Background: Caudal vena cava thrombosis (CVCT) is a serious disease that affects cattle. Due to being commonly a fatal pathology, it causes economic losses for producers and national livestock. Thus, the present study describes the epidemiological, clinical, ultrasonographic imaging and pathological findings in 4 cattle with CVCT attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Institute of Veterinary Medicine (IMV) of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA). Cases: The animals were crossbreds of the Gir x Holstein and Jersey x Holstein breeds, aged between 4 and 8 years old, raised in semi-extensive and intensive systems. The main clinical signs were pale mucous membranes, reluctance to move, markedly positive venous pulse, engorged jugular with positive stasis test, and serous to mucopurulent nasal exudation. The auscultation of the lung fields revealed tachypnea, silent areas, wheezing, and pleural friction, in addition to coughing, expiratory dyspnea, mouth breathing, and expiratory grunts. One animal had severe hemoptysis. The ultrasound examination performed on a bovine revealed a circular and dilated caudal vena cava in cross-section. Laboratory tests in 3 cattle revealed anemia, leukocytosis with neutrophil left shift, and increased liver enzymes. At necropsy, all cattle had thrombi in the hepatic segment of the caudal vena cava. In the lung, multiple abscesses and areas of parenchymal consolidation, crateriform areas, as well as thrombi in the arteries were observed. Pleural effusion and ascites were seen in all cattle. Clotted blood was seen in the trachea, bronchi, and on rumen contents of an animal. Histopathological alterations seen in the liver were centrilobular hepatocytes with frequent intensely eosinophilic cytoplasm, and pyknotic, karyorrhexic, or absent nuclei and cell borders barely distinguishable. In the lung were nodular and random formations, with a thick wall of mature connective tissue and a central area full of cellular debris, necrotic cells, and intact and degenerated neutrophils (abscesses). Discussion: The set of diagnostic tools that include epidemiology, clinical signs and clinical examinations, ultrasound, necropsy, and histopathology were efficient in the diagnosis of CVCT. The possible causes that led the animals to develop CVCT were diffuse septic pododermatitis in the medial nail of the right pelvic limb associated with traumatic reticuloabomasitis and liver abscesses. In 1 cow, it was not possible to establish the probable cause of CVCT, but for the other cattle in the present study, the probable causes are in agreement with studies that have shown that this disease can occur as a sequel to several septic conditions such as jugular phlebitis, mastitis, hoof rot, enteritis, pneumonia, traumatic reticulopericarditis, acidosis and rumen laminitis, as well as omphalophlebitis in calves. The tachypnea, serous to purulent nasal exudation, pulmonary wheezing, pleural friction, coughing, and expiratory dyspnea, usually with open mouth breathing and expiratory grunts evidenced in the animals of this study, occurred as a result of embolic abscess pneumonia. The presence of multiple lung abscesses, areas of parenchymal consolidation, crateriform foci, and thrombi in the pulmonary arteries and chronic suppurative pneumonia, found at necropsy of the animals in the present study, are related to the development of a thrombus in the caudal vena cava that detaches and embolizes and lodges in the pulmonary arteries. The histopathological findings in 1 cow are compatible with lesions found at necropsy and draw attention to embolic pneumonia and liver lesions, which, are related to thrombi in pulmonary arteries and abscesses formed from CVCT, as well as venous stasis exerted in the return circulation.
Animais , Bovinos , Cauda/patologia , Vasos Sanguíneos/diagnóstico por imagem , Trombose Venosa/veterináriaResumo
Purpose: Acute mesenteric ischemia (AMI) is a condition in pediatric surgery that ranges from intestine necrosis to death. Ischemic postconditioning (IPoC) methods were developed to reduce the damage caused by revascularization. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of these methods in an experimental weaning rat model. Methods: Thirty-two 21-day-old Wistar rats were allocated into four groups according to the surgical procedure performed: control, ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), local (LIPoC) and remote IPoC (RIPoC). At euthanasia, fragments of the intestine, liver, lungs, and kidneys were submitted to histological, histomorphometric, and molecular analyses. Results: In the duodenum, intestines, and kidneys histological alterations promoted by IRI were reversed by remote postconditioning method. In the distal ileum, the histomorphometric alterations could be reversed by the postconditioning methods with more evident effects promoted by the remote method. The molecular analysis found that the levels of expression of Bax (proapoptotic) and Bcl-XL (antiapoptotic) genes in the intestine were increased by IRI. These alterations were equally reversed by the postconditioning methods, with more evident effects of the remote method. Conclusions: IPoC methods positively reduced the damage caused by IRI in weaning rats.
Animais , Ratos , Traumatismo por Reperfusão , Ratos Wistar , Pós-Condicionamento Isquêmico/veterinária , Isquemia Mesentérica/veterinária , AntioxidantesResumo
ABSTRACT: A case of meningoencephalitis caused by Pythium insidiosum secondary to rhinitis is reported in a three-year-old crossbred sheep from a herd of 15 animals, raised extensively and with free access to a weir. The animal presented mild dyspnea, blindness, mydriasis, opisthotonos, nystagmus, incoordination, decreased mandibular tone, and spasticity of the pelvic limbs. Macroscopic examination of the nasal cavity showed a blackish-red, irregular, friable mass that bilaterally compromised the nasal septum and the rostral portion of the nasal turbinates. In the brain, there was diffuse thickening of the leptomeninges of the cerebellum and ventral portion of the brainstem characterized by yellowish, granular material associated with vessel hyperemia. On the floor of the fourth ventricle, there was deposition of yellowish, irregular, slightly granular material that protruded towards the obex and displaced the cerebellum dorsolaterally. Microscopically, there were pyogranulomatous, eosinophilic, necrotizing rhinitis and fibrinosuppurative, eosinophilic, necrotizing meningoencephalitis, both associated with thrombosis, vasculitis, and intralesional hyphae. The hyphae were impregnated with silver and presented thin, parallel walls, rarely septate and branched. At immunohistochemistry, the hyphae were immunostained with polyclonal anti-P. insidiosum antibody in fragments of the cerebellum and nasal cavity. The findings showed that P. insidiosum rhinitis can secondarily affect the nervous system of sheep, causing nonspecific neurological clinical signs.
