A 2-year-old English bulldog presented history of recurrent lower urinary tract disease, refractory to treatment. The Complete Blood Count revealed lymphopenia, hyperproteinemia, and hyperglobulinemia, while urinalysis indicated leukocyturia and bacteriuria. On the abdominal ultrasound, the bladder had a focal wall thickening in its cranial portion, as well as irregular echogenicity and internal margins. A bladder surgical biopsy was performed, indicating the presence of follicular cystitis. Clinical signs disappeared after treatment with a combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, NSAIDs, supplementation with cranberry extract associated with cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa). Clinical follow-up 12 months after surgery showed remission at all clinical signs. Follicular cystitis in dogs was reported only once worldwide, this case report is the first in Brazil; thus, it may be considered in the differential diagnosis for patients with refractory and recurrent lower urinary tract disease.
Um Bulldog Inglês de 2 anos apresentou história clínica de doença recorrente do trato urinário inferior, refratária ao tratamento. O hemograma revelou uma discreta linfopenia, hiperproteinemia e hiperglobulinemia. Já a urinálise apontou leucocitúria e bacteriúria. Na ultrassonografia, a bexiga apresentava espessamento focal da parede da bexiga em porção cranial, ecogênica e margens internas irregulares. A biópsia cirúrgica da bexiga foi compatível com cistite folicular. Os sinais clínicos desapareceram após o tratamento com uma combinação de amoxicilina - ácido clavulânico, AINEs, suplementação alimentar de extrato de cranberry associado a unha de gato (fitoterápico da planta Uncaria tomentosa). O acompanhamento, 12 meses após a cirurgia, confirmou que o cão estava livre de sinais clínicos. A cistite folicular foi relatada apenas em 1 cão no mundo, sendo esse considerado o primeiro relato no Brasil. Essa enfermidade deve ser considerada um diferencial para pacientes com doença refratária do trato urinário inferior de longa data.
Animais , Cães , Doenças Urológicas/veterinária , Doenças da Bexiga Urinária/veterinária , Cistite/veterinária , Doenças do CãoResumo
Trachemys dorbigni is the most abundant freshwater turtle species in Rio Grande do Sul, southern Brazil. Chelonians are known to host a wide variety of pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, hemoparasites and helminths. Among these, nine genera of polystomatid flatworms (Monogenoidea; Polystomatidae) infect freshwater turtles: Apaloneotrema, Aussietrema, Fornixtrema, Manotrema, Pleurodirotrema, Polystomoidella, Polystomoides, Uropolystomoides and Uteropolystomoides. However, little is known about the biology of these parasites in the Neotropical Realm. Through investigative cystoscopy, specimens of Polystomatidae were located inside the urinary bladder of the host T. dorbigni. Retrieved specimens were fixed and stained whole mounts prepared for taxonomic identification. In the present paper, a new species of Polystomoides (Monogenoidea: Polystomatidae) parasitizing the urinary bladder of a freshwater turtle of the species T. dorbigni in Brazil is described. Polystomoides santamariensis n. sp. differs from the congeneric species on the length of the genital spines, which are longer. Given the enormous diversity of freshwater turtles around the world, it is likely that a large number of chelonian polystomatids are still unknown.(AU)
Trachemys dorbigni é a espécie de tartaruga de água doce mais abundante do Rio Grande do Sul, no Sul do Brasil. Sabe-se que os quelônios são hospedeiros de uma grande variedade de patógenos, incluindo vírus, bactérias, hemoparasitos e helmintos. Dentre estes, oito gêneros de Polystomatidae (Platyhelminthes: Monogenoidea) infectam tartarugas de água doce: Apaloneotrema, Aussietrema, Fornixtrema, Manotrema, Pleurodirotrema, Polystomoidella, Polystomoides, Uropolystomoides e Uteropolystomoides. No entanto, pouco ainda se sabe sobre a biologia destes parasitos na Região Neotropical. Durante uma citoscopia investigativa, foram observados espécimes de Polystomatidae localizados no interior da bexiga urinária de T. dorbigni. Os espécimes coletados foram fixados e corados para identificação taxonômica. No presente artigo, uma nova espécie de Polystomoides (Monogenoidea: Polystomatidae) parasitando a bexiga urinária de tartaruga de água doce da espécie T. dorbigni no Brasil é descrita. Polystomoides santamariensis n. sp. difere das demais espécies no tamanho dos espinhos genitais, que são maiores. Devido a enorme diversidade de tartarugas de água doce ao redor do mundo, é provável que um grande número de polistomatídeos de quelônios ainda seja desconhecido.(AU)
Animais , Doenças Parasitárias em Animais/diagnóstico , Platelmintos/classificação , Tartarugas/parasitologia , Bexiga Urinária/parasitologia , Especificidade da Espécie , BrasilResumo
Partial or complete bladder eversion is a rare condition of poor prognosis in cows, commonly associated with intense tenesmus observed in the peripartum period. A 14-year-old obese Nellore cow at 280 days of gestation was referred with 24-hour bladder prolapse. The bladder was complete eversion through the vulvar vestibule showing a thick congested wall and small residual urine volume. After clinical examination, the cow received scopolamine butylbromide and intercoccygeal epidural anesthesia, and the externalized bladder segment was partially reduced, remaining only 10 cm externalized. The cow was maintained with an intravesical human gastric tube number 16 and constant monitoring. The eversion was fully reduced after 12 hours of local treatment, and as the cow presented subclinical ketosis, hypocalcemia and cystitis, antibiotic, glucose, calcium and propylene glycol therapy were performed. We opted for induction of parturition, and after 24 hours, a healthy 52kg calf was born and the placenta was delivered 16 hours after calving. The cow and calf were discharged on the sixth day of hospitalization, with no recurrences or secondary complications after treatment.
