Purpose: To explore effect and mechanism of olsalazine of Chinese generic drugs on ulcerative colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium salt (DSS) in BALB/c mice. Methods: The mouse model of ulcerative colitis was induced by free drinking of 3% (w/v) DSS aqueous solution for seven days. The mice were treated with olsalazine (0.6 g·kg-1) of Chinese generic drugs. The therapeutic effect of olsalazine on ulcerative colitis mice was evaluated by measuring disease activity index (DAI), colonic mucosal injury index (CMDI), histopathological score (HS), and detected the expression levels of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-10, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-1ß in serum and IL-7, IL-17, IL-22, epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor ß1 (TGF-ß1) in colonic homogenate of mice. Results: Olsalazine significantly increased the contents of IL-2, IL-10, IL-22, TGF and EGF in ulcerative colitis rats, and significantly decreased the scores of DAI, CMDI, HS and the contents in IL-7, IL-17, TNF-α, IL-1ß and IFN-γ when compared with the model group. It improved the degree of colonic lesion in ulcerative colitis mice. Conclusions: It was suggested that olsalazine has a therapeutic effect on ulcerative colitis induced by DSS in mice, and the mechanism may be related to the increase of IL-2, IL-10, IL-22, TGF, and EGF and the decrease of the expression of IL-7, IL-17, TNF-α, IL-1ß, and IFN-γ.
Animais , Camundongos , Colite Ulcerativa/tratamento farmacológico , Sulfato de Dextrana , Medicamentos GenéricosResumo
A demodicidose canina é uma dermatopatia parasitária inflamatória comum na rotina clínica. Ela é causada pela proliferação exacerbada do ácaro Demodex spp., e a espécie mais frequentemente encontrada e que causa a doença clínica é o Demodex canis. A doença pode ser classificada conforme a distribuição das lesões e a idade em que elas surgem. Os sinais clínicos mais comuns incluem alopecia, eritema, hiperpigmentação e descamação, e o diagnóstico mais preconizado é o exame parasitológico do raspado cutâneo. Diversos protocolos terapêuticos para a demodicidose canina têm sido estudados, e por muito tempo utilizou-se o amitraz, sendo ao longo dos anos substituído por fármacos da classe das lactonas macrocíclicas, pela praticidade de sua administração. Contudo, mais recentemente, as isoxazolinas (fluralaner, afoxolaner e sarolaner) foram descobertas como miticidas, e nos últimos anos têm demonstrado excelentes resultados. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre as isoxazolinas no tratamento da demodicidose canina.(AU)
Canine demodicosis is an inflammatory parasitic skin disease common in clinical routine. It is caused by the exacerbated proliferation of the Demodex spp., and the most frequently encountered species that causes clinical disease is Demodex canis. The disease can be classified according to the distribution of lesions and the age at which they appear. The most common clinical signs include alopecia, erythema, hyperpigmentation and desquamation, and the most recommended diagnosis is the parasitological examination of the skin scraping. Several therapeutic protocols for canine demodicosis have been studied, and for a long time the main therapeutic of this disease was amitraz, being replaced over the years by drugs of the macrocyclic lactone class due to the practicality of its administration. However, more recently the isoxazolines (fluralaner, afoxolaner and sarolaner) were discovered as miticides, and in recent years they have shown excellent efficacy results, coming to revolutionize the therapy of canine demodicosis. The present study aims to review the literature on isoxazolines in the treatment of canine demodicosis.(AU)
La demodicosis canina es una enfermedad inflamatoria parasitaria de la piel común en la rutina clínica. Es causada por la proliferación exacerbada de Demodex spp., y la especie más frecuente que causa enfermedad clínica es Demodex canis. La enfermedad se puede clasificar según la distribución de las lesiones y la edad en que aparecen. Los signos clínicos más frecuentes incluyen alopecia, eritema, hiperpigmentación y descamación, y el diagnóstico más recomendado es el examen parasitológico del raspado cutáneo. Se han estudiado varios protocolos terapéuticos para la demodicosis canina, y durante mucho tiempo la principal terapéutica de esta enfermedad fue el amitraz, siendo reemplazada con el paso de los años por fármacos de la clase de las lactonas macrocíclicas debido a la practicidad de su administración. Sin embargo, más recientemente se descubrieron las isoxazolinas (fluralaner, afoxolaner y sarolaner) como acaricidas, y en los últimos años han mostrado excelentes resultados de eficacia, llegando a revolucionar la terapia de la demodicosis canina. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo revisar la literatura sobre las isoxazolinas en el tratamiento de la demodicosis canina.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças do Cão , Compostos Heterocíclicos/farmacologia , Infestações por Ácaros/tratamento farmacológico , Cães/parasitologia , ÁcarosResumo
Consuming a high-fat diet causes a harmful accumulation of fat in the liver, which may not reverse even after switching to a healthier diet. Different reports dealt with the role of purslane as an extract against high-fat diet; meanwhile, it was necessary to study the potential role of fresh purslane as a hypolipidemic agent. This study is supposed to investigate further the potential mechanism in the hypolipidemic effect of fresh purslane, by measuring cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) and low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr). Rats were divided into two main groups: the first one is the normal control group (n=7 rats) and the second group (n=28 rats) received a high fat diet for 28 weeks to induce obesity. Then the high fat diet group was divided into equal four subgroups. As, the positive control group still fed on a high fat diet only. Meanwhile, the other three groups were received high-fat diet supplemented with a different percent of fresh purslane (25, 50 and 75%) respectively. At the end of the experiment, rats were sacrificed and samples were collected for molecular, biochemical, and histological studies. Current study reported that, supplementation of fresh purslane especially at a concentration of 75% play an important role against harmful effects of high-fat diet at both cellular and organ level, by increasing CYP7A1 as well as Ldlr mRNA expression. Also, there were an improvement on the tested liver functions, thyroid hormones, and lipid profile. Fresh purslane plays the potential role as a hypolipidemic agent via modulation of both Ldlr and Cyp7A, which will point to use fresh purslane against harmful effects of obesity.
