Peixes, anfíbios, répteis, moluscos cefalópodes e crustáceos decápodes são sencientes, e por isso, procedimentos de cultivo e de abate desses animais precisam atender aos critérios de bem-estar. Protocolos de bem-estar têm sido propostos para espécies da aquicultura de relevância econômica trançando novos rumos para atividade, mas infelizmente na maioria das propriedades brasileiras, não são adotados. Nesta revisão, contém informações sobre o cenário atual e os métodos de avaliação de bem-estar dos organismos aquáticos disponíveis na literatura científica, a fim de contribuir para a implantação de métodos, processos e estruturas que garantam o bom estado fisiológico e comportamental durante a vida e morte dos animais em cativeiro. Os dados disponíveis indicam que o estresse, a sanidade, as condições nutricionais e os métodos de insensibilização são os principais indicadores de bem-estar na aquicultura. Portanto, é imprescindível garantir estruturas adequadas ao sistema de produção, protocolos de vacinação, dietas balanceadas compostas principalmente por fontes protéicas de qualidade, depuração pré-abate e métodos de insensibilização que levam à perda de consciência imediata.
Fish, amphibians, reptiles, cephalopod molluscs and decapod crustaceans are sentient, so these animals' cultivation and slaughter procedures must meet welfare criteria. Welfare protocols have been proposed for aquaculture species of economic relevance, tracing new directions for the activity, but unfortunately, in most Brazilian properties, they are not adopted. This review contains information about the current scenario and the methods of evaluating the welfare of aquatic organisms available in the scientific literature to contribute to the implementation of methods, processes and structures that ensure a good physiological and behavioral state during the life and death of the animals in captivity. Available data indicate that stress, health, nutritional conditions and stunning methods are the main indicators of welfare in aquaculture. Therefore, ensuring adequate structures for the production system, vaccination protocols, balanced diets composed mainly of quality protein sources, pre-slaughter purification, and stunning methods that lead to immediate loss of consciousness is essential.
Animais , Estresse Psicológico/prevenção & controle , Bem-Estar do Animal/tendências , Aquicultura/métodos , Aquicultura/ética , Peixes , Valores de Referência , Ingestão de AlimentosResumo
Dentre os sistemas de abate de bovinos, o sistema halal é aquele aceito pela comunidade muçulmana, espalhada em diversos países, representando milhões de pessoas. O sistema convencional, como entendido nessa pesquisa, é aquele que envolve os aspectos de bem estar animal. A hipótese desta pesquisa teve por base a posição de que o abate halal constitui-se em uma prática superior ao abate convencional. O que significaria, caso se confirmasse essa "superioridade", que ele seria mais humanizado e eficiente. A pesquisa principal foi classificada como qualitativa, e se desenvolveu entre abril de 2020 e fevereiro de 2021. Como resultado encontrou-se a visão de que o abate bovino compreende apenas as etapas de insensibilização e sangria (ou degola), limitando a análise na comparação entre o abate convencional e halal. Concluiu-se, assim, que o abate é um processo longo que se inicia no embarque do animal na fazenda, portanto, faz-se necessário estudos mais amplos e aprofundados com análises dos indicadores etológicos e bioquímicos de estresse animal nas etapas do abate neste explanados, para a produção de uma opinião mais segura e precisa quanto a qual forma de abate, halal ou convencional, é menos estressante para bovinos.
Among the cattle meat production systems, the halal system is the one accepted by the Muslim community spread in several countries, representing millions of people. The conventional system, as understood in this research, is one that involves zootechnical aspects, in short, productive efficiency. The hypothesis of this research was based on the position that halal slaughter constitutes a superior practice to conventional slaughter. What would it mean, if this "superiority" of halal slaughter over conventional slaughter was confirmed, that it is more humanized and efficient. The main research was classified as qualitative, and it developed between april 2020 and february 2021. As a result, it was found that the view of being bovine slaughter only the stages of stunning and bleeding (or sticking) limits the analysis in the comparison between conventional and halal slaughter. It was concluded, therefore, that the slaughter is a long process that begins with the loading of the animal on the farm, therefore, it is necessary broader and deeper studies with analyzes of the ethological and biochemical indicators of animal stress in the stages of slaughter here explaned, to produce a safer and more precise opinion as to which form of slaughter, halal or conventional, is less stressful for cattle.