A eversão vesical parcial ou completa é uma condição rara de mau prognóstico em vacas, comumente associada a tenesmo intenso observado no período periparto. Uma vaca Nelore obesa de 14 anos de idade, com 280 dias de gestação, foi encaminhada com prolapso de bexiga de 24 horas. A bexiga apresentava eversão completa por meio do vestíbulo vulvar apresentando parede espessa e congestionada e pequeno volume residual de urina. Após exame clínico, a vaca recebeu butilbrometo de escopolamina e anestesia peridural intercoccígea, e o segmento vesical exteriorizado foi parcialmente reduzido, permanecendo apenas 10cm exteriorizado. A vaca foi mantida com sonda gástrica humana número 16 por via intravesical e monitorada constantemente. A eversão foi totalmente reduzida após 12 horas de tratamento local, e, como a vaca apresentava cetose subclínica, hipocalcemia e cistite, foi realizada antibioticoterapia, glicose, cálcio e propilenoglicol. Optou-se pela indução do parto. Após 24 horas, nasceu um bezerro saudável de 52kg e a placenta foi expelida 16 horas após o parto. A vaca e o bezerro receberam alta no sexto dia de internação, sem recidivas ou complicações secundárias após o tratamento.
Animais , Bovinos , Bexiga Urinária/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos , Cistite/veterinária , Complicações do Trabalho de Parto/veterináriaResumo
Detrusor hypocontractility (DH) is a disease without a gold standard treatment in traditional medicine. Therefore, there is a need to develop innovative therapies. The present report presents the case of a patient with DH who was transplanted with 2 x 106 adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells twice and achieved significant improvements in their quality of life. The results showed that cell therapy reduced the voiding residue from 1,800 mL to 800 mL, the maximum cystometric capacity from 800 to 550 mL, and bladder compliance from 77 to 36.6 mL/cmH2O. Cell therapy also increased the maximum flow from 3 to 11 mL/s, the detrusor pressure from 08 to 35 cmH2O, the urine volume from 267 to 524 mL and the bladder contractility index (BCI) value from 23 to 90. The International Continence on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form score decreased from 17 to 8. Given the above, it is inferred that the transplantation of adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells is an innovative and efficient therapeutic strategy for DH treatment and improves the quality of life of patients affected by this disease.
A Hipocontratilidade Detrusora (HD) é uma doença sem um tratamento padrão-ouro na medicina tradicional. Logo, há a necessidade de desenvolvimento de terapias inovadoras. O presente relato apresenta um caso de paciente com HD transplantado duas vezes com 2 x 106 células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo que obteve melhoras significativas em sua qualidade de vida. Os resultados demonstraram que a terapia celular reduziu o resíduo miccional de 1.800mL para 800mL; a Capacidade Cistométrica Máxima de 800 para 550mL; a complacência de 77 para 36,6mL/cmH2O. A terapia celular também aumentou o fluxo máximo de 3 para 11mL/s; a pressão detrusora de 08 para 35cmH2O; o volume urinado de 267 para 524mL e o índice de contratilidade vesical (BCI) de 23 para 90. O score do International Continence on Incontinence Questionare - Short Form passou de 17 para 8. Diante do exposto, infere-se que o transplante de células-tronco mesenquimais derivadas do tecido adiposo é uma estratégia terapêutica inovadora e eficiente para o tratamento da HD e para melhoria da qualidade de vida de pacientes acometidos por essa doença.
