Three hundred hatching eggs from two layer breeder flocks (Hy-Line Brown and hy-Line W-36; 150 each) were obtained at three different periods of laying cycle (early, middle and late stages). The hatching eggs were randomly taken to assess the impact of chicken strain, age, and hatching time on some eggshell measurements and structures. Results indicate that egg weight, shell percentage and shell thickness were significantly affected by strain, breeder age, and incubation time. Increasing rate of calcium absorption and utilization by the embryos during the embryonic stage clearly reflects the decrease occurred in eggshell strength. The differences of eggshell breaking strength during incubation time periods were 0.41 and 0.55 kg/cm2, the differences due to the incubation time may be due to the higher demand for calcium utilization in the late incubation period (18 days), observed on the10th day of incubation. Brown eggs recorded significant higher calcium percentage in eggshell compared to the white ones. The brown breeder hens recorded significant higher total pores per egg compared to the white egg. Concerning eggshell ultrastructure, total thickness of the brown eggshell was significantly higher than those of the white eggshell by about 3.7%. All parameters, except for total thickness, were significantly affected by the interaction between strain and breeder age. Finally, we conclude that some traits including egg weight, shell percentage, shell thickness, calcium percentages in eggshell, and total pores per egg were significantly affected by strain, breeder age, and incubation time. Eggshell ultrastructure of brown egg was better compared to the white ones.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Galinhas/genética , Casca de Ovo/ultraestruturaResumo
As vesículas extracelulares (VEs) são nanoparticulas circundadas por uma bicamada lipídica, que transportam lipídios, proteínas, ácidos nucleicos e metabólitos, e podem ser secretadas por diferentes tipos celulares. Os adipócitos são capazes de sintetizar e secretar VEs pequenas, que, uma vez na circulação, podem alcançar diferentes sistemas orgânicos, permitindo a comunicação intercelular. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o diâmetro e a concentração de VEs pequenas no soro de cães com sobrepeso e obesidade, antes e após a perda de peso. Para isso, foram recrutados 19 cães, sendo nove fêmeas e 10 machos castrados, em bom estado geral e com escore de condição corporal (ECC) ≥ 7. A avaliação inicial dos cães incluiu exame físico e testes laboratoriais. Após avaliação inicial, os cães foram alimentados com uma dieta hipocalórica comercial por quatro meses, e, após esse período, os testes laboratoriais foram reavaliados. As VEs pequenas foram isoladas a partir do sangue total, por meio de centrifugações e ultracentrifugações seriadas, e o equipamento NanoSight foi utilizado para a determinação do diâmetro e da concentração das VEs pequenas presentes no soro antes e após a dieta. Houve uma redução de 10% do peso corporal e de 16,5% do ECC dos cães, além da diminuição de 9% do diâmetro e de 31% da concentração das VEs pequenas, após os quatro meses de alimentação com a dieta hipocalórica. Não foram observadas diferenças em relação às análises bioquímicas e entre os resultados de fêmeas e machos, antes e após a perda de peso. Em conclusão, a redução do peso corporal e do acúmulo de gordura foi capaz de modificar as características (diâmetro e concentração) das VEs pequenas, que foram isoladas a partir do soro de cães com sobrepeso e obesidade.
Animais , Cães , Redução de Peso/fisiologia , Sobrepeso/veterinária , Vesículas Extracelulares/ultraestrutura , Obesidade/veterinária , Restrição Calórica/veterinária , Biópsia Líquida/veterináriaResumo
Cats are susceptible to feline panleukopenia virus (FPV) and canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2). Therefore, coinfection and superinfection with multiple parvovirus strains may occur, resulting in high heterogeneity and recombination. Considering the importance of cats as a potential source of genetic diversity for parvoviruses, we investigated the frequency of parvovirus infection in cats using their blood and fecal samples and performed molecular characterization of parvovirus strains circulating in cat populations. Accordingly, the fecal and blood samples of 60 cats with gastroenteritis symptoms were collected from Turkey's Burdur, Isparta, and Izmit provinces. Of these 15 fecal samples tested as parvovirus-positive by PCR, 14 were confirmed to have been infected with true FPV strains by sequencing analysis. Through the phylogeny analysis, those were located in the FPV cluster, closely related to CPV-2, and one was discriminated in the CPV-2b cluster. Additionally, sequence analysis of the VP2 gene of CPV and FPV revealed that the FPV strains detected in Turkey and the vaccine strains were highly related to each other, with a nucleotide identity of 97.7- 100%. Furthermore, 13 variable positions were detected in VP2 of the field and reference FPV strains. Three synonymous mutations were determined in the VP2 gene. Some amino acid mutations in the VP2 protein-affected sites were considered responsible for the virus's biological and antigenic properties. The partial sequence analysis of the VP2 gene revealed that four FPV strains detected in Turkey have a single nucleotide change from T to G at the amino acid position 384 between the nucleotides 3939-3941, which was reported for the first time. Therefore, these four isolates formed a different branch in the phylogenetic tree. The results suggest that both FPV and CPV-2b strains are circulating in domestic cats in Turkey and cats should be considered as potential sources of new parvovirus variants for cats, dogs and other animals.
Os gatos são suscetíveis ao vírus da panleucopenia felina (FPV) e ao parvovírus canino tipo 2 (CPV-2). Portanto, coinfecção e superinfecção com múltiplas cepas de parvovírus podem ocorrer, resultando em alta heterogeneidade e recombinação. Considerando a importância dos gatos como uma fonte potencial de diversidade genética para parvovírus, investigamos a frequência da infecção por parvovírus em gatos usando suas amostras de sangue e fezes e realizamos a caracterização molecular de cepas de parvovírus circulantes nas populações de gatos. Amostras fecais e de sangue de 60 gatos com sinais de gastroenterite foram coletadas nas províncias de Burdur, Isparta e Izmit, na Turquia. Destas, 15 amostras fecais testaram positivas para parvovírus por PCR e 14 foram confirmadas como infectadas com cepas verdadeiras de FPV por análise de sequenciamento. Através da análise filogenética, aqueles foram localizados no agrupamento FPV que está intimamente relacionado com o CPV-2, e um foi discriminado no agrupamento CPV-2b. Além disso, a análise da sequência do gene VP2 de CPV e FPV revelou que as cepas de FPV detectadas na Turquia e as cepas vacinais eram altamente relacionadas entre si, com uma identidade de nucleotídeos de 97,7-100%. Além disso, 13 posições variáveis foram detectadas em VP2 das cepas de campo e FPV de referência. Três mutações sinônimas foram determinadas no gene VP2. Algumas mutações de aminoácidos nos locais afetados pela proteína VP2 foram consideradas responsáveis pelas propriedades biológicas e antigênicas do vírus. A análise da sequência parcial do gene VP2 revelou que quatro cepas de FPV detectadas na Turquia têm uma única mudança de nucleotídeo de T para G na posição do aminoácido 384 entre os nucleotídeos 3939-3941, o que foi relatado pela primeira vez. Portanto, esses quatro isolados formaram um ramo diferente na árvore filogenética. Os resultados sugerem que ambas as cepas FPV e CPV-2b estão circulando em gatos domésticos na Turquia e os gatos devem ser considerados como fontes potenciais de novas variantes de parvovírus para gatos, cães e outros animais.