Animais , Bovinos , Bem-Estar do Animal , Abate de Animais/classificação , Abate de Animais/métodos , Islamismo , ReligiãoResumo
No Capítulo 1 apresenta-se uma breve introdução ao assunto, assim como os objetivos da tese. No Capítulo 2 o objetivo foi avaliar os óleos essenciais de Ocimum americanum (OA) ou Lippia alba (LA) como anestésicos para tilápia do Nilo, assim como a influência dos mesmos no aroma e sabor dos filés. Para a avaliação anestésica, tilápias do Nilo foram divididas em 4 grupos: etanol (ET), 2-fenoxietanol (PE) e óleos essenciais de Ocimum americanum (OA) ou Lippia alba (LA). Óleos essenciais de OA ou LA a 500 L/L foram efetivos para indução de anestesia profunda com uma duração da inconsciência que permitiu a sangria. Anestesia com óleos essenciais de Ocimum americanum ou Lippia alba podem ser indicados como uma alternativa à hipotermia no pré-abate de peixes no Brasil. No Capítulo 3 o objetivo foi avaliar a percussão mecânica perfurante Spiking e a eletronarcose como métodos para indução de inconsciência, e seus efeitos sobre o rigor mortis. Tilápias do Nilo foram divididas em três grupos, dois para percussão mecânica e um grupo para eletronarcose. A percussão mecânica com acesso lateral foi efetiva para induzir inconsciência sem recuperação em tilápia do Nilo, e seu uso em sistema automatizado pode ser uma alternativa ao método tradicional de hipotermia no Brasil. No Capítulo 4 foi avaliada a inconsciência por meio de eletroencefalografia (EEG) em tilápias do Nilo submetidas a diferentes métodos ao pré-abate. Tilápias do Nilo foram divididas em cinco diferentes grupos para avaliar métodos no período pré-abate, anestesia com 2-fenoxietanol 1 ml/L (PE), anestesia com óleos essências de Ocimum americanum (OA) ou Lippia alba a 500 µL/L, spiking (SP) e hipotermia (HP). A mediana de tempo (s) para perder a consciência representada pela fase suprimida foi PE (136 ± 61), OA (171 ± 164), LA (171.5 ±77.8) e HP (252 ± 752) (P<0.01). A análise espectral sugere inconsciência após 3 minutos de exposição aos anestésicos PE, OA, LA devido à diminuição de Ptot, F50 e F95 e incremento na contribuição de frequências delta e diminuição nas frequências de beta. Os valores de HP sugerem que tal método não induz inconsciência. Anestesia com Ocimum americanum ou Lippia alba induz inconsciência determinada por EEG após 180 s de imersão. O uso da hipotermia não induz inconsciência em tilápia do Nilo e não cumpre com critérios de abate humanitário, sendo urgente sua substituição por métodos que cumpram critérios de abate humanitário. No Capítulo 5 o objetivo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes métodos pré-abate: hipotermia (HP), anestesia com os óleos essências de Ocimum americanum (OA) ou Lippia alba e spiking (SP) sobre parâmetros da qualidade da carne de tilápia sem evisceração e refrigerada durante 15 dias. O uso da percussão mecânica spiking (SP) e anestesia com óleos essenciais de Ocimum americanum (OA) ou Lippia alba (LA) em tilápia do Nilo sob refrigeração não alterou negativamente os seguintes parâmetros de qualidade da carne pH, rigor mortis, TVB-N e valor K quando comparado ao método tradicional de hipotermia.
Chapter 1 presents a brief introduction to the subject and the aim of these. Chapter 2 assessed Ocimum americanum (OA) or Lippia alba (LA) essential oils as anaesthetics in Nile tilapia and their influence on the aroma. For the anaesthetic evaluation, Nile tilapia were divided into four groups: ethanol (ET), 2-phenoxyethanol (PE), Ocimum americanum (OA) or Lippia alba (LA), all at 500 L/L. OA or LA essential oils at 500 L/L were effective in inducing deep anaesthesia with unconsciousness duration of 126 s, allowing time for bleeding. Anaesthesia with Ocimum americanum or Lippia alba essential oils may be indicated as an alternative to hypothermia at pre-slaughter handling of fish in Brazil. Chapter 3 aimed to assess mechanical spiking and electrical stunning as methods to induce unconsciousness in Nile tilapia, and their effects on rigor mortis. Nile tilapia were divided into three groups, two groups for spiking and one group for electrical stunning. Mechanical spiking with lateral access is effective to induce unconsciousness without recovery, delaying the onset of rigor mortis in Nile tilapia, thus its use in an automatic system could be an alternative to traditional slaughter of hypothermia in Brazil. Chapter 4 aimed to assess unconsciousness using electroencephalography EEG in Nile tilapia under different methods at pre-slaughter. Nile tilapia were divided in five different methods at pre-slaughter: anaesthesia with phenoxyethanol at 1 mL/L (PE), anaesthesia with Ocimum americanum (OA) or Lippia alba (LA) essential oils at 500 µL/L, spiking (SP) and hypothermia in ice/water (2:1). The median time (s) to lose consciousness as represented by the suppressed phase was PE (136 ± 61), OA (171 ± 164), LA (171.5 ±77.8) and HP (252 ± 752) (P<0.01). Spectral analysis suggested unconsciousness after 3 minutes of exposure to PE, OA or LA due to the decreases in Ptot, F50 and F95, and also the increase in contribution from the delta frequency and decrease in contribution from the beta frequency. The values obtained in the spectral analysis for fish submitted to HP suggest that this method does not induce unconsciousness. When used in Nile tilapia, phenoxyethanol-like anaesthetic showed both EEG traces and spectral analyses consistent with unconsciousness after 140 s of immersion. Anaesthesia with 500µL/L of the essential oils Ocimum americanum or Lippia alba induced unconsciousness after 180 s of immersion, as determined by EEG. The use of hypothermia at pre-slaughter of Nile tilapia does not induce unconsciousness and should be urgently substituted by methods that meet criteria of humane slaughter. Chapter 5 assessed the influence of different pre-slaughter methods: hypothermia live chilling (HP); anaesthesia with the essential oils Ocimum americanum (OA) or Lippia alba (LA) and mechanical spiking (SP) on the meat quality parameters of Nile tilapia stored under refrigeration for 15 days. The use of mechanical spiking and anaesthesia with the Ocimum americanum (OA) or Lippia alba (LA) essential oils in Nile tilapia did not negatively change the following quality parameters of the meat: pH value, rigor mortis, TVB-N and K-value as compared to the traditional method of hypothermia.