RESUMO: Relata-se um caso de meningoencefalite por Pythium insidiosum secundária a rinite em uma ovelha mestiça, três anos de idade, proveniente de um rebanho de 15 animais, criados extensivamente e com acesso livre a açude. O animal apresentava dispneia leve, cegueira, midríase, opistótono, nistagmo, incoordenação, diminuição do tônus mandibular e espasticidade dos membros pélvicos. O exame macroscópico da cavidade nasal evidenciou uma massa vermelho-escura, irregular, friável, que comprometia bilateralmente o septo nasal e a porção rostral dos cornetos nasais. No encéfalo, havia espessamento difuso das leptomeninges do cerebelo e porção ventral do tronco encefálico caracterizado por material granular amarelado associado à hiperemia dos vasos. No assoalho do quarto ventrículo, havia deposição de material amarelado, irregular, levemente granuloso, que se projetava em direção ao óbex e deslocava o cerebelo dorsolateralmente. Microscopicamente, havia rinite piogranulomatosa, eosinofílica, necrosante e meningoencefalite fibrinossupurativa, eosinofílica, necrosante, ambas associadas à trombose, vasculite e hifas intralesionais. Pela utilização da técnica de GMS as hifas foram impregnadas pela prata e apresentavam paredes finas e paralelas, raramente septadas e ramificadas. Na imuno-histoquímica, houve imunomarcação com o anticorpo policlonal anti-P. insidiosum em fragmentos do cerebelo e cavidade nasal. Os achados evidenciaram que rinite por P. insidiosum pode afetar secundariamente o sistema nervoso de ovinos, causando sinais clínicos neurológicos inespecíficos.
A case of meningoencephalitis caused by Pythium insidiosum secondary to rhinitis is reported in a three-year-old crossbred sheep from a herd of 15 animals, raised extensively and with free access to a weir. The animal presented mild dyspnea, blindness, mydriasis, opisthotonos, nystagmus, incoordination, decreased mandibular tone, and spasticity of the pelvic limbs. Macroscopic examination of the nasal cavity showed a blackish-red, irregular, friable mass that bilaterally compromised the nasal septum and the rostral portion of the nasal turbinates. In the brain, there was diffuse thickening of the leptomeninges of the cerebellum and ventral portion of the brainstem characterized by yellowish, granular material associated with vessel hyperemia. On the floor of the fourth ventricle, there was deposition of yellowish, irregular, slightly granular material that protruded towards the obex and displaced the cerebellum dorsolaterally. Microscopically, there were pyogranulomatous, eosinophilic, necrotizing rhinitis and fibrinosuppurative, eosinophilic, necrotizing meningoencephalitis, both associated with thrombosis, vasculitis, and intralesional hyphae. The hyphae were impregnated with silver and presented thin, parallel walls, rarely septate and branched. At immunohistochemistry, the hyphae were immunostained with polyclonal anti-P. insidiosum antibody in fragments of the cerebellum and nasal cavity. The findings showed that P. insidiosum rhinitis can secondarily affect the nervous system of sheep, causing nonspecific neurological clinical signs.
Relata-se um caso de meningoencefalite por Pythium insidiosum secundária a rinite em uma ovelha mestiça, três anos de idade, proveniente de um rebanho de 15 animais, criados extensivamente e com acesso livre a açude. O animal apresentava dispneia leve, cegueira, midríase, opistótono, nistagmo, incoordenação, diminuição do tônus mandibular e espasticidade dos membros pélvicos. O exame macroscópico da cavidade nasal evidenciou uma massa vermelho-escura, irregular, friável, que comprometia bilateralmente o septo nasal e a porção rostral dos cornetos nasais. No encéfalo, havia espessamento difuso das leptomeninges do cerebelo e porção ventral do tronco encefálico caracterizado por material granular amarelado associado à hiperemia dos vasos. No assoalho do quarto ventrículo, havia deposição de material amarelado, irregular, levemente granuloso, que se projetava em direção ao óbex e deslocava o cerebelo dorsolateralmente. Microscopicamente, havia rinite piogranulomatosa, eosinofílica, necrosante e meningoencefalite fibrinossupurativa, eosinofílica, necrosante, ambas associadas à trombose, vasculite e hifas intralesionais. Pela utilização da técnica de GMS as hifas foram impregnadas pela prata e apresentavam paredes finas e paralelas, raramente septadas e ramificadas. Na imuno-histoquímica, houve imunomarcação com o anticorpo policlonal anti-P. insidiosum em fragmentos do cerebelo e cavidade nasal. Os achados evidenciaram que rinite por P. insidiosum pode afetar secundariamente o sistema nervoso de ovinos, causando sinais clínicos neurológicos inespecíficos.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Rinite/veterinária , Pitiose , Meningoencefalite/veterináriaResumo
We described a case of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis in a seven-month-old calf. The death occurred three days after the onset of apathy, fever, and the head's lateral deviation to the left. Macroscopic changes in the brain consisted of asymmetry of telencephalic hemispheres; the right hemisphere was enlarged, causing cerebellar herniation. A focally extensive red area was observed on the surface of the right occipital lobe. At cross-sections of the fixed brain, the lesions revealed to be extensive, red-brown, soft or cavitated areas affecting the white and grey matter from the level of the thalamus to the cerebellum and compressing subjacent structures. Histologically, there was acute, coalescent, multifocal necrosupurative meningoencephalitis, associated with vasculitis, congestion, thrombosis, edema, infarction, and intralesional fungal hyphae. The diagnosis of cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis due to candidiasis was made by the pathological changes, the staining and morphological characteristics of the agent, and immunohistochemistry. The cerebral infarction and thrombotic meningoencephalitis in cattle can result from vascular lesions due to infection by Candida sp.; although uncommon, this case demonstrated that candidiasis should be part of a list of differential diagnoses of severe brain injuries in cattle.
Descreve-se um caso de infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica devido a candidíase em um bezerro de sete meses de idade. A morte ocorreu três dias após o início de apatia, febre e desvio lateral da cabeça para a esquerda. As alterações macroscópicas no cérebro consistiam em assimetria dos hemisférios telencefálicos; o hemisfério direito estava aumentado, causando herniação cerebelar. Uma extensa área vermelha focal foi observada na superfície do lobo occipital direito. Nos cortes transversais do encéfalo fixado, as lesões revelaram áreas extensas, marrom-avermelhadas, moles ou cavitadas, afetando a substância branca e cinzenta desde o nível do tálamo até o cerebelo e comprimindo as estruturas subjacentes. Histologicamente, havia meningoencefalite necrossupurativa multifocal aguda, coalescente, associada a vasculite, congestão, trombose, edema, infarto e hifas fúngicas intralesionais. O diagnóstico de infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica devido a candidíase foi feito pelas alterações patológicas, coloração e características morfológicas do agente e imuno-histoquímica. O infarto cerebral e meningoencefalite trombótica em bovinos pode resultar de lesões vasculares devido à infecção por Candida sp.; embora incomum, este caso demonstra que a candidíase deve fazer parte de uma lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de lesões cerebrais graves em bovinos.
