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Ciênc. anim. bras. (Impr.) ; 24: 74772P, 2023. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1439868


This study aimed to investigate the epidemiological and pathological findings of type 1 and 2 abomasal ulcers in cattle with different primary comorbidities. A total of 201 animals; 40/201 (20%) were young cattle under the age of two years and 161/201 (80%) were adult cattle over the age of two years, which were hospitalized for clinical care 152/201 (75,62%), 19/201 (9,45%) obstetric care, 17/201 (8,46%) surgical care and 13/201 (6,47%) for anatomopathological diagnosis, being euthanized or had natural death. The diagnosis of ulcers was based on the result of the post-mortem examination (macroscopic and histopathological analysis). Histopathological examination was performed on 201 fragments of ulcers and classified as type 1 or type 2. Of these, 193/201 (96.01%) corresponded to type 1 ulcers, of which 12/193 (5.97%) corresponded to subtype 1a lesions, 101/193 (50.25%) to subtype 1b, 77/ 193 (38.31%) to subtype 1c, 03/193 (1.49%) to subtype 1d, while 08/201 (3.98%) were type 2 ulcers. The ulcers were characterized by a focal, focally extensive, multifocal or diffuse inflammatory process, mainly by mononuclear cells. Abomasitis associated with ulcerated mucosa was found in 160/201 (79.60%). In 26/201 (12.93%) the abomasitis had diffuse foci of multifocal lymphocytic proliferation by atypical lymphocytes. Digestive and reproductive comorbidities were seen more frequently in cattle with type 1 or type 2 ulcers. The Subtype 1b focal ulcers and subtype 1a and 1b multifocal ulcers were more prevalent. In addition to the presence of comorbidities, most cases occur in the dry period, associated with feeding with higher amounts of concentrates and silages.(AU)

Objetivou-se estudar os achados epidemiológico e anatomopatológico de úlceras do abomaso tipo 1 e 2 em bovinos com diferentes comorbidades primárias. Um total de 201 animais; 40/201 (20%) eram bovinos jovens com idade inferior a dois anos e 161/201 (80%) eram bovinos adultos com idade superior a dois anos, os quais foram internados para atendimento clínico 152/201 (75,62%), 19/201 (9,45%) obstétrico, 17/201 (8,46%) para atendimento clínico-cirúrgico e 13/201 (6,47%) para diagnóstico anatomopatológico, sendo eutanasiados ou tiveram morte natural. O diagnóstico das úlceras foi baseado no exame post-mortem (análise macroscópica e histopatológica). O exame histopatológico foi realizado em 201 fragmentos de úlceras e classificado como tipo 1 ou do tipo 2. Destes, 193/201 (96,01%) corresponderam a úlceras tipo 1, das quais, 12/193 (5,97%) corresponderam a lesões subtipo 1a, 101/193 (50,25%) a subtipo 1b, 77/193 (38,31%) a subtipo 1c, 03/193 (1,49%) ao subtipo 1d, enquanto 08/201 (3,98%) foram úlceras tipo 2. As úlceras foram caracterizadas por processo inflamatório focal, focalmente extenso, multifocais ou difusos, principalmente por células mononucleares. Abomasite associada à mucosa ulcerada foi encontrada em 160/201 (79,60%). Em 26/201 (12,93%) a abomasite apresentava focos difusos de proliferação linfocítica multifocal por linfócitos atípicos. As comorbidades digestivas e reprodutivas foram observadas com maior frequência em bovinos com úlceras tipo 1 ou tipo 2. As úlceras focais subtipo 1b e úlceras multifocais subtipo 1a e 1b foram mais prevalentes. Além da presença de comorbidades, a maioria dos casos ocorrerem no período seco, associados à alimentação com maiores aportes de concentrados e silagens.(AU)

Úlcera Gástrica/veterinária , Abomaso/fisiopatologia , Bovinos , Estudos Epidemiológicos , Técnicas e Procedimentos Diagnósticos/veterinária
Braz. J. Biol. ; 83: 1-12, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765459


There are different opinions around the World regarding the zoonotic capability of H3N8 equine influenza viruses. In this report, we have tried to summarize the findings of different research and review articles from Chinese, English, and Mongolian Scientific Literature reporting the evidence for equine influenza virus infections in human beings. Different search engines i.e. CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med, and Web of Knowledge yielded 926 articles, of which 32 articles met the inclusion criteria for this review. Analyzing the epidemiological and Phylogenetic data from these articles, we found a considerable experimental and observational evidence of H3N8 equine influenza viruses infecting human being in different parts of the World in the past. Recently published articles from Pakistan and China have highlighted the emerging threat and capability of equine influenza viruses for an epidemic in human beings in future. In this review article we have summarized the salient scientific reports published on the epidemiology of equine influenza viruses and their zoonotic aspect. Additionally, several recent developments in the start of 21st century, including the transmission and establishment of equine influenza viruses in different animal species i.e. camels and dogs, and presumed encephalopathy associated to influenza viruses in horses, have documented the unpredictable nature of equine influenza viruses. In sum up, several reports has highlighted the unpredictable nature of H3N8 EIVs highlighting the need of continuous surveillance for H3N8 in equines and humans in contact with them for novel and threatening mutations.(AU)

Existem diferentes opiniões em todo o mundo a respeito da capacidade zoonótica dos vírus da influenza equina H3N8. Neste relatório, tentamos resumir os resultados de diferentes pesquisas e artigos de revisão da literatura científica chinesa, inglesa e mongol relatando as evidências de infecções pelo vírus da influenza equina em seres humanos. Diferentes mecanismos de busca, como CNKI, PubMed, ProQuest, Chongqing Database, Mongol Med e Web of Knowledge geraram 926 artigos, dos quais 32 atenderam aos critérios de inclusão para esta revisão. Analisando os dados epidemiológicos e filogenéticos desses artigos, encontramos uma considerável evidência experimental e observacional de vírus da influenza equina H3N8 infectando seres humanos em diferentes partes do mundo no passado. Artigos publicados recentemente no Paquistão e na China destacaram a ameaça emergente e a capacidade dos vírus da influenza equina para uma epidemia em seres humanos no futuro. Neste artigo de revisão, resumimos os relatórios científicos relevantes publicados sobre a epidemiologia dos vírus da influenza equina e seu aspecto zoonótico. Além disso, vários desenvolvimentos recentes no início do século 21, incluindo a transmissão e estabelecimento de vírus da influenza equina em diferentes espécies animais, ou seja, camelos e cães, e presumida encefalopatia associada aos vírus da influenza em cavalos, documentaram a natureza imprevisível dos vírus da influenza equina. Em suma, vários relatórios destacaram a natureza imprevisível de H3N8 EIVs destacando a necessidade de vigilância contínua para H3N8 em equinos e humanos em contato com eles para novas mutações ameaçadoras.(AU)

