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Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(1): eRBCA-2022-1673, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416178


The current experiment aimed to evaluate the effects of Pancreatin supplementation at different levels on ileal and fecal digestibility in layer-type cockerels. A total of 480-day-old silver brown Hy-Line male chicks were randomly allocated into 5 treatments, 6 replicates (16 birds per pen) arranged in a completely randomized design. Pancreatin enzyme was supplemented on a basal corn-soybean meal-based diet at 0, 250, 500, 750, and 1000 mg/kg and was fed in two growth phases (starter and grower). The results indicated that at the end of the starter stage, except for 1000 mg/kg, dietary Pancreatin supplementation levels increased (p<0.05) the ileal crude protein (CP). Similarly, addition of Pancreatin increased (p< 0.05) apparent ileal amino acids (AA) digestibility (AIAAD) total means of AA (MTAA), means of indispensable AA (MIAA) and dispensable AA (MDAA) with the optimum performance on 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg. However, except for histidine and alanine which were negatively affected (p<0.05), and MIAA, MDAA, MTAA which were also positively affected, the addition level at 1000 mg/kg did not affect most of the AIAAD compared to the non-supplemented. Further, Pancreatin supplementation had no effect (p>0.05) on nitrogen digestibility (ND), nitrogen retention (NR), digestible energy (DE), apparent metabolizable energy (AME), dry matter digestibility (DMD), dry matter retention (DMR), and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AME-n) on fed starter diet. On the other hand, at the end of the grower stage, dietary Pancreatin enzyme supplementation reduced (p<0.05) the ileal CP, MIAA, MDAA, MTAA, AIAAD, AME, AME-n, ND, NR, DE, DMD, and DMR in a dose-dependent manner. The rate of reduction was more marked on Pancreatin addition level 1000 mg/kg. In conclusion, Pancreatin supplementation at 250 mg/kg, 500 mg/kg, and 750 mg/kg improved AIAAD and ileal CP, especially at the young age. The rate of pancreatin enzyme effect was dependent on enzyme supplement level to the ileal CP and individual amino acid.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Pancreatina/síntese química , Galinhas/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Suplementos Nutricionais/análise , Digestão/fisiologia
Acta sci., Anim. sci ; 45: e58218, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1413235


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of threonine:digestible lysine ratio in the diet on the physiological variablesand weight of organs of light laying hens. Two hundred and ten 47 week-old Dekalb White laying henswere distributed in a completely randomized design, with five levels of threonine (0.507; 0.552; 0.597; 0.642 and 0.677%) and seven replicates of six birds each. The experimental period was 10 weeks, totaling 62 days and more eight days for the animals to adapt. The physiological parameters of cloacal temperature (CT), respiratory rate (RR) and average surface temperature (AST) were recorded weekly (7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 7:00 pm); after solid and water fasting,the birds were slaughtered to assess the absolute weight of the organs. The time of day influenced (p < 0.05) the physiological parameters RR and AST, and CT showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) of increasing levels of digestible threonine. The total weight of the pancreas, proventriculus and lung showed a significant effect (p < 0.05) of the increase in the levels of digestible threonine. The respiratory rate is affected by the levels of threoninein the diet. The 0.687% level promoted hypertrophy of the pancreas, proventriculus and lung, promoting more significant activity of these organs.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Tamanho do Órgão/fisiologia , Treonina/análise , Galinhas/fisiologia , Lisina/análise , Proteínas
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 25(2): eRBCA-2022-1743, 2023. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1419079


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of sunflower kernel peptides produced by enzymatic digestion, fermentation, or both on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and health status of broilers. Four diets contained 20% of sunflower kernel meal as its raw form (CON) or degraded by protease (ESM), Bacillus pumilus (FSM), or both (DSM). A total of 480 yellow broilers at one day old were randomly distributed to 4 groups with 6 replicates of 20 chicks each. The feeding trial lasted for 63 d. Results showed that peptide content was increased (p<0.001) from 3.97% (CON) to 32.5% (ESM), 24.2% (FSM), and 39.1% (DSM). The three sunflower peptide groups improved (p≤0.001) feed intake and body weight gain. The peptide groups increased (p≤0.015) ileal apparent digestibility of dry matter, energy, crude protein, and amino acids (methionine, lysine, tryptophan, and threonine). Furthermore, the peptide groups improved (p≤0.029) the health status by increasing serum immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG) and glutathione peroxidase. Additionally, among the peptide groups, DSM showed more pronounced effects (p<0.05) on these parameters than ESM or FSM. It is concluded that dual-degradation by enzymolysis and fermentation has a better improvement in the nutrition and application of sunflower kernel meal in broilers.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeos/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Helianthus/química , Valor Nutritivo
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 74(1): 195-204, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1374399


