Brazil is home to many mountain ranges which harbor diverse avifauna. However, studies on the altitudinal distribution of Brazilian birds are still few and many have never been published, hampering both the dissemination of basic information and conservation actions. Here we present a critical review of ornithological studies undertaken in Brazilian mountain ranges, and propose a classification of geographic scope, altitudinal gradient, and methodology. Since 1922, 184 ornithological studies included altitude in some way in Brazil, encompassing a variety of research topics and species. About a quarter of these studies were never published in peer-reviewed journals, and 39% do not provide basic data on elevation nor link the bird species with sampling plots, thus limiting their applicability. The majority of studies are concentrated (83%) in southern and southeastern Brazil, especially in the Serra do Mar range, and so most data are associated with the Atlantic Forest. Gaps remain in other regions, such as Amazonia (Pantepui region). Most studies either did not sample the entire elevation gradient, were not standardized, lacked explicit hypothesis, or did not account for a seasonal sampling embracing the four seasons of the year, so interpretation of the observed patterns remains difficult. With this compilation, we organize the available information and point to future altitudinal research on birds, in addition to highlighting the importance of preserving habitats along altitudinal gradients in the mountainous regions in Brazil.(AU)
Aves , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , Migração AnimalResumo
Birds' seasonal altitudinal movements in Brazil are poorly understood. The main source of information and has fostered interest since the 1980s. However, most of the available information is anecdotal, sources are repeatedly cited, and the information provided is quite superficial and speculative. Through bibliographic searches, we found 107 studies, 83 (77%) of which we consider valid, and only 63 (59%) were peer-reviewed. Most studies were carried out in southern and southeastern Brazil. Only 11 studies explicitly addressed seasonal altitudinal movements. Surprisingly, none of the studies simultaneously comprised a full year of study, standardized sampling methods, and encompassed the entire altitudinal range through which the birds might have moved. As a consequence, the quality of the data is questionable, and the expression "altitudinal migration" is unlikely to be accurate and has never been unequivocally demonstrated for birds in Brazil. Mention of "altitudinal migration" was found for 68 bird species, but these must be more clearly defined and appropriately tested.(AU)
Animais , Aves , Migração Animal , Estações do Ano , BrasilResumo
Gurltia paralysans is a nematode first described in 1933 in Chile, causing a syndrome called feline crural parasitic paraplegia. Insects, mollusks, frogs, lizards, and rodents are paratenic hosts of this nematode, and cats probably become infected by ingesting them. This report aims to discuss the main anatomopathological findings of gurltiosis in a cat submitted to necropsy in a laboratory in Ribeirão Preto city, São Paulo state, southeastern Brazil, being the first case reported in this state. The main necroscopic findings were extramedullary reddened areas below the leptomeninges in the cervical and lumbar segments of the spinal cord. The histopathological examination showed marked thickening of the leptomeninges in the lumbar segment of the spinal cord, with marked neovascularization and fibrosis associated with eosinophilic and mononuclear inflammatory infiltration, as well as the presence of intravascular nematodes. The diagnosis of this lesion was chronic segmental meningomyelitis associated with intralesional parasites. Although uncommon, feline gurltiosis is a neglected parasitic disease that should be included as a differential diagnosis of paraparesis in domestic cats.(AU)
Animais , Doenças da Medula Espinal/veterinária , Gatos/parasitologia , Infecções por Strongylida/diagnóstico , Brasil , AngiostrongylusResumo
Brazil is home to many mountain ranges which harbor diverse avifauna. However, studies on the altitudinal distribution of Brazilian birds are still few and many have never been published, hampering both the dissemination of basic information and conservation actions. Here we present a critical review of ornithological studies undertaken in Brazilian mountain ranges, and propose a classification of geographic scope, altitudinal gradient, and methodology. Since 1922, 184 ornithological studies included altitude in some way in Brazil, encompassing a variety of research topics and species. About a quarter of these studies were never published in peer-reviewed journals, and 39% do not provide basic data on elevation nor link the bird species with sampling plots, thus limiting their applicability. The majority of studies are concentrated (83%) in southern and southeastern Brazil, especially in the Serra do Mar range, and so most data are associated with the Atlantic Forest. Gaps remain in other regions, such as Amazonia (Pantepui region). Most studies either did not sample the entire elevation gradient, were not standardized, lacked explicit hypothesis, or did not account for a seasonal sampling embracing the four seasons of the year, so interpretation of the observed patterns remains difficult. With this compilation, we organize the available information and point to future altitudinal research on birds, in addition to highlighting the importance of preserving habitats along altitudinal gradients in the mountainous regions in Brazil.(AU)
Animais , Aves/classificação , Distribuição Animal , Brasil , Ecossistema , FaunaResumo
ABSTRACT: Urban expansion has led to the replacement of natural landscapes and environmental degradation, making cities and their urban and peri-urban forests (UPFs) vulnerable to climate change, especially on the formation of heat islands. Using i-Tree Canopy program (v. 7.0), we estimate the ecosystem services provided by UPFs in Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil), through the analysis of the (1) annual removal of atmospheric pollutants, (2) annual removal of atmospheric carbon, (3) total carbon stock in vegetation, and (4) the monetary benefits of sequestered and stocked carbon, based on Future Carbon Credit (CFI2Z1) as a monetary proxy. The results showed an average total amount of removal of 4.45 thousand tons of air pollution annually. The average annual total carbon storage was 158 thousand tons and the equivalent CO2 was 580 thousand tons, with an estimated total value of R$ 173 million per year. Significant values of the gross carbon stock (3.98 million tons) and equivalent CO2 (14.59 million tons) were found, being valued at R$ 4.35 billion. We concluded that the Juiz de Fora UPFs have a great potential for socio-environmental and economic benefits.
