Background: Phonotimpus pennimani (Araneae, Phrurolithidae) is a small-sized (3-5 mm) spider endemic to the Tacaná volcano in Chiapas, Mexico, where it is found in soil litter of cloud forests and coffee plantations. Its venom composition has so far not been investigated, partly because it is not a species of medical significance. However, it does have an important impact on the arthropod populations of its natural habitat. Methods: Specimens were collected in Southeastern Mexico (Chiapas) and identified taxonomically by morphological characteristics. A partial sequence from the mitochondrial gene coxI was amplified. Sequencing on the Illumina platform of a transcriptome library constructed from 12 adult specimens revealed 25 toxin or toxinlike genes. Transcripts were validated (RT-qPCR) by assessing the differential expression of the toxin-like PpenTox1 transcript and normalising with housekeeping genes. Results: Analysis of the coxI-gene revealed a similarity to other species of the family Phrurolithidae. Transcriptome analysis also revealed similarity with venom components of species from the families Ctenidae, Lycosidae, and Sicariidae. Expression of the toxinlike PpenTox1 gene was different for each developmental stage (juvenile or adult) and also for both sexes (female or male). Additionally, a partial sequence was obtained for the toxin-like PpenTox1 from DNA. Conclusion: Data from the amplification of the mitochondrial coxI gene confirmed that P. pennimani belongs to the family Phrurolithidae. New genes and transcripts coding for venom components were identified.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas/genética , Perfilação da Expressão Gênica/veterinária , Variação Genética , MéxicoResumo
The insect group is one of the most diverse on the planet and due to habitat degradation, many of these species are becoming extinct, leaving a lack of information on the basic biology of each one. In this study, previously unseen information about nesting biology is revealed in Auplopus subaurarius trap nests. This is a solitary ectoparasitoid spider wasp that nests in preexisting cavities. We used a trap-nesting methodology to sample A. subaurarius in two different sampling periods (2017/2018 and 2020/2021) in three types of environment (forest, grassland and Eucalyptus plantation). In our study, the A. subaurarius nest building was more frequent during the hottest months of the year (November to March), with its highest abundance found within natural forest areas and in Eucalyptus plantation than in grassland areas. In addition, the species had two development times: a short one (three months) and a delayed one (up to one year). Moreover, females were larger than males (weight and size) and the species' sex ratio had a tendency toward female production. Auplopus subaurarius presented seven natural enemy species: Ceyxia longispina, Caenochrysis crotonis, Photochryptus sp.1, Photochryptus sp.2, Messatoporus sp., Ephuta icema and Sphaeropthalma sp. We emphasize the importance of wooded environments to maintain the A. subaurarius populations and their associated interactors, both spiders and natural enemies, as these environments can provide better life conditions than grassland areas. Furthermore, other solitary wasps that may have the same lifestyle of A. subaurarius can also be improved by natural forest conservation and by good silviculture plantation planning, which should consider ecological aspects of Atlantic Forest landscapes.
O grupo dos insetos é um dos mais diversos do planeta e devido à degradação dos habitats, muitas dessas espécies estão sendo extintas, deixando uma carência de informações sobre a biologia básica de cada uma. Neste estudo, informações inéditas sobre a biologia de nidificação em ninhos-armadilha de Auplopus subaurarius são reveladas. Essa espécie trata-se de uma vespa solitária ectoparasitóide de aranhas, que nidifica em cavidades preexistentes. Utilizamos a metodologia de ninhos-armadilha para amostrar A. subaurarius em dois períodos amostrais diferentes (2017/2018 e 2020/2021), em três tipos de ambientes (floresta, campo e plantação de Eucalyptus). Em nosso estudo, a nidificação de A. subaurarius foi mais frequente nos meses mais quentes do ano (Novembro a Março), com maior abundância encontrada em áreas de floresta nativa e em plantações de Eucalyptus comparados à áreas de campo. Além disso, a espécie apresentou dois tempos de desenvolvimento, um curto (três meses) e um longo (até um ano). Além disso, as fêmeas foram maiores que os machos (peso e tamanho) e a razão sexual da espécie apresentou tendência à produção de fêmeas. Auplopus subaurarius apresentou sete espécies de inimigos naturais: Ceyxia longispina, Caenochrysis crotonis, Photochryptus sp.1, Photochryptus sp.2, Messatoporus sp., Ephuta icema e Sphaeropthalma sp. Ressaltamos a importância de ambientes arborizados para manutenção das populações de A. subaurarius e seus interagentes associados, tanto aranhas quanto inimigos naturais, uma vez que estes ambientes podem apresentar melhores condições de vida comparados à áreas campestres. Além disso, outras vespas solitárias que podem ter o mesmo estilo de vida de A. subaurarius, também podem ser afetadas positivamente pela conservação das florestas naturais e por um bom planejamento de plantações de silvicultura, as quais devem considerar os aspectos ecológicos das paisagens da Mata Atlântica.
