Este trabalho foi realizado por alunos do Ensino Médio do campus Niterói do Colégio Pedro II, no período de 2015 a 2016, com o apoio do Programa de incentivo a Projetos de Pesquisa de Iniciação Científica Júnior da Pró-Reitoria de PósGraduação, Pesquisa, Extensão e Cultura do Colégio Pedro II (PROPGPEC). Teve o objetivo de conhecer a entomofauna de Calliphoridae (Diptera) presente no bairro do Barreto, Niterói, RJ, Brasil, quantificando as espécies predominantes da localidade. Assim, contribuiu para que os alunos vivenciassem a aplicação do método científico. As moscas foram capturadas no campus Niterói do Colégio Pedro II, através de coletas semanais, com auxílio de armadilhas cilíndricas de metal, que continham sardinha como isca. Foram capturados, ao todo, 1.308 exemplares, preservados em álcool e, posteriormente identificados com o auxílio de chaves dicotômicas apropriadas. Chrysomya Megachephala (Fabricius, 1794) foi a espécie mais abundante. De uma forma geral, as espécies do gênero Chrysomya (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) mostram forte associação com o ambiente modificado pelo homem. Devido à grande capacidade competitiva com espécies autóctones e à importância médico-veterinária que apresenta, a continuidade dos estudos populacionais dessa espécie, ao longo do território nacional, pode contribuir com programas de controle e combate desses insetos.
This study was carried out by a group of high school students of Colegio Pedro II, campus Niterói, from 2015 through 2016 and was supported by the Junior Scientific Initiation Program supervised by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Research, Extension and Culture of this same institution. The purpose of the program is to familiarize students with scientific research methods and analytical tools. The research presented in this article aimed at knowing the fauna of Calliphoridae (Diptera) in Barreto, a borough in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, focusing on the quantity of predominant species found in the area. Flies were weekly captured at Colégio Pedro II campus Niterói, with the help of a cylindrical metal trap, containing sardine baits. The data collected consisted of 1308 specimens, which were properly identified using a stereoscopic microscope and properly dichotomous keys. Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) was the most abundant species collected. Chrysomya species (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) usually have a strong connection to the environment modified by man. They compete with native species and they have a medical and veterinary significant role. It is important that studies continue to be carried out across the Brazilian territory so that they could help create programs to control and fight these insects.
Animais , Demografia , Dípteros/classificação , Estações do AnoResumo
Este trabalho foi realizado por alunos do Ensino Médio do campus Niterói do Colégio Pedro II, no período de 2015 a 2016, com o apoio do Programa de incentivo a Projetos de Pesquisa de Iniciação Científica Júnior da Pró-Reitoria de PósGraduação, Pesquisa, Extensão e Cultura do Colégio Pedro II (PROPGPEC). Teve o objetivo de conhecer a entomofauna de Calliphoridae (Diptera) presente no bairro do Barreto, Niterói, RJ, Brasil, quantificando as espécies predominantes da localidade. Assim, contribuiu para que os alunos vivenciassem a aplicação do método científico. As moscas foram capturadas no campus Niterói do Colégio Pedro II, através de coletas semanais, com auxílio de armadilhas cilíndricas de metal, que continham sardinha como isca. Foram capturados, ao todo, 1.308 exemplares, preservados em álcool e, posteriormente identificados com o auxílio de chaves dicotômicas apropriadas. Chrysomya Megachephala (Fabricius, 1794) foi a espécie mais abundante. De uma forma geral, as espécies do gênero Chrysomya (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) mostram forte associação com o ambiente modificado pelo homem. Devido à grande capacidade competitiva com espécies autóctones e à importância médico-veterinária que apresenta, a continuidade dos estudos populacionais dessa espécie, ao longo do território nacional, pode contribuir com programas de controle e combate desses insetos.(AU)
