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Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(3): e220119, 2023. graf, ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1448730


Feeding ecology studies are crucial for understanding energy flow in reef ecosystems. In this study, we used an integrative approach to investigate the diel-feeding ecology of the sergeant-major Abudefduf saxatilis. To examine the possibility of diel-periodicity and size-class differences in foraging behaviour, we tracked fish individuals until their first bite on two subtropical reefs. During each observation, we recorded the substratum that was bitten and estimated the individual's total length. To assess the diet, we analysed the stomach contents of five individuals from each location. In total, we observed 2,703 individuals biting seven substrates. Our results showed no significant differences in substrate use for diel-periodicity. However, we found significant differences between two size classes. Despite this, both populations tended to forage near the surface in the water column in the morning and on the benthos in the afternoon, although this tendency was not statistically significant. Smaller individuals fed mostly in the water column, while larger individuals foraged on all substrates, likely due to their different energetic demands. Our findings indicate this species has an omnivorous, generalist diet, comprising 12 items from both benthos and plankton. The lack of differences in diel-periodicity is likely due to the sergeant-major's opportunistic behaviour.

Estudos de ecologia alimentar são cruciais para entender o fluxo de energia em ecossistemas recifais. Neste estudo, usamos uma abordagem integrativa para investigar a ecologia alimentar do sargentinho Abudefduf saxatilis. Para responder se há periodicidade ou diferenças relacionadas a classes de tamanho no substrato forrageado, acompanhamos indivíduos deste peixe até a primeira mordida, em dois recifes subtropicais. Durante cada observação, registramos o substrato mordido e estimamos o comprimento total do indivíduo. Para estudar a sua dieta, analisamos o conteúdo estomacal de cinco indivíduos em cada recife. No total, observamos 2.703 indivíduos mordendo em sete substratos diferentes. Nossos resultados não mostraram diferenças significativas no uso de substrato para a periodicidade diária. No entanto, encontramos diferenças significativas entre duas classes de tamanho. Apesar disso, ambas as populações tenderam a forragear próximo à superfície na coluna d'água pela manhã e no substrato bentônico à tarde, embora essa tendência não tenha sido estatisticamente significativa. Indivíduos menores forragearam principalmente na coluna d'água, enquanto os indivíduos maiores forragearam em todos os tipos de substratos, provavelmente devido às suas diferentes demandas energéticas. Nossos resultados corroboram que o sargentinho tem uma dieta onívora e generalista, composta por 12 itens de ambos os compartimentos, bentônico e planctônico. A falta de diferenças na periodicidade diária é provavelmente devido ao comportamento oportunista do sargentinho.

Animais , Comportamento Animal , Perciformes/fisiologia , Dieta/veterinária
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(2): e230005, 2023. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1440699


Sharks are among the marine organisms most impacted by intense fisheries, a worrying fact since they are key components in the trophic structure of ecosystems. In this context, fish landing data can help managers in shark conservation. This study characterized the landings of Carcharhinus acronotus, Mustelus cf. canis, and Sphyrna mokarran in the Mucuripe Embayment, Ceará, Brazil, along three study periods (1998-1999, 2006-2008, and 2015-2016). A total of 223 specimens were recorded from 227 site visits. Carcharhinus acronotus specimens measured from 50 to 139 cm in total length (TL), with a 1.3:1 sex ratio in favor of males. Most of the specimens recorded were adults (55.1% of males and 62.9% of females). Mustelus cf. canis varied from 64 to 133 cm in TL, with a sex ratio in favor of females (3.1:1). Most of the specimens recorded were adults (50% of males and 68% of females). Sphyrna mokarran specimens varied from 116 to 380 cm in TL, with a sex ratio of 7:1 in favor of males. Most of the specimens recorded were juveniles. This is the first fishery-dependent study to provide information on size and sex composition of these species for most of the southwestern equatorial Atlantic.(AU)

