Intracranial tumors occurring in specific brain regions, such as the cerebellopontine angle, may be associated with cranial nerve dysfunction and dysphagia in humans and animals. Although dysphagia is a known risk factor for pneumonia, only postoperative pneumonia has been investigated in veterinary medicine. This study aimed to describe the clinical and pathological features of dogs with untreated intracranial meningiomas and concomitant pneumonia. Data from post-mortem examination registries from 2011 to 2021 were used (n=23). The frequency of pneumonia and other characteristics were compared between dogs with meningiomas in the ventral rhombencephalon region (VR group; n=13) and those with meningiomas in other intracranial sites (OIS group; n=10). The frequency of pneumonia was higher in the VR group than in the OIS group (n=5 vs. n=0; P=0.039). Plaque-like lesions were also more common in the VR group than in the OIS group (P=0.012). Dogs with concomitant pneumonia had cerebellopontine angle (n=3) and basilar meningiomas (n=2), mainly plaque-like lesions extending to or from other brain areas. In dogs with concomitant pneumonia, meningiomas had invasive (n=5) and compressive (n=3) growth behaviors and nerve roots involved in the swallowing process were frequently affected. Microscopically, these meningiomas were classified as atypical (n=4) and meningiomas (n=1). The reported clinical signs included anorexia (n=3), adipsia (n=1), and dysphagia (n=1). Our findings suggest untreated dogs with ventral rhombencephalon meningiomas may develop cranial nerve damage and aspiration pneumonia.
Tumores intracranianos que ocorrem em regiões específicas do cérebro, como o ângulo ponto-cerebelar, podem estar associados à disfunção de nervos cranianos e disfagia em humanos e animais. Embora a disfagia seja um conhecido fator de risco para pneumonia, apenas a pneumonia pós-operatória tem sido investigada na medicina veterinária. Este estudo teve como objetivo descrever as características clínicas e patológicas de cães com meningiomas intracranianos não tratados e pneumonia concomitante. Foram utilizados dados de registros de necropsias de 2011 a 2021. A frequência de pneumonia e outras características foram comparadas entre cães com meningiomas na região do rombencéfalo ventral (grupo VR; n=13) e aqueles com meningiomas em outros sítios intracranianos (grupo OIS; n=10). A frequência de pneumonia foi maior no grupo VR do que no grupo OIS (n=5 vs. n=0; P=0,039). Lesões tipo placa também foram mais comuns no grupo VR do que no grupo OIS (P=0,012). Cães com pneumonia concomitante apresentaram meningiomas no ângulo ponto-cerebelar (n=3) e região basilar (n=2), predominantemente lesões em forma de placa que se estendem de ou para outras áreas do cérebro. Em cães com pneumonia concomitante, os meningiomas apresentaram comportamentos de crescimento invasivo (n=5) e compressivo (n=3) e as raízes nervosas envolvidas no processo de deglutição foram frequentemente afetadas. Microscopicamente, esses meningiomas foram classificados como atípicos (n=4) e papilar (n=1). Os sinais clínicos relatados incluíram anorexia (n=3), adipsia (n=1) e disfagia (n=1). Nossos achados sugerem que cães com meningiomas no rombencéfalo ventral, não tratados, podem desenvolver lesão em nervos cranianos e pneumonia aspirativa.
Animais , Cães , Pneumonia/diagnóstico , Pneumonia/patologia , Pneumonia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Meningioma/patologia , Meningioma/veterinária , Meningioma/epidemiologia , Rombencéfalo , Transtornos de Deglutição/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: To describe the anatomical aspects of the cervical rootlets and to quantify the number of rootlets that compose C1 to T1. Methods: Twenty male rats were used in this study. The dorsal rootlets from C1 to T1 were analyzed. To study the ventral rootlets, the posterior root avulsion was performed using a microhook, allowing exposure of the ventral roots through manipulation of the denticulate ligament and arachnoid mater. The parameters analyzed were the number of ventral and dorsal rootlets by side and level. Results: The formation of the respective spinal nerve was observed in the spinal roots the union of the ventral and dorsal roots. In four animals the C1 spinal root had no dorsal and/or ventral contribution. There is no normal pattern of numerical normality of the dorsal and ventral rootlets. The average number of fascicles per root was 4.08, with a slight superiority on the left side. There was a slight superiority of the dorsal rootlets compared to the ventral rootlets. Conclusions: This investigation was the first to study cervical rootlets in rats. In 20% of the sample studied, the dorsal root of C1 was absent mainly on the left side. There is a nonlinear numerical increase from C1 to T1 in the rootlets. There is a numerical predominance of cervical fascicles on the left side, confronting several studies related to the functional predominance of right laterality, requiring new studies that correlate these variables.