Animais , Bovinos , Candidíase/complicações , Doenças dos Bovinos , Infarto Cerebral/veterinária , Traumatismo Cerebrovascular/veterinária , Meningoencefalite/veterináriaResumo
This retrospective case series study describes the clinical and vascular ultrasound findings of 26 dogs diagnosed with abdominal thrombosis. Images were selected based on the detection of intravascular echogenic thrombus or the absence of vascular flow on color Doppler, confirmed by surgery or necropsy. Images were acquired using the Mylab 40 model, with linear and microconvex multifrequency probes. All the reports were evaluated along with the corresponding images by a veterinary diagnostic imaging radiologist. The ultrasonographic aspects evaluated were echogenicity (92.3%), anechogenicity (7.7%), vascularization (11.5%), mineralization (15.4%), and recanalization (7.7%) of the thrombosis. The vascular and hemodynamic findings were dilation of the affected vein (57.7%), total occlusion of blood flow (30.8%), presence of turbulent flow (65.38%), and visualization of smoke signal (blood flow detected as moving echogenic points in dynamic bidimensional mode) (11.5%). Neoplasms (19 cases) and nephropathies (13 cases) were the most common clinical conditions in the affected dogs. Eleven cases of vascular invasion due to adrenal neoplasms were identified. The results indicate that the vascular ultrasound examination is an important method for diagnosis, as 23 of the 26 cases did not show any clinical signs of thrombosis.
Este estudo de série de casos retrospectivos descreve os achados clínicos e ultrassonográficos vasculares de 26 cães diagnosticados com trombose. As imagens foram selecionadas baseadas na detecção de trombo ecogênico intravascular ou na ausência de fluxo vascular ao Doppler colorido, confirmado por cirurgia ou necropsia. O equipamento utilizado na aquisição das imagens foi o modelo Mylab 40, com probes multifrequenciais linear e microconvexa. Todos os relatórios foram avaliados com as imagens correspondentes por um veterinário radiologista. As características ultrassonográficas avaliadas foram: ecogenicidade (92,3%), anecogenicidade (7,7%), vascularização (11,5%), mineralização (15,4%) e recanalização (7,7%) das tromboses. Os achados vasculares e hemodinâmicos observados foram: dilatação da veia afetada (57,7%), oclusão total do fluxo sanguíneo (30,8%), presença de fluxo turbulento (65,38%) e visibilização do sinal de fumaça (fluxo vascular visível como pontos ecogênicos em modo bidimensional dinâmico) (11,5%). As neoplasias (19 casos) e as nefropatias (13 casos) foram as condições clínicas mais comuns nos cães afetados. Foram identificados 11 casos de invasão vascular decorrentes de neoplasia de adrenais. Os resultados indicaram que o exame ultrassonográfico vascular é um método importante para diagnóstico, considerando-se que, em 23 casos, não ocorreram sinais clínicos determinantes de trombose.
Animais , Cães , Trombose , Doenças do Cão/diagnóstico por imagem , Nefropatias , NeoplasiasResumo
O aneurisma é uma dilatação anormal e permanente das artérias, resultante do enfraquecimento da parede do vaso adelgaçamento da camada média e enfraquecimento da camada elástica. Em animais, a maioria dos casos de aneurisma tem origem idiopática e são detectados acidentalmente durante a necropsia. O objetivo deste trabalho é relatar um caso de aneurisma aórtico com trombose associada em Bugio-preto(Alouatta caraya), bem como seus aspectos patológicos. O animal era adulto, macho, pertencente ao Centro Nacional de Primatas (CENP), na cidade de Ananindeua-PA, foi encaminhado para exame necroscópico para investigação da causa mortis. No histórico do animal, não constava qualquer enfermidade. O animal apresentava bom escore de condição corporal com preservação da topografia anatômica dos órgãos. Entretanto, observou-se presença de aumento de volume localizado em aorta torácica, a 1,4 cm da base do coração. Na abertura aórtica foi observado dilatações de tamanhos variados e, no interior da maior dilatação, notou-se uma estrutura de coloração vermelho escuro, aderida, de aspecto seco e superfície áspera, medindo 1,5 cm. Aneurismas aórticos em primatas não humanos não são comuns, porém já foram reportados na literatura. O diagnóstico precoce utilizando exames complementares é importante, porém, ainda há recursos não empregados na rotina veterinária tornando ainda mais difícil o diagnóstico e prevenção. Por isso, na medicina veterinária, os aneurismas são detectados acidentalmente durante a necropsia. Com base nos achados anatomopatológicos, concluiu-se que o animal veio a óbito por trombose associada a aneurisma aórtico.
An aneurysm is an abnormal and permanent dilation of the arteries, resulting from the weakening of the vessel wall.thinning of the middle layer and weakening of the elastic layer. In animals, most cases of aneurysm are idiopathic. This paper aimed to report a case of aortic aneurysm with associated thrombosis in a black-and-gold howler monkey(Alouatta caraya), as well as its pathological aspects. The animal was an adult, male, belonging to the National Primate Center (CENP), in the city of Ananindeua-PA, that was referred for necroscopic examination to investigate the causa mortis. In the animal's history, there was no disease. The animal had a good body condition score with preservation of the anatomical topography of the organs. However, there was an increase in volume located in the thoracic aorta, 1.4 cm from the base of the heart. In the aortic opening, dilations of different sizes were observed, and inside the largest dilatation, a structure of dark red color, adhered, with a dry appearance and rough surface, measuring 1.5 cm was noted in addition to dilations of different sizes. Inside the largest cavitation, a dark red structure was observed, adhered, with a dry appearance and rough surface, measuring 1.5 cm. Aortic aneurysms in non-human primates are incommon, but have been reported in the literature. Early diagnosis using complementary exams is important, however, there are still resources not used in the veterinary routine, making diagnosis and prevention even more difficult. Therefore, in veterinary medicine, aneurysms are accidentally detected during necropsy. Based on the anatomopathological findings, it was concluded that the animal died due to thrombosis associated with an aortic aneurysm.
