The cytopathology exam has been utilized to diagnose mammary disorders in female dogs. The success of cytopathology results depends on, among other factors, the diagnostic accuracy of the exam. The present study aimed to compare the cytopathological and histopathological findings from mammary disorder cases in female dogs and evaluate the lesion cytopathology exam accuracy. The concordance degree was evaluated between the cytopathology and histopathology exams of 67 female dogs, carriers of palpable breast lumps, cared for at the university hospital from which the following indicators were calculated: sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, false positives, false negatives, and exam accuracy. The sensitivity was 95.23%, the specificity 75%, positive predictive value 98.36%, negative predictive value 60%, and accuracy 94.02%. There were 2 false negatives and 1 false positive. In conclusion the cytopathology exam can be amply utilized as a means of diagnosis with high accuracy and sensitivity in the first examination of female dogs with mammary tumors.(AU)
O exame citológico tem sido utilizado no diagnóstico das afecções mamárias das cadelas. O êxito no resultado da citologia dependerá, além de outros fatores, da acurácia diagnóstica deste exame. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar os achados citológicos e histológicos das afecções mamárias de cadelas e avaliar a acurácia do exame citológico nestas lesões. Avaliou-se o grau de concordância entre os exames citológico e histológico de 67 cadelas, portadoras de nódulo mamário palpável, atendidas em um hospital universitário e foram calculados os indicadores: sensibilidade, especificidade, valor preditivo positivo, valor preditivo negativo, falso positivo, falso negativo e acurácia do exame. A sensibilidade foi de 95,23%, a especificidade de 75%, o valor preditivo positivo de 98,36%, o valor preditivo negativo de 60% e a acurácia de 94,02%. Ocorreu 1 resultado falso positivo e 2 falso negativos. Conclui-se que o exame citológico pode ser amplamente utilizado como meio de diagnóstico com elevada acurácia e sensibilidade no atendimento primário das cadelas com tumor de mama.(AU)
El examen citológico se ha usado en el diagnóstico de cáncer de mama en perras. El éxito de la citología depende, entre otros factores, la precisión diagnóstica de este examen. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los resultados de citología y examen histológico de las enfermedades de mama en las perras y evaluar la exactitud de la citología de estas lesiones. Se evaluó el grado de acuerdo entre los exámenes citológicos e histológicos de 67 perros, que sufren de bulto palpable en la mama atendidos en un hospital universitario y se calcularon los indicadores: sensibilidad, especificidad, valor predictivo positivo, valor predictivo negativo, falsos positivos, falsos negativo y exactitud de la prueba. La sensibilidad fue del 95,23%, especificidad 75%, valor predictivo positivo del 98,36%, valor predictivo negativo del 60% y el 94,02% de precisión. Hubo un resultado positivo falso y dos falsos negativos. Se concluye que el examen citológico puede ser ampliamente utilizado como una herramienta de diagnóstico de alta precisión y sensibilidad en la atención primaria de perros con cáncer de mama. (AU)
Animais , Feminino , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , Cães/genética , Técnicas Citológicas/veterináriaResumo
The canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVTC) is a neoplasm transmitted mainly through copulation and with a high incidence in stray dogs in Brazil. In the process of tumor evolution of TVTC, the progression, stationary and regression phases are recognized. The host immunity is related to the disease's biological behavior, however, spontaneous regression observation in cases of naturally occurring TVTC is uncommon. A canine patient was attended, after beeing rescued from the street, due to an ulcerated mass in the external genitália and tick infestation. Cytopathological examination, which diagnosed TVTC, and laboratory tests that showed mild anemia and severe thrombocytopenia were performed. In view of the impossibility of carrying out other exams, it was made the presumptive diagnosis of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME), and treatment was instituted. During follow-up it was observed quick improvement in clinical signs and laboratory changes, as well as a reduction in tumor mass. A new cytopathological evaluation was carried out, and was verified increase in mature lymphocytes and plasmocytes in the midst of the tumor cells, finding compatible with the stationary phase of the disease. From that moment on, it was decided to perform only clinical and cytopathological follow-up. In the following evaluations, continuous clinical remission and cytopathological findings compatible with those described in the regression phase were observed, until its complete remission. It is considered that the improvement in the general health of the patient after the treatment of CME is related to the spontaneous regression of TVTC, and that simultaneous performance of serial clinical and cytopathological exams may be feasible and useful for monitoring the stages of evolution of TVTC.
O tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC) é uma neoplasia transmitida principalmente através da cópula, com elevada incidência em cães errantes no Brasil. No processo de evolução tumoral do TVTC, são reconhecidas as fases de progressão, estacionária e de regressão. O estado imunológico do hospedeiro está relacionado ao comportamento biológico da doença, contudo, a observação de regressão espontânea em casos de TVTC de ocorrência natural é incomum. Foi atendida uma paciente canina, resgatada da rua, por apresentar massa ulcerada na genitália externa e infestação por carrapatos. Foram realizados exame citopatológico, que diagnosticou TVTC, e exames laboratoriais que evidenciaram anemia discreta e grave trombocitopenia. Com isso e diante da impossibilidade de realizar outros exames, foi também estabelecido o diagnóstico presuntivo de erlichiose monocítica canina (EMC) e instituído tratamento para a hemoparasitose. Durante o acompanhamento, foi observada rápida melhora dos sinais clínicos e das alterações laboratoriais, bem como a redução espontânea da massa tumoral. Em sequência, foi realizada nova avaliação citopatológica do TVTC e verificado o aumento quantitativo de linfócitos maduros e plasmócitos, em meio as células tumorais, achado compatível com a fase estacionária da doença. A partir desse momento, optou-se por realizar apenas acompanhamento clínico e avaliação citopatológica da neoplasia. Foram observados contínua remissão clínica e achados microscópicos compatíveis com a fase de regressão do tumor, até sua remissão completa. Pondera-se que a melhora na saúde geral da paciente após o tratamento da EMC esteja relacionada à regressão espontânea do TVTC, e que realização simultânea de exames clínico e citopatológico seriados pode ser viável e útil ao acompanhamento das fases de evolução do TVTC.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Tumores Venéreos Veterinários/patologia , Ehrlichiose/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Cães , Regressão Neoplásica EspontâneaResumo
Although neoplasms are commonly reported in domestic hamsters, retrospective studies approaching spontaneous tumors with data regarding epidemiological findings are scarce. The present study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological findings of 40 cases of tumors in domestic hamsters diagnosed in a veterinary pathology laboratory in Southern Brazil from 2002 to 2019. Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) was the most commonly affected species (16/40), followed by Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus, 11/40) and Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus, 4/40). Among the cases, 57.5% were females (23/40), while 42.5% were males (17/40). The affected hamsters' median age was of 14-months old, with an age range of 8- to 36-months old. Twenty-four cases were assessed as anatomopathological samples (biopsies), while 16 were composed of carcasses submitted to postmortem examination, and, therefore, the neoplasm was related to the cause of death. The integumentary system was frequently affected (60%, 24/40), followed by the female reproductive tract (22.5%, 9/40), hematopoietic system (10%, 4/40), digestive tract (5%, 2/40), and endocrine system (2.5%, 1/40). The most frequent neoplasm was squamous cell carcinoma (35%, 14/40), mostly on the lip/nasal region (50%, 7/14). Other tumors included fibrosarcoma (10%, 4/40), lymphoma (10%, 4/40), mammary cystadenoma (10%, 4/40), apocrine sweat gland adenoma (7.5%, 3/40), hemangiosarcoma (5%, 2/40), leiomyosarcoma (5%, 2/40), and granulosa ovarian cell tumor (5%, 2/40). The five remaining cases occurred individually and were composed of hepatoid gland adenoma, solid thyroid carcinoma, cutaneous melanoma, ovarian teratoma, and cutaneous trichoblastoma. Neoplasms were identified as an important cause of death and major reason to perform biopsy in domestic hamsters in Southern Brazil.(AU)