O consumo de uma dieta rica em gordura causa um acúmulo prejudicial de gordura no fígado, que pode não reverter mesmo após a mudança para uma dieta mais saudável. Diferentes relatórios trataram do papel da beldroega como um extrato contra uma dieta rica em gordura; entretanto, foi necessário estudar o papel potencial da beldroega fresca como agente hipolipemiante. Este estudo pretende investigar mais profundamente o mecanismo potencial no efeito hipolipidêmico da beldroega fresca, medindo o colesterol 7a-hidroxilase (CYP7A1) e o receptor de lipoproteína de baixa densidade (Ldlr). Os ratos foram divididos em dois grupos principais: o primeiro é o grupo controle normal (n = 7 ratos) e o segundo grupo (n = 28 ratos) recebeu dieta rica em gorduras por 28 semanas para induzir a obesidade. Em seguida, o grupo de dieta rica em gordura foi dividido em quatro subgrupos iguais. Como, o grupo de controle positivo ainda se alimentava apenas com dieta rica em gordura. Enquanto isso, os outros três grupos receberam dieta rica em gordura suplementada com diferentes porcentagens de beldroegas frescas (25%, 50% e 75%), respectivamente. Ao final do experimento, os ratos foram sacrificados e amostras coletadas para estudos moleculares, bioquímica e histológicos. O estudo atual relatou que a suplementação de beldroegas frescas, especialmente a uma concentração de 75%, desempenha papel importante contra os efeitos prejudiciais da dieta rica em gordura em nível celular e orgânico, aumentando a expressão de CYP7A1 e Ldlr mRNA. Além disso, houve melhora nas funções hepáticas testadas, nos hormônios tireoidianos e no perfil lipídico. Beldroegas frescas desempenham papel potencial como agente hipolipemiante por meio da modulação de Ldlr e Cyp7A, o que apontará para o uso de beldroegas frescas contra os efeitos nocivos da obesidade.
Animais , Ratos , Dieta Hiperlipídica , Fígado Gorduroso/tratamento farmacológico , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Obesidade/tratamento farmacológico , Portulaca , Camundongos ObesosResumo
Most genetic diseases affect purebred animals and are inherited as recessive genes. Cranioschisis refers to dysraphism, which occurs in the midline of the skull due to failure to close the cranial symphysis, which can lead to herniation of the meninges filled with cerebrospinal fluid (meningocele), where there is usually a projection of the meningeal tissue. Diagnosis is performed based on clinical examination, characteristic anatomopathological data, and complementary imaging tests. The surgical approach for correction of cranioschisis is the only described as a therapeutic solution and is indicated in cases in which the cranial synthesis defect does not allow for brain protrusion and there is only the occurrence of meningocele, in addition to the absence of severe signs of neurological alteration. This paper reports a case of the use of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) plaque to treat cranioschisis associated with meningocele in a Girolando heifer. The surgical opening of the frontonasal sacculation allowed draining a total liquid content of 488 mL, inspection, and suture of the envelope membrane. APMMA plaque, molded to the bone surface and anchored in the adjacent soft tissue, was used to cover the evidenced frontonasal bone opening. Despite the unfavorable prognosis of the disease, the cranioplasty surgery for the treatment of cranioschisis associated with meningocele using PMMA plaque obtained satisfactory results relative to the quality and maintenance of this animal's life, evaluated at 19 months postoperatively.(AU)
A maioria das doenças genéticas acometem animais de raça pura e herdados como genes recessivos.Acraniosquise refere-se à disrafia, que acontece na linha média do crânio pelo não fechamento da sínfise craniana, podendo levar a herniação das meninges repletas de líquido cefalorraquidiano (meningocele), onde geralmente existe projeção do tecido meningeal. O diagnóstico é realizado a partir do exame clínico, dados anatomopatológicos característicos e através da realização de exames complementares de imagem. Como solução terapêutica, a abordagem cirúrgica para correção das craniosquises é a única descrita, e é indicada em casos em que o defeito de síntese craniana não permita a protrusão encefálica e exista a ocorrência apenas da meningocele, além da inexistência de sinais graves de alteração neurológica. O artigo relata um caso de uso de placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) no tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele em uma bezerra Girolando. Instituiu-se a abertura cirúrgica da saculação fronto-nasal, permitindo a drenagem de conteúdo líquido total de 488 mL, inspeção e rafia de membrana envoltória. Para recobrimento da abertura óssea fronto-nasal evidenciada, utilizou-se uma placa de polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA), moldada à superfície óssea e ancorada em tecido mole adjacente. Concluiu-se que, apesar do prognóstico desfavorável da enfermidade, a cirurgia de cranioplastia para tratamento de craniosquise associada à meningocele, com a utilização de placa de PMMA, neste caso, obteve resultados satisfatórios em relação a qualidade e manutenção da vida deste animal, avaliando-se em 19 meses pós-operatório.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Disrafismo Espinal/tratamento farmacológico , Polimetil Metacrilato/uso terapêutico , Meningocele/tratamento farmacológico , Doenças Genéticas Inatas/veterináriaResumo
Background: Myelitis is the inflammation of the spinal cord parenchyma alone, whereas meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges. Steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) is a meningomyelitis in which the major lesions involve the meninges, not the spinal cord parenchyma, and respond well to glucocorticoid treatment. However, myelitis in dogs has rarely been reported, and myelitis with a good response to glucocorticoid treatment without relapse has not been reported. This report describes 5 cases of steroid-responsive myelitis (SRM) in dogs. Cases: Case 1. A 8-year-old intact female Cocker Spaniel presented with progressive nonambulatory paraplegia. Whole spinal parenchymal lesions were identified using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Mononuclear pleocytosis with increased total protein levels was the only abnormal finding on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis. Prednisolone (PDS) was administered followed by dose tapering according to therapeutic response. Cyclosporine was administered until the termination of PDS. Since then, no recurrence of neurological symptoms has been observed. Follow-up MRI and CSF analysis revealed resolution of previously observed abnormal findings. Case 2. A 2-year-old intact female Maltese presented with non-progressive paraparesis. A spinal parenchymal lesion in the lumbosacral region was observed on MRI. PDS was administered and slowly tapered at approximately 3-week intervals. No recurrence of neurological symptoms was observed after the treatment. Case 3. A 6-year-old intact female Miniature Pinscher presented with neck pain, along with leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Cervical spinal parenchyma lesions were revealed through MRI. Increased total protein concentration with mixed cell pleocytosis was observed on CSF analysis. Immunomodulatory therapy, similar to that in case 2, was initiated. A second MRI and CSF analysis revealed an improvement in the previously observed abnormalities. Case 4. A 2-year-old, intact female Toy Poodle presented with acute paraplegia and back pain. Lesions were observed in the spinal parenchyma at the T12-L3 levels on MRI. The treatment was conducted as in case 2. During treatment, neurological symptoms, including paraplegia and back pain, were not observed. Follow-up MRI revealed improvement in the spinal lesion. Case 5. A 6-month-old, castrated male Standard Poodle presented with progressive paraparesis. On MRI, lesions were observed in the T11-T13 regions. Immunomodulation therapy, similar to that in case 2, was initiated. No recurrence of neurological symptoms was observed after treatment initiation Discussion: SRM is similar to SRMA in terms of good steroid-responsiveness and noninfectious inflammation etiology; however, it does not exactly satisfy the diagnostic criteria for SRMA, nor does it progress similarly. The characteristics of SRM that do not satisfy the diagnostic criteria of SRMA include the absence of fever, C-reactive protein elevation, hyperglobulinemia, and relapse, and the presence of spinal parenchymal lesions without parenchymal or meningeal enhancement on MRI. It is also a seemingly different from spinal cord-only meningoencephalomyelitis of unknown origin due to its better treatment response and prognosis. However, the dogs in the present report with SRM satisfied the diagnostic criteria for transverse myelitis in human patients. Therefore, SRM, including good steroid responsiveness and good prognosis without relapse, may represent a novel type of meningomyelitis.