Anisopodus subarmatus Melzer, 1931 is synonymized with A. jaculus (Gyllenhal, 1817) and a discussion about the type-locality of the latter is provided. Photographs of the lectotype of the former and of the holotype of the latter are provided.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da Espécie , Fotografação/instrumentaçãoResumo
New records for Eupogonius flavocinctus Bates, 1872, E. boteroi Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, E. azteca Martins, Santos-Silva & Galileo, 2015, E. subaeneus Bates, 1872, E. guerrerensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020, and E. arizonensis Knull, 1954 are provided. Eupogonius sonorensis Wappes & Santos-Silva, 2020 is synonymized with E. arizonensis. The synonymy between E. pauper LeConte, 1852 and Eupogonius fraxini Knull, 1918 is commented. Two new species are described: Eupogonius rileyi, from Costa Rica; and E. similis, from Guatemala.(AU)
Animais , Manejo de Espécimes/veterinária , Besouros/classificação , Especificidade da EspécieResumo
The present study offers a broad comparative analysis of the dorsolateral head musculature in the Gymnotiformes, with detailed descriptions and illustrations of the dorsolateral head muscles of 83 species representing combined all valid genera. Results permit a detailed assessment of primary homologies and taxonomically-relevant variation across the order. This provides the basis for a myological synonymy, which organizes 33 previously proposed names for 15 recognized muscles. Morphological variation derived from dorsolateral head musculature was coded into 56 characters. When analyzed in isolation, that set of characters results in Gymnotidae as the sister group of remaining gymnotiforms, and all other currently recognized families as monophyletic groups. In a second analysis, myological characters were concatenated with other previously proposed characters into a phenotypic matrix. Results of that analysis reveal new myological synapomorphies for nearly all taxonomic categories within Gymnotiformes. A Partitioned Bremer Support (PBS) was used to asses the significance of comparative myology in elucidating phylogenetic relationships. PBS values show strongly non-uniform distributions on the tree, with positive scores skewed towards more inclusive taxa, and negative PBS values concentrated on less inclusive clades. Our results provide background for future studies on biomechanical constraints evolved in the early stages of gymnotiform evolution.(AU)
O presente estudo fornece uma ampla análise comparativa da musculatura dorsolateral da cabeça dos Gymnotiformes, com descrições detalhadas e ilustrações dos músculos dorsolaterais da cabeça de 83 espécies representando quase todos os gêneros válidos. Resultados permitem uma avaliação das homologias primárias e da variação taxonomicamente relevante na ordem. Isto fornece a base para uma sinonímia da nomenclatura miológica que organiza 33 nomes previamente propostos para os 15 músculos reconhecidos. As variações morfológicas da musculatura dorsolateral da cabeça foram codificadas em 56 caracteres. Este conjunto de dados foi inicialmente analisado isoladamente, resultando em Gymnotidae como grupo-irmão dos demais Gymnotiformes; e todas as famílias como grupos monofiléticos. Numa segunda análise, os caracteres musculares foram concatenados com uma matriz fenotípica previamente proposta compondo uma ampla matriz morfológica combinada. Os resultados desta análise revelaram novas sinapomorfias miológicas para todas as categorias taxonômicas em Gymnotiformes. O Suporte de Bremer Particionado (SBP) foi implementado para acessar a influência da miologia em elucidar os relacionamentos filogenéticos. Os valores de SBP exibem uma distribuição não uniforme na árvore, com indicadores positivos para agrupamentos mais inclusivos e valores negativos de SBP em clados menos inclusivos. Nossos resultados fornecem subsídios para investigações futuras sobre as restrições biomecânicas envolvidas nos estágios inicias da evolução dos Gymnotiformes.(AU)
Animais , Filogenia , Córtex Pré-Frontal , Gimnotiformes/genéticaResumo
Abstract Here it is shown that Loneura crenataNavás, 1927 and Loneura ocotensis García Aldrete are distinct species, so the previously proposed synonymy of the latter with the first is not valid. Illustrations of the L. crenata holotype, deposited in the Hamburg University Zoological Museum, are here presented for the first time.