Animais , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H3N8 , Infecções por Orthomyxoviridae/epidemiologia , Zoonoses , Doenças Transmissíveis Emergentes/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 43: e07161, 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1422296


ABSTRACT: Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in humans is defined as the decrease of total hemoglobin concentration and the non-production of the adult hemoglobin subtype 2 - HbA2 (α2δ2 chains), which is considered a marker of IDA severity in humans, dosed together with the iron serum. This study aimed to determine the standard of hemoglobin types in piglets induced to experimentally IDA in the first 21 days of life (delivery to weaning). In the present study, 40 piglets born from four naïve gilts, were randomly and equally assigned among the gilts. On the third day after delivery, the groups were randomly distributed in different environments (cement and clay floors) and according to the iron supplementation (iron dextran and placebo). Erythrocyte parameters, serum iron, and hemoglobin trait were analyzed at four moments between birth and weaning days. The group of piglets that did not receive iron dextran supplementation on the third-day post-birth and were placed in the pen without soil did not present HbA2 from the seventh day onwards on the agarose electrophoretogram (pH 8.6) and this observation was correlated to decrease of serum iron (ρ: 0.156, p=0.003) when compared to the other groups' piglets that did not present iron deficiency. In the present study was possible to determine the swine hemoglobin pattern in IDA, since HbA2 was absent in piglets with IDA in comparison to the non-ferropenic groups and the correlation between the reduction of iron levels and the absence of HbA2.

RESUMO: A anemia por deficiência de ferro (ADF) em humanos é definida como a diminuição da concentração de hemoglobina total e a não produção da hemoglobina adulta subtipo 2 - HbA2 (cadeias α2δ2), que é considerada um marcador de gravidade de IDA em humanos, dosado em conjunto com o soro de ferro. Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar o padrão dos tipos de hemoglobina em leitões induzidos experimentalmente à IDA nos primeiros 21 dias de vida (parto ao desmame). Quarenta leitões, nascidos de quatro marrãs nulíparas, foram distribuídos aleatoriamente e igualmente entre as leitoas. No terceiro dia após o parto, os grupos foram distribuídos aleatoriamente em diferentes ambientes (piso de cimento e barro) e de acordo com a suplementação de ferro (ferro dextrano e placebo). Parâmetros eritrocitários, ferro sérico e traço de hemoglobina foram analisados em quatro momentos, entre o nascimento e o desmame. O grupo de leitões que não recebeu suplementação de ferro dextrano no terceiro dia pós-parto e foi colocado em baia sem solo não apresentou HbA2 a partir do sétimo dia no eletroforetograma de agarose (pH 8,6) e esta observação foi correlacionada com diminuição da concentração sérica ferro (ρ: 0,156, p=0,003) quando comparados aos demais grupos leitões que não apresentavam deficiência de ferro. No presente estudo foi possível determinar o padrão hemoglobinêmico suíno na IDA, uma vez que, a HbA2 estava ausente nos leitões com ADF em comparação aos grupos não ferropênicos e há correlação entre a redução dos níveis de ferro e a ausência de HbA2.

Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 51: Pub. 1910, 2023. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1435028


Background: The feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is responsible for a retroviral disease that affects domestic and wild cats worldwide, causing Feline Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FAIDS). FIV is a lentivirus from the family Retroviridae and its genome has 3 main structural genes: gag, pol and env. Phylogenetic studies have classified FIV into 7 subtypes according to the diversity among strains from the World, mainly in the env gene. Epidemiological analyses have demonstrated the high predominance of FIV-A and FIV-B. This in silico study aimed to perform a phylogenetic analysis to study FIV diversity worldwide. Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 60 whole genome sequences (WGS) and 122 FIV env gene sequences were included in 2 datasets, which were aligned using MAFFT version 7. Recombination among genomes and/or env genes was analyzed with RDP5 software. Phylogenetic analyses with both datasets were performed, after removing the recombinant sequences, by the W-IQ-TREE and constructed and edited by the FigTree. A total of 12 recombination events involving 19 WGS were detected. In addition, 27 recombination events involving 49 sequences were observed in the env gene. A high rate of recombinants was observed inter-subtypes (A/B and B/D) and intra-subtypes (A/A). All recombinants were removed from the subsequent phylogenetic analyses. Phylogenies demonstrated 6 distinct main clades, 5 from domestic cats (A, B, C, E, U) and 1 from wild cat sequences (W) in the WGS, as well as in the specific env gene analyses. Most clustered with subtype B sequences. In the WGS analysis, clade B had a prevalence of 65.9% Brazilian sequences (27/41) and 2.4% Japanese sequences (1/41). In the env gene analyses, clade B showed a prevalence of 43.8% of Brazilian sequences (32/73) and 20.5% of USA sequences (15/73). The results of both analyses also confirm the FIV-wide geographical distribution around the world. In the phylogenetic analyses carried out with WGS, sequences from China (1/41; 2.4%), Colombia (1/41; 2.4%) and the USA (1/41; 2.4%) were identified in clade A; sequence from Canada in clade C (1/41; 2.4%); sequence from Botswana belonged to clade E (1/41; 2.4%); sequences from Brazil clustered into clade U (2/41; 5% - data not yet published); and sequences belonging to the clade W were from Canada (1/41; 2.4%) and the USA (5/41; 12.3%). Specific env gene phylogenetic analyses showed sequences from Colombia (1/73; 1.4%), France (2/73; 2.7%), the Netherlands (3/73; 4.1%), Switzerland (2/73; 2.7%), USA (6/73; 8.3%), belonging to clade A; sequence from Canada belonging to clade C (1/73; 1.4%); sequences from Brazil belonging to clade U (2/73; 5% - data not yet published); and sequences belonging to clade W from the USA (6/73; 8.3%). Discussion: The results presented here demonstrate that FIV has a rapid viral evolution due to recombination and mutation events, more specifically in the env gene, which is highly variable. Currently, this retrovirus is classified into 7 subtypes (A, B, C, D, E, F and U-NZenv) according to their high genomic diversity. It also highlighted the importance of in silico sequence and phylogeny studies to demonstrate evolutionary processes. This was the first study to address the WGS FIV diversity with a phylogenetic approach.