Animais , Doenças da Aorta/veterinária , Primatas/anormalidades , Autopsia/veterinária , Trombose/veterinária , Aneurisma da Aorta Torácica/veterinária , Alouatta caraya/anormalidadesResumo
Respiratory problems due to tracheobronchial foreign bodies (FBs) are unusual in horses; although equines kept in pastures eventually inhale FBs, as conifer twigs of Araucaria angustifolia. A 1,5-year-old Criolle foal was presented with hemoptysis, dyspnea, restlessness and fever (40.9 ºC rectal temperature). Complete blood count showed intense neutropenia, monocytosis, thrombocytopenia and hypoproteinemia. Treatment was carried out but no clinical improvement was observed. At the post-mortem examination, marked amount of dark red liquid was observed in the thoracic cavity (hemothorax). The lung parenchyma was diffusely consolidated, predominantly in the cranioventral area, associated with mild pleural fibrin deposition. The right primary bronchus was obliterated by a Araucaria angustifolia pine branch measuring 18 cm in length, with adjacent darkened areas (lung consolidation). Microscopically, there was diffuse necrosis with severe hemorrhage in the lungs, associated with marked neutrophilic inflammatory infiltrate, numerous coccoid bacterial aggregates, and fibrinous pleuritis. Additionally, there was diffuse alveolar edema and multifocal thrombosis. Lung fragments were submitted for bacterial culture and mixed bacterial growth was observed with a predominance of Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus. Inhalation of branches is not commonly reported in horses, but it must be included in the differential diagnoses of pneumonia, and attention should be taken when allowing horses to graze in areas where the plant occurs.
Problemas respiratórios devido a corpos estranhos (CEs) traqueobrônquicos são incomuns em equinos, embora cavalos em pastagem possam eventualmente aspirar CEs, como galhos de Araucaria angustifolia. Um potro Crioulo, 1,5 anos, apresentou hemoptise, dispneia, inquietação e temperatura retal de 40,9 ºC. O hemograma revelou intensa neutropenia, monocitose, trombocitopenia e hipoproteinemia. O tratamento foi realizado, mas sem sucesso. Na cavidade torácica, foi observada grande quantidade de líquido avermelhado livre (hemotórax). Os pulmões estavam difusamente consolidados, predominantemente cranioventral e com discreta deposição de fibrina sobre a superfície pleural. O brônquio principal direito estava obliterado por um ramo de pinheiro de Araucaria angustifolia com 18 cm de comprimento. Microscopicamente, notou-se necrose de coagulação pulmonar difusa com hemorragia severa, infiltrado inflamatório neutrofílico marcado, numerosos agregados bacterianos cocoides e pleurite fibrinosa. Fragmentos de pulmão foram submetidos ao isolamento bacteriológico e abundante crescimento misto com predominância de Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus foi observado. A inalação de grimpas de pinheiro não é comumente relatada em equinos, mas deve ser incluída nos diagnósticos diferenciais de pneumonia e deve-se ter atenção ao introduzir cavalos no campo com a presença da planta.
Animais , Masculino , Broncopneumonia/veterinária , Streptococcus equi , Corpos Estranhos/veterinária , Araucaria , Doenças dos Cavalos/sangue , Pulmão , CavalosResumo
Swine erysipelas is a disease of worldwide distribution, responsible for causing economic losses in swine and considered an occupational zoonotic disease. It is estimated that 30% to 50% of pigs are carriers and stress can predispose the appearance of clinical disease. The diagnosis of erysipelas in slaughter pigs becomes a challenge for pathologists, since scalding and dehairing, routine procedures in slaughterhouses, generate histological artifacts that often make the final diagnosis impossible. This study describes the anatomopathological aspects and evaluate the use of immunohistochemistry as a diagnostic tool in these cases. Forty-three cases of erysipelas in slaughter pigs were analyzed. Grossly, the cutaneous lesions were characteristic pink, red, or purple raised rhomboid, rectangular or square lesions ("diamond skin"). Histologically, in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue, there were suppurative vasculitis, hidradenitis and folliculitis, as well as degeneration and necrosis of the vessel wall, thrombosis and multifocal areas of necrosis. Suppurative vasculitis and damage to the blood vessel wall were observed in all cases, with varying degrees of severity. The immunohistochemical technique proved to be an effective complementary method of diagnosis, with positive immunostaining in 93%. In most cases, we observed mild immunostaining (57.5%), moderate in 22.5% and marked in 20%.
A erisipela suína é uma doença de distribuição mundial, responsável por causar prejuízos econômicos na suinocultura, além de ser uma doença zoonótica com caráter ocupacional. Estima-se que 30%-50% dos suínos sejam portadores e fatores estressantes podem predispor o aparecimento da doença clínica. O diagnóstico de erisipela em suínos de abate torna-se um desafio aos patologistas, uma vez que os processos de escaldagem e depila, rotineiros em abatedouros frigoríficos, geram artefatos histológicos que muitas vezes impossibilitam o diagnóstico final. Este trabalho descreve os aspectos anatomopatológicos e avalia o uso da imuno-histoquímica como uma ferramenta diagnóstica nestes casos. Foram analisados fragmentos de pele de 43 casos de erisipela em suínos de abate. Macroscopicamente, eram múltiplas lesões cutâneas romboides, retangulares ou quadradas rosa, vermelho ou roxo característicos ("pele de diamante"). Histologicamente, na derme e subcutâneo, havia vasculite, hidradenite e foliculite supurativas, bem como degeneração e necrose da parede de vasos, trombose e áreas de necrose multifocais. A vasculite supurativa e a lesão na parede de vasos sanguíneos foram observadas em todos os casos, em diferentes graus de severidade. A técnica imuno-histoquímica se mostrou um eficaz método complementar de diagnóstico, com imunomarcação positiva em 93%. Na maior parte dos casos observamos marcação discreta (57,5%), moderada em 22,5% e acentuada em 20%.