Animais , Ratos , Medula Espinal , Raízes Nervosas Espinhais , Nervos Espinhais , Coluna VertebralResumo
Mammals of the Xenarthra clade show a large number of unusual characters in the skeleton, mainly in the vertebral column. In spite of the importance of the knowledge on the axial skeleton in this group, there are no detailed studies on the morphology of the entire vertebral column. Here we performed a comprehensive study of the vertebral column of Chaetophractus villosus (Desmarest, 1804), a representative of Chlamyphoridae, in order to provide a more reliable comparative framework among armadillos. Morphological description was based on 44 adult postcranial axial skeletons. As a complement to the morphological descriptions of the skeleton we studied the paths followed by blood vessels and nerves in close relationship to the axial skeleton (using 13 fresh adult specimens, six females and seven males, part of the doctoral Thesis of one of the authors). Intraspecific variability in the thoracolumbar number in C. villosus was also evaluated. We identified certain variability in the position of the first vertebral pair that bears a xenarthral facet, ranging from T4-T5 to T6-T7, being T5-T6 and T6-T7 the most frequent positions. The second pair of xenarthrales is set near the thoracolumbar limit, and ranges between T9-T10 and T11-L1 (T10-T11 in most specimens). The variability in the total number of thoracolumbars in C. villosus falls within the range of most mammals and sets controversy about an important morphological feature that groups extant Xenarthra and Afrotheria into the southern placentals (Atlantogenata). In this regard, a more comprehensive study of this character is necessary to elucidate the patterns of distribution of this trait among xenarthrans.(AU)
Animais , Coluna Vertebral/anatomia & histologia , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologia , Medula EspinalResumo
Purpose: Various postoperative protocols have been proposed to improve outcomes and accelerate nerve regeneration. Recently, the use of physical exercise in a post-surgical neurorraphy procedure has shown good results when started early. We experimentally investigated the hypothesis that post-operative exercise speeds up results and improves clinical and morphologic parameters. Methods: Isogenic rats were randomly divided into four groups: 1 SHAM; 2 SHAM submitted to the exercise protocol (EP); 3 Grafting of the sciatic nerve; and 4 Grafting of the sciatic nerve associated with the EP. The EP was based on aerobic activities with a treadmill, with a progressive increase in time and intensity during 6 weeks. The results were evaluated by the sciatic functional index (SFI), morphometric and morphologic analysis of nerve distal to the lesion, and the number of spinal cord motor neurons, positive to the marker Fluoro-Gold (FG), captured retrogradely through neurorraphy. Results: Functional analysis (SFI) did not show a statistical difference between the group grafted with (50.94) and without exercise (-65.79) after 90 days. The motoneurons count (Spinal cord histology) also showed no diference between these groups (834.5 × 833 respectively). Although functionally there is no difference between these groups, morphometric study showed a greater density (53.62) and larger fibers (7.762) in GRAFT group. When comparing both operated groups with both SHAM groups, all values were much lower. Conclusions: The experimental model that this aerobic treadmill exercises protocol did not modify nerve regeneration after sciatic nerve injury and repair with nerve graft.
Animais , Ratos , Nervo Fibular , Neuropatias Fibulares/terapia , Teste de Esforço , Regeneração Nervosa , Hipertensão/veterinária , Neurônios Motores/fisiologiaResumo
Purpose: To study the anatomorphometry of the plexus brachialis (PB) of rats under a high-definition video system. Methods: Ten male Wistar rats discarded from other research that did not interfere in the morphology of the animal, respecting the principle of reduction, were used. All animals were submitted to the same protocol. Initially, the cervical region was shaved. The animals were placed in a dorsal position. A single elbow-to-elbow incision was performed and dissection started at the deltopectoral sulcus. The procedures were performed under a video system. To measure the structures, the Image J software was used. Results: All the PB evaluated originated from the C5-T1 spinal nerves. C5 and C6 converged to form the truncus superior, the root of C7 originated the truncus medius, and the confluence of C8 and T1 originated the truncus inferior. It was found the union of C7, C8, and T1 to form truncus inferomedialis instead of separate medial and inferior truncus. C8 (1.31 mm) was the thickest root, the truncus inferior (1.80 mm) and the nerve radialis (1.02 mm), were the thickest. Conclusions: The anatomy of the PB is comparable to humans, admitting variations. The videomagnification system is useful to perform microsurgical dissection.
Animais , Masculino , Ratos , Plexo Braquial/anatomia & histologia , Ratos Wistar , Dissecação/métodos , Dissecação/veterinária , Técnicas e Procedimentos Assistidos por VídeoResumo
The downer cow syndrome (DCS) is characterized by an alert cow showing inability or reluctance to stand for 12 hours or more. This paper reported clinical, laboratory, and pathological findings in a Guzerá heifer with rhabdomyolysis, pigmenturia and acute renal failure following DCS. A 17-month-old Guzerá heifer was transported via a 350-km ride in a truck and showed sternal recumbency and severe difficulty in standing and walking. Neurological examination was unremarkable, and the heifer presented normal response to cranial nerves and spinal cord tests. Rectal palpation revealed a 5-month gravid uterus. No other abnormalities were noted in the pelvis or around the coxofemoral joints. Biochemical abnormalities included extremely high muscular enzyme activities (creatine phosphokinase and aspartate aminotransferase) and high creatinine levels. Urinalysis revealed blackish and cloudy urine, proteinuria, and a positive occult blood test. Spinal cord ultrasonography showed no abnormalities. This report highlighted an uncommon clinical presentation (myoglobinuria) and pathological findings in a heifer with DCS as a consequence of severe compressive muscle damage. Practitioners and producers must be aware of the risk of careless road transportation for long distances of cattle, especially obese cows, avoiding unnecessary suffering and expenses due to DCS.