Aranhas , Vespas , Comportamento de NidaçãoResumo
Salticidae is the most diverse family of Araneae and in Brazil, there are 667 species. Among these species, five are synanthropic exotics: Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826), Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1826), Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831), M. nigli Wesolowska & Freudenschuss, 2012 and Thyene coccineovittata (Simon, 1886). To understand the current distribution of these species in Brazil, seven collections of 643 lots were examined from seven Brazilian zoological collections. The synanthropic exotic species with the highest records were Plexippus paykulli, Menemerus bivittatus, and Hasarius adansoni, generally collected and associated with human dwellings and buildings. They are present in all regions (North, Northeast, Midwest, and South macro-regions), with the largest region, in all regions of the country in 22 states and 98 municipalities, followed by Hasarius adansoni in 17 states and 88 municipalities, Menemerus bivittatus in 19 states and 68 municipalities. Menemerus nigli and Thyene coccineovittata are from recent introductions that occurred in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(AU)
Salticidae é a família mais diversa de Araneae e no Brasil ocorrem 667 espécies, dentre elas cinco são exóticas sinantrópicas: Plexippus paykulli (Audouin, 1826), Menemerus bivittatus (Dufour, 1831), Hasarius adansoni (Audouin, 1826), Menemerus nigli Wesolowska & Freudenschuss, 2012 e Thyene coccineovittata (Simon, 1886). Foram examinados 643 lotes destas cinco espécies no Brasil, depositados em sete coleções zoológicas brasileiras. As espécies exóticas sinantrópicas com maior número de registros foram Plexippus paykulli, Hasarius adansoni e Menemerus bivittatus, na maioria dos casos coletadas associadas a habitações e edificações humanas. Elas estão presentes em todas as macrorregiões do país (Norte, Nordeste, Centro-Oeste, Sudeste e Sul), sendo P. paykulli a que possui a maior distribuição, ocorrendo em 22 estados e 98 municípios, seguido de H. adansoni em 17 estados e 88 municípios e M. bivittatus em 19 estados e 68 municípios. Menemerus nigli e Thyene coccineovittata, são introduções recentes, ocorrendo apenas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas/anatomia & histologia , Aranhas/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Brasil , Distribuição Animal , Animais ExóticosResumo
In this paper a new species of Diphya Nicolet, 1849, D. napo sp. nov. is described based on males and females from Ecuador. The female of Diphya bicolor Vellard, 1926 is described and illustrated for the first time and new records are presented. Oarces ornatus Mello-Leitão, 1935 and Azilia eximia (Mello-Leitão, 1940) are synonymized with D. bicolor, being A. eximia removed from the synonym of Azilia Keyserling, 1881 and being Cardimia Mello-Leitão, 1940 considered synonym of Diphya.(AU)
Neste artigo uma nova espécie de Diphya Nicolet, 1849, D. napo sp. nov. é descrita com base em machos e fêmeas do Equador. A fêmea de Diphya bicolor Vellard, 1926 é descrita e ilustrada pela primeira vez e registros novos são apresentados. Oarces ornatus Mello-Leitão, 1935 e Azilia eximia (Mello-Leitão, 1940) são sinonimizadas com D. bicolor, sendo A. eximia retirada da sinonímia de Azilia Keyserling, 1881 e Cardimia Mello-Leitão, 1940 é considerado sinônimo de Diphya.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Aranhas/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , EquadorResumo
Plant-induced resistance can be an important component of soybean mites biological control programs. This work evaluates the preference of predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) to soybean plants under single and multiple herbivory conditions by two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae), and velvetbean caterpillar Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Using a Y olfactometer, the following scenarios were evaluated: soybean with no infestation and soybean infested with A. gemmatalis; soybean infested with T. urticae and A. gemmatalis, and soybean infested with T. urticae and with both T. urticae and A. gemmatalis. Volatile compounds released by plants were analyzed and identified by a Trace GC Ultra gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer with a solid phase micro-extraction ion-trap. The predatory mite N. californicus preferred soybean plants infested with T. urticae compared to those infested with A. gemmatalis. Multiple infestation did not interfere with its preference to T. urticae. Multiple herbivory of T. urticae and A. gemmatalis modified the chemical profile of volatile compounds emitted by soybean plants. However, it did not interfere with the search behavior of N. californicus. Out of the 29 identified compounds only five promoted predatory mite response. Thus, regardless of single or multiple herbivory by T. urticae with or without A. gemmatalis, the indirect induced resistance mechanisms operate similarly. As such, this mechanism contributes to an increase in the encounter rate between predator and prey for N. Californicus and T. urticae, and the efficacy of biological control of mites on soybean.
A resistência induzida por plantas pode ser um importante componente dos programas de controle biológico de ácaros da soja. Este trabalho avalia a preferência do ácaro predador Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) às plantas de soja sob condições de herbivoria simples e múltipla pelo ácaro-rajado Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Tetranychidae) e pela lagarta-da-soja Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Utilizando o olfatômetro Y, foram avaliados os seguintes cenários: soja sem infestação e soja infestada com A. gemmatalis; soja infestada com T. urticae e A. gemmatalis, e soja infestada com T. urticae e com T. urticae e A. gemmatalis. Os compostos voláteis liberados pelas plantas foram analisados ââe identificados por um cromatógrafo gasoso Trace GC Ultra acoplado a um espectrômetro de massas com uma armadilha de íons de microextração em fase sólida. O ácaro predador N. californicus preferiu plantas de soja infestadas com T. urticae em relação àquelas infestadas com A. gemmatalis. A infestação múltipla não interferiu na preferência por T. urticae. A herbivoria múltipla de T. urticae e A. gemmatalis modificou o perfil químico de compostos voláteis emitidos por plantas de soja. No entanto, não interferiu no comportamento de busca de N. californicus. Dos 29 compostos identificados apenas cinco promoveram resposta de ácaros predadores. Assim, independentemente da herbivoria simples ou múltipla por T. urticae com ou sem A. gemmatalis, os mecanismos de resistência induzida indiretamente operam de forma semelhante. Assim, esse mecanismo biológico contribui para o aumento da taxa de encontro entre predador e presa para N. Californicus e T. urticae, e para a eficácia do controle de ácaros em soja.