Animais , Erisipela Suína/diagnóstico , Erisipela Suína/patologia , Sus scrofa/microbiologia , Pele/patologia , Vasculite/veterináriaResumo
Background: Expanding chronic hematoma is a relatively common postoperative complication in humans, not in dogs, nevertheless, is important understand this condition because it may affect the animal's health. A hematoma could be formed within hours and usually stabilizes spontaneously with the reabsorption of its content. However, occasionally the hematoma slowly expands, becomes encapsulated and forms a mass, causing a chronic expanding hematoma. Possibly skin and adipose tissue are displaced secondary to trauma, causing the formation of blood-filled cysts surrounded by a fibrous capsule. The aim of this document is to present the first report of a postsurgical chronic expanding hematoma in dog. Case: A case of chronic expanding hematoma secondary to excision of recurrent myxoma in a bitch was described. Physical examination showed a hard, firm, non-mobile mass enclosed within the deep muscular layers. This mass was between the sternum and the cranial abdomen, similar to previous lesions excised by another veterinarian. Fine needle aspiration indicated the presence of blood. Radiology demonstrated that the bone-cartilage tissue was not involved. Due to the size of the mass, a skin stretching pre-suturing technique using self-adhesive tape was applied around the mass 48 h before surgery. The mass was removed with wide excision margins and portions of the affected muscles, but a large wound with great tension was created; consequently, a parallel to the wound incision and the thoraco-lumbar vertebrae was made. Six months after surgery, the animal presented recurrence of the same lesion, which was also removed. The bleeding times were within the normal range, but the animal was diagnosed with hyperadrenocorticism. After both surgeries histopathological exam revealed a hematoma, that had thrombosis and granulation tissue with fibrosis and severe panniculitis, in addition of multifocal, chronic, moderate lymphohistiocytic myositis; all these changes were compatible with a chronic expanding hematoma. Discussion: Chronic expanding hematoma is a mass that grows slowly secondary to hemorrhage and does not exhibit elements of malignancy. However, it can occasionally be confused for a soft-tissue neoplasm. It has been reported frequently in humans but not in small animals. The first case was reported in 2002: 5 puppies with a cervical hematoma classified as a chronic expanding hematoma was described. In addition, 3 cases were reported: 1 cat with perirenal chronic expanding hematoma; 1 bitch with intra-abdominal presentation, and 1 cat with this pathology on the right pelvic limb after an intramuscular injection. The etiology of chronic expansive hematoma is unidentified in dogs, nevertheless, it is stipulated that is not an inflammatory process as previously assumed, but rather a neoplastic process. As in other cases, it was difficult to determine the origin of the chronic expanding hematoma. The coagulation times and platelets count were within ranges. Similarly, it is very complicated to relate hyperadrenocorticism with chronic expanding hematoma because dogs with Cushing's disease generally present hypercoagulopathies. Myxomas are associated with endocrinopathies in humans and dogs, therefore, hyperadrenocorticism is possibly related with this neoplasia. Myxomas have an expansive growth pattern, contrasting with myxosarcomas, which are infiltrating; Although in the present case the skin mass appeared to be invasive, both macroscopical and histopathological appearance of it corresponded to a well-shaped capsule compatible with chronic expanding hematoma. In summary, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a post-surgical chronic expanding hematoma in a dog.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Hiperfunção Adrenocortical/veterinária , Hemorragia Pós-Operatória/complicações , Hematoma/veterinária , Mixoma/cirurgia , Mixoma/veterináriaResumo
This paper aimed to describe the main clinico-epidemiological, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings in 10 cattle affected with caudal vena cava thrombosis. The main clinical signs observed were decreased milk production, reduced appetite, apathy, impairment of ruminal motility, cardiorespiratory disorders (tachycardia and tachypnea), epistaxis, hemoptysis, and ascites. Intercurrent diseases such as mastitis, metritis, and phlebitis were verified. The hematological findings were mild anemia, leukocytosis due to neutrophilia with regenerative left shift, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The pathological exams revealed thrombi in the caudal vena cava, hepatomegaly, ascites, liver abscesses, pulmonary edema and emphysema, and abscesses in the lungs. The association of epidemiological information, clinical signs such as respiratory distress, epistaxis or hemoptysis, in addition to anemia and leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, as well as the occurrence of thrombus in the caudal vena cava as pathological findings, are indicative elements of the clinical picture of vena cava thrombosis in cattle. It is reiterated that this disease has an unfavorable prognosis and, when diagnosed, the animal must be culled.(AU)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever os principais achados clínico-epidemiológicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de 10 bovinos diagnosticados com trombose da veia cava caudal. Os principais achados clínicos foram redução da produção leiteira, diminuição do apetite, apatia, comprometimento da dinâmica ruminal, alterações cardio-respiratórias (taquicardia e taquipnéia), epistaxe, hemoptise e ascite. Foi constatada a ocorrência de doenças intercorrentes como mastite, metrite e flebite. O hemograma revelou discreta anemia, leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfibrinogenemia. No exame anatomopatológico revelou trombos localizados na veia cava caudal, hepatomegalia, ascite e abscessos hepáticos; além de abscessos, enfisema e edema pulmonares. A associação de informações epidemiológicas, sinais clínicos como desconforto respiratório, epistaxe ou hemoptise, além de anemia e leucocitose por neutrofilia, bem como a ocorrência de trombo na veia cava caudal como achados patológicos são elementos indicativos do quadro clínico de trombose de veia cava em bovinos. Reitera-se que essa doença tem prognóstico desfavorável e, quando diagnosticada, o animal deve ser abatido.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Tromboembolia/patologia , Trombose/patologia , Doenças Vasculares/patologia , Bovinos , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
This paper aimed to describe the main clinico-epidemiological, laboratory, and anatomopathological findings in 10 cattle affected with caudal vena cava thrombosis. The main clinical signs observed were decreased milk production, reduced appetite, apathy, impairment of ruminal motility, cardiorespiratory disorders (tachycardia and tachypnea), epistaxis, hemoptysis, and ascites. Intercurrent diseases such as mastitis, metritis, and phlebitis were verified. The hematological findings were mild anemia, leukocytosis due to neutrophilia with regenerative left shift, and hyperfibrinogenemia. The pathological exams revealed thrombi in the caudal vena cava, hepatomegaly, ascites, liver abscesses, pulmonary edema and emphysema, and abscesses in the lungs. The association of epidemiological information, clinical signs such as respiratory distress, epistaxis or hemoptysis, in addition to anemia and leukocytosis due to neutrophilia, as well as the occurrence of thrombus in the caudal vena cava as pathological findings, are indicative elements of the clinical picture of vena cava thrombosis in cattle. It is reiterated that this disease has an unfavorable prognosis and, when diagnosed, the animal must be culled.(AU)
Este trabalho teve por objetivo descrever os principais achados clínico-epidemiológicos, laboratoriais e anatomopatológicos de 10 bovinos diagnosticados com trombose da veia cava caudal. Os principais achados clínicos foram redução da produção leiteira, diminuição do apetite, apatia, comprometimento da dinâmica ruminal, alterações cardio-respiratórias (taquicardia e taquipnéia), epistaxe, hemoptise e ascite. Foi constatada a ocorrência de doenças intercorrentes como mastite, metrite e flebite. O hemograma revelou discreta anemia, leucocitose por neutrofilia com desvio para esquerda regenerativo e hiperfibrinogenemia. No exame anatomopatológico revelou trombos localizados na veia cava caudal, hepatomegalia, ascite e abscessos hepáticos; além de abscessos, enfisema e edema pulmonares. A associação de informações epidemiológicas, sinais clínicos como desconforto respiratório, epistaxe ou hemoptise, além de anemia e leucocitose por neutrofilia, bem como a ocorrência de trombo na veia cava caudal como achados patológicos são elementos indicativos do quadro clínico de trombose de veia cava em bovinos. Reitera-se que essa doença tem prognóstico desfavorável e, quando diagnosticada, o animal deve ser abatido.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Tromboembolia/patologia , Trombose/patologia , Doenças Vasculares/patologia , Bovinos , Técnicas de Laboratório Clínico/veterináriaResumo
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate if the perconditioning affects the antioxidant capacity in mesenteric ischemia and reperfusion injury. Methods: Twenty-one Wistar rats were assigned into three groups, as follows: Sham, IR and rPER. The animals were subjected to mesenteric ischemia for 30 min. rPER consisted of three cycles of 5-min hindlimb ischemia followed by 5 min hindlimb perfusion at the same time to mesenteric ischemic period. After 5 minutes, blood and 5 cm of terminal ileum were harvested for thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) measurement. Results: rPER technique was able to reduce intestinal tissue TBARS levels (p<0.0001), but no statistic difference was observed in blood levels between groups, although it was verified similar results in rPER and Sham group. rPER technique also enhanced TEAC levels in both blood (p = 0.0314) and intestinal tissue (p = 0.0139), compared to IR group. Conclusions: rPER appears as the most promising technique to avoid IR injury. This technique reduced TBARS levels in blood and intestinal tissue and promoted the maintenance of antioxidant defense in mesenteric acute injury.