RESUMO: A expansão urbana levou à substituição de paisagens naturais por paisagens urbanas e à degradação ambiental, tornando cidades e suas florestas urbanas e peri-urbanas (FUPs) vulneráveis às mudanças climáticas, especialmente à formação de ilhas de calor. Utilizando o software i-Tree Canopy (v.7.0), estimamos os serviços ecossistêmicos promovidos pelas UPFs em Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais, Sudeste do Brasil), por meio da análise de (1) remoção anual de poluentes atmosféricos, (2) remoção anual de carbono atmosférico, (3) estoque de carbono na vegetação e (4) os benefícios monetários do carbono sequestrado anualmente e estocado, utilizando o Mercado de Crédito de Carbono Futuro (CFI2Z1) como um proxy monetário. Os resultados apresentam uma quantidade total média de remoção de 4,45 mil toneladas de poluentes do ar, anualmente. O armazenamento médio anual de carbono total foi de 158 mil toneladas e o de CO2 equivalente foi de 580 mil toneladas, com um valor total estimado anual de R$ 173 milhões. Foram encontrados expressivos valores do estoque bruto de carbono (3,98 milhões de toneladas) e CO2 equivalente (14,59 milhões de toneladas), sendo avaliado em R$ 4,35 bilhões. Concluímos que as FUPs de Juiz de Fora possuem um grande potencial para benefícios socioambientais e econômicos.
This study aimed to estimate the parameters of length-weight relationship, sex ratio, and diet of three freshwater fish species that inhabit streams in the Pomba River basin (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Fishes were sampled with seine nets (2.0 × 1.20 m, 2 mm mesh size) and dip nets (0.46 × 0.33 m, 2 mm mesh size) from October to December 2018. Measurements were taken for total length (TL - 0.1 cm precision) and total weight (TW - 0.01 g precision). Growth model parameters were estimated. This study provides new length-weight relationship data for Deuterodon intermedius (Eigenmann, 1908), Australoheros paraibae Ottoni & Costa, 2008, and Hypostomus punctatus Valenciennes, 1840. All of them ingested a wide variety of food items, including plant material like algae, animal material such as terrestrial and aquatic insects, and undefined matter such as detritus or mud. The three species showed a higher number of females. Our study provides basic information for functional diversity studies, as well as for future investigations associated with the evaluation of anthropic impacts, either occasional or chronic, on the fish assemblage structure of the Pomba River basin.(AU)
Animais , Pesos e Medidas Corporais/veterinária , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Razão de Masculinidade , BrasilResumo
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis (EPM) is a neurological disease caused by Sarcocystis neurona. Immunofluorescence antibody tests (IFATs) have been widely used to identify exposure of horses to S. neurona in Brazil. Here we used IFAT to search for IgG antibodies against Sarcocystis falcatula-like (Dal-CG23) and S. neurona (SN138) in sera from 342 horses sampled in Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul state (Midwestern), and São Paulo, São Paulo state (Southeastern), Brazil. The 1:25 cutoff value was chosen to maximize sensitivity of the test. IgG antibodies against S. neurona were detected in 239 horses (69.88%), whereas IgG antibodies against S. falcatula-like were detected in 177 horses (51.75%). Sera from 132 horses (38.59%) reacted against both isolates. Absence of reactivity was evidenced in 58/342 horses (16.95%). The lower cutoff used, and the presence of opossums infected with S. falcatula-like and Sarcocystis spp. in the regions where the horses were sampled, might justify the high seroprevalence observed here. Owing to the similarity among antigens targeted in immunoassays, reports on S. neurona-seropositive horses in Brazil may also derive from the exposure of horses to other Sarcocystis species. The role of other Sarcocystis species in causing neurological diseases in horses in Brazil remains unclear.(AU)