Glycine max/parasitologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores , Pragas da Agricultura , Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis , Ácaros e CarrapatosResumo
Abstract The word venomics was coined to acknowledge the studies that use omics to investigate venom proteins and peptides. Venomics has evolved considerably over the last 20 years. The first works on scorpion or spider venomics were published in the early 2000s. Such studies relied on peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) to characterize venom complexity. After the introduction of new mass spectrometers with higher resolution, sensitivity and mass accuracy, and the next-generation nucleotide sequencing, the complexity of data reported in research on scorpion and spider venomics increased exponentially, which allowed more comprehensive studies. In the present review article, we covered key publications on scorpion venomics and spider venomics, presenting historical grounds and implemented technologies over the last years. The literature presented in this review was selected after searching the PubMed database using the terms (scorpion venom) AND (proteome) for scorpion venomics, and (spider venom) AND (proteome) for publications on spider venomics. We presented the key aspects related to proteomics in the covered papers including, but not restricted to, the employed proteomic strategy (i.e., PMF, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, shotgun/bottom-up and/or top-down/peptidome), and the type of mass spectrometer used. Some conclusions can be drawn from the present study. For example, the scorpion genus Tityus is the most studied concerning venomics, followed by Centruroides; whereas for spiders the studied genera were found more equally distributed. Another interesting conclusion is the lack of high throughput studies on post-translational modifications (PTMs) of scorpion and spider proteins. In our opinion, PTMs should be more studied as they can modulate the activity of scorpion and spider toxins.
Abstract Background: Acylpolyamines are one of the main non-peptide compounds present in spider venom and represent a promising alternative in the search for new molecules with antimicrobial action. Methods: The venom of Acanthoscurria natalensis spider was fractionated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the antimicrobial activity of the fractions was tested using a liquid growth inhibition assay. The main antimicrobial fraction containing acylpolyamines (ApAn) was submitted to two additional chromatographic steps and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Fractions of interest were accumulated for ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ESI-MS/MS analysis and for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and hemolytic activity determination. Results: Five acylpolyamines were isolated from the venom with molecular masses between 614 Da and 756 Da, being named ApAn728, ApAn614a, ApAn614b, ApAn742 and ApAn756. The analysis of UV absorption profile of each ApAn and the fragmentation pattern obtained by ESI-MS/MS suggested the presence of a tyrosyl unit as chromophore and a terminal polyamine chain consistent with structural units PA43 or PA53. ApAn presented MIC between 128 µM and 256 µM against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, without causing hemolysis against mouse erythrocytes. Conclusion: The antimicrobial and non-hemolytic properties of the analyzed ApAn may be relevant for their application as possible therapeutic agents and the identification of an unconventional chromophore for spider acylpolyamines suggests an even greater chemical diversity.
The word venomics was coined to acknowledge the studies that use omics to investigate venom proteins and peptides. Venomics has evolved considerably over the last 20 years. The first works on scorpion or spider venomics were published in the early 2000's. Such studies relied on peptide mass fingerprinting (PMF) to characterize venom complexity. After the introduction of new mass spectrometers with higher resolution, sensitivity and mass accuracy, and the next-generation nucleotide sequencing, the complexity of data reported in research on scorpion and spider venomics increased exponentially, which allowed more comprehensive studies. In the present review article, we covered key publications on scorpion venomics and spider venomics, presenting historical grounds and implemented technologies over the last years. The literature presented in this review was selected after searching the PubMed database using the terms "(scorpion venom) AND (proteome)" for scorpion venomics, and "(spider venom) AND (proteome)" for publications on spider venomics. We presented the key aspects related to proteomics in the covered papers including, but not restricted to, the employed proteomic strategy (i.e., PMF, two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, shotgun/bottom-up and/or top-down/peptidome), and the type of mass spectrometer used. Some conclusions can be drawn from the present study. For example, the scorpion genus Tityus is the most studied concerning venomics, followed by Centruroides; whereas for spiders the studied genera were found more equally distributed. Another interesting conclusion is the lack of high throughput studies on post-translational modifications (PTMs) of scorpion and spider proteins. In our opinion, PTMs should be more studied as they can modulate the activity of scorpion and spider toxins.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Artrópodes , Venenos de Escorpião , Venenos de Aranha , Toxicologia , ProteomaResumo
Background: Acylpolyamines are one of the main non-peptide compounds present in spider venom and represent a promising alternative in the search for new molecules with antimicrobial action. Methods: The venom of Acanthoscurria natalensis spider was fractionated by reverse-phase liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and the antimicrobial activity of the fractions was tested using a liquid growth inhibition assay. The main antimicrobial fraction containing acylpolyamines (ApAn) was submitted to two additional chromatographic steps and analyzed by MALDI-TOF. Fractions of interest were accumulated for ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy and ESI-MS/MS analysis and for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and hemolytic activity determination. Results: Five acylpolyamines were isolated from the venom with molecular masses between 614 Da and 756 Da, being named ApAn728, ApAn614a, ApAn614b, ApAn742 and ApAn756. The analysis of UV absorption profile of each ApAn and the fragmentation pattern obtained by ESI-MS/MS suggested the presence of a tyrosyl unit as chromophore and a terminal polyamine chain consistent with structural units PA43 or PA53. ApAn presented MIC between 128 µM and 256 µM against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, without causing hemolysis against mouse erythrocytes. Conclusion: The antimicrobial and non-hemolytic properties of the analyzed ApAn may be relevant for their application as possible therapeutic agents and the identification of an unconventional chromophore for spider acylpolyamines suggests an even greater chemical diversity.(AU)