Embora neoplasmas em hamsters domésticos sejam comumente relatados, estudos retrospectivos abordando neoplasias espontâneas e os dados epidemiológicos associados são escassos. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os principais achados epidemiológicos e patológicos de 40 casos de tumores em hamsters domésticos diagnosticados em um laboratório de patologia veterinária do Sul do Brasil de 2002 a 2019. A principal espécie acometida foi o hamster chinês (Cricetulus griseus, 16/40), seguido por hamster anão russo siberiano (Phodopus sungorus, 11/40) e hamster sírio (Mesocricetus auratus, 4/40). As fêmeas corresponderam a 57,5% dos casos (23/40), enquanto os machos representaram 42,5% (17/40). Foram afetados roedores com uma faixa etária de 8 a 36 meses de idade, e uma mediana de 14 meses. Do total de casos, 24 foram exames anatomopatológicos (biopsias) e 16 casos foram examinados através de necropsia e, portanto, relacionados com a causa da morte dos animais. O sistema tegumentar foi o mais frequentemente acometido (60%; 24/40), seguido pelo trato reprodutivo (22,5%; 9/40), sistema hematopoietico (10%; 4/40), trato digestório (5%; 2/40) e sistema endócrino (2,5%; 1/40). A neoplasia mais frequentemente diagnosticada foi o carcinoma de células escamosas (35%; 14/40), localizado principalmente em região labionasal (50%; 7/14). Outros tumores incluíram fibrossarcoma (10%; 4/40), linfoma (10%; 4/40), adenoma cístico de glândula mamária (10%; 4/40), adenoma de glândula sudorípara (7,5%; 3/40), hemangiossarcoma (5%; 2/40), leiomiossarcoma (5%; 2/40) e tumor de células da granulosa (5%; 2/40). Os outros cinco casos remanescentes ocorreram individualmente e eram compostos por adenoma de glândula hepatoide, carcinoma sólido de tireoide, melanoma cutâneo, teratoma ovariano e tricoblastoma cutâneo. Neoplasmas foram identificados como importantes causas de morte ou razões para realização de biopsia em hamsters domésticos no Sul do Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/anormalidades , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Fibrossarcoma , Neoplasias/patologia , Neoplasias/epidemiologiaResumo
Although neoplasms are commonly reported in domestic hamsters, retrospective studies approaching spontaneous tumors with data regarding epidemiological findings are scarce. The present study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological findings of 40 cases of tumors in domestic hamsters diagnosed in a veterinary pathology laboratory in Southern Brazil from 2002 to 2019. Chinese hamster (Cricetulus griseus) was the most commonly affected species (16/40), followed by Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus, 11/40) and Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus, 4/40). Among the cases, 57.5% were females (23/40), while 42.5% were males (17/40). The affected hamsters' median age was of 14-months old, with an age range of 8- to 36-months old. Twenty-four cases were assessed as anatomopathological samples (biopsies), while 16 were composed of carcasses submitted to postmortem examination, and, therefore, the neoplasm was related to the cause of death. The integumentary system was frequently affected (60%, 24/40), followed by the female reproductive tract (22.5%, 9/40), hematopoietic system (10%, 4/40), digestive tract (5%, 2/40), and endocrine system (2.5%, 1/40). The most frequent neoplasm was squamous cell carcinoma (35%, 14/40), mostly on the lip/nasal region (50%, 7/14). Other tumors included fibrosarcoma (10%, 4/40), lymphoma (10%, 4/40), mammary cystadenoma (10%, 4/40), apocrine sweat gland adenoma (7.5%, 3/40), hemangiosarcoma (5%, 2/40), leiomyosarcoma (5%, 2/40), and granulosa ovarian cell tumor (5%, 2/40). The five remaining cases occurred individually and were composed of hepatoid gland adenoma, solid thyroid carcinoma, cutaneous melanoma, ovarian teratoma, and cutaneous trichoblastoma. Neoplasms were identified as an important cause of death and major reason to perform biopsy in domestic hamsters in Southern Brazil.(AU)
Embora neoplasmas em hamsters domésticos sejam comumente relatados, estudos retrospectivos abordando neoplasias espontâneas e os dados epidemiológicos associados são escassos. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de descrever os principais achados epidemiológicos e patológicos de 40 casos de tumores em hamsters domésticos diagnosticados em um laboratório de patologia veterinária do Sul do Brasil de 2002 a 2019. A principal espécie acometida foi o hamster chinês (Cricetulus griseus, 16/40), seguido por hamster anão russo siberiano (Phodopus sungorus, 11/40) e hamster sírio (Mesocricetus auratus, 4/40). As fêmeas corresponderam a 57,5% dos casos (23/40), enquanto os machos representaram 42,5% (17/40). Foram afetados roedores com uma faixa etária de 8 a 36 meses de idade, e uma mediana de 14 meses. Do total de casos, 24 foram exames anatomopatológicos (biopsias) e 16 casos foram examinados através de necropsia e, portanto, relacionados com a causa da morte dos animais. O sistema tegumentar foi o mais frequentemente acometido (60%; 24/40), seguido pelo trato reprodutivo (22,5%; 9/40), sistema hematopoietico (10%; 4/40), trato digestório (5%; 2/40) e sistema endócrino (2,5%; 1/40). A neoplasia mais frequentemente diagnosticada foi o carcinoma de células escamosas (35%; 14/40), localizado principalmente em região labionasal (50%; 7/14). Outros tumores incluíram fibrossarcoma (10%; 4/40), linfoma (10%; 4/40), adenoma cístico de glândula mamária (10%; 4/40), adenoma de glândula sudorípara (7,5%; 3/40), hemangiossarcoma (5%; 2/40), leiomiossarcoma (5%; 2/40) e tumor de células da granulosa (5%; 2/40). Os outros cinco casos remanescentes ocorreram individualmente e eram compostos por adenoma de glândula hepatoide, carcinoma sólido de tireoide, melanoma cutâneo, teratoma ovariano e tricoblastoma cutâneo. Neoplasmas foram identificados como importantes causas de morte ou razões para realização de biopsia em hamsters domésticos no Sul do Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/anormalidades , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas , Fibrossarcoma , Neoplasias/patologia , Neoplasias/epidemiologiaResumo
Background: Vascular hamartomas (VH) are rare or simply underdiagnosed injuries in veterinary medicine and represent a non-neoplastic developmental anomaly disorganization and proliferation of endothelial tissue. VH occur in any region of the body, however in the brain present clinical relevance related with the potential for spontaneous bleeding, adjacent tissue compression and convulsive activity. The aim of these reports is to describe clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical features of a case of cerebrovascular hamartoma and highlight the diagnosis of these rare brain disorder in dogs. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, a Campeiro Bulldog breed presented convulsions episodes and died before an elective surgical procedure for eyelid nodule removal. Three red nodules were observed in the brain, one between the parietal lobe and the left occipital lobe (in the medium suprasylviam sulcus), the other in the caudal region of the corpus callosum and the third one in the cerebellar cortex. Central nervous system, eyelids and most organs and tissues samples were collected, fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for histopathological analysis. Histologically, in the eyelid was detected a sebaceous adenoma. The nervous system samples revealed well-differentiated sizes vascular structures with thin-walled and blood-filled, promoting compression of the brain. Normal neuropile was detected between the vascular structures substantiating cerebral vascular hamartoma diagnosis in the dog. Immunohistochemical assay was conducted with CD31 (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-CD31, Clone JC70A, Dako Corp.) and Von Willebrand factor (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-Von Willebrand factor, Clone F8/86, Dako Corp.) using the biotinperoxidasestreptavidin method (PolyDetector Plus DABHRP, Bio SB) on CNS sections to confirm the vascular origin of the lining cells in the mass .