A síndrome da vaca caída (SVC) é caracterizada por um bovino alerta que mostra incapacidade ou relutância em permanecer em estação por 12 horas ou mais. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar os achados clínicos, laboratoriais e patológicos em uma novilha Guzerá com rabdomiólise, pigmentúria e insuficiência renal aguda após a SVC. Uma novilha da raça Guzerá, de 17 meses de idade, foi transportada de caminhão por 350 km e apresentou decúbito esternal, grande dificuldade para assumir estação e caminhar. O exame neurológico não demonstrou alterações, e a novilha possuía resposta normal aos testes de nervos cranianos e medula espinhal. A palpação retal revelou útero grávido de cinco meses. Nenhuma outra anormalidade foi observada na pelve ou na região das articulações coxofemorais. As anormalidades bioquímicas incluíram atividades de enzimas musculares (creatina fosfoquinase e aspartato aminotransferase) extremamente aumentadas e níveis elevados de creatinina. A urinálise revelou urina enegrecida e turva, proteinúria e teste de sangue oculto positivo. O exame ultrassonográfico da medula espinhal não apresentou anormalidades. Este relato evidencia uma apresentação clínica (mioglobinúria) e achados patológicos incomuns em uma novilha com SVC em consequência de extensa lesão muscular compressiva. Veterinários e produtores devem estar atentos aos riscos do transporte rodoviário descuidado por longas distâncias de bovinos, especialmente vacas obesas, evitando assim sofrimento e despesas desnecessárias decorrentes da SVC.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Postura , Rabdomiólise/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal/veterinária , Mioglobinúria/veterinária , Obesidade/complicações , Obesidade/veterinária , Necrose/veterináriaResumo
Background: Peripheral neuropathies result in sensory, motor or autonomic dysfunctions due to impairment of peripheral spinal or cranial nerves. Neoplasms such as lymphoma are cited as one of the many aetiological causes and it mayaffect the nerve directly, by compression, or indirectly (paraneoplastic) by remote action of the neoplasm located in anextra-neural site. This study aimed to report two cases of cranial nerve neuropathy (trigeminal and facial) associated withcanine lymphoma, contributing to a better understanding of its paraneoplastic effects on the nervous system, as well asthe diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.Cases: Two cases of canine lymphoma associated with possible signs of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy were attendedat the Veterinary Hospital from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HV UFMG). Case 1. A spayed mixed breedbitch, with lethargy and unilateral exophthalmos. Brain computed tomography revealed a retrobulbar mass and cytology wasdiagnostic for extranodal lymphoma. Subsequent to computed tomography, the dog was presented with hypotrophy of thefacial musculature and difficulty in grasping food, consistent with trigeminal nerve palsy, which resolved after institutionof the 19-week chemotherapy protocol from the University of Wisconsin. Nevertheless, disease reccurred and a rescueprotocol was initiated. Case 2. A female Dalmatian, spayed, was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma, after cytologyof the left mandibular lymph node. Chemotherapy was initiated with the same protocol of the previous case. However,the disease progressed and it was observed facial asymmetry with ptosis of the left eyelid, pina and lips, in addition todifficulty in grasping food, suggesting facial and trigeminal cranial nerve palsy. Clinical signs resolved after institutionof a rescue chemotherapy protocol. However, in both cases, disease progression and poor clinical condition resulted in...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Doenças do Nervo Facial/veterinária , Doenças do Nervo Trigêmeo/veterinária , Linfoma/veterinária , Biópsia/veterinária , Tomografia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Peripheral neuropathies result in sensory, motor or autonomic dysfunctions due to impairment of peripheral spinal or cranial nerves. Neoplasms such as lymphoma are cited as one of the many aetiological causes and it mayaffect the nerve directly, by compression, or indirectly (paraneoplastic) by remote action of the neoplasm located in anextra-neural site. This study aimed to report two cases of cranial nerve neuropathy (trigeminal and facial) associated withcanine lymphoma, contributing to a better understanding of its paraneoplastic effects on the nervous system, as well asthe diagnosis and treatment of these conditions.Cases: Two cases of canine lymphoma associated with possible signs of paraneoplastic peripheral neuropathy were attendedat the Veterinary Hospital from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (HV UFMG). Case 1. A spayed mixed breedbitch, with lethargy and unilateral exophthalmos. Brain computed tomography revealed a retrobulbar mass and cytology wasdiagnostic for extranodal lymphoma. Subsequent to computed tomography, the dog was presented with hypotrophy of thefacial musculature and difficulty in grasping food, consistent with trigeminal nerve palsy, which resolved after institutionof the 19-week chemotherapy protocol from the University of Wisconsin. Nevertheless, disease reccurred and a rescueprotocol was initiated. Case 2. A female Dalmatian, spayed, was diagnosed with multicentric lymphoma, after cytologyof the left mandibular lymph node. Chemotherapy was initiated with the same protocol of the previous case. However,the disease progressed and it was observed facial asymmetry with ptosis of the left eyelid, pina and lips, in addition todifficulty in grasping food, suggesting facial and trigeminal cranial nerve palsy. Clinical signs resolved after institutionof a rescue chemotherapy protocol. However, in both cases, disease progression and poor clinical condition resulted in...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Linfoma/veterinária , Doenças do Nervo Trigêmeo/veterinária , Doenças do Nervo Facial/veterinária , Tomografia/veterinária , Biópsia/veterináriaResumo