Mieloencefalite protozoária equina (MPE) é uma doença neurológica causada por Sarcocystis neurona. Reação de imunofluorescência indireta (RIFI) tem sido utilizada para identificar a exposição de equinos à S. neurona no Brasil. Neste estudo, a RIFI foi utilizada para avaliar a presença de anticorpos IgG anti-Sarcocystis falcatula-like (Dal-CG23) e anti-S. neurona (SN138) no soro de 342 equinos de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul (Centro-oeste) e São Paulo, São Paulo (Sudeste), Brasil. O ponto de corte de 1:25 foi escolhido para maximizar a sensibilidade. Anticorpos IgG anti-S. neurona foram detectados em 239 cavalos (69,88%), enquanto anticorpos IgG anti-S. falcatula-like foram detectados em 177 cavalos (51,75%). O soro de 132 animais (38,59%) reagiu contra ambos os isolados. A ausência de reatividade foi evidenciada em 58/342 animais (16,95%). O baixo ponto de corte e a presença de gambás infectados com S. falcatula-like e Sarcocystis spp., nas regiões onde os equinos foram amostrados podem justificar a alta soroprevalência aqui observada. Devido à similaridade entre antígenos de superfície detectados nos imunoensaios, relatos de soropositividade contra S. neurona no Brasil podem resultar da exposição dos equinos a outras espécies de Sarcocystis. O papel de outras espécies de Sarcocystis como causa de doença neurológica em equinos no Brasil permanece incerto.(AU)
Animais , Sarcocystis/patogenicidade , Sarcocistose/diagnóstico , Encefalomielite/veterinária , Cavalos/microbiologia , Brasil , Técnica Indireta de Fluorescência para Anticorpo/métodosResumo
Green areas in urban landscapes are under strong anthropogenic pressure, and, at the same time are fundamen-tal to maintaining biodiversity, as they provide resources for many animal and plant species. Knowing these species is funda-mental for its maintenance and conservation, and inventories are extremely important for monitoring fauna and conserving it. Therefore, the goal of this research is to inventory the butterflies species in the park of the Instituto Butantan (Ibu), locat-ed in an urban area in the city of São Paulo, southeast Brazil. The surveys of butterflies were conducted through visual census-es from August 2017 to July 2019 and recorded a total of 324 butterfly species. The most speciose family was Hesperiidae, fol-lowed by Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae, Pieridae, Riodinidae, and Papilionidae. Among the sampled species, there is Euselasia zarawhich is a new record for the state of São Paulo. Neither the species accumulation nor the richness estimator curves tended to reach an asymptote, suggesting that additional butterflies' species will be recorded with more sampling effort on the site. Even with a flora composed mainly of exotic and ornamental plants, the park of Instituto Butantan exhibits a very rich butter-fly community. This community exhibits a pattern of seasonally variation, with the peak of species richness related to the rainy season. When compared with Cidade Universitária Armando de Salles Oliveira (USP), another nearby urban green area, which is larger, more heterogeneous and sampled over a longer period, it is possible to notice that the Ibu butterfly community is a subsample of this larger one. These results highlight the potential that urban parks have for the maintenance and conserva-tion of butterfly species.(AU)
Animais , Borboletas , Distribuição Animal , Parques Recreativos , Brasil , Área Urbana , FaunaResumo
A new species of Rineloricaria is described from the Iguaçu, Magé, Saracuruna, Guapiaçu, Macacu, Macaé, and Paraíba do Sul River basins in southeastern Brazil based on morphological and molecular data. The new species is diagnosed among congeners by the combination of the following characters: absence of plates in most of the ventral surface of pectoral girdle; snout tip with elliptical naked area reaching posteriorly the anteriormost pore of the infraorbital ramus of sensory canal; dorsal-fin spinelet present; supraoccipital and predorsal plates with smooth keels; five series of lateral plates below the dorsal fin; median and mid-ventral series of plates with well-developed keels. The new species is distinguished from congeners that inhabit the rivers draining the Serra do Mar in Rio de Janeiro state by the partial plate coverage of the ventral surface of the pectoral girdle and the abdomen (vs. pectoral girdle and abdomen completely covered by plates in Rineloricaria nigricauda, R. steindachneri,and R. zawadzkii). The new species shares the absence of plates on the abdominal surface with other species from the Paraná, Uruguay, and other Brazilian coastal river basins.(AU)