The objective was to determine the standardized ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) in soybean meal (SBM), corn + SBM, wheat + SBM and a protein free diet (PFD) associated with phytase. A total of 672 Cobb 500 (493±10g) male chicks were distributed in a completely randomized design with twelve treatments (PFD, PFD + SBM, PFD + corn + SBM and PFD + wheat + SBM, supplemented with 0, 500 and 1000 FTU), eight replicates and seven birds per cage from 14 to 23 days. Phytase supplementation at 500 FTU increased the SIAAD of methionine in SBM (P<0.05) and threonine in corn + SBM (P<0.05). There was no significant effect (P>0.05) for the SIAAD of methionine, arginine and histidine in wheat + SBM as the phytase supplementation. However, the SIAAD of lysine, threonine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, valine, cystine, alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, glycine, serine and tyrosine differed (P<0.05). In general, the SIAAD for SBM, corn + SBM and wheat + SBM are 90.32, 88.65 and 83.97% (0 FTU); 91.31, 88.81 and 88.36% (500 FTU); and 91.36, 87.09 and 87.87% (1000 FTU). In conclusion, the efficacy of phytase for improve the SIAAD vary according to the feedstuff and level of supplementation.

Objetivou-se determinar a digestibilidade ileal estandardizada dos aminoácidos (SIAAD) do farelo de soja (FS), milho + FS, trigo + FS e uma dieta livre de proteína (PFD) com fitase. Um total de 672 pintos machos (493±10g), Cobb 500, foi distribuído em um delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com 12 tratamentos (PFD, PFD + FS, PFD + milho + FS e PFD + trigo + FS, suplementados com 0, 500 e 1000 FTU), oito repetições e sete aves por gaiola, no período de 14 a 23 dias. A suplementação de fitase em 500 FTU aumentou o SIAAD da metionina do FS (P<0,05) e da treonina do milho + FS (P<0,05). Não houve efeito significativo (P>0,05) para o SIAAD de metionina, arginina e histidina no trigo + farelo de soja à medida que os níveis de fitase aumentaram. No entanto, o SIAAD de lisina, treonina, isoleucina, fenilalanina, valina, cistina, alanina, ácido aspártico, ácido glutâmico, glicina, serina e tirosina diferiu (P<0,05). Em geral, a SIAAD do FS, milho + FS e trigo + FS foi de 90,32, 88,65 e 83,97% sem a suplementação de fitase (0 FTU); 91,31, 88,81 e 88,36% (500 FTU); e 91,36, 87,09 e 87,87% (1000 FTU). Em conclusão, a eficácia da suplementação com fitase para aumentar a SIAAD varia de acordo com o alimento e o nível de suplementação.

Animais , Masculino , Glycine max , Triticum , Galinhas , Zea mays , Dieta/veterinária , Ração Animal/análise , Fósforo , Aminoácidos
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2020-1391, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1378267


This study aimed at assessing the effect of pelleted and expanded maize-based feeds prepared with different moisture levels (ML, 0.8 and 1.6%) particle size (PS, 650 and 850µ) of ingredients on metabolizable energy, ileal digestibility of amino acids and broiler performance. A total of 720 one-day-old male broiler chicks of the Cobb strain were used. The experiment was performed over a period of 40d (days) and birds received water and feed ad libitum. From 10 to 13d higher AMEn values were obtained for birds fed expanded feeds with 1.6% ML and 850µ PS. Higher values AMEn were encountered when adding 0.8% ML in pellet feeds with 850µ or 1.6%ML/650µ PS. Expanded and pelleted diets with 1.6% ML (independent of PS, 650 or 850µ) presented higher amino acid digestibility. For diets with 0.8% of ML, better result for the digestibility of amino acids were obtained with PS 650µ for expanded and 850µ for pelleted diets. Higher weight gain was observed in broilers fed diets with 1.6% moisture at 21 and 40d. Feed conversion was improved by adding 1.6% ML only at 21d. Regarding carcass characteristics, expanded diets combined with PS of 650µ led to a higher accumulation of abdominal fat. The birds fed expanded diets at 1.6% moisture had higher breast yields. We concluded that to increase the use of nutrients, EMAn and broiler performance, it is recommended that pelleted diets be prepared with the addition of 1.6% water to the mixer and a particle size of 850µ.(AU)

Animais , Masculino , Tamanho da Partícula , Galinhas/metabolismo , Zea mays/efeitos adversos , Ração Animal/efeitos adversos , Digestão/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Aminoácidos/biossíntese
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(2): eRBCA-2021-1542, abr. 2022. tab, ilus
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368464