This study was carried out by a group of high school students of Colegio Pedro II, campus Niterói, from 2015 through 2016 and was supported by the Junior Scientific Initiation Program supervised by the Dean of Graduate Studies, Research, Extension and Culture of this same institution. The purpose of the program is to familiarize students with scientific research methods and analytical tools. The research presented in this article aimed at knowing the fauna of Calliphoridae (Diptera) in Barreto, a borough in the city of Niterói, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, focusing on the quantity of predominant species found in the area. Flies were weekly captured at Colégio Pedro II campus Niterói, with the help of a cylindrical metal trap, containing sardine baits. The data collected consisted of 1308 specimens, which were properly identified using a stereoscopic microscope and properly dichotomous keys. Chrysomya megacephala (Fabricius, 1794) was the most abundant species collected. Chrysomya species (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) usually have a strong connection to the environment modified by man. They compete with native species and they have a medical and veterinary significant role. It is important that studies continue to be carried out across the Brazilian territory so that they could help create programs to control and fight these insects.(AU)
Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Demografia , Estações do AnoResumo
ABSTRACT Twelve non-native species of the spider family Oonopidae are recorded in Brazil: Brignolia dasysterna Platnick, Dupérré, Ott & Kranz-Baltensperger, 2011, B. parumpunctata (Simon, 1893), Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892, Ischnothyreus peltifer (Simon, 1892), I. velox Jackson, 1908, Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859), O. deserticola Simon, 1892, Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1892, Heteroonops spinimanus (Simon, 1892), Gamasomorpha parmata (Thorell, 1890) (herein restored to its original combination in Xestaspis), Orchestina pavesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 and O. dentifera (Simon, 1893). Among these species, six new synonyms were detected: Hytanis oblonga Simon, 1893, Xestaspis bipeltis Thorell, 1895, Gamasomorpha insularis Simon, 1907 and Opopaea lutzi Petrunkevitch, 1929 with Xestaspis parmata Thorell, 1890; Gammasomorpha humilis Mello-Leitão, 1920 with Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859) and Gamasomorpha rufa Banks, 1898 with Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891. Since Hytanis oblonga is the type species of the genus, its synonymy with Xestaspis parmata imply in the synonymy of Hytanis Simon, 1893 with Xestaspis Simon, 1884. The partenogenetic species T. stenaspis is the most distributed synanthropic oonopid in Brazil, occurring all over the country, mainly in urban areas. Some species are reported here to occur in the interior of natural caves, a finding that should raise conservation concerns.
RESUMO Doze aranhas consideradas não-nativas da família Oonopidae são registradas em áreas urbanas no Brasil: Brignolia dasysterna Platnick, Dupérré, Ott & Kranz-Baltensperger, 2011, B. parumpunctata (Simon, 1893), Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892, Ischnothyreus peltifer (Simon, 1892), I. velox Jackson, 1908, Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859), O. deserticola Simon, 1892, Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1892, Heteroonops spinimanus (Simon, 1892), Gamasomorpha parmata (Thorell, 1890) (aqui restaurada para sua combinação original em Xestaspis), Orchestina pavesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 and O. dentifera (Simon, 1893). Entre estas espécies, seis novos sinônimos foram detectados: Hytanis oblonga Simon, 1893, Xestaspis bipeltis Thorell, 1895, Gamasomorpha insularis Simon, 1907 e Opopaea lutzi Petrunkevitch, 1929 com Xestaspis parmata Thorell, 1890; Gammasomorpha humilis Mello-Leitão, 1920 com Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859) e Gamasomorpha rufa Banks, 1898 with Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891. Uma vez que Hytanis oblonga é a espécie-tipo do gênero, sua sinonímia com Xestaspis parmata implica na sinonímia de Hytanis Simon, 1893 com Xestaspis Simon, 1884. Triaeris stenaspis, uma espécie partenogenética, é o oonopídeo sinantrópico com distribuição mais ampla no Brasil, ocorrendo de norte a sul do país, principalmente em áreas urbanas. Algumas espécies relatadas aqui ocorrem no interior de cavernas naturais, uma descoberta que deve levantar preocupações em relação à conservação das espécies nativas de cavernas.