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Esteroides/administração & dosagem , Doenças Neuroinflamatórias/veterinária , Meningite/tratamento farmacológico , Mielite/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Consuming a high-fat diet causes a harmful accumulation of fat in the liver, which may not reverse even after switching to a healthier diet. Different reports dealt with the role of purslane as an extract against high-fat diet; meanwhile, it was necessary to study the potential role of fresh purslane as a hypolipidemic agent. This study is supposed to investigate further the potential mechanism in the hypolipidemic effect of fresh purslane, by measuring cholesterol 7a-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) and low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr). Rats were divided into two main groups: the first one is the normal control group (n=7 rats) and the second group (n=28 rats) received a high fat diet for 28 weeks to induce obesity. Then the high fat diet group was divided into equal four subgroups. As, the positive control group still fed on a high fat diet only. Meanwhile, the other three groups were received high-fat diet supplemented with a different percent of fresh purslane (25, 50 and 75%) respectively. At the end of the experiment, rats were sacrificed and samples were collected for molecular, biochemical, and histological studies. Current study reported that, supplementation of fresh purslane especially at a concentration of 75% play an important role against harmful effects of high-fat diet at both cellular and organ level, by increasing CYP7A1 as well as Ldlr mRNA expression. Also, there were an improvement on the tested liver functions, thyroid hormones, and lipid profile. Fresh purslane plays the potential role as a hypolipidemic agent via modulation of both Ldlr and Cyp7A, which will point to use fresh purslane against harmful effects of obesity.(AU)
O consumo de uma dieta rica em gordura causa um acúmulo prejudicial de gordura no fígado, que pode não reverter mesmo após a mudança para uma dieta mais saudável. Diferentes relatórios trataram do papel da beldroega como um extrato contra uma dieta rica em gordura; entretanto, foi necessário estudar o papel potencial da beldroega fresca como agente hipolipemiante. Este estudo pretende investigar mais profundamente o mecanismo potencial no efeito hipolipidêmico da beldroega fresca, medindo o colesterol 7a-hidroxilase (CYP7A1) e o receptor de lipoproteína de baixa densidade (Ldlr). Os ratos foram divididos em dois grupos principais: o primeiro é o grupo controle normal (n = 7 ratos) e o segundo grupo (n = 28 ratos) recebeu dieta rica em gorduras por 28 semanas para induzir a obesidade. Em seguida, o grupo de dieta rica em gordura foi dividido em quatro subgrupos iguais. Como, o grupo de controle positivo ainda se alimentava apenas com dieta rica em gordura. Enquanto isso, os outros três grupos receberam dieta rica em gordura suplementada com diferentes porcentagens de beldroegas frescas (25%, 50% e 75%), respectivamente. Ao final do experimento, os ratos foram sacrificados e amostras coletadas para estudos moleculares, bioquímica e histológicos. O estudo atual relatou que a suplementação de beldroegas frescas, especialmente a uma concentração de 75%, desempenha papel importante contra os efeitos prejudiciais da dieta rica em gordura em nível celular e orgânico, aumentando a expressão de CYP7A1 e Ldlr mRNA. Além disso, houve melhora nas funções hepáticas testadas, nos hormônios tireoidianos e no perfil lipídico. Beldroegas frescas desempenham papel potencial como agente hipolipemiante por meio da modulação de Ldlr e Cyp7A, o que apontará para o uso de beldroegas frescas contra os efeitos nocivos da obesidade.(AU)
Animais , Ratos , Dieta Hiperlipídica , Portulaca , Obesidade/tratamento farmacológico , Fígado Gorduroso/tratamento farmacológico , Fígado Gorduroso/veterinária , Camundongos ObesosResumo
Background: Isoliquiritigenin (ISL) presents antitumor effects against melanoma cells. It is known that various circular RNAs (circRNAs) are involved in the development of melanoma. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate the molecular mechanisms of ISL and circ_0002860. Methods: Circ_0002860, microRNA-431-5p (miR-431-5p) and member RAS oncogene family (RAB9A) were detected through reverse transcription-quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) assay. Cell viability was examined via cell counting kit-8 assay. The proliferation ability was assessed using colony formation assay. Cell apoptosis and cell cycle were determined by flow cytometry. Transwell assay was used for detection of migration and invasion. Western blot was conducted for protein analysis. Target binding was confirmed via dual-luciferase reporter assay and RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) assay. In vivo research was performed through xenograft tumor assay. Results: Circ_0002860 was downregulated by ISL in melanoma cells. ISL-induced inhibitory effects on cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, migration and invasion were alleviated by circ_0002860 overexpression. MiR-431-5p was a target of circ_0002860. Circ_0002860 eliminated the ISL-induced tumor inhibition via sponging miR-431-5p in melanoma cells. Circ_0002860 elevated the RAB9A level by targeting miR-431-5p. The function of ISL was related to miR-431-5p/RAB9A axis in melanoma progression. Tumor growth was reduced by ISL in vivo through downregulating circ_0002860 to regulate miR-431-5p and RAB9A levels. Conclusion: The current data indicates that ISL suppressed cell malignant progression of melanoma via targeting the circ_0002860/miR-431-5p/RAB9A pathway.(AU)
Fenóis/análise , Melanoma/tratamento farmacológico , Antineoplásicos/efeitos adversos , ImunoprecipitaçãoResumo
Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel, popularly known as jabuticaba, is rich in polyphenols. Phenolic compounds exhibit several biological properties, which reflect on biomarkers such as biochemical parameters. In the present study, we evaluated the plasmatic levels of glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid of Chinese hamsters fed for 45 days with a regular diet or cholesterol-enriched diet supplemented with a liquid extract obtained from P. cauliflora fruits residues standardized in ellagic acid and total phenolic compounds. The results showed that the concentrated extract obtained from jabuticaba residues increased the glycemia of animals fed with a regular diet and reduced the plasmatic uric acid levels of animals fed with a cholesterol-enriched diet. Since hyperuricemia is considered to be a significant risk factor of metabolic disorders and the principal pathological basis of gout, the liquid extract from P. cauliflora fruits residues would be a promising candidate as a novel hypouricaemic agent for further investigation.
Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel, popularmente conhecida como jabuticaba, é rica em polifenois. Os compostos fenólicos apresentam diversas propriedades biológicas, que refletem em biomarcadores, como os parâmetros bioquímicos. No presente estudo, avaliamos os níveis plasmáticos de glicose, colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos e ácido úrico em hamsters chineses alimentados por 45 dias com dieta regular ou dieta enriquecida com colesterol suplementada com extrato líquido obtido de resíduos de frutos de P. cauliflora padronizado em ácido elágico e compostos fenólicos totais. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato concentrado obtido dos resíduos de jabuticaba aumentou a glicemia dos animais alimentados com dieta regular e reduziu os níveis plasmáticos de ácido úrico dos animais alimentados com dieta rica em colesterol. Uma vez que a hiperuricemia é considerada um fator de risco significativo de distúrbios metabólicos e a principal base patológica da gota, o extrato líquido dos resíduos de frutas de P. cauliflora seria um candidato promissor como um novo agente hipouricêmico para investigação posterior.
Masculino , Animais , Cricetulus/sangue , Hiperuricemia/prevenção & controle , Hiperuricemia/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel, popularly known as jabuticaba, is rich in polyphenols. Phenolic compounds exhibit several biological properties, which reflect on biomarkers such as biochemical parameters. In the present study, we evaluated the plasmatic levels of glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and uric acid of Chinese hamsters fed for 45 days with a regular diet or cholesterol-enriched diet supplemented with a liquid extract obtained from P. cauliflora fruits residues standardized in ellagic acid and total phenolic compounds. The results showed that the concentrated extract obtained from jabuticaba residues increased the glycemia of animals fed with a regular diet and reduced the plasmatic uric acid levels of animals fed with a cholesterol-enriched diet. Since hyperuricemia is considered to be a significant risk factor of metabolic disorders and the principal pathological basis of gout, the liquid extract from P. cauliflora fruits residues would be a promising candidate as a novel hypouricaemic agent for further investigation.(AU)
Plinia cauliflora (Mart.) Kausel, popularmente conhecida como jabuticaba, é rica em polifenois. Os compostos fenólicos apresentam diversas propriedades biológicas, que refletem em biomarcadores, como os parâmetros bioquímicos. No presente estudo, avaliamos os níveis plasmáticos de glicose, colesterol total, HDL-colesterol, triglicerídeos e ácido úrico em hamsters chineses alimentados por 45 dias com dieta regular ou dieta enriquecida com colesterol suplementada com extrato líquido obtido de resíduos de frutos de P. cauliflora padronizado em ácido elágico e compostos fenólicos totais. Os resultados mostraram que o extrato concentrado obtido dos resíduos de jabuticaba aumentou a glicemia dos animais alimentados com dieta regular e reduziu os níveis plasmáticos de ácido úrico dos animais alimentados com dieta rica em colesterol. Uma vez que a hiperuricemia é considerada um fator de risco significativo de distúrbios metabólicos e a principal base patológica da gota, o extrato líquido dos resíduos de frutas de P. cauliflora seria um candidato promissor como um novo agente hipouricêmico para investigação posterior.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Cricetulus/sangue , Hiperuricemia/tratamento farmacológico , Hiperuricemia/prevenção & controleResumo
Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power [...].
Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em não humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial [...].
Aloe , Fitoterapia , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Alo vera is a centenary remedy use for minor wounds and burns, but its mechanism of wound healing has not been know since. This article will evaluate and gather evidence of the effectiveness and safety of the use of aloe vera in the treatment of burns. A systematic review was carried out on the databases: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, in the last 7 years, with the descriptors: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". 16 articles were found. After using the exclusion criteria; research in non-humans and literature review; 5 articles were selected. The article Teplick et al. (2018) performed an in vitro clinical experiment in A. Vera solution, and demonstrated that there was proliferation and cell migration of human skin fibroblasts and keratinocytes, in addition to being protective in the death of keratonocytes. That is, it accelerates the healing of wounds. Muangman et al. (2016), evaluated 50 patients with 20% of the total body surface area burned with second-degree burns, between 18-60 years old, with half of the group receiving gauze dressings with soft paraffin containing 0.5% chlorhexidine acetate and the other half receiving polyester dressings containing extracts of medicinal plants mainly Aloe Vera. It had positive results, a higher healing speed and shorter hospital stay compared to the control group. Hwang et al. (2015) investigated the antioxidant effects of different extracts from 2,4,6,8,12 months of Aloe Vera. And the 6-month concentrated extract of 0.25 mg / mL had a higher content of flavonoids (9.750 mg catechin equivalent / g extract) and polyphenols (23.375 mg gallic acid equivalent / g extract) and the greater ferric reducing antioxidant power [...].(AU)
Alo vera é um remédio centenário usado para pequenas feridas e queimaduras, mas seu mecanismo de cicatrização de feridas não foi conhecido desde então. Este artigo avaliará e reunirá evidências da eficácia e segurança do uso de aloe vera no tratamento de queimaduras. Realizada revisão Sistemática nas bases de dados: MEDLINE, LILACS, DECS, SCIELO, nos últimos 7 anos, com os descritores: "Aloe", "Burns" and "treatment". Foram encontrados 16 trabalhos. Após utilizarmos os critérios de exclusão; pesquisa em não humanos e revisão da literatura ; foram selecionados 5 artigos. O artigo Teplick et al. (2018) realizou um experimento clinico in vitro em solução de A. Vera, e demonstrou que houve proliferação e migração celular de fibroblastos e queratinócitos de pele humana, além de ser protetor na morte de queratonócitos. Ou seja, acelera a cicatrização das feridas. Já Muangman et al. (2016), avaliou 50 pacientes com 20% do total da área superficial corporal queimada com queimaduras de segundo grau, entre 18-60 anos, tendo metade do grupo como controle recebendo curativos de gaze com parafina mole contendo 0,5% acetado de clorexidina e a outra metade recebendo curativos com poliéster contendo extratos de plantas medicinais principalmente Aloe Vera. Teve resultados positivos, uma maior velocidade de cicatrização e menor tempo de internação comparado ao grupo controle. Já Hwang et al. (2015) investigou os efeitos antioxidante de diferentes extratos de 2,4,6,8,12 meses da Aloe Vera. E o extrato com 6 meses concentrado de 0,25 mg/mL teve maior teor de flavanóides (9,750 mg equivalente catequina / g extrato) e polifenóis (23,375 mg equivalente ácido gálico / g extrato) e o maior poder antioxidante redutor férrico (0,047 mM de sulfato ferroso equivalente / extrato mg), ou seja, maior potencial [...].(AU)