Animais , Venenos de Aranha/toxicidade , Staphylococcus aureus , Espectrometria de Massas por Ionização e Dessorção a Laser Assistida por Matriz , Escherichia coli , Anti-InfecciososResumo
Spider venoms induce different physio-pharmacological effects by binding with high affinity on molecular targets, therefore being of biotechnological interest. Some of these toxins, acting on different types of ion channels, have been identified in the venom of spiders of the genus Phoneutria, mainly from P. nigriventer. In spite of the pharmaceutical potential demonstrated by P. nigriventer toxins, there is limited information on molecules from venoms of the same genus, as their toxins remain poorly characterized. Understanding this diversity and clarifying the differences in the mechanisms of action of spider toxins is of great importance for establishing their true biotechnological potential. This prompted us to compare three different venoms of the Phoneutria genus: P. nigriventer (Pn-V), P. eickstedtae (Pe-V) and P. pertyi (Pp-V). Methods: Biochemical and functional comparison of the venoms were carried out by SDS-PAGE, HPLC, mass spectrometry, enzymatic activities and electrophysiological assays (whole-cell patch clamp). Results: The employed approach revealed that all three venoms had an overall similarity in their components, with only minor differences. The presence of a high number of similar proteins was evident, particularly toxins in the mass range of ~6.0 kDa. Hyaluronidase and proteolytic activities were detected in all venoms, in addition to isoforms of the toxins Tx1 and Tx2-6. All Tx1 isoforms blocked Nav1.6 ion currents, with slight differences. Conclusion: Our findings showed that Pn-V, Pe-V and Pp-V are highly similar concerning protein composition and enzymatic activities, containing isoforms of the same toxins sharing high sequence homology, with minor modifications. However, these structural and functional variations are very important for venom diversity. In addition, our findings will contribute to the comprehension of the molecular diversity of the venoms of the other species from Phoneutria genus, exposing their biotechnological potential as a source for searching for new active molecules.(AU)
Animais , Espectrometria de Massas/instrumentação , Venenos de Aranha/análise , Aranhas , Isoformas de Proteínas/biossíntese , Hialuronoglucosaminidase , Preparações FarmacêuticasResumo
Among the plants defense mechanisms, the induction and emission of volatile organic compounds, which can be used to attract natural enemies, such predators insects. Although well studied, the induction of plant volatiles that attract natural enemies can vary according to intensity of infestation of herbivores and the species of host plant. We investigated the olfactory behavioral responses of the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) to the volatiles of infested maize (Zea mays) plants by the two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae (Koch, 1836) (Acari: Tetranychidae) in early and advanced infestations. The Bt (Viptera) maize cultivar Impact® was used for tests the behavior of N. californicus. After initial and advanced infestations, the phytophagous mites T. urticae were removed, and the plants were tested using a "Y" olfactometer. The following treatments were evaluated: air vs. air, uninfested plants vs. air, uninfested plants vs. plants infested with 10 females of T. urticae, uninfested plants vs. plants infested with 100 females of T. urticae, uninfested plants vs. plants infested with 200 females of T. urticae and plants infested with 10 vs. plants infested with 200 females of T. urticae. The predatory mite N. californicus did not show preference to the treatments tested, suggesting that maize plants infested by T. urticae do not induce volatiles capable of attracting the predatory mite N. californicus. We concluded that N. californicus is not attracted by maize plants infested by T. urticae.
Dentre os mecanismos de defesa de plantas, a indução e emissão de compostos orgânicos voláteis, podem ser utilizados para atrair inimigos naturais, como insetos predadores. Embora bem estudada, a indução dos voláteis de plantas que atraem inimigos naturais pode variar de acordo com a intensidade de infestação de herbívoros e a espécie de planta hospedeira. Investigamos as respostas comportamentais olfativas do ácaro predador Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) aos voláteis de plantas infestadas pelo ácaro-rajado Tetranychus urticae (Koch, 1836) (Acari: Tetranychidae). A cultivar de milho Bt (Viptera) Impact® foi utilizada para testar o comportamento de N. californicus. Após infestações iniciais e avançadas, os ácaros fitófagos T. urticae foram removidos e as plantas testadas em olfatômetro "Y". Os seguintes tratamentos foram avaliados: ar vs. ar, plantas não infestadas vs. ar, plantas não infestadas vs. plantas infestadas com 10 fêmeas de T. urticae, plantas não infestadas vs. plantas infestadas com 100 fêmeas de T. urticae, plantas não infestadas vs. plantas infestadas com 200 fêmeas de T. urticae e plantas infestadas com 10 vs. plantas infestadas com 200 fêmeas de T. urticae. O ácaro predador N. californicus não mostrou preferência aos tratamentos testados, sugerindo que plantas de milho infestadas por T. urticae não induzem voláteis capazes de atrair o ácaro predador N. californicus. Concluímos que N. californicus não é atraído por plantas de milho infestadas por T. urticae.
Animais , Feminino , Tetranychidae , Ácaros e Carrapatos , Ácaros , Comportamento Predatório , Olfato , Zea maysResumo
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), alone or associated with dapsone (DAP), in treating dermonecrotic wounds caused by Loxosceles laeta venom. Twenty-five male rabbits were distributed into five groups. Negative control received ultrapure water (C-), whilst all other groups were injected with 20 μg of L. laeta venom. After 4 hours, each group received one of the following treatments: PBS (C+), DAP, MSC, and DAP+MSC. Animals were evaluated daily and photographic records made for analysis of wound area. Twelve days after, animals were euthanized and skin samples removed for histological analysis. We observed that DAP showed the best percentage of wound contraction at day 3. In the treatments using MSCs, a negative value of wound contraction was observed for the isolated MSCs, as well as a lower contraction value for the association of the MSC + DAP when compared to PBS, probably, by the increase in initial infammation after the application of stem cells, due to the fact that MSCs secrete a broad spectrum of bioactive molecules such as cytokines and growth factors that favor regeneration. Histologically, it was observed that animals of C+ showed extensive areas of necrosis, ulcers, neutrophilic infiltrate, and mineralization. Collagen deposition showed increase in MSC+DAP treatment, however vascularization remained unchanged. This is the first report using MSC and MSC+DAP as a treatment for cutaneous loxoscelism and more studies are needed to determine its use as an alternative therapy for dermonecrotic lesions caused by Loxosceles spider.