The species Bradypus variegatus is known as the common sloth, an endemic mammal from neotropical regions, which has been suffering from devastating anthropogenic activities. Our study aimed to describe the brachial plexus of B. variegates, regarding the origin and distribution of nerves, through the sampling of 10 adult females. Analyses were carried out at the Anatomy Section, "Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", under license no. 034/2015 of the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals. The results determined that the brachial plexus of the common sloth starts from the fifth cervical spine segment until the second thoracic segment. This area contains the long and suprascapular thoracic nerves, which originate immediately from the medullary segment 5 and 6, respectively, and from the pectoral, subscapular, axillary, radial, musculocutaneous, medial, forearm and ulnar medial cutaneous nerves, arising from a trunk comprised of cervical spine nerves (C) 7, C8, C9, and thoracic (T) 1 and T2. Regarding other wild and domestic animals, different suggestions were observed about the origin of the plexus in B. variegatus, however, the constituent nerves and their innervation areas did not demonstrate any discrepancies.(AU)
A espécie Bradypus variegatus é conhecida como preguiça-comum. Trata-se de um mamífero endêmico de regiões neotropicais que vem sofrendo com a ação antrópica devastadora. Esses Bradipodídeos possuem três dedos nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, são arborícolas consagrados e descem ao solo apenas para excretar e trocar de árvore. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o plexo braquial de B. variegatus em relação à origem e distribuição dos nervos. Para tal, utilizou-se 10 fêmeas adultas. As análises foram realizadas no Pavilhão de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, sob a licença nº 034/2015 do Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais. Os cadáveres foram obtidos após morte natural, fixados em formaldeído a 20%, conservados em solução salina a 30% em tanques e dissecados para a visualização dos nervos destinados a inervar os membros e músculos torácicos. Uma vez feito, constatou-se que o plexo braquial da preguiça-comum se origina do quinto segmento espinal cervical, se estendendo até o segundo segmento torácico. Sendo formado pelos nervos torácico longo e supraescapular, de origem imediatamente do segmento medular 5 e 6, respectivamente, e pelos nervos peitorais, subescapulares, axilar, radial, musculocutâneo, mediano, cutâneo medial do antebraço e ulnar, decorrentes de um tronco formado a partir de nervos espinais cervicais (C) 7, C8, C9, e torácicos (T) 1 e T2. Em comparação a outros animais silvestres e domésticos foram observadas diferentes disposições em relação à origem do plexo de B. variegatus, todavia, os nervos constituintes e suas áreas de inervação não apresentaram discrepâncias.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/anatomia & histologia , Plexo Braquial/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Espinhais/anatomia & histologiaResumo
The species Bradypus variegatus is known as the common sloth, an endemic mammal from neotropical regions, which has been suffering from devastating anthropogenic activities. Our study aimed to describe the brachial plexus of B. variegates, regarding the origin and distribution of nerves, through the sampling of 10 adult females. Analyses were carried out at the Anatomy Section, "Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal", "Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco", under license no. 034/2015 of the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals. The results determined that the brachial plexus of the common sloth starts from the fifth cervical spine segment until the second thoracic segment. This area contains the long and suprascapular thoracic nerves, which originate immediately from the medullary segment 5 and 6, respectively, and from the pectoral, subscapular, axillary, radial, musculocutaneous, medial, forearm and ulnar medial cutaneous nerves, arising from a trunk comprised of cervical spine nerves (C) 7, C8, C9, and thoracic (T) 1 and T2. Regarding other wild and domestic animals, different suggestions were observed about the origin of the plexus in B. variegatus, however, the constituent nerves and their innervation areas did not demonstrate any discrepancies.(AU)
A espécie Bradypus variegatus é conhecida como preguiça-comum. Trata-se de um mamífero endêmico de regiões neotropicais que vem sofrendo com a ação antrópica devastadora. Esses Bradipodídeos possuem três dedos nos membros torácicos e pélvicos, são arborícolas consagrados e descem ao solo apenas para excretar e trocar de árvore. O estudo teve como objetivo descrever o plexo braquial de B. variegatus em relação à origem e distribuição dos nervos. Para tal, utilizou-se 10 fêmeas adultas. As análises foram realizadas no Pavilhão de Anatomia do Departamento de Morfologia e Fisiologia Animal da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, sob a licença nº 034/2015 do Comitê de Ética no Uso de Animais. Os cadáveres foram obtidos após morte natural, fixados em formaldeído a 20%, conservados em solução salina a 30% em tanques e dissecados para a visualização dos nervos destinados a inervar os membros e músculos torácicos. Uma vez feito, constatou-se que o plexo braquial da preguiça-comum se origina do quinto segmento espinal cervical, se estendendo até o segundo segmento torácico. Sendo formado pelos nervos torácico longo e supraescapular, de origem imediatamente do segmento medular 5 e 6, respectivamente, e pelos nervos peitorais, subescapulares, axilar, radial, musculocutâneo, mediano, cutâneo medial do antebraço e ulnar, decorrentes de um tronco formado a partir de nervos espinais cervicais (C) 7, C8, C9, e torácicos (T) 1 e T2. Em comparação a outros animais silvestres e domésticos foram observadas diferentes disposições em relação à origem do plexo de B. variegatus, todavia, os nervos constituintes e suas áreas de inervação não apresentaram discrepâncias.