Abstract Here it is shown that Loneura crenataNavás, 1927 and Loneura ocotensis García Aldrete are distinct species, so the previously proposed synonymy of the latter with the first is not valid. Illustrations of the L. crenata holotype, deposited in the Hamburg University Zoological Museum, are here presented for the first time.
Abstract Atrypanius jauffreti sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Pará). Nyssodrys grisellaBates, 1864 (currently, Atrypanius grisellus) is synonymized with Lepturges lineatocollisBates, 1863 (currently, Atrypanius lineatocollis), and the species is recorded for the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso.
Abstract Atrypanius jauffreti sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Pará). Nyssodrys grisellaBates, 1864 (currently, Atrypanius grisellus) is synonymized with Lepturges lineatocollisBates, 1863 (currently, Atrypanius lineatocollis), and the species is recorded for the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso.
Abstract Trichodischia Bigot, 1885 is a Neotropical genus with a confusing taxonomic history. This was initially composed of two species: T. caerulea Bigot, 1885 and T. soror Bigot, 1885. Later, the genus TrichoraeaCortés, 1974 was erected for T. caerulea. When reviewing the taxonomic history of both species, we discovered that both genera have been considered synonymous based on erroneous information and without a formal synonymy being proposed. Herein, we redescribed T. soror, provide images of adults and describe the male terminalia for the first time. In addition, by examining the type material, we propose Trichoraea as a junior synonym of Trichodischia, syn. nov., confirm T. caerulea comb. rest. and T. soror as valid species and provide some comments about the taxonomy and host record of the genus.
Abstract Trichodischia Bigot, 1885 is a Neotropical genus with a confusing taxonomic history. This was initially composed of two species: T. caerulea Bigot, 1885 and T. soror Bigot, 1885. Later, the genus TrichoraeaCortés, 1974 was erected for T. caerulea. When reviewing the taxonomic history of both species, we discovered that both genera have been considered synonymous based on erroneous information and without a formal synonymy being proposed. Herein, we redescribed T. soror, provide images of adults and describe the male terminalia for the first time. In addition, by examining the type material, we propose Trichoraea as a junior synonym of Trichodischia, syn. nov., confirm T. caerulea comb. rest. and T. soror as valid species and provide some comments about the taxonomy and host record of the genus.
ABSTRACT Bardaxima Walker, 1858 includes 12 species, eight of them occurring in Brazil. The Brazilian species are treated here, including diagnoses and illustrations of both adults and genitalia to allow their identification: B. donatian (Schaus), B. fulgurifera (Walker, 1869), stat. rev. (= demea (Druce, 1895)); B. ionia (Druce, 1900) (= albolimbata (Dognin, 1909), syn. nov., B. ambigua (Dyar, 1908), syn. nov., B. metcalfi (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. lucilinea Walker, 1858; B. marcida (C. Felder, 1874); B. procne (Schaus, 1892) (= meyeri (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. sambana (Druce, 1895), stat. rev. (= belizensis Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., bolivari Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., coloradorum Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., panamensis (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.); B. subrutila (Dognin, 1908); and B. terminalba Jones, 1908 (= oakley (Schaus, 1939)). Bardaxima perses Druce, 1900 is transferred to Elasmia Möschler, 1883 as a new combination, Elasmia perses (Druce, 1900). Stragulodonta gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Heterocampa stragula Möschler, 1883, comb. nov. (= belua (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.).