Filogenia , Recombinação Genética , Retroviridae/genética , Vírus da Imunodeficiência Felina/genética , Simulação por Computador
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 44: e54894, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1370440


Amantadine and rimantadine are used for prevention and treatment of influenza A virus (IAV) infection. The rates of resistant IAVs have been increasing globally. However, amino acid substitutions in the M2 transmembrane channel lead to amantadine resistance. The residues of 26, 27, 30, 31 or 34 are marker of amantadine resistance in IAVs. In this study, 15 pooled tracheal samples collected from 15 chicken farms with severe respiratory sign and mortality in 2016-2018. After identification of influenza A and H9 subtype, the 1027 bp fragment of M gene was sequenced for molecular evaluation of amantadine resistance in AIV strains. Results showed 12 out of 15 pooled samples were positive for IAV and H9 subtype. Based on M2 gene analysis, 8 out of 12 (66.66%) were resistance to amantadine. Four out of 8 (50%) showed S31N substitution (serine to asparagine) and four out of 8 (50%) have V27A substitution (valine to alanine). There was no dual amantadine resistance mutation in any specimens. In conclusion, the emergence of amantadine resistance variants of AIV in Iran, can raise concerns about controlling of the seasonal and the future pandemic influenza. Therefore, greater caution is needed in the use of adamantanes.(AU)

Animais , Amantadina , Galinhas/virologia , Análise de Sequência , Influenza Aviária
Pap. avulsos zool ; 62: e202262050, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1396472


Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805) is a Neotropical blowfly species of forensic importance, with necrophagous and asynanthropic habits. In this study, the antennal ultrastructure of H. segmentaria was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The three antennal segments are covered by microtrichia. Sensilla chaetica were detected only on the scape and pedicel. Setiferous plaques and a pedicellar button were observed on the pedicel. Four types of sensilla were found on the postpedicel, including s. trichoidea, s. basiconica (subtype I, II and III), s. coeloconica subtype I, and sensory pits with s. coeloconica subtype II. This is the first time that the fine structure of the antennae of H. segmentaria was studied. Our results constitute a solid base for research on comparative and functional morphology in H. segmentaria and other blowflies.(AU)

Animais , Ciências Forenses/métodos , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Calliphoridae/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06987, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1436968


The aim of this study was to access the efficacy of four disinfectants to inactivate influenza A [H1N1] 0 hour and 72 hours after disinfectant dilution. A pandemic H1N1 influenza virus isolated from a pig with respiratory disease was used to obtain inoculums containing 6.4log10 EID50/mL; 5.4log10 EID50/mL; 4.4log10 EID50/mL and 3.4log10 EID50/mL. Suspension test was composed of 400µL of viral inoculum, 100µL of organic load and 500µL of each individually diluted disinfectant and incubated for ten minutes of contact time. After a neutralizing step, each mixture was filtered on a 0.22µm membrane and 0.2mL was inoculated in six 9-day-old embryo chicken egg through allantoic route. The allantoic fluid from eggs was harvest for RT-PCR and hemagglutination test. The experiment was repeated 72 hours after disinfectant dilution. On the first assessment with fresh disinfectant, influenza virus was inactivated by oxidizing compost disinfectant and phenolic disinfectant in all virus concentrations, the quaternary ammonium compound (QAC) and glutaraldehyde association inactivated the virus up to a concentration of 5.4log10 EID50/mL. QAC disinfectant did not eliminate virus viability. Seventy-two hours after disinfectants were diluted, oxidizing compost disinfectant and QAC and glutaraldehyde association disinfectant demonstrated the same result as the evaluation with fresh disinfectant solution. Phenolic disinfectant inactivated viral inoculum up to a concentration of 5.4log10 EID50/mL. QAC had no effect on inactivating 3.4log10 EID50/ mL of influenza virus. In conclusion, three of the four disinfectants tested were effective to inactivate pandemic H1N1 influenza virus in the presence of organic load. Test result performed 72hours after disinfectant dilution suggest a decrease in the effectiveness of one disinfectant.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficácia de quatro desinfetantes em inativar o vírus da influenza A [H1N1] 0-hora e 72-horas após a diluição dos produtos. Um vírus H1N1 pandêmico isolado previamente de um suíno com doença respiratória foi utilizado e foram obtidas quatro concentrações de inóculo contendo 6,4log10 EID50/mL; 5,4log10 EID50/mL; 4,4log10 EID50/mL and 3,4log10 EID50/mL. Para compor o teste em suspensão foram adicionados 400µL de inóculo viral, 100µL de matéria orgânica e 500µL de cada desinfetante diluído individualmente e a mesma foi incubada por 10 minutos. Após a etapa neutralizante, a suspensão foi filtrada em membrana 0,22µm e 0,2mL foi inoculado em seis ovos de galinha embrionados de nove dias de incubação, via rota alantóide. O fluido alantóide foi colhido após 72 horas para testes de hemaglutinação e RTPCR. O mesmo protocolo experimental foi repetido usando as soluções desinfetantes 72 horas após a diluição. O vírus da influenza foi inativado pelo composto oxidante e também pelo desinfetante fenólico em todas as concentrações virais testadas 0-hora após diluição. O desinfetante com associação de amônia quaternária e glutaraldeído inativou o vírus na concentração de até 5,4log10 EID50/mL. O desinfetante à base de amônia quaternária não inativou o vírus. Os resultados 72-horas após a diluição não diferiram quando comparado com 0-hora, exceto o desinfetante fenólico, o qual inativou o vírus da influenza somente até a concentração 5,4log10 EID50/ mL. Concluindo, três dos quatro desinfetantes testados foram efetivos ao inativar o vírus da influenza [H1N1] pandêmico na presença de matéria orgânica. Os resultados do teste com produtos diluídos após 72 horas sugerem redução da efetividade em, pelo menos, um desinfetante.

