A produção de potros é o objetivo final de todas as atividades voltadas para a reprodução equina. Para tanto, o diagnóstico de anormalidades gestacionais deve ser realizado precocemente para que a instalação da terapêutica adequada seja garantida, visando manter a sobrevivência da égua e o nascimento de indivíduos vivos e saudáveis. Aqui encontram-se descritos os principais achados relacionados às anormalidades gestacionais de éguas mais frequentemente encontradas em atendimentos realizados a campo e nas rotinas hospitalares. São elas: gestação gemelar, placentite, separação prematura da placenta, torção uterina, hidropsias e ruptura de tendão pré-púbico. O objetivo é caracterizar os sinais clínicos, métodos diagnósticos, tratamento e prognóstico dessas enfermidades. A compreensão desses aspectos é essencial para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de prevenção e gestão das intercorrências obstétricas, visando reduzir seu impacto na criação de equinos.(AU)
The primary objective of equine reproduction is to produce healthy foals. To achieve this, it is crucial to diagnose gestational abnormalities at an early stage and administer appropriate therapy. This will increase the chances of survival for the mare and the birth of live foals. Here we outlines the most frequently observed gestational abnormalities in mares during field visits and hospital routines. The following abnormalities discussed are: twin pregnancy, placenta problems, premature separation of the placenta, uterine torsion, hydrops, and rupture of the prepubic tendon. The objective is to characterize the clinical signs, diagnostic methods, treatment, and prognosis for each of these conditions. It is essential to understand these aspects of gestational abnormalities to develop effective prevention and management strategies for obstetric complications. aiming to reduce their impact on equine breeding.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Doenças Placentárias/diagnóstico , Gravidez Múltipla , Edema/diagnóstico , Torção Ovariana/diagnóstico , Cavalos/anormalidadesResumo
Emergências obstétricas são comuns na rotina clínica de cães e gatos. Dentre as emergências obstétricas uma das mais importantes é a distocia. De modo geral, a distocia ocorre quando há falha no momento do parto ou na expulsão do feto, sendo que a causa mais comum de distocia nas duas espécies é a inércia uterina primária. Outra emergência obstétrica de ocorrência frequente em cadelas e gatas é a piometra. Esta doença é uma infecção que ocorre no útero, causada por alterações hormonais na fase do diestro dos animais. As duas enfermidades (distocia e piometra) podem ter o envolvimento de anticoncepcionais, tanto nas cadelas como nas gatas. Em relação ao tratamento, na maioria das vezes, as distocias em cadelas e gatas são abordadas por meio da realização de cesarianas. Em piometra, a terapêutica mais efetiva é a realização de ovariohisterectomia. Neste estudo, 43 cadelas e 20 gatas com emergências obstétricas foram monitoradas durante 90 dias. Entre as cadelas, 29 (67,44%; 29/43) apresentaram piometra e 13 (30,23%; 13/43) distocia. Além disso, uma cadela apresentou prolapso vaginal. Entre as gatas, 13 apresentaram distocia (65%; 13/20) e sete (35%; 7/20) piometra. Algumas dessas emergências obstétricas foram relacionadas ao uso de anticoncepcional. Assim, os clínicos veterinários devem desencorajar esta prática e incentivar a castração das fêmeas.
Obstetric emergencies are common in the clinical routine of dogs and cats. One of the most important obstetric emergencies is dystocia. In general, dystocia occurs when there is a failure at the parturition time or expulsion of the fetus, and the most common cause of dystocia in both species is primary uterine inertia. Another frequently occurring obstetric emergency in bitches and cats is piometra. This disease is an infection that occurs in the uterus caused by hormonal changes in the diestrus phase of animals. In both diseases (dystocia and pyometra), contraceptives can be involved in female dogs and cats. Regarding the treatment, most of the time, dystocias in bitches and cats are addressed through cesarean sections. In pyometra, the most effective therapy is to perform ovariohysterectomy. In the present study, 43 female dogs and 20 female cats with emergency obstetric were monitored during 90 days. Among bitches, 29 (67.44%; 29/43) had pyometra, and 13 (30.23%; 13/43) showed dystocia. In addition, one female dog presented vaginal prolapse. Among the cats, 13 had dystocia (65%; 13/20) and seven (35%; 7/20) pyometra. Some of these obstetric emergencies were related to contraceptive use. Thus, veterinary clinicians must discourage this practice and encourage the neutering of females.