Uma nova espécie de Rineloricaria é descrita das bacias dos rios Iguaçu, Magé, Saracuruna, Guapiaçu, Macacu, Macaé e Paraíba do Sul, no sudeste do Brasil, com base em caracteres morfológicos e moleculares. A nova espécie é diagnosticada entre as congêneres pela combinação dos seguintes caracteres: ausência de placas na maior parte da superfície ventral da cintura peitoral; extremidade do focinho com área nua elíptica estendida posteriormente, alcançando o poro mais anterior do canal sensorial infraorbital; presença de spinelet na origem da nadadeira dorsal; placas supraoccipitais e pré-dorsais com quilhas pouco proeminentes; cinco séries de placas laterais abaixo da origem da nadadeira dorsal; placas das séries mediana e médio-ventral com quilhas bem desenvolvidas. A nova espécie distingue-se das congêneres que habitam os rios que drenam a Serra do Mar no Estado do Rio de Janeiro pela cobertura parcial de placas da superfície ventral da cintura peitoral e do abdômen (vs. cintura peitoral e abdômen completamente cobertos por placas em Rineloricaria nigricauda, R. steindachneri e R. zawadzkii). A nova espécie compartilha a ausência de placas na superfície abdominal com outras espécies das bacias hidrográficas dos rios Paraná e Uruguai e rios costeiros do Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/anatomia & histologia , Peixes-Gato/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , Achados Morfológicos e MicroscópicosResumo
Here, we evaluate the relationships between the infestation rates of five monogenean parasites species with the dry and wet seasons, with the organic and inorganic parameters of the water of two rivers: the Jacaré-Pepira and Jacaré-Guaçú, and with the condition factors of its fish hosts: Serrasalmus maculatus and Astronotus crassipinnis, in the state of São Paulo, southeastern Brazil. Fish were collected between January and December 2017. Anacanthorus serrasalmi, Amphithecium speirocamarotum and Gussevia asota had higher abundance rates (Student's t test, p ≤ 0.05) in the wet season. Gussevia asota had its abundance negatively correlated to nitrate in the Jacaré-Pepira River and with total nitrogen and potassium in the Jacaré-Guaçú River. Regarding the fish hosts condition factors, was observed a positive correlation with the abundances of G. asota in the Jacaré-Guaçú River, and with A. serrasalmi in the Jacaré-Pepira River. In general, wet season favored an increasing in the infestation rates of the monogeneans parasites in their host species, mainly in the river considered as the most polluted, the Jacaré-Guaçú River. Of the five parasites species analyzed in this study, only Gussevia astronoti and Rhinoxenus piranhus had no interaction with seasonality, river water variables, or fish host condition factors. On the other hand, G. asota had interactions both with water parameters (nitrate and total nitrogen) and with the hosts condition factors, which reflected in the abundance and intensity rates, showing itself as a species sensitive to changes in the environment and, therefore, that can be considered as a bioindicator organism.
Aqui, nós avaliamos as relações entre as taxas de infestação de cincos espécies de parasitos monogenéticos em relação aos períodos seco e chuvoso, aos parâmetros orgânicos e inorgânicos da água de dois rios: Jacaré-Pepira e Jacaré-Guaçú, e em relação aos fatores de condição das espécies de peixes hospedeiras: Serrasalmus maculatus e Astronotus crassipinnis, no estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Os peixes foram coletados entre os meses de janeiro a dezembro de 2017. Anacanthorus serrasalmi, Amphithecium speirocamarotum e Gussevia asota tiveram maiores taxas de abundância (teste t de Student, p ≤ 0,05) no período chuvoso. Gussevia asota teve sua abundância negativamente correlacionada com o nitrato no rio Jacaré Pepira e com o nitrogênio total e potássio no rio Jacaré-Guaçú. Em relação ao fator de condição dos peixes, foi observado uma correlação positiva com a abundância de G. asota no rio Jacaré-Guaçú e com A. serrasalmi no rio Jacaré-Pepira. No geral, o período chuvoso favoreceu um aumento nas taxas de infestação dos parasitos monogenéticos em seus peixes hospedeiros, especialmente no rio considerado como o mais poluído, o rio Jacaré-Guaçú. Das cinco espécies de parasitos analisadas no estudo, somente Gussevia astronoti e Rhinoxenus piranhus não tiveram nenhum tipo de interação com a sazonalidade, com as variáveis das águas dos rios ou com o fator de condição dos peixes hospedeiros. Por outro lado, G. asota teve interações tanto com os parâmetros da água (nitrato e nitrogênio total) quanto com os fatores de condição dos hospedeiros, que refletiram nas taxas de abundância e de infestação, mostrando que esta espécie é sensível às mudanças no ambiente e que, portanto, pode ser utilizada como um organismo bioindicador.