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bichos-Preguiça/anatomia & histologia , Plexo Braquial/anatomia & histologia , Sistema Nervoso/anatomia & histologia , Nervos Espinhais/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Background: Malignant tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath (MTPNS`s) are considered rare tumors that can affect soft tissues. In dogs, the occurrence is more common in the nerves of the brachial plexus, but they can affect the lumbosacral plexus and cranial nerves. Rarely, they can affect spinal nerves and nerve roots and the urinary tract, especially in kidneys. The present report aims to describe a clinical case of a 10-year-old sterilized female whippet, who had a history of persistent hematuria for months, with subsequent diagnosis of MTPNS as the cause of hematuria. Case: The patient came for evaluation with a history of persistent hematuria. Evaluation of abnormal elements and sedimentation, showed the description of numerous red blood cells and the presence of proteinuria. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a left kidney with enlarged dimensions, irregular contour, loss of corticomedullary definition. The urinary vesicle showed an increase in cellularity. On physical examination, the patient had vital parameters within the normal range. A Snap 4DX® Plus exam was requested, which showed a reaction for Dirofilaria immitis. With this result, it was initially suspected that renal vasculitis. After starting the treatment, the patient started to present normal colored urine. However, after the end of this period, the patient returned to hematuria. After six months of treatment and without justification for the permanence of hematuria, urethrocystoscopy was indicated, which revealed a urinary vesicle with a hemorrhagic focus. A urinary bladder wall biopsy was performed, which showed no changes. Four months after the urethrocystoscopic exam, the patient had her first azotemic crisis. This time that the left renal neoformation observed on ultrasound examination. With the discovery of the origin of the problem, a therapeutic approach could be instituted, consisting of the left...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Nervos Periféricos/patologia , Rim/patologia , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Nefropatias/veterináriaResumo
Background: Malignant tumors of the peripheral nerve sheath (MTPNS`s) are considered rare tumors that can affect soft tissues. In dogs, the occurrence is more common in the nerves of the brachial plexus, but they can affect the lumbosacral plexus and cranial nerves. Rarely, they can affect spinal nerves and nerve roots and the urinary tract, especially in kidneys. The present report aims to describe a clinical case of a 10-year-old sterilized female whippet, who had a history of persistent hematuria for months, with subsequent diagnosis of MTPNS as the cause of hematuria. Case: The patient came for evaluation with a history of persistent hematuria. Evaluation of abnormal elements and sedimentation, showed the description of numerous red blood cells and the presence of proteinuria. The abdominal ultrasound revealed a left kidney with enlarged dimensions, irregular contour, loss of corticomedullary definition. The urinary vesicle showed an increase in cellularity. On physical examination, the patient had vital parameters within the normal range. A Snap 4DX® Plus exam was requested, which showed a reaction for Dirofilaria immitis. With this result, it was initially suspected that renal vasculitis. After starting the treatment, the patient started to present normal colored urine. However, after the end of this period, the patient returned to hematuria. After six months of treatment and without justification for the permanence of hematuria, urethrocystoscopy was indicated, which revealed a urinary vesicle with a hemorrhagic focus. A urinary bladder wall biopsy was performed, which showed no changes. Four months after the urethrocystoscopic exam, the patient had her first azotemic crisis. This time that the left renal neoformation observed on ultrasound examination. With the discovery of the origin of the problem, a therapeutic approach could be instituted, consisting of the left...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Nervos Periféricos/patologia , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Rim/patologia , Nefropatias/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Trigeminal nerve is composed by ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular portion, presenting sensory and motor functions. Its most common conditions include vascular, neoplastic, infectious and inflammatory causes. Neuritis is an inflammation caused by a primary nerve injury that can progress to demyelination and even degeneration of nerve fibers. The present report aims to describe an unusual case of a female dog, German Shepherd breed, with acute manifestation of trigeminal nerve neuritis whose etiology may be associated with erlichiosis, since infection with Ehrlichia spp. through serological test was verified. Case: A 3-year-old female German Shepherd, weighing 26.8 kg and not neutered, was attended at Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique - UNIRP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil presenting apathy, sialorrhea and polydipsia for seven days. The tutor reported an episode of foamy and yellowish vomit three days ago and ixodidiosis last week. Physical examination revealed flaccid open-mouthed posture, with mild bilateral masseter and moderate temporal muscle atrophy. Water was offered to the animal and it was observed that it could not properly seize, confirming a false polydipsia. The neurological examination revealed a slight decrease in head sensitivity, difficulty in chewing and seizure of food. It was not observed alterations in the other pairs of cranial nerves or other neurological parameters (postural reactions and spinal reflexes), and the diagnose of bilateral dysfunction of the trigeminal nerve was based on the affected neuroanatomic region. On neurological examination, other lesions of the nervous system were ruled out, suggesting an isolated manifestation of the trigeminal nerve. CBC revealed anemia, intense thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis by neutrophilia. Radiographic examination ruled out the possibility of trauma due to the absence of mandible fracture and also temporomandibular joint alterations. Masseter and temporal muscle biopsy were performed, and myositis