Animais , Gatos , Cães , Doenças do Gato , Doenças do Cão , Distocia/veterinária , Emergências/veterinária , Hospitais Veterinários , Complicações do Trabalho de Parto/veterináriaResumo
The establishment and maintenance of a pregnancy that goes to term is sine qua non for the long-term sustainability of dairy and beef cattle operations. The oocyte plays a critical role in providing the factors necessary for preimplantation embryonic development. Furthermore, the female, or maternal, environment where oocytes and embryos develop is crucial for the establishment and maintenance of a pregnancy to term. During folliculogenesis, the oocyte must sequentially acquire meiotic and developmental competence, which are the results of a series of molecular events preparing the highly specialized gamete to return to totipotency after fertilization. Given that folliculogenesis is a lengthy process in the cow, the occurrence of disease, metabolic imbalances, heat stress, or other adverse events can make it challenging to maintain oocyte quality. Following fertilization, the newly formed embryo must execute a tightly planned program that includes global DNA remodeling, activation of the embryonic genome, and cell fate decisions to form a blastocyst within a few days and cell divisions. The increasing use of assisted reproductive technologies creates an additional layer of complexity to ensure the highest oocyte and embryo quality given that in vitro systems do not faithfully recreate the physiological maternal environment. In this review, we discuss cellular and molecular factors and events known to be crucial for proper oocyte development and maturation, as well as adverse events that may negatively affect the oocyte; and the importance of the uterine environment, including signaling proteins in the maternal-embryonic interactions that ensure proper embryo development. We also discuss the impact of assisted reproductive technologies in oocyte and embryo quality and developmental potential, and considerations when looking into the prospects for developing systems that allow for in vitro gametogenesis as a tool for assisted reproduction in cattle.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Bovinos/embriologia , Colo do Útero/embriologia , Células Germinativas/citologia , Técnicas de Reprodução Assistida/veterinária , Desenvolvimento EmbrionárioResumo
Background: Captive tigers can live a long life, around 26 years. Among the diseases described some of non-infectious origin are quite common, such as chronic kidney disease, spondylosis, and biliary cysts or tumors. On the other hand, pyometra has been frequently reported in lions, who have a higher risk of developing the disease than tigers and leopards. Pyometra is a disease with few descriptions in tigers and it may be related to the physiological features of the species. The animal is listed as Endangered on the International Union for the Conservation of Nature Red List of Threatened. The present report aims to describe the diagnosis and treatment of pyometra in a captive tigress. Case: A 7-year-old entire female tiger (Panthera tigris) weighing 140 kg was presented with a 3-day history of anorexia and prostration. For clinical examinations, collection of laboratory and imaging tests, the patient initially underwent dissociative anesthesia to allow catheterization of the cephalic vein and intravenous general anesthesia for orotracheal intubation followed by anesthetic maintenance in isoflurane. On general physical examination, the animal had normal colored mucosa, vital parameters within normal limits, and a body condition score of 6 on a scale of 9. There was no presence of vulvar secretion. The blood count and the biochemical exams showed values within the normal range for the species. The chest X-ray in the right and left views did not demonstrate pulmonary abnormalities. Ultrasonographic examination of the abdomen showed distension of the uterine body and horns, which have intraluminal hyperechoic fluid content without flocculation. Based on the imaging exam, the diagnosis was suggestive of pyometra. Exploratory celiotomy was performed via ventral midline, confirming the condition, which was treated by ovariohysterectomy. The surgical technique was performed as described for therapeutic ovariohysterectomy in dogs and cats. Culture of uterine content identified Escherichia coli. The histological analysis identified diffuse endometritis associated with follicular cysts. The tiger had complete recovery without any complications. The patient was releasing 13 days after the surgical procedure and in the last contact four months after the surgery, it was in perfect health conditions. Discussion: Pyometra in large exotic felids has been occasionally reported, mainly in animals more than 10 years of age. Although the tigress in the report is estimated to be seven years old. The patient in question started with anorexia and prostration and as there was already a history of cystic endometrial hyperplasia, a possible pyometra was suspected, despite being uncommon in the species. There was not vaginal discharge. The definitive diagnosis was by means of ultrasound examination and ovariohysterectomy was performed. Abdominal surgery for these large felids is complex, due to the intra-abdominal volume the flank approach or by laparoscopic is suggested, however in this case a ventral midline incision was performed without intercurrences and complications in the post-operative period. The surgical technique like that used in small animals was effective for the treatment of pyometra in the tigress with the use of ovariohysterectomy. Culture of uterine content identified Escherichia coli, which has been the most commonly isolated pathogen in pyometra of large felids. It was concluded that, as in bitches with pyometra, early diagnosis and surgical treatment is ideal for the patient's recovery.
Animais , Feminino , Tigres , Escherichia coli/isolamento & purificação , Piometra/cirurgia , Piometra/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterináriaResumo
O aborto é caracterizado como a expulsão do feto sem viabilidade para fora do ambiente uterino da progenitora durante o período que vai do 42° dia a o 260° dia. São descritos diversos fatores infecciosos e não infecciosos como etiologia para o aborto. Dentre os infecciosos, destacam-se as infecções por bactérias, vírus, protozoários e fungos. Enquanto as causas não infecciosas englobam falhas de manejo nutricional, intoxicações e medicamentos que ocasionalmente podem levar à morte fetal. Essa mortalidade fetal é causa importante de perdas reprodutivas na cadeia produtiva de animais domésticos, especialmente bovinos e bubalinos. Ambas as espécies participam da produtividade econômica no Brasil e compartilham de diversas doenças que são causas de aborto. Nesse contexto, o objetivo desta revisão foi reunir e discorrer sobre as principais informações concernentes às possíveis etiologias do aborto, sejam elas de origem infecciosa ou não infecciosas nas espécies bovinas e bubalinas no Brasil.
Abortion is characterized as the expulsion of the non-viable fetus outside the mother's uterine environment during the period between the 42nd day to the 260th day. Several infectious and non-infectious factors are described as etiology for miscarriage. Among the infectious, infections by bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and fungi stand out, while non-infectious causes include failures in nutritional management, poisoning, and medications that occasionally can lead to fetal death. This fetal mortality is an important cause of reproductive losses in the production chain of domestic animals, especially cattle and buffaloes. Both species participate in economic productivity in Brazil and share several diseases that are causes of abortion. In this context, this review aimed to gather and discuss the main information concerning the possible etiologies of abortion, whether of infectious or non-infectious origin in bovine and buffalo species in Brazil.