Animais , Suínos/virologia , Desinfecção/métodos , Desinfetantes/análise , Vírus da Influenza A Subtipo H1N1 , Matéria Orgânica , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase em Tempo Real/veterinária
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 42: e06955, 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1386824


Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) is a highly infectious pathogen that affects bovines worldwide leading to great economic impact. Although Brazil has the largest commercial cattle population throughout the world and an increasing buffalo breeding industry, the country has no control or eradication program for BVDV. In this perspective, the aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of BVDV in cattle and buffaloes from two Brazilian states. Four different ELISA tests were performed and confirmed by virus neutralization testing (VNT). The presence of BVDV antibodies in the serum or plasma from 77 cattle from six herds (ELISA-1 and ELISA-4) and from 89 buffaloes from three herds (ELISA-1 through ELISA-4) was detected. Extraction of viral RNA was performed from the serum or plasma samples for the detection of BVDV by RT-PCR analysis. Amplified nucleotide sequences were used to construct a phylogenetic tree. In cattle, ELISA-1 detected 49.4% of seropositive animals, while ELISA-4 detected 37.7%. In buffaloes, ELISA-1 failed to detect any seropositive animals, while ELISA-2 and ELISA-3 detected 20.2% of seropositive animals, and ELISA-4 detected 21.3%. Eight of the nine herds tested had seropositive animals. The rate of PCR positive animals was 6.5% in cattle and 9% in buffaloes. Subtype 1d was found in cattle, and subtypes 1d and 1f were found in buffaloes. This is the first-time subtype 1f has been reported in Brazil. The absence of a control and eradication program seems to be favoring the spread of BVDV in the Brazilian herds. In addition, the improvement of diagnostic strategies for BVDV in buffaloes are required.

Diarreia viral bovina (BVDV) é um patógeno altamente infeccioso que afeta bovinos em todo o mundo elevando o impacto econômico. Apesar de o Brasil possuir a maior população bovina comercial em todo o mundo e uma indústria de criação bubalina em ascendência, o país não tem programa de controle e erradicação para BVDV. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a ocorrência do BVDV em bovinos e bubalinos de dois estados brasileiros. Quatro testes de ELISA foram realizados e confirmados por teste de vírus neutralização (VNT). A presença de anticorpos contra BVDV no soro ou plasma de 77 bovinos de seis rebanhos (ELISA-1 e ELISA-4) e de 89 búfalos de três rebanhos (ELISA-1 ao ELISA-4) foi detectada. Extração de RNA viral foi realizada em amostras de soro ou plasma para detecção de BVDV por análise de RT-PCR. Sequências de nucleotídeos amplificadas foram utilizadas para construção de uma árvore filogenética. Em bovinos, o ELISA-1 detectou 49.4% dos animais soropositivos, enquanto ELISA-4 detectou 37.7%. Em búfalos, o ELISA-1 falhou em detectar animais soropositivos, enquanto o ELISA-2 e o ELISA-3 detectaram 20.2% dos animais soropositivos e o ELISA-4 detectou 21.3%. Oito de nove rebanhos continham animais soropositivos. A frequência de animais PCR positivos foi de 6.5% em bovinos e 9% em búfalos. Os subtipos 1d foi encontrado em bovinos e os subtipos 1d e 1f foram encontrados em búfalos. Este é o primeiro relato da presença do subtipo 1f no Brasil. A ausência de um programa de controle e erradicação parece favorecer a disseminação de BVDV nos rebanhos brasileiros. Além disso, a melhora de estratégias de diagnóstico para BVDV em búfalos é necessária.

Búfalos , Bovinos , Infecções por Pestivirus/diagnóstico , Infecções por Pestivirus/epidemiologia , Vírus da Diarreia Viral Bovina , Ensaio de Imunoadsorção Enzimática/veterinária , Doenças dos Bovinos
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e196807, fev. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1415351


The presence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and resistance to beta-lactams in healthy sheep represents a potential public health risk. This study aimed to characterize STEC isolates in sheep feces for toxin production and resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics. In the present study, among the 40 isolates, we found a predominance of subtype Stx1 (22/40), followed by subtype Stx1 + Stx2 (11/40), while the less prevalent group was Stx2 (7/40). Also, we found phenotypical resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics in 50% (20/40) of the strains analyzed, forming two groups, one with resistant isolates and the other with non-resistant isolates. The cytotoxicity of the isolates did not vary among the groups. In addition to having this characteristic, some multiresistant isolates produced significant amounts of toxins. This leads to the conclusion that the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance via beta-lactamases are present in sheep STEC and that the cytotoxicity of those isolates is variable regarding such resistance.(AU)

A presença de Escherichia coli produtora de toxina Shiga (STEC) e resistente a beta-lactâmicos em ovinos saudáveis, representa um risco potencial para a saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar isolados STEC presentes em fezes de ovinos, quanto a produção de toxina, bem como a resistência aos antibióticos beta-lactâmicos. No presente estudo, dentre os quarenta isolados, foi observada a predominância do subtipo Stx1 (22/40), seguido do subtipo Stx1+ Stx2 (11/40), enquanto o grupo menos prevalente foi Stx2 (7/40). A resistência fenotípica aos antibióticos beta-lactâmicos foi observada em 50% (20/40) das cepas analisadas, formando dois grupos, um com isolados resistentes e outro de isolados não resistentes. A citotoxicidade dos isolados não variou entre os grupos. Alguns isolados multirresistentes, além de possuírem essa característica, produziram quantidades significativas de toxinas. Isto conclui, que os mecanismos de resistencia antimicrobiana, por meio de beta-lactamases estão presentes em STEC de ovinos, e que a citotoxicidade desses isolados é variável com relação a esta resistência.(AU)

Animais , Resistência Microbiana a Medicamentos , Ovinos/imunologia , Toxinas Shiga/isolamento & purificação , Citotoxicidade Imunológica , beta-Lactamas/efeitos adversos , Escherichia coli
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(2): 299-309, Mar.-Apr. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374417