Here it is shown that Loneura crenata Navás, 1927 and Loneura ocotensis García Aldrete are distinct species, so the previously proposed synonymy of the latter with the first is not valid. Illustrations of the L. crenata holotype, deposited in the Hamburg University Zoological Museum, are here presented for the first time.(AU)
Animais , Insetos/anatomia & histologia , Insetos/classificaçãoResumo
Trichodischia Bigot, 1885 is a Neotropical genus with a confusing taxonomic history. This was initially composed of two species: T. caerulea Bigot, 1885 and T. soror Bigot, 1885. Later, the genus Trichoraea Cortés, 1974 was erected for T. caerulea.When reviewing the taxonomic history of both species, we discovered that both genera have been considered synonymous based on erroneous information and without a formal synonymy being proposed. Herein, we redescribed T. soror, provide images of adults and describe the male terminalia for the first time. In addition, by examining the type material, we propose Trichoraea as a junior synonym of Trichodischia,syn. nov., confirm T. caeruleacomb. rest. and T. soror as valid species and provide some comments about the taxonomy and host record of the genus.(AU)
Animais , Dípteros/classificação , Dípteros/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Atrypanius jauffretisp. nov. is described from Brazil (Pará). Nyssodrys grisella Bates, 1864 (currently, Atrypanius grisellus) is synonymized with Lepturges lineatocollis Bates, 1863 (currently, Atrypanius lineatocollis), and the species is recorded for the Brazilian states of Rondônia and Mato Grosso.(AU)
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificaçãoResumo
Bardaxima Walker, 1858 includes 12 species, eight of them occurring in Brazil. The Brazilian species are treated here, including diagnoses and illustrations of both adults and genitalia to allow their identification: B. donatian (Schaus), B. fulgurifera (Walker, 1869), stat. rev. (= demea (Druce, 1895)); B. ionia (Druce, 1900) (= albolimbata (Dognin, 1909), syn. nov., B. ambigua (Dyar, 1908), syn. nov., B. metcalfi (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. lucilinea Walker, 1858; B. marcida (C. Felder, 1874); B. procne (Schaus, 1892) (= meyeri (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. sambana (Druce, 1895), stat. rev. (= belizensis Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., bolivari Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., coloradorum Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., panamensis (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.); B. subrutila (Dognin, 1908); and B. terminalba Jones, 1908 (= oakley (Schaus, 1939)). Bardaxima perses Druce, 1900 is transferred to Elasmia Möschler, 1883 as a new combination, Elasmia perses (Druce, 1900). Stragulodonta gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Heterocampa stragula Möschler, 1883, comb. nov. (= belua (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.).(AU)
Animais , Lepidópteros/anatomia & histologia , Lepidópteros/classificaçãoResumo
Bardaxima Walker, 1858 includes 12 species, eight of them occurring in Brazil. The Brazilian species are treated here, including diagnoses and illustrations of both adults and genitalia to allow their identification: B. donatian (Schaus), B. fulgurifera (Walker, 1869), stat. rev. (= demea (Druce, 1895)); B. ionia (Druce, 1900) (= albolimbata (Dognin, 1909), syn. nov., B. ambigua (Dyar, 1908), syn. nov., B. metcalfi (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. lucilinea Walker, 1858; B. marcida (C. Felder, 1874); B. procne (Schaus, 1892) (= meyeri (Schaus, 1928), syn. nov.); B. sambana (Druce, 1895), stat. rev. (= belizensis Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., bolivari Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., coloradorum Thiaucourt, 2010, syn. nov., panamensis (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.); B. subrutila (Dognin, 1908); and B. terminalba Jones, 1908 (= oakley (Schaus, 1939)). Bardaxima perses Druce, 1900 is transferred to Elasmia Möschler, 1883 as a new combination, Elasmia perses (Druce, 1900). Stragulodonta gen. nov. is proposed to accommodate Heterocampa stragula Möschler, 1883, comb. nov. (= belua (Draudt, 1932), syn. nov.).(AU)
Animais , Lepidópteros/classificação , Mariposas/anatomia & histologia , Brasil , Distribuição AnimalResumo
Abstract A new species of LobobrachusSharp, 1885, Lobobrachus cleidecostae sp. nov., from Piauí state, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The genus and Lobobrachus lacerdaeSharp, 1885, are redescribed and the identity of L. alternansTschitschérine, 1901, is discussed. Based on study of all available specimens and published descriptions it appears that L. alternans cannot be diagnosed and is a synonym of L. lacerdae. However, the syntypes of L. alternans cannot be located, thereby making a final decision on synonymy impossible to substantiate fully. Photographs of the aedeagi of L. lacerdae, L. cleidecostae, and specimens that best correspond to L. alternans, including those putatively identified by Tschitschérine, are presented for the first time.