Animais , Bovinos , Brucella/patogenicidade , Búfalos/anormalidades , Doenças dos Bovinos , Neospora/patogenicidade , Aborto Animal/etiologia , Morte Fetal/etiologiaResumo
A cetose, conhecida também como acetonemia, é um distúrbio metabólico que afeta principalmente vacas leiteiras de alta produção. A elevação anormal de corpos cetônicos nos tecidos e fluidos corporais do animal ocorre devido a um déficit de energia. A quantidade de alimento/nutrientes ingeridos não é suficiente para suprir a demanda corporal do mesmo, assim como a eficiência reprodutiva que está diretamente ligada à saúde, condição corporal e sua capacidade de produção. Animais de alta produção possuem um desafio muito grande de aumentar a produção a cada lactação, com isso, estão susceptíveis a mudanças metabólicas, entre elas a cetose, clínica ou subclínica. Tal enfermidade ocorre devido a uma má adaptação metabólica do animal a sua nova condição de lactante. A elevada incidência de doenças uterinas no pós-parto de vacas leiteiras é responsável por inúmeros prejuízos para a atividade, principalmente pela redução da eficiência reprodutiva das vacas acometidas por infecções. Contudo, visto que a cetose subclínica prevalece nos rebanhos leiteiros de alta produção, o objetivo desta revisão de literatura é apresentar a patogenia e os efeitos que esse distúrbio metabólico têm sobre a reprodução das vacas de aptidão leiteira no após o parto, utilizando de indicadores como taxa de prenhez, taxa de concepção, retorno a ciclicidade, intervalo entre partos e intervalo entre parto e estro.(AU)
Ketosis, also known as acetonemia, is a metabolic disorder that primarily affects high-yielding dairy cows. The abnormal elevation of ketone bodies in the animal's tissues and body fluids occurs due to an energy deficit. The amount of food/nutrients ingested are not enough to supply the body's demand, as well as the reproductive efficiency that is directly linked to health, body condition and its production capacity. High production animals have a very big challenge to increase production with each lactation, therefore, they are susceptible to metabolic changes, including clinical or subclinical ketosis. Such a disease occurs due to a poor metabolic adaptation of the animal to its new lactating condition. The high incidence of uterine diseases in the postpartum period of dairy cows is responsible for numerous losses to the activity, mainly for the reduction of the reproductive efficiency of cows affected by infections. However, since subclinical ketosis prevails in high production dairy herds, the objective of this literature review is to present the pathogenesis and the effects that this metabolic disorder has on the reproduction of dairy cows in the postpartum period, using indicators such as pregnancy rate, conception rate, return to cyclicity, calving interval and calving-estrus interval.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Comportamento Sexual Animal/fisiologia , Bovinos/fisiologia , Cetoses/análise , PrenhezResumo
Reproductive diseases have been well documented in domestic livestock such as sheep, goat, cattle and pigs. However, there is very little information on these diseases in the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). The agouti is used for its meat in South America and the Caribbean. More recently, intensive farming of this animal is being practiced in the Neotropics. There is dearth of information on dystocia and vaginal prolapses in the agouti. This document reports on three cases of reproductive diseases in captive reared agoutis in Trinidad and Tobago. The first case was a female agouti weighing approximately 3 kg that was in the last stage of pregnancy, which was found dead in its cage. The vulva of the mother had the protruding hind-limbs of the fetus. Necroscopic evaluation of carcass revealed little fat tissue and the mother had two fetuses in the right horn of the uterus. Each fetus weighed approximately 200 g. The fetuses were well formed with fur, teeth and eyes. The placenta was attached to each fetus. The pathological findings suggested that dystocia resulted from secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death of the adult female agouti. The second case was that of an adult female agouti weighing 2.5 kg. This female had given birth to an offspring three weeks prior and was observed to have had a vaginal prolapse. Surgery was performed and the prolapsed vagina was placed back into the pelvic cavity. Further to this intervention, the vagina prolapsed twice. Subsequent to the re-insertion of the vaginal tissue the agouti was euthanized. The third case was also that of a dystocia. However, the fetuses weighed 235 g and 165 g respectively and were in normalpresentation, posture and positioning. The fetus however was unable to pass via the vagina and was trapped in the pelvic cavity. This caused secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death. The causes of reproductive diseases in these cases are unknown but the feeding [...].
As doenças reprodutivas têm sido bem documentadas em rebanhos domésticos, como ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e suínos. Porém, há muito pouca informação sobre essas doenças na cutia (Dasyprocta leporina). A cutia é usada como carne na América do Sul e no Caribe. Mais recentemente, a criação intensiva desse animal está sendo praticada na região neotropical. Há escassez de informações sobre distocia e prolapsos vaginais na cutia. Este documento relata três casos de doenças reprodutivas em cutias criadas em cativeiro em Trinidad e Tobago. O primeiro caso foi de uma cutia de aproximadamente 3 kg que estava na última fase de gestação, encontrada morta em sua gaiola. A vulva da mãe tinha as patas traseiras salientes do feto. A avaliação necroscópica da carcaça revelou pouco tecido adiposo e a mãe tinha dois fetos no corno direito do útero. Cada feto pesava aproximadamente 200 g. Os fetos eram bem formados com pelos, dentes e olhos. A placenta foi presa a cada feto. Os achados patológicos sugeriram que a distocia resultou de inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte da cutia adulta. O segundo caso foi ode uma cutia adulta pesando 2,5 kg. Essa fêmea deu à luz uma cria três semanas antes e foi observado que tinha prolapso vaginal. A cirurgia foi realizada e a vagina prolapsada foi colocada de volta na cavidade pélvica. Após essa intervenção, a vagina prolapsou duas vezes. Após a reinserção do tecido vaginal, a cutia foi eutanasiada. O terceiro caso também foi de distocia. No entanto, os fetos pesavam 235 g e 165 g e estavam em apresentação, postura e posicionamento normais. O feto, entretanto, não conseguiu passar pela vagina e ficou preso na cavidade pélvica. Isso causou inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte. As causas das doenças reprodutivas nesses casos são desconhecidas, mas o manejo da alimentação e o espaço concedido à cutia no final da gestação podem ser fatores contribuintes.