This experiment was conducted to evaluate the supplemental effects of a novel protease produced from Bacillus subtilis in low crude protein (CP) corn distiller dried grain with solubles (cDDGS) based diets on growth performance, carcass attributes, nutrients digestibility, blood chemistry, and intestinal histomorphometry of broiler chickens. One hundred and sixty, one-day-old chicks were randomly allotted to one of 4 dietary treatments. Each dietary treatment had four replicates, with 10 birds in each replicate. Two basal diets were formulated for both starter (1-21d) and finisher (22-35d) phase; (PC) a corn soybean meal based diet as per standard recommendations of Ross 308; (NC) 5% cDGGS with 5% reduction in CP with concomitant reduction in essential amino acids (EAAs) compared with PC. The negative control diet was further subdivided into 3 parts. One part was without enzyme supplementation, while the other two parts were supplemented with a novel protease (PROT1) and a commercial protease (PROT2), respectively. The same procedure was adopted for finisher diets. A digestibility assay (32-35d) was carried out using acid insoluble ash (AIA), an external digestibility marker. At the end of 35d, ileal digesta were collected from four birds per experimental unit for nutrient digestibility measurement. Tissue samples of duodenum, jejunum, and ileum were collected for villus height, villus width, crypt depth, and crypt width. Body weight gain (BWG) and feed:gain were improved (p<0.05) with protease supplementation. No effect was observed on carcass parameters. However, CP digestibility, apparent digestibility coefficient for nitrogen (ADCn), nitrogen retention (Nret ), and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility (AIAAD) were improved (p<0.05). However, there was no effect on apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and apparent metabolizable energy corrected for nitrogen (AMEn), blood glucose, total protein and cholesterol (p>0.05) and intestinal integrity (p>0.05). It was concluded that protease enzyme can improve nitrogen and CP digestibility, resulting in improved amino acids availability in low protein diets.(AU)

Animais , Bacillus subtilis , Proteínas , Galinhas/metabolismo , Nutrientes , Zea mays
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468665


Abstract Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-1), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-1), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.

Resumo O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-1), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-1), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.

Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(4): eRBCA-2021-1452, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416044


This study aimed to evaluate the effects of different exogenous protease and carbohydrase in broiler diets on the nitrogen-corrected apparent metabolizable energy (AMEn) and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility (SIAAD) of soybean meals (SBM) in two Brazilian regions (Minas Gerais-MG and Rio Grande do Sul-RS). The total excreta collection of 528 14-d-old chicks was used to determine AMEn in a completely randomized design in a 2 (SBM MG and RS) x 5 (enzyme A, B, C, D and basal diet) + 1 (reference diet, RD) factorial arrangement, totaling 11 treatments, 8 repetitions, and 6 birds per experimental unit. Two experimental treatments (T1 and T6) without enzyme supplementation formulated with SBM MG and RS were used as negative control (NC). The RD without the inclusion of SBM MG and RS was used to correct the nitrogen balance. To determine the SIAAD, ileal content was collected from of broilers and the same experimental design and treatments of the previous trial were used except for the RD, which was replaced with a nitrogen-free diet (NFD) to quantify the excretion of endogenous amino acids. Soybean meal from MG showed the highest levels (p<0.05) of AME and AMEn (3,188 kcal/kg and 2,700 kcal/kg, respectively) in comparison to SBM RS (3,121 kcal/kg and 2,549 kcal/kg, respectively) and, when supplemented with the exogenous enzyme C, also improved the SIAAD (p<0.05), as compared to other enzymes.(AU)

Peptídeo Hidrolases/efeitos adversos , Ingestão de Energia/fisiologia , Ingestão de Alimentos/fisiologia , Glycine max/química , Brasil
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20200222, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442947


We examined differences in slaughter performance and meat quality of Honghe yellow cattle of different ages. We randomly selected nine Honghe bulls for slaughter at 12 (12M), 36 (36M), and 60 (60M) months of age. There were significant differences in antemortem live weight, carcass weight, and net weight among the three groups, all of which increased with age. Backfat thickness in 36M (4.77±0.25 mm) and 60M (5.50±0.50 mm) was significantly higher than in 12M (3.00±0.00 mm), and the loin-eye area in 60M (68.02±16.02) was higher than in 12M (27.01±1.89). There was no significant difference in the pH value of the month-old group. Compared with 12M (29.33±4.93%) and 60M (23.87±5.08%), the cooking loss of meat in 36M (36.50±5.07%) was significantly higher; meanwhile, a* value was also the highest in 36M (22.39±1.34), the protein and fat content of muscle in 12M was lower, while the content of meat in 60M was lower. There was no significant difference in muscle ash, Ca, and P contents; the total amino acid and essential amino acid contents of 36M were higher than those of 12M and 60M, and the unsaturated fatty acids of meat in 12M were higher than those in 36M and 60M. The change of age has a certain influence on the slaughter performance and meat quality of Honghe yellow cattle.(AU)