Historical information on the probable type-locality of Pimelodus quelen and of its four junior synonyms that share the same neotype, Pimelodus namdia, Pimelodus sebae, Heterobranchus sextentaculatus, and Silurus rivularis, is presented and discussed. The neotype designation for those four species is deemed invalid for not complying with the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, making it technically possible to revalidate any of the four taxa from the synonymy of Rhamdia quelen without having to address the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. The type-locality of both Curimata gilbert and Callichthys asper are also restricted to rio Macacu at the village of Japuíba, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(AU)
São apresentadas e discutidas informações históricas sobre as prováveis localidades-tipo de Pimelodus quelen e seus quatro sinônimos juniores que compartilham o mesmo neótipo, Pimelodus namdia, Pimelodus sebae, Heterobranchus sextentaculatus e Silurus rivularis. A designação do neótipo para essas quatro espécies é considerada inválida por não estar em conformidade com as disposições do Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica, tornando tecnicamente possível revalidar qualquer um dos quatro táxons da sinonímia de Rhamdia quelen sem ter que apelar à Comissão Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica. As localidades-tipo de Curimata gilbert e Callichthys asper também são restringidas ao rio Macacu na vila de Japuíba, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética/genética , Peixes-Gato/genética , ZoologiaResumo
Historical information on the probable type-locality of Pimelodus quelen and of its four junior synonyms that share the same neotype, Pimelodus namdia, Pimelodus sebae, Heterobranchus sextentaculatus, and Silurus rivularis, is presented and discussed. The neotype designation for those four species is deemed invalid for not complying with the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, making it technically possible to revalidate any of the four taxa from the synonymy of Rhamdia quelen without having to address the International Commission of Zoological Nomenclature. The type-locality of both Curimata gilbert and Callichthys asper are also restricted to rio Macacu at the village of Japuíba, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.(AU)
São apresentadas e discutidas informações históricas sobre as prováveis localidades-tipo de Pimelodus quelen e seus quatro sinônimos juniores que compartilham o mesmo neótipo, Pimelodus namdia, Pimelodus sebae, Heterobranchus sextentaculatus e Silurus rivularis. A designação do neótipo para essas quatro espécies é considerada inválida por não estar em conformidade com as disposições do Código Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica, tornando tecnicamente possível revalidar qualquer um dos quatro táxons da sinonímia de Rhamdia quelen sem ter que apelar à Comissão Internacional de Nomenclatura Zoológica. As localidades-tipo de Curimata gilbert e Callichthys asper também são restringidas ao rio Macacu na vila de Japuíba, estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.(AU)
Animais , Variação Genética/genética , Peixes-Gato/genética , ZoologiaResumo
A new species of Lobobrachus Sharp, 1885, Lobobrachus cleidecostae sp. nov., from Piauí state, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The genus and Lobobrachus lacerdae Sharp, 1885, are redescribed and the identity of L. alternans Tschitschérine, 1901, is discussed. Based on study of all available specimens and published descriptions it appears that L. alternans cannot be diagnosed and is a synonym of L. lacerdae. However, the syntypes of L. alternans cannot be located, thereby making a final decision on synonymy impossible to substantiate fully. Photographs of the aedeagi of L. lacerdae, L. cleidecostae, and specimens that best correspond to L. alternans, including those putatively identified by Tschitschérine, are presented for the first time.
Animais , Besouros/anatomia & histologia , Besouros/classificação , Classificação , BrasilResumo
A new species of Lobobrachus Sharp, 1885, Lobobrachus cleidecostae sp. nov., from Piauí state, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The genus and Lobobrachus lacerdae Sharp, 1885, are redescribed and the identity of L. alternans Tschitschérine, 1901, is discussed. Based on study of all available specimens and published descriptions it appears that L. alternans cannot be diagnosed and is a synonym of L. lacerdae. However, the syntypes of L. alternans cannot be located, thereby making a final decision on synonymy impossible to substantiate fully. Photographs of the aedeagi of L. lacerdae, L. cleidecostae, and specimens that best correspond to L. alternans, including those putatively identified by Tschitschérine, are presented for the first time.(AU)