Twelve non-native species of the spider family Oonopidae are recorded in Brazil: Brignolia dasysterna Platnick, Dupérré, Ott & Kranz-Baltensperger, 2011, B. parumpunctata (Simon, 1893), Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892, Ischnothyreus peltifer (Simon, 1892), I. velox Jackson, 1908, Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859), O. deserticola Simon, 1892, Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1892, Heteroonops spinimanus (Simon, 1892), Gamasomorpha parmata (Thorell, 1890) (herein restored to its original combination in Xestaspis), Orchestina pavesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 and O. dentifera (Simon, 1893). Among these species, six new synonyms were detected: Hytanis oblonga Simon, 1893, Xestaspis bipeltis Thorell, 1895, Gamasomorpha insularis Simon, 1907 and Opopaea lutzi Petrunkevitch, 1929 with Xestaspis parmata Thorell, 1890; Gammasomorpha humilis Mello-Leitão, 1920 with Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859) and Gamasomorpha rufa Banks, 1898 with Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891. Since Hytanis oblonga is the type species of the genus, its synonymy with Xestaspis parmata imply in the synonymy of Hytanis Simon, 1893 with Xestaspis Simon, 1884. The partenogenetic species T. stenaspis is the most distributed synanthropic oonopid in Brazil, occurring all over the country, mainly in urban areas. Some species are reported here to occur in the interior of natural caves, a finding that should raise conservation concerns.(AU)
Doze aranhas consideradas não-nativas da família Oonopidae são registradas em áreas urbanas no Brasil: Brignolia dasysterna Platnick, Dupérré, Ott & Kranz-Baltensperger, 2011, B. parumpunctata (Simon, 1893), Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892, Ischnothyreus peltifer (Simon, 1892), I. velox Jackson, 1908, Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859), O. deserticola Simon, 1892, Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1892, Heteroonops spinimanus (Simon, 1892), Gamasomorpha parmata (Thorell, 1890) (aqui restaurada para sua combinação original em Xestaspis), Orchestina pavesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 and O. dentifera (Simon, 1893). Entre estas espécies, seis novos sinônimos foram detectados: Hytanis oblonga Simon, 1893, Xestaspis bipeltis Thorell, 1895, Gamasomorpha insularis Simon, 1907 e Opopaea lutzi Petrunkevitch, 1929 com Xestaspis parmata Thorell, 1890; Gammasomorpha humilis Mello-Leitão, 1920 com Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859) e Gamasomorpha rufa Banks, 1898 with Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891. Uma vez que Hytanis oblonga é a espécie-tipo do gênero, sua sinonímia com Xestaspis parmata implica na sinonímia de Hytanis Simon, 1893 com Xestaspis Simon, 1884. Triaeris stenaspis, uma espécie partenogenética, é o oonopídeo sinantrópico com distribuição mais ampla no Brasil, ocorrendo de norte a sul do país, principalmente em áreas urbanas. Algumas espécies relatadas aqui ocorrem no interior de cavernas naturais, uma descoberta que deve levantar preocupações em relação à conservação das espécies nativas de cavernas.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas/classificação , Espécies Introduzidas , Conservação dos Recursos NaturaisResumo
Twelve non-native species of the spider family Oonopidae are recorded in Brazil: Brignolia dasysterna Platnick, Dupérré, Ott & Kranz-Baltensperger, 2011, B. parumpunctata (Simon, 1893), Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892, Ischnothyreus peltifer (Simon, 1892), I. velox Jackson, 1908, Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859), O. deserticola Simon, 1892, Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1892, Heteroonops spinimanus (Simon, 1892), Gamasomorpha parmata (Thorell, 1890) (herein restored to its original combination in Xestaspis), Orchestina pavesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 and O. dentifera (Simon, 1893). Among these species, six new synonyms were detected: Hytanis oblonga Simon, 1893, Xestaspis bipeltis Thorell, 1895, Gamasomorpha insularis Simon, 1907 and Opopaea lutzi Petrunkevitch, 1929 with Xestaspis parmata Thorell, 1890; Gammasomorpha humilis Mello-Leitão, 1920 with Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859) and Gamasomorpha rufa Banks, 1898 with Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891. Since Hytanis oblonga is the type species of the genus, its synonymy with Xestaspis parmata imply in the synonymy of Hytanis Simon, 1893 with Xestaspis Simon, 1884. The partenogenetic species T. stenaspis is the most distributed synanthropic oonopid in Brazil, occurring all over the country, mainly in urban areas. Some species are reported here to occur in the interior of natural caves, a finding that should raise conservation concerns.