Animais , Cães , Infecções por Rickettsia/complicações , Nervo Trigêmeo/patologia , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/veterinária , Neurite (Inflamação)/veterináriaResumo
Background: Trigeminal nerve is composed by ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular portion, presenting sensory and motor functions. Its most common conditions include vascular, neoplastic, infectious and inflammatory causes. Neuritis is an inflammation caused by a primary nerve injury that can progress to demyelination and even degeneration of nerve fibers. The present report aims to describe an unusual case of a female dog, German Shepherd breed, with acute manifestation of trigeminal nerve neuritis whose etiology may be associated with erlichiosis, since infection with Ehrlichia spp. through serological test was verified. Case: A 3-year-old female German Shepherd, weighing 26.8 kg and not neutered, was attended at Veterinary Hospital Dr. Halim Atique - UNIRP, São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil presenting apathy, sialorrhea and polydipsia for seven days. The tutor reported an episode of foamy and yellowish vomit three days ago and ixodidiosis last week. Physical examination revealed flaccid open-mouthed posture, with mild bilateral masseter and moderate temporal muscle atrophy. Water was offered to the animal and it was observed that it could not properly seize, confirming a false polydipsia. The neurological examination revealed a slight decrease in head sensitivity, difficulty in chewing and seizure of food. It was not observed alterations in the other pairs of cranial nerves or other neurological parameters (postural reactions and spinal reflexes), and the diagnose of bilateral dysfunction of the trigeminal nerve was based on the affected neuroanatomic region. On neurological examination, other lesions of the nervous system were ruled out, suggesting an isolated manifestation of the trigeminal nerve. CBC revealed anemia, intense thrombocytopenia and leukocytosis by neutrophilia. Radiographic examination ruled out the possibility of trauma due to the absence of mandible fracture and also temporomandibular joint alterations. Masseter and temporal muscle biopsy were performed, and myositis (AU)
Animais , Cães , Neurite (Inflamação)/veterinária , Neuralgia do Trigêmeo/veterinária , Nervo Trigêmeo/patologia , Infecções por Rickettsia/complicaçõesResumo
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita is reported for the first time in the Aberdeen Angus (AA) breed in Uruguay. In a commercial herd of 30 purebred Aberdeen Angus cows, two calves with severe musculoskeletal malformations died at birth. The cows had been inseminated using semen imported from Argentina from one elite AA sire only. At necropsy, one calf showed severe muscular atrophy, arthrogryposis affecting all four limbs and the spine, kyphoscoliosis and torticollis. Histopathology showed muscular atrophy with marked fiber size variation and abundant fibroadipose fibers. The central nervous system only showed congestion and edema due to dystocia, whereas the peripheral nerves and the number of motor neurons in the spinal appeared normal. DNA analysis confirmed arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. It is concluded that disease in Aberdeen Angus cattle is due to failure in the neuromuscular junction.(AU)
Artrogripose múltipla congênita é relatada pela primeira vez em bovinos Aberdeen Angus (AA) no Uruguai. Num rebanho comercial de 30 vacas a Aberdeen Angus, dois bezerros com graves malformações musculoesqueléticas morreram logo após o nascimento. As vacas foram inseminadas utilizando sêmen importado da Argentina, de apenas um touro de elite de AA. Na necropsia, um dos bezerros apresentava atrofia muscular grave, artrogripose afetando todos os quatro membros e a coluna vertebral, cifoscoliose e torcicolo. A histopatologia demonstrou atrofia muscular com acentuadas variações no tamanho das fibras e abundantes fibras fibroadiposas. O sistema nervoso central apresentava apenas congestão e edema devido à distocia, enquanto os nervos periféricos e o número de neurônios motores na medula espinhal pareciam normais. A análise de DNA confirmou artrogripose múltipla congênita. Concluiu-se que a doença em bovinos Aberdeen Angus se deve a falha na junção neuromuscular.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Artrogripose/patologia , Artrogripose/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/congênito , Uruguai , Atrofia Muscular/veterináriaResumo
Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures present at birth. Theseconditions are rarely described in the newborns of dogs and can lead to their death. Meroanencephaly is a defect of theneural tube closure malformation, a type of anencephaly and results from a failure of closure of the rostral neuropore(neural crest), and consequently the development of the calvary becomes defective. This study aims to characterize theclinical-pathological aspects of neonatal meroanencephaly since brain malformations are rare in newborn dogs.Case: A 2-day-old English Pointer canine was sent for a necropsy. The newborn belonged to a litter of eight puppies, andonly this one had macroscopic cranial alterations. Another puppy that died as a consequence of being trampled by thebitch was also necropsied. The newborn was alive for 48 h until death and presented apathy, crying, sucking reflex andopisthotonus. Macroscopic examination of the baby revealed flattening of the skull, with a slit at the site of bone symphysis fusion, and a slit in the skin of the parietal region, covered by thin, translucent meningeal tissue. The newborn hadno other macroscopic changes. The heads of the two animals were examined by radiography to identify the features ofanencephaly in one of the animals by visualizing skull bone flattening. Upon removing the skin and exposing the cranialcavity, an irregular reddish mass was revealed, that corresponded microscopically to area cerebrovasculosa, composed ofneurons and rudimentary glial tissue, vascular neoformation and, hemorrhage and congestion. The cranial nerves was notpossible to observe. There was disorganization of the brain areas with no limitation of white and gray matter and scarceneurons and also a region similar to the cerebellum, with a molecular layer but without the Purkinje neurons. In the spinal...