Feminino , Animais , Gravidez , Dasyproctidae , Distocia/veterinária , Inércia Uterina/mortalidade , Inércia Uterina/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/complicações , Prolapso Uterino/veterináriaResumo
Reproductive diseases have been well documented in domestic livestock such as sheep, goat, cattle and pigs. However, there is very little information on these diseases in the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina). The agouti is used for its meat in South America and the Caribbean. More recently, intensive farming of this animal is being practiced in the Neotropics. There is dearth of information on dystocia and vaginal prolapses in the agouti. This document reports on three cases of reproductive diseases in captive reared agoutis in Trinidad and Tobago. The first case was a female agouti weighing approximately 3 kg that was in the last stage of pregnancy, which was found dead in its cage. The vulva of the mother had the protruding hind-limbs of the fetus. Necroscopic evaluation of carcass revealed little fat tissue and the mother had two fetuses in the right horn of the uterus. Each fetus weighed approximately 200 g. The fetuses were well formed with fur, teeth and eyes. The placenta was attached to each fetus. The pathological findings suggested that dystocia resulted from secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death of the adult female agouti. The second case was that of an adult female agouti weighing 2.5 kg. This female had given birth to an offspring three weeks prior and was observed to have had a vaginal prolapse. Surgery was performed and the prolapsed vagina was placed back into the pelvic cavity. Further to this intervention, the vagina prolapsed twice. Subsequent to the re-insertion of the vaginal tissue the agouti was euthanized. The third case was also that of a dystocia. However, the fetuses weighed 235 g and 165 g respectively and were in normalpresentation, posture and positioning. The fetus however was unable to pass via the vagina and was trapped in the pelvic cavity. This caused secondary uterine inertia which was the cause of death. The causes of reproductive diseases in these cases are unknown but the feeding [...].(AU)
As doenças reprodutivas têm sido bem documentadas em rebanhos domésticos, como ovinos, caprinos, bovinos e suínos. Porém, há muito pouca informação sobre essas doenças na cutia (Dasyprocta leporina). A cutia é usada como carne na América do Sul e no Caribe. Mais recentemente, a criação intensiva desse animal está sendo praticada na região neotropical. Há escassez de informações sobre distocia e prolapsos vaginais na cutia. Este documento relata três casos de doenças reprodutivas em cutias criadas em cativeiro em Trinidad e Tobago. O primeiro caso foi de uma cutia de aproximadamente 3 kg que estava na última fase de gestação, encontrada morta em sua gaiola. A vulva da mãe tinha as patas traseiras salientes do feto. A avaliação necroscópica da carcaça revelou pouco tecido adiposo e a mãe tinha dois fetos no corno direito do útero. Cada feto pesava aproximadamente 200 g. Os fetos eram bem formados com pelos, dentes e olhos. A placenta foi presa a cada feto. Os achados patológicos sugeriram que a distocia resultou de inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte da cutia adulta. O segundo caso foi ode uma cutia adulta pesando 2,5 kg. Essa fêmea deu à luz uma cria três semanas antes e foi observado que tinha prolapso vaginal. A cirurgia foi realizada e a vagina prolapsada foi colocada de volta na cavidade pélvica. Após essa intervenção, a vagina prolapsou duas vezes. Após a reinserção do tecido vaginal, a cutia foi eutanasiada. O terceiro caso também foi de distocia. No entanto, os fetos pesavam 235 g e 165 g e estavam em apresentação, postura e posicionamento normais. O feto, entretanto, não conseguiu passar pela vagina e ficou preso na cavidade pélvica. Isso causou inércia uterina secundária, que foi a causa da morte. As causas das doenças reprodutivas nesses casos são desconhecidas, mas o manejo da alimentação e o espaço concedido à cutia no final da gestação podem ser fatores contribuintes.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Dasyproctidae , Distocia/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/complicações , Prolapso Uterino/veterinária , Inércia Uterina/mortalidade , Inércia Uterina/veterináriaResumo
Background: Uterine torsion is one of many causes of dystocia in sheep. Failure in performing of wright-time diagnostic procedures and treatment by certain obstetric procedures, can result with death of both fetus and ewe. There is sufficient knowledge about risk factors which could contribute to the occurrence of uterine torsion in sheep, but there is insufficient knowledge about measures for prevention of uterine torsion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of performing incorporative uteropexy as potential method for prevention of uterine torsion. Cases: This research was part of the experimental research of changes in the anterior presentation in sheep fetuses due to their ventro-sacral position in the 2nd half of gestation. At the same sheep farm where afore mentioned research was conducted, the farmer has reported the death of 3 pregnant ewes. In all of 3 animals, torsion of the uterus was diagnosed by patho-anatomical examination. This study was conducted on 6 ewes. All of the animals were in the period around the 100th day of pregnancy at the time of clinical examination. The exact day of pregnancy was not determinated because of free mating in the herd. Confirmation of pregnancy in all of 6 ewes was performed by ultrasound examination. Uniparous pregnancy was found in all of 6 ewes. The entire surgical procedures were performed in the field conditions. Laparotomy was performed in the animals positioned in the left lateral recumbency. Surgical procedure of incorporative uteropexy was performed during the closure of muscle layers of abdominal wall. In need for experimental research of changes in the anterior presentation in sheep fetuses due to their ventro-sacral position in the 2nd half of gestation, 14 days after surgical procedures were conducted, all of sheep were positioned by assistants into a sitting position so that their trunks were vertical to the ground and kept in that position for 2 min. Ultrasound examination of surgical place of uteropexy confirmed that, in all of animals, uteruses were in place of surgical procedures. All of 6 ewes included in this study lambed naturally. One of 6 sheep was sent for economic exploitation on the 14th day after lambing. At the slaughter line, the abdominal wall was evaluated at the site where the incorporative uteropexy was performed. Patho-anatomical examination revealed tissue adhesions at the junction of the uterine horn with the abdominal wall. Discussion: Postsurgical tissue adhesions develop during normal healing process of tissue. According to our knowledge, previous studies do not mention effective measures that could contribute to the prevention of uterine torsion in sheep, but attention is focused on prompt diagnosis and treatment of the disease. According to the results of this study, postsurgical tissue adhesions were developed and confirmed by patho-anatomical examination in 1 sheep. Other 5 sheep were not economically exploited or sacrificed, and no studies were performed to establish the presence of postsurgical tissue adhesions. In conclusion, it could be said that incorporative uteropexy could be considered as preventive procedure in order to avoid the development of uterine torsion in ewes which have shown a history of this pathology, but also in ewes with identified risk factors for the disease. In future studies, it is necessary to identify more parameters which will contribute to identification of sheep which have high risk factors to obtain the torsion of uterus. Also, it is necessary to use non-invasive methods of clinical diagnostics, primary ultrasound diagnostic, to evaluate the area of incorporative uteropexy in order to assess newly formed tissue adhesions as well as to assess the vitality of fetus. It is necessary to follow the lambing process of ewes with incorporated uterus, and to provide medical assistance to the animals if complications occur during the lambing time.