Animais , Cães , Hamartoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Neoplasias Vasculares/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Vascular hamartomas (VH) are rare or simply underdiagnosed injuries in veterinary medicine and represent a non-neoplastic developmental anomaly disorganization and proliferation of endothelial tissue. VH occur in any region of the body, however in the brain present clinical relevance related with the potential for spontaneous bleeding, adjacent tissue compression and convulsive activity. The aim of these reports is to describe clinical, pathological and immunohistochemical features of a case of cerebrovascular hamartoma and highlight the diagnosis of these rare brain disorder in dogs. Case: A 10-year-old male dog, a Campeiro Bulldog breed presented convulsions episodes and died before an elective surgical procedure for eyelid nodule removal. Three red nodules were observed in the brain, one between the parietal lobe and the left occipital lobe (in the medium suprasylviam sulcus), the other in the caudal region of the corpus callosum and the third one in the cerebellar cortex. Central nervous system, eyelids and most organs and tissues samples were collected, fixed in 10% formaldehyde and processed for histopathological analysis. Histologically, in the eyelid was detected a sebaceous adenoma. The nervous system samples revealed well-differentiated sizes vascular structures with thin-walled and blood-filled, promoting compression of the brain. Normal neuropile was detected between the vascular structures substantiating cerebral vascular hamartoma diagnosis in the dog. Immunohistochemical assay was conducted with CD31 (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-CD31, Clone JC70A, Dako Corp.) and Von Willebrand factor (monoclonal mouse antibody anti-Von Willebrand factor, Clone F8/86, Dako Corp.) using the biotinperoxidasestreptavidin method (PolyDetector Plus DABHRP, Bio SB) on CNS sections to confirm the vascular origin of the lining cells in the mass .(AU)
Animais , Cães , Hamartoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Vasculares/veterinária , Neoplasias Encefálicas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
Background: Lipomas are benign soft tissue mesenchymal neoplasms composed of adipose cells and are usually foundin the subcutaneous tissue. Occasionally, lipomas may invade muscles or grow between them, in which case they arecharacterized as infiltrative lipomas. Clinical signs resulting from an intermuscular lipoma compressing peripheral nervesare rarely encountered in dogs. This case report aims to describe the neurological signs, diagnosis, and clinical evaluationof a dog diagnosed with infiltrative lipoma compressing a lumbar spinal nerve root.Case: A 12-year-old neutered male Fox Paulistinha, weighing 10.5 kg, was presented with difficulties in walking for thepast 15 days with no previous history of trauma. On physical examination, the presence of three cutaneous nodules wasnoted in the ventral thoracic region, with onset of one year and slow and progressive growth. A cytological evaluation ofthe nodules was performed, and lipoma was diagnosed. At the neurological examination, the patient presented ambulatoryparaparesis with marked motor deficit and atrophy of the quadriceps muscles of the left pelvic limb. Conscious proprioceptive deficit, the absence of patellar reflex, and diminished withdrawal reflex were observed in the left hind limb, in additionto diffuse pain on epaxial palpation of the lumbar region. Electroneuromyography showed increased insertion activity inthe left gastrocnemius muscle and moderate spontaneous activity (fibrillation). Persistence of 10% was observed in theF-wave study of the left tibial nerve. These findings indicate partial involvement of the roots of the left sciatic-tibial nerve.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed the presence of a mass measuring 3.18 × 1.04 × 1.4 cm, interspersed withthe paravertebral muscles, and located adjacent to the L2 and L3 spinous processes...
