sanguíneo do referido grupo, em 27,27% (36/132) detectou-se anticorpos anti-LVPR, enquanto que no plasma seminal 10,60% (14/132) foram reagentes no teste de WB. Nos animais inoculados com o CAEV-Co, ocorreu a soroconversão após a terceira semana da inoculação viral. Nesse grupo, 31,06% (41/132) das amostras de plasma seminal tiveram anticorpos anti-LVPR, sendo que dessas 41, 70,73% (29/41) coincidiram com resultado das amostras de soro sanguíneo. Nos 29,27% (12/41) restante, houve a detecção somente no plasma seminal e eram amostras provenientes de três animais (AIR2, AIR3 e AIR5). Em um dos animais com infecção recente, só foi identificado anticorpos anti-LVPR em amostras de plasma seminal, possivelmente em função da compartimentalização do vírus. Intermitência viral foi observada em ambas as amostras biológicas, independentemente do estágio de infecção. Conclui-se que a resposta imunológica em reprodutores com infecção recente LVPR é mais acentuada do que em animais cronicamente infectados. E, independentemente do estágio da infecção há uma flutuação nos níveis de anticorpos, sendo, portanto, um fator de risco, em virtude da existência de amostras falso-negativo ao realizar o diagnóstico.
Animais , Ruminantes , Infecções por Lentivirus/veterinária , Doenças dos Genitais MasculinosResumo
Background: Staphylococcus spp. are the most frequently isolated microorganisms in mastitis cases of small ruminants. The virulence factors of Staphylococcus spp. are critical in the treatment. Therefore, preventive medicine and mastitis control programs, especially herd vaccinations are of great importance in the prevention of mastitis. However, it is not always easy to obtain these vaccines under field conditions. This study, it was aimed to compare the effects of different commercial Staphylococcus spp. vaccines licensed for bovines and species-specific mastitis vaccines on mastitis rates and somatic cell count (SCC) on Saanen goats on field conditions. Materials, Methods & Results: The animal material consisted of 115 (230 udder halves) nulliparous Saanen goats. Goats were randomly grouped as bovine vaccine 1 (BV1 , n = 58), bovine vaccine 2 (BV2 , n = 58), small ruminant vaccine (SRV, n = 56), and control (n = 56). Vaccines were administered to goats in 2 doses according to the label regimen. First milk samples were collected between 0-5 days in milk (DIM) for microbiological analysis and 25-35 DIM for SCC. The other milk samples were collected at 25-35 (1st month) DIM, 60-65 (2nd month) DIM, 85-95 (3rd month) DIM, 115-125 (4th month) DIM, 145-155 (5th month) DIM for microbiological analysis and SCC. Non-aureus staphylococci (NAS) and Staphylococcus aureus were the most frequently isolated microorganism. It was found that the total mastitis rate decreased in vaccine groups compared to the control group. A significant difference was found only in the BV2 and SRV groups. The significant difference in S. aureus infection was found only in the SRV group. Mastitis vaccines used in this study decreased the NAS mastitis rate, but no significant difference was observed. It was found that the clinical mastitis incidence decreased in all vaccine groups compared to the control group, and a significant difference was found between the BV2 and SRV groups compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Somatic cell count was lower in the SRV and BV2 groups compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Discussion: In this study, compatible with the previous reports NAS and S. aureus were the most frequently isolated microorganism. The diversity of virulence factors of Staphylococcus spp. also plays an important role in its high incidence. In some countries, mastitis vaccines used in cows are also administered to small ruminants for reducing infection rates. Similarly, in this study, it was found that the mastitis rate decreased in all vaccine groups compared to the control group. A significant difference was found only in the BV2 and SRV groups. It is thought that the reason for the statistical difference may be due to the biofilm antigen in the BV2 and SRV. In addition, J5 strain in the BV2 is estimated to be effective in reducing the prevalence of gram-negative mastitis. It was observed that the infection rates decreased in the vaccine groups, especially due to S. aureus and NAS. Spontaneous treatment rates were very close to each other between the groups. The reason for the high rate of spontaneous treatment in this study can be explained by the fact that the animals were young and in their 1st lactation. SCC was lower in all vaccine groups compared to the control group. This situation is associated with the decrease in infection rates related to the use of vaccines. It was observed that SCC was lower in the vaccine groups. In addition, SCC was found to be lower in this study compared to similar studies. However, it is evident that the use of species-specific vaccines in the SRV group significantly reduced the rates of total S. aureus mastitis, subclinical NAS mastitis, and new infections by NAS compared to other vaccines. Furthermore, the species-specific vaccine significantly increased the rate of spontaneous treatment for S. aureus mastitis.