Os tubarões estão entre os organismos marinhos mais impactados pela pesca intensa, fato preocupante uma vez que são componentes fundamentais na estrutura trófica dos ecossistemas. Nesse contexto, dados de desembarques pesqueiros podem auxiliar gestores na conservação dos tubarões. Este estudo caracterizou os desembarques de Carcharhinus acronotus, Mustelus cf. canis e Sphyrna mokarran na enseada do Mucuripe, Ceará, Brasil, ao longo de três períodos de estudo (1998-1999, 2006-2008 e 2015-2016). Um total de 223 espécimes foi registrado em 227 visitas ao local. Espécimes de Carcharhinus acronotus mediram de 50 a 139 cm de comprimento total (CT), com razão sexual de 1,3:1 a favor dos machos. A maioria dos espécimes registrados era adulta (55,1% dos machos e 62,9% das fêmeas). Mustelus cf. canis variou de 64 a 133 cm em CT, com razão sexual a favor das fêmeas (3,1:1). A maioria dos espécimes registrados era adulta (50% dos machos e 68% das fêmeas). Espécimes de Sphyrna mokarran variaram de 116 a 380 cm em CT, com razão sexual de 7:1 a favor dos machos. A maioria dos espécimes registrados era juvenil. Este é o primeiro estudo dependente da pesca a fornecer informações sobre tamanho e composição sexual dessas espécies para a maior parte do sudoeste do Atlântico Equatorial.(AU)

Animais , Tubarões/anatomia & histologia , Tubarões/fisiologia , Brasil , Caça , Controle Biológico por Conservação
Rev. Bras. Parasitol. Vet. (Online) ; 32(1): e014522, 2023. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416452


Parasites are important components of ecosystems and may contribute to the ecological aspects of their hosts and indicate the integrity of their environment. To identify the gastrointestinal helminths of the South American fur seal, Arctocephalus australis, 52 animals found dead on the Rio Grande do Sul coast, Southern Brazil, were necropsied. All studied animals were parasitized, and 104,670 specimens of helminths from three phyla and 14 taxa were collected. Adult specimens represented five of the identified species: Contracaecum ogmorhini, Adenocephalus pacificus, Stephanoprora uruguayense, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, and Corynosoma australe; and one of the identified genera: Strongyloides sp. Immature forms represented the other eight taxa: Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Tetrabothriidae gen. sp., Cestoda gen. sp., Corynosoma cetaceum, and Bolbosoma turbinella. The acanthocephalan C. australe was the most prevalent and abundant parasite, whereas Strongyloides sp. had the highest intensity. This is the first record of the nematode Anisakis sp., digenean S. uruguayense, and acanthocephalan B. turbinella in this host. Trophic generalist species such as A. australis can be good indicators of the composition of the helminth fauna of their ecosystems, indicating the presence of zoonotic parasites transmitted by the consumption of fish.(AU)

Os parasitas são componentes importantes dos ecossistemas e podem contribuir com os aspectos ecológicos de seus hospedeiros e indicar a integridade de seus ambientes. Com o objetivo de identificar os helmintos gastrointestinais de Lobos-marinhos-sul-americanos, Arctocephalus australis, 52 animais, encontrados mortos no litoral do Rio Grande do Sul, sul do Brasil, foram necropsiados. Todos os animais estudados estavam parasitados, e 104.670 espécimes de helmintos de três filos e 14 táxons foram coletados. Foram representadas por espécimes adultos cinco espécies: Contracaecum ogmorhini, Adenocephalus pacificus, Stephanoprora uruguayense, Ascocotyle (Phagicola) longa, e Corynosoma australe; e um gênero: Strongyloides sp. Oito táxons foram representados por formas imaturas: Anisakidae gen. sp., Anisakis sp., Pseudoterranova sp., Contracaecum sp., Tetrabothriidae gen. sp., Cestoda gen. sp., Corynosoma cetaceum, e Bolbosoma turbinella. O acantocéfalo C. australe foi o parasita mais prevalente e abundante, enquanto Strongyloides sp. foi o de maior intensidade. Este é o primeiro registro do nematódeo Anisakis sp., do digenético S. uruguayense e do acantocéfalo B. turbinella neste hospedeiro. Espécies de elevado nível trófico como A. australis podem ser bons indicadores da composição da helmintofauna de seus ecossistemas, alertando-se para a presença de parasitas zoonóticos transmitidos pelo consumo de peixes.(AU)

Animais , Otárias/parasitologia , Helmintíase Animal/diagnóstico , Enteropatias Parasitárias/veterinária , Brasil
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262048, 2022. ilus, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396189


Here we describe a new species of Biancolina from Pernambuco, Brazil, found in association with the brown algae Sargassum spp., between 0.5 and 1.0 m depth. The new species differs from its congeners mainly by the following combination of characters: antenna 1 twice the length of antenna 2, lacinia mobilis present in both mandibles, article 4 of the maxilliped bulbose; coxa 6 with anteroventral lobe well developed as in posteroventral lobe, peduncle of uropod 1 weakly setose, palm of pereopods 5-7 lacking robust seta. This is the first record of Biancolina from the southwestern Atlantic.(AU)