Animais , Características da Água , Rios , Peixes/parasitologia , Interações Hospedeiro-ParasitaResumo
There is a growing concern about the participation of wild hosts and reservoirs in the epidemiology of several pathogens, particularly within the context of environmental changes and the expansion of the One Health concept. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of hemoplasmas in opossums rescued from the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil. Blood samples were collected from 15 Didelphis aurita and subjected to DNA extraction and PCR using primers for the 16S rRNA and 23S rRNA genes. Physical examination and hematological analysis were also performed. Three out of 15 opossums tested positive for hemotropic Mycoplasma spp. by PCR and showed hematological alterations such as anemia and leukocytosis. Clinical signs were non-specific and associated to traumatic lesions. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that the hemoplasma detected was positioned between 'Ca. Mycoplasma haemodidelphis' detected in D. virginiana from North American and hemoplasmas recently detected in D. aurita from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. This study indicates the existence of hemoplasma infections in D. aurita from the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, and reinforce the need for new epidemiological inquiries to clarify the participation of these in the dynamics of circulation of tick-borne pathogens.(AU)
Há uma crescente preocupação com a participação de hospedeiros e reservatórios silvestres na epidemiologia de diversos patógenos, principalmente no contexto das mudanças ambientais e da expansão do conceito "One Health". O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a presença de hemoplasmas em gambás resgatados da região metropolitana do estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Amostras de sangue foram coletadas de 15 Didelphis aurita e submetidas à extração de DNA e PCR utilizando-se "primers" para os genes 16S rRNA e 23S rRNA. O exame físico e a análise hematológica também foram realizados. Três dos 15 gambás testaram positivo para Mycoplasma spp. hemotrópico por PCR. Os sinais clínicos eram inespecíficos e associados a lesões traumáticas. Anemia e leucocitose foram detectadas em animais positivos. A análise filogenética indicou que o hemoplasma detectado estava posicionado entre 'Ca. Mycoplasma haemodidelphis' detectado em D. virginiana da América do Norte e hemoplasmas recentemente detectados em D. aurita do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. Este estudo indica a existência de infecções por hemoplasmas em D. aurita, da região metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, e reforça a necessidade de novos inquéritos epidemiológicos, para esclarecer a participação destes na dinâmica de circulação de patógenos transmitidos por carrapatos.(AU)
Animais , Didelphis/genética , Brasil , Mycoplasma , Infecções por Mycoplasma/genéticaResumo
Lontra longicaudis Olfers, 1818 is a semi-aquatic carnivore widely distributed in the Neotropical region. Understanding their diet contributes to an indirect understanding of their ecology and the composition of the local fauna. To this end, we analyzed 109 fecal samples and identified 238 morphological structures; these samples were collected between May 2006 and September 2007 from the Santa Lúcia Biological Station (SLBS) in southeastern Brazil. The area is intersected by the Timbuí River, which arrives at the site after crossing the urban perimeter of the city of Santa Teresa in the state of Espírito Santo. We found a predominance of fish in the otters' diets (82%), mainly cichlids (50%), which are fish with sedentary habits and low mobility levels. The crustacean Trichodactylus fluviatilis Latreille, 1828 was the third most consumed taxon; this occurred mainly during the rainy season, corresponding to the crustacean's reproductive period, when it is more vulnerable to predation. Otters exhibited a seasonal variation in their prey selectivity. Furthermore, they displayed opportunistic foraging behavior, as the most preyed fish were those with both low mobility and a high frequency in the environment, followed by fish with high mobility and high frequency, and then those with low mobility and low frequency. We concluded that the feeding habits of the otters in the SLBS are in line with the optimal foraging theory since prey selection was optimized through the balance between net energy gained and the energy costs of foraging.
Animais , Lontras/fisiologia , Comportamento Animal , Dieta/veterinária , Peixes , CaçaResumo
Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar genótipos de M. synoviae circulantes em poedeiras comerciais, na Região Sudeste do Brasil. Para estabelecer a relação evolutiva entre as cepas de MS, foi analisada a sequência genética do gene vlhA de 11 cepas de MS identificadas no Rio de Janeiro e em São Paulo, de 10 outras cepas de MS identificadas no Brasil e cujas sequências foram depositadas no banco de dados GenBank, e da cepa vacinal MSH. O método da máxima verossimilhança e o modelo de Kimura com dois parâmetros foram utilizados para comparar as cepas. As sequências obtidas foram depositadas no Genbank, sob os números de acesso OP279775 a OP279785. Foi possível verificar a presença de diferentes cepas circulantes no Brasil, com alta similaridade entre as cepas do Rio de Janeiro pela análise do gene vlhA. As duas cepas paulistas detectadas no presente estudo possuem o baixo percentual (68%) de similaridade, demonstrando a variabilidade das cepas dessa localidade.