Animais , Gatos , Gatos/virologia , Parvovirus Canino/ultraestrutura , Infecções por Parvoviridae/veterinária , Vírus da Panleucopenia Felina/ultraestrutura , Panleucopenia Felina/epidemiologia , Filogenia , Turquia/epidemiologia , Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase/veterináriaResumo
Organo-mineral fertilizers supplemented with biological additives are an alternative to chemical fertilizers. In this study, thermoresistant microorganisms from composting mass were isolated by two-step procedures. First, samples taken at different time points and temperatures (33 days at 52 ºC, 60 days at 63 ºC, and over 365 days at 26 ºC) were pre-incubated at 80 oC for 30 minutes. Second, the microbial selection by in vitro culture-based methods and heat shock at 60 oC and 100 oC for 2h and 4h. Forty-one isolates were able to grow at 60 °C for 4h; twenty-seven at 100 °C for 2h, and two at 100 °C for 4h. The molecular identification by partial sequencing of the 16S ribosomal gene using universal primers revealed that thirty-five isolates were from eight Bacillus species, one Brevibacillus borstelensis, three Streptomyces thermogriseus, and two fungi (Thermomyces lanuginosus and T. dupontii). Data from amylase, phytase, and cellulase activity assays and the enzymatic index (EI) showed that 38 of 41 thermo-resistant isolates produce at least one enzyme. For amylase activity, the highest EI value was observed in Bacillus licheniformis (isolate 21C2, EI= 4.11), followed by Brevibacillus borstelensis (isolate 6C2, EI= 3.66), Bacillus cereus (isolate 18C2, EI= 3.52), and Bacillus paralicheniformis (isolate 20C2, EI= 3.34). For phytase, the highest EI values were observed for Bacillus cereus (isolate 18C2, EI= 2.30) and Bacillus licheniformis (isolate 3C1, EI= 2.15). Concerning cellulose production, B. altitudinis (isolate 6C1) was the most efficient (EI= 6.40), followed by three Bacillus subtilis (isolates 9C1, 16C2, and 19C2) with EI values of 5.66, 5.84, and 5.88, respectively, and one B. pumilus (isolate 27C2, EI= 5.78). The selected microorganisms are potentially useful as a biological additive in organo-mineral fertilizers and other biotechnological processes.(AU)
Os fertilizantes organo-minerais suplementados com aditivos biológicos são uma alternativa aos adubos químicos. Neste estudo, microrganismos termoresistentes foram isolados de compostagem por procedimentos de duas etapas. Inicialmente, as amostras tomadas em diferentes períodos e temperaturas (33 dias a 52 ºC, 60 dias a 63 ºC e mais de 365 dias a 26 ºC) foram pré-incubadas a 80 oC por 30 minutos. Posteriormente, a seleção microbiana foi conduzida por métodos baseados em cultura in vitro e choque térmico a 60 oC e 100 oC por 2h e 4h. Quarenta e um isolados foram capazes de crescer a 60 °C por 4h; vinte e sete a 100 °C por 2h e dois a 100 °C por 4h. A identificação molecular por sequenciamento parcial do gene ribossomal 16S usando primers universais revelou que trinta e cinco isolados eram de oito espécies de Bacillus, um Brevibacillus borstelensis, três Streptomyces thermogriseus e dois fungos (Thermomyces lanuginosus e T. dupontii). Os dados dos ensaios de atividade de amilase, fitase e celulase e o índice enzimático (IE) mostraram que 38 dos 41 isolados termorresistentes produziram pelo menos uma enzima. Para a atividade da amilase, o maior valor de IE foi observado em Bacillus licheniformis (isolado 21C2, IE = 4,11), seguido por Brevibacillus borstelensis (isolado 6C2, IE = 3,66), Bacillus cereus (isolado 18C2, IE = 3,52) e Bacillus paralicheniformis (isolado 20C2, IE = 3,34). Para a fitase, os maiores valores de IE foram observados para B. cereus (isolado 18C2, IE = 2,30) e B. licheniformis (isolado 3C1, IE = 2,15). Em relação à produção de celulose, B. altitudinis (isolado 6C1) foi o mais eficiente (IE = 6,40), seguido por três Bacillus subtilis (isolados 9C1, 16C2 e 19C2) com valores de IE de 5,66, 5,84 e 5,88, respectivamente, e um B. pumilus (isolado 27C2, IE = 5,78). Pode-se inferir que os microrganismos selecionados são potencialmente úteis como aditivos biológicos em fertilizantes organo-minerais e outros processos biotecnológicos.(AU)
Compostos Orgânicos , Microbiota/genética , RNA Ribossômico 16S/ultraestrutura , Bacillus , Streptomyces/enzimologia , Fungos/enzimologia , Brevibacillus/enzimologiaResumo
A new species of Myxobolus parasitizing the arterial bulb and cardiac musculature of the freshwater fish Pimelodus ornatus Kner, 1858, from the Arari river in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari, island of Marajó, Pará, Brazil, was described. In the present study, the observed prevalence of myxozoan parasites in the heart tissue of the hosts was 20% (6/30). The myxozoans observed had mature biconvex spores, slightly rounded, an anterior end with two pyriform polar capsules and a posterior end with very evident sporoplasm, measuring 8 ± 0.2 μmin length. The spore width was 5.8 ± 0.4 μm, with a thickness of 3.4 ± 0.2μm. The length of the polar capsules was 3.6 ± 0.3 μm and the width was 1.2 ± 0.2μm, with 6 to 7 turns of the polar filament. The divergences observed, regarding the morphometric and genetic structure of SSU rDNA, in relation to other Myxobolidae already described in the literature, confirm the description of the new species Myxobolus rangeli n. sp.(AU)
Descrição de uma nova espécie de Myxobolus que parasita o bulbo arterial e a musculatura cardíaca do peixe de água doce Pimelodus ornatus Kner, 1858, do rio Arari, no município de Cachoeira do Arari, ilha de Marajó, Pará, Brasil. No presente estudo, a prevalência observada de parasitas mixozoários no tecido cardíaco dos hospedeiros foi de 20% (6/30). Os mixozoários observados apresentavam esporos maduros biconvexos, levemente arredondados, extremidade anterior com duas cápsulas polares piriformes e extremidade posterior com esporoplasma bem evidente, medindo 8 ± 0,2 μm de comprimento. A largura do esporo foi de 5,8 ± 0,4 μm, com espessura de 3,4 ± 0,2 μm. O comprimento das cápsulas polares foi de 3,6 ± 0,3 μm e a largura foi de 1,2 ± 0,2 μm, com 6 a 7 voltas do filamento polar. As divergências observadas, quanto à estrutura morfométrica e genética de SSU rDNA, em relação a outros Myxobolidae já descritos na literatura, confirmam a descrição da nova espécie Myxobolus rangeli n. sp.(AU)
Animais , Peixes-Gato/parasitologia , Myxozoa/genética , Filogenia , Brasil , Ecossistema AmazônicoResumo
In a vegetation experiment with soybean plants of the Svapa and Mageva varieties and in a field experiment with bean plants of the Geliada and Shokoladnitsa varieties, we studied the effect of pre-sowing treatment of the seeds of these plants with Rizotorfin and Epin-extra on the nitrogenase activity of the nodules of these plants and their ultrastructure. Analysis of the ultrastructure of the nodule tissue of beans and soybeans was carried out in the flowering phase. It was found that the highest indices of the mass and number of nodules and the activity of nitrogenase in them were found in bean plants of the Heliada cultivar when the seeds were treated with Epin-extra against the background of inoculation with Rizotorfin, where the largest area of symbiosomes, volutin and their number was noted in the nodules. Beans of the Shokoladnitsa variety showed the protective effect of Rizotorfin. In the nodules of soybean plants of the Svapa variety, the seeds of which were treated with Epin-extra against the background of inoculation with Rizotorfin, the presence of a large number of symbiosomes, bacteroids, volutin inclusions with a larger area and a minimum number of inclusions of poly-ß-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB) was noted, and the highest indicators of symbiotic activity. Soybean plants of the Mageva variety showed the protective effect of Rizotorfin. The efficiency of the symbiotic system was determined by the number and weight of nodules and the activity of the nitrogenase enzyme.
Em um experimento de vegetação com plantas de soja das variedades Svapa e Mageva e em um experimento de campo com plantas de feijão das variedades Geliada e Shokoladnitsa, o efeito do tratamento pré-semeadura das sementes dessas plantas com Rizotorfin e Epin-extra sobre a atividade nitrogenase dos nódulos dessas plantas e sua ultraestrutura foi examinado. A análise da ultraestrutura do tecido do nódulo de feijão e soja foi realizada na fase de floração. Dessa forma, constatou-se que os maiores índices de massa, número de nódulos e a atividade da nitrogenase foram encontrados em plantas de feijão da cultivar Heliada quando as sementes foram tratadas com Epin-extra no contexto da inoculação com Rizotorfina, em que o maior área de simbiossomas, volutina e seu número foi anotado nos nódulos. O feijão da variedade Shokoladnitsa mostrou o efeito protetor do Rizotorfin. Nos nódulos de plantas de soja da variedade Svapa, cujas sementes foram tratadas com Epin-extra no contexto da inoculação com Rizotorfin, a presença de um grande número de simbiossomas, bacteróides, inclusões de volutina com uma área maior e um número mínimo de inclusões de ácido poli-ß-hidroxibutírico (PHB) foi notado, bem como os indicadores mais altos de atividade simbiótica. As plantas de soja da variedade Mageva apresentaram o efeito protetor do Rizotorfin. A eficiência do sistema simbiótico foi determinada pelo número e peso dos nódulos e pela atividade da enzima nitrogenase.
Glycine max/efeitos dos fármacos , Simbiose , Fabaceae/efeitos dos fármacos , NitrogenaseResumo
Background: The tumor microenvironment is an important target of studies in different types of neoplasms. Understanding the role of general components such as immune, vascular and fibroblastic cells has the objective of contributing to prognosis and treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between mast cells and angiogenesis in benign and malignant mammary neoplasms by investigating the role of degranulation and microlocation of mast cells and neoformed vessels in canine mammary neoplasms. Materials, Methods & Results: Mammary glands (n = 122) from 50 female dogs submitted to mastectomy without chemotherapy were evaluated and categorized into 3 groups: control group (n = 46); malignant group (n = 57) and benign group (n = 19). Lymph nodes without changes (n = 59) and with metastases (n = 6) were also evaluated. To evaluate the MCD (mast cell density) and angiogenesis, Toluidine Blue (0.1%) and Gomoris Trichrome techniques were performed and adapted from previous studies. Photomicrographs of 10 hotspot areas on a 40x objective lens of the mammary glands and lymph nodes were captured to assess MCD and angiogenesis. In the absence of these areas, random fields were captured. For the mammary glands of the malignant and benign groups, 20 fields were analyzed, as the analysis considered the microlocation (peritumoral and intratumoral). Counting was performed manually using ImageJ software version 1.42q by 2 observers. The statistical analysis were performed using SPSS software version 19.0. The most frequent histological type in the malignant group was carcinoma in mixed tumor (68.42%; 39/57) and in the benign group was benign mixed tumor (57.89%; 11/19). Female dogs without breed pattern were more frequently affected represented 70% of the animals and the mean age was 9 years and 8 months ± 3 years and 1 month...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Mastócitos/patologia , Microambiente Tumoral , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/ultraestrutura , Neovascularização Patológica/veterináriaResumo
Background: The tumor microenvironment is an important target of studies in different types of neoplasms. Understanding the role of general components such as immune, vascular and fibroblastic cells has the objective of contributing to prognosis and treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between mast cells and angiogenesis in benign and malignant mammary neoplasms by investigating the role of degranulation and microlocation of mast cells and neoformed vessels in canine mammary neoplasms. Materials, Methods & Results: Mammary glands (n = 122) from 50 female dogs submitted to mastectomy without chemotherapy were evaluated and categorized into 3 groups: control group (n = 46); malignant group (n = 57) and benign group (n = 19). Lymph nodes without changes (n = 59) and with metastases (n = 6) were also evaluated. To evaluate the MCD (mast cell density) and angiogenesis, Toluidine Blue (0.1%) and Gomoris Trichrome techniques were performed and adapted from previous studies. Photomicrographs of 10 hotspot areas on a 40x objective lens of the mammary glands and lymph nodes were captured to assess MCD and angiogenesis. In the absence of these areas, random fields were captured. For the mammary glands of the malignant and benign groups, 20 fields were analyzed, as the analysis considered the microlocation (peritumoral and intratumoral). Counting was performed manually using ImageJ software version 1.42q by 2 observers. The statistical analysis were performed using SPSS software version 19.0. The most frequent histological type in the malignant group was carcinoma in mixed tumor (68.42%; 39/57) and in the benign group was benign mixed tumor (57.89%; 11/19). Female dogs without breed pattern were more frequently affected represented 70% of the animals and the mean age was 9 years and 8 months ± 3 years and 1 month...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/patologia , Neoplasias Mamárias Animais/ultraestrutura , Microambiente Tumoral , Mastócitos/patologia , Neovascularização Patológica/veterináriaResumo
A Amplitude de Distribuição dos Eritrócitos na automação é medida como RDW-CV (como Coeficiente de Variação) e RDW-SD (como Desvio Padrão), avaliando a variação do volume dos eritrócitos. Embora o RDW-CV seja amplamente utilizado na medicina veterinária como auxílio no diagnóstico da anisocitose, o RDW-SD é raramente utilizado. O estabelecimento dos valores de referência dos três parâmetros poderá auxiliar na diferenciação de algumas anemias e facilitar o diagnóstico das doenças. Foram coletados os dados de 425 cães (240 fêmeas e 185 machos) e 96 gatos (62 fêmeas e 34 machos) saudáveis atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da ULBRA (Canoas/RS), e posteriormente os animais foram divididos em três grupos etários: grupo 1 (3 a 12meses), grupo 2(1 a 8 anos) e grupo 3 (acima de 8 anos). Objetivou-se o estabelecimento de valores de referências para as espécies, assim como a análise de diferença estatística de fêmeas e machos e dos grupos etários para as variáveis estudadas. O programa IBM SPSS® Statistics foi utilizado para as análises estatísticas.
The red blood cell distribution width in automation is measured as RDW-CV (as Coefficient of Variation) and RDW-SD (as Standard Deviation) to assess the variation in erythrocyte volume. Although RDW-CV is widely used in veterinary medicine for the diagnosis of anisocytosis, RDW-SD is rarely used. The establishment of reference values for the parameters may help to differentiate some anemias and facilitate the diagnosis of diseases. Data were collected from 425 healthy dogs (240 females and 185 males) and 96 healthy cats (62 females and 34 males) attended at the ULBRA's Veterinary Hospital (Canoas/RS), and later the animals were divided into three age groups: group 1 (3 to 12 months), group 2 (1 to 8 years) and group 3 (over 8 years). The objective was to establish reference values for the species, as well as to analyze the statistical difference of females and males and of the age groups for the studied variables. The IBM SPSS® Statistics program was used for statistical analysis.
La amplitude de distribución de eritrócitos em automatización se mide como RDW-CV (como coeficiente de variación) y RDW-SD (como desviación estándar), evaluando la variación en el volumen de los eritrocitos. Aunque RDW-CV se usa ampliamente en medicina veterinaria como ayuda en el diagnóstico de anisocitosis, RDW-SD rara vez se usa. El establecimiento de valores de referencia para los tres parámetros puede ayudar a diferenciar alguna anemia y facilitar el diagnóstico de enfermedades. Se recogieron datos de 425 perros sanos (240 hembras y 185 machos) y 96 gatos (62 hembras y 34 machos) tratados en el Hospital Veterinario ULBRA (Canoas/RS), y posteriormente los animales se dividieron en tres grupos de edad: grupo 1 (3 a 12 meses), grupo 2 (1 a 8 años) y grupo 3 (mayores de 8 años). El objetivo fue establecer valores de referencia para la especie, así como el análisis de diferencia estadística entre hembras y machos y grupos de edad para las variables estudiadas. Para los análisis estadísticos se utilizó el programa IBM SPSS® Statistics.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Valores de Referência , Contagem de Eritrócitos/veterinária , Eritrócitos/ultraestrutura , Anemia Macrocítica/veterinária , Brasil , Fatores Sexuais , Fatores EtáriosResumo
Background: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a group of non-lymphoid hematological tumors characterized by aberrant proliferation and/or decreased apoptosis of a clone of non-mature cells, resulting in the accumulation of immature blast cells in the bone marrow and peripheral blood. It is considered rare, as it represents 10% of neoplasms of hematopoietic origin. However, it is known that felines seroreactive for FIV and FeLV are more predisposed and reports of this type of leukemia in cats in the literature are scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the blood and bone marrow of a cat seroreactive for FeLV that presented with myelodysplastic syndrome that progressed to acute myeloid leukemia. Case: A 6-year-old male mixed-breed cat, neutered, seroreactive for FeLV, showed apathy, weight loss, and pale mucous membranes. Initial peripheral blood smear evaluation revealed hypochromic normocytic anemia, leukopenia, neutropenia, lymphopenia, and thrombocytosis with many macropackets and giant platelets. Based on this blood picture, a long-spectrum antimicrobial therapy with amoxicillin and clavulanate [Clavulin® BD - 25 mg/kg, every 12 h] was started. Granulocyte colony stimulating factor used filgrastim (rHu G-CSF) [Fiprina® - 5 µg/kg, SC, every 48 h] and appetite stimulant mirtazapine [Mirtz® - 2 mg/cat, orally, every 48 h] were used to correct leukopenia and nutritional status, respectively. Follow-up blood smear evaluation on the 30th day showed persistence of the hematological changes noticed earlier. A bone marrow puncture was performed, and immunosuppressive therapy with prednisolone [Predsim® - 4 mg/kg, orally, every 24 h] was initiated. The aspirated material showed increased cellularity for age, decreased myeloid:erythroid ratio, and 39.8% of blasts of myeloid origin. An average of 17.7 megakaryocytes were observed per field (10x magnification). Bone marrow cytological evaluation suggested acute myeloid leukemia with dysmegakaryocytopoiesis. After the diagnosis, the examinations were repeated monthly, and there was still intense leukopenia. However, in view of the stable clinical status and leukopenia with neutropenia, treatment for leukemia was not instituted and only supportive treatment was administered when necessary. Eight months after the diagnosis, clinical status had worsened, and unlike the earlier hemograms, global leukocyte count had increased with predominant lymphocytosis (95% of the total leukocytes) with atypical lymphocytes. The cat died a few days later. Discussion: Bone marrow evaluation is indicated when peripheral blood cell abnormalities are present and cannot be explained in the context of the clinical history. In the present report, the bone marrow aspirate was hypercellular (cellularity above 75%); however, intense leukopenia was observed in the peripheral blood. In myelodysplastic syndromes, it is common for the bone marrow to be normal to hypercellular, which occurs when there is a greater production of myeloid or erythroid cell lines in response to the loss, destruction, or consumption of cells. Despite this, cytopenias may be present in the peripheral blood, since the defective cells undergo apoptosis and die before being released into the circulation, characterizing inefficient hematopoiesis. The diagnosis of acute leukemia comprises a variety of hematopoietic neoplasms that are complex and unique. Each acute leukemia subtype has defining characteristics that affect the prognosis and treatment of each animal.
Animais , Masculino , Gatos , Medula Óssea/ultraestrutura , Leucemia Mieloide/veterinária , Leucemia Felina/complicações , Deficiência de GATA2/veterinária , Vírus da Leucemia FelinaResumo
Aluminum (Al) is widely used for water purification, cooking pots, cosmetic and pharmaceutical preparations, toothpaste tubes, and food processing industries. Although the transport in the digestive tract is very poor but if the load is high, it can be absorbed and accumulated. About 50-70% of Al accumulates in the bones and can have an impact on human health. Resveratrol (RES), isolated from tempeh as an Indonesian food ingredient, can increase cell viability and has promising cytoprotective effects. RES has the capacity to interact with oxidative stress, so it has the potential as a therapy in bone repair. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of RES on the number of osteocytes and bone marrow cells in Al-induced mice. Swiss Webster mice were divided into four groups: (1) untreated groups, (2) AlCl3 -treated groups, (3) Al+Res5 treated groups, and (4) Al+Res10 treated groups. Al dose 200 mg/kg body weight was administered intraperitoneally. RES was given one hour after administration of Al, with doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg Body Weight. Al and RES administration is carried out for one month. All mice were sacrificed, and mouse bones were isolated for histological preparations and a half for genotoxic assays. Bone marrow cells were collected and stained with My Grunwald. The number of micronuclei polychromatic erythrocytes (MNPCE) was examined in 1,000 PCEs per animal. The number of PCEs is counted by at least 200 erythrocytes (PCE + NCE) per animal. The results showed that the administration of Al significantly increased the number of micronuclei (MN) but after administration of RES at doses of 5 and 10 mg/kg Body Weight significantly reduced the number of MN in bone marrow cells. A dose of RES 10 mg/kg BW stimulates proliferation and increases the number of osteocytes in bone significantly. It can be concluded that Al can cause genotoxicity in bone marrow cells and RES is anti-genotoxic and can stimulate osteocyte proliferation.
O alumínio (Al) é amplamente utilizado para purificação de água, panelas, preparações cosméticas e farmacêuticas, tubos de pasta de dente e indústrias de processamento de alimentos. Embora o transporte no trato digestivo seja escasso, se a carga for alta, pode ser, todavia, absorvida e acumulada. Cerca de 50-70% do Al se acumula nos ossos e pode ter impacto na saúde humana. O resveratrol (RES), isolado do tempê indonésio como ingrediente alimentar, pode aumentar a viabilidade celular e tem efeitos citoprotetores promissores. O RES possui a capacidade de interagir com o estresse oxidativo, e por essa razão pode ser utilizado como terapia no reparo ósseo. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito do RES no número de osteócitos e células da medula óssea em camundongos induzidos por Al. Camundongos Swiss Webster (SW) foram divididos em quatro grupos: (1) grupos não tratados, (2) grupos tratados com AlCl3 , (3) grupos tratados com Al+Res5 e (4) grupos tratados com Al+Res10. Uma dose de 200 mg/kg de peso corporal foi administrada por via intraperitoneal. O RES foi administrado uma hora após a administração do Al, nas doses de 5 e 10 mg/kg de peso corporal. A administração de Al e RES foi realizada por um mês. Todos os camundongos foram sacrificados, e os ossos dos camundongos foram isolados para preparações histológicas e meio para ensaios genotóxicos. As células da medula óssea foram coletadas e coradas com My Grunwald. O número de eritrócitos policromáticos micronúcleos (MNPCE) foi examinado em 1.000 PCEs por animal. O número de PCEs foi contado por pelo menos 200 eritrócitos (PCE + NCE) por animal. Os resultados mostraram que a administração de Al aumentou significativamente o número de micronúcleos (MN), mas após a administração de RES nas doses de 5 e 10 mg/kg de peso corporal reduziu significativamente o número de MN nas células da medula óssea. Uma dose de RES de 10 mg/kg BW estimula a proliferação e aumenta significativamente o número de osteócitos no osso. Dessa forma, pôde-se concluir que o Al pode causar genotoxicidade em células da medula óssea e o RES é antigenotóxico e pode estimular a proliferação de osteócitos.
Animais , Camundongos , Osteócitos , Células da Medula Óssea/ultraestrutura , Resveratrol , Cloreto de Alumínio/administração & dosagem , Testes de MutagenicidadeResumo
The flavonoid kaempferol has attracted research attention as a potential adjuvant during chemotherapy. This study aimed to evaluate the protective effects of kaempferol against ovarian damage in cisplatin-treated mice. Two groups of mice received saline solution (intraperitoneal injection [i.p.]; control) or a single dose of cisplatin (5 mg/kg body weight, i.p.). Moreover, two other mice groups were pretreated with kaempferol (1 or 10 mg/kg body weight, i.p.) 30 min before of the cisplatin administration. Thereafter, their ovaries were harvested and subjected to histological (follicular morphology and activation) and fluorescence (reactive oxygen species [ROS] production, glutathione [GSH] concentration, and mitochondrial activity) analyses. Compared with cisplatin treatment alone, pretreatment with 1 mg/kg kaempferol maintained normal follicular morphology, reduced ROS production and mitochondrial damage, and enhanced GSH concentration. However, pretreatment with 10 mg/kg kaempferol did not prevent cisplatin-induced damage. The rate of primordial follicle activation was greater in mice pretreated with 1 mg/kg kaempferol than in the other treatment groups. In conclusion, pretreatment with 1 mg/kg kaempferol prevents cisplatin-induced ovarian damage and stimulates primordial follicle activation in mice.
O flavonoide kaempferol tem atraído a atenção como um potencial adjuvante durante a quimioterapia. O presente estudo objetivou avaliar os efeitos do kaempferol contra os danos ovarianos em camundongos tratados com cisplatina. Fêmeas de camundongos receberam solução salina (injeção intraperitoneal [ip]; controle) ou uma dose única de cisplatina (5 mg/kg, ip) ou foram pré-tratadas com kaempferol (1 ou 10 mg/kg, ip) 30 min antes da administração de cisplatina. Os ovários foram recuperados e destinados para as análises histológicas (morfologia e ativação folicular) e de fluorescência (produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio [ERO], concentração de glutationa [GSH] e atividade mitocondrial). Em comparação ao tratamento apenas com cisplatina, o pré-tratamento com 1 mg/kg de kaempferol manteve a morfologia folicular normal, reduziu a produção de ERO, bem como os danos mitocondriais, e aumentou a concentração de GSH. Entretanto, o pré-tratamento com 10 mg/kg de kaempferol não preveniu os danos induzidos pela cisplatina. A taxa de ativação do folículo primordial foi maior em camundongos pré-tratados com 1 mg/kg de kaempferol do que nos outros grupos experimentais. Em conclusão, o pré-tratamento com 1 mg/kg de kaempferol previne o dano ovariano induzido pela cisplatina e estimula a ativação do folículo primordial em camundongos.
Animais , Feminino , Ovário/efeitos dos fármacos , Cisplatino/toxicidade , Quempferóis/administração & dosagem , Folículo Ovariano/ultraestrutura , Muridae/fisiologia , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterináriaResumo
Abstract Neuroendocrine substances play essential roles in regulating the normal physiological functions of testicles. The purpose of this study is to explore the localization and effects of four neuroendocrine markers (NSE, SP, NFH and DβH) in normal and cryptorchid testes of Bactrian camels using western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence methods. The results showed that cryptorchidism caused a reduction in layers of spermatogenic epithelium and decreased glycogen positivity in the basement membrane. The ultrastructure revealed that macrophages were always found around the Leydig cells, crowded with swelling mitochondria in cryptorchidism. Expression of NSE in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism was significantly weakened compared to that in the normal group(p<0.01). We found that SP was always distributed along the nerve fibers in normal testes and was expressed in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism. However, expression of NFH in the cryptorchidic tissue was strongly positive in the spermatogenic epithelium, with limited expression in Leydig cells and no expression in peritubular myoid cells. Therefore, the expression of DβH in the Sertoli cells was comparatively strong in both the normal and cryptorchidism groups. NFH and DβH expression was significantly increased in the cryptorchidism group compared with the normal group (p<0.01). These findings indicated that the underdeveloped seminiferous epithelium and pathological changes in cryptorchid tissue in Bactrian camels were potentially related to a disorder in glycoprotein metabolism. Our results suggest that NSE and SP could help judge the pathological changes of cryptorchidism. The present study provides the first evidence at the protein level for the existence of NFH and DβH in Sertoli and Leydig cells in Bactrian camel cryptorchidism and provides a more in-depth understanding of neuroendocrine regulation is crucial for animal cryptorchidism.
Abstract During a survey Myxozoa, four specimens of the sheepshead (18 ± 1.5 cm and 59 ± 2.5 g) (Archosargus probatocephalus) were collected in the Ipioquinha river (Maceió/AL). Transmission electron microscopy observations revealed erythrocyte agglutinations in gill capillaries located near spherical cysts containing myxospores of the genus Henneguya. This hemagglutination partially or totally obstructed the gill capillaries. Erythrocytes occurred in close adherence to each other, with a closed intercellular space. A few lysed erythrocytes were observed among agglutinated cells. The reduced lumen of the capillaries was partially filled with amorphous dense homogenous material adhering to the erythrocytes. In addition, heterogeneous masses of irregular lower electron density were observed in the reduced channel of the capillary. The agglutinated erythrocytes appeared dense and homogenous, lacking cytoplasmic organelles. The nuclei had the appearance of normal condensed chromatin masses, generally without visible nucleoli. This occurrence of hemagglutination only in the capillaries located in close proximity to the developing myxozoan cysts suggests that parasite development may be a factor triggering erythrocyte agglutination. This is supported by previous experimental studies that showed a probable correlation between parasitic infections and hemagglutination. Nonetheless, further studies are necessary in order to better understand the physicochemical processes involved in this phenomenon.
Resumo Durante pesquisa de mixozoários foram coletados quatro espécimes do peixes sargo-de-dente (18 ± 1.5 cm e 59 ± 2.5 g) (Archosargus probatocephalus), no rio Ipioquinha (Maceió/AL). Observações por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão revelaram aglutinação de eritrócitos em capilares branquiais localizados próximos a cistos esféricos, contendo mixosporos do gênero Henneguya. Essa hemaglutinação obstruiu parcial ou totalmente os capilares branquiais. Os eritrócitos apareceram em forte aderência entre si, com espaço intercelular fechado. Foram observados poucos eritrócitos lisados entre as células aglutinadas. O lúmen reduzido dos capilares foi parcialmente preenchido com material homogêneo denso amorfo aderido aos eritrócitos, além de massas livres heterogêneas de densidade eletrônica baixa e irregular observadas no canal reduzido dos capilares. Os eritrócitos aglutinados pareciam densos e homogêneos, sem organelas citoplasmáticas. Os núcleos apareceram como massas normais de cromatina condensada, geralmente sem nucléolos visíveis. A ocorrência de hemaglutinação apenas nos capilares, localizados nas proximidades dos cistos mixozoários, sugere que o desenvolvimento parasitário pode ser um fator desencadeante da aglutinação eritrocitária. Isso é corroborado por estudos experimentais anteriores que mostraram uma provável correlação entre infecções parasitárias e hemaglutinação. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários para melhor compreender os processos físico-químicos envolvidos neste fenômeno.
Animais , Perciformes , Myxozoa , Doenças dos Peixes , Capilares , Brânquias , HemaglutinaçãoResumo
Sex steroid hormones are critical in gonadal differentiation in turtles. The gonads are not the only organs responsible for producing these hormones during this phase. Mesonephros play an important role in steroidogenesis. The present study aimed to investigate the presence of steroidogenic cells in mesonephros of Podocnemis expansa during gonadal differentiation and to evaluate their morphology and ultrastructure. Ten embryos of P. expansa were collected from 5 nests on day 36 of incubation, during spawning period on an artificial beach. Embryos were extracted from eggs by slicing the shell and euthanized. They were dissected under a stereoscopic microscope to collect the gonad-mesonephro complex, in which were fixed and subsequently processed for light microscopy, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy analysis. During histological analysis was observed mesonephros has typical morphological structure. Immunohistochemistry showed immunoreaction to aromatase in cells of intertubular space. Confirming these findings, it was possible to observe a type of intertubular cell in several regions of mesonephro, being more predominant in region close to blood vessels, distal and proximal tubules. In ultrastructural analysis these cells were characterized by having a clear, large, and rounded nucleus with evident nucleolus and cytoplasm rich in electron-dense droplets. This study demonstrated for the first time the presence of cells with morphological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural characteristics similar to steroid-producing cells in P. expansa mesonephrons, suggesting that this organ may contribute to gonadal differentiation in this species.(AU)
Animais , Tartarugas/fisiologia , Processos de Determinação Sexual/fisiologia , Fator Esteroidogênico 1/análise , Aromatase/imunologiaResumo
Hemilucilia segmentaria (Fabricius, 1805) is a Neotropical blowfly species of forensic importance, with necrophagous and asynanthropic habits. In this study, the antennal ultrastructure of H. segmentaria was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The three antennal segments are covered by microtrichia. Sensilla chaetica were detected only on the scape and pedicel. Setiferous plaques and a pedicellar button were observed on the pedicel. Four types of sensilla were found on the postpedicel, including s. trichoidea, s. basiconica (subtype I, II and III), s. coeloconica subtype I, and sensory pits with s. coeloconica subtype II. This is the first time that the fine structure of the antennae of H. segmentaria was studied. Our results constitute a solid base for research on comparative and functional morphology in H. segmentaria and other blowflies.(AU)
Animais , Ciências Forenses/métodos , Comportamento Alimentar/fisiologia , Calliphoridae/anatomia & histologia , Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura/veterináriaResumo
Neuroendocrine substances play essential roles in regulating the normal physiological functions of testicles. The purpose of this study is to explore the localization and effects of four neuroendocrine markers (NSE, SP, NFH and DβH) in normal and cryptorchid testes of Bactrian camels using western blotting, transmission electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and immunofluorescence methods. The results showed that cryptorchidism caused a reduction in layers of spermatogenic epithelium and decreased glycogen positivity in the basement membrane. The ultrastructure revealed that macrophages were always found around the Leydig cells, crowded with swelling mitochondria in cryptorchidism. Expression of NSE in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism was significantly weakened compared to that in the normal group(p<0.01). We found that SP was always distributed along the nerve fibers in normal testes and was expressed in the Leydig cells of cryptorchidism. However, expression of NFH in the cryptorchidic tissue was strongly positive in the spermatogenic epithelium, with limited expression in Leydig cells and no expression in peritubular myoid cells. Therefore, the expression of DβH in the Sertoli cells was comparatively strong in both the normal and cryptorchidism groups. NFH and DβH expression was significantly increased in the cryptorchidism group compared with the normal group (p<0.01). These findings indicated that the underdeveloped seminiferous epithelium and pathological changes in cryptorchid tissue in Bactrian camels were potentially related to a disorder in glycoprotein metabolism. Our results suggest that NSE and SP could help judge the pathological changes of cryptorchidism. The present study provides the first evidence at the protein level for the existence of NFH and DβH in Sertoli and Leydig cells in Bactrian camel cryptorchidism and provides a more in-depth understanding of neuroendocrine regulation is crucial for animal cryptorchidism.(AU)
Animais , Masculino , Camelus , Testículo/fisiologia , Expressão Gênica , Sistemas Neurossecretores , Imuno-HistoquímicaResumo
Background: Cryptoccocal meningitis continues to present high incidence among AIDS patients. The treatment of choice is the synergistic combination of flucytosine (5-FC) with amphotericin B deoxycholate (AmBd) or its lipid formulations. However, 5-FC is unavailable in many countries and AmB demands hospitalization. The combination of AmB with the fungistatic fluconazole (FLC) or the use of high FLC daily doses alone became the choice. Nonetheless, sterilization of cerebrospinal fluid is delayed with FLC monotherapy, mainly with high fungal burden. These findings suggest the search for new antifungal compounds, such as liriodenine. Methods: Liriodenine antifungal activity was evaluated by three procedures: determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) on 30 strains of the Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) complex and 30 of the Cryptococcus gattii (C. gattii) complex, using EUCAST methodology and amphotericin B deoxycholate as control; performing the time-kill methodology in two strains of the C. neoformans complex and one of the C. gattii complex; and injury to cryptococcal cells, evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Liriodenine absorption and safety at 0.75 and 1.50 doses were evaluated in BALB/c mice. Results: Liriodenine MICs ranged from 3.9 to 62.5 µg.mL-1 for both species complexes, with no differences between them. Time-kill methodology confirmed its concentration-dependent fungicidal effect, killing all the strains below the limit of detection (33 CFU.mL-1) at the highest liriodenine concentration (32-fold MIC), with predominant activity during the first 48 hours. Liriodenine induced severe Cryptococcus alterations cytoplasm with intense rarefaction and/or degradation, injury of organelles, and presence of vacuoles. Liriodenine was better absorbed at lower doses, with no histopathological alterations on the digestive tract. Conclusion: The fungicidal activity confirmed by time-kill methodology, the intense Cryptococcus injury observed by TEM, the absorption after gavage administration, and the safety at the tested doses indicate that the liriodenine molecule is a promising drug lead for development of anticryptococcal agents.(AU)
Criptococose/diagnóstico , Criptococose/tratamento farmacológico , Zanthoxylum/efeitos dos fármacos , Antifúngicos/efeitos adversos , Flucitosina/síntese químicaResumo
Boa constrictor es una especie que se encuentra a menudo en criaderos y zoológicos, además de ser utilizada como animal de compañía. Estos animales son nativos del nuevo mundo y se encuentran desde México hasta el norte de Argentina. El objetivo del presente trabajo es generar valores morfométricos de las células que componen el tejido sanguíneo de individuos de la especie Boa constrictor, identificando sus tamaños promedios, que son importantes para determinar el estado de estas células, siendo principalmente útiles para clasificar las anemias. Los frotis sanguíneos se realizaron con muestras recolectadas de cuatro ejemplares atendidos en el Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Animais Selvagens (NEPAS), siendo dos machos y dos hembras. Las láminas se tiñeron utilizando la técnica de tinción panótica rápida y se observaron bajo un microscopio óptico (100X, inmersión). Para la morfometría, la captura de imágenes se realizó con la ayuda de una cámara digital Canon acoplada al microscopio, y la medición de las células se realizó con el software Zeiss® AxioVision Sample Images. Se midieron un total de 2007 células de sangre, siendo 590 eritrocitos, 365 heterofilos, 140 linfocitos, 454 azurofilos, 17 monocitos y 441 trombocitos. Se encontró que los eritrocitos y trombocitos mostraron mayores diferencias entre sus diámetros mayores y menores, dando a estas células una forma elíptica...
Boa constrictor is a species often found in breeding grounds and zoos, in addition to being used as a pet animal. These animals are native to the new world, being found from Mexico to northern Argentina. The aim of the present work is to generate morphometric values of the cells that make up the blood tissue of individuals of the Boa constrictor species, identifying their average sizes, which are important in determining the state of these cells, being mainly useful for classifying anemias. Blood strains were performed with samples collected from four specimens attended at the Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Animais Selvagens (NEPAS), being two males and two females. The slides were stained using the fast panotic staining technique and observed under an optical microscope (100X, immersion). For morphometry, image capture was performed with the aid of a Canon digital camera attached to the microscope, and the measurement of the cells was done with the Zeiss® AxioVision Sample Images software. A total of 2007 blood cells were measured, being 590 erythrocytes, 365 heterophiles, 140 lymphocytes, 454 azurophils, 17 monocytes and 441 thrombocytes. It was found that erythrocytes and thrombocytes showed greater differences between their larger and smaller diameters, giving these cells an elliptical shape. The other cells evaluated showed similar proportions between the diameters...
Boa constrictor é uma espécie frequentemente encontrada em criadouros e zoológicos, além de ser utilizada como animal de companhia. Esses animais são nativos do novo mundo, sendo encontrados do México ao norte da Argentina. O trabalho realizado possui como objetivo gerar valores morfométricos das células que compõem o tecido sanguíneo de indivíduos da espécie Boa constrictor, identificando seus tamanhos médios, que são importantes na determinação do estado destas células, sendo úteis principalmente para classificar anemias. Foram realizadas distensões sanguíneas com as amostras coletadas de quatro exemplares atendidos no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Animais Selvagens (NEPAS), sendo dois machos e duas fêmeas. As lâminas foram coradas utilizando a técnica de coloração panóptico rápido e observadas ao microscópio óptico (100X, imersão). Para morfometria foi realizada a captura de imagens com o auxílio de uma câmera digital Canon, modelo Powershot A640® acoplada ao microscópio, e foi utilizado o software Zeiss® AxioVision Sample Images. Foram mensuradas 2007 células sanguíneas, sendo 590 eritrócitos, 365 heterófilos, 140 linfócitos, 454 azurófilos, 17 monócitos e 441 trombócitos. Verificou-se que os eritrócitos e trombócitos apresentaram maiores diferenças entre seus diâmetros maiores e menores, conferindo o formato elíptico a estas células. As demais células avaliadas...
Animais , Boidae/sangue , Células Sanguíneas/ultraestrutura , Eritrócitos/ultraestrutura , Linfócitos/ultraestrutura , Plaquetas/ultraestrutura , Brasil , Valores de ReferênciaResumo
Boa constrictor es una especie que se encuentra a menudo en criaderos y zoológicos, además de ser utilizada como animal de compañía. Estos animales son nativos del nuevo mundo y se encuentran desde México hasta el norte de Argentina. El objetivo del presente trabajo es generar valores morfométricos de las células que componen el tejido sanguíneo de individuos de la especie Boa constrictor, identificando sus tamaños promedios, que son importantes para determinar el estado de estas células, siendo principalmente útiles para clasificar las anemias. Los frotis sanguíneos se realizaron con muestras recolectadas de cuatro ejemplares atendidos en el Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Animais Selvagens (NEPAS), siendo dos machos y dos hembras. Las láminas se tiñeron utilizando la técnica de tinción panótica rápida y se observaron bajo un microscopio óptico (100X, inmersión). Para la morfometría, la captura de imágenes se realizó con la ayuda de una cámara digital Canon acoplada al microscopio, y la medición de las células se realizó con el software Zeiss® AxioVision Sample Images. Se midieron un total de 2007 células de sangre, siendo 590 eritrocitos, 365 heterofilos, 140 linfocitos, 454 azurofilos, 17 monocitos y 441 trombocitos. Se encontró que los eritrocitos y trombocitos mostraron mayores diferencias entre sus diámetros mayores y menores, dando a estas células una forma elíptica...(AU)
Boa constrictor is a species often found in breeding grounds and zoos, in addition to being used as a pet animal. These animals are native to the new world, being found from Mexico to northern Argentina. The aim of the present work is to generate morphometric values of the cells that make up the blood tissue of individuals of the Boa constrictor species, identifying their average sizes, which are important in determining the state of these cells, being mainly useful for classifying anemias. Blood strains were performed with samples collected from four specimens attended at the Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Animais Selvagens (NEPAS), being two males and two females. The slides were stained using the fast panotic staining technique and observed under an optical microscope (100X, immersion). For morphometry, image capture was performed with the aid of a Canon digital camera attached to the microscope, and the measurement of the cells was done with the Zeiss® AxioVision Sample Images software. A total of 2007 blood cells were measured, being 590 erythrocytes, 365 heterophiles, 140 lymphocytes, 454 azurophils, 17 monocytes and 441 thrombocytes. It was found that erythrocytes and thrombocytes showed greater differences between their larger and smaller diameters, giving these cells an elliptical shape. The other cells evaluated showed similar proportions between the diameters...(AU)
Boa constrictor é uma espécie frequentemente encontrada em criadouros e zoológicos, além de ser utilizada como animal de companhia. Esses animais são nativos do novo mundo, sendo encontrados do México ao norte da Argentina. O trabalho realizado possui como objetivo gerar valores morfométricos das células que compõem o tecido sanguíneo de indivíduos da espécie Boa constrictor, identificando seus tamanhos médios, que são importantes na determinação do estado destas células, sendo úteis principalmente para classificar anemias. Foram realizadas distensões sanguíneas com as amostras coletadas de quatro exemplares atendidos no Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas em Animais Selvagens (NEPAS), sendo dois machos e duas fêmeas. As lâminas foram coradas utilizando a técnica de coloração panóptico rápido e observadas ao microscópio óptico (100X, imersão). Para morfometria foi realizada a captura de imagens com o auxílio de uma câmera digital Canon, modelo Powershot A640® acoplada ao microscópio, e foi utilizado o software Zeiss® AxioVision Sample Images. Foram mensuradas 2007 células sanguíneas, sendo 590 eritrócitos, 365 heterófilos, 140 linfócitos, 454 azurófilos, 17 monócitos e 441 trombócitos. Verificou-se que os eritrócitos e trombócitos apresentaram maiores diferenças entre seus diâmetros maiores e menores, conferindo o formato elíptico a estas células. As demais células avaliadas...(AU)