Traumatismo por Reperfusão/prevenção & controle , Isquemia Mesentérica , Ratos Wistar , Isquemia , AntioxidantesResumo
Background: Thrombophlebitis represents the main disease of the cardiovascular system of horses, its occurrence is strongly associated with the use of inappropriate materials and techniques. Its clinical presentation varies according to the degree of vessel obstruction and the appearance of complications, in the diagnosis it is essential to assess the extent of damage and the severity of the case. Establishing appropriate treatments, it should be noted that these are mostly clinical, reserving surgical interventions for severe cases, so the aim of the study is report a case of hemorrhagic septic thrombophlebitis treated by partial phlebectomy of the left jugular vein. Case: A 9-year-old male castrated equine, with no defined racial pattern, weighing 345 kg, used in the practice of vaquejada was attended at the Veterinary Hospital (HV) of the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campus Patos (PB). During the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal presented colic a month ago, it was treated, recovered and since then, it started presenting an area with increase in volume in the neck region that ruptured the day before the HV attendance, where blood and pus came from. On physical exam, slight edema was noted in the left masseteric region, a volume rise involving the middle and cranial third of the neck with firm consistency in the left jugular sulcus, sensitivity to palpation and little drainage of purulent bloody secretion was observed. Additionally, tachycardia, tachypnea and intestinal hypomotility were found. In turn, in the ultrasound exam, a hypoechoic structure was seen, causing partial obstruction of the vessel, proximal to the fistulated region and total obstruction distal to it. With this information, antibiotic therapy was prescribed, a warm compress followed by the use of anti-inflammatory gel every 8 h. By choice of the owner, the animal returned to the farm, in the next day returned to the Veterinary Hospital, due to...
Masculino , Animais , Cavalos , Flebotomia/veterinária , Tromboflebite/veterinária , Trombose/veterinária , Veias Jugulares , Sistema Cardiovascular/patologiaResumo
Yersinia enterocolitica is a bacterium with zoonotic potential and there are no previous records of this bacteria being isolated from aborted foals. This report aims to describe a case of sepsis due to Y. enterocolitica in a seven month old aborted equine. The fequinoetus was submitted to necropsy and samples of all the organs were collected for the histological exam. Samples of liver, lung, placenta, and stomach contents were collected for bacterial culture. Macroscopically, the liver was enlarged with yellowish heterogeneous color, heart with pale myocardial areas; lungs not collapsed, heavy and shiny, thickened umbilical cord covered with fibrin and pus. Histopathologically, there was moderate multifocal necrosuppurative myocarditis and thrombosis, moderate diffuse suppurative bronchopneumonia, mild multifocal fibrinonecrotic hepatitis, and moderate diffuse necrosuppurative omphalitis with intralesional bacterial myriads and thrombosis. Mild multifocal suppurative placentitis, nephritis, myositis, cystitis, and dermatitis were also observed, in addition to mild diffuse lymphoid rarefaction. The microbiological evaluation identified Y. enterocolitica in the liver, lung, and stomach fluid. This is the first report of sepsis due to Y. enterocolitica causing an abortion in a horse. This bacterium has zoonotic importance; therefore, it should be investigated in abortion in this species, serving as a differential diagnosis in reproductive disorders.(AU)
Yersinia enterocolitica é uma bactéria com potencial zoonótico, e não há informações desse agente como causa de abortamento em equinos. O objetivo deste relato é descrever um caso de sepse por Y. enterocolitica em um feto equino abortado aos sete meses. O feto foi submetido à necropsia, e amostras de todos os órgãos foram processadas para histopatologia. Para microbiologia, foram coletadas amostras de fígado, pulmão, placenta e conteúdo estomacal. Macroscopicamente, observou-se fígado aumentado com coloração amarelada heterogênea; coração com áreas pálidas no miocárdio; pulmões não colabados, pesados e brilhantes; e cordão umbilical espessado e recoberto por fibrina e pus. Na análise histopatológica, havia miocardite necrossupurativa multifocal moderada e trombose, broncopneumonia supurativa difusa moderada, hepatite fibrinonecrótica multifocal discreta e onfalite necrossupurativa difusa moderada com miríades bacterianas intralesionais e trombose. Observou-se também placentite, nefrite, miosite, cistite e dermatite supurativa multifocal discreta, além de rarefação linfoide difusa discreta. A avaliação microbiológica identificou Y. enterocolitica no fígado, no pulmão e no líquido estomacal. Este é o primeiro relato de sepse por Y. enterocolitica causando abortamento na espécie equina. Essa bactéria tem importância zoonótica, portanto deve ser investigada em casos de abortamento nessa espécie, servindo como diagnóstico diferencial em tal distúrbio reprodutivo.(AU)
Animais , Yersinia enterocolitica/isolamento & purificação , Yersiniose/veterinária , Sepse/embriologia , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Cavalos/embriologia , Infecções Bacterianas/veterináriaResumo
Cecal dilatation and distention is an important disorder in early lactation dairy cows, however, reports describing the anatomical pathology findings of this condition are scarce in the literature. Etiopathogenesis of cecal dilatation and distention is often attributed to high concentrate feeds, but there is also evidence of myoelectrical dysfunction contributing to its occurrence. Diagnosis is often made based on physical exam findings, with the contribution of ancillary exams. This paper aims to describe a case of cecal dilatation with clinical, laboratorial and pathology findings of a 5-month-old Holstein calf that presented abdominal distension, positive succussion of the right flank and mild dehydration. Clinical pathology findings included neutrophilic leukocytosis with regenerative left shift and elevated ruminal chloride. Ultrasonographic examination of the right abdomen showed distended and hypomotile intestinal loops. Despite that, due to the patients age, which prevented rectal palpation, and lack of some characteristic clinical and clinical pathology findings, diagnosis was only possible post mortem. Macroscopical and microscopical findings demonstrated cecum dilatation with edema, hemorrhage and thrombi. Despite being well known by large animal clinics, anatomical pathologists must be aware of this condition.