Bovinos/fisiologia , Abate de Animais/métodos , Fenômenos Fisiológicos da Nutrição Animal , Carne/análise , Fatores Etários
Braz. j. biol ; 822022.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468728


Abstract The influence of pharmaceutical residues and heavy metals on living organisms has received global attention. The present study assessed the interactive effect of antibiotic residues and heavy metals in soil, as contaminated food with cadmium (Cd) and oxytetracycline (OTC) on the isopod Porcellio leavis. It was fed on fresh plant leaves contaminated with different concentrations of cadmium, Cd+OTC1000 ppm, Cd+OTC2000 ppm and Cd+OTC3000 ppm for 4 weeks. The changes in the feeding patterns, protein, lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase activity (CAT), and total free amino acids (TFAA) were recorded. There were significant differences in the obtained results where Cd reduced the egestion ratio (ER) however, OTC enhanced this ratio. Biochemical analysis illustrated that combination between OTC and Cd inhibits the toxic effects of Cd at low concentration (1000 ppm), while at high concentration (3000 ppm) raise the toxicity. Detailed studies are required for further understanding of the interaction between OTC and heavy metals, and also its impact on soil animals and for improving soil risk evaluation.

Resumo A influência de resíduos farmacêuticos e metais pesados em organismos vivos tem recebido atenção global. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de resíduos de antibióticos e metais pesados no solo, como alimentos contaminados com cádmio (Cd) e oxitetraciclina (OTC), sobre o isópode Porcellio laevis, o qual foi alimentado com folhas frescas de plantas contaminadas com diferentes concentrações de cádmio, Cd + OTC1000 ppm, Cd + OTC2000 ppm e Cd + OTC3000 ppm, por quatro semanas. As mudanças nos padrões de alimentação, proteína, peroxidação lipídica (LPO), atividade da catalase (CAT) e aminoácidos livres totais (TFAA) foram registradas. Houve diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos, em que o Cd reduziu a taxa de excreção (ER), no entanto o OTC aumentou essa proporção. A análise bioquímica mostrou que a combinação entre OTC e Cd inibe os efeitos tóxicos do Cd em baixa concentração (1.000 ppm), enquanto, em alta concentração (3.000 ppm), aumenta a toxicidade. Estudos detalhados são necessários para uma maior compreensão da interação entre OTC e metais pesados, e seu impacto sobre os animais do solo, bem como para melhorar a avaliação de risco do solo.

Semina ciênc. agrar ; 43(1): 159-178, jan.-fev. 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368614


Ruminants are one of the largest anthropogenic methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Therefore, the hypothesis was to study the effects of reducing dietary crude protein (CP) level on environmental contaminators when rumen-protected amino acids and choline chloride were supplemented. Sixty Holstein dairy cows were used during the experiment. Test diets were: (1) CD = Control diet with16.2 g of crude protein/ Kg of DM); (2) LM = Low protein diet with 14.2 g of crude protein/ Kg of DM + methionine ; (3) LL = Low protein diet with 14.2 g of crude protein/ Kg of DM + lysine; (4) LML = Low protein diet with 14.2 g of crude protein/ Kg of DM + methionine + lysine; (5) LMLC = Low protein diet with 14.2 g of crude protein/ Kg of DM + methionine + lysine + choline. Dry matter and NDF intake were not different, but the control group received higher CP and ADF compared with other groups (P < 0.05). Fecal CP and ADF of control group were lower (P < 0.05), but no differences were observed for fecal dry matter (DM) and NDF. Milk yield and protein content were higher for LML and LMLC like control group (P < 0.05). Nitrogen intake, urinary N, urinary urea N and total excreta N decreased (P < 0.05) when animals fed low protein. There was no difference in ruminal pH and acetate to propionate ratio, whereas the ruminal ammonia-N decreased with the low protein (P < 0.05). The 120-h gas production test, showed no difference on the kinetics of digestion and in vitro methane emission. However, the inclusion of DMI in the calculations revealed that low protein can reduce (P < 0.05) methane emission. Overall, our findings indicated that low protein can be compensated for by adding rumen-protected amino acids, not only to maintain the animal performance, but also to decrease nitrogen excretion and methane emission.(AU)