The objective of this study was to compare the effects of two methods (electrical water bath or carbonic gas atmosphere) for stunning or killing broiler chickens prior to bleeding on weight loss due to bleeding and meat traits. A completely randomized design with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (electrical or gas system x stunning or killing) was applied. The time required for stunning and killing and the birds' behavior were evaluated for the gas exposure method. The birds killed by the electrical method retained more blood than those killed by the exposure to gas and, therefore, presented redder meat. The exposure to 10 to 15% CO2 atmosphere caused discomfort reactions in 100% of birds, and the intensity of reaction presented a wide variation: 35% for weak reaction, 40% for intermediate reaction, and 25% for strong reaction. The time required to stun or kill the birds by CO2 exposure varied from 28 to 97 seconds and from 42 to 158 seconds, respectively. It was concluded that the time required to stun or to kill the birds by CO2 exposure widely varied and caused discomfort reactions; however, meat traits were not influenced by the methods used in this experiment.(AU)
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Galinhas/classificação , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Carne/análiseResumo
The objective of this study was to compare the effects of two methods (electrical water bath or carbonic gas atmosphere) for stunning or killing broiler chickens prior to bleeding on weight loss due to bleeding and meat traits. A completely randomized design with 2 x 2 factorial arrangement (electrical or gas system x stunning or killing) was applied. The time required for stunning and killing and the birds' behavior were evaluated for the gas exposure method. The birds killed by the electrical method retained more blood than those killed by the exposure to gas and, therefore, presented redder meat. The exposure to 10 to 15% CO2 atmosphere caused discomfort reactions in 100% of birds, and the intensity of reaction presented a wide variation: 35% for weak reaction, 40% for intermediate reaction, and 25% for strong reaction. The time required to stun or kill the birds by CO2 exposure varied from 28 to 97 seconds and from 42 to 158 seconds, respectively. It was concluded that the time required to stun or to kill the birds by CO2 exposure widely varied and caused discomfort reactions; however, meat traits were not influenced by the methods used in this experiment.
Animais , Bem-Estar do Animal , Carne/análise , Galinhas/classificação , Galinhas/crescimento & desenvolvimentoResumo
The aim of this review was to describe the procedures related to pre-slaughter management to enable the humane slaughter of pigs. The pre-slaughter management is defined as the set of practices for them from the property to the fridge. These procedures have received more attention from the moment that stress was diagnosed among the main responsibilities for losses related to meat quality and economy of the entire system. The shipment, transportation, landing, fasting, water diet, the types and adequacy of stunning and bleeding efficiency are factors that need training for producers, employees and others involved with the production chain for pigs to keep them from interfering with the welfare of these animals.
O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi descrever os procedimentos relacionados ao manejo pré-abate que permitem um eficiente abate humanitário para os suínos. O manejo pré-abate é definido como o conjunto de práticas com os animais desde a propriedade até o frigorífico. Esses procedimentos receberam maior atenção a partir do momento em que o estresse foi diagnosticado entre os principais responsáveis por perdas relacionadas à qualidade de carne e economia de todo o sistema. O embarque, o transporte, o desembarque, o jejum, a dieta hídrica, os tipos e adequação da insensibilização e a eficiência da sangria são fatores que necessitam de treinamento para produtores, funcionários e demais envolvidos com a cadeia produtiva de suínos, desde que interferem com o bem-estar desses animais.
Animais , Abate de Animais , SuínosResumo
The aim of this review was to describe the procedures related to pre-slaughter management to enable the humane slaughter of pigs. The pre-slaughter management is defined as the set of practices for them from the property to the fridge. These procedures have received more attention from the moment that stress was diagnosed among the main responsibilities for losses related to meat quality and economy of the entire system. The shipment, transportation, landing, fasting, water diet, the types and adequacy of stunning and bleeding efficiency are factors that need training for producers, employees and others involved with the production chain for pigs to keep them from interfering with the welfare of these animals.(AU)
O objetivo desta revisão de literatura foi descrever os procedimentos relacionados ao manejo pré-abate que permitem um eficiente abate humanitário para os suínos. O manejo pré-abate é definido como o conjunto de práticas com os animais desde a propriedade até o frigorífico. Esses procedimentos receberam maior atenção a partir do momento em que o estresse foi diagnosticado entre os principais responsáveis por perdas relacionadas à qualidade de carne e economia de todo o sistema. O embarque, o transporte, o desembarque, o jejum, a dieta hídrica, os tipos e adequação da insensibilização e a eficiência da sangria são fatores que necessitam de treinamento para produtores, funcionários e demais envolvidos com a cadeia produtiva de suínos, desde que interferem com o bem-estar desses animais.(AU)
Animais , Suínos , Abate de AnimaisResumo
As homeothermic animals, pigs manifest maximum performance when kept at comfortable temperature levels, represented by a limit where thermoregulatory processes are minimal. In a stress situation, with a higher energy demand for thermal maintenance, the energy contribution to the productive functions will be reduced, generating health imbalances, drop-in performance rates and welfare problems. The objective of this work was to study the replacement of 5% of starch (ST) per 5% of sunflower oil (SO), with or without restriction, in growing and finishing pigs diet kept under heat stress conditions and evaluate the influence of this strategies on welfare (dirtiness and behavior), performance, meat quality and carcass traits parameters. Seventy-two crossbred males (Iberic x Duroc) (51.00 ± 6.29 kg body weight - BW) were housed in collective pens and randomly distributed according to the initial BW, in climate-controlled rooms under heat stress conditions (30-32°C; 35% to 50% humidity). The experiment lasted 90 days and it was carried out in a randomized block design, in a 2 x 2 factorial, composed of two diets (ST or SO) and two management feed intakes (ad-libitum and restriction).The