Canine malignant mammary neoplasms (CMMN) exhibit behavioral variability with the patient survival time depending on several prognostic factors. In the present study, 134 CMMN were selected and different immunophenotypes and their associations with clinical and pathological parameters were identified. The tumors were classified as follows: 46% of luminal B HER2-, 34% of luminal A, 13% of triple-negative, and 7% of luminal B HER2+. Shorter specific survival time were associated with larger tumor sizes (>3.0 cm, HR=1.94; P=0.0209), lymph node metastasis or distant metastasis (HR= 2.82; P <.0001), more aggressive histological types (HR= 7.15, P<0.0001), higher histological grades (HR= 12.97 P=0.011), angiolymphatic invasion (HR=4.68, P<0.0001) and luminal B HER2 - (HR= 3.27, P<0.0001) and luminal B HER2 + (HR= 7.14 P<0.0001) immunophenotypes. In patients with lymph nodal metastasis, shorter survival times were associated with luminal immunophenotype B HER2 + (P=0.003). However, in patients without metastasis, an increased risk of death was associated with the aggressive histological type. In conclusion, the classification in our study allowed us to identify subtypes with different prognoses in canine malignant mammary tumors. Factors such as clinical stage, histological type, luminal B HER2+ subtype, and angiolymphatic invasion were the most important prognostic factors.

Neoplasias mamárias malignas caninas (CMMN) apresentam variável comportamento biológico e o tempo de sobrevida depende de diversos fatores prognósticos. Neste estudo, foram selecionadas 134 CMMN, bem como identificados diferentes imunofenótipos e suas associações com parâmetros clínicos e patológicos. Os tumores foram classificados em: 46% luminal B HER2-, 34% luminal A, 13% triplo negativo e 7% luminal B HER2+. Menores taxas de sobrevida específica foram associadas a tamanhos de tumor maiores (> 3,0cm; HR = 1,94; P = 0,0209), metástases em nodais ou a distância (HR = 2,82; P <0,0001), tipos histológicos mais agressivos (HR = 7,15; P <0,0001), graus histológicos mais elevados (HR = 12,97; P = 0,011), invasão angiolinfática (HR = 4,68; P <0,0001) e aos imunofenótipos luminal B HER2- (HR = 3,27; P <0,0001) e luminal B HER2+ ( HR = 7,14; P <0,0001). Em pacientes com estágio avançado, menor sobrevida específica foi associada ao imunofenótipo luminal B HER2+ (P = 0,003). Entretanto, em estágio inicial, um risco aumentado de óbito foi associado a tipos histológicos agressivos. Em conclusão, a classificação utilizada no presente estudo permitiu identificar subtipos com diferentes prognósticos em CMMN. Estágio clínico, tipo histológico, subtipo luminal B HER2+ e invasão angiolinfática foram os fatores prognósticos mais importantes.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais , Neoplasias de Mama Triplo Negativas/veterinária , Doenças do Cão
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50(supl.1): Pub. 795, 2022. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1401253


Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a group of non-lymphoid hematological tumors characterized by aberrant proliferation and/or decreased apoptosis of a clone of non-mature cells, resulting in the accumulation of immature blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. It is considered rare, as it represents 10% of neoplasms of hematopoietic origin. However, it is known that felines seroreactive for FIV and FeLV are more predisposed and reports of this type of leukemia in cats in the literature are scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the blood and bone marrow of a cat seroreactive for FeLV that presented with myelodysplastic syndrome that progressed to acute myeloid leukemia. Case: A 6-year-old male mixed-breed cat, neutered, seroreactive for FeLV, showed apathy, weight loss, and pale mucous membranes. Initial peripheral blood smear evaluation revealed hypochromic normocytic anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytosis with many macropackets and giant platelets. Based on this blood picture, a long-spectrum antimicrobial therapy with amoxicillin and clavulanate [Clavulin® BD - 25 mg/kg, every 12 h] was started. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor used filgrastim (rHu G-CSF) [Fiprina® - 5 µg/kg, SC, every 48 h] and appetite stimulant mirtazapine [Mirtz® - 2 mg/cat, orally, every 48 h] were used to correct leukopenia and nutritional status, respectively. Follow-up blood smear evaluation on the 30th day showed persistence of the hematological changes noticed earlier. A bone marrow puncture was performed, and immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone [Predsim® - 4 mg/kg, orally, every 24 h] was initiated. The aspirated material showed increased cellularity for age, decreased myeloid:erythroid ratio, and 39.8% of blasts of myeloid origin. An average of 17.7 megakaryocytes were observed per field (10x magnification). Bone marrow cytological evaluation suggested acute myeloid leukemia with dysmegakaryocytopoiesis. After the diagnosis, the examinations were repeated monthly, and there was still intense leukopenia. However, in view of the stable clinical status and leukopenia with neutropenia, treatment for leukemia was not instituted and only supportive treatment was administered when necessary. Eight months after the diagnosis, clinical status had worsened, and unlike the earlier hemograms, global leukocyte count had increased with predominant lymphocytosis (95% of the total leukocytes) with atypical lymphocytes. The cat died a few days later. Discussion: Bone marrow evaluation is indicated when peripheral blood cell abnormalities are present and cannot be explained in the context of the clinical history. In the present report, the bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular (cellularity above 75%); however, intense leukopenia was observed in the peripheral blood. In myelodysplastic syndromes, it is common for the bone marrow to be normal to hypercellular, which occurs when there is a greater production of myeloid or erythroid cell lines in response to the loss, destruction, or consumption of cells. Despite this, cytopenias may be present in the peripheral blood, since the defective cells undergo apoptosis and die before being released into the circulation, characterizing inefficient hematopoiesis. The diagnosis of acute leukemia comprises a variety of hematopoietic neoplasms that are complex and unique. Each acute leukemia subtype has defining characteristics that affect the prognosis and treatment of each animal.

Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Medula Óssea/ultraestrutura , Leucemia Mieloide/veterinária , Leucemia Felina/complicações , Deficiência de GATA2/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia Felina
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1888, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1400927


Background: Epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is a glycoprotein responsible for multiple cellular functions that includes cell-to-cell adhesion and signal transduction. Studies in human breast cancer demonstrated that its overexpression has been linked to a more aggressive histological phenotype. However, in canine mammary tumors, its use is still scarce and its function, remains unknown. The main goal of the present study was to characterize the expression of EpCAM in canine mammary malignant tumors and associate its expression with clinicopathological features. Materials, Methods & Results: Forty-eight canine mammary samples were analyzed in the present study and went through the Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE) routine technique for histopathological and immunohistochemical analysis. EpCAM expression was evaluated considering the total immunolabelling (TI) which consists of the addition of 2 parameters: proportion score (PS) and intensity score (IS). Thirteen (27.1%) cases showed weak expression, 9 (18.7%) were characterized by a moderate expression and 27 (54.2%) were classified as intense. EpCAM overexpression was described in 36 (72.9%) primary tumors and in 5 lymph node metastases (71.4%). Immunoreactivity was, mainly, characterized by a staining in the lateral cell membrane of luminal epithelial cells, both in primary tumors and lymph node metastases. The statistical analysis was performed using the SPSS Statistics, version 24. Clinicopathological features, such as histological grade (P = 0.027), intravascular emboli (P = 0.004) and lymph node metastases (P = 0.016) demonstrated to be associated with a more aggressive histological type. Intravascular emboli and lymph node metastases were also linked to a higher histological grade. Discussion: EpCAM overexpression has been described in the literature both in canine mammary tumors and breast cancer. While the results in breast cancer could be ambiguous, depending on the tumor subtype, in the present study our findings demonstrated that overexpression was present in more than 50% of the total cases evaluated. In addition, immunoreactivity was also in accordance with the literature that describes membranous staining as the most prevalent pattern type. It was not possible to correlate overexpression with histological type and histological grade. However, those clinicopathological features are essential to evaluate tumor prognosis. For instance, our results demonstrated that histological type was statistically significant with histological grade (P = 0.027), intravascular emboli (P = 0.004) and lymph node metastases (P = 0.016). Additionally, the Nottingham system was statistically significant with intravascular emboli (P = 0.033) and lymph node metastases (P = 0.006). These findings have also been described in similar studies using canine mammary tissues in bitches. When it comes to pattern of expression in primary tumors and lymph nodes metastases, our findings described that neoplastic cell presented the same phenotype in these 2 different locations. In addition, loss of expression was also described in cluster cells within the subcapsular area which reflects the idea that the expression of EpCAM molecule changes according to time, which could be translated into the multistep process of metastases. Finally, it demonstrates that the development of neoplasia is not something static, but rather dynamic.

Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/química , Molécula de Adesão da Célula Epitelial/análise , Molécula de Adesão da Célula Epitelial/efeitos adversos , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Hematoxilina
R. bras. Ci. avíc. ; 23(3): eRBCA-2020-1392, 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-31204


A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Influenza Aviária/classificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 23(3): eRBCA, 2021. tab, graf, map
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1490869


A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate seroprevalence and virus prevalence of the H9 subtype of avian influenza virus in non-vaccinated broiler farms of dense poultry-populated districts, Lahore and Sheikhupura of Punjab-Pakistan. A convenient sampling method was adopted for collection of blood (n=500) and oropharyngeal swab (n=500) samples from 25 broiler farms of each district for hemagglutination inhibition assay and RT-PCR test, respectively. Proportional estimates were calculated using R software and overall seroprevalence of H9 was estimated at 36.3% (95% CI 33.3-39), with no significant difference (p>0.05) between Lahore (37.2 %, 95% CI=31.2-39.59) and Sheikhupura (35.4%, 95% CI= 29.64-39.76). RT-PCR identified 2% (4/200) pool level viral prevalence. None of the farms from Lahore districts were RT-PCR positive for H9. Simple logistic regression followed by multivariable analysis, identified the presence of foot bath/dipping area at the entrance (OR=0.7, 95% CI=0.52-0.93) and availability of rubber shoes for visitors (OR=0.36, 95% CI 0.26-0.48) as protective factors. History of respiratory signs (OR=1.51, 95%=CI 1.12-2.04), history of sudden death in past flocks (OR=3.26, 95% CI=2.41-4.41), and birds previously infected with avian influenza virus (OR=1.33, 95% CI=1-1.76) were significant risk factors. Negligence in preventive measures at farms level was associated with the spread of H9 infection between the farms. To control future outbreaks, biosecurity and continuous monitoring of non-vaccinated flocks are suggested.

Animais , Galinhas/imunologia , Galinhas/virologia , Influenza Aviária/classificação , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase
Acta Vet. Brasilica ; 15(3): 188-191, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1453283


Behavioral disorders, including noise phobia, have a great impact on small animals internal medicine, impairing their quality of life as well as their life expectancy. The objective of this work is to report the case of a male dog who suffered from noise phobia and panic attacks triggered by thunderstorms and fireworks, and did not respond to previous training and treatment. After clinical and laboratory evaluations, he was treated with 2mg/kg clomipramine twice daily for 90 days associated with 0.06mg/kg alprazolam as needed on those days of intense fear. During the first week of treatment, a significant improvement could already be observed, with reduction in destructive behaviors, which lingered on for up to eight months of follow-up. The treatment stabilized the clinical condition and improved the patient’s quality of life.

Os distúrbios de comportamento, entre eles o medo de ruídos, apresentam um grande impacto na clínica de peque-nos animais, acarretando em decréscimo na qualidade e expectativa de vida. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de um cão, macho, com histórico de medo de ruídos, que apresentava quadros de pânico desencadeados por trovões e fogos de arti-fício, sendo refratário a tentativas prévias de adestramento e tratamento medicamentoso. Após avaliação clínica e laboratorial, instituiu-se tratamento com clomipramina 2mg/kg BID durante 90 dias associada à administração de alprazolam 0,06mg/kg conforme necessário nos dias de medo intensificado. Na primeira semana de tratamento observou-se melhora significativa, com redução dos comportamentos destrutivos, se estendendo até 8 meses de acompanhamento. O tratamento realizado proporcio-nou estabilização do quadro clínico e incremento na qualidade de vida do paciente. informação a ser inserida pelos autores.