Animais , Cães , Dor Lombar/veterinária , Lipoma/complicações , Lipoma/veterinária , Paraparesia/veterinária , Radiculopatia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Lipomas are benign soft tissue mesenchymal neoplasms composed of adipose cells and are usually foundin the subcutaneous tissue. Occasionally, lipomas may invade muscles or grow between them, in which case they arecharacterized as infiltrative lipomas. Clinical signs resulting from an intermuscular lipoma compressing peripheral nervesare rarely encountered in dogs. This case report aims to describe the neurological signs, diagnosis, and clinical evaluationof a dog diagnosed with infiltrative lipoma compressing a lumbar spinal nerve root.Case: A 12-year-old neutered male Fox Paulistinha, weighing 10.5 kg, was presented with difficulties in walking for thepast 15 days with no previous history of trauma. On physical examination, the presence of three cutaneous nodules wasnoted in the ventral thoracic region, with onset of one year and slow and progressive growth. A cytological evaluation ofthe nodules was performed, and lipoma was diagnosed. At the neurological examination, the patient presented ambulatoryparaparesis with marked motor deficit and atrophy of the quadriceps muscles of the left pelvic limb. Conscious proprioceptive deficit, the absence of patellar reflex, and diminished withdrawal reflex were observed in the left hind limb, in additionto diffuse pain on epaxial palpation of the lumbar region. Electroneuromyography showed increased insertion activity inthe left gastrocnemius muscle and moderate spontaneous activity (fibrillation). Persistence of 10% was observed in theF-wave study of the left tibial nerve. These findings indicate partial involvement of the roots of the left sciatic-tibial nerve.Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed the presence of a mass measuring 3.18 × 1.04 × 1.4 cm, interspersed withthe paravertebral muscles, and located adjacent to the L2 and L3 spinous processes...(AU)
Animais , Cães , Lipoma/complicações , Lipoma/veterinária , Radiculopatia/veterinária , Dor Lombar/veterinária , Paraparesia/veterináriaResumo
Background: Scarce reports have been published worldwide on primary skin tumours in pet rabbits. Trichoblastoma is a rare benign neoplasm of animals and humans derived from or reduplicating the primitive germ of embryonic follicular development; it was previously classified as a basal cell tumor, meanwhile its malignant counterpart is referred to as malignant trichoblastoma or trichoblastic carcinoma. Neoplasms of domestic animals that once were lumped into the broad histologic diagnosis of basal cell tumors have since been split into distinct entities, dependent on evidence of differentiation, although a cytologic diagnosis of basal cell tumor continues to be used indistinctly to represent the large, heterogeneous group of epidermal, trichofollicular, and adnexal skin tumors with basal cell characteristics. Hereby, it is described the morphological and immunohistochemical findings of a case of spontaneous malignant trichoblastoma on a domestic companion rabbit from South America. Case: A 4-year-old, male black dwarf rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was brought to the Veterinary College when appeared with a sudden appearance of a grayish nodular subcutaneous mass measuring 3.0 x 2.0 cm and located on left tarsal zone, during march 2014. A case of malignant trichoblastoma with a predominance of trabecular architecture was diagnosed based on morphologic and microscopic results. [...](AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Scarce reports have been published worldwide on primary skin tumours in pet rabbits. Trichoblastoma is a rare benign neoplasm of animals and humans derived from or reduplicating the primitive germ of embryonic follicular development; it was previously classified as a basal cell tumor, meanwhile its malignant counterpart is referred to as malignant trichoblastoma or trichoblastic carcinoma. Neoplasms of domestic animals that once were lumped into the broad histologic diagnosis of basal cell tumors have since been split into distinct entities, dependent on evidence of differentiation, although a cytologic diagnosis of basal cell tumor continues to be used indistinctly to represent the large, heterogeneous group of epidermal, trichofollicular, and adnexal skin tumors with basal cell characteristics. Hereby, it is described the morphological and immunohistochemical findings of a case of spontaneous malignant trichoblastoma on a domestic companion rabbit from South America. Case: A 4-year-old, male black dwarf rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was brought to the Veterinary College when appeared with a sudden appearance of a grayish nodular subcutaneous mass measuring 3.0 x 2.0 cm and located on left tarsal zone, during march 2014. A case of malignant trichoblastoma with a predominance of trabecular architecture was diagnosed based on morphologic and microscopic results. [...]
Animais , Coelhos , Neoplasias Cutâneas/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterináriaResumo
La especie canina presenta semejanza con la especie humana con relación a las lesiones prostáticas. Es la única especie en presentar tumores espontáneos con frecuencia, de esta manera representa un importante modelo para estudio comparativo de afecciones de la glándula. El desarrollo de las neoplasia prostáticas es una enfermedad con causas multifactoriales, entre estas, alteraciones genéticas y epigenéticas están involucradas. Por lo tanto, el perro puede ser un modelo natural y espontaneo para el estudio de lesiones preneoplásicas e neoplásicas de próstata canina. En el futuro, podrá ser utilizado como modelo en pruebas pre-clínicas de medicamentos, como ya fue realizado para osteosarcoma, por ejemplo. Una de las vías importantes para el desarrollo de los carcinomas prostáticos es la WNT canónica dependiente de la proteína Beta-catenina. En esta revisión abordaremos el papel de esta vía y su participación en la carcinogénesis prostática, importante en humanos y perros, además de algunas proteínas involucradas en la regulación de la misma.(AU)
Prostate of dogs have similar lesions to that observed in human and is the only species other than man which frequently displays spontaneous prostatic tumors. In this way, the dog represent an important model of studying different prostatic affections. The prostate cancer development is multifactorial and among them, genetic and epigenetic alterations are involved. The dog can be a natural and spontaneous model to study preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions, with potential future studies as models for pre-clinical tests. One of important pathway to prostate carcinogenesis is beta catenin dependent canonical WNT pathway. In this paper, we review the role of this pathway in prostate carcinogenesis, important in humans and dogs, besides some regulatory proteins involved in this pathway.(AU)
A espécie canina apresenta semelhanças com a espécie humana com relação às lesões prostáticas, sendo a única espécie a apresentar tumores espontâneos e com frequência, desse modo representa um importante modelo para estudo comparativo de afecções desta glândula. O desenvolvimento das neoplasias prostáticas é multifatorial e dentre eles, alterações genéticas e epigenéticas estão envolvidas, portanto o cão pode ser um modelo natural e espontâneo para o estudo das lesões pré neoplásicas e neoplásicas da próstata, com futuro alto potencial de ser utilizado como modelo em testes pré-clínicos de medicamentos. Uma das vias importantes para o desenvolvimento dos carcinomas prostáticos é a WNT canônica, dependente da proteína Beta-catenina. Nesta revisão, abordaremos o papel desta via e sua participação na carcinogênese prostática, importante em humanos e cães, além de algumas proteínas envolvidas na regulação da mesma.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Carcinogênese , Próstata/fisiopatologia , Proteínas Wnt/análise , Carcinoma/etiologia , Carcinoma/veterinária , Estudos de Casos e ControlesResumo
La especie canina presenta semejanza con la especie humana con relación a las lesiones prostáticas. Es la única especie en presentar tumores espontáneos con frecuencia, de esta manera representa un importante modelo para estudio comparativo de afecciones de la glándula. El desarrollo de las neoplasia prostáticas es una enfermedad con causas multifactoriales, entre estas, alteraciones genéticas y epigenéticas están involucradas. Por lo tanto, el perro puede ser un modelo natural y espontaneo para el estudio de lesiones preneoplásicas e neoplásicas de próstata canina. En el futuro, podrá ser utilizado como modelo en pruebas pre-clínicas de medicamentos, como ya fue realizado para osteosarcoma, por ejemplo. Una de las vías importantes para el desarrollo de los carcinomas prostáticos es la WNT canónica dependiente de la proteína Beta-catenina. En esta revisión abordaremos el papel de esta vía y su participación en la carcinogénesis prostática, importante en humanos y perros, además de algunas proteínas involucradas en la regulación de la misma.
Prostate of dogs have similar lesions to that observed in human and is the only species other than man which frequently displays spontaneous prostatic tumors. In this way, the dog represent an important model of studying different prostatic affections. The prostate cancer development is multifactorial and among them, genetic and epigenetic alterations are involved. The dog can be a natural and spontaneous model to study preneoplastic and neoplastic lesions, with potential future studies as models for pre-clinical tests. One of important pathway to prostate carcinogenesis is beta catenin dependent canonical WNT pathway. In this paper, we review the role of this pathway in prostate carcinogenesis, important in humans and dogs, besides some regulatory proteins involved in this pathway.