treatments studied were: 1) control diet (5% ST x 0% SO) with ad-libitum feed intake (n = 18); 2) SO diet (replacement of 5% of ST per 5% SO) with ad-libitum feed intake (n = 18); 3) control diet with restriction feed intake (n = 18); or 4) SO diet with restriction feed intake (n = 18). Feed were provided in two phases, 50 100 Kg BW for growing and 100 140 Kg BW for finishing period, respectively. Pigs behavior and dirtiness score was observed daily, according to the methodology described in the Welfare Quality Protocol for Pigs®. The activities considered were: eating, drinking, lying laterally, lying sternly, exploring the pen, exploring the environment enrichment material and others. Moreover, samples of blood for hemogram analysis were taken at the beginning, at the transition of feed and at the end of the study. The performance (feed intake - FI, average daily gain - ADG and feed conversion ratio - F:G) was weekly assessed. After reach an average of 130 140 kg BW, all animals were slaughtered by carbon dioxide (CO2) stunning in a local slaughtered house. The analysis of meat and carcass quality was performed, in all animals, after 24h post-mortem. The statistical analyses were performed using the Proc Mixed and the Proc Genmond procedures of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Tukey-Krammer or Chi-Square test were performed to compare the means of each treatment. The p value for significance was fixed at p< 0.05. In all cases, the models considered the effects of diet (control or SO), regimen (ad-libitum and restricted) and the diet*regimen interaction. In general, there were no effects (p>0.05) of the treatments (interaction diet*regimen) on the analyzed variables (performance, meat quality, carcass traits and dirtiness). During the experimental period, the animals that received the starch diet (control one) associated with the ad-libitum feed management showed reduced activity (exploratory behavior and others) and spend more time on sternly decubitus. Regarding the dirtiness score, the animals fed ad-libitum and the animals that received de starch diet were dirtiest during the experimental period. For performance results, FI was reduced (p<0.05) for pigs that received SO diet, while there was no difference on ADG and, consequently, better values of F:G when compared to those that received the control one. Regarding to meat quality parameters, SO diet resulted in a higher (p<0.05) yield of carcass and oleic fat content in the pigs. In addition, higher values to leanness percentage and yield of carcass was observed on pigs under the restricted regimen, and lower values of BW and carcass weight when compared with the ad-libitum group. In conclusion, the replacement of 5% of starch per 5% of sunflower oil, during high ambient temperature conditions (30-32°C), improved welfare, the feed efficiency and animals carcass characteristics.
As homeothermic animals, pigs manifest maximum performance when kept at comfortable temperature levels, represented by a limit where thermoregulatory processes are minimal. In a stress situation, with a higher energy demand for thermal maintenance, the energy contribution to the productive functions will be reduced, generating health imbalances, drop-in performance rates and welfare problems. The objective of this work was to study the replacement of 5% of starch (ST) per 5% of sunflower oil (SO), with or without restriction, in growing and finishing pigs diet kept under heat stress conditions and evaluate the influence of this strategies on welfare (dirtiness and behavior), performance, meat quality and carcass traits parameters. Seventy-two crossbred males (Iberic x Duroc) (51.00 ± 6.29 kg body weight - BW) were housed in collective pens and randomly distributed according to the initial BW, in climate-controlled rooms under heat stress conditions (30-32°C; 35% to 50% humidity). The experiment lasted 90 days and it was carried out in a randomized block design, in a 2 x 2 factorial, composed of two diets (ST or SO) and two management feed intakes (ad-libitum and restriction).The treatments studied were: 1) control diet (5% ST x 0% SO) with ad-libitum feed intake (n = 18); 2) SO diet (replacement of 5% of ST per 5% SO) with ad-libitum feed intake (n = 18); 3) control diet with restriction feed intake (n = 18); or 4) SO diet with restriction feed intake (n = 18). Feed were provided in two phases, 50 100 Kg BW for growing and 100 140 Kg BW for finishing period, respectively. Pigs behavior and dirtiness score was observed daily, according to the methodology described in the Welfare Quality Protocol for Pigs®. The activities considered were: eating, drinking, lying laterally, lying sternly, exploring the pen, exploring the environment enrichment material and others. Moreover, samples of blood for hemogram analysis were taken at the beginning, at the transition of feed and at the end of the study. The performance (feed intake - FI, average daily gain - ADG and feed conversion ratio - F:G) was weekly assessed. After reach an average of 130 140 kg BW, all animals were slaughtered by carbon dioxide (CO2) stunning in a local slaughtered house. The analysis of meat and carcass quality was performed, in all animals, after 24h post-mortem. The statistical analyses were performed using the Proc Mixed and the Proc Genmond procedures of the Statistical Analysis System (SAS). Tukey-Krammer or Chi-Square test were performed to compare the means of each treatment. The p value for significance was fixed at p< 0.05. In all cases, the models considered the effects of diet (control or SO), regimen (ad-libitum and restricted) and the diet*regimen interaction. In general, there were no effects (p>0.05) of the treatments (interaction diet*regimen) on the analyzed variables (performance, meat quality, carcass traits and dirtiness). During the experimental period, the animals that received the starch diet (control one) associated with the ad-libitum feed management showed reduced activity (exploratory behavior and others) and spend more time on sternly decubitus. Regarding the dirtiness score, the animals fed ad-libitum and the animals that received de starch diet were dirtiest during the experimental period. For performance results, FI was reduced (p<0.05) for pigs that received SO diet, while there was no difference on ADG and, consequently, better values of F:G when compared to those that received the control one. Regarding to meat quality parameters, SO diet resulted in a higher (p<0.05) yield of carcass and oleic fat content in the pigs. In addition, higher values to leanness percentage and yield of carcass was observed on pigs under the restricted regimen, and lower values of BW and carcass weight when compared with the ad-libitum group. In conclusion, the replacement of 5% of starch per 5% of sunflower oil, during high ambient temperature conditions (30-32°C), improved welfare, the feed efficiency and animals carcass characteristics.