Os ruminantes são uma das maiores emissões antropogênicas de metano e óxido nitroso. Portanto, a hipótese foi estudar os efeitos da redução do nível de proteína bruta (PB) na dieta sobre os contaminantes ambientais quando aminoácidos protegidos no rúmen e cloreto de colina foram suplementados. Sessenta vacas leiteiras Holstein foram utilizadas durante o experimento. As dietas teste foram: (1) CD = dieta controle com 16.2 g de proteína bruta / Kg de MS); (2) LM = Dieta pobre em proteínas com 14.2 g de proteína bruta / Kg de DM + metionina; (3) LL = Dieta pobre em proteínas com 14.2 g de proteína bruta / Kg de MS + lisina; (4) LML = Dieta pobre em proteínas com 14.2 g de proteína bruta / Kg de DM + metionina + lisina; (5) LMLC = Dieta pobre em proteínas com 14.2 g de proteína bruta / Kg de DM + metionina + lisina + colina. O consumo de matéria seca e FDN não foi diferente, mas o grupo controle recebeu maior PB e FDA em comparação com os outros grupos (P < 0.05). A PB e FDA fecal do grupo controle foram menores (P < 0.05), mas não foram observadas diferenças para matéria seca (MS) e FDN fecal. A produção de leite e o teor de proteína foram maiores para LML e LMLC como grupo controle (P < 0.05). A ingestão de nitrogênio, N urinário, N urinário urinário e N excreta total diminuíram (P < 0.05) quando os animais foram alimentados com baixa proteína. Não houve diferença no pH ruminal e na relação acetato / propionato, enquanto o N-amônia ruminal diminuiu com o baixo teor de proteína (P < 0.05). O teste de produção de gás de 120 h, não mostrou diferença na cinética de digestão e emissão de metano in vitro. No entanto, a inclusão do CMS nos cálculos revelou que a baixa proteína pode reduzir (P < 0.05) a emissão de metano. No geral, nossos resultados indicaram que o baixo teor de proteína pode ser compensado pela adição de aminoácidos protegidos no rúmen, não apenas para manter o desempenho animal, mas também para diminuir a excreção de nitrogênio e a emissão de metano.(AU)

Animais , Feminino , Bovinos , Proteínas , Cloretos , Metano , Nitrogênio , Técnicas In Vitro
Rev. bras. zootec ; 51: e20210211, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1442881


Three experiments were carried out to evaluate the effect of dietary combination of different enzymes (phytase + protease) on performance, metabolizable energy, and amino acid digestibility of broiler chickens fed diets with nutritional reduction. A total of 1,400, 336, and 384 male chickens were distributed in a completely randomized design, in the experiments of performance, metabolism, and digestibility, respectively. Treatments were divided as follows: positive control (PC), negative control - NC1 (PC minus 0.16% Ca, 0.15% available P (aP), and 0.5% crude protein (CP)), NC2 (PC minus 0.16% Ca, 0.15% aP, and 1% CP), NC1 added with phytase deriving from citrobacter and protease deriving from Bacillus licheniformis (CBE), NC1 added with phytase deriving from E. coli and protease deriving from microbial fermentation (SE), NC2 added with CBE, and NC2 added with SE. A protein-free diet was included in the digestibility experiment. The nutritional restriction did not affect feed intake of birds in the first experiment; however, the restriction inhibited body weight gain and feed conversion ratio in all phases. In experiment 2, the nutritional restriction decreased AME and AMEn values, although the addition of phytase and protease in diets improved both parameters, mainly in NC2. Treatment NC2 impaired the standardized digestibility of total essential amino acids of animals subjected to experiment 3, although the addition of enzymes helped to recover the digestibility to levels similar to PC. Supplementation of phytase in association with protease is effective to improve performance, energy metabolism, and standardized amino acid digestibility of broilers fed diets with nutrient restriction.(AU)

Animais , Peptídeo Hidrolases/efeitos adversos , Galinhas/fisiologia , Monoéster Fosfórico Hidrolases/efeitos adversos , Dietoterapia/veterinária , Proteólise
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e233547, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1249284


Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-1), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-1), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.

O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-1), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-1), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.

Salvia , Desidratação , Sementes , Estresse Fisiológico , Brasil , Água , Germinação , Plântula
Braz. j. biol ; 82: e246979, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278466


The influence of pharmaceutical residues and heavy metals on living organisms has received global attention. The present study assessed the interactive effect of antibiotic residues and heavy metals in soil, as contaminated food with cadmium (Cd) and oxytetracycline (OTC) on the isopod Porcellio leavis. It was fed on fresh plant leaves contaminated with different concentrations of cadmium, Cd+OTC1000 ppm, Cd+OTC2000 ppm and Cd+OTC3000 ppm for 4 weeks. The changes in the feeding patterns, protein, lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase activity (CAT), and total free amino acids (TFAA) were recorded. There were significant differences in the obtained results where Cd reduced the egestion ratio (ER) however, OTC enhanced this ratio. Biochemical analysis illustrated that combination between OTC and Cd inhibits the toxic effects of Cd at low concentration (1000 ppm), while at high concentration (3000 ppm) raise the toxicity. Detailed studies are required for further understanding of the interaction between OTC and heavy metals, and also its impact on soil animals and for improving soil risk evaluation.