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia das células-tronco mesenquimais (CTMs), isoladas ou associadas à dapsona (DAP), no tratamento de feridas dermonecróticas causadas pelo veneno de Loxosceles laeta. Vinte e cinco coelhos machos foram distribuídos em cinco grupos. O controle negativo recebeu água ultrapura (C-), enquanto todos os outros grupos foram injetados com 20 μg de veneno de L. laeta. Após 4 horas, cada grupo recebeu um dos seguintes tratamentos: PBS (C+), DAP, CTMs e DAP + CTMs. Os animais foram avaliados diariamente durante 12 dias, e feitos registros fotográficos para análise da ferida e no 12º dia, foram eutanasiados e, retiradas amostras de pele para análise histológica. Observou-se que a DAP apresentou o melhor percentual de contração da ferida no terceiro dia. Nos tratamentos com CTMs, observou-se uma contração negativa da ferida tanto para as CTMs isoladas, bem como a associação CTMs + DAP em relação ao PBS, possivelmente, pelo aumento da infamação inicial após a aplicação de células-tronco. Isso é devido ao fato de que as CTMs secretam um amplo espectro de moléculas bioativas como citocinas e fatores de crescimento que favorecem a regeneração. Histologicamente, observou-se que os animais de C+ apresentaram extensas áreas de necrose, úlceras, infiltrado neutrofílico, além de mineralização. Houve aumento de deposição de colágeno no tratamento CTMs + DAP, no entanto, a vascularização permaneceu inalterada. Este é o primeiro relato usando CTMs e CTMs + DAP como tratamento para loxoscelismo cutâneo e mais estudos são necessários para determinar seu uso como terapia alternativa para lesões demonecróticas causadas pela aranha Loxosceles.
Animais , Coelhos , Picada de Aranha/terapia , Dapsona/uso terapêutico , Células-Tronco Mesenquimais , Aranha Marrom Reclusa , Modelos AnimaisResumo
The aim of this study was to identify mite fauna associated with soybean crops and to report new species of the Monsoy 8349 IPRO variety in the municipality of Luís Eduardo Magalhães, western region of Bahia. Samplings were performed in an area with transgenic soybeans, subdivided into three treatments: T01, with no use of agricultural pesticides; T02, complete package of pesticides, except for acaricides; and T03, complete package of pesticides including acaricides. Twenty plants were selected per treatment at each sampling; one apical, one median, and one basal leaf were collected from each plant, totaling 60 leaves per treatment. A total of 1,292 mites were found, belonging to three families, five genera, and six species. The major phytophagous mite species found were Mononychellus planki McGregor and Tetranychus urticae Koch, while the major predatory mites found were Neoseiulus transversus Denmark & Muma and Euseius concordis Chant.
Animais , Glycine max/parasitologia , Controle Biológico de Vetores/métodos , Tetranychidae/classificação , Ácaros/classificação , BrasilResumo
The present research was carried out to explore the spider fauna of Buner valley with taxonomic study from February 2018 to January 2019. For this purpose samples were collected, four times at each month from 4 tehsils: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan and Totalai. Two methods were used, hand picking and sweep net for collection of samples. During day and night, three habitats, arid area, agriculture land and building area were search for collection. A total of 534 samples of spider were collected from four sampling sites, in which 379 were belonging to family Araniedae. After confirmation, the identified species were belonging to 8 genera (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia and Poltys) and 19 species. 18 of them were identified to specie level while a single specie to its generic level. The genus Neoscona was the dominant genus 26.31% having 5 species while the genus Argiope 21.05% is the second dominant having 4 species followed by Cyclosa 15.78% having 3 species followed by Cyrtophora and Araneus 10.52% having two species both. The Poltys and Larinia 5.26% are the rarest genera represent single-single specie both. Statistical analysis show that specie richness (D) = 5.77, Simpson index (1-D) = 0.87, Shannon index (H) = 2.33. Diversity of spiders was evenly distributed and calculated Evenness value was H/InS = 0.5408. There is also few atypical species and Fisher alpha estimate high value (Fisher α) = 4.42. Chao-1 estimated we have reported 22 species.
A presente pesquisa foi realizada para explorar a fauna de aranhas do vale Buner, em um estudo taxonômico realizado de fevereiro de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. Para esse fim, foram coletadas amostras, quatro vezes por mês, a partir de 4 subdistritos: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan e Totalai. Foram utilizados dois métodos, coleta manual e rede de varredura, para a obtenção das amostras. Durante o dia e a noite, foram pesquisados três habitats: área árida, área agrícola e área de construção. Foram coletadas 534 amostras de aranha em quatro locais de amostragem, sendo que 379 pertenciam à família Araneidae. Após a confirmação, as espécies identificadas pertenciam a 8 gêneros (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia e Poltys) e a 19 espécies (18 delas foram identificados em seu nível de espécie, enquanto uma única foi identificada em seu nível genérico). O gênero Neoscona foi dominante (26,31%), com 5 espécies, seguido pelos gêneros Argiope (21,05%), com 4 espécies, Cyclosa (15,78%), com 3 espécies, e Cyrtophora e Araneus (10,52%), com 2 espécies. Poltys e Larinia (5,26%) são os gêneros mais raros, representando a mesma espécie. A análise estatística mostrou que a riqueza de espécies (D) foi de 5,77, o índice de Simpson (1-D) foi de 0,87 e o índice de Shannon (H) foi de 2,33. A diversidade de aranhas foi distribuída uniformemente, e o valor calculado da uniformidade foi H / InS = 0,5408. Também existem poucas espécies atípicas, e o alfa de Fisher (Fisher α) estimou o valor de 4,42. Já Chao-1 estimou 22 espécies.