A espécie canina apresenta semelhanças com a espécie humana com relação às lesões prostáticas, sendo a única espécie a apresentar tumores espontâneos e com frequência, desse modo representa um importante modelo para estudo comparativo de afecções desta glândula. O desenvolvimento das neoplasias prostáticas é multifatorial e dentre eles, alterações genéticas e epigenéticas estão envolvidas, portanto o cão pode ser um modelo natural e espontâneo para o estudo das lesões pré neoplásicas e neoplásicas da próstata, com futuro alto potencial de ser utilizado como modelo em testes pré-clínicos de medicamentos. Uma das vias importantes para o desenvolvimento dos carcinomas prostáticos é a WNT canônica, dependente da proteína Beta-catenina. Nesta revisão, abordaremos o papel desta via e sua participação na carcinogênese prostática, importante em humanos e cães, além de algumas proteínas envolvidas na regulação da mesma.
Masculino , Animais , Cães , Carcinogênese , Carcinoma/etiologia , Carcinoma/veterinária , Proteínas Wnt/análise , Próstata/fisiopatologia , Estudos de Casos e ControlesResumo
The African Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) has gained popularity as a pet in several parts of the world. This is a report of a concomitant finding of spontaneous mammary and uterine tumors in an adult female African Hedgehog. The animal presented abdominal masses and died suddenly. Upon necropsy, not only the mammary tumor mass, but also a uterine neoplasm was found. Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissues were submitted for histopathological examination. The mammary tumor was diagnosed as a solid carcinoma, and the uterine tumor as fibrosarcoma. By immunohistochemistry, the mammary tumor showed positivity for pancytokeratins and estrogen and progesterone receptors, while the uterine neoplasm exhibited positivity for vimentin. There was high cross-immunoreactivity between anti-human antibodies. The positivity for hormonal receptors antigens may represent a relationship between estrogen and progesterone levels and the development of mammary tumors, as in other mammals.
Feminino , Animais , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Neoplasias Uterinas/veterinária , Ouriços , Receptores de Progesterona/análise , Animais Selvagens , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterináriaResumo
The African Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris) has gained popularity as a pet in several parts of the world. This is a report of a concomitant finding of spontaneous mammary and uterine tumors in an adult female African Hedgehog. The animal presented abdominal masses and died suddenly. Upon necropsy, not only the mammary tumor mass, but also a uterine neoplasm was found. Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissues were submitted for histopathological examination. The mammary tumor was diagnosed as a solid carcinoma, and the uterine tumor as fibrosarcoma. By immunohistochemistry, the mammary tumor showed positivity for pancytokeratins and estrogen and progesterone receptors, while the uterine neoplasm exhibited positivity for vimentin. There was high cross-immunoreactivity between anti-human antibodies. The positivity for hormonal receptors antigens may represent a relationship between estrogen and progesterone levels and the development of mammary tumors, as in other mammals.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ouriços , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Neoplasias Uterinas/veterinária , Fibrossarcoma/veterinária , /análise , Receptores de Progesterona/análise , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Animais SelvagensResumo
O tumor venéreo transmissível canino (TVTC) é uma das neoplasias mais comuns em cães, e acomete principalmente os animais com livre acesso à rua, uma vez que é transmitida predominantemente através do coito. O tratamento de eleição é através de quimioterapia com sulfato de vincristina endovenoso, com intervalos semanais e custo elevado, o que muitas vezes dificulta a continuidade do tratamento para os tutores dos animais acometidos. A lomustina é um agente quimioterápico que é administrado por via oral, com intervalo de 21 dias entre as aplicações, o que facilita a adesão ao tratamento por parte dos tutores. O estudo descrito no capítulo 1 intitulado Eficácia da lomustina no tratamento do tumor venéreo transmissível canino teve como objetivo avaliar a eficácia da lomustina administrada em cães acometidos por TVTC. Outro objetivo foi propor uma outra opção terapêutica nos casos em que o protocolo quimioterápico com sulfato de vincristina não for uma opção viável ao tutor do animal. Para este estudo foram selecionados 12 cães com diagnóstico citopatológico de TVTC genital, que foram submetidos ao protocolo experimental com administração de lomustina na dose de 70 a 85 mg/m2 por via oral, a cada 21 dias, totalizando no máximo dois ciclos de administrações. Os animais foram reavaliados a cada 7 dias até no máximo o dia +49 após a primeira dose da lomustina, para realização de acompanhamento da regressão das lesões neoplásicas através de mensurações e para monitoramento hematológico e bioquímico sérico para detectar possíveis efeitos adversos relacionados ao tratamento. Entre os 12 cães submetidos ao protocolo de tratamento, 8 alcançaram remissão completa da neoplasia (66,6%), 1 apresentou resposta parcial ao tratamento (8,33%) e três apresentaram doença estável (25%). Efeitos adversos importantes como intensa leucopenia neutrofílica foram detectados através de exames em 3 cães (25%). O estudo clínico permite concluir que a lomustina pode ser uma opção de tratamento para o TVTC, nos casos em que os valores do tratamento convencional sejam um fator determinante na escolha do protocolo terapêutico, contudo são necessárias avaliações hematológicas seriadas para identificar possíveis efeitos adversos devido a mielotoxicidade do fármaco. O capítulo 2 intitulado Aspectos epidemiológicos, clínicos, e terapêuticos do tumor venéreo transmissível na região do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2015 a 2020) teve como objetivo apresentar dados epidemiológicos e clínicos de animais diagnosticados com TVTC, ressaltando as manifestações clínicasmais observadas, os protocolos terapêuticos utilizados e suas respectivas respostas, bem como fatores epidemiológicos relacionados à transmissão e o desenvolvimento da doença na cidade do Rio de Janeiro e região metropolitana. O estudo concluiu que o TVTC apresenta elevada ocorrência na região, com apresentações clínicas mais frequentes em região genital, contudo foi observada elevada casuística de tumores extragenitais. O sulfato de vincristina foi o principal tratamento utilizado e é eficaz em induzir remissão da neoplasia, porém foi observado que 40% dos cães acometidos não são tratados por opção dos tutores. O capítulo 3 Aspectos clínicos e citopatológicos da remissão espontânea de tumor venéreo transmissível canino relato de caso traz a descrição de um caso de remissão espontânea de TVTC e teve como objetivo enfatizar os aspectos clínicos e citopatológicos observados durante o curso da regressão. O relato permitiu observar um raro caso de remissão espontânea de TVTC de ocorrência natural e verificar as nuances citopatológicas associadas ao processo de regressão. O capítulo 4 Tumor venéreo transmissível canino laríngeo com metástases pulmonares relato de caso teve como objetivo realizar a descrição de um caso raro de TVTC em laringe com desenvolvimento de focos metastáticos em parênquima pulmonar e destacar o acompanhamento clínico e radiográfico durante o tratamento antineoplásico. O capítulo permite concluir que o TVTC pode se manifestar de formas atípicas, inclusive em cães impúberes e localizações anatômicas inusitadas
