As neoplasias mamárias representam a terceira neoplasia mais comum em gatas, enquanto nos machos a incidência é rara. Esse trabalho relata o caso de um gato macho, não castrado, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Universidade Estadual do Ceará, com uma neoformação mamária. O diagnóstico inicial, obtido por meio de punção aspirativa por agulha fina, sugeriu a presença de carcinoma mamário. Exames de imagem como a radiografia torácica e a ultrassonografia abdominal não evidenciaram a presença de metástase no parênquima pulmonar e nos órgãos abdominais, respectivamente. O tratamento instituído foi a remoção cirúrgica da neoformação, pela técnica de mastectomia parcial bilateral. O exame histopatológico da massa evidenciou uma hiperplasia fibroepitelial. Diante disso, conclui-se que, apesar de raras, as neoformações mamárias em gatos do sexo masculino podem ocorrer, devendo, dessa forma, compor parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais para aumentos de volume na região ventral desses animais.(AU)
Mammary neoplasms represent the third most common neoplasm in queens, while in tomcats the incidence is rare. This study reports the case of a tomcat, not neutered, treated at the Veterinary Hospital of the State University of Ceará, with a mammary neoformation. The initial diagnosis, obtained through aspiration cytology, suggested the presence of mammary carcinoma. Imaging tests such as thoracic radiography and abdominal ultrasound, did not show the presence of metastasis in the lung parenchyma and abdominal organs, respectively. The chosen treatment was the surgical removal of the neoformation, using the bilateral partial mastectomy technique. Histopathological examination of the mass showed a mammary fibroepithelial hyperplasia. Therefore, it is concluded that, although rare, mammary neoformations in male cats can occur, thus, it should be part of the list of differential diagnoses for increases in volume in the ventral region of these animals.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/diagnóstico , Neoplasias Fibroepiteliais/diagnóstico , Glândulas Mamárias Animais/patologia , Hiperplasia/veterináriaResumo
Abstract Among the different methods used for semen collection from domestic cats, the pharmacological collection by urethral catheterization becomes disruptive. Medetomidine is the elected α2-adrenoceptor agonist for that, but in several countries, it is not commercially available. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of detomidine compared to medetomidine in collecting semen by urethral catheterization in domestic cats. Urethral catheterization was performed on 13 mongrel cats using a disposable semi-rigid tomcat urinary catheter. Of the 19 semen collections performed with medetomidine induction, 94.7% were successful, while with detomidine induction, only 56.3% of 16 were successful. The values semen samples variables were as follows for volume - 10.56 ± 0.4 vs 8.88 ± 0.5 mL, motility - 171.67 ± 0.79 vs 49.77 ± 3.45%, vigor - 4.1 ± 0.03 vs 3.10 ± 0.1 and concentration - 3.24 ± 0.19 vs 2.15 ± 0.13 ×109 sperm/mL respectively for medetomidine and detomidine group. The failure in semen collections with detomidine was mainly due to azoospermic samples, poor urethral relaxation, insufficient volume, or contamination of urine. The sperm concentration was also lower in the detomidine group (P <0.05) when compared to medetomidine. However, when the volume of semen collected was compared, we found no statistical differences. Despite its low performance in collecting semen from cats, detomidine may be an alternative when medetomidine is not accessible.