A influência de resíduos farmacêuticos e metais pesados em organismos vivos tem recebido atenção global. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de resíduos de antibióticos e metais pesados no solo, como alimentos contaminados com cádmio (Cd) e oxitetraciclina (OTC), sobre o isópode Porcellio laevis, o qual foi alimentado com folhas frescas de plantas contaminadas com diferentes concentrações de cádmio, Cd + OTC1000 ppm, Cd + OTC2000 ppm e Cd + OTC3000 ppm, por quatro semanas. As mudanças nos padrões de alimentação, proteína, peroxidação lipídica (LPO), atividade da catalase (CAT) e aminoácidos livres totais (TFAA) foram registradas. Houve diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos, em que o Cd reduziu a taxa de excreção (ER), no entanto o OTC aumentou essa proporção. A análise bioquímica mostrou que a combinação entre OTC e Cd inibe os efeitos tóxicos do Cd em baixa concentração (1.000 ppm), enquanto, em alta concentração (3.000 ppm), aumenta a toxicidade. Estudos detalhados são necessários para uma maior compreensão da interação entre OTC e metais pesados, e seu impacto sobre os animais do solo, bem como para melhorar a avaliação de risco do solo.

Animais , Oxitetraciclina/toxicidade , Poluentes do Solo/toxicidade , Metais Pesados/análise , Isópodes , Solo , Cádmio/toxicidade
Rev. bras. ciênc. avic ; 24(3): eRBCA-2020-1431, 2022. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1416145


Toll-like receptors 3 and 7 (TLR3 and 7) mediate immune responses through the recognition of viral single-stranded RNA and double-stranded RNA and therefore play important roles in host defense. Differences in TLR3 or 7 may affect host resistance to RNA viral infection. To illuminate these differences, the partial coding sequence (CDS) of TLR3 and 7 genes were cloned and amplified from the Phasianus colchicus and Numida meleagris, total 64 avian species of TLR3 and 7 sequences were later analyzed. Based on the results, 315 non-synonymous mutation sites and 202 synonymous mutation sites were also observed in the avian TLR3, and 227 non-synonymous mutation sites and 174 synonymous mutation sites were observed in the avian TLR7. Among these sites, 44 and 45 sites were observed in functional regions of TLR3 and 7, used common variation of amino acids in most avian species. A number of these different sites appeared to affect the recognition and were also visualized. H59Y, E60K, G64R, E93K, L112S, K117E, N118K, R120H, V123M, L163F, R443Q, R459K, E460D, C485H, and F511L for TLR3, and I432V, M437V, and T732S for TLR7 were considered. It is possible that these sites bind to ligands and play crucial roles in viral recognition. These data indicated that the positive selection has occurred in the avian TLR3 and 7 genes.(AU)

Animais , Galinhas/genética , Receptor 3 Toll-Like/análise , Receptor 7 Toll-Like/análise , Variação Genética , Imunidade
Acta sci. vet. (Impr.) ; 50: Pub. 1896, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1414943


Background: Hormonal and physiological changes during pregnancy period have significant effects on animals' metabolisms. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the variations of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) levels according to different gestation trimesters of the pregnant mares to assess changes of embryonic losses and abortions. Materials, Methods & Results: Blood samples from 49 thoroughbred mares were analyzed during this study. Age ratio of the mares is 5-18 years and their body condition score (BCS; score 1 to 9) varies between 5 and 6. A total of 28 mares had given birth to healthy foals at the end of a healthy gestation period (Group C), whereas 11 mares had embryonic losses (Group E) and 10 mares had late period abortions (Group A). Following the confirmation of pregnancy, one blood sample per gestation trimester were taken (14-16 days of pregnancy for 1st trimester; 180 days for 2nd trimester, 270 days for 3rd trimester). Early embryonic losses (loss of a 16-25 days embryo) were observed in 6 of 11 mares in Group E and the 5 of 11 mares had late period embryonic losses (loss of a 35-40 days embryo). In Group A, 6 mares had the abortion within 7th month and the remaining 4 mares had the abortion within the 8th month of pregnancy. Repeated Measures ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whitney test were performed for statistical analysis, the mean AST level in Group C (n = 28) was higher during the 1st trimester in comparison to 2 following trimesters (respectively: P = 0.011 ; P = 0.01). Besides, no statistical difference was observed between 2nd and 3rd trimester regarding AST activation (P > 0.05). The mean GGT level in Group C was significantly decreased lower in the 3rd trimester compared to 1st and 2nd trimester (respectively: P = 0.007 ; P = 0.009). No statistical difference was observed between 2nd and 3rd trimester regarding GGT activation (P > 0.05). Among all groups (C, E, A) no significant difference was observed on AST levels (P > 0.05), nonetheless GGT levels had a significant rise (P = 0.039) in Group A in comparison to the 1st trimester levels of Group C. In Group A, there was a statistical decrease of AST during the 2nd trimester in comparison to the 1st trimester (P = 0.001), accompanied by a decrease of GGT activation during the 2nd trimester compared to the 1st trimester (P = 0.009). Discussion: The aminotransferases are catalisors that play an important role on the metabolism of amino acids and carbohydrates. Although serum AST levels were within the reference ranges during 3 trimesters in this study, serum AST levels were determined to be decreased in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters in healthy pregnant mares compared to the 1st trimester. It is thought that these results can be obtained due to the increase in metabolic needs during pregnancy. In this study, serum GGT levels remained within physiological limits with a tendency to decrease as the pregnancy advances, in accordance with previous study results. Serum GGT levels that are used as an indicator to liver damage may vary during the pregnancy as a result of increased metabolic load. It is thought that the increase of serum GGT levels in Group A might be related to the fetal (chromosome-related) issues that may result to pregnancy losses. As a result, it is considered that serum AST and GGT levels in mares might be valuable parameters that predict embryonic loss or abortus cases.

Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Aspartato Aminotransferases/análise , Prenhez/fisiologia , Aborto Animal/fisiopatologia , Enzimas/análise , gama-Glutamiltransferase/análise , Cavalos/sangue
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-9, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468478


Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-¹), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-¹), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.

O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-¹), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-¹), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.

Salvia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Salvia/efeitos dos fármacos , Soluções para Reidratação/administração & dosagem , Umidade do Solo , Ácido Salicílico/administração & dosagem
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-9, 2022. graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-32879


Salvia hispanica cultivation is recent in Brazil and occurs in the off-season, when there is lower water availability in the soil. Water deficit is one of the abiotic factors that most limit germination for compromising the sequence of metabolic events that culminate with seedling emergence. Several attenuating substances have been used to mitigate the effects resulting from this stress and give higher tolerance to the species. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the action of different agents as water stress attenuators in the germination and accumulation of organic compounds in S. hispanica seedlings. The treatments consisted of pre-soaking the seeds for 4 hours in salicylic acid (1 mM.L-¹), gibberellic acid (0.4 mM.L-¹), distilled water and control treatment (without soaking). The seeds were germinated at osmotic potentials of 0.0, -0.1, -0.2, -0.3 and -0.4 MPa, using PEG 6000 as an osmotic agent. The variables germination percentage, germination speed index, shoot and primary root lengths, total dry mass, proline, total soluble sugars and total free amino acids were analyzed. Salicylic acid and gibberellic acid led to the best results among the attenuators tested, increasing germination, length, dry mass and biochemical components of S. hispanica seedlings under water deficit. Therefore, salicylic and gibberellic acids are efficient in mitigating water stress in S. hispanica seeds up to the potential of -0.4 MPa.(AU)

O cultivo da Salvia hispanica é recente no Brasil e se dá no período de entressafra, quando há menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo. O déficit hídrico é um dos fatores abióticos que mais limitam a germinação por comprometer a sequência de eventos metabólicos que culminam com a emergência da plântula. Diversas substâncias atenuadoras têm sido empregadas com a finalidade de mitigar os efeitos resultantes desse estresse e conferir maior tolerância às espécies. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar a ação de diferentes agentes como atenuadores do estresse hídrico na germinação e acúmulo de compostos orgânicos em plântulas de S. hispanica. Os tratamentos consistiram na pré-embebição das sementes durante 4 horas em ácido salicílico (1 mM.L-¹), ácido giberélico (0,4 mM.L-¹), água destilada e o tratamento controle (sem embebição). As sementes foram germinadas sob os potenciais osmóticos 0,0, -0,1, -0,2, -0,3 e -0,4 MPa, utilizando PEG 6000 como agente osmótico. Analisaram-se as variáveis porcentagem de germinação, índice de velocidade de germinação, comprimento da parte aérea e da raiz primária, massa seca total, prolina, açúcares solúveis totais e aminoácidos livres totais. O ácido salicílico e o ácido giberélico apresentaram os melhores resultados, dentre os atenuadores testados, incrementando a germinação, o comprimento, a massa seca e os componentes bioquímicos de plântulas de S. hispanica sob déficit hídrico. Logo, os ácidos salicílico e giberélico são eficientes na mitigação do estresse hídrico em sementes de S. hispanica até o potencial -0,4 MPa.(AU)

Salvia/efeitos dos fármacos , Salvia/crescimento & desenvolvimento , Soluções para Reidratação/administração & dosagem , Ácido Salicílico/administração & dosagem , Umidade do Solo
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-9, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468541