Doze aranhas consideradas não-nativas da família Oonopidae são registradas em áreas urbanas no Brasil: Brignolia dasysterna Platnick, Dupérré, Ott & Kranz-Baltensperger, 2011, B. parumpunctata (Simon, 1893), Triaeris stenaspis Simon, 1892, Ischnothyreus peltifer (Simon, 1892), I. velox Jackson, 1908, Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859), O. deserticola Simon, 1892, Pelicinus marmoratus Simon, 1892, Heteroonops spinimanus (Simon, 1892), Gamasomorpha parmata (Thorell, 1890) (aqui restaurada para sua combinação original em Xestaspis), Orchestina pavesiiformis Saaristo, 2007 and O. dentifera (Simon, 1893). Entre estas espécies, seis novos sinônimos foram detectados: Hytanis oblonga Simon, 1893, Xestaspis bipeltis Thorell, 1895, Gamasomorpha insularis Simon, 1907 e Opopaea lutzi Petrunkevitch, 1929 com Xestaspis parmata Thorell, 1890; Gammasomorpha humilis Mello-Leitão, 1920 com Opopaea concolor (Blackwall, 1859) e Gamasomorpha rufa Banks, 1898 with Opopaea deserticola Simon, 1891. Uma vez que Hytanis oblonga é a espécie-tipo do gênero, sua sinonímia com Xestaspis parmata implica na sinonímia de Hytanis Simon, 1893 com Xestaspis Simon, 1884. Triaeris stenaspis, uma espécie partenogenética, é o oonopídeo sinantrópico com distribuição mais ampla no Brasil, ocorrendo de norte a sul do país, principalmente em áreas urbanas. Algumas espécies relatadas aqui ocorrem no interior de cavernas naturais, uma descoberta que deve levantar preocupações em relação à conservação das espécies nativas de cavernas.
Animais , Aranhas/classificação , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Espécies IntroduzidasResumo
Background: The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of North America. This highly adaptable spider has been far more successful in finding its niche around the world than its famous cousins, the black widow, Latrodectus mactans, found in the south-eastern states of North America, and the red-back, Latrodectus hasselti, found mostly in Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Methods: We performed an extensive web search of brown widow sightings and mapped the location of each sighting using ArcGIS. Specimens reputedly of the species L. geometricus were collected at three localities in Peninsular Malaysia. The spiders were identified and documented based on an examination of morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding. Results: The spiders found in Peninsular Malaysia were confirmed to be Latrodectus geometricus based on their morphological characteristics and DNA barcodes. We recorded 354 sightings of the brown widow in 58 countries, including Peninsular Malaysia. Conclusion: Reports from the Americas and the Far East suggest a global-wide invasion of the brown widow spider. Herein we report the arrival of the brown widow spider in Peninsular Malaysia and provide notes on the identification of the species and its recently expanded range.(AU)
Animais , Aranhas , Distribuição Animal , MalásiaResumo
Background: The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of North America. This highly adaptable spider has been far more successful in finding its niche around the world than its famous cousins, the black widow, Latrodectus mactans, found in the south-eastern states of North America, and the red-back, Latrodectus hasselti, found mostly in Australia, New Zealand and Japan. Methods: We performed an extensive web search of brown widow sightings and mapped the location of each sighting using ArcGIS. Specimens reputedly of the species L. geometricus were collected at three localities in Peninsular Malaysia. The spiders were identified and documented based on an examination of morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding. Results: The spiders found in Peninsular Malaysia were confirmed to be Latrodectus geometricus based on their morphological characteristics and DNA barcodes. We recorded 354 sightings of the brown widow in 58 countries, including Peninsular Malaysia. Conclusion: Reports from the Americas and the Far East suggest a global-wide invasion of the brown widow spider. Herein we report the arrival of the brown widow spider in Peninsular Malaysia and provide notes on the identification of the species and its recently expanded range.