Animais , Bovinos , Apêndice , Bovinos , Peritonite/veterinária , Trombose , UltrassonografiaResumo
In Brazil, snakes from the Bothrops genus are responsible for thousands of accidents, and their venoms are mainly composed of proteolytic enzymes. Although the antibothropic serum produced by the Brazilian Institutes is remarkably efficient, more studies are necessary, especially in veterinary medicine. The venom contain enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins that interfere with hemostasis leading to hemorrhage or even thrombosis. Possible treatment associations with known bothropic antivenom were the reason for the development of the present study. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemostasis alterations caused by Bothrops alternatus venom in rabbits followed by treatments with anti-bothropic serum, tranexamic acid and desmopressin. Twenty New Zealand rabbits were distributed into five groups (n=4) that were experimentally envenomed with 150mcg/kg of B. alternatus venom via intramuscular injection and treated as follow: Group 1 (G1) was the positive control and received venom and PBS/BSA; Group 2 (G2) was treated with tranexamic acid; Group 3 (G3) with desmopressin; Group 4 (G4) with tranexamic acid and anti-bothropic serum; and Group 5 (G5) with anti-bothropic serum and desmopressin. Blood samples were collected before venom administration, and one, four, eight and 12 hours after, for Partial activated partial thromboplastin time, Prothrombin Time, Thrombin Time and fibrinogen evaluation. Thrombin generation (TG) test was carried out with a pool of samples from final times (8 and 12h). At the end of 12h, all animals were euthanized and necropsy was conducted. Samples from muscle tissue, heart, lungs and kidney were analyzed. Classic coagulation tests showed no significant differences amongst groups and times. However, TG indicated that the venom causes a hypocoagulability state, which was not reversed by proposed treatments. Histology showed muscle inflammation, hemorrhage and necrosis, as well as hemorrhage in other tissues with no differences amongst groups. B. alternatus envenomation causes hypocoagulability detected by TG assay, but not through classical coagulation tests. The use of tranexamic acid and desmopressin for hemostasis stabilization after inoculation of the venom did not show advantage in coagulation restoration.(AU)
No Brasil, as serpentes do gênero Bothrops são responsáveis por milhares de acidentes, e seus venenos são compostos principalmente de enzimas proteolíticas. Embora o soro antiofídico produzido pelos institutos brasileiros seja notavelmente eficiente, mais estudos são necessários, especialmente na medicina veterinária. O veneno contem enzimas e proteínas não-enzimáticas que interferem com a hemostasia levando a hemorragias ou trombose. A associação de outros tratamentos ao soro antibotrópico foi a razão para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações da hemostasia causadas pelo veneno de Bothrops alternatus em coelhos, após tratamento com soro antibotrópico, ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina. Vinte coelhos da Nova Zelândia foram distribuídos em cinco grupos (n = 4) que foram submetidos a experimentos com 150mcg/kg de veneno de B. alternatus por injeção intramuscular. O Grupo 1 (G1) foi o controle positivo e recebeu veneno e PBS / BSA, enquanto o Grupo 2 (G2) foi tratado com ácido tranexâmico, o Grupo 3 (G3) com desmopressina, o Grupo 4 (G4) com ácido tranexâmico e soro antibotrópico, e o Grupo 5 (G5) com soro antibotrópico e desmopressina. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes da administração do veneno, e uma, quatro, oito e 12 horas após os tratamentos para realização de tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada parcial (TTPa), tempo de protrombina (TP), tempo de trombina (TT) e mensuração de fibrinogênio. Para o ensaio de geração de trombina (TG) foi realizado com um pool de amostras nos tempos finais (8 e 12h). Ao final das 12h, todos os animais foram sacrificados e a necropsia foi realizada. Amostras de tecido muscular, coração, pulmões e rins foram analisadas. Os testes TTPa, TP, TT e fibrinogênio não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos e os tempos. No entanto, o TG indicou que o veneno causa um estado de hipocoagulabilidade, que não foi revertido pelos tratamentos propostos. Na histologia, foram observadas inflamação muscular, hemorragia e necrose, além de hemorragia em outros tecidos, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O envenenamento por B. alternatus causa hipocoagulabilidade detectada mais precocemente pelo teste de geração de trombina. O uso de ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina para estabilização da hemostasia após a inoculação do veneno não mostrou vantagem na restauração da coagulação.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Serpentes , Bothrops , Hemostasia , Técnicas HemostáticasResumo
In Brazil, snakes from the Bothrops genus are responsible for thousands of accidents, and their venoms are mainly composed of proteolytic enzymes. Although the antibothropic serum produced by the Brazilian Institutes is remarkably efficient, more studies are necessary, especially in veterinary medicine. The venom contain enzymes and non-enzymatic proteins that interfere with hemostasis leading to hemorrhage or even thrombosis. Possible treatment associations with known bothropic antivenom were the reason for the development of the present study. The aim of this study was to evaluate hemostasis alterations caused by Bothrops alternatus venom in rabbits followed by treatments with anti-bothropic serum, tranexamic acid and desmopressin. Twenty New Zealand rabbits were distributed into five groups (n=4) that were experimentally envenomed with 150mcg/kg of B. alternatus venom via intramuscular injection and treated as follow: Group 1 (G1) was the positive control and received venom and PBS/BSA; Group 2 (G2) was treated with tranexamic acid; Group 3 (G3) with desmopressin; Group 4 (G4) with tranexamic acid and anti-bothropic serum; and Group 5 (G5) with anti-bothropic serum and desmopressin. Blood samples were collected before venom administration, and one, four, eight and 12 hours after, for Partial activated partial thromboplastin time, Prothrombin Time, Thrombin Time and fibrinogen evaluation. Thrombin generation (TG) test was carried out with a pool of samples from final times (8 and 12h). At the end of 12h, all animals were euthanized and necropsy was conducted. Samples from muscle tissue, heart, lungs and kidney were analyzed. Classic coagulation tests showed no significant differences amongst groups and times. However, TG indicated that the venom causes a hypocoagulability state, which was not reversed by proposed treatments. Histology showed muscle inflammation, hemorrhage and necrosis, as well as hemorrhage in other tissues with no differences amongst groups. B. alternatus envenomation causes hypocoagulability detected by TG assay, but not through classical coagulation tests. The use of tranexamic acid and desmopressin for hemostasis stabilization after inoculation of the venom did not show advantage in coagulation restoration.(AU)