Among the different methods used for semen collection from domestic cats, the pharmacological collection by urethral catheterization becomes disruptive. Medetomidine is the elected α2-adrenoceptor agonist for that, but in several countries, it is not commercially available. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of detomidine compared to medetomidine in collecting semen by urethral catheterization in domestic cats. Urethral catheterization was performed on 13 mongrel cats using a disposable semi-rigid tomcat urinary catheter. Of the 19 semen collections performed with medetomidine induction, 94.7% were successful, while with detomidine induction, only 56.3% of 16 were successful. The values semen samples variables were as follows for volume - 10.56 ± 0.4 vs 8.88 ± 0.5 mL, motility - 171.67 ± 0.79 vs 49.77 ± 3.45%, vigor 4.1 ± 0.03 vs 3.10 ± 0.1 and concentration - 3.24 ± 0.19 vs 2.15 ± 0.13 ×109 sperm/mL respectively for medetomidine and detomidine group. The failure in semen collections with detomidine was mainly due to azoospermic samples, poor urethral relaxation, insufficient volume, or contamination of urine. The sperm concentration was also lower in the detomidine group (P<0.05) when compared to medetomidine. However, when the volume of semen collected was compared, we found no statistical differences. Despite its low performance in collecting semen from cats, detomidine may be an alternative when medetomidine is not accessible.(AU)
Animais , Gatos , Gatos , Medetomidina/análise , Sêmen , Fenômenos Farmacológicos , Cateterismo UrinárioResumo
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil reprodutivo e as taxas de mortalidade intraparto eneonatal felina, elencando suas possíveis causas, em gatis comerciais no Brasil, utilizando umquestionário semiestruturado. Com a participação de 13 gatis, 23 ninhadas foram registradas, sendo estascompostas por 22 matrizes com idade média de 2,8 anos e 16 padreadores com idade média de 2,2 anos.Dessas 23 ninhadas, 82,61% contaram com algum tipo de assistência durante o parto; e com um total de80 filhotes foi possível averiguar uma taxa de mortalidade de 15%, sendo 8,75% natimortos e 6,25% demortalidade neonatal com maior ocorrência na primeira semana de vida. A falta de assistência de ummédico veterinário qualificado no período peri-parto e neonatal; e a desinformação foram os elementosque mais contribuíram para uma taxa tão alta neste estudo. (AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feline reproductive profile and the intrapartum andneonatal mortality rates in Brazilian commercial catteries, as well as listing their possible causes byusing a semi-structured questioner. This study registered 13 catteries, within 23 litters characterized by22 queens ageing 2.8 years old on average and 16 tomcats ageing 2.2 years old on average. From the 23litters, 82.61% received assistance during parturition, and a total of 80 kittens were born. The resultsshowed a mortality rate of 15% (8.75% stillborn and 6.25% neonatal mortality, with a higher incidencein the first week of life). The absence of qualified veterinary assistance during periparturient andneonatal period, as well as the misinformation about neonatal resuscitation contributed to the highmortality rate observed in this study.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Gatos , Neonatologia/classificação , Mortalidade , Gatos , Distocia , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil reprodutivo e as taxas de mortalidade intraparto eneonatal felina, elencando suas possíveis causas, em gatis comerciais no Brasil, utilizando umquestionário semiestruturado. Com a participação de 13 gatis, 23 ninhadas foram registradas, sendo estascompostas por 22 matrizes com idade média de 2,8 anos e 16 padreadores com idade média de 2,2 anos.Dessas 23 ninhadas, 82,61% contaram com algum tipo de assistência durante o parto; e com um total de80 filhotes foi possível averiguar uma taxa de mortalidade de 15%, sendo 8,75% natimortos e 6,25% demortalidade neonatal com maior ocorrência na primeira semana de vida. A falta de assistência de ummédico veterinário qualificado no período peri-parto e neonatal; e a desinformação foram os elementosque mais contribuíram para uma taxa tão alta neste estudo.