Animais , Aranhas , Biodiversidade , ClassificaçãoResumo
The present research was carried out to explore the spider fauna of Buner valley with taxonomic study from February 2018 to January 2019. For this purpose samples were collected, four times at each month from 4 tehsils: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan and Totalai. Two methods were used, hand picking and sweep net for collection of samples. During day and night, three habitats, arid area, agriculture land and building area were search for collection. A total of 534 samples of spider were collected from four sampling sites, in which 379 were belonging to family Araniedae. After confirmation, the identified species were belonging to 8 genera (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia and Poltys) and 19 species. 18 of them were identified to specie level while a single specie to its generic level. The genus Neoscona was the dominant genus 26.31% having 5 species while the genus Argiope 21.05% is the second dominant having 4 species followed by Cyclosa 15.78% having 3 species followed by Cyrtophora and Araneus 10.52% having two species both. The Poltys and Larinia 5.26% are the rarest genera represent single-single specie both. Statistical analysis show that specie richness (D) = 5.77, Simpson index (1-D) = 0.87, Shannon index (H) = 2.33. Diversity of spiders was evenly distributed and calculated Evenness value was H/InS = 0.5408. There is also few atypical species and Fisher alpha estimate high value (Fisher α) = 4.42. Chao-1 estimated we have reported 22 species.(AU)
A presente pesquisa foi realizada para explorar a fauna de aranhas do vale Buner, em um estudo taxonômico realizado de fevereiro de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. Para esse fim, foram coletadas amostras, quatro vezes por mês, a partir de 4 subdistritos: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan e Totalai. Foram utilizados dois métodos, coleta manual e rede de varredura, para a obtenção das amostras. Durante o dia e a noite, foram pesquisados três habitats: área árida, área agrícola e área de construção. Foram coletadas 534 amostras de aranha em quatro locais de amostragem, sendo que 379 pertenciam à família Araneidae. Após a confirmação, as espécies identificadas pertenciam a 8 gêneros (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia e Poltys) e a 19 espécies (18 delas foram identificados em seu nível de espécie, enquanto uma única foi identificada em seu nível genérico). O gênero Neoscona foi dominante (26,31%), com 5 espécies, seguido pelos gêneros Argiope (21,05%), com 4 espécies, Cyclosa (15,78%), com 3 espécies, e Cyrtophora e Araneus (10,52%), com 2 espécies. Poltys e Larinia (5,26%) são os gêneros mais raros, representando a mesma espécie. A análise estatística mostrou que a riqueza de espécies (D) foi de 5,77, o índice de Simpson (1-D) foi de 0,87 e o índice de Shannon (H) foi de 2,33. A diversidade de aranhas foi distribuída uniformemente, e o valor calculado da uniformidade foi H / InS = 0,5408. Também existem poucas espécies atípicas, e o alfa de Fisher (Fisher α) estimou o valor de 4,42. Já Chao-1 estimou 22 espécies.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas , Classificação , BiodiversidadeResumo
This study had the purpose of understanding the effects of visitation on behavioral patterns and on the well-being of primates in captivity. Five Amazonian primate species were observed using the focal animal method: Ateles chamek, Ateles belzebuth, Ateles paniscus, Lagothrix cana, and Sapajus apella. Two categories of visitor behavioral observations were adopted - active and passive. From the total number of records, the behavior of primates could be observed in 53.7% of the notes in the presence of visitors. The behavior of the visitors in front of the cages was considered passive in 91.2% of those records. The three species of Ateles reacted in different ways in the presence and absence of visitors. The type of visitor behavior had influence on the behavior of the primate (Chi-square=22.9, p<0.001). Stress indicating behaviors (CIE) represented 3.3% of the behavioral repertoire of the species (n=253 records). The primates presented a varied number of CIE, which included indexes of reduced well-being levels. A. belzebuth was ranked first as the species most affected by visitation. These results show the importance of understanding the stress effects on the behavioral pattern of captive primates in relation to visitation and other factors, leading to alternative actions for the zoo in order to improve the level of their welfare.(AU)
O entendimento dos efeitos da visitação nos padrões comportamentais e no bem-estar dos primatas em cativeiro foi o objetivo deste estudo. Por meio do método animal focal foram realizadas observações de cinco espécies de primatas amazônicos: Ateles chamek, Ateles belzebuth, Ateles paniscus, Lagothrix cana e Sapajus apella. Para observações comportamentais dos visitantes, foram adotadas duas categorias, ativo e passivo. Do total de registros, encontrou-se que os comportamentos dos primatas foram exibidos em 53,7% das anotações na presença de visitantes. O comportamento dos visitantes diante dos recintos foi em 91,2% considerado passivo. As três espécies de Ateles reagiram de formas diferentes na presença e ausência de visitantes. O tipo de comportamento dos visitantes teve influência no comportamento dos primatas (Chi-quadrado=22,9, p<0,001). Os comportamentos indicadores de estresse (CIE) representaram 3,3% do repertório comportamental das espécies (n=253 registros). Os primatas apresentaram um número variado de CIE, apresentando indicadores de reduzido grau de bem-estar. A. belzebuth esteve em primeiro lugar no ranking das espécies mais afetadas pela visitação. Estes resultados mostraram a importância de compreender os efeitos do estresse no padrão comportamental dos primatas cativos relacionados a visitação e outros fatores, levando ao zoológico alternativas que conduzam a ações para melhorar o grau de bem-estar.(AU)