No Brasil, as serpentes do gênero Bothrops são responsáveis por milhares de acidentes, e seus venenos são compostos principalmente de enzimas proteolíticas. Embora o soro antiofídico produzido pelos institutos brasileiros seja notavelmente eficiente, mais estudos são necessários, especialmente na medicina veterinária. O veneno contem enzimas e proteínas não-enzimáticas que interferem com a hemostasia levando a hemorragias ou trombose. A associação de outros tratamentos ao soro antibotrópico foi a razão para o desenvolvimento do presente estudo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar as alterações da hemostasia causadas pelo veneno de Bothrops alternatus em coelhos, após tratamento com soro antibotrópico, ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina. Vinte coelhos da Nova Zelândia foram distribuídos em cinco grupos (n = 4) que foram submetidos a experimentos com 150mcg/kg de veneno de B. alternatus por injeção intramuscular. O Grupo 1 (G1) foi o controle positivo e recebeu veneno e PBS / BSA, enquanto o Grupo 2 (G2) foi tratado com ácido tranexâmico, o Grupo 3 (G3) com desmopressina, o Grupo 4 (G4) com ácido tranexâmico e soro antibotrópico, e o Grupo 5 (G5) com soro antibotrópico e desmopressina. As amostras de sangue foram coletadas antes da administração do veneno, e uma, quatro, oito e 12 horas após os tratamentos para realização de tempo de tromboplastina parcial ativada parcial (TTPa), tempo de protrombina (TP), tempo de trombina (TT) e mensuração de fibrinogênio. Para o ensaio de geração de trombina (TG) foi realizado com um pool de amostras nos tempos finais (8 e 12h). Ao final das 12h, todos os animais foram sacrificados e a necropsia foi realizada. Amostras de tecido muscular, coração, pulmões e rins foram analisadas. Os testes TTPa, TP, TT e fibrinogênio não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos e os tempos. No entanto, o TG indicou que o veneno causa um estado de hipocoagulabilidade, que não foi revertido pelos tratamentos propostos. Na histologia, foram observadas inflamação muscular, hemorragia e necrose, além de hemorragia em outros tecidos, sem diferenças entre os grupos. O envenenamento por B. alternatus causa hipocoagulabilidade detectada mais precocemente pelo teste de geração de trombina. O uso de ácido tranexâmico e desmopressina para estabilização da hemostasia após a inoculação do veneno não mostrou vantagem na restauração da coagulação.(AU)
Animais , Coelhos , Serpentes , Bothrops , Hemostasia , Técnicas HemostáticasResumo
Cecal dilatation and distention is an important disorder in early lactation dairy cows, however, reports describing the anatomical pathology findings of this condition are scarce in the literature. Etiopathogenesis of cecal dilatation and distention is often attributed to high concentrate feeds, but there is also evidence of myoelectrical dysfunction contributing to its occurrence. Diagnosis is often made based on physical exam findings, with the contribution of ancillary exams. This paper aims to describe a case of cecal dilatation with clinical, laboratorial and pathology findings of a 5-month-old Holstein calf that presented abdominal distension, positive succussion of the right flank and mild dehydration. Clinical pathology findings included neutrophilic leukocytosis with regenerative left shift and elevated ruminal chloride. Ultrasonographic examination of the right abdomen showed distended and hypomotile intestinal loops. Despite that, due to the patients age, which prevented rectal palpation, and lack of some characteristic clinical and clinical pathology findings, diagnosis was only possible post mortem. Macroscopical and microscopical findings demonstrated cecum dilatation with edema, hemorrhage and thrombi. Despite being well known by large animal clinics, anatomical pathologists must be aware of this condition.(AU)
Animais , Bovinos , Bovinos , Peritonite/veterinária , Trombose , Ultrassonografia , ApêndiceResumo
Background: The thrombotic aortic disease in dogs and cats is characterized by the pathological formation of blood clots that can rupture and obstruct the blood flow. Abdominal ultrasonography can identify the location and extension of thrombus in the main vasculature and using the doppler it is possible to observe the blood flow around the thrombus. Stents are expandable tube-shaped endoprosthesis characterized as a metal mesh and used to prevent or repair stenoses, allowing liquid, gas, or solids to flow. This report aims to describe the surgical and medical treatment of aortic thrombotic disease followed by coronary stents placement in a bitch. Case: An 8-year-old Shih Tzu bitch, presented for evaluation of a 1-month progressive hind limbs paresis. Nociception was present in both limbs, but the patient presented discomfort and vocalization when manipulating the pelvic limbs. A complete blood count demonstrated anemia, mild neutrophilia, and lymphopenia. Serum biochemistry found an increase in ALT, ALP, blood urea nitrogen, and CK. Abdominal ultrasonography detected mild bulging of the caudal aorta and trifurcation of the iliac arteries. Increased intraluminal echogenicity and absence of blood flow were also detected using duplex doppler. The initial medical treatment was ineffective in improving clinical signs, therefore surgical repair was performed. The aorta was isolated and clamped with Satinsky forceps and incised. The thrombus fragmented during removal. A non-compliant high-pressure balloon was used to dilated and remove small fragments of blood clots from the right and left external iliac arteries. Coronary stents of 32 mm length by 2.75 mm diameter were placed to keep both iliac arteries free. Immediately after the procedure, there was a detectable distal pulse in both hind limbs...