Animais , Doenças das Aves Domésticas , Variação Genética , Galinhas/microbiologia , Mycoplasma synoviae/genéticaResumo
Biodiversity baselines are essential subsidies to evaluate how environmental changes and human impacts affect the special and temporal patterns of communities. This information is paramount to promote proper conservation and management for historically impacted environments such as Guanabara Bay, in southeastern Brazil. Here, we propose an ichthyofaunal baseline for this bay using gathered past data from 1889 to 2020, including literature records, scientific collections, biological sampling, and fisheries landing monitoring. A total of 220 species (203 teleosts and 17 elasmobranchs), distributed in 149 genera (136 teleosts and 13 elasmobranchs) and 72 families (61 teleosts and 11 elasmobranchs) were recorded, including the first record of a tiger-shark, Galeocerdo cuvier, in Guanabara Bay. Although the employed sampling effort was sufficient to represent the ichthyofauna in the middle and upper estuary, the Chao2 estimator indicates an even greater richness regarding the bay as a whole. Evidence of reduced abundance and probable local extinction over the decades was found, supporting the importance of implementing management and conservation strategies in the area. The ichthyofaunal distribution analyses revealed that areas close to conservation units are richer compared to their surroundings, indicating that this is an effective strategy to mitigate human impacts in the bay.(AU)
Esforços de caracterização da biodiversidade são subsídios essenciais para avaliar como mudanças ambientais e impactos antrópicos afetam os padrões espaciais e temporais das comunidades. Essas informações são essenciais para promover conservação e manejo adequados em ambientes historicamente impactados como a Baía de Guanabara, no sudeste do Brasil. Aqui, nós propomos uma linha de referência da ictiofauna dessa baía utilizando dados pretéritos de 1889 a 2020, incluindo registros de literatura, coleções científicas, coletas biológicas e monitoramento de desembarque pesqueiro. Um total de 220 espécies (203 teleósteos e 17 elasmobrânquios), distribuídas em 149 gêneros (136 teleósteos e 13 elasmobrânquios) e 72 famílias (61 teleósteos e 11 elasmobrânquios) foram registradas, incluindo o primeiro registro de tubarão-tigre, Galeocerdo cuvier, na Baía de Guanabara. Apesar do esforço amostral empregado ter sido suficiente para representar a ictiofauna do médio e alto estuário, o estimador Chao2 indicou uma riqueza ainda maior para a baía como um todo. Evidências de redução de abundância e de provável extinção local de táxons ao longo das décadas foram encontradas, corroborando a importância da implantação de medidas de manejo e conservação para a área. A análise da distribuição da ictiofauna revelou que áreas próximas a unidades de conservação são mais ricas em comparação ao seu entorno, indicando que essa é uma estratégia efetiva para mitigar os impactos antrópicos na baía.(AU)
Biodiversidade , Distribuição Animal , Peixes , Brasil , Equipamentos e Provisões/veterináriaResumo
Renal hypoplasia is incomplete development of the kidneys, in which fewer than normal numbers of nephrons are present at birth. This report is the first of these conditions in mustelids. A female adult giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis), ex situ, presented clinically an unusual behavior with prostration, anorexia, hiding in the shelter, ataxia, paraparesis, and death in a clinical course of one day. At the postmortem exam, the left kidney was markedly enlarged and pale and the right kidney was severely reduced and had mild to moderate capsular thickening. Histologically, the left kidney had mineralization, proliferation of fibrous connective tissue and a mild neutrophilic infiltrate. The right kidney presented a reduced number of glomeruli, tubular atrophy and an increase in fibrous connective tissue, which were findings compatible with congenital kidney hypoplasia. Due the clinical condition of the animal, gross and microscopic findings, the cause of death was established as kidney failure induced by renal hypoplasia.(AU)
Animais , Lontras , Rim/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , BrasilResumo
Urban expansion has led to the replacement of natural landscapes and environmental degradation, making cities and their urban and peri-urban forests (UPFs) vulnerable to climate change, especially on the formation of heat islands. Using i-Tree Canopy program (v. 7.0), we estimate the ecosystem services provided by UPFs in Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil), through the analysis of the (1) annual removal of atmospheric pollutants, (2) annual removal of atmospheric carbon, (3) total carbon stock in vegetation, and (4) the monetary benefits of sequestered and stocked carbon, based on Future Carbon Credit (CFI2Z1) as a monetary proxy. The results showed an average total amount of removal of 4.45 thousand tons of air pollution annually. The average annual total carbon storage was 158 thousand tons and the equivalent CO2 was 580 thousand tons, with an estimated total value of R$ 173 million per year. Significant values of the gross carbon stock (3.98 million tons) and equivalent CO2 (14.59 million tons) were found, being valued at R$ 4.35 billion. We concluded that the Juiz de Fora UPFs have a great potential for socio-environmental and economic benefits.