Animais , Feminino , Staphylococcus , Cabras , Vacinas Bacterianas/análise , Leite/microbiologia , Mastite/imunologiaResumo
Background: Aural or auricular hematoma is an important and prevalent surgical condition in small animals practice, and commonly reported in companion pets. The condition is characterized by blood accumulation between the pinnae's dermal surface and the underlying perichondrium. In farm animals, most cases present surgical treatment with drainage of serosanguineous fluid from acute cases with clinical evolution ranging from 1 to 5 days. Therefore, the present work reports the clinical features, surgical treatment and outcome of aural hematomas in 3 small ruminants with a chronic evolution (7 to 20 days), detailing the post-surgical complications, such as wound infection and recurrence, and final cosmetic appearance of the pinnae. Cases: Upon physical examination, all animals were alert and presenting a good body condition score. Clinical alteration was restricted to a bilateral (Case 1) or unilateral (Cases 2 & 3) painless, and fluid-filled swelling, presenting doughy consistency masses within the fluid during pinna manipulation. The fluid-filled swellings were located on the concave (Case 1 - left ear & Case 2) and convex (Case 1 - right ear & Case 3) surface of the pinna. No primary pruritic disorders of the pinna were detected, and a diagnosis of traumatic aural hematoma was proposed. Due to the chronicity of the cases, surgical approach was advisable. The small ruminants underwent general anesthesia, and a linear incision over the skin overlying the hematoma was performed (Cases 1 & 2). After removal of blood and fibrin clots, the cavity was flushed and captonated size 0 nylon mattress sutures were performed on either side of the incision, in order to obliterate the dead space. Due to recurrence after 14 days, Case 2 was submitted to a modified surgical approach using a S-shaped incision combined to multiple drainage holes (MDH) using a disposable 6 mm biopsy punch. The same approach has performed in Case 3. Then, size 0 nylon mattress sutures followed by a tight protective pressure and absorbent bandage combined with an Elizabethan collar was applied. Postoperatively, Case 1 presented surgical site infection and the antibiotic was changed after bacterial culture and antibiogram results. Hospital discharge varied from 14 to 19 days' post-surgery. All animals presented some degree of ear retraction and a linear or S-shaped scar on the affected ear, but final cosmetic appearance was satisfactory to all owners. Discussion: Aural or auricular hematomas are a frequent disorder in dogs and cats clinical practice. In sheep, the few reported cases have been associated with pruritic disorders of the pinna, such as ticks infestation and sarcoptic mange. Whilst in goats, traumatic injuries, such as ear tagging and trauma from others goats, are considered the main cause, especially in breeds with pendulous ear. In our cases with chronic evolution (> 7 days), the most important clinical feature was the presence of doughy consistency masses within the fluid, suggesting matured blood and fibrin clots. A linear incision with captonated size 0 nylon mattress sutures was associated to post-surgical complications, such as wound infection and aural hematoma recurrence. Therefore, a S-shaped incision associated to creation of MDH, in order to achieve better drainage, was the chosen approach in the second surgery (Case 2) and on the subsequent patient (Case 3). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report using the MDH approach in farm animals, that appears to be an effective treatment for chronic aural hematomas in small ruminants.