Animais , Anfípodes/anatomia & histologia , Anfípodes/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(2): e220004, 2022. mapas, tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1380505


The Stomiiformes includes about 455 species of mostly mesopelagic fishes in the families Diplophidae, Gonostomatidae, Phosichthyidae, Sternoptychidae, and Stomiidae. Here we report 55 species of the order collected during the ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) expeditions off northeastern Brazil, including islands and seamounts of Fernando de Noronha Ridge. Triplophos hemingi (Diplophidae), Pachystomias microdon and Melanostomias biseriatus (Stomiidae) are recorded for the first time in the western South Atlantic. Eustomias bibulbosus, Grammatostomias ovatus and Photonectes achirus (Stomiidae) are recorded for the first time in the South Atlantic. Eustomias minimus (Stomiidae), previously known from four poorly preserved specimens, is reported for the first time in the Atlantic. Occurrences of 18 species are confirmed or recorded for the first time in the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone: Triplophos hemingi (Diplophidae), Gonostoma denudatum (Gonostomatidae), Aristostomias grimaldii, Astronesthes gudrunae, Bathophilus nigerrimus, Borostomias elucens, Eustomias bibulbosus, E. braueri, E. minimus, E. schmidti, Grammatostomias ovatus, G. dentatus, Leptostomias gladiator, Melanostomias biseriatus, M. bartonbeani, Pachystomias microdon, Photonectes achirus, and Photostomias goodyeari (Stomiidae). Diagnostic and distributional data for all species recorded are provided, with new anatomical information presented for Melanostomias bartonbeani and Grammatostomias ovatus. A checklist of the 108 species of Stomiiformes confirmed in Brazilian waters is also presented.(AU)

Stomiiformes inclui cerca de 455 espécies válidas de peixes principalmente mesopelágicos, distribuídos nas famílias Diplophidae, Gonostomatidae, Phosichthyidae, Sternoptychidae e Stomiidae. Aqui, relatamos a ocorrência de 55 espécies de Stomiiformes coletadas durante as expedições ABRACOS (Acoustics along the BRAzilian COaSt) no nordeste do Brasil, incluindo as ilhas e montes submarinos da Cadeia de Fernando de Noronha. Triplophos hemingi (Diplophidae), Pachystomias microdon e Melanostomias biseriatus (Stomiidae) são registradas pela primeira vez no Atlântico Sul ocidental. Eustomias bibulbosus, Grammatostomias ovatus e Photonectes achirus (Stomiidae) são registradas pela primeira vez no Atlântico Sul. Eustomias minimus (Stomiidae), anteriormente conhecida a partir de quatro espécimes mal preservados, é reportada pela primeira vez no Atlântico. A ocorrência de 18 espécies é confirmada ou registrada pela primeira vez na Zona Econômica Exclusiva brasileira: Triplophos hemingi (Diplophidae), Gonostoma denudatum (Gonostomatidae), Aristostomias grimaldii, Astronesthes gudrunae, Bathophilus nigerrimus, Borostomias elucens, Eustomias bibulbosus, E. braueri, E. minimus, E. schmidti, Grammatostomias ovatus, G. dentatus, Leptostomias gladiator, Melanostomias biseriatus, M. bartonbeani, Pachystomias microdon, Photonectes achirus, e Photostomias goodyeari (Stomiidae). Dados diagnósticos e de distribuição de todas as espécies registradas são fornecidos, com novas informações anatômicas para Melanostomias bartonbeani e Grammatostomias ovatus. Uma lista preliminar das 108 espécies de Stomiiformes confirmadas em águas brasileiras também é apresentada.(AU)

Animais , Peixes/anatomia & histologia , Anatomia Veterinária , Brasil , Distribuição Animal
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262007, 2022. mapas, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1363643