Comprender los efectos de visitaciones en los estándares comportamentales y en el bienestar de los primates en cautiverio fue el objetivo de este estudio. Mediante el método de animales focales se realizaron observaciones en cinco especies de primates amazónicos: Ateles chamek, Ateles belzebuth, Ateles paniscus, Lagothrix cana y Sapajus apella. Para observaciones comportamentales de los visitantes, se adoptaron dos categorías, activa y pasiva. Del total de registros, se encontró que los comportamientos de los primates se mostraron en 53,7% de las notas en presencia de visitantes. El comportamiento de los visitantes frente a los recintos fue considerado pasivo en un 91,2%. Las tres especies de Ateles reaccionaron de manera diferente a la presencia y ausencia de visitantes. El tipo de comportamiento de los visitantes influyó en el comportamiento de los primates (Chi-cuadrado=22,9, p<0,001). Los comportamientos indicadores de estrés (CIE) representaron el 3,3% del repertorio conductual de la especie (n=253 registros). Los primates presentaron un número variado de CIE, mostrando indicadores de un reducido grado de bienestar. A. belzebuth ocupó el primer lugar en el ranking de las especies más afectadas por las visitas. Estos resultados mostraron la importancia de comprender los efectos del estrés en el estándar comportamental de los primates en cautivos relacionados con las visitas y otros factores, llevando al zoológico alternativas que conduzcan a acciones para mejorar el grado de bienestar.(AU)
Animais , Comportamento Animal , Bem-Estar do Animal , Interação Humano-Animal , Animais de Zoológico , Brasil , Atelinae , Técnicas de Observação do Comportamento/estatística & dados numéricos , SapajusResumo
Abstract Background: Spider venoms induce different physio-pharmacological effects by binding with high affinity on molecular targets, therefore being of biotechnological interest. Some of these toxins, acting on different types of ion channels, have been identified in the venom of spiders of the genus Phoneutria, mainly from P. nigriventer. In spite of the pharmaceutical potential demonstrated by P. nigriventer toxins, there is limited information on molecules from venoms of the same genus, as their toxins remain poorly characterized. Understanding this diversity and clarifying the differences in the mechanisms of action of spider toxins is of great importance for establishing their true biotechnological potential. This prompted us to compare three different venoms of the Phoneutria genus: P. nigriventer (Pn-V), P. eickstedtae (Pe-V) and P. pertyi (Pp-V). Methods: Biochemical and functional comparison of the venoms were carried out by SDS-PAGE, HPLC, mass spectrometry, enzymatic activities and electrophysiological assays (whole-cell patch clamp). Results: The employed approach revealed that all three venoms had an overall similarity in their components, with only minor differences. The presence of a high number of similar proteins was evident, particularly toxins in the mass range of ~6.0 kDa. Hyaluronidase and proteolytic activities were detected in all venoms, in addition to isoforms of the toxins Tx1 and Tx2-6. All Tx1 isoforms blocked Nav1.6 ion currents, with slight differences. Conclusion: Our findings showed that Pn-V, Pe-V and Pp-V are highly similar concerning protein composition and enzymatic activities, containing isoforms of the same toxins sharing high sequence homology, with minor modifications. However, these structural and functional variations are very important for venom diversity. In addition, our findings will contribute to the comprehension of the molecular diversity of the venoms of the other species from Phoneutria genus, exposing their biotechnological potential as a source for searching for new active molecules.
Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae) trees have a wide distribution in the Cerrado, and it is protected by federal laws. The need to monitor and understand pest damage to crops and forests is a major motivation for the study of population distribution. The mites (Acari) population distributions on C. brasiliense are unknown. We studied seasonal mite population distribution and their ecological indices on C. brasiliense trees in Cerrado areas during three years. Greatest number of Agistemus sp. (Stigmaeidae), Histiostoma sp. (Histiostomidae), Proctolaelaps sp. (Ascidae), and diversity and species richness on leaves of C. brasiliense occurred in the autumn; Tetranychus sp.1 (Tetranychidae) on leaves in the autumn and winter; Histiostoma sp., and Proctolaelaps sp. in fruits in the summer. No significant effect of season was observed in the abundance of Eutetranychus sp., Tetranychus sp.2 (Tetranychidae) and Acaridae. The populations of Acaridae, Eutetranychus sp., Proctolaelaps sp. and Tetranychus sp.1 negatively correlated with temperature. Proctolaelaps sp. and Tetranychus sp.1 correlated negatively with rainfall and Eutetranychus sp. and Proctolaelaps sp. positively with sunlight. The period with low rainfall and relative humidity increases the phytophagous mites and their predators, especially Agistemus sp.. The Tetranychus sp. And Histiostoma sp. species may become pests in C. brasiliense in the Cerrado domain.
As árvores Caryocar brasiliense Camb. (Malpighiales: Caryocaraceae) têm ampla distribuição no Cerrado e são protegidas por leis federais. A necessidade de monitorar e entender os danos causados pelas pragas às culturas e florestas é uma das motivações para o estudo da distribuição populacional que para ácaros (Acari) em C. brasiliense é desconhecida. A distribuição sazonal de populações de ácaros e seus índices ecológicos em C. brasiliense em áreas de Cerrado foram estudados durante três anos. Maior número de Agistemus sp. (Stigmaeidae), Histiostoma sp. (Histiostomidae), Proctolaelaps sp. (Ascidae) e diversidade e riqueza de espécies nas folhas de C. brasiliense ocorreram no outono; Tetranychus sp.1 (Tetranychidae) no outono e inverno; Histiostoma sp. e Proctolaelaps sp. em frutos ocorreram no verão. Não foram observados efeitos das estações na abundância de Eutetranychus sp., Tetranychus sp.2 (Tetranychidae) e Acaridae. As populações de Acaridae, Eutetranychus sp., Proctolaelaps sp. E Tetranychus sp.1 correlacionaram-se negativamente com a temperatura. Correlações negativas foram observadas entre chuva e Proctolaelaps sp. e Tetranychus sp.1 e positivas entre luz solar e Eutetranychus sp. e Proctolaelaps sp..Baixa pluviosidade e umidade relativa do ar aumentaram os ácaros fitófagos e seus predadores, principalmente Agistemus sp.. As espécies Tetranychus sp. e Histiostoma sp. podem se tornar pragas em C. brasiliense no domínio do Cerrado.