Animais , Sucção/veterinária , Cabras , Ovinos , Orelha/patologia , Hematoma/veterinária , Biópsia por Agulha/veterináriaResumo
The present research was planned to assess the occurrence of intestinal parasites in small ruminants of Upper Dir of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. For this purpose, the faecal material was collected randomly with gloved fingers directly from the rectum region of sheep and goats and the faecal materials were then put in hygienic plastic bottles with 10% formalin. The overall 315 (n=184 sheep and n= 131 goats) faecal samples were collected out of 315 samples, 281 were found positive for different parasites. Patterns-wise prevalence of GI parasites of the study area was found. Overall Single parasitism 89.20% (281/315) with 94.0% (173/184) in sheep and 82.43% (108/131) in goats. Double parasitic infection in small ruminant recorded in which Fasciola+ Haemonchus. contortus in sheep were found their prevalence was 25.54% (47/184). While in goats, the double parasitic infection in which Haemonchus contortus+Trichuris spp were found and their prevalence were 23.43% (30/131). The species found in the sample of sheep were includes, i.e., Strongyloides papillosus (41.30%), Heamonchus controtus (21.73%), Trichuris ovis (17.39%), and Fasciola hepatica (13.58%), the corresponding value for goat were Strongyloides spp 33.33% (36/108), Haemonchus spp 28.70%, (27/108), Trichuris spp 25.20% (27/184) and Fasciola spp 10.68% (14/184). The sheep of the study area are more infected as compared to goats. This study suggested that gastrointestinal parasites are major health problems of small ruminants in the study area. Therefore, a comprehensive study on species of gastrointestinal parasites circulating in the area, control options, cost-effective strategies and awareness about gastrointestinal parasites among the farmers in the study area should be instituted.
A presente pesquisa foi planejada para avaliar a ocorrência de parasitas intestinais em pequenos ruminantes do distrito Upper Dir, da província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Para tanto, o material fecal foi coletado aleatoriamente com dedos enluvados diretamente da região do reto de ovelhas e cabras, e os materiais fecais foram colocados em garrafas plásticas higiênicas com formol a 10%. No total, 315 (n = 184 ovelhas e n = 131 cabras) amostras fecais foram coletadas; destas, 281 foram consideradas positivas para diferentes parasitas. A prevalência de padrões de parasitas GI da área de estudo foi encontrada. Parasitismo global único 89,20% (281/315) com 94,0% (173/184) em ovinos e 82,43% (108/131) em cabras. Infecção parasitária dupla em pequenos ruminantes registrada em Fasciola + Haemonchus contortus em ovinos, sua prevalência foi de 25,54% (47/184). Já em caprinos, a dupla infecção parasitária em que Haemonchus contortus + Trichuris spp foram encontrados e sua prevalência foi de 23,43% (30/131). As espécies encontradas na amostra de ovinos foram: Strongyloides papillosus (41,30%), Heamonchus controtus (21,73%), Trichuris ovis (17,39%) e Fasciola hepatica (13,58%), o valor correspondente para cabra foi Strongyloides spp. 33,33% (36/108), Haemonchus spp. 28,70%, (27/108), Trichuris sp 25,20% (27/184) e Fasciola spp. 10,68% (14/184). As ovelhas da área de estudo estão mais infectadas do que as cabras. Este estudo sugeriu que os parasitas gastrointestinais são os principais problemas de saúde dos pequenos ruminantes na área de estudo. Portanto, um estudo abrangente sobre as espécies de parasitas gastrointestinais que circulam na área, opções de controle, estratégias de baixo custo e conscientização sobre parasitas gastrointestinais entre os agricultores na área de estudo deve ser instituído.
Animais , Carga Parasitária/veterinária , Fasciola , Parasitos/isolamento & purificação , Prevalência , Ruminantes/parasitologia , StrongyloideaResumo
Purpose: Sepsis is characterized by an acute inflammatory response to infection, often with multiple organ failures, especially severe lung injury. This study was implemented to probe circular RNA (circRNA) protein tyrosine kinase 2 (circPTK2)-associated regulatory mechanisms in septic acute lung injury (ALI). Methods: A cecal ligation and puncture-based mouse model and an lipopolysaccharides (LPS)-based alveolar type II cell (RLE-6TN) model were generated to mimic sepsis. In the two models, inflammation- and pyroptosisrelated genes were measured. Results: The degree of lung injury in mice was analyzed by hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining and the apoptosis was by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end labeling staining. In addition, pyroptosis and toxicity were detected in cells. Finally, the binding relationship between circPTK2, miR-766, and eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) was detected. Data indicated that circPTK2 and eIF5A were up-regulated and miR-766 was down-regulated in LPS-treated RLE-6TN cells and lung tissue of septic mice. Lung injury in septic mice was ameliorated after inhibition of circPTK2. Conclusion: It was confirmed in the cell model that knockdown of circPTK2 effectively ameliorated LPS-induced ATP efflux, pyroptosis, and inflammation. Mechanistically, circPTK2 mediated eIF5A expression by competitively adsorbing miR-766. Taken together, circPTK2/ miR-766/eIF5A axis ameliorates septic ALI, developing a novel therapeutic target for the disease.