A insensibilização tem como objetivo reduzir o sofrimento dos animais na eminência da sua morte. Para que isto ocorra é necessário que este procedimento seja realizado de forma eficiente, o que irá depender de vários fatores. Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a eficiência dos métodos de insensibilização de bovinos com uso de pistolas pneumáticas de dardo cativo com e sem penetração. A eficiência destes métodos foi avaliada de forma sistemática por meio de análise dos sinais físicos dos bovinos pós-atordoamento, análise macroscópica de patologia cranioencefálica post-mortem e uso de eletroencefalografia para monitoramento da atividade cerebral. Além destes, o estudo realizou um levantamento sobre os aspectos relacionados à insensibilização de bovinos para o abate nas plantas frigoríficas no país, avaliando a variação nos níveis de pressão de ar que alimenta o sistema pneumático e verificando o desempenho das principais marcas de insensibilizadores usados no Brasil.
The aim of stun an animal prior to slaughtering is to reduce the suffering of animals at the time of their death. For this to occur it is necessary that this procedure to be performed efficiently, which will depend on several factors. This study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the methods of desensitization of cattle with the use of pneumatic dart guns with and without penetration. The efficiency of these methods was evaluated systematically by means of analysis of physical signs of post-stunning cattle, macroscopic analysis of postmortem cranioencephalic pathology and use of electroencephalography to monitor brain activity. In addition, the study carried out a survey on the aspects related to the stunning of cattle for slaughter in the abattoirs in the country, evaluating the variation in the air pressure levels that powers the pneumatic system and verifying the performance of the main brands of captive bolt guns used in Brazil.
Neste estudo foram realizadas as medidas de intensidade da corrente elétrica contínua no cérebro de frangos de corte utilizando ondas de frequências híbridas e comparadas com ondas de frequências únicas. Considerando uma onda quadrada com frequência de 50 Hz, com ciclo de trabalho de 50%, a onda híbrida gera pulsos de 1500 Hz durante a metade de cada ciclo da onda, durante a fase ativa do pulso elétrico. Para cada uma das frequências híbridas utilizadas, o mesmo princípio foi aplicado. Foram utilizados 30 frangos de corte ROSS aos 42 dias de idade, com peso médio de 2,96 kg (std = 0,02), distribuídos aleatoriamente em 6 tratamentos com 5 repetições. Os tratamentos foram: 1) 50 Hz, 100 mA; 2) 200 Hz, 100 mA; 3) 400 Hz, 150 mA; 4) 50 Hz híbrida, 100 mA; 5) 200 Hz híbrida, 100 mA; e 6) 400 Hz híbrida, 150 mA. As formas de onda foram monitoradas através de um osciloscópio portátil. As aves foram abatidas e eletrodos de aço inoxidável, montados em uma base de polietileno, foram então inseridos nos hemisférios direito e esquerdo do cérebro das aves, logo abaixo do osso frontal do crânio, mantendo-se uma distância de 15 mm entre as agulhas. Os fios dos eletrodos foram conectados à um multímetro digital e a corrente elétrica foi registrada em microampères (A), para cada um dos tratamentos. A corrente elétrica foi aplicada em cada ave individualmente, em banho eletrificado utilizando-se uma cuba experimental de acrílico e respeitando os parâmetros de insensibilização elétrica da Resolução 1099/2009 da União Europeia. A análise da variância detectou efeito significativo de frango, de sistema de frequência e de frequência para a corrente medida no cérebro dos frangos. Não houve efeito significativo da interação e da ordem de aplicação dos tratamentos. O desdobramento da análise mostrou que a onda híbrida apresenta maiores correntes (média = 58,4 ± 4,4 A) passando pelo cérebro das aves comparado aos resultados obtidos pela onda única (média = 48,2 ± 4,1 A). Visto que o sistema de onda híbrida apresentou um maior fluxo de corrente elétrica no cérebro de frangos de corte, sugere-se que o sistema de onda híbrida possa apresentar melhores índices de qualidade de carne mantendo o índice de bem-estar animal. Estudos sobre a eficácia da insensibilização por eletroencefalografia e parâmetros de qualidade da carne, utilizando este sistema, são necessários para se confirmar ou rejeitar tais suposições.