Animais , Tetranychidae , Malpighiales , Ácaros , Estações do Ano , Árvores , DemografiaResumo
Abstract The present research was carried out to explore the spider fauna of Buner valley with taxonomic study from February 2018 to January 2019. For this purpose samples were collected, four times at each month from 4 tehsils: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan and Totalai. Two methods were used, hand picking and sweep net for collection of samples. During day and night, three habitats, arid area, agriculture land and building area were search for collection. A total of 534 samples of spider were collected from four sampling sites, in which 379 were belonging to family Araniedae. After confirmation, the identified species were belonging to 8 genera (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia and Poltys) and 19 species. 18 of them were identified to specie level while a single specie to its generic level. The genus Neoscona was the dominant genus 26.31% having 5 species while the genus Argiope 21.05% is the second dominant having 4 species followed by Cyclosa 15.78% having 3 species followed by Cyrtophora and Araneus 10.52% having two species both. The Poltys and Larinia 5.26% are the rarest genera represent single-single specie both. Statistical analysis show that specie richness (D) = 5.77, Simpson index (1-D) = 0.87, Shannon index (H) = 2.33. Diversity of spiders was evenly distributed and calculated Evenness value was H/InS = 0.5408. There is also few atypical species and Fisher alpha estimate high value (Fisher ) = 4.42. Chao-1 estimated we have reported 22 species.
Resumo A presente pesquisa foi realizada para explorar a fauna de aranhas do vale Buner, em um estudo taxonômico realizado de fevereiro de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. Para esse fim, foram coletadas amostras, quatro vezes por mês, a partir de 4 subdistritos: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan e Totalai. Foram utilizados dois métodos, coleta manual e rede de varredura, para a obtenção das amostras. Durante o dia e a noite, foram pesquisados três habitats: área árida, área agrícola e área de construção. Foram coletadas 534 amostras de aranha em quatro locais de amostragem, sendo que 379 pertenciam à família Araneidae. Após a confirmação, as espécies identificadas pertenciam a 8 gêneros (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia e Poltys) e a 19 espécies (18 delas foram identificados em seu nível de espécie, enquanto uma única foi identificada em seu nível genérico). O gênero Neoscona foi dominante (26,31%), com 5 espécies, seguido pelos gêneros Argiope (21,05%), com 4 espécies, Cyclosa (15,78%), com 3 espécies, e Cyrtophora e Araneus (10,52%), com 2 espécies. Poltys e Larinia (5,26%) são os gêneros mais raros, representando a mesma espécie. A análise estatística mostrou que a riqueza de espécies (D) foi de 5,77, o índice de Simpson (1-D) foi de 0,87 e o índice de Shannon (H) foi de 2,33. A diversidade de aranhas foi distribuída uniformemente, e o valor calculado da uniformidade foi H / InS = 0,5408. Também existem poucas espécies atípicas, e o alfa de Fisher (Fisher ) estimou o valor de 4,42. Já Chao-1 estimou 22 espécies.
The present research was carried out to explore the spider fauna of Buner valley with taxonomic study from February 2018 to January 2019. For this purpose samples were collected, four times at each month from 4 tehsils: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan and Totalai. Two methods were used, hand picking and sweep net for collection of samples. During day and night, three habitats, arid area, agriculture land and building area were search for collection. A total of 534 samples of spider were collected from four sampling sites, in which 379 were belonging to family Araniedae. After confirmation, the identified species were belonging to 8 genera (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia and Poltys) and 19 species. 18 of them were identified to specie level while a single specie to its generic level. The genus Neoscona was the dominant genus 26.31% having 5 species while the genus Argiope 21.05% is the second dominant having 4 species followed by Cyclosa 15.78% having 3 species followed by Cyrtophora and Araneus 10.52% having two species both. The Poltys and Larinia 5.26% are the rarest genera represent single-single specie both. Statistical analysis show that specie richness (D) = 5.77, Simpson index (1-D) = 0.87, Shannon index (H) = 2.33. Diversity of spiders was evenly distributed and calculated Evenness value was H/InS = 0.5408. There is also few atypical species and Fisher alpha estimate high value (Fisher α) = 4.42. Chao-1 estimated we have reported 22 species.
A presente pesquisa foi realizada para explorar a fauna de aranhas do vale Buner, em um estudo taxonômico realizado de fevereiro de 2018 a janeiro de 2019. Para esse fim, foram coletadas amostras, quatro vezes por mês, a partir de 4 subdistritos: Daggar, Gagra, Mandan e Totalai. Foram utilizados dois métodos, coleta manual e rede de varredura, para a obtenção das amostras. Durante o dia e a noite, foram pesquisados três habitats: área árida, área agrícola e área de construção. Foram coletadas 534 amostras de aranha em quatro locais de amostragem, sendo que 379 pertenciam à família Araneidae. Após a confirmação, as espécies identificadas pertenciam a 8 gêneros (Neoscona, Argiope, Cyclosa, Araneus, Cyrtophora, Larinia, Erivoxia e Poltys) e a 19 espécies (18 delas foram identificados em seu nível de espécie, enquanto uma única foi identificada em seu nível genérico). O gênero Neoscona foi dominante (26,31%), com 5 espécies, seguido pelos gêneros Argiope (21,05%), com 4 espécies, Cyclosa (15,78%), com 3 espécies, e Cyrtophora e Araneus (10,52%), com 2 espécies. Poltys e Larinia (5,26%) são os gêneros mais raros, representando a mesma espécie. A análise estatística mostrou que a riqueza de espécies (D) foi de 5,77, o índice de Simpson (1-D) foi de 0,87 e o índice de Shannon (H) foi de 2,33. A diversidade de aranhas foi distribuída uniformemente, e o valor calculado da uniformidade foi H / InS = 0,5408. Também existem poucas espécies atípicas, e o alfa de Fisher (Fisher α) estimou o valor de 4,42. Já Chao-1 estimou 22 espécies.