The canine transmissible venereal tumor (TVTC) is one of the most common neoplasms in dogs, and mainly affects animals with free access to the street, since it is transmitted predominantly through coitus. The choice treatment is through chemotherapy with intravenous vincristine sulfate, with weekly intervals and high cost, which often makes it difficult to continue the treatment for the guardians of the affected animals. Lomustine is an orally administred chemotherapeutic agent, with an interval of 21 days between applications, which facilitates treatment adherence by tutors. The study described in chapter 1 entitled "Lomustine efficacy in the treatment of canine transmissible venereal tumor" aimed to evaluate the efficacy of lomustine administered to dogs affected by TVTC. Another objective was to propose other therapeutic option in cases where the chemotherapeutic protocol with vincristine sulfate is not a viable option for the animal's guardian. For this study, 12 dogs with cytopathological diagnosis of genital TVTC were selected, who were submitted to the experimental protocol with administration of lomustine at a dose of 70 to 85 mg / m2 orally, every 21 days, totaling a maximum of two administration cycles. The animals were reassessed every 7 days until a maximum of +49 day after the first dose of lomustine, to monitor the regression of neoplastic lesions through measurements and to monitor serum hematology and biochemistry to detect possible adverse effects related to treatment. Among the 12 dogs submitted to the treatment protocol, 8 achieved complete remission of the neoplasia (66.6%), 1 had partial response to treatment (8.33%) and three had stable disease (25%). Important adverse effects such as intense neutrophilic leukopenia were detected through examinations in 3 dogs (25%). The clinical study concludes that lomustine may be a treatment option for TVTC, in cases where the values of conventional treatment are a determining factor in the therapeutic choice protocol, however serial hematological evaluations are necessary to identify possible adverse effects due to the drugs myelotoxicity. Chapter 2 entitled Epidemiological, clinical, and therapeutic aspects of the transmissible venereal tumor in the region of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2015 to 2020) aimed to present epidemiological and clinical data of animals diagnosed with TVTC, highlighting the most observed clinical manifestations , the therapeutic protocols used and their respective responses, as well as epidemiological factors related to the transmission and development of the disease in the city of Rio deJaneiro and the metropolitan region. The study concluded that TVTC has a high occurrence in the region, with more frequent clinical presentations in the genital region, however a high number of extragenital tumors was observed. Vincristine sulfate was the main treatment used and is effective in inducing remission of the neoplasm, however it was observed that 40% of the affected dogs are not treated at the guardians' option. Chapter 3 Clinical and cytopathological aspects of spontaneous remission of a canine transmissible venereal tumor - case report provides a case description of spontaneous remission of TVTC and aimed to emphasize the clinical and cytopathological aspects observed during the regression course. The report made it possible to observe a rare case of spontaneous remission of naturally occurring TVTC and to verify the cytopathological nuances associated with the regression process. Chapter 4 Canine laryngeal transmissible venereal tumor with pulmonary metastases - case report aimed to describe a rare case of TVTC in the larynx with development of metastasis in the lung parenchyma and to highlight the clinical and radiographic monitoring during antineoplastic treatment . The chapter allows us to conclude that TVTC can manifest in atypical ways, including in impudent dogs and unusual anatomical locations.
As neoplasias mamárias são o tipo tumoral mais frequente em cadelas e mulheres. As cadelas são consideradas excelente modelo espontâneo no estudo do câncer de mama. O microambiente tumoral tem sido estudado nos últimos anos para maior compreensão do desenvolvimento e progressão dessa doença. Os mastócitos são um tipo celular presente neste microambiente que podem promover as neoplasias por meio da liberação de fatores pró-angiogênicos presentes em seus grânulos. Do mesmo modo, a fibrose tumoral tem sido considerada como fator prognóstico em diferentes tipos de tumores. O presente trabalho objetiva verificar a relação entre mastócitos e angiogênese em neoplasias mamárias benignas e malignas avaliando o papel da degranulação e da microlocalização dos mastócitos em neoplasias mamárias caninas. As mamas avaliadas foram divididas em três grupos: grupo controle (n=46); grupo maligno (n=57) e grupo benigno (n=19). Também foram avaliados linfonodos sem alterações (n=59) e com metástases (n=6). A marcação de mastócitos, vasos sanguíneos e fibrose tumoral foram realizados por técnicas histoquímicas e avaliadas por software ImageJ versão 1.42q. A densidade total de vasos (P=0,03) e vasos peritumorais (P=0,05) foram maiores no grupo maligno. Houve ainda correlação positiva entre densidade de vasos intratumorais e totais e densidade de mastócitos. Diante desses achados pode ser concluído que uma maior densidade de mastócitos está relacionada à maior densidade de vasos sanguíneos e que estes são mais abundantes em neoplasias malignas reforçando o papel crucial da angiogênese no desenvolvimento neoplásico.
The mammary neoplasias are the most often tumor type in bitchs and women. Female dogs are considered an excelent spontaneous model in the breast cancer study. The tumor microenvironment has been studied in the recent years to a greater understanding of the development and progression of this disease. Mast cells are a cell type present in this microenvironment that can promote neoplasms by releasing pro-angiogenic factors present in their granules. Likewise, tumor fibrosis has been considered a prognostic factor in different types of tumors. The present work aims to verify the connection between mast cells and angiogenesis in different histological types of mammary tumors by measuring the role of degranulation and microlocation in canine mammary glands tumors. The analyzed mammary glands were splitted into three groups: control group (n = 46); malignant group (n = 57) and benign group (n = 19). Lymph nodes without changes (n = 59) and with metastases (n = 6) were also evaluated. The staining of the mast cells, the blood vessels and the tumor fibrosis were performed by histochemical techniques and evaluated by ImageJ software version 1.42q. The total density of vessels (p = 0.03) and peritumoral vessels (p = 0.05) were higher in the malignant group. There was even a positive correlation between the intratumoral and total vessels and the mast cell density. In the face of these findings, we can conclude that a higher density of mast cells is related to a higher density of blood vessels and that these are more abundant in malignant neoplasms reinforcing the crucial role of angiogenesis in neoplastic development.