Shrimp trawling is considered a significant negative impact on the marine ecosystem, especially on the benthic community. Sea stars (Echinodermata: Asteroidea) are one of the most affected groups by unintentional catches. This study was performed at the Santana Archipelago, a Marine Protected Area in the northern region of Rio de Janeiro State, between 2008-2009. Sea stars accidentally caught by trawling were collected during open and closed season of the shrimp fisheries (Xiphopenaeus kroyeri) at depths of 5-60 m. A generalized linear zero-inflated model was applied to test for differences in capture between fishing seasons and depths. A total of 158 sea star specimens were captured. These specimens were identified as Asterina stellifera, Astropecten acutiradiatus, Astropecten brasiliensis, Astropecten cingulatus, Luidia alternata alternata, Luidia clathrata, Luidia ludwigi scotti, Luidia senegalensis. The sea stars A. brasiliensis and L. senegalensis are currently considered as vulnerable species in the Brazilian official list of threatened species. The higher capture of sea stars was shown in deepest areas, and there was no significant difference in the number of specimens between seasons. This is the first study about asteroids accidentally captured by shrimp trawling.(AU)

Animais , Estrelas-do-Mar , Ecossistema , Palaemonidae , Equinodermos , Pesqueiros , Espécies em Perigo de Extinção
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262029, 2022. mapas, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1386614


Several phytogeographic regions (Cerrado, Pantanal, Atlantic Forest, Gran Chaco, and Chiquitano Dry Forests) converge in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, and influence regional biodiversity. Despite a list of birds in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul being published by Nunes et al. (2017), it is necessary to update and critically review avifauna records. In this study, we gathered the results of several records obtained from species lists and online data platforms of the 336 sites in this state over the last decades and grouped them into Main (Primary and Secondary) and Tertiary Lists. The avifauna of Mato Grosso do Sul is composed of 678 species, of which 643 (95%) have records proving their occurrence (Primary List), whereas 34 still lack documentation (Secondary List). The number of related species for Mato Grosso do Sul represents 34% of the Brazilian avifauna. Some species stand out for their unique occurrence in Mato Grosso do Sul, such as Melanerpes cactorum, Celeus lugubris, Phaethornis subochraceus, and Cantorchilus guarayanus, reflecting the influence of different phytogeographic regions of the Chaco and Chiquitano Dry Forests. Migrants represent 20% of the bird community occurring in the state, of which 93 species correspond to migrants from various regions of South America (south and west) and 40 to boreal migrants. Thirty-three species perform nomadic movements across the Pantanal Plain and other regions of the state. Thirty-one species are included in some conservation-threatened categories of global and/or national endangered species lists. Other 30 species are included in the near-threatened category at the global level and 23 at the national level. In addition, species typical of dry forests (in Serra da Bodoquena and Maciço do Urucum) and those from the Atlantic Forest in the south of the state deserve attention due to their restricted distribution and the high anthropogenic pressure on their habitat.(AU)

Aves , Biota , Brasil , Migração Animal , Lista de Checagem/estatística & dados numéricos , Distribuição Animal
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487443


Abstract Microcancilla phoenix sp. nov., collected from the Southeast and South coast of Brazil represents the southernmost record of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean. The new species differs from the other congeners of the Atlantic mainly by the presence of microscopic pustules covering the whole shell and by dimensions of the protoconch. Axelella brasiliensis Verhecken, 1991, known from the Northeast to South coast of Brazil, is transferred to Microcancilla based on a similar sculpture of microscopic pustules on the protoconch and on other features of the teleoconch discussed in the present study.

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216129, 2021. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1287475


Abstract Microcancilla phoenix sp. nov., collected from the Southeast and South coast of Brazil represents the southernmost record of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean. The new species differs from the other congeners of the Atlantic mainly by the presence of microscopic pustules covering the whole shell and by dimensions of the protoconch. "Axelella brasiliensis" Verhecken, 1991, known from the Northeast to South coast of Brazil, is transferred to Microcancilla based on a similar sculpture of microscopic pustules on the protoconch and on other features of the teleoconch discussed in the present study.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504619


ABSTRACT The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus 1766) is captured by industrial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries throughout its distribution range. The reproductive biology of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic was studied using 1,102 specimens captured by the Brazilian commercial fleet between March 2014 and December 2015. The recruitment period was identified from records of juveniles in experimental beach seine hauls carried out on sandy beaches in the external sector of Guanabara Bay for four years (2012-2015). Based on the reproductive indices and on the macro- and microscopic analyses of the gonads, spawning peaks were identified in autumn and spring. The size at first maturity was estimated at 35.5, 38.3, and 37.4 cm for females, males, and general, respectively. Ovary analyses and measurements of the oocyte diameters indicated that bluefish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. The batch fecundity estimate was 202,752.5 eggs and ranged from 9,800.9 to 426,787.0 eggs. The species reproduces throughout the entire study area, but it is more active in the south of Arraial do Cabo. The young-of-the-year were recorded on shallow water in all seasons, with modal peaks in the summer months. The parameters estimated in this study expand and update information on this species, providing important data for the evaluation and fisheries management of the stock of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic.

Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487480


Abstract A new species of deep-water brachyuran crab, Euphrosynoplax dincao, from southeastern Brazil is described and illustrated. The genus Euphrosynoplax currently consists of two species, E. clausaGuinot, 1969, and E. campechiensisVázquez-Bader & Gracia, 1991, both only known from the Gulf of Mexico. The new species can be easily separated from its northern counterparts by a suite of carapace and appendage characters. Euphrosynoplax campechiensis is recorded for the first time from the Caribbenan Sea (Guadeloupe and between Saint Kitts and Nevis).

Pap. avulsos zool ; 61: e20216166, 2021. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1340298


Abstract A new species of deep-water brachyuran crab, Euphrosynoplax dincao, from southeastern Brazil is described and illustrated. The genus Euphrosynoplax currently consists of two species, E. clausaGuinot, 1969, and E. campechiensisVázquez-Bader & Gracia, 1991, both only known from the Gulf of Mexico. The new species can be easily separated from its northern counterparts by a suite of carapace and appendage characters. Euphrosynoplax campechiensis is recorded for the first time from the Caribbenan Sea (Guadeloupe and between Saint Kitts and Nevis).

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4): e210010, 2021. graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1351161


Damselfishes are known keystone species of reef environments, however large-scale distribution patterns are poorly studied in the southwestern Atlantic. We evaluated main drivers of distribution of three conspicuous damselfishes, along tropical and subtropical coastal systems, in Brazil. Abundances were assessed against wave exposure, depth (within 1-7 m in tropical and 1-11 m in subtropical reefs) and benthic cover. Despite differences between systems, exposure and depth consistently explained damselfishes distribution. Stegastes fuscus, the larger damselfish species of the genus in the southwestern Atlantic, was dominant in both systems, inhabiting preferably shallow and sheltered reefs. Conversely, Stegastes variabilis occupied shallow habitats with higher exposure. Stegastes pictus was absent from tropical reefs sampled, inhabiting depths >7 m, in subtropical reefs. Species were weakly associated with benthic features, which poorly predicted changes in abundances. Regardless, S. fuscus showed association with articulated calcareous algae, and S. variabilis juveniles associated with erect macroalgae. Despite occurring in very distinctive reef systems, Brazilian damsels habitat requirements are consistent in both tropical and subtropical reefs. While highly persistent species, long term monitoring will inform us how they respond to pervasive global changes and human impacts along Brazilian reefs.(AU)

Os peixes donzela são espécies-chave em ambientes recifais, contudo seus padrões de distribuição em grande escala são pouco conhecidos no sudoeste do Atlântico. Avaliamos os principais descritores de distribuição para três espécies comuns em sistemas recifais tropicais e costões rochosos subtropicais costeiros no Brasil, em resposta a diferentes regimes de exposição a ondas, profundidade e cobertura bentônica. Apesar das grandes diferenças entre estes sistemas, a exposição das ondas e a profundidade consistentemente explicaram sua distribuição. Stegastes fuscus é numericamente dominante, sendo a maior espécie do gênero no Atlântico sudoeste, dominando recifes rasos e menos hidrodinâmicos, enquanto S. variabilis foi mais abundante em habitats com maior hidrodinamismo. Stegastes pictus foi ausente nos recifes rasos tropicais amostrados e, nos recifes rochosos subtropicais, foi mais abundante em profundidades acima de 7 m. Características do substrato influenciaram pouco a densidade, porem S. fuscus apresentou associação a algas calcárias articuladas, enquanto juvenis de S. variabilis se associaram a macroalgas eretas. Peixes donzelas são generalistas e persistentes, ocorrendo em ambientes distintos, e mesmo assim, regulados de forma especifica e consistente ao longo da costa. O monitoramento a longo prazo nos informará como elas responderão às constantes mudanças globais e impactos antrópicos nos recifes brasileiros.(AU)

Animais , Alga Marinha , Perciformes , Ecossistema , Peixes
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4): e210010, 2021. graf, mapas, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765890