The influence of pharmaceutical residues and heavy metals on living organisms has received global attention. The present study assessed the interactive effect of antibiotic residues and heavy metals in soil, as contaminated food with cadmium (Cd) and oxytetracycline (OTC) on the isopod Porcellio leavis. It was fed on fresh plant leaves contaminated with different concentrations of cadmium, Cd+OTC1000 ppm, Cd+OTC2000 ppm and Cd+OTC3000 ppm for 4 weeks. The changes in the feeding patterns, protein, lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase activity (CAT), and total free amino acids (TFAA) were recorded. There were significant differences in the obtained results where Cd reduced the egestion ratio (ER) however, OTC enhanced this ratio. Biochemical analysis illustrated that combination between OTC and Cd inhibits the toxic effects of Cd at low concentration (1000 ppm), while at high concentration (3000 ppm) raise the toxicity. Detailed studies are required for further understanding of the interaction between OTC and heavy metals, and also its impact on soil animals and for improving soil risk evaluation.

A influência de resíduos farmacêuticos e metais pesados em organismos vivos tem recebido atenção global. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de resíduos de antibióticos e metais pesados no solo, como alimentos contaminados com cádmio (Cd) e oxitetraciclina (OTC), sobre o isópode Porcellio laevis, o qual foi alimentado com folhas frescas de plantas contaminadas com diferentes concentrações de cádmio, Cd + OTC1000 ppm, Cd + OTC2000 ppm e Cd + OTC3000 ppm, por quatro semanas. As mudanças nos padrões de alimentação, proteína, peroxidação lipídica (LPO), atividade da catalase (CAT) e aminoácidos livres totais (TFAA) foram registradas. Houve diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos, em que o Cd reduziu a taxa de excreção (ER), no entanto o OTC aumentou essa proporção. A análise bioquímica mostrou que a combinação entre OTC e Cd inibe os efeitos tóxicos do Cd em baixa concentração (1.000 ppm), enquanto, em alta concentração (3.000 ppm), aumenta a toxicidade. Estudos detalhados são necessários para uma maior compreensão da interação entre OTC e metais pesados, e seu impacto sobre os animais do solo, bem como para melhorar a avaliação de risco do solo.

Animais , Cádmio/toxicidade , Isópodes/efeitos dos fármacos , Metais Pesados/efeitos adversos , Oxitetraciclina/toxicidade
Braz. J. Biol. ; 82: 1-9, 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | VETINDEX | ID: vti-33404


The influence of pharmaceutical residues and heavy metals on living organisms has received global attention. The present study assessed the interactive effect of antibiotic residues and heavy metals in soil, as contaminated food with cadmium (Cd) and oxytetracycline (OTC) on the isopod Porcellio leavis. It was fed on fresh plant leaves contaminated with different concentrations of cadmium, Cd+OTC1000 ppm, Cd+OTC2000 ppm and Cd+OTC3000 ppm for 4 weeks. The changes in the feeding patterns, protein, lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase activity (CAT), and total free amino acids (TFAA) were recorded. There were significant differences in the obtained results where Cd reduced the egestion ratio (ER) however, OTC enhanced this ratio. Biochemical analysis illustrated that combination between OTC and Cd inhibits the toxic effects of Cd at low concentration (1000 ppm), while at high concentration (3000 ppm) raise the toxicity. Detailed studies are required for further understanding of the interaction between OTC and heavy metals, and also its impact on soil animals and for improving soil risk evaluation.(AU)

A influência de resíduos farmacêuticos e metais pesados em organismos vivos tem recebido atenção global. O presente estudo avaliou o efeito de resíduos de antibióticos e metais pesados no solo, como alimentos contaminados com cádmio (Cd) e oxitetraciclina (OTC), sobre o isópode Porcellio laevis, o qual foi alimentado com folhas frescas de plantas contaminadas com diferentes concentrações de cádmio, Cd + OTC1000 ppm, Cd + OTC2000 ppm e Cd + OTC3000 ppm, por quatro semanas. As mudanças nos padrões de alimentação, proteína, peroxidação lipídica (LPO), atividade da catalase (CAT) e aminoácidos livres totais (TFAA) foram registradas. Houve diferenças significativas nos resultados obtidos, em que o Cd reduziu a taxa de excreção (ER), no entanto o OTC aumentou essa proporção. A análise bioquímica mostrou que a combinação entre OTC e Cd inibe os efeitos tóxicos do Cd em baixa concentração (1.000 ppm), enquanto, em alta concentração (3.000 ppm), aumenta a toxicidade. Estudos detalhados são necessários para uma maior compreensão da interação entre OTC e metais pesados, e seu impacto sobre os animais do solo, bem como para melhorar a avaliação de risco do solo.(AU)

Animais , Isópodes/efeitos dos fármacos , Cádmio/toxicidade , Oxitetraciclina/toxicidade , Metais Pesados/efeitos adversos