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Útero/cirurgia , Útero/patologia , Ovinos/cirurgia , Aderências Teciduais/cirurgiaResumo
Ovariohisterectomia (OH) é o procedimento cirúrgico mais realizado na rotina veterinária. Tal cirurgia pode ser realizada como tratamento de enfermidades, sendo denominada de OH terapêutica. Assim, o objetivo desta revisão é determinar quais as indicações de OH terapêutica em gatas. Para isso, foi realizada uma busca em sites de artigos científicos utilizando-se termos relacionados ao tema, abrangendo o período de 2012 a 2022 (10 anos). Os artigos sobre indicação de OH terapêutica em gatas foram analisados e os dados obtidos foram dispostos em tabela e gráfico. Foram analisadas 27 publicações, perfazendo 1.264 casos de OH terapêutica em gatas. Piometra foi a enfermidade mais frequente, totalizando 1.010 casos (79,90%). Cisto ovariano foi a segunda causa mais frequente, compreendendo 95 casos (7,51%). A terceira causa mais frequente de OH terapêutica foi a distocia, representando 81 casos (6,40%). A hiperplasia mamária foi indicação de OH terapêutica em 30 casos (2,37%). Prolapso uterino e torção uterina obtiveram a mesma frequência (11 casos; 0,87%). Maceração fetal foi uma indicação terapêutica em três relatos (0,23%) nos artigos analisados. Ocorreram dez outras indicações menos comuns de OH terapêutica em gatas. Desta forma, os resultados indicam a piometra como a doença mais frequente, entretanto, foram encontrados poucos artigos sobre o tema, indicando a necessidade de mais estudos envolvendo a espécie felina.
Ovariohysterectomy (OH) is the most performed surgical procedure in the veterinary routine. Such surgery can be carried out as a treatment for diseases, being called therapeutic OH. Thus, the present review aims to determine the indications for therapeutic OH in cats. For this purpose, a search was carried out on scientific article websites using terms related to the topic, covering the period from 2012 to 2022 (10 years). The articles on the indication of therapeutic OH in cats were analyzed and the data obtained were arranged in a table and graph. Twenty-seven publications were analyzed, totaling 1,264 cases of therapeutic OH in cats. Pyometra was the most frequent disease, totaling 1,010 cases (79.90%). Ovarian cyst was the second most frequent cause, comprising 95 cases (7.51%). The third most frequent cause of therapeutic HO was dystocia, representing 81 cases (6.40%). Breast hyperplasia was an indication for therapeutic OH in 30 cases (2.37%). Uterine prolapse and uterine torsion had the same frequency (11 cases; 0.87%). Fetal maceration was a therapeutic indication in three reports (0.23%) in the analyzed articles. There were ten other less common indications of therapeutic OH in cats. Thus, the results indicate pyometra as the most frequent disease; however, few articles were found on the subject, indicating the need for more studies involving the feline species.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Cistos Ovarianos/prevenção & controle , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Prolapso Uterino/prevenção & controle , Distocia/prevenção & controle , Piometra/prevenção & controle , Histerectomia/veterinária , Prevenção de DoençasResumo
Capybaras are the primary hosts of Amblyomma sculptum tick, vectors of Rickettsia rickettsia bacteria, and the zoonotic agent of Brazilian Spotted Fever (BSF). In this context, contraceptive methods have been suggested for population control in order to reduce the number of free-ranging capybaras cohabiting with humans in urban and rural areas and acting as disease amplifiers. To maintain the group's expected behavior and social hierarchy, sterilization techniques that preserve the gonads are recommended. On 126 female capybaras in the Brazilian state of São Paulo, a new surgical technique named "Passos Nunes" uterine horn ligature was performed after adequate general anesthesia. It achieved effective surgical sterilization, with an incision length of about 3 cm in the periumbilical linea alba, cranial to the pubis. After entering the abdominal cavity, the urinary bladder is pulled laterally to access the uterine horns and the cervix. The uterine horn is folded up, forming a strap; the distal portion of the strap is ligated and its distal end sectioned. The exact process is performed on the opposite horn. After the surgical procedure, the musculature is sutured in a sultan pattern and the subcutaneous tissue with a horizontal mattress pattern. The skin is sutured in a separate simple format, using nylon 2.0 for all steps. The wide exposure of the uterine horns facilitates the confirmation of pregnancy, allowing the surgeon to choose between salpingo hysterectomy or ligature of the uterine horns. The present study presents a new technique of surgical sterilization that can be used in female free-ranging mammals in which maintenance of the gonads is recommended, and births of offspring should not occur.(AU)
Animais , Roedores/cirurgia , Esterilização Reprodutiva/veterinária , Esterilização Tubária/métodosResumo
Conformações perineais inadequadas estão frequentemente associadas à pneumovagina, predispondo animais a processos inflamatórios vaginais e uterinos. Dentre as patologias reprodutivas que acometem éguas, a endometrite é a que ocorre com maior frequência, com forte impacto negativo sobre os índices reprodutivos de um criatório. Para essa afecção, a ozonioterapia se apresenta como tratamento em potencial. Assim, este estudo objetiva relatar um caso de endometrite em égua Quarto de Milha, multípara, de 17 anos de idade, atendida no Hospital Veterinário Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso, da Universidade Estadual de Ceará. Durante a avaliação ginecológica, observou-se alterações na conformação vulvar e teste de Windsucker positivo, indicando pneumovagina. Foram coletadas amostras endometriais para exames laboratoriais, os quais apresentaram citologia com contagem de neutrófilos polimorfonucleares ≥30% e cultura negativa para fungos e bactérias. O exame histopatológico revelou fibrose intersticial endometrial crônica acentuada. Diante do diagnóstico de endometrite, iniciou-se o tratamento com lavagem uterina usando solução ringer lactato ozonizada, seguido por insuflação uterina com ozônio. O animal foi submetido à técnica cirúrgica de Caslick para correção da má conformação vulvar. Após o tratamento, a égua foi inseminada, resultando na coleta de dois embriões viáveis. Diante do exposto, o caso reforça a efetividade da ozonioterapia associada à Caslick para o tratamento de endometrite em éguas.