Damselfishes are known keystone species of reef environments, however large-scale distribution patterns are poorly studied in the southwestern Atlantic. We evaluated main drivers of distribution of three conspicuous damselfishes, along tropical and subtropical coastal systems, in Brazil. Abundances were assessed against wave exposure, depth (within 1-7 m in tropical and 1-11 m in subtropical reefs) and benthic cover. Despite differences between systems, exposure and depth consistently explained damselfishes distribution. Stegastes fuscus, the larger damselfish species of the genus in the southwestern Atlantic, was dominant in both systems, inhabiting preferably shallow and sheltered reefs. Conversely, Stegastes variabilis occupied shallow habitats with higher exposure. Stegastes pictus was absent from tropical reefs sampled, inhabiting depths >7 m, in subtropical reefs. Species were weakly associated with benthic features, which poorly predicted changes in abundances. Regardless, S. fuscus showed association with articulated calcareous algae, and S. variabilis juveniles associated with erect macroalgae. Despite occurring in very distinctive reef systems, Brazilian damsels habitat requirements are consistent in both tropical and subtropical reefs. While highly persistent species, long term monitoring will inform us how they respond to pervasive global changes and human impacts along Brazilian reefs.(AU)

Os peixes donzela são espécies-chave em ambientes recifais, contudo seus padrões de distribuição em grande escala são pouco conhecidos no sudoeste do Atlântico. Avaliamos os principais descritores de distribuição para três espécies comuns em sistemas recifais tropicais e costões rochosos subtropicais costeiros no Brasil, em resposta a diferentes regimes de exposição a ondas, profundidade e cobertura bentônica. Apesar das grandes diferenças entre estes sistemas, a exposição das ondas e a profundidade consistentemente explicaram sua distribuição. Stegastes fuscus é numericamente dominante, sendo a maior espécie do gênero no Atlântico sudoeste, dominando recifes rasos e menos hidrodinâmicos, enquanto S. variabilis foi mais abundante em habitats com maior hidrodinamismo. Stegastes pictus foi ausente nos recifes rasos tropicais amostrados e, nos recifes rochosos subtropicais, foi mais abundante em profundidades acima de 7 m. Características do substrato influenciaram pouco a densidade, porem S. fuscus apresentou associação a algas calcárias articuladas, enquanto juvenis de S. variabilis se associaram a macroalgas eretas. Peixes donzelas são generalistas e persistentes, ocorrendo em ambientes distintos, e mesmo assim, regulados de forma especifica e consistente ao longo da costa. O monitoramento a longo prazo nos informará como elas responderão às constantes mudanças globais e impactos antrópicos nos recifes brasileiros.(AU)

Animais , Alga Marinha , Perciformes , Ecossistema , Peixes
Zoologia (Curitiba, Impr.) ; 38: e53756, 2021. map, tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1504607


The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus 1766) is captured by industrial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries throughout its distribution range. The reproductive biology of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic was studied using 1,102 specimens captured by the Brazilian commercial fleet between March 2014 and December 2015. The recruitment period was identified from records of juveniles in experimental beach seine hauls carried out on sandy beaches in the external sector of Guanabara Bay for four years (2012-2015). Based on the reproductive indices and on the macro- and microscopic analyses of the gonads, spawning peaks were identified in autumn and spring. The size at first maturity was estimated at 35.5, 38.3, and 37.4 cm for females, males, and general, respectively. Ovary analyses and measurements of the oocyte diameters indicated that bluefish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. The batch fecundity estimate was 202,752.5 eggs and ranged from 9,800.9 to 426,787.0 eggs. The species reproduces throughout the entire study area, but it is more active in the south of Arraial do Cabo. The young-of-the-year were recorded on shallow water in all seasons, with modal peaks in the summer months. The parameters estimated in this study expand and update information on this species, providing important data for the evaluation and fisheries management of the stock of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic.

Animais , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Fertilidade , Oócitos/fisiologia , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Perciformes/fisiologia
Zoologia (Curitiba) ; 38: e53756, fev. 2021. mapas, tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765332


The bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linneus 1766) is captured by industrial, artisanal, and recreational fisheries throughout its distribution range. The reproductive biology of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic was studied using 1,102 specimens captured by the Brazilian commercial fleet between March 2014 and December 2015. The recruitment period was identified from records of juveniles in experimental beach seine hauls carried out on sandy beaches in the external sector of Guanabara Bay for four years (2012-2015). Based on the reproductive indices and on the macro- and microscopic analyses of the gonads, spawning peaks were identified in autumn and spring. The size at first maturity was estimated at 35.5, 38.3, and 37.4 cm for females, males, and general, respectively. Ovary analyses and measurements of the oocyte diameters indicated that bluefish are multiple spawners with asynchronous oocyte development. The batch fecundity estimate was 202,752.5 eggs and ranged from 9,800.9 to 426,787.0 eggs. The species reproduces throughout the entire study area, but it is more active in the south of Arraial do Cabo. The young-of-the-year were recorded on shallow water in all seasons, with modal peaks in the summer months. The parameters estimated in this study expand and update information on this species, providing important data for the evaluation and fisheries management of the stock of P. saltatrix in the southwestern Atlantic.(AU)

Animais , Perciformes/anatomia & histologia , Perciformes/fisiologia , Comportamento Reprodutivo , Oócitos/fisiologia , Fertilidade
Pap. avulsos Zool. ; 61: e20216166, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33267


A new species of deep-water brachyuran crab, Euphrosynoplax dincao, from southeastern Brazil is described and illustrated. The genus Euphrosynoplax currently consists of two species, E. clausa Guinot, 1969, and E. campechiensis Vázquez-Bader & Gracia, 1991, both only known from the Gulf of Mexico. The new species can be easily separated from its northern counterparts by a suite of carapace and appendage characters. Euphrosynoplax campechiensis is recorded for the first time from the Caribbenan Sea (Guadeloupe and between Saint Kitts and Nevis).(AU)

Animais , Crustáceos/anatomia & histologia , Crustáceos/classificação , Biodiversidade
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485613


ABSTRACT Rhinoptera bonasus is a bento-pelagic and highly migratory species occurring from southern United States to northern Argentina. Due to overfishing effects, R. bonasus is currently at risk, classified by the IUCN Red List as vulnerable. Considering the lack of molecular data available for R. bonasus, this study aimed to describe the genetic variability and population structure of specimens sampled from three Brazilian coast ecoregions (Amazon ecoregion, Pará; Northeastern ecoregion, Pernambuco and Southeastern ecoregion, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Santa Catarina), through five polymorphic microsatellite markers. Here testing the panmixia hypothesis for Brazilian ecoregions and test natal philopathy. A total of 69 analyzed specimens revealed individual and significant genetic differentiation between the sampled locations. ST (0.12), PCA, DAPC and Bayesian analyses of the genetic population structure revealed at least two distinct genetic R. bonasus groupings. IBD tests were significant, indicating a correlation between genetic and geographical distance among populations, which can be explained by reproductive philopatric behavior. Philopatric behavior associated with R. bonasus mobility may influence the differentiation values observed for all loci in the investigated samples.

RESUMO Rhinoptera bonasus é uma espécie bento-pelágica e altamente migratória, que ocorre do sul dos Estados Unidos ao norte da Argentina. Devido aos efeitos da sobrepesca, R. bonasus está atualmente em risco, classificada pela Lista Vermelha da IUCN como vulnerável. Considerando a falta de dados moleculares disponíveis para R. bonasus, este estudo teve como objetivo descrever a variabilidade genética e estrutura populacional de espécimes amostrados em três ecorregiões do litoral brasileiro (Ecorregião Amazônica, Pará; Ecorregião Nordeste, Pernambuco e Ecorregião Sudeste, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo e Santa Catarina), por meio de cinco marcadores microssatélites polimórficos. Assim, testaremos as hipóteses de panmixia e filopatria natal. Um total de 69 espécimes analisados revelou diferenciação genética individual e significativa entre os locais amostrados. As análises de ST (0,12), PCA, DAPC e Bayesiana revelaram pelo menos dois agrupamentos genéticos distintos de R. bonasus. Os testes de IBD foram significativos, indicando uma correlação entre a distância genética e geográfica entre as populações, o que pode ser explicado pelo comportamento filopátrico reprodutivo. O comportamento filopátrico associado à mobilidade de R. bonasus pode influenciar os valores de diferenciação observados para todos os loci nas amostras investigadas.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485618


Abstract Coral reefs harbor one of the largest fish biodiversity on earth; yet information on reef fishes is still absent for many regions. We analyzed reef fish richness, distribution, and conservation on the largest Brazilian multiple use coastal MPA; which cover a large extent of coral reefs at the SWA. A total of 325 fish species have been listed for MPA Costa dos Corais, including Chondrichthyes (28 species) and Actinopterygii (297). Fish species were represented by 81 families and the most representative families were Carangidae (23 species), Labridae (21) and Gobiidae (15). The MPA fish richness represented 44% of all recorded fish species of the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean (SWA) highlighting the large-scale importance of this MPA. A total of 40 species (12%) are registered at Near Threatened (NT), Vulnerable (VU), Endangered (EN) or Critically Endangered (CR). This study reinforces the importance of MPA Costa dos Corais on reef fish biodiversity and conservation and emphasize the urgent need of conservation strategies.