Animais , Aranhas , Distribuição Animal , MalásiaResumo
Background:The brown widow spider (Latrodectus geometricus Koch, 1841) has colonised many parts of the world from its continent of origin, Africa. By at least 1841, the species had successfully established populations in South America and has more recently expanded its range to the southern states of North America. This highly adaptable spider has been far more successful in finding its niche around the world than its famous cousins, the black widow, Latrodectus mactans, found in the south-eastern states of North America, and the red-back, Latrodectus hasselti, found mostly in Australia, New Zealand and Japan.Methods:We performed an extensive web search of brown widow sightings and mapped the location of each sighting using ArcGIS. Specimens reputedly of the species L. geometricus were collected at three localities in Peninsular Malaysia. The spiders were identified and documented based on an examination of morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding.Results:The spiders found in Peninsular Malaysia were confirmed to be Latrodectus geometricus based on their morphological characteristics and DNA barcodes. We recorded 354 sightings of the brown widow in 58 countries, including Peninsular Malaysia.Conclusion:Reports from the Americas and the Far East suggest a global-wide invasion of the brown widow spider. Herein we report the arrival of the brown widow spider in Peninsular Malaysia and provide notes on the identification of the species and its recently expanded range.(AU)
Animais , Viúva Negra/anatomia & histologia , Latrodectus hasselti , Relatório de PesquisaResumo
Os morcegos constituem o segundo maior grupo e os mais versáteis dentre os mamíferos na exploração de alimento e abrigo. No Brasil são registradas 167 espécies, a maioria (70%) possui hábito alimentar insetívoro e os demais distribuídos entre frugívoros, nectarívoros, hematófagos, carnívoros, onívoros e piscívoros. Os que vivem em áreas urbanas são amplamente favorecidos por encontrar nas cidades abrigo e alimento. Utilizam com frequência as habitações humanas como abrigos diurnos e, por isso, já são considerados animais sinantrópicos. Esta proximidade com pessoas e/ou seus animais de estimação pode acarretar riscos de ocorrência de raiva. O Centro de Controle de Zoonoses da cidade de São Paulo (CCZ-SP) mantém um serviço que atente a população sobre problemas relacionados a morcegos e um laboratório de diagnóstico de raiva para realizar testes através de Imunofluorescência Direta e inoculação em camundongos em todos os morcegos coletados. O objetivo desse artigo é apresentar e analisar os dados do atendimento ocorrido entre 2004 e 2013. Nesse período foram atendidas 6945 solicitações e 4248 morcegos de 43 diferentes espécies foram capturados no município de São Paulo. Destes, 38 foram diagnosticados positivos para raiva, sendo 33 insetívoros, quatro frugívoros e um nectarívoro. A maioria destes animais foi encontrada em situações atípicas e em horários e locais não habituais para a espécie. Ações de educação continuada para esclarecimento da população sobre a importância dos morcegos para eliminar os mitos que os cercam são necessárias para estimular a convivência harmoniosa entre as pessoas e esses animais. Orientações técnicas sobre medidas preventivas que evitem ou eliminem seu abrigo em edificações, são fundamentais para diminuir o risco de acidentes às pessoas.