Animais , Camundongos , Sepse , Fator de Iniciação 5 em Eucariotos , MicroRNAs , Quinase 1 de Adesão Focal/efeitos adversos , Lesão Pulmonar , PiroptoseResumo
The present research was planned to assess the occurrence of intestinal parasites in small ruminants of Upper Dir of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. For this purpose, the faecal material was collected randomly with gloved fingers directly from the rectum region of sheep and goats and the faecal materials were then put in hygienic plastic bottles with 10% formalin. The overall 315 (n=184 sheep and n= 131 goats) faecal samples were collected out of 315 samples, 281 were found positive for different parasites. Patterns-wise prevalence of GI parasites of the study area was found. Overall Single parasitism 89.20% (281/315) with 94.0% (173/184) in sheep and 82.43% (108/131) in goats. Double parasitic infection in small ruminant recorded in which Fasciola+ Haemonchus. contortus in sheep were found their prevalence was 25.54% (47/184). While in goats, the double parasitic infection in which Haemonchus contortus+Trichuris spp were found and their prevalence were 23.43% (30/131). The species found in the sample of sheep were includes, i.e., Strongyloides papillosus (41.30%), Heamonchus controtus (21.73%), Trichuris ovis (17.39%), and Fasciola hepatica (13.58%), the corresponding value for goat were Strongyloides spp 33.33% (36/108), Haemonchus spp 28.70%, (27/108), Trichuris spp 25.20% (27/184) and Fasciola spp 10.68% (14/184). The sheep of the study area are more infected as compared to goats. This study suggested that gastrointestinal parasites are major health problems of small ruminants in the study area. Therefore, a comprehensive study on species of gastrointestinal parasites circulating in the area, control options, cost-effective strategies and awareness about gastrointestinal parasites among the farmers in the study area should be instituted.(AU)
A presente pesquisa foi planejada para avaliar a ocorrência de parasitas intestinais em pequenos ruminantes do distrito Upper Dir, da província de Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, no Paquistão. Para tanto, o material fecal foi coletado aleatoriamente com dedos enluvados diretamente da região do reto de ovelhas e cabras, e os materiais fecais foram colocados em garrafas plásticas higiênicas com formol a 10%. No total, 315 (n = 184 ovelhas e n = 131 cabras) amostras fecais foram coletadas; destas, 281 foram consideradas positivas para diferentes parasitas. A prevalência de padrões de parasitas GI da área de estudo foi encontrada. Parasitismo global único 89,20% (281/315) com 94,0% (173/184) em ovinos e 82,43% (108/131) em cabras. Infecção parasitária dupla em pequenos ruminantes registrada em Fasciola + Haemonchus contortus em ovinos, sua prevalência foi de 25,54% (47/184). Já em caprinos, a dupla infecção parasitária em que Haemonchus contortus + Trichuris spp foram encontrados e sua prevalência foi de 23,43% (30/131). As espécies encontradas na amostra de ovinos foram: Strongyloides papillosus (41,30%), Heamonchus controtus (21,73%), Trichuris ovis (17,39%) e Fasciola hepatica (13,58%), o valor correspondente para cabra foi Strongyloides spp. 33,33% (36/108), Haemonchus spp. 28,70%, (27/108), Trichuris sp 25,20% (27/184) e Fasciola spp. 10,68% (14/184). As ovelhas da área de estudo estão mais infectadas do que as cabras. Este estudo sugeriu que os parasitas gastrointestinais são os principais problemas de saúde dos pequenos ruminantes na área de estudo. Portanto, um estudo abrangente sobre as espécies de parasitas gastrointestinais que circulam na área, opções de controle, estratégias de baixo custo e conscientização sobre parasitas gastrointestinais entre os agricultores na área de estudo deve ser instituído.(AU)
Animais , Ruminantes/parasitologia , Carga Parasitária/veterinária , Parasitos/isolamento & purificação , Strongyloides , Fasciola , PrevalênciaResumo
Background: The evaluation of vertical kneecap position within the trochlear groove is essential for understanding the anatomical changes that may lead to canine patellar luxation. Unlike other important diagnostic imaging measurements (e.g. measures of pelvic limb alignment), no data on patellofemoral congruence parameters of canine stifles (congruence angle, linear axial patellar displacement, lateral patellofemoral angle, patellar tilt angle) are reported. The aim of this study was to present metric values of these parameters in healthy dogs from small breeds from both sexes in order to use them for identification of animals with increased risk for medial patellar luxation. Materials, Methods & Results: The study was performed on 44 stifle joints from 22 healthy dogs of both sexes from 4 small breeds (Pinscher, Pomeranian, Chihuahua and Yorkshire