Aloe , Queimaduras/tratamento farmacológico , FitoterapiaResumo
A Osteopatia craniomandibular (OCM) é uma doença rara, autolimitante que acomete animais jovens, entre três a oito meses e não tem caráter neoplásico. É caracterizada pela proliferação óssea que atinge os ossos da mandíbula, mas também pode envolver outras estruturas como articulação temporomandibular, ossos do crânio e ossos longos, causando dor e desconforto. Foi atendido um cão, fêmea com quatro meses de idade com algia mandibular antes e após ter sofrido queda de altura. Com os exames foram observadas alterações condizentes com OCM. Diante do caso, foi estabelecido tratamento analgésico e acompanhamento com exames de imagem e exames de sangue. O animal teve boa resposta ao tratamento e não necessitou de outras intervenções.(AU)
Craniomandibular osteopathy (CMO) is a rare, non-neoplastic self-limiting disease, that affects young animals, aged between three to eight months.It is characterized by bone proliferation that reaches the jaw bones, but it can also involve other structures such as temporomandibular joint, skull and long bones, causing pain and discomfort. A four-month-old female dog was treated with mandibular pain before and after having suffered a fall from height. With the exams, alterations consistent with CMO were observed.The treatment was set by usinganalgesicand the follow-up with imaging and blood tests were established. The animal had a good response to the treatment and did not need other interventions.(AU)
La Osteopatía Craneomandibular (OMC) es una enfermedad rara, autolimitada, que afecta a animales jóvenes, con edades comprendidas entre los tres y los ocho meses y no es neoplásica. Se caracteriza por una proliferación ósea que alcanza los huesos de la mandíbula, pero también puede comprometer otras estructuras como la articulación temporomandibular, los huesos del cráneo y los huesos largos, causando dolor y molestias. Una perra de cuatro meses de edad fue atendida por dolor mandibular antes y después de haber sufrido una caída desde una altura. Con los exámenes se observaron alteraciones compatibles con OCM. Ante el caso se instauró tratamiento analgésico y seguimiento con estudios de imagen y hemograma. El animal respondió bien al tratamiento y no necesitó de otras intervenciones.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Transtornos Craniomandibulares/tratamento farmacológico , Osteopatia/veterinária , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico , CãesResumo
The most common form of psycho-social dysfunction is anxiety with depression being related closely without any age bar. They are present with combined state of sadness, confusion, stress, fear etc. Glyoxalase system contains enzyme named glyoxalase 1 (GLO1).It is a metabolic pathway which detoxifies alpha-oxo-aldehydes, particularly methylglyoxal (MG). Methylglyoxal is mainly made by the breakdown of the glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Glyoxylase-1 expression is also related with anxiety behavior. A casual role or GLO-1 in anxiety behavior by using viral vectors for over expression in the anterior cingulate cortex was found and it was found that local GLO-1 over expression increased anxiety behavior. The present study deals with the molecular mechanism of protective activity of eugenol against anxiolytic disorder. A pre-clinical animal study was performed on 42 BALB/c mice. Animals were given stress through conventional restrain model. The mRNA expression of GLO-1 was analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Moreover, the GLO-1 protein expression was also examined by immunohistochemistry in whole brain and mean density was calculated. The mRNA and protein expressions were found to be increased in animals given anxiety as compared to the normal control. Whereas, the expressions were decreased in the animals treated with eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers in a dose dependent manner. However, the results were better in animals treated with nanocarriers as compared to the compound alone. It is concluded that the eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers exert anxiolytic activity by down-regulating GLO-1 protein expression in mice.
A forma mais comum de disfunção psicossocial é a ansiedade intimamente relacionada com a depressão, sem qualquer barreira de idade. Elas estão presentes em um estado combinado de tristeza, confusão, estresse, medo etc. O sistema de glioxalase contém uma enzima chamada glioxalase 1 (GLO1). É uma via metabólica que desintoxica alfa-oxo-aldeídos, particularmente metilglioxal (MG). O metilglioxal é produzido principalmente pela quebra dos intermediários glicolíticos, gliceraldeído-3-fosfatos e fosfato de diidroxiacetona. A expressão da glioxalase 1 também está relacionada ao comportamento de ansiedade. Um papel casual ou GLO1 no comportamento de ansiedade usando vetores virais para superexpressão no córtex cingulado anterior foi encontrado e descobriu-se que a superexpressão local de GLO1 aumentava o comportamento de ansiedade. O presente estudo trata do mecanismo molecular da atividade protetora do eugenol contra o transtorno ansiolítico. Um estudo pré-clínico em animais foi realizado em 42 camundongos BALB / c. Os animais foram submetidos ao estresse por meio do modelo de contenção convencional. A expressão de mRNA de GLO1 foi analisada por RT-PCR em tempo real. Além disso, a expressão da proteína GLO1 também foi examinada por imuno-histoquímica em todo o cérebro e a densidade média foi calculada. Verificou-se que as expressões de mRNA e proteínas estavam aumentadas em animais que receberam ansiedade em comparação com o controle normal. Considerando que as expressões foram diminuídas nos animais tratados com eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas de forma dependente da dose. No entanto, os resultados foram melhores em animais tratados com nanocarreadores em comparação com o composto sozinho. Conclui-se que o eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas exercem atividade ansiolítica por regulação negativa da expressão da proteína GLO1 em camundongos.