Humanos , Células-Tronco , Doenças da Bexiga Urinária/terapia , Tecido Adiposo , Terapia Baseada em Transplante de Células e TecidosResumo
Background: The urinary tract is composed by kidneys, urinary bladder and urethra. The kidneys produce urine that achieve urinary bladder by ureters. These have the origin in the renal pelvis, run through the retroperitoneum, end up at the dorsolateral superficies of the urinary bladder, and empty at the trigone. Ureters abnormalities are the rarest congenital defects in the canine urinary tract and ureteroceles are cystic dilatations of the distal segment of the ureter that could be associated to partial or complete urinary obstructions and could lead to megaureter and hydronephrosis. So, the aim of the present study was to describe a case of megaureter by intramural ureteral ectopia in a bitch. Case: A 1-year-old-and-8-month bitch Akita, weighing 18 kg, was referred to the Uniube Veterinary Hospital with vaginal secretion, prostration, hypodipsia, hyporexia and pyrexia related by the tutor. On physical examination, an increase in vulva volume and a vaginal discharge were observed. Nevertheless, others physical exams, blood count and biochemical tests were considered to be within normal parameters. Urinalysis showed cloudy aspect, proteinuria, occult blood, erythrocytes, pyuria, leucocytes, and discreet presence of bacteria. Abdominal ultrasonography revealed a megaureter with right uterocele and excretory urography showed absence of glomerular filtration by right kidney. The patient was submitted to surgery for right kidney and ureter exeresis. Histopathology evaluation showed intense dilation of the ureter and severe multifocal renal fibrosis. The surgery was well succeeded, and the patient recovered completely. Discussion: Once megaureter are associated with congenital abnormalities like ectopic ureter and ureterocele, it is usually diagnosed in young patients with medium age of 10 months, which is below the age of the patient in this case report. Additionally, in the patient here reported, the unilateral alteration could explain the absence of kidney fail symptoms. In more than 90% of the cases, the ureteral ectopia was associated with multiple anomalies in the urinary tract, as was observed in this patient, that presented besides ectopic ureter, ureterocele, megaureter and renal dystrophy. All these morphological alterations made impossible the complete urine elimination, which predispose to urinary tract infection, that was observed in this report. According to literature, urinary tract anomalies are associated with infection in 64 to 85% and 50% of the cases also present hydronephrosis and hydroureter. It was also described that ureteral ectopia is diagnosed by visualization of hydroureter in abdominal ultrasonography. The findings present in this report differs a little, once the right kidney was atrophic possibly by malformation or even so by a chronic renal lesion due to the difficulty in urine flow. The excretory urography showed no filtration in the right kidney, indicating non-functionality that was confirmed by histopathology, in which was observed small glomerulus and large amount of connective tissue deposition. In cases of unilateral megaureter with ipsilateral kidney commitment, there is indication of nephroureterectomy, that was performed in the patient of the present report. As far as we know, this is the first report of megaureter, ureterocele and ectopia ureteral together in the same patient. In conclusion, the procedure was secure, efficient and promote a better quality of life for the patient and prevent the recurrence of urinary tract infections.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Ureter/anormalidades , Cistite/veterinária , Nefroureterectomia/veterinária , Sistema Urinário/patologiaResumo
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.
Animais , Anatomia Transversal , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologia , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.(AU)
Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais.(AU)
Animais , Trichechus , Ultrassonografia/veterinária , Ultrassonografia/métodos , Anatomia Transversal , Fígado/anatomia & histologia , Vesícula Biliar/anatomia & histologia , Estômago/anatomia & histologia , Bexiga Urinária/anatomia & histologia , Tela Subcutânea/anatomia & histologiaResumo
Abstract Morphophysiological species researches are fundamental, and diagnostic imaging is an excellent technique, already used in wild animals, with great application, not invasive and provide real-time information of each body. Amazonian manatees are on the list of endangered animals classified in the vulnerable category and knowledge of the normal pattern of ultrasound anatomy of organs and tissues is important for the maintenance and well-being of captive specimens contributing to reintroduction actions. The objective of the study was to standardize the examination technique and describe the ultrasound findings of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder and the subcutaneous tissue of the abdominal region in Trichechus inunguis, in order to contribute with the anatomical and sonographic knowledge and assist in the diagnosis and prognosis diseases. The study used 18 animals to describe the normal sonographic anatomy in the abdominal cavity of the Amazonian manatee. During abdominal scan, it was possible to visualize the features of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, urinary bladder obtained satisfactory results in this study. Therefore, other structures were not primarily identified by the reduced time, lots of fat and gases in intestines of animals.
Resumo Pesquisas morfofisiológicas em espécies selvagens são fundamentais, e o diagnóstico por imagem é uma excelente técnica, já usada e com grande aplicação, não invasiva e que fornece informações em tempo real de cada órgão. Peixes-boi-amazônico encontram-se na lista de animais ameaçados de extinção classificados na categoria vulnerável e o conhecimento do padrão normal da anatomia ultrassonográfica de órgãos e tecidos é importante para a manutenção e bem-estar de espécimes em cativeiro contribuindo para ações de reintrodução. O objetivo deste estudo foi padronizar a técnica de exame e descrever os achados ultrassonográficos do fígado, vesícula biliar, estômago, vesícula urinária e o tecido subcutâneo da região abdominal em Trichechus inunguis, de modo a contribuir com o conhecimento anátomo-sonográfico e auxiliar no diagnóstico e prognóstico de doenças. O estudo utilizou 18 animais para descrever a anatomia ultrassonográfica normal na cavidade abdominal de peixe-boi amazônico. Durante a varredura abdominal foi possível visualizar as características dos órgãos obtendo resultados satisfatórios neste estudo, concluindo ser uma técnica eficiente para avaliação de determinados órgãos abdominais em peixe-boi amazônico. Entretanto, outras estruturas não foram identificadas principalmente pelo tempo reduzido, muita gordura e gases nos intestinos dos animais
A male adult ocelot (Leopardus pardalis) kept under human care developed anuria, which progressed to death. Grossly, the urinary bladder was markedly dilated and filled with red discolored urine containing blood clots. In addition, the animal had a hepatoid cell adenoma adjacent to the urethra, which likely caused partial urethral occlusion. Microscopically, there was a predominantly neutrophilic, fibrinous and hemorrhagic urethritis, cystitis, and pyelonephritis with intralesional gram-positive cocci. Microbiologic culture followed by MALDI-TOF MS analysis resulted in the identification of isolates from the urine and urethra as Staphylococcus felis.(AU)
Animais , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Uretrite/diagnóstico , Adenoma/diagnóstico , Felidae , Infecções Estafilocócicas/diagnóstico , StaphylococcusResumo
We report a case of urethral obstruction due to seminal vesiculitis in a Dorper sheep, with symptoms of anuria, rectal prolapse, orchitis/epididymitis, and uroperitoneum and biochemical tests indicating severe azotemia. The animal died due to advanced azotemia, and necropsy revealed kidneys with cortical and medullary necrosis, pyelonephritis of renal calyces, hydronephrosis, ruptured and necrotic bladder, and vesicular, bulbourethral, and ampoule accessory sex glands. There was prostate hyperplasia that revealed a large amount of pus in the cross section, which was also observed bilaterally in the epididymis and right testis. Morphotintorial and biochemical analyses of bacteria obtained from microbiological culture revealed Corynebacterium sp. and Escherichia coli. Infection, hyperplasia, and abscessation of accessory sex glands caused urethral compression, resulting in an obstructive condition, similar to urolithiasis, in addition to bacteremia. Hyperplastic seminal vesiculitis, although rare, must be included among the differential diagnoses of obstructive processes in the urinary tract of sheep.