terrier). Inclusion criteria were negative patellar displacement and dancing patella tests after orthopaedic examination, lack of femoral and gluteal muscles asymmetry after palpation, lack of signs of long-term proprioceptive dysfunction, normal patellar and withdrawal reflexes after neurological examination. The translation of the patella in the axial plane was evaluated by means of congruence angle and axial linear patellar displacement. The rotation of the patella in the axial plane was evaluated through measurement of lateral patellofemoral angle and patellar tilt angle. Reference ranges of parameters were analysed in agreement with the guidelines of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists for the determination of reference intervals in veterinary species for sample sizes of 40-120 with non-Gaussian distribution - robust method, 95% confidence interval (CI) with 90 % CI for upper and lower reference limits. All measured patellofemoral congruence angles were negative. Their reference range was from -8.06o to -0.58o (median value -3o ). The axial patellar displacement was negligible, with values ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 mm. Lateral patellofemoral angles in all dogs were open to the lateral side (positive); the computed reference interval was from 21.61o to 41.80o (median 31.5o ). Patellar tilt angles ranged from 2o to 8o (median 5o ). A statistically significant difference between sexes was demonstrated for angles describing the rotation of the patella in the axial plane: the lateral patellofemoral angle (P = 0.0248) and the patellar tilt angle (P = 0.0004) were greater in stifles of male dogs. Discussion: This is the first study presenting reference values of parameters describing patellofemoral alignment in healthy dogs from small breeds on tangential radiographs. The values of one of most commonly measured parameters on tangential radiographs (the lateral patellofemoral angle) in stifles of small breed dogs were higher than values in humans, supposedly due to the specific joint anatomy. The patellar tilt angle is considered as more objective and not influenced by limb rotation. For the detection of patellar misalignment, the tilt angle was reported to be almost as specific as the congruence angle but more sensitive and more accurate. It is the most specific and sensitive parameter determining the direction of patellar luxation. In male dogs, the median lateral patellofemoral angle was greater than in females (P = 0.0248). Similar tendency was shown for patellar tilt angle that was also greater in male stifles (P = 0.0004). The reported statistically significant between-sex differences in lateral patellofemoral angle and patellar tilt angle with higher values of both angles in stifles of male dogs could be attributed to the better developed femoral muscles, in particular m. vastus medialis and m. sartorius, and to differences in trochlear groove and kneecap morphology. The presented reference intervals may be useful for early detection of subjects with increased risk to medial patellar luxation.
Animais , Cães , Caracteres Sexuais , Luxação Patelar/prevenção & controle , Articulação Patelofemoral/anatomia & histologia , Articulação Patelofemoral/diagnóstico por imagem , Luxação Patelar/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT: This study evaluated milk fat to protein ratio (FPR) in the first test-day after calving of dairy cows in Paraná State. Data from 257,847 first monthly test-days after calving of 114,162 cows were submitted to analysis after the data edition. Procedures MIXED, CORR and STEPWISE from SAS were used in the data analysis. In order to validate FPR, a herd with regular postpartum monitoring of blood β-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) was used to estimate the correlation with FPR. There was a strong positive correlation between FPR and fat content (r = 0.85; P < 0.01) and a weak negative correlation between FPR and protein content (r = - 0.23; P < 0.01). The regression equation that best fitted FPR was 1.1806 + 0.3304*%F - 0.3877*%P (R2 = 0.98), where the variable with the greatest influence was milk fat content (partial R2 = 0.72). Animals of 4th and 5th or more lactations had higher (P < 0.01) FPR, followed by animals of third, first, and second lactations. Jersey cows had higher (P < 0.01) FPR than Holsteins and Brown Swiss animals. Cows milked twice daily had higher (P < 0.01) FPR than animals milked three times daily. There were small positive correlations between milk FPR and blood BHB on days 4, 7 and 12 after calving (0.07, 0.13, and 0.14, respectively). In conclusion, milk fat content was reported to be the most important variable affecting FPR changes, but the milk FPR has limited value to evaluate hyperketonemia incidence during the transition period.