Resumo Os recifes de coral abrigam uma das maiores biodiversidades de peixes do planeta; no entanto, as informações sobre peixes de recife ainda estão ausentes em muitas regiões. Analisamos a riqueza, distribuição e a conservação de peixes recifais na maior Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) costeira de uso múltiplo do Brasil; área que possui grande extensão de recifes de corais no SWA. Um total de 325 espécies de peixes foram listadas para APA Costa dos Corais, incluindo Chondrichthyes (28 espécies) e Actinopterygii (297). As espécies de peixes foram representadas por 81 famílias e as famílias mais representativas foram Carangidae (23 espécies), Labridae (21) e Gobiidae (15). A riqueza de peixes da APA representou 44% de todas as espécies de peixes registradas no Oceano Atlântico Sudoeste (SWA), destacando a importância em grande escala desta APA. Um total de 40 espécies (12%) estão registradas como Quase Ameaçada (NT), Vulnerável (VU), Em Perigo (EN) ou Criticamente Em Perigo (CR). Este estudo reforça a importância da APA Costa dos Corais na biodiversidade e conservação dos peixes recifais e enfatiza a necessidade urgente de estratégias de conservação.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(4)2021.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1485619


Abstract The skate genus Atlantoraja is composed of three species (A. castelnaui, A. cyclophora, and A. platana) which differ from the other Riorajini species, Rioraja agassizii, in regards to their clasper features, squamation and presence of a caudal fin. Despite of being distributed along Southwestern Atlantic and commonly captured by fisheries in Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, detailed accounts on external and internal morphology are scarce and the taxonomic status of Atlantoraja species was not revised so far. The aim of this study, therefore, is to review the taxonomy of the genus Atlantoraja, updating information on type specimens and clarifying misidentifications among species, and to describe in detail anatomical structures such as neurocranium, visceral arches, pelvic girdle, dermal denticles and teeth. Lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for Atlantoraja castelnaui and A. cyclophora. Notes on intraspecific variation within species are also provided. Atlantoraja cyclophora and A. platana are more similar to each other than to A. castelnaui in regards to the squamation (body dorsal surface smooth vs. densely covered by prickles) and color pattern of body dorsal surface, position of orbital foramina, overall shape of neucrocranium and body measurements. Lastly, we discuss the morphological differences among species of Atlantoraja and recommend the inclusion of characters presented here in future cladistic analyses.

Resumo O gênero Atlantoraja é composto por três espécies (A. castelnaui, A. cyclophora e A. platana), as quais diferem da outra espécie da tribo Riorajini, Rioraja agassizii, em relação a características do clásper, escamas e presença de uma nadadeira caudal. Apesar de serem distribuídas ao longo do Atlântico Sul Ocidental e serem comumente capturadas em atividades pesqueiras do Brasil, Uruguai e Argentina, descrições detalhadas sobre a morfologia externa e interna são escassas e o status taxonômico das espécies de Atlantoraja não foi revisado até então. O presente estudo tem como objetivos: revisar a taxonomia do gênero Atlantoraja, atualizando as informações sobre espécimes-tipo e elucidando erros de identificação entre as espécies, e descrever estruturas anatômicas, tais como neurocrânio, arcos viscerais, cintura pélvica, dentículos dérmicos e dentes. Lectótipos e paralectótipos são designados para Atlantoraja castelnaui e A. cyclophora. Notas sobre a variação intraespecífica em cada espécie também são fornecidas. Atlantoraja cyclophora e A. platana são mais similares entre si do que A. castelnaui em relação às escamas (superfície dorsal do corpo lisa vs. densamente coberta por dentículos dérmicos), padrão de colorido da superfície dorsal do corpo, posição dos forâmens orbitais, formato geral do neurocrânio e medidas corpóreas. Por fim, comparações morfológicas entre as espécies de Atlantoraja são realizadas, recomendando-se a inclusão dos caracteres aqui apresentados em análises cladísticas futuras.