Masculino , Animais , Camundongos , Ansiedade/tratamento farmacológico , Eugenol/administração & dosagem , Lactoilglutationa LiaseResumo
The lack of water during crop growth causes damage to any production system, especially when it occurs during the initial establishment or beginning of the reproductive stage. Although cotton can be properly managed in regions with water limitation, its yield is affected at different levels according to the genetics of the cultivar adopted. Exogenous application of some organic components has shown a stress-mitigating effect and can be a valuable procedure to enhance the yield of water stress-sensitive cultivars. The objective of this work was to evaluate the benefits of exogenous application of pyruvic acid (100 µM) in cotton plants under water deficit varying the phenological stage of the crop. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, where the plants were grown in pots and subjected to seven days of water suspension, initiated individually in stages V2 and B1. Each pot contained two plants. The treatments adopted were: T1 - control, T2 - water suppression; and T3 - water suppression + pyruvate application. The design was randomized blocks in a factorial scheme (3 × 3) with three replicates. The reductions in gas exchange and growth of the cultivars BRS Seridó, CNPA 7MH and FM 966 were more significant in the reproductive stage, especially for FM 966, which was more sensitive. Pyruvate application reduced the effects of water suppression on boll production by 31% in BRS Seridó and 34% in CNPA 7MH and FM 966.
A falta d'água durante o crescimento da cultura traz prejuízos em qualquer sistema de produção, especialmente quando ocorre durante o estabelecimento inicial ou início da fase reprodutiva. O algodoeiro, apesar de ter larga habilidade para manejo em regiões com limitação hídrica, tem o rendimento afetado, com níveis diferenciados em função da genética do cultivar adotado. A aplicação exógena de alguns componentes orgânicos tem demonstrado efeito mitigador do estresse podendo ser um aditivo valioso para impulsionar a produtividade de cultivares sensíveis ao estresse hídrico. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se avaliar os benefícios da aplicação exógena de ácido pirúvico (100 µM) em algodoeiros sob déficit hídrico variando a fase fenológica da cultura. O ensaio foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, onde as plantas foram cultivadas em vasos e submetidas a sete dias de suspensão hídrica, iniciadas, individualmente, nas fases V2 e B1. Cada vaso conteve duas plantas. Os tratamentos adotados foram: T1- controle, T2 - supressão hídrica; T3- supressão hídrica + aplicação de piruvato. O delineamento foi em blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial (3 × 3) com três repetições. Foi observado que as reduções nas trocas gasosas e crescimento das cultivares BRS Seridó, CNPA 7MH e FM 966 foram mais expressivas na fase reprodutiva, especialmente da última que se mostrou mais sensível. A aplicação de piruvato mitigou os efeitos da supressão hídrica sobre a produção de capulhos 31% na BRS Seridó e 34% em CNPA 7MH e FM 966.
Ácido Pirúvico/administração & dosagem , Gossypium , Desidratação/tratamento farmacológicoResumo
Background: Bivalent freeze-dried neurotoxic (FN) antivenom has been the primary treatment since the 1980s for Taiwan cobra (Naja atra) envenomation in Taiwan. However, envenomation-related wound necrosis is a significant problem after cobra snakebites. In the present study, we analyzed the changes in serum venom concentration before and after antivenom administration to discover their clinical implications and the surgical treatment options for wound necrosis. Methods: The patients were divided into limb swelling and wound necrosis groups. The clinical outcome was that swelling started to subside 12 hours after antivenom treatment in the first group. Serum venom concentrations before and after using antivenoms were measured to assess the antivenom's ability to neutralize the circulating cobra venom. The venom levels in wound wet dressing gauzes, blister fluids, and debrided tissues were also investigated to determine their clinical significance. We also observed the evolutional changes of wound necrosis and chose a better wound debridement timing. Results: We prospectively enrolled 15 Taiwan cobra snakebite patients. Males accounted for most of this study population (n = 11, 73%). The wound necrosis group received more antivenom doses than the limb swelling group (4; IQR:2-6 vs 1; IQR:1-2, p = 0.05), and less records of serum venom concentrations changed before/after antivenom use (p = 0.0079). The necrotic wound site may release venom into circulation and cause more severe envenomation symptoms. Antivenom can efficiently diminish limb swelling in cobra bite patients. However, antivenom cannot reduce wound necrosis. Patients with early debridement of wound necrosis had a better limb outcome, while late or without debridement may have long-term hospital stay and distal limb morbidity. Conclusions: Antivenom can efficiently eliminate the circulating cobra venom in limb swelling patients without wound necrosis. Early debridement of the bite site wound and wet dressing management are suggestions for preventing extended tissue necrosis and hospital stay.(AU)
Animais , Mordeduras de Serpentes/terapia , Agentes Neurotóxicos/efeitos adversos , Taiwan , Necrose/terapiaResumo
Salmonella Heidelberg is an emerging pathogen in Brazilian poultry production. The traditional methods (quicklime, windrowing and tarpaulin-on-surface) used for disinfecting reused poultry litter between flocks does not guarantee its elimination, thus allowing the transmission of this agent from one flock to another. The new tarpaulinon-surface method with controlled injection of ammonia gas has proven to be effective in its control, however, it is still unknown what dose of ammonia gas is needed to eliminate Salmonella Heidelberg in reused poultry litter. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of ammonia gas at different concentrations in sterile poultry litter artificially contaminated with Salmonella Heidelberg. Then, ammonia gas was injected in concentrations of 0.25%, 0.5%, and 1%, and 48 hours later, a sample was collected from each repetition in an entirely randomized design, and bacterial isolation was performed. All treatments, including positive and negative controls, were tested in quadruplicate and the parameters temperature, humidity, pH and water activity were evaluated. In the 0.5% and 1% treated samples the pathogen was not isolated, while in the 0.25% concentration one of the four samples tested was positive. The study reveals that ammonia gas is efficient in killing Salmonella Heidelberg in poultry litter at concentrations of 0.5 % or more within a 48-hour period and that the litter treated with ammonia gas increases its pH and water activity.(AU)
Animais , Infecções por Salmonella/tratamento farmacológico , Galinhas/microbiologia , Salmonella/patogenicidade , Amônia/farmacologiaResumo