A expansão urbana levou à substituição de paisagens naturais por paisagens urbanas e à degradação ambiental, tornando cidades e suas florestas urbanas e peri-urbanas (FUPs) vulneráveis às mudanças climáticas, especialmente à formação de ilhas de calor. Utilizando o software i-Tree Canopy (v.7.0), estimamos os serviços ecossistêmicos promovidos pelas UPFs em Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais, Sudeste do Brasil), por meio da análise de (1) remoção anual de poluentes atmosféricos, (2) remoção anual de carbono atmosférico, (3) estoque de carbono na vegetação e (4) os benefícios monetários do carbono sequestrado anualmente e estocado, utilizando o Mercado de Crédito de Carbono Futuro (CFI2Z1) como um proxy monetário. Os resultados apresentam uma quantidade total média de remoção de 4,45 mil toneladas de poluentes do ar, anualmente. O armazenamento médio anual de carbono total foi de 158 mil toneladas e o de CO2 equivalente foi de 580 mil toneladas, com um valor total estimado anual de R$ 173 milhões. Foram encontrados expressivos valores do estoque bruto de carbono (3,98 milhões de toneladas) e CO2 equivalente (14,59 milhões de toneladas), sendo avaliado em R$ 4,35 bilhões. Concluímos que as FUPs de Juiz de Fora possuem um grande potencial para benefícios socioambientais e econômicos.
Florestas , Área Urbana , Poluentes Atmosféricos , Sequestro de CarbonoResumo
South American opossums (Didelphis spp.) are definitive hosts of Sarcocystis neurona, Sarcocystis speeri, Sarcocystis lindsayi and Sarcocystis falcatula. In Brazil, diverse studies have demonstrated a high frequency of Sarcocystis falcatula-like in sporocysts derived from opossums, and high genetic diversity has been observed in surface antigen-encoding genes (SAGs). In this study, genetic diversity of Sarcocystis spp. derived from Didelphis albiventris and Didelphis aurita from the cities of Campo Grande and São Paulo, was accessed by sequencing SAG2, SAG3, SAG4, the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1). Molecular identification was performed for 16 DNA samples obtained from sporocyst or culture-derived merozoites. The ITS-1, cox1, and SAG3 fragments were cloned, whereas SAG2 and SAG4 were sequenced directly from PCR products. Four alleles variants were found for SAG2, 13 for SAG3 and seven for SAG4, from which four, 13 and four, respectively, were novel. Twenty-seven allele variants were found for ITS-1, all phylogenetically related to S. falcatula-like previously described in Brazil. Sarcocystis sp. phylogenetically related to Sarcocystis rileyi was evidenced by cox1 in three opossums. Further studies are needed to clarify the role of Didelphis spp. as definitive hosts of Sarcocystis spp. other than that previous described.(AU)
Gambás sul-americanos (Didelphis spp.) são hospedeiros definitivos de Sarcocystis neurona, Sarcocystis speeri, Sarcocystis lindsayi e Sarcocystis falcatula. No Brasil, diversos estudos têm demonstrado alta frequência de Sarcocystis falcatula-like em esporocistos derivados de gambás, com grande diversidade nos genes que codificam antígenos de superfície (SAGs). Neste estudo, a diversidade genética de Sarcocystis spp., oriundos de Didelphis albiventris e Didelphis aurita, dos municípios de Campo Grande e São Paulo, foi acessada por meio do sequenciamento de SAG2, SAG3 e SAG4, da primeira região espaçadora interna transcrita (ITS-1) e citocromo c oxidase subunidade I (cox1). Identificação molecular foi realizada em 16 amostras de DNA, obtidas de esporocistos ou merozoítos derivados de cultivo. Os fragmentos de ITS-1, cox1 e SAG3 foram clonados, enquanto SAG2 e SAG4 foram sequenciados diretamente dos produtos de PCR. Quatro alelos foram observados em SAG2, 13 em SAG3 e sete em SAG4, sendo novos quatro, 13 e quatro, respectivamente. Em ITS-1, 27 alelos foram observados, todos filogeneticamente relacionados à S. falcatula-like, previamente detectados no Brasil. Sarcocystis sp. filogeneticamente relacionado à Sarcocystis rileyi foi evidenciado por cox1 em três gambás. Mais estudos são necessários para entender o papel de Didelphis spp. como hospedeiro definitivo de Sarcocystis spp. diferentes daqueles previamente descritos.(AU)
Infecções por Protozoários/diagnóstico , Sarcocistose/veterinária , Didelphis/microbiologia , Filogenia , Variação Genética , Brasil , Sarcocystis/genéticaResumo