Relata-se um caso de obstrução uretral decorrente de vesiculite seminal em carneiro da raça Dorper, com quadro de anúria, prolapso retal, orquite/epididimite e uroperitôneo, com exames bioquímicos indicativos de severa azotemia. Devido ao quadro avançado de azotemia, o animal faleceu e, na necropsia, foi observado:: rins com necrose de cortical e medular, pielonefrite dos cálices renais e hidronefrose, bexiga rompida e necrosada, assim como glândulas sexuais acessórias vesiculares, bulbouretrais e ampola. Havia hiperplasia de próstata que, ao corte transversal, revelou grande quantidade de pus, que também foi observado bilateralmente no epidídimo e no testículo direito. As análises morfotintoriais e bioquímicas das bactérias obtidas a partir do cultivo microbiológico foram compatíveis com Corynebacterium sp. e Escherichia coli. A infecção, a hiperplasia e a abscedação das glândulas sexuais acessória, causaram compressão uretral, levando a um quadro obstrutivo, semelhante à urolitíase, somado à bacteremia. A vesiculite seminal hiperplásica, apesar de rara, deve ser incluída entre os diagnósticos diferenciais dos processos obstrutivos do trato urinário de carneiros.
Animais , Doenças dos Ovinos , Obstrução Uretral/veterinária , Doenças Urológicas/veterinária , Corynebacterium/patogenicidade , Escherichia coli/patogenicidadeResumo
Clinical History: A 436 kg, 2-year-old, pregnant Angus cross cow was presented for necropsy with a history of sudden death during calving season. Two other heifers on the property recently had late term abortions with the calves having to be pulled out from the birth canal. Gross Findings: The subcutaneous tissue, omentum, mesentery, perirenal adipose tissue, and intima of the major vessels were diffusely and markedly yellow (Figure 1). The right liver lobe had a large (15x11x7 cm) area of pale tan discoloration covered by a thin layer of fibrin. On the cut surface, this area was pale red and dry (Figure 2). Throughout the remaining hepatic parenchyma were irregularly shaped, serpiginous, dark green to black tracks. Some of these tracks contained adult Fasciola hepatica flukes in the lumen. The gallbladder was distended and filled with large amounts of dark green, thick bile. The kidneys were diffusely dark red with disseminated pinpoint, dark red foci in the cortex (Figure 3). The urinary bladder contained approximately 300 mL of dark red urine (Figure 4). The brain had a slight yellow discoloration. Approximately 300 mL of red-tinged fluid was in the thorax. Large numbers of fibrous adhesions were present between the visceral pleura, the parietal pleura, and the pericardium. Approximately 200 mL of red-tinged fluid was in the pericardial sac. There was extensive hemorrhage on the epicardium.
Animais , Feminino , Bovinos/fisiologia , Hemoglobinúria/diagnóstico , Autopsia/veterinária , Morte Súbita/veterináriaResumo
Clinical History: A euthanized, 14-year-old, Warmblood gelding that had participated in an equine show was presented for necropsy and diagnostic workup to the San Bernardino laboratory of the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory System. The animal had a 4-day history of mildly swollen limbs and hyperthermia, and developed neurologic signs shortly before euthanasia. Necropsy Findings: The urinary bladder had multifocal to coalescing hemorrhages in the mucosa and approximately 5 ml of turbid urine with sandy sludge (Figure 1). The entire spinal cord was removed and cross-sectioned serially after fixation in 10% neutral-buffered formalin during 48h. Multifocally, in multiple sections of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar segments, there were uni- or bilateral and asymmetrical, wedge-shaped areas of gray discoloration and hemorrhage (Figures 2-4). In addition, there were extensive hemorrhages around the nerve roots of the cauda equina. Follow-up questions: Five differential diagnoses for the gross lesions in the spinal cord (Fig. 1B-1D) Microscopic description for the lesions in the spinal cord (Fig. 2A-2D) Most likely cause based on clinical history and gross and microscopic findings.