CORDEIRO, Y.G. Contribuições para o estudo da heterogeneidade inter e intratumoral em neoplasias mamárias em cadelas. 2020. 99f. Tese (Doutorado). Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos. Universidade de São Paulo. 2020. As neoplasias mamárias estão entre as mais frequentes em cães assim como em humanos. São consideradas excelentes modelos para o estudo da biologia do câncer, uma vez que algumas semelhanças, como sua apresentação espontânea, são difíceis de replicar em outros modelos animais. As diferenças entre os subtipos tumorais, bem como o alto grau de heterogeneidade inter e intratumoral, exigem marcadores mais precisos para melhorar o diagnóstico e prognóstico destas neoplasias. Além disso, novas informações sobre mecanismos moleculares podem levar a novos alvos terapêuticos, aprimorando o cuidado dado aos pacientes. Este trabalho teve como principais objetivos: (i) Associar a expressão gênica global à tumorigenicidade e potencial de invasão em linhagens celulares derivadas de carcinomas mamários caninos, a fim de estabelecer um modelo in vitro para pesquisas básicas e aplicadas; e (ii) Caracterizar subpopulações tumorais, em tecidos primários e metástases, a partir de alterações morfológicas e moleculares utilizando a espectrometria de massas por imagem (MALDI-MSI) para a determinação de alterações em vias associadas ao câncer. No primeiro capítulo, mostramos diferenças na expressão gênica entre as duas culturas celulares em comparação com o tecido normal da glândula mamária. Também, observamos maior invasão e potencial tumorigênico in vivo na linhagem M25, associados à maior expressão de genes envolvidos na adesão focal e comunicação com a matriz extracelular. Nos capítulos 2 e 3, identificamos alterações nos perfis de expressão de proteínas em subpopulações tumorais e metastáticas utilizando tanto o fenótipo morfológico, quanto o fenótipo molecular das populações indistinguíveis microscopicamente, relacionadas principalmente à vias associadas ao processamento de proteínas, componentes da matriz extracelular, adesão focal e regulação epigenética. Estes resultados em conjunto com aqueles encontrados no experimento in vitro demonstram a importância e complexidade dos carcinomas mamários heterogêneos em cães e devem direcionar a busca para a determinação de biomarcadores dos diferentes estágios da progressão tumoral.
CORDEIRO, Y.G. Contribution to the study of inter and intratumor heterogeneity in canine mammary carcinomas. 2020. 99f. PhD Thesis. Faculdade de Zootecnia e Engenharia de Alimentos. Universidade de São Paulo. 2020. Mammary tumors are among the most common types of cancer in dogs as well as in humans. Considered as excellent models for the study of cancer biology, similarities such as their spontaneous nature are difficult to be replicated in other animal models. Mammary tumors can be classified in many tumor subtypes, presenting a higher degree of inter and intratumoral heterogeneity. New insights on biomolecular mechanisms may lead to new therapeutic targets, improving diagnosis and prognosis and also improving patient care. Therefore, the main purposes of this work were: (i) To correlate global gene expression with tumorigenicity and invasion potential in canine mammary carcinoma cell lines, in order to establish an in vitro model for basic and applied oncology studies; and (ii) To characterize, using image mass spectrometry (MALDI-MSI), tumor subpopulations in primary tissues and metastasis through morphological and molecular features, in order to identify altered cancer-related pathways. In the first chapter, we showed differences regarding gene expression between two cell lines and a normal mammary gland tissue, as well as a higher invasion and in vivo tumorigenic potential of M25 cells associated to upregulation of genes involved in focal adhesion and extracellular matrix organization. In chapters 2 and 3, alterations in protein expression profiles of tumor and metastatic subpopulations were identified using both the morphological and the molecular phenotype of microscopically indistinguishable populations. Such differences were found mainly related to protein-processing pathways, extracellular matrix components, cell adhesion pathways and epigenetic regulations. These results should direct a search for the determination of biomarkers of populations in distinct levels of tumor progression.
As neoplasias oculares representam uma crescente preocupação na oftalmologia veterinária. O carcinoma de células escamosas corneal é raro em cães e, por isso, pouco estudado. Pesquisas investigando os mecanismos da carcinogênese que contribuem para o desenvolvimento do carcinoma de células escamosas (CCE) ocular em cães são infrequentes. No presente trabalho teve-se por objetivo identificar, por imunoistoquímica, a expressão da proteína p53 no carcinoma de células escamosas corneal espontâneo de cães. Foram utilizados cinco casos de CCE corneal e um caso de ceratite actínica. Os cortes foram obtidos a partir dos blocos de parafina e submetidos à análise anatomopatológica e imunoistoquímica. Do total de seis amostras, todas apresentaram imunomarcação para citoqueratina e para a proteína p53. Conclui-se que a imunorreatividade da proteína p53 pela imunoistoquímica foi presente nos CCE corneal de cães contribuindo para sua carcinogênese, mas não fornece indicadores de prognóstico em casos de CCE córnea em cão; e pode existir forte relação da exposição à radiação solar com a possível mutação do gene TP53.(AU)
Ocular tumors play an increasing concern in veterinary ophthalmology. Corneal squamous cell carcinoma is unfrequent in dogs, and by this way it has little studies. Studies that investigated the carcinogenesis mechanisms wich could help to the development of ocular squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) in dog are rare. The aim of this work was to identify by immunohistochemical techniques, the p53 protein expression in the spontaneous dog corneal SCC. For this work, were used five cases of corneal SCC and one case of actinic keratitis. The sections were obtained from paraffin-wax blocks and submitted to histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. All the six samples showed immunolabeling to cytokeratin and p53 protein. These results support the conclusions that the immunoreactivity of p53 protein by immunohistochemistry is present in canine corneal SCC suppporting its role in carcinogenesis of this tumor, but not provides prognostic indicators in cases of SCC corneal in dog; and can be a association of exposure to solar radiation with the possible mutation of the TP53 gene.(AU)
Animais , Cães , Proteína Supressora de Tumor p53 , Neoplasias de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão , Córnea/anormalidades , Neoplasias Oculares/veterináriaResumo
A principal indicação para tumores de mama é a mastectomia radical, uma técnica cirúrgica que proporciona estímulo álgico de moderado a acentuado, sendo indicado o uso de anestesia geral associada à anestesia local. Com o delineamento experimental proposto, objetivou-se avaliar e comparar os efeitos cardiorrespiratórios, temperatura retal e eficácia analgésica das técnicas de tumescência e bloqueio do plano transverso do abdômen (TAP block) associado ao bloqueio intercostal, em cadelas submetidas à mastectomia unilateral radical. Foram utilizadas 16 cadelas, distribuídas em dois grupos (n = 8), sendo eles: GT que recebeu solução de tumescência com bupivacaína a 0,02% em volume fixo de 15 mL/kg e GTB que recebeu a associação do TAP block guiado por ultrassom e bloqueio intercostal nos espaços compreendidos entre T4 e T12 com bupivacaína a 0,25% em volume fixo de 0,45 mL/kg em cada ponto do TAP block e 0,035 mL/kg, em cada espaço intercostal. No total, os dois grupos receberam a dose fixa de 3 mg/kg de bupivacaína. Como medicação pré-anestésica utilizou-se a associação de clorpromazina (0,3 mg/kg) à meperidina (3 mg/kg) por via intramuscular. A indução anestésica foi realizada com propofol, pela via intravenosa e a manutenção com isofluorano, em ventilação espontânea. Variáveis cardiovasculares, respiratórias, requerimento anestésico e eficácia analgésica foram registrados em diferentes momentos. A coleta de dados iniciou-se no período pré-operatório (Mbasal), em que se mensurou as frequências cardíaca (FC) e respiratória (), pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e temperatura retal (TR). No período transoperatório os momentos de aferição foram padronizados de acordo com o ato cirúrgico anestésico e os dados analisados foram FC, , pressão arterial média (PAM), dióxido de carbono ao final da expiração (EtCO2), saturação de oxihemoglobina (SpO2), concentração de isofluorano ao final da expiração (ETISO) e TR. Já no período pós-operatório, a coleta dos dados FC, , PAS, TR e eficácia da analgesia pós-operatória, iniciou-se 1 hora após a extubação (Mextub) e se estendeu por 8 horas. A analgesia pós-operatória foi avaliada com o auxílio da Escala de Glasgow modificada e dos filamentos de von Frey. Os resultados foram avaliados estatisticamente pela análise de variância (ANOVA), seguida pelo teste de Tukey (p 0,05). Na avaliação dos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios durante o período transoperatório, houve diferenças pontuais entre grupos e momentos em PAM, EtCO2, ETISO e TR. Na avaliação de dor, o escore foi maior no M1 em GT e em ambos os grupos durou as 8 horas de avaliação, sem necessidade de resgate analgésico. O GTB demonstrou menor requerimento anestésico, maior estabilidade dos parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios e temperatura retal, enquanto GT apresentou menor tempo cirúrgico e causou maior hipotermia.