RESUMO: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a relação gordura:proteína (RGP) no primeiro controle leiteiro no pós-parto de vacas no estado do Paraná. Dados de 257.847 controles de 114.162 vacas leiteiras, realizados no primeiro controle mensal após o parto foram submetidos à análise estatística após edição dos dados. Os procedimentos MIXED, CORR e STEPWISE do programa estatístico SAS 9.4 foram utilizados. A fim de validar a RGP, um rebanho com monitoramento regular de β-hidroxibutirato (BHB) no sangue foi utilizado para estimar a correlação com RGP. Observou-se uma correlação forte e positiva entre a RGP e teor de gordura no leite (r = 0,85; P < 0,01) e uma correlação fraca e negativa entre a RGP e o teor de proteína (r = -0,23; P < 0,01). A equação de regressão que melhor se ajusta à RGP foi 1,1806 + 0,3304*%G - 0,3877*%P (R2 = 0,98), na qual a variável com maior influência foi a porcentagem de gordura (R2 = 0,72). Animais de 4ª e 5ª lactações ou mais, apresentaram maior (P < 0,01) RGP, seguidos dos animais de terceira, primeira e segunda lactações, com menores RGP. Vacas da raça Jersey apresentaram maior (P < 0,01) RGP que vacas da raça Holandesa e Pardo-Suíça. Animais com duas ordenhas diárias apresentaram maior (P < 0,01) RGP que os animais ordenhados três vezes ao dia. Observaram-se correlações positivas, mas de pequena magnitude, entre a RGP do leite e BHB no sangue no quarto, sétimo e 12 dias pós-parto (0,07, 0,13 e 0,14; respectivamente). Concluindo, o teor de gordura é o fator que mais impacta as variações da RGP do leite, mas a RGP tem valor limitado na avaliação da incidência de hipercetonemia no período de transição.
This study is focused on the parasitic wasps Bephrata Cameron, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), a small and poorly represented genus in entomological collections. Herein we report new geographical records to Bephrata bahiae (Ashmead, 1904), B. bouceki Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. cultriformis (Ashmead, 1894), B. leptogaster Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. lorraineae Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. ruficollis Cameron 1884 and B. ticos Gates & Hanson, 2009. Except for B. bahiae, B. chica Gates & Hanson, 2009 and B. christeri Gates & Hanson, 2009, all other studied species were recorded for the first time to Brazil. Additionally, we provide maps with the geographical distribution of the studied species based on the new records and literature data, and an identification key for the species recorded in Brazil. With these new records there are currently nine species of Bephrata known in Brazil.
O presente estudo tem foco nos Bephrata Cameron, 1884 (Hymenoptera, Eurytomidae), um pequeno gênero de vespas parasitoides pouco representado em coleções entomológicas. Aqui relatamos novos registros geográficos para Bephrata bahiae (Ashmead, 1904), B. bouceki Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. cultriformis (Ashmead, 1894), B. leptogaster Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. lorraineae Gates & Hanson, 2009, B. ruficollis Cameron 1884 and B. ticos Gates & Hanson, 2009. À exceção de B. bahiae, B. chica Gates & Hanson, 2009 e B. christeri Gates & Hanson, 2009, as demais espécies estudadas foram registradas pela primeira vez para o Brasil. Adicionalmente fornecemos mapas com a distribuição geográfica das espécies estudadas baseados em novos registros e dados da literatura e uma chave de identificação para espécies conhecidas para o Brasil. Com esses novos registros há, na atualidade, nove espécies de Bephrata conhecidas no Brasil.
Animais , Biodiversidade , Himenópteros/classificaçãoResumo
Abstract This study presents a four-year follow-up of an introduced population of Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805, from initial stages to an established population. This introduction occurred on a small impacted stream of Vila do Abraão, the main village of Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). The population size increased during the study, and presented a relationship to environmental factors, especially with rainfall. On the initial stages of introduction prevailed the smaller specimens, but on the overall, predominated the intermediate size classes. After less than a year, P. acuta becomes established on this stream and was possibly affecting the other species found on the stream. The information presented here is useful to understand the invasion process of invasive snails, as well as directing conservation efforts.