Dysfunctional perineal conformations are often associated with pneumovagina, predisposing animals to vaginal and uterine inflammatory processes. Among the reproductive pathologies that affect mares, endometritis is the most frequent, with a strong negative impact on the reproductive indices of a farm. For this condition, ozone therapy presents itself as a potential treatment. The study aimed to report a case of endometritis in a 17-year-old multiparous quarter-mile mare, which was attended at the Veterinary Hospital Sylvio Barbosa Cardoso located in the State University of Ceará. During the gynecological evaluation, changes in vulvar conformation and a positive Windsucker test were observed, indicating pneumovagina. Endometrial samples were collected for laboratory exams, resulting in cytology with polymorphonuclear neutrophil count ≥30% and negative culture for fungi and bacteria. The histopathological examination revealed severe chronic endometrial interstitial fibrosis. Regarding the diagnosis of endometritis, the treatment with uterine lavage using ozonated ringer lactate solution was initiated followed by uterine insufflation with ozone. The animal was submitted to Caslick's surgical technique to correct the vulvar malformation. After treatment, the mare was inseminated, resulting in the collection of two viable embryos. In view of the above, the case reinforces the effectiveness of ozone therapy associated with Caslick`s technique for endometritis treatment in mares.
Animais , Feminino , Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Vulva/cirurgia , Endometrite/terapia , Endometrite/veterinária , Ozonioterapia , CavalosResumo
Ovarian neoplasms affect a low percentage of female dogs, and these tumors are classified according to their cellular origin and are considered rare. Dysgerminoma is a tumor derived from undifferentiated primordial ovarian germinal epithelium cells. In the male, this neoplasm is diagnosed as seminoma. Thus, dysgerminoma is not linked to the production of ovarian hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, which play a fundamental role in the establishment of pyometra. At Araujo Veterinary Hospital (HVA), a 15-year-old female Pinscher was admitted with mucopurulent vaginal discharge, abdominal enlargement, anorexia, polydipsia, and prostration clinical signs indicative of pyometra, radiographic and ultrasound examinations were requested, as well as a blood collection for hemogram and serum biochemistry. Ultrasound examination revealed uterine enlargement and hypoechoic content, in addition to bilateral ovarian cysts, measuring 7 cm in the right ovary and 3 cm in the left. The blood count revealed normal values in the erythrogram and the leukogram showed monocytosis and lymphopenia, in addition to macroplatelets. Biochemical examination revealed increased GGT values of 10 U/L. Ovariohysterectomy was performed and, in the trans-surgical period, nodules in the spleen were observed. So, the ovaries and a fragment of the lymphoid organ, were fixed and sent to the histopathology laboratory after surgical resection. Histopathology revealed ovarian dysgerminoma and lymphoid nodular hyperplasia. Ten days after the surgical procedure, the dog returned to the HVA for clinical evaluation and suture removal. However, three days after the return, the patient presented a convulsive condition evolving to death.
Neoplasias ovarianas acometem baixa porcentagem de cadelas, e estes tumores são classificados de acordo com a origem celular, sendo considerados raros. O disgerminoma é um tumor derivado de células do epitélio germinativo primordial ovariano, indiferenciado. No macho, essa neoplasia é diagnosticada como seminoma. Assim, o disgerminoma não está ligado a produção de hormônios ovarianos, como o estrógeno e a progesterona, que desempenham papel fundamental para o estabelecimento da piometra. No Hospital Veterinário Araújo (HVA), uma cachorra da raça Pinscher, com 15 anos, foi antendida apresentando, secreção vaginal mucopurulenta, aumento abdominal, anorexia, polidipsia e prostração sinais clínicos indicativos de piometra, solicitou-se exame de radiográfico e ultrassonografia, bem como a coleta de sangue para hemograma e bioquímico sérico. O exame ultrassonográfico revelou aumento uterino e conteúdo hipoecóico, além de cistos ovarianos bilaterais, com mensurações de 7 cm no ovário direito e 3 cm no esquerdo. O hemograma revelou valores normais no eritrograma e o leucograma apresentou monocitose e linfopenia, além de macroplaquetas. O exame bioquímico revelou valores de GGT aumentados, em 10 U/L. A ovariohisterectomia foi realizada e no trans cirúrgico observou-se nódulos no baço. Assim, os ovários e um fragmento do órgão linfoide, após a ressecção cirúrgica, foram fixados e encaminhadas para laboratório de histopatologia. A histopatologia revelou disgerminoma ovariano e hiperplasia nodular linfoide. Dez dias após o procedimento cirúrgico, a paciente retornou ao HVA para avaliação clínica e retirada da sutura. No entanto, três dias após o retorno, o animal apresentou um quadro convulsivo evoluindo ao óbito.