Animais , Cães , Alprazolam/uso terapêutico , Clomipramina/uso terapêutico , Cães , Receptores de GABA-A , Monitoramento do Ruído
Acta Vet. bras. ; 15(3): 188-191, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-765318


Behavioral disorders, including noise phobia, have a great impact on small animals internal medicine, impairing their quality of life as well as their life expectancy. The objective of this work is to report the case of a male dog who suffered from noise phobia and panic attacks triggered by thunderstorms and fireworks, and did not respond to previous training and treatment. After clinical and laboratory evaluations, he was treated with 2mg/kg clomipramine twice daily for 90 days associated with 0.06mg/kg alprazolam as needed on those days of intense fear. During the first week of treatment, a significant improvement could already be observed, with reduction in destructive behaviors, which lingered on for up to eight months of follow-up. The treatment stabilized the clinical condition and improved the patients quality of life.(AU)

Os distúrbios de comportamento, entre eles o medo de ruídos, apresentam um grande impacto na clínica de peque-nos animais, acarretando em decréscimo na qualidade e expectativa de vida. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar o caso de um cão, macho, com histórico de medo de ruídos, que apresentava quadros de pânico desencadeados por trovões e fogos de arti-fício, sendo refratário a tentativas prévias de adestramento e tratamento medicamentoso. Após avaliação clínica e laboratorial, instituiu-se tratamento com clomipramina 2mg/kg BID durante 90 dias associada à administração de alprazolam 0,06mg/kg conforme necessário nos dias de medo intensificado. Na primeira semana de tratamento observou-se melhora significativa, com redução dos comportamentos destrutivos, se estendendo até 8 meses de acompanhamento. O tratamento realizado proporcio-nou estabilização do quadro clínico e incremento na qualidade de vida do paciente. informação a ser inserida pelos autores.(AU)

Animais , Cães , Cães , Clomipramina/uso terapêutico , Alprazolam/uso terapêutico , Receptores de GABA-A , Monitoramento do Ruído
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49: Pub.1787-2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1458426


Background: Feline Injection Site-Associated Sarcoma (FISS) is a mesenchymal neoplasia of aggressive behavior thatdevelops in sites where vaccine or drugs were administered. FISS is clinically characterized by the appearance of asolitary firm nodule or a diffuse mass, adhered to tissues, in regions associated to vaccine or drug applications. Despitelow prevalence, tumor recurrence rates can reach 80%. FISS present more aggressive histological characteristics whencompared to sarcomas not associated to injection sites. The aim of this paper is to contribute towards the understandingof the biological behavior of FISS.Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen samples of FISS were analyzed. Fibrosarcomas were the most frequent histological subtype (62.5%). Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was diagnosed in 18.75% cases. Ten (62.5%) FISS wereclassified as grade II; 4/16 (25%) grade I, and 2/16 (12.5%) grade III. Cox-2 overexpression occurred in 3/16 (18.75%)samples, with positive correlation between Cox-2 expression and cellularity (r = 0.696, P = 0.003). Mitotic index lowerthan 9 events was found in 11/16 (68.7%) samples and between 10 and 19 mitotic events in 5/16 (31.3%) cases. MeanKi-67 expression was 2.39 ± 2.48%. FISS characterized as fibrosarcomas presented longer overall survival (median 545days) than other histological subtypes (median 130.5 days) [P = 0.01].Discussion: Patients with FISS generally present with larger nodules than those with sarcomas not associated to injections,suggesting a challenge for pet owners to note subcutaneous tumors in the interscapular region, in addition to the aggressivebiological behavior of FISS. The influence of size on prognosis remains controversial. An association between histologicgrade and the development of metastasis has been observed, with patients with grade III FISS associated with an increasein the metastatic rate. The present study did not find a correlation between overall survival...

Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Injeções/efeitos adversos , Sarcoma/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Online) ; 49: Pub. 1787, Feb. 15, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-30038


Background: Feline Injection Site-Associated Sarcoma (FISS) is a mesenchymal neoplasia of aggressive behavior thatdevelops in sites where vaccine or drugs were administered. FISS is clinically characterized by the appearance of asolitary firm nodule or a diffuse mass, adhered to tissues, in regions associated to vaccine or drug applications. Despitelow prevalence, tumor recurrence rates can reach 80%. FISS present more aggressive histological characteristics whencompared to sarcomas not associated to injection sites. The aim of this paper is to contribute towards the understandingof the biological behavior of FISS.Materials, Methods & Results: Sixteen samples of FISS were analyzed. Fibrosarcomas were the most frequent histological subtype (62.5%). Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was diagnosed in 18.75% cases. Ten (62.5%) FISS wereclassified as grade II; 4/16 (25%) grade I, and 2/16 (12.5%) grade III. Cox-2 overexpression occurred in 3/16 (18.75%)samples, with positive correlation between Cox-2 expression and cellularity (r = 0.696, P = 0.003). Mitotic index lowerthan 9 events was found in 11/16 (68.7%) samples and between 10 and 19 mitotic events in 5/16 (31.3%) cases. MeanKi-67 expression was 2.39 ± 2.48%. FISS characterized as fibrosarcomas presented longer overall survival (median 545days) than other histological subtypes (median 130.5 days) [P = 0.01].Discussion: Patients with FISS generally present with larger nodules than those with sarcomas not associated to injections,suggesting a challenge for pet owners to note subcutaneous tumors in the interscapular region, in addition to the aggressivebiological behavior of FISS. The influence of size on prognosis remains controversial. An association between histologicgrade and the development of metastasis has been observed, with patients with grade III FISS associated with an increasein the metastatic rate. The present study did not find a correlation between overall survival...(AU)

Animais , Gatos , Sarcoma/veterinária , Injeções/efeitos adversos , Gatos , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 666, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1362844


Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common malignant skin tumors in domestic animals. Histologically, they are characterized by a proliferation of neoplastic keratinocytes with varied keratin production. Some SCCs have peculiar histological characteristics that permit them to be classified into uncommon to rare histological subtypes, reported in animals and humans. However, according to the authors' knowledge, the mucin-producing subtype described in humans has not yet been reported in animals. In this study, we report the occurrence of two mucin-producing SCCs in dogs, a histological presentation similar to that seen in cutaneous SCCs with mucinous metaplasia in humans. Cases: Two dogs, a 5-year-old Yorkshire female and a 17-year-old Dachshund male, had a skin nodule near the tail and on the right eyelid. The nodules varied from 1 to 5 cm in diameter, were firm and covered with skin and hair. The cut surface was firm and white. Histological findings were compatible with squamous cell carcinoma, characterized by a neoplastic proliferation of keratinocytes originating in the epidermis and infiltrating the dermis. The keratinocytes were arranged in islands and occasional anastomosed cords, supported by a fibrous stroma. The formation of pearls varied from moderate to sparse. The nuclear and cellular pleomorphism was accentuated in case two and moderate in case one. Mitosis figures ranged from two to five in a high magnification field. Within the neoplasm, there were large vacuolated neoplastic cells with slightly fibrillar intracytoplasmic basophilic content. This content has been rarely observed in an extracellular medium. The presence of mucin was confirmed by positive Alcian Blue (AB) staining. In immunohistochemistry (IHC), tumor cells showed strong immunostaining for pancitokeratin, and in areas with marked mucin deposition, immunostaining was predominantly moderate to weak. No tumor cells were immunostained for CD34 and Bcl-2 antibodies. Compared to AB and Harris' hematoxylin, it was possible to demonstrate the presence of mucin in the cytoplasm of neoplastic keratinocytes using IHC. No vascular or lymphatic invasion by neoplastic cells was observed. The average cell proliferation index assessed by counting the nucleolar argyrophilic organizing regions (AgNOR) was 3.4 in case 1 and 4.5 in case 2. Discussion: Although the SCC routinely does not present a diagnostic challenge in veterinary practice, the histological presentation of the reported cases does not fit the current classification available in veterinary medicine. The histological presentation observed in these two dogs is similar to that described for cutaneous SCCs with mucinous metaplasia in humans, and so far not described in animals. The observation of intracytoplasmic mucin in humans is an essential finding for the diagnosis of SCC with mucin metaplasia. In the present cases, we observed a slightly basophilic amorphous substance in the cytoplasm of proliferated neoplastic keratinocytes, which stained strongly in blue when applied the Alcian Blue (AB) histochemical technique. This observation became more evident when using IHC counterstained with AB and Harris hematoxylin. In the histological analysis, the absence of an adenoid growth pattern or glandular formation amid neoplastic proliferation ruled out the possibility of a mucinous adenocarcinoma or a mucoepidermoid carcinoma. In addition, we could rule out a follicular neoplasia, including keratinizing infundibular acanthoma due to the absence of a central pore and the absence of immunostaining for CD34 and Bcl-2. These immunohistochemical findings, together with histological findings, reinforce the diagnosis of SCC with mucinous metaplasia in our dogs.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Feminino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/patologia , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/veterinária , Adenocarcinoma Mucinoso/veterinária , Neoplasias Cutâneas/veterinária , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 49(supl.1): 720, 2021. ilus
Artigo em Português | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1366277


Background: Osteosarcomas are malignant neoplasms of bone tissue, with a high prevalence in dogs, especially in large and giant breeds. More commonly, such alterations affect the appendicular skeleton and, to a lesser extent, the axial skeleton. In order to obtain an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to combine cytological and histopathological findings with clinical parameters, imaging exams and macroscopic findings. In the present study, we report a rare case of combined-type pelvic osteosarcoma with pulmonary metastasis in a dog. Case: A 5-year-old intact large male dog of mixed breed, was submitted to clinical care because of an increase in volume of the left perineal region. The cytological evaluation, performed without imaging exams, indicated that it was an undifferentiated sarcoma. An incisional biopsy defined the diagnosis as telangiectatic osteosarcoma, and with progressive clinical worsening, the patient died. Necroscopic examination revealed multiple nodules in the lungs and an irregular mass with a hard to friable consistency. The mass was intensely vascularised and extended craniodorsally from the left ischial tuberosity to the base of the renal fossa. Microscopically, the neoplasm was diagnosed as combined osteosarcoma, consisting of the osteoblastic, chondroblastic, and telangiectatic subtypes. Metastases with a predominance of the chondroblastic subtype were observed in the lungs. Discussion: This is the first report of combined-type canine osteosarcoma in the ischium. The case reported here is unusual, as there are few reports of canine osteosarcoma in the pelvic bones, and there is no concrete information regarding its histological appearance. Osteosarcoma is the most common bone neoplasm in dogs, representing up to 80% of the tumours found in such organs. In the present case, the dog was a large young adult with a higher probability of neoplasm development. A cytopathological examination is a diagnostic method with good sensitivity and specificity that can confirm osteosarcomas. However, in this case, the cytological diagnosis, performed without the information from the imaging exam, indicated that it was an undifferentiated sarcoma, given the impossibility of the architectural assessment of the lesion. Biopsy samples sent for histology may not be representative of the entire tumour, leading to misclassification of the histological type. Therefore, the evaluation of fragments from various sites of the lesions is recommended. Regarding the morphology of osteosarcomas, such neoplasms have the osteoblastic, chondroblastic, fibroblastic, telangiectatic, large cell, and poorly differentiated subtypes. With regard to tumours located in the axial skeleton, no studies have assessed the predominance of a particular morphological type, as well as the incidence of combined-type masses in dogs in this particular location. Such neoplasms are locally aggressive and have a high metastatic potential, with the lungs being the main location for implantation of neoplastic cells. There is no proven evidence of the correlation between morphological presentations and the presence of metastases from osteosarcomas in dogs. The histological type is not a predictive factor for the behaviour of the neoplasm. However, the anatomical location is considered as one of the factors with the greatest influence on the prognosis and metastatic potential. Rib masses are associated with a higher rate of metastases compared to others. The definitive diagnosis of osteosarcomas and its correct subclassification are of great importance in the prognosis of affected patients. These require an approach that considers the clinical findings, imaging examinations, and macroscopic and microscopic alterations.

Animais , Masculino , Cães , Neoplasias Pélvicas/veterinária , Pelve/patologia , Osteossarcoma/veterinária , Neoplasias Ósseas/veterinária , Metástase Neoplásica