Resumo Neste estudo é apresentado um acompanhamento de quatro anos de uma população de Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805, desde os estágios iniciais da introdução até seu pleno estabelecimento. Esta introdução ocorreu em um pequeno riacho impactado da Vila do Abraão, o principal vilarejo da Ilha Grande (Angra dos Reis, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil). A população cresceu durante o estudo, e apresentou uma relação com os fatores ambientais, especialmente a pluviosidade. Nos estágios iniciais de introdução prevaleceram os exemplares menores, contudo no panorama geral, predominaram as classes de tamanho intermediárias. Em menos de um ano de introdução, P. acuta se estabeleceu neste riacho, e possivelmente está afetando as demais espécies encontradas no rio. A informação apresentada aqui é importante para a compreensão do processo de invasão de moluscos invasores no Brasil, assim como no direcionamento de esforços de conservação.
Animais , Caramujos , Brasil , Densidade DemográficaResumo
Abstract A new species of nematode parasite of the subfamily Pudicinae (Heligmosomoidea: Heligmonellidae) is described from the small intestine of Proechimys simonsi (Rodentia: Echimyidae) from the locality of Nova Cintra in the municpality of Rodrigues Alves, Acre state, Brazil. The genus Pudica includes 15 species parasites of Neotropical rodents of the families Caviidae, Ctenomyidae, Dasyproctidae, Echimyidae, Erethizontidae, and Myocastoridae. Four species of this nematode were found parasitizing three different species rodents of the genus Proechimys in the Amazon biome. Pudica wandiquei n. sp. can be differentiated from all other Pudica species by the distance between the ends of rays 6 and 8 and the 1-3-1 pattern of the caudal bursa in both lobes.
Resumo Uma nova espécie de nematódeo da subfamília Pudicinae (Heligmosomoidea: Heligmonellidae) é descrito parasitando o intestino delgado de Proechimys simonsi (Rodentia: Echimyidae) em Nova Cintra, município de Rodrigues Alves, Estado do Acre, Brasil. O gênero Pudica inclui 15 espécies parasitas de roedores Neotropicais das famílias: Caviidae, Ctenomyidae, Dasyproctidae, Echimyidae, Erethizontidae e Myocastoridae. Destas, quatro espécies de nematódeos foram encontradas parasitando três diferentes espécies do roedor Proechimys no bioma Amazônia. Pudica wandiquei n. sp. é diferente das outras espécies de Pudica pela distância entre os raios 6 e 8 e pelo tipo da bolsa caudal, que é 1-3-1 em ambos os lados.
Animais , Parasitos , Trichostrongyloidea , Nematoides , Roedores , BrasilResumo
Abstract The Neotropical freshwater cladoceran Bergamina lineolata (Sars, 1901) was found in a small temporal pond in the Magdalena department. Hitherto, it has been reported in Brazil and El Salvador. It was originally described as Alonella lineolata by Sars, 1901 from Brazil and then placed to the genus Bergamina by Elmoor-Loureiro et al. (2013). This is the first record of this species in Colombia. B. lineolata can be identified by a unique combination of characters including: 1) a remarkably large and oblong postabdomen, with three denticles on distal corner; 2) basal spine of the claw very short, length less than the half claw diameter at base; 3) IDL with two setae shorter than ODL seta, armed with fine setules unilaterally in terminal half; 4) endite 1 of trunk limb I with a long smooth seta between endites 1 and 2.
Resumo O cladócero neotropical de água doce Bergamina lineolata (Sars, 1901) foi encontrado em uma pequena lagoa temporária no departamento de Magdalena, na Colômbia. Até o momento, havia sido relatado no Brasil e em El Salvador. Foi originalmente descrito como Alonella lineolata por Sars, 1901 no Brasil, e, em seguida, colocado no gênero Bergamina por Elmoor-Loureiro et al. (2013). Esse é o primeiro registro dessa espécie na Colômbia. B. lineolata pode ser identificada por uma combinação única de caracteres, incluindo: 1) um pós-abdômen notavelmente grande e oblongo, com três dentículos no ângulo distal; 2) espinho basal da garra muito curto, comprimento menor que o diâmetro da metade da garra na base; 3) IDL com duas cerdas mais curtas que cerdas ODL, armadas com sétulas finas unilateralmente na metade terminal; e 4) endito 1 do toracópodo I com uma longa cerda lisa entre os enditos 1 e 2.