Animais , Feminino , Cães , Neoplasias Ovarianas/veterinária , Esplenopatias/veterinária , Disgerminoma/veterinária , Transtornos Linfoproliferativos/veterinária , Piometra/veterináriaResumo
Background: Cystic endometrial hyperplasia is a hormone-dependent disease induced by systemic increase in progesteronethat can occur in several domestic species, such as the rabbit. This disease may be associated with sex steroid hormones,especially progesterone, and may be asymptomatic, and it is diagnosed using complementary imaging tests such as totalabdominal ultrasound. However, surgical excisional biopsy with histopathological tissue analysis is the gold standard. Thisstudy reports a case of asymptomatic cystic endometrial hyperplasia in a female Miniature Lion Lop rabbit (Oryctolaguscuniculus domesticus) treated with therapeutic ovariohysterectomy.Case: A domestic, adult, female Miniature Lion Lop rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), aged approximately 5 yearsand weighing 3.2 kg, was referred to specialized care to undergo ovariohysterectomy, an elective procedure. The tutor onlyreported the occurrence of a single episode of vulvar secretion more than 2 years ago, treated with antibiotics, with remissionof clinical signs. In the intraoperative period after celiotomy, the uterine horn and uterine body showed a significant increasein volume, with abnormal color changes and tissue consistency; however, both changes were clinically asymptomatic. Subsequently, biopsy was performed during the ovariohysterectomy procedure. The excised uterus and ovaries were placed in 10%formalin and histopathologically analyzed. The macroscopic histopathological examination of the sectioned tissue revealed aslight amount of brownish fluid inside the uterine horns, in addition to multiple cystic areas in the uterine mucosa. Microscopicexamination revealed marked hyperplasia of well-differentiated endometrial epithelial cells, occasionally forming cystic structuresof different sizes. Moderate congestion, mild multifocal hemorrhage, and mild multifocal inflammatory infiltrate in the lamina...
Feminino , Animais , Coelhos , Cistos Ovarianos/cirurgia , Cistos Ovarianos/veterinária , Hiperplasia Endometrial/cirurgia , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Ovariectomia/veterinária , Salpingectomia/veterináriaResumo
A histerocele é uma condição rara na espécie felina, sendo caracterizada por protrusão do útero pelo anel inguinal. O diagnóstico diferencial inclui tumor mamário, linfadenopatia, hematoma, abscesso e granuloma. Assim, exames de imagem como a ultrassonografia abdominal apresentam importante papel no diagnóstico e prognóstico da doença. O tratamento dessa condição é cirúrgico e inclui a realização de herniorrafia e ovário-histerectomia, a fim de evitar recidivas e a transmissão hereditária. O presente trabalho relata um caso de uma gata adulta com aumento de volume inguinal. Ao exame ultrassonográfico foi identificada a presença de útero herniado, contendo três fetos viáveis. O tratamento consistiu em cesariana, ovário-histerectomia e herniorrafia pela via inguinal.(AU)
Hysterocele is a rare condition in the feline species, characterized by a protrusion of the uterus through the inguinal ring. Differential diagnoses include mammary tumors, lymphadenopathy, hematoma, abscess and granuloma. Thus, imaging tests such as abdominal ultrasound play an important role in the diagnosis and prognosis of the disease. The treatment of this condition is surgical and includes the performance of herniorrhaphy and ovariohysterectomy, in order to avoid recurrences and hereditary transmission. The present study reports a case of an adult cat with increased inguinal volume. The ultrasound examination identified the presence of a herniated uterus, containing three viable fetuses. Treatment consisted of cesarean section, ovariohysterectomy and inguinal herniorrhaphy.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Gravidez , Gatos/anormalidades , Cesárea/veterinária , Herniorrafia/veterinária , Histerectomia/veterinária , Canal Inguinal/cirurgia , Doenças dos Animais/diagnóstico por imagem , Útero/diagnóstico por imagem , Relatos de CasosResumo
Piometra é uma doença que afeta o útero de fêmeas causando infecção e inflamação com acúmulo de grande quantidade de exsudato purulento ou mucopurulento. Ocorre em todas as espécies domésticas, sendo mais comum em cadelas e vacas. Sua importância em cada espécie está relacionada ao número de casos e sua severidade, dentro de suas particularidades. O objetivo com esta revisão foi reunir estudos referentes à piometra em fêmeas domésticas, incluindo a epidemiologia, sinais clínicos, diagnóstico e tratamento nas principais espécies acometidas.
Pyometra is a disease that affects the uterus of females causing infection and inflammation with an accumulation of large amounts of purulent or mucopurulent exudate. It occurs in all domestic species, being more common in bitches and cows. Its importance in each species is related to the number of cases and its severity, within its particularities. The objective of this review was to gather studies referring to pyometra in domestic females, including epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, and treatment in the main species affected.
La piometra es una enfermedad que afecta el útero de las hembras causando infección e inflamación com acumulación de grandes cantidades de exudado purulento o mucopurulento. Ocurre en todas las espécies domésticas, siendo más frecuente en perras y vacas. Su importancia en cada especie está relacionada con el número de casos y su severidad, dentro de sus particularidades. El objetivo de esta revisión fue reunir estudios sobre piometra en hembras domésticas, incluyendo epidemiología, signos clínicos, diagnóstico y tratamiento en las principales especies afectadas.
Animais , Feminino , Gatos , Bovinos , Cães , Coelhos , Hiperplasia Endometrial/veterinária , Piometra/patologia , Piometra/veterinária , Infecções do Sistema Genital/veterinária , CavalosResumo
Endometritis refers to an inflammation of the uterine mucosa that does not extend beyond the stratum spongiosum. Recent studies indicate it is a common finding in 30-50% of bitches suffering from infertility/subfertility. This disorder is subclinical, and its diagnosis involves sampling the uterus, whether it is by performing a cytology from flushing the organ or histology on collected uterine biopsies. Its pathophysiology remains unclear in 2021. Some cases are associated with cystic endometrial hyperplasia, which leads to disruption in the uterine clearance mechanisms after breeding ; while other appear as a pure inflammatory process. While we dont have all the answers yet, there is no doubt today that these disorders must be included in the differential diagnosis of infertility in the bitch. The work that has already been done on this topic already offers some idea on how to approach these cases in our veterinary clinics.