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the feline reproductive profile and the intrapartum andneonatal mortality rates in Brazilian commercial catteries, as well as listing their possible causes byusing a semi-structured questioner. This study registered 13 catteries, within 23 litters characterized by22 queens ageing 2.8 years old on average and 16 tomcats ageing 2.2 years old on average. From the 23litters, 82.61% received assistance during parturition, and a total of 80 kittens were born. The resultsshowed a mortality rate of 15% (8.75% stillborn and 6.25% neonatal mortality, with a higher incidencein the first week of life). The absence of qualified veterinary assistance during periparturient andneonatal period, as well as the misinformation about neonatal resuscitation contributed to the highmortality rate observed in this study.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Gatos , Distocia , Gatos , Mortalidade , Neonatologia/classificação , Comportamento ReprodutivoResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar quatro protocolos de anestesia para a coleta de sêmen em gatos domésticos por eletroejaculação (EEJ). Quatorze gatos foram anestesiados com cetamina/xilazina (protocolo A), tiletamina/ zolazepam (protocolo B), tiletamina/ zolazepam e tramadol Protocolo C), e isoflurano (protocolo D) e foram submetidos a 3 séries de choques elétricos (2060 mA). Os parâmetros de qualidade seminal, volume, a presença de espermatozóides e a contaminação por urina foram avaliados para todos os protocolos após eletroejaculação. O sucesso na obtenção de ejaculado foi de 84,62% (11/13); 92,31% (12/13); 92,31% (12/13) e 100% (14/14), respectivamente para os protocolos A, B, C e D. Diferenças significativas entre os grupos foram encontradas para motilidade, vigor e volume seminal. O protocolo de anestésico com isoflurano é eficientemente indicado para coleta de sêmen por eletroejaculação em gatos domésticos.(AU)
This study compares four anesthetic protocols for semen collection by electroejaculation in domestic cats. Fourteen tomcats were anesthetized with ketamine/ xylazine (protocol A), tiletamine/ zolazepam (protocol B), tiletamine/ zolazepam and tramadol (protocol C), and isofluorane (protocol D) and submitted to three series of electric stimuli (20 60 mA). The parameters of semen quality, volume, spermatozoa presence and urine contamination were analyzed for all protocols after electroejaculation. The success in obtaining ejaculate was 84.62% (11/13); 92.31% (12/13); 92.31% (12/13) and 100% (14/14), respectively for protocols A, B, C and D protocols. Significant differences in motility, vigor and seminal volume were observed among the groups. The inhalation anesthetic protocol with isofluorane is thus efficient for semen collection in domestic cats by electroejaculation(AU)
Gatos , Anestesia/veterináriaResumo
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar quatro protocolos de anestesia para a coleta de sêmen em gatos domésticos por eletroejaculação (EEJ). Quatorze gatos foram anestesiados com cetamina/xilazina (protocolo A), tiletamina/ zolazepam (protocolo B), tiletamina/ zolazepam e tramadol Protocolo C), e isoflurano (protocolo D) e foram submetidos a 3 séries de choques elétricos (2060 mA). Os parâmetros de qualidade seminal, volume, a presença de espermatozóides e a contaminação por urina foram avaliados para todos os protocolos após eletroejaculação. O sucesso na obtenção de ejaculado foi de 84,62% (11/13); 92,31% (12/13); 92,31% (12/13) e 100% (14/14), respectivamente para os protocolos A, B, C e D. Diferenças significativas entre os grupos foram encontradas para motilidade, vigor e volume seminal. O protocolo de anestésico com isoflurano é eficientemente indicado para coleta de sêmen por eletroejaculação em gatos domésticos.
This study compares four anesthetic protocols for semen collection by electroejaculation in domestic cats. Fourteen tomcats were anesthetized with ketamine/ xylazine (protocol A), tiletamine/ zolazepam (protocol B), tiletamine/ zolazepam and tramadol (protocol C), and isofluorane (protocol D) and submitted to three series of electric stimuli (20 60 mA). The parameters of semen quality, volume, spermatozoa presence and urine contamination were analyzed for all protocols after electroejaculation. The success in obtaining ejaculate was 84.62% (11/13); 92.31% (12/13); 92.31% (12/13) and 100% (14/14), respectively for protocols A, B, C and D protocols. Significant differences in motility, vigor and seminal volume were observed among the groups. The inhalation anesthetic protocol with isofluorane is thus efficient for semen collection in domestic cats by electroejaculation