The most common form of psycho-social dysfunction is anxiety with depression being related closely without any age bar. They are present with combined state of sadness, confusion, stress, fear etc. Glyoxalase system contains enzyme named glyoxalase 1 (GLO1).It is a metabolic pathway which detoxifies alpha-oxo-aldehydes, particularly methylglyoxal (MG). Methylglyoxal is mainly made by the breakdown of the glycolytic intermediates, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphates and dihydroxyacetone phosphate. Glyoxylase-1 expression is also related with anxiety behavior. A casual role or GLO-1 in anxiety behavior by using viral vectors for over expression in the anterior cingulate cortex was found and it was found that local GLO-1 over expression increased anxiety behavior. The present study deals with the molecular mechanism of protective activity of eugenol against anxiolytic disorder. A pre-clinical animal study was performed on 42 BALB/c mice. Animals were given stress through conventional restrain model. The mRNA expression of GLO-1 was analyzed by real time RT-PCR. Moreover, the GLO-1 protein expression was also examined by immunohistochemistry in whole brain and mean density was calculated. The mRNA and protein expressions were found to be increased in animals given anxiety as compared to the normal control. Whereas, the expressions were decreased in the animals treated with eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers in a dose dependent manner. However, the results were better in animals treated with nanocarriers as compared to the compound alone. It is concluded that the eugenol and its liposome-based nanocarriers exert anxiolytic activity by down-regulating GLO-1 protein expression in mice.(AU)
A forma mais comum de disfunção psicossocial é a ansiedade intimamente relacionada com a depressão, sem qualquer barreira de idade. Elas estão presentes em um estado combinado de tristeza, confusão, estresse, medo etc. O sistema de glioxalase contém uma enzima chamada glioxalase 1 (GLO1). É uma via metabólica que desintoxica alfa-oxo-aldeídos, particularmente metilglioxal (MG). O metilglioxal é produzido principalmente pela quebra dos intermediários glicolíticos, gliceraldeído-3-fosfatos e fosfato de diidroxiacetona. A expressão da glioxalase 1 também está relacionada ao comportamento de ansiedade. Um papel casual ou GLO1 no comportamento de ansiedade usando vetores virais para superexpressão no córtex cingulado anterior foi encontrado e descobriu-se que a superexpressão local de GLO1 aumentava o comportamento de ansiedade. O presente estudo trata do mecanismo molecular da atividade protetora do eugenol contra o transtorno ansiolítico. Um estudo pré-clínico em animais foi realizado em 42 camundongos BALB / c. Os animais foram submetidos ao estresse por meio do modelo de contenção convencional. A expressão de mRNA de GLO1 foi analisada por RT-PCR em tempo real. Além disso, a expressão da proteína GLO1 também foi examinada por imuno-histoquímica em todo o cérebro e a densidade média foi calculada. Verificou-se que as expressões de mRNA e proteínas estavam aumentadas em animais que receberam ansiedade em comparação com o controle normal. Considerando que as expressões foram diminuídas nos animais tratados com eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas de forma dependente da dose. No entanto, os resultados foram melhores em animais tratados com nanocarreadores em comparação com o composto sozinho. Conclui-se que o eugenol e seus nanocarreadores baseados em lipossomas exercem atividade ansiolítica por regulação negativa da expressão da proteína GLO1 em camundongos.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Camundongos , Ansiedade/tratamento farmacológico , Eugenol/administração & dosagem , Lactoilglutationa LiaseResumo
A Cannabis sativa é uma planta que apresenta vários benefícios terapêuticos para animais, como tratamento da dor neuropática, inflamatória e osteoartrose. A dor é bastante recorrente na rotina clínica, sendo importante seu manejo para que seja ofertada uma melhor qualidade e conforto de vida para o paciente. O estudo objetivou identificar, a partir de evidências científicas, as características da utilização medicinal do uso de Cannabis Sativa no tratamento da dor crônica no cão, utilizando um dos seus princípios ativos, canabidiol (CBD). Foi feito uma revisão bibliográfica onde foi realizada a busca de estudos experimentais e relatos de caso em bases de dados eletrônicos, sendo incluídas fontes contendo a utilização do CBD em animais, que abordaram controle da dor, assim como escore avaliativo da dor antes, durante e após o tratamento proposto. Após eleger e analisar 54 estudos percebe-se que na medicina veterinária o uso do canabidio é insuficiente, uma vez que o foco da maior parte dos estudos clínicos é voltado para medicina humana. Ainda assim, a utilização de CBD mostrou-se eficaz, confirmando uma nova alternativa para o controle da dor em animais.(AU)
Cannabis sativa is a plant that has several therapeutic benefits for animals, such as the treatment of neuropathic and inflammatory pain and osteoarthritis. Pain is quite recurrent in the clinical routine, and its management is important to offer a better quality and comfort of life for the patient. The study aimed to identify, based on scientific evidence, the characteristics of the medicinal use of Cannabis Sativa in the treatment of chronic pain in dogs, using one of its active principles, cannabidiol (CBD). A bibliographical review was carried out in which experimental studies and case reports were searched in electronic databases, including sources containing the use of CBD in animals, which addressed pain control, as well as pain assessment score before, during and after the proposed treatment. After choosing and analyzing 54 studies, it is clear that in veterinary medicine the use of CBD is few, and the focus of clinical studies is on human medicine. The use of CBD proved to be effective, thus confirming a new alternative for pain control in animals.(AU)
El cannabis sativa es una planta que tiene varios beneficios terapéuticos para los animales, como el tratamiento del dolor neuropático e inflamatorio y la osteoartritis. El dolor es bastante recurrente en la rutina clínica, y su manejo es importante para ofrecer una mejor calidad y comodidad de vida al paciente. El estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar, con base en la evidencia científica, las características del uso medicinal de Cannabis Sativa en el tratamiento del dolor crónico en perros, utilizando uno de sus principios activos, el cannabidiol (CBD). Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en la que se buscaron estudios experimentales y reportes de casos en bases de datos electrónicas, incluyendo fuentes que contengan el uso de CBD en animales, que abordaran el control del dolor, así como la puntuación de evaluación del dolor antes, durante y después del tratamiento propuesto. Después de elegir y analizar 54 estudios, queda claro que en medicina veterinaria el uso de cannabidio es insuficiente, ya que el foco de la mayoría de los estudios clínicos está en la medicina humana. Aun así, el uso de CBD demostró ser efectivo, confirmando una nueva alternativa para el control del dolor en animales.(AU)
Animais , Osteoartrite/tratamento farmacológico , Cães , Dor Crônica/terapia , Uso da Maconha/efeitos adversosResumo