In this study, the intensity of the electrical direct current (DC) in the brain of broilers using hybrid-frequency waveforms system compared to single frequencies was measured. Considering a square-wave with frequency of 50 Hz (duty-cycle 50%), the hybrid-frequency waveform is obtained generating pulses at 1500 Hz in half of each cycle, in pulse-width phase. The same principle was used in the others tested hybrid frequencies. A total of 30 broilers ROSS 42 days-old with an average weight of 2.96 kg (std = 0.02), randomly distributed in a design of 6 treatments with 5 repetitions. The treatments were: 1) 50 Hz, 100 mA; 2) 200 Hz, 100 mA; 3) 400 Hz, 150 mA; 4) hybrid 50 Hz, 100 mA; 5) hybrid 200 Hz, 100 mA; and 6) hybrid 400 Hz, 150 mA. The waveforms were monitored with a portable oscilloscope. The birds were slaughtered and stainless steel electrodes, mounted on a polyethylene basis, were inserted into the right and left hemispheres of the brain of broilers, below the frontal bone of the skull, keeping a distance of 15 mm between needles. The wire electrodes were connected to a digital multimeter and the electric current was recorded in micro-amperes (A) for each treatment. Electric current was applied to each individual bird in electrified bath using an experimental acrylic chamber according to the electrical stunning parameters of resolution 1099/2009 of the European Union. The analysis of variance indicated significant effect of broiler, frequency and system frequency for the current measured in the brain. There was no significant interaction of treatment and the application order. Detailed statistical analysis showed that the hybrid-frequency waveform system has higher currents (mean = 58.4 ± 4.4 A) passing through the brain of the broilers compared to the results obtained by the single wave system (mean = 48.2 ± 4.1 A). Since the hybrid wave system showed a greater flow of electric current in the brain of broilers, it is suggested that the hybrid wave system can provide better meat quality indices maintaining animal welfare. Studies about the effectiveness of stunning by electroencephalography and meat quality parameters, using this system, are needed to confirm or reject these assumptions.
A eletronarcose em cuba d´água é o método de atordoamento elétrico mais amplamente aceito e empregado nos abatedouros de frango da maioria dos países. Embora seja previsto na legislação nacional, que regulamenta os métodos de insensibilização para abate humanitário, esse método promove fatores estressantes para as aves. Este estudo objetivou estudar a viabilidade e eficácia de um equipamento insensibilizador elétrico por contato direto, utilizando corrente alternada (CA), aplicado na ave em pé, e avaliar suas implicações nas características intrínsecas da carne de frango. Foram abatidas 56 aves de linhagem comercial (Cobb 500), com 42 dias de idade, num delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado apresentando arranjo fatorial 2x2x2, sendo duas formas de aplicação de corrente elétrica, dois parâmetros de frequência e dois sexos. Os resultados foram analisados baseando-se na metodologia de ANOVA com nível de significância de 5 % e teste de Duncan. Os resultados revelaram correlação linear significativa entre a amperagem e o peso dos animais. Não houve diferença estatística quanto à concentração sanguínea de glicose, cor da carne, teor de perda de líquido por gotejamento, capacidade de retenção de água, perda de peso durante o cozimento e força de cisalhamento para ambos os sexos submetidos aos diferentes métodos de atordoamento elétrico. O sistema de insensibilização por contato direto é viável no que diz respeito à garantia de um abate humanitário às aves sem prejudicar a qualidade do produto final. Entretanto, tornam-se necessários estudos direcionados à mecanização do equipamento para que o mesmo possa ser integrado à indústria frigorífica.
Eletronarcosis by water bath is the electrical stunning method most widely accepted and used in chicken slaughterhouses in most countries of the world. Although it is provided for Brazilian law, legislation that rules the stunning methods for humanitarian slaughter, this method causes stress for the birds, such as hanging and drowning. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of an electrical stunning device, by direct contact, using alternating current (AC) applied in the bird standing, and evaluate their implications on the intrinsic characteristics of chicken meat. Fifty six birds (Cobb 500, 42 days of age) were slaughtered, in a completely randomized design featuring factorial arrangement 2 by 2 by 2, being two forms of electrical current application, two frequency parameters, and both sexes. The results were analyzed based on the ANOVA methodology, with a significance level of 5% and Duncans test. There is a significant linear correlation between the amperage and the weight of the animals. There was no statistical difference in terms of blood glucose level, meat color, drip loss of fluid content, water holding capacity, cooking loss, and shear force for both sexes submitted to the different methods of electrical stunning. The stunning system by direct contact is viable as regards the humanitarian slaughter assurance for the birds, without damage in the quality of the final product. However, studies involving its mechanization, in order to integrate into the packing industry, are needed.
A total of 800 male cattle (Nelore), aged 28-36 months, stunned by pneumatic captive bolt pistol (operating pressure 160-175psi 11-12bar , air consumption (per cycle) 1.45ft³ 41L , penetrating shaft diameter 0.625 in 15.9mm) in different restrainer systems (mechanical and automated). The traditional mechanical restraint (2.53x0.88x2.20m) did not allow the containment of the animal's head, the automated restrainer (2.60x0.85x2.30m) allowed adjustable sidewall and restraint and elevating the head. The automatic restrainer provided smaller number of shots required for stunning (1.0625±0.013) compared to mechanical (1.2025±0.026) (P0.0001), reduced the distance from the ideal point in the first shot (1.246±0.918) and (2.357±1.246) and second (3.042±0.141) and (4.016±0.101) (P 0.0001), and provided no respiratory reflex compared to the mechanical system (0.0275±0.008), (P0.001). The automatic restrainer had a higher welfare, improving the efficiency of restraint and stunning of cattle.