The main indication for breast tumors is radical mastectomy, a surgical technique that provides pain relief from moderate to severe, and the use of general anesthesia associated with local anesthesia is indicated. With the proposed experimental design, the objective was to evaluate and compare the cardiorespiratory effects, rectal temperature and analgesic efficacy of the techniques tumescence and transversus abdominis plane block (TAP block) associated with intercostal block in bitches submitted to radical unilateral mastectomy. Were used 16 bitches, distributed in two groups (n = 8), namely: GT that received tumescent solution with 0.02% bupivacaine in fixed volume of 15 mL/kg and GTB that received the association of the "TAP block" guided by ultrasound and intercostal block in the spaces between T4 and T12 with 0.25% bupivacaine in a fixed volume of 0.45 mL/kg in each point of the TAP block and 0.035 mL/kg, in each intercostal space. In total, the two groups received a fixed dose of 3 mg/kg of bupivacaine. As pre-anesthetic medication, the combination of chlorpromazine (0.3 mg/kg) with meperidine (3 mg/kg) was used intramuscularly. Anesthetic induction was performed with propofol, intravenously and maintenance with isofluorane, in spontaneous ventilation. Cardiovascular, respiratory variables, anesthetic requirements and analgesic efficacy were recorded at different times. Data collection started in the preoperative period (Mbasal), in heart rate (FC) and respiratory (), systolic blood pressure (PAS) and rectal temperature (TR) were measured. In the transoperative period, the measurement moments were standardized according to the anesthetic surgical procedure and the data analyzed were FC, , mean arterial pressure (PAM), carbon dioxide at the end of expiration (EtCO2), oxyhemoglobin saturation (SpO2), concentration of isofluorane at the end of expiration (ETISO) and TR. In the postoperative period, the collection of data FC, , PAS, TR and efficacy of postoperative analgesia, started 1 hour after extubation (Mextub) and lasted for 8 hours. Postoperative analgesia was assessed with the aid of the modified Glasgow Scale and von Frey filaments. The results were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA), followed by the Tukey test (p 0.05). In the assessment of cardiorespiratory parameters during the transoperative period, there were occasional differences between groups and moments in PAM, EtCO2, ETISO and TR. In pain assessment, the score was higher in M1 in GT and in both groups it lasted 8 hours of evaluation, without the need for analgesic rescue. GTB showed less anesthetic requirement, greater stability of cardiorespiratory parameters and rectal temperature, while GT showed shorter surgical time and caused greater hypothermia.
There are very few reports of lymphoma in sheep in the literature. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to report the prevalence of this disease among sheep cared for in the Clinic of Cattle in the Campus Garanhuns of the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE). The results were obtained from a four year old sheep (weight 40 kg) that had been reared in a semi-intensive system. The owner reported that he had acquired this animal three months earlier from another herd and that, one month later; he had noticed that the animal was apathetic, no appetite and distanced itself from the herd. The animal was treated unsuccessfully on the farm. The animal exhibited clinical signs of apathy, tachycardia, cachexia and anorexia, as well as ruminal and intestinal hypomotility. The hemogram showed evidence of leukocytosis by neutrophilia, with the presence of deteriorated leukocytes in the blood smear. The serology (IDGA) for the enzootic bovine leukosis virus was negative. The ultrasound confirmed severe lung disease. The animal died after seven days. In the necropsy there was a mass in the subcutaneous tissue adhered to chest sternal there was a notable increase in the volume adhered in the external caudal subcutaneous region, with nodular characteristics and a whitish coloration. Identical, although smaller, nodulations were visualized in the serous membrane of the reticulum and the abomasum, with metastases in the kidneys, omentum, mesenteric lymph nodes, diaphragm, heart and lungs. The histopathology revealed atypical mantle structures,with multiple vacuoles and interspersed fibrous stroma. The tumoral cells were small, round, basophilic, with scarce cytoplasm and a large, round nucleus, with hyperchromatic qualities, dense chromatin and rare mitosis. The results of the present study confirm that this was a case of atypical lymphosarcoma in the sheep in question.(AU)
Os relatos na literatura de linfoma em ovinos são escassos, logo o objetivo deste trabalho é relatar a ocorrência dessa doença em uma ovelha atendida na Clínica de Bovinos, Campus-Garanhuns/ UFRPE. Os achados foram obtidos de uma ovelha mestiça de quatro anos, pesando 40 kg, criada em sistema semi-intensivo. O proprietário relatou que adquiriu esse animal há três meses de outro rebanho e que há dois observou que o animal ficou apático, com perda do apetite e separado do rebanho, foi medicado na propriedade sem sucesso. Clinicamente apresentou um quadro de apatia, taquicardia, caquexia, anorexia, bem como hipomotilidade ruminal e intestinal. No hemograma evidenciou-se leucocitose por neutrofilia, com presença de leucócitos degenerados no esfregaço sanguíneo. A sorologia (IDGA) para vírus da Leucose Enzoótica Bovina foi negativa. Além desses achados, a ultrassonografia revelou um comprometimento pulmonar grave. O animal veio a óbito após sete dias. Na necropsia observou-se uma massa no tecido subcutâneo, aderida à região torácica caudal esternal, firme com características nodular e de coloração esbranquiçada. Nodulações idênticas e de tamanhos menores foram visualizadas na serosa do retículo e abomaso, com metástases nos rins, omento, linfonodos mesentéricos, diafragma, coração e pulmão. A histopatologia revelou estruturas atípicas disposta na forma de manto, com múltiplos vacúolos, com estroma fibroso entremeado. As células tumorais caracterizam-se por serem pequenas e arredondadas, basofílicas, com citoplasma escasso, núcleo grande e redondo, hipercromático, com cromatina densa e com raras mitoses. Estes achados indicam uma forma de linfoma espontâneo em ovelha.(AU)