Bats are the second largest group of mammals and the most versatile of them, the diversity in their diets is not found in any other kind of mammals. Brazil holds 167 species, most has insectivorous feeding habits (70%) and the other species are distributed in frugivorous, nectarivorous, hematophagous, omnivorous and piscivorous. Bats that live in urban areas are widely favored by the large supply of food and shelter present in big cities. The human buildings are often used by these species as day roost and the easy adaptation makes bats synanthropic animals. The proximity to people and also domestic animals may represent risk of rabies transmission. The Center for Zoonosis Control in São Paulo maintains a service to attend the population that claim having problems caused by bats and a rabies laboratory that performed diagnosis by Direct Fluorescent and Mouse Inoculation tests in all bats collected. This paper presents and analysis attendance data as well as the rabies diagnosis for the period between 2004 and 2013. In this period 6945 requests were made and 4248 bats from 43 different species were captured in São Paulo City. Rabies virus was isolated in 38 bats: 33 insectivorous, four frugivorous and one nectarivorous. As for the location where positive bats were captured, most of them were found in atypical situation for their species. Programs of continuing education, aiming at instructing the population on the importance of bats and demystifying the common sense for the bats among people, as well as a technical guindance and support are necessary to stimulate the harmonious coexistence between people and these animals. Preventive measures to avoid or eliminate their shelter in buildings are essential to lower the risk of accidents with bats.
Los murciélagos son el segundo grupo más grande y el más versátil entre los mamíferos en la exploración de alimento y refugio. En Brasil se registró 167 especies, la mayoría (70%) tiene hábitos de alimentación insectívora y otros distribuidos entre los frugívoros, nectarívoros, hematófagos, carnívoros, omnívoros y piscívoros. Los que viven en las zonas urbanas son ampliamente favorecidos por las ciudades donde encuentran refugio y alimento. A menudo utilizar la habitación humana como dormideros día y por lo tanto ya se consideran animales sinantrópicos Esta proximidad a las personas y/o sus animales domésticos puede llevar a un riesgo de aparición de la rabia. El Centro de Controle de Zoonosis, en São Paulo (CCZ-SP) mantiene un servicio para informar al público sobre temas relacionados con los murciélagos y un laboratorio para la prueba de la rabia por imunofluorescencia directa e inoculación en ratones en todos los murciélagos capturados. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar los datos en que el servicio se produjo entre 2004 y 2013. Durante este período se cumplieron 6945 solicitudes y se capturaron 4248 murciélagos de 43 especies diferentes en São Paulo. De estos, 38 fueran diagnosticados positivos para la rabia, incluyendo 33 insectívoros, cuatro frugívoros y uno nectarívoro. La mayoria de estos animales se encuentra en situaciones atípicas e inusuales en momentos y lugares para la especie. Acciones continuas para educar al público sobre la importancia de los murciélagos para eliminar los mitos que los rodean son necesarias para estimular la coexistencia armoniosa entre la gente y los murciélagos. Orientación técnica sobre las medidas preventivas para evitar o eliminar su refugio en los edificios son fundamentales para reducir el riesgo de accidentes para las personas.