Background: Although Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) is most commonly seen in the epidermis, this malignant neoplasm can manifest in various other tissues. A wide range of factors may be related to the development of SCC in the cornea, with continuous exposure to ultraviolet radiation and chronic friction to the ocular surface being the most accepted theories. In addition to surgical procedures, the use of mitomycin C in the topical treatment of corneal SCC has shown good results in therapeutic management. Thus, the objective of the current work is to report the satisfactory response observed in the use of mitomycin C in a case of SCC in the cornea of a dog. Case: A 9-year-old male Pug dog was attended by the Veterinary Ophthalmology and Microsurgery Sector (SOMVET) of the University Veterinary Hospital (HVU) of the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) with Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) in the cornea of the left eye, which had recurred after a previous surgical intervention. Secretion and discomfort in the left eye were noted during clinical examination. In addition, both eyes presented pigmentary keratitis in the medial corner. Surgical excision of the neoplasm was performed using the surgical technique of anterior lamellar keratectomy. In the immediate postoperative period, topical therapy was started with eye drops based on mitomycin C at 0.02%, for a period of 28 consecutive days. The use of this chemotherapy drug in the topical form was intended to minimize the chances of recurrence of the clinical condition, since the patient is predisposed to this alteration. In addition, supportive therapy was implemented to improve patient comfort, consisting of the use of tobramycin-based eye drops (6 times a day, for 14 days), atropine 1% eye drops (BID, for 3 days), lubricating eye drops based on sodium hyaluronate (3 times a day, for continuous use), and immunomodulatory eye drops based on tacrolimus 0.02% (twice a day, for continuous use). The patient was evaluated 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after surgery, when good results were observed. One year after treatment, the dog was still showing no signs of recurrence of the treated clinical condition. Discussion: It is known that chronic friction on the surface of the cornea predisposes to the diagnosis of corneal SCC. Accordingly, in the clinical examination of the patient in this report, the presence of bilateral pigmentary keratitis was observed, an alteration that leads to a framework of chronic aggression to the cornea. Surgical treatment is recommended to remove the tumor mass in the ocular region. However, in cases of corneal SCC, the literature highlights that recurrence after surgical excision is a common factor. As the patient in this study arrived at the clinic with a history of recurrence, topical therapy with mitomycin C associated with surgical treatment was instituted. This chemotherapy drug has shown encouraging results in the treatment of some neoplasms, especially SCC. Its use in this case supported previous findings, pointing to a satisfactory result in which the patient had no recurrences after one year of follow-up. In addition, the concentration and frequency used of the active ingredient did not lead to adverse effects in the short or medium term.
Animais , Masculino , Cães , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/tratamento farmacológico , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/terapia , Mitomicina/uso terapêutico , Doenças da Córnea/veterinária , Ceratoconjuntivite Seca/veterinária , Neoplasias Oculares/veterináriaResumo
Background: Canine visceral leishmaniasis causes several clinical signs, such as lymphadenomegaly, exfoliative dermatitis, ulcerative skin lesions, and lameness. The most commonly reported locomotor changes are claudication, edema, arthralgia, joint stiffness, and muscle atrophy. Radiographic exam revealed cortical and medullary destruction, increase, or decrease in medullary opacity, proliferative periosteal reaction, osteolysis, collapse of joint spaces and soft tissue edema are observed. The aim of this report is to describe the clinical and radiographic evolution of a case of erosive polyarthritis associated with leishmaniasis in a dog before, during and after treatment with miltefosine. Case: A 7-month-old mixed-breed dog was attended due pain and limited mobility. In the orthopedic evaluation, joint swelling, stiffness, and increased pain sensitivity of the four limbs, as well as neck stiffness, were noted. Radiographic examination showed joint changes compatible with edema, with increased volume and radiopacity of the soft tissues adjacent to the joints. The segments of the patient's spine showed more severe bone alterations, the cervical spine being one of the most affected regions, with multiple bone proliferations throughout the vertebral body, especially in the ventral portion (spondylosis), compatible with polyarthritis due to leishmaniasis. Due to the suspicion, lymph node and spleen cytology was performed, confirming the diagnosis. Hematological examination revealed anemia, leukopenia due to lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia in addition to increased AST (79,4 U/L; reference: 6,2 - 13 U/L), creatine kinase (517,6 U/L; reference: 1,5 - 28,4 U/L), lactate dehydrogenase (688,4 IU/L; reference: 45 - 233 IU/L) and hyperproteinemia (7,34 g/dL; reference: 5,4 - 7,1 g/dL). Treatment with miltefosine, allopurinol, domperidone, prednisone, gabapentin and dipyrone was started. Reassessments were performed monthly for 3 consecutive months. Hematological examinations showed improvement, with resolution of anemia and thrombocytopenia, and a marked decrease in creatine kinase values. Thus, it is evident that the dog did not develop liver or kidney changes during treatment. During the treatment and monitoring in this period, the dog had a clinical improvement, which started to walk without pain. In addition, joint swellings were no longer present, however, there was no improvement in the radiographic evaluation of the joints. Discussion: Clinical signs of the locomotor system are compatible with those described in animals that had osteoarticular manifestations associated with leishmaniasis, such as arthralgia, edema, and joint stiffness. In the present report, treatment with miltefosine associated with allopurinol resulted in an improvement in the clinical picture, and this therapy is therefore promising in dogs with polyarthritis due to leishmaniasis. A case published in human medicine demonstrated the intra-articular absorption capacity of this drug. There is only one study to date that describes the radiographic evolution of a dog with arthritis due to leishmaniasis after treatment with miltefosine and allopurinol. In this case described, the dog reported remained with the osteoarticular lesions after treatment, although clinical improvement was observed, as in our report. The use of miltefosine and allopurinol are in accordance with stage II staging for leishmaniasis. In this study, although there was no improvement in the radiographic examinations, the treatment was effective in the remission of the animal's clinical condition.