Um total de 800 bovinos machos (nelore/anelorados), com idade entre 28 e 36 meses, foi atordoado com pistola pneumática, com pressão de operação de 11 a 12bar e haste de penetração de 15.9mm de diâmetro, em sistemas de contenção diferentes (mecânico e atomatizado). O box de contenção mecânico tradicional (2,53x0,88x2,20m) não permitiu a contenção da cabeça do animal; no segundo tratamento utilizou-se box de contenção automatizado (2,60x0,85x2,30m), com parede lateral e piso móveis, guilhotina e elevador de cabeça. O box automatizado proporcionou menor número de disparos necessários para o atordoamento (1,0625±0,013) em comparação ao mecânico(1,2025±0,026), (P0,0001), reduziu a distância em relação ao ponto ideal no primeiro disparo (1,246±0,918 e 2,357±1,246) e no segundo (3,042±0,141 e 4,016±0,101), (P 0,0001), assim como proporcionou ausência de reflexo respiratório comparativamente ao sistema mecânico (0,0275±0,008), (P0,001). O box automatizado apresentou maior bem-estar e maior eficácia na contenção e insensibilização dos bovinos
A total of 800 male cattle (Nelore), aged 28-36 months, stunned by pneumatic captive bolt pistol (operating pressure 160-175psi 11-12bar , air consumption (per cycle) 1.45ft³ 41L , penetrating shaft diameter 0.625 in 15.9mm) in different restrainer systems (mechanical and automated). The traditional mechanical restraint (2.53x0.88x2.20m) did not allow the containment of the animal's head, the automated restrainer (2.60x0.85x2.30m) allowed adjustable sidewall and restraint and elevating the head. The automatic restrainer provided smaller number of shots required for stunning (1.0625±0.013) compared to mechanical (1.2025±0.026) (P0.0001), reduced the distance from the ideal point in the first shot (1.246±0.918) and (2.357±1.246) and second (3.042±0.141) and (4.016±0.101) (P 0.0001), and provided no respiratory reflex compared to the mechanical system (0.0275±0.008), (P0.001). The automatic restrainer had a higher welfare, improving the efficiency of restraint and stunning of cattle.
Um total de 800 bovinos machos (nelore/anelorados), com idade entre 28 e 36 meses, foi atordoado com pistola pneumática, com pressão de operação de 11 a 12bar e haste de penetração de 15.9mm de diâmetro, em sistemas de contenção diferentes (mecânico e atomatizado). O box de contenção mecânico tradicional (2,53x0,88x2,20m) não permitiu a contenção da cabeça do animal; no segundo tratamento utilizou-se box de contenção automatizado (2,60x0,85x2,30m), com parede lateral e piso móveis, guilhotina e elevador de cabeça. O box automatizado proporcionou menor número de disparos necessários para o atordoamento (1,0625±0,013) em comparação ao mecânico(1,2025±0,026), (P0,0001), reduziu a distância em relação ao ponto ideal no primeiro disparo (1,246±0,918 e 2,357±1,246) e no segundo (3,042±0,141 e 4,016±0,101), (P 0,0001), assim como proporcionou ausência de reflexo respiratório comparativamente ao sistema mecânico (0,0275±0,008), (P0,001). O box automatizado apresentou maior bem-estar e maior eficácia na contenção e insensibilização dos bovinos
A total of 800 male cattle (Nelore), aged 28-36 months, stunned by pneumatic captive bolt pistol (operating pressure 160-175psi 11-12bar , air consumption (per cycle) 1.45ft³ 41L , penetrating shaft diameter 0.625 in 15.9mm) in different restrainer systems (mechanical and automated). The traditional mechanical restraint (2.53x0.88x2.20m) did not allow the containment of the animal's head, the automated restrainer (2.60x0.85x2.30m) allowed adjustable sidewall and restraint and elevating the head. The automatic restrainer provided smaller number of shots required for stunning (1.0625±0.013) compared to mechanical (1.2025±0.026) (P0.0001), reduced the distance from the ideal point in the first shot (1.246±0.918) and (2.357±1.246) and second (3.042±0.141) and (4.016±0.101) (P 0.0001), and provided no respiratory reflex compared to the mechanical system (0.0275±0.008), (P0.001). The automatic restrainer had a higher welfare, improving the efficiency of restraint and stunning of cattle.