Animais , Raiva/epidemiologia , Vírus da Raiva/isolamento & purificação , Quirópteros/classificação , BrasilResumo
This study analysed the prevalence of parasitic and fungal infections in rodents in an area of urban expansion, Aracaju, Brazil. Traps were placed in the area from December 2011 to January 2013. Blood samples, faeces and hair were collected from the animals. We collected a total of 47 rodents; 44 were Rattus rattus, and 3 were Mus musculus. Parasitological evaluation revealed the cestode Hymenolepis diminuta infection in both rodent species. The nematodes Aspiculuris tetraptera and Syphacia obvelata were found in M. musculus, and the commensal Entamoeba coli was found in R. rattus. We observed that 69.2% of the R. rattus and 33.3% of the M. musculus were infected with the haemoparasite Babesia sp. The differential leukocyte count revealed normal (72.3%), neutrophilic (15.9%) and lymphocytic (11.4%) profiles. The evaluation showed the following species of fungi in the rodents: Aspergillus sp. (77.1%), Penicillium sp. (28.6%), Cladosporium sp. (14.3%), Mucor sp. (14.3%), Curvularia sp. (8.6%), Acremonium sp. (8.6%), Chrysosporium sp. (2.9%), Syncephalostrum sp. (2.9%), Alternaria sp. (2.9%), Trichophyton sp. (2.9%) and Scopulariopsis sp. (2.9%). The parasites and fungi found in rodents are potentially zoonotic, and the presence of these household animals demonstrates their potential role as reservoirs and disseminators of fungal and parasitic infections.(AU)
Este estudo objetivou analisar a prevalência de infecções parasitárias e fúngicas em roedores em área de expansão de Aracaju, Brasil. Foram colocadas armadilhas com iscas no período de dezembro de 2011 a janeiro de 2013. Os animais coletados foram submetidos à coleta de amostras sanguíneas, fecais e de pelos. Foram coletados 47 roedores sendo 44 Rattus rattus e três Mus musculus e a avaliação parasitológica revelou infecção pelo cestódeo Hymenolepis diminuta em ambas as espécies, pelos nematódeos Aspiculuris tetraptera e Syphacia obvelata em M. musculus e pelo enterocomensal Entamoeba coli em R. rattus. Observou-se também que 69,2% de R. rattus e 33,3% de M. musculus estavam infectados pelo hemoparasita Babesia sp. A contagem diferencial dos leucócitos revelou perfil normal (72,3%), neutrofílico (15,9%) e linfocitário (11,4%). A avaliação micológica apresentou variabilidade qualitativa de fungos: Aspergillus sp. (77,1%), Penicillium sp. (28,6%), Cladosporium sp. (14,3%), Mucor sp. (14,3%), Curvularia sp. (8,6%), Acremonium sp. (8,6%), Chrysosporium sp. (2,9%), Syncephalostrum sp. (2,9%), Alternaria sp. (2,9%), Trichophyton sp. (2,9%) e Scopulariopsis sp. (2,9%). Os parasitas e fungos encontrados nos roedores são potencialmente zoonóticos sendo que a presença destes animais no peridomicílio evidencia o seu papel como reservatórios e disseminadores de infecções parasitárias e fúngicas.(AU)
Animais , Ratos/anormalidades , Ratos/microbiologia , Ratos/parasitologia , Camundongos/anormalidades , Camundongos/microbiologia , Camundongos/parasitologia , Infecções/diagnóstico , Infecções/veterináriaResumo
The male of Latonigena auricomis Simon, 1893 is described for the first time and the female is redescribed. New records are provided for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Notes on the natural history and a potential distribution model of the species are presented in the Neotropical Region.(AU)
O macho de Latonigena auricomis Simon, 1893 é descrito pela primeira vez e a fêmea é redescrita. Novos registros são fornecidos pra Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai. São apresentadas notas sobre a história natural e um modelo de distribuição potencial da espécie na Região Neotropical.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Aranhas/classificação , Aranhas/anatomia & histologia , Simbiose , História NaturalResumo
The male of Latonigena auricomis Simon, 1893 is described for the first time and the female is redescribed. New records are provided for Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Notes on the natural history and a potential distribution model of the species are presented in the Neotropical Region.
O macho de Latonigena auricomis Simon, 1893 é descrito pela primeira vez e a fêmea é redescrita. Novos registros são fornecidos pra Argentina, Brasil e Uruguai. São apresentadas notas sobre a história natural e um modelo de distribuição potencial da espécie na Região Neotropical.