Animais , Cães , Anencefalia/veterinária , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Crista Neural/anormalidades , Tubo Neural/anormalidades , Animais Recém-NascidosResumo
Background: Malformations are structural or functional abnormalities in the organs and structures present at birth. Theseconditions are rarely described in the newborns of dogs and can lead to their death. Meroanencephaly is a defect of theneural tube closure malformation, a type of anencephaly and results from a failure of closure of the rostral neuropore(neural crest), and consequently the development of the calvary becomes defective. This study aims to characterize theclinical-pathological aspects of neonatal meroanencephaly since brain malformations are rare in newborn dogs.Case: A 2-day-old English Pointer canine was sent for a necropsy. The newborn belonged to a litter of eight puppies, andonly this one had macroscopic cranial alterations. Another puppy that died as a consequence of being trampled by thebitch was also necropsied. The newborn was alive for 48 h until death and presented apathy, crying, sucking reflex andopisthotonus. Macroscopic examination of the baby revealed flattening of the skull, with a slit at the site of bone symphysis fusion, and a slit in the skin of the parietal region, covered by thin, translucent meningeal tissue. The newborn hadno other macroscopic changes. The heads of the two animals were examined by radiography to identify the features ofanencephaly in one of the animals by visualizing skull bone flattening. Upon removing the skin and exposing the cranialcavity, an irregular reddish mass was revealed, that corresponded microscopically to area cerebrovasculosa, composed ofneurons and rudimentary glial tissue, vascular neoformation and, hemorrhage and congestion. The cranial nerves was notpossible to observe. There was disorganization of the brain areas with no limitation of white and gray matter and scarceneurons and also a region similar to the cerebellum, with a molecular layer but without the Purkinje neurons. In the spinal...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Anencefalia/veterinária , Tubo Neural/anormalidades , Crista Neural/anormalidades , Anormalidades Congênitas/veterinária , Animais Recém-NascidosResumo
Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita is reported for the first time in the Aberdeen Angus (AA) breed in Uruguay. In a commercial herd of 30 purebred Aberdeen Angus cows, two calves with severe musculoskeletal malformations died at birth. The cows had been inseminated using semen imported from Argentina from one elite AA sire only. At necropsy, one calf showed severe muscular atrophy, arthrogryposis affecting all four limbs and the spine, kyphoscoliosis and torticollis. Histopathology showed muscular atrophy with marked fiber size variation and abundant fibroadipose fibers. The central nervous system only showed congestion and edema due to dystocia, whereas the peripheral nerves and the number of motor neurons in the spinal appeared normal. DNA analysis confirmed arthrogryposis multiplex congenita. It is concluded that disease in Aberdeen Angus cattle is due to failure in the neuromuscular junction.(AU)
Artrogripose múltipla congênita é relatada pela primeira vez em bovinos Aberdeen Angus (AA) no Uruguai. Num rebanho comercial de 30 vacas a Aberdeen Angus, dois bezerros com graves malformações musculoesqueléticas morreram logo após o nascimento. As vacas foram inseminadas utilizando sêmen importado da Argentina, de apenas um touro de elite de AA. Na necropsia, um dos bezerros apresentava atrofia muscular grave, artrogripose afetando todos os quatro membros e a coluna vertebral, cifoscoliose e torcicolo. A histopatologia demonstrou atrofia muscular com acentuadas variações no tamanho das fibras e abundantes fibras fibroadiposas. O sistema nervoso central apresentava apenas congestão e edema devido à distocia, enquanto os nervos periféricos e o número de neurônios motores na medula espinhal pareciam normais. A análise de DNA confirmou artrogripose múltipla congênita. Concluiu-se que a doença em bovinos Aberdeen Angus se deve a falha na junção neuromuscular.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Artrogripose/patologia , Artrogripose/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos/congênito , Uruguai , Atrofia Muscular/veterináriaResumo