Um total de 800 bovinos machos (nelore/anelorados), com idade entre 28 e 36 meses, foi atordoado com pistola pneumática, com pressão de operação de 11 a 12bar e haste de penetração de 15.9mm de diâmetro, em sistemas de contenção diferentes (mecânico e atomatizado). O box de contenção mecânico tradicional (2,53x0,88x2,20m) não permitiu a contenção da cabeça do animal; no segundo tratamento utilizou-se box de contenção automatizado (2,60x0,85x2,30m), com parede lateral e piso móveis, guilhotina e elevador de cabeça. O box automatizado proporcionou menor número de disparos necessários para o atordoamento (1,0625±0,013) em comparação ao mecânico(1,2025±0,026), (P0,0001), reduziu a distância em relação ao ponto ideal no primeiro disparo (1,246±0,918 e 2,357±1,246) e no segundo (3,042±0,141 e 4,016±0,101), (P 0,0001), assim como proporcionou ausência de reflexo respiratório comparativamente ao sistema mecânico (0,0275±0,008), (P0,001). O box automatizado apresentou maior bem-estar e maior eficácia na contenção e insensibilização dos bovinos
The possible sources of Campylobacter spp. in poultry meat before slaughter were studied by examining samples of feathers, cloaca swabs, litter swabs, transport coops, rinse water from coop washing equipment, and chicken breast supports in the slaughter line just before stunning. The samples were collected from 8 broiler houses and from 8 different producers, from a poultry integration system in southern Brazil. The study was carried out over a 12-month period, and each broiler house was sampled in three consecutive flocks, for a total of 24 flocks/broiler house. Campylobacter was found in 79.2% of the feather samples, followed by cloacal swabs (75.0%) and transport coop (50.0%), litter (37.5%), breast support (33.3%) and coop rinse water (25.0%) samples. Considering the combined results of cloacal, feather and litter samples, 21 (87.5%) of the 24 chicken batches contained thermophilic Campylobacter in at least one of these samples prior to slaughter. Thermophilic Campylobacter were found in 22 of 24 chicken batches destined to slaughter, corresponding to 91.7% contaminated batches.
As possíveis fontes de contaminação com Campylobacter termofílicos em carne de frango, antes do abate, foram estudadas através da análise de amostras de penas, cloaca, cama de aviário, gaiolas de transporte, água de lavagem da máquina de lavar gaiola e o suporte para peito de frango na linha de abate, imediatamente antes do atordoamento. As amostras foram coletadas em 8 aviários de 8 produtores diferentes, da região Sul do Brasil. O estudo foi realizado durante o período de um ano, onde cada aviário foi amostrado três vezes, perfazendo um total de 24 coletas nos aviários.Campylobacter foi encontrado em 79,2% das amostras de penas, seguido por cloaca (75,0%), gaiola de transporte (50,0%), cama de aviário (37,5%), suporte para peito (33,3%) e água de lavagem de gaiola (25,0%). Considerando-se a combinação dos resultados encontrados entre amostras de cloaca, penas e cama de aviário, 21 (87,5%) dos 24 lotes de frango a serem abatidos apresentaram Campylobacter termofílico pelo menos em uma dessas amostras. Campylobacter termofílico foi encontrado em 22 dos 24 lotes de aves destinados ao abate, o que significa 91,7% dos lotes contaminados.
A finalidade da insensibilização é deixar os animais inconscientes, para que não sofra dor ou aflição durante a degola. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de três métodos de abate de bovinos no seu bem-estar e na qualidade da carne. Para a avaliação da eficiência de atordoamento, de seus efeitos na degola e no bem-estar dos bovinos foram testados três métodos de abate/atordoamento: pistola de dardo cativo com penetração (abate1), pistola de dardo cativo sem penetração (abate2) e sem atordoamento (abate3). A posição e o número de disparos nas cabeças dos animais foram medidos nos abates 1 e 2. A sensibilidade dos animais foi avaliada aos 20 e 60 segundos após a sangria nos três abates. A eficiência de sangria foi avaliada pelo método de Roça e Serrano (1995) e mediu-se o pH 24 horas após o abate. No abate 1 a posição do disparo não influenciou o número de disparos no abate 1, mas teve efeito sobre o nível de espasmos musculares 20 segundos após a sangria. O sistema de atordoamento do abate 2 mostrou-se ineficiente, mas este resultado não pode ser generalizado, pois a pressão na pistola utilizada estava abaixo da recomendada, resultando em alta freqüência de animais recebendo dois ou mais disparos para o atordoamento. No abate 3 encontrou-se que 54% dos animais avaliados ainda se apresentaram sensíveis 60 segundos após a realização da sangria. Comparando o abate1 e 3 verificou-se que não existe diferença estatística entre a eficiência de sangria nos diferentes métodos de abates analisados e com relação ao bem-estar animal e eficiência de abate, o abate 1 foi o método mais adequado
The purpose of stunning animals before slaughtering is to prevent them of any pain or affliction during and after bleeding. The aims of this study were to assess the effects of three stunning methods on cattle welfare and meat quality. Three methods of slaughtering/stunning were assessed: captive bolt pistol with penetration (slaughter 1), captive bolt pistol without penetration (slaughter 2) and with no stunning (slaughter 3). Three indicators of cattle welfare were measured: number of shots per animal (measured in the slaughter 1 and 2, shots position in the animals head and animals? sensitiveness at 20 and 60 seconds after bleeding (measured in the three slaughter methods). Meat quality was assessed considering bleeding efficiency and pH 24 hours after slaughter. At the slaughter 1 the shot position didn?t affect the number of shots in the slaughter 1. However, it affected the carcass kicking 20 seconds after the bleeding. The stunning system for the slaughter 2 showed poor effectiveness, with a higher number of shots per animal than slaughter 1. This result does not be generalized, since the pressure in the pistols was below the recommended standards. At the slaughter 3, 54% of the assessed animals showed sensitiveness 60 seconds after the achievement of the bleedings. Comparing both slaughters 1 and 3, there was no statistical difference in between them in bleeding effectiveness, but there were important differences in the indicators of animal welfare. The slaughter 1 showed to be the most suitable method