Feminino , Animais , Cães , Doenças Uterinas/diagnóstico , Endometrite/diagnóstico , Endometrite/veterinária , Infertilidade/diagnósticoResumo
The complete absence of one of the uterine horns, named segmental uterine aplasia or unicorn uterus, occurs due to deficiency in the development of segments of the paramesonephric or Mullerian ducts. It is a congenital or hereditary anomaly of the female reproductive tract caused by recessive genes, which occurrence is unusual. In cows, this malformation was initially called white heifer disease, comprising an alteration in the Mullerian ducts in association with the white skin gene that causes aplasia of the uterus, cervix and vagina. Two pieces of sheep reproductive system from a slaughterhouse under federal inspection in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were received for pathological diagnosis. The collection, dissection and macroscopic analysis were carried out. In the macroscopic evaluation, uterine segmental aplasia was identified in both cases, with complete absence of the left uterine horns. Both had agenesis of the uterine tubes associated with the absence of internal bifurcation of the uterine horns. Animals that have a unicorn uterus often have reduced fertility which consequently leads to losses to sheep farming.
A ausência completa de um dos cornos uterinos, denominada aplasia uterina segmentar ou útero unicorno, ocorre por deficiência no desenvolvimento de segmentos dos ductos paramesonéfricos ou Mullerianos. É uma anomalia congênita ou hereditária do trato reprodutor da fêmea causada por genes recessivos, é incomum a ocorrência. Em vacas, essa malforma-ção foi denominada inicialmente como white heifers desease ou doenças das novilhas brancas, é uma alteração dos ductos Mullerianos em associação com o gene da pele branca que provoca aplasia de útero, colo uterino e vagina. Foi recebido duas peças de sistema reprodutor de ovelhas provenientes de abatedouro frigorífico sob inspeção federal no estado da Bahia, Brasil para diagnóstico patológico. Procedeu-se a coleta, dissecação e análise macroscópica. Na avaliação macroscópica, identificou--se nos dois casos aplasia segmentar uterina, com ausência completa dos cornos uterinos esquerdo. Ambos apresentavam age-nesia das tubas uterinas associada a ausência de bifurcação interna dos cornos uterinos. Animais que possuem um útero uni-corno frequentemente possuem redução da fertilidade e consequentemente podem causar perdas à ovinocultura brasileira.
Feminino , Animais , Ovinos , Útero/anormalidades , PatologiaResumo
The complete absence of one of the uterine horns, named segmental uterine aplasia or unicorn uterus, occurs due to deficiency in the development of segments of the paramesonephric or Mullerian ducts. It is a congenital or hereditary anomaly of the female reproductive tract caused by recessive genes, which occurrence is unusual. In cows, this malformation was initially called white heifer disease, comprising an alteration in the Mullerian ducts in association with the white skin gene that causes aplasia of the uterus, cervix and vagina. Two pieces of sheep reproductive system from a slaughterhouse under federal inspection in the state of Bahia, Brazil, were received for pathological diagnosis. The collection, dissection and macroscopic analysis were carried out. In the macroscopic evaluation, uterine segmental aplasia was identified in both cases, with complete absence of the left uterine horns. Both had agenesis of the uterine tubes associated with the absence of internal bifurcation of the uterine horns. Animals that have a unicorn uterus often have reduced fertility which consequently leads to losses to sheep farming.(AU)
A ausência completa de um dos cornos uterinos, denominada aplasia uterina segmentar ou útero unicorno, ocorre por deficiência no desenvolvimento de segmentos dos ductos paramesonéfricos ou Mullerianos. É uma anomalia congênita ou hereditária do trato reprodutor da fêmea causada por genes recessivos, é incomum a ocorrência. Em vacas, essa malforma-ção foi denominada inicialmente como white heifers desease ou doenças das novilhas brancas, é uma alteração dos ductos Mullerianos em associação com o gene da pele branca que provoca aplasia de útero, colo uterino e vagina. Foi recebido duas peças de sistema reprodutor de ovelhas provenientes de abatedouro frigorífico sob inspeção federal no estado da Bahia, Brasil para diagnóstico patológico. Procedeu-se a coleta, dissecação e análise macroscópica. Na avaliação macroscópica, identificou--se nos dois casos aplasia segmentar uterina, com ausência completa dos cornos uterinos esquerdo. Ambos apresentavam age-nesia das tubas uterinas associada a ausência de bifurcação interna dos cornos uterinos. Animais que possuem um útero uni-corno frequentemente possuem redução da fertilidade e consequentemente podem causar perdas à ovinocultura brasileira.(AU)
Animais , Feminino , Ovinos , Útero/anormalidades , PatologiaResumo
Background: Pyometra or pyometritis is a serious and common condition of intact female dogs characterized by the inflammation of the uterus with a buildup of purulent exudate. It may be classified as open or closed. If untreated, pyometracan lead to uterine rupture and sepsis. Pyometra may also predispose to uterine torsion, defined as a rotation of one orboth uterine horns around its longitudinal axis. Uterine torsion in female dogs is rare, and usually with late pregnancy orparturition. This case report describes the clinical presentation and therapeutic management of uterine torsion correlatedwith open pyometra in a non-gravid bitch with no history of exogenous progesterone exposure.Case: A 10-year-old intact Yorkshire Terrier bitch weighing 3.2 kg was referred to a veterinary clinic in Porto Alegre,Brazil, with a 7 day history of prostration, anorexia, polydipsia, and sanguinopurulent vulvar discharge. Physical examination revealed pronounced abdominal tenderness. On abdominal ultrasonography, the uterus was enlarged and filled withcellular anechoic content, suggestive of pyometra. A complete blood count showed mild microcytic normochromic anemiaand leukocytosis. The animal was stabilized and an urgent ovariohysterectomy was performed. Preanesthetic analgesiaconsisted of subcutaneous methadone 0.3 mg/kg. Anesthesia was induced with propofol 3 mg/kg i.v. and maintained withinhaled isoflurane. During the procedure, significant enlargement of the left uterine horn and slight enlargement of theright uterine horn were observed. In addition, a torsion was identified near the left ovary, with copious sanguinopurulentsecretion. The animal remained under observation and fluid therapy for 48 h after the procedure and was discharged topostoperative follow-up. After discharge, the following treatment was medicine, local cleaning and rest for 14 days. Concluding...