This work aimed to describe the origin, distribution, and ramifications of the ischiadicus nerve in the giant anteater and to provide anatomical data which could explain not only the evolutionary aspects but also provide important information for other related works. For the present study, four specimens were used, prepared by perfusion of 10% formaldehyde solution via the femoral artery, for conservation and dissection. The origin of the right and left ischiadicus nerves in the giant anteater from the ventral ramification of the third lumbar (L3) and the first (S1), second (S2), and third (S3) sacral spinal nerves. These nerves were symmetrical in all animals studied. The distribution and ramification occurred to the superficial, middle, and deep gluteal, gemelli, piriform, quadratus femoris, tensor fasciae latae, caudal crural abductor, cranial and caudal parts of the biceps femoris, adductor, semitendinous, and cranial and caudal parts of the semimembranous muscles. Based on the origins of the ischiadicus nerves, there is a caudal migration in the nerve location in animals in a more recent position on the evolutionary scale due to reconfiguration of the lumbosacral plexus, resulting from the increase in a number of lumbar vertebrae. There is no complete homology of the muscle innervation.(AU)
Objetivou-se descrever as origens, distribuições e ramificações dos nervos isquiáticos no tamanduá-bandeira, disponibilizando, assim, dados anatômicos que possam não só elucidar os aspectos evolutivos como também fornecer informações importantes para áreas afins. Foram utilizados quatro espécimes preparados por meio da perfusão de formaldeído 10% via artéria femoral, para conservação e dissecação. As origens dos nervos isquiáticos direito e esquerdo no tamanduá-bandeira foram provenientes dos ramos ventrais dos nervos espinhais lombares três e sacrais um, dois e três, sendo simétricos em todos os animais estudados. As distribuições e ramificações ocorreram nos músculos glúteos superficial, médio e profundo; gêmeo; piriforme; quadrado femoral; tensor da fáscia lata; abdutor crural caudal; bíceps femoral parte cranial; bíceps femoral parte caudal; adutor; semitendíneo; semimembranáceo parte cranial e semimembranáceo parte caudal. Notou-se que houve uma migração caudal na localização deste nervo nos animais mais recentes na escala evolutiva, devido a uma reconfiguração do plexo lombossacral decorrente do aumento no número de vértebras lombares, não havendo uma homologia total quanto à inervação dos músculos.(AU)
Animais , Nervo Isquiático/anatomia & histologia , Nervo Isquiático/irrigação sanguínea , Xenarthra/anatomia & histologiaResumo
This work aimed to describe the origin, distribution, and ramifications of the ischiadicus nerve in the giant anteater and to provide anatomical data which could explain not only the evolutionary aspects but also provide important information for other related works. For the present study, four specimens were used, prepared by perfusion of 10% formaldehyde solution via the femoral artery, for conservation and dissection. The origin of the right and left ischiadicus nerves in the giant anteater from the ventral ramification of the third lumbar (L3) and the first (S1), second (S2), and third (S3) sacral spinal nerves. These nerves were symmetrical in all animals studied. The distribution and ramification occurred to the superficial, middle, and deep gluteal, gemelli, piriform, quadratus femoris, tensor fasciae latae, caudal crural abductor, cranial and caudal parts of the biceps femoris, adductor, semitendinous, and cranial and caudal parts of the semimembranous muscles. Based on the origins of the ischiadicus nerves, there is a caudal migration in the nerve location in animals in a more recent position on the evolutionary scale due to reconfiguration of the lumbosacral plexus, resulting from the increase in a number of lumbar vertebrae. There is no complete homology of the muscle innervation.(AU)
Objetivou-se descrever as origens, distribuições e ramificações dos nervos isquiáticos no tamanduá-bandeira, disponibilizando, assim, dados anatômicos que possam não só elucidar os aspectos evolutivos como também fornecer informações importantes para áreas afins. Foram utilizados quatro espécimes preparados por meio da perfusão de formaldeído 10% via artéria femoral, para conservação e dissecação. As origens dos nervos isquiáticos direito e esquerdo no tamanduá-bandeira foram provenientes dos ramos ventrais dos nervos espinhais lombares três e sacrais um, dois e três, sendo simétricos em todos os animais estudados. As distribuições e ramificações ocorreram nos músculos glúteos superficial, médio e profundo; gêmeo; piriforme; quadrado femoral; tensor da fáscia lata; abdutor crural caudal; bíceps femoral parte cranial; bíceps femoral parte caudal; adutor; semitendíneo; semimembranáceo parte cranial e semimembranáceo parte caudal. Notou-se que houve uma migração caudal na localização deste nervo nos animais mais recentes na escala evolutiva, devido a uma reconfiguração do plexo lombossacral decorrente do aumento no número de vértebras lombares, não havendo uma homologia total quanto à inervação dos músculos.(AU)