Animais , Cladocera , Brasil , Colômbia , Tamanho Corporal , Distribuição AnimalResumo
ABSTRACT: The German Shepherd dog breed is the most popular breed globally and in Brazil. The study of the population structure through pedigree information is an essential tool to understand the history of the Brazilian German Shepherd dog breed. This study evaluated the status of genetic diversity and population structure of the Brazilian German Shepherd dog breed. The pedigree included a total of 77,938 animals born between 1970 and 2014. The average generation interval in this population was 3.91 years. Considering the reference population, 2,183 founders were identified. Approximately 3% of the genetic diversity of the current population (2010-2014) was lost, most of which was due to genetic drift. The effective population size was relatively small, and the pedigree showed bottlenecks indicating a loss of genetic diversity in this breed. These results indicated the need to adopt measures against the excessive increase in inbreeding and monitor effective population size to minimize genetic diversity loss.
RESUMO: A raça Pastor Alemão é uma das raças mais populares no mundo e no Brasil. O estudo da estrutura populacional por meio de informações de pedigree é uma ferramenta essencial para o entendimento da história dessa raça no Brasil. Objetivou-se com o estudo avaliar o status da diversidade genética e da estrutura populacional de cães da raça Pastor Alemão. O pedigree incluiu um total de 77.938 animais nascidos entre 1970 e 2014. O intervalo médio de geração nesta população foi de 3,91 anos. Considerando a população de referência, foram identificados 2.183 fundadores. Cerca de 3% da diversidade genética da população atual (2010-2014) foi perdida, a maior parte devido à deriva genética. O tamanho efetivo da população foi relativamente pequeno e o pedigree apresentou gargalos indicando uma perda de diversidade genética nesta raça. Esses resultados indicam a necessidade de adoção de medidas contra o aumento excessivo da endogamia e do monitoramento do tamanho efetivo da população para minimizar a perda de diversidade genética.
The aim of this study was to present a novel surgical method for correction of medial patellar luxation in small-breed dogs with trochlear dysplasia and marked hypoplasia of the medial femoral condyle. The "Watermelon" approach was applied together with trochlear wedge recession or trochlear block recession and consisted in increasing the height of the medial condyle with an osteochondral autograft resembling a watermelon slice, placed into an additional slot in the medial femoral condyle to prevent the postoperative reluxation of the patella. The study cohort included 19 dogs (25 joints) from small breeds (Pinscher, Pomeranian, and Chihuahua) with second-grade medial patellar luxation. Fourteen joints were submitted to wedge recession surgery combined with "Watermelon" grafting, and 11 joints: to block recession surgery with "Watermelon" grafting. The sulcus-deepening trochleoplasty combined with "Watermelon" grafting was clinically successful and with low percentage of minor postoperative complications. The mean duration of anesthesia was significantly longer for block recession combined with "Watermelon" (P<0.001), but the recovery period was shorter (P<0.05).
O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar um novo método cirúrgico para correção da luxação patelar medial em cães de raça pequena com displasia troquelar e hipoplasia marcada do côndilo femoral medial. A abordagem "Melancia" foi aplicada juntamente com a recessão da cunha trocolear ou recessão do bloco trocolear e consistiu em aumentar a altura do côndilo medial com um auto-enxerto osteocondral parecido com uma fatia de melancia, colocado em uma fenda adicional no côndilo femoral medial para evitar o relaxamento pós-operatório da patela. A coorte do estudo incluiu 19 cães (25 juntas) de raças pequenas (Pinscher, Pomeranian, e Chihuahua) com luxação patelar medial de segundo grau. Catorze juntas foram submetidas à cirurgia de recessão em cunha combinada com enxerto de "melancia", e 11 juntas: para bloquear a cirurgia de recessão com enxerto de "melancia". A trocleoplastia de "melancia" combinada com o enxerto de "melancia" foi clinicamente bem sucedida e com baixo percentual de pequenas complicações pós-operatórias. A duração média da anestesia foi significativamente maior para a recessão em bloco combinada com "Melancia" (P<0,001), mas o período de recuperação foi mais curto (P<0,05).