Feminino , Animais , Aranhas/anatomia & histologia , Aranhas/classificação , História Natural , SimbioseResumo
The synanthropic indexes of Diptera parasitoid present in forest, rural, and urban areas were determined in the municipality of Monte Alegre, MG, from March to November 2006. The dipterous pupae were obtained by the flotation method and individually placed in gelatin capsules until the emergence of the dipterous and/or their parasitoids. The synanthropic indexes of parasitoid Kleidotoma nigra (Hartig) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), Paraganaspis egeria Díaz, Gallardo & Walsh (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), Spalangia cameroni Perkins (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), Trichopria sp. (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae), Triplasta atrocoxalis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), and Triplasta coxalis (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae) were +0.1, -100, +50, +100, -3, and -100, respectively.(AU)
Animais , Parasitos/parasitologia , Fezes/parasitologia , Bovinos/classificação , Dípteros/parasitologiaResumo
Samples were collected every month in three different sites of the Reserva Biológica do Tinguá, Brazil: site A was located on the border of the forest and sites B and C were located 1,000 and 500 m, respectively, towards the forest interior. The objective was to determine edge effects on a fragment of the Atlantic Forest. The greatest species richness was observed in sites A and B (23 species), compared with site C (16 species). Site A showed the greatest abundance and constancy, independent of the degree of synanthropy. Asynanthropic species were more abundant and constant in sites B and C. Site B showed the greatest diversity; and sites A and B showed the greatest similarity of populations. There was no significant correlation between Calliphoridae richness and canopy openness except in site C. Richness and abundance were positively correlated with subwood density, except for richness in site B.(AU)
Foram realizadas coletas mensais em três pontos da Reserva Biológica do Tinguá: o ponto A estava localizado na borda da mata, e os pontos B e C estavam localizados, respectivamente, a 1000 e 500 m no interior da mata. Objetivou-se determinar os efeitos de borda em um fragmento da Mata Atlântica. A riqueza de espécies foi maior nos pontos A e B (23 espécies), em relação ao ponto C (16 espécies). No ponto A, ocorreu maior abundância e constância de califorídeos, independente do seu grau de sinantropia. Nos pontos B e C, as espécies assinantrópicas foram mais abundantes e constantes. O ponto B apresentou a maior diversidade registrada. Os pontos A e B apresentam maior similaridade quanto às populações. Não houve significativa correlação entre riqueza de califorídeos e abertura do dossel, exceto no ponto C. Riqueza e abundância correlacionaram-se positivamente com densidade do sub-bosque, exceto para riqueza no ponto B.(AU)
Animais , Biodiversidade , Dípteros/classificação , Árvores , Brasil , Ecossistema , Estações do AnoResumo
From September 1998 to September 1999, four censuses were carried out to get information about the number of colonies of paper wasps, their float and kind of substratum used in the campus of Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, in Juiz de Fora town, MG. Five genus were found in the campus: 65,25% belongs to Mischocyttarus genus, 23,72% to Polistes, 7,73% to Protopolybia, 3,13% to Polybia and 0,17% to Protonectarina, with an average of 287,75 active colonies. The number of waspss colonies was more abundant during the hot and damps seasons (From September 1998 till the middle of March 1999), suffering a big reduction during the cold and dry season (April 1999 to September 1999). Mischocyttarus, Polistes and Polybia demonstrated a higher level of synanthropy than Protopolybia and Protonectarina, that presented foundations only on vegetation. Polybia presented a great reduction in the number of colonies, due mainly to anthropic action and parasitic infestation by Tachinidae.
From September 1998 to September 1999, four censuses were carried out to get information about the number of colonies of paper wasps, their float and kind of substratum used in the campus of Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, in Juiz de Fora town, MG. Five genus were found in the campus: 65,25% belongs to Mischocyttarus genus, 23,72% to Polistes, 7,73% to Protopolybia, 3,13% to Polybia and 0,17% to Protonectarina, with an average of 287,75 active colonies. The number of waspss colonies was more abundant during the hot and damps seasons (From September 1998 till the middle of March 1999), suffering a big reduction during the cold and dry season (April 1999 to September 1999). Mischocyttarus, Polistes and Polybia demonstrated a higher level of synanthropy than Protopolybia and Protonectarina, that presented foundations only on vegetation. Polybia presented a great reduction in the number of colonies, due mainly to anthropic action and parasitic infestation by Tachinidae.