Porcine hemoplasmosis is characterized as a geographically cosmopolitan disease caused by Mycoplasma suis and Mycoplasma parvum. Asymptomatic pigs are considered the focus of hemoplasmosis because they are carriers and reservoirs to new infections. This study aimed to determine the molecular occurrence of porcine hemoplasmas (PH) in the production cycle of technified farrow-to-finished swine herds. For this purpose, 20 swine herds were evaluated, where 501 whole blood samples were collected for qPCR and phylogenetic analyses for hemoplasmas. The epidemiological analysis was performed for the entire population and per the growth stage. The total prevalence for PH was 31.93% (161/501); 95% (19/20) of sampled herds were positive. The occurrence of PH by swine growth stages was nursery (30.47%), growing (31.29%), finishing (26.18%), and slaughter (40.25%). The quantification cycles (Cq) ranged from 3.18-39.56 and the number of PH 16S rRNA copies per µL of DNA ranged from 5,57 x10 to 2.23 x1010 . Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of five selected samples showed 100% identity with M. parvum strain Indiana and two M. parvum sequences from Brazil/Goiás. This is the first report on PH in technified herds in Southeastern Brazil by growth stages.
A hemoplasmose suína é uma doença geograficamente cosmopolita, causada por Mycoplasma suis e Mycoplasma parvum. Suínos assintomáticos são considerados foco de hemoplasmose por serem portadores e reservatórios de novas infecções. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a ocorrência molecular de hemoplasmas suínos (HP) no ciclo de produção de rebanhos suínos tecnificados. Foram avaliados 20 rebanhos suínos e coletadas 501 amostras de sangue total para qPCR e análises filogenéticas para hemoplasmas. A análise epidemiológica foi realizada pela população e por estágio de crescimento. A prevalência total de HP foi de 31,93% (161/501); 95% (19/20) dos rebanhos amostrados foram positivos. A ocorrência de HP por fases de crescimento dos suínos foi: creche (30,47%), em crescimento (31,29%), acabamento (26,18%) e abate (40,25%). Os ciclos de quantificação (Cq) variaram de 3,18-39,56 e o número de cópias de rRNA PH 16S por µL de DNA variou de 5,57 x102 a 2,23 x10¹0. O sequenciamento e a análise filogenética de cinco amostras selecionadas mostraram 100% de identidade com a cepa indiana de M. parvum e duas sequências de M. parvum do Brasil / Goiás. Este é o primeiro relato de HP em rebanhos tecnificados, na região Sudeste do Brasil, por estágios de crescimento.
Animais , Suínos/microbiologia , Bacteriemia/veterinária , Mycoplasma/isolamento & purificação , Infecções por Mycoplasma/veterinária , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is the main leafy vegetable produced in Brazil. Since its production is widespread all over the country, lettuce traceability and quality assurance is hampered. In this study, we propose a new method to identify the geographical origin of Brazilian lettuce. The method uses a powerful data mining technique called support vector machines (SVM) applied to elemental composition and soil properties of samples analyzed. We investigated lettuce produced in São Paulo and Pernambuco, two states in the southeastern and northeastern regions in Brazil, respectively. We investigated efficiency of the SVM model by comparing its results with those achieved by traditional linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The SVM models outperformed the LDA models in the two scenarios investigated, achieving an average of 98 % prediction accuracy to discriminate lettuce from both states. A feature evaluation formula, called Fscore, was used to measure the discriminative power of the variables analyzed. The soil exchangeable cation capacity, soil contents of low crystalized Al and Zn content in lettuce samples were the most relevant components for differentiation. Our results reinforce the potential of data mining and machine learning techniques to support traceability strategies and authentication of leafy vegetables.
The caridean shrimp Tuleariocaris neglecta Chace, 1969, is reported from the Alcatraz Archipelago (24°S, off the coast of southeastern Brazil) in association with the sea urchin Astropyga magnifica Clark, 1934. This finding significantly increases the known range of this species from 20°S to 24°S. An overview of the species in Tuleariocaris with their respective associated host sea urchins is provided.(AU)