Animais , Masculino , Infecções por Herpesviridae/diagnóstico , Doenças dos Cavalos/virologia , Cavalos/virologia , Herpesvirus Equídeo 1Resumo
Background: In veterinary medicine, peripheral nerve tumors (PNST) are classified from the cellular pattern and as benign and malignant (MPNST). The majorities of cases are benign and usually involve the skin and subcutaneous tissue of the head, neck, and limbs. Animals with MPTNS usually have spinal cord and spinal canal involvement and are also described in the small and large intestine, oral cavity, perirenal region, and urinary bladder. Treatment is performed according to the location of the neoplasm and metastasis is rarely described. The present article aims to report a case of a malignant tumor in the peripheral nerve sheath of a cat. Case: A 8-year-old domestic cat was presented with a history of progressive paresis in the pelvic limbs. On neurological evaluation, proprioceptive ataxia and proprioception deficit in the pelvic limbs were observed, suggestive of thoracolumbar injury. Blood work and serum biochemistry showed results within the reference for the species and the bi-directional immunochromatography test for FIV and FeLV were negative. The radiographs of the thoracolumbar segment did not show significant changes. Myelography with iodinated contrast and collection of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were performed. On myelography examination, iodinated contrast loss was found between the 6th and 7th thoracic vertebrae, while the CSF analysis was normal. The patient underwent laminectomy and durotomy for excision of a mass found dorsally to the spinal cord, with intradural location. The tumor was sent for histopathological examination. Microscopic analysis showed neoplastic proliferation of spindle-shaped cells with predominance of the Antoni A pattern. Immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated intense cytoplasmic staining of the neoplastic cells for vimentin and S100 protein. Based on these findings, the diagnosis of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor was made. Radiotherapy was suggested as adjuvant treatment after surgical procedure. However, the owner refuse to follow this recommendation due to cost restriction. The patient had a satisfactory clinical recovery, he has no longer presented proprioceptive ataxia or proprioception deficits in three months after the surgical procedure. Discussion: In the case described, the feline patient presented a history, clinical signs, and findings in the myelography exam related to MPNST in the region of the vertebral canal. This neoplasm usually involves the spinal canal or spinal cord, but has been described in other locations, such in the small and large intestine, oral cavity, perirenal region, and urinary bladder. Based on the findings of the physical examination and complementary exams, a surgical procedure was recommended. Then, laminectomy and dutoromy were performed to remove the mass. The treatment described in the literature in cases of MPTNS is surgery, which can be curative, but in some cases, the use of radiotherapy may be necessary. The histological patterns observed in this neoplasm are the Antoni A and B, in the case described the Antoni A pattern was observed. The definitive diagnosis was made by immunohistochemistry with vimentin and S100 protein. MPNST are few described in the thoracolumbar region in cats. The surgical treatment was curative, where improvement of the clinical signs could be observed three months after surgery. In addition, monitoring of patients is recommended to ascertain relapses and metastases.
Animais , Gatos , Tórax , Neoplasias de Bainha Neural/veterinária , Região Lombossacral , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Procedimentos Neurocirúrgicos/veterináriaResumo
A urolitíase é uma condição rara, mas considerada de emergência na rotina de equinos. Este trabalho relata um caso de correção de urolitíase vesical em equino pela técnica cirúrgica de laparocistotomia parainguinal a campo. Para isso, foi realizado atendimento de um equino macho, sem raça definida, com histórico de disúria e hematúria exacerbada após exercício. Após realização de exame clínico, a suspeita diagnóstica de urolitíase vesical foi confirmada por meio de ultrassonografia transretal, sendo indicado o tratamento cirúrgico. Diante da impossibilidade de realização do procedimento em centro cirúrgico, optou-se por operá-lo em condições a campo. Para o acesso à cavidade abdominal, optou-se pela laparotomia parainguinal. A bexiga foi localizada e esvaziada por punção. Procedeu-se cistotomia para remoção do urólito, seguida da lavagem da bexiga com solução fisiológica para remoção de possíveis detritos. A cistorrafia foi realizada em dois planos de sutura do tipo Schmieden-Cushing, com fio absorvível sintético, seguida pela laparorrafia. O pós-operatório consistiu em curativos diários da ferida cirúrgica, duchas e administração de antimicrobiano e anti-inflamatório. Conclui-se que o exame ultrassonográfico foi fundamental para o correto diagnóstico e que a escolha da técnica cirúrgica de laparocistotomia parainguinal realizada a campo oferece resultados satisfatórios para o tratamento de equino com urolitíase vesical.
Urolithiasis is a rare condition, but it is considered an emergency in the equine routine. The present work reports a correction case of vesical urolithiasis in equines by the surgical technique of parainguinal laparocystotomy in the field. A male horse, of mixed breed, with a history of dysuria and exacerbated hematuria after exercise was treated. After performing the clinical examination, the diagnostic suspicion of bladder urolithiasis was confirmed through transrectal ultrasonography and the surgical treatment was indicated. Given the impossibility of performing the procedure in the operating room, it was decided to operate the animal in field conditions. For access to the abdominal cavity, parainguinal laparotomy was chosen. The bladder was located and emptied by puncture. A cystotomy was performed to remove the urolith, followed by washing the bladder with saline solution to remove possible debris. The cistorrhaphy was performed in two planes of Schmieden-Cushing suture, with synthetic absorbable suture, followed by laparorrhaphy. The postoperative period consisted of daily dressings of the surgical wound, showers, and administration of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. It is concluded that the ultrasound examination was essential for the correct diagnosis and that the choice of the surgical technique of parainguinal laparocystotomy performed in the field offers satisfactory results for the treatment of horses with bladder urolithiasis.
Animais , Masculino , Cálculos da Bexiga Urinária/diagnóstico por imagem , Urolitíase/cirurgia , Cavalos/cirurgia , Laparoscopia/veterináriaResumo
It is reported the occurrence of enzootic hematuria (EH) in buffaloes in Brazil after performing an epidemiological survey and clinicopathological analises. To date, EH caused by ingestion of Pteridium esculentum subsp. arachnoideum, a radiomimetic plant popularly known as "bracken fern", has not been described in this species in Brazil. Bovine EH is responsible for high economic losses in Brazil's Southeast Region not only because of the deaths it causes, but also owing to its negative effect on productivity. In São José do Barreiro County, São Paulo, some farmers in areas with a high incidence of bovine EH have been replacing cattle with buffaloes, based on the premise that the latter would be more resistant to poisoning by ingestion of Pteridium spp. However, even though initial observations indicated that buffaloes are indeed less sensitive than cattle to the toxic principle of Pteridium spp., cases of hematuria in this species have been reported. According to preliminary date, EH only occurs in buffaloes over six years of age. Macroscopic examination revealed a thickened urinary vesicle mucosa, along with multiple foci of ulcerated, exophytic, verrucous, and pedunculated lesions. In one of the buffaloes studied, the bladder wall was ruptured and exhibited marked secondary inflammation. Histologically, neoplastic and non-neoplastic changes similar to those described in cattle poisoned by Pteridium spp. were observed. The neoplasms found included papilloma, carcinoma in situ, urothelial carcinoma (low and high grade), inverted, microcystic, and trabecular variants, urothelial carcinoma with divergent differentiation (squamous and glandular), squamous cell carcinoma, lymphangioma, hemangioma, and hemangiosarcoma. There was also coexistence of epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms. Bovine papillomavirus particles were not detected by polymerase chain reaction in the bladder samples analyzed.
Descreve-se, através de levantamento epidemiológico e avaliação clínico-patológica, a ocorrência de hematúria enzoótica (HE) em búfalos no Brasil. Essa condição, causada pela ingestão da planta radiomimética Pteridium esculentum subsp. arachnoideum, conhecida popularmente como "samambaia" ou "samambaia do campo", até então não havia sido descrita nessa espécie no Brasil. Na Região Sudeste, a HE bovina é responsável por elevadas perdas econômicas, devidas não apenas aos óbitos, mas também em função da queda de produtividade. No município de São José do Barreiro/SP, alguns produtores de áreas com alta incidência de HE bovina, vêm substituindo os bovinos por búfalos, com base na premissa de que estes seriam mais resistentes à intoxicação. Embora, de acordo com observações iniciais, os búfalos realmente sejam menos sensíveis que os bovinos ao princípio tóxico de Pteridium spp., ainda assim, tem-se verificado a ocorrência de casos de hematúria nessa espécie. De acordo com o levantamento inicial, a HE só ocorre em búfalos com idade a partir de seis anos. Ao exame macroscópico, verificou-se a mucosa da bexiga espessa, com múltiplos focos de lesões ulceradas, exofíticas, papiliformes, verrucosas, pedunculadas. Histologicamente, foram observadas alterações neoplásicas e não neoplásicas semelhantes às descritas nos bovinos com HE. Entre as neoplasias foram encontrados papiloma, carcinoma in situ, carcinoma urotelial (baixo e alto grau), variantes invertida, microcística e trabecular, carcinoma urotelial com diferenciação divergente (escamosa e glandular), carcinoma de células escamosas, linfangioma, hemangioma e hemangiossarcoma. Ocorreu também coexistência entre neoplasias epiteliais e mesenquimais. Não foram detectadas partículas de papilomavírus bovino pelo teste PCR nas amostras de bexiga analisadas.
Animais , Neoplasias da Bexiga Urinária/veterinária , Búfalos , Pteridium/intoxicação , Hematúria/diagnóstico , Hematúria/patologia , Hematúria/epidemiologia , Plantas Tóxicas/intoxicaçãoResumo
Background: Biofilms have been reported as important virulent markers associated with drug resistance in urinary tractinfections (UTIs) in humans and dogs. However, in veterinary medicine, researches involving biofilm formation, treatments and preventions have been limited; yet, it is still possible to find few studies demonstrating biofilm-forming bacteriaassociated with different comorbidities such as otitis, wound infections, UTIs, and endometritis. These studies generallyselect dogs with chronic and recurrent infections, which could be an important factor in antibiotic resistance. We aimed toevaluate biofilms in sporadic cystitis regarding prevalence and drug resistance.Materials, Methods & Results: Urine samples were collected by cystocentesis from 36 client-owned dogs under clinicaland laboratory suspicion of non-recurrent urinary bladder infection (cystitis). Urine was aseptically plated onto bloodagar, MacConkey, and CLED, followed by incubation for 24 to 48 h. Definitive identification of a potential pathogen wasmade by subculture collected from an isolated colony to obtain a pure culture. The gram staining method and specificbiochemical tests (phenol red fermentation, lysine, phenylalanine, citrate, sulfide-indole-motility, and urease) were usedto distinguish and classify the bacteria. After identification, the bacteria were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility by astandard disk diffusion method, using the following antimicrobials: amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, ampicillin, ceftriaxone, ciprofloxacin, clindamycin, cefazolin, cephalothin, erythromycin, gentamicin, norfloxacin, and sulfamethoxazoletrimethoprim. The biofilm-forming ability was determined based on a culture...
Animais , Cães , Biofilmes , Cistite/veterinária , Sistema Urinário/virologia , Farmacorresistência ViralResumo
Background: In dogs with bacterial cystitis that is resistant to multiple antibiotics, resulting from repeated infections andantimicrobial administration, especially if the dog has impaired renal function and the induction of systemic side effectsby intravenous or oral administration is a concern, intravesical instillation of antibiotics might represent an alternativetreatment option. In human and veterinary medicine, a number of studies showed intravesical instillation of antibiotics iseffective for the therapy multidrug-resistant bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI). This report firstly illustrates successfulintravesical meropenem treatment of a UTI caused by multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli with no systemic side effectsin dog with chronic kidney disease (CKD).Case: A 15-year-old spayed female Maltese was presented with recurrent bacterial cystitis. The risk factors for the recurrent UTI were spinal cord injury and CKD which had been managed for 1 year. Ultrasound-guided cystocentesis wasperformed to obtain a urine sample for urinalysis, bacteriologic culture, and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Bacterialcystitis caused by multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli was diagnosed on the basis of bacterial culture, and antimicrobialsusceptibility testing. Because the dog had CKD, reducing the clearance of meropenem, intravesical instillation of antibiotics was initiated. The intravesical instillation process consisted of the emptying of the urinary bladder, infusion of adiluted meropenem solution (8.5 mg/kg diluted in 20 mL of saline solution) into the bladder through a urethral catheter,and retention of the meropenem solution in the bladder for 1 h, and its removal. The procedure was repeated every 8 h. Onday 8 of the intravesical instillation therapy, bactereologic culture yielded a growth of E. coli (50,000 CFUs/mL), whichwas less than previously obtained. the concentration of the meropenem solution...
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Cistite/terapia , Cistite/veterinária , Escherichia coli , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Meropeném , Administração Intravesical , Doenças Urológicas/veterinária , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana MúltiplaResumo
Background: In dogs with bacterial cystitis that is resistant to multiple antibiotics, resulting from repeated infections andantimicrobial administration, especially if the dog has impaired renal function and the induction of systemic side effectsby intravenous or oral administration is a concern, intravesical instillation of antibiotics might represent an alternativetreatment option. In human and veterinary medicine, a number of studies showed intravesical instillation of antibiotics iseffective for the therapy multidrug-resistant bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI). This report firstly illustrates successfulintravesical meropenem treatment of a UTI caused by multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli with no systemic side effectsin dog with chronic kidney disease (CKD).Case: A 15-year-old spayed female Maltese was presented with recurrent bacterial cystitis. The risk factors for the recurrent UTI were spinal cord injury and CKD which had been managed for 1 year. Ultrasound-guided cystocentesis wasperformed to obtain a urine sample for urinalysis, bacteriologic culture, and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Bacterialcystitis caused by multidrug-resistant Escherichia coli was diagnosed on the basis of bacterial culture, and antimicrobialsusceptibility testing. Because the dog had CKD, reducing the clearance of meropenem, intravesical instillation of antibiotics was initiated. The intravesical instillation process consisted of the emptying of the urinary bladder, infusion of adiluted meropenem solution (8.5 mg/kg diluted in 20 mL of saline solution) into the bladder through a urethral catheter,and retention of the meropenem solution in the bladder for 1 h, and its removal. The procedure was repeated every 8 h. Onday 8 of the intravesical instillation therapy, bactereologic culture yielded a growth of E. coli (50,000 CFUs/mL), whichwas less than previously obtained. the concentration of the meropenem solution...(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Cistite/terapia , Cistite/veterinária , Insuficiência Renal Crônica/veterinária , Escherichia coli , Meropeném , Administração Intravesical , Farmacorresistência Bacteriana Múltipla , Doenças Urológicas/veterináriaResumo
O linfoma é uma neoplasia de alta recorrência na rotina oncológica de medicina veterinária. Pode ser classificado em linfoma Hodgking-liked, com raros casos descritos somente em felinos,e não Hodgking, sendo este segundo o mais comum, subdividido em linfomas B ou T. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar a conduta clínica, diagnóstica e terapêutica do caso de uma cadela, de 12 anos, sem raça definida, que manifestava disúria, prostração, dor abdominal e ao exame físico a presença de uma massa na região hipogástrica. Esta foi diagnosticada com linfoma de grandes células por meio de exames de citologia e biópsia, com solicitação do exame de imunoistoquímica que confirmou linfoma difuso de grandes células de imunofenótipo B. Sem o envolvimento de nenhum outro sistema, classificou-se como linfoma primário de bexiga extranodal. O animal passou pelo tratamento quimioterápico realizando nove sessões de quimioterapia pelo protocolo de CHOP, contudo devido ao agravamento do caso a paciente veio a óbito cerca de sete meses após o diagnóstico da doença. O caso estudado foi de extrema importância para a compreensão de linfomas primários de bexiga em razão da escassez de informações relacionadas na literatura. Ainda, o cão é um excelente modelo experimental de linfomas não Hodgking em humanos, consequentemente compreender essa doença em cães promove a evolução conjunta da medicina humana.
Lymphoma is a highly recurrent rate neoplasm in the oncology routine of veterinary medicine. It can be classified into Hodgking-like, rarely described just in felines, and non-Hodgking lymphoma, the latter being the most commun, subdivided into B-cell lymphoma and T-cell lymphoma. The objective of this study was to report the clinical and therapeutic conduct within the diagnosis procedures of a 12-years-old female dog, mixed breed, who manifested dysuria, prostation, abdominal pain and on the physical examination a mass in the hypogastric region was noticed. This was diagnosed as a large cell lymphoma by means cytology and biopsy, also immunohistochemistry was required which confirmed the diffuse large cell lymphoma of immunophenotyping B. Without any other sistem envolved, the neoplasm was classified as primary urinary bladder lymphoma extranodal. The animal underwent chemotherapy, performing nine sessions according to the Madison protocol, however, due to the worsening of the case, the patient died about seven months after the diagnosis of the disease. This case was extremely importante for the understanding of primary urinary bladder lymphomas due to the scarcity of informations in the literature. Also, dog is an excellent experi,emtal model of non Hodgking lymphomas in humans, thus understandig this disease in dogs promotes the joint evolution of human medicine.
Animais , Cães , Bexiga Urinária/anormalidades , Imuno-Histoquímica/veterinária , Linfoma Difuso de Grandes Células B/veterinária , Cães/anormalidades , Tratamento Farmacológico/veterinária , Extensão Extranodal/diagnósticoResumo
ABSTRACT: It is reported the occurrence of enzootic hematuria (EH) in buffaloes in Brazil after performing an epidemiological survey and clinicopathological analises. To date, EH caused by ingestion of Pteridium esculentum subsp. arachnoideum, a radiomimetic plant popularly known as bracken fern, has not been described in this species in Brazil. Bovine EH is responsible for high economic losses in Brazils Southeast Region not only because of the deaths it causes, but also owing to its negative effect on productivity. In São José do Barreiro County, São Paulo, some farmers in areas with a high incidence of bovine EH have been replacing cattle with buffaloes, based on the premise that the latter would be more resistant to poisoning by ingestion of Pteridium spp. However, even though initial observations indicated that buffaloes are indeed less sensitive than cattle to the toxic principle of Pteridium spp., cases of hematuria in this species have been reported. According to preliminary date, EH only occurs in buffaloes over six years of age. Macroscopic examination revealed a thickened urinary vesicle mucosa, along with multiple foci of ulcerated, exophytic, verrucous, and pedunculated lesions. In one of the buffaloes studied, the bladder wall was ruptured and exhibited marked secondary inflammation. Histologically, neoplastic and non-neoplastic changes similar to those described in cattle poisoned by Pteridium spp. were observed. The neoplasms found included papilloma, carcinoma in situ, urothelial carcinoma (low and high grade), inverted, microcystic, and trabecular variants, urothelial carcinoma with divergent differentiation (squamous and glandular), squamous cell carcinoma, lymphangioma, hemangioma, and hemangiosarcoma. There was also coexistence of epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasms. Bovine papillomavirus particles were not detected by polymerase chain reaction in the bladder samples analyzed.
RESUMO: Descreve-se, através de levantamento epidemiológico e avaliação clínico-patológica, a ocorrência de hematúria enzoótica (HE) em búfalos no Brasil. Essa condição, causada pela ingestão da planta radiomimética Pteridium esculentum subsp. arachnoideum, conhecida popularmente como samambaia ou samambaia do campo, até então não havia sido descrita nessa espécie no Brasil. Na Região Sudeste, a HE bovina é responsável por elevadas perdas econômicas, devidas não apenas aos óbitos, mas também em função da queda de produtividade. No município de São José do Barreiro/SP, alguns produtores de áreas com alta incidência de HE bovina, vêm substituindo os bovinos por búfalos, com base na premissa de que estes seriam mais resistentes à intoxicação. Embora, de acordo com observações iniciais, os búfalos realmente sejam menos sensíveis que os bovinos ao princípio tóxico de Pteridium spp., ainda assim, tem-se verificado a ocorrência de casos de hematúria nessa espécie. De acordo com o levantamento inicial, a HE só ocorre em búfalos com idade a partir de seis anos. Ao exame macroscópico, verificou-se a mucosa da bexiga espessa, com múltiplos focos de lesões ulceradas, exofíticas, papiliformes, verrucosas, pedunculadas. Histologicamente, foram observadas alterações neoplásicas e não neoplásicas semelhantes às descritas nos bovinos com HE. Entre as neoplasias foram encontrados papiloma, carcinoma in situ, carcinoma urotelial (baixo e alto grau), variantes invertida, microcística e trabecular, carcinoma urotelial com diferenciação divergente (escamosa e glandular), carcinoma de células escamosas, linfangioma, hemangioma e hemangiossarcoma. Ocorreu também coexistência entre neoplasias epiteliais e mesenquimais. Não foram detectadas partículas de papilomavírus bovino pelo